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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 7 KB, 250x209, auscos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8275253 No.8275253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Drama through 21.0 even as we were going to 404. What's new in the cosplay scene?
>drama, WIPs, upcoming cons....

>> No.8275273

Sydney is next on the list for cons, lets see what drama is cooking up there.

>> No.8275284
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>> No.8275339

I wish we could all post some WIP shots in here.

>> No.8275356

argh harley quinn. Why do people who cosplay her tend to be just as annoying as her.

>> No.8275413

Cosplayers who don't just cosplay the popular / I want likes characters...list me some...I wanna follow people who do things the love not things that will get them likes

>> No.8275646

Most Quinn cosplayers are shit
Kind alike the shitload of deadpools

Then there are those who constantly recycle their cosplays for months to a few years... What's innovation?!

>> No.8275676

middle earth barbie, shes a mega hottie
shirosaki and her are a good team
caeden lee is good too
ferret is really cute
just look at the pages they share to find more cool cosplayers..

>> No.8275726

Bahahahaha MEB only cosplays slutty charcters for likes....read the description the person gave Next time

>> No.8275733

um what no :\

>> No.8275759

I know MEB, and she cosplays charcters she likes. Just cuase she likes charcters whos outfits are more revealing doesn't make her a slut or a like whore mate.....maybe it's becuase they are strong confident awsome female charcters and that's what attracts her to them.....get of ya high horse mate

>> No.8275777


Ferret Cosplay
Ceaden Lee
Major Sam cosplay
Middle earth barbie
Gabrielle Louise Cosplay
Aurelius armoury
Kisimul Cat
Haku71 Cosplay
Crazy cat cosplay
Get jinxed cosplay
Pretty much everyone in the cosplay usually cosplays charcters they like.....the only one i know doing it for attention is australia's very own nigri....kayla erin

>> No.8275806

I only cosplay characters I like...no matter how obscure... :P of course I'm not "cosfamous"

But I'd hope all cosplayers like the character that they're cosplaying...

>> No.8275871

Well you got cosplayers who cosplay characters coz it's the next big thing. Example like attack on titan for instance

>> No.8276002

Regarding Sydney cons...

My cosplans include Jack Burton (Big Trouble in Little China) for Free Comic Book Day

Sgt. Benton of Classic Doctor Who for the Whoniverse event

I'm currently working on Snake-Eyes (from G.I. Joe for Sydney Supanova). :)

>> No.8276108

So katey smile wants to start selling prints what is everyone's thoughts

mine are she rushes her cosplays and doesn't deserve to get money

>> No.8276129

I wish this place was more welcoming like other threads, would love to see what people are working on.

>> No.8276192

her costumes look good but she has hardly any photos :\

>> No.8276258

Ah but the majority of Australian cosplayers "don't post on 4chan/cgl" so if they posted WIP's they'd prove themselves a liar.

>> No.8276273

Almost every cosplayer posts WIP's.

>> No.8276399

Her makeup skills are atrocious. Does anyone remember that drawn on brows for that lol shoot she did?

And I wonder if she has the photogs ok to sell prints coz if not.....

>> No.8276466

This is 4chan. Since when has it been welcoming

>> No.8276471

her make up makes me sick

but her youtube is worse.

>> No.8276518

I haven't seen her youtube stuff. After you saying this Im glad I don't. Too bad for you to having to stomach it

>> No.8276528

only viewed it because apparently its her job.

quality is shit films off of her phone puts on a voice n her make up is even worse in them not to mention her teeth
can't hear her and under her eyes scare me


>> No.8276540
File: 48 KB, 640x960, 1555361_839005852807523_5901823561105747825_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arcadia Rose cosplay is a hottie ... cool and friendly too

>> No.8276574

Plans: Tsukishima Kei from Haikyuu!! at sydnova in a few months with 3 others. Anyone else doing Haikyuu?

Drama: Usual few creeps in the homestuck fandom, but things have quietened down in recent years.

>> No.8276578

Her whole face with crappy makeup scares me.
If that's her only form of income then damn. Waiting for that moment when her only form of income dries up and then like every other person whose dependant on the dole and/or can't find a job then think the world's owes them a favour. She and every other person in this situation can go suck it up and try harder

>> No.8276580

Yessss! Oh my damn

>> No.8276581

Home stuck people are weird. Pony people are a lot worse

>> No.8276583

That looks like the cheap Katana costume you can buy from Costume in the Box or whatever.

>> No.8276584

Ok that nova 15 vid... Twerking? What the fucken shit

>> No.8276607 [DELETED] 

I'm not saying you guys are awful cosplayers, by why do so many Australian cosplayers just plain suck? Been going to cons since 2009 and every cosplayer I see looks like they just threw it together in an hour, don't suit the character at all or barely look like the character?

In other words, why does our scene suck so badly?

>> No.8276608

I do Asahi Azumane now and then

>> No.8276620

if you're going as him to sydnova and see me, come say hi. Hoping there will be a fair few, but I can't gauge how popular it is yet since I only got into it recently

>> No.8276639

Not sure if coming to Syd though, got my japan trip to save for ;(

>> No.8276649

Very true and im annoyed its always Arkham Harley. Bitch please give us classic 'one piece' Harley

>> No.8276651

:O Jack Burton! You sir are awesome!

>> No.8276690

cant believe no ones talking about casual racism from goldnova.. yet to see the drama about it but holy shit

>> No.8276695

Deets then if you have any?

>> No.8276719

I know right, i wish all them white girls stop cosplaying asians, and all them black girls to stop cosplaying white girls.

>> No.8276726

more like wishing all those white boys stop turning themselves oompa loompa orange when in reality all their doing is a watered down version of black facing... looking at dragon age cosplayers specifically

>> No.8276727

I just wish black people would stop being so black

>> No.8276840
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To further prove a point, two different girls but cosplay the two most generic cosplays.
Oh wait it's "armored Harley"

>> No.8277824

And if you'd bothered to speak to any of those Dragon Age cosplayers, you'd know that tan was for something completely different and he was really worried about offended anyone with it but please go ahead and gossip

>> No.8277834

who are we talking about? Pics?

>> No.8277835

This hurts it's so accurate damn look at every member of that "colossal con inspired" eeveelution group they were either leaning down to show off their tits in every photo or supremely uncomfortable about the behaviour of the rest of the group - I heard they were encouraging catcalling by creepy guys and some of the girls hated it and bailed from the group early

>> No.8277883

damn!!! how the hell did yeliz end up in mk but she didnt so much better

>> No.8277894

Why thank you! :) I was Jack at OCC Syd last year and will be again for Free Comic Book Day in Sydney next weekend :)

>> No.8278107

because yeliz plugs herself in everywhere. only reason why she got in mk was because mk had a fan submission opening and she submitted and got her fanboys to vote her up. they probably didnt even look at the submissions just randomly selected

>> No.8278606
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Drama? In the Aus cosplay community? NO!

>> No.8278664

so is perth still buttmad that the cosplay comp closed or is that something they've forgotten because they're mad at some other stupid shit

>> No.8278690

I remember.

Looking through her FB now, she still can't do make up.

>> No.8278799

and Moonfox, she does it for the attention

>> No.8278811

No its true... sad but true

>> No.8278812
File: 38 KB, 174x188, 1407224058142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"So many people give shit on female cosplayers saying they only do it for the attention.
Truth be told it’s actually the dudes who talk about loving the attention. Especially males who do armored costumes. They’re usually the most stuck up."

Kayla Erin - 2015

>> No.8278815

HER VOICE... my ears are bleeding MAKE IT STOP

>> No.8278851

>dont hit on meeeeeee silly boys

Who would ever listen to that shit head though?

>> No.8278866

Every armoured cosplayer I have met who is male is up themself

>> No.8278869

>No armoured male cosplayer will give me some vitamin D

>> No.8278930

wow. This isn't at all MEB posting about herself. As she always does in these threads.

>> No.8278975

I feel like there is a lot of projection here from when she dated Sunday Cosplay

>> No.8278978

Pretty sure only a few contestants actually made their costumes in the two weeks they were first given. Most just rewore costumes they had already made.

>> No.8279103


>> No.8279310

Kayla Erin wanna be nigri but has no tits and looks like shit

>> No.8279890

Do we have any hot cosplay couples in Australia?

>> No.8280038

Come on, give us some good/new/interesting drama

>> No.8280142

No one likes you and everyone is talking behind your back. There you go, anon.

>> No.8280214

Why not just read the shit which goes on mcc rather then trying to us anon here to feed your drama/gossip news. Fucken lazy cunt

>> No.8280217

Lol and yet this so called costume of hers made her choice of friends very selective. I remember when she was hanging around with your everyday weebs. Wait she's still hanging around with weebs. What am I saying

>> No.8280463

So Carlos can't handle Sydney and is moving back, is anyone really surprised by this?

>> No.8280525

Who cares lol
He will probably still go to Sydeny cons

>> No.8280624

I hope not tbh, I don't want him hitting on our Sydney cosplayers.

>> No.8280655

Do we have any cos couples fullstop?

>> No.8280694

maefan and jeremy?

>> No.8280743

aya and mav

>> No.8280757

maria and alex

>> No.8280768
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dat photoshop

>> No.8280771

Jinx doesn't even have red lips, they're supposed to be dark purple?? Same as her brows they're like a brown?? :/

>> No.8280790

My partner cosplays with me whenever she's free to come to a con if that counts?

>> No.8280805

K & Aly

>> No.8280833
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>> No.8280871

This has been asked so many fucken times. And why do you care? Wanna be in a 3 some?

>> No.8280874

And that way she applies the lipstick..

>> No.8280894


>> No.8280900

I used to read in the convention horror story thread last year about homestucks licking faces and eating chalk at a con and used to laugh at the sorry country who birthed them.

Well I can now safely say our homestucks are as messed up as America's. No wonder they're the laughing stock of everywhere.

>> No.8280906

Who are some good love live, madoka magica and any other animes that old men feed off cosplayers?

>> No.8280908

eating chalk?

>> No.8280909

I wish I was joking. I haven't read it but one of the characters eats chalk so apparently that's okay for people to do it in public too.

>> No.8280910

oh dear lord

>> No.8280944

>Lily spouting off that she's got 'mystery illness' which makes her weight fluctuate
>Posts on Facebook eating no fewer than TWELVE different macarons for an evening 'snack'

>> No.8280953

Opinions on Promoting/boosting cospages?

>> No.8280954

Clearly its undiagnosed Douzemacaronitis anon, give the fat bitch a break.

>> No.8280955

Weight fluctuations?
Lol thats a new one. Thought she was always fat.

>> No.8280960
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pic related

>> No.8280966

What is Lily's page?

>> No.8280975
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I'm going off her private Facebook, where she posts her everyday statuses. Her (awful) cosplay page is Kate Candy Kane.

Pic related - she doesn't seem to be whining that these are halal-approved and therefore supportin ISIS at least.

>> No.8280976

According to the internet that's 840 to 1200 calories? Mystery indeed.

>> No.8280979

>hate salted!
What a fuckin pleb

>> No.8280982
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So this is her 'medical condition' post.

>> No.8280985

Weight fluctuations from the massive shits she takes from being a fat cunt and eating so much crap

>> No.8280986
File: 177 KB, 750x1162, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But even despite saying that her weight is caused by her 'medical condition', she posts this sort of stuff online for everyone to see.

This is a 'snack' for her, not even dessert. And judging by the size of her hand, she must have a ton of ice cream and candy there. Yes, medical condition indeed.

>> No.8280987

>5000kj in one sitting
>just a 'snack'

>> No.8280989
File: 440 KB, 921x741, 1420799480013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fat person is an exception to the law of thermodynamics, you can't get something from nothing, so all those fat shits ARE eating too much.

Pic related

No medical condition can make you fat unless you consistently eat too much on a day to day basis.

>> No.8281002

She is literally using the 'Wah I'm getting bullied because I'm fat!!!1' card ALL. THE. TIME. She's constantly accusing EVERYONE in the cosplay community of bullying her and being mean to her because she's overweight.

No, people don't like her because she repeatedly and publicly accused people of cheating, organisers and judges of being biased, trying to get people who have won disqualified because she's butthurt she didn't win instead, and so forth. The stories I could tell about the Madman and WCS contestants she tried to screw over in the past, YEESH.

>> No.8281020

That's the territory of douchebag photographers.

>> No.8281023


>> No.8281232

They just got engaged too! Cuties.

>> No.8281515

On the flipping at least she spells macarons right unlike the majority of people I've seen on my feeds. "Macaroons"

>> No.8281548

Here's a medical condition in her case. Diabetes

>> No.8281561

Share the dirt

>> No.8282239

That one time she went out with some WCS entrants for dinner to show she could interact with the common folk, ate too much because she's a pig with no self-control, and then when the consequently got sick from overeating, she accused the other team of trying to 'poison' her food so she'd be out of the running.

Spoiler alert: She didn't win that WCS round.

>> No.8282242

That one time she publicly posted on her Facebook that she collapsed the night before another competition round and had to pull out because she fractured her wrist in the fall and slammed her head painfully against the bathroom sink, so she had to withdraw from the competition altogether. She then went to the convention the next day minus a wrist brace or any sort of bandages, wearing a satin Milanoo monstrosity and Hot Topic boots and cosplaying 'goth-loli Miku'.

>> No.8282251

(not naming names here for reasons) That one time she didn't win a Madman finals round and was so butthurt and jealous of the winners that she made a public Facebook campaign to get them disqualified after the announcement and get their prizes redacted, because she said they broke competition rules. When said team weren't disqualified (because they actually stuck to the rules and cleared their stage trick with the competition organised first), she went on another massive public Facebook tirade about how the competition was 'rigged' and only let the 'favourites' win.

>> No.8282255

The time she had so hilariously fallen out with two competitors in WCS that, at the final photos of all the groups on stage, she photoshopped the two competitors out completely.

>> No.8282261

That time she submitted a portfolio to a competition, but would not disclose any of the processes of her sewing because she told them that 'some judges are still performing and competing in other competitions, and she doesn't want them to steal her techniques and ideas'.

>> No.8282264

Nah mate in right, not after a threesomes, I just like seeing cosplay couples do their thing. It's cute and i always prefer it when you can take a photo of two charcters from the same series vs one individual.

>> No.8282266

I wish the Lily files was still open, or that there was somewhere I could post all these stories, because her and I have recently had a falling out and I have SO much shit on her that has never seen the light of day, and she deserves what's coming to her a hundred times over.

>> No.8282270

+1.... It's nice to get a photo or see two charcters interacting rather than asking two non couple people for a shot and they just stand awkwardly nezt to each other

>> No.8282278

>no yoko
>no black cat

I give it a good 8/10 tho

>> No.8282285

Oh wow so much shit and had no idea. Surpringly whenever she's on her horse it never buckles from her riding on top of them. Guess I only got 1 word to describe be.... Sook

It's quite pathetic that she would stoop this low. What a sad sad human being

>> No.8282290

8282264and it's been asked on a number of occasions already. Give it a rest or read previous threads before they got archived

>> No.8282292

Anon, these stories are just the tip of the landwhale iceberg. I haven't even gotten into the big stuff yet.

The lengths she will go to, you have no idea.

>> No.8282299

And it be interesting what she does when sydnova happens. She doesn't go to interstate to attend contest does she? I assume she won't coz planes won't be able to accommodate her stature

>> No.8282330
File: 39 KB, 527x237, whine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only bad thing about being on her private FB settings (she still hasn't taken me off, she's forgotten we've had a fight lol) is that I have to see her whining about EVERYTHING. She's such a salty, sandy vag. She complains about public transport and children like she's a geriatric old person, and even worse (and super tacky) she calls mothers things like 'disgusting filthy breeders who think that just because they spread their legs and popped a kid out of their chip-cha theyre better than everyone else'.

(chip-cha?! And she's a mother herself????)

I'm interested to see it, too. I hope people take photos of her so we can see what her actual body and face look like, not those photoshopped monstrosities she puts online. Also I'm seeing the progress of her Madman entry, hooooo boy.

>easy af circle skirts
>'ruffles' that are actually box pleats
>awful scallops
>bias tape painted (the wrong colour) with acrylic paint
>glitter. fuckin'. EVERYWHERE.

>> No.8282414

The easiest way to sum up Lily is a spoiled little shit Who wanted a horse as a child. And actually got it, And thus now feels entitled to everything.

>> No.8282416

Ohh she's doing macross f again?
Oh boy. That shit gets stale even though I'm a macross fan

Also as for buying shit in cinemas, it's a choice not a right. Whenever I go there I always ask if there's seats away from people and if not I'll deal with it especially if it's a popular movie. What a salty fat princess who thinks the world owes her favours from the looks of it

And that's the irony, she has a kid herself. She's a mother and she think she has every right to give other mothers shit... And what does she spends that baby bonus on?!

>> No.8282421

Hence scoffing down on ice-cream and macarons by the plate load. Complains about medical condition concerning about her weight gain. Someone should tell her she may suffer from diabetes... Oh wait let's not. Sooner or later she will complain about that

>> No.8282455

>Medication for pancreas
>Pancreas regulates insulin production
>Type 2 Diabetes

It's funny how she's blaming her weight on this 'medical condition' as if it's completely out of her control, instead of resulting from her lifestyle of being a fat slob.

>> No.8282595
File: 159 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Top Quality Kek
>Intends to enter Madman with this disgusting excuse of cosplay
>'I'm a professional seamstress!'

>> No.8282633

While it's obvious Lily is just eating her life away, there is medical proof that you can restrict your diet and your body simply adapts. The most obvious case studies for this is when people need to lose weight extremely fast for surgery, and despite following the set guidelines their bodies instead adapt to the new feeding and they can't loose weight. Go look it up - it's a super interesting medical mystery! One that quite obviously doesn't apply to Lily at all.

>> No.8282645

So much drama in the cosplay community, im hooked, this is better than days of our lives.

>> No.8282676

anon is clearly upset they don't have a partner to cosplay with and hates other cosplay couples

>> No.8282742

To add to this; she actually put the hand brace on the opposite hand; and made that Miku dress because someone she hated planned to do the dress.

Most of her plans you could line up with everyone she'd had a falling out with because she claimed she could always do the character justice and the rest of them couldn't.

>> No.8282755

Isn't that what she did with that Tsubasa dress she made for Madman, because Yiji had done it first? (also, is it true that she changed her name to Gigi to copy her too?)

>> No.8282786

Can we stop talking about lily the land whale....thinking of that fat bitch makes me feel like throwing up.
Next topic

>> No.8282789

Qld Cosplayers who you wish were single/are dating someone ugly and I might have a chance to get to know.... hit me with names?

>> No.8282815
File: 118 KB, 484x1149, tumblr_m5frk9wbGL1rufgaro1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That (one of dozens of) time that Lily and Nicole publicly accused judges of bias results for one of their 'enemies' winning because she was a 'friend of the judges', and never actually apologised for it even after being called out by a prominent judge.

>> No.8282839

Saki's boyfriend is so ugly. I don't get it. He must have a great personality?

>> No.8282847

Maybe he has a big dick

>> No.8282853

You'd think so aye? I'm not the one who constantly ask the same ( especially the stupid) question.

>> No.8282858

Just throw up. It will make you feel better. Or harden up

>> No.8282974

I know right? :)

>> No.8283051

Yes!! They're so cute together.

>> No.8283072

Where is the drama?

>> No.8283074 [DELETED] 
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Who doesn't love cosplay?

>> No.8283075

It was such a nice thread....

>> No.8283076

He's a decent guy, don't be rude

>> No.8283078

It still is, I fully appreciate her going in to modelling.

>> No.8283080


>> No.8283082
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>> No.8283094

There are a few cosplayers engaged or married, its good to see they still haven't left the hobby

>> No.8283116

'Suicide girling'

>> No.8283120

what are you doing with yourself?

>> No.8283136

Me too, every time I see these conversations about her I can't help but feel embarrassed to share the same name :/

>> No.8283147

Whose this?

>> No.8283155

I think she forgot to put her top on?

>> No.8283156

Audette Jupiter

>> No.8283158

Maria of Audette Jupiter

>> No.8283170

Maria is so beautiful wow! her body!

>> No.8283180
File: 47 KB, 625x416, 3uz1o6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8283181

Fuck you anon I love Rita ;3;

>> No.8283184

This was a couple years ago and yeah it was horrible to look at then, and worse now

>> No.8283185

That photo never gets old. the teeeth.

>> No.8283192

Crooked teeth lol

>> No.8283238

I'm no gynecologist but I know a cunt when I see one

>> No.8283263

can we just talk about how much if a cunt aya's boyfriend is for a minute?

>> No.8283291

You can't say his name on here, instant ban warning

>> No.8283300

Why is he a cunt?

>> No.8283339

bans are given out way too easy on this fucking board

>> No.8283362

What do you expect, it's roumered that she of the borkman clan is a mod here.

>> No.8283980

Well arent you've fucken salty one

>> No.8285307

Any decent disney cosplays from Australia?

>> No.8285581

it's 4chan m8. shit talking isn't salty it's normal, kek

>> No.8285630

Yeliz was telling everyone how she is featured in the MKX game At the EB Starlight event.

She also kept telling people not to bid on the hige MKX banners because she wanted them for $10. When ever she got outbid she stormed off angrily. Was hella funny

>> No.8285641

someone should've recorded that for the lelz

>> No.8285688


>> No.8286779

flawless victory

>> No.8286950

Someone should've told her to stick it and bid it like everyone else.

>> No.8287543

Hey look a photo of the bikini evelutions without gemgem cosplay lurking near kayla.

>> No.8287878

Still waiting for Evey Dantes to crowd fund a boob job.

>> No.8287890
File: 66 KB, 486x373, mcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always someone

>> No.8288086

Introducing herself by showing her boobs

>> No.8288099

God she's such a joke.

>> No.8288141

Not gonna lie, I'd validate her attention seeking to get into those boobs, but I'd get bored in a few minutes and want to go back to playing vidya anyway.

>> No.8288155

Any update on whether Kat is still dating that douchebag? I want to move in on dat
Did the ex girlfriend talk to her

>> No.8288198

Buddy, you have no chance so just don't bother.

>> No.8288211


>> No.8288212

Sorry I've already been fingering her at the movies

>> No.8288230

List me some cosplayers that are popular in Oz and you cant understand why/hate their stuff?

>> No.8288240
File: 134 KB, 641x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch

I didn't realize mememe got pregnant.

>> No.8288248

She's bigger irl, I don't get why she looks so skinny in photos

>> No.8288256
File: 78 KB, 640x960, 20986_418770818293763_1870390893930069215_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly don't understand why

>> No.8288259
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>> No.8288271
File: 89 KB, 639x960, talia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why she has 4k ya moron...

>> No.8288293
File: 1.12 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-04-29-22-13-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the ladies? Kinda creepy

>> No.8288298

4K because of Beethy zelda shoot.. der

>> No.8288299

Shes actually an awesome person fyi, somebodies size has nothing to do with a bad costume.

>> No.8288301

how does she make that but a shitty half assed sailor moon?

>> No.8288306


was just coming here to post her.

my eyes. why.

>> No.8288320 [DELETED] 
File: 486 KB, 391x897, matt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he really just... a cosplay photographer from MCC really??? So many comments are all from him on her profile.

>> No.8288323

Once again this was such a nice thread Deleting coming our way

>> No.8288325

SO GUYS! Bit of help, just wondering if anyone has an experience of bumping into EX's on the con floor. I have many times very awks

>> No.8288330

ruined kotori for me >>
the same face/pose in all the photos is so annoying

>> No.8288376
File: 445 KB, 2048x1638, hoebag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

da faq is up with kaylas stomach??

>> No.8288379

The trim is as wrinkled as it is and you're worried about her weight. Anon please, get your priorities straight.

If you look on the left at the bottom of her dress you can see that the stripe is just sewn on straight to the dress on the outside. Ideally she would have had it extend to the underside of the dress so that it's a bit neater.

Though I don't understand why she doesn't appear to be wearing any shapewear under her cosplay. You can get a decent pair of spanx for less than $30 and a properly patterned steel boned underbust corset can sometimes be found cheaply if you know where to look. They're really good investments to get closer to those anime proportions (especially if you're a little chubbier like this Me!Me!Me!, a smaller waist can really help your silhouette)
The dress also really isn't made of the right fabric. I feel like she should have fitted it much more in the bodice and made it out of a stretchy fabric. I guess that she was probably trying to make it more flattering on herself by not drawing attention to her tummy

>> No.8288382

Matt is a bit of a creep but he has autism so he doesn't really understand what he's doing, he simply thinks she's gorgeous so he's telling her so.

>> No.8288386

she is sucking it in weirdly and angling her body to look skinny.

Pro tip...stop being a lazy shit and just loose the weight so you can take normal photos instead of relying on sucking it in in every photo and looking like this

>> No.8288389
File: 738 KB, 1966x1193, goldnovachick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bitch....she's lucky photoshop exists

>> No.8288392

Why is her face black in that photo?

Aaand her posture is terrible.

>> No.8288441

Her parents literally make all her costumes for her. They're pretty much pro and I don't know why they're not more well known? That sailor moon is the first thing she's made without any help.

>> No.8288458

sucking it in like a pro and angling her body - the shading she did on her midriff to make it look skinnier doesnt help there either

>> No.8288505
File: 126 KB, 827x960, misscassicat_lolita_batman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the right. 2.5k likes. "lolita batman"

why. WHY.

>> No.8288514
File: 82 KB, 543x960, talia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

**helped on all her costumes

Yeop the salior moon was the first thing she made from scratch last year at brisnova.....goldnova this year she made this by herself....its a big improvement over brisnovas cosplay

>> No.8288522

of course the quality of work will drop when you go from getting help from experienced people to doing it all yourself....least she is actually making the leap into doing stuff 100% herself.
give it a a year and her cosplays will be back up to the standard they were.

>> No.8288538

she begged for likes everywhere and did lots of share for shares, only to write a huge post telling people to 'stop asking her to share their pages because she'll only share what she's interested in'.she also posted in MCC asking to hit 1000 likes because it was her birthday soon

>> No.8288949

Lol reminds me of yeliz

>> No.8289418

Well, that sucks that she entered her Dynasty Warriors costume into brisbane ozcc and won a prize last year.

>> No.8289424

Wtf are those roses on the bodice that looks so awful and innacurate.
And the fabric is so nice too. :(

>> No.8289441

She has 4k likes because she won a contest to get a photoshoot with Beethy. Before that she was on 600 likes or something.

>> No.8289495

Find someone to grind on in front of them?

>> No.8289530

There are so many cosplayers I think that deserve a lot more attention than some of these.

>> No.8289562

>Not finishing edges
>Visible safety pins
Absolute trash-tier construction work.

>> No.8289620

at lleast they made their costumes and are learning as they go now rather than a) relying on their parents in talia case or b) buying shit and claiming you made iT in kayla case.
They've both made the step into a difficult realm of doing it from scratch by yourself.

I dislike kayla as she is a an attention whore but at least she is actually making shit from scratch now...of course it's gonna suck to start with... Give it time she will get better (although I dare say her personality will continue to get worse)

>> No.8289805 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 420x748, received_10152784055820686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent post on MEBs page.
Seriously what is it with MEB and thinking she is perfect. Poor guy just offered what he thought was constructive feedback and she's blown up about it. All the white knights jumping to her defence too....sigh has she always thought she was this untouchable/can do no wrong?

>> No.8289810

geezus christ her friend looks like an orange man

>> No.8289877

M8, judging by the massive drop in quality we've seen since she started working on her own, it hardly matters. Her parents are clearly what was keeping her work quality.
>Also this costume
I wouldn't call it an improvement honestly. Her props are the problem, so she clearly knows how to sew some fabric together and make it look nice, but holy fuck dat beading and dem roses.

>> No.8289991

that shitty rod

>> No.8290175
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>> No.8290182
File: 58 KB, 313x228, 10380980_10155410991425123_8422426826252839749_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw

>> No.8290199

Nah, he is p shit ay.

>> No.8290237

And the add on for the hair buns...... Hmmmmm

>> No.8290240

Lol someone should show him how to edit eyeballs out

>> No.8290291

Kayla's costumes do look good and she does make them herself now, but shes a cunt of a person and isn't hot so she isn't going to get far,and that gemgem looks just as bad, if not worse

>> No.8290343

She's 16 you fucking creep

>> No.8290353

who gives a shit

>> No.8290354

Nah son. She's practically 18.
Also she's posting her nasty ass camel toe all over the internet.

>> No.8290363

What age do girls vaginas appear?

>> No.8290369

guys thats loose fabric that's been pushed inwards from her legs, not a camel toe it's too big not too small do u even have eyes

>> No.8290372

I can't get over how fucking orange her friend is and now Kayla's started tanning its just gonna get worse. It's fantastic she's starting to make them herself - now she's just gotta fix her shitty attitude and she'll go far!

>> No.8290409

Sure it is.

>> No.8290431

Hahhaha she's such a backstabbing bitch.

>> No.8290444

you cant fix cunt

>> No.8290452


Clearly anon is just jealous they aren't super popular with the likes or have parents who support them are their cosplay

Also she is 17 guys she turns 18 later this year....nice job posting jail bait there ya bunch of creepy pedos

>> No.8290470
File: 1.57 MB, 1080x1920, meb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New topic.... Why does MEB insist on being such a bitch to her followers. Guy offers some advice /constructive criticism and she goes off at him., and all the white knights jump in to support her. apparently you're not allowed to critique her work or else.
Seriously when did she start thinking she was better than everyone else and untouchable.
This woman needs to humble herself.

>> No.8290477


I heard she also had a rant on her personal page about this....anyone got screenshots?

>> No.8290496

That's a really unflattering angle, but Jamie actually has a really good looking face, good makeup too, she's a but chubby but I noticed that she actually lost a bit of weight, kek. I don't know who thought that angle would be a good idea though, good lord.

>> No.8290551

how is she a backstabbing bitch?

>> No.8290608

16 is legal, and there's nothing dodgy about that photo, it's more of a cringe thing than anything.

>> No.8290622

Took a quick look and whoever took those photos for her kotori are all horrible angles.

Though tbh kotori doesnt suit her in the first place, I dont know this girl but shed be better off doing nozomi since she looks older and has the boobs.

>> No.8290625

Maybe because not only was the guy wrong, but his opinion wasn't needed? It wasn't constructive, it was useless, and spewing some sort of opinion but then saying "oh lol looks amazing" doesn't take away from the fact you were just a douche. Well-meaning, but still a douche.

>> No.8290629

Doesn't mean she had to be rude back. She could have replied much more nicely

>> No.8290630

yeah, kotori doesn't really suit her at all I agree, but the photographer just took the worst fucking photos and made her look bad when she is actually good looking. even if she was cosplaying a character that suited her more, this photographer would fuck it up, and Jamie, I know you're reading this, don't ever take photo's with that photographer again, good fucking lord. he makes you look like a troll, pls

>> No.8290640

since when does her stuff look good?? do you need glasses?

>> No.8290706

in melbourne we call that 'doing a yeliz'

>> No.8290731

she looks like a troll anyways to be honest

>> No.8290747

It wasn't that rude, what the hell

>> No.8290763

But he wasn't wrong though.

>> No.8290829

Which photographer

>> No.8290837
File: 121 KB, 640x960, 10998910_363758827165529_5171572024825066602_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe start by funding someone to make her a costume that isn't terribad

>> No.8290855

sounds like your the dude who got butt hurt

>> No.8290858

if she put effort into her stuff itd be good instead of tryin to rush to have heaps of costumes..

>> No.8290905

She looks like she's in her late 30s most of the time. And she only really lost weight in her face and shoulders. A little bit around her stomach and boobs. But she still insists on making skirts that are way too short for her ass and then showing the world her asshole.

>> No.8290907

It was scarlet robe photography a.k.a
Pantherliliys cosplay

>> No.8291432

Butthurt much?

>> No.8291435

Really? Good looking face. Lel

>> No.8291819

The amount of times she will befriend some one only in the hopes they will "share" her cosplay page and when it doesn't happen she has a massive bitch fest about them.

>> No.8292078

MEB is actually really nice. So what if she makes one comment that can be interpreted as bitchy. People aren't perfect. We can't be shining light out of our assholes all the time. Get over it.

The only time she'd be a backstabbing bitch is if you got on her wrong side. She's kind and loving, but also sassy and won't take shit from anyone.

Talia's ultimate goal is to become a professional cosplayer and Cosfamous. Quality has severely dropped since her parents stopped helping. Sewing is getting there, but props are attrocious and Id expect more from someone with 4k+ likes. She seems like a nice person, but will do anything to become famous.

>> No.8292215

Oh deeeear, did she refuse to S4S you? kek

>> No.8292669

yeah she needs to stop wearing unflattering costumes, with all her flab, top kek.

>> No.8292722

this reminds me, anyone seen any good full Love live groups from Aus? Dont mind which costume

>> No.8292730
File: 104 KB, 794x960, 11008592_456428107840094_5745703367969513095_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does she do such shitty Armour v,v

katey , stop rushing everything and maybe your cosplays will come out good for once.

>> No.8292737

dude its a magical anime scissor it cuts both sides he was super wrong trying to apply normal scissor shit to it pls go watch the show before u comment

>> No.8292738

lol she hates evey dantes now because she wouldnt share her page kek wait until variable stops sharing and shell be scum too

>> No.8292741

figure out your body type before u pick a costume its pretty obvious if you look in a mirror what will or wont suit you

>> No.8292751
File: 47 KB, 960x487, 11182080_456929544456617_6487390030846163940_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those black lines sharpie? good lord.

Also new makeup tests.. That cleavage makeup....

>> No.8292772

yes whenever there is any black on her arnour/weapons its sharpie i guess it matches her eyebrows.

i posted the photo you have in bad makeup ....

she needs to learn what make up is and how to use it , its not hard to blend n draw evenly

>> No.8292958

Q. Group are quite good. They do a bunch of Love Live outfits together.

>> No.8292971


>> No.8293014

any others? They can be one off groups, Q is pretty cute.

>> No.8293063
File: 77 KB, 960x960, 11150797_10155480436480612_8872810643939462290_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love the photo, but the fact the 3D gear isnt tilted downwards and the slits imply thats the front face of the sheath means its back to front really irritates me. Any one else?

>> No.8293114
File: 68 KB, 960x592, 11041787_429453450537560_4175084446641394972_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8293173

So you're irritated by the small this. Photo still looks good. Who the fuck cares.. Oh wait...

>> No.8293175


>> No.8293202

Can someone please tell me what happened with andi cosplay??

>> No.8294094

FCBD today, whos going for dem comics?

>> No.8294544

Apparently Lily is going with her friends cosplaying shitty DC characters. Somebody take photos of her!

>> No.8294701

apparently she made the swords too big so theres slots at the front and back, and since there are straps missing around her torso it slipped forward

>> No.8294885

Pic 1/2

This is floating around of the brisbane ladies.

>> No.8294887
File: 359 KB, 1190x1834, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, here's the picture.

>> No.8294889
File: 92 KB, 635x720, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic 2/2

>> No.8294892
File: 563 KB, 569x802, 139483627938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's some pretty amazing CIA tier shit.

>> No.8294917


what is this?

>> No.8294919

A list of those in Brisbane, with nudes of said person in each folder.

>> No.8294928


No one I even know or care about GG

>> No.8294990

You sure that wasn't just Hex, m8?

>> No.8295037

Is it upped online somewhere?

>> No.8295077
File: 653 KB, 1021x1217, Screenshot_2015-05-02-19-34-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8295080

Wahids dicking Britannee now?

>> No.8295082

Who's she trying to convince? Herself?

>> No.8295083

>Wahid actually having a dick
ok anon

>> No.8295097
File: 225 KB, 1600x1067, 1973548_801929846534080_4101756254515426854_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Wonderful Rush group at Chaoz last year was also good in my opinion.

>> No.8295101

wanna fite

>> No.8295119

Aw, Brit could do so much better.

>> No.8295131

Is that legit? Or is it Wahid just having a crush on any girl that talks to him again? I guess we'll see when she turns him down and he bitches about her being not worth him anyway.

>> No.8295134

Ugghh this bitch. Tayla plz stop eating bees and posting dumb shit.
No one cares, no one likes you, your fans only follow yoy out of fear.

>> No.8295135

This is terrifyingly creepy...What the hell

>> No.8295137


>> No.8295142


Bitch aint capable of loving anyone but herself, what a waste of time.There's nothing redeeming about that woman. Why does she even exist?

>> No.8295149


Bit salty there anon. Kat's a sociopath but it's good she's found someone that likes her despite her illness. I hope things change for her one day.

>> No.8295156


Kat is not a fucking sociopath, retard

>> No.8295193

Are you...Are you serious?

>> No.8295201
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1399319223733s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This photo is so bad though

>> No.8295204

It's the face shooping that gets me

>> No.8295209

agreed i've been picked and bullied by her and she keeps posting about drama when she is the main reason it's there she seriously needs to STOP! (=.=)"

>> No.8295230

this is the real question

>> No.8295242

i googled, found some old anonib threads, nothing but dead links.

>> No.8295279


Do you really just stay on CGL?
There is always Threads of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, New York, Texas etc. etc.

If you are dumb enough to send someone nudes online and they are a dick it will end up here eventually.

>> No.8295322

Wahids saying he is

>> No.8295339

Don't know about that but theyre definitely dating

>> No.8295343

Ever thought that it's just a shoot. Gee, people and their assumptions

>> No.8295345

Fail shop. And they're the q girls

>> No.8295349

So did you guys know Lily and Nicole are working on comic books? You should go check out their page it's pretty cool for amateur work N S Kane is their name

>> No.8295364

Notable cons to go to so I can get the 'Con experience' before I decide if I want to cosplay it up

>> No.8295385

Is this a joke?