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File: 151 KB, 612x612, 8039827118_b2d457e84e_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8266302 No.8266302 [Reply] [Original]

I've just been put in charge of my comm's fashion show for our local convention. I've decided I'm allowing absolutely no plus sized models, but I'm not sure if I should have size restrictions stated to save them from wasting their time applying, or say nothing and only chose people within my weight standards silently. What do you guys think? Also, if a lolita who is typically perfect applies with a sub par coord, is it rude to tell them I usually love their outfits and would love to have them in the show, but not in that specific outfit? Or should I just deny them altogether? Any other tips for running a lolita fashion show?

>> No.8266317

I can tell you now, you will probably not be put in charge again.

>> No.8266327


>> No.8266352

Bullet notes:
No size restrictions to apply
If a big girl applies and looks hideous and her coord is worse, then deny
If a big girl looks good and her coord is spot, don't deny her for her weight
If a girl you like looks like shit, don't accept her based on shit other than what she's applying with
Don't be a faggot, allow other people to have fun, don't get your bloomers in a knot.

>> No.8266356

If I didn't say anything about the size restrictions, why wouldn't I be put in charge again?

Also, the way my comm works is that once you're in charge of the fashion show, you are until you step down. Unless the vast majority of the comm was so offended by the size restrictions that they wanted to boycott the entire show, which wouldn't happen since our comm is thankfully not plagued by ridiculous levels of fat acceptance. If I did a secret ballot, at least 70% of my comm would be heavily in favor of not allowing them.

>> No.8266405

Because you're a cunt for excluding people from an activity base on their size rather than the quality they're bringing. And once your comm realizes you a judgmental fat hating shit lord you won't be trusted to do anything of minor importance ever again since your bias will obviously get in the way.

>but many girls in my comm hate fatties too!
That sure is a nice assumption you're making there. No one cares. Be fair or step down.

Tldr; stop being a faggot, OP. We don't like fatties in brand either but if they can dress for their size let them strut their stuff.

>> No.8266453

>Because you're a cunt for excluding people from an activity base on their size rather than the quality they're bringing.
But, if I never mentioned the size restrictions and just acted upon them silently, they wouldn't even know I was doing that. And why would I recruit well dressed fatties when I'm already going to have to exclude tons of amazingly dressed thin girls? That makes no sense. If I had no one who dressed as well, sure I'd pick some fat chicks, but why should I over an equally well dressed smaller girl? If that makes me a cunt, so be it. Better that than pretending a fat lolita can look just as good as a skinny, pretty girl in the same quality outfit for the sake of being PC or lying to myself.

Also, you realize even not allowing fatties, there's still less size restriction here than in a main stream fashion show, right?

>> No.8266528

You're still a cunt. Your colors will bleed out soon though, so don't worry, you won't have to deal with this challenge next year.

>> No.8266539

wow you sound like such a bitch.

>> No.8266555

Okay, but what does it matter if they're plus-sized? If their coords are good, then their coords are good. If you deny every fatty, good or bad, then it's going to start raising red flags for everyone. People DO have bull-shit detectors, incase you weren't aware.

>> No.8266573

This. Dude, you've got a comm's rep to think about.

>> No.8266592

I'm sorry that your feelings are hurt by the fact I don't feel the need to pretend that being fat is a good thing.
Like I said my last post, there's already tons of pretty, thin girls who plan on applying once I announce the show. Why would I go with a less appealing option just to be diverse? Also, I don't think anyone would assume I was purposely excluding fatties because I'm friends with quite a few and never say anything negative about people's weight. They would just see me as picking extremely well dressed and pretty girls. It's a fashion show, that's kind of the entire point.

>> No.8266602

Not telling people about you so called restrictions is underhanded an if you're willing to do that to the overweight girls in the area the girls in your comm are going to come to distrust you. As they should.

Quality control is fine. That's what fashion shows are about. The best of the best to show the highlights of the fashion. But the fact that you can't be unbiased in selecting quality, literally to the point where you'll only use fat girls if you run out of thin ones says you aren't suitable for this activity.

If you don't mention your restriction at the end of the day people will notice "huh there weren't any girls there over a size 4" which is on par of basically not allowing darker or ethnic girls into the show because that's not your idea of what a lolita should be.

It's about being fair. And if you any be fair, I repeat, you should step down.
Exclusion of this type is asking for trouble.

>> No.8266603

Wow you're awful. You afraid they'll sit on you? It's people like you why the world can't move forward lolita or otherwise. Get off your high horse and pull that stick out of your ass.

>> No.8266608

People will notice the bias. You can't win. Surely there are some well dressed fatties.

And also, what do you consider "fat"? CGL fat and normie level fat are two different things. I'm a fat fuck by CGL standards at 100 cm bust and 84 cm waist, but the majority of the general population would probably only classify me as being a little overweight.

>> No.8266609

Save your comm some grief. What comm are you so we can let them know you're being overly selective about this?

You're apparently too pussy to post to your comm about your strict no fat girls rule so I'll be happy to do it for you.

Grow a pair.

>> No.8266615

Screencapping this thread so that the second the next lolita fashion show is announced, people will know exactly who is responsible for this. It's cute that you assume everyone else hates fatties but this thread is proving that you're the only one with your bloomers in a twist about big girls on the runway. If even cgl disagrees with you about fat girls in loli it's pretty much proof that you're being a huge cunt. I hope everyone in your comm sees this, knows exactly who's posting it, and ostracizes you for being stuck up. I cringe at the idea of stretched out burando as much as the next girl but this is still an atrocious idea that completely misses the point of a niche fashion show.

>> No.8266628

>all these fatty tears

Fuck /cgl/ is hilarious sometimes.

>> No.8266631

Okay, but you're still assuming the fat girl's not going to look great. It's not a matter of diversity, it's the fact that you're willing to deny a well-dressed girl just because you don't like fatties. That's what everyone's taking issue with, here.

>> No.8266632

>I'm a fat fuck by CGL standards at 100 cm bust and 84 cm waist, but the majority of the general population would probably only classify me as being a little overweight.
OP's a bitch, but you're very fat by most people's standards unless you're really tall.

>> No.8266633

Not even fat. Just put off that someone is this salty. Fatties can look good if they coord right. The show is about the clothes not the person wearing them necessarily.

>> No.8266638

Courtesy of Tumblr

>> No.8266642

congrats on getting so many responses, op

if this is real, congrats on sabotaging your little ~~~master plan~~~

>> No.8266645

1. Don't be a dick

But also

2. Fatties mad ITT

>> No.8266675

And this right here is a perfect example of how retarded /cgl/ can be.

First of all, pretty much every decent sized anime convention has a lolita fashion show. We know nothing about OP's fashion show other than it's in very early planning stages. There's absolutely no way of telling what con show is OP's.

Secondly, time and time again, people have come on /cgl/ posting things like this with a suspicious amount of detail for the sake of setting someone up. So, for all we know, it could be someone with beef against this girl trying to make her look awful, knowing full well seagulls would start a witch hunt. You know, like you're instigating right now.

So yeah, how about not jump the gun with no evidence and most likely blame an innocent person?

>> No.8266686

The butthurt reaction is worse than OP, honestly. This is what happens when tumblr floods your board.

>> No.8266707

Kekking at this entire thread.

Take in as many regular girls as you want, but also take in maybe 1 or 2 at the most well-dressed fatties so tumblrfucks can't call you out for not being ""inclusive"".

Even though real tumblr sjws will just find something else to nitpick your show about if they want, like why you didn't include every race and body size of lolitas even if they're ita af. They thirst for the drama.

>> No.8266738

Goddamn, I hope this isn't at ACen.

>> No.8266751
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Size restrictions are fine. But hiding your intent is rather douchy. You don't want plus sized people then just have the measurements fall in that range, that's it. But you have to be fair; if an amazing lolita applies with a shit coordination you should deny them as well.

>> No.8266755

>what I meant was "don't fall in that range

>> No.8266776

If you're going to be a cunt about it then just be a cunt about it. Casting calls for fashion shows have requirements--just make one of yours a size range or something idk. Ones I've assisted with include things like:
Must have your own shoes, foundation, concealer, etc.

Still shitty of you to do, and I would be really underwhelmed by the show (especially if there are some plus size lolitas that can coord incredibly well).

>> No.8266783

The AP fashion show had size restrictions but they were pretty reasonable. If someone sends in a bad/mediocre coord just don't reply to them.

>> No.8266795
File: 244 KB, 471x405, seagull attack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it, OP. Save the fashion show from the landwhales.

>> No.8266799

> implying fatties will ever look as good as an equally competent petite lolita

>> No.8266821

AP has size restrictions because actual fatties can't fit into AP.

>> No.8266830

Here's the deal. This is coming from someone who has been involved in convention staffing, department heads and probably having been involved in every department and aspect possible in conventions over the last 15 years. I'm also running a lolita fashion show for my local convention.

At the end of the day any event for a convention is entertainment for both those involved in it, and those watching it. You are serving as the organizer of the event.

I think some restrictions are fine. However, I feel like size restrictions, especially for person coordinates are a bit rough and automatically comes off as bitchy. If you have any indie brands (or big brands if you're lucky) involved, let them determine the sizing for their models. It's less bitchy that way because hey, I have these show pieces and these are the sizes I can accommodate.

When it comes to selecting coordinates that people have put together, if you are too fucking picky you're not going to have anyone enter your fashion show and you'd better have some filler planned. I just make sure that people have a generally decent grasp on the fashion and don't look like they pulled out items in the dark. If I know they generally coord well, I let them have at it. If someone enters something that looks like it may not have a good reflection on the fashion, I will point them toward modeling for someone else so they can have a good time without making the show look terrible.

Like I said though. The show needs to be just as enjoyable for the participants as it is for the audience. You are the go-between.

>> No.8266839

Just throwing this out here, for me seeing the restrictions for a lolita fashion made me step up my weight loss game. I will always be a landwhale by cgl standards, 92 cm bust ayyyy, at ideal weight, but I may shoot lower to get to 88 cm. Give people a reality check.

>> No.8266841

>Still shitty of you to do, and I would be really underwhelmed by the show (especially if there are some plus size lolitas that can coord incredibly well).
So a show HAS to have some large people to be good? lmfao

>> No.8266848

They have to convince themselves to feel better.

>> No.8266865
File: 82 KB, 750x709, image_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow you're one major bitch, and I love you.

>> No.8266873

I'm generally pretty anti-fatty, but obviously if a bigger girl with an awesome coord enters you should accept. Just try not to be biased. Don't state your intentions if people are picking their own outfits, or it will be a shit show.

>> No.8266884

They can if she's uggo. :^)

>> No.8266887

Also for the second question, why don't you just allow people to submit a max of three outfits and you'll accept one?

>> No.8266890

I'm just saying what if. If it turns out they all look like shit, then they all look like shit and shouldn't be in the show.

>> No.8266897

What were the size restrictions for AP, out of curiousity?

>> No.8266898

No, but if it's the same thing I see at every other show (petite girls in cute/passable but not fantastic coords) it falls flat. Really flat. Been-there-seen-that type thing.

>> No.8266909

This is from anime revolution.

Requirements from the designers are as follows:

Basic requirements

Must already have a valid membership badge to Anime Revolution.
Available on Aug 15-16 for fitting and rehearsals.
No visible tattoos, facial or exposed piercings, body art, body modifications or plugs.


Natural Height: 5’2″ to 5’7″ tall
Bust: 28″ to 36″
Waist: 26″ to 29″


The designers will prioritize applicants who can provide the following:

Angelic Pretty Shoes
Petticoats and Bloomers (does not have to be Angelic Pretty)
Can do own hair and make-up, with minimal help

I don't feel this is unreasonable. I'm larger than these measurements and there is a decent amount of leeway involved. If I wanted to lose the weight to model for AP, I probably could.

>> No.8266920
File: 65 KB, 1004x533, cute fattychan!!!111!1!1!112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like if they're cute, know how to dress themselves and they don't look like they're murdering what they're wearing (ex. split seams, shirring at full capacity etc), let them do the thing, fattychan or not.

Also I think >>8266887 's idea would be ideal in this case if you're worried about fattychans with no style ruining your show or whatever you're bitching about.

>> No.8266922

Those are very reasonable! I have shit skin though, so I doubt I'd ever be able to model for them, but at least it's nice knowing that I could potentially be accepted based on measurements.

>> No.8266925

>no body modifications

so if they've had a nose job they're out?

>> No.8266926

This is a good method - true landwhales probably won't have but one "outfit".

>captcha: select all hamburgers

>> No.8266933

And people in this thread are butthurt over OP not wanting overweight people.
The terms "body modifications" refers to tattoos, piercings, and the like, not cosmetic surgery even though the name implies it would.

>> No.8266935
File: 124 KB, 440x640, 1419800850541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this edgy Tumblr mentality.
> pic related

>> No.8266936

OP I support you fully in your no fatties allowed show. Don't let those SJWs break you down.

>> No.8266948

>tumblr mentality

I don't think expecting something at least a little different in some way is particularly unreasonable, anon.

By barring plus size lolitas, OP is missing out on some potentially really good coords. (Unless they're all actual itas but earlier anon's suggestion for three cohesive outfits would take care of that.)

>> No.8266974

A large number of the most well dressed girls in Chicago are on the overweight side, though, so I doubt that'd fly there without being obvious.

>tfw too short for grorious AP ideal

>> No.8266980

Nah, you're not. I'm 5'0" and I walked for them at a con fashion show. They put me in a long dress, too.

>> No.8266987
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>so edgy, I have spikes on my ribbon

>> No.8267014

I don't mind body acceptance, but I do hate this mentality that fat women are all "queens" and "goddesses" because...why? They've accumulated more mass?

That being said, I still think OP is being a little ridiculous. Barring someone with great coording skills because she weighs a little more than the others is just silly. What's the harm in one or two token plus size models? People are happy because "representation" and if you picked the best dressers, regardless of size, you'll have the best coords on the runway.

>> No.8267087

When they came to ACen in 2012, the height limit was 5'4" or 5'5" so it looks like they broadened it for that other anon's con. I don't remember what the bust or waist ranges were, though.

>> No.8267088

well-tailored b8 for ceegeeell , op

>> No.8267102

Fashion student here, I've got some great insight for you.

Firstly If you want to have a size restriction you should advertise it. Sometimes people put a lot of time, effort and money into creating applications and image portfolios so it is polite to let people know when they shouldn't bother. Most of the time the models will be understanding about size restrictions since they are expected to wear fixed sized clothing.

On this topic, you are making a huge mistake in letting your personal feelings of fat hate come across in your plans. This fashion show isn't about you, its about the people who will enjoy watching it, lolitas having fun sharing their passion on the cat walk and representing lolita in a positive way. Like it or not fat people like lolita and are lolitas so you cannot exclude them because of your anti-fat bias. They are part of this community too and people watching the show will enjoy it more when there are body types the can relate to. It makes the fashion seem more achievable

Additionally if you hate fatness because it is unhealthy, and you want to exclude people because of it then you should probably think twice. I think it is potentially more unhealthy to spread unrealistic beauty standards and ideals by restricting peoples exposure to the vast variety within the human species.

You could turn this around you know. If you really had a problem with plus-sized lolitas outfits you could take this opportunity to counter some of the chubby hate within the community. Feature some plus-sized lolitas in really excellent coords that you have styled, it will be good for your show and the worldwide comm in general.

>> No.8267140

>I think it is potentially more unhealthy to spread unrealistic beauty standards and ideals
I was with you until this. How is a normal BMI an unrealistic beauty standard?

>> No.8267164

Maybe she meant underweight BMIs. And either way some people will never be thin the same way other people will never be fat. It's just better to have representation from all sides.

>> No.8267171

BMI is a bullshit indicator of how overweight a person is. Someone skinny fat could have the same weight as someone who is all muscle, and be far unhealthier.

>> No.8267192

She didn't say a normal BMI, she said she would give absolute preference to thin girls.
The range for a normal BMI can, depending on the body type, stray into the lolita fatty chan catagory for westeners.

Japanese women have on average much smaller frames, and are contested to have a lower BMI than western women. They are however held up by western lolitas as the ideal beauty or standard that should be worked towards or achieved.

In this way we have a propensity to favor western girls who emulate the figure and fat distribution of the Japanese models, which for the most part due to our frames, were we store fat etc. (averages by country) is simply not an achievable for a huge population of people.

Continuing to try and emulate these body shapes can be psychologically and physically unhealthy, as people will take drastic measures to achieve these impossible goals, and then have little to know self worth when they cant. I won't even mention the bullying that is doled out to fat people, its kind of obvious, but this spawned from a weight and body obsessed communities continually trying to force people into molds that are nothing but constructs of what is perceived to be desirable at any given time in history.

>> No.8267197



>> No.8267219

OT but I hate this art style so much. Like everyone on Tumblr draws kawaii uwu j-fash-wearing fat girls with alien eyes, fish lips, multi-colored undercut hair, and perfect fat distribution. Can I get some originality?

>> No.8267226

this whole thread is retarded. I can't help that think that OP is just bait. And if it isn't, you're just a raging salty cunt.

>> No.8267236

She never even said fatties can't look good

She literally said she has no reason to pick them because there are girls who are thinner, equally or more pretty, and equally or more well dressed

>> No.8267247

You seem to be making a lot of assumptions about OP's post.

>> No.8267253

y'all niggas postin in a troll thread

>> No.8267275

You seem to have not read any of OP's responses.

>> No.8267347

I thought you were serious until shit lord.

>> No.8267428

Is it weird that the thing that bothers me most about this is her eyebrows aren't dyed to match her hair?

>> No.8267461

Yes because that's trashy as fuck on top of her hair being blue already

>> No.8267474

These are pretty fair.

>maximum height 5'7"
>tfw too tall for AP

>> No.8267478

>tfw when 1" too tall
>tfw waist 1.5-2" too small

>> No.8267487

That.. Doesn't sound too healthy at all..

>> No.8267493

A 61cm waist isn't "dangerously thin" even at 5'8", anon.

>> No.8267520

The only thing not healthy is I lost about 10lbs of muscle+fat, and dropped down to probably 100lbs< because I got really ill with the flu and food poisoning 5 years ago and have been too poor(and a bit lazy) to try to gain more of that back so I'm about (115-117) 5-8lbs underweight now which is no need for alarm health wise unless I'm aiming to get pregnant. Look heavier than I am, stats are fine, fat% is normal. If I was to gain more weight right now it would just be fat since I can't work out at a gym right now and thus get true healthy gains.
My uni next semester has an actual gym, so I'll be doing it then.

Also 24-25" isn't that small for my height, I'm definitely thin, but it's not at all walking skelly mode. Keep in mind I'm also somewhere in between a pear and hourglass, except when I was at a higher weight it was more like a pudgy triangle. I don't get boob fat. I get arm, thigh, hip, and belly fat so it looks very disproportionate and just not nice. I don't get curvy if I gain pure fat.
Don't plan on weighing more than 125lbs unless I can have full access to a gym and total control of my diet so it'd be gains and nor fat or when I decide to have kids. But it's summer now so I'm going to do what I can at home.

>> No.8267538

Who said anything about dangerously? Wat

>> No.8267559

From what I remember, the bust was 32", the waist was around 26" and the shoe size was 8. The height was definitely 5'. I modeled in the show, and all the girls were thin.

>> No.8267603

In my country you'd definitely be "the fat one" with a 84cm waist. Honestly you're only slightly overweight by American/Mexican/poorfag UK standards.

>> No.8267607

Fat girls will never look as good as normal girls, especially on a runway. Why are people acting like obesity is somehow separate from the rest of their appearance? Should OP also include girls with hunchbacks or faces riddled with weeping acne because a person's body apparently doesn't affect their appearance?

>> No.8267613
File: 66 KB, 1000x662, kekekekeke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you win this round.

We found out just how much fat nasty trash visit this board

>> No.8267614

Actual fatties shove themselves into AP all the time. AP is easily one of the most fat-friendly brand out there, and the designers themselves (who are normal-sized) are swimming in their own dresses.

>> No.8267617

PT wore AP forever. She only stopped now that she can't even fit into bodyline 4L.

>> No.8267623

i feel like the only people who legitimately get mad at fat people are people who haven't had the privilege of experiencing it
if you ever become disabled for some reason (you could get into an accident or something and not be able to leave your bed for a few months) or shoot a baby out of your crotch (lord knows most of you will) it's a really humbling experience, and i think most people have something to learn from it
i was 5'5" 118lbs before i got into a bad car accident where i essentially had to learn to walk again, and since I'd been pretty active before and became pretty depressed i gained about 70lbs in 6 months
im down to 140 now but it really sucked having to live as a fatty for a while
i know none of you give a shit because most of you could get on daddy's cummy program and just get some lipo to fix it but it is something to consider before turning your nose up

>> No.8267627

In my comm AP is the default fat girl brand, next to Bodyline. There's only one thin girl who wears AP. The rest all wear BtSSB, IW, Moitie, handmade, etc.
We have a fashion show every year as well and the sweet/AP part is always represented by fat girls with immense boob loaf that forces the dress' waist to sit right under or even on the wearer's tits. My friend, who didn't know much about lolita but watched the show with me, assumed that all AP dresses were empire waist because that was all she saw.

It's ridiculous to say fat girls don't 'fit' AP. Of course they don't fit into it as intended but they can zip the dresses up and in lolita, that's apparently all that matters.

>> No.8267629

Most fat people haven't been in car accidents and there are plenty of fat women who have never had a child.

>> No.8267645

you should consider looking more into the american diet then, and how it's engineered to make people fat
i exclusively eat vegan but most people grow up looking at the food pyramid as a dietary guide and are raised on primarily a carb/sugar based diet low in fat which is actually awful for you
things like "whole grains" and "low fat yogurt" misguide people pretty often
sugar is also highly addictive, you even experience withdrawals when you stop eating it
there's a good amount of information on it, you should look it up if you're interested
this also stays relevant across other countries, though it's more prominent in the us

>> No.8267652

The fact that you posted a thread on cgl is already leaking too much info bro

>> No.8267655
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>> No.8267668


What do you expect people to do even if they have all that info, though? It's a fashion show, not the paralympics. You aren't competing for sympathy points, heck, you probably won't even get anything if you got picked.

>> No.8267678

what are you competing for actually? like is it not about lolita or? it just seems goofy to be like "im excluding the fatties because their appearance offends me", like it's almost laughable if you think of someone actually saying that out loud
would you really go up to people and make that big of a fool out of yourself? obviously this can't be something you'd ever say out loud in front of other people, right? "hey guys so likeeeee, i don't think we should have any fat people because like my precious eyes just simply can't bare to gaze upon them."
it's like you guys are parodies of yourselves now

>> No.8267687


Exactly. I can't see why anybody is butthurt that they're not in some fashion show.

>> No.8267704

>That.. Doesn't sound too healthy at all..
What else would you infer from that?

>> No.8267708

Nothing unhealthy about it with certain body shapes, especially if they do a sport or work out.

>> No.8267720

Shouldn't a lolita fashion show be about showcasing the dresses in the best light?

In that case fatty chans and boobloaf chans shouldn't be something to rage about now showing.
It doesn't fit just because you can manage to get it on afterall.
If the bodice is riding up, it doesn't fit
If it's creating lumps, it doesn't fit
If you boobs engulf the bodice or don't even contain your boobs, it doesn't fit

Also not to mention the problems above(except boobloaf for some) don't apply to many/most "average" sized girls, i,e your mediums among the smalls and extra smalls

>> No.8267749

This. Want to show off pretty clothes? Put them on people who fit into them properly and make them look as intended. If a fat girl is wearing a beautiful indie/handmade dress that fits and flatters her then she should be able to join, but if it's all brand dresses then people who are too fat or too tall to fit into them properly don't belong in the show. I don't care if fatties burst out of their burando in their own time but if my comm were to set up a fashion show to represent the best of lolita then those girls can stay on the sidelines.

>> No.8267856

If it's bait, it's pretty successful. I haven't seen so much mad in one thread in a long time. If it's not bait, I hope OP does it and just doesn't say anything.
FFS this is so obvious shouldn't even need to be said, but apparently it does.

>> No.8267995

As far as I can tell, people aren't saying "include them just because I said so", they're saying "if they look good". Looking good includes all of the things you listed.

>> No.8268011

You completely missed the point of my post, though. If she looks good, then she looks good and shouldn't really be passed up so quickly. If she ends up being out-shined by a petite girl, then go for the petite girl. If it turns out all the fatties look like shit (as everyone's assuming will happen) then there will be no fatties in the show. If this is the case, then why is it such a big deal to the OP? Wouldn't you naturally just end up with skinny girls at the end of the day?

>> No.8268027

Honestly, I'd be with OP if she would have stated that she just wanted a size restriction due to uniformity or outfit changes.
But no, instead it's
Edgelord. Just put people in the show who look good and can coordinate well, and yes, plus size people can look good. Sorry not sorry, but facts don't disappear just because they don't match your ideals.

>> No.8268032

I don't think you understand what 'facts' are, anon. You think fatties can look good, and that's your opinion. A lot of people ITT don't think fatties can look good, and that's their opinion. No facts here, just subjectivity.

>> No.8268038

>you think
No, there are fatties who look good.

Not obesechans, not frumpy fatties fitting into dresses that don't fit. And this is what those people are bitching about when they think of fatties. It would be as dumb as some assblasted fattie saying skinny lolitas never look good. It's bullshit.

They're not thinking of 'chubbychans' who are actually plus sized. They don't think about decently proportioned, size 12-14 fatties who have chosen flattering outfits and can coordinate well.

>> No.8268043

>good coordinates don't have an objective measure
Everything is subjective? No, you sound like tumblr.

>> No.8268048

Where the hell does OP say anything like that? You're projecting really hard. Be less oversensitive.

>> No.8268050

>our comm is thankfully not plagued by ridiculous levels of fat acceptance
>Better that than pretending a fat lolita can look just as good as a skinny, pretty girl in the same quality outfit for the sake of being PC or lying to myself.
>I don't feel the need to pretend that being fat is a good thing

OP is a cunt. There's no way around that.

>> No.8268083

None of that is as over the top as you were implying.

Being fat ISN'T a good thing.

If you have two lolitas wearing the exact same coord, with the exact same face, and one is fat and the other isn't, obviously most people are going to say the smaller one is better looking unless they are BBW fetishists or fat themselves.

Calling someone a cunt for stating these things is a perfect example of "ridiculous levels of fat acceptance". I hate how often people on 4chan needlessly blame tumblr for anything annoying, but this thread is an A+ example of how in many ways the overly sensitive tumblr mentality has rubbed off on the lolita community and /cgl/ for the worse.

>> No.8268092

>None of that is as over the top as you were implying.
Oh, well heaven forbid a cunt gets a cunt treatment!

Stop whiteknighting yourself OP. The fashion show isn't about your preferences, it's about who looks good and what the audience wants to see. Man the fuck up and set neutral sizing standards and leave your personal tirade against fat people at the door.
If there's anything "tumblr" about this thread, it's you thinking having one or two well dressed fatties in a show is going to upset feefees and suddenly make you a fat promoter. Dumb bitch.

>> No.8268098

Nobody cares about what you think is right and wrong. Multiple people have said ITT that they'd be with OP if she would just state a sizing restriction and leave it at that. Her personal opinions are vindictive and unfair, and they don't belong in a fashion show.

>> No.8268099

So, anyone who doesn't share your tumbrtard beauty standards has to be OP whiteknighting themselves because no one else could possibly disagree? lol talk about being full of yourself.

People have different opinions that you. Many people think fat people look disgusting. It's not one isolated person. Deal with it.

>> No.8268102

>anyone who doesn't think fatties don't look like absolute shit 100% of the time must be from tumblr
>weh full of urself
Hah, I hope you're being ironic. You're a cunt, deal with it sweetie.

>> No.8268103

>Nobody cares about what you think is right and wrong.
So then people should care about what you do because...?

>> No.8268105

Well OP should care since they're asking and it's their topic. I'd assume they'd be invested in the responses.

Should you care? No, you're just being the defensive anon defending OP's honor for no reason at all, hm...

>> No.8268109

>anyone who doesn't think fatties don't look like absolute shit 100% of the time must be from tumblr
It's not thinking fatties can look nice that makes you look like you're from tumblr, it's how butthurt your reaction is toward anyone who doesn't think they're good looking enough to be in a fashion show. One dedicated to a fashion mostly made for small people, at that.

>> No.8268111

>set sizing restrictions
>don't tell people your motivation that you hate how fat people look
>everyone assumes it's just the standard for a fashion show like many other shows and don't suspect a thing

What's so hard about this concept? Why is it that everyone lately has the sudden need to let the world know that they hate fat people?
People go to fashion shows to see outfits, not the show director's opinions about what looks good.

>> No.8268112

>implying op hasn't been butthurt this entire thread that people don't 100% agree with their decision
Nice try.

>> No.8268118

but then we wouldn't have this delicious rage fest...

>> No.8268120
File: 56 KB, 320x240, 1358263099411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips don't lie.
>mfw this entire thread

>> No.8268125

Honestly you're just making people who have mild opinions against fattychan coords look like retards and trolls.

>> No.8268128

>Should you care? No, you're just being the defensive anon defending OP's honor for no reason at all, hm...
Since I must be OP for agreeing with her, I guess you must be a fatty to be so mad on their behalf?

Also, I'm not defending her honor. I just find it rather ridic that a person can't think being fat isn't aesthetically pleasing without SJWs calling them a cunt.

>> No.8268136

>Well OP should care since they're asking and it's their topic. I'd assume they'd be invested in the responses.
OP would care about their post too, though. I mostly agree with you, but at this point you're just being a sandy bitch in a really unclever way.

>> No.8268139

Not nearly as butthurt as the people mad over it

>> No.8268141


>> No.8268191
File: 39 KB, 1064x900, dennis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's just about the clothing and fashion itself then ideally you want thin people without many distinguishing features like large assets, facial abnormalities or just anything that calls attention to the model.

The entire reason why "sexy" models aren't used for fashion shows is because they'll draw attention to their bodies. Whether you like it or not if a person is heavy attention will be drawn away from the clothing and onto their body.

If it's less of a fashion show but more of a display or celebration of the lolita community and it's members there's no reason not to have larger girls because the focus is more on the humans than the fabric.

OP, just treat it like a casting call and set some clear guidelines as to the sizes or builds you'll allow on stage.

>> No.8268231

Yes, but even the best fatty-chans almost always have at least one of those problems(especially the bodice riding up way too much) unless it's handmade(but then you run into the quality problem) or they did a very good job altering it somehow that the construction has changed to be it's best on a large girl(but still doesn't usually fix the fit issues, just makes it a bit better)
given OP apparently has a wide selection of people who don't present these issues and fit into the categories needed.
Eh, judging by brand shows the more typical runway models tend to look too severe and take attention away from the dresses.

>> No.8268236

>OP apparently has a wide selection of people who don't present these issues and fit into the categories needed.

So pretty much op is just being a bitch and can't just set the sizing restriction quietly, and has to make a bunch of fat people on the internet feel bad in order to feel good.

>> No.8268240

The ideal model is a robot mannequin in a society where robot mannequins are totally normal.

>> No.8268258
File: 434 KB, 598x732, tyler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down, anon, just close down the browser and cry yourself to sleep over a bucket of fried chicken, it'll be okay

>> No.8268277

Not all models have a uniformed look, it all depends on the needs/wants of the client.

Some want super weird alien looking girls
Some want androgyny
Some want 'ugly' models with a big gap in their teeth

>> No.8268303

>anyone who calls OP out must be a fattie
Nope. You're just a salty cunt stirring the pot.

>> No.8268327

>OP is a cunt. There's no way around that.

it reality in the real world. reality sucks

im considered lucky i guess, have a fortunate face and don't have any health problems stopping me from losing weight this summer. finally going to look good in brand yiss

>> No.8268688

>tfw when for once too tall and waist too small to model

>> No.8268703

Whose reality? Yours?
>am overweight but dress very nicely and flattering
>nobody has given me shit about my weight since high school
>even seagulls are nice and don't think I'm some disgusting ham

>> No.8268740

Show pics :^)

>> No.8268798

bunny, you fat cunt, just stop already

>> No.8268824

not even super tall, my waist is 79 and bust is 99 I'm 5'7 and considered average-chubby

>> No.8268838


Just remember, in the US, an 'average' waistline is 37 inches, making our views on bodies really fucked up.


Sorry to be that person, but 'overweight' and 'obese' are very strict categories in terms of BMI. We could argue all day whether they're actually relevant or not, but a 'little overweight' (i.e. borderline) would be the same all over the world, regardless of how morbidly obese one country is.

>inb4 shut up anon we know that already

>> No.8268845

>having standards about the physical appearance of models doesn't belong at a fashion show

fat really clogs the brain huh...

>> No.8268851


>> No.8268888

No, but your personal scale of fatness is skewed according to your environnement. If the people you meet everyday are fat fucks, you'll think that that is standard. Example: I'm small by American standards, but my Asian relatives call me fat whenever I visit.

>> No.8268907


Of course I understand that.

It's a personal skeeve because I use those specific terms 'overweight' and 'obese' with a specific definition.

Sort of like how everyone on the internet complains they're OCD when in reality they have a few things they get annoyed about. But to a far lesser extent.