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8264866 No.8264866 [Reply] [Original]

Shopping in Japan thread?
from Takeshita St in Harajuku to brand stores in Osaka, what were your best and worst experiences?

Discussion starters
>Best closet child
>Best of a brand store (eg AP osaka vs AP nagoya, vs AP tokyo, etc)
>Opinions on lesser known or unknown stores
>Prices and sales info
>English speaking/nice staff
>getting around

Or just talk about your general experience in japan.

>> No.8265483

worst experience

> was 17, on a group trip to jp
> our guide was this old ass japanese man
> took us to tokyo, we had to beg him to let us shop in harajuku for an hour
> he let us go down one street, literally the only thing on it was an antique shop and a forever 21
> most of us had saved up hundreds for clothes
> When it's time to go, he takes us down takeshita to get to the subway
> were not allowed to shop

i cried on the subway ride back to the hotel, i was so close to killing that man

>> No.8265584

best cc: harajuku- biggest shop, highest turnover
best brand store: completely objective, this is a stupid question
99% of staff members do not speak english. do everyone a courtesy and try to learn, at the bare minimum, a few phrases of the language of the place you're visiting instead of expecting everyone to fucking cater to you.

best/worst experience from my last trip:
>be small asian
>decent at japanese
>friendly with cc staff because i've visited every day for the past two weeks
>shopping at cc on last day of trip
>two pasty brand itas and their boyfriends walk in
>they're loud as fuck
>blocking the aisles when people are trying to get through
>knocking shit over
>leaving clothes draped on the racks instead of hanging them back up
>complaining about prices
>bragging about how much they've spent
>cc manager has thousand-yard stare
>one girl starts pulling her salopette off to try something else on
>manager is freaking out
>"lololol it's ok i'm wearing a blouse and bloomers!! ahuehue"
>manager corrals her into dressing room
>she's still having a loud convo with her friend across the store
>manager has to take a call
>person on the line is asking about stock
>manager: "yes, we still have it, but you'll have to hurry. a gaijin customer is trying it on right now."
>laughing and screaming internally

>> No.8267210

Elitism is hard, isnt it.

>> No.8267243

I don't know why the anon you replied to felt the need to point out their japanese skills/"small asian"-ness but even so, it's pretty rude to be noisy and inconsiderate to store employees or other customers like that, regardless of where in the world you are. It's not elitism...

>> No.8267249

I'm going in May and I am so excite. I saved up a lot of money to give away to cc.

>> No.8267316
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What are some good phrases to know?
I'm going to japan this fall, and I don't want to rely too much on my friends but whenever I ask around about this I get told that I'll be fine as long as I have polite body language and use engrish.

>> No.8267339

My advice to you op is to befriend a local lolita.
Then bribe said local with gifts and be the best weekend friend you can be.
They'll know where to go, and what to eat.

>> No.8267345

My friends (who are *beginner* Japanese students) gave me a fre phrases: Not 100% certain these are correct. So double check them.

Where is this? *points at picture/address* - Kore wa doko desu ka?

Can I take a picture with you - (Anata to) Shashin wo tottemo ii desu ka?

Do you have this in a larger size? - Motto ooki saizu ga arimasu ka?

I am looking for this *points at picture* - Kore ga arimasu ka?

Can i try this on - Kore kitemite mo ii desu ka?

I’ll take this - Kore wo kudasai

>> No.8267346

Whoops meant to link depressed skeleton anon.

>> No.8267438

where in the world would that behavior be acceptable?

>> No.8267485

I'm a beginner Japanese student too, but i think "can I take a pic with you" would be (anata to) shashin wo totte mo ii desu ka? instead of shashin wo totemo ii desu ka

>> No.8267529

So I'm thinking of spending a week in Japan around September. Would you recommend I book everything now or last minute? When I check flights going this week compared to in a couple of months you can save some cash.

Also I live in a big European city and would be open to an exchange to save money and have some guide, do you have any experience with that?

>> No.8267545
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Don't you mean...

>> No.8267650

>tottemo ii
is the same as
>totte mo ii
because spacing is pretty arbitrary when it comes to Japanese. Take a closer look, >>8267345 has the doubled t in what they wrote.

Sage for OT

>> No.8268499

I've only been to the Harajuku and Shinjuku Closet Child. I liked the Harajuku one more mostly because it was easier to find.

I really liked shopping at 0101 (Marui) ONE. I think it's closed now, sadly. It was a department store for lolita, gyaru, visual kei stuff. There were some brand shops too. The staff was really nice. I went with my (white) friend and they were really receptive and helpful. The girl at Putumayo even tried to talk to us in English and asked where we were from.

>> No.8269094

Where are the changing rooms? - Shikaku shitsu wa doko desu ka?

>> No.8269112

I'm a thrifting vintage fag so I loved places like Kinji and Chicago right across from the Takeshita station. There's also another one I believe somewhere on Cat Street.

Kouenji is also absolutely amazing for vintage thrifting, there's like 80 stores all in one little area, there's a store called something like Everything under 300 and you can find some really nice stuff in there. There's all Don Don Down Wednesdays that's got all kinds of stuff.

Also remember to put your own stuff away, they won't do it for you!

>> No.8269232

The old one closed but it still exists, it just moved down the road, I was there only last year and it was glorious. Staff were lovely too.

Didn't have the best CC Harajuku experience, I mean, I found nice stuff but received death glares from the moment I arrived. I was polite as I knew how, asked a member of staff about the size of an item but got the worst bitch face stare from her and I had to really try hard to get her to communicate with me at all (I spoke in Japanese).

>Not sure what happened there.jpg

Also went to Conomi to buy ribbon bows (dressed in casual lolita admittedly) and got the same thing there. Really soured the whole experience tbh.

Went to Grimoire the same day and got to meet Hitomi Nomura, she was so lovely and friendly and it was just a completely different experience, I would go back in a heartbeat and the whole store was magical. I'm so glad I ended my shopping trip with this high as prior to the visit, I was feeling pretty shit tbh.

>> No.8269287

I'm going to Japan for the first time in September, for about a month. How viable is it to fly there with just the clothes on my back, and buy the rest of my clothing (normalfag clothes) once there? For example, how much would a skirt and top cost?

>> No.8269348

I would maybe bring one or two extra sets of clothes in case you get caught in the rain without an umbrella. Other than that, extremely viable. You could hit up the nearest UNIQLO and get a top and bottom there for ~4000yen. This is based on my experience from 3-4 years back so I'd double check by going to their Japanese website for exact prices.

>> No.8269397

Question: did the unkind CC staff member have her hair dyed blond and in low pigtails?

Something similar happened to me at the Harajuku CC, just a month ago.

After I picked out a few JSKs and asked her if I could try them on, she led me to the dressing room, looked me straight in the eye, and said, "If any item gets damaged or dirtied, we WILL have you buy it." I was completely stunned.

Blondie-pigtails looked slightly more happy when I later whipped out my credit card to pay for my items at the register. But holy shit, I've never been spoken to like that from any retail staff in the world (I live in the U.S. and have travelled Europe).

Mind you, our exchange was entirely done in Japanese. I work as a professional translator, too, and all the other retail stores in Japan had extremely kind and helpful staff. So I can say with 99% certainty that it was not my language skills or etiquette that would have prompted such a comment.

I'm half-Japanese and half-Caucasian. Maybe that CC simply got burned by foreigners coming in and stretching out their used brand?

I'm trying to see things from that girl's perspective, but damn.

>> No.8269408

I got kicked out of Bodyline in Osaka for being a gaijin.

>tfw you will never be yan-sama's waifu

>> No.8269439

Seconding Uniqlo. Just keep in mind that the sizing system in Japan's Uniqlos is smaller than Uniqlos abroad, so you will likely need to try on clothes that are labeled one or two sizes larger than you're used to.

But yeah, Uniqlo is cheap, has simple designs, and relatively high quality for the price. The store will look incredibly boring for people who are looking for clothes that stand out, but if you're just looking for nice-looking staples in solid colors, Uniqlo awesome. Uniqlo is sort of like what GAP was going for during the 90s.

I highly recommend their Airism line in undershirts. I got at least one tanktop with a built-in shelf bra and extra underarm pads. I picked up a few UV-blocking cardigans as well.

Stuff I haven't bought from Uniqlo, but have heard good things about: their stretch leggings and their stretch jeans. I've heard their stretch leggings are high quality for the low price. You can have the jeans hemmed for free if the pair is more than a specific amount (I think 2000yen), or if you're getting the pair on sale and the price under that limit, the hemming fee is 500yen.

The yen is now low thanks to Abenomics, so now's the perfect time to shop in Japan.

>> No.8269454

I really enjoyed shopping at the 0101 (Marui) Annex. I also preferred the Harajuku CC over the Shinjuku one, but you should definitely check out both. Laforet is also great for having lots of stores in one location, but the stores are smaller than 0101.

I want to get the Lolita in Tokyo Wonderland guidebook thing. I think Midori was involved in making it if I remember correctly and it includes shopping location guides and cute cafes and other spots. I'll have to track it down on Amazon.jp.

My worst experience was going into those stores for the first time as a a very tall gaijin, dressed poorly, at the peak of summer. I felt like a slob, but everyone was at least polite enough.

The bodyline store was filled an enormous swarm of Japanese teen girls.

>> No.8269510

As a Japanese student, I was taught to not be so direct when asking for directions. You're supposed to softly inquire and then ask, like this:
(Ano...) Sumimasen, *insert place/address* wo shitte imasu ka? (lit. Excuse me, do you know (of) this place?
If they answer yes- Doko desu ka? (Where is it?)

If anything, always start off with sumimasen when requesting something of someone. Starting with an apology makes you seem less direct.

If you don't understand what someone is saying, "Sumimasen, wakarimasen." will suffice. If you need someone to speak slower - "Sumimasen, chotto yukkuri hanashite onegaishimasu."

If you want to know if they speak English- (Sumimasen), Eigo ga dekimasu ka?

Those are the handiest phrases I can think of off the top of my head.

>> No.8269605

Thank you! I have been to the uniqlo in taipei before and I agree, the clothes are good basics, albeit on the safer/plainer side.

Since you mentioned an umbrella, do you know if their airlines in Japan (thinking specifically of Peach) forbid umbrellas in the carry-on? For some reason the airlines in China do not allow it so I've had to toss my umbrella a couple times in the past.

>> No.8269626

How do you pronounce this?
Eh-ee-go? Or Ey-go?

>> No.8269646

ey-go since neither is an extended sound, both e and i are short

>> No.8269708

Actually this is incorrect. When you put two vowels next to eachother you say both of them え い ご. So you are kind of correct in that nothing is extended, however it is still e-i-go. My last name is Maekawa. While many English speakers just say My-ka-wa it really should be Ma-e-ka-wa.

>> No.8269754

I hear it's very rude to point in Japan? If you have pictures or descriptions of things on paper, keep your fingers together and circle the thing you'd normally point at with your middle fingertip. That's what I was taught.

>> No.8269777

Gesture with your full hand.
If you need to get someone's attention to get them closer, you act like you're scooping the air in front of you, palm in your direction.

>> No.8269804

Not that anon but that's how my Japanese teacher (Japanese through and through) taught us to pronouce "eigo" as "ey-go".

It's been so long I forgot the reason, something about the spelling of "eigo" is like two e's but because having two e's next to each other looks weird, for the sake of the word "eigo" is spelled E-I-GO. I think it's similar to the relationship of "O-U" and sounding like "oo", but is spelt O-U.

Your example doesn't work because it's a name with MA and E, so they would be pronounced separately anyway. Something like the name "Mei" would be a better example of E and I next to each other and is usually pronounced separately, but "EIGO" is a different case of its own.

>> No.8269833

>I want to get the Lolita in Tokyo Wonderland guidebook thing. I think Midori was involved in making it if I remember correctly and it includes shopping location guides and cute cafes and other spots. I'll have to track it down on Amazon.jp.

I keep hearing that this will be translated and released in english, but does anyone know when that will be released/if it's actually happening?

>> No.8269844

weebing it out here, but what about like "sugoi"? its not like people say su-go-ee, people say su-goy.in my animes at least.

>> No.8269857

Not sure but if you're talking about a plain old umbrella to cover you from the rain, I imagine you can pick one up at Narita/Haneda airport before you get on the train to your hotel or at a convenience store (they usually sell them for 500yen) after you get off at the train station that's nearest your hotel.

>> No.8269912

>Since you mentioned an umbrella, do you know if their airlines in Japan (thinking specifically of Peach) forbid umbrellas in the carry-on? For some reason the airlines in China do not allow it so I've had to toss my umbrella a couple times in the past.
do you mean a full size umbrella or a compact one? I want to bring my AP cinema doll umbrella, id be heartbroken if i had to toss it.

>> No.8269968

I'm pretty sure they say su-go-ee. It's just that the go-ee is slurred together, kind of like de-su is slurred together.

>> No.8270006

Not sure if this person replying to you is trolling or if I'm misunderstanding their post but I've been to Japan and spoke with locals and they definitely say 'su-goy' like they do in anime

>> No.8270008

Do you people not know what a diphthong is?

>> No.8270022
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>> No.8270539

I was referring to the compact umbrellas that collapse down to fit in your purse. I don't think a full size umbrella meets most airline specs to fit in the overhead or seat below (I could be wrong). Going through security in China, if I had an umbrella in my carry-on they made me get rid of it. I lost 3 or 4 umbrellas this way and last time I went through Narita, they ran my bag through security 3 times before making me throw away a bladeless exacto and pen nibs because it could "scare" other passengers. If it's something you care about then you should probably put it in your bag for check in.

>> No.8270650

Wow, I will also be in Japan all of September!
With the same plans, even.

>> No.8270850

Not a sales experience, but I had wonderful time visiting the Alice in wonderland cafe in Shibuya. Beautiful place and interesting food!

>> No.8270864

Shichaku, not shikaku

I hate when cgl speaks Japanese

>> No.8270870

Harajuku CC lolita floor is always mean as hell. The girl boss with the long acrylic nails is a cold bitch so everyone else follows her lead.

>> No.8270877

I remember that bitch! She got them angry eyes

>> No.8270943

Her nails are fab always

>> No.8271084

Is it your first time as well? I'm flying into tokyo on 9/11; we will have to meet up at some point and have a drink together.

>> No.8271099

That's so terrible anon.

>> No.8271195

Any lolita shopping advice for Kyoto? I know its mostly temples, but I read there's a Meta and Btssb there. I'm going with a group and one of our precious few "free days" is shopping in Kyoto.

>> No.8271215

Closet child Harajuku was a godsend, I picked up so many cute jsks there so I'm happy, was lucky that the store manager was kind that day.

Laforet was nice, except I was shopping with my mom. She talks really loud in Chinese and I try to quiet her down by speaking softer and she doesn't get it. I think it's because of that I got mean looks from the store girl at Baby and AP. I was uncomfortable shopping at the whole complex, but it might have just been my anxiety. Also the girl at H.Naoto sold me a pair of torn gloves that I didn't check carefully until the last day so I couldn't go return it.

In Shinjuku Marui Annex though, the service there was way better. The store managers actually made an effort to communicate with us and were more willing to help if we needed anything. H. Naoto store manager here was super cheerful unlike the one at Laforet, and the girl at meta was super genki as well. When we were done with shopping the ladies at Baby even helped us do tax refund because we had no idea where to do it ourselves. Really nice people at Marui Annex guys, service attitude is super different from the girls at Laforet.

Also CC Ikebukuro is right next to Animate~ fun days. Though they tend to have more sweet stuff in this CC than the other stores, so I definitely had more finds in Harajuku than here (I'm classic).

>> No.8271319

So any tips for someone into Gothic, Punk and Ega?

The two Boz stores are already on my list and so is CC but is there any store of the two CC stores I should prioritize? Tours of CC just look super sweet.

>> No.8271438

Anyone got any tips on NOT getting evil stares from people? I'm white as snow and very tall for a girl, so I'll stick out like a sore thumb. If I were going shopping to Closet Child and stuff, what should I wear? I normally wear lolita every day here, but I reckon wearing it to jp would get me even more stares. Any particular etiquette I should be aware of? Don't wanna get kicked out of shops.

>> No.8271443
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If you go to Osaka, definitely visit the Alice Auaa store. It's near Boz and the interior design is fantastic if you enjoy the gothic aesthetic.

At CC Harajuku, the gothic/punk/ega stuff is on the second floor, which is great because it tends to be less crowded. It's hard to suggest priorities, because you never know when a CC store will have a lucky find - I scored a MMM parasol at the CC Ikebukuro, even though they generally have more sweet stuff, as >>8271215 said. If you're shopping second-hand, the more places you can check out, the more likely you are to get lucky.

>> No.8271454

I don't buy/wear, but I really like the aesthetic. Is it okay to just window shop or will I get the stink eye from shop owners?

>> No.8271458

I had a friend buy me something from AatP once: he's a tall ginger dude who weighs about 300 lbs and they didn't give him any hassle. If anything, you'll get stares because people think you're pretty/exotic, but I doubt you'd get any bad responses.

Artism.jp has listings of upcoming events that might be of interest. Also Midnightmesstokyo on Facebook - both of those are more for music / scene stuff, although Artism runs indie fashion markets that I would love to check out some day.

Christon Cafe is worth visiting for the decor and people-watching, but the food is pretty terrible. There's also the Vampire Cafe in Ginza, if you're interested in more gothic themed restaurants, but that one I haven't been to.

>> No.8271484

What are some big fabric store/cosplay supply store in japan?

>> No.8271590

Nippori Fabric Town is a good area for fabric shopping (obviously!). More info about it here: http://www.tokyocraftguide.com/nippori-fabric-town/ (the blog on that site will also have some other craft-shopping ideas)

Yuzawaya (ユザワヤ) is a chain store similar to Joanne's but better quality, they have a bunch of locations around Tokyo depending on where you are staying. yuzawaya.co.jp

Odakaya has a good selection as well, they're located in Shinjuku. okadaya.co.jp

>> No.8271596

Was he in charge of you or something. I seriously would have politely told him to fuck off. Yes you're in a foreign country but I'd be damned if I let another person ruin my vacation after spending so much money to get there.

>> No.8271604

don't forget to ask for a Point Card. you can get a few discounts with it, I only knew about it when I was at the last day of my trip

>> No.8271729

Visiting in May, likely going to visit Ikebukuro and Akihabara. I'm not worried about finding shopping in either of those places but are there any particular stores people recommend for secondhand cosplay/figures?
I'm super excited but I want to know where to look. Also, do any lolita-oriented shops sell ouji type pieces? I'm a dude and really like the ouji style but it's hard to come by compared to lolita.

Also, what was your budget? Did you set one or just say "fuck it" and spend whatever you wanted?

>> No.8271919

Is this true? If so, I won't bother scanning and doing so myself.

>> No.8271923

Not that anon, but also going in September. Why is everyone choosing September?

>> No.8271926

Personally I'm planning September because that's when I have semester break.

>> No.8271931

Well, judging from the American tourists I've met...

>> No.8271934

Are you fat?

>> No.8271949

Ah, I'm choosing it because it's not the heat of summer and isn't rain season yet. Also it's after a long onsite job I have, so legit time off is necessary.

>> No.8271951

I've considered that too. Wouldn't want to sweat like a white pigu when trying on clothing.

>> No.8272048

I'm the original September anon and I chose that month because it was the earliest my promotional ticket would allow me to fly.

Someone should make a spreadsheet so we can all meet up for a cup of tea or something.

>> No.8272063

Americans usually act poorer in other countries cause were assumed to have lower standards anyway( they hate us, they think we're ___ anyway).They wouldn't pull that stuff in the u.s. because of usually heavier punishment.

>> No.8272090

>implying socially retarded weebs only live in america

>> No.8272189

holy shit, my friend (non-lolita) is going on September too, specifically because as anon said the flights were so cheap on 9/11. I guess it's because the flights are just that cheap around then?

>They wouldn't pull that stuff in the u.s. because of usually heavier punishment.
Try working retail and then tell me that with a straight face.

>> No.8272459
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For second hand figures (and some cosplay) it is definitely Mandarake, then you can try Lashinbang (also, found in Ikebukuro if i remember correctly) and Liberty.

You could also go to Nakano Broadway, they got massive Mandarake there plus small shop that sell anime, vidya stuff.

Lastly, if you are in Akiba wander around small alleyways, there quite a few badly marked small shops that sell used/new goods.

>> No.8272501

September is still summer in Tokyo, average daily temp 80F with 70-80% humidity, making the heat index near 100F, doesn't cool off much at night either. Indoors is only lightly air-conditioned and there is a lot of time spent walking outside. It's also typhoon season.

>> No.8272586

She did have low pigtails actually but I think her hair was brown.

I did wonder if it was the foreigner/ foreign looking thing tbh but I didn't want to do the whole 'is it cos I is white' thing - kinda exchanging one generalisation for another. She did also seem to be deathglaring the other foreign girl in the store though. Not gonna lie, it did kinda cross my mind.

Er no? Pretty much an exact Japanese size M, which makes shopping in theory, pretty straightforward.

>> No.8272588
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It is common in Japan to be thrown from stores? Im a quiet and avergae looking latino girl (so, not much pretty/exoctic) who is planning to go for some weaboo shopping and now I'm afraid of getting kicked.

>> No.8272627

People don't actually stare at you openly in Japan as they do in say, China. Japanese people are pretty polite when it comes to public spaces. They will come up and engage in conversation if they want to know more about you or to tell you they like your hair or whatever. As long as you are behaving in a respectful, polite manner there won't be a problem. Just go into the store and do what everyone else does if you aren't sure.

>> No.8272629

As long as you are polite and respectful you shouldn't have an issue, no matter what you look like. I'm white and my friend was black so we got plenty of stares, but no one ever said anything to us or treated us badly. Most businesses were professional and to them, yen is yen no matter what the customer looks like.

>> No.8272635

If you follow the basic rules of politeness (the ones that actually apply pretty much everywhere) you're not gonna get kicked anon.

As for death glares etc, tbh I have experienced a few 'off' comments from people and dirty looks but when you weigh it up, they're actually pretty few and far between - there are rude and xenophobic idiots in every country and Japan is no exception. There's also the issue where some people are very nervous to talk to foreigners, it's not intended rudeness or discrimination, they're just genuinely shy and may feel awkward and embarrassed; it's a shame but don't take that burden on, it's more about them feeling uncomfortable than you, it's not worth sweating over.

>> No.8272647

you need to add the disclaimer 'in the cities' anon, I got stared at big time whenever I went to smaller towns and villages without many tourists.

>> No.8272667

You're right, I should have specified 'in Tokyo'.

>> No.8272670

Kinji is good for other street fashions and goth. I wouldn't suggest it if you're only really into Lolita or if you've ever been to haight street in SF it's like an over priced American thrift shop.

Also if you're looking for something specific try shinjuku CC because they have some great finds that can get over looked but harajuku CC is best for checking days in a row because good turn over.
Also skip christon cafe if you're thinking about it. If you want to go to the Alice and wonderland cafe in shinjuku go to the one by the odakyu not the one by h and M and Lawson's

>> No.8272676

Eh, I'm the anon that got kicked out of BL Osaka. I literally just stepped in the store and a sales associate ran over, said "No gaijin" and made sure I left. No issues in any other store, was with a friend who lived in Osaka and knew the etiquette, etc.

>> No.8272677

Will people bully me for being ginger
And not a pretty one at that

>> No.8272684
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Shit, I cant even imagine somthing like that happening to me since Im pretty autistic on social issues and these kind of situations really hit me hard.

>> No.8272685

I had no such experience in normal fag clothes but I was mostly buying accessories, socks, bento box and the like. I bought a jsk and a few things though. I didn't bother trying them on though. There were two loud fairly okay looking gaijin Lolita's but they were talking so much drama they were getting all the stares.

>> No.8272688
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ty, Ive been to China and people touched my hair and asked for pics but I had some bad experiences with locals, visited Korea too and they were REALLY nice and friendly, even an old lady from a convenience store gifted me a USB cable even though I was trying to ask for an adapter. I hope to have a nice experience since I was a huge weab and visiting Japan is every weaboo's dream.

>> No.8272691

I've held two full size umbrellas on board but only on American Airlines and that airline that's Abu Dabi based

>> No.8272702


>> No.8272703

Haha, I think I just stood there for a few seconds because I couldn't believe it. I didn't think that actually happened, especially since it was Bodyline and not a burando shop.

>> No.8272718

Anon you probably wouldn't be able to refund them anyway. Always inspect the things before purchase.

>> No.8272719
File: 659 KB, 889x1018, Yeah__haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did your friend in Osaka explained or something?
maybe they had bad experiences with fat obnoxious murican tourists.

>> No.8272729

Check. Out. Book off especially ones with Hobby off in them. It's a bit far but Hachioji has a huge book off, hard off/hobby off and there were cases and shelves full of figures. Even the family Mart limited and such. I got a ton of the milkxmiku stuff for cheap (also Disney pin collectors they have tons and tons of Tokyo Disneyland pins for 100-300 yen as well as all different Tokyo Disneyland limited items)

>> No.8272739

Yup. That's the one. Also air Berlin let me carry it on... And my bags were so over stuffed and over the limit

>> No.8272741

I genuinely thought your comment was a troll tbh, god that's terrible anon. I do think that's pretty exceptional though, although very unfortunate for you of course.

I think the chances of this kinda thing happening are pretty minute.

>> No.8272760

She was really embarrassed that it happened but I honestly think it was just that one sales associate who was racist and not a store policy. It's Bodyline so it's not like I was disappointed on missing out on any rare dream dress but it was weird.

At least I can say I was kicked out of a shop for being a gaijin? I thought it was funny considering Yan's hunt for a foreign wife.

>> No.8272767

they may have done but it's no excuse, tarring people with the same brush for isolated incidents is how prejudice and discrimination spread, add cultural differences and misunderstandings into the mix and people start to see negativity everywhere they look.

The whole 'no foreigners' thing is exceptionally rare in Japan these days though, although nervousness around foreigners still seems fairly common but that's more like this >>8272635

>> No.8272795

I always say book earlier than later because the flights will be cheaper that way. And when you're going to exchange money don't do it at the airport. They charge you a crazy high exchange rate. I'd recommend getting an international master card or take your money out at a bank when you're there.

>> No.8272810

airberlin is decent craic, I like that you get chocolates on your way out.
Turkish Airlines has stolen my heart though, they're unbelievable.

>> No.8272854

Get either a Tuesday or Thursday flight, book about 57 days before your flight. You tend to get way cheaper flights this way.

>> No.8272861


Went at the end of September last year, and ticket prices are pretty low, and good deals to found with hotels too. I think it's because it's not the height of summer anymore at that point, and tourism slows down.

>> No.8273153

Ou isn't pronounced the same as oo though.

I was thought that two vowels next to each other, you pronounce both but they sort of flow into the other. So rather than, say, ey-ii-go, as thee syllables, it'd be like eyii-go, where both the e and I are pronounced, but it's quick and they lead one into the other as one syllable.

And the ou is more like "ouh" rather than the short o, the sound is more drawn out. Like the sound in the word "dough" vs in "don't"

>> No.8273490

What about hotels and hostels though? Book those at the same time or earlier?

For those who stayed in hostels, did you have enough room for your shopping?

>> No.8273559

Ou and oo are generally pronounced exactly the same. If you're going to Japan and want to know how to pronounce things well, just watch a how-to-speak Japanese video or two on YouTube. The pronunciation is rather simple.
Agreeing with the other anon that /cgl/ can't into Japanese for shit.

I've never had a bad experience at CC Harajuku, but I admit the staff can be a bit cold. I prefer the Ikebukuro location, though, as I've found rarer items there.
Laforet in general stresses me out for some reason, and I dislike the AP shop there. The Shinjuku shop is nicer.
However, Innocent World's Harajuku staff have always been super sweet to me. Baby was also really nice/outgoing.
If you're going shopping, I'd recommend skipping the petticoat since a lot of the shops (esp CC) are tiny. While you will see girls in full poof, I find I get a lot more states and have a harder time navigating when I do. Also, nothing like being crammed into the Yamanote in a huge AP petti.
Places like koenji, kichijoji, and shimokita are good for vintage shopping, but I've found a lot of thrift in japan is second-rate; it will basically be shit you could find in the west but overpriced.
Don don down occasionally has really good stuff, though.
Definitely check out Q-Pot, and if you're into Korean cosmetics (or food) take a trip over to Shin-Ōkubo.

>> No.8273752


Book earlier. You'll get stuck with a shithole that stinks of cigarettes once all the good hotels are booked out.

>> No.8273799

One of the sales assistants was very kind and helpful at AP Hiroshima. She even used her translator on her phone to communicate with me at times.

>> No.8273853

No there's no english version in planning. I think anon was confused because there is a small amount of english in the book already.

>> No.8274380


Japanese major here.
When pronouncing words like eigo or sugoi, it will sound like ey-go and su-goy when you say it quickly. If you try to make these words three syllables by saying eh-EE-go and su-go-EE, you'll just sound awkward.

>> No.8275058

Ah, is that what it is? Earlier before it was released there was a rumor on here that it would be fully translated.

Thanks, then! I'll just get the book as-is and eagerly await anon's translation >>8271919

>> No.8275238

Those girls were ridiculous, but you come off as a cunt

>> No.8275468

this is so weird.. I went into Osaka BL several times and the staff was very helpful and laid back.. Not even over-attentive 'shit they're going to fuck everything up!!' or anything. Just available if you needed something.. I wonder if they had a bad day or..?

>> No.8275600

the image in my head is so qt3.14

>> No.8276196

Oh right. Thanks!

>> No.8276235

Fuck i mistyped that. my bad.

>> No.8276389

I'm actually visiting in May, more of a cosplayer though. I'm planning on hitting up ACOS and places like that, but does anyone have any recommendations? And has anyone been to Hacostadium or the COSSETs before? I've been thinking about going an doing a shoot, just wondering if anyone's gone before or has any tips. (If it helps, I've done Japanese for 9 years, so language isn't so much of a barrier.)

>> No.8277280

Our friends brought their younger child into some stores with them on our Tokyo trip. He even had a few meltdowns but they were never asked to leave. As long as you are polite you should be fine.

>> No.8277318
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Went on a shopping trip down Takeshita around the end of March. Found some really big cute sweaters at Listen Flavor. Red one has a hood, grey one doesn't. Lots of other cool stores, not enough cash or room my suit case for more stuff though.

>> No.8277329
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Hubby got some nice handmade leather shoes from some shoe store down that way. Not sure what the place was called but the dude who made them makes a lot of the other shoes he sells there too. Both of the stores we bought stuff from were really nice and spoke good English.

>> No.8277337

With the airline weight limits, how did you guys take your hauls home? Shipping? If so, from the hotel? Go to a Japanese post office? How easy/difficult was it if you're not great at Japanese?

I want to go do some shopping at the secondhand stores etc but this part overwhelms me a little.

>> No.8277342

well some non-asians that act up aboard think this way. Not weeb exclusive.

>> No.8277377

Not exactly heavy punishment but self resistance. Being annoying abroad will just label you as some rowdy American. In the u.s mall security would come and It would be on your record. Your actions reflect your nationality instead of you personally , behavior is dependent on how much you care about being American/ representing a country .

>> No.8277386

What you should do is this:
Pack light, put a small collapsable suitcase in the bottom of the one you're using, and when you get to Japan just go crazy and buy whatever you want, and use the second suitcase as either a second checked bag or a second carryon since the fees for those are $25-50 and saves you a ton on shipping and there's no wait for your stuff.

>> No.8277421

This makes me really sad because I know exactly where you're talking about and that's not even a fun part. I would have strong armed my way to the 109 at least.

>> No.8277442

Every flight I was looking at were charging a hundred dollars or more for a second bag and neither could be over 50-60 lbs each... This is from US to Japan, where are you finding that's so cheap for another bag?

>> No.8277462

Me and a few of my friends tried to sneak off to find the more interesting streets. We found two neat back-alley shops but that was all.

It wasn't necessarily a vacation. It was when I was still in high school, a third-party organization took ~30 students from the area to go all around the country. It was one of the best experiences in my life, but this was by far the worst point.

>> No.8277479


A few more:

"How much is this?"
- Kore wa eekurah de soo ka?

"Sorry, I cannot speak Japanese."
- Gomenasai, watashi wa nee hon go wo ha na sei ma sen."

>> No.8277485


Never forget the ever important

Where is the bathroom? (Sumimasen, to ee reh wa doko desuka?)
Where is the bank? (Sumimasen, ginko wa doko desuka?)

>> No.8277512
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No, I lived in Japan for a year in high school on exchange. It has been almost a decade since visiting.
My friends in Japan told me September is best month. They also have a vacation around the third week and will have time to travel with me.

I would love to meet up! I will be there September 2-30th traveling across the country.
Shoot me an e-mail!

>> No.8277521

Doh. There's no e-mail field anymore.
Hit me at: hanj (at) shazzlemail (dot) com

>> No.8277557

Due to a miscalculation in travel plans, I'm stuck in Tokyo for two days in June. I'd like to make the most out of it. Which shops do you recommend visiting for jfash/general weeby things? Are there any food places you recommend?

>> No.8277657
File: 54 KB, 400x300, 400t_RIMG11126WM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a lolita, but I studied in Kyoto.
The best shopping area is the Kawaramachi area.
This is where the big department stores are- Baby is located in OPA- which has lots of the main fashion brands (mostly gyaru, but some more generic cute accessories stores as well).
There are many second hand clothing stores (perhaps vintage would be a better term) on Gokamachi Street and Teramachi Street- the two main covered shopping streets. They sell a lot of lacy shirts, dresses and accessories. Metamorphose is also located on Teramachi.

Thankfully, the main shopping area in Kyoto is pretty centralised- most of the main brands and shops are located in the Kawaramachi area. Heading out to suburbs where all the temples are- there's pretty much no clothing stores aside from ones catering to obaachans.

>> No.8277723

"too ee reh"
too good, anon. too good.

>> No.8277725

sue me maw sen. toy ray wah doecoe deh sue caw.

>> No.8277878

what the fuck airline are you looking at? american charges $20 for 1st bag, $25 for the 2nd . get the credit card and you get a free checked bag.
>srsly getting free checked bags is not hard

>> No.8277913

It was some asian airlines that had the cheapest flights I was looking at. US based airlines were getting into waaay higher prices, like several hundred dollars more, for when I was looking at (would have been around this next month, but these are prices I was looking at months ago).

>> No.8277923

Really? JAL lets you check 2- 50 lbs pieces of luggage for free...

>> No.8277932

Maybe it was just the time I was looking at. It was pushing really close to Golden Week and partially into it as well.

>> No.8277955

I'm not talking about price. I'm talking about how pretty much all the asian airlines (JAL, ANA, asiana, singapore air, etc) let you check 2 pieces of luggage for free, so I'm not sure what airlines you're even looking at.

>> No.8277960

I don't remember, honestly. It wasn't a major one like JAL though, I think it was some southeast asian based airline. It actually might have been Singapore Air? I just remember there was an alert on the booking page that said the flight had a weight restriction and the additional bag fee was ridiculous.

>> No.8278216

Harajuku for jfash
Akihabara for otaku
Ikebukuro for female otakus

>> No.8278473

I know about Harajuku and Akihabara, but what goes on in Ikebukuro?

>> No.8278482

Saying anata (you) can be seen as rude, so instead say:

ishouni shashin o totte moii desu ka?

Which means: may we take a photo together?

>> No.8278784

>felt the need to point out their japanese skills
because native english speakers are entitled as tits and never make a single attempt to at least learn a few words in the local language.
I work in a museum and Brits/Americans just expect everyone to speak English and get upset when you don't, because 'you're supposed to'. You're supposed to speak Finnish in Finland, but I don't see you doing that either.
Even in places like Hungary I at least learnt how to say hello, thank you and goodbye. And they wonder why French people are mean to them, it's hard to resist when you prance around expecting people to kiss your ass for being a tourist and spending your money in my country. Some of them got upset that they couldn't pay in dollars.

>> No.8278793

Swallowtail butler cafe, lots of otome clothing shops, Pokemon Centre Mega Tokyo, animu shops...

>> No.8278827

Anyone been to Swallowtail Cafe before?

I'm heading to Japan in December and plan to go there, but if it's nothing special I'd rather put that money towards more shopping.

>> No.8278829

Kek. Because only native English speakers are entitled assholes. Kay.

>> No.8278874

Try to find Copo socks. They definitely have a store in Nakano Broadway but may be in Harajuku too. They sell super cute OTKs in some awesome designs for about ¥300.

>> No.8278889

When it comes to speaking English, yeah they are? Stop trying to change the subject.

>> No.8278895

It's very nice - expect a kind of fancy high tea environment in an old mansion. The butlers are very attentive (take your bags and coat, fill up your tea every time they go past etc) The price is around 3,500 yen for the set meals (no entry price) which are kind of like normal high tea fare (savoury or sweet option with entree, main and dessert plate with tea for example). Fun experience if you are into Kuroshitsuji!

>> No.8278898

Did anyone see Deerstalker's Osaka shopping video? Are all brand stores in bad areas like this? https://youtu.be/Hh8WG1Sz1MQ?list=PLBF1bunVkBguyKV5gGSi02CWVQJdWqjEU

>> No.8278919

You can't do anything yourself (pour tea, get your bag, change plates, go to the toilet). No photos. The one or two staff that can badly speak English will awkwardly slightly interact with you.

>> No.8278926

That's 100% normal for Japan... mix of old and new buildings, shady places next to or in the same building as legit businesses, hotels and stuff everywhere, stores in apartment buildings, etc. There are very few actual "dangerous" areas

>> No.8279947

Thank you! I'm pretty sure we are going to Teramachi, I'll keep an eye out for meta.

>> No.8280484
File: 336 KB, 1000x645, kamagasaki-slum4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad areas
>heavily visited back alleys and residential areas in an incredibly save part of town
Just because it's a naturally grown town and not a shopping mall, it's not a bad area. I hope the creepy music was just a joke and they realize that.

>> No.8280557

thanks for all your helpful info, anon.

>> No.8280561

Otome Road
Animate Flagship Store
Animate on Otome Road
K books
Closet Child
Milky Way Cafe

some serious cgl shit right there, honestly more excited for Ikebukuro than Akiba.

>> No.8281137

Going to Japan for the first time in June as a college trip.

>tfw no lolita gf to spend ridiculous amounts of money on

>> No.8281205


only in 'MURICA

>> No.8281325

Same!! Last time I went to Ikebukuro I stayed at the Sunshine City Prince Hotel. Right outside the connecting exit between the hotel and the mall is an Axes Femme store (omg most of my closet) and outside that mall is Otome Road. I really like the location a lot and the mall itself next to the hotel sells a lot of cute everyday clothes!!

And if you keep walking towards the subway you'll come across the Animate for Cosplay stuff. You can get directions/mini map from the ladies at the counter from this Animate for the main Ikebukuro Animate (at least that's what I did) and when you get there you'll see the Closet Child too!

asdjfds I didn't come across the Milky Way cafe, but I will go next time! Thanks for the tip anon.

>> No.8283486


>> No.8283643

what should i expect shopping in Harajuku for non lolita stuff?

is everything expensive? are there any cheap shoes, accessories, or general jfashion?

>> No.8283646

The stuff in Takeshita Dori is going to be more expensive. If you want casual jfash for cheap, check out WEGO down the street.

>> No.8283651

thank you anon!

>> No.8285472

Evangelion store in Ikebukuro too (if you like the anime)

>> No.8285487

Has anyone gone to the qpot cafe? How was it?

>> No.8286262

seconding. it looks like portions are so small and expensive, doesnt seem worth it with all the other really great cafes around..

>> No.8288172

AP Osaka has much friendlier customer service compared to Tokyo.
When I walked into AP Osaka I was immediately treated like a goddamn princess whereas in Tokyo they treated me and my friends like we'd ruin the clothes just because we were gaijin (speaking great japanese and well dressed mind you). Dunno why.

>> No.8288173

Also Amemura is a great place to shop in general in Osaka, lots of cute shops~

>> No.8288754

>Can I take a picture with you - (Anata to) Shashin wo tottemo ii desu ka?
I would really advise against asking to take photos with someone unless you are at Disney and they are a character or something

I traveled with KLM and I couldn't take a full size umbrella with me because it exceeded all baggage measurements and wouldn't fit in my suitcase. I looked this all up beforehand and posted it to myself via SEA mail. Took a few months but worth it.

Speaking as a fatty-chan I had nothing but good experiences during my trip. I recommend knowing what cuts typically fit you from different brands. I never asked to try anything on just picked up stuff I liked in cuts that would fit and went straight to pay - had no trouble with shop assistants.

>> No.8288795

Milky Way is only good for their drinks/parfaits. Wouldn't recommend actually having a meal there; go after dinner for dessert or as afternoon tea or something.

AP Shinjuku is a lot better than Harajuku. The Harajuku manager (Candy) is an absolute bitch, her salt levels would put /cgl/ to shame.

>> No.8288837

Has anyone been to Evangelion World at Fuji Q highland? I'm a huge Eva nerd, but is it worth it?

>> No.8288852

Question for anyone - I'm American average/small, but in Japan, I'm probably on the 'chubby' side of things. Will this cause people in brand stores to take me less seriously?

>> No.8288918

Unless you are ridiculously overweight or have struggle to fit into brand without stretching it, nobody will care. Just be polite and take care of your appearance. If you are looking unkept or messy, it will draw more negative attantion to you than your weight.

>> No.8288935

Just use the ATM at the post office. Post offices are all over and the ATMs accept foreign debit cards. Some stores can not accept foreign credit cards. My boyfriend had more luck with MasterCard than I had with visa.

>> No.8288941

When you say average or small even what do you really mean? I see streetshots of girls on the chubbier side all the time, I don't think being heavier than tiny is a problem.

>> No.8288996

Is the exchange rate/fee at those ATM's decent vs a currency changer somewhere? Apart from airport ones, I know those are awful.

>> No.8289088

5'4, 127 lbs, size small or medium depending on the fit (usually an american 4 in tops and an american 6 in bottoms)

>> No.8289460

As far as I know, the only banks that process foreign debit cards are the Japanese Post Bank, 7 Bank (7-11 ATMs), and Citibank. I don't believe they charge any fees (Japan post definitely does not), but your bank likely will unless you have free foreign withdrawals. I ended up paying $90 in bank fees to my bank, but that was over 6 weeks of travel with a couple dozen withdrawals in a few different countries. Japanese ATMs often have open and closing hours, so try to always have enough cash on hand. I recommend always having a few hundred on you. Japanese people tend to also carry lots of cash and stores are fine breaking small bills. The exchange rate was pretty good from what I remember. If anyone has better info, please correct me.

>> No.8289703

In terms of how the food actually tastes, it's a lot better than the other theme cafes

MIlky Way doesn't let you split bills - good to note if you're with friends.
Who are you that always hates on the manager?

That's pretty average for JP

>> No.8292129

Does anyone know what days and where/when kera and gothic lolita bible go out to take street snaps?

>> No.8293156

Ah, the question everyone wants to ask but is too afraid to.

Er Sat and Sun mostly I think? But other anons may have a better idea.

>> No.8293338

I put the "can i take a picture with you" down for my own purposes. I'm expecting the people to ask to take photos with me...
I'm 5'11 and I've heard from /cgl/ that if you stand out as a foreigner sometimes some students will ask for photos.

>> No.8293372

Osakans are generally nicer people than people in Tokyo.

>> No.8296765

I find this funny as Tokyo folk (hell, and a lot of non-Osakans throughout Japan) bang on about how rude they are.

>> No.8296877

Eva World is pretty worth it imo. Lots of cool bits and photo ops and a nice gift shop at the end...

Fuji Q in general is insanely worth it though. Best rollercoasters I've been on in my life

I'm 5'2 and 170lbs and was a pretty big fattychan in Japan and people were still extremely lovely with me in all brand shops. 6%Dokidoki girls would help me with checking measurements and shirring, tokyo AP staff would help me with suggestions for coords and items and measurements, lingerie store in laforet was lovely as well even though I bought literally their biggest size. Kokokim staff let me try stuff on no problem, and even the Swankiss staff was lovely even though I was like 10x the size of their target audience.

tldr; everyone in tokyo is lovely, even to fatty gaijin-chans. The PUNYUS staff in shibuya 109 are some of my favorite girls.

>> No.8297213

If you're a foreigner that has a feature that really stands out (really tall over 6ft, natural blonde or red hair, etc) than you'll have people approach you to asking for a pic? I saw a group of young school girls ambush a tall Australian guy and his gf for a photo in Kyoto. Asking "ken wee taka pikaturr puh-leeze?" (can we take picture please?)

There are surprisingly a lot of Nigerians in Tokyo acting as club promotors, so if you're black you're more than likely just ignored.

>> No.8297215

Osakan's are more down to earth, and the city is composed of more blue collar workers. The people in Tokyo are generally more polite, but also more snobbish in general.

>> No.8297221

Even if your hair isn't natural, as long as it looks natural people will ask for pictures. I have natural black hair that I dye ash blonde and everyone was asking me for photos still.

>> No.8297256

I'd actually like to know what it's like for the tall Amazonians when shopping in Japan (or just being there in general)? I'm tall and plan to go to Japan later this year so just want to know if I should expect anything.

>> No.8297261

I'm taller than pretty much every man and all the women and pretty much everyone is either really fascinated/excited or intimidated as fuck. Some of the shop girls basically waited on me hand and foot because they seemed a bit scared.

>> No.8297265

Damn, really? It sucks when people are intimidated.

>> No.8297267

Yeah, it kind of sucks. I remember some goth girls swooning over how awesome i'd look in goth though.

>> No.8297401

Oh dang, I didn't think about that. I have red hair and freckles- would I really get much attention because of it?

>> No.8297521

watch this

>> No.8298021

are there any other second hand lolita stores other than closet child worth visiting?

>> No.8299631

I'm really surprised by all these accounts of rude xenophobic bitches in CC. When I went to Osaka, everyone was completely lovely apart from a few awkward old people and this weird bitch in a lolita store in Amemura. And I'm chubby, whiter than apple pie, and dress tsuyome gyaru. If I can walk through Namba station dressed like a member of Black Diamond and not get any stares or rude comments, I don't understand how people are getting so much shit for going to a lolita store, dressed appropriately for the store. But then given that weird bitch in Amemura, maybe you just get a lot of bitches working in lolita shops. Makes sense to me, given, well lolitas. I can tell you the staff in gyaru shops have been incredibly friendly to me though, especially in d.i.a- I barely speak any Japanese and the staff didn't speak English, but they were still incredibly friendly to me and really surprised/happy that I came in already wearing one of their belts. They didn't really seem to know that they have a good following abroad too.

>> No.8299638

Osaka is also generally a lot nicer/friendlier than Tokyo, though. I swear to god half this city has a stick up its ass.
I wish there was a store dedicated to secondhand "casual" brands like Liz Lisa, amavel, etc. Fururun is nice, but they get so little stock.

>> No.8299644

I found the girls at Shibuya 109 incredibly nice, especially the One Spo and Liz Lisa ones. They were happy to talk to me in somewhat broken english, the one spo girls even whipped out her phone to show me her instagram lol.

I'm going back in June but I do want to go all dressed in lolita but after hearing all those sort of negative stories about the more bitchy girls in AP/CC I'm might just skip out and look longingly into the stores and buy online lol

>> No.8299893

Don't hold back anon! I went into all the CC stores in Tokyo during my stay and had no trouble at all despite being typical fatty gaijin. The worst thing that could happen is they give you cold looks so why not go and shop!

>> No.8300251

don't skip out just cause somebody's a bitch.

>> No.8300264

>whiter than apple pie
but..apple pie is yellow?

>> No.8300277

If you're so concerned about bitchy shopgirls then buy your shit at AP Shinjuku instead of AP Harajuku. The Shinjuku girls are nicer.

>> No.8300280

are the lolita shops in shinjuku close to one another?

>> No.8300298
File: 366 KB, 720x414, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it easy to run into cute socks and tights while just shopping and walking around in Harajuku?

>> No.8300305

Yes they are everywhere

>> No.8300900

are they as cheap as the ones on ebay? ¥300?

>> No.8300918

some shops just sell socks but they usually are around 6 to 10 dollars

>> No.8300950

Why don't you just search them on google maps? That's what I've been doing. Added all the locations to my favorites too which displays them as starts on the map.

>> No.8301411

Uh there are all the 3pair for 1080¥ deal stores

>> No.8301458

How much yall saved up for purely shopping?

>> No.8302492

Thanks anons! I'm azn so hopefully I'll blend in. I'll definitely try out the AP Shinjuku next time. I didn't have time to explore there last time. Do the girls give funny looks if you're dressed in a different brand especially in their stores (wearing IW and going into AP)?

I wish I had balls/time/money last November for lolita.

>> No.8302495

KERA Snap is not random. It's pre-arranged by popular bloggers or models managers and agencies. They meet at a specific time on a specific day in a specific outfit (sunday afternoon usually). It's not just "you looked good and they happened to be around"...

Not sure about GLB though.

>> No.8302704

Well, that kinda destroyed my dreams a bit, but also I like a bit of juicy insider type info, swings and roundabouts I guess.

A friend of mind was snapped by Kera several times when they were hanging around Camden, London, and they really did just stop them and take some pics that ended up in the magazine. Has the prearranged thing always been the way of things do you know, or is it just within Japan?

>> No.8302813

I'm thinking around $2000. I have more than that saved up but I don't want to spend it all on shit and I want to carry everything I buy back home in my luggage.

>> No.8303046

$1000, but I'm worried it won't be enough...

>> No.8303053

So. my friend just got a job at her old school, so she's going to be there for 3 years. She lives on the west coast though, but there's a train from the main city into tokyo area. She's already planning for when we visit, gonna be fun! Anyone have any suggestions for anything to do/see/buy?

>> No.8304539

If you go to harajuku on sunday, will you get to see all the wild jfash, or is it a myth/outdated?

>> No.8304805

Just want to say the girls at Baby in Laforet and the Photo service place there (Maison de Juliet I think it was called) were super sweet during my visit.

AP girls in Laforet didn't strike me as rude, just low energy. Especially when I think of how above and beyond the other sales associates were in many of the other shops.

>> No.8304882

>Maison de Julietta

I've never heard of this before. I'm going there next month so I googled it. It looks cute as fuck.

>> No.8305157

I was shopping at Harajuku's gigantic H&M for cheapo normal fag skirts and I saw the hottest clerk ever. I swear she was at least 175 cm tall (plus heels) she had a strawberry blonde pixie cut and a ripped denim vest. Oh god I wanna go back.

>> No.8305171

No, some of it is prearranged but most of it is random. I mean, the snaps of their current models or popular models are prearranged, but the rest are random unless you go to one of their events.

>> No.8305444

Do sales associates usually try to give advice, bring you sizes, other clothing that you might like etc? Or rather will they do that it you're gaijin?

>> No.8307060

I got charged twice when i used my card at the Post bank..so i think its about $2.50. 7/11 charges about the same. At least for one year ago about.
Japanese carry alot of cash on them, you probably only have to worry about other forigners and if you go out out/lose things easily.

>> No.8307083

No the kera snap is once a month in a certain city. Its in the back of the kera magazine what city and time it will be at. Some months in fukuoka.

There are sometimes random street snaps though.

>> No.8307103

It may be the only day youll see more then 2 or 3 lolitas at at time.
But its also extremely packed. You are a sardine in a strong current and its really hard to get out or stop.

in my experience they did, i may have asked like "osusume(recommend(ed))" in my at the time poor japanese knowledge. And they suggested a purse, bolero, blouse, accesories, wrist cuffs ect to my jsk. It helped that i just kept saying yes to everything so they kept adding more items to my purchase. I also didnt ask to try anything on.

>> No.8307129

I was called "like Paris Hilton" by one of the sales assistant at 109, lol. I hope it wasn't in negative way, at least she seemed excited.

>> No.8307150

I was told I couldn't afford a dress at one of the H.Naoto stores. I could. I had enough money easily (I had a very extensive budget that trip). They refused to sell it to me though even after I said I could pay the total. Not sure if it was because I'm a gaijin or not- Honestly I think it was a specialty piece not meant to be sold to walk in customers since I've seen that at high end stores before, but that wasn't what I was told. It was a bummer because the dress was stunning- impractical but stunning. I could've worn it to a dinner or formal event.

On a positive note though I've always been treated nicely at Laforet and at the Bodyline in Osaka. I think the friendliest service was at Putumayo where an older lady helped me make a complete coord and didn't mind stripping the mannequin down because it had the last matching socks, or going behind the counter to see if they had better matching accessories, etc. Just super helpful despite my Japanese being shit.

I was at the grand opening of the KOKOkim store in 109 and it was wonderful too. I got a few free gifts like a mirror and posters. A store assistant was nice enough to tell me that all college students got a discount at that time if they went to a sign in area downstairs, and they were willing to hold the clothes I was going to buy while I claimed my discounts. It was just general courtesy but really nice and appreciated. I wish I bought more while I was there tbh.

>> No.8307161

I want to go to KOKOkim, but I seem to be a little bigger than their target demographic. I have a 34 inch bust and 27 inch waist and from what I've seen, their clothes are tiny. For KOKOkim and for shopping in general, are they still nice to you if you're a non-petite gaijin?

>> No.8307169


>Japanese skills/small asian-ness

It means they were mistaken for being Japanese instead of tourists and blend right into the background, shop staff probably treated them like locals instead of tourists.

I thought the story was hilarious, personally. That manager telling the customer on the phone "yes but a gaijin customer is trying it on right now" is pretty funny.

>> No.8307192

I thought a 34 inch bust was quite small! I have one and I fit into unshirred ETC and VM and other brands that are apparently small. I mean 27 inch waist might be a bit much for some skirts but it doesn't seem that bad, and certainly doesn't look big unless the rest of you is. Even by japanese standards you aren't huge or anything.

>> No.8307238

A bunch of girls from my uni are in Japan for a year to study, and they recently did a shoot in Hacostadium. They used the sports hall? I think. I feel like if they didn't get kicked, you'll be fine, Anon. They looked like they had fun.

>> No.8307244

French people are just rude to tourists generally speaking. The South was mostly polite (perhaps because they get all the rich folks with their summer homes there) but every time I've been to northern France it's been overall unpleasant.

To keep this on topic;

We got told to stop picking things up in an Asian store in Newcastle (I know, I know) and now I'm crazy paranoid that it's something you shouldn't do. Are they okay with you handling stock?
I'm clean enough and don't seem particularly clutsy. Maybe he thought we were trying to steal things.

>> No.8307249

>"yes, we still have it, but you'll have to hurry. a gaijin customer is trying it on right now."

10/10 anon. Lol at all these butthurt white girls replying.

>> No.8307252

Are you sure they told you you couldn't afford it? That sounds ridiculously retarded of them. Maybe it was a display or design only piece?

>> No.8307255

the only place i got even semi touchy was closet child but even then i mostly only touched the hangers. I think if you dress nice, clean and touch things as if they are glass youll be fine.

>> No.8307338

Could anyone elaborate a little on general in-store etiquette etc for fellow anons? Is respectfully taking clothing off the rail to get a better look at it for example considered ok? How about gently sifting through the racks/rails etc?

I've heard that this sort of thing can be frowned on, even if you not say, rummaging through stuff like an ass or picking up everything in sight etc.

What is the best way to browse and examine mechanise in general?

So many questions, thanks in advance.

>> No.8307361

When I was in Japan it was only Americans that were cringe worthy.
>actually bonded with some Canadians on mt Fuji over mutual annoyance of how we had seen 'mericans acting
It feels good to be racist.

>> No.8307375

Not enough. I spent $2-3k for shopping and I was very restrained in my spending...

>> No.8307392

same here, I'm learning from my mistakes and I'm putting a grand away till November (since Feb)... then I release the fury.

>> No.8307400

Positive. They even showed me the price on a calculator (after converting the yen to USD. I don't know why they did that since I had yen and already knew the conversion rate, but let's say they were being "hospitable" at that point?) I told them it wasn't unreasonable / showed them my credit card and they refused to sell it. Mind you I had finished shopping at Laforet that day and had bags in hand, so I really don't see why they didn't think I couldn't afford it? I had a shopping bag that was literally tearing because it was filled with too much stuff. I honestly think they were trying to say it was a display piece/ not for sale, but it was fucking weird that they kept saying how expensive it was. The end total honestly wasn't even as expensive as I thought it'd be because of all the hype. I could've probably bought it but by that point I was in a foul mood and left. Really there was an awful smugness going on inside the store so I can't say if I came in on a bad day, I looked too gaijin trash, or if the sales person was being a dick. Probably all three.

I'm about the same measures as you actually! My problem is I have kinda chubby biceps, so one of my raglan shirts is really snug on me, but that's a typical issue I have with raglans. I got the Love Hospital dress and parka, and while the parka is perfect/easy to wear and really cute, the dress is too short on me. I'm only 5'3", but I have a bit of an ass, so the tiny tulle skirt does not work at all for me and I have yet to wear it. I'm thinking of just buying a soft tulle skirt or really thin/light shorts to wear under it just for a little extra coverage. I have yet to wear a pintuck shirt I got from them too, but it looks like I might struggle with the armholes again. The waist fit for some items should be fine on you. When in doubt, stick to the looser fit dresses.

>> No.8307421

With all this talk about chub it's got me kind of nervous. I am currently at 99/73/90 (39/28/35). I've been to Japan before but it was purely for travel this time I have put money aside for lolita and some more casual jfash. I have no real problem buying online because I can always check measurements before I buy but I am kind of scared of being shunned in shops now and the shop girls not so secretly praying I don't try anything one. I'm going to try to lose a bit more weight before I go but if I don't I really hope I don't have any problems because of it.

>> No.8307430

Your waist measurement is fine, but boobs will stretch things out a bit - just get stuff that's stretchy material. I'm 94/77/97 and my waist is like, max.

>> No.8307456

But what did you buy? You shouldn't assume everyone is going to buy the same in value and quantity.

>> No.8307778

>Lol at all these butthurt white girls replying.
the fuck is wrong with you? do you really love being Asian that much, you racist piece of shit?

>> No.8307895

Seconding please!
I don't want to fuck my dream up

>> No.8307994

>Don't speak loudly/yell at a friend across the store
>Don't wear heavy makeup when shopping, you might not be allowed to try things on
>Don't use the phone in the store
>Ask before trying things on
>Place the money in the little tray near the cashier rather than handing it to them directly

>> No.8308002

Don't worry about it, I'm way bigger than you and had no trouble. Know your measurements and what dress cuts fit you, look like a serious customer rather than someone who wants to take pictures because 'lol japan'. You'll be fine don't stress it!

>> No.8308007

Is a 73 cm waist really considered chub these days? I need to adjust my perception of myself.

>> No.8308584

gaijin isnt in insult. She implied that something could happen to the item(probably ripping) because she was'nt Asian.

>> No.8308592

>>8307361 see >>8277377

>> No.8308632

>racist against Americans

>> No.8308636

A Maxicimam shopgirl told me I was too thin for their brand and I shouldn't bother trying things on in broken English. It was really cute

>> No.8308925

>Don't use the phone in the store

why exactly? what about to look up how to ask something in japanese?

>> No.8309097

Pretty sure they meant like talking on your phone.

>> No.8309132

That doesn't make you any less of a tit.
In fact it's even worse, because you KNOW you're an annoying cunt but choose not to care.

Now I live in a country that heavily depends on American heritage tourism and as good as the older people are, the middle-aged tourists and below are a shower of wankers with their heads spelunking up their arseholes, every single one. If eugenics were a thing in the States, by god I'd support it.

>> No.8309383 [DELETED] 

Okay cool thanks
Awesome, I think I am generally pretty polite in stores and I will be looking to buy .
It's not a huge measurement but it is a bit chubby, the rest of my body is pretty chubby too, like I have very thick legs as well. It's possible to look a lot thinner than me with the same waist measurement.

>> No.8310676

Yep I meant talking on the phone. Don't try and take photos inside the store though too.
It's mostly common sense shop, the only thing that's unexpected is the last point on how to handle money. You should be fine though, good luck!

>> No.8310710

I might be visiting Japan this summer with my dad for a trip before I go off to college and... neither of us speak a word of Japanese.

How fucked am I? Should I suggest we go somewhere else? We haven't booked yet and I don't have my heart set on going.

>> No.8310804

Uh, gaijin can be an insult depending on contract. If someone calls you a gaijin directly in your face, that is definitely meant as an insult, because the proper term for foreigner is gaikokujin.

>> No.8310882

Meh, I got a Japanese-speaking butler and he didn't interact with me much, either. I actually preferred that he didn't interact except when necessary (and a bell is set at your table in case you have question or a request).

The butlers at Swallowtail are not there to make conversation with customers, they're just very attentive, polite, well-dressed male waiters. In this they're like the Cure Maid Cafe, where food is actually high quality and the maids are only polite, well-spoken waitresses who don't do any of that cutesy moe crap that is the selling point of all other maid cafes.

Yes, in Swallowtail you can request to purchase a laminated photo of a particular butler who strikes your eye, but it's not a mandatory charge. The food is decent French cuisine, their tea selection is lovely, and the settings with curtains and chandeliers are gorgeous. Most clientele were women, but they welcome men and the children of clients as well. A lot of the clientele were dressed in lolita and otome, too.

I would definitely go again to Swallowtail for just having a nice, relaxing lunch to myself or with friends in a beautiful atmosphere.

>> No.8310886

Depending on context*, not contract, sorry

>> No.8310887

gaijin is just an abbreviation

>> No.8311459

Actually, both sides are true in a way.

gai - jin = foreign/outside person
gai - koku - jin = foreign/outside country person

Yes, gaijin and gaikokujin are used interchangeably by some Japanese.

But depending on CONTEXT on how it's used, gaijin CAN carry a heavier implication that you're an outsider and don't belong.

It's also seen as a bit crass to say a term that can imply someone is an outsider, when instead you could have just referred to their nationality.

The word gaijin is also among a list of words that Japanese newscasters are instructed not to use while they're speaking on the air.

Here's a discussion for reference: http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1014413700

An equivalent in English may be a kindly old grandfather who says Jap interchangeably with Japanese. Maybe that was perfect normal during the old days and he actually doesn't mean any ill will to an entire country, but the shorter word carries a weight that most polite society and certainly newscasters would never use in front of an actual Japanese person.

Sage for off-topic.

>> No.8311473

>tfw japanese grandmother refers to herself as jap because they don't care

>> No.8311489

Honestly, while may be a bit difficult, it won't be impossible if you stay within the Tokyo metropolis. The weather will be uncomfortable, but I really think you will enjoy yourselves as long as you prepare for it and plan.

Most signs at train stations are printed in English, and many restaurants have menus in English. But you should still take the effort to learn basic sentences so that you're polite (thank you, excuse me, I'm sorry, where is the bathroom, sorry I don't speak Japanese, etc.). Most people will appreciate that you've at least made the effort to learn a little of the language. When times get tough/awkward but you have to communicate, you can Google Translate on your phone, or hand gestures if you can't get Internet.

Also, rent a portable WiFi hotspot. I used Global Advanced Communications. Contact them about your trip and dates of your stay immediately after you have bought your airplane tickets. Set your phone on to airport mode with wifi on, before you fly. Then at Narita pick up the WiFi hotspot. With your cellphone, you will be able to access the Internet, Google Maps, and Google Translate during your stay. They will give you a return envelope for the WiFi hotspot; don't throw this away. When you're going to back to the airport, you can put the WiFi hotspot in the envelope, and drop in a mailbox, and it will be returned to the firm.

All 7-11s will have ATMs you can use to withdraw cash. There are Tokyo hotels on Expedia's website that will mention if they have English-speaking staff.

Use the subreddit r/JapanTravel. They have a pretty extensive wiki to prepare yourself, such what to rent or buy in advance (like the WiFi hotspot), how to use transit, etiquette, paying shops and restaurants properly, etc.

>> No.8311492

My best friend is Japanese and fluent, she said she might be interested in coming. So if her dad says yes too I think we'll be okay. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.8311500

That's awesome! One WiFi spot can be used across multiple devices, too, so as long as you stay together and don't eat up the data with YouTube watching, you should be okay. (Turn off the WiFi hotspot once you know you're in range of a free WiFi area, like at a hotel or a manga kissa.) If you need to split because you want to spend time at different places, I recommend you do it towards the end of your stay in Japan, when you know which train-lines to take to get back to the hotel.

You can do it! Just prepare ahead, read the JapanTravel subreddit's wiki, and have fun when you get there!

>> No.8311524

Of course not, but I really thought my money would go further and it didn't. To be specific, I only bought one lolita dress, the rest was on accessories and more casual clothing (Axes femme and the like).

>> No.8311598

Diff anon, very curious about the wifi hotspot. Would this work with a non-jailbroken US iPhone? I was researching wifi cards and simcards for a possible trip to Japan and it seemed like if you have an American iPhone on a plan you're basically screwed unless you shell out a huge amount of $$ to your carrier.

>> No.8311606

How much clothing did you buy?

>> No.8311609

If a japanese person hated you they would probably say 帰る kaeru or pig skin.

>> No.8311630

As in telling you to go home?

>> No.8311635

nah man. japanese people are really subtle about insults, especially to foreigners. it's likely to be done in a passive-aggressive way instead of directly. like when japanese girls will call fat tourist weebs kowai in a way that seems like they're saying kawaii.

>> No.8311646

Huh... I've never been overseas but I bought Japanese clothing before.

I'm 36/26/35... I have a skirt in medium, the first one I ever bought... it fits but is a little tight. So large is what I prefer to buy now unless the actual measurements tell me otherwise. (I have one dress in a small because for whatever reason, the measurements are huge for Asian sizing, maybe it was a plus size brand?)

I've found with tops that medium fits best with a little tightness around the bust. (A large is very... large around the waist and looks more disproportionate.)

When I wear European clothing I find M fits best in t-shirts, S in long sleeve shirts, and S in bottoms/skirts.

I shop more in European sizes then Asian tbh.

Maybe that helps?

>> No.8311650

I'm not into lolita or anything, just like to buy normal j-fashion since I'm actually almost the average Japanese size meaning in my home country in Scandinavia everything tends to be too big/wrong shape for me.

For those who are seeking for nice quality normal j-fashion(a bit natural-kei I guess), my favorite stores are

Ehkä Söpö (bit mori-influenced)
Niko and...
Earth, music and ecology (they are pretty cheap especially during sales but the quality is really nice!)
Urban research Doors
Lowry's farm

I have been living in Japan now altogether over a year and have never had any rude service in shops. Might of course be my size and that I speak pretty fluent Japanese. Have had a couple of a bit creepy experiences with over friendly staff though. For an example a couple of weeks ago in Shibuya 109 one store clerk kept on complimenting me like "oh your skin is so white your eyes are so pretty...!". I know it was just her way of being nice but thanks to my own national culture this kind of over complimenting of someone seems just so weird.

But all in all everyone is always nice, it's totally ok to pick up clothing and see it with a mirror. If you act politely and ask the store clerks for fitting everything will go fine I'd say. Have had legit overweight and tall foreign friends in here but never heard of them having had any negative encounters either.

Oh and someone was speaking of socks earlier this thread. The one with the 3 pairs for 1000 yen (+tax) is Tutu anna and It's demo I think. My favorite is Tabio, they have such nice quality and cute design even if a bit expensive. These are all normalfag socks, not lolita btw.

Geez now I really feel like going to that buttler cafe but can't with my normalfag Japanese friends in here and know I don't have the guts to go alone hahaha....

>> No.8311700

Yup, it will work on any WiFi device, including Apple products like iPads and iPhones. I used an Android, and the portable pocket WiFi was a godsend.

No, you do NOT need to buy a special plan with major phone carriers. Their data plans are a joke anyway. Just use your iPhone/iPad as computers, not phones.

You just need to keep that phone on airplane mode, with WiFi on, for the entire duration of your trip, and rent that one portable WiFi hotspot. That's it.

>> No.8311707

Used in this context, gaijin is definitely an insult. If she just wanted the phone customer to hurry and get it, she could've said "another customer is trying it on right now". Saying the gaijin part is obviously adding a xenophobic element to it, and implying the fat piggu foreigners will damage/rip the dress.

Making the distinction in itself is racist. Also gaijin is like the Chinese gwailo which is also inherently racist. It's like the difference between saying nigger and black person, or Chinese and chink.

>> No.8311712

yes(home country)

>> No.8311716

it's not as far as that, more like a term for how people act towards mexican illegals and shit.

>> No.8311726

The majority of Japanese clothing in non-mainstream stores (ie not Uniqlo, etc) come in one size

>> No.8312023

Newb here, does anyone have tips for selecting airlines to Tokyo? I'm flying out of the US and want to get a deal deal, but the cheapest flights are from places like Air Canada or Aeroflot and I'm not too familiar with international flights.

>> No.8312106

I'm going back to Japan this Summer and I'd like to buy some IW pieces. Does anyone know if they stock L size in their physical stores? I only remember buying M-sized clothes.

>> No.8312110

I have a question about er walking around etiquette. My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years and we always hold hands while we walk. Is that okay if we do that walking around outside and inside shops?

>> No.8312169

don't get a flight that has a transfer at moscow, I flew with aeroflot last year from NL to JP, and while the company itself isn't bad, the service from the russians at the moscow airport is shit. they are rude as fuck.

>> No.8312195

Anyone have experiences with the Liz Lisa stores?

>> No.8312234

Skip the Harajuku store, it's crowded af. The 109 store is fairly big (for a store in 109) and the shopgirls were really friendly. One of them asked me how I got all that poof (I was in lolita) and we chatted for quite a bit.

>> No.8312238

I think locking arms is more usual in Asia.

>> No.8312243

gee i wonder why

>> No.8312300

>Be disabled, have breathing tube with a big facepiece and a cane, but I can like walk on my own and stuff
>Nobody knows how to react at all
>Specially not the restaurant people, went to a maid cafe and they kept asking if it was safe for me to move my facepiece

Got a lot of stares. Saw very few disabled people. That was weird. I get the feeling that people don't usually know how to talk to the visibly disabled, but damn. Japan is on a whole other level.

Everyone except who I assume the CC person you're all talking about was really nice, but I think she thought I was gross or was going to litierally die there. Even other japanese people glanced at her.

Marui Annex Baby people were nice as fuck (I was going to leave to sip on my water, I was nervous about spilling something, but they let me do it in the store and also they let me sit in their chair while my sister as trying on clothes and kept asking if I needed anything, even after I assured them my sister was the customer, not me. Like they weren't worried, they just saw the heat was getting to me and were super accomodating. Ended up buying a dress and when I mentioned it was my first they gave me coord tips and shit.

>> No.8312316

D-did the maids want to move your facepiece or what?

>> No.8312357

You move it upwards a little to put food in your mouth easier. It doesn't even difficult breathing, but it's designed a special way so you're comfortable. So I did that, and I assume they were worried it was dangerous. Three of them came rushing asking if I needed anything special. But we had a Japanese speaking person with us and we explained that everything was fine. But they came and asked every once in a while after, if I needed help, etc.

Kinda cute really, but I honestly didn't expect it so I jumped a little.

>> No.8312375

Hmmm... any chance you could draw a :3 on your facepiece and take a picture?

>> No.8312380

What a weird request. I'll do it when I get home!

>> No.8312381

Yes, I tried on an L-size vest when I was there. But they were out of the L-sized skirts in the same color that matched the vest. Their physical stores will sell the L sizes, but you're out of luck if other people buy them out first in the colorway you want.

>> No.8312426

I can't wait :>

>> No.8312522

>chance you could draw a :3 on your facepiece and take a picture?
the image in my head is adorable holy shit

>> No.8313023

Get a direct flight via ANA. It will seem like a price sink (and United will have their direct flight tickets at like $10 cheaper than ANA), but even coach is very comfortable. And you will need comfort for that flight.

There will be some non-direct flight tickets that have stops in South Korea or so, but make sure the overlay isn't too short or too long. If it's too short (less than an hour) you will be fucked if your first flight is delayed, and if it's too long (5+ hours) then you will be exhausted.

>> No.8313032

Public displays of affection isn't common in Japan. While holding each others hand is fine, kissing is generally unwelcome. The average Japanese do not like to stand out or make a scene, which is why it's frowned upon.

>> No.8315737

Also for not standing out girls cover your shoulders no mater how hot is is if you are anywhere but a beach. It's ok to wear super short skirts and shorts but bare shoulders just make you seem so foreign/cheap. Also good to mind that Japanese also usually show much less cleavage than is acceptable in at least where I'm from in Europe.

Not like you will get in trouble if you don't follow my advice. Just that a lot of people seem to want to avoid bad glares from the locals and this is one way.

>> No.8316541

I was in Japan two years ago and although it was one of the hotter summers that have had in awhile, I saw heaps of girls with uncovered shoulders.

>> No.8317091

It's not so much covering the shoulders but rather keeping cleavage in check. I don't see many girls wearing spaghetti strap tanks. I met a girl practically sweating buckets and fanning herself with a notebook because she was late and had sprinted over. She was wearing a thin jacket with a thick-strapped tanktop underneath. When I suggested she take off her coat to cool off, she politely declined the idea because her shirt was too "revealing". Another time I went shopping with a friend who tried on a shirt that showed a little bit of bra (side-boob) due to wide armholes, which was also immediately rejected when she noticed.

Not that there aren't girls who go out bare-shouldered and with cleavage; it's becoming a more acceptable way of dress, just not to the levels that we see in most western societies. Most people still view it as a little scandalous, and I've been told by my guy friends that it can be a little off-putting/overly provocative outside of nightlife.

>> No.8317786

best what