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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 75 KB, 380x207, flag austflag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8254989 No.8254989 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread FINALLY saged.

>Which con are you attending next?
>Related dramu in your local comm

Any other creeps in Melbourne besides Mav? Share the limelight...we can't let Mav have all the fun.

>> No.8254994
File: 129 KB, 494x536, message from yeliz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeliz would like everyone to know that she is in Mortal Kombat X. She also wants all you haters to go fuck yourselves.

Did I mention that she is in Mortal Kombat X?

>> No.8255068

There were a few creeps at melbnova who were taking cosplayers props and refusing to give them back until they kissed them/licked the prop/did something creepy to their friends....

>> No.8255070

(Carried over from Supanova thread)
Anonymous 04/15/15(Wed)05:40:20 No.8253562
Knowing that Demons with Tea are doing Frozen Sailor Scouts for the cosplay competition makes me groan. It's fine if you want to dress as your stupid AUs but just not in a competition, especially when your source art is a photoshop and fanart and not a legit picture.

>> No.8255075
File: 70 KB, 481x636, yeliz whiteknight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone gives Yeliz a dose of the ugly truth and she is butthurt. Stay classy, Yeliz and whiteknight bf.

>> No.8255157

Is Yeliz drama making a comeback? Sheeeet I'm all out of popcorn.

>> No.8255214

Gold nova is happening tomorrow, and shits already hitting the fan with some. tell your stories or screencap. cannot wait for this weekend

>> No.8255582

She reposted again in the supanova photo find forum asking for photos for her costumes (which is cool) then she was like oh by the way I was in mortal kombat x as unlockable character art!

>> No.8255703
File: 714 KB, 625x838, LilyTrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of a certain person.

>> No.8255795

Holy shit that guy is MANSPREADING, men take up too much room on public transport. This is why we need feminism! We need to stop toxic masculinity.

>> No.8255865

Looks way too thin for her though

>> No.8255874


>> No.8255880

>unlockable character art

erm, yeah big deal. and she got her name on the side of a dumpster as 'yeliz garbage co.' should have seen her bragging about all 2 blurry seconds of it.

>> No.8255913

This is great. Glad someone finally said something.

>> No.8255925

But these threads are always about mav, am i right? GOD THAT GUY IS A CREEP

>> No.8255932

SMASH sydney

>> No.8255936

someone explain who this mav kid is?

>> No.8255945

Are you obsessed with mav ?

>> No.8255964

i know, but it has since been deleted though :(

>> No.8255966

Yo just wondering, who are the good ASIAN cosplayers?
Not being racist, but I prefer anime characters to be cosplayed by Asians, and western characters to be cosplayed by westerns

>> No.8255988

that includes korra cosplayers if your white please don't blackface, its never not racist

>> No.8255992

is it a thing to wear lolita to supanova? or just leave it for SMASH! ?

>> No.8255996

im pretty sure it doesn't matter

>> No.8255997

I've seen people wear lolita to supanova but honestly it doesn't matter since it's a fashion style and not a costume

>> No.8256002


Thanks anons!

>> No.8256012

and of course she deleted the comment... shes such a douche

>> No.8256043
File: 192 KB, 600x561, 3d9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TBH id totally butt hurt her if you know what I mean

>> No.8256072

GoldNova tomorrow, whos going, whos ready?

>> No.8256079

can't risk the producers of mortal kombat seeing that. she has a 'brand name' to uphold, you know?

also, did i mention that she is in MKX?

>> No.8256107

Hahahaha I think I'll tell EB games to keep my copy of MKX and give me my money back. I've been put off by that stuck up bitch

>> No.8256143

WOAH some shit gun go down at GC

Who's excited?

>> No.8256146
File: 60 KB, 720x405, 1463015_840494439364997_9063078682266394473_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone see these guys at melbnova? was a sick group

>> No.8256154

what kind of crossover are they supposed to be

>> No.8256155

Bet the Ivy and harley copied the peoe off heroes of cosplay

>> No.8256158

some sort of 50s au?

>> No.8256173

because something was on tv, someone else is copying... next you will be saying the joker is copying somethingwicked's punk joker

>> No.8256188

I think anon meant that the group probably wouldn't have even known the fanart existed if it weren't for seeing it on HoC, and thought 'hey I haven't seen that at any australian cons yet!'

>> No.8256191

yeah.. thats totally it....
you just back up my point even more.

but seriously whats up with that bane... not very 50's :S

>> No.8256193

I think Mr or Mrs Anon at >>8256155 is a cunt.

>> No.8256201

I didn't get it either. In all honesty I wouldn't have guessed she was Bane is it wasn't for 'Bane' being written across her hat.

>> No.8256207

Does bane even use a baseball bat or play baseball?

>> No.8256342
File: 174 KB, 1579x830, MMNCC2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lily confirmed to be recycling her never-finished Sheryl Nome wedding outfit for Madman 2015.

Those god-awful scallops with the craft-store paint covered bias tape...

>> No.8256399

Who else is covered in paint and thread, still working on shit the day before GC Nova? I know I fucking am.

>> No.8257336

I'm hot gluing some ribbon and still sewing snaps in, but other than that done. Getting excited for tonight

>> No.8257356

That is god-awful and doesn't look at all like the source.
I know scallops are hard but that shit's unacceptable.

>Cosplay Competition

>> No.8257503

Has anyone seen much stuff from the madman contestants?

>> No.8257597

>dress is white with pale pink ribbon
>hers is pink with purple
>scallops are so off point
>one is a point
>source shows a lace-like edging to them

How do you fuck up this badly.

>> No.8257823

Andi had a rant the other night about how horrible hers was so I am hoping for a trainwreck if she shows up.

>> No.8258195

i hear corduroy photography sells drugs to children

>> No.8258370

Who told you he was selling rohypnol?

>> No.8258411

Anyone in Adelaide going to Oz comic con tomorrow or sunday?

>> No.8258473
File: 158 KB, 972x661, Lola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently unsatisfied with even an animal's size, Lily has shooped her horse's butt smaller... without bothering to even do a passable job with it.

I can understand shooping bodies, but... why would someone want to shoop an animal?

>> No.8258475


Real horses have curves.

But seriously that horse is so pretty. Why did she feel the need to shoop it?

>> No.8258482
File: 193 KB, 974x738, horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is saying she 'rescues old racehorses and rehabilitates them' now
>Gloats about the blankets, feed, tack, massage machines and all the shit she buys for the horses
>Laughs about how 'cats are pets for poor people'
>Meanwhile her electricity gets cut off because she's not paying her bills

Also, I'm not a horse expert - is this what a healthy horse looks like? Please someone tell me it is, because the thought of her abusing animals again is breaking my heart.

>> No.8258485
File: 43 KB, 183x721, ss+(2015-04-17+at+10.24.05).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8258487
File: 87 KB, 527x685, bitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here we see a shining example of why Lily is a disgusting, bitter old hag who shouldn't be allowed in public. How can you have one day off a month when you don't work and all you do is sit at cafes and read comic books while stuffing your face with cake every day?

This is probably why Child Protection Services took her kid away, Jesus, why would the sound of a child crying make you want to kick them?! (Or Rarity Stomp, whatever's your preference) Then again, I guess it's easy to 'manage your kid' when you see him for all of two weeks a year, and even then, you try your hardest to ship him back to Perth early.

>> No.8258513

I dont know but it has a freaked out look in its eye

>> No.8258526

The horse looks healthy in the sense that it's being fed and appears clean. The hooves look really off. However it looks really inbred and the anatomy is wonky. But that's what happens when people breed them for certain characteristics, it's no different than with dogs.

>> No.8258528

Yes, the horse looks healthy.

>> No.8258551
File: 91 KB, 960x538, 11018727_1582723428671872_3336171086445491841_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vomiting in my mouth right now

>> No.8258579


>> No.8258637

Cause mav and aya..

>> No.8258646
File: 191 KB, 960x640, beta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made the logo in the corner a bit more fitting

>> No.8258654


>>8258579 Seriously?
>Squirtle has cameltoe
>Deborah Harry cosplaying as Ursula in the background
>dat sweating hairy armpit soiling that dress
>all those shitty wigs/hair

>> No.8259469

Oh god that arm pit sweat. Thats hot aya keep that up

>> No.8259471
File: 214 KB, 1080x720, FB_IMG_1429313210317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That horse is overweight. Not hugely though. It's hard to tell just from a photo.
Is there some kind of horse trend going on? Ardella's on the bandwagon.

>> No.8259521

Does anyone even go to the event's that mav hosts? It justs looks like a bunch of bullshit where he is just trying to get more female cosplayers to like him by giving out gifts.

>> No.8259657

>calls someone else a next level beta
>doesn't insult them to their face

okay. I don't even know Mav but top lel

>> No.8259960

Lets talk about madman skits.

>> No.8260030

Is it a good idea to go to my first con in costume or should I dip my toes in the water first?

>> No.8260038

If you have time to buy or make a decent one, I'd say yes. If you're nervous about getting your photo taken/being alone bring someone with you.

>> No.8260049
File: 88 KB, 492x537, scorpion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Signing limited edition hand-painted figure

The stupidity of neckbeards knows no bounds

>> No.8260053

>If you're nervous about getting your photo taken/being alone bring someone with you.
If I'm not in costume they don't take photos, right?

>> No.8260057

Don't see why they would

>> No.8260060

In that case I should be fine, in theory

>> No.8260062

you could always refuse photos anon

>> No.8260070

no one will take photos if ur not in costume. if ur somewhat internet famous they might tho

>> No.8260075

Or a subject of cgl scorn

>> No.8260080

Why is this even a thing.

>> No.8260121

she makes me puke.

>> No.8260125

this is why nobody takes melbourne seriously. yeliz and fucking audette jupiter are like our most high-profile female cosplayers.

>> No.8260155

Next she'll be saying she went out for lunch and ran into the people who developed the game or something

>> No.8260161

Creeper here, gonna be creeping on a higher level now that I've bought a shoe cam.

Creeper bros ww@

>> No.8260185

Link shoe cam

>> No.8260292
File: 76 KB, 669x960, 11069952_950611538306481_5906643014783903249_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out Audette Jupiter.

>> No.8260330
File: 122 KB, 853x640, IMG_3426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold coast Supanova. Had a good time.

>> No.8260349

How was GC?

Madman any good?
Anyone meet any cool/bad cosplayers

>> No.8260387

Herp a derp

>> No.8260388

i have a friend who does some work as an mc. not full time or anything but they've done a few small conventions and events as well as some tv stuff. pretty professional, get a good response from the crowd.

mav apparently messaged their MC page asking for her to promote it even though he already had another guy mcing (the bearded guy in the lolita dress, a friend of his) and wasn't going to book them. she said no and he tried to bribe her with free tickets. when mcs who are desperate for work won't take you seriously, you've got fucking issues

>> No.8260390

Model parenting lol

>> No.8260391

(cont) which, i should add, was a shit move on his part because at least if i'd known she was mcing the screening, i'd actually go

>> No.8260394

I saw that and I laughed. As for that photo of her in the game as an unlockable.... I recall seeing that very same pic on someone's page

>> No.8260426

I think she would have taken it more serously if the actual MC (guy in lolita with beard) approached her about it also. Bribing gets people no where

>> No.8260435

>I recall seeing that very same pic on someone's page

yup, that's because that's a hall shot by one of the local melbourne togs. its from PAX last year. i see that yeliz has conveniently forgotten to credit him

>> No.8260566

He really doesn't know how to take a good shot. Fucking terrible scrub

>> No.8261251

Hmm bad bad yeliz

>> No.8261589

Is he paying to promote posts?

>> No.8261631
File: 319 KB, 1080x1849, IMG_20150419_120941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well seems like this is going to happen. Ohhhh boy

>> No.8261721

just asked her and she basically confirmed that she would have helped out another mc over mav given what she's heard about him lol

>> No.8261784
File: 307 KB, 2048x1152, 10553911_469978959826609_8002202475718655609_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hayyo, I'm actually that Bane so i'll explain it for you. The bat says "the bat breaker" on it if you see the original size image; bane breaks batman thats why baseball themed.Theres also the mask, backpack, veins, tubes and shit which are also inspired from bane.
Baseball in the 1950's for women became revolutionary here's some reading for you people http://sporteology.com/top-10-greatest-female-baseball-players/ since not everything 1950's is greaser.

>> No.8261840

Fuck yeah you go girl! I thought you looked amazing, all the cunts on here are sad neckbeards who sit around with nothing better to do than insult people

>> No.8262047

of course jmeads stalks cgl to defend herself when someone isnt kissing her ass

>> No.8262057


>> No.8262063

>"Oh, I don't use 4chan. I'm above that."
>Gotta whitknight herself from the seagulls

>> No.8262160

I've heard so many people say "I don't know how to use/post on 4chan, so it's not me!"

>> No.8262184

Finally worked out why I hate living in Melbourne so much. Thought it was immigrants at first, and it kinda is, but also knowing pieces of shit with legs like you guys kinda helps me understand my antipathy to what was a really chill city.

Fuck you parasites, I hope you get run over by the 86 tram. Cunts.

>> No.8262197

Mad brah

>> No.8262204

lmao if they're a cosplayer and they're in melbourne they use cgl dont pretend for a second you can trust anyone in that community

>> No.8262208

>"i'll explain it for you"
If you have to explain your OC DO NOT STEAL cosplay to everyone, then the concept is flawed and it's a terrible cosplay.

>> No.8262211

Or youre just fucking stupid

>> No.8262303 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 160x160, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who won madman?

What was GC like?

I'm interstate so I want to know all the gossip!

>> No.8262345
File: 114 KB, 960x639, LL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best cosplay of the weekend, nicest girls too

>> No.8262363


Andi.... Nice.... Sure

>> No.8262370

Who won the cosplay comp? How much dramu was there?

>> No.8262498

You're free to leave melbourne. Or deal with it like any sane person. Fucken princess

>> No.8262529

You're the fucken princess, you drama starting piece of shit. Stop being such a faggot, you're free to suck shit, cunt.

>> No.8262532
File: 144 KB, 750x1185, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lily's showing off on her Facebook about her overly-shooped Lola cosplay being 'on display' at a local convention (IronFest).

And by 'on display' they mean an A4 print out taped awkwardly to a window inside a darkened building on the outskirts of the convention.

She's really grasping at straws now about being 'cosfamous'.

>> No.8262534

Jesus christ. Evey Dantes is a fucking cutie and this photographer manages to fuck that up?

>> No.8262868

Evey is a Transgender :O
u can see her/his/it's groin lump :O

>> No.8262877

Went to Gold Coast Supanova. Looking at a Booth and some Bitch bumps into me, then proceeds to Yell at me for walking into her -__- i was Stationary looking at a Booth. Fucking Femme Cosplayers with Ego problems.

>> No.8263241

Lol so so mad. My jobs done

>> No.8263252

And this is coming from someone who wants more dirt about may. The irony. I don't do drama or gossip, there's enough people here who do so. So my comment stands, don't like melbourne then leave

>> No.8263365

You mean mav.

>> No.8263505


Fuck off troll. Evey is hot and you're just jealous

>> No.8263521


Was it anyone good anon?

>> No.8263680

does anyone else think katey wore the same underwear for to days straight. ?
i saw her cosplays for both day n they both had the same g sting

>> No.8263682
File: 74 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is denying that she didn't look good you stupid fucking white knights.
The fact of the matter is -
> While yes, her costume looked great.
> There was clearly much effort taken to create it
> A large amount of creativity and research was put into designing a unique 50's inspired AU 'since not everything 50's is greaser'.
She just plainly didn't fit into her group. Unfortunately while everyone else in the group decided to take the 'unoriginal greaser' path, she was left as the odd one out. Everyone knows uniformity across a group is key for its success. Her AU sure, was cleaver, but unless you know the DC universe well enough, people are going to be confused, which is why she had been singled out.

>> No.8263777

> Bought online.
> Missing 3 characters.
> Looks nothing like there characters
> Nozumi doesn't even have tits.

Top kek.
Umi is the only good one there

>> No.8263950

Pretty meh con
Madman was really good this year and full of some really good cosplays

>> No.8263976

Which cosplays did you seagulls like?

>> No.8264016

Like the majority of the love live cosplayers. Buys off taobao in bulk because cheaper

>> No.8264022

Cry more cunt. There's there airport. Fuck off

>> No.8264029

How can you tell they bought online?

>> No.8264054

Monster Hunter, Sailor Moon, Final Fantasy and the tentacle one

>> No.8264072

Take a stab at Evey, or transgenders. You can't have both.

>> No.8264111

most love live cosplayers buy online so they all match

>> No.8264162

Nozomi had the booty

>> No.8264166
File: 93 KB, 960x640, 10647152_758289714231427_8760879346515769227_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lift your game GC
Melbourne is winning

>> No.8264168


Holy shit, dey cute.

>> No.8264210

holycrap they are perfect

>> No.8264218
File: 124 KB, 1000x1664, 10471040_758289814231417_1706704568915654733_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8264223

.... oh

>> No.8264234

Nico and Maki are still cute, Nozomi and Umi look like victims of a bad focal length

>> No.8264245
File: 37 KB, 360x640, ruined childhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see your downsy batgirl, and raise you a slave mulan/slave jasmine

>> No.8264246

I think theyre better than whatever the other anon got from GC supa, but yeah I think the kotori misses the mark.

Though the Nozomi has a cute face in a weird way?

>> No.8264259

What is going on with the eyeliner on some of them? It looks ridiculous.

>> No.8264290

Does anyone join the fan art comp? What's with the prizes this year?

>First prize: a set of 60 Mepxy Markers (brush), an A3 Canson Illustration pad, an A3 Cansen Bleedproof pad and a Canson Visual Journal (valued at $460).


>> No.8264386

Nico looks shopped as fuuuuck

>> No.8264396

That's because she is. That liquify is strong in most of them

>> No.8264456

Saw her irl and she's pretty cute but I admit they shopped her a bit here.

The Eri is really pretty irl tho

>> No.8264513
File: 1.04 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-04-20-15-27-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look who I found on tinder guys

>> No.8264525

what side did you swipe ?

>> No.8264539

supposedly taytay got kicked from her group, does anyone know the story?

>> No.8264561

I thought she had a boyfriend?
Cause he was the one that said she looked like Ramona Flowers.

Guessing she did a shit job with the cosplay and he dumped her.

>> No.8264606

I closed the app in disgust. Haven't opened it since

>> No.8264607
File: 325 KB, 1080x803, IMG_20150420_161127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This??? Ok yeah it's a dumb mashup

>> No.8264693

Worst nozomi.
Tall, not curvy. 2/10

>> No.8264697

I heard the Nozomi was going around starting fights with other girls

>> No.8264699

5/10 compared to >>8262345

>> No.8264705

Is this Melbourne Nozomi or GC Nozomi?

>> No.8264808
File: 80 KB, 720x960, 11065952_980518295300150_5923410760600280369_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call with badly cell shaded cleavage on a flat chest.

>> No.8264814

Hey guys, can I ask of its illegal to kill pigeons in Australia? Lily's been posting on her Facebook that she's tired of the pigeons getting into her horse feed so she plans to poison them to get rid of them. Aside from being literally fucked up, is this also illegal?

>> No.8264834

Not sure but it sounds like it can be reportable since its animal cruelty for sure.

>> No.8264837

This horse looks like it could possibly have an eye infection or is otherwise flyblown, and could probably do with a healthier diet as the coat/main/tail all look incredibly dull despite the apparent grooming. I'd suggest seeing a farrier about shoes/neatening up those hooves too before they get worse.
It kinda looks like she learnt how to care for a horse from 'the saddle club' as she only seems to know how to brush, feed and buy expensive unnecessary shit for these animals.

>> No.8264858
File: 63 KB, 445x600, jokerearly_1197657355[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What is even the point? There are already 50s versions of Batman villains in the original comics.

>> No.8264883


>> No.8264923
File: 17 KB, 335x216, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tired of this

>> No.8264949
File: 225 KB, 550x424, 1429428034753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8264999

So why does everyone hate mav? I don't talk to a lot of people into cosplay so I have no idea why people hate him

>> No.8265014

My god, those lines look like they were drawn on in MS Paint.

>> No.8265016

I guess even her boyfriend had enough of her Ramona Flowers shit, fucking kek

>> No.8265027

He iss someone who preys on the vulnerable and is emotionally manipulative. He twists words to his will and frames others for what he has done to them. He is a cheating, lying scumbag.

>> No.8265033

I've heard he's trying to make Aya's friends not talk to her or some shit.

>> No.8265056


>> No.8265058


>> No.8265061

Any good group cosplays going around these last couple of weekends? (Supa or ozcc)

>> No.8265065

my only gripe with DWT is they do these videos that look all polished and well done, and then when it comes to stage performance it's all awkward and weird

>> No.8265102

I heard Aya gets jealous and very mad at him for talking to her friends, and females in the cosplay community. Also heard Mavs ex girlfriend constantly talks to him on his side account so aya doesn't find out, and so mav can bitch to his ex about aya and how self centred aya is. hahaha. oh mav, you little fuck up.

>> No.8265140

Some of the best cosplays from the weekend??

>> No.8265142

shiiva cosplay.

>> No.8265150

It's all heresay. Not what I would call dirt. Try again

>> No.8265153

And what are you basing this on? Experience? I find you quite funny. Please don't stop

>> No.8265247

The two guys that did shaun of the dead

>> No.8265310

two different versions too, very nice

>> No.8265320

The Avatar group had some pretty great cosplays in it.

>> No.8265376

So has Sunday Cosplay just fucked off Canada forever?

>> No.8265847

Hey look its mav. Ha ha

>> No.8265850

Hearsay* if you want to use big words mav, make sure you can spell them first. I on one hand actually have evidence of mav talking to the ex, about aya, bitching about her and telling his ex that he is going to break up with aya so no, its not just "hearsay" good sir.

>> No.8265851

Kiara is a nicest girl since when?

>> No.8265971

Guess again dickhead

>> No.8266197

Seems like it :(

>> No.8266223

I hope people don't post mav's nude/dick pics here again that he sent to young girls, that would derail the thread again

>> No.8266300

Ooh damn hey aya

>> No.8266306

Don't mention anything about the nudes then. someone will be tempted to do it again

>> No.8266442

Not even close

>> No.8266458

lol its either one of you guys - he doesn't have any other friends who'd stick up for him. Don't be silly now.

>> No.8266534

Guess again. You'd be surprised

>> No.8266604

lets just stop feeding these dickbag egos and talk about things that are worth talking about

>> No.8266616

What nudes?

>> No.8266704

Send the nudes

>> No.8266749

There were some great big hero 6 cosplayers at goldnova on the weekend!

>> No.8266771

The Gnar cosplay from league was so cool
thank gods someone did it properly instead of all the gijinka shit

>> No.8266828

Don't need to guess its obviously one of you two lol.

>> No.8266835

didnt someone have nudes of aya too

>> No.8266958

Saw that too, not bad for first time at armor, I thought it was a dude though

>> No.8267013


>> No.8267018

Tits McGee and Kara did Big Hero. I loved Karas Honey Lemon.

>> No.8267033

Kek so he moved there and didn't post anything about it on FB

>> No.8267037

Okok I can be your mav and/or aya.
Tards would assume anything these days

>> No.8267062

good riddance to him

>> No.8267082

Bored of this Mav fellow. Post GC drama!

>> No.8267089


Apparently there was drama with the Love Live group.

>> No.8267143

How shit was that 'karaoke grand prix', 3 weebs who can't sing to save their lives, all just slaughtered by that chick who sang so loud next door apparently complained about it

>> No.8267163

In my opinion most of them just sounded nervous, especially the girl that kept running out of breath. The Madoka looked like she was trained pretty good so I'm not surprised she blew everyone else out of the water.

I don't know what you're expecting though. It's karaoke, of course it's going to be packed with weeaboos.

>> No.8267191

Kisimul Cat did battle version of honey lemon, looked freaking hella awesome

>> No.8267204

Let's be fair here, the Madoka has been training as an opera singer. The other 3 contestants were all decent singers, but of course they aren't going to be able to compare to someone training to be a fucking operatic singer. They all also sounded very nervous, it was easy to hear in their singing.

Good job to all of them I say. It takes a lot to stand up in front of an audience of people and sing. Especially with no alcohol involved.

>> No.8267205

What happened ?

>> No.8267286

I find that hard to believe since they are all friends and routinely cosplay together in one combination or another.

>> No.8267289

Lol you sound just like mav. Nice 1 mavvy boboi

>> No.8267322

I tried to talk to Katsuya but she had some guy with her that pulled her away all day

>> No.8267325

That would be her new boyfriend

>> No.8267348


They were both snobby cunts thooough

He was probably just making sure she doesn't go getting any other dick

>> No.8267350

He was really weird - telling her she couldn't do particular shots because they were too risqué and being really aggressive with any guy who tried to talk to her - worrying behaviour really. I hope it all works out for them

>> No.8267354

Thank fucking christ! Don't need creepy guys preying on young girls around here - we've got enough of those. Not like he cosplays anymore anyway.

>> No.8267362

did anyone see that bikini eeveelutions group? i looked for them all saturday but i only saw a few photos later

>> No.8267367


They looked happy

I think you're on crack anon, they're both lovely people and not aggressive.

>> No.8267396


Wow. That's her new bf? I didn't think she would go for guys like that.

>> No.8267420

The sound of typing? How does one figure that out?! Speaking of which you sure have a hard on over mav if you think I'm him

>> No.8267424

I saw them making out outside the convention Friday night, they're both uppity hipster trash

>> No.8267437
File: 45 KB, 720x1080, FB_IMG_1429595053868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ofc Kayla needed any excuse to take her clothes off. Does she honestly think she is attractive? With her man like waist and hook nose?

>> No.8267479

Guess you're a minority of people who doesn't like that. She looks hot and there's bound to be guys who love seeing that shit. I smell jealousy from you

>> No.8267499

Yeah, she got a body. I just think she'sjust a shitty human being. Who goesaround stabbing their friends in the back to get popular?

>> No.8267523

she probably shouldve at least fixed her hair up before they shot though, or asked the photographer to edit out that vag hair shadow...

>> No.8267531

Pls go, Matthew.

>> No.8267536

What's up with her eyes? Kayla has brown eyes - why are they photoshopped for a lingerie shoot? She's a pretty girl I just think this a really bad angle since she doesn't seem to have much of a waistline

>> No.8267539

stabbing friends in the back how? lying about making stuff?

>> No.8267555

Couldn't possibly be that he or either of them have friends
Keep on hatin

>> No.8267595

Katyuska is a lovely person.

Matthew on the other hand I do not like. He has always seemed to go out of his way to not have to talk to me if I have ever been in the same group of people as him. I remember GC Nova 3 years ago I was talking to someone and mid-convo he walked up, stood in front of me and began to have a conversation with them...So I just walked away. He ignored me all the times I spoke with Katyuska on Sat. At Brisnova last year he talked to the two people in my group and took their photo while totally ignoring me, and only looked at and then spoke to me and introduced himself/asked who I was (despite having met before) AFTER another member of my group basically said what about me when he had taken their pics and ignored me the full like 10mins they all spoke and I just stood there.

He generally seems up himself and stand-offish.

>> No.8267616


I have had bad experiences with Kat being an ignorant bitch to me before.

Perfect for each other imo

Keep them contained, at least Matthew doesn't cosplay anymore. No one wants to deal with two egotistical cunts let alone together

>> No.8267621


This vendetta is strong and it seems to be one or two people who have been burnt by the two. You probably don't really know them at all and forget they owe you nothing.

Get over it, move on. If you have an issue, address it with them, it could've been a misunderstanding.

They're together? Good for them.

Next topic pls

>> No.8267622

Kat is awkward and finds it hard to interact with people she doesn't know well.

>> No.8267630

I am well aware Matt owes me nothing, doesn't change the fact that any interaction, if you can even call it that, has been negative. The fact that these things have happened multiple times makes it pretty obvious he is going out of his way to ignore my presence. If that's the kind of person he is then I honestly don't want anything to do with him either. Which is a shame because I like Kat and I am very happy for her, but it makes it super hard for me to actually talk to her when he is there.

>> No.8267632


Ya'll just mad he's tapping that ass

>> No.8267636


You don't think he'd probably know who this is if he saw this?

Why bother hiding your face on anon and just talk to him, he could not be aware of it or maybe you're just a shit person and he has a reason?

>> No.8267644 [DELETED] 

Wait- You mean Kat isn't a replacement Laura?

>> No.8267651

Cooooome on. This is Katyuska Moonfox, what a fucking joke.
Do you honestly think anyone takes her seriously?
I'm surprised she can hold a boyfriend, he must be a patient guy, I imagine it would take months of giving her compliments to get any affection out of the needy bitch.
Her head is so far up her own ass she'd only be capable of dating someone who enables it.
2/10 terrible person

I wish the guy all the best

>> No.8267660


kek nick pls go

>> No.8267663

I love it when you seagulls pick on Kat because you literally know nothing about her.

>> No.8267669


/Matt or anyone else you post about ITT

You know nothing about these people at all.

Luckily I know they are sensible adults and this wont affect them in the slightest

>> No.8267676

Im sorry but she is a stuck up snob... my little sister went to ask for a photo and she turned away and ignored her... pretty nasty if you ask me

>> No.8267691

You seriously expect anyone to believe that any cosplayer ( not to mention one who's more well known ) to turn away a child for a photo. Okay anon.

>> No.8267692

As one of his many ex"s let me confirm he's highly jealous and possesive, he does in fact think he's better then everyone, and stalked the poor girl he dated before me when she left him. He's a massive cunt and I hope Kat knows what she's getting into

>> No.8267696

I dont know if it was intentional but my sister did try go up to her

>> No.8267698


Many exes? Maybe you should let her know then?

>> No.8267702

Probably not since I am about 300% sure he doesn't know I exist and I am def not Nick.

If that is the case, should you...You know...Warn her?

>> No.8267713

Look, I don't know the girl well enough, it would just sound like a jealous ex taking from her point of view. If she sees this thread, maybe it will make her be careful.
He cheated on me. He admitted to cheating on girls before me. He also admitted to using girls for sex till he gets bored of them. He's controlling , to the point of being paranoid. Getting away from him was the best choice I ever made personally. Who knows maybe he will be different this time? Or maybe Kat will be joining the group of ex's so large we could form a team .

>> No.8267714

Sounds like you should probably warn her.

>> No.8267722

How long ago were you guys seeing eachother? If It was a few years, people and things change.

Everyone makes mistakes. It's actually really not cool to see all this personal information end up on a public forum.

>> No.8267724


Hello and welcome to /cgl/.

>> No.8267729

Enough's enough, stop with this shit now.

>> No.8267737

Oh Ho Ho.

>> No.8267743

Hot cosplays people saw at goldnova?

>> No.8267779

Anyone still remember the Adelaide photographer who got done for pedophilia? His photography page is back up. Untag away!
"TiMarsh Digital Imaging" on FB

>> No.8267787
File: 110 KB, 960x720, 11124480_677115925749287_6902878028446966695_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we just talk about this pic for a sec

>> No.8267797

It wasn't pedophilia otherwise he'd be in gaol. Iirc it was someone under the age of consent not pre-pubescent. He got off lightly or something etc and supposed to be behaving himself or he'll get in shit.

>> No.8267811

Wouldn't fuck any of them even with your dick.

>> No.8267813

Kek, it's Sunday Cosplay gender bent Kitty Katarina

>> No.8267821

Build a bridge and get over it

>> No.8267830

i heard that a few of their group members pulled out on the day, and one of them did a runner. some of them were in madman but still. if you commit you should commit. i saw deerstalkers filming them dancing though, lets see how bad they fuck up.

>> No.8267831
File: 48 KB, 640x960, 1555361_839005852807523_5901823561105747825_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my cosplay crush

>> No.8267846

I would do the Anna of the group. dem cheekbones

>> No.8267868

He has to do something while he is banned from conventions; thank goodness he was sleazy and hope to never see his face again. That girl seems to always shoot with him I wouldn't want to work with someone who was found guilty but his punishment wasn't jail - really wish it was tbh

>> No.8267878

rofl the only thing shes anything near good at!! she still isnt good at anything even with clothes off haha XD XD

>> No.8267968
File: 70 KB, 640x365, FullSizeRender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop cosplay hate come on guys

>> No.8267976


coming in a close second is of course, I got Superpowers! Bunch of creeps

Iv heard you say this in person
Its so obvious who is who in these threads.

>> No.8267984

Anyone in Adelaide remember Otakulaide? Or Otakelaide of whatever? What a mess that was. I heard the guy who organised the convention was some kind of sperg which is probably why it never got off the ground. Apparently he had some crazy mole of a girlfriend too...

>> No.8267986

Who were the winners of the Sunday gcnova comp and madman?

>> No.8267998

con so bad it aborted a baby kek

>> No.8268001

No you haven't because I've never said this in person. I've never talked about it actually.

Wow what a snarky cunt.

>> No.8268012
File: 46 KB, 405x720, 11159985_1592547757693384_3865600086226982504_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat Flareon though

>> No.8268034
File: 60 KB, 640x960, winner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My winner

>> No.8268110

From seeing the public court records, someone only a few years his junior dated him then parents panicked so he panicked and it's been a shit fest from there... Which happened a few years ago. Adelaide cosplayers with links to the media are bringing it up as a vendetta, and cons banned him to cover their own asses.

>> No.8268114


>> No.8268119

Nice not blurring out everyone's last names moron looks like you're one of them trying to stroke your own dick that you're that funny

>> No.8268124

Any other photos?

>> No.8268212

I don't get it

>> No.8269364

kek Kat deleted her facebook, do you think she's left him yet???

>> No.8269411

wats he evn look lik??

>> No.8269620

>wats he evn look lik??

Just stop there anon.

>> No.8269673

Any news on lily entering madman

>> No.8269721


Dreades on facebook, look it up?

>> No.8269744

ty i will

>> No.8269814

Wait this guy is dating kat??? Lol I though he was hella gay....guess looks can be deceiving.... Poor girl is in for a world of drama with this fella

>> No.8269822

Why drama?

>> No.8269935

Just heresay I've heard about him.

>> No.8269972
File: 1.26 MB, 1500x1000, FALLOUT16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! wanted to get a pic with you in my fallout inspired gear... you didn't look too interested though. nice costume though, spent alot of time on it I'd say.

>> No.8269995

on CGL? nooo it must be true.

most complaints are about him and kat ignoring people, but to be fair most people at cons are autistic as fuck, especially the ones who get a little popular and think that everyone should notice them.

>> No.8269996

guy made a joke - butthurt teenage girls overreact

>> No.8270002

same group of people who constantly promote stopping cosplay hate

>> No.8270064

But they're friends.

>> No.8270177

Lolol /cgl/ trying to crush new, cute relationships

>> No.8270180

Kayla's dick stroking "stop cosplay hate!!" patrol at it again. Could they not have let Gem handle it herself without cussing the guy out? Sure he was being rude but there's no need to come back as a bigger asshole and that Paige girl came back way after to swear at him like she was trying to get into the in group

>> No.8270191

kayla and gemgem who both preach you can cosplay/do whatever u want and to be kind to all but if some1 says anything they dislike get nasty and try and bring their posse along too

"stop cosplay hate!" but only for us pretty much

>> No.8270202

It's funny because everyone knows kayla is a horrible human being and is nasty, yet shes all about staph that h8 plz

>> No.8270219

kayla and gemgem are pretty much stop cosplay hate for only us, but we can be nasty to everyone else

>> No.8270336

kayla doesnt evn care bout coaplsy she just wants to make money and show off her ugly bod..

>> No.8270469
File: 38 KB, 401x300, avatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh what! I was probably just pissed because of how long I had to spend in the lines waiting for signatures and photo ops. I would have loved to see your fallout stuff, it looks amazing in that photo though!

>> No.8270543

totally agree, I feel like she didn't get any attention during high school and now she puts on a costume and its like wow I must be sooooo hot, um no

>> No.8270551

Lol all you fuxking losers having a bitch about Kayla saying how nasty she is. She's actually fucking rad but you faggots just hate her cos she's hot. Top kek

>> No.8270554

someone hates kayla and is trying to get into her good books - learn how to use 4chan first bitch

>> No.8270568

uhhh shes as ugly as ur asscrack with as much personality as ur shit

>> No.8270574

Wtf is up with perth and this community workshop shit? $30 to listen to people how they sew costumes and do makeup? Good thing youtube is free.

>> No.8270596

hey get in touch on FB. lookup wastedprops

>> No.8270602

you guys are acting like she is some megan fox or something shes a plain girl with a rotten heart. Pro tip: people can not like someone because they are a shitty human being, not everything is about looks ffs

>> No.8270613

This is the most pathetic place on the internet.
Picking on girls, cosplayers and couples even.

Don't you all have lives?

>> No.8270619

Gah piss off kayla.

So can anyone List me some good cosplayers who don't get their tits out/do lingerie shoots for like.

>> No.8270701

Lol asking these people whether they got lives.. Oh please

>> No.8270727

Ferret cosplay is cute and does really good cosplays u should go see her page!!

>> No.8270731

I agree Ferret cosplay is adorable so so nice

>> No.8270733

Selfposting is not a victimless crime.

>> No.8270743
File: 29 KB, 600x597, 34b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8270762

What if I told you that, wait for it, I am in fact not Ferret Cosplay and I just wanted to praise someone? OH GOD THE THOUGHT OF BEING KIND MAKES ME SICK

>> No.8270775

People have every right to assume but when it goes down like shit as seen here you can only just laugh

>> No.8270786

lol borrows or buys all her cosplays wtf you on about

>> No.8270806

Does that matter??! Least she admits to the ones she borrows /buys and gives credit...unlike a certain other cosplayer spoken about on here alot

>> No.8270845

Nah bro, all these guys are a bunch of no life pussies. The ones who talk shit are nothing but a bunch of faggots with no balls lol fucken putos

>> No.8270846

Bullshit you fucken virgin cunt, you'd probably wanna fuck her (or at least feel her boobies) the moment she looked at you

>> No.8270885

Geez I dont even know who Mav is but whoever posted this is either him or the gf, its pretty damn obvious. It doesnt take Batman to notice that

>> No.8270987

Don't think that comment was meant for Mav.

>> No.8272543

Why are there no hot aussie male cosplayers?!

>> No.8272560

Well I've never had any complaints :P

But seriously while not everyone maybe to your personal tastes with the sheer volume of male cosplays I've seen at cons surely you can find a "hot aussie male cosplayer"

What about that Captain America from Brisbane Nova last year everyone was fawning over for a while? Or Something Wicked? He certainly has his fans.

>> No.8272561
File: 174 KB, 2000x1333, 1491413_1564233883830370_6338534000143254874_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can Carlos Manuel consider himself a good photographer when his photos aren't even in focus?

>> No.8272710

Aren't the both dating though. Perhaps I should clarify.....single male hot aussie cosplayers

>> No.8272715

Still better than u could ever do mate

>> No.8272826

someone is fishing for reactions.

>> No.8272828

Ahhhh fair enough that makes sense...well I guess attractive folks don't stay single for too long so they might be harder to find...

>> No.8272899

Might be sexist but most guys don't go out looking for attention as much as girls who Cosplay do... They don't need to dress up as slutty characters to be hot

>> No.8272904

There are a few
Something Wicked Cosplay
Jedi ragna
Sparta Cos
Just to name a few. It really depends on your personal taste.

>> No.8272969

Inb4 zeek shitstorm

>> No.8273044

Personally I'm more interested in which cosplayers (singles or couples) are swingers lol :P

>> No.8273432
File: 90 KB, 598x922, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I wonder if Lily could really be this racist and freaking stupid. Then I remember there's no end to the stupidity with her.

>> No.8273441

It's stupid, but how is it racist?

>> No.8273484


Something wicked you say?

....now to grow some balls

>> No.8273489

that is fucking terrifying

>> No.8273553

just don't make any homo jokes to him if you don't want the shit abused out of you

>> No.8273570

I'm... Only MEAT products would have anything to do with halal animal cruelty (and yes there is an issue with how things are killed to be considered halal even if personally I don't give a shit overall) but it's... Hazelnut spread... Of course it's halal safe....

>> No.8273619

something wicked isnt single lmao

>> No.8273644


>> No.8273657

The most retarded shit I've seen all week. Fucken fatass complaining about Nutella.

>> No.8273662

Show us what you can do then. Btw I'm not carlos. You can get away with a little out of focus coz con photos. Who gives a shit... Oh waitaminute, people like you

>> No.8273695

Sorry Anon, forgot to include the backstory about how she regularly complains about her Muslim and non-English-speaking neighbours, and shares on her Facebook those retarded picture images about how all Muslims should conform and that kind of shit. Reckons she's entitled to be racist because they give her the stink eye for being 'flaming haired, happily gay and an outspoken woman'.

(Maybe it's because she yells at them from her window for mowing the lawns)

>> No.8273705
File: 221 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Nutella saga continues. Hopefully at this rate she eliminated everything in her 'diet' that is halal and hopefully gets down to the weight of a normal human being instead of, you know, a small elephant.

>> No.8273768
File: 99 KB, 834x873, the dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to Oz Comic Con in Melb, my first
I want to do something for under $100, I'm thinking of doing madoka or an ambiguous seifuku(i am a guy)

How good are the after parties?
any stories?

>> No.8273788

Are you planning on putting in effort to make those cosplays look nice? Getting tired of guys that are like "teehee look I'm a guy wearing a skirt, how funny xD"

>> No.8273812

I have no textiles experience and I was probably going to buy one of the internet, I am the cancer

>> No.8273816
File: 60 KB, 719x960, -.-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her eyebrow's drive me insane.

>> No.8273830

is this you?

>> No.8273833

Buying still takes some effort in making it look nice, like getting a nicely styled wig, ironing it, etc. A lot of guys who do Sailor Moon etc for shits and giggles have the shittiest wigs and cosplays.

>> No.8273834

nope, just to quantify how many people buy costumes on the internet

>> No.8273840

I see, I don't want to mock anime. I will put some effort in.

>> No.8273873
File: 48 KB, 274x585, 54564564565466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If do Renge I can source the clothes locally and all I need is a wig and the props

>> No.8273906

LOL ZEEK very funny.... That guy fell down the ugly tree and hit every branch

>> No.8273929

Sirens Belles brother

>> No.8273934
File: 308 KB, 1080x1443, IMG_20150423_204944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8273963

Needs moar leg day.

But niiiiice

>> No.8273981

Hi - I'm the guy in this photo, i would like to point out i did not make this post. Someone has stolen my face and put it on a confrontational site without asking,which makes me unhappy (you might be able to see why). Though this is a friendly help thing it makes me very uncomfortable. Either remove it and find a new reference photo altogether or please help me report the post so it can be removed. Would be very appreciated.

>> No.8274042
File: 46 KB, 435x580, fucking retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this guy is fucking retarded hahahahaha
nice lolita.

>> No.8274047

Hey pussy faggot, why don't you say it to his face you little bitch? I swear you cunts are all faggots, get a life you fucken low life shit cunts.

>> No.8274049

Sometimes autism flows from the hand to the keyboard and it creates such a wonderus pile as shit as this

>> No.8274052

maybe because you're over 1000 km away from me and you're not worth it.Besides i'd probably destroy you so it ain't worth my time doing something I already know.

>> No.8274059

HAHAHAHAHAH I ain't even that guy but I guarantee I would fuck you up. I'd make you my bitch and ragdoll you, you'd end up kissing my feet you faggot. even if you took steroids, i'd still fuck you up you dumb cunt.

>> No.8274060

Feeding time trolls also its the internet come on mate

>> No.8274065

Not against Taner in anyway but I swear I wish he wouldn't complain about a fucking image, it's 4Chan and doesn't even look nicely photographed to be serious all over.

>> No.8274066
File: 196 KB, 880x516, maximum autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel. You'd fight someome over this edgelord?

>> No.8274083

Those who browse cosplay forums should be careful of who they call autistic.

>> No.8274087

Aren't you in the previous picture as well?

>> No.8274088
File: 60 KB, 720x936, 11024214_1403360736637765_7058090534702411193_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i didn't see a mutual friend interact with the status on my news feed and decided to fuck with this retard because he linked the actual thread. kek

>> No.8274093

Yes and?
If you know me, you know i couldn't less if you're going to start posting MY photos.

>> No.8274094

Seeing as most of the comments on said status state they've been on and hate them, I think you've been lurking on that status.

>> No.8274095

Isn't this guy best friends with Mav?

>> No.8274097
File: 9 KB, 431x79, slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi, nice hair we should go to Rats sometime.

>> No.8274101

hey pussy, grow a set of balls. I've never seen bigger cowards than you bunch of little bitches. you fucken virgin neckbeard cunt.

>> No.8274103

Just a bit saltier than the Pacific Ocean?

>> No.8274104

No, I'm better than that at this stage of my life but you guys are the ones starting shit for no reason, you should at minimum grow the balls to start shit to their face instead of being a bunch of pussies.

>> No.8274105

you seem angry bro, just chill out to some music and stop being a raging homosexual

>> No.8274106

Haha that's not me dumbass.
Are you this stupid? I even put my name on my posts.

>> No.8274107
File: 5 KB, 541x551, ss+(2015-04-20+at+07.51.09).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starting shit for no reason
>on an anonymous image board.
>in a thread that's going to 404
You know he wouldn't have even known about this if he didn't post the status, but being the entitled piece of shit he need to "take action!".

>> No.8274108

No I don't think anyone thought that was you we all know >>8274101
is the person in >>8274097

>> No.8274109

Actually made noise laughter sounds at 'slut.png'

>> No.8274111
File: 6 KB, 483x87, negative.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck taner the retard deleted the status, now i'll never be able to show my true identity!

>> No.8274112

lol, I'm not raging. in fact I'm laughing at your pitiful existence. all you do is talk shit about people you don't even know. what a sad, miserable life you lead.

>> No.8274116

Even if you had then another person probably the person who had linked the status would have shown your Facebook.

So everyone would have known in the end.

>> No.8274117

ROFL you wouldn't have anyway you fucken pussy

>> No.8274118

Watching all of you fight is like watching a bunch of bogans fight in the parking lot.

>> No.8274120

100% all I do, not like I'm a student at a university studying to take care of people :^)

>> No.8274122

>Having a sad and miserable life
>posting an argument on the internet while feeding the trolls

>> No.8274123
File: 8 KB, 206x214, 10557420_738916442843244_691916383325469690_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8274126

Agreed, mainly here to stir the pot and watch it unfold, being honest.

>> No.8274127
File: 88 KB, 461x530, attention whoring homosexual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each day i think you cunts from Melbourne are just tasmanians who know how to swim.
Pic related it's me an attention whoring faggot

>> No.8274128


Your use of language really lessens your argument validity just fyi.

'Pussy' 'Faggot' 'Cunt' are words used only with a lack of intellect.


>> No.8274131
File: 10 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8274134


>> No.8274135

facebook /GeneralHoneyrock

>> No.8274138

You must be new here?

>> No.8274141
File: 367 KB, 385x260, fight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8274142

They can talk all they want, it doesn't change the fact that they're pussies (in other words, cowards who start shit online but can't do it face to face, when they're face to face they have NOTHING to say).

Even if I'm cussing like a motherfucker, my point is still valid and they know it.

>> No.8274143

Some people are newfags

>> No.8274144

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.8274145

Of course, so many came in here to start shit.

>> No.8274146

For those who are obviously new here and just here for the fight this shit goes down nearly every thread.

>> No.8274147

ad hominem also lessens your argument, you should be addressing the argument itself, not criticizing others on their use of language.

The argument you have presented here has no substance and is a diversion from the real discussion indicating that you know you are wrong.

>> No.8274148

I found my new home then
You have a valid point my good sir.

>> No.8274149

Lol, you've obviously never met me in person, i love starting shit face to face. You're just a baby'd little boy. funny because the only objectively worse thing that will ever happen to you is the death of a family member. Shows how sheltered you are.

>> No.8274150

Nope. I know everyone here is 12.

>> No.8274151

who's this?

>> No.8274154

I believe they are >>8274128
who just can't let it go and must be back for feeding more glorious drama.

>> No.8274157
File: 11 KB, 134x160, ss+(2015-04-23+at+11.30.54).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Madden

>> No.8274159

Well then most of them should be banned for being underage.

>> No.8274162
File: 6 KB, 524x101, ss+(2015-04-23+at+11.31.55).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

negative. Still in the thread but.

>> No.8274163

Nah they just act like 12vies most of them aroe about 20-23 I bet and love my soggy knees.

>> No.8274164
File: 21 KB, 320x376, roosters_for_kids_320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all 12? Is there a problem officer?

>> No.8274165

I would have to have an argument to be wrong. I just have dreams of fighting without lame language.


>> No.8274171

Then why don't you do it? Why start shit on 4chan?

>> No.8274173

U madden bro?
Lol why you madden though?

>> No.8274175

As previously stated i live over 1000Km away and am an opportunist cause lulz are fantastic. That and i am procrastinating doing my paper for uni. get rekt kid

>> No.8274176

Sir I am going to need to see some ID now you look like you are of age but the guys up top are forcing me to

>> No.8274177
File: 54 KB, 256x256, Negitive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Negitive Negitive Negitive Negitive is that all

>> No.8274178


Would cooypasta again/10

>> No.8274179

Today's youth are so sensitive. They're just words, get over it.

>> No.8274180

We are in the same boat on procrastinating sir

>> No.8274181

Yes yes. whats your paper on? my paper is on nursing assessment :(

>> No.8274184

Eh I'm not offended. (Y)

>> No.8274185

Law, mainly contract shit

>> No.8274193


>> No.8274195

eww sounds boring, do a line of coacaine and then throttle that shit.

>> No.8274200

Part of me needs to get it done by midday tomorrow, so no sleep but coke may help in that regard.

>> No.8274201

> Thirsty for cosplayer D
> Not hot enough to get it


>> No.8274205

>Not hot enough to get it
We truly have derailed at this point, but cosplayers try tinder/grindr you may find some.

>> No.8274213

No I meant specific cosplayer D

>> No.8274235

lel rekt/ schoold fagt lol yes fucking woooooo

>> No.8274251

jedi ragna.... and zeek... you can tell they are taking the piss

>> No.8274336

dan da man
p.s cosplay
night haunter
ace crownguard

pree sure they all single..... ;) ;) ;)