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8277796 No.8277796 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of music do other lolitas listen to? I've been looking for some kind of cutesy music to listen to, and was hoping maybe some other lolitas had suggestions!

>pic related

>> No.8277804

Kyary, Capsule, and Perfume are my Holy Trinity of cutesy electronic music.

If by any chance you want something a little more subdued, maybe more classicy or even mori-kei-feely, Sea Oleena are great, I've been pushing them on lots of people lately. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soiZsesXbF4

>> No.8277817

>Sea Oleena are great, I've been pushing them on lots of people lately.

That's fucking awful, anon, are you sure you're just not in the band and being a shill?

For real good mori stuff try arai akino

>> No.8277845
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Lolita isn't connected with a music style. Just go to /mu/ and talk about twee or jpop or bubblegum pop or something. Cutesy can apply to quite a few genres but I'm guessing you just mean energetic jpop shit like kyary.

>> No.8277850

ClariS. I know they're mostly famous for anime openings, but a lot of their less popular songs are just as adorable.

>> No.8277852

For fun j-pop I usually go to KPP, AKB48, Perfume, and vocaloid stuff. For more gothic style music I listen to Yousei Teikoku.

>> No.8277858

>Kyary, Capsule, and Perfume are my Holy Trinity of cutesy electronic music.

I agree with this anon. I also really love Ikimono Gakari if you can get down with the harmonica. Dj Okawari is good if you like classical electronic mixes. And Babymetal but that's probably OT. I like a wide variety of music.

>> No.8277862

Completely forgot about AKB48 and ClariS. Wow. I used to be really big into AKB48 about two years back, but I lost track pretty quickly.

>> No.8277868
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That being saod, this is what otome would sound like to me. Really fun.

>> No.8277890

>go to /mu/ and talk about twee or bubblegum pop
You have quite obviously never been to /mu/ if you think they're big about that stuff.

>> No.8277916
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No, they sometimes had twee threads and kyary was quite popular. I know a few people liked girl groups. Not everyone just listens to death grips and swans because you see it being spammed. The twee threads were great. They have jpop charts too.

>> No.8277929

They even have a fucking kpop thread though kpop is shit and they mainly talk about cute girls.

>> No.8277962
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>> No.8277975

Ai Otsuka is my favorite j-pop artist. She was mostly making music several years ago, but her voice and songs are very cute and energetic. I don't know if you need to listen to "the latest thing".

>> No.8277990
File: 117 KB, 500x354, lullatone2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't recommend Lullatone enough. It's really cutesy music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBHwTZhurX0

>> No.8278010
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i listen to a range of music, but i associate my lolita side with bands like rasputina, cocteau twins, jarboe-era swans/world of skin, and of course various jrock bands.

>> No.8278035
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the cutesiest music i listen to that is not from anime OSTs is grimes, but not sure if that gets anywhere near cute enough for OP.


>> No.8278041

>Holy Trinity of cutesy electronic music
>all made by the same person

Come on, anon, there's more to the genre than that. At least listen to COLTEMONIKHA if you're going to limit yourself to Nakata.

>> No.8278081

Yura Hatsuki. She's amazing. La Pucelle is my favorite album of hers.

>> No.8278095

Antique High Heel Red Doll Shoes!

>> No.8278113

this si awesome, anon, thanks

>> No.8278190

Ali Project, Capsule, Perfume, Kyary, MEG, Mizca, Aira Mitsuki, Sound Horizon. All sorts of music, but those are my weeby ones I guess.

>> No.8278195
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>Went to a Kyary Pamyu Pamyu concert
>It wasn't really that big

I don't know if I've been misled by television or if it's because it was just a single, non-Rihanna artist performing, but I felt like maybe she wasn't as big in the USA as I imagined.

>> No.8278246

I second Ai Otsuka! Her lyrics are also the perfect combination of cute and surprisingly emotional. I recommend Sakuranbo, CHU-LIP, and Kingyo Hanabi to anyone looking to get into her.

>> No.8278256

yes! that and My Little Shirtwaist Fire are my jams.

>> No.8278268

For those of you who like Kyary, Capsule, etc, check out Ami Suzuki, she has a couple albums produced by Yasutaka Nakata.

I also like Vanilla Beans, Halcali, and Aural Vampire (not cutesy, but super catchy).

>> No.8278273

Well. Smaller known artists get smaller venues. A hockey arena can fit 10 thousand people. I don't think she could sell 10 thousand tickets.

>> No.8278294

Only one of her albums is by Nakata (Supreme Show), she just has a couple tracks by him on the other one (DOLCE).

There's also MEG who another anon mentioned above, although not all of her songs are by him either, and NAGISA COSMETIC who was basically a proto-Kyary from the early 2000s.

>> No.8278309

I'm so sad that I never got to see them live when they were around.

>> No.8278312

Adding onto this, pizzicato five.

>> No.8278320
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My favourite artist. My boyfriend sometimes takes the piss out of me for listening to 'girlie' music but he listens to cringy 'le wrong generation' shite so

>> No.8278344

You have wonderful taste anon

>> No.8278703

I've only heard her Arrietty song (which was the bets part of that whole film). What's her best work>

>> No.8278733

My favourite is the album posted above (La Fiancée) but Songbook Vol 4: Roses is my second favourite. In total she has 6 albums, usually sung in a mixture of languages (English, Breton, French, Spanish, (Irish) Gaelic). You can get them from her website, iTunes, probably Amazon as well.

>> No.8278775

You're amazing, reading about them on matador now, downloading some albums later .

>> No.8278779

I actually listen to 1920's music a lot.
Crooners and some Jazz.
Lee Morses voice I think is just wonderfull.
Try her most popular song, "If you want the rainbow"


>> No.8278782

And dont try her "come back" songs from the 1950's, she had a hard life, man.

>> No.8278789

I listen to Mili. Their songs are energetic but not unbearably so. Kind of sweet lolits-ish, if I had to assign them to a jfash style.


>> No.8278790
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well, she's a huge weeb at least, so it should fit...

>> No.8278833

Strawberry Switchblade.

>> No.8278847

her voice made me think of Émilie Simon for some reason, who is also relevant to this thread i guess...


>> No.8278873

Closest thing to lolita music I can think of is Meltia, but that is because they dress in it



>> No.8278891
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bitch don't know bout my Kokusyoku Sumire
(not that i blame you, i can barely listen to some of their song)


>> No.8278909

Omg Anon, I know how you feel. I can see why you say it sounds Mori.

Here are some more examples of some of the stuff I really like, though honestly I'm not sure what genre of music this fits into.

"Mori" sounding songs from different artists:


I feel like classic lolita can be split into a big main two styles; one that's more country and relaxed, and one that's more OTT and fancy, dressed up.
!!! LOL ANON you beat me to it! I was about to post them;;
This song I feel like kind of suits IW, or more toned down, more traditional

'aatp' kind of song.
Ali Project sings a lot of stuff that has a very classic vibe to it.

'Juliette et Justine', more OTT vibe song, kind of like the ‘Mori’ songs but with more going on:

EGL kind of song:
And again, I'm a big fan of Vkei. Versailles *-*

'Waloli' kind of feel:
A lot of stuff kind of goes back to Vkei.. RIP isshi.

As you all know lolita doesn't have a set music style, it's what you associate it with. I'm mostly on the classic side of things and I appreciate a modern twist to orchestral music.

When you put too much pop into it, it just sounds very sweet to me and I'm not a sweet lolita. Hopefully you get what I mean because I can't figure out a better way to explain it.. Not to say pop/sweet songs are bad! It's just personal preference. I'll put in a few more examples for sweet in my next post.

>> No.8278913

I found some songs I considered more sweet, hopefully you guys get what I mean:
Sweet ish song:

Candy puking pastelly song:
Kyary for sure.

>> No.8278914

I mostly listen to metal and game soundtracks/covers, but I think the closest to lolita-ish would be Die Milch. I also listen to classical, so that always works out.

>> No.8278917

>I mostly listen to metal and game soundtracks/covers

Me too, my personal favorite artists for game BGMs are Inon Zur and Jeremy Soule.

>closest to lolita-ish would be Die Milch
Just checked them out, they're pretty awesome! Thank you for the recommendation, Anon.

>> No.8278931

I listen to,

A$AP Mob, Yung Lean, that kind of shiz.

>> No.8278939

Not lolita, but the Indonesian band "Mocca" has an otome kinda vibe imo

> The band's musical style is inspired by the retro sounds of the 70s, with influences of swing, bossa nova, Swedish pop, and jazz.

>> No.8278970

Kanye West in his early days is a pretty good choice

>> No.8278991

No problem, anon! Enjoy!

>> No.8279082

I listen a lot to groups like Aqua, Toy-Box, ATC, etc... Very "cutesy" and fun but probably not anywhere near what you're looking for lol

>> No.8279101

I'm a huge fan of Sumire, I own all their albums and I saw them live twice. I just love their whole image and everything, they're so cool. The songs with the accordion in them are my favorite, that kind of old gypsy/circus sound always really appealed to me.

>> No.8279195

Oh man, I've been listening to her stuff so much lately. Good taste.

>> No.8279296

Not weeb stuff but in terms of slightly cutesy songs, these are a few in my library:

Also, while they're not exactly "cute," here's some songs that just give me confidence while going out:
And anything by Charli XCX.

>> No.8279300

Oh I used to love Ai Otsuka!! <3 Shes great

>> No.8279308

I have alot of songs that are very lolita, but not really groups. I can dump if you like. I'll label by category.

>> No.8279311


It's like someone turned decora into sound

>> No.8279342


>> No.8279436

Anon is right uknow

>> No.8279441

Ditto this. City pop/Shibuya kei in general suits Otome-kei, imo. If you like Pizzicato Five, you'll like Orange Lounge and Fantastic Plastic Machine.

Haha yeah she is. A part of me wishes that she seriously got into lolita (this picture is hella old); I imagine her looking really cute in it.

Reminds me of Spazzkid and Madeon

OP, if you want to, set up a last.fm account if you haven't already, plug in artists you already listen to and then it'll start suggesting stuff for you.

>> No.8279480

There's a lolita mini music festival in Vienna in October with bands like Die Milch and Lolita KompleX.

>> No.8279784


Lolita KompleX should fucking die already.

>> No.8279835

What ever happened to Swansong for a Raven?

>> No.8279950

Not sure what to define as lolita music BUT here's what I like
Doll Elements
Etsuko Yaskushimaru or Soutai Seiriron
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Atc0ERea7nE h
fripside- lots of anime openings and VN songs but they have some good stuff
Kanahana- lots of cutesy/whimsical stuff
plus her anime OPs/EDs are good too
petit milady if you like uguu

>> No.8279962

I love this anon

>> No.8280013


>> No.8280691

so cute and happy.. def decora sound! need this in my life

>> No.8281447

I just listen to sappy old Japanese stuff

Tokunaga Hideaki - Jidai
Frank Nagai - Kimi Koishi

>> No.8281881
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I want to know something a lot of music thread don't talk about:

What song would you choose if you were coordinating a lolita fashion show?

>> No.8282991

Something from Sound Horizon or Kalafina definitely. Yuki Kajiura too.

>> No.8282999

Depends on the styles. I wouldn't recommend the same music for pastel sweet as for gothic or classic. Unless you will just give all of it the same trashy JPop because lolita = weeb.

>> No.8283002

capsule: Sugarless GiRL

>> No.8283599

If you like Kokusyoku Sumire you would like Charan Po Rantan too, they basically sound like a more cheerful version of Kokusyoku Sumire.


>> No.8283611

Seconding Etsuko Yakushimaru and Soutaisei Riron if you're into chill music with whispery female vocals.

>> No.8283662

Seconding Kajiura/Kalafina. Also classical remixes or pieces from the Marie Antoinette Soundtrack would also work well. You want something with a decent beat to walk to.

>> No.8285821

I listen to Tool, NIN, Marilyn Manson, Incubus, Deaftones, Sakanation, One OK Rock, and stuff like that.

None of it is really 'cutesy' music.

I find it weird to listen to specific music to match how I dress. I just enjoy these bands, because their music makes me super happy. I don't think I could listen to music because of a fashion.

>> No.8287233

>mfw no one mentioned Kaya
He is one of my favourite artist ever, more his stuff from Schwarz Stein. Not always cutesy, but songs like Chocolat could fit your taste, i prefer his darker music more.
I love also Yura Hatsuki a lot and for more older electro jpop i suggest Kotoko and most of the I've sound music, really cutesy but not nauseating uguu, some songs are also bordering into serious, darker industrial-like sounds at times.

>> No.8288192

Are you 14?


>> No.8288193

>making fun of people for their music taste
In a thread where most of the posts are of childish weebtrash music, you have no right to make fun of anyone

>> No.8288254
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>no one mentioned Kanon Wakeshima


She's a lolita.

>> No.8288278

everything by The Birthday Massacre

>> No.8288289

Just this, on a loop as it is how I feel about burando


>> No.8288309

yura hatsuki anyone?

>> No.8288553

She's transitioned to more mainstream anime pop, but still has some cute outfits

>> No.8288560
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>tfw nothing hits me on the same level as NIN and Tool
>tfw Maynard and Trent have been doing fuckall for the last few years that i connect to emotionally

recent Swans stuff (The Seer, To Be Kind) is a new kind of feel similar to what i miss about NIN and Tool, but less driven by vocals.

would love a gothic print inspired by sacred geometry a la Tool or NIN style album art.

>> No.8288619

I don't watch anime at all, but I love this kind of music! Could you recommend more artists?

>> No.8289113

I am personally very fond of Lyriel, and I think that some of their songs has a wonderful whimsical fairy-tale feel to them.

>> No.8292198
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Thank you! Glad to see other grunge fans.

Dude, I would drop MAD cash on some alex grey artwork on a dress, even NIN style art.

I'll definitely take a look at Swans. I've never heard of them. I've been on a recent Marilyn Manson tangent, ugh so catchy. Haha.

That auto correct dude was on point, lol. Also I'm 21; whatcha know about good music nigga?

>> No.8293653

I would reccomend old Ali Project. The newer stuff is bland.

>> No.8293778

I've been listening to this on and off for the past few days, it's such a fun album. Thanks for posting it, anon.

>> No.8293799

Please do tell what "mature" music you enjoy

>> No.8293891

Not lolita really, probably more fairy kei or just generic pop but I really love PIKO.

>> No.8294068

I'm quite fond of Foals, Foster the People, Passion Pit, Friendly Fires and the alike. I wouldn't say that any of it relates to j-fashion, but attending the big festivals with OTT outfits can be pretty fun.

>> No.8296719

Moumoon has some cute tunes.

Kano is my go to for Vocaloid covers.

But I like to get ready using cute instrumentals.
(Sorry, couldn't find a full version on YT)



(Skip to 0:26; despite the Engrish I connect with song too much)

>> No.8297200
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Just linking some cutesy stuff:






>> No.8297349

theFatRat, for cheerful electronic stuff:
