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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 216 KB, 1286x826, Screen Shot 2015-04-08 at 3.59.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8236787 No.8236787 [Reply] [Original]

This is trolling, right? What even?

>> No.8237490

LOL go home colossal u drunk. Wonder who's actually going to do this?

>> No.8237495
File: 17 KB, 300x562, nopewalkaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8237703

I give one of them credit for supposedly doing this for charity. The others...not so much...

>> No.8237779

Chris Gary and Fang Fox's greatest moment

>> No.8238023

who is doing this for charity?

>> No.8238077


>> No.8238103

Knightmage. Everything he does with cosplay he does for charity.

>> No.8238357

Okay Knightmage I trust, but no one else who is considered cosfamous will get my confidence in being "unbiased". ESPECIALLY photographers, they're picky as hell.

>> No.8238361

this is not a joke?

>> No.8238823

It'll probably be D list people. All the cosfamous will be in the villa or pool.

>> No.8238826

Miggy and Gina's bios sound so douchey

>> No.8238866

Are they doing this as a joke to mock the people who sign up? I wouldn't put it past Miggy. Either way this is really gross.

>> No.8238900

knightmage and link seemed like decent people. i heard one of the guests is a scam artist? are they talking about Miggy?

>> No.8239059

Probably Gina since she's set up numerous gofundme's every time some little thing comes up

>> No.8239889

Naww, it's the Ariel cosplayer. She changed her handle to hide all the commission scams she's done in the past. Her real name is Cassie Something.

>> No.8239976

The Colossalcon staff kept getting emails from "cosfamous" people who wanted to be brought in as guests. This is their solution. People can sign up for the meet and greet and potentially make a fool of themselves, or legitimately meet people/admirers, get their name out, etc...with minimal effort needed from the con staff. Seems like a win-win.

>> No.8240255

What's the back story?

>> No.8240315

Does it rub people the wrong way when cosplayers ask to be invited as guests? It bugs me. I always thought that the cosplayer were asked, the other way around.

>> No.8240359

do these people know they're being invited as a joke?

>> No.8240384

I think it's become rather common for cosplayers to put themselves out there more directly like that. There are just so many of them, even with a decent number of followers on social media, they could go unnoticed by con staff. Not saying it's great, it also rubs me the wrong way, but that's sort of what that cosfame game is about these days.

>> No.8241083
File: 114 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They got bed bugs now

>> No.8241368

And how many hotels don't get bedbugs, especially in high vacation spots? They are brought in by previous people staying there, they're not brought in by the hotel. I stay in dozens of hotels a year and make it a habit to check for bedbugs. If you don't want bedbugs, don't go anywhere, ever.

>> No.8241415

>of a screencap
Could we get an original source on this one, please? This shit has so many artifacts it belongs in a museum.
Wouldn't one not want to go to a hotel that has confirmed bedbug cases, though?

>> No.8242535

It's in the Colossalcon group on Facebook

>> No.8243249


I'm so confused, weren't the people running all the cosplay stuff being huge turd starburst assholes about things like this?

My how the tides have turned or do they just enjoy eating their own foot.

>> No.8243536

Cassie Lowe. Pretty sure she eventually got kicked off my local con's staff for all the scamming business. She always seemed pretty insufferable anyway.


I found this tumblr post, but the artists beware page seems to be gone.

>> No.8243729
File: 68 KB, 640x960, bc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cassie Lowe. Are we talking about this girl? This is Cassandra Lowe and she is a rude woman. She harassed one of my friends on facebook. She's called her fat and told people that my friend was attacking people. Now my friend is one of the sweetest cosplayers you will ever meet and she did nothing to deserve the harassment from this cosplayer.

>> No.8243733 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 960x720, bc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After harassing her, she invited the girl to her cosplay meet and greet at colossalcon to buy a print of her. She would even autograph it for her. Like really?

>> No.8243743

Those dead eyes

>> No.8244473

She's a drama queen. Every post on facebook about 'being attacked'.

>> No.8244694

Didn't she start a gofundme scame?

>> No.8244695

that poor, poor wig

>> No.8244919

Hahaha she's a scammer too? She is constantly posting in princess groups about being bullied when she does it all the time.
She's known as "nip slip Ariel" in lots of groups because she had a picture of herself on her page where her top had fallen off. She claims it was a bruise.

>> No.8244932

ya I commissioned my prom dress from her and it was literal the grossest satin ebay corset and tutu

>> No.8244935
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>> No.8244937
File: 370 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_msl0feq9oX1qatiaqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she didn't even taKE THE TAG OFF

>> No.8244941

I hope you filed a paypal claim.

>> No.8244943

I was young, dumb and didn't even know it was an option.

>> No.8248604

Colossalcon pls no

>> No.8248609

Looks like something you'd see at a high-class bdsm party, but worn on a $5 hooker (not you, the dress)

>> No.8249808
File: 65 KB, 640x960, bc9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the prints she is selling oh my god

>> No.8249811

You think she would be more mature and not harass people. She's setting a horrible example for her daughter.

>> No.8249819


>> No.8249828
File: 97 KB, 540x960, bc10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a four year old daughter. There are pictured of the two on her cosplay page and on her personal page.

>> No.8249843

>Don't go anywhere, ever.

This. That includes: Supermarkets, outside, banks, anywhere. Bedbugs roam everywhere.
>Inb4 your next door neighbor has bedbugs too.

>> No.8249865

that she no longer has custody to

>> No.8249875

Any idea why?

>> No.8249882

(see above?)
In all seriousness, no idea

>> No.8249885
File: 30 KB, 440x582, uwot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you make a habit of getting undressed and laying motionless for several hours at the bank or supermarket? Also conspicuously missing from your list: movie theaters. As in those big dark rooms full of upholstered chairs that hundreds of people shuffle through and sit in for hours everyday.

>mfw when people act cavalier about bedbugs

>> No.8249892

She's a horrible person, and not just because of her scamming. She claims her yappy piece of shit dog that she dresses up for cons is a "service dog" but refuses to produce a reason/papers to prove it, plus she's had several small pets in the past (at least one lizard or snake plus dozens of fish) that she killed through mistreatment or lack of care. Taking a look at her FB profile it looks like she just got a turtle and two axolotls, and I have to wonder how long they'll last. It's no wonder she doesn't have custody of her daughter if she can't even take care of a fish.

>> No.8249897

not sure specifically but considering she tried to get someone kicked out of a con with a fake doctor's note because 'them being there is bad for her anxiety' being delusional seems likely

>> No.8249910

I remember a post she made saying that she was so hurt when someone indirectly called her fat. Then she went and told me how to make myself look thinner and indirectly called me fat.

>> No.8249971
File: 36 KB, 640x248, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just posted this

>> No.8250019

i think one or two of the axolotls have already died. it's pretty disgusting

>> No.8250043

One did and she posted a picture of the poor dead thing

>> No.8250049

how ironic

>> No.8250064

Didn't she also once keep a large rabbit in a birdcage that it could barely turn around in? I feel like I remember a photo being posted a while back.

>> No.8250268

are you fking serious is someone selling this as a print

>> No.8250278

yeah. i remember. that was two December ago. to be honest, i don't remember seeing the rabbit after the birdcage photo. it probably died. glad i unfriended that bitch last year. she's a vile human being.

>> No.8250293

>refuses to produce a reason/papers to prove it
I hope con staffers haven't been asking for "proof" of a service dog. Dat HIPAA violation. The best you can do to kick out people with fake service dogs is see if there's a city ordinance requiring dogs to have licenses/vaccination tags. Asking for medical information (there's medical information on the paperwork required for a service dog) is a violation of federal law.
Not defending her because she seems awful, just telling you before one of you guys gets their dumb ass sued along with the whole con they're staffing for.

>> No.8250332

I met her for the first time at Zipcon. She sent me a friend request saying that she loved my cosplay and wanted to be friends. But ever since then she has harassed me and says shit like "why did you send a friend request to me if you don't like me?" Bitch I never did. Plus she told me that I know nothing about lolita and that she is an expert. She doesn't wear lolita and I've been one for 5 years

>> No.8250402

I'm so glad that cgl is talking about Cassie Lowe
I'm just going to drop a link to one of her videos here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiK-EHwTsx4

most of them are a good laugh

>> No.8250548

this photo haunts me. why would anyone think this looks good. wtf

>> No.8251331

I hate the fact that she is coming to one of my photoshoots

>> No.8251770

This chick is the biggest idiot I've ever seen. Sometimes I think she's actually retarded.

She posts all these princess pictures with her boob tattoo hanging out, and her tits hanging out, and then complains that people say she doesn't look like a princess. She also posts in groups about how she buys her makeup at the Dollar Tree and then complains that her makeup wasn't waterproof. What a surprise!

She's also constantly posting about her prints… which I can't imagine why anyone would buy because she looks awful.

I feel sorry for her kid.

>> No.8251785

Did she really win Best in Show for something?

>> No.8252649

I really wish Jean_tb would do a meet and greet. They are my inspiration and one of my favorite cosplayers

>> No.8252744

I work at a dollar tree and the off-brand makeup we get is awful. I have found really good products there but they were buyouts and rare that we actually get them (in my store anyway). Most of it contains 10% pigmentation, eyeliners and mascaras are all terrible quality. I'd only recommend them to 13 year olds learning how to makeup.

>> No.8252853

Cassandra is literally a bitch. She is rude and awful and I despise her.

>> No.8252899

Considering that the good cosplayers usually use Ben Nye or MAC or other high quality stuff and I don't even know what swimming mermaids use, but I doubt it's cheap, it's no wonder that she looks like a hot mess.

>> No.8252904

The way the diamonds on the sleeves came out reminds me of Power Rangers.

There's no way to verify that a service dog is a licensed service dog?

>> No.8252993

any other 'cosfamous' attending?

>> No.8253713


>> No.8253781


Yeah the ADA only allows you to ask if the animal is required because of a disability and what work/task has it been trained to perform. It also must be harnessed/leashed, unless this affects the person's performance with their disability. They can still be kicked out though if they are housebroken, under control of the handler, or are contaminating a sterile environment.

>> No.8253831
File: 47 KB, 611x450, bobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the beginning of Colossalcon's death.

>> No.8253991

Holy shit this is the first I've heard of this Cassie bitch. What a vile person. I think I found a new trolling target, thanks /cgl/!

>> No.8254072 [DELETED] 

This Cassie bitch is a guest and I get attacked by Chris Gary for suggesting Markiplier be invited as a guest to Colossalcon?

If I understand correctly he's the one organizing this thing in the person, he's probably eating his foot right now oh lol. XD

>> No.8254077

This Cassie bitch is a guest and I get attacked by Chris Gary for suggesting Markiplier be invited as a guest to Colossalcon?

If I understand correctly he's the one organizing this thing, he's probably eating his foot right now . XD

>> No.8254129

None of them are guests. They had to apply to become a part of it.

Hard to tell if it's an attempt for the staff to get lulz or not.

>> No.8254337

Nigga lets but honest the only reason any of us have heard of Colossalcon is because of the water park.

>> No.8254366

It's what I think of every time it's brought up. Oh that waterpark con. Oh boy so cool.

>> No.8254406

Chris Gary attacked Miggy Jagger on FB months ago, and now he's treating him as a guest? This is FB Hilarity at its finest! What's next? Cosplay photographer meet & greet?

>> No.8254757

Are you serious? LMAO

>> No.8254773

I have to admit it is a VERY nice venue. Besides the waterpark the drinks they serve there are fantastic. But if Colossalcon loses the Kalahari they'd be lucky to have half the attendees the following year, it doesn't help the upper staffs behavior won't be ignored and pardoned in such a scenario.

>> No.8254785

Yeah, Gary even challenged Miggy to a coplay off. It was like Zoolander, but not

>> No.8254788

All the way to the West Coast this girl is issues, lol

>> No.8254797

There's a big difference between being invited and inviting yourself. It's an open call application where suggesting Markiplier as a guest that the convention brings in is totally different.

Calm yo' tits.

>> No.8254859

Here's a problem with Cassandra. She is acting like she is an invited guest. She has posted before about how she is finally cosplay famous because she "got invited" as a "guest" for Colossalcon.

>> No.8254905 [DELETED] 

Myratheon Cosplay is making the same claim a few ago. She claimed Colossalcon contacted her and invited her to take part in this meet and greet which seems suspicious.

>> No.8254907

Of course she is. Her level of crazy is through the roof. Pretty sure CC staff keep her around because she's lulzy as fuck.

>> No.8254928

Myratheon Cosplay made the same claim a few weeks ago. She said Colossalcon contacted her and invited her to take part in this meet and greet which seems suspicious.

>> No.8254930

Whoa now, Cassie is not a guest. The meet and greet is some sort of thing that the cosplay department has nothing to do with so cosfamousu people can go and do whatever goofy stuff they do.

Chris isn't organizing it, the cosplay department has nothing to do with it. This is some sort of thing Colossal wants to try out, we're just here for the cosplay masq, in-character, workshops, and repair station, nothing more.

>> No.8254936

If you would like more information about the event, you can go ahead and talk to Fang about it. cyarbs@gmail.com

>> No.8254944

>look this girl up on facebook for luz
>she lives near me
>we share one of the same friends on facebook

>> No.8254962

Cosplay has a 1000 USD prize for the Masquerade! 500 to Best Craftsmanship and 500 to Best Performance, you can sweep it or you can just go for 500, whatever you want.

Win the prize and spend it all in the hot tub bar!

>> No.8255093
File: 595 KB, 1093x704, mig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think any of these people are actually being treated as "guests" I'm pretty sure you just like apply for a table and you get to sit at a table for the length of an event and sell prints or whatever. I work for a similar sized con as colossal and we get like a hundred "cosplay guests" emailing us every year, some of them are jokes some of them aren't. It seems like colossal is just trying to make everyone happy and get those people off their nuts.

>>8254077 Also miggy is trash and markiplier would be a terrible convention guest

>> No.8255103

yo im cosfamous I can be a hella goku sign me up for dem greenbacks

>> No.8255118

He put on quite a show at PAX East. The dude should quit youtubing and get into show business. He's actually really entertaining only issue is the size of the crowd he draws.

>> No.8255125

PAX is one thing, we're talking about an anime con. A lot of people who go to the con would probably want to see him but that doesn't make him relevant. I suppose anime cons should book the guy who made homestuck too right, cause people want to see him?

>> No.8255199

me too anon. pittsburgh cosplay comm is a cringey mess.

>> No.8256661

This is by far my favorite thread

>> No.8256687

Cosplay Photography meetup with special guest Lauren Pihl.

>> No.8256732


I'll bring the flamethrower. XD

>> No.8256941

I love Jean_tb! All hail chicken prince!!

>> No.8257483 [DELETED] 

Speaking of #Pihlgate.... How the mighty have fallen. http://whisperthestars.tumblr.com/post/116471940993/had-a-very-raw-and-amazing-experience-recently

>> No.8257492

John Chea is that you?

>> No.8257878

She finally embraced her inner self. Bout time.

>> No.8257928

>>rope work

Throws a rope on her face and calls it work.

That guys tumblr is literally preying on dumb bitches that thirst for attention. I would feel bad for the girls, but it's hard to claim they are being taken advantage of when they go to that level of idiot to get just a shred of more attention.

Empowerment and feminism. You happy now girls?

>> No.8257950

>that tumblr
what in the fuck?

>> No.8258490

LOL is that Travis? He's a known creep in the Boston fetish community he even deleted his Fetlife awhile ago.

>> No.8258836 [DELETED] 

This was before the fall though. She fell when she was Kayhettin's sex slave and Dave Yang's sex toy

>> No.8258975

sauce? sex slave? wtf

>> No.8259016
File: 535 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-04-17-15-34-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dis gonna be good! With 1449 stopping by!? I'll get my popcorn ready after Colossalcon.

>> No.8259086

I hope she makes a fool of herself

>> No.8259136

One/two of those 1449 douchebros will be there you don't have to hope. Just wait until they get home.

>> No.8261757


Okay no lie, a friend of mine went to college with her and I got into an facebook message argument with her years ago (her and her buddy Nikki something also now a wanna be cosfamous chick) where she claimed she was PERSONALLY friends with JNig.

They both spelled her last name Nigiri the whole time, it was pretty hilarious.

>> No.8261763

What the fuck is 1449? Another autism support group?

>> No.8261766

Nikki Nevermore?

>> No.8261770


No, I think it's Nickychu or something. All I remember is that she posts "progress" photos of her wearing ebay costumes and did the s4s thing.

It's the only way either one of them got like 2K likes.

>> No.8261793

>They both spelled her last name Nigiri the whole
OH MY GOD! I laughed so hard at that post. They're a bunch of douchebags who think they're the shit and have the best parties in the con scene.

>> No.8262524

So yes. But it was at Tekkoshocon when they had 'vague' rules about the Masquerade.

Just a few years back, their Masquerade and their Costume contest followed the same 75/25 rule. Well, after claiming she (Cassie) had made her Anthy or w/e ballgown, she has posted that it was commissioned by her from someone.

I had brought it up to the staff casually at one point and, of course the next day, with Cassie being besties with their judge, she changed all the rules. The next convention was a month away at this point and she didn't even announce the rules for the masquerade had been changed to the point you didn't have to have made ANY of your costume for it.

Either way it was at Tekkoshocon so no surprise.

>> No.8262533

She's also selling prints of photos she did not take and photos she got from Deathcon(sp?)

Also, I know a lot about her up until 2010 so if there are any more questions about her, I'll be happy to answer.

Like she thought she was the next BeckiiCruel for a hot minute.

>> No.8262588

>Just a few years back, their Masquerade and their Costume contest followed the same 75/25 rule.
I'm new to the whole "going to conventions" thing, in fact this year's Colossalcon will be my first con if everything goes to plan. What is the 75/25 rule are you referring to?

>> No.8263063

It means the percentage of the costume you made. Shoes and wigs aren't factored in, since many times a costume doesn't require you to make a wig from scratch and sometimes shoes can be accurate 'as is'. So, 75% of the costume has to be handmade.

>> No.8263160

If anyone has any stories on Cassie Lowe please tell me

>> No.8263227

I do not understand how she sells anything at all. I'll give her that if she lost weight and learned to do makeup and got good wigs and costumes, she could conceivably be attractive. But in every picture she has this dead look, like she didn't try to pose or smile or anything.
I only know of her from princess party groups, where she posts about how clients tell her she doesn't look like the character and how people are mean to her. Yet if anyone tries to give her help, she gets mad about it. Because, you know, telling her to cover up her tit tattoo is being mean to her!
I think she might be a little bit retarded honestly.

>> No.8263535

Never heard of them or their parties. Not good enough.

>> No.8263979
File: 82 KB, 638x562, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's baaaaaaaaaack

>> No.8264106

>of her from princess party groups, where she posts about how clients tell her she doesn't look like the character and how people are mean to her. Yet if anyone tries to give her help, she gets mad about it. Because, you know, telling her to cover up her tit tattoo is being mean to her!
>I think she might
Wow that's brave especially after #pihlgate.

>> No.8264128

She made a huge scene at Otakon last year because she tripped during her performance and "sprained her ankle" and claimed she was going to sue Otakon and all of this stuff.
here is her "proof": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYMLCBrhJDA

she also is just cringey in general when interacting with people. Her whole youtube and facebook page is funny by themselves.

>> No.8264179

I remember that. She blamed 'slipping on a ninja star' for why she didn't win instead of her incredibly awkward Yuna dance.

Apparently she actually never rehearsed dancing in the six inch boots which was the real reason she slipped. Moron.

>> No.8264201

Friend from a few yeas back:
Where to start. She told the baby daddy of her child she was on birth control. She wasn't. At all.

She also borrowed money for her Melfina costume, as far as I know it was never paid back.

She took several commissions and apparently was called out on being a scammer for over half of them.

She used to sick her friend, Nickychu Cosplay, on people she didn't like. Nickychu frequents 4Chan, factually. So did her ex-boyfriend. Cassie and Nicky weren't friends for a while but now they are again? Idek, both are thirsty for CosFame. Both use their tits for it. One has a face and no body the other has an ''eh" body and no face. At all.

Cassie scammed some people in the dollfie community.

She used to judge the Tekkoshocon Dance Competition with a FORMAL judges sheet. The judges were all YouTube wannabe dancers, no one with enough formal training to be using a professional dancing form, let alone be judging a dance competition.

She's lied about making several of he cosplays, including the Princess Bride Utena costume or whatever.

Can't think of anything else that wouldn't give me away atm.

>> No.8264432

She has actual costumes? All the ones on her page are awful China dresses that don't fit her right and her Misty costume

>> No.8264597

Oh, she was the idiot who slipped?!!! I heard about that incident from my friends there! I avoided it, like pretty much any other masquerade, but LOL!

>> No.8265468

She says her shoes broke, but she's still wearing them and dancing. If they really broke I'm sure she would have taken them off and wouldn't have been able to keep dancing.

>> No.8266222


She /did/ but never ones she made herself.. She had to sell them to afford things. Really, Cassie claimed to make all of her stuff and got called out.

She modified a lot of her newer costumes....

Her Naru/Molly costume looks decent on her, it makes her shape look less bad but she's so focused on being sexy AND a Disney Princess that she doesn't care about that.

Her Misty costume... okay there's a story with that.

She tried taking pictures in the fountain at Otakon and got pissed off and on her high horse that they /dared/ to tell her it was against con policy to be in those. She posted a snarky picture of her touching the water with some comment.

She's really entitled, which is the only reason I don't think she's slow. Cassie knows what she's doing but she feels like she /deserves/ it.

>> No.8266230

her misty is so awful. I think she's slow. no way anyone can think that look good at all

>> No.8266297
File: 71 KB, 960x640, misty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this photo on her cosplay page. Couldn't find the remark though.

>> No.8266301

Is that the hobo pee fountain?

>> No.8266305
File: 548 KB, 897x643, ohmygod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a fucking calender for sale

>> No.8266349

Here's a doosey

She tried to call the cops on me from across the country because someone on my staff used my email to subscribe to her GoFundMe for a mermaid tail. I inquired via email about donations being made, we sorted it out, and bid her a farewell. 3 hours later I come home from dinner to find multiple emails about me harassing her and that she'd email the police.

>We already sorted this shit out like adults, made my formal apologies, stated I would deal with the matter internally.
>Bitch step back.

>> No.8266399 [DELETED] 
File: 832 KB, 761x1127, rebel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This here.


That's----even for her that's nuts omfg.

She's gotten worse since I've known her.

>> No.8266414

what is wrong with her face? Oh my god.

>> No.8266424

At least censor your facebook icon when you post this shit.

>> No.8266440
File: 537 KB, 761x1127, whoops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whelp. Didn't even notice.

>> No.8266445

is she wearing a black bra with a yellow tank top

>> No.8266545

Go get 'em fashion police!

>> No.8266556

WTF is her tattoo

>> No.8266560

It's a bomb because she loves Harley Quinn.

>> No.8266561


That's hot

Hot mess, that is!


Nah, that's the one outside with the waterfalls and shit, about a block away.

>> No.8266563

I'm not sure but it looks like the Hell Girl symbol but not as accurate...

>> No.8266822

Homegirl needs to take her ass to Planet Fitness and get rid of that 2nd and 3rd gullet under her chin.

>> No.8267075

she had a fitness page for awhile but I dont remember what happened to it

>> No.8267130

It doesnt even have to do with famous. Thats plain trashy to have any underclothes visable though a shirt.

>> No.8267227

Fitness? For what, fitness that damn burger down her throat?

>> No.8267506

her dead eyes. why would she think her mermaid photo looks any good

>> No.8268427

Who would even buy this? I'm actually good looking and I know I'm not thin enough or popular enough to sell prints.

>> No.8268616


I know she talks about going to the gym on her page too. Like what do you do watch the hot guys and eat french fries? There's no way you'd be months at the gym and NOT lose a damn pound.

>> No.8269156

>>8268616 There's no way you'd be months at the gym and NOT lose a damn pound.
Objectively speaking it's totally doable to go to the gym and not lose weight. If you work out hard and build muscle, you can gain weight and lose body fat. Or you could just not be eating well either and be gaining muscle AND fat still.

>Go to planet Fitness?
Why so she can eat pizza and bagels?? If you go to planet fitness, it better be for the soul purpose of it being the ONLY gym you have.

>> No.8269180

no one gives a fuck, retard

>> No.8269274

Or you could educate yourself, retard.

>> No.8269316


how it feel to have that shortbus 4 lyfe award

>> No.8269462
File: 58 KB, 720x405, 11149384_827698073985004_7139904055627218270_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She bought herself a banner for Colossalcon. She is still acting like an invited guest. This is so beautiful.

>> No.8269595

Apparently coswhores

>> No.8269632

Could she have picked any worse pictures for this?

>> No.8269659

Cassandra is literally the worst. We are both in a plus size cosplay group and she is constantly posting herself to inspire others to be like her. I may not be as small as she is, but I don't want her ugly ass posting pictures of herself on my post to "inspire me"

>> No.8269668

she use that misty photo everywhere. who actually thinks thats a decent photo?

>> No.8269942

Create banner for the Downs Syndrome affected cosplayers!

>> No.8270232

How is she "cosfamous" if she has a butter face and her makeup is shit?

>> No.8270279

because she's a well know cosplayer in the PA/NJ/NY areas.

>> No.8270386

anyone knows who are in this panel of unbiased cosplayers and photographers?

>> No.8270428

Because it's in her head and she's delusional

>> No.8270950

>fitness that
I think you missed the fitness joke, anon.

>> No.8270952

Thinbitch here, I wouldn't either. Not with that face. If I needed to look slow for a character, I'll give her a call.

>> No.8270960

I am beginning to think she's retarded. so basically everyone is making fun of a handicapped person. good job, anon

>> No.8271275

Nah, I know a few people who knew her in college. She's a spoiled princess but she's not stupid.

She lied about being on birth control to the guy she was sleeping with to trap him if she got preggers. That's devious as shit.

>> No.8274139

The worst part is she plays the victim so well. She fronts like she's against cosplay bullying but she's a bully herself. She cries all the time on her facebook that no one cares about her. Even on her birthday she was complaining. She loves drama and loves attention. When I met her at Otakon she came off very rude as if she was the hbic of the area. Did I mention she wanted to cosplay ebola chan and have a full group of people like aids chan. Yea she really respects the cosplay community.

>> No.8274225

I've never even heard of this bitch, WTF?!

>> No.8274249

That's an insult to cosplayers with Downs.

>> No.8274257
File: 33 KB, 640x172, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst notification I've ever revieved

>> No.8274263

Yea I got one of those and even if I was going I still wouldn't support her. She every two faced and full of herself.

>> No.8274312

what the even--- whelp. She's finally getting the attention she wanted after all these years.

>> No.8274326

Mentally handicapped =/= manipulative, egotistical, vain and self-centered.

Most of the people I've encountered with a mental disability are some of the happiest people ever because they have the mentality of a child (which yes, children are self-centered but not in this way). They're not going to twist your words around or manipulate you to get ahead. They're just gonna go run naked down the street because they don't know better. And yes, my mom took care of a lady with Downs syndrome and she did this repeatedly.

>> No.8274511
File: 105 KB, 640x569, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There she goes again, saying that she's a ducking guest

>> No.8274543

It's an event organized by petty people who hide their esteem issues to privately mock other petty people who hide their esteem issues.

Hey, know your market.

>> No.8274682


At this point I might as well buy a badge and call myself a guest.

>> No.8274800
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>> No.8274835
File: 26 KB, 601x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nineteen mutual friends with her. Ew. Also you don't have to upload every picture of yourself in cosplay to the Internet. Pic related. Just...why?

>> No.8274870

>that vistaprint template
the way the far left image oversteps the orange border into the middle pic bugs me more than anything

>> No.8274875

she probably thinks the tits will do

>> No.8274895

I wish I had saved the pictures of her with her tits out because her top fell off that she had on her PRINCESS PERFORMER page forever

>> No.8274946


I really wonder if she has narcissistic personality disorder. She's delusional enough for it.

>> No.8274956

Pretty sure I got scammed by her recently.

Any way did anyone Enjoy her freak out about her Elsa dress?

>> No.8275214

Her freak out was the funniest shit I've ever seen. I couldn't stop laughing

>> No.8275219

This is when you start posting things that you want to buy, so she'll blow her many getting them made. Then just sit back, point, and laugh!

>> No.8275256

What freak out? do tell....

>> No.8275310

I'll see if she still has the posts on facebook. But basically her Elsa dress had a few small marks and loose sequins and she demanded that the company pay for the return shipping and give her a new one for free. The company told her that they could not pay for the return shipping. She freaked out and was very rude to them.

>> No.8275464

anyone has it?

>> No.8275471

that's her cover photo for christ's sake

>> No.8275479

real take. she invited me too. how can I avoid her at colossalcon without getting on her shit list?

>> No.8275494


The most she'll do is act like a bitch and post you on 4chan then hopefully block you. It seems most people realize she is batshit so would anyone really believe her if she talked shit?

Just ignore her and don't go to her damn meet and greet. Say you've got another panel.

>> No.8275508

>Please Dont believe everything you have read about me because its not all true

Is this a joke?

>> No.8275519


I'm surprised she admitted to NOT making the dress, girl has a hilarious penchant for lying.

She bought a Miku costume off Ebay and then claimed she "handmade" the electronics on the arm bit so it'd light up.

She also claimed to have put 90+ hours into a thrift store wedding dress for a cosplay. While admitting it was a thrift store wedding dress. I don't think she realized how dumb that made her sound.

>> No.8275535
File: 98 KB, 960x640, 10409733_10152032795882721_7530003711327269077_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She had this on her party performing page. As in, kids party performer.

>> No.8275619

That cosplay is horrible! First off manatees are grey! No green anywhere at all!

>> No.8275750

Omg is her boob out

>> No.8275848

So that's why people call her "nip-slip Ariel"

>> No.8275861

Nah son never heard of this girl

>> No.8275862


It's just floating away on it's own isn't it? HOW DO YOU NOT FEEL THAT? How do you then decide to post that on your "hire me for your birthday party!" page?

Honey, not all pictures are good pictures. You don't have to post them all.

>> No.8275865

her boobs are ok. it's just water distorting her body.

>> No.8275870

ok cassie

>> No.8275922


If by okay, you mean "fallen out of her top" then yes, her boobs are okay. Water distortion won't turn dark purple to flesh tone you know.

It's not magic.

>> No.8275923

Sorry gun but water distorting to body does not leave the shell bra separated from the boob.

>> No.8275950

Newest Status on her page:
"Notice I have added the BOOK NOW call to action Button!
Book me for a con appearance! I offer Cosplay Panels, I sing, Dance and all around Entertain"

This meet and greet seems to have gone to her head.

>> No.8276022

why does she share this photo. her face is a different color than everything. looks like a shit photoshop job

>> No.8276032

I hope nobody shows up to her meet and greet

>> No.8276640

God I hate fucking Fang, such a tool

>> No.8276722

They're the colossalcon staff responsible for this shit fest

>> No.8276723

Pretty sure this girl blocked me on Facebook when I said I didn't like Jessica nigri and she turned it into saying I was sexist or something.

>> No.8277524

So her dress broke that she brought for Elsa and she's crying about it. Saying oh that's 250 down the drain. People are even saying well you can fix it and not get a new one but I doubt she can even sew in a zipper so there goes another 250 for her.

>> No.8277572

the dress probably broke because shes too fat. sewing a new zipper requires almost no time

>> No.8277574

She whined about it so much but I'm pretty sure she's wearing it to Colossalcon

>> No.8277581
File: 126 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should invest in a new wig too

>> No.8277587
File: 55 KB, 640x255, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8277607

Why doesn't she just respond here directly instead of being all passive aggressive?

>> No.8277631

why would she post on cgl

>> No.8277635

She was actually responding to someone on the post who told her that zippers are easy to fix

>> No.8277641

Maybe instead of buying a shit dress from China she should get a good one. I agree with the other anon though, she probably ordered one in too small of a size and the zipper broke because of it.

If she's such a great seamstress, why doesn't she make one? /sarcasm

>> No.8277686

" If i take it in ot wont fit me so im going to just buy a new one "

>> No.8277747

Didn't you see the post about how she never spends more then $10 on a wig?

>> No.8277779


How do you expect to run a business if you aren't willing to look presentable, my god.

I make jewelry for cash, I sure as hell ain't putting goddamn preschool craft art beads on that shit.

>> No.8277849

>pay $5 for wig
>wig is slight off color
>bitch about it for days.

>> No.8278270

She's always whining about how her wigs are bad quality and it wasn't fair. If she wants good wigs she needs to be willing to pay more than $10 for wigs.

>> No.8278449

She whines about everything being bad quality when she's only willing to buy cheap stuff that obviously isn't going to be high quality. You can't expect a $200 Elsa costume and $10 wig to look good. Most well made ones don't even look good.

>> No.8279006

You can't fix stupid.

>> No.8279079

Everyone who has a problem with Cassie needs to message Donnell donnell@colossalcon.com and state that fact. Especially if she has ripped you off. She has already had court cases against her and she owes everyone tons of money. She doesn't make anything herself. She can't even use a sewing machine (know this for a fact) everything is bought or hot glued to things she thrifts or buys herself. She should in no way be a cosplay guest.

>> No.8279081
File: 1.85 MB, 590x9236, Angel Secret Dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to see the elsa dress explosion here it is. It is a fact she wore that dress and all those things have happened to it because she wore the dress.

>> No.8279151

Not surprised at all... Cassie like to come off educated and when it comes to scamming she's queen. Not surprised Nicky defended her. Both lie about making costumes.

>> No.8279173

Please email colossalcon about Cassie Lowe. She has scammed and harassed so many people, she has a terrible attitude, and she should not be allowed to think she has some sort of high place in the community... The girl needs held accountable for all the shit she's pulled.

>> No.8279177

Everyone including myself asked Cassie to post a picture of the "zipper" incident, and she completely ignored us and wouldn't post it. I wouldn't be surprised if the dress is completely fine and she's just doing this stunt for attention.

>> No.8279180

she does everything for attention, its not a good day without drama for her

>> No.8279243

Eh, knowing her, I wouldn't be surprised if the zipper did break because she's too big for it. It's well known that China stuff runs small so she probably ordered like a medium because she can squeeze her ass into big US mediums and obviously a China medium is a US small or extra small. She just had to blow it up into drama and start fighting with people over it.

>> No.8279307

Most of the colossalcon staff (soni, chris, fang, who else0 frequent this board. shit, soni commented above. they know about Cassie and invited her for the lolz.

>> No.8279353

Can you dumbasses NOT FUCKING READ?! Cassie Lowe is NOT A GUEST. NONE of the clowns at the meet and greet are!!! Their rooms and badges are NOT comped and they are NOT making any money.

Literally ANYONE can sign up to be part of the meet and greet.

>> No.8279354

The funny thing is she was harassing angel secret to the point that they said they were done with her. She doesn't know how to be a professional either. Even if there is a problem, the buyer needs to be professional as well.

>> No.8279367

Did you read any of the comments on this thread?? She's acting like she was invited as a guest.

>> No.8279369

"Hopefully we have enough tables to just accept all applicants. If not, we will accept applicants based on the links submitted and pick based on quality of work and popularity. A panel of unbiased photographers and cosplayers will make the decisions. "

They are listed on the web site and being promoted. you dont have to have room/badge comped to be a guest. try harder, fang

>> No.8279476

>harassing angel

That's called karma. He's getting his, and she's accruing more for herself.

The whole thing is ridiculous. The fact that it's even taking place is a joke. Cassie is a retard, plain and simple, and the staff is retarded for even letting the event take place.

>> No.8279491

just think of it as the internment camp for attention whores

>> No.8279532

some of the people like knightmage are there to sell prints for charity though. sucks to be them

>> No.8279539

Considering it's got some choice "my way is the only way" people in charge, that sounds like a good comparison.

>> No.8279642

someone should post the pics of her wearing it. you can tell the dress is under high stress.

>> No.8279653

You're an idiot.

>> No.8279710

>A panel of unbiased photographers and cosplayers will make the decisions.

Literally only Fang.

>> No.8279719

I highly diubt donnell or colossal staff is going to guve a shit even if people message him the court case rulings against her.

And if you think applying for a tabls makes you a guest, wow, i guess all artists and dealers are guests. Dumbass.

>> No.8279726

This. This isn't a guest event, none of the people at the meet and greet are guests. They are there to promote themselves because so many people kept messaging staff to be added as a guest because of cosplay. This is essentially to let them play famous cosplayer for a couple of hours and then they can go back to doing whatever they do at Colossal. I'll wait and see if anyone even shows up for these meet and greets for the cosplayers, I put money that it'll be a very quiet event.

>> No.8279744

You're so full of shit. You just want to see who shows up so you know who to mock in secret. Not saying they don't deserve some crap for being that desperate for attention, but at least be big enough to admit what it's really about.

>> No.8279750

Okay, whatever you say, anon.

>> No.8279764

i cant wait to see the aftermath of this

>> No.8279862

Does you really think that we need to hold events to look for attebtion whores to make fun of...? Instead of just reading cgl or checking fb?

Anon u so silly. Stop bein so buttmad over hating soni that you stop making sense lol.

>> No.8279879

not the other anon. I think it's pretty ingenius. they probably are going to stick them in a corner room and not even put it on the map.

I bet you miggy and gina are in on it to make the event look legit. they will out of the event before friday.

>> No.8279901

And you think Soni and her crew would pass up any opportunity to ridicule people? See who shows up, gives you more to work with. Apparently you don't know the reputation she and some of her friends have for being unnecessarily mean and borderline furious over things like people's fabric choices and who they want to cosplay. Something as tempting as attention whores is a goldmine for people who like to insult others to cover up their own insecurities.

>> No.8279931

Okay, whatever you say anon.

>> No.8280040


>harassing angel secret
>not 4ng3l

Anon, I think they're talking about the storenvy store that sells Disney Princess costumes, NOT Angel himself. If that had happened, he'd have shown up in this thread and bitched about her. Or Soni would've done it for him.


>> No.8280052


What the fuck is even happening in this thread.

Since when are we so collectively dumb that we'll fucking believe a girl going "It's my furrrrrrends dress honestly! I hadn't opened the package that I had SPECIFICALLY ORDERED FOR THIS EVENT, I borrowed it!"

This is like goddamn Tom and Jerry levels of stupid, why are people falling for it?

>> No.8280065


Hi I'm at the beach right now but if you want to ask me something email me cyarbs@gmail.com

>> No.8280071

You're right, especially considering she already does everything else for his lazy bum ass anyway. Thank you, anon.

>> No.8280084

apparently her friend is not on facebook. so inconvenient.

>> No.8280094


And just doesn't want to be dragged into the drama. Ironically it seems Cassie doesn't realize she'll NEED to produce those images or else she'll definitely lose that paypal case.

>> No.8280199

i think cassie got the case resolve and received half the money?

>> No.8280446
File: 411 KB, 1581x708, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if she received any of the money she would make a video of herself half dressed dancing a victory dance with all the nasty pepperoni nipple slippage and would let the world know she has ripped yet another person off of their money. Picture for all you people who want to see some more of Cassie's dumbest moments.

>> No.8280460

>corporate sponsership
is this some kind of joke

>> No.8280485


Limebarb/Lemonbrat has scammed people too, she's been a vendor several years in a row. Plus there's Dick McYogurt, Tornadocon Doctor, and Pixel Vixens, who might not be scammy but they're not entirely well liked.

Emailing Donnell about what's mostly a self-absorbed girl being an annoying brat is probably not going to go over as well as people in this thread hope.

Colossal tends to manage annoyances in a "containment" sort of fashion.

Deadpool and "Ninja" players won't stop clogging up the hallways? Give them their own room so we don't have to deal. Bunch of nobodies keep asking to be guests because they think that's how it works? Set them loose in their own little kiddie cage with some alphabet blocks and one of those Fisher Price xylophones.

Much easier than constantly playing whack-a-mole with problematic people.

I assume 1449 is Nick Evans and co?

>Captcha: lfart
Sums up the thread quite nicely, yes.

>> No.8280915

Knightmage is a good man, he's one of the people I hope doesn't suffer from this.

>> No.8280935

Straight from Cassie's mouth. She got in on her cosplay craftsmanship ability. She didn't make any of her costumes. So this means no one applied and they grabbed who ever they could get.

>> No.8281055

This bitch cassie is selling or trying to Sale (lol) a calender with photos in it from photographers that she didn't even spell their names right. She also didn't ask permission from the photographers to Sale the image. Which you should do. They do not own rights to the photo.. But at least the dumb bitch could have spelled each photographers names correctly.

>> No.8281089


At one point I know she had prints with her ex-BF in them (Didn't ask permission from him) AND photos of her with the photographers watermark on them.

Like...gurl. For real? Do you not know how this shit works? Even JNig got shat on for stealing a photographers work and selling it.

>> No.8281098

she's a known liar though, so that really means nothing

>> No.8281142

I'm on staff for a small comic con and wow, fame-hungry cosplayers are an annoying, persistent bunch.

>> No.8281188

This is the best shit I've read all day. I keep her around for the laughs.

>> No.8281215
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>> No.8281383

>You just want to see who shows up so you know who to mock in secret.

okay, cause Soni and Chris are never openly vocal about anyone. contain your stupidity, friend.

>> No.8281392

Does she...own this group or something? That is such an odd response to post to an open FB group with probably thousands of other members. Why would I leave because of one narcissistic bitch?

Her own page sure, tell people to gtfo.

>> No.8281406

i hear she and lauren phil (another scam artist) are buddies

>> No.8281418

yeah she does own the group. I am in it. I think she is viewing this whole thing. Honestly though, her kid shouldn't be brought up into this. I think you guys are pretty shitty for judging this one girl when there are other cosplayers much worse than her. What happen to that logan guy?

>> No.8281420

is logan a guest of colossalcon?

>> No.8281424


We have one thread about a chick and suddenly we don't talk about anyone else? Like 4 different people we're mocked in this thread alone. She's just the biggest lolcow of the bunch.

>> No.8281432
File: 175 KB, 1024x1024, ftqB4rH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't call her a cow, she isn't even that big
now this is a cow with a horn! hahaha

>> No.8281439


Nope, neither is this chick outside her delusions and claims. But she is apart of this meet and greet that this topic is about. Hence why she's been talked about.

I do love the "but other people are worse!" argument. Don't talk about this person who has harassed and treated people like shir what about thiiiis guy.

>> No.8281441

Just because there are people bigger doesn't make her any less obese

>> No.8281444

hi cassie

>> No.8281472

how come we only talk about Cassie and not the other 8 guys? who are these people. aside from Miggy I never heard of any of these clowns. Myratheon , Gabriella , Knightmage, Miggy, Gina, Termina, Chelsey . Yamino

>> No.8281489
File: 403 KB, 1920x1080, 20150314_171722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everyone
If you have any issues or Problems with me Please have the Balls to say it to my face not behind a computer
I am sick of seeing hate thread started with no actual proof or evidence.
Amanda I was unaware that you are/were unhappy Message me and we can talk full refund
Anyone else have a problem with me giving out refunds?

Also I am going to kindly ask you remove the picture that has my daughter in it. She has nothing to deal with my cosplay or my problems. She is completely not apart of this.
I had read everything I am applaud to see fat shamming and even more so You all think I fat shame. I run the plus sized cosplayers group and see myself as plus sized. I am a bigger girl And I am overly dramatic but I don't care beyond this point what you all have to say about me. You dont have to join me at my meet and greet or even talk to me. I really don't care, but please remove my Picture with my child I didnt give you permission to use. The rest of my pictures I dont care what you say or do~ have a Magical day~

>> No.8281514
File: 498 KB, 500x236, popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8281514,1 [INTERNAL] 

Cassie is banned from anything and everything done by a local convention, including their other conventions and events. She was also removed from staff of an out of state convention because of cause drama and telling lies about the convention itself and other congoers.

>> No.8281514,2 [INTERNAL] 

i think disney staff just puked all at the same time when she said to have a magical day

>> No.8281514,3 [INTERNAL] 

Hahaha she's seriously the worst, I'm worried if I post a pic up on the page I'll get criticized when her cosplay aren't even great

>> No.8281514,4 [INTERNAL] 

You know she also i did a walk across at Tekko and she wore noe underware. She free balled it and walked across the stage flashing everyone woman,children, families!