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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8268560 No.8268560[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You can only post in this thread if you are a male unless a female's presence is requested.

Male cosplayers and congoers:
• Ask questions
• Recieve answers
• Post cosplay
• Exchange tips and advice
• Communicate with subtle homosexual undertones

If there's something like this in the catalog already then I apologize, I'm not very familiar with the active threads on /cgl/. Just seemed fitting because most of the threads here are geared towards female cosplay/fashion.

>> No.8268565


>> No.8268570

/cgl/ is a slow board, calm your dick.

>> No.8268572

Tfw no gf

>> No.8268573

I have so much chest hair

>> No.8268596

Ugh fuck I have the worst period cramps

>> No.8268597 [DELETED] 


>> No.8268603 [DELETED] 


>> No.8268613

I am a male, I look at my external genitalia all day long and have a developed Adam's apple because I, like you, am male.

>> No.8268623

We have so much in common. Like you, I am also a male.

>> No.8268661
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>> No.8268674
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>> No.8268686
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I wanna cosplay Nightwing and I would like to make my cosplay. I don't want a body suit. Whats the best way to make tactical armor like pic related without buying actual body armor.
What other pieces would I need
How do I make the mask?
etc etc etc

>> No.8268692

All you need is manliness. :^)

>> No.8268695

I have hosted a panel on Male Cosplaying before. I offered advice on altering female patterns as there are so many more options for them than guys have. I talked about the importance of wearing a dance belt if you have tights, and how it is okay to wear make up, you do not have to be embarrassed by it, and how it can drastically improve your cosplays. Then there was a bunch of Q&A as well.

>> No.8268696

That armor looks like foam someone glued to an underarmor shirt.

>> No.8268705

You could sculpt and paint eva foam to make light body armor, and affix that to a compression shirt to get the fit right.
The mask has a few options, depending on how much time and experience you have. You could sculpt a clay mask, make a of that, and from there cast in it something like urethane rubber. Or you could go cheap and make it out of craft foam and plastidip.

>> No.8268706

>Just seemed fitting because most of the threads here are geared towards female fashion

>If there's something like this in the catalog already then I apologize

>> No.8268713

New here, lurked a few threads
Holy shit why are women so fucking mean? I mean, sure, I bitch about newfags and spoonfeeders and shit on /a/ and other boards, but the level of hostility there ladies have - it's freaking unreal.

Like, jesus. Is this how girls act when men aren't around?

>> No.8268738

The last polls taken here show that the male/female split is maybe 40/60, so don't act like the whole board is just girls bitching at each other. Men are bitching too.
And most of the problem here are people asking to be spoonfed, or they come here looking to be cosfamous, or promote some shit, trying to enlist us in some vendetta, or looking for new fap material. New people are not a problem, provided they realize this isn't a hug box, they don't ask the same question 50 times, and they take the advice given to them.

>> No.8268759

How many /fit/izens here?
And which is your home board?

>> No.8268763

Male make-up for cosplay, teach me your ways.

>> No.8268769

>that glorious feel when you don't have to remove 90% of your cosplay to take a piss

>> No.8268788

Don't kid yourself, the other boards would act the same way about a "ermerger we're GIRLS" thread on their board.

>> No.8268813

I really want to learn to 'trap'. I know some people get pissy over that term, but I like it's appeal.

The thing that is the hardest is body hair (can be removed easily but it's an inconvenience + costs money).

Adams apple can be covered by some cute collar.

The worst part of all is my voice. It's not deep but it sure as fuck isn't feminine either. I might just go mute whilst dressed up, it'll be better.

>> No.8268843

The crossplay threads here and certain threads on >>>/lgbt/ may help. Here's a link that's always posted to /lgbt/ about voice training--no clue if it's any good or not: http://pastebin.com/dgipdsge

>> No.8268847

>tfw you ask a question and the seagulls ignore you

>> No.8268871

Maybe because it can easily be looked up elsewhere and you just want someone to do all your work for you, or maybe because you didn't ask in the correct thread relevant to your question, or maybe you're too impatient and don't realize that this is a slow board, or maybe the specific person you asked isn't around at the moment, or maybe they just don't have an answer for you.

>> No.8268875

if you start a thread or post with
>"/fit/ here"
the average seagull won't take you seriously

>> No.8268897

Come now, don't patronize me

This times a million. You don't even have to say /fit/, if you so much as hint that you're in good shape it's cold shoulder city. Everyone's always saying to be appropriate for your body type but suddenly if the words "athletic," "muscular," or "tall" come into play, you're automatically a misguided /fit/izen who's looking to attention whore.

>> No.8268916

>Come now, don't patronize me
How is giving you reasons that you were ignored patronizing? And no one automatically assumes that people who are fir are from /fit/ and are attention whores. We only assume that of the people who start off saying they are from /fit/ and ask how to fuck girls at cons. Or if you came here and started a new thread just to say how amazingly in shape you are. If you were looking for cosplay suggestions, and posted in the suggestion thread and gave suggestions to others, then you would not be ignored or thought of as an attention whore, you would probably get some ideas and be forgotten about shortly after.

>> No.8269000

Don't you mock me, I am a male. I love flexing. I have a real beard.

>> No.8269015

you guys are faggots

>> No.8269030
File: 96 KB, 550x780, lates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to do vega for my next cosplay, but I've never done a mask before. What would you recommend? Also, my hair isn't quite as long as his. Should I use a wig or just work with what I have? It's about mid-back right now.

>> No.8269037

Only being a fag means I like having sex with other guys!

>> No.8269043

>• Communicate with subtle homosexual undertones

>> No.8269049
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Pretty much this.

I wanted to get into cosplay for a while; I loved the idea and had some neat concepts and such, but browsing /cgl/ just turned me off of the idea completely.

I was the only male flute player in my high school band; and after spending two years listening to those bitches sit around in their little circles and rip everyone else apart... why would I want to go back to that? Christ.

>> No.8269061

Kill yourself you fugly Canadian Cuckold.

>> No.8269064

I was a male flute player too.
I felt bad because I didn't know the notes to play and had to fake playing when I started;

because I couldn't get an instrument from school until four months after they started and everyone had a head start learning
that and I was slow in remembering where my fingers went.

>> No.8269070

>should i wear a wig?
yes. the answer is yes 99% of the time. unless you have the perfect color and the perfect style, you need a wig. in fact, for that hair, you probably need a lace front. looking up sailor moon wigs will probably give you some good wigs to pick from since you'll get about the right color and length that way.

>> No.8269075

> Mfw the thing I miss most from high school is sitting in little circles and ripping everyone else apart.

>> No.8269096



>> No.8269099


Do you also reflexively punch anyone who tries to quote American Pie?

>> No.8269107


Here's where I learned the basics of concealer and foundation.


Makeup is really important for cosplay. You can buy your costume, but it usually looks dumpy. The tutorial above doesn't add any extra lines or color, but it still improves your overall appearance. Most guys have baggy eyes and look "sleepy".

>> No.8269110

dude, op made a no girl allowed club right in the girl board, what did you think would happen?

>> No.8269111

Seconding this. You know when we tell girls that it doesn't even look like they're wearing make up? I wanna know how to get that look as a guy with makeup. A 'light' look that's blended well and makes your skin look even (i.e. hide acne scars)

And are there any online sites that I can buy makeup products from? I really don't want to walk into a Sephora or MAC store and come up with some bullshit story about how I need makeup for <insert reason here> when I actually need it for cosplay.

Much appreciated!

>> No.8269132


>> No.8269143 [DELETED] 

Did you get triggered you subhuman Canadian DYEL mangina? I can't wait for the day USA goes to war with Canada. I will make sure to track your ugly mug down and shoot your brains out and then put my dick inside the mixture of brain mush and bits of skulls to show you that I am the true Alpha male.

Bet you regret getting that Womyn's Studies degree now, you SJW turd.

>> No.8269160

Calm down faggot

>> No.8269161

Eyeliner is your next step, and IMO the hardest one. So... here's my tips

>Do some homework and try to find demonstration videos where they have similar skin and facial structure.
>Practice. lots.
>Invest in witch hazel or some makeup removing wipes.
>Generally, the top starts with a thin line towards the nose, and a thicker line towards the outside. The bottom is entirely thin, and I only start from the middle and go to the outside.
>Do the liner first, in case you make a mistake it can be wiped away and you can start over.
>Less is better.
>Wings are girly. Don't draw wings.

Eyeliner draws lots of attention to your eyes, and gives most male characters a more badass kei or rock'n'roll look. You will absolutely need this for characters like Vincent (FFVII) or Dante (DMC).

>> No.8269164

You can buy from Sephora online. If you're experimenting, ELF works too. In all honesty though, foundation would be one of those things you need to buy in store. Matching the colour to your skin is essential for a natural look, and it's hard to determine what colours works from your computer. Just say it's for theater, most people don't pry.

>> No.8269167 [DELETED] 





>> No.8269168
File: 310 KB, 2048x1004, 11134118_10152867619112991_8613292860763673724_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a penis. I'm posting in this thread. SELFPOAST

>> No.8269173

>witch hazel

please don't use witch hazel as a makeup remover, it will hurt your eyes. just get some baby oil for removing eye makeup. witch hazel is a good toner though.

>> No.8269174

Just kill yourself

>> No.8269178 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 375x548, your grandpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will fucking find you and lynch you, you useless half-Nigger.

I have had enough of seeing your shitty cosplays on /cgl/.

<- This will be your fate.

Also I will set your nigger father ablaze and have your whore mother fucked by dogs.

>> No.8269181


... where will you get the dogs?

>> No.8269186


Samefag here.

Suck it up and go to the cosmetics section at your local drug store. You really need to match the right tone on your foundation, and you can't get that through a computer screen. I only use my stuff for cosplay, and attend several cons a year... This stuff lasts practically forever, so it's a worthwhile investment.

If you're still hung up about it, http://www.sallybeauty.com
I used this site heavily when gathering the more girly makeup accessories I needed for a crossplay.

>> No.8269188 [DELETED] 

Find some random mutts on the street. Sure there's plenty of them where that filthy ol' nigger lives.

Confederate blood lives on in my veins. Canadian CUCKS and US niggers beware!

>> No.8269196

what the fuck

>> No.8269197


But didn't the Confederacy lose?

>> No.8269200

me too anon except not anon

>> No.8269204


Dude, you realize you're trying to establish your manliness in a cosplay board. You're surrounded by weebs in colored wigs and dresses. I'm having a hard time taking you seriously.

>> No.8269205
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>taking you seriously

Are you for real right now? Are you for fucking real?

>> No.8269206 [DELETED] 


Not yet. They won a fight but they lost the war. Just look at the Union trash today - all effeminate pussified manginas who can't even fire a gun.

When the shit hits the fans and niggers like Maguma's father get out of control and start chimping out, us Southerners will be the salvation of the American race.


I am not trying to establish my manliness. As you pointed out, I am manlier than all of you loser cuckolds by default.

Niggers and Canadians are one and the same thing.

>> No.8269208

>I really don't want to walk into a Sephora or MAC store and come up with some bullshit story about how I need makeup for <insert reason here> when I actually need it for cosplay.

So just tell them that. Though I would try a cosmetics counter at a drugstore, as you don't need to spend a fortune on makeup for one or two days.

The big thing about makeup though, is before you put any on, MOISTURIZE YOUR SKIN. Guys tend to have dryer skin, and applying makeup to dry skin will cause your skin to act like a sponge, and will leave the makeup looking dry and cakey and cracked. Moisturize every day after you shower and when you apply your makeup, it won't look as bad.

>> No.8269211 [DELETED] 

Are you not taking me seriously, Half-Nigger?

I know where you live. Want me to post it here?

>> No.8269216

> tfw grill
> tfw dry flaky skin
> tfw moisturizer, primer and spray are needed to not dry out during the con

>> No.8269218

Can we have a subcircle of gay/bi cosplayers here? Are all of us wanna be traps or are there normal cosplayers in that region as well?

>> No.8269219 [DELETED] 

Enver will defeat you racist scum through the power of empowerment and respectfulness towards womyn.

>> No.8269220
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found my new copypasta thanks

>> No.8269221
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>Not yet. They won a fight but they lost the war. Just look at the Union trash today - all effeminate pussified manginas who can't even fire a gun.

Ooooh hooo hoooo does Johnny Reb fancy his chances in MARCH TO THE SEA TWO - ASSKICKING BOOGALOO? Shit's changed, yo! The Rust Belt cities are dens of scum and villainy. Our streets are shooting galleries. And you want to dance again?

>Are you not taking me seriously, Half-Nigger?

Nope! Go ahead and post it, Johnny Reb, and let's see what comes about!

>> No.8269224

>I can't wait for the day USA goes to war with Canada.
USA did go to war with Canada though. And Canada won.

>> No.8269225

>Holy shit why are women so fucking mean?
Why are faggots such faggots?
Same answer to both questions, it's easier to throw insults than to solve the problem at hand.

That's the short answer, the long answer has to do with differences between the sexes and how generally women are less violent but more emotionally volatile than men are.

Consider casual cosplay among friends or doing photoshoots only.

Expectations for men cosplaying are already low enough where no one will give a shit if you don't look AAA+ spot on for a character at a con/meet-up/etc. Photoshoots are nice if you really want to show off your craftsmanship but want minimal social problems.

>> No.8269234 [DELETED] 

Alright bitch, just because of this post, I will first find that Voldefart slut that you Canadian cunts love and protect so much and RAPE HER AND BLOW HER BRAINS OUT before I do the same to you.

Hope you're happy now.

Bitch deserves it anyway, for falsely accusing my man, Matt, of raping her. Fucking cumslut.

Fuck off you pathetic SJW Union Nigger Loving Mangina Cuckold. THE SOUTH WILL RISE AND SET THE NORTH AFLAME.

That's because only the Union pussy manginas fought in there.

>> No.8269243

so you're not really american, you're ~confederate~ not the same. all of the confederates are imbred monkeys that the rest of the country watches like a zoo. you guys are even so insecure you have to act like you're any better than the cotton monkeys you have down there. nah.

>> No.8269253
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>Fuck off you pathetic SJW Union Nigger Loving Mangina Cuckold. THE SOUTH WILL RISE AND SET THE NORTH AFLAME.

You think so, eh? You think you're tougher than us, eh? Y'alls don't know shit. I've seen things you rednecks wouldn't believe. Cadillac on fire on the shoulder of Middlebelt Rd. Flashbangs glittering in the dark near the Tiger Stadium's gate. All these moments will be lost, like shell casings on a Detroit street.

Yankee Doodle's gonna diddle yo asshole, mark muh words bruh

>> No.8269259

I'd say the board itself is similar to all the smaller niche boards (old /jp/ for example was a lot meaner to obvious new posters, rip /jp/). There's a very rude awakening when you start reading what's being posted here, though. All this pettiness, girls constantly betraying and using each other at the first occasion, talking behind each other's back, etc. It actually makes you wonder if anyone has any fun cosplaying or if it's just to make them feel superior to other girls.

Originally, a long time ago, I expected cosplaying to just be a fun thing to do and shoot the shit with other cosplayers... then you get here and you realize that everyone is miserable, constantly talking behind other cosplayers' backs and just making fun of all the non A++++ 10/10 perfect cosplays.

>> No.8269267


>Holy shit why are women so fucking mean?

Because over the last 5 years we have had nothing but bad experience with (white) male virgins.

At this post, if you are a male and a virgin then you are automatically assumed to be a misogynist. It is true 99.9% of the time.

>> No.8269272

But you aren't mean exclusively to guys, in fact you're mean to each other the most. Like half the threads here are dedicated to making fun of other cosplayers, bitching about how other cosplayers are more popular even though they're SOO UGLY, bitching about how that one lolita had such an ugly burando, etc.

Guys don't do that. It's a really weird thing to get used to when you start browsing /cgl/.

>> No.8269285

I know girls have dry skin too, but generally girls take better care of their skin, and there are several products pushed towards you to remind you to do that. Guys don't have that push, and a lot of the things we do use on your faces, shaving creams, razors, aftershaves, are actually pretty damn harmful to our skin. So using makeup on typical guy skin is terrible.

>> No.8269291

>implying there aren't men who men do that also
>implying that /cgl/ represents all women

>> No.8269296

How does it feel to know that women cosplay men better than actual men?

>> No.8269297

>>implying that /cgl/ represents all women
It's something that is very present among groups of women of all ages, though. Acting like you're someone else's best friend and then the moment she isn't there, you talk behind her back with other girls.

You know what happens when guys don't like each other? They tell each other to go fuck themselves or simply don't talk.

>> No.8269300

They don't? Some can look like pretty men quite well, but that is about it

>> No.8269304

That's a very stereotypical way of thinking. It's this type of thinking that creates the annoying I'm-not-like-the-other-girls types.

>> No.8269310

Oh my god do you need to announce that you're a male? Holy shit. Do you think you're special or something? Do you need extra attention? We really don't need you around here, like just gtfo.

>> No.8269311

I won't say every girl is like that, I'm just saying that /cgl/ represents women in general fairly well. The same mentality is present both here and in real life.

>> No.8269312

Dick or gtfo

>> No.8269326

Appreciate everyone's replies!

What kind of 'tools' will I need to apply makeup? I know that's an extremely general question that depends on the look I'm wanting to achieve but let's just go with a 'light' look with some eyeliner.

>> No.8269330
File: 55 KB, 481x640, KillerQueen_ASB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard would this be to do? Never cosplayed before

>> No.8269335

that's fucking disgusting, cut your hair.

>> No.8269337

Depends. How ripped are you?

>> No.8269339

Pick up a couple of brushes and sponges. And be sure to get remover wipes. You do not want to leave that on your face overnight.

>> No.8269341

I'm on my way though, not like I have a deadline

>> No.8269344

Honestly, Stand cosplays are hard in general.

Holy shit, it's like any other board in reverse

Arousing. Nothing more exciting than an androgynous girl.

What happened in the last 5 years? Never heard of any /cgl/ raids.

And most of the time, it isn't to men. I don't mind if you're mean to me. At least I'm talking to a grill, that's better than usual. But it seems most of the time you bitch at one another over really petty things. Things about fashion and outfits that I find perfectly fine, and even cute, you girls claim are the devil and rip it to shreds.

My god, same here. I played flute too, but I quit when my friends told me it was gay.

In hindsight, it was super macho.

>> No.8269345

Anyone know any good beginner guides to cosplay makeup?

Being a guy, I've never worn makeup before, but I'm tired of seeing all my pores when I do a photoshoot. I also plan on doing a JoJo cosplay soon and I'd like to learn contouring so I can get my face closer to Araki's more androgynous style.

>> No.8269353

Facial hair is the bane of makeup application.

I like dis.

>> No.8269356

I'd say hit up youtube and look up some videos. Really it comes down to preference which you will see what you like when you start doing it.

Since you're doing Jojo you might also want to see tips on how to use lipstick and eyeshadow.

>> No.8269381

>complaining after 2 minutes
Welcome :3

>> No.8269446


>> No.8269482
File: 474 KB, 200x150, tumblr_inline_nmdy5wLaXw1rafjnt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/cgl/ mainly boils down to opinions vs other opinions with advice sprinkled in here and there. If you don't think a board of mostly anon opinions isn't going to be viscious and angry as hell, I don't know what to tell you.

Also, you really can't cosplay and stay anonymous, so obviously the drama is going to be a lot more personal as opposed to just going on to /a/ and telling another anon "ur waifu a shit".

>> No.8269508

Going to add that as a beginner you may not want to start off with the cell-shading style since even people who are really good at applying make-up normally can make cell-shading look bad.

>> No.8269552

mansplaining should be treated as rape

>> No.8269582

But then the rape statistics would skyrocket from 4 out of 5 women being raped every day to 40 out of 5 women.

>> No.8269583


>> No.8269612
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>> No.8269614
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>this thread

>> No.8269658

Fuck off. /pol/ is filled with the kind of men who want to rape women.

>> No.8269689
File: 22 KB, 536x279, make-up tools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For foundation you can use your fingers or sponges like in pic related.

I'd recommend getting pressed powder that includes a powder puff since that's two birds with one stone especially since it'll most likely have a little compartment for it inside the container which makes it convenient for travel-carry.

Otherwise, if it doesn't have it, you can still use the sponge or a powder brush (the big poofy brush)

Small brushes are usually for eye makeup like eyeshadow but can be helpful for applying powder around your eyes if it's difficult to use the powder puff/brush in that area so if you want to get one, I'd recommend the brush on the right side in pic related.

You don't really need a tool for eyeliner, but you can get an eyeliner stick with a rounded end (or sponge-end) since it can be used for blending/smoothing it after you put it on.

>> No.8269704

but all men inherently want to rape women