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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8272384 No.8272384 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on this new community?

>> No.8272389

Let them have it.

>> No.8272475

It's a community? I thought it was just going to be a "movement." Besides that, I am in total agreement with >>8272389.

>> No.8272476
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It's a sweet idea but I don't know how it'll end up

>> No.8272481

Empty words. What would the group accomplish?

>> No.8272484

I don't get it. You like the page, then what happens? Are they going to, like... do anything, or...?

>> No.8272485

what does it mean by exploitation?

Anyways, I'll join it, infiltrate it, see what's up.

>> No.8272506

A pathetic attempt for that Hoot girl to look like she's doing something other than do shitty photoshoots in ugly homes so she can try for an ambassador position

>> No.8272510

This is going to turn into a vigilante group of nutjobs who will think it's ok to 'bully' people back for something dumb they have said. Just look at the freaks who dogpiled onto that girl who said some skintone wasn't her cup of tea or whatever. In the end people were justifying being obnoxious to her as 'she deserves it she's a racist and I feel like being a bitch lololol'. There will be dumb raids on BtB from this group and it will be pathetic and horrible.

If you want to deal with bullying, try to educate the person who is doing it in an appropriate way. Everyone should be an advocate for treating people the right way so I am not sure why we need a club with a shoehorned acronym.

>> No.8272541

It was really stupid of her to include 'cyberbullying' in the name, which is just asking for trouble. She could have gone with something like 'cruelty' or 'callousness'. Also not exactly sure what form of 'exploitation' they stand against...? Exploitation of labor, sexual exploitation, what? It's too vague to actually mean anything. I'd be interested to read the manifesto, though. Is there one?

>> No.8272552

Honestly I think it'll die out once people get tired of the idea. Lolitas are quick to hop on trends, but even quicker to abandon them for the next big thing. Something other than this will grab their attention sooner or later, and LACE will be just another abandoned internet comm.

>> No.8272559

I don't expect it to last.

>> No.8272565

This reminds me of S.P.E.W.

>> No.8272576

That what I thought when I saw the name.

>> No.8272581

I am feeling she is exploiting lace by appropriating the name for the stupid acronym.

>> No.8272602

lol it was made by girly hoot
looks like someone just wants more attention and more ways to market herself-

>> No.8272616


>> No.8272622

>hey cgl, what do you think about this movement opposing everything that goes on here

inb4 seagulls try to say this is a happy supportive place

>> No.8272651

It's an honest place. I happen to value honesty and unfiltered feedback. Yeah, seagulls aren't the nicest bunch, but they don't sugarcoat things either. I think that's important and I think /cgl/ has a place on the internet. Some people may not like it and that's fine, but I think trying to wage some holy war against /cgl/ is stupid. Just live and let live. It's really not hard to ignore what goes on here if you don't want to be part of it.

>> No.8272669

I don't understand what it's supposed to be. According to this video, seems like some sort of campaign, but they don't even know themselves?
You can skip the first 5 minutes.

I think putting "cyberbullying" and especially "exploitation" in the title is an incredible exaggeration, how is anyone being exploited? Also what >>8272510 said, esp considering it's going on tumblr as well.

>> No.8272678

I mean technically if your posting videos and pictures of yourself in lolita for the world to see wouldn't that be exploiting yourself?? Shame on you for exploiting yourself damn it! Also if your posting on the Internet publicly you should be aware of the possibility of people shit talking, haters, lovers, and fappers.

>> No.8272698

There's a lot of mean bitches on here, but there's just no pressure to be nice even if your opinion is totally different. Most seagulls are just reasonably blunt.

>> No.8272735

I feel like Jillian Vessey is using lolita for the exploitation of people who work hard for lolita. Her and her 7 outfits. LACE I need you!! Save me from pixie locks.... =(

>> No.8272840

>said some skin tone wasn't her cup of tea or whatever
She never even said that, some idiots just misconstrued a very ignorant comment as her condoning racism.

>thinking that the gyaru comm is nicer than the lolita comm
And who the fuck has ever exploited lolita? Did they think this name and its implications through at all?

>> No.8272849

it's not really honest though, in a formal sense honesty doesn't mean "im just like an honest bad bitch xoxo get over it u look like a cheeto that fell in the dirt <3 just being real"
take this place for what it is but honest is really not the word to describe it

>> No.8272853

The hilarious bit is that the group, so far, is a bunch of e-famous (or wanting-to-be e-famous) lolitas exploiting an actual issue for their own gain. So far, all I've seen anyone talk about is their own ego, and how much people claim to look up to them/find them inspiring.

>> No.8272855

Nigga just walk away from the screen

>> No.8272856

I find it funny and ironic that a bitch who makes CGL rumors and BTB shit posts would create and anti-bullying group.

>> No.8272867

I think it's telling that many of the lolitas who have liked the page have contributed or still contribute to the "toxic community" they pretend to be so against. It's so transparent.

>> No.8272964

oooh deets?

Yeah I'm not supporting this. People never like to be called out on bullying, so if they come out as "anti bully!" then they clearly can't be bullies anymore. Its the same excuse racist people use to say that they are just prejudiced, by trying to change the meaning of racism to fit their retarded ideals.

They are trying to pin the bad attitude in the community on cgl, but in reality you would get called out for a vendetta if you tried to actually "cyberbully" anyone here. Facebook supports it because people join those little hug boxes that validate everything they say no matter how ridiculous it is (bullying someone is justified if you don't like something they have said, according to the "feminist" lolita group). The small groups are much more toxic than anything here. Until people can admit that they are in the wrong, they don't deserve to do anything about it. I know I am very mean, but idgaf and I see no reason to support other people being idiots until they can acknowledge it and either choose to grow, or stay the same and stop whinging about the problems that they themselves are causing.

>> No.8272979

they had to spell "lace" and make it gosurori somehow

>> No.8273033

Just close your eyes

>> No.8273397
File: 48 KB, 540x303, tumblr_nn8pdaUocw1sia01ho3_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HelloBatty jumped on the bandwagon too.

>> No.8273409

I thought she was in charge tbh

She's not even active anymore idgi

>> No.8273427

Give Kate more attention, duh.

>> No.8273430


I thought it was GirlyHoot who started this whole thing? I haven't been following it closely to be honest, just saw this on tumblr and I thought I'd post her fugly mug.

>> No.8273438

The gyaru comm is one of the most malicious communities I have ever encountered online, and I've been all over 4chan and LJ hate groups for nearly a decade. Lolita is relatively tame, IMO.

>> No.8273439

Batty is adorable. You must really have backwards view on beauty. Even AP chose her and Kate to model so I'm glad leading girls are deciding to take a stand against bullying.

>> No.8273442


I think you entered in the wrong URL. Tumblr starts with a T, not a 4.

>> No.8273443

Isn't this the girl who called on her fan base to run Chokelate out of a contest, because Choke was winning? Cyberbullying a rival contestant and exploiting her fans, oh my.

>> No.8273449

What no I think you have the wrong person Batty hasn't entered a competition in years since she got blow away in the GLW one.

>> No.8273451

I think you may just be a spiteful bitch who gets their jollies off picking on girls in anon cause you can't even show your face in public you're so gross.

>> No.8273453

I got to meet her at AM I was super expecting her to be a bitch after reading everything on here about her but she's actually just really awkward and kinda dumb.

>> No.8273455

I'd like to invite you all to join my new movement LABS (Lolitas against Bull Shit)

>> No.8273481
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And another.

I feel like this whole thing is just painting a gigantic target on your ass and asking for the butthurt to come.

>> No.8273500

Are you Hoot or Batty?

>> No.8273528

>Even AP chose her and Kate to model
>not knowing John picks every model at AM lol

>> No.8273529

I'm on the fence about this one. My vendetta-chan bullies me off of /cgl/
They go to my other websites and have been bothering me for 3 years now and the police can't do anything about it. My situation is different because it's not some case of somebody getting their bloomers in a twist over some stupid comment or lolita coord. Mine is legit cyberstalking and bullying. I don't have the money or resources to pursue an actual criminal case. I don't even know who my bully is.

>> No.8273531

lol i love how thats the comeback to anything anyone disagrees with. must be person im talking shit about. very astute of you. kek

>> No.8273537

I know how you feel. I had personal threats against me if I showed up to meetups. They followed me onto sites I participated and would harass me there too. Tons of anon hate on tumblr. Tons of fake accounts to harass me on facebook. There's a point when picking on someone goes to far. I know some of the girls supporting lace have gone through some crazy shit not just regular bullying and that's why they are pushing so hard for this.

>> No.8273541

How can they find you on /cgl/? As long as you post no pictures it's totally anonymous. I don't have experience dealing with things like this, but if I were in your shoes, I'd delete and remake all my online accounts and censor my face in everything (or just not include it in photos at all). I wouldn't join something like LACE because that would only add fuel to the fire. It's better to give off the image that they're not affecting you.

>> No.8273546

LACE isn't going to do shit to stop cyber bullying. The girls who go to extremes like they do to you and that other anon aren't going to stop because of some online community.

>> No.8273564

you sound like a cyberbully.

i hope this poor girl you just nastily insulted for just stating helpfull advice at a newbie doesn't kill herself because of you harsh words.

>> No.8273572

that was pastel bat.

>> No.8273573

this whole thing makes me glad i left lolita. i'm sorry gulls.

>tfw i left lolita for gyaru cause gyaru is more cutthroat and therefore has less fat fucks/tolerates them less

>> No.8273581

I'm in!

>> No.8273586

>getting 'bullied/stalked' on 4chan
>thinking that's even a thing
100 keks good sir.

>> No.8273589

I'm on the fence because I think the cause has sincerity behind it and because I've been being harassed for 3 years, it feels safer knowing that there are people that would like to take a stand against cyberbullying/stalking. I think it's a real issue because I'm going through it. As for LACE being a movement that will succeed...It won't. It's pretty much going to dissolve into a massive pile of bullshit and drama like any sort of lolita activism has now and in the past.

>> No.8273591

Did you even read my post, they are doing it OFF of /cgl/

>> No.8273594
File: 75 KB, 400x533, tumblr_nkehi8qEN31qc5jioo1_r1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was Pastelbat.

>> No.8273598 [DELETED] 

how can you get bullied off of /cgl/? unless you're an infamous tripfag like voldie or, god forbid, sieg, i fail to see how anyone would even know who you are, and there's usually a reason those trips are disliked, like being cunts on several occasions. /cgl/ wouldn't gang up repetively on someone unless they seriously ruffled its collective feathers. i mean even voldie had a few white knights in the end, and last time i saw her selfpost in anon, noone gave her any shit.

also you're still here, aren't you?

>> No.8273601

I think you and the other anon are misreading the post. She's getting bullied outside of /cgl/, not getting bullied so hardcore on /cgl/ that she's being forced off of the board.

>> No.8273605

In response, cgl should start LABIA - Lolitas Advocating for Belligerent and Intentional Aggressiveness.

>> No.8273606

yeah, the way it was formulated, it looked like she said she was driven off of /cgl/ by bullies. my bad.

>> No.8273607

Oops, should be "Belligerence and Intentional Aggressiveness"

>> No.8273608

See, I don't get a sincere vibe at all. I wish I did, but the way they've gone about it does not give me that feeling. At all.

>> No.8273616

They found me on /cgl/ because I was posted in a lolita coord thread and they found out my usernames on tumblr and other websites and that's how it started. The bully was first nice and was hitting on me but I turned them down because I have a boyfriend and ever since they have been bothering me.

>> No.8273621

This so much. I went to one of their many bitching groups once, and it was TERRIBLE. Lolitas are rarely that bad.
However two rights do not make a wrong.

>> No.8273632


I'm pretty sure the reason they do this is two fold - to gain more e-fame for themselves as a 'compassionate' lolita standing up against bullying, and to turn their fans against their critics.

I don't think stalked anon is going to get any help whatsoever from them, unfortunately. She's just not within that narrow sector of e-famous lolitas that are ~bullied~ by evil seagulls.

>> No.8273637

It's okay anon, I get them bats mixed up too

>> No.8273642

lgb-chan here. some people sent messages to the blog about LACE and i replied just now if anyone wants to take a look.
perhaps this will go somewhere, but i have my doubts, honestly. i want to believe this isn't solely about e-fame nonsense and that these girls legit want to bring more positivity to the community, but this is entirely too vague so far to tell what it will actually be. i'm skeptical to say the least. could even have the potential to turn into a "callout" squad, especially on tumblr.

that video pixie did certainly didn't help my stance either. i really do like her but that was a pretty awkward video and was mainly her complaining about being talked about here or being posted to btb, but then claiming that she "doesn't care"? jillian, if you actually don't care, why address it for 11 minutes? why bring it up at all? come on girl.

>> No.8273643

Oh shit, LGB weighed in on this.

I totally agree with her stance, but this is only going to end badly, probably with "LGB DOESN'T SUPPORT ANTIBULLYING"----> "LGB SUPPORTS BULLYING BOYCOTT THEM"

>> No.8273646


Oh, hey there >>8273643 here, just wanted to say I do really like how you worded it though. However, no matter how you word it, it's going to attract a lot of butthurt people. But thank you for taking a stand on it.

>> No.8273647

That's more or less how I feel about it. The vibe I get is "turn-about is fair play" in the same way that the Tumblr call-out culture does it.

Basically, it's not bullying if the other person started it, so feel free to dogpile away.

I also have a feeling that they're going to lose interest in the "cause" as soon as it's no longer convenient for them to support it.

>> No.8273649

Wow anon that sucks ass

>> No.8273651


Oops, meant to reply to >>8273642

>> No.8273652

wow you were quick. yeah welcome to tumblr ahaha. i wouldn't be surprised but i had to address it eventually especially if people are asking about it directly to me. it's certainly not important enough yet to be in the community section, that's for sure.

>> No.8273672

>acting like lolitaguidebook matters
>acting like lolitaguidebook wasn't dead on arrival

also "LGB-chan" you misspelled a ton of shit and your post is convoluted as fuck. learn to write xx

>> No.8273681

defiantly kate

>> No.8273688

lol there are no real qualifications to model in brand shows at conventions. yo basically have to apply, show up, and fit the cloths. no experience, nothing. and most of the time it all ugly people.

>> No.8273690
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maybe shes just sick of people thinking shes really a man...
pic related, god that manly face.

>> No.8273801

Hey everyone. I just want to clarify a few things as a member of LACE. We don't have expect cyber bullying to stop. We are trying to create a support group for when it does happen. So girls don't feel like they are alone. A place for them to share experiences and get advice from people who have been in the same boat. Hate online will never stop but knowing there is a place you can go to feel safe and talk to others when it happens rather than having to stay silent is something I am happy to support.

It's OK of you don't believe in us or agree with the ideas. But I'm happy if we can just help one person and I've already had so many great interactions since this has come about so its already been worth it to me

>> No.8273806

That is good. Cgl just likes to bitch.

>> No.8273872

Same. It's all either e-famous girls who want to increase their popularity or oversensitive itas who think being told to wear a petticoat is cyberbullying. I like the idea, but this entire thing only exists to make people feel better about themselves.

>> No.8273882

>but this entire thing only exists to make people feel better about themselves
...well, yeah?? It's basically one big support group with a hard focus on the special flavor of shit that gets flung around in the lolita community. If it works the way it's intended, it's not only going to provide some peace of mind to those who are new to the drama, but also give a sense of validation or importance to the girls who are providing the support. And I personally don't see anything wrong with that.

>> No.8273902


>> No.8273940

I can already hear the echoing whine from replica-chans and fatty-chans

>> No.8273956

You know what you can do when you're ~cyberbullied~? Turn off your computer and BOOM they can't do shit anymore. Magic right?

>> No.8273958

Awkwardl moment when AM fashion shows are rigged kek

>> No.8273966

The only problem is that it's not going to give peace of mind. Just like every other group calling attention to the issue, instead of finding a way to reduce its impact, it will go like so:

>bullying is bad
>bullies are bad people
>we are better people than the bullies, so stand up to them!
>girls then harass anyone with a differing opinion in the name of ANTIBULLYING!
>people are "called out" for minor differences in opinion in public, and harassed for it
>actual bullying continues, because that's too hard basket to actually deal with

This shit just gives people license to be assholes right back and doesn't bother to address the actual problem. It just makes for more people picking on others. Bullying is about feeling in control, and by telling someone "you're better than the people who disagree with you!" you give them license to harass others, whether they themselves have done so or not.

This is the precise reason the no critique unless asked rule on CoF backfired so spectacularly when it was first announced.

>> No.8273987

im a guy and i dont think she looks like a man, she looks fucking gorgeous

>> No.8273993


Think you might be a bit gay, bro.

>> No.8273996

So basically tumblr.

>> No.8273997


>> No.8274002

you know better than to be a guy

>> No.8274053
File: 4 KB, 200x200, 5341035+_f7b91f4bb6c51f483af2b1f9182537ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8274099

some of the girls that bullied me and gave me a lot of emotional issues I'm still dealing with are part of the group so I'm more partial to >>8272510 opinion.

>> No.8274168

As a fattychan who coords well, doesn't buy replicas, and doesn't get torn to pieces when I self post on cgl I do feel the comments about weight here go too far sometimes.
Most people think I'm a cute chubbychan when I self post, yet if I go to another thread (say the plus size thread) and post my measurements and weight (without my picture) I get ragestomped by anons who think I'm a whalebeast, assume I've done nothing to lose weight (which really hurts since I've lost 50 pounds in two years and I'm in a shitty plateau atm), or think I'm promoting "fat acceptance" because I don't completely hate myself or disagree with comments saying I must be ugly and should kill myself.

I know a lot of people who browse this board have weight problems or image issues, but I wish it would get toned down just a bit. I could understand the fat hate comments if I was being shitty or tried to squeeze into something that didn't fit, but I shouldn't have to get hounded when I'm posting appropriately.

>> No.8274206

Why bait? What anon posted is exactly the only way to stand up to it. It's a fucking monitor, not the kid in class tormenting you in real life.

Problem with this is the way people are a bit obsessed with victimizing themselves expecting asspat gratification in return. Grow a fucking pair, and respect yourself.

>> No.8274209

So, if you are bullied in lolita you should leave lolita?
I don't wanna be that person, but this is victim blaming.

>> No.8274216

Never mentioned that. Also, I don't need the computer to put a dress on?

It goes in general; I'm just addressing cyberbullying as a whole.
Just leave the internet if you can't survive it.

>> No.8274218

i think this girl handled the bullying issue the best

>> No.8274244

That's different though because you are ACTUALLY being cyberbullied, not "waah, people are talking about me on 4chan!". Most of the people jumping on this don't know the distinction.

I feel like it won't do shit. because bullies don't stop because of a hashtag campaign. They're preaching to the choir and it seems so insincere.

>> No.8274256

Agree with this.

>> No.8274284

On the topic of blaming /cgl/ for all the nastiness and bullying.....

We can be pretty mean to each other, but we're also pretty nice. I've had more good experiences than bad on this board, and the bad experiences were kind of endearing in a weird funny way.

So yes, I can see how LACE would be helpful, but they can't blame CGL for everything, there's plenty of toxicity in all the groups..... you just have to take the good and the bad.

>> No.8274330

You're being that person - they never said anything remotely close to that. Just fucking turn your computer off, go for a walk, and by the time you come back if you stop "addressing" people who are being shits to you, they'll usually have gotten bored and moved on. The few times they don't, like the girl upthread who was actually cyberSTALKED, you should document everything and get the police involved.

>> No.8274371

Exactly this. I've lost 75lbs already and my measurements don't quite put me into the plus size range in normie fashion. I'm actually about a M/L. But anons on cgl are like "oh my fucking god you are huge go back to tumblr fat acceptance fattie!" Yet in pictures, especially group pictures I tend to look pretty small. I don't even know, man.

I've only had one instance of "bullying" while in lolita (god damn, I hate that term) and it was a crazed bitch who got mad that people disagreed with her *~opinions-desu~* and went on a rampage posting pictures of myself and other comm members in a vigilante rage.

You know though, I don't ask for asspats or gratification. I'm not out there for e-fame. I'm just doing my thing. Whenever I do get posted, I usually either ignore it, laugh about it, or turn it into something positive. But in the long run, it takes one negative comment from one person who has some issues of their own, to put someone in a bad mood even if you don't show it in your reactions. I don't make it a practice to post people at all, especially negatively, and I try to be helpful and positive. I just wish more people would learn that a little positivity actually does more for your self-worth than tearing others down for shits and giggles. But yeah, some people do it because it's just in their nature. I don't know.

>> No.8274400

It's easy to put the blame on /cgl/ because it's on 4chan, which is the source of all evil on the internet, according to everyone else.

>> No.8274401
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Fucking hilarious! I wish she would make more videos.

And this. Exactly. Anyone with have a brain can see that it was made for the soul purpose of boosting her self image and popularity. What else is it going to accomplish?

>> No.8274455

This is on point, I'm trying not to crack up in the library.

>> No.8274486

The thing with anonymity is that it's easy to walk away from. We're not /b/ - most of us aren't invested enough in the drama to actually seriously follow anyone off 4chan. We're here for a cheap laugh. The most that happens is when some anon checks out someone's public FB, sees something funny and shares it here. Especially now that singling out is bannable, /cgl/ isn't going to bother anyone who doesn't regularly put themselves out there for the entire internet to see.

Actual cyberbullies may use /cgl/ as a tool or a place to vent, but even without it they can cause damage. I'd say that cyberbullies are more likely to NOT be anonymous because they often use peer pressure and social intimidation to make their victim feel like shit. An anonymous insult doesn't cut nearly as deep as one from someone you know.

>> No.8274496

But Japan doesn't give a fuck about bullying.

>> No.8274509

so called 'victim blaming' is actually appropriate in some situations. leaving yourself in a bad situation that you can control is stupid, and those so called 'victims' wouldn't even be victims if they also took measures to prevent it.

ugh, people have such a stupid mentality about so much shit.
>i want you to look out for me and have my best interests at heart
>but don't you dare try to tell me to be responsible for you
>i'm super offended over how you're acting/talking/look/breathing
>but don't you dare try to tell me anything, you're shaming me and what -I- do shouldn't matter to you
>but it should a lot in a positive way

fuck people.

>> No.8274527


>> No.8274538

Your greentext rant makes no sense.
You shouldn't have to give up a hobby or quit your online presence because someone is targeting you. If someone talks shit about you on 4chan, sure, it'll be your fault for reading it and responding, but it's a different case when someone follows you on other social media.

>> No.8274541

but no one said that, they said to get off the computer, or block the person. being harassed online is easy to end because all you need to do is take measures to get rid of the people bullying you.

>> No.8274605

The point is. Some girls can't handle just turning off the computer. Some girls need a little more emotional support and by saying I support lace I am letting girls lmownthey can come to me to talk it out. I will not condone turning this around to harass the people who have been harassing us. I know people are going to try that and really I just want to help people who are being bullied cause I always had people there for me and no one should be alone in this. You can victim blame or say it won't work but its already helped a few people and that makes me very happy.

>> No.8274608

you're the worst kind of fake bitch.

>> No.8274609

It's not something I would ever join or publicly support, but I don't see a problem with a group like this existing. Some people are more sensitive than others. They could use something like this. But yeah, I wouldn't wanna join. It just seems like a good way to get heckled more.

>> No.8274620

the kekiest of all keks ive had in a while

>> No.8274622

Someone's got their panties in a bunch? You need to talk about it? Can't handle when people are nice?

>> No.8274626

I noticed a thread on Jillian Vessey, saw her video, and now this thread. Could it be she made her own hate thread just to boost up the LACE community? It all happened way too fast and smoothly. Just saying it's kinda fishy.......

>> No.8274627

My issue with it is that it's going to quickly evolve into a hate/bully group on it's own. Sure, some people involved may have good intentions but they don't have the resources or knowledge to actually do anything. There are plenty of online support groups that anyone can just access and vent or ask questions to someone else one-on-one. I just see this group getting way out of hand with asspats and victimizing everyone for any kind of 'bullying' at all(stuff like someone trying to explain how another person's outfit isn't lolita) It's just going to have it's head up it's own ass and do more harm than good because of the whole mentality the lolita community is adopting.

>> No.8274633

Those of us openly supporting LACE are used to being heckled. And now we can use that that's experience to help others. We've dealt with being bullied or just made fun of in various different ways and its going to happen with or without LACE but at least we can use it to turn it into something good and be there for each other. Its ok if you don't want to join and I know others won't want to either but if anyone ever needs to talk you can always message any of us who openly participate or you can message our facebook page. Or if you need anon you can message our tumble. We'll always keep it confidential if you want it to be.

>> No.8274643

Get off of 4chan you shill.

>> No.8274649

>someone gives their opinion
>almost immediate holier-than-thou response

You clearly didn't even read what you replied to, you just picked out a few buzzwords and then wrote what is essentially and advertisement. You also sound like you've never really been bullied.

>> No.8274652

Sorry but some people fucking should be cyber bullied lol

>> No.8274655

Just a little side-note: being called ugly, fat, disgusting or whatever or being posted to cgl/btb -once- isn't bullying. Being called that/posted twice isn't bullying either. But being called whatever/ posted multiple times a day for two weeks, yes, that sounds more like bullying.

Just a small reminder for the people thinking looking at them the wrong way is already bullying.

>> No.8274656

I did read it and I'm happy they support us. I just wanted to add a bit too. Its ok if they don't wanna join its ok if they think we are heckled and I'm glad they think something like this could buseful to others. You're jumping to conclusions cause you don't agree and that's also ok.

>> No.8274657

I really think that the hate thread was created from the girl herself just to put LACE super out there, and to gain more followers. This whole thing was a stunt

>> No.8274671

i think the anon your responding to is her.

>> No.8274677

No. You clearly didn't read what they said at all, you were just looking for an excuse to bolster yourself while trying to make it look justified.

>> No.8274681

I've been harassed on 4chan for years. Anytime my name or the comm I live near gets mentioned it would spiral into a shit storm about how annoying or horrible I was. If I posted on any community on fb or tumble there'd usually be a thread here. Its died down a lot this year thankfully but thats only cause they moved on to a new girl in my comm and I stopped participating ages ago. I'd also got tons of anon hate on tumblr and girls screen capping things from my wall which meant they had to be friends with me just so they could do this. Like I even care its public but they thought it was sneaky. I even got one of these girls harrasing me in person at conventions and even private events and writing poorly disguised hate blog posts about me. So yeah I have been bullied and yeah it did hurt but in the end I had people who supported me when I was down so I'm supporting lace to support girls who've also gone through this.

>> No.8274685

What the hell does that have to do with what she said?

>> No.8274687

OMFG "all I wanted to do was put on a big frilly dress and a bright wig and a whole bunch of cute accesories all over my body, and do so without the fear of being judged"

>> No.8274693

nothing was misspelled but ok?? chill.

>> No.8274695

Saying that I'm not claiming to be bullied just cause someone didn't like my outfit. Its more than that and sharingnmy experience means I'm still here and even when it gets bad dont let bullies ruin a fashion for you.

>> No.8274701

Are you an autist? She was just saying in general that people claim anything and everything is fucking bullying. You must atleast be an aspie if you thought anyone was talking to whoever you are.

Also you should leave because you're trying to vent on 4chan.

>> No.8274702

I think you might lack some reading comprehension skills cause that made perfect sense as a response and so did the other one.>>8274649

>> No.8274704

fucking samefag, no1cuur

>> No.8274706

This right here is exactly why people hate us.

>> No.8274710

>I was bestowed with a mighty cock at birth and with it I have obtained magical powers of overarching insight which quash the measly musings of those with inferior gashes

>> No.8274714

>OP states that some people count really trivial shit as bullying
>anon feels the need to reply with huge story about how her specific case isn't trivial, even though no one claimed that
>implying that was anything but knee-jerk response

>> No.8274717

I made no attempt to conceal that so great job for pointing out the obvious.

>> No.8274718

And what reason is that? That dumb bitch has been self-promoting needlessly the entire thread, she needs to stop acting like she matters.

>> No.8274723

we seriously don't give a fuck about your ~experiences~ so stop trying to shoehorn them into anything that may allow you to. you're also doing a bad fucking job defending yourself because you type like a retard.

>> No.8274725

There's better ways to argue than claiming mental instability. You obviously need a lesson in not sounding like a whinny bitch.

>> No.8274726

nah, people 'hate us' because we make fun of others and hurt their fee-fees and aren't some nice happy fluffy land of acceptance and tolerance. most people who 'hate 4chan' have never been on it.

>> No.8274730

This threads about LACE so I'm here to support LACE and to show an example of just why others need it. Thanks for helping spread the word with this post! I'll still be here to clarify things.

>> No.8274733
File: 36 KB, 600x450, getout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so very sorry I upset your delicate sensibilities and called you an autist. Maybe you should try pic related so you'll feel better.
>inb4 b-but I'm not her!
Try disguising your bad spelling next time like >>8274723 pointed out.

>> No.8274735

Uhm okay. well then you probably fall under the "bullied"-catgory.
i wonder too?

>> No.8274736

>come into thread
>shit it up by making it all about yourself
>get called out on it
>"see this is why we need LACE!! ur all just bullies ):< "

>> No.8274738

Most people who hate 4chan have and had to deal with asshats like you who can't hold civil conversations. Once some one says one thing you don't like you turn to name calling through retardation cause you don't know how to respond with any sense.

>> No.8274743

>implying i'm not saging every post
you are very very clearly Jillian.

>> No.8274747

>turn to namecalling through retardation
>cause you're retarded
So, you're one of those same retards then, correct?

>> No.8274749


nah, most people just assume everywhere is like /b/ and that ita threads are all we're about.
>cgl is a brandwhore elitist community of evil bullies!111! i went there once and they told me i was being foolish for buying milanoo, they're so mean!

>> No.8274751

I just came to clarify. My experiences are all I feel the right to speak for. People do need LACE. Its not going to fix things like this thread being against us from the beginning but I'll be here as an advocate of support whether or not I have a zillion people against me.

>> No.8274753
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>> No.8274755

I'm really sorry to tell you this, but you were fighting a losing battle by posting here in the first place, but now you're turning yourself into more of a lulcow rather than 'supporting the cause' because all your replies are cringy as hell.

>> No.8274760

Well it was bound to happen. I knew it would but it was worth it to me. I clearly have good intentions so I hope that shows through at least for some people. Can't win em all.

>> No.8274762
File: 10 KB, 250x231, disbitchserious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I clearly have good intentions

>> No.8274765

Okay, I was vaguely agreeing with you before, but no, >>8274755 is right. You're doing way more harm to the whole lace thing just by being a self-righteous holier-than-thou cunt, and it's increasingly obvious that you had been the whole time. Just quit now while you're not too far behind, jeez.

>> No.8274767

no one knows if you have 'good intentions' or not. having shit happen to you does not make your intentions good automatically. and you need to pull your head out of your ass before anyone will say your intentions are 'good'

>> No.8274806

I had a friend (had) who got all righteous about "fighting bullying in the community" after a few random comments online called her a fatty, but she talks the exact same shit about everyone else behind their backs. People have funny standards when it comes to themselves vs. everyone else.

>> No.8274810

the bitch ITT was doing that earlier, she was spewing insults at people who didn't agree with her and tried to pass it off like she was just defendign herself(too bad she had all the same dumb spelling/typing errors in every post)

>> No.8274841


The main problem I have with this group is not that it exists, but the type of shit that people call bullying these days. I've seen people cry about being "bullied" when someone told them to improve their makeup on CoF. Shut the fuck up, it's not.

I don't want to type out a sob story, but I've been bullied mercilessly in school for years, and from personal experience "support groups" don't do shit because people who are seriously under attack are usually too afraid to join and these groups won't do anything to stop the bullying either way.

>> No.8274848

exactly this. i've been to support groups like this to help out and a lot of people there are a joke. the one i tried helping with had to do with spousal abuse. i'm someone who's been abused and almost killed by an ex before and to see girls seriously asking if their bf not responding to them when they said 'i love you' was abuse made me want to facepalm into oblivion. it's not even a matter of how strong they are.

people are going to say and do things you don't like but that doesn't make them bullies

>> No.8274863

I predict it will just be a bunch of sheltered kids complaining to each other about Internet meanies, and people with serious issues with other lolitas on- or offline being too alienated to actually speak up.

Kinda like tumblr, really.

>> No.8274941
File: 58 KB, 540x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Bullying is a repeated pattern of behavior. Some random "lol ur ugly" out of nowhere is not bullying. It's the Internet and if you are too fragile to handle that, why are you putting it online for everyone to see. Learn to brush it off or just refrain from posting yourself.

>> No.8274950 [DELETED] 

honestly, people at the beginning of this thread were very distrustful but most were still giving you the benefit of the doubt.
now you've pretty much done it with the way you immediately claimed the moral high ground while sperging all over the thread.

also i noticed noone adressed >>8273537 or >>8274099, which seemed pretty important to me

>> No.8275251
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>> No.8275262

I think my concerns with LACE is that it's trying to gather support, especially from Misako, when it barely just begun. In that sense it does seem fishy and seemingly only made to get attention since the group hasn't even accomplished anything yet. There's also some issues like how do you know the people chosen for the group would really keep everything told to them confidential? If it's as easy as joining and just making a pledge to help, then what's to stop people from joining just to gather drama from unsuspecting people? And if they really want to expose exploitation, then they should do a piece on John from Anime Matsuri since its been discussed here and there how much he actually exploits all the girls? I just want this to be done in an actual professional and safe environment first and prove to be successful before trying to get sponsors like Misako. Doing it now really does seem like it's all just for attention since it was just established and nothing has happened with the group yet. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but I feel like it's just being very rushed and they way they are going about it it's no surprise people are cautious or suspicious of it. I'd rather have concrete guidelines and rules to what LACE is supposed to do without all this videos or such of lolitas supporting this group. How are you going to support something that hasn't even done anything?

>> No.8275271


Im a guy, and it would take some convincing to bang that ogre with a rented dick.

>Unless I was drunk...

>> No.8275278

I'm pretty sure 99% of the people who are actively involved in LACE are doing it solely for the attention and "moral high ground", so productivity is probably the least of their concerns.

And ant-bullying groups have tried to be a thing in lolita for years now. They haven't worked then, I doubt they'll work now.

>> No.8275346

It just seems masturbatory at this point.
> we're such positive people! We're better than those bullies!
>#iloveLACE! Let's support each other!
>nothing actually being done besides posting selfies and rambly videos

>> No.8275366


As if hypersensitive lolitas needed any more coddling. Half the members of this fashion need to get their shit together and stop thinking everybody is out to get them/oppress them/enforce some form of ism against them. Somebody saying one mean thing about your outfit isn't ~CYBERBULLYING~ And a few BtB secrets aren't going to totally ruin your life. everybody needs to calm the fuck down.

>> No.8275381

Good point anon.
Speaking of concerns, and seagulls are welcome to input and correct me here, but if they involved the japanese side of the community, what is the "bullying/exploitation" scenario there like? Is it even something they relate to us at all? Do they even cry in a corner if these subjects were a problem in their communities?

Idk, the more I question LACE, the more I'm convinced these girlies didn't do their goddamn research.

>> No.8275428

Japan's view on bullying is way different than ours. Bullies get way more mean psychologically and less physically. In schools atleast, it's unheard of to intervene all that much, also it's pretty common for the person being bullied to get pissed off at teachers who try to actually intervene because it shows that the person being bullied is weak like the bulliers claim. And bullying in Japan is actually just as bad as in our chinese cartoons. It's brutal.

>> No.8275434

she said "off of /cgl/," implying that she isn't getting bullied here.

but you could easily be a target of harassment here, just see all of the obvious samefags posting the same girl numerous times to an ita thread, which happens regularly and is usually called out

>> No.8275449

Another thing I forgot to mention is that bullying exists in adulthood as well and mostly for people who try to assert themselves rather than just do as they're told. Pretty much the whole thing is going to be ignored by Misako since it's a taboo to even point this shit out, let alone stand against it. This is just another poor example of people not understanding different cultures.

>> No.8275474

What she said was "my vendetta-chan bullies me off of /cgl/ which sounds like she's saying that she is bullied on here till she doesn't want to browse anymore. Then again, all of that girl's posts have really bad grammar and typos so it's easy to misinterpret.

>> No.8275495
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>> No.8275504

Other cultures are very different from ours. Much less accepting of the sjw bullshit, much less coddling.

>> No.8275521

Just for sone clarification, i am the one who started the Jillian Vessey thread and I am not her haha. I just am really annoyed by her so i wanted to see /cgl/'s opinion of her but did not expect it to become so blown up. I didnt know mentioning a person's name would be considered cyberbullying either. But yeah.

>> No.8275547

I know you

>> No.8275571

Not that anon, but I totes know who you are.

>> No.8275941

who the fuck cares

>> No.8276017

I was just kidding I don't even know who >>8275547 is.
However, I do know who YOU are.

>> No.8276233


*banding together

also choose a consistent way to pluralize "lolita"

>> No.8276308

I wonder if they'll come up with a slur for the people who've actually been bullied, like how transtrenders call actual trans people "truscum".

>> No.8276366

I'm just curious about the "exploitation" part. Like, exploitation in what sense? Being posted to fetish blogs or some shit?

>> No.8276375

I honestly think they just needed something starting with an E to finish the acronym and went with the first bad thing they could think of.

>> No.8276393

Nothing, exploitation begins with an E. This group won't promote boycotting AM or Bodyline.

My guess is that exploitation is interfere because it begins with E.

This adds to the insincerity of LACE

though if anyone from lace wants to correct me I'm open

>> No.8276396

* is there*
Not interfere

>> No.8276422

Why the fuck would anyone want to boycott AM? Apart from it being a bit of a circlejerk, it's a decent con.

>> No.8276434

No anon.

>> No.8276465

The owners of AM basically chased a handful of moderators out of HLC through their employees' pressuring them (who were the majority of the other mods on the comm) because said moderators disagreed with allowing John to continue his rule-breaking and misbehavior. Basically.

(And Mr. Yan/Bodyline harassed Venus and the pregnant model whose name escapes me)

>> No.8276538

LACE-Anon, are you still here? I want to ask a few things.

Does the group have any structure, like a manifesto or mission statement or something? Shouldn't there be some guidelines about offering support to others/and objective ear to discuss the situation?

If you don't have a mission statement, how will you deal with those that take matters into their own hands and decide to bully back under the excuse "they started it is it's OK to do it to them"? Are there guidelines to control this to keep out people who like to start shit with others for fun? Bullying back the bully is still bullying and makes you just s bad as them.

Will you be advocating for actual coping skills in dealing with bullying so that people can go forth with life skills on how to deal with it or is this a hugbox? What are your suggestions for people who see bullying happen? How are you encouraging people to first stand up for themselves and what is your guide for standing up for others?

I ask these things because if we are serious about changing people's behaviour then we need a serious, workable plan to do it. Giving people who feel hard done by a hug is all well and good but it doesn't address the problem, prevent it from happening or suggest ways to cope.

The ultimate aim is for people to be able to go forth strong, independent and confident in themselves, with skills to cope in an array of situations. How will LACE attempt to achieve this, given that the one thing a person cannot control is what other people say about them?

>> No.8276599

Were you responding to the bullying?
Voldie, nia and spoony have all been super interesting topics for shit talking because immediately they'd be there 'defending' themselves or giving 'their side of the story', adding more fuel to the fire and so the topic would never die.
Finally those girls have mostly learnt to not respond, and so it's boring to talk about them, and nobody does.

Likewise, if someone keeps bringing up the same person in ita threads and the person doesn't stand up for themselves, people normally get bored of seeing the same person posted and call them out as vendettas.

>> No.8276617

>insecure sjw

>> No.8276843

Waiting for some girl who legitimately harassed and slandered multiple girls in our community to show up there baaaw'ing about how some girls were mean to her without giving the full story.

Group's going to become tumblr and just support "victims" without ever realizing some people actually treated people like shit and got it returned to them.

>> No.8276858

this is such a depressing likelihood.

>> No.8276896

Fucking this.
Some people are experts at playing the victim card. They start shit and then get pissy when someone bites back. This 'support group' is going to feed these people and their dumb behaviour will continue. I can totally see the group dog piling on the so called victim's bully. It's going to be totally fucked.

>> No.8277791

that man voice too

>> No.8277912

Nicely summarised.

>> No.8278291

Sounds like Kate just made this group for more attention. Yawn.

>> No.8278968


>> No.8279112

I'm not going to join this group. It's really stupid.

I'm a notable lolita. I'm friends with Kate and I have stabbed her in the back and others multiple times on BtB and here. I'm not quite proud of my accomplishments, but I need to act like a bitch because I need to remain at the top as an alpha dominate woman. Frills, prints, cats, cute plushies, sweets, and makeup are just coping mechanisms to me when I'm on my period or when I need to bitch at others.

>> No.8279124

i'll take "things that never happened" for $200, alex

>> No.8279128

Girl talked about a really crappy meetup we had on another image board but never said it was our group. She had left because of this moderator apparently.

The mod came in and started bashing her, posting her real pictures, real name and accusing a bunch of people in the group of harassing her and lying and shit just because this one girl said she had a terrible time at a meetup.

Anytime anybody would try to talk about it anywhere the mod or her friends would show up and start shit talking this girl as well to the point it was obvious samefag.

Mod eventually left when she realized nobody was buying it because she "couldn't handle it" or some shit.

The girl who was actually harassed is back now.
She's even hosting a really expensive high tea meetup. Tempted to go just to ask her about what happened from her end.

>> No.8279678

There's already people who have posted others on cgl that are in there supporting it.

>> No.8279697

They'll get bored eventually. The bigger problem in the Lolita community are the thin-skinned itas who don't know a dress from a dishcloth.

>> No.8279703
File: 331 KB, 1600x1067, Table_grapes_on_white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can think of a certain someone who fits this description, and she would be all. Fucking. Over. It. She's fake as hell and I'm pretty sure a lot of the people involved in this are, too.

It's a little sad because I know a lot of newbies will probably jump on board, meaning well, and get dragged into the inevitable shitstorm (which is in progress from the looks of this thread) they LACE itself will cause.

>> No.8279708

>an alpha dominate woman

fucking hell
learn to spell
rhymes with hate
it's a verb
you fucking turd

your ignorance is prominent
you ain't no fucking dominant

>> No.8279731

It really wouldn't surprise me if she has joined to promote her "brand".

>> No.8279746

eugh, it's sickening enough to see lolitas suck up to her as it is. Pretty sure she has a connection to Kate (or at least, Kate's bought from her) so I wouldn't be surprised. She'll probably bring it into that mentoring group, too. ugh.

>> No.8279800

Idk how her terrible reputation doesn't seem to bother people. Unless she just lies her ass off about it.

>> No.8279801

If the person you who bullied you is a tumblr self diagnoser and you tell them off for bullying/abusing you, you're an "ableist". so it's starting

>> No.8279817
File: 217 KB, 600x360, man-looking-through-binoculars-600x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cow/ here, so you're all saying this is a new community I should keep an eye on? Looks like a prime target for milking.

>> No.8279827

Oh she's likely lied to the moon and back, otherwise nobody'd want anything to do with her. That said, the dramu isn't hugely well-known because the comms involved seemed to handle it on the down low, which was good, but it also means that people don't know how much of an awful, awful bitch she is.
I remember I used to chat to her loads before it all came out, and she seemed lovely at first, and then every so often she'd drop a really off-colour comment about someone in the comm being "a pig in a dress" or something like that, waiting for me to join in or ask for deets or whatever. I generally changed the subject and she'd drop it. I honestly don't care about itas if they're nice people and willing to learn, even more if they don't post their proto-coords on the internet, but she was living up to her handle and being a woefully sour bitch.

>> No.8279840

Who are youse talking about?
Is she not bullied?

>> No.8279843


LSG/LoliSourGrapes, check the archives if you don't know the story.

>> No.8279853
File: 245 KB, 400x200, huehue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laughed too hard. White knight guide was accurate but where is the lie

>> No.8279871

I am looking but it is hard to find the original posts. Halp?

>> No.8279877


Probably the most complete version, comes from a member of scot_loli

>> No.8279913

It repulses me that she's sponsoring an event for ILD and when the organiser was told their sponsor was banned from the scot comm and it's in bad taste to even consider LSG as a sponsor, she wiggled her caterpillar brows and went "lol don't care" and carried on organising it

>> No.8279921

Did y'all see all the posts on BTB about what a shitty idea this is? I'm glad it seems like the majority of people realise this is a dumb fucking idea. Can't wait for it to crash and burn.

>> No.8279929
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expected little more than that, I guess. I don't with the drama upon scot_loli since they all seem like sweethearts, but I nearly wish her getting banned had been a bigger deal online just so people would know not to deal with her.

I'd bet any amount that she's the exact same as she's always been. She comes across as too fake and proper to actually have matured/improved as a human being at all.

>> No.8279932

I don't wish*

>> No.8279941

fucking lol, thank you for this post

>> No.8279948

Have you milked lolitas before? I don't think this is a good group to milk if you don't know much about it.

>> No.8279953

Fuck off, no one cares

>> No.8279966

Anti-bullying campaigns don't work.

>> No.8279999

Especially when the people running them have no real experience or knowledge of how best to actually give support to victims of bullying.
"I was called an ugly fat ita on 4chan once" does not qualify you to start dishing out advice to potentially vulnerable people.
It's the blind leading the blind and it's going to do more harm than good.

>> No.8280235

What do you do when the people that bullied you are all in the group?

>> No.8280503

And where do you think they come from?

In the present comm situation online, advice and constructive criticism fall into the same category as bullying.

>> No.8280680

>She comes across as too fake and proper to actually have matured/improved as a human being at all.
Exactly, this is a prime opportunity for her to wave that sweet persona around as well.
This whole LACE thing stinks, and I hope it fizzles out quickly.

>> No.8280717

>They are trying to pin the bad attitude in the community on cgl, but in reality you would get called out for a vendetta if you tried to actually "cyberbully" anyone here.
Not always, but true most of the time. There's more IRL bitchiness, nastiness and ostracism targeted at individuals known to the person doing the bullying than there is online.

>> No.8280722

Didn't she used to be rather pudgy? Was she taking out her discontent with herself on others?

>> No.8280726

>help fight negativity
A woman wrote a book on how the emphasis on positivity wasn't always so good thing and it strongly reminds me of this. Can't remember the name, but she talked about her own experiences in groups for cancer survivors being expected to be 100% positive and strong and fighting and blessed all the time being more damaging than just being allowed to admit cancer was shit. Negativity is a big blanket thing to fight against.

That's really bad anon, but like >>8274244 said stalkers like that don't stop because of a hashtag campaign. If LACE were to actually address issues like that I'd be impressed.

>> No.8280733

I agree with your post and I hope it doesn't cause much butthurt directed at you.

>> No.8280746

As well as the malicious and the trolls, I get the impression that there are a lot of girls on here with EDs who take it out on others. I wish /cgl/ didn't have the attitudes to weight it did, but an anonymous community does attract the pro-ana.

The difficult thing with /cgl/ is telling the difference between "post that people are ignoring because it's blatant bait or they know replying will cause a shitstorm" and "post that people are ignoring because they see no issue with its content". 90% of the time or more, racist or kill yourself fatties type posts are getting ignored for the first reason, but people who are new to /cgl/ come on here and assume troll posts like that are ignored because those opinions are commonly accepted on here. Same problem with people who aren't used to /cgl/ not realising that trolls samefag and what appears to be a group of hateful people might just be one person. Those are a big reason for non-seagulls perceptions of /cgl/ IMO.

>> No.8280758

>how do you know the people chosen for the group would really keep everything told to them confidential? If it's as easy as joining and just making a pledge to help, then what's to stop people from joining just to gather drama from unsuspecting people?
I strongly suspect there are people that have done just that, wouldn't be surprised if screencaps started turning up in /cgl/ threads.

>they should do a piece on John from Anime Matsuri since its been discussed here and there how much he actually exploits all the girls?
Now if they did that (or dealt with other scammers) under the exploitation side of things I'd be impressed.

>> No.8280763

Yup, getting involved in defending a victim when you don't know the full story is verrrrry risky. It's so easy for people to lie and paint themselves as a victim when they were in the wrong (scammers have done it in the past) and certain personality types do it obsessively to troll for sympathy.

Non-lolita case in point is often true in abusive relationships. For example, my father told all his friends and family that his evil wife was stopping him from seeing his kids for "no reason" when she got a divorce and a restraining order. Of course he didn't mention any of the horrible shit he'd done, and accused my mom and me of being crazy liars if we told relatives our side. He got revealed as a liar eventually when he tried to claim he'd never hit my mom to someone that had seen him do it. Sage for OT but I can think of dozens of similar stories of bullies going "waah my comm ostracized me and kicked me out for NO REASON" when they'd actually done some really nasty shit.

>> No.8280765

I kekked.

>> No.8280766

Oh man, I follow her, I think I'll unfollow her now.

>> No.8280772
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Yeah, I unfriended her because I couldn't put up with her saccharine faux persona. Unless this was someone else (foggy memory), she once complained that the speech options in Animal Crossing weren't polite enough.

>> No.8280783

>>caterpillar brows


>> No.8280801

I've never heard of that channel before but I really liked the video, was pretty spot-on.

>> No.8280810

does this bitch live in a bubble or something holy shit

>> No.8280826

lace is a bunch of shit but you gotta do what you gotta do to climb that totem pole,eh

>> No.8280901

Best way to make something disappear is to ignore it.

I think LACE is as genuine as a politician trying to run for presidency.

>> No.8280914

reminds me of one of those fraud "movements" that idiots on reddit donate hundreds to

gender gap in gaming hurp durp buy my daughter a ps4 gofundme

>> No.8281028

So glad I read this, I nearly bought something from her store.

>> No.8281133

There was just a massive post posted on lace, did anyone see it. at least we finally know what the fuck id going on to some degree

>> No.8281146

Nope, caps?

>> No.8281151


Basically a big long boohoo about being posted on btb and cgl, wanting to go global, and eventually growing into Ted talks for tumblrinas. Still no definite plan or specific details to be seen.

>> No.8281170

i'm kinda interested now, the community is still super new so i want to see what happens

>> No.8281174


>eventually growing into Ted talks for tumblrinas

Hey, remember when TED talks were about new innovative ideas and perspectives, and not about whining how your reputation was ruined because you sucked off the president's dick?

Sage for OT. TED talks have become a joke, jfc.

>> No.8281195

This whole post is a whole jumble about nothing. She still did not say what the group actually does or is planning to do. I feel like you have to have some sort of game plan and infrastructure in place BEFORE you launch, not make shit up as you go.

>> No.8281230
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>"negativity within the lolita community with the intent to change the future of the fashion and create a positive environment for the next generation of lolitas"

People need to stop pretending that the playing field was ever even in this fashion. For one, people are hella intolerant of obesechans, poorfags, uggos, thinly veiled sissies, transfags who don't try, and oldfags because most don't meet a certain desirable aesthetic within the fashion. A fashion, understandably, is intended to be shallow for the most part. People who don't meet the criteria are still allowed to dress in lolita, they've just got to understand they won't be everyone's cup of tea-and that's OK.

It makes no sense to me that people go searching for validation and acceptance in a hobby that's notoriously based on image. I'm not saying I don't have friends in lolita, but there's a stark difference between the way I carry myself around friends I've made at college and the friends I've made in lolita. I'm more mindful about how I dress and what I say in my comm and on the internet. Furthermore, while an opinion from someone within lolita can rustle my jimmies, it's not like my life dotes on the opinions of strangers or people I'm vaguely acquainted with. Furthermore, seagulls don't remember or care much about someone wearing a dress poorly three years ago. However, they would remember a bitch coming to cgl to whiteknight herself for 300 replies, or making butthurt videos about her 'harassment.'

So anyway, with all that said, what qualifications do these bimbos possess that makes them suitable "ambassadors," aka counsellors, for victims of actual bullying? What higher education do these bitches have in psychology or social work that gives them the experience to actually handle feelings of people they don't even know?

I hate this because it's clearly self-aggrandizing disguised as "helping others." It's shit and they ought to be ashamed.

>> No.8281500

Can someone tell me how joining this doesn't just put a giant target on you?

>> No.8281537

>I hate this because it's clearly self-aggrandizing disguised as "helping others." It's shit and they ought to be ashamed.

>> No.8281565

So she is upset because someone heard her taking a loud crap in the bathroom and posted about it here?

That isn't bullying. That is defamation. There is a big difference that those people simply aren't getting between saying things to someone with intent to hurt them, and saying bad things about someone publicly. The latter is not direct bullying, although it will give the bullies motivation and excuses to bully.

>> No.8281584

best reply I've read all week

>> No.8281619

Ive sent >>8280450 to the Lacecommunity tumblr.

Something good can come of this, we just need to steer it in the right direction rather than complaining about it.

>> No.8281668
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I just read from the comments from BTB that a motive that Kate would use this organization for is to try to win the Heart of Gold organized by John himself. Which would explain why nothing is being said about the one person who is exploiting the most out of lolitas/ the Houston Lolita Community. Also the term "lace ambassadors" just seem to be a rip off of the Kawaii ambassador organization. I'm not sure if that's because Kate is upset that she didn't get chosen as Kawaii ambassador at Anime Matsuri and she is either using this to establish her own mock ambassador community or to use it as another means to try to become the next ambassador chosen. I felt like if this was honestly made with no ulterior motives then there is no need to call people "lace ambassadors", I mean shouldn't a term like counsillor or some such be more appropriate and less fame attention grabbing? Also having Kate pick people who are close to her isn't neccesariy still safe for people to open themselves up to, as it still doesn't negate the possibility of people releasing unsuspecting lolitas' information. I'd rather have people who have qualifications in some sort of therapy, or at the very least people who are not known on the Internet or e-famous. Sadly seeing the progress so far I really do see it becoming just a facade to boost people's e-fame and turning into one monster of a white knight group. I think if done on better terms, with different people in theory it might have worked and been beneficial to the lolita community. But at this point it just seems to further prove how exploitation just drives lolitas to further promote or drive to cut throat tactics to put themselves in a better light, and it's honestly making it even more off putting to stay in this community.

>> No.8282224

there's a girl who volunteered as a counselor but i think kate will just replace her with her close friends and hanger-bys.

>> No.8282417

Isn't there this whole big thing where Kate is one of the biggest two faced lolitas in her comm? There's been several people defending that she's been talking shit about every single person that goes to a meet.
There has also been no answered questions on a lot of the FB page.
Not to mention the big interview she's doing with some magazine for LACE and prolly trying to get herself more publicized.

>> No.8282438
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>I just read from the comments from BTB that a motive that Kate would use this organization for is to try to win the Heart of Gold organized by John himself.

that one commentor calling it the "golden apple" award tho

>> No.8282452

>tries to make a community that will stop the drama
>ends up making a fuck ton more drama

>> No.8282473
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i'm fine with having something to off balance the less finer points of this place, but i hate that they can't seem to simply try to be good, better people or at least try to without finding a group or stereotype to demonize. I get that some people need a hugbox for a while, or maybe forever, but I'm sick of people trying to act like their public image of their shitty costume/outfit being posted here is bullying. I'm sick of the misinformation that exposing everything online is not only okay, but you deserve compliments for it. I'm just so tired of these people who try to do good for others not reworking their hugbox structure to simply understand and inform about proper online safety and etiquette, because it always ends in a million victims and unneeded anger. I'm fine with living and let live but each side can learn from the other and dont expect 4chan to start, for goodness sakes

>> No.8282474

They already got RinRin on board

>> No.8282492

Can you tell us more about the shit you two would do? to get a better understanding of how Kate deals and reacts to what has been done?

>> No.8282597

Yeah, bullying in Japan can be really intense, especially in school. And like you said anon, it's much less physical as well, so (actual) cyberbullying is probably quite prevalent and possibly even considered normal.
The only examples of physical bullying I've heard of are more sneaky things, like putting thumbtacks in schoolmates' outside shoes and stuff like that.

>> No.8282609

The interview with RinRin is probably what inspired Kate in the first place.

>> No.8282634

RinRin probably only said what she did because she didn't want to look bad or she didn't understand that most of time people just say stuff thats minor and wouldn't be a big deal to anyone with a brain.

>> No.8282661

I was searching the #ilovelace tag on tumblr and there was a really good post breaking down all that is wrong with LACE. It sucks because I used to like Kate but I am very disappointed with how blatant this is as a try to gain more fame and how unwilling she is to address the dangerously obvious issues her group poses.

>> No.8282664

I have definitely engaged in shit-talking about people with Kate.

>> No.8282684

Could you cap it if you happen to see it again? I did a search/went through the tag and couldn't find it.

And I agree wholeheartedly. It really just seems like a way for her to get more popular and carve out more of a name for herself. Instead of "glasses Kate" she'll be "LACE Kate" and even though we see through the movement, a lot of people won't. They're naive enough to think this is a fabulous idea/that nothing is wrong with it.

Trying reeeeeal hard to get that heart of gold award and a kawaii ambassador position, it seems...

>> No.8282690

Is she as stuck-up and bitchy as people say she is?

>> No.8282718

No, she's not, but I can only speak for myself so whatever that's worth? I personally find her very considerate and enjoyable to talk to. LACE could do some great things if people gave her time to work it out without dodging constant criticism.

>> No.8282722 [DELETED] 

she's no saint, but there are definitely much worse people around

>> No.8282734

You landwhales have gone too far witj this one. Fucking man hating overweight feminists in 3XL Angelic pretty. llmfao

Don't even call yourself a Lolita unless you really like fucking guys significantly older than you. And not for money or Brando.

>> No.8282738

Go away you stupid farty pants.

>> No.8282750

Get out of your delusional twinky filled dream world you hairy cunt :P

>> No.8282757

Go away you stupid farty pants.

>> No.8282758


Exploitation is another way to say mistreatment, abuse, oppression, or in this case bullying. If someone is bullying another person, then it is fair to say that person is being exploited. Usually the term is used to refer to "putting something out there", but there are a few other usages as well.

>> No.8282763

This is so damn embarrassing.These girls/adults whine about how much they suffer because some stranger on the internet made fun of them while they sit at mommy's and daddy's home in 300 dollar outfits and stuff donuts into their faces.And then they seriously dare to call shit like that bullying? It blows my fucking mind.
How are people like this able to survive in the real world,outside of their little tumblr bubble?

>> No.8282770

I have no idea and I don't care, but she's no saint

>> No.8282771

So what you're saying is that it's either just redundant or it means something that doesn't make sense in context.

>> No.8282777

she needed an E for LACE

>> No.8282779

So they have updated the tumblr with all of those photos of people posing and saying they support it, but neglected to post my screen capped example of actual bullying in the community and how it is bad. I hope they are writing a nice spiel about how this is the kind of thing they are here to support people against, etc etc - otherwise this is just a bunch of bullshit aimed at getting famous.

>> No.8282794

Yes she is. She called one of my friends an Ita and talked trash on her when she wasn't even wearing lolita but a totally other victorian inspired substyle. She'd never even met the girl before. She just likes to talk crap, but whatever. People know that's her personality and we all deal with it. Just take her insults but don't say anything negative back or you're an awful person.

>> No.8282842

I was at the small meetup at the japanese festival in Boston today
Didn't wanna take a pic "for Kate, she wants hearts" but of course it would've been a little awkward to say no thank you (didn't feel like explaining myself if anyone asked why) and we jumped into it immediately after people were done taking normal group photographs

>> No.8282863

if Kate is as big of a bitch everyone says she is, then I doubt this is going to go very far.

>> No.8282888

So what I got was that she was ok with her friends being hurt and upset but as soon as someone ruffled her feathers she has to start a SJW group. All over a poop joke

>> No.8282922

How do we know that this is true and you aren't just being an ass?
Fuck she still hasn't posted it. If you are too scared to explain what makes someone a bully other than "negativity" then you shouldn't be running a fucking anti-bullying organisation.

>> No.8282964

Okay Kate, if you insist.

>> No.8282978

What irks me quite a bit about this is that they're garnering support before they've even shown that they can do anything. Their fb has 2000+ likes, comms are sending in photos, but they haven't done a tap of good. In fact, they've probably done more harm by starting drama (if that was actually a member earlier in the thread and not a troll).


Tumblr post: healthyeyes.tumblr.com/post/117472773759

>> No.8282979

I can understand why you would be upset about that, to be honest. I'd be mortified if someone posted about my bowel movements with my name attached.

But at the end of the day, not bullying, just an isolated incident.

>> No.8282981

RinRin was probably thinking about actual cyberbullying where you're targeted repeatedly on your soical media.

>> No.8283017

Why is she saying that they need to have a diverse mod base who can relate to people on all things when she says above that you need to train in this shit?
I can imagine that the number one thing mental health workers would have to learn is to NOT relate to the issues, else it would be too fucking depressing.

>> No.8283023

>"golden apple"
So this is the Judgement of Paris and we are about to launch into a Lolita-style Trojan War? Sounds about right.

>And here's the Oracle predicting it now

>> No.8283035

What a shit fest. She is a very nice and considerate person. She comes across as extremely intimidating when you first meet her though and had a bit of a severe look to her. She also has resting bitch face so I thought she was a snot before I met her but it immediately melted away when I go to know her. I think people judge her harshly from her outward disposition and even I did but she is a good friend and loyal to those she trusts.

>> No.8283038

>But at the end of the day, not bullying, just an isolated incident.
Totally agree
Most workplaces etc define bullying as a sustained, continual harassment with the intent of belittling another person or group. In order for a workplace bullying charge to stick it needs to be proven that it was continual over a period of time.

Someone saying something about you that you don't like isn't bullying unless it is part of a sustained pattern of behaviour. It really does annoy me the way people throw around 'I've been bullied!!' because it demeans the people that actually have been on the receiving end of real bullying.

>> No.8283043

A lot of people are more comfortable talking to a counselor of their own gender and/or race, so it makes sense. You do have a different perspective on these issues, not just second hand experience.

>> No.8283044

A lot of the people that meet Kate seem to be salty over their interactions with her but she doesn't trust anyone she meets until she's given a reason to. She can be pretty cold/fake at first but after reading this thread can you blame her? She's had falling outs with members of her comm, I'm from Ohio but news travels, because they posted info about her on here nd btb and even had an instance where a girl obsessively stalked her. I think a lot of people have weirdly high expectations of her for someone who's only been popular in the lolita scene for a year or so and reading the threads about her I can see for a fact that people samefag in there. I suspect that many of the threads that are made about her are the people she's pissed off in the past. One of the girls was borderline psychopathic so it wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.8283048

If you think RinRin, who is a public figure, is going to spit out anything more than bland feel-good crap...

>> No.8283053

Who are you in the pic? Don't see anyone looking particularly uncomfortable

>> No.8283077

I'm curious about wha t seagulls have to say.

What is the difference between not-sugarcoating and cyberbullying?
In my comm, everything that has the name "4chan" in it is authomatically bullying.
BTB is bullying


>> No.8283159

Well if I could screenshot things people have said to me in person then I would. You don't have to believe me. I'm just stating a personal experience.

>> No.8283236

First of all, you can be honest without being a complete piece of shit. Some people fail to realize that and claim that they're just "telling it like it is", when they're being unnecessarily rude. This is especially the case on anonymous platforms, such as /cgl/ (and btb, in part). It's how they gain a bad reputation in the first place, because people assume everyone on there is like that. You won't be able to convince them otherwise because I can guarantee you that five minutes on this board and they will find a vendetta post or a troll that confirms this image.

However, the main difference is that being mean and being a bully is that they are NOT the same thing. I have to repeat that: Being mean and bullying are NOT the same thing. Bullying implies that there is an element of repetition and especially singling someone out for a period of time. If someone shouts insults at you from across the street, they're "just" being mean, but if they do it every day for weeks, they're being a bully because you're being specifically targeted. Does that make sense? If someone posts you in an ita thread along with ten others, you're not really being singled out. If someone makes a thread specifically to shit all over you, they might be a bully, especially if it happens more than once. You can be offended and hurt by someone insulting you, but claiming that they're automatically a bully is wrong and pretty dumb.

I'm kinda tired, but these are my two cents.

>> No.8283490

I mostly agree with this, but I'd say the person posting photos of a bunch of different girls us still a bully, because it's a sustained pattern of behaviour for them. If someone in a class insults and demeans multiple people, but doesn't target any individuals, those individuals are not being bullied because attacks against them aren't repeated but the perpetrator is still a bully with repetitive asshole behaviour. Otherwise agree.

>> No.8283556

Yeah, I see your point, and I actually have to agree.

>> No.8285829
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>> No.8286664


In all honesty it would be more constructive to help the victims, esp if youre going to make a group based on such topics

>> No.8286665


>> No.8286707

Its the whole pity party thing