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File: 99 KB, 600x315, BADGEPICKUpAX2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8262133 No.8262133 [Reply] [Original]

I'll be attending my first AX2015 and I was wondering how bad can I expect to do my badge pickup - even if I pre-registered/paid etc. I'll be arriving on Day 2 - Thursday at about 6am heading straight to the convention center maybe 7-8AM'ish.

I think I read there is a separate prereg pickup from the regular line? idk reading the stories makes me think it did not matter, I just happen to read about last years badge debacle after I booked hotel/flight, hoping it that problem should not repeat itself.

>> No.8262352

Get there as early as humanly possible. The lines are long and terrible. My first AX I was working the artist alley and made the mistake of taking all of my table gear with me to pick up my badge. Picture a short fat girl in a bodice with 50 lbs of display and chainmail strapped to her back waiting in line for hours. Not my best idea.

Luckily, artists got a separate line for badge collection in the following years and everything went much better.

>> No.8262710

>my first AX2015

You mean there was another one?

For the lines, you want to wear something light and use a little bit of sunscreen or bring shade. Get there early and expect a 2-hour wait. Last year was just completely fucked on day 0, which made day 1 really bad, too. Day 2 should be no issue.

>> No.8262957

This will be my first year too. I'm traveling all the way from the East Coast. Apparently they canceled my wait listing for the JW, so I was really bummed about that. What else should a first-timer expect, especially since this is my first time in California?

>> No.8262988

Native Californian here! Used to live in LA a few blocks away from where the con is held. It's going to be HOT. Just FYI. It's usually pretty cool inside the Staples Center, but if you plan to be outside be aware that you will melt. Traffic is also a nightmare and drivers do not give a single fuck. Depending on where you're staying, travel in groups. I was walking to the con one morning and some asshole literally grabbed my crotch while I was walking with my arms full of gear.

>> No.8263007

Thanks, I'll be going with a few other friends, so I'm not too concerned. Also, is it common for relatively nothing to be posted around this time involving guests, concerts, events, etc.? Since I don't have a Facebook, I'm not sure where else to look since there are no forums for the con (unless I'm missing it?).

>> No.8263014

Any hotels left close to the con?? I missed out...

>> No.8263017

Nope. AX usually has at least one 'big' guest and a handful of lesser ones around this time (Danny Choo, Vic Mananana).

ngl I'm a touch concerned and hope all this waiting won't end with another disappointing orchestra announcement.

>> No.8263031

I said I wouldn't start worrying about my undone cosplays until the AX threads started popping up


>> No.8263081

Should I come at day 0 at 4am and just wait? I haven't been in a long time and hearing/seeing pictures of the day 0 line from last year scared the fuck outta me.

>> No.8263094

Security may ask you to leave if you arrive too early.

I prefer arriving later in the evening, around 6:00 or 7:00, so I'm not standing around in the sun for potentially hours.

>> No.8263132
File: 50 KB, 570x598, AX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, isn't it a bit early for an AX thread?

>I actually don't want to be reminded of how much sewing I still have to finish and how the summer heat will destroy my makeup and soul

>> No.8263279


How the hell do cons get away with hours long pre-registration lines when other cons like WonderCon are set up so that you literally walk right in, show your emailed confirmation, and get your badge in under 20 mintutes tops? Why can't they get their shit together too?

>> No.8263335

Doesn't AX have a scanner thing for badge pick up?

>> No.8263528

OP here. Like I mentioned it's my first ax trip, did the arrangements one night a few weeks back, and after the fact read about what happened, anyway been waiting ever since for reactions towards this years event and figure post a question on badge pickup expectations.
I was confused about this day 0, day 1 etc, where there is no info about it, I just went with the official start date on 7/2.

I did lurk cosplay.com site for a bit, mostly see room scalping biz (i mean room sharing) and gatherings. Got the sense most will be there at day 0.

>> No.8263551

There are some cheap ones near around those listed on ax if you read the yelp reviews nearly all seem 50/50 you get what you pay for...and maybe just walk it to their nearest shuttle pickup I believe is available to any badge holder.

Im staying less than a mile off its an easy walk, done this several times. The only areas im afraid to walk is south and east from the convention itself, gets ghetto really quick there.

>> No.8263558

The store that I work at is going to be at AX. Our first year there was last year and it was just absolutely packed, it's the biggest convention I've been to.
I'd recommend getting there as early as you can, bring food with you if you can because you'll be waiting an hour in line waiting to order food from there.
Also day 0 is usually when people just go to pick up their badges and what not.
Another thing to anyone going, go check out the Anime Revolution booth, it's pretty bad ass.

>> No.8263586

Ok, think nothing to worry about then, I got caught up reading about posts about ax's drama to the point it felt if theywere able to resolve the internal issues politics aside idk... I mean they pulled off their own forum this past february from the ax website. Not a good sign, probably to silence the people still complaining about the last event idk... but that just feels so shady for a nonprofit org to do.

>> No.8264044

bring sunscreen if you have to wait in line. nothing ruined that convention faster than a huge sunburn on day 1. try not to interact with any of the ax security staff because they will abuse what little authority they have. masquerade is not included with your badge and you have to buy it seperately as well as most big events that aren't panels. food trucks are excellent and you should pick up a sushi burrito if you get the chance. aa is huge and worth your exhibit hall time, cuz most dealers sell overpriced bootlegs and the local aa isn't ttoo bad. decent con to go to, terrible con to work for, just keep in mind its run like a business so they want to make money off the otaku fanbase

>> No.8264051

They had multiple, but apparently there were technical difficulties so it still took 3-5 hours during peak times on day 1.

>> No.8264070

>both thursday and friday are not the 4th so there will be normal traffic

usually it's just the one day that isn't the weekend/july 4th that sucks

>> No.8264075


If you show up Day 0 at 4am you run the risk of being stuck in line with crazy drunk stoners named crazy shit like Dayday and Andre. I've heard some fucking crazy stories, man. Don't do it.

>> No.8264097

I think they said they were going to try something new about pickup this year. If last year wasn't a wakeup call then nothing will. Last year you could pretty much chalk it up as "lines." Lines to get your badge. Lines to get into panels. Lines for autographs. AX has way too many people and not enough ways to split them or accommodate them.

day 0 is the day before the convention where people just pick up their badge
day 1 is the first day you can actually do stuff. I've done the day 1 get-there-early thing before. jumped on a greyhound from SF, got off in LA at 7am, got to LACC by 8

did they let random people in for free after it started? at least they used to do that.

it's not just the drama that's the problem. some of it is LACC problems (too small). some is understaffing (less benefits now that earlier years so less volunteers). things not being handled til late (autograph lines not having a system til day 4 I believe, water to help out attendees dying in the heat in various lines til day 3)

>> No.8264388

no omg that's so unnecessary. if you go at like 9pm on day 0 you'll have to wait less and also no sunburn

>> No.8265787

here's hoping that was the rock bottom AX could ever do for con that's been around this long

>> No.8265798

There Will Be Smells

>> No.8265945

Anyone have any cosplans yet?

>> No.8266026

Should I bring some febreeze?
Jokes aside, being cramped with a bunch of sweaty people who don't know what deodorant is does not sound fun

>> No.8266039

There's a lot of systems floating out there now for using phones and tablets to "ticket" small individual events. IE instead of doing lines for panels, you boop phones at the door, get a number, then show it to get in when the time comes instead of having to wait in line for hours. Not a perfect solution and doesn't solve reg and pickup line hell, but fuhck, anything is better than what we have now.

I'm gonna try and get Space Dandy together. His outfit doesn't seem too tough (cept the hair) and should be fun to run around as.

>> No.8266126

>AX has way too many people and not enough ways to split them or accommodate them

Isn't that a problem that every big con has? Comic con has resources up the ass and they still have issues with lines.

>> No.8266293

Pretty much an informal thread for the new people on the wall who are debating on planning to go to AX since there is no forum on the official site.

>> No.8266338

don't bother with A/X nothing to do

>sieg let's go it's JUST like comic-con but smaller and not such a hassle to drive to/park at/buy tickets to get into/less hipster

literally just people standing around talking to each other all in close knit groups

or other little close knit groups walking over to another group to stand around and talk and point at shit at their costumes

selfie together, say their goodbyes and go find another group


i am just in awe watching this happen.....like there has to be more to this convention than this


some people selling some shit

but it's like otakus having a yard sale with new in box figures because their mom said they had to clear the crap out of the garage

"how many evangelion do you need?"

"uhhh, it's E-VAN-GELL-EEE-ONN..."


>> No.8266351

How the hell is this different from any other con?

>> No.8266411

There are better ones that aren't just blatant cash grabs....give us money, stand around talk or buy things from these people who we charged to allow to sell things at

>> No.8266419

How about like, examples? Who did it right instead of whining about who did it wrong

>> No.8266463

Except you're ignoring all the debuts, autograph sessions, concerts, big time fan panels (Last Comic Standing) and any other crazy shenanigans that when you get a bunch of nerds together. That stuff is free and while there is preferred seating you can pay for, you can still get in free of charge. I mean god damn they got Porno Graffiti to play one year

>> No.8266946

i said this in another thread but the more you read sieg's posts the more you realize they're a waste of time

>> No.8267391

Last year was my first AX.

It's usually better than that right? Day 0 was terrible.

>> No.8267407

last year was the first time I have ever seen badge pickup as bad as it was. then again it also jumped 20k people so everything was bad. first time that has happened. between 2008-2012 attendance more or less stagnated before jumping from 49k to 61k in 2013. 61k to 80k in 2014. it really showed AX/the LACC's shortcomings

>> No.8267444

They keep saying they'll announce guests as soon as they're confirmed, so the fact that they've only had one guest confirm with 75 days left til con is rather sad.

>> No.8267466

at least it's a good one, right?
I'm pretty stoked for him

>> No.8267496

Mikunopolis was the best AX

I feel bad for you, son.

>> No.8267498

Last year was my first AX.
I flew 3,000 miles to get there.
I will NEVER go back.

>> No.8267502

haha wow
you picked a horrible year to go
my apologies

>> No.8267628

AX used to have a forum attached to their website. Is that not a thing anymore?

>> No.8267665
File: 243 KB, 576x782, 1418795399483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Daisuke to sign my copy of Xrd

>> No.8267679

they deleted it for who knows why
there was good info in it
it wasn't the most active thing in the world (how many convention forums are?) but it was still a big loss
i'm sure it's upkeep cost was a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of the event

>> No.8267697

I wouldn't have even gone if it wasn't for the KLK guests and concert. Guilty Gear hype doesn't really interest me, so I'll be flying somewhere else this year.

>> No.8267747
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Last year was my first AX, but I enjoyed it. The only downside was I missed a bunch of the late night panels because shitty lines.

Day 0 was surprisingly fun, in the 5 hours of waiting I met some people, got free pizza from strangers, and played Pokemon with others. I can understand why people hated it though.

>> No.8268075

Wait, it's gone?!

That forum actually had useful updates posted there. Con forums are really active as the date gets closer and AX actually had activity.

Welp back to using Cosplay.com

>> No.8268741

They probably took it down to hide the 17 million complaints posted after AX2014.

>> No.8268921
File: 39 KB, 400x400, 1234876543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm glad you had fun anon

This year is going to be my first AX so I hope I have a great time and get to meet cool people

>> No.8268948

So what's everyone's cosplay plans for this year?

>> No.8269118

Tbh there weren't that many. The forum got low traffic. It was kind of like an info depository and not really a forum. I saw a lot more complaints on Facebook and that's a little better because th posts /comments get buried by Facebook's nature

>> No.8269565
File: 64 KB, 554x439, 1318134757244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any guesses on how ghosting will go down this con?

Friends aren't willing to pay, so I'd like to get an idea of who I'm ditching at the door.

>> No.8269802

Ghosting is super easy with AX.

>> No.8269826 [DELETED] 

If they keep up with not including hologram security badges like at most lesser known cons on the they deserved to ghosted.

Those things are easy to spot for the lowly volunteer as legit, the absence of it calls for a second look.

So where did all the revenue for the badges went? lol

>> No.8269829

If they keep up with not including hologram security badges like at most lesser known cons then they deserved to ghosted.

Those things are easy to spot for the lowly volunteer as legit, the absence of it calls for a second look.

So where did all the revenue for the badges went? lol

>> No.8269920
File: 79 KB, 960x720, 1429240761715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is getting a room for AX should i grab one soon or has my time already ran out? i live like 30-40mins away from the convention center but me and the gang want to enjoy the parties and nightlife.

>> No.8270366

Ryukishi07 (07th Expansion) (Higurashi, Umineko, etc) announced

Not sure what to think.

>> No.8270377

There's still some left close to the convention center (1 mile or less) if you use Expedia. AX's hotel booking website has none left.

>> No.8270478

I just booked at the Howard Johnson which is right by K Town and a bit over 2 miles from the convention center. I think they have plenty of rooms available.

>> No.8270502


Excited as fuck, hoping an autograph and panel will be easy to get into, pretty sure the casuals won't really know who he is.

>> No.8270601
File: 128 KB, 486x480, kinzo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking excited.
I guess I should do Lambda this year after all.

>> No.8270649

Just checked..most hotels avail for ax are now the 2+ mile radius mark...this assuming not wanting to pay the exorbitant markups of walking distance ones. So glad I booked early.

>> No.8270672
File: 65 KB, 454x417, 1417819319268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth it then at this point or should we just take the drive and save the money? how easy is it to crash with randoms or at parties?

and we are a group of /fit/ guys with autismo so keep this in mind.

>> No.8270695

depends on how good your social skills are
if you're bro (and don't go over-bro to piss people off) then you'll probably be able to find people to crash with and party with. it's one thing to party with people, another to let them stay in your room, so good luck. since you said you're autismo I hope you're exaggerating.

>> No.8270738
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In reality i know i can get myself a place to sleep somewhere its just the rest of my group im questionable about. If all options failed id just sleep in my car or go hobo mode, its just harder to do with a group of 5 large under dressed men.

>> No.8270744

yeah, 5 is a bit much to let sleep in 1 room. one or two maybe. hope your buddies like sleeping in cars.

>> No.8270748

you don't know shit until you sleep in one room with 10 people

>> No.8270753

I've slept on a parking lot
I've slept on a donut shop
I've drank 10 energy drinks(AX shared the same day as X-Games then so Energy drinks were everywhere) just to stay awake in the JW Marriott lobby for 2 days

But jesus Christ, 10 people? That's insane.

>> No.8270772

i meant letting 5 people you just met that night sleep in your room is a bit much. i didn't mean room stuffing in general.

>> No.8270833

Why not get a hotel room?

>> No.8271512

OP here. I used to come LA for Siggraph back in my college days 2001-2005 and never heard of stuff like this for a con.

I think there will be smells is going to happen, its bad enough walking past people like that who don't shower or use deoderant but this is where they will congregate. Will bring mask and febreeze.

>> No.8271519
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>and we are a group of /fit/ guys with autismo so keep this in mind.

>> No.8271696

People seriously don't know who he is? Higurashi and especially Umineko are popular among the casuals. Unless of course you compare it with KLK or AOT.

>> No.8271901 [DELETED] 

Just announced on the Facebook page!

>> No.8271911
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They'll be adding more soon!

>> No.8271929

AX hotel website has more rooms opened, I tried it could book rooms now and these are NOT wait-listed for them. Check it out...

>> No.8272708

Hope no new cheap deals, I just paid for a hotel.

>> No.8272847

I think anywhere 1 mile from the convention is 200-300+, further out sub $150/night

>> No.8273722
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Good ill have to keep an eye out.
We are gonna be wearing the same amount of clothing as these guys so you would see the issue of getting strangers to let us sleep in the same room as them.

>> No.8274458

Sleeping in a room of lewd Asian guys is practically my dream, who wouldn't want that?

>> No.8274472
File: 113 KB, 1107x759, ASUX registration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The con of all cons.

>> No.8274521
File: 156 KB, 480x972, Future-Sponsor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now a word from our future chairman.

>> No.8274991

Wow, only 10? Step it up kouhai. Try 17 people and see how well that pans out for ya~ (Protip: Amazingly)

>> No.8277531
File: 22 KB, 552x377, i-smell-bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try 17 people and see how well that pans out for ya~

>> No.8280245

Is Coscom the only other place now?

>> No.8280365


They need to fucking advertise deodorants in that con.

>> No.8280444

fuck that, just ask Axe for sponsorship. slap Free! stickers on the cans. They'll be grabbed up faster than you can ask "does something smell in here?"

>> No.8280640
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People watch the anime but (from my experience) hardly anyone knows about the VNs. Or, they know of them, they just haven't read them.
>tfw no filthy casuals will know the pain of the Magic Ending

On a related note, I'm praying that people will recognize my Higanbana cosplay. I'd love to wear Umineko to meet R07, but there's several people in the fandom that are out for my head, so I'd rather stay out of it for the time being. Fucking tumblr Umineko fans.

>> No.8280674

fuck em, do it anyway. this is your chance. you going to throw it away for some assholes? fuck those guys.

>> No.8280907

it really was, and i don't totally see them surpassing it.

Ringabel from Bravely Default (hopefully its done in time)
Warp from Kaiba
probably reuse my Aoba and Silica costumes too

>> No.8281319

I agree with >>8280674. Do it anyway. You may never get another chance to meet him! Tumblr will always be Tumblr and they probably got mad for a stupid reason. Plus, AX is huge and you may not even run into them.

Either way, good luck Anon!

>> No.8281323

Arizona State University Expo?

What is this from?

>> No.8282744

staples center isn't used