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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8254409 No.8254409 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>8213336

> Cosplay Masterpost: pastebin.com/ekZP1fhg
Full of tutorials, links, and helpful info for Homestuck cosplays. If you need any help for Homestuck cosplays, refer to it first. Any contributions are welcomed.

Let's discuss:
> What is the best HS cosplay prop you have ever seen?
> Are you working on any Homestuck cosplays right now?

>> No.8254483

> What is the best HS cosplay prop you have ever seen?
I genuinely liked chairman-miaows vow he made for the Beforus Ancestors

> Are you working on any Homestuck cosplays right now?
GHB anon. progress was in last thread.

So with the update and all do you guys think Caliborn is gonna get some more attention from cosplayers?

>> No.8254901


The baldcap is always going to be a limiting factor on cosplays.

>> No.8254909


I'm not saying the extra people weren't distracting, but the CMV had a cast of 14+ people. Have you ever organized a photoshoot that large, let alone wrangled that many people for hours of filming?

>> No.8255539

> What is the best HS cosplay prop you have ever seen?
Don't have one honestly lol.
> Are you working on any Homestuck cosplays right now?
I'm gonna be Jade for Anime Expo

>> No.8256010

Anyone else really tired of seeing criedwolves They're okay and all but way too cocky over their decent cosplays. The main reason they get notes is because they have a nice camera IMO.

>> No.8256136



>> No.8256162

so what did people get from the WP sale?

Personally I got a Mementomoryo poster and a Dirk shirt, but man the shipping is balls expensive.

>> No.8256205

I bought the terezi scalemate boxers. The only size left was XL and i'm a Medium. So i guess i'll just sort things out when it gets to me, lol.

>> No.8256210
File: 399 KB, 987x1920, tumblr_nmvy47dvBx1s3u0h4o1_r1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deets? I see them in the tag and I think their cosplays look fine. I don't follow their tumblr though so I have no idea what their attitude's like.

On the subject of people constantly in the tags who get too many notes: spectredeflector please go, and get another facial expression while you're at it.

>> No.8256370

>nice camera
Wrong. They get notes because they're trans. Outside of Tumblr no one will ever give a shit about them.

>> No.8256395

bad skin day?

>> No.8256398

Bruh. "difficult" isn't an excuse for mediocrity. The shots were mediocre becuse they had people fucking milling around in the background. It really doesn't matter why, the fact is the end product was lackluster and if they really wanted to make a CMV worth watching they should have sprung for an extra day at the hotel and filmed when it was empty on Wed or Monday.

>> No.8256401

the shoop is strong in this one

>> No.8256415

Why stop there? If you want to make a "real" cmv, eveyone involved should be willing travel to an on-set location that they rented, to look more Alternian. Cost, time, and fun be damned, we deserve a perfect product.

>> No.8256430

The real world doesn't work that way? 14+ people and the videographer to shell out extra money to spend an extra day at the hotel just for filming? Time contraints? People have jobs, people have school, people are spread out throughout the country. The fact that a decent cmv came out regardless is a miracle. Drop the subject already.

>> No.8256432

Oh I agree. In fact, why didn't they rent a rocketship for traveling to some desolate planet for an even more accurate cmv?

>> No.8256438
File: 378 KB, 650x450, 04059.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent? Are you fucking kidding me? For what we deserve they should make by scratch a replica of HIC's spaceship.

>> No.8256446

if it cant actually space travel then its garbage

>> No.8256460

the BNF brown nosers are here whiteknighting as usual, but the fact remains that you're completely right. they could have (and should have) tried harder. filming at a con isn't even a good excuse. the [S] Kids: Rise Up video was filmed at a convention too and it turned out great because the cosplayers obviously put some effort into making the most of their location.

>> No.8256468
File: 27 KB, 650x450, 05938.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Working replica, excuse me.

While they're at it they can make The Meteor and the Prospit Battleship too.

Listen, i think is mediocre just as much as the next person, the whole video to me had crappy "acting" and shitty light and people filled backgrounds. But it's no use arguing about it when it's obvious people have their own opinions and think of the whole thing differently than you, or me or whoever.

>> No.8256476

Criedwolves doesn't even make her own costumes. She buys them used from other cosplayers, and passes them off as her own.

>> No.8256493

Rise Up had a smaller cast and was probably a lot easier to organize filming wise. And maybe those cosplayers did put more effort into their location, but remember, half of this video was Rika and her pickings. Of course the quality is going to go down.

>> No.8256527

That or they buy lookalike pieces from cheap Chinese fashion resellers. No cosplayer worth their salt takes them seriously.

>> No.8256532

>Pointing out unrealistic expectations
>"Omg whiteknights"

This would be the case even if there weren't recognizable cosplayers in the video, you're asking a lot from a fun, free fan project. (especially one that turned out better than most homestuck cmvs out there, even though it's far from perfect)

IMO this sort of goes hand in hand with the "if it's exactly what I want it's total garbage" attitude some people give BNFs around here. You didn't like it, great, move on.

>> No.8256534
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*if it's not exactly what I want it's total garbage, sorry, need sleep.

Unrelated, this Dave has no fucking idea how to use a camera.

>> No.8256559
File: 27 KB, 320x314, 7tTs4l0cP4U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wrong. They get notes because they're trans. Outside of Tumblr no one will ever give a shit about them.

Hmm I think it's both, and also the fact that they're trying to play into the whole I'm a trans boy but I wear dresse/feminine clothing because breaking gender norms gaiz. I feel like if they weren't trans/male they wouldn't get as much attention. From what I've seen, most of their followers are young impressionable female weebs who defend and embrace the whole special tumblrite image.
The whole ~*pretty boy/prince~* aesthetic thing they and other tumblrinas are pulling does gets on my nerves too .
Aside from that, I mean personally, I like the idea of women being handsome but also pretty (I'm gay as hell and characters like Haruka Tenou and Yuu Kashima are what I live for) But I always find tumblr can't stand a woman who is masculine/handsome so they HAVE to be trans or non-binary or whatever. It bothers me, man

>> No.8256565

This. Sure it's not perfect, but I still thought it was enjoyable for a fan project. It wasn't supposed to be a professional film. It's not like the BNFs have unlimited funds and resources.

>> No.8256650

Well ever since 'trans' became an umbrella term, it can apparently cover 'feminine men' and 'masculine women' so that probably has something to do with what you're talking about.

People can label themselves all they want if that's how they really need to find an identity (even if it makes me roll my eyes sometimes, whatever), but it's when they start slapping them on other people that I'm like ok time to settle down there, you fucking toddlers. Basically, it bothers me too.

>> No.8256724
File: 118 KB, 852x640, tumblr_nmv9v9mE991s5wxtbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TBH even the "my genderfluidness falls under the trans umbrella!" screeching pisses me off. You aren't a "he," you're a woman who doesn't conform to gender stereotypes. But I guess that won't get you speshul attention so time to get a label. All it does is make it harder for actual trans people to be taken seriously, since people are so put off by the tumblr trend.

>> No.8256835

in b4 we get another angry rant

>> No.8256842
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x569, tumblr_nmrk8gd6k01s3u0h4o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in b4 people start posting more cosplay with their sassy replies, snap snap snap

>> No.8256854

I looked this person up and god damn they look pretentious to me.

>> No.8256858

Pretentious or not, what about that bathing suit is remotely Rose-like, other than the fact that it's black.

>> No.8256873


Wrong post, anon.

>> No.8256943

Yep, you got me

>> No.8257050

The only think i like about this is that she used purple lipstick. I don't think it's too far fetched that Rose would wear a vampy lip, but people doing just because her sprite has black lips is stupid

If things were like that then we would be using black lenses since the sprites eyes are black. And that is also stupid.

>> No.8257507

I'm really trying to understand your sense of entitlement to a CMV "worth watching" here. Was this particular CMV really hyped up or something prior to release? I remember CBC making a casting call post, but that's about it.

>> No.8257519


People were really excited about this CMV basically because CBC, Yaexrae and Pearlgirl were in it. Not so much about Rikala.

>> No.8257563

(Diff anon) I think it was really hyped up, they were even asking for extras (like trolls/fan trolls, very likely for the Redglare Hanging scene, or over all ambiance), so i can see that people were thinking it was going to be bigger than what was released.

>> No.8257670
File: 63 KB, 500x333, 1389222125731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to comment and drag this discussion on since it feels like beating a dead horse at this point, but.... if a scene calls for a fantroll, how else do you ask for one? If you need extras, you cast extras, ffs.

>> No.8257859
File: 100 KB, 584x344, ajsiodsjgi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is cglstuck's opinion on this skit? it was always a top-tier thing for me back when homestuck was still blooming.


>> No.8257952

Isn't this the same scripting as that fan animation, or is this just a remarkable coincidence?

>> No.8257967
File: 299 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mj6a8cL5MR1qknltjo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> What is the best HS cosplay prop you have ever seen?

Who made the best Appearifier rifle? ...Appearifle?

>> No.8258048

It's not so much a coincidence as it is the song having a set chunk devoted to certain trolls or pairs of trolls.

>> No.8258053

Five minutes is too long in my opinion. However it's refreshing to see a non cringey Homestuck skit.

I quite enjoyed the parts with them in it, but I wasn't expecting a huge production or anything.

>> No.8258213

Hey /cgl/, I don't normally browse here but once homestuck is over I'm planning on making a video about various topics, and you guys are probably more knowledgeable about some things in particular.

So firstly, can anyone tell me about any issues with the official homestuck merch? I heard years ago that some shirts were the wrong colour but I dunno if that's still true, and anything about other problems with the merchandise you can tell me about too.
The other thing that I think you guys might know about is copyright issues, so either things MSPA sells that breaks/has invalid copyright or any times they've aggressively stopped people making their own props/clothes, I heard a rumour once that they stopped someone from selling astrology shirts but I never found a source, so if any of you know if that's true please tell me the specifics.

So yeah anything about those topics, or if you think of something else I guess you can tell me I can't exactly stop you.

>> No.8258266

This has been discussed over and over in past threads. Check the archives.

>> No.8258303
File: 495 KB, 480x720, tumblr_nmx18jImbj1tohezro1_500[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scripting's the same because the fan animation used the same song (Rex Duodecim Angelus), and the song has distinct motifs for each troll.

>> No.8258434

Long story short, Hussie waited until the fandom had dwindled somewhat to have merch worth buying. His insane girlfriend went on witch hunts for anyone selling unofficial Homestuck merch and made 13 year olds think they had the legal right to be little shits to artists. And finally, the plush horns look laughably bad, with many of the other merch varying in quality.

>> No.8258455

>long story short
There's no need for that, i need the long story long, specifics about each issue, like I heard that the chain they use for necklaces would corrode and stain skin green, that's the sort of thing I need confirmation on.
I'll be checking the archives like that other guy said, but regardless if you can think of anything to tell me then please do.

>> No.8258572


I don't think they're complaining about them asking for fantrolls, it's just that seeing as they were using extras and everything (which is not very usual for your average fan made CMV) it made people think it was going to be bigger than it actually is.

>> No.8258613
File: 395 KB, 1192x1920, tumblr_nlot1t5Ovg1r0hzpdo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure I agree, but I guess I still don't see how that equates to "hyping it up" and getting a pro location or whatever. (unless you mean big as in a big/full cast, which yeah is unusual)

Literally search the MSPA thread archives for anything involving the word Rachel. Also be sure to include the instances where cosplayers' photos have been stolen and used in the comic, while we aren't allowed to sell our own costumes.

>I heard that the chain they use for necklaces would corrode and stain skin green
I haven't heard of this myself but this is pretty common with cheap jewelry so....? What kind of video is this?

>> No.8258623

Fuck, I wish I could get my makeup to look that smooth

>> No.8258633

The videos going to cover all sorts of things, besides the stuff I've mentioned I'll also include how the kickstarter game has affected the comic, how characters became flanderized over time, and really whatever else I feel like adding when I make it.
It's not a super heavy documentary style or anything, I've made videos about homestuck in the same vein and it's just factual stuff with dumb jokes.
And thanks for mentioning the thing about cosplayers, that's not something I ever considered myself.

>> No.8258687

It's called Photoshop.

>> No.8258690

>prove that it's shooped

>> No.8258694


I don't know if she used photoshop or not, but I read on the original post that she had a MUA doing her make up so that might be the reason why it looks so smooth.

>> No.8258698

You're pretty defensive about photo editing. Smells like selfpost.

>> No.8258707
File: 27 KB, 400x225, eggsavior.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not me, I was just hoping that having make up and skin that smooth was achievable without a lot of photoshop

>> No.8258713

or any photoshop at all for that matter

>> No.8258739

I don't find her skin absurdly smooth (you can get that with a decent complexion and hq makeup), but I'm jealous of her eyeliner.

>> No.8258754
File: 352 KB, 499x377, mutie shirt bleg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>8257563 Here, >>8258572 has it right. I wasn't complaining about them asking for extra's, i'm kinda bummed that they couldn't get any/enough fan trolls/BG trolls. But the way it was brought around (especially here on /hsg/) it did sound like it was going to be bigger than what what it turned out to be.

The shirt colours are still messed up. I got the plain white Roxy shirt and the pink on the cat is like a dark-ish hot pink (at least in my case, also the colour seems to be coming off on the pink side, which is a problem i seem to only have with red based shirts) instead of her usual, cotton candy-ish pink colour, pic related is my shirt.

Also, while i dont have them, i have to say the scarves look like they would feel like dish towels.

>> No.8259691

Agreed - I also expected better. And I don't think expecting better means I expected them to rent an expensive location and pour money into it. There were plenty of small things they could have done that would have made a big difference (like exploring angles that block people in the bg, or film early in the day so they have better light, etc.) which they just didn't think to do. Oh well.

>> No.8260398
File: 179 KB, 640x960, tumblr_nmyzh92VAw1rcetimo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said before I liked it, but yeah the second/Mindfang half really dropped the ball on finding less crowded spaces and better ambiance. I feel like they were at least trying in the first part.

>> No.8260403

A+ for the giant Smuppet. And gotta agree.second half sorta killed it. And I'm not the biggest fan of music videos, so my opinion probably does'nt carry much wieght

>> No.8260408

Lbr tho this video wasn't hyped. Cbc made a casting call but other than that? Nah son. Especially if you compare to other fan video projects. It was pretty much this thread which was hyping it up.

This is great and I can only imagine the pricetag on the stuffing for that smuppet.

>> No.8260414

I kinda liked the video with Dante Basco better than the Cbc video. Eh

>> No.8260428

It's not really fair to compare something with professional videographers/editors to anything fanmade imo. But god I forgot about how weird this whole thing was: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUrqgEFDvM4

>> No.8261687
File: 47 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nmuwikKRgE1thb12no2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shitty beard god demands another sacrifice. This week's virgin offering is humanstuck dualscar.

>> No.8261828

looks like burnt toast

>> No.8262967

From the thumbnail that was almost passable.

>> No.8263280
File: 395 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_nmrmt0hGZ01r33yrpo2_r4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even that's being generous.

>> No.8263288


>that thread tension

>> No.8263898

Very obviously a woman, did you even try.

Not to mention color matching the thread.

>> No.8263988

Who cares about the thread? That wig is fantastic.

>> No.8263998

Okay, watched the BNF CMV finally after all this discussion. Here's my two cents since the thread seems a little slow, and I have more to say than just 'this sucks' or 'it was great'.

I agree with the comments that they could have and should have tried harder. Even very small adjustments, like choosing to film in better lighting, or shifting their cast against walls to avoid the crowds, would have improved it by miles. The graininess in particular was absolutely painful. BUT... this isn't the cast's fault. It's the person who filmed it. The videographer should absolutely be ashamed. They clearly had no idea how to work with the low lighting conditions, and the quality seriously suffers as a result.

The video feels like they didn't have a script to follow. I'm not sure what they were trying to accomplish with it - they're clearly trying to tell a story (several stories), but it feels like they were making up the scenes and shot frames/setup as they filmed, rather than following a solid script? I say this because there seems to be an imbalance of featured cosplayers. When Disciple shows up in more shots than the Signless, you have a problem. Huge amount of Mindfang, yet Summoner, Psiioniic, GHB, etc, are barely featured.

>> No.8264007


The acting is amateurish, though that is forgivable since I think it's the first time many of the cosplayers involved have been on camera (Disciple in particular is laughing/smiling at completely inappropriate moments, like 1:28? Maybe she was nervous on camera). The problem is that the video doesn't flow very well. The movement and action of the scenes work against the music, not with it. Again, this is the videographer's fault, since it seems that they also did the editing. They put the scenes together really sloppily. I feel a little sad for the cast that they wound up with such an unpolished, amateur final edit of a video because of an unskilled videographer/editor.

Overall I enjoyed it, but it has a lot of glaring flaws. CBC both looked great on camera and gothichamlet in particular is a great actress. Same with yaexrae and whoever played Condesce.

tl;dr - The reason the video isn't great is mostly the videographer/editor's fault. I'd like to see the cast in general give a second CMV a shot. I think that with a clean script and a different, actually talented videographer/editor, they could have something great.
tl;dr tl;dr - FinalFlick seriously sucks and it's his fault this video suffered so much.

>> No.8264019

>too much Mindfang
>rika credit for half the cmv

the end

>> No.8265055
File: 724 KB, 852x682, tumblr_nn2h0avxDH1t0gp2lo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mini tagdump incoming

>> No.8265059
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>> No.8265060
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>> No.8265069
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>> No.8265072
File: 347 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nn27j4w64M1u5doabo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't even know where to start with this one.

>> No.8265950

Are those Captor glasses? The lens on the right looks slightly blue.

>> No.8265970

i think thats just a reflection. they look red at the edge

>> No.8265986

No those are the Akujin terezi glasses, I have them and they are SUPER dark, which is unfortunate.

Another thing that's unfortunate is that most links on cosplay help blogs are broken and don't work anymore. Which is pretty shitty

>> No.8266584

>Badly photoshopped out the headband
>Forgot to shop out the headband on the GIANT PROJECTION behind them

>> No.8268538

I never saw that, now that i do see it i can't help but to laugh.

>> No.8268611

So what is the deal with Scalemates.

Before WP sold them you could pick them up cheap on Deviantart or Tumblr. Now you have to pay a huge fucking amount for one if you don't have access to a sewing machine (or even know how to sew).

Also, if WP are going to sell Scalemates where the fuck are Smuppets. More people cosplay Dave or Bro combined than Terezi. They would sell more official Smuppets for sure.

>> No.8268633

Same tune as why you can't buy fanmade homestuck shit.

People used to sell scalemates years ago, then Rachel threatened people with lawsuits. So people uploaded the free pattern instead (not sure if they tried to take those down too). It took 2+ years for WP to start selling their own after this happened.

>> No.8268681

lern2sew noob. but yeah if you dont wana pay you can try to find that pattern and make your own. worst comes to worse its a little extra sewing practice. as for smuppets...now that you mention it......tho i doubt they would sell as well as scailmates b/c of cuteness factor.

>> No.8269943

I like Crowmunist's craftsmanship, but ouch this seems pricey. http://crowmunist.storenvy.com/products/12777358-red-cape-set

/r/ing your favorite outrageous homestuck sales. I know there's some good ones out there.

>> No.8269997
File: 464 KB, 1272x1920, tumblr_nm3xq6rcci1u9vx6uo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$200 (or best offer)

>> No.8270035


> a loose shoelace wrapped around the handle

Does it at least play music or some shit?

>> No.8270040

Where did you even find this?

>> No.8270049

there isn't even $200 dollars worth of shit in that whole picture

worst episode of storage wars ever

>> No.8270055
File: 56 KB, 518x691, 1427382331434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting Good Props.

>> No.8270112

I know that eyes-5 or whatever her name was had to take her pattern off deviantart because of what pumpkin.

>> No.8270227

Update's up

>> No.8270767

ooooh man.

>> No.8270774
File: 154 KB, 640x991, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Homestuck Cosplayers group never cease to disappoint me.

>> No.8271894
File: 238 KB, 1280x844, tumblr_nn7rya3fkY1ru9hzto2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drunkroxy has her own cgl playing card now. All hail.

What the hell are those? Gamzee horns?

>> No.8271940

Damn I want a hs bnf version of these cards

>> No.8271957

Do it. The OP posted a blank template in that thread.

>> No.8271960

It's bulges.
Also I like that Vriska.

>> No.8271979
File: 15 KB, 398x561, homestuckcardtemplate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask and ye shall receive

>> No.8271980

Damn son where'd ya find this? Looks pretty good, although they could've done better on the wings.

>> No.8272073

>tfw none of your friends cosplay homestuck anymore, and most of them hate it now
>tfw homestuck is the only thing you really are into to the point of cosplaying it
>tfw all the homestuck fans in your area are shit or like 13
ohiostuck used to be good. life is pain, bros

>> No.8272076

Come to colossalcon, friend.

>> No.8272087

i'm trying real hard but i'm mired in 6-700$ of bullshit debt and i haven't worked on anything since like ohayocon 2014. in a pinch i could probably fix up my strider wig and roll out Dirk or Bro, but it's doubtful ;-;

>> No.8272168

pic not related?

>> No.8272403

not the same anon, not necessarily defending the choice but idk they're not canon but they're at least solid construction

and given some of the shit people make that _is_ from canon, that makes it leaps and bounds better already

>> No.8272747

anyone prepping for the inevitable storm of new upd8 shipping photosets?

>> No.8272759

Anon, i'm just prepping for the usual garbage that's in the tag.

>> No.8272772
File: 233 KB, 1280x850, tumblr_mbpigjHZxK1r4wjr7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring it on. Not even that can tarnish my love of the new update.

(tbh it's fun watching the ex-BNFs who left the fandom reblog their old shipping stuff tonight)

>> No.8272798

the tumblr is strong with this upd8

>> No.8272862


Maybe i was just blinded by the adorable song and reunited scourge sisters.

>> No.8272893

Anon probably means tumblr is freaking out over it.

>> No.8272957

Anon who posted it. It's a cringey concept but with good construction.

>> No.8273236

Tumblr only cares about the heavily implied DaveKat, not the Scourge Sisters.

I was pretty into the SS stuff too, anon. 8(

>> No.8273240


/r/ cute SS cosplays

>> No.8273324
File: 249 KB, 467x700, scourge1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not much good ss cosplay out there anymore :c

>> No.8273326
File: 91 KB, 960x638, scourge2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8273329
File: 145 KB, 900x602, scourge3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also have this

>> No.8274046
File: 430 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_miyjpluHt21qdwue6o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SS dump incoming.

>> No.8274050
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>> No.8274054
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>> No.8274062
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>> No.8274064
File: 655 KB, 1248x1920, tumblr_n7iqoyKldk1rmiid2o1_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8274068
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>> No.8274072
File: 257 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_nn7rya3fkY1ru9hzto3_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8274076
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>> No.8274079
File: 782 KB, 1280x1507, tumblr_m1vpaoP3X01qbjtjgo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8274082
File: 1.28 MB, 1200x746, sisters___homestuck_by_mostflogged-d55y2up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finishing off with a surprisingly good one from MF.

>> No.8274383

Is that Rikala? Not a very flattering cosplay...

>> No.8274388

I was looking for this one. any other interesting humanstucks which arent just lel too lazy for grey?

>> No.8274487

SS specifically or just any humanstuck?

>> No.8274504

that fromgilbowithawesome kid had some pretty ones once upon a time

>> No.8274507

I kinda saw where Davekat was implied, but i just brushed it off as shipper bait and Dave and Karkat just being the dorks that they are.

But damn i've always wanted to do SS cosplays, like in all of their outfits, especially Flarp.

Oh man Flarp SS would be so fun.

>> No.8274635
File: 950 KB, 1000x714, tumblr_mozdcwLLC71qjnfuho6_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The humanstuck tag is mostly fromgilbo and friends yeah. There's a handful of other good ones too but not a ton.

>> No.8274641
File: 684 KB, 531x800, tumblr_na4k2aSqOD1qfq0vlo1_r2_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8274645
File: 869 KB, 571x800, tumblr_mm1w3zzAMb1qil7u3o7_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8274647
File: 214 KB, 600x900, tumblr_ndpzottSP41r35os0o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8274650
File: 1.87 MB, 1280x853, tumblr_n4dnpga5Ma1qjzt0oo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8274683

That's an unfortunately placed wig.

>> No.8274686
File: 1.46 MB, 1200x857, tumblr_mz7eyeHSRa1qjnfuho1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it? I just figured she had a particularly long forehead.

>> No.8274746

Doesn't really matter, it makes their head look disproportional so they should push it back/change the way they keep their hair in their hair net.

>> No.8274763

Push it forward* what is language.

Also captcha keeps forcing me to look at blurry google maps pictures and I am starting to wonder if I indeed am a robot.

>> No.8275060
File: 87 KB, 500x348, tumblr_mcbs2nhMpH1qgu8o8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What is the best HS cosplay prop you have ever seen?
>requesting props
here are a few fav's.

>> No.8275064
File: 768 KB, 900x692, big_meaty_claw_sickle_by_alyssatye-d42f28g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8275070
File: 377 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nh45n4QWGQ1s62miyo4_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8275079
File: 243 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_m6yhv47sp51qiu1ojo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also liked chairmen-miaow's bow and yaexrae's tirdent but i dont have good pics of them

>> No.8275144
File: 493 KB, 1280x1882, tumblr_njyd42TybZ1qbjtjgo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.8275148
File: 446 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_njyd42TybZ1qbjtjgo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better close up

>> No.8275149
File: 295 KB, 601x900, tumblr_nmru5g64Gm1r35os0o7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8275153
File: 159 KB, 900x600, tumblr_mlj459hWwN1r35os0o1_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still one of my favorite props

>> No.8275155
File: 133 KB, 1094x730, dave_strider__scarlet_ribbitar__by_thebunni-d7rao88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this guy's stuff too

>> No.8275168 [DELETED] 


>> No.8275230

That hairline hurts me, if you could even call it that.

I agree with the other anon, she should have the wig down a bit lower. Also sad that she didn't go for a more vampy lip. (pun intended)

>> No.8275453



>> No.8275652

literally every single time that guy shows up

>> No.8275706


I think the same thing, but it reminds me more of the bottom of an apple than a butt, it's just so pronounced.

Anyway, i like his props and i think i've been to a propstuck "way-back when" when he was first doing the i-shades. Either that or it was just some other person, lol.

>> No.8275832
File: 39 KB, 650x650, 02683.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALmost done with this costume. at the sstart I thought using a baby pink for the wrap and the under shirt rather than a brighter pink would look better, but now the costume is finished I'm starting to think that I was wrong.
this is approxmimately the shade of pink I used. Should I use some dye and dye the baby pink stuff a darker shade?

>> No.8275849


Yes. That's the wrong pink by a long shot.

>> No.8275886

Well obviously I knew that I was picking the wrong color. It was a purposeful choice and also, it's not exactly the same color consistently through the comic either.

>> No.8275890

IDK what you want us to tell you. It's the wrong color to start, and you chose a shade that would be even more of a stark contrast against the black. I agree you should dye it.

>> No.8276008

facial structure aside >>8275070 is from the same guy.
i think the canon color would look better

>> No.8276463

As much as I like seeing JJ and Gothichamlet, have they ever just done regular Terezi and Vriska or God Tier Terezi and Vriska in a shoot?

>> No.8276682

Pyropi's done both but not as a scourge sisters group

>> No.8276696
File: 295 KB, 1024x1365, 0584958400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really hard on Gamzee cosplayers but this one is OK

>> No.8276702
File: 835 KB, 600x800, 0384933320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really in love with this girl's Megidos

>> No.8276703
File: 680 KB, 1272x1920, 0458934340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw those wands actually light up

>> No.8276714

Goodness that lace looks cheap.

>> No.8276729

The crown too. :\ I guess this was before Gabbie found her hamsteak groove?

>> No.8276948

My problem with Gamzees is usually that they look too anime and there's not enough of a "greasy juggalo" vibe. This one is pretty good, but it still looks too clean, if that makes sense.

For Matsuricon, I think I'm gonna make god tier John. I was going to make the Wrinklefucker with it because I never see anyone make that one, but after thinking it through there's probably a good reason. barring access to a 3d printer, it seems like the easiest option is carving the irons out of foam, which seems like a pain in the ass to get equal. anyone know of a cosplayer that's made the wrinklefucker?

>> No.8276951

You could make a mold out of an actual iron, maybe?

>> No.8276953

And fill with, say, expanding foam. Cover in papier machè. Idk what youd make the mold out of, though. Plaster?

>> No.8276962

True, that's a good point. The only thing I'd be worried about is getting it out of the mold. Expanding foam is sticky as all hell while it's drying. I've still got a coat that's got a bunch of the stuff on it from when I made my Karkat and Gamzee horns. I guess I could always coat the inside of the mold with something non-stick.

>> No.8276966
File: 235 KB, 900x1200, wrinklefucker_homestuck_by_hoodoosteve-d3dwhrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if this person carved the irons, or just started with a kids' toy version.

>> No.8276977

>or just started with a kids' toy version.
That gives me an idea. I could do that, but the irons would be too small. I wonder if I could find two cheap, identical irons, take them apart, and gut them to make them lighter. though i assume most of the iron's weight comes from the ironing plate, so that might be a bust. the plaster mold is seeming like my best bet

>> No.8276983

or, one could build this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSoWxG30rb0 and fill the mold with aluminum

>> No.8276991
File: 7 KB, 275x183, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this, its small and blurry but i cant find any better pictures of it

>> No.8276996
File: 62 KB, 500x334, tumblr_lf6ism52EW1qgp5aro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one: http://www.mspaforums.com/showthread.php?29866-Homestuck-Related-Cosplay&p=3973384&viewfull=1#post3973384

>my Irons are made out of high density urethane which I sanded to shape.

>> No.8276999

i know aluminum is light, but that seems like it might still be too much weight, given the irons are attatched with springs. maybe if i got some big, thick-ass steel springs

>> No.8277106

while on the topic, any Ahabs with good proportions?

>> No.8277477


Yeah get a couple cheap cheap plastic irons and gut them so its just the shells. The plates will be the heaviest part but those are probably easier to fake than an entire iron.

>> No.8277659


>indianpolis colts

my city

>> No.8279545

I think a reason its hard for them to pull off the greasy dirty vibe is because a lot of the basics require everything to look clean.

Like skin wise it'd be hard without the blood because you got to make sure that paint is sealed nice and tight so it doesn't get all over everything. Once that's over it looks brushed and clean.

With wigs there's a thin line between looking intentionally messy verse looking like a shit job.

Then the underlying problem that most of his cosplayers are under 15 and/or hambeasts

>> No.8279628
File: 92 KB, 960x528, 10491135_10206493394839995_5023529210039771860_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. I'm moving to Orlando FL within 2 weeks. Can anyone tell me what the HS scene is like there?

Hopefully not like pic related.

>> No.8279650

It's a mixed bag. There are a shit ton of Homestucks here, some of us are normal, some of us are normal enough, some are fucking crazy 14 year olds that think they're ~*kewl*~. There's the occasional meet outside of cons which are normal enough.

>> No.8279989

im moving to las vegas soon, whats the community like there if anyone knows?

>> No.8280055

its pretty shit from what i've seen, seems like a majority is underage, obnoxious, or both. most cons here don't even have meet-ups because no one wants to deal with running them.

though there are some local meets i've never bothered with, could be better or worse than the con types.

>> No.8280832

Quick question, do any of you guys have experience regarding paint and lenses?
I'm planning to do a Terezi cosplay and I'd like to use red mini scleras sort of as an extra touch, but I'm worried that if I have to take them out for some reason during a con I might wreck my eyes if my fingers are painted.
I'd rather not use armsocks because I don't really like how they look.


>> No.8280835

Painting your hands is always a bad idea. You use them too much. Make armsocks or use gloves.

>> No.8280836

Just don't paint your hands. It will rub off anyway so you might as well just shoop it afterwards instead.

>> No.8280854

okay, guess I'll just make armsocks then
thanks for helping!

>> No.8280855

please dont paint your hands. theres always some troll touching a wall at a con or some shit and it also almost always looks bad

>> No.8283626

You can just use pax but it's a fucking bitch to get off

>> No.8283740

For taking out lenses at all, I wouldn't have any kind of paint or socks on my hands. IMO armsocks work best for con situations where you're touching things and moving around all day, but if you need to take off your scleras, I'd recommend also wriggling out of your armsocks since they will have been touching things all day and will have the accumulated dirt and germs on them.

Another alternative (that I also use for visiting the washroom at cons where I'm wearing armsocks) is to bring a bunch of disposable latex gloves and put a fresh one on to take out your lens, but you lose some tactility with that.

>> No.8284460

Tbh I never got this. It's not THAT hard?

>Smear lotion/oil/other sort of grease all over that shit
>let soak
>get a disposable razor
>"shave" the paint, tearing small holes in it
>use warm water and a loofah to rub it off your skin
>apply more shower oil and shaving as needed

>> No.8284512
File: 377 KB, 1280x1440, tumblr_nnfaq5n7RT1rkhttyo3_r3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that hard but it's a pain in the ass when you're at a con and all you want to do is sleep, but you know you have to get that shit 100% off your entire upper body because tomorrow's cosplay isn't a troll. It's definitely a time commitment, especially if you haven't gotten good at mixing the ratios or not slathering it on too thick.

Unrelated, these two look pretty good imo.

>> No.8284539


>lotion and one shower at night, get it loosened up / half off
>lotion again and shower in the morning, pax all gone

or maybe I take an abnormal number of showers at con??

>> No.8284565
File: 157 KB, 500x276, tumblr_nnhbr04cNS1srqihzo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, not hard but requires time vs wash face + ten minute shower. My PAX showers are more like 25-30 min to get it off in one go.

>> No.8284694

im amazed they managed to organize a group of 12 without any no-shows.

>> No.8284768


is this the spanish group? I think they collected people in a non-con setting, specifically inviting them...

>> No.8285064

fuck dude that seems nice pax literally burns from scrubbing when i take it off and just stays for days after the con

>> No.8285093


You're scrubbing too hard. The best method is to rub it enough to tear microholes in the paint and then stand in the shower so water can get in there and soften up all your skin underneath. Then it comes off a lot less roughly.

>> No.8285104

Oh shit dude i'm retarded thank you lol

>> No.8285112


No prob. slathering the shit in cheapo free hotel lotion and letting it soak in like 10 min before your shower tends to help too.

also if you're only wearing pax for the day and don't need it to last hours and hours, try a mix of 40:60 pros-aid:paint instead of a 50:50, it'll still hold up 5-6 hours but peels off easier. I usually pax for two days so do more adhesive but it works the other way too.

>> No.8286166
File: 655 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_nnfrqswBj91r0bscuo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re: fanmade things, I'd love to buy some cute homestuck jewelry or wearables but everyone's removed the search terms. Does anyone know where you can actually buy things like this?

>> No.8286179

Tbh I'd like to see some non-WP fanmade merch. I know there was one sylladex bag but that's all I can think of.

>> No.8286192

Its honestly really reassuring to know that the homestuck fandom is just as embarrassing here on /cgl/
>Dont be offended by my frank analysis thing of it as personality dialysis
>mfw I'm homestuck trash 2

>> No.8286330

fucking shit what the hell is that wig

>> No.8286349
File: 352 KB, 1280x854, tumblr_nmt3cz0rUB1t0gp2lo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of everything in that photo, the wig is what you noticed?

>> No.8286357

I'm not sure what you're trying say. Are you saying we're as embarrassing as the fandom is on other sites, or that we find the fandom embarrassing?

God i hate their fabric choice with a passion, also i can't help but notice all the loose ends/stray fibers and tears in those wings.

You know what, i just hate everything about this cosplay, they have the ability to be good but they just kinda messed it all up. (imo)

>> No.8286451

Well I thought the shit outfit was a give in

>> No.8287169

I literally hate all of this person's cosplays.

>> No.8287202

Stop Hot Topic Signless 2k15

>> No.8287686

You know I actively try to forget that this person exists, so thanks for helping me fall off the fucking wagon.

>> No.8288185
File: 83 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see if this works.

>> No.8288294
File: 54 KB, 943x470, tumblr_nnj40a4xjf1qmrcc4o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take shit that never happened for 400, Alex.


>> No.8288545

>your friend tells you they've been assaulted (even tho it's probably completely false)
>ur first response is to make a callout post instead of asking if they're okay or what happened
Fakey fake fake fake.

>> No.8288561

There's also literally no information here re: who did the "beating" or who was beat. Homestuck cosplays are also some of the biggest pushovers around, the idea of a huge group circling up to kick the shit out of all the gamzees is hysterical and sad.

Clearly a ploy for notes and the number it actually got so far is really sad.

>> No.8288564

*cosplayers, oops

>> No.8288571

There is a point to "don't hare at cosplayers for their choices of cosplay", but I've never seen it as actually being that much of an issue in Homestuck. The worst I get, as cosplaying Cronus, have been some really inappropriate comments which would have bordered on sexual harrassment if it weren't for the fact that they were like fifteen and stopped (to my face at least) when they were called out on it.
People DO like to forget that liking a "problematic" character doesn't equal to sympathising with them and thinking they're good people, and getting comments about "I hate that character" or "why do you cosplay such an asshole" isn't fun, but at the end of the day that really isn't that big of an issue. I know ONE person (and I've been a Vronus fan since he was introduced) who legitimately went "all Cronus fans are trash rape apologists who should just off themseves" and I'm still not sure if they were a troll or not.

>> No.8288611
File: 529 KB, 585x900, tumblr_nnjhupCfXk1rmf578o1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like to talk a big game online, especially if it goes hand in hand with SJWs and omg so problematic holier-than-though callouts like you said. I've seen people get nasty asks for liking Cronus too, but I've never once seen anyone make a scene about it in person, much less touch another cosplayer. That'd require a backbone.

>> No.8288616

>"They have problems breathing now and their ribs are permanently deformed so yeah."

haha wow what is medical knowledge

>> No.8288650

>sorry that the details are triggering to them???
>so yeah

Jesus fucking christ, if this did actually happen and they did actually want to help their friend they would've had to get past that fact and share the details, otherwise shit isn't going to happen to the people who beat them.

But then again i don't think anyone got beat up, maybe some words were exchanged, since i hear florida cosplayers are fucking crazy, but i highly doubt anyone was beat up.

This is just like every other homestuck "assault", a lot of fuss, tumblr buzz words and no proof/information to back it up

>> No.8288663

Best one I've seen so far

>> No.8288689

>top kek
The worst you usually get for liking gamzee is anon hate if your on tumblr since people on there are cancerous as fuck. Anywhere else you don't really get anything besides crappy arguements
>"he hurt muh fav"

I think the worst was one cosplayer got spit on by some 14 year old hambeast? But that's about it.

>> No.8290936

requesting dualscar designs which would actually make sense to cosplay.

>> No.8290942
File: 14 KB, 650x450, latest (5).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8290958

Honestly I'm getting all of my ancestor designs from Paradox Space. You could look at his design in there.

>> No.8290962

I was mostly talking interpretations. I want to make stuff not design them and that picture leaves a looot of questions unanswered. Like, is he actually wearing something under that presumed armour?

I'll look at it!

>> No.8290964
File: 1.24 MB, 750x1125, 08ad0775ef98fb8c91aba367cfb0acf1c36b8262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, i did it as a joke. The design used in his only PxS appearance is basically what the in comic design very likely is, just with out his cape.

Pic related.

>> No.8291058
File: 338 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_nki0ss0r4m1r1zerno5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I had a better photo, but I liked this version even though it deviates from the comic.

>> No.8291077

The gold trim is really nice. I'm just trying to figure out why that Psiionic looks like Cyrax.

>> No.8291324


Like what >>8279628 said, there's a mixture of people ranging mostly in age group. I mostly did HS cosplays last year and AFO last year was when I vowed to stop greying up (it was too much hassle with the heat and humidity). The others in my age group (21-30 year olds) all seem to be drifting away from HS, or at least just doing photos and not wearing them at conventions anymore.

>> No.8292000
File: 67 KB, 600x900, stop this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we please discuss this

>> No.8292043

>Grey stops at the neck

>> No.8292095


what is that
a spyglass for ants

>> No.8292118

oh my god i didn't see that but now that i have i can't stop laughing

>> No.8292180

looks like the only thing good about any of this is their horns. Not including the mounting. Just the horns themselves.

>> No.8292247

Save my eyes. /r/ing a dump of good ancestors please.

>> No.8292259
File: 366 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_njzihctjai1sxsqogo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry

>> No.8292656

we've been betrayed

we trusted you

>> No.8292658
File: 487 KB, 1962x1983, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any home stuck suggestions for cosplay?
(I'd like to do gamzee because he is my blood, but I don't exactly look much like him)

>> No.8292673

looking for this as well

>> No.8292675

Gamzee could be a decent fit for you ( bouns if you're tall) if not you look like you could do sollux or Mituna

>> No.8292684

Thanks for the feedback

>> No.8292755
File: 51 KB, 400x400, tumblr_nnaj0vEKav1rj3dedo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8292893
File: 74 KB, 640x411, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8292895

"why does this have 3k notes" more like "I know why this has 3k notes but it probably doesnt deserve it".

>> No.8292899
File: 394 KB, 1000x1500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im a moron.

>> No.8292901
File: 57 KB, 338x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

filed under ships that probably shouldnt be a thing but live and let live, I guess.

>> No.8292903
File: 94 KB, 640x427, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8292908

I mean, I wouldn't call this punk but I do afmittedly want that OBEY-tee.

>> No.8292913
File: 193 KB, 640x853, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know maybe i should just go to bed, this is embarrassing.

>> No.8292916
File: 66 KB, 398x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pretty nice photo, IMO.

>> No.8292919
File: 149 KB, 677x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is still such a well made cosplay I'm really not tickled by the fact that they didn't either go with canon or just make a more interesting design to warrant a dudefang cosplay in the first place.

>> No.8292925
File: 345 KB, 1280x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not entirely sure what this is. Some sort of fursuit? Looks kinda cool.

>> No.8292931
File: 28 KB, 250x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these Cronii with their ill-fitting jackets and awkward horns... Well at least this one got the hair kinda right.

>> No.8292933
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>> No.8292937

Same Cronus as above, but this Kankri's wig is looking pretty neat.

>> No.8292939
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>> No.8293002

holy fuck is hussie pandering to the SJW crowd with that last update. jesus christ

>> No.8293075

Pandering to SJWs
The Vriska Show Continues
Gaybaiting with DaveKat
Sounds about right. I keep trusting that Hussie will justify all this shit and the plot will turn around but jeeze.

>> No.8293097

Any links to a video if the flash? I won't have access to a computer for a few days /:

>> No.8293124

No flash, just walls of text about sexuality and how society pressures boys into being as no-hetero as possible.

>> No.8293136

So what is on p=009386 ? It doesn't load on phone.

>> No.8293142

The landing page. Start here: http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=009387

>> No.8293179


I love how sandy Rachel got on Reddit about people discussing whether davekat was red or pale and how homophobic/hetronormative it was to not assume red and then Hussie pulls this cheap gaybaiting ARE THEY???? bs.

Stay salty.

>> No.8293197
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And then the SJWs ate that up with a spoon too.

Posting more ancestors to sooth my butthurt.

>> No.8293198
File: 270 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_nnjjztxrW21tuxs2ho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any better photos? It's hard to judge in that lighting.

>> No.8293264
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>those horns

>> No.8293297
File: 192 KB, 886x591, tumblr_myraagpnFU1r35os0o3_r3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like the same person made most of them

>> No.8293300


Darkleer and Mindfang's horns jfc

>> No.8293316

Darkleers horns look like really shitty hentai penis's

>> No.8293460

Any recommendations for a lummox wig? I mean I want it to be volumes and fluffy

>> No.8293463

Kurloz *

>> No.8293496

Arda usually has the best volume for teasing, unless you want to sew two wigs together.

>> No.8293617

Arda is good for thick wigs, but i think a punky wig would be good and thicker

>> No.8293629
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>> No.8293633

>All around me are familiar faces.
Go with something mid length and spiked. you can work it into the proper shape then.

>> No.8293644
File: 107 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nnoox9lgYQ1tb8lyyo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good dump, anon.
Posting one more picture of the male Mindfang to contribute and because I like how he applied his trim.

>muh ship

The horns look like carved baguettes. I am amused.

>> No.8293687

Thanks, anon.
I really liked his horns, so I went on his blog to see if he had anything else of interest and he was just really... Conceited? IDK. His Bro was decent, as was his Jake but eh.

>> No.8293697
File: 67 KB, 500x333, tumblr_nnanhyEcwv1rgb31ro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fursuit. Doesn't hold up to those shopped photos either sadly.

>> No.8293720

>I like how he applied his trim.

it's puckering everywhere, isn't even or symmetrical, and generally looks like shit though? not messy=/=good, learn the difference.

>> No.8293737
File: 121 KB, 1174x782, tumblr_nhqssiHU9i1sx3srjo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While the twisting is unfortunate, I agree with the other anon, it's far from bad and looks clean in non-closeups.

>> No.8293808
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My main beef is still that the only interesting thing about the design is the soul patch. Their props were pretty good though.

>> No.8294151

Her cosplay is all photoshopped c/10
all of her damn cosplays are photoshopped

>> No.8294193

>those horns
>and Dualscar's lack thereof

Biggest offender would have to be Condy's. Those are tiny.

>> No.8294301

"you only think its pale because its not hetero"
the fact she got mad ppl thought is wanst red basically confirms its real and red. hussie likes to leave things more...ambiguous as usual.

>> No.8294342
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>> No.8294346

Fuck. The face fit so well to. Come on man.

>> No.8294365
File: 1.17 MB, 999x1687, tumblr_nklix2p3ns1r0a2yxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayye lmao then have more of this dolorosa then

>> No.8294377

>I love how sandy Rachel got on Reddit about people discussing whether davekat was red or pale and how homophobic/hetronormative it was to not assume red and then Hussie pulls this cheap gaybaiting ARE THEY???? bs.

that update was physically painful to read. i cant believe they turned dave into a tumblrina

>> No.8294432


The most impressive thing is this cosplayer is only 18

>mfw some of the baby stuckaboos care about quality

>> No.8294442
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>> No.8294453
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Her cosplays are pretty nice, some stuff is off but so is everyones

>> No.8294516

New thread:


>> No.8296501

>that perfect roboarm

>> No.8296507

Well, props for putting in the extra effort, I guess. It's just unfortunate that the hat looks like a decapitated fursuit.
I like the claws, though.

>> No.8299155

2 dollars good?