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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 127 KB, 300x400, MM Fleur Antoinette 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8286136 No.8286136 [Reply] [Original]

Post your dream dresses, ones you've recently acquired, help other seagulls find theirs... you know the drill.

On a note related to pic, MM are opening up 2nd reservations for Antoinette next month.

>> No.8286153

Recently got one of my dream dresses. It's not really what I expected, so now that I've gotten into a tough financial spot, I've been thinking about selling it. Sucks.

>> No.8286205
File: 136 KB, 740x1110, haenulienchatedfawncoords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the fawn colored jsk earlier this year, but I'm about 30 lbs too big for it to fit. I really want the black OP, that'll for sure fit. But it's hard to find an XL unaltered.

>> No.8286221
File: 165 KB, 567x850, mozarabic chant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me basic, but I'd shank a bitch for Mozarabic Chant. Long or short, I don't even care at this point.

>> No.8286260

I'm with you anon, that waistband always catches my eye. How much does this go for nowadays, anyways?

>> No.8286313
File: 22 KB, 247x330, powder rose chest ribbon jsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people wait a lifetime..

>did recently acquire holy night story, another dd

>> No.8286319

The waistband, the front lacing, the print, the theme. I'm in love. It's in the 250-300 range, depending upon cut and colorway, though I wouldn't be shocked to see it go for more.
>no rerelease
>Krad doesn't want my money

>> No.8286447
File: 112 KB, 300x400, MM Farutetto JSK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FINALLY fucking got this dress. I passed on it 3 times in the past 6-7 months and regretted it each time. I found it on Y!JA a few days ago and seized my chance, bidding a high amount on a snipe.

>> No.8286459

i love this dress so much but have decided I'll never get it right now. How much did you end up dropping if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.8286476

just so you know i'm still on the lookout for that for you too, i will post it immediately if i ever find a white chest ribbon version of Powder Rose for you. good luck with your search!

also holy night story is beautiful, congrats

>> No.8286481
File: 156 KB, 938x1172, 532965554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting this in every dream dress thread until someone sells it to me to shut me up. This thing in wine is my ultimate dream dress, but I'd settle for black or green.

>> No.8286482

Isn't this putumayo? Your dream dress is putumayo?

>> No.8286489

Oh no, anon. Her dream dress has to be official approved big brand or it don't count.

>> No.8286496

The heart wants what the heart wants, anon.

IIRC it was being sold on one of the secondhand sites a while back, I'll poke around for you to see if it's still there.

>> No.8286502

I wasn't saying that at all, I'm mad jelly. The only putumayo dress that sells for more than retail is cats window. If she finds this shit it'll be $100 or so.

>tfw my dd is $600 minimum.

>> No.8286568
File: 90 KB, 280x373, sweet cream house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the dress that got me into lolita and even though my wardrobe is mainly classic I still pine after this. Is it never on the secondhand market or do I just have bad luck and never see it when it is?

>> No.8286572

43500 yen and that's not including SS fees. It's definitely the most I've paid for a dress in a while.

>> No.8286576
File: 238 KB, 500x600, 1423787653616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything from this collection, I want the salopette, skirt, socks EVERYTHING but is has to be the pink colourway.

>> No.8286588
File: 35 KB, 419x604, 1353029261496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I guess there had been a re release in the past, but they could make so much money if they released it one more time! I'd buy one of each.

>tfw I expected the new constellation print to be my new MC
> Almost $300 and only one color
>no waist tie
>no lacing
>cheap head tassles

I guess I'll keep waiting around lacemarket for one.

>> No.8286594


It's $230 if you go through Clobba, but that's still hella pricy.

Agreed about the headband though.

Best of luck finding MC!

>> No.8286604
File: 55 KB, 413x582, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gimme this in S plz

>> No.8286608

Obviously not a replica but this was the pic available on my phone. I wept when I realized I couldn't even find a replica in red

>> No.8286622
File: 1.78 MB, 500x475, shocknawe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a beautiful person, thank you forever. I found it in yellow on wunderwelt and I probably should have gone for it as a placeholder at least.

I had no idea the print was as gorgeous as it is! I was floored when I finally got my greedy hands on it.

>> No.8286684
File: 196 KB, 300x400, MM_falconedress_OR_crested_fall_dress_ecru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just lost this one on y!japan. All my tears

>> No.8286693

Oh no :( I noticed it was from the same seller as the blue one. How much did it end up going for, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.8286713

I'm so sorry anon. I love it too. I hope we don't end up warring for it in the future!! All the luck to you.

>> No.8286732
File: 27 KB, 232x359, Ange et Jardin de Rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll keep dreaming

>> No.8286752


>> No.8286769
File: 100 KB, 511x683, wtb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is being re-released but I don't love any of the new colourways or cuts as much as the skirt.

>> No.8286805

>wear classic but the need for this is strong
I'm seconding this.

>> No.8286815
File: 20 KB, 236x342, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting this now and forevermore until it ends up in my arms and I can close my mouth with those drunkenly happy tears in my eyes.

Hospitality Doll series items:
#1 3/4 sleeves OP in black or sax (will pay a stupid amount for these)
#2 Engelsbeginn skirt/blouse set in black (only cut and color from this series I'm interested in)
#3/4 sleeves OP in pink, skirt and blouse set in whiteXred
#4 HDoll satchel in black (just got the white one YES!)

I will pay anyone who can be a resell shopping service for me in Japan a huge amount as a thank you service fee. Pls, guys, make my dreams come true. I will instantly but all HDoll items in all colors for whatever price. I'm stupid and in love and have a good job now eat my paycheck.

>> No.8286818


Had to find and correct that one typo in there.

>> No.8286825
File: 64 KB, 480x640, B38OP322-p_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8286873
File: 71 KB, 600x553, 4f7c58ab23db9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same dream dress.

>> No.8286879

Why is this style so popular? It's super unflattering and makes you look like a frumpy triangle durrr

>> No.8286904

God I'm the same anon, but with the navy colorway. The print is just so gorgeous. I'll post if I find anything for you

>> No.8286937
File: 213 KB, 500x600, 03311349_551a274bd9be9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every single colorway

>> No.8286944

You and me both anon. Is lavender your first choice colorway?

>> No.8287064
File: 122 KB, 453x600, rumiandayumi-img453x600-14257878850jzfxh20346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a dream hat...I'm so sad I missed out on a similar one that was up on metas website not too long ago.

>> No.8287080
File: 22 KB, 360x420, Meta Crown hex bag brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

email them if you can find the stock number.
I really wanted one of the hex bags but they'd been taken down from the website for about a month, sent an email about stock out with a photo of the bag.
They got back to me within a few days and told me what remain in-store stock they had.

>> No.8287088

oh hell that's super cute

>> No.8287112
File: 43 KB, 232x313, impossibledureamu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8287123
File: 13 KB, 250x333, Biscuit JSK - Brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. I know it's not fancy or anything but I just want it so badly. I don't even wear brown but I'd find a way for this baby.

>> No.8287148

lavender or pink are my first choices :c

>> No.8287154

I saw it on y!a a few weeks ago for cheap

>> No.8287257
File: 53 KB, 400x596, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dreams that cannot be

>> No.8287272

I hope I can find it again. I have other dream dresses but this is what I feel like I will actually be able to find at some point.

>> No.8287296

Perfect!! Black and navy are mine! I'll look for your preferred if you look for mine? Haha

>> No.8287297
File: 29 KB, 180x243, iw_bag_royalcrown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8287310


This is gonna be an odd question if you're not who I think you are, but are you a Penguin?

>> No.8287316
File: 71 KB, 480x640, B38OJ218-iv1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i will never hold this dress in my arms and softly sing songs from musicals to it

>> No.8287318

sure thing! thank you!

>> No.8287319

>Ange et Jardin de Rose
Juliette et Justine

>> No.8287320
File: 326 KB, 431x589, Screen Shot 2015-04-25 at 11.06.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just acquired this motherfucker. It's soo beautiful irl. Can't wait to coord it.

>> No.8287322

Congrats, anon! I saw you post this in the last thread. Awesome to see you found it!

>> No.8287328

I hate you, you lucky grill
enjoy the spoils

post pics so I can live through you

>> No.8287329

that bag is so cute fuck.
I did email them, unfortunately they said they were completely sold out, even in stores and that they weren't sure about a restock.
I've been refreshing their website daily hoping for a miraculous restock and checking auctions every day as well.

>> No.8287333
File: 187 KB, 295x393, 1422502343276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know the name and I don't have a better picture, but this dress has been haunting my dreams for a while now.

>> No.8287335
File: 114 KB, 480x640, Vampire Prelude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to me

>> No.8287365


Working on a big coord with mine and I lovvvve how easy it is to work off of it. Congratulations! Good things in your future.

>> No.8287373

WOW I saw this in closet child when I was in harajuku last year and I was an idiot didn't buy it

>> No.8287497

At least one version of sweet cream house is on y!ja at any given time, just so you know

>> No.8287501

Just get the Lief version?

>> No.8287659

Chest ribbon in yellow is on Mbok right now in case you're desperate

>> No.8287665

Wasn't someone looking for this??

>> No.8287672
File: 111 KB, 480x640, B38OJ244-g1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still looking. This cut/colorway only. I really should have bought this during the release.

>> No.8287681
File: 455 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Own both my dream bbz. Still kinda want Katrina & Misty Sky OP tho I'm but those are more of my "pipe dream" dream dresses lol

>> No.8287873
File: 20 KB, 300x400, meta_op_twinklejourney_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been keeping an eye out for this ever since I first saw you post it. If I ever see it, you'll be first to know (or if I get the chance to visit Closet Child again soon, then we can work something out).

I love Meta so much and this dress is what really got me interested in the fashion.

>> No.8287893

I feel like if I buy it, the white will pop up immediately. Thank you but I'm going to choose the long haul.
>mostly I don't have the skin for yellow

>> No.8287901
File: 50 KB, 300x400, mary_jsk_rococofleur_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd really love to own a Mary Magdalene dress at some point l o l

>> No.8287902
File: 120 KB, 356x333, 054 - g5sM2p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from r9k and I'd just like to say this is a very cute thread.

>> No.8287919
File: 26 KB, 300x400, 221-0101_03_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently got Millerose, now I'm after Lolotte and Rose Basket. My ultimate goal is to collect all MM releases.

>> No.8287932

There are 2 pink op's on mbok right now, anon. One has the bonnet but the starting bid is 5000 yen more than the other.

>> No.8287939
File: 79 KB, 300x400, mary_op_audrey_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been window shopping on lacemarket in hopes to find MM dresses in my size every time my paycheck rolls around, but always wind up telling myself no.
I think I'm going to cave next time I see a dress I fall in love with when I have the money for it.
Also, one of my dream dresses.

>> No.8288184
File: 97 KB, 300x400, ApolloniaOP-milkymint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On my way to crossing off all of the dresses in my dream dress list
>all of my happiness when I got MM's Saint Claire in Olive

Apollonia in milky mint is still my top-most tier dream dress though.
>one day

>> No.8288304

Nope, sorry!

Me (among others) but I'm holding out for the blue. Thanks for the heads-up though!!

>> No.8288308

Are you me?

>> No.8288311

This. Omg those were my feels.

>> No.8288314
File: 127 KB, 400x299, 1420331331376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I have feels about this post. But I don't know what they are.

>> No.8288317

I'll have to fight you for rose basket, anon. I wish it had been re-released.

>> No.8288327

I bought my first recently, anon. It'll happen for you too!

>tfw now I want all the MM

>> No.8288338


Careful, you might become an addict

>first MM piece was Whyteleafe
>now have 4-5 MM pieces


>> No.8288340

Another Rose Basket anon here, it'll be slaughter if it ever shows up for auction.

>> No.8288349

I saw that brand-new in the Harajuku CC a month ago. You'll eventually find it, don't give up hope!

>> No.8288424

KL recently announced they're going to rerelease Portrait of Marie, and all the replies on weibo were like "why that and not MC instead"

>> No.8288432

I also had high hopes for the constellation print, but that square design just kills it imo. I would totally go for a skirt version though.

>> No.8288451

It looks like a skater dreds with nice fabric.

>> No.8288756
File: 319 KB, 500x600, ap_luckykeyjsk_2014 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Tfw I had enough money when it was released
> Tfw I saw the auction posts too late even though I also had enough money

I need this JSK in navy on my body. Would consider the wine one as well though.

>> No.8289075

I almost bought this on a whim at TR when it came out... I think I saw one recently on Tokyo Alice, not sure if it's still there/was there, but I do remember seeing it somewhere recently.

Me too, anon.

>> No.8289078

I'm looking for this cut in apricot/orange/red whatever you want to call it, this one is wine. But thank you!

>> No.8289115

Maybe they'll take the hint and cave to demand. I think they made some sort of unofficial statement about why they weren't rereleasing MC at some point, but maybe they'll change their minds.
>let me give you my fucking money, Krad

>> No.8289116

Maybe they just don't want to be the MC brand. Like Ista Mori is only Nameless Poem.

>> No.8289122

Yeah I think it was just that they wanted to move on to different ideas/designs.

>> No.8289126

Augh. They didn't have a problem being the jellyfish brand for an entire year. You're probably right, though.

>> No.8289162

Someone's selling their navy set on LSE

>> No.8289224

Dunno if anyone has posted about any of these but I know they're on people's WTB's.

Twinkle Carnival jsk in black

an AATP vampire req set in black

a wonder queen jsk set in I think green?

>> No.8289304

Bidding on one of my dream accessories right now...! Super excited, I never thought I'd see it pop up.

>> No.8289323

Holy shit I never got accepted here.
Thank you anon though ! Would you mind giving me the name of the seller ?

>> No.8289440

Whyteleafe will be my first too! When it finally comes in the mail.

>> No.8289472

Thank you anon. I honor you, I honor our friendship, and I honor our love.

I don't know if you live in Japan or near CC or anything, but I'm essentially telling anyone who finds it at a second hand store to insta-buy it for me and I'll pay immediately + $100 for their service, so long as it's not crazy expensive like Engelsbeginn, but HD is incredibly cheap, whenever it does decide to show up.

>> No.8289483
File: 88 KB, 500x736, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw: current Dream dress is indie brand

>> No.8289702
File: 199 KB, 400x504, wtbwishlistdreamdresses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dreaming in sax and gray~ some day!

>> No.8289705
File: 14 KB, 373x540, T2ODGDXoFaXXXXXXXX_!!32312230.jpg_540x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8289708

Oh, I just found it for sale in their taobao store. I'm so slow.

>> No.8289766

Holy shit really? Links to where i can find this? I just checked and biting came up

>> No.8289772

That shit was fucking ugly

>> No.8289778
File: 97 KB, 300x400, 242-0102_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered this in Antique Peacock and I'm really excited.

I'm gonna order at least one Perfume Bottle piece whenever the rerelease reservation comes out this year. Hnnnng

>> No.8289797

Link? That's really lovely. (I'd look it up myself, but mobile sucks.)

>> No.8289848

Check the lolita updates group on fb/ tenshi shop, there's some kera scans.

>> No.8289872
File: 312 KB, 479x709, TB2yVj5apXXXXbYXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!77724479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well now that its sold out.. even the jsk

>> No.8289880

Ugh, I should've bought the OP when it was up. It's beautiful.

>> No.8289925
File: 233 KB, 1400x681, koitsukihime_collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for the BtssB koitsukihime 2006 stained glass angel print in black
JSK is preferred, but honestly I will buy any dress cut that comes up

Also, does anyone know how much this print in black has sold for recently?

>> No.8289942
File: 176 KB, 450x600, 20130630_768754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the prettiest dress in the world
one day you shall be mine

>> No.8289967

there was one that sold for 97k yen on Y!J a few days ago

it somehow pops up more often than the other colourways, but i think the pricing is a little higher too (unless chinese lolitas are inflating Y!J)

>> No.8289988

Im hitting myself because i debated it for too long, glitzywonderland has a listing for the jsk, but they always have to refund me because they dont take their listings down. Im giving it a shot either way....

>> No.8290376

>first MM piece was Carlotta
>now have 21 MM pieces
And I still have like 10 more wishlisted ones to collect. MM is my kind of pokemon.

>> No.8290396

there's a person selling this (replica) in the brazilian comm really cheap

>> No.8291654

It's not quite a rerelease, they changed the flowers to roses. It's a rerelease in the same way they reused the print for that strawberry themed one recently.

>> No.8291662


You won't be disappointed! It's a beautiful dress with subtle details. All those pintucks, hhnnnngh.

>> No.8291683

My god I love this.

>> No.8291700

I saw that dress the other day on Lolibrary! It's the "Shooting Star a la Mode" OP. Hopefully having the name helps you find it, anon!

Though it sold for 93k yen when it came out, so...

>> No.8291924

I've never seen this dress before but it's gorgeous, anon. Good luck in your search.

>> No.8291929
File: 955 KB, 300x162, 1405982779384.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiiiiit anon, I'm not big into classic so I haven't seen this dress (atleast in this colourway) before. I think you just killed me. Just HOW difficult is this dress to obtain?

>> No.8291935

That's on Tokyo Alice

>> No.8291969

thanks! i settled for the aatp release in black last year, but after seeing that girl post herself wearing the other OP of this in CoF i'm renewing my search sfudghudfhg

>> No.8291974

Milky mint only came out last year, but Apollonia in general is very easy to find, compared to other MM dresses.

>> No.8292004

Oh, you give me hope! Now to brace myself for the reality that it probably won't fit me.

>> No.8292012

All you MM searching gulls, have you seen this post?


>> No.8292026

The right OP is for sale here:

For how rare and sought after the print is, I'd say it's a good price, but for the hack alteration job that was done, I'd say it's over priced. You should make them an offer, no one else has. It looks still very wearable and like the alteration is relatively unnoticeable, but it's something that would bother the Hell out of me for sure.

>> No.8292072

Thanks for mentioning

I feel dirty. I've never bought a replica but it's an older dress and I don't want it for likes on CoF...

>> No.8292112

oh my god anon, thank you so much!
if i get it, you shall have my eternal gratitude

i don't really care about the alteration, i'm so desperate to just get my hands on a version of this hah

>> No.8292124

If you don't care about the alteration, then it's a SUPER good price! I think I've only ever seen it for sale one other time a few years ago, and it went for around $400. However, the first release is sooo superior to the AATP release.

I hope you get it and love it and I hope my dream dress comes to me someday soon as well <3

>> No.8292144

what's your dream dress? i've had a bit of luck finding things for people these past two months (got 2 of mine recently) and will keep an eye out for you!

i was so tempted by the white ribbon OP last year because it was really cheap, but the pink on it sort of ruins the print for me
in any case, i hope this seller checks her emails/messages often and replies soon!

>> No.8292153

I'm that sorry sonovabitch that's been looking for Hospitality Doll. I started searching about a year ago for it, and started seriously searching for it in November last year, aka, multiple daily searches, and found it right away, but it was the wrong cut and color so I said meh to it. Now I regret it and will isntabuy anything I see at nearly any price.

The Ribbon OP with the detachable sleeves has come up quite a few times in the past year or so, surprisingly, if you are interested in that cut as well. The gold and black of this one, though, can't be beat.

>> No.8292182

oh, THAT anon! i've been following your hospitality doll search since you started posting about it, i really hope you find it soon and will keep my eyes peeled
for curiosity's sake, would you buy an altered hospitality doll if it came up for sale?

>> No.8292191

Haha, I seem to be becoming a commonly known anon from this endless longing.

But oh yeah, I'd take anything from the series, damage or not. It's so old that I don't expect to find any absolutely perfect pieces, and I'm totally okay with that. The only thing I want from Engelsbeginn, though, is the black blouse and skirt set. Had some chances to get that too, but was also meh on it at the time.

Whenever they do come up, they're ungodly cheap, which fills me with even more regret because of the stupid amount that I'm willing to drop on them now. I did just get the satchel in white, but it's the 2005 release that had an embroidered logo instead of the medical cross, but close enough, I'm not too picky.

>> No.8292357

Like the other anon said, it's easier to find than other MM dresses (but it's still hard because, Mary Magdalene), and there are two Apollonia's (but not in milky mint) in the secondhand market rn.
Hope we can both find this dress, anon!

>> No.8292362

Thanks for the link anon!
>sees name of my dream dress
>sees pic and its not in my favorite color way

>> No.8292395
File: 30 KB, 378x357, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never have it.

>> No.8292446

is that wish me mell? i saw two on Y!J a few months ago

>> No.8292486

It is, and that at least gives me hope that it will show up.

>> No.8292621

I'm so sorry but this just looks like a normalfag dress to me so much. But good luck finding it anon!

>> No.8292844

not if you're a qt 3.14

>> No.8292855
File: 21 KB, 280x373, twinklecarnival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been posting this for ages. There used to be a few of us but I haven't seen anyone else in a while so maybe the other anons got it. I've bid on it a few times despite having no money but it's always gone higher than I could go. It only shows up when I'm broke.

>it will show up now when I don't have a penny to my name

>> No.8292859
File: 25 KB, 300x400, meta_jsk_swanlakeribbon_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in SoCal but I tend to visit Japan once a year. I usually go to secondhand stores in Osaka and Tokyo and I save up a nice amount of money to hunt down items.

Pic is other current dream dress. I'd take it in the bordeaux colorway too because the color is so rich, but I never see this specific cut available. Unless I'm blind or really bad at searching. I'm also the anon who will buy nearly any

thing from the Detective Poodle Series.
>It's not even expensive
>Got one of the JSKs for under $100 (including the shipping and ss fees)

>> No.8292863

Hi Anon, I have the bordeaux version of Swan Lake in the pictured cut that I am looking to sell.
I'm not sure what to price it at, so feel free to make an offer if you are interested.

>> No.8292914

Oof you're killing me right now. I'm in between jobs (current job just cut my hours to nothing, wish me luck if I get the second interview call tomorrow for a new job), and I don't really know a fair price either. I know that specific cut and colorway sold for $200 with the headbow, and the frill cut in black is going for $160 right now on LM. I'd say maybe a middle ground of $175ish since it really isn't my preferred colorway (I honestly am looking for black since I already own a bordeaux JSK of Twinkle Journey. I caved and got it because I wasn't sure when I'd ever see my dream print again, but with this print I really love the black version best. But the bordeaux colorway is gorgeous too and I want to buy it... I'm an indecisive anon and I am sorry.)

Do you feel that's a fair asking point? I don't want you to feel ripped off seeing as it sold for a higher price (with bow, but still). There's no guarantee I can buy it now anyways since, as mentioned above, I'm trying to get a full time job (I need to see what this week's check was). So if you can sell it elsewhere I completely understand and wish you the best. I'd love to see pics and now if it is damaged or not or missing things like the waist ties (Not sure if we should carry things over to B/S/T- sorry! I've never actually bought things from people on here).

>> No.8292929

Not OP, but really?? The JSK is my dream dress in pink, mint, or lavender(in that order) and I have had the worst luck with it. If I see the salo, I will post if for you >>8292395 But if you want the hideous bonnet like I do, there will be blood. Good luck!

>> No.8293087

I am located in Australia so I would be willing to do $200USD inclusive of international shipping. (Domestic would be cheaper but I'm assuming you are US based?
If you are still interested send me an email and I will send you some photos. I can do a payment plan if you need, I just want this gone. It is a gorgeous dress but just too sweet for me and I would rather it go to someone who will wear it.

>> No.8293243

Will keep an eye out for the jsk for you too, thanks anon! I'm just looking for the salo and headbow set, in mint or lavender. I don't like bonnets on myself.

>> No.8293255

Not OP but what good does this do them? Just saying lol normalfag dress and not providing them a lead on it is kind of shitty.

>> No.8293272

Thanks! And wow, that's expensive..

>> No.8293888
File: 199 KB, 300x237, tumblr_na8scwZRtt1sqx8y7o3_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!! I hate bonnets and I hate animal motifs, but that one is so hideous I want it just so I can laugh at it forever. The headbow is actually cute and I wouldn't mind having it though. Not sure I'd ever wear it, but I do like to collect things in sets. Do you have a worn picture of the salopette?

>> No.8294145
File: 87 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mtqmbmb9FL1ss0l6co1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unfortunately can not find a worn picture.

>> No.8294227
File: 63 KB, 232x313, iw_op_dollhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always miss it.

>> No.8294648

Unfortunately at this time, $200 is too expensive for me (Yeah, I'm US based). Good luck selling it- maybe if things become more financially stable for me I can send you an email and see if you still have the dress, but right now I'm only planning on splurging if I see a blue Twinkle Journey for sale.

Good luck anon! It's a lovely dress and I'm sure someone else will appreciate it as much as I would, but I just need to see what my situation will be for the next few weeks! (I got a call back today though, wish me luck!)

>> No.8294742
File: 41 KB, 250x333, StandingCollarRoseLaceOP-navy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know IW releases OPs like this really often, but I wouldn't be happy unless I had this specific dress... Haven't seen it since 2 years ago though. Kinda given up on it.

>> No.8294793
File: 20 KB, 399x600, maple_leaf30cal-img399x600-1430152070wpuak719272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love it but in my heart I know I won't wear it much, please seagulls bid on it.

>> No.8294851

Aww yeah i allready saw that. Too bad. Im not interested in the roses. Fml

>> No.8294864
File: 9 KB, 232x313, FB_IMG_1430029575642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll never have you on my body.

>> No.8295241

Are you looking only for that color? I have it in Milk Tea and have seen it come up multiple times. I may sell mine if I finally acquire a wish list dress, but either way I'll keep my eye out for you.

>> No.8295330
File: 447 KB, 902x382, dream dresses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i've had money to buy 2/3 of these when i saw them
Right now they're going to be too tight. I should hang them in front of me when I go to the gym to motivate me some more.

>> No.8295361
File: 154 KB, 500x333, iw-rose stained glass-bag-brnxapr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just won my dream accessory to my dream dress! So excited, I never expected this to pop up. I was really surprised that I went on CC last night and saw the black x blue colorway had sold on there in the same timeframe. Did any of you other Rose Stained Glass anons get it!?
>not actually sure if it's the wine or red version I won, but will take it either way

>tfw looking for only that color too
Saw it in an auction after the fact, fell in love. I hope you can find it, I'll link it if I ever see it!

You have awesome taste.

>> No.8295391
File: 111 KB, 480x640, 77869_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my dream dress! I discovered lolita through Yoh's Illustrations, hope I can do it justice.

>> No.8295393

Congrats! I love the illustrations in that dress so much.

>> No.8295572

anyone looking for puppet circus?


6 hrs to go as of right now

>> No.8295588

I'm really curious as to why SO many PC's are popping up in the past year or so. Does no one want it anymore? Losing its status?

Too bad it's pink...

>> No.8295607

idk, good question cause i've never seen it personally on any secondhand market until recently (though i've only been in the fashion for 2-3 years). my guess is maybe some people are seeing that they can get a lot ofr it? it's going for 1250 usd right now (but again, i'm still fairly new so I don't know if this went for much more in the past or not)

>> No.8295630

I'm so jelly anon. This was my first dream dress and I kind of gave up looking for it. I'm glad you got it though!

Thanks! I'm finally at a point where I'm very comfortable with my wardrobe and the direction it's going. It's a little discouraging seeing that they're too small right now, but hey, more reason to lose weight right? One day I'll have that dream wardrobe!

>> No.8295668

I've been in the community maybe 4-5 years and I didn't see them start popping up en masse until the past 2 years. It seemed like it was right before or around the time of that TPC event(? I think it was) with the group of girls all wearing PC that they started to pop up, but PC was still well known to be the holy grail dress before that and regarded as nearly unobtainable/exceedingly rare to see for sale. I wonder what changed.

>> No.8295988
File: 974 KB, 747x959, dreams2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll have to fight to the death over the Boz OP.

>> No.8296138

You and me both, anon. There will be blood.

>> No.8296200

Thank you so so so much anon, I'm forever indebted to you. The LJ seller replied and I just paid for the dress!
I will probably simultaneously combust on receiving the dress, but I'll definitely check for Hospitality Doll any time I can

>> No.8296211

Fuck yes!!! I'm so glad you got it! I wanna see some detail pics when it comes in. Congratulations!

>> No.8296234
File: 5 KB, 225x225, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks because my heart and taste says sweet lolita but my personality and wallet says sweatpants

>> No.8296239

Also my dream dress! So many on rakuten but they are all sold out =(

>> No.8296256

Same here anon, I love sweet but I look horrific in it so I stay with classic.

>> No.8296257

Found it but none in red

>> No.8296258

Have you tried a job

>> No.8296264

not that anon but where do you get those? can you just go to the store and buy one? is it really that easy?
everyone makes it sound so easy but i guess they never have any where i live, huh

>> No.8296265

you go pick one off of the job tree, dum dum

>> No.8296267

>tfw live in the desert
well at least i figured out the problem. thanks anon

>> No.8296273

Not everyone makes enough money at their crap job to spend money on new clothes

>> No.8296276

don't bother anon, people who've leeched off other people their whole life don't know the struggle

>> No.8296279

They sometimes grow on top of saguaros

>> No.8296285

top kek

I work a shitty retail job and pay my own rent, food, etc in one of the most expensive cities in the world. I still have money for brand. Cry more.

>> No.8296302

anon you're making yourself sound really goofy and completely unaware of the world around you

>> No.8296309

I second this.

>> No.8296312

its here for 35,424yen including tax: http://www.babyssb.co.jp/onlinestore/b38op322/

>> No.8296317
File: 18 KB, 240x320, nemurihime03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hunt pic related for 3 1/2 years
>losing my shit
>arrives covered in unmentioned, horrific pit stains
>embroidery badly damaged
>what is my life

Managed to get a full refund from the shady as anything seller and sent it back.
I was so close. I haven't seen it come up in this colour since.

>> No.8296333

That's nice, you sound entitled and whiny. 'Wah I have a bad job' still isn't a valid excuse on its own and plenty of people manage in worse circumstances. Maybe you should whine for buttpats in a feels thread instead?

>> No.8296353
File: 124 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black only
>What is true suffering
I almost just bought the regular JSK in black the other day when someone actually wanted a reasonable price for it. But someone managed to finish buying on lacemarket before me.

>> No.8296359

Jesus Christ shut the fuck up; no one was whining or looking for sympathy and you sure did get defensive over what wasn't there.

>> No.8296367
File: 2 KB, 125x107, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ will you calm down. You don't even know the circumstances of those anons so what are you even getting at here? Let it go

>> No.8296373
File: 54 KB, 240x319, Versailles bonnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been three years of search to no avail. I've only seen it for sale twice, the first time somebody got there before I did and the other one it was part of a set (with a JSK I already had) and she refused to split despite another girl offering to take the jsk. That was in 2013 and I still feel so damn fucking salty about it.

>> No.8296387

Are you the one with the huge collection of this? I feel for you, anon. The search can bring such salty pain.

>> No.8296407

i can see why you have a shitty retail job instead of an actual one then

>> No.8296408
File: 46 KB, 450x570, rose gobelin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want something green in my wardrobe.

>> No.8296417
File: 460 KB, 779x382, idreamadream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dresses that are top priority for me right now. I see them often but in the wrong colorways. And for some reason Jewelry Jelly always looks like its in disgusting condition.

>Please dont tell me if these are for sale right now
>I don't have any finances right now for lolita dresses
>I just want to dream with you all

>> No.8296424

anon, please name and shame the seller if you didnt give bad feedback, even if they refunded your money!

>> No.8296438

Navy would be top priority, but I'm willing to take anything at this point. my throwaway email is in the field, lmk if you want to sell it later!

Thanks anon ;_; I lost a bid on a black version about 2 years ago but never saw a listing since- I need to up my search game up, clearly.

>> No.8296445

I want this so bad.

>> No.8296449

Cool, it may be a bit, but I've decide that if it comes down to it then it's on my "I'm okay with selling this" list, though I'd like to keep it for now since I've never coorded it and have something nice in mind. If I do, I'll probably post it in a future incarnation of this thread for you, but I'll save your email as well!

>> No.8296453
File: 173 KB, 1000x698, UPeOgH3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I only have three pieces from the series (the three dresses on the top row, actually), plus I am not e-famous by any means. It'd be nice to hunt down the ouji sets, but I don't think those pants would fit my hips and height.

>> No.8296578

I remember a long time ago there was an anon searching for Baby's swan lake jsk in black. I don't know what happened to that anon, but the OP is on wunderweldt for dirt cheap if anyone here wants it.


>> No.8296583

I am that anon and I found the JSK a few months ago! Thank you for thinking of me though - I hope you find all your dream dresses

>> No.8296718
File: 145 KB, 677x657, dreamdresses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am never finding these...ugh

>> No.8296807
File: 84 KB, 426x640, 15_3_29_38_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone in one of these threads asked about Masquerade Theatre. Up on CC.


>> No.8297119
File: 166 KB, 670x605, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready to see this OP in every goddamn dream dress thread until I find it.
Any cut, any colour, any price
JetJ Robe des Champignons

>> No.8297146
File: 279 KB, 431x493, 1427499127089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no I gave bad feedback on LM, don't worry! The craziest thing was that they tried to blame ALL of the damage on the post office, and she didn't cave until I threatened a paypal claim. I don't know who she thought she was fooling.

>> No.8297438

Gonna fight you for the Carol Mini OP too! I just recently discovered how much I liked Boz, and I'm not sure why I didn't look much into it before.

>> No.8297459

The OP is on their website you know...

>> No.8297477



>> No.8297481

Those moshrooms look really nice, I wish they put them on a different pattern though.

>> No.8297488

Not that anon but last time I checked they only had the black one but that one must have sold out and they restocked blue?

>> No.8297490

Yea it's now only the blue one online, which is sorta annoying for me as I want the black one, but they may sell it in their tokyo store so I'll probably go there at some point.

>> No.8297599


>> No.8298164
File: 686 KB, 1085x432, pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any of these would make me cry tears of joy

>> No.8298222

There's a celestial OP in sax up on Y!auctions right now! If you want, I can find the link for you, but it would take a bit. I remember it was kinda pricey, though.

>> No.8298249

oh! can you link me? idk if i'll be able to afford it if it's pricey but it would be cool to see it anyway

>> No.8298252

same anon, i think i found it
yea 53000 yen is a lot

>> No.8298259


Is it this one, anons?


>> No.8298270

yes, thank you anyway anon!

>> No.8298275

ew, that's not even a good replica. hold out for the real thing anon, snow chan isnt even that expensive or hard to find

>> No.8298316
File: 121 KB, 640x960, 11133687_1068422619851303_3642025544669332513_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a worn picture of the salopette set in black.

>> No.8298786

Yeah I only want it in black like >>8297490 said. Right now I'm not really in a position to make any purchases anyway. In the end I'd rather fight for the Mafouse OP than the Carol Mini.

>> No.8298863

I don't know if anyone is looking for the La Princess Sucre OP, but it's rare, so I thought I'd post it here.


>> No.8298985

Girlonsunday is selling this

>> No.8299025

I saw, and I can't afford it right now. But thank you!

>> No.8299030

Fuck i want it in blue but no monies right now

>> No.8299046

Dammit. I need this on my body. Why do bills exist

>> No.8299099

No worries anon, I hope you can afford it next time you see it pop up!

>> No.8299105

Can I still post my dream dress if it's not brand?

>> No.8299483
File: 42 KB, 250x403, 1415876140a77998_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Iirc some anon in a previous thread was looking for this.

>> No.8299565

Thank you anon, this might have been me

>> No.8299567

yes. evil brand elitists are just a thing itas made up to rationalize away why other lolitas don't think they're perfect

>> No.8299589

I've been looking for Milky Planet Salopettes and theres some on LM but gah. I haven't even decided on with colorway I want though. I'm too indecisive on these things. Sadness.

>> No.8299594
File: 243 KB, 431x600, purty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soooo purty :D

>> No.8299596

>milky planet salopette
pastel-cutie detected. go back to tumblr

>> No.8299597

how old are you. you sound 12
and that dress is ita as fuck. don't buy something from anna house just because it's cheap, save your money and buy second-hand brand

>> No.8299598

I got the black one when they sold it recently. I also want the blue one but with shipping and customs the price is getting awfully close to $300 for something I already have in slightly different.

>> No.8299604

Not her nor do I even follow her, but I do have a tumblr yes, such great detective work anon.

>> No.8300089

how old are you. you sound 13

>> No.8300099

This was my dream dress. I own it. I wore it once and snagged a thread of the chiffon. Literally felt sick about it. Have never worn it again. No more chiffon dream dresses for me, ever.

>> No.8300278

it's sold out in every colorway, scroll down next time before you almost make me drop a load

>> No.8300284

Maybe sell it to the anon dying for it then?

>> No.8300397

With the damage reducing the value, it may not be worth it for me to sell it.

>> No.8300706

How damaged is it? You make it sound like you punched a hole in it

>> No.8300771

Not even that anon, but it's still available in pink through store transfer, you fucktard. Why don't you take your own advice before bitching out at others?

>> No.8300793

It obviously still has value, but the value may not be high enough to make me feel like it's worth selling. Have you never had something that's worth more to you than it's literally worth?

>> No.8300796


They're asking how damaged it is. If it's not damaged you probably could sell it for the original price you were thinking of. Good lord woman, it really does sound like you punched a hole in the dress.

>> No.8300803


>if it's not too damaged

Like I'll buy certain dream items with stains so long as as they aren't too noticeable at the original price, depending how rare it is and how often it pops up on the market.

>> No.8301170

Like I said, it has a thread pull. You can see it. It is damaged. Like I said, it still has value, but less now and I may not want to part with it for what someone's willing to pay for it. I didn't bring up selling it, someone else did.

>> No.8301173

stained glass anon, and hey, i paid above retail for the altered OP because i don't know when it'll come up again so it really does depend on how much someone wants a print

>> No.8301227

I'm in the exact same position. I've almost listed my dream dress for sale three times but I can't bring myself to fully cross the line yet.

>> No.8301735

I have indeed anon, especially with pieces I paid an arm for that have dropped in value. I didn't mean for it to sound so antagonistic, I just know we can overestimate the amount of damage we do to a valued item

>> No.8301742

I mentioned selling it, I'm not sure why anyone got so uptight about it. I wasn't saying to sell it to offend anyone. you just made it sound like now that it is damaged that it isn't as special to you anymore. I thought of the anon looking for it only because it seems like they will probably pay a decent amount for it, pulled thread or not. Not trying to start wars in the hope thread.

>> No.8301764

I'm the anon dying for it.

I'm happy to spend $300+ even if it's damaged. My email is below if you ever decide to sell it.


>> No.8301795

I really want the Chocolapin OP with matching accessories and the Chess Chocolate Princess OP in pink with the matching bonnet. It's so hard to come across these dresses. I'd pay for both now in full if someone was selling them.

>> No.8301991
File: 32 KB, 375x500, 3922557094_788b814f6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8302491
File: 47 KB, 359x640, 467656224.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this is on anyone's wishlist but Masquerade Theater jsk + bonnet in red in on Mbok.
Since this has always been a popular print/colorway I thought maybe someone on here might be interested.
It's slightly damaged but it's easily fixable.

>> No.8302494

Don't do this to me, anon ;_;

>> No.8302502

Also a classic loli who needs this dress. It was in CC Shinjuku the other day, but my friend bought it (this cut and colour).

>> No.8302522


Oops, sorry anon.

>> No.8303645
File: 422 KB, 2094x888, wishlisttrio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do these go for these days? I have a great need for 2009-2010 Alice and the Pirates

>> No.8303811

Beardsley Alice has been getting relisted on LM over and over again for months, anon. It's probably still there. Goes for dirt cheap, don't pay over $150 for it imo.

St. Mephisto was sold on there a few times recently too, so you might be able to look it up to get a good idea of it. I think that cut/color was even sold.

Not sure about the first one, looks familiar but I don't remember the name...

Totally agreed about late 2000's AATP, though. That was definitely their prime, the stuff they put out lately is so disappointing.

>> No.8303832

I'm seriously considering getting Jewelry Jelly just because it seems to go for relatively cheap, but I definitely agree that most of the time the pictures make it look like the print is all faded out or dingy. I don't know if in certain lighting the dress looks like that, or if it's actually faded.

>> No.8303943

i don't even want fragrant rose memories, but seeing this makes me hurt

>$200 for the set

>> No.8303955

Seriously, refreshed the front page and it wasn't there, refreshed again like 2 min later and that set is listed up and already sold.

>> No.8303964

My fucking feelings after keeping an eye out for this dress

>> No.8303967

I am never going to own that goddamn dress.

>> No.8304384

It's the actual print that looks faded. It even looks washed out on the black colorway.

>> No.8304452
File: 107 KB, 480x640, 136222-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will you ever be in my closet

>> No.8304456 [DELETED] 

NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I saw so close!!!!!!!!

>> No.8304457

WHY!!! Anytime that dress goes up it sells to quick for me to get!

>> No.8304479


Holy shit, how do you do that little research before selling?

>> No.8304566

Fuck my life for missing this.... And I'm usually always checking lacemarket but hadn't in the last few hours.

>> No.8304756
File: 139 KB, 280x373, 13056_900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this.
I'm so happy.

>> No.8304806
File: 55 KB, 480x640, 4f67431dbefbd2a9d7a99a5f4148f6ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you be interested in the JSK?

>> No.8304837

I just ate my own heart. Damn

>> No.8306158

I keep seeing Beardsley Alice on lacemarket, but for around $200-$300, same with St. Mephisto. Castle of Nightmare is the other one, but it always seems to be in ivory or red.

I'm having some trouble searching for St. Mephisto and Castle of Nightmare on Japanese auction sites. How would I find out the names in Japanese? They aren't listed on lolibrary (or do they only have names in English)

>> No.8306185

The Beardsley Alice sets that keep getting relisted for 2-300 are horrendously overpriced, that's why you keep seeing them get relisted. Maybe try offering to those sellers? It's definitely not worth 200 or more even for a set though.

>> No.8306202


Here you go, anon. Not the salopette, but it's the JSK in pink.

>> No.8306204

The only jsk version with an expired auction I can see is this one at $350, which seems very overpriced. I doubt they are going to lower the price by $150


I might try messaging the seller of the skirt which expired at $100

>> No.8306230
File: 2.19 MB, 1376x1457, ONE CAN DREAAAAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Misty Sky OP in sax is currently on mbok, but I ain't shelling out 200,000 yen.

Some of these were last picks when they were released and sat on the site for ages. I regret not getting them.

>> No.8306645


What's the etiquette for offering on an active listing that is ridiculously overpriced? There's an 8 years old, damaged, not particularly popular dress currently listed for retail, and I'm interested, but I want it for, like... less. Is it possible to ask politely?

>> No.8306668

"Are you open to offers?" would be the first thing I'd ask.

>> No.8306675

i usually:
"hi, just wondering if you're accepting offers on your _____?
please let me know if you are, if not, thanks for your time!"

that sounds polite enough and gives the seller room to reject

>> No.8306690

same anon, just adding that all the times i've done the above, the seller has been willing to discuss offers with me and we both came out happy

>> No.8307224

Anon quick the other cut of night carnival is on Y!J. 4 hours left. If you send your bid to Japonica's PayPal then send them an urgent email they might get it!!!

>> No.8307309
File: 111 KB, 480x640, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally mine... Just hope it'll fit right.

>> No.8307333

Oh, that's lovely.

>> No.8307340

Holy shit, who did you kill for it?

>> No.8307432

Funnily I saw it in an album on the Moitie sales group on FB.
She posted it publicly by mistake as she wanted to sell it at the end of the month but she promised to hold it for me until then. Contact was great so I've a good feeling it'll go well.

Sooo happy right now, you just can't imagine.

>> No.8307474

So jealous but it's always good to see someone get a dream dress

>> No.8307478

I'm going to Japan later this year and I'll definitely have my eyes peeled for you anon!

>> No.8307712

Oh Gosh, you're #3 to offer that for me, and it really means a super lot to me. If you or anyone else can hunt one down in any color, I will pay you so damn well for it. But really, thank you so much. My favorite part of this hunt is how generous people have been in helping me search. Gives me all them good fuzzies inside.

>> No.8307749
File: 954 KB, 948x794, uwaaaah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8307785

Oh fuck it's you again.

>> No.8308213

could've sworn someone in a previous thread was after this

>> No.8308533

Do i have any hope in finding Fruits parlor headbow for sale by its self? Preferably in mint or pink

>> No.8308537

Mbok, Y!J, and Closet Child are your best bet. I've seen them on occasion. Just keep your eyes peeled.

>> No.8310571

Just bought this same dress from closet child, felt super lucky.

>> No.8312008
File: 730 KB, 1121x1915, hopesanddreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]