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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 531 KB, 498x600, tumblr_na6dyclRH41qe0czto2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8299281 No.8299281 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see any creeper threads, so I am starting one.


>> No.8299283

you didnt look very hard did you, there is another thread about this.

>> No.8299285
File: 52 KB, 540x323, tumblr_na6dyclRH41qe0czto1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8299286

Any of the after dark "photographers"

>> No.8299291

horror stories ain't same as creeper stories. I want one with just stories about creepy people no derailing.

>> No.8299296
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>> No.8299298
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>> No.8299300
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>> No.8299303
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>> No.8299305
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>> No.8299308
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>> No.8299309
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>> No.8299311
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Your thoughts?

>> No.8299314

If anyone groped me without my permission in a cosplay interview I'd outright slam them in the diaphragm or throat if possible. I don't tolerate that shit.

>> No.8299316

Any way we can help the chick arguing with him? What a disgusting creep.

>> No.8299320

What a scumbag. A lot of people don't have it hit them until later that somebody did something that was really not okay with them because all they can really feel at the time is numb shock. "Did that really just happen?" "Nobody's really doing anything, so I don't know how I should react either" and similar thoughts are common.

>> No.8299323

I'm pretty sure this is old.

>> No.8299335
File: 60 KB, 500x388, tumblr_n8qfi2UcZk1s46c5ko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate when guys talk like this. urgh

>> No.8299343
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>> No.8299367
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>> No.8299373
File: 2.99 MB, 512x384, Alice_Upskirt_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camera creep

>> No.8299374

Pdiddy? hehe must be..

>> No.8299376
File: 36 KB, 490x269, Itsa-me-mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And later tonite with Chris Hanson...

>> No.8299378

Yup it is, people thinks he is funny, because he is hiding his face and pretends to be in charactor. Just another shitty excuse for touching girls. His ass slapping vids are cringy, I feel back for all the girls.

>> No.8299383
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, 1420290692622.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man if I was there and saw a creep following a girl and filming her ass, I would straight up call him out and tell her. They be giving other guys/photographers a bad rep. We need to stick together guys to reap out this evil!!!!!!

>> No.8299384

shit that's creepy

>> No.8299386
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, 1420290795076.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking creeps man!

>> No.8299390

I watched some of his vids and assume the cosplayers/victims must be in on it since its his camera man setting up the shots and telling them what is going to happen...but that was waaay out of line and the girls face on the second flap on her skirt shows it.

>> No.8299391

Why's she got an RCA jack sticking out of her butt?

>> No.8299396

probably when she needs talk on the phone perhaps, some people just leave it dangling on their ears

>> No.8299397

Some of the girls look terrified. I hate to see cosplayers quiting because of some creep ruining everyone's fun. https://youtu.be/N8GBz4yWek0 just look at they faces man.

>> No.8299399


Well they all consent first. He always explains what he's going to do or what he wants you to do/ how you should react. I was in one of his videos once he's pretty nice actually

>> No.8299400

I wouldn't say terrified so much as startled. Most of them seem to be pretty good sports about it. I mean he's not full-on copping a feel. It's more of a playful touch than a dirty touch.

>> No.8299403

That looks like AX, think I'll do the reverse and be snapping vids of THOSE guys doing creeper shit like that and post it after

>> No.8299414
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>> No.8299427

omg pls do

>> No.8299442

This pisses me off so much.

>> No.8299553

Honestly the most uncomfortable thing for me here is it happens as children walk by.

>> No.8299560

As a female, these girls do have nice asses, however doesn't give anyone the right to harass them by any means.

inb4 harASS

>> No.8299588

chris cruz /thread for texas fags at least

>> No.8299599

It's an Asian guy that does this. Caught him last acen doing it. Claimed the girl was his girlfriend. Of course she looked back and kept walking while leaving him there. So I'm like..well maybe?

Then these videos started popping up

>> No.8299614
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Kassem G a creep

>> No.8299617
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>> No.8299622
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>> No.8299659
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This pisses me off so much.

>> No.8299676


Dude, she's got a giant grin on her face in this one. Pretty clear that this wasn't just some random douche coming up and messing with her. What's there to be pissed off about here?

>> No.8299726

How don't you realize this is happening?

>> No.8299731

Isn't that Stella chu? You can clearly see this video was made with her consent, nothin Wrong here

>> No.8299738

what a shithead

>> No.8299741

what the fuck is wrong with these people

>> No.8299742

what the fuck

>> No.8300179
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>> No.8300281

Obviously done with consent.

Who else picks up and puts away a straw multiple times and plays with the sweetener??

>> No.8300288

I think there is a difference between things like >>8300179 and >>8299373

One is upskirt but one is just recording what is already on display - she already knows people will be looking at her ass

>> No.8300293

There's a difference, sure, but that doesn't make it any more acceptable. It's creep as fuck and it makes the rest of us who don't pull that shit look bad.

>> No.8300299

I think all of these have been planned. Their reactions would be different if they were just suddenly groped by someone, it's obviously staged.

>> No.8300315
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>> No.8300316
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More creepers?

>> No.8300317
File: 1.17 MB, 400x225, tumblr_mu5ldypWB21qb8xoto5_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hate those YouTube people that report on cons.

>> No.8300338 [DELETED] 


But girls like it, anon.


>> No.8300345

Not that this is remotely acceptable, but I always wondered why people would wear skirts on the shorter side without shorts or bloomers underneath. I'm honestly terrified of this happening to me and I don't even wear skimpy costumes. I always wear shorts on any costume shorter than tea length. I expect the worst out of people regarding this stuff at conventions. :/

>> No.8300350

I always love guys who are say something offensive and then get all butthurt that someone then gets offended. Like what did you expect to happen?

>> No.8300353

Doubt these thing would happen to you, don't let dem nasties discourage you. Date a r9k guy he will protect you cuz he has nothing else to live for anyways.

>> No.8300365

I wear skirts on a daily basis, and tbh having shorts underneath just defeats the comfiness of having a skirt on. Plus I think I just like the thought of pantyshots.
And some skirts are too short to wear shorts/bloomers under. I just wear panties that actually cover my butt.

>> No.8300366

r9k guys are probably the kind of people that do shit like this.

>> No.8300544

Not to sound like a victim blamer or anything, but why wear a thong or anything remotely close to that when wearing a short as shit skirt? It just seems like the girl didn't think it through that people would look, or she knew and invited it....

>> No.8300578

Thing is, there's a big difference between looking at something and recording it and putting it on the internet.

>> No.8300593

I know the people in that video, and all of them were staged. Some girls were just better at acting than others

>> No.8300594

True, I guess I'm just way more self-aware so this doesn't make sense to me. Safe to say, though, if I ever saw that, I'd knock the guy out and delete that shit from his phone. Might as well help a sister out.

>> No.8300673
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>> No.8300709
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>> No.8300710

Please. If I'm going to creep, it'll be on someone far better than this soccer mom.

>> No.8300712
File: 15 KB, 263x263, 1415854666665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, please stop. This is too much for me to handle. Please no more.

>> No.8300717

>From Las Vegas
Ah. That explains it. The people that live in that city are fucking weird.

>> No.8300729
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>> No.8300750

>Not to sound like an x, but...

The but will make you sound like an x, bruh.
Whether the girl's wearing a thong or butt covering panties or even a pair of shorts under that skirt, the action of filming an unwilling person in such a way is creepy as fuck. Like >>8300293 said, you can't stop people from looking, but there's a huge difference between the two.

>> No.8300767

Looks like the tiny cam was placed in a merchandise bag or backpack and set in the floor as if he was browsing the stall or talking to her while she was having pics taken.

>> No.8300795


or a foot cam

>> No.8300805
File: 81 KB, 640x960, 539697_10151780293462262_856879122_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8300808

Too close up to be foot, it was likely peeking out the top of a backpack.

>> No.8300883
File: 454 KB, 540x465, lil mac cosplayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have some male victim creepshots because only women posted seems kinda one sided.


>> No.8300907


Do you think this dude is upset that a bunch of chicks are schlicking over him?

>> No.8300912

>muh double standards

>> No.8300934
File: 1.99 MB, 270x193, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just one guy and one photographer. It doesn't make it right, but it doesn't imply that it's evenly done by men and women. Hopefully the photo taker was shamed for it.

>> No.8300939

Well now you're moving the goalpost.

>> No.8300943

It's the only thing she's good at.

>> No.8300994

Post more instances of men getting photo harassed. If you think the thread is one sided, do something about it instead of falsely arguing with observations.

>> No.8301081

>>Interviewed, but don't know the cosplayer.

>> No.8301109

That was staged. Clearly seen as he turned and 'pretend' to be kicked before she even touched him.

>> No.8301110
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It will rarely happen to guys, because girls don't embrace the perv stereo types as much as guys do. They are more closet pervs, even tho I have encountered some.

> be me younger self in con
> random girls grab my ass, which for me is flattering
> Kek

There were some girls that were obsessed with me for some reason maybe because of yellow fever. They would scream my name and say I love you anon, which I usually ignore.

>> No.8301121


Guys don't get bothered by groping/candid pics because its not really that big a deal.

Girls are overreacting to this.

>> No.8301122

I know I've seen some of my male cosplayer friends mention about being sexually harassed at cons on facebook.

>> No.8301200
File: 214 KB, 509x602, gropecrew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude...

>> No.8301226


those are trolls they didnt grope anybody

>> No.8301235
File: 209 KB, 2048x1536, W3avlir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8301236

I hope to high hell I meet this guy so that if he tries anything I will fucking call out his ass on the damn floor. Men like this need to be publicly humiliated at all costs. It helps stop them from doing it further.

>> No.8301240


they are trolls

pretty sue the girl in the pic retired from cosplay years ago

>> No.8301241

Nice bait

>> No.8301306

Yeah, you go gurl

>> No.8301322



Women think they aren't interchangeable or something.

>> No.8301352

the akon guys were a hoax and people were on the lookout for them anyways

>> No.8301356
File: 30 KB, 400x422, 1414704551542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you found candid pics and vids of several big cosplay stars
>including /cgl/ tripfags
>including YOU reading this right now
>tfw not sharing

>> No.8301372

The truth of the matter is, if someone you see as good looking pays you attention, you preen. If someone you don't find attractive pays you attention, they're a creep.

This is why ugly guys get called creeps.

And ugly girls get called weebs.

These are the two extremes of anime con life.

But at the end of the day, it should be a truth universally acknowledged that a person is entitled to their privacy and the right to moderate what photos and videos of them are taken and whether that material goes on the internet.

Regardless of any excuses people make to justify behavior that breeches this truth.

And regardless of what each individual is comfortable with, we should all look to protect each others privacy. Why? Because one day you might need yours.

Tl;dr If you wouldn't do it in public around 'normal people' don't do it at an anime convention. Cons should not be seen as cloud cuckoo land where common decency goes out the window. Ffs grow up.

>> No.8301647

>But at the end of the day, it should be a truth universally acknowledged that a person is entitled to their privacy and the right to moderate what photos and videos of them are taken and whether that material goes on the internet.

In a public setting photos are fair game.

>> No.8301714

That doesn't even make fucking sense.

>> No.8301717

No, it kinda does.

>> No.8301911

People say this ad nauseum, but attractive dudes who creep on me get the same treatments as "ugly creeps". If I feel uncomfortable, I get out of the situation.

>> No.8301930

>run around naked
>people look at you



>> No.8301937
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>> No.8301950

You know... this dude is rather unfortunately short...

>> No.8301952
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>> No.8301957

Not from where he's standing.

>> No.8301959

Lolol how the fuck do they even take that shit seriously? If someone said that to me, I'd be losing my shit.

>> No.8301965

reason why rape cases never bother me is women like her make up the majority of attitudes in the US

>> No.8301969

huh, i agree with you.
>things i never thought possible

>> No.8301977
File: 420 KB, 720x960, 1427940544122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real subtle rape culture thread you got yourself here. I'm sure a few vouyerism fetishists are a great indication that all men are scum rapist stalkers, threads like this aren't pointless at all and totally have more content than your political horseshit. Yeah, this is something the cosplay board needs to spend it's time on, I mean it's not as if you're actually here to scare women out of cosplaying because you're a fat slut-shamer who's weight starts with a 2.

>> No.8301978

If the Japanese would hurry up and invent ultra-realistic fuckdroids, creepers would become a thing of the past.

>> No.8301981

>Harley's face
This needs to be a reaction image.

>> No.8301989
File: 38 KB, 1000x1000, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>X needs to be a reaction image

>> No.8301990

I have to agree with this. I understand where people are coming, and inappropriate touching and shit is definitely not okay. Seriously though if your walking around in thong for a cosplay right where everyone can see guys will be looking, and however shitty it is people will take pictures.

>> No.8302019

you're slowly crawling towards sanity/leaving your malformed teenage opinions behind you

>> No.8302021

I already felt that way tho.

>> No.8302025

parts of her costume lit up.

>> No.8302029

>filming flat saggy asses
not worth the risk

>> No.8302035

what do these sluts expect to hear when they walk half naked with their flat asses hanging around? if the guy was good looking it would be flirting and not creepyness.

>> No.8302036

My bad, that's a 3.5mm audio jack. I'd love to see how she managed to rig it up like that though. those are some pretty small wires.

>> No.8302041

even if gay guys harass me i don't go around bitching and stomping my feet over it like a little bitch. i just say no and tell him to go fuck himself. if i was cosplaying and the person was filming me, why the fuck should i care? EVERYBODY is seeing me and i can't do anything if they stare. bitching about it is just one more way for you cunts to get attention.

>> No.8302049
File: 32 KB, 512x512, BANE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol who the big guy

>> No.8302051

Making a big deal out of it seems stupid. Some stalker harasses me at local cons but I don't want to be that girl who always bitches and complains.

>> No.8302058

Saltiest post on cgl right now.

>> No.8302069
File: 119 KB, 497x746, 1429559031390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just made by you? Dress like a slut and people will look at you, cosplay and people will look at you. They don't want to rape and kill you just because you're a 220 pound cow who only gets negative attention from men.

>> No.8302081

making a fuss about it is one subtle way to say
>ugh look how hot I am, i can't help but attract the attention of all those creeps! it's not like i dressed like this to attract the attention of horny men in first place!

>> No.8302082

>buttey and the beast
My sides have left the building.

>> No.8302092

But cosplayers really do dress like strippers...

>> No.8302098

No, it doesn't. He's arguing that what you wear changes the standards of how other people should behave. That's not in the penal code at all. Nowhere in any first-world penal code does it say that it's okay to grope, stalk, or harass a girl just because of how she's dressed. That sign is /r9k/ level autistic, no wonder he cropped out his face.

>> No.8302102

Ha...fortunately short in his case. The girl should have just crouched to his height to prevent booby-pillows.

>> No.8302106
File: 16 KB, 600x600, bait_lowquality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8302110

No, he's arguing that what you wear changes how people actually approach you. It's not a justification, it's a reminder of how shit actually is in the real world. Tumblrinas don't seem to understand how the real world works, having never actually gotten off the computer long enough to experience it in any sort of depth

>> No.8302114

Sitting their on your fat, hairy SJW ass and saying "That's wrong" doesn't stop anyone from fucking doing it.

>> No.8302118

the difference between a creep and a guy who is "just chatting" is his looks

>> No.8302122

Only when the shit you say borders on strange/sexual.

>> No.8302126

KassemG is the ultimate proof of this. Were he some nerdy skinnyfat he'd have been thrown out of every con by now.

>> No.8302129

>having never actually gotten off the computer
>says this from 4chan

>> No.8302131

this might be true because i like derpy skinny autists and think that the fitfags are fucking creepy.

>> No.8302134
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 1411696887419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smell r9k
Or /fit/

Get out

>> No.8302138

smells like dried cum and loneliness

>> No.8302140

Just goes to show how holding a mic can fullfill your most nerdiest dreams and record it.

>> No.8302175

thanks for sharing this rare pepe though.

>> No.8302189

I smell sand and fish, but I don't leave near a beach.

>> No.8302192

does this mean we can rape all the white womyn all we want?

>> No.8302194

Must be smelling yourself then.

>> No.8302206

Can't be since I smell of >>8302138

>> No.8302216

Why not both?

>> No.8302219

You wanna be the sand and fish to my dried cum and loneliness, bby?

>> No.8302229

Wheres the vid?

>> No.8302252

She loved it, fair game boys

>> No.8302379

OP here I posted majority of these pics. And I am male. I don't agree to the action of any of these guys. They make us other guys look bad. And also ruin the fun in cosplays. I made this thread so people are more aware of these kind of thing. This is not about gender blaming. And now we can move on, so as a cosplay community we have the each others back. Watch out for these kind of toxic behaviors. Take back what's ours from those normies! Rise my fabri/cgl/adiators your time has come. For zeh community!!!!'

>> No.8302385
File: 75 KB, 600x450, BCC-Creep-600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also please keep on topic. This is a good thread I have going on. And I wanna keep it that way. Also I ain't trying to scare people out of cosplay, but more like be aware what you cosplay. :)

>> No.8302389
File: 164 KB, 625x417, enhanced-buzz-1794-1381629512-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8302390

>Also please keep posting thinly-veiled fap material

fixed that for you.

>> No.8302391

If you truly wanna fap I recommend /b/ cosplays threads

>> No.8302532

Is it MORAL to fap to candid cosplay?

>> No.8302878


Enough said

>> No.8302885

She must have known? Even at a crowded con it seems like it'd be difficult to film some of those upskirt shots (with flashlight, at that) without her knowing.

>> No.8302897 [DELETED] 

>Even at a crowded con it seems like it'd be difficult to film some of those upskirt shots (with flashlight, at that) without her knowing.
It's clearly without her knowing.

It is not a flashlight but nightvision mode that kicks in when it goes dark, so this is a video camera.

And this creep method is probably a hidden camera in an open convention bag and this perp is lowers to the bag to the ground unsuspectingly beneath her skirt. To outside people just looks like it is getting crowded and he puts the bag down near her taking advantage of the crowds.

So the warning here is look around and beneath you when a crowd gets around, there is always a couple taking advantage of your distraction.

>> No.8302899 [DELETED] 

>It's clearly without her knowing.
>It is not a flashlight but nightvision mode that kicks in when it goes dark, so this is a video camera.
>And this creep method is probably a hidden camera in an open convention bag and this perp lowers bag to the ground unsuspectingly beneath her skirt. To outside people just looks like it is getting crowded and he puts the bag down near her taking advantage of the crowds.
>So the warning here is look around and beneath you when a crowd gets around, there is always a couple taking advantage of your distraction.
It's clearly without her knowing.

It is not a flashlight but nightvision mode that kicks in when it goes dark, so this is a video camera.

And this creep method is probably a hidden camera in an open convention bag and this perp is lowers to the bag to the ground unsuspectingly beneath her skirt. To outside people just looks like it is getting crowded and he puts the bag down near her taking advantage of the crowds.

So the warning here is look around and beneath you when a crowd gets around, there is always a couple taking advantage of your distraction.

>> No.8302901

>Even at a crowded con it seems like it'd be difficult to film some of those upskirt shots (with flashlight, at that) without her knowing.

It is not a flashlight but nightvision mode that kicks in when it goes dark, so this is a video camera.

And this creep method is probably a hidden camera in an open convention bag and this perp is lowers to the bag to the ground unsuspectingly beneath her skirt. To outside people just looks like it is getting crowded and he puts the bag down near her taking advantage of the crowds.

So the warning here is look around and beneath you when a crowd gets around, there is always a couple taking advantage of your distraction.

>> No.8302903

>She must have known? Even at a crowded con it seems like it'd be difficult to film some of those upskirt shots (with flashlight, at that) without her knowing.

It is not a flashlight but nightvision mode that kicks in when it goes dark, so this is a video camera.

And this creep method is probably a hidden camera in an open convention bag and this perp lowers the bag to the ground unsuspectingly beneath her skirt. To outside people just looks like it is getting crowded and he puts the bag down near her taking advantage of the crowds.

So the warning here is look around and beneath you when a crowd gets around, there is always a couple taking advantage of your distraction.

>> No.8302907

Or don't wear skirts the width of a belt with nothing but the daintiest panties underneath. That's also a save way to avoid people looking at your privates.

>> No.8302911

sorry double post. couldnt delete it err.

>> No.8302919

rape culture is fake

>> No.8303434

just like your intelligence

>> No.8303471


>> No.8303480

What is this even supposed to mean? /r9k/ makes the worst memes

>> No.8303548

So did he ask if he could wrap his arms like that around her?

Not your typical pose next to cosplayer photo...

>> No.8303631

I doubt he asked, he probably just asker her if he could have a pic/interview whatever, then wrap him inside her cocoon.

>> No.8303668
File: 62 KB, 960x541, hoverhand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8303671
File: 72 KB, 675x900, 6745_10151769216319050_2107917558_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions about, what if you slowly become cosfamous and they put a pic of you on a body pillow?

>> No.8303677

The only body pillow you should own is Mr. Yan.

>> No.8303688
File: 24 KB, 240x180, 5780053160_3a0243e532_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people hover hand ? I got million of pics, and I never do that it's just weird.

>> No.8303700

Usually because 1. Too much (sweaty) skin, nowhere to put hand without icky contact or 2. They're a person you're currently mentally spazzing over and you really really don't want to come off as weird.

> mfw I'm a hover-handing grill
At least I've now learned to just pose differently to avoid hover-handing.

>> No.8303720
File: 2.61 MB, 2202x2104, 2015-05-05 15.49.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never hover hand before, and I have never felt a sweaty shoulder. Pic related see that skillfully hand position, all chill and relaxed.

>> No.8303736

Awefully white knight up in here. If you dont want to be oogled you should cos as a character with a sweater and no thong. BTW im going as Bruno...dont look at my package in a sling shot thong.

>> No.8303737
File: 265 KB, 672x599, 2015-05-05 15.55.33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even cosplayers don't hover me.
I find it more akward if people hover.

>> No.8303751
File: 451 KB, 500x272, Bruno-Mars-Awkward-Wink-Reaction-Gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you gonna cosplay bruno mars? Nice

>> No.8303778

I actually had one of those booth babes at e3 suddenly wrap her arms around me, my shoulder between her boobies and kissed me on the cheek, leavng a lipstick mark... I mean I wanted her frontal pic not a side view, the nerve right?!

>> No.8303797
File: 106 KB, 625x417, enhanced-buzz-27705-1381629499-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8303801
File: 96 KB, 500x666, comic-con-0601-500x666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this guy following you, what do?

>> No.8303880

I've been searching for this video because it made me laugh so hard link please !

>> No.8303896

I think I saw that on one of Pdiddys deadpool vs. <convention> forget which one it was

>> No.8303898

That picture has nothing to do about being cosfamous. It's about a photog who had a contract in which he'd be legally able to sell the pictures he takes in any form, as in prints...and body pillows. So even non-cosfamous people, if they shot with him, found themselves on a body pillow being sold in the dealers' alley.

I don't remember the photog's name, but it caused a huge shitstorm.

>> No.8303906

Thanks !

>> No.8303908

>ryuko matoi cosplay (kamui senketsu ver)
>guy in mid 50's walks up to me wearing cat ears and reeks of autism
>he has a lazy eye
>cant tell if he's talking to me because of that fucking eye
>asks for a picture
>the poor asshole is shaking like a crazy faggot
>slowly walk away

>> No.8303921

I was once in an anime convention and wasn't even wearing a cosplay, I was just wearing a Gothic Lolita like dress and wasnt that short, and some "free huggers", a group of 5 maybe in front of me all alone (friends were maybe 10m behind me) and they circled around me hugging me without asking, touching me everywhere... Was very disturbing and called for help for TEN MINUTES in the crowd, had the fear of my life

In another con way later I was wearing a kimono and were walking through a dealer's alley when a fucking huge groups of free huggers saw me and decided to rush at me, shouting and stuff, and RIPPED MY FUCKING KIMONO OFF, I was literally in underwear protecting my chest and crotch from any touching... Those cowards ran off before the security could come and save me.
The only good thing in that day is that one of the shop in the alley gave me a new gratis kimono, which is adorable

>> No.8303924

no way that second one happened.

also the first one was greatly embellished (yeah, you called for help for ten minutes with your friends 10m behind you)

>> No.8303931

Oh I can tell it happened, it wasn't in the USA though
Maybe not 10mn but when you're freaking out and waiting for it to stop time goes really slowly

>> No.8303963

the asses are shit. 5/10

>> No.8303972

oh yah? what about gay men

>> No.8303979

thats jessica nigri whats the point in censoring when everyone knows

>> No.8303984

this is all true

>> No.8304000

who fucking cares? honestly if your pictures are free on the internet someone some fat dude or something will fap to it, its the same thing, but you dont exactly know about it or have to see it so whatever

>> No.8304283


>> No.8304299

Fuck, if I saw that I would beat the crap out of those guys, fucking degenerate.

>> No.8304319

Same guy here.
Oh yeah at work I had some hand lotion hanging from my pockets. There was a gay guy keep wanning to touch it because it was close to my dick. I looked him in the eyes and said, I ain't gay bro, I am fine if you are but I appreciate you not comming that close to me. Still flattering that I can even give a gay guy a boner lol.

>> No.8304355
File: 29 KB, 300x225, tommy lee jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once a gay dude started caressing my chest in front a lot of people. i just looked at others with pic related and he eventually stopped. am i a slut?

>> No.8304373

>let's take gifs out of context
yeah, nah. fuck off

>> No.8304603
File: 623 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-05-05-16-13-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8304636

This vid very related

>> No.8304672

Poor Court. Also, I really hate the people like that guy who told him to kneel. I get that a lot of this might be scripted, but it really brings to light all the sorts of creeps that are at conventions. Ive dealt this that Krypton type of dude mentality before and it pisses me off. I don't give a shit if you are cosplaying some fucking prince or God, you are not that character and don't use it as an excuse to fucking do something and think talking like that gets you out of being called out.

Also, its not so much that cosplayers like being fondled. Its about the fact that the person who did it got called out and they feel bad about it and think they need to defend the person even if the situation made them uncomfortable. Also been in THAT situation.

>> No.8304677


Is that the faggot from that shit Heroes of Cosplay show?

>> No.8304686
File: 105 KB, 603x337, wargreymon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg. It is. I liked the show to be honest, but that is the other teen from it. I liked the other teen better because he seemed much more cool. If I remember right, this is the one that did that Blackwargreymon cosplay. His cosplay was better, but his attitude didn't seem as awesome as the other guys.

>> No.8304693


He literally said he only cosplayed for attention.

>> No.8304706

Old news. Its been dealt with. Guy is apparently banned at most if all cons. Next!

>> No.8304734
File: 329 KB, 2048x1366, carl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cartl has been getting so much better since Heroes of Cosplay. Its nice to see him trying more stuff and improving.

Miguel [Blackwargreymon) has cool stuff, but his shitty attitude totally turns me off of his skills.

>> No.8304901


>> No.8304917

For me I just honestly don't give a shit if people look up my skirt and see my panties. It is no different than me walking around in a swimsuit. Oh no, they saw my covered vagina and possibly butt! Now I can't get married!

>> No.8304933
File: 378 KB, 1058x636, 0WbUEHO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I just say I have mad respect for any woman who cosplays something revealing and actually uses her brain to deduce that yes, people are going to stare at her if she walks around in it, and yes most likely people are going to try to take pictures. Basically being like "yep I have tits and an ass, and they look good and I understand if they're all out there on display for people to see, they're gonna stare".

I'm a female too and it always makes me really happy when other women own up to this instead of being like
Like bitch please, I am straight and even I am going to stare if you put your shit out there for everyone to see, what are you honestly expecting? Seriously.

>> No.8304951

I was about to say that if I happened to be on my period that day when someone decided to creep on my pantsu, top kek. But then I realized that's probably a fetish and there's no winning other than just simply not caring anymore.

>> No.8304953

Yeah pretty much. It's pretty much a win/win for you to be comfortable and confident in your body and just stop giving any fucks.

>> No.8304959


>I really hate the people like that guy who told him to kneel

...that's General Zod. His catchphrase is "Kneel before Zod." It's like the iconic line of his character.

>> No.8304962

"this is as bad as rape"

>> No.8304964

What the fuck is up with this recent influx of /r9k/ on this board? Fuck off back to your pity party.

>> No.8304972

This has nothing to do with r9k do you see any woman hating in this thread? Or feels about kissless virgins? NO, now shut the fuck up unless you contribute to this thread.

>> No.8304974
File: 126 KB, 625x417, enhanced-buzz-2394-1381629502-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8304978
File: 999 KB, 500x281, CosplayCreeps-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this type of interviewers. ..

>> No.8304986
File: 39 KB, 300x421, upskirt04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secret Asian creep?

>> No.8304989

you say that on /cgl/ to seem cool and blend in but as soon as some douchebag calls you a bitch and lifts his shirt you're on him like flies on shit

>> No.8304991


As if on cue


>> No.8305005

Such concrete and certain language! I bet every retard will take it as fact either way.

I bet that bitch didn't even resist, let him do it then cried afterwards.

>> No.8305008

i don't hate women, i am just calling that girl out for trying to be lil miss chill on the internet

she's human, nature kicks in

>> No.8305010
File: 114 KB, 580x435, 120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep on topic guys, contribute we are all anonymous, even if you guys fight amongs yourself in the end of the day, it is a wait of breath.

>> No.8305014
File: 987 KB, 500x281, KassemG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should Instead expose more creepy photographers, people etc. Or tell us your creep story.

>> No.8305023

can we just stop for a second and discuss how busted this girl looks?

i bet she was leaving her hotel room strutting around like she was hot shit too

>> No.8305025
File: 199 KB, 671x886, skinny-male-model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah she's right, women usually prefer men to be more on the skinnier side than the fit side. All you have to do is just go look at male models, a lot of women love that "heroic chic" look.

It's the same for what men prefer in women vs what women prefer in women. Men like women to be slightly fatter (like for real curvy, tits and ass and hips, but not fat) vs what kind of women other women find attractive (usually really thin and more innocent looking). All you have to do is look at men's magazines vs women's magazines.

>> No.8305027

*heroin, whoops

>> No.8305041

Substance abuse, like tattoos, never truly goes out of style.

>> No.8305044

Yeah pretty much. Also I think what I usually see women finding most attractive is men with a pretty face. Bonus points if they dress nice.

I think a lot of women believe in the whole TV stereotype of the "jock asshole" and just assume if you're muscular you're a dick looking only to fuck. So I often see guys with pretty faces and average builds (and bonus great style) get WAY more action.

>> No.8305047
File: 90 KB, 640x606, Jessica-Nigri-without-makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey kids



>> No.8305050

Face has always counted for more.

The /fit/ jock isn't somehow for the worse, maybe the pretty face guys are getting the larger amount, but I don't think jock types are somehow at a dearth for pussy.

>> No.8305051

Nah you're right, they are definitely not struggling or anything. But if you're going to buy into the whole TV world stereotype that "jock assholes always get the girl and treat her like shit", you have to understand that women watch TV too and buy into the same thing, so it's way more likely they're going to find you intimidating or just write you off as an asshole who just wants to pump and dump or something.

>> No.8305054

I agree that stereotypes influence girls a lot.

Which is why girls will oftentimes go for guys that they think play into TV cliches while still having traits of the archetypal attractive male.

And sometimes they'll go off the chain entirely and find guys to fuck that don't make any sense.

>> No.8305063

find it silly that people like to think they somehow can overcome human nature

i know i see a woman and want to have sex with her because i am human and i am programmed that way

no matter how much i pretend i care about personality and education/interests i know i can't overcome human nature and a stripper will look just as attractive as coco rocha is.

why don't you admit to being attracted to what the tribe (media) tells you is attractive/ what you find naturally attractive

it has very little to do with personality and how they treat you

it's 100% what you see

>my boyfriend isn't the best looking

he's just one of those guys you're dating to not be alone/avoid casual sex with strangers with

he's just convenient; you're young you're not getting married to the guy

he's disposable

so it's not worth arguing

>> No.8305065

>>he's just convenient; you're young you're not getting married to the guy
I'm not the original girl you were replying to. I'm not young and I've been with my boyfriend for a few years now.

And basically this:
>But if you're going to buy into the whole TV world stereotype that "jock assholes always get the girl and treat her like shit", you have to understand that women watch TV too and buy into the same thing, so it's way more likely they're going to find you intimidating or just write you off as an asshole who just wants to pump and dump or something.

And what this person said:
>I agree that stereotypes influence girls a lot.
>Which is why girls will oftentimes go for guys that they think play into TV cliches while still having traits of the archetypal attractive male.

>> No.8305103


she has a phat ass IIRC

>> No.8305117


but women like it



>> No.8305119
File: 105 KB, 625x417, enhanced-buzz-4878-1381629499-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so creepy

>> No.8305125

go away

>> No.8305142

This guy is gross.

He sounds like he's been influenced by a lot of youtube shit. Clearly a grab at being a comedian but that stuff just isn't funny.

>> No.8305144

Ughh I fucking hate that guy. The biggest creep ever. He asks for like 8 photos, one of you, one without (asks some random stranger to take it since he obviously had no friend) then another of you ugh it's so awkward. And he'll do it more than once at the same con/day. IN FRONT OF MY BF

I literally cussed him out and told him to never come up to me again

>> No.8305146

What does this even mean?

>> No.8305150

Do you ever say anything worth reading?

>> No.8305151

Andy is cool. Gets stupid while anon, but still cool

>> No.8305156

Holy shit I hate her but nice ass

>> No.8305194

who is she?

>> No.8305251
File: 140 KB, 2400x1348, nice-butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8305281

>tfw get harrassed by woman at every con I cosplay
>unwanted touching everywhere

No, I don't. Stop touching me.

>> No.8305320

>that mask
>that cape

I feel sick

>> No.8305342

>a bunch of chicks are schlicking over him?
it's a gay blog.

does that change your double standard?

>> No.8305625

I like the cut of your jab

>> No.8305634
File: 410 KB, 1060x1050, howto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to get the cosplay bitches


>> No.8305642

Haha, what the fuck is wrong with his eyes in the second picture. That nigger high as fuck?

>> No.8305659

That's not even creepy, what the hell.

>> No.8305668


I've been groped by gay men before. It didn't bother me that much.
Girls over exaggerate things.

Funny thing is, many girls wouldn't care if it was some other girl groping them, even a lesbian.

>> No.8305725

>Sitting on the floor of a con watching some DDR rounds
>Have my service dog with me
>Guy comes and sits close to me
>Assume he just wants see dog
>Dude moves my bag from between me and him
>Scoots close
>Stay like that for about two minutes then say my dog has to pee
>"Don't worry, I'll follow you"
>Try to make conversation and ask what he's at the con for (vidya, anime, dealers)
>He says pretty girls dressed up in costumes
>Dog chilling outside now
>Can't escape, my only friend is in a panel
>Head back in and happen to see someone wearing a badge with their fursona on it
>Talk about furry shit for about ten minutes before creepy guy slinks off

Thank you my fellow furry trash

>> No.8305750

link to vid?

>> No.8305774

the fuck? you can bring dogs to cons?

>> No.8305784

>service dog


>> No.8305879
File: 245 KB, 742x1077, _APH_Viet__Iggy__you_perverted_by_Carlossa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8305894

ITT: thinly-veiled misandry.

>> No.8305938

Men are disgusting, no one is trying to hide it

>> No.8305968

ay ay no feminist shit in here please. And also it goes both ways. There are some pretty digesting man haters out there.

>> No.8305972
File: 1.03 MB, 900x639, homura_is_a_pervert___by_fraulein_rose-d4t29jy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8305975

I hope they do digest their food, otherwise they'd be dead.

>> No.8306019

There is a fine difference between admiring the booty and stalking the booty. Someone got a nice butt then chances are people gonna get whiplash, but when you pull out a camera and start following that's when it gets creepy.

>> No.8306043

can /r9k/ please just get out of here

>> No.8306047

I'm assuming they're masochistic as fuck if they keep coming here.

>> No.8306049

Men aren't disgusting, you're just a pigheaded cunt pretending to be a feminist.

>> No.8306063

Time to start smashing their cameras

>> No.8306078
File: 8 KB, 300x168, 0348938493430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah wow clap clap u must obvs represent the entire female population good job at being groped

>> No.8306082



no one will love you truly because you have no self respect

>> No.8306085


>> No.8306089

Not all men are disgusting but you surely are

>> No.8306095

Love you too, bby.

>> No.8306109

Not mine, but I do remember a story of someone cosplaying L back when Death Note was still popular and a hambeast Misa cosplayer handcuffed themselves to them. Just fucking ran and she would not let them out so security had to be called.

Pretty sure the L cosplayer got their wrist fucked up from being yanked.

>> No.8306116

no trolling

the type of women who make it a huge deal about being "objectified" in a thong bikini based costume translated from anime aren't the best looking women in the day to day lives.

they just happen to be seen as attractive, that one day, at that one venue because of their interests/ perception of accessibility.

hot girl with no date to the prom syndrome in effect.

everyone ignores the truly attractive women and grope these women who really are not attractive

>> No.8306130

>not thinking men are disgusting
even men know they're disgusting, most of them don't even bother doing anything with themselves past putting on deodorant

>> No.8306147


>> No.8306152

No one is really talking about how they feel objectified until you fucks brought it up. You are just derailing the thread.

The thread is about ACTUAL creepiness like the videos above. Not attention whores, and just staring at boobs and getting yelled at. People check out each other all the fucking time regardless of gender its not odd unless you're just blatantly ogling.

Now, following people and recording them is CREEPY whether or not they are fully clothed. Stalking people is fucking weird, plain and simple.

>> No.8306156

nice b8 /r9k/

>> No.8306182
File: 3 KB, 141x155, 1430269285565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So don't wear the costume than?
I hate how people have been treating this kind of shit like it's two absolutes.
No a girl walking around in Honey's serving uniform or Nonon's nudist beach gear isn't asking to be pinned down brutalized.
But at the same time she isn't just there to be a good sport and see all the venues of the con.
Hell it's entirely possible she just genuinely really really likes that character and wants to do them justice by making a physical version of their design, but even in those situations they've evaluated the situation of a con and decided that they are okay with having that much of themselves exposed.
And no, there isn't anything wrong with that either.
You want to be an attention whore? Be a fucking attention whore. Savor the attention and lavish praise you'll get from the thirsty guys.
Ham it up and tease them flirtatiously to get even more praise and never actually give one of them anything.
I don't care about that, anyone blindly praising any female they see is just a walking penis.
It's when you pretend like you AREN'T doing it for attention, or at the very least AWARE of the attention it WILL GARNER that I get pissed.

BOTH of those examples are wrong, and yes, the upskirt stuff is more wrong than just recording a girl in hotpants and a bikini top because in both examples they didn't consent.
I just, why the fuck does this keep needing to be explained.

>> No.8306198
File: 15 KB, 251x200, you___pervert_by_himenovampire-d3hl7z3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8306349


>> No.8306435

im sorry but is this grill cosplaying as honey from space dandy? :^)

>> No.8306678
File: 200 KB, 1079x900, 1430123376129-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8306711

robot crossposter, can confirm

>> No.8306795

People like this confuse me. Like the thing is they must have had sex using this method at least once or else where does their positive reinforcement to keep doing this come from?

And that confuses me even more.

>> No.8307672

Coming back to this thread, most of these questions and topics can be answered with just asking why they're dressed like that in the first place.
I'm serious.

I don't get it, are you mocking me?
Yes they're a tad bitter, but they're just looking at the masses from a strictly behavioral standpoint.
I mean personally I think that these kinds of girls have always existed, it's just that now in society they've been given the power.
I'm not comfortable with saying women as a whole or all women because of numerous examples of strong Women I've seen where the gender dynamic only plays into their strengths and intelligence.
But I am comfortable in saying that perhaps western culture as a whole has devolved, and the masses do in fact need something to rope them in.
Obviously it isn't okay to just enforce arbitrary ideas of purity and chastity on women, but I don't think it's right to advocate the other extreme either.
A good relationship isn't perfect, but the two people should enjoy each other. And yes, that includes not lying to themselves and saying they find the other person attractive when they don't, and vice versa.
First and foremost it should be a friendship, one where each party plays into the strengths and weaknesses of the other, red and blue and all that jazz.
There's a lot to this that I'm willing to discuss if you want.

The positive reinforcement is the lack of negative reinforcement.

>> No.8307951

I was at a small con this past weekend and this guy kept coming up to me asking if he could take his clothes off. At first I thought he was having a laugh bc I was cosplaying as Stocking Anarchy but every time he saw me he kept repeating himself. And at one point he actually took his shirt off. I can't remember the character he was cosplaying but I think it might have been from Fairly Tail. Was he just in character or just being a general creep??

>> No.8307980

Well if he initiated it like a joke..respond like oh ha ha..not in a million years.. Ha ha

>> No.8307982

I think he was serious, he kept repeating it every time I saw him at different intervals

>> No.8308056

You should have kick him in the dick and ran.

>> No.8308062
File: 126 KB, 900x675, Izaya_is_a_pervert_by_Smexy_Boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, he is in charactor.

>> No.8308125

>Make a thread about girls being bitches
>Gets deleted
>Make a thread about men being "creepers"
>Somehow ok

Gotta love socially acceptable misandry.

>> No.8308228
File: 27 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even know how hard it was to keep this thread alive lol.

>> No.8308730

i'm not even a feminist but i do agree that 99% of men are repulsive. its because the media doesn't drill self consciousness into them enough (like it does women) so they never have any motivation to self improve. condition your fucking hair and learn how to dress yourselves please

Drenching your body in old spice product does not constitute hygiene

>> No.8309334
File: 23 KB, 278x488, Deadinsidecactuar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8309530

Was it pic related? Either way still pretty creepy

>> No.8309534
File: 215 KB, 900x999, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm retarded.

>> No.8309726
File: 99 KB, 640x640, tumblr_naiubuoIqu1qmfiebo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8310058

looks like Comiket... those are often AV models that are there exactly for that purpose.

>> No.8310332

>Why the fuck are you complaining about getting complimented? :^)

>> No.8310429

Ah I remember the days it was so hard to ban people and so easy to troll. Now everyone hides in a hugbox and never comes out to have fun.

>> No.8311043

Not who this was originally directed at but I'm pretty (thin+cute face? subjective but w/e) and have been with my bf for 4 years, we get married next year and he's what most would consider unattractive, obese+face like a squinty eyed pug. Has a heart of gold though and I love him. Maybe I'm the exception to the rule though.

>> No.8311957
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