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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 236 KB, 695x1149, black_queen_by_permaink-d5bp3zj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8271527 No.8271527 [Reply] [Original]

Cosplays that impressed you

>> No.8271576

not this one

>> No.8271666

How about this one then, because it really impressed me as well

>> No.8271670

That's just duct tape and a corset over white bedsheets though.

>> No.8271691

Eh I feel the movement could have been better. Also a lot of shiny duct tape and garbage bag looking bits in there.

>> No.8271692
File: 286 KB, 1489x2048, 11025862_455122361304604_8409859898553778367_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8271699

The end result looks pretty awesome no matter the materials used.

>> No.8271704

Nothing about this is impressive

>> No.8271706

I was following his progress the entire time and that really makes it even more impressive. His Cinderella progress makes me excited too, even though it's just in the buying materials and figuring things out stage.

>> No.8271708


Satanic trips wasted on a nasty wig and duct tape.

Dubs wasted on shit taste.

>> No.8271711

From a far away low quality gif. If you showed us a close up photo like the others in the thread maybe we would agree.

>> No.8271717


The source doesn't make it less impressive as a costume. Though the more I look at it the more I see problems. Weird finish on the horn thing, baggy zentai suit and pretty poor job on the bodice construction.

>> No.8271721

I would but the cosplayer didn't post any other pictures of this cosplay. I'd like to see a better pic of it as well.

>> No.8271728

Sorry, I'm a newfag, where's a hamsteak there? I don't understand what you mean.

>> No.8271741

Hamsteak is Homestuck.

>> No.8271747


>> No.8271751
File: 8 KB, 988x566, Protoqueen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a ballroom gown version of this.

Please tell me how the source isn't trash to begin with.

>> No.8271757

> :/

>> No.8271759
File: 142 KB, 600x901, tes_iii___morrorwind__ascended_sleeper_by_kmsnsk-d7wl252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isugi's Ascended Sleeper

>> No.8271832

Re read what I said. You can make a costume from something that's trash but it doesn't mean that the costume itself is trash. I know it's from HS and while HS has a lot of shitty cosplay it doesn't mean OP's is. Not sure it needed it's own thread and the "special interpretation" makes me like it less but it's not trash.

>> No.8271835
File: 115 KB, 533x800, screenaccuratesixthdoctor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8271844

>I know it's from HS and while HS has a lot of shitty cosplay it doesn't mean OP's is.
>Though the more I look at it the more I see problems. Weird finish on the horn thing, baggy zentai suit and pretty poor job on the bodice construction.

Make your mind up.

>> No.8271845
File: 38 KB, 213x320, woven back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was made by studying screen-used costumes, it's amazing and the quality is really high.

>> No.8271915

To me it's pretty clear that what he's saying is that it's a pretty decent cosplay but it has some problems.

>> No.8271946
File: 190 KB, 1024x682, trinity_blood___seth_nightroad_and_suleyman_by_okaridane-d6wuxwp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8271978
File: 124 KB, 682x1024, calne_ca_cosplay_by_yuriros-d76vjrq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Bacterial Contamination Miku with the moving claws always impressed me

I love his work but this dress not so much... The art has this red-brown filter over everything but it's really hard to replicate that IRL so some of the colours clash.

>> No.8272003

I love his work and this dress is exquisite, but the pink feathers clash.
Can't wait to see how his Cinderella dress turns out.

>> No.8272027

woah.... did they make that all themselves? i cant image how many hours of work this all took!

>> No.8272033

I can't wait to see his Cinderella!
His fabric choices look so pretty already.

>> No.8272039

Are the claws transparent? That's pretty fucking neato.It's such a simple mechanism to make that kind of articulation I love when people utilize stuff like that

>> No.8272045

Seeing it move is quite impressive indeed.

>> No.8272058
File: 272 KB, 730x1093, suleyman___trinity_blood_by_okaridane-d6f1lcm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, i think they did because he is selling costume-making commissions right now. I don't know how he does it but the details are amazing.

>> No.8272068

A lot of it is about picking trims, appliques and gems that work well together and attaching them cleanly. Some parts could be custom embroidery but I'd have to see a reference to see if some designs match.

>> No.8272099

dude, even the homestuck general in /co/ has used hamsteak and homosuck for years

>> No.8272122

I've heard homosuck everywhere but not hamsteak, also a newfag.

>> No.8272135
File: 630 KB, 664x1000, tumblr_lztiohwkWF1r64ujfo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8272161

Uh it's pretty obviously two different points. Impressive costumes can come out of shitty series, also the OP's image is good but not great.

>> No.8272165

>posting links on an imageboard


>> No.8272309

I'll give you 10 kittens if you figure out why I did this.

>> No.8273301

He's so fucking beautiful. WHY IS HE NOT MORE POPULAR!? Who IS he?

>> No.8273312

Gifs work too, yknow.

>> No.8273316

Some dude from Russia

>> No.8273321

Wasn't this cosplayer a seagull? I remember following their progress here a while back

>> No.8273460

Ok this might sound weird but is there a better selection of trims and fabrics available there and a higher emphasis on craftwork as compared to the US? I've noticed a lot of insanely detailed stuff in other hobbies coming out of Russia too.

>> No.8273496

They're closer to China I guess which means easier to get your hands on lots of high quality taobao embellishments without breaking the bank.

This one is just a guess but I think Russia isn't nearly as "everyone is special!" as the US so there's actual societal value in working your ass off to improve your skills and make something great. Here we're supposed to look at a cosplayer in full prop armor and another in a kimono stapled together form a bedsheet and call them equally great cosplayers.

>> No.8274155

No kitties for you. Gif is10 Mb, max allowed is 4 mb and if u try resizing it the quality becomes too shit

>> No.8274167

Someone else feel free to chime in, but a Russian friend of mine told me that a lot of Russian cosplayers work in groups. IE one person does all the wigs, one does all the trimming, one does all the drafting, one wears the costume, etc. So you're looking at the product of a team of cosplayers, which is why they're often so mindblowing.

>> No.8274293

I want to kiss this person on the mouth.

>> No.8274302

oh man i wish i knew where to get gorgeous trims and appliques like that. sooo goood

>> No.8274411

What character/cosplayer is this?

>> No.8274427

You're a selfposting shitfag who can't make cosplays from real material and thus needs to duct-tape everything together, and by posting a link to your pic you net more views to feed your dumbass ego... how far off am I anon?

>> No.8274463

Not sure what he is cosplaying but his username is art J.Hart Design

>> No.8274551

Cosplay is LeNoir Elementalist from Granado Espada and >>8274463 gave you his name.

>> No.8274577

It's kinda sad how he wears all his cosplay because he has a cute enough face, but his shoulders are just so incredibly broad... It kinda ruins the look of the elementalist.

>> No.8274696

Anon, the file was too large to post. I'm not sure if that's their exact reason, but that's the most obvious one to me.

>> No.8274720

Eh as a girl with really wide shoulders I don't see it. I think it's more the shape of his arm puffs anyways, how his puff straight out while the elementalist has them wider at the bottom.

>> No.8274790

Sure smells like summer in here.

>> No.8274842

It's probably a wierd finish on the horns because in the comic thats actually a felt hat and it looks like they made it with felt (if i remember correctly??) Anyways, its a hat.

>> No.8274847

the kids aren't even out of school yet, chill.

>> No.8278117

it is coming tho ;__;

>> No.8279673
File: 120 KB, 960x639, 11161342_918677488153992_56236910521769309_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this. The comic book version of The Walking Dead.

>> No.8279691

I'm diggin' it. Must have been hard to get an entire group together.

>> No.8279695

>it's a pretty decent cosplay but it has some problems
>also the OP's image is good but not great

>impressive cosplay thread

God bless the people posting actually impressive cosplays ITT instead of shitposting. Saging because the derailment needs to end.


>> No.8279705

Anybody know where to get trims and the such that are this gorgeous? Ebay/Taobao or local sewing supply stores?

>> No.8280150
File: 1.62 MB, 2306x2306, IMG_20150419_144337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8280282

They have practically all those trims at my local Joann's so I'm assuming you can find them at one near you.

>> No.8280494


Personally, this is a little off-putting to me but it's an interesting idea.

>> No.8280502

>TFW will never walk in a Joann's

>> No.8280644
File: 133 KB, 600x900, tmp_18550-mutsu_kantai_collection_by_ample_cosplay-d7bor2148157015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't Americans get on this level?

>> No.8280677

Because priorities. The Japanese care the most about looking as good and being as accurate as possible. Even before America was special snowflake "anybody can cosplay!" bullshit, we placed a lot more emphasis on craftsmanship and making your own costumes.

>> No.8280708

>being as accurate as possible
Are you kidding? Have you SEEN the shit Japanese cosplayers do? It's all about aesthetic, looking good trumps accuracy 99% of the time

>> No.8284045
File: 101 KB, 640x640, 10838757_455774241230535_1461242583_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture related, these sisters
Not really "impressive" but I always love both of their cosplays.
They often do pretty rare cosplays that aren't shitty quality.
I just kinda wanted to express my love for them.

>> No.8284069
File: 262 KB, 493x740, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no. Japanese cosplayers focus more on how they look in the cosplay than the cosplay itself.

Pic related.
Shiny satin fabric, inaccurate wig, glitter and rhinestone trim, construction paper skull... but who cares, right? She's asian and so kawaii!

>> No.8284077

>that panda makeup

>> No.8284099


Do not commission from him. A little after he started, there were posts on is DA and coscom with people nit getting what they commissioned from him. He even stopped answering their messages. don't know if that's changed or not.

>> No.8284125

Source? Google image search just brings up a bunch of selfies of regular people. I want to see an actual non-silly selfie of them.

>> No.8284389
File: 88 KB, 640x640, 925317_1394169947555880_10173578_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're mostly on instagram I think so search for them there
Ericdragonslayer on left and Cozyoctopus on right