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8213653 No.8213653 [Reply] [Original]

The other one died.

I was wondering if anyone has ordered from Honey Color before. Im looking for some good contacts, preferably ones that will last up to a year, for cosplay.

>> No.8213665


This really 5 pairs for the price of one pair!?

>> No.8213674

Yes but every pair is only good for one use.

>> No.8213676

They're single use lenses, you have to throw them out once you take them out of your eyes compared to yearly lenses you can use over and over again.

IMO though single use lenses can give you more value, like of you cosplayed a brown eyed character twice in a year you'd have only used the yearly lenses twice, whereas with the single use lenses they can be in their solution for up to 3 years and therefore last... longer if you don't wear lenses often? Hopefully that makes sense.

If you were to wear a certain color >5 times a year however, its pointless.

>> No.8213677

Ordered and received successfully but haven't opened any to try yet. Shipping was kind of slow though. They carry major brands and have a pretty good rep so it shouldn't a problem. Most lenses are good for a year.

Except these ones:
>1 day
These are dailies anons, so wear them once and chuck at the end of the day. 5 times wear vs 1 year of wear
That being said I think they are a great idea for those who don't wear them often plus way more hygienic .

>> No.8213687

I went ahead and ordered these two lenses:



How long did it take you to get yours? I need mine by May, so now Im worried.

>> No.8213693

I don't think they took over a month so you should be fine.

>> No.8213696

Phew.. I was going to order from Pinky, but I have heard mixed feelings about them. Never heard of Eye Candy, but they had the yellow lenses I needed. I needed something firey.

>> No.8213847
File: 44 KB, 650x162, fullscreen-capture-9162012-73156-pm.bmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've ordered from honey colour and I'm quite happy with their service.
The only thing is I absolutely hate the lens cases they provide.
Pic related.
These absolutely suck, they leak.
I've had to throw out a pair of lenses because they absolutely dried out (within a week) in their cases sitting on my bathroom counter.
Haven't had this issue with other lens cases.

I'm a frequent circle lens wearer and spend ~$100+ so I can rotate between wears. I usually place an order every 6 months so I don't get bored.

Let me know if you would like any reviews on the following:

EOS Daisy blue/pink
GEO tricolor blue
NEO dali extra brown
NEO sunflower green/aqua
Beaucon vibrant match violet
Super pinky wine red/bright red
Candy king size pink

>> No.8213869

I Walgreens sells a large pack of multicolored lens cases that are really good. Plus it makes it easier to remember which circle lens is in which case.


As for reviews, post as many as you can because it's super helpful for those who are on the fence about which lenses to wear.

>> No.8214752

I've never received good lens cases from circle lens sellers. I always use the ones I get from the lens solution I buy.

>> No.8214970

Drug store and the ones in the boxes are the way to go. I've had the animal case ones leak all the solution out and ruin my lenses.

>> No.8214997

From circle lens sellers I usually get the clear ones with one transparent pink cap and I've had those dry out on me so never again lol. Didn't even think about giving the animal cases a try because I can't imagine them working any better than the pink/clear ones.

>> No.8215001
File: 72 KB, 200x200, starfire-sidebar-a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suggestions for starfire contacts? sclera contacts are so expensive; I might consider just doing circle lenses. thoughts?

>> No.8215047
File: 84 KB, 1080x455, nhjhjjh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starfire's eyes are obviously super bright so it's not going to look natural if you want them to show up in pictures and in low-light situations.

I'm having trouble finding super vibrant ones in prescription. Would these suffice? Pic related, what the lenses look like worn (not my pic)


>> No.8215091

I would get these ones. http://www.contactlensheaven.com/rave-green.html?gclid=CJOD-JnzzsQCFZeJaQoda7EAoA

>> No.8215140

I don't need rx so both of these are good options. thanks for the suggestions... I think either of these could work well

>> No.8215300

HoneyColor is great, I try to order with them instead of Pinky Paradise. Anon if you need contacts by May, if you order now they'll definitely come before then.

>> No.8215305

I feel like PP tried to expand too much and is losing its grip. Like their recent samples promotion. Wth was that, who the fuck wants just 1 lense.

>> No.8215314

If anyone wants a review on the following contacts, just ask. Can also review the site from where I bought each.

>EOS Dolly Eye Brown
>G&G (Dueba) Max Pure Brown
>G&G (Dueba) King Size Circle Green (sometimes called Candy Size Green)
>Super Pinky Blue
>Vassen (I.FAIRY) Cloud Nine Pink
>Vassen (I.FAIRY) Dolly Plus Red
>Vassen (I.FAIRY) Jewel Blue

>> No.8215387

What's your eye color?

>> No.8215614

whoops, forgot to mention that. I've got light brown eyes, no prescription.

>> No.8215684

I've never worn contacts before and I was wondering if anyone had any advice for getting used to them?

>> No.8215692

don't wear them for long periods on time on your first go. start slow and build up your time.

>> No.8215759

I'm interested how i.fairy Jewel Blue comes out on light brown eyes.

If you can get fitted for them first that would be the safest thing to do.

>> No.8219752
File: 35 KB, 540x540, 2015-03-31_23.15.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not precisely related but

I wore my regular contacts today

I don't wear the often so I just have dailies

They're Acuvue TrueEye if that matters

I put them in around 1 and took them out at 11, doc said I should be able to wear them all day with no issues

Now my eyes look like this.

Should I be worried? My circle lenses have never dine this to my eyes before, I don't see why regular wear lenses would. They don't really hurt, but they feel a little burning like I'm tired (which I am) and they're a little dry.

There wasn't really any discomfort while the lenses were in.

>> No.8219774

I need some gold/honey prescription lenses.

My eyes are almost black so they'd have to be pretty opaque. Anyone have any recs?

>> No.8219784

Just your eyes not used to wearing them. Nothing to be concerned about.

>> No.8219803

Pinky Paradise has never let me down.

I have super dark brown eyes and their blue contacts still show up nicely

>> No.8219813

Sorry if this is a dumb and obvious question
I have normal daily wear contacts that I throw out after one use
I want to get some pinkyparadise lenses but i know they arent throw away after one use lenses, so how exactly do i take care of them? What do i buy, do i wash them, how do i store them? thanks guys

>> No.8219821

Buy a contact case and contact cleaning solution. The contacts get cleaned by sitting in the solution overnight, but it doesn't hurt to give them a little squirt of solution while you're holding them to make sure there's no little hairs or anything stuck to them before you stick them in your eyes the next day.

>> No.8219823

>tfw dailies can last a week if you take care of them
My PP's are up to a year old and I still use them. I just change out fluids every now and then.
I've worn contacts off and on for years and have never used a washer or anything similar.

Nor have I had any eye diseases.

/cgl/ probably gonna talk shit on that.

>> No.8219836

contact threads always make me feel nervous and I end up checking on all of my contacts to make sure they're okay

>> No.8219843

I think DollyEye Brown would just what you're looking for.

If you want something a bit bigger, go with Dolly+ Brown.

>> No.8219870

The macaron ones pinky paradise gives you ruined like five pairs of lenses because I didn't remember to check on them for a week.

>> No.8219873

Has anyone got their order from the kiwiberry sale yet? I'm getting worried.

>> No.8219875

>ruined your lenses
What the fuck are you wearing.

Every time an old case goes dry I just fill it up with solution. Leave it for a couple hours, change out solution and am good to go.

I've had four older pairs dry up that I still use.

>> No.8219885

Nope, haven't heard a peep. They did say they were a little overwhelmed with the orders though.

>> No.8219976

Mine says "completed" so I'm guessing that means shipped? It's said that since the 8th of March though.

>> No.8221507

so do i store them in the contact cleaning solution?

>> No.8221727

Yes, go to the eye care section at your local pharmacy and get a box of it. There should be instructions on the box on how to use it. Just make sure to replace the solution in your contact lens case every time you wear them or every week if you are not wearing them. Get a new case for the lenses every three months.

>> No.8222158

I haven't either. They contacted me because one of the ones I wanted was out of stock, but they shipped the rest of my order while they waited to hear from me for some reason, and then shipped the replacement pair separately. That was a month ago, they should be arriving soon. They said a few weeks.

>> No.8222207

Everything should be fine. They settle it the issues effectively.

>> No.8222240

EOS New Adult Brown are my fave gold/honey ones, and they fade in and look pretty natural. I have super dark brown eyes as well.

>> No.8223381

Wondering why no one has mentioned the honeycolour 50% sale, is it always on or something? I was just eyeing up some contacts on pinky before checking honey and they have the same ones I was planning on getting for half as much!

>> No.8223523

It's been on since Christmas. They had some sort of sale for Black Friday too so yah it's been going on for months now.

>> No.8223703

Anyone know of a place I can buy colored toric lenses with a cyl of -5.00?

I am hoping there are options I haven't heard of and they don't have to be circle lenses, I just was looking for opaque colored lenses that will show well on dark brown eyes.

PinkyParadise comes close at -4.25 but that's still off from what I need. I've also checked just about any other circle lens store that offers torics but they don't offer anything very high either.

I know about Magic Top or Soloticas from Brazil sold at Viallure but was wondering if there was anything else besides those that would fit my prescription range. Any help or ideas are greatly appreciated.

>> No.8223892

OP here, I just received the first two pairs I ordered, so I only have two left to go. Not expired or bad.

>> No.8224174

good to know. i think my order was mailed out the 9th of march flat rate so i'm hoping i get mine in the mail soon.

>> No.8224183

Need -3.75 White Mesh Lenses.

Anyone got a good/reliable source? Dailies are fine.

>> No.8224199

As soon as I get my contacts, I will review them. Got them from EyeCandy.

>> No.8224222

God, sclera lenses never get any better to put in.

I guess I'm just weird about touching my eye.

>> No.8224227

You might be screwed with the circle lens torics. But the Soloticas are really nice lenses. I remember them being highly lusted after in circle lens groups via 2008

They do not come in dailies. Just yearly, even then I would not keep them more than 9 months.
Here's a link to prescription ones. Word of warning, they will be kinda of hard to see out of.

Even I don't fuck with scleras

>> No.8224247

The first ones I ever got dried up and I was going to soak them but there was like some kind of crystalization on one of them and I didn't want to risk it. So now I just check on them every month or so and they're usually fine.

>> No.8224456

Once the lenses dry out the integrity of the polyhema matrix is comprised. Micro-cracks form and the lenses fail quicker. It also allows bacteria to get into the cracks and makes the lenses harder to disinfect.

>> No.8228996
File: 87 KB, 500x332, tumblr_mm8h2aOrAP1r5x6gno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know if there are such a thing as half sclera lenses?
ive been wearing circle lenses for about 4 years now ((for cosplay)) and finally got comfortable enough to insert them in under 5 minutes. Now im interested in doing a Pixie cosplay (pic related). im not sure if im ready for sclera contacts considering how big an expensive they are, and I was wondering if there was a stepping stone between circles and sclerals. or should i just go with Sclerals? theyve always kind of scared me. im worried about their comfort and dangers.
any advice would be appreciated.

>> No.8229012
File: 5 KB, 150x150, F24-F11-2-2T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on a Jinx cosplay, and having a hard time finding prescription pink cat eye lenses.
How are cat eye lenses? do they stay in place right?
At this point I'm considering just getting regular pink lenses, but it'd be great to find what I'm looking for

>> No.8229018

>Cat eyes
Since when does she have cat eyes, dumbfuck.
Or are you just trying to be edgy and different?
Have you even played League?

>> No.8229021

Anon, calm down. You are making yourself look silly.

>> No.8229022
File: 29 KB, 720x480, jinx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's more than one Jinx out there y'know.
I probably should have specified I guess, sorry.

>> No.8229037
File: 74 KB, 209x246, hurrr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha! what a dumb asshole.

>> No.8229626

Not that person, I loved this show and Jinx was cool. I also like Terra and Starfire.

I had completely forgotten about this Jinx though.

>> No.8229656

That being said, I found this company which creates theatrical contact lenses with a Rx from a doctor. They make prescription lenses.

They don't have pink cat eye lenses on the shopping list but their FAQ says they take custom orders. It says to email them for a quote.


>> No.8230142

Bumping because I'd be interested in this advice too.

I bought regular black lenses as a back up but my local supplier has sclerals and not sure if I should try them out

>> No.8231171

Got the lenses from Kiwiberry today so everyone else should be getting theirs soon.

>> No.8231475
File: 178 KB, 1200x1600, Phantasee Mini Sclera Lens Black Titan (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon! after a lot of research I actually did find such a thing, if you are still interested. theyre called Mini Scleras! they measure at 17mm. im currently trying to find some reliable websites that stock them, ill let you know what i find :^)

>> No.8231493

eyesbright.com stocks them

>> No.8233582

Did either of you guys order the kiwiberry brand lenses? They had some weird name I had never seen before, but they ran out of rx fast so I yolo'd and got a pair but I'm not sure how comfortable they'll be. If either of you guys got any reviews would be super appreciated.

>> No.8233607

You mean the QT branded ones? I bought the light brown and w-1 brown.

>> No.8233613

yes, that was the name! Have you tried them out yet? I got a turquoise pair but I don't remember the diameter at all.

>> No.8233646

The w1? Diameter is 14.5. I've worn them on two separate occasions now. Probably one of the most comfortable lenses I currently own.

>> No.8235147
File: 270 KB, 850x2150, 4fb8a98781af685f03f357f13d38cb62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone identify these lenses? or anything similar?

>> No.8235174

I got a pair of QT lenses and they're not bad, they're just a lot a thinner so it's hard to get them in and out. Comfort level is on par with my G&G lenses.

>> No.8235239
File: 1.08 MB, 3375x1569, eyess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that pic related are Neo Clover in grey? They're quite comfy and they look pretty realistic imo.

> excuse the tired face, I took the pictures after wearing them all day

>> No.8235993

They look quite similar, thanks anon! Would you mind posting a link to where you got them? I googled them but keep getting several different designs under the same name.

>> No.8236019

I got mine form honeycolor. I think they're still on sale?

>> No.8236168

They are! thanks anon

>> No.8236205

Is solution-lens.com reliable? have found some bad reviews but they also got a lot of good ones and prices seem good

>> No.8236213

I'm torn on these - love the concept but in some example pics they don't look bigger than normal enlargement lenses. Very weird.

>> No.8236215

They are meh. I would only go to them if Pinkyparadise, HoneyColor, I.fairycon, or Uniqso didn't have the lenses I were looking for.

>> No.8237065
File: 8 KB, 174x290, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend red contacts that would be good for someone's first time wearing them? Pic related is what they're for in case that helps recommendations!

>> No.8238309

Venus Eye Bright Red don't have a huge enlargement but have a nice color payoff and are pretty comfortable!

>> No.8238328

I have the Dolly+ Red which are really comfortable! They're also on sale right now at Honeycolor which is a plus

>> No.8238406

Eye Candy hasnt arrived yet. D: Im getting antsy.

>> No.8238816

I second these! They're very comfortable and the color payoff is amazing.

>> No.8238840

My local shop delivered. Gonna try them on for size and see how I go. Thanks for the suggestion!

>> No.8239164

Thank you!!

>> No.8239204

PP seems to be getting rid of it's yellow lenses slowly... From the last time I checked one pair staight up disappeared from the site and the seeshell sunny gold ones haven't been in stock for months at least. The vassen hanabi gold ones are still there, but barely any prescription left.
Any recs on good vibrant gold lenses with prescription? Preferably under 30$.

>> No.8242107



>> No.8242110

Blah sorry, I posted the gold lens


>> No.8242189

Dangit my KiwiBerry order came in but a chunk of my order is missing. I emailed them but it was the chunk of the order I actually needed (lol.)

>> No.8243555

Yeah, she's a little overwhelmed right now because she doesn't get this many orders in such a short amount of time. Normally things get to you correct and on time.

>> No.8244757

pleeeease go see an eye doctor before buying lenses! even if you have perfect vision, you still need to make sure you have the right base curve.
this is so important, this is your eyesight. one little mistake can ruin your eyes forever.

>> No.8245632

hey gulls, I have a somewhat odd question - is it possible to order lenses in singles/different prescriptions from anywhere?
my problem basically is, my left eye is short-sighted as fuck but my right eye is fairly normal/slightly long-sighted. I could theoretically use non-prescription and not be blind, but I'd rather not. really don't want to order 2 sets and not be able to use half of the lens since I'm a poorfag and can't order all that often.

>> No.8247028

when you order from most places, they have you input your prescription for both eyes, since a lot of people have different ones on each side.

>> No.8248528

I kind of oversaw this thread, so I'll ask again here:
Looking for white lenses to cover my eye, but not sclera
I found these:
which one would be better in terms of whiteness, vision and comfortableness?

Also if you've worn lenses once but then won't use them for another half year, how often do you have to change the multipurpose fluid?

>> No.8248547

I terms of comfort they will be the same. As for vision, there is a mesh pattern over both lenses and it will be able to see out of them but it will be blurry. Find something with a mesh pattern and put it over your face and you'll get sort of an idea how you will see out of them. As for whiteness, the zombie lenses in the second link will have more coverage and make your eyes look whiter than the regular mesh ones. It will probably be more blurry with the zombie lenses than the regular mesh lenses.

As for contact solution, even if you are not wearing the lenses you need to change the solution out the lens cases every week and every time you use them.

>> No.8248552

BC doesn't have that much of an affect, plus almost all contacts are only .2 away from eachother, which is perfectly fine.

>> No.8248570
File: 1.08 MB, 2001x795, whitemeshcompare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a comparison photo, personally I think the zombie mesh ones look the best. I read some more reviews and the vision seems to be pretty good for the zombie ones. It is described as foggy.

If they have a base curve of 8.3 or 8.9, it will be dangerous for them to wear the lenses. They need to find out their base curve for safety. Also their cylindrical can be really off and cause problems too.

>> No.8248571

if they have a bc of 8.3 or 8.9 they will likely not be able to find any contacts.

>> No.8248574

Hence why it would be dangerous for them to try and wear regular lenses

>> No.8248581


>> No.8249285

huh, really? I've only browsed around occasionslly on places like ifairycon and I've not seen any of those. cool, thanks

>> No.8249430
File: 655 KB, 1280x1280, 2014-12-25-17-27-38_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll dump some old reviews. Starting off with Vassen Dolly+ Green (not to be confused with EOS Dolly Eye Green). Color is pretty but too dark imo, would look really great on light eyes. Comfort is good; I can usually wear them for a few hours at a time without problems as long as I'm keeping hydrated.

>> No.8249435
File: 663 KB, 1280x1280, 2014-12-25-17-35-24_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beaucon Vibrant Match Grey. I lovelovelove these lenses; great color on medium-brown eyes, great comfort, natural patterning. Not so great for enlargment.

>> No.8249440
File: 601 KB, 1280x1280, 2014-12-25-17-37-47_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vassen Dolly+ Red. Better color than the greens, comparable in comfort. I'm more partial to other lenses, but they're all right I guess.

>> No.8249446
File: 671 KB, 1280x1280, 2014-12-25-17-30-48_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Pinky Black. Good enlargement and coverage while blending better than a flat black.

>> No.8249451
File: 696 KB, 1280x1280, 2014-12-26-16-21-52_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geo Starmish in brown. It's almost a natural match for my eye color; looks kind of unnerving imo, like it steers too much into uncanny valley territory.

>> No.8249456
File: 643 KB, 1280x1280, 2014-12-25-17-32-54_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dolly+ in Violet. Same comments on comfort as the other Dolly+ lenses. The strong limbal provides great enlargement, but the color just isn't opaque and vibrant enough for my tastes.

>> No.8249466
File: 291 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_20141225_174511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparison of three lenses. I no longer own the Super Pinkies since they expired earlier this year; coverage and comfort were good, but the enlargement/definition was lacking due to not having a strong limbal.

New Adult lenses are very comfortable for me; enlargement isn't great since they're smaller, but they provide good coverage and definition. I have these in blue as well but I'm not sure if I have review photos of them.

>> No.8249477
File: 27 KB, 480x640, newadultblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My skin's been retouched in Line Camera but the color hasn't. This is what the New Adults look like in blue in bright indoor light; they show up dark blue indoors and a more vibrant medium blue outdoors. Again: color, comfort, and definition are good, but they don't have strong enlargement.

>> No.8249485
File: 169 KB, 836x306, gbtgreyvenuseyeaqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going even further back, here are G&G GBT Grey and Venus Eye Aqua in outdoor shade. The GBT greys seem to show up great on some people with medium brown eyes, but I think the undertones in mine cancel out the color and just make it look really muddy.

The Venus Eye Aqua, however, provide stellar coverage and color both indoors and out. This is one of the most comfortable brands for me. Opaque color, natural pattern, strong limbal, but very minimal enlargement so not very moe. I've tried these lenses in three colors and have loved all of them.

>> No.8249497
File: 3.76 MB, 3233x948, venuseyeclose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Venus Eyes, this time in Red. Same assessment as the Aquas. I got rid of this pair a year or two ago, and I've been dying to get another.

I've also owned them in Grey, which I adored but aren't really worth posting. They're pretty dark, almost black (the main reason I got them, actually).

I've also owned EOS Dolly Eye Green (great for blocky color with a strong limbal, but they're uncomfortable on me for some reason) and G&G Wonder Eye Brown (comfortable with decent enlargement, but very unremarkable otherwise).

>> No.8250154

I'm thinking of grabbing some Max Elegance Tri-tones. Does anyone have any experience with them?

Also, a few years ago I remember a line of lenses that was mostly clear, but had a lacy metallic filigree pattern around the iris. It came in gold and silver. Does anyone remember the name, or if it's still available?

>> No.8251456

Wow I wasn't expecting to recieve my honeycolour lenses so quick. I'm in the UK, used global priority mail and it took just 6/7 working days, sweet!
I got super pinky blue, and my eyes are really dark brown/black, I'll be trying em out later if anyone wants a review?

>> No.8251461

>wasn't expecting to recieve my honeycolour lenses so quick
Honeycolor is located in Germany, so the speed is reasonable I think?

>> No.8251477
File: 115 KB, 500x500, Adela_1tone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the Max Elegance Tri-tones, the pupil hole is the right size and they have great color. They are super comfortable too.

>Also, a few years ago I remember a line of lenses that was mostly clear, but had a lacy metallic filigree pattern around the iris.

Those were EOS Adela Gold series in 1 tone and 2 tone. Not exactly sure if they make them anymore. I have a pair of the 1 tone left but they expire this year in November.

>> No.8251506

Adding to this because of a brain fart, they still sell the 1 tone version at PinkyParadise:


As for the 2 tone version, all the other sites I checked out that say that they are selling them are sketchy so I wouldn't try with the 2 tone version.

>> No.8251527

Has anyone else had problems with trying to get prescription lenses from PP? I've tried to order 5 different style of lenses only to be told they only stock the plano ones. I've had to start using other websites now to get my lenses, because there's no way i'm going back to non-prescrip. after trying them. Surely a site as big as PP should be thinking of stocking a wider range of prescription lenses, because they probably have a huge market for it.

>> No.8251680

Depends on the lenses you are trying to order. Some styles only come in plano because the lens manufacturer only makes them in non-precription. I assume you are in the costume lens section? The majority of the animation and halloween lenses only come in plano.

>> No.8252158

Ugh, so I haven't gotten anything from kiwi berry.
My friend who ordered after me got a email a few days ago about her order and then yesterday she got the order in.
I haven't gotten anything. No email, no order. I sent them an email about it yesterday, but have yet to get a response.

I need to know if I'm going to get my order or not, so I can order from else where.

Anyone else still waiting?

>> No.8252170

Same. I've been waiting on them for a month now. I sent in an email during the weekend asking about it, but no reply yet.

>> No.8252264

Thanks! FML, they only come in plano. Fuck my -8.00 blind ass.

>> No.8252295

Seagulls, what would you say is the most comfortable lens brand? I know EOS is supposedly the most comfy, but their base curve is too high for me.

>> No.8252303
File: 34 KB, 329x334, newadult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the New Adult series is my fave, I have the brown and grey and they feel so nice and look moderately natural. This is both of those pairs in natural lighting!
Mine have both started drying out though so I need to reorder ;_;

>> No.8252317

I do love EOS, but I've also heard good things about G&G before. I have the Barbie 3-Tone green which are apparently by G&G and they're one of my two favorite pairs, I rarely feel discomfort wearing them for ~8 hours. What BC do you need? It seems like the lowest they go is 8.6 from what I'm seeing on PP.

>> No.8252334

Uh, is Honey Color supposed to be giving free shipping right now? The shipping charge doesn't appear when I go to paypal.

>> No.8252632

I've been waiting for like a month or something. I'm not sure if they send a shipped notice or not because the only thing I've gotten is a confirmation of order, on the day I ordered.

>> No.8252789

Email them again. I just got a response to the email I sent yesterday. Said I should have gotten it by now and that they're going to contact the postal service. Then they asked if I want a refund or replacement. But none of the ones I ordered are in stock. So I have no idea what they're going to replace with so I just asked for the refund.

>> No.8252794

They replied and told me to wait until the end of the week.

>> No.8252870
File: 181 KB, 500x750, gbt-sky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking at these GBT Sky lenses from pp. https://www.pinkyparadise.com/GBT-Sky-p/c14-gbt-sky.htm?hc_location=ufi

But I'm also looking at these Jewel Blues from Honeycolor. http://www.honeycolor.com/beaucon-jewels-blue.html

I just want something light blue with not a lot of black in it. What say you, /cgl/?

>> No.8252905

Is your order 100$ ?

>> No.8252917

If you don't want a lot of black don't go with the Jewel blues, that limbal ring is enormous. Do you want a lot of enlargement? Do you want it realistic?
Can't really recommend the Super Pinky blue more though, never heard anything bad about them and the color payoff is great. the GBT Sky ones look great too!

>> No.8252931

The last pair of blue circle lenses I bought were to make me look more animu and "child like", but instead they kind of blacked out my eyes and made me look a little terrifying. I want something with as little black as possible for a cartoon effect. Although I can't have my hopes too high with dark brown eyes.

>> No.8252978

Nope. The shipping shows up at checkout and vanishes in Paypal.

>> No.8252986

Ugh same. I got 4 pairs and ordered 6. The last one they said they were shipping out separately because one I wanted was out of stock, but I'm really hoping the other ones I wanted are with them.

I got the QT brand lenses. They're comfy and nice but they're not that enlarging and the colour is super subtle so it pretty much doesn't matter which colour you get, they all kinda look the same.

>> No.8253109
File: 124 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_nmtd30xc9r1tei7zeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean.. circle lenses are designed for dark brown eyes so if you get one with an opaque pigment you'll be fine. if you want animu child-like eyes, go with the super pinky blue. they have a small pupil hole so they won't show as much of your natural eye color as well.

>> No.8253409
File: 607 KB, 751x800, Annie55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I ask for opinions on what would be a better lens for Annie of the Stars? I can't decide between I.Fairy Moonlite Yellow or I.Fairy Dolly+ Brown. I like the lunar eclipse effect of Moonlite, but I'm worried It's too saturated of a yellow.

>> No.8253479

I just ordered from Uniqso, and I might loose it if my order comes in and they dont refund me.

>> No.8253748

>super pinky blue
>On sale at Honeycolor
>90 reviews and 5 stars
WELP, I think I finally decided, thank you so much anon!

>> No.8254656

Depends if you want the lenses to show up in photos. Close up wise, I think the dolly+ is a good choice. There might be issues with it not showing up in low-light or at a distance. All depends on what you are going to be doing in your cosplay.

>> No.8258554

bump from the dead.

>> No.8258655

Any tips on how to wear circle lenses comfortably? Recently ordered Vassen Dolly Plus in red, I've tried them on once but had to take them out after two or three hours because they weren't feeling good on my eyes, and I don't know how I'm going to wear them all day to a con. Is it just a matter of getting used to it?

>> No.8258656
File: 9 KB, 357x118, WIN_20150413_181235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, anyone looking for some good red lenses, these are great. Shitty webcam pic is all I have rn and you can still see the color pretty good. (My eyes are a medium blue/green)

>> No.8258660

Are there any vibrant toric lenses? Or should I just stick to plano lenses?

>> No.8258778

Like were they feeling dry or hurting?

>> No.8259033

They might be drying out if they feel like they're kinda catching??? against your eyelid; be liberal with eye drops and keep hydrated. I find the thicker ones dry out faster and then they start sucking the moisture out of your eyes and it is unpleasant. Likewise if you're new to lenses, a smaller diameter might be more comfortable. My regular contacts are 14.5mm so I started there and it was fine but a lot of non contacts wearers usually start around 14.0ish.

If they're irritating your eyes and/or straight up hurting, they probably don't fit you along the curvature of your eyeball and you shouldn't force yourself to get used to them. Have you been fitted?

>> No.8259251

A lot of the lenses i've looked at do come in prescription, hence why i've ended up getting them from Honeycolor. I'm also not enjoying dealing with the Engrish customer service from PP when i've had issues. I guess I should look a bit more extensively and I might find something.

>> No.8259278


Got my contacts in! Going to try them on and post results!

>> No.8259326

I only use these cases if I've got my lenses sitting flat on the shelf in my bathroom, if i'm taking them out and about I've got proper cases for them.

>> No.8259431
File: 74 KB, 960x960, eh.. probably wont buy here again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Ignore shitty makeup. Fucking around with stuff because I had no clue what I was doing or what I was going for.]

Tibbers contatcs: The flame ones are alright. They are very good at covering my eye color and aren't super big. They are just the right size to go to the edge of my iris. I like these.

Brown contacts: These were going to be for Belle and Velma. Velma usually has either black or blue eyes, but I really don't want to have to buy more. Especially since I need to save. These... Are kinda bad. I don't like them all that much. You can still see my green under them. These were the ones with one of the higher ratings on Eyecandy, so I hoped it would work out well, but probably not going to buy from them again and instead revert back to my original seller.

>> No.8259839

Got my order in from Kiwiberry but I'm missing 3 pairs of lenses, all QT branded. I'm hoping they were mailed in another package.

>> No.8259849

I'm missing half my stuff...

>> No.8259850

It sounds to me like you've never bought color contacts before ever.

Also which Belle?

>> No.8259854

>ause they absolutely dried out (within a week) in their cases sitting on my bathroom counter.
>Haven't had this issue with other lens cases
Oh my god I have a horror story about these cases. I remember once I didn't know they leaked and I had transported a pair to a con.
The con is over and I remember the case a day or so later and take it out of my bag.
Fucking MOLD.

>> No.8259863

Fiance has a pair of green cat eye contacts she sometimes wears for her Disciple cosplay. They're okay, but staying in place wise since she has an astigmatism they kind of spin around every now and then. She'd constantly be asking me if they were okay so she could fix them.

>> No.8259870

What are you missing? I emailed them but I'm not expecting to hear back until next week hopefully.

>> No.8259875

Just lenses. The ones I got are less than a year to expiration too. Well, it's not that big of a deal since I was planning on using them for this summer anyway...

>> No.8259881

Wait a minute...LEMRINA?

>> No.8259904
File: 15 KB, 209x360, char12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive bought contacts countless times and these are by far the worst brown I have ever purchased. I decided to give EyeCandy a try since they were the only ones with these flames in stock. Certainly not going to be buying from them again and instead going back to my original seller.

Also, town Belle.

>> No.8259908

Just woke up. Holy crap. Not sure where Im quoting.

>> No.8259913

I'm missing two pairs too, and they don't have any stock left on their site. Ugh.

>> No.8259918

Which brand are y'all missing? Wondering if it's specific to just one or it's across the board.

And yeah, they took down their stock off the website after that big sale as they're closing up I'm guessing. Kinda find that funny as they included a 15% off coupon in my order.

>> No.8259949

Update! Just checked my email and they did send out the other 3 pairs separately. If I don't get the rest by monday they'll do a refund.

>> No.8260324
File: 45 KB, 475x275, Grumpy-Cat-Tadar-Sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have super blue eyes and every time I try to get violet contacts they always end up looking like..just really dark. Like black.

Is there any way around this? I just tried super pinky violets from honeycolor and those look blackish blue.

>> No.8260730
File: 41 KB, 640x480, eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my usual seller. This is who I will be going back to because I dont like EyeCandy's contacts except the flame design I had gotten in the mail. They aren't that great and ZYL has never let me down as far as contacts go and how clear the colors are regardless of your eye color.


I got a pair that wasn't too overly purple, so thats why they are blurple, but the color over my green eyes is perfect. It covers it very nicely. These were the Cherry - Violet ones. I got these three years ago, so I dont remember exactly which one from the folder I bought, but these seem the most familiar.

>> No.8260734

>looking at thumbnail
>looks like someone punched me in the nose
>trying super hard not to laugh at excellent camera skills

>> No.8260800

Yeah the blurple is exactly the effect i'm trying to avoid, I really don't know what to do though.. I got these and they are 150% blurple


>> No.8260846
File: 105 KB, 600x632, eye1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got these kind for the purpose that I didnt want it to be overly purple. I needed them to be this sort of color and in the previous for these they looked blurple, however, ZYL has tons of contacts that will NOT do this that are in the purple/violet range. These ones or the Jewel - Violet would be the best for very purple. The purple on these ones aren't as translucent, so they shouldn't show up overly blurple even though you have blue eyes.

>> No.8260906

I actually just realized that the ones they said they would send separately (after they said one pair I wanted were out of stock so they'd send them after I told them a different pair) were in this package, the two I'm missing were from my original order that they said they would send first. Maybe they only sent those two pairs at first and for some reason it got caught in customs? I'm really hoping so, I wanted those ones...

Both GnG.

>> No.8260908
File: 33 KB, 403x585, 972006_10202337692061801_1765962980_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these ones: http://www.pinkyparadise.com/EOS-Fairy-Violet-p/e25-fairy-vl.htm
(not my picture, she said her eyes are blue though, mine are hazel)

>> No.8261273

I'm looking for white mesh lenses with UV, any recommandations?

>> No.8261571
File: 98 KB, 700x700, Beuberry_Vivid_Red_b-700x700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Beuberry lens so hard to find?
Is Uniqso the only store selling it?

I think I'm in love with the Vivid series.
It literally has the only red lenses that don't make you look like a semaphore and aren't either nudy (aka fucking invisible), or fully opaque halloweenish-demon-vampire.

It seems like a really good combo of noticeable yet not flashy lens. Plus it's 16mm which is the only size I buy nowadays.

>> No.8261852
File: 19 KB, 500x317, 136502b6d0a5a930cb5150daee7993d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess what i'm lookign for is something supernaturally bright, maybe close to a violet.

Like this, for this character.

>> No.8261863

Dang those are pretty. I've never tried Beuberry... are they comfortable?

>> No.8261870


Try these ones.

>> No.8261881


EFX always has good lenses as well. They sometimes sell at conventions.

>> No.8262081
File: 54 KB, 560x438, 1429154375677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good, but I need perscription

Also good, but don't let you change perscription per eye : (((

>> No.8262085

>they absolutely dried out
>tfw panicked and check my ones

Thankfully you said that, I will be checking them more often now.

>> No.8262202

Its going to be really hard to find vibrant colors that are able to be prescription. You will have to settle with blurple lenses at this rate and for photos, just alter the color a little in photoshop.

>> No.8265987
File: 1002 KB, 1600x900, mizukiref.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 14.5mm too big a diameter if I'm wanting to go ftm? Still animu (pic related) but I don't want my eyes to look overly feminine. I'm struggling to find a nice green from a reputable place and a good price. Thinking of going with Dueba Gossip Green from honey, would the quite big limbal ring help with them not seeming so enlarging?

>> No.8265991

whoops *good price that is a more natural eye size

>> No.8265995

Depends on the the design. Imo, unless it's like 17mm, the DIA doesn't really say all that much. What's advertised as 14-15mm doesn't look incredibly different from each other, it's just that some designs make the eyes seem a lot bigger. I find big limbal rings to be especially enlarging.

TLDR; best to look up real life pics of the lenses you are interested in.

>> No.8267069

you should post your cosplay once you're done, i'm a big gay mizuki fangirl :~)

>> No.8267503

14.5mm is too big for male characters. I would stay at 14mm to 14.2 mm.

>> No.8267592

It really depends on the size of your natural eye and how that fits together with the given contacts/how dolly it looks. If the design is brighter and has a thin limbal ring your eyes don't really look that big despite the size of the lens (in my own experience).

14.5 really only starts looking enlarging if you have a dark colored lens with thick limbal ring.

>> No.8267596

>Dueba Gossip Green
I would also recommend Solotica Hidrocharme in Mel, though that's just because the green is really nice in my opinion. Dueba puffy 3 tone Green also looks amazing in pictures, but I'm not sure if that's the hue you want with this dude.

>> No.8268089

Anyone ever used the GEO Eyevelyn lenses? Supposedly they're comfier because of "silicone hydrogel". I just bought a pair for daily wear cause they look fairly natural on the website.

>> No.8268218

I wore them two days ago. I can feel a difference in thickness. I definitely feels better in the eye. Also, with other lenses I start to get a little red in the eyes towards the end of the maximum wear time. I did not get the redness with these lenses which means that they are more oxygen permeable like they claim. I actually got pretty good enlargement, more than I thought. They're a great natural lens.

>> No.8268242

Honeycolor goes to about -8.00 and my prescription is -6.5 and they work just fine for me.

>> No.8268249

Cheers for the responses!

Those solotica ones are a brilliant colour, but they seem to be really expensive, one site had them for $99! But thank you, I'll keep looking

Ahaha, if I do my husbando justice I might!

>> No.8268301

I have two lenses to suggest. One is Neo Sunflower Green or Beaucon Vibrant Match Green. Reason being they are really comfortable and you can get through a day at a convention without being too irked by dryness issues. They also have minimal enlargement which is great for male characters. They are also vibrant. But it depends on your eye color though. You can find the lenses on honeycolor.com

>> No.8268351

As a followup, holy shit Honeycolor is fast. I soaked the lenses overnight and am wearing them for today. They're really comfy, but they still look a little disturbing. My eyes are just too dark, but at a distance I guess they look blue enough. They sure bring out the whites in my eyes, that's for sure!

No pic because my manface is gross.

>> No.8268384

I got my QT lenses today! they're soaking atm and I'll try to get a picture or two before the sun goes down.

>> No.8268519
File: 1.16 MB, 332x208, qqs65c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honeycolor is fast
Lend me your luck, they just shipped my order today. I got the Super Pinky Violet.

Also please tell me how wearing them goes since they're the same brand as the ones I ordered and I'm wondering if they'll last most of the day without making my eyes feel dry.

>> No.8268568

Did you get DHL shipping?

Also, it's been 5 hours since I put them in and boy, I can't feel a thing, no dry eyes or anything!

>> No.8268587

Sadly no, I got the cheaper option since I don't need them until the end of next month.

>> No.8268737

Creeping into hour 6 and I feel a little dryness, but nothing uncomfortable yet.

>> No.8268979

Hour 7 is causing some discomfort. Changed out of them, but I could probably wear them a few more hours if I had to.

>> No.8269163

Thanks for the updates! I'll probably wear my to the local convention and just make a note to take them for an hour or two to soak and then put them in again for round two.

>> No.8269217

I wear glasses normally, so I guess if you wear contacts all the time, you might be able to hold out even longer I'd assume. Hope they come as swiftly as mine did! Enjoy them anon!

>> No.8269226
File: 1.99 MB, 500x211, tumblr_n76s13H7uw1qae4jdo2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wear glasses normally
I guess I have a slight upper hand? I wore contacts daily for years but for the past year it's been nothing but glasses. This is my first time hopping back onto the contact bandwagon since making the switch.

Will do though! Thanks for all the info!

>> No.8269321
File: 378 KB, 1009x297, IMG_20150421_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these areally the 14mm QT turquoise! pls excuse my skin lmao, this was taken at the window in natural lighting. I like them a lot! they felt okay just in for the pictures but that was only half an hour so I cant rly speak on comfort.

>> No.8269486

Anyone who had their order split by kiwiberry received their 2nd package yet? I wanted to wait and see if I got anything this week before I tell them to go ahead with the refund.

>> No.8269651

I put one lens in and my eye feels a little dry, only been about an hour. But I don't wear contacts often so there's that. This definitely is one of the most comfortable I've worn and the color (super pinky blue) shows up very nicely on my dark brown eyes.

>> No.8269809

probably should just assume you're not getting it. I didnt get my entire order and I feel like they f'ed up and didnt send out my order at all.

>> No.8269864

Ordered two lenses from Kiwi and only one came, emailed them and they told me the other one was out of stock. Cries. Was really looking forward to getting that lens :c

Also question, hopefully someone can answer me.
>have the rigid night contacts
>has worn Plano lenses for over five years
>never had a problem with circle lenses
>decide to switch to daily acuvue lenses for astigmatism
>now have to buy circle lenses in prescription
>eyes normal when wearing normal contacts and Plano lenses
>prescription circle lenses leave read circle around iris and make the rest of the eye super red

Why ;_____; it's not the lens' fault I don't think, because I always check the base curve/water content.
I go to an optometrist for all my contact fittings but this problem came up really recently?? I don't want to ask him because circle lenses are kind of taboo mehh

>> No.8270224

If I don't get anything by tomorrow, I'll ask them for the refund.

>> No.8270240

The red circle is oxygen deprivation

>> No.8270309

Does anyone know a lens that is not so vibrant purple? I'm looking for sort of a slightly purple/brown toned lenses. Something not extremely bright, kind of delicate?

>> No.8270384

Potentially dumb question, Pinky Paradise/Honey Color doesn't have my prescription for my right eye (-5.50) can I go up or down 0.50? My glasses prescription is more updated than my contacts and my right eye is -6.00 there, if that helps any, but I'm not sure if they might be completely different things.

>> No.8270406

Glasses and contacts have different prescription, but yeah, going up or down your lenses prescription by 0.50 should be fine. It really depends how sensitive you are to change in prescription.

>> No.8272259

Got some EOS New Adult Reds as my free sample in my Honeycolor order. I'm pretty happy about that. I bought a pair 3 or 4 years ago for cosplay and they're my favourite lenses to date (but I never rebought because I've been searching for other colours that suit me). They show up as such a lovely mahogany shade on my eyes. I'm so happy to have received them.

I'm glad they were sent in my perscription. I ordered for multiple people. I would have cried if these were in someone else's.

>> No.8272498

Why does that happen?

>> No.8272993

>free sample in my Honeycolor order.
Wait, they give free samples and in prescription? Do you need to do anything special or buy a certain amount or what?

>> No.8273004

I don't think so, because I got some free black ones, idk what brand, in my first honeycolor order and that was just one pair of lenses. They were prescription too.

>> No.8273055

I didn't see anything like that on the website when I ordered but I'd be super excited to get a free prescription pair. I already planned on making another order in a few months anyway but this just seals the deal.

>> No.8273066

Eye doesn't get enough oxygen, builds blood vessels on the borders of the lenses to get more, thus red rim around the iris.

>> No.8273085

No clue. I bought three pairs and two were 50% off. This is my third order and I've never received any before.

>> No.8273571

How long did you wear the circle lenses? I only got the red ring twice and it was because I was reckless during a convention and wore my lenses over the 8 hour limit.

>> No.8273797

No :( Let me know how the refund goes, I guess I should ask for mine too

>> No.8274355

I sent them an email yesterday but i haven't heard back yet. Still hoping for those contacts to show up.

>> No.8274617
File: 118 KB, 500x500, m291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be doing a cosplay of Kcalb from GGT and since I'm still not on a level of where I'm comfortable spending money on scleras, (I can only just get 16.0mm in without too much trouble, god forbid I try full on scleras) I'm trying to figure out the best way to go - white lenses or large diameter black lenses?

>> No.8274853

Depends on your base curvature and if the fitting of the lense is too tight on your eyes.
I have astigmatism and asked my eye doctor about this, she told me it would be okay for me to wear circle lenses with a base curve of 8.6 because my own base curve is 8.5 so it's not too drastic of a change. It's when you start to wear lenses too small for your base curve that problems occur. Such as if your base curve is say 8.8 and you're wearing something thats 8.6...it's stopping oxygen getting to your eyes. Kind of like how if a bra is too small/big if you get me.

>> No.8276147

So I've never worn contacts before, but I need to get a pair for a cosplay. Thing is the style I need is like the halloween brand stuff. I've heard that for those kinds you don't need to do anything serious but should I still get myself fitted in case? I've never had to wear them for any special reason so no prescriptions and stuff.

>> No.8276295

I have black-brown eyes and need to find red lenses and grey-blue lenses that will show up well on them. Any suggestions on what would work?

>> No.8276633

Yes. You'll also get some instructions on how to properly care for your contacts at a fitting.

>> No.8276847

I'm thirding Dolly+
Venus Eye Bright Red is a bit too pink imo, and for a male character, you don't want that much enlargement.
Dolly+ is 14.5 mm, and the color payoff is great, and are definitely the most comfortable lenses I own.

>> No.8278306

Pretty much all lenses, because circle lenses are designed for brown-black eyes.
Besides, we need more details. Do you want enlargement? Bright red or dark red? RX or plano?

>> No.8280056

I'm looking for green/blue lenses that will pop out.
I have dark brown eyes and most lenses dont do the trick for me. I also have shitty lighting.

for greens will

and for blues will

>> No.8280081

Got a partial refund for the lenses I didn't receive from Kiwiberry today. Still hoping I get them somehow as I have no idea who sells those models of QT lenses I ordered.

>> No.8280146


>> No.8280159

>you don't want that much enlargement.

Venus eyes are 14.0 though?

>> No.8280167

>all these /cgl/ honeys

Damn, I thought /cgl/ was all salty fat girls and acne ridden sticks but ....damn I was wrong!!! Oh and so it's not OT, I've kept a pair of yellow eye contacts for about a year, just change the solution every now and then, they still feel fine

>> No.8280303

I thought they were 15 when I last checked. My bad! I must have not picked them for some other reason when I ordered my red ones. :)

>> No.8280331

I just got a pair of pretty crystal greens and they're basically mahou shojo tier enlargement and color. My only beef with them is that they don't have a fade-in effect and I have light eyes so you can see where the color starts. They're so vibrant and unnatural though that it's okay.

>> No.8280499

No on the twilight blue because they are literally the most uncomfortable lenses in existence. Try Super Pinky Green or Blue or Beaucon Vibrant Match green or blue. Super Pinky is good if you want enlargement.

>> No.8280861
File: 22 KB, 225x350, 275325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What lenses should I get for my Chiyuki cosplay? I haven't bought purple lenses before

>> No.8280934

Dueba puffy 3-tone pink would work for this, I used it for cosplay and it was kind of like that color. They also have a purple version of the same lens, but it's more blue than what I see here.

>> No.8281006

Thanks, I'll consider buying those. I have greyish light blue eyes myself so I guess they will turn out ok.

>> No.8281793

I wouldn't reccoment these for the effect she's looking for.
Those lens have a very toned-down, almost nudy pink. The whole puffy 3-tone series was made to be natural looking, since they all have that brownish ring.
I bought those ones precisely to give off a shiny pinkish-hazel tone.
Chiyuki has a very strong magenta color, these wouldn't work.

I'm also having a hard time finding this color. Pink lenses are too light, red lenses are too bright, violet lenses are too blue.
I'll probably go with Cloud Nine Pink. I don't know how it looks on light eyes though...

>> No.8282396

Probably a stupid question, but google misinterprets my question so I need to ask here.
What's wrong with using lenses over a year old? I have some colored ones I only have worn a few times, and they still feel very soft and look wearable.

>> No.8282403

that picture I posted is some random girl on tumblr, not me lmao. I'm not fat or acne ridden though so yay?

>> No.8282409

Lense material degrade over time and wear. Micro tears could worsen, and essentially be harmful because it would facilitate bacteria entering your eye.

>> No.8282419

Oh geez, I'll toss mine out then, thank you!

>> No.8282887

Just an idle thought that I've been having off and on for a while now but does anyone here know how exactly to get started selling circle lenses/having an online lens shop? I know I won't be able to do it f/t but maybe holding the occasional batch order/keeping some stuff in stock?

>> No.8282992

I imagine you have to order them directly from GEO or whatever brand in bulk. Probably all in plano if you're only going for a small stock.

>> No.8283189

Yep, at least those are the girls I've seen at /cgl/ meet ups so that's what I've surmised

im from so flo though, so why should I have expected differently

>> No.8283302

Good to know, thanks for telling. Other lens recommendations for Chiyuki are appreciated, anons!

>> No.8283371

My HoneyColor order just got to USA customs yesterday. I wasn't expecting it to be so fast.

>> No.8284636

When did you order?

>> No.8284742

Ordered the 19th. Shipped the 21st. I got the cheapest shipping so I was expecting 14-17 days like the estimate said.

>> No.8288331

My order is arriving today! I'll try to do a quick review tomorrow after I've gotten them in solution overnight.

>> No.8288336

How do you transport your lenses? I know some contact cases leak so I'm wondering if it's okay to put them back into the bottles they originally came in so you can safely transport them in a suitcase and then just soak them in your lens cases overnight before you wear them.

>> No.8288343

Do nice orange lenses exist? I wanted the orange to be pretty noticeable but the only ones I've found are the Mason ones and they're just a block of color. Everything else seems too brown/not noticeable enough

>> No.8288345

The bottles would leak even more. They don't really seal.

>> No.8288363
File: 15 KB, 355x355, 41Kt7RSo5WL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Well that sucks. Sorry for probably asking such a noob question, I've just never owned contacts that came in bottles before. Mine were always in the sealed packets you had to peel the top off of so if I wanted to transport my contacts it was in the generic twist-on lens cases that leaked a bit.

I'm getting pic related so hopefully it'll at least contain any leaks.

>> No.8288368

Yeah the bottles are cute, but after you've pulled off the metal bits, the top "stopper" will pop right off with just a little bit of pressure - it isn't a screw on or pressure sealed by any means.

What are folks' opinions on cheap case alternatives? I know most drug stores have ugly basics for $2 each, but I'm hesitant to buy any cute or dirt cheap asian cases out of fear that they'll have the same leakage problem. Is something like the above pic better, since it can't really flip over sideways?

>> No.8288395

I got the one you're mentioning but it hasn't arrived yet. They've got the basic design and when I used to use those daily, they had very little leakage when I'd travel with them. I think if you put this in a makeup/travel bag at the very bottom that it would be alright. At least that's what I'm hoping for.

>> No.8288602
File: 10 KB, 150x150, A19-BS202-2T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently ordered Geo Bella Blue. They're my first pair of circle lenses so I'm really excited for them to come. I'd been hesitant to try them bc I have astigmatism and fuck over expensive torics. But last Tuesday I said fuck it and ordered a pair. My astigmatism isn't bad so i -should- be okay.
On Pinky Paradise how long does the processing usually take? Like originally I wanted the Geo Angel Blue's but they didn't have my prescription in stock so I changed to Bella Blue. That was last Wednesday. It's been nearly a week of my order status being 'processing'. On their site it says it usually takes 3 days but it's been like a week :/

>> No.8288637

Did anyone else e-mail kiwiberry and not get a reply? Still missing two lenses and they haven't answered my email.

>> No.8288718
File: 88 KB, 640x480, 20150429_133020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My contacts arrived and I'm not thrilled. I ordered a bottle of solution with it and someone didn't check to see if the bottle was screwed shut or not. The bottle was covered in solution, the box my contacts were in has water damage and the plastic package that has my free lens case is sticky.

The contacts themselves are safe since they're in those bottles but I lost a lot of my contact solution. It was still leaking when I pulled it out of the box but all I had to do was twist the cap slightly and it stopped. It was wrapped up in thick bubble-wrapish material and the inside of that was soaked with fluid as well. I think someone just didn't bother to check before they wrapped it up.

This is my first order with them but I think I should contact them and try to get a replacement or a refund for the contact solution since nearly half the contents were in the box, not the bottle.

>> No.8288731
File: 120 KB, 480x640, 20150429_133133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sent them an email with the pictures I took of everything in the box and asked if maybe I could get a replacement bottle of solution. Hoping they'll say yes. If not, maybe they'll just refund it and I'll go to Walmart's eye care center and get a bottle there.

Here's another picture of how warped with water damage the box was from the amount of contact solution that leaked from the 60ml bottle I got.

>> No.8288767

If the bottle wasn't sealed to begin with, that's a big problem.
Was your box indicated for having been open for inspection? It could have been open upon arrival at your country and it's contents carelessly shoved back in the box after. I don't know where you live but I've heard similar stories. Also thought the lenses box would be in a worst state after 1-2 weeks in transit all soaked and in constant contact with a leaky bottle but idk.
It's really odd that they'd send an unsealed bottle to begin with. They're usually quite helpful whenever I message them, I hope you can get things sorted quickly.

>> No.8288779
File: 102 KB, 640x480, 20150429_132907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not entirely sure what happened. When I opened the box nothing had been disturbed but when I pulled the bottle out, I twisted the cap in the direction you'd close something in and the leaking stopped immediately. I've never had this kind of bottle before, only the ones where you flip the lid off and it's attached by a strip of plastic to the bottle.

And I live in the USA so that's why it sounds super strange. I've never had any of my packages opened before.

>> No.8288780

That's really weird and the bottle does look like it was supposed to be sealed in the first place. If you already messaged them, it's a matter of waiting, they shouldn't take too long to reply. Do update on the situation! I've ordered from them so many times and never had anything remotely similar happening.

>> No.8288781

>lenses box would be in a worst state after 1-2 weeks in transit

Actually I'm >>8284742 and it shipped on the 21st and just got here on the 29th so just over a week.

The part that was leaking was the twisty top bit that's just above the label on the bottle. I don't know if that's supposed to be sealed or just firmly twisted shut since yeah, never had this kind of bottle before.

>> No.8288786

Yeah, I just filled out their form to contact them after I posted. I'll keep you informed and thanks for telling me it was supposed to be sealed since I wouldn't have known otherwise.

>> No.8289339

I have those and they're very nice and comfortable. If they don't work with your astigmatism then they DO offer toric lenses.

>> No.8289353
File: 215 KB, 1167x861, tumblr_nm728xsQsu1scbgcdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what lenses she's wearing? I asked her but I didn't get a reply yet..

>> No.8289435

The bottle looks like those that have a plastic ring attatched to the cap (judging by the picture) that you have to give one first harder effort to twist in order to break the connection between the ring and the actual cap. So I do think it was supposed to be sealed. Actually, most liquid bottles are supposed to have some sort of seal precisely to avoid leaks and to preserve the product during shelf life.

They look like EOS Adult in pink but I'm not too sure

>> No.8289446


At least they are similar

>> No.8289756

HoneyColor bottle-anon here. I just got an email response and they're going to send me a replacement bottle of solution. I'm so used to crappy customer service that I'm actually really surprised that they're sending one. Definitely would order from them again, though I may stick to buying my solution locally from now on just to prevent another incident like this. Well, that and they don't sell any bottles over 60ml and I can see that running out pretty quick.

>> No.8290270

Not a circle lens review, but I did a big group order from honeycolor and the express postage got it to Australia in only 2 days.
Would definitely recommend honeycolor if you need contacts quick!

>> No.8290435
File: 938 KB, 930x378, moonlite 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI I thought the new I.Fairy Moonlite lenses are identical in design and color to the Princess Pinky Eclipse series but the I.Fairy version is WAY more saturated in color. Pic related, somebody did a review of them. The color looks amazing. You can get the series here:


>> No.8290484

Does anyone have any suggestions for lenses for Madoka? I have DollyEye lenses in pink, but they just don't seem right. The color is off and they honestly make me look more creepy than cute.

>> No.8290486

I buy the three pack ones from target or CVS and they haven't leaked on me at all.

>> No.8290814
File: 474 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_nn6wxtxsJF1s5oev9o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you suggest for my Sapphire cosplay? Her eyes are kind of yellowish green I guess? I haven't found lenses that would be close to that color and I don't really know what to look for. My own eyecolor is blueish green.. Should I go for more of a green color or yellow, I'm not really sure..

>> No.8290863

I can't say anything about leakage on those, but I will tell you that those rubber-tipped tweezers are a lifesaver.

>> No.8291121

I would suggest Max Elegance Tri-tone Pink. It has nice color, a smaller pupil hole, and it comes out a more deeper pink than a pastel pink.


>> No.8293446

I ordered from HoneyColor on the 20th and have been tracking my order, this the progress so far:

>The item arrived at the International Logistics Center Frankfurt on May 1, 2015.
>The item arrived at the International Logistics Center Frankfurt on April 27, 2015.
>The item arrived at the International Logistics Center Deutsche Post Singapore on April 24, 2015.

First off, did it leave from Singapore or Germany?
Second, why did it arrive at Frankfurt twice, and why is it still there?
A lot of people say they're the fastest even with the economic mail option, when should I expect my order to arrive Spain?

>> No.8293504

Whenever I order from them, my package stops by Germany as well, not exactly sure why but they do.
I'm from Portugal and my orders usually arrive within 2 weeks with regular mail

>> No.8297498

Does pinkyparadise not carry prescriptions of 8.25? All I'm seeing is 8.00 and 8.50

>> No.8297518

A lot of brands only go up in increments of 0.5 when you get past -5.00.

>> No.8297536

I have the same problem (though my perscription is a bit lower) and I get either .25 up or down. Can see perfectly with either and since it's only for wearing during a short time it's not very harmful

>> No.8297537

Olá maria

>> No.8298541

I'm sorry if this was asked before but since I didn't find anything related to this; I was wondering if there are good blue contact lenses that instead of looking like this fake vibrant deep blue it'd have a more light color? Or more natural I'd guess?
Or would it be safer to go with grey contacts instead to get something similar to what I might be seeking?

>> No.8298546


>> No.8298562

I think blue contacts are meant to be bright cerulean blue. I say go for grey; grey contacts have always read as a dull light to medium blue for me (dark brown eyes). Even the cartoonishly solid greys look blue in certain lighting.

>> No.8298566

I own super pinky in blue and they aren't a vibrant deep blue. Aside from being pretty big in size, I find the color quite natural looking

>> No.8298570

Are there any vibrant blue/green toric lenses? All astigmatic lenses seem to be not very vibrant unless you pay for the 600$ pair one.

>> No.8298600

I looked through a bunch of sites and these were the best blue ones I could find.

The reviews on this site seem fake af though, the same few comments are on all the lenses.

>> No.8298606



These? They also do come in grey.

>> No.8298613

I have a pair coming in the next couple of days (they are in transit out of customs) of the EOS 2tone Dazzle in green. I was gonna leave them sealed until after my flight but if you want I can crack it open and review it.

>> No.8298642


>$9.98 contact lenses

That sounds way too cheap and I guarantee it will not show up on anyones yes. This site looks sketchy as fuck.

>> No.8298644

those are really pretty

>> No.8298660

*anyones eyes
Also just looked again and it's 9.98 for one lens.

I would try EOS Fairy (Fay) Blue. Most blue lenses will come out darker when put on the eyes. It also depends on your eye color.

>> No.8299013

Anyone have good suggestions of lenses for people who have blue eyes? I want to find something that is light green, so that my eyes look like a type of hazerl, but most of the lenses I've found seem to overpower with green and not really bring the blue out.

>> No.8299039

i like them a lot but unfortunately i think one of them is defective, it feels like it's inside out no matter which way i put it in, and it's not just that eye bc it feels the same way in both eyes :( pretty disappointed tbh, i love the design and the other one is super comfortable.

>> No.8299203
File: 654 KB, 2048x3068, 74b03d77jw1ep3c32xjs4j21kw2d84ge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have an idea which yellow ones these are? Or can recommend something similar?

I got Princess Pinky Twilight Brown, but I forced Pinky Paradise to refund me because they were unwearable. They looked so nice, too.
Buh, anyway, I'd love some recommendations. I'm looking for the least enlargement possible, and in prescription. I've done plenty of looking myself, but I figured some of you might have personal recommendations.

>> No.8299348


This site has been vetted by my optometrist... yeah, the web design leaves something to be desired though. I like 'em because I don't fancy the look of circle lenses.

>> No.8299368
File: 1.41 MB, 784x1176, i.Fairy_Moonlite_Yellow__73772.1423734509.1280.1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I.Fairy Moonlite in Yellow


>> No.8299470

>Diameter: 15.0 mm

Thanks for linking, though!

>> No.8300720

Really want to get into circle lenses, suggestions?

>> No.8301664

> optometrist
> optometrist
> optometrist
Apart from that, what are you looking for exactly? For cosplay? Every day wear? Lolita?

>> No.8302078
File: 8 KB, 170x170, file_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So just bought two pairs of these from honeycolor. I have to admit though, I'm a little bit.. worried.

-most sites have them sold out
-the rest are hella expensive
-two sites sell them at the same cheaper price (honeycolor and eyecandys)
-however, honeycolor is the only ones which offer prescription lenses

Have I reason to worry, considering how these shouldn't be such a one-of-a-kind thing?

>> No.8302874

Honeycolor is very reliable when I comes to their lenses. They only have 10 styles of halloween lenses in prescription while the rest are plano. I would get them from honeycolor instead of eyecandys.