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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 96 KB, 774x1032, l_death_note_cosplay_ii_by_guilcosplay-d6q77p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8289689 No.8289689 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most cringeworthy costume you've ever seen IRL?

>> No.8291833

Two chunky ugly bitches cosplaying AoT characters at the comic store I play YGO at.

My friends and I were just trying not to gape in absolute disbelief at these girls prancing around the store like they were some really hot shit. They wandered around for like 45 minutes before finally leaving because pretty much no one gave them any attention and we all started cracking up the moment they left.

And the Armin was wearing a flower crown of course, but they both had the run-of-the-mill, just bought from some website cosplays they were just barely squeezing into. I pretty much had my hand over my mouth trying not to giggle too loudly while we just ignored them for the most part, but all cringing in secondhand embarrassment.

>> No.8291918
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I also have an AOT cosplayer that was probably the cringiest I've ever experienced.

He's in my local community, is constantly made fun of, and everyone is pretty sure he has autism. We were at our yearly photoshoot and he came cosplaying pic related, but was only wearing the green cape, a brown button up, jeans, and black sneakers. His hair is to his sholders, and frizzy as fuck. He wore glasses, but they were like ray-ban shaped lenses.

He kept requesting his picture to be taken, so everyone took shots in pity. Our community travels to cons together, so when he came to local con with us, he hooked up with this annorexic gay boy who thought he was lolita for wearing a maid outfit. Autismo told everyone during the car ride back to town their steamy hot hookup story. It was absolutely disgusting.

>> No.8291937

I would say anyone who cosplays as their OC at cons

>> No.8291963
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So this is a FB friend of a former co-worker, I almost want to friend her so I could post all of her cringey cosplays.

But yeah this is her OC cosplay, it's the main character of her own webcomic which is a Sailor Moon rip-off that's all gothy and about witches.

She's the most pear-shaped person I've ever seen, and I wish I had this picture of her wearing this at a con, but this is all I can get right now. She's honestly a /cgl goldmine, bad makeup pics, bad cosplays, friends with photographers so she has bad glamor shots, is a gender trender tumblrite, and her comic is amazingly cringeworthy. I've only met her once at a town fireworks celebration and she was wearing her OC cosplay.

>> No.8292168

how are you going to make fun of someone for being cringy when you play ygo in public at a comic shop

>> No.8292171
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>> No.8292203

Because I'm going to a small local tournament to play a game with my friends for fun and store credit.

>> No.8292229

What if their OC is really cool?

>> No.8292237

I don't know about other cities but every con in Montreal has a fuckton of obese/skeltin kirito cosplayers thinking they're hot shit
Haven't been to many cons so that's about it for me

>> No.8292241

Yeah, no. No one cares about your OC.

>> No.8292244

> every con in Montreal
How many cons are there in Montreal? Like two?

Probably the neko OCs weebs do. Bonus points if the OC is wearing 'gothic lolita'.

>> No.8292253

they said "their" not "my" m8

>> No.8292277

It depends on the community. Where I live it's really common for people to have original Homestuck troll characters that they cosplay and do this sort of larp like role playing stuff. I'm sure there are similar communities around other things like that all over the place.

>> No.8292280

When I say every con, I mean both cons every year

>> No.8292319

please stop posting this nightmare fuel face

>> No.8292336

Ummmmm anon link to comic.

>> No.8292344
File: 1.75 MB, 1461x2500, lates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a 15 year old dressed as SeeU

wish I got a picture.

costume was hot glued together, real hair was used, and the buttons were just CDS with sharpie on them.

ears were made of felt.

>> No.8292355

Please link the comic holy shit

>> No.8292366

Pretty normal looking. Whats the deal here?

>> No.8292367

Sounds like a very first cosplay incident.

>> No.8292373

What's her webcomic called? I need something to cringe at.

>> No.8292387
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I would if I could, but I can't get to it because I'm not FB friends with her and that's the only place she uploads it. My friend is and is the one who showed me all of this crazy shit, so maybe I can get it from him.

It's like the typical 15 year old weeb comic, the baby's first anime style, everyone either works straight forward or in profile, except she's like 23.

Here's one of her 'makeup tests' or whatever she calls it.

>> No.8292396
File: 1.48 MB, 970x657, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8292398

At Anime Midwest 2013, a girl did a skit in the masquerade of her OC who was a "Neko (Pronounced Neeko) Ninja." She did things like pretend to seduce this other demon off stage, pick her teeth with her kunai, etc.

I'm really upset that I can't find the video now.

>> No.8292404


since when are first cosplays "incidents"? just starting out is now a bad thing? my first was literally made the night before with my mom's help because i managed to get a ride to take me to AX06 at the very last minute, and i've learned more and more every year i go.

>> No.8292450

Just curious what deck do you run?

>> No.8292464

Horribly photoshopped
She's ugly af without it and is known for completely overshooping everything that she takes
If you search around a bit you'll find the before and after shot of her ass

>> No.8292469
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This is the easiest question I have ever had to answer. It was somehow worse in person

>> No.8292473
File: 44 KB, 583x296, 1408167196157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those faces in the background

>> No.8292489

... and they're going to look at comics in costumes they like with their friend for fun?

>> No.8292492

At the time it was Lightsworn Rulers, I've been playing Yosenju's but I'm getting tired of them and will either play Lightsworns or a pet deck for the time being.

>> No.8292496

Too bad the new LS support is OCG exclusive. I ran them as my main engine in Shaddolls when dolls first came out and loved them since. LS rulers was fun too.
RIP in peace Blaster

>> No.8292497

Maybe it's just me but cosplaying in public like that is just fucking stupid, and they looked ridiculous.

They basically wandered around the store, loudly proclaiming 'omg we're nerds! Please pay attention to us!' you know, if they saw a game they knew they'd pretty much yell it out loud, it was really pathetic and obvious how desperate they were, and other than an employee asking if the needed something when they paced the store four times, no one have them attention and they left with nothing.

>> No.8292504

Yeah my heart fucking broke when I realized we weren't getting the new Minerva or Lightsworn Judgement. So no Rulers, and no new fucking support.

I played Mermails for shiggles one week and realized the pain of no Tidal.

>> No.8292517

A suggestion if I may.
If you don't want to break the bank try out heroes. Its mostly staples that you can slap together from other decks you have, and a few cards from the structure deck. The only expensive card is acid, and he is 15, and if you are in the So Cal area I can even hook you up with one.
They steal games have great match-ups right now so I enjoy them

>> No.8292873

There's this former friend of mine, 29 years old, who almost cosplayed her OC at a con we were supposed to go to together.
She doesn't write, have a webcomic or anything of the sort, her OC was just this girl who appeared in the background of every piece of fanart she did for other people.
Her drawing style reminded me a lot of neko sugar girls to make it even worse.

I say former friend because she removed herself from the cosplay and convention scene completely, just a few weeks before the con.
Bitch left me hanging, I had no time to find new people to share my room with so that really fucked up my economy for that weekend.

That said, she's far from the most cringy person I've met/seen/known. This was pretty bad though.

>> No.8293013

>Hey neeko wanna go bowling?

>> No.8293516

Fan OCs are shit, but I like original design cosplays. Like actual original characters, not fan characters. Unless the design and the character is shit anyway.

>> No.8293709
File: 1.98 MB, 1080x1568, Screenshot_2015-05-01-12-55-22-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what's wrong

>> No.8293735

More details? How cringy?

>> No.8293738

This is the most cringe worthy I've seen in a while

>> No.8294616

Anon, w-were you one of those kids?

>> No.8294765

this isn't that bad. she's at a pool after all

>> No.8294768

OOOOOOOOH SHIT. She was making out with that overly-hated 11th Doctor at a cosplay picnic last year. She was nuts.

>> No.8294785
File: 59 KB, 800x960, duck tape anastasia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Duck tape Anastasia

Only on a very rare occasion do duct tape cosplays work. This isn't one of them.

>I know I don't look like Anastasia at all, but I had fun making this pretty dress!

>> No.8294789

She just looks really annoying.

>> No.8294832

Oh man, that thing tried to chase me down at AAC last year. It was fucking horrifying. I thought it had to be a joke cosplay, but when I laughed they started galloping down the hall like a /x/ creepypasta.

>> No.8295051


I am curious to know her cosplay name if she has one or her fb name.

>> No.8295079

Looks like shes wearing a fucking tarp

>> No.8295218


Probably this. Apparently he was a really asocial, joyless person backstage.

>> No.8295248

I couldn't stop laughing but at the same time i just wanted to hide my head and stop watching.

>> No.8295338

Shawn Christine Eastman

>> No.8295363

Fucking top kek

>> No.8295370

No, but I do like doing cosplay in the local store (Though usually in Ms. Marvel or MJ.) and I have a couple people who usually join me (one is my spiderman, and one is a newer cosplayer who DOES like AOT) And it makes me upset knowing people will get pissy when younger cosplayers get excited about stuff they've hear about. My firsr trip I was really similar to them, sans cosplay. I freaked out because I had never been to a shop before. I saw a bunch of games I had wanted to buy but had figured you could only get them online. Comics I wanted to read, etc. Don't shit on people for being excited just because YOU think theyre looking for attention. In all liklihood theyre a new cosplayer or a new attendee of a comic shop.

>> No.8295373

b-b-but anon, if we acknowledge that we cant make fun of them anymore

>> No.8296452
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Anon, relax, I'm not the OP. Just a joke cause it seemed kinda defensive.

That being said I am not shitting on those who cosplay in stores or are just super excited fans or newbies, I'm shitting on those who are just plain rude and disruptive and use that as an excuse.

>> No.8296465
File: 31 KB, 640x480, cromartie MC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I'm running a booth in the authors' alley, and I cosplay a character from my book I'm trying to sell?

>> No.8297340

there's one black guy who does this at toronto cons for some pimp indie comic and oh my god the cringe

>> No.8297596

Girls look like this without photoshop. Not everyone has perfect skin dude.

>> No.8297735

As long as you don't look like shit or act cringey people will just think you're dressed up

>> No.8297748

Is this "Me!MeMe!"?

>> No.8297927

a dante with a super furry chest

>> No.8297952
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My penis shot back into my body, my asshole clenched up and my face instantly turned into a grimace.

>> No.8298092

About 4-5 years ago at a small local con. See a 300lb mexican Kagome from Inuyash. A few minutes later I see a young girl probably around 13yo wearing a Gatomon costume with no back, however she had a thick layer of long white hair on her back. It may have been the downy hair that aneorix people grow. I'm not sure the whole thing freaked me out.

>> No.8298225

About a year ago I went to this con with my friend. There she said we would have to see a friend of hers. So she called them and we waited. Then it happened. This small(probably 13 year old) girl came to us. I think she was cosplaying some character from final fantasy but I couldn't really tell. Her wig looked like it was chewed by a dog as it had spots where you could see her hairnet, she was wearing a leather jacket which looked like a garbage bag and her other clothes were just regular. I would have forgiven her that horrible costume as it was probably her first, but I just couldn't because of the wig. And I usually don't want to be mean to others because of how they look, but for some reason I felt embarrassed for hanging out in the same group with her. It was that bad.

>> No.8301719
File: 621 KB, 411x800, Noko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh christ she looks so similar to a 'sort of friend' of mine. Who's pretty batshit and also happens to be one of the cringiest cosplayers I've ever seen irl. Idk maybe she just looks like a run of the mill fatty in a shitty half finished Yoko cosplay, but it was made so much worse seeing so many fb updates about it and her constant goading for compliments

>> No.8302605


is that steph?

>> No.8302701

The one and only!

>> No.8303005

LOL she's just disgusting

>> No.8304118

>Girls look like this without photoshop.
I dont know where the fuck you live, but maybe it's normal in amerifat-land.

>> No.8304407
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>> No.8304561


This guy again?

>> No.8304593
File: 15 KB, 300x286, 1304178021475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just salty over how badly he got curb-stomped over being such an inconsolable turd. Must suck to have all your BS catch up to you huh Wayne?

>> No.8304612

I went to Supanova that year.

I-I'm not sure whether I'm glad or upset that I missed this.

>> No.8304670


Not everyone's as ugly as you.

>> No.8304679

Put it back in the box, no one wants to see that.

>> No.8305482

>at the comic store I play YGO at.
This ruined any credibility you might've had as an individual who possesses any understanding of what is and is not socially acceptable. Like, at least lie and say you were playing Magic or something

>> No.8305525

>steamy hot hookup story
Come on anon, you can't say it was disgusting without deets

>> No.8305622
File: 26 KB, 440x565, 1393615186685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'll be fair here and say it may be different where you're from, but in my area the Magic players are all fucking autistic, obese, and scream at the top of their lungs while playing, they're incredibly weird and any interactions with them are usually pretty cringeworthy. The YGO players are usually pretty cool, with a few exceptions obviously, and for the most part its a group of friends playing and shooting the shit.

When my friend I play with went to Maine for school, it was the complete opposite, the Magic players were chill, and the YGO players were embarrassing autists.

>> No.8305644

my fucking sides, oh my god

>> No.8305672
File: 79 KB, 650x650, ERIDANSLUSUS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most Cringeworthy costume i had ever seen was at a a one-day free con at a local college (Tigercon) and it was an Eridan Ampora (pic related) cosplayer. And my god, they were so bad.
My memory is fuzzy but iirc they had a black wig with a purple mohawk (like one of those shitty sports/halloween ones) , horrible make up, and the blue stripes on their pants were done in coloured duct tape. I think their body paint was either just plain sloppy (all over their clothes and whatnot) or chalky, at this point i'm kinda glad i can't vivdly remember them. eugh.

This, i think Homestuck is one of the only comics that has actually addressed fan characters/trollsonas in the actual text/panels. Not to mention the author said that all fan-trolls were canon (a horrible mistake there, but some good/interesting ones came from it)

>> No.8305688

it wasn't a joke. and damn it was terrifying. i was doing AA and remember seeing it and having to turn away when it stopped across from my table. i would not have sold to whoever was wearing it, or anyone with them.

>> No.8306044

Anything fuckstuck is terrible

>> No.8306330


>Comic store I play YGO at
What's wrong with doing this? Adding on both YGO and Magic players are assholes. There isn't any better group of card players out there. I was in both scenes and both scenes need to chill out. One YGO guy started a fight with a kid just because he beat him with a Six Sam deck back in the day.

>> No.8306784

aww i read this in kamiyamas voice lol

>> No.8311159


>> No.8311167


Why not Homefuck?

>> No.8311178
File: 248 KB, 579x714, 1288954_1381218923481_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold the phone is that supposed to be this?

What would possess you to look at this and think "Yeah I think duck tape will do the trick."