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8267944 No.8267944 [Reply] [Original]

Old one died! >>8236031


>Taobao/Alibaba services

>> No.8268204
File: 21 KB, 500x500, setting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was thinking about making cameo necklaces for an upcoming con. I'm not entirely sure how to go about putting the image on it though, since this is my first time attempting to make them.

Is just printing out the image and then pouring resin over it ok? Will that make the ink run? Or do I need a special method of printing, gluing, etc.

>> No.8268221

Ink won't run, but your picture will look translucent. Most people paint the inside of the cameo with white acrylic because of that.

I'm looking for shaped dust plugs like this listing in Taobao:

Maybe on aliexpress or ebay?

>> No.8269403

Is it worth it to invest in kiss cut sticker sheets? They look so much more professional but I'm not sure the extra cost is worth it when most people probably wouldn't pay much more than a couple bucks for a sheet.

>> No.8269418

I saw a sheet of stickers go for 10.
I would have bought them but I was budgeting.

>> No.8269429

holy shit i just looked this up why on earth are places only selling them in 200+ quantities?

>> No.8269516

I have a cameo that I've liked using to make sheets, personally. Even at $5 a pop they weren't moving too much though, which was somewhat disappointing.

>> No.8269597

My latest project is working on some bath bombs shaped like D20s that have a random colored D20 inside of them. I have a basic mold that I made that has worked out okay so far but I'm trying to get them perfect.

>> No.8269608

Can anybody recommend some decent sticker paper that isn't the Ld 100 pack? Price wise it's not bad at all, but quality wise I'm really, really not a fan.

I've found some gloss vinyl but I'm not sure if the bump in price is worth it...

>> No.8269773

Cameo is that sticker printer/cutter right?
Is it worth getting one or are stickers kinda of a fad right now in the AA area?

>> No.8269810

Do you think art of these series will sell in the rest of the year?

>Meduca meguca (specifically Homucifer from the movie)
>Princess Jellyfish (not real worried about this one)
>Fruits Basket (too old?)
>Death Parade (posted about this in another thread)
>Monster Hunter

I'm so out of the loop. All the stuff I WANT to make fanart from are series that wouldn't sell.

>> No.8269813

I personally didn't sell many stickers when I did. Buttons just move so much faster and at a higher price point per individual button.

>> No.8269871

sure, its still got a lot of merch footing a feel?
>princess jellyfish
god please more kuragehime. i got so fed up with the lack of it that im making my own print too

>> No.8269875

*i feel

sorry just got up from a nap

>> No.8269981

I have a Jellyfish Princess print that sells out every convention. I also look out for prints for that series but everything's all Haikyuu Ghoul Pedal. I would be pleased if I could find some prints of that series.

>> No.8270038

Fruits Basket could go either way, honestly. I think because it's too old it will sell well. My Death Parade prints struggled to sell where everything else I had either sold out or I ended up with only a couple of prints left.

>> No.8270098

i was hunting for you at sakuracon and never found your booth (i even posted on the SC thread haha) i was gonna get it for my sister

>> No.8270109

How long does it take to prepare for your first convention?

I'm looking to start creating things to sell. I'm finally confident in my art, being a second year art school student. I don't have anything ready yet, so no prints, charms, anything. How long do you guys think it would take to make a good enough quality and quantity set of prints/charms/etc?

>> No.8270142

My boyfriend bought that print.
He loves it.

I'm a big fan of "old school" anime even though its not that old.

>> No.8270144

Digit, you're digitoonie, right? I bought a charm from you at Mega and I was super impressed with the quality. I gotta ask though, where do you buy the straps to attach the charm to + the plugs at the end? I haven't been able to find a good place to buy the straps in bulk and I have no idea where to get the plugs either.

>> No.8270692

Artists in Australia... Is anyone else wondering what is happening with SMASH aa applications?

>> No.8271166

hey, long time lurker here
I wrote to the washi tape seller another anon inquired (and linked) to in the last thread to find out about MOQ and prices for custom tape.
if you want washi tape that they have in stock, the MOQ is 50 rolls, minimum 5 rolls per design. For custom printed tape the MOQ is 3500 rolls á 0,30 $, and you have to pay a fee on top for "mold making". Sadly way too much for me, but I'll keep looking.

>> No.8271628
File: 167 KB, 640x561, bb3136b7b01581fb971451cd0625ea3b7436abbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for so many questions! Where can I order custom backings for pins and necklaces like this? I looked up custom jewelry tags on aliexpress and none are quite like this, they seem pretty standard and plain.

Thanks anon!

>> No.8272034
File: 131 KB, 1152x522, topic not dropped apparently.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know what is ruffling her feathers as nothing was brought up on this thread.

>> No.8272069 [DELETED] 

Check the previous thread. No one was being outright mean about her, but she was brought up a lot.

>> No.8272083

i really, really want to write a blog to teach her good AA ethic, but I only want to do it if I can finish it with a mic drop.

>> No.8272112
File: 269 KB, 1000x750, 20150131_160535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her AA general advice isn't too bad honestly. It's very basic information at least from what ive skimmed over. Some of it is a bit opinionated, but am I missing something in particular that started all of this?

I will admit, I cringed at her reused packaging for shipping. Having a doodle stating 'do not bend' is sadly going to be ignored by postal workers. It needs to be a giant sticker or stamp across both sides of the parcel or that shit's bound to get bent and stuffed into a box.

>> No.8272121
File: 614 KB, 1280x959, tumblr_nmv9j54wEv1r9nvo5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8272124
File: 569 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nn2979SvDS1qe48t4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8272134

What irked me, and afaik most others, is her attitude.
No Sales? It's the damn costumers fault, they don't have respect or know how to aprreciate her unique art style. Or the people she shares the table with, their art is too colorful and drowns hers out!
Talking to customers genuinely interested in you/your work? Damn neckbeards flirting with me, they want to know all my secrets, better just leave them.

I have only done 3 cons so far, but I worked in my uncles store often enough to know that the customer is king (and if you ar epolite and friendly to someone who is, too, you can actually convince them to buy something even if they just came in too take a look around) and that if you don't make sales, 70% of the time the fault lays with you. Either your advertisment sucks, the quality doesn't justify the price you ask, or well, your service turns people away.

>> No.8272167
File: 106 KB, 500x375, tumblr_inline_nmmhrrro0IpLw1svid02_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully she will be a little more optimistic in her wording for future posts. But I would never EVER post anything negative about customers on a professional blog. That's never going to be erased from the net.

>Ugh, the only pic taken from our last booth (I ...forgot), I made such a terrible expression that this version is 10000x better.

>> No.8272420

Can I ask where it is you get your lanyards printed?

>> No.8272495

We don't share that out, but I would recommend any of the hundreds of american companies that are willing to work with you on pricing and quantity requirements. Chances are, you'll get better quality, less misprints, and easier dialog with an american company.

>> No.8272625

>am I missing something in particular that started all of this?
Just my opinion of what went down from the last thread...

TLDR: Tumbler post suggesting she go back and refine art skill.

>> No.8272866
File: 139 KB, 960x720, 11178313_883890265024179_2249005431132826114_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda tired seeing tumblr fads in AA.
Its great if it sells, but this just seems really tacky and dumb.

>> No.8272880

However these necklaces are nice in that if you ever see someone wearing it you know to stay away from them. I can maybe see wearing this to a party or something with friends but I could never wear this in public so it would just collect dust.

>> No.8272889

looks like someone has a home cnc machine to cut those acrylics... I only see one target audience for that lol. ew

>> No.8273070

Can you even sell something like these in an AA for a con? Would this go under a censor for 18+? Just curious...

What bothers me most about this are the rings before the "f" and the "y" where the chain will obviously hang. I didn't really realize with the acrylic, but it looks atrocious on the wood. TBH, good for her for trying to get some fad money. It's not the worst designed thing I've ever seen, but it's not well thought out...

>> No.8273080

Good point.

>> No.8273088

it's "fuccboi", smdh

>> No.8273268

I would give it a year to six months of solid creation time. Depends how fast you draw though, really.

>> No.8273314

Not that anon but how many portfolio pieces would you say you need in order to table? d-dont worry I know how to put a port together but I've never put my work up for sale. Is 15 roundabouts good? Do some cons require x amount? How do you handle the otakon hurdle of 50/50?

>> No.8273327

I'm a 3D artist alley crafter - but do draw on the side. Thinking of creating prints - what would be a safe number to test waters? I was thinking 10-15 prints would be safe? Is that a good number.

:< sadly wish I could say I have all the time to prepare - but it's for lol fanime.

>> No.8273739

So someone is insisting I work at 600 dpi instead of 300 dpi for a A3 print (9921x7016 instead of 4961x3508 px). I'm pretty sure this would just melt my computer by the rendering phase. is there actually a discernible difference when printed?

>> No.8273815

I could only foresee if you plan to print larger than A3. If your rig has 16GB+ ram or more and are using SSD drives should be able to handle. But if your only planning A3 and smaller just go 300dpi.

>> No.8274229

humans can only perceive 300dpi so unless you think you might print 2x+ the size at some point don't bother with 600dpi. And even then, i've blown up things to 200dpi and they still look fine.

>> No.8274232
File: 121 KB, 640x640, 10632861_720562937978966_1940865765562792762_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where you can get those postcards with the holographic/glitter in the background? I've seen a few people post them and it's adorable.

>> No.8274236

who is supposed to wear this? the fuckboy? the person who likes fuckboys???

>> No.8274301

would having a sketchbook out with pages people could buy work?

>> No.8274368

I should ask my previous boss about this; I painted a piece that was standard desktop wallpaper size at 300dpi that they ended up printing as a booth banner that was at least human tall. I can't imagine it was flawless but from a photo of it afar it wasn't horrifying. Try a couple of high pass filters as overlay layers on it maybe? If you're up scaling... I have no idea if that would help in print but it helps in blurry res images?

>> No.8274506

I want to know what company will do it for you.
I know one anon said you can buy the film and do it yourself but I don't have the time or money to do that.

>> No.8274520

Jimi Agency is what people use the most

That said, that star foil is from Stampee Crafts, at least that I know of. You need the bonding powder and a heat laminator to apply it properly.

>> No.8274549

>but from a photo of it afar it wasn't horrifying
banners can get away with low dpi, as long as the original is rather good quality to begin with, I've done or been force to resize the dpi even lower than 200 ~150 just to print 4x8's for example.

Once it is hung high above, the viewing distance of 3'+ looks completely fine. Just the dodo heads that stick their face 6" to the print and say why is it blurry? lolol

>> No.8274559

>the dodo heads

This made me laugh more than it probably should have

>> No.8275150

It's a good rule to do 300 dpi but it's not entirely true that you can't perceive the difference past that. For example, stuff like bitmapped lineart can look really crunchy at 300 dpi. Most comic companies require at least 400 dpi on their files and most of the stuff that comes across my desk is 600.

You can generally get "good enough" from 300 dpi but there is a difference between 300 and 600, and it's noticeable.

>> No.8275233

What kind of computer are you using that can't handle A3 at 600 dpi?

>> No.8275656

I would say we tend to stare at a comic book much closer than an 11x17 print, as dpi becomes relative depending on how close you are. So for this application, i think anything higher than 300dpi (for a poster you're likely to look at form 1-3+ feet away) would only be necessary if you see yourself printing them as large format poster some day. (like 24x36)

Still, point taken.

>> No.8275677

That's not really true, with comic books you flip through pages once or twice, but I tend look at my prints often when they're hung up.

>> No.8275839

er.. okay.. well if that person thinks that's a valid reason to paint in 600dpi whatever..?

>> No.8276361 [DELETED] 

@600dpi is almost saying it should not look like crap. Tell us if your system crashes and you forgot to hit save after working on it for several hours.

>> No.8276362 [DELETED] 

@600dpi is almost saying it should not look like crap. Tell us if your system crashes and you forgot to hit save after working almost finishing it.

>> No.8276365

@600dpi is almost saying it should not look like crap. Tell us if your system crashes and you forgot to hit save after almost finishing it.

>> No.8276864

I'd think you'd have to have a very impressive amount of RAM to be able to paint 11x17" in 600dpi.

That being said isn't it pointless to work in anything higher than 300 dpi?

>> No.8276868

Hardly, I did it with 4. It was pretty fast ram though.

Seriously, how is this a problem? What kind of machines are you all running?

>> No.8276871

4 gb I mean

>> No.8277012

My desktop's got 4 GB RAM but SAI crashes if I try to do 11x17 at 600 DPI. It's a decent computer, it's not like it's a piece of shit or anything. I guess your mileage may vary?

>> No.8277146

It also depends on what type of printing you're doing. If you're doing home printing, most standard printers will print up to resolutions around the 300-450 area. You won't really notice the difference in quality. Professionally printed you'll greatly noticed the difference because, naturally, those type of printers are able print in much higher resolutions.

I'm mostly east coast. Gomen! I would love to go to a Seattle con one day though.

Thanks. Hoping to finish some Nana, Gunsmith Cats and Magic Users Club stuff soon. :D

The lariats and dustplugs came from aliexpress...



>> No.8277164

This is just what I was looking for, thanks so much!!!

>> No.8277219

>there's your problem

Are you using the 32 bit version or the 64 bit one? That shit crashes on my pc and I've got 16 gb at 2133 mhz right now. I just don't think it's well optimized for anything intensive.

>> No.8277223
File: 62 KB, 234x215, 1452102114898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how in the world did i think you were at sc though now i feel like i was reading something about it in another timeline

>> No.8277367

oHHH MY FUCKING GOD.. Magic users club.. Digit.. I... I can't wait

>> No.8278631

Does anyone have examples of any excel sheets they use for keeping track of stuff at conventions?

I usually just write it down - but should really be inputting the data in a more organized manner...

>> No.8278844

Cheapest place to buy postcard size prints with decent quality?

>> No.8279027

Local option is Costco. They're like 17c for 3x5s I. Think. They're photo quality, though, not stiff like cardstock.

Walgreens and other local drugstores are a crapshoot in terms of quality so do tests first, but sometimes they have big sales where you can get like 50 prints free.

>> No.8279032

Your namefagging has been bugging me but now I know you're really fucking stupid.

>> No.8279076

I don't think you should use a pharmacy for that, I work at one and we don't do anything besides standard photo printing on two printers. They can be unreliable when it comes to color and image cropping and there isn't much we can do to fix it besides some basic altering on-screen. There are options for custom orders online for alternative sizing or items we don't do in-store but it would take at least two weeks for them to be made.

If you don't care about the image quality it's fine but otherwise you should probably go somewhere else.

>> No.8279085

Do you actually even do AA? You always give shitty advice every time you open your mouth.

Try place like artskau or similar print sites for sales. You can also try aliexpress if you're not worried about potential stealing.

>> No.8279091

>Try place like artskau or similar print sites for sales. You can also try aliexpress if you're not worried about potential stealing.
vs. walking to your local walgreens/costco and be done in 15min?

>> No.8279097

Lol all this sudden hostility wtf.

Hence the words "crapshoot" and "tests first." If the artist has cropped them first ahead of time, usually, not always, they come out okay. I know the colors can get warped, sometimes even inverted at times, but in a pinch (key words IN A PINCH, meaning that this should not be your go-to every time) you can give them a shot and at least restock in an emergency.

I've had poor to decent results with pharmacies. For small-sized prints like 3x5's you don't particularly need to do a lot of editing, especially if you've done all the formatting yourself, and you don't need especially advanced tech or equipment to get them done. If you need to quickly run off like 5-10 copies, getting them done in an hour down the street works fine in terms of convenience.

>> No.8279104
File: 69 KB, 460x300, dafuq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your namefagging has been bugging me but now I know you're really fucking stupid.
>Do you actually even do AA? You always give shitty advice every time you open your mouth.

>Lol all this sudden hostility wtf.
I agree... its like...

>> No.8279111

Well the original poster asked for a place that prints in "decent" quality and I would consider the images that normally print at these places to be less than that. It's not the right type of paper for postcard or art prints and there's no guarantee for quality, so unless they're being given out for free or as a purchase bonus I think most people would realize that they're getting 20-cent prints.

>> No.8279120


Actually like half the people i know who sell 4x6 ish prints do photos, either through costco/walgreens/target/mpix etc. when they're on cardstock or similar they are marketted as "postcards", and when on photo paper they're marketed as "prints".

Customers never bat an eye in my experience. Y so mean

>> No.8279126

>Y so mean
Because I'm the person everyone complains to or asks for assistance when nothing turns out the way they want, and in the end there is only so much that can be done. I also make art and have it printed so it's not like I'm trying to sound like a jerk, I'm just saying it's not a good choice. I guess it's really okay if you or customers don't care about quality but I don't like low-balling or seeing stuff being printed in a quality it shouldn't be in.

>> No.8279138

Point is there was no reason to call someone fucking stupid and question if they "even do AA".

>>Cheapest place to buy postcard size prints with decent quality?

Says nothing about what price they wanted to sell at or how they wanted to sell it. Considering it's very common for people to print miniprints on photo paper at AAs, suggesting places to do so wasn't OUTRAGOUS and ~LOW BALLING~

We have no idea if they wanted to sell $2 mini prints or $8 miniprints, so yea, you sound like a jerk for discounting instead of just adding more advice like a normal human being

>> No.8279139

For smaller pieces like 3x5s-4x6s, it doesn't really matter or help to invest that much in quality. No, it's not professional or archival or giclee whatever, but in general customers at anime cons are only going to pay so much for a small print that they're going to thumbtack up onto their wall anyway. Why the fuck would you pay anywhere over 20 cents for a piece that you're selling for $2-$5?

Consider also that professionals often give out postcard sized prints for free at a lot of shows. It's a small, convenient size that people buy in bulk primarily for their low cost.

I get why you're adamant about quality, but we're talking about small, often promotional-sized prints at anime conventions where the median age is like 20 and 80% of the people who buy postcard sized prints are teenagers spending their parents' pocket money.

tl;dr the threshold for postcard sized print are supposed to be small cheap items anyway so get the stick out your ass and save that energy for when artists are selling like 12x18's on 20 lb laserjet paper

>> No.8279140

>Well the original poster asked for a place that prints in "decent" quality
Decent: of an acceptable standard; satisfactory.
Photo repro's from the local places are "decent".

Since op did not state how soon they needed it, they can choose local need it right away or online.

>> No.8279145

>Point is there was no reason to call someone fucking stupid and question if they "even do AA".
I didn't make any of the posts trying to insult Tim that appeared before mine, they were someone else. She made a suggestion for using walgreens, and as a pharmacy employee who uses printers and works in a photo printing area I responded and explained why I don't think it's a good idea.

>> No.8279154 [DELETED] 

>as a pharmacy employee who uses printers and works in a photo printing area I responded and explained why I don't think it's a good idea.
As former photolab tech, the quality is dependant on the operator and whether quality control is there for basic maintenance including calibration, proper mix chemicals, paper stored within temperature controlled environment. Messing up the basics and the hiring of min-waged employees who simply operate the machines as-is tend to end up with crappy results eventually.

>> No.8279155

>as a pharmacy employee who uses printers and works in a photo printing area I responded and explained why I don't think it's a good idea.
As a former photolab tech, the quality is dependant on the operator and whether quality control is there for basic maintenance including calibration, proper mix chemicals, paper stored within temperature controlled environment. Messing up the basics and the hiring of min-waged employees who simply operate the machines as-is tend to end up with crappy results eventually.

>> No.8279159

Depending on location and size most stores don't have that type of control anymore.

>> No.8279185

If you want actual postcards you can go on Groupon and grab a vistaprint coupon. There's usually one for $20 for $70 worth of stuff. That's good for starter banners also. If you have a paper cutter at home you could print 11x17 sheets from Catprint or whatever print company you use and just put a bunch of smaller prints on each sheet and cut them yourself.

>> No.8279242

Where can you buy affordable wire rack cube shelves?

It seems like a set of 9 is the idea to buy. Four one each side and the rest as extra for overhead...

>> No.8279248

if you're in Canada, Dollarama sells a full cube for $2-$3.

>> No.8279295

thanks! ): sadly not in Canada...

was thinking of these


But...they're not wired so it feels like it would be hard to hook a display on them at all. Price is tempting though.

>> No.8279299

The quality is much better, you can get then for less than 10 cents and with real postcard paper.

>> No.8279401

Those look so much nicer than the wire ones, but would they be harder to place prints on since there are no bars to clip/tape to?
Unless you're not using these for prints, I could see these working for crafts and plush :)

>> No.8279430

i'm not going to have enough overhead space to display all the prints i will have in stock.
was thinking of having a box full of my additional prints on the table that people can sift through, but i'm having trouble finding a box that is:
a. stable enough to not tip over with 9 x 13 prints in it
b. low enough in the front that you can see the prints clearly
c. is attractive or at least modifiable
d. is collapsible or easy to carry

right now i have a carboard box that might work in a pinch, but it looks pretty ghetto even when decorated.

unless someone else has a better solution for displaying an abundance of prints?

>> No.8279511
File: 86 KB, 619x674, display.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you must show extra prints in that way i've seen someone do this out of cardboard, i personally thought it was really clever and if you cut clean it doesn't look bad at all. I forgot how she constructed it exactly so i just drew both possibilities, i'm sure you can think of something similar.

>> No.8279512

left out the two cuts in the second option for the U shape pieces by accident, it's just liike the V shape one but perpendicular

>> No.8279521

oh wow, that's a fantastic idea. i might even be able to make it out of wood and paint it or something and just slot it together at-con.
thank so much!

>> No.8279573

Yea the portability is what sells it to me, it's basically flat once deconstructed~ good luck!

>> No.8279656
File: 139 KB, 384x384, manekineko_bookmark_front_small-384x384-f-cFFFFFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got in some of the printed products I ordered today, REALLY disappointed with the colours, and they can't do exchanges/replacements. Super bummed. :(

Requesting pics of cute and inspiring examples of table displays, packaging ideas, crafts etc to cheer me up?

>> No.8279659

ah, also, pic is not mine, it's from crayonchewer @ tumblr!

>> No.8279671
File: 219 KB, 600x460, o0600046012510303870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you order your stuff?

Contributing a picture. Stamp carving is kind of underrated. It needs a lot of skills though.

>> No.8279689

Where did you get said stuff printed from?

>> No.8279698

if you're talking about jimiagency, i had the same problem.
the sparkles are very cute but it dulls the colors a LOT. and they seem to pump up the vibrancy in their photo samples because the picture they took of my products look 10 times better than the product i actually received.

overall i still use them, the vibrancy problem is annoying but not a deal breaker.

>> No.8279706

a lot of people selling at german cons use these (or at least very similar ones), and you can eyther tape your work to the flat surfaces or get creative. saw one girl putting a net over it and using clothhangers.

>> No.8279739

Ah, it was actually various fabric goods from artsbovine! Pencil cases, coin purses, bags that type of thing. I do understand that printing colour accurately on fabric is much more difficult, and I didn't expect the colours to be 100% identical to the images I submitted, but it is definitely a LOT worse than I would have imagined. I've ordered from them before and didn't have this problem, so I don't know what happened.... it's like everything has ten times the saturation yet is overall darker, so it looks... blinding yet dirty?!

I'm sorry to hear that about jimiagency though, especially since they seem to be the only real option for the holo/sparkle prints at the moment! I hope some more companies will pop up offering the service at some point.

Also, that is an adorable stamp pattern. Do they sell the stamp itself, or use it to make little print type things?

>> No.8279755
File: 225 KB, 600x460, o0600046012500764251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, I'm sorry to hear that anon. The only things I've ordered from AC were their prints and memo pads. The prints were OK, but the memo pads were a tad saturated.

It looks like this person sells the stamps...I find them super cute.

>> No.8279761

Who is the artist?

>> No.8279778
File: 72 KB, 954x718, TB13ug3item_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have gotten into stamp carving and I would love to make anime themed stamps. The thing is I don't know how to duplicate a stamp without the use of bathroom silicone like others have suggested or just outright carving another stamp. Anyone got any tips?

>> No.8279788
File: 104 KB, 266x300, 2014-1-12-02-266x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, I don't remember. This one got source.

Those are cute! I don't know how to duplicate them, but I think that's why people that do carvings sell them more expensive?

>> No.8279791

I'm not sure if the amount of time would even be worth doing those. They're really nice but I can't see people getting what they're worth.

>> No.8279797

Any tips? I'd like to do this... seems fun.

>> No.8279812
File: 103 KB, 890x1500, 71JQ3Iw0JrL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll just save my stamps for packaging or shrink charms. Thanks for the advice.

As for another question: would anyone be interested in tote bags that could hold a small batch of groceries?

>> No.8279820

I use them like crazy to carry most of my art stuff.

>> No.8279821

1: Get carving tools that you would be comfortable holding for a long period of time
2: Practice on cheap dollar store erasers first
3: Start off with simple designs with thick outlines
4: The obligatory be patient and do everything slowly and gently tip
5: Prepare yourself for a couple injuries

>> No.8279822

I never knew how much i needed/loved these until i started to actually use them. Definitely something worth investing some ideas in

>> No.8279829

I only got the idea recently because people from outside my area tell me about states with grocery bag charges. I might just buy blank ones in bulk and brush up on my screen printing skills.

>> No.8280006

How does your level of stock usually look before a con?

Curious for 2D artists in terms of charms/buttons and 3D in terms of ...well anything.

>> No.8280037

>How does your level of stock usually look before a con?
>Curious for 2D artists in terms of charms/buttons and 3D in terms of ...well anything.

For a large con, I keep around 3-5 of each design of each generation of my Nintendo DS cases from DSL->3DSXL, 10-20 of each print I have, 5 of each keychain, and 5 of each button.

Smaller cons I just half the number of DS cases and prints but keep the same number of keychains and buttons since smaller items still sell well.

>> No.8280053

Do you have any recommended carving tools?

>> No.8280242

I have a set of Speedball lino cutters that have exchangeable blades which are pretty good for simple designs. When you want to go for more intricate designs, these are pretty good.

>> No.8280306

Only caveat with that type is the plastic will crack at the wire eventually. It's easily solved with glue but it's something to keep in mind. I use these for shows because they're infinitely lighter to transport and aren't a bitch to clip together because the wires aren't dipped in paint like some I've seen.

>> No.8280607

I've had issues with them this order as well! For some reason my designs came out super blurry and badly cropped and these were designs I printed with them previously that came out fine.

>> No.8280645

My phone case from artbovine came out absolutely terrible/blurry so I dont want to use them again ever :( But ive been reading the reviews here and they have been otherwise decent sometimes, right?

>> No.8280673
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Jackie Lo @JackieLoArt · 15h 15 hours ago
I'm not going to change my personality. Those who can deal with my shit are called 'friends'. Earn my respect before telling me to change.
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Jackie Lo @JackieLoArt · 15h 15 hours ago
oh well, i'll shake hands with him next time and apologize to him that i couldn't meet his standards as an artist but can write a long blog.
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Jackie Lo @JackieLoArt · 15h 15 hours ago
hmm i wonder why that [anonymous] person stopped bugging me about how mediocre my work is and telling me to gtfo of AA until I get better...
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Jackie Lo @JackieLoArt · 15h 15 hours ago
i stopped reading 4chan two days ago, suddenly understand why my friend told me to never look at it. Judging and shaming others by ignorance
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Jackie Lo @JackieLoArt · 15h 15 hours ago
After reading 4chan, I realized people there only judge people by other peoples' scorn opinions. People are multifaceted, yknow.
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Jackie Lo @JackieLoArt · 15h 15 hours ago
I ain't gonna stop using my brush pen inspired by street fighter 4's art. I'm not color blind, i like my monochrome work better.#dontjudgeme
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Jackie Lo @JackieLoArt · 15h 15 hours ago
Is drawing the same style like being a craft artist who does the same thing as another craft artist at a convention?

>> No.8280862

this is so petty and silly.. the more we talk about it the more we're just feeding her..

Like any place there's good and bad advice here and it's helped me a lot personally. Advice can be harsh here but it's honest. And if someone is being unnecessarily rude about it they usually get reeled back in

that ~anonymous~ person she's talking about wasn't even trying to hide or be anonymous at all in that situation..

>> No.8280921

I like the occasional AA stories that pop up in here - but ugh anymore j-lo threads is causing me to pop a vein in my head each time I see one now. Wasted thread space I tell ya.

>> No.8281044

Ugh I stopped posting because I don't really caaaaaaaaare jfc I can't believe she's still on about this. It's been a week.

At the beginning of con season I stock up on all my prints. Right now I've got about 30 of my popular ones, 15-20 of my less popular ones. Gotta restock and add my 3x5 stock... they don't make a ton of money but they're good to have around anyway.

I struck out this con season and my only big con is Fanime so I dont have a lot of stock. I imagine I'll have like half my inventory after this con and I'll seek those at smaller cons in the area

>> No.8281222

"I don't care what these people think! Whatever!" [continues to post about it even a week later]

>> No.8281235


Anyways those of you who are in Fanime AA - how are things keeping up?

I managed to get through registration smoothly. Sadly did buy badge early - so had to...do that stupid email cmr for them to manually add in the number. But they got to me the morning after - so paid for my table then registered in my helper.

): been seeing how a lot of other people been having issues.

Not looking forward to the table selection honestly though since it's during work. (but who really thinks they're going to be on time anyways.)

>> No.8281294
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Do you think it could be a bad batch, or maybe just happened to the people who used the discount coupon?

>> No.8281308


that's very interesting!! I went ahead and bought them so I'll see how it turns out. That has me curious to see German AA setups now too! xD


Thanks for the tip! Great to know that they're lighter to transport too.

>> No.8281341
File: 63 KB, 700x461, 7bb4e68fgw1erj5xbklphj20jg0ctta6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Washi tape anon, are you still around? I just wanted to know if any interesting updates popped up.

>> No.8281391
File: 202 KB, 600x375, 1410057416317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to start taking sketch commissions at cons
>I'm good with a tablet but I fucking SUCK at drawing on paper because I'm way out of practice with it
>every time I try to practice on paper it looks like garbage and I get frustrated and give up
>I don't have a lot of time to devote to practicing
This sucks.

>> No.8281429

Im the other way with the tablet.
Fucking sucks ass because you need to use digital media to make prints,buttons stickers ect.

>> No.8281449

I think the quality suffers a bit with huge sales. Some of my friends had different issues like files printing the wrong way or flipped. Same thing happens with Zap Creatives during their sales, their QC lets things pass.

>> No.8281463

oh no i need them like my body needs blood

>> No.8281486
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>> No.8281503

Thats cute, but how the hell can you talk to the artist?????

>> No.8281513

I've always been kind of interested in taking digital commissions. If you have a decent tablet, you could probably do digital sketches and email them to people or even print them out using a photo printer? I've definitely seen people bringing laptops and monitors to cons to draw on and stuff

>> No.8281532

I did them for a while on my surface tablet. I'd love to have a setup in where I bring a monitor and have it set up while I'm drawing, but I would only do that for local cons.

>> No.8281559

Did you submit the orders during chinese new year? They all take a long break and when they get back it seems like they turn all their printers to fast and sloppy settings to work through what must be a giant backlog of orders to ship. I always have problems with them in the spring.

>> No.8281564

Yo Digit, are you going to have any new stuff at Collectivecon, or will you have the same stock as Megacon? Either way I'm def gonna buy some stuff.
Also, I hope you do well at Collective, I was going to apply for the AA but I'm pretty wary of tabling at first-year cons after a couple of bad experiences. So far it seems like it'll be a well-put-together con, though.

>> No.8281577

What are some tips that you can give someone for their first AA to go smoothly.

>> No.8281594
File: 319 KB, 900x598, FNAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually yeah, I'll have more SU charms and FNAF. I may have a new print by then too. Haven't been able to do much because I'm working on some test storyboards. ;o;

Also totally understand I'm nervous about CC as well, main reason I applied for was because it's local for me. So if things bomb, least I got to see the Aquabats.

That might be the reason! I did order these early march so it might have been caught in that backlog.

>> No.8281596

I've been trying to talk to someone at innopack but they just stopped replying about a week ago and haven't responded to a mail I sent yesterday about our correspondance either..

Everything I found on alibaba has been really inconvenient (3000moq, 1 design, etc..) and I don't know any chinese so I haven't had much luck through taobao either but I'm still trying..

also holy shit those toudan tapes..

>> No.8281602

Cool! And yeah, I forgot you lived in Jax, local cons are less of a risk since you don't have to pay for hotel, etc.
Do you mean test storyboards for the SU call for storyboarders, by any chance?

>> No.8281672

Has anyone tried sticker mule for their kisscut stickers? I've been thinking of adding stickers just because they're fun and easy but want something more local than like, zap or something. Other recs welcome too.

Also: Registration shit aside, do we have a pretty good idea who is tabling at fanime yet? It seems like it is still changing every day.

>> No.8281736

Show your work get some critique.

Attend some AA to figure out how you want to display and how to price accordingly.

Check your ego at the door.

>> No.8281762

Digit I kept forgetting to tell you on FB, but I bought your Steven,and Rose charm at mega(love them) but I had the hardest time getting roses string to go around her (still couldnt get it around her shes a big charm). Not sure if you knew or not.

>> No.8281770
File: 118 KB, 700x700, godwhyhastthouforsakenme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a thing in the UK among certain communities for custom painted tote bags called clairabella bags. They are the ugliest damn things you've ever seen and the original seller sells them for I shit you not £30 a bag.

>> No.8281771
File: 182 KB, 400x374, 876543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digit you're art is stellar
Do you have a tumblr or something where I could follow your art??

>> No.8281794

Would they buy them from outside the uk?
Do they sell cause they're kinda ugly-cute??

>> No.8281828

i'm just another newb with some questions. i'm sorry if this has been asked before, but i searched this thread and didn't see anything.

so, i've started doing pet portraits for friends and acquaintances. i mostly work with pen/ink and wood burning (kind of random), and i've had a couple of tattoo commissions. i also really like drawing san-x type characters, but of course i've never sold any of that. at a few cons, i've seen a booth or two with just cute characters and no anime art. do these things do well? i want to have a booth at a local AA with posters, lanyards, post cards, and commission info, but i don't know how well i would do without fandom stuff.

how important is fandom art? my anime illustration work is so shit, but i think i'm passable as a pet artist and maybe an anthro/furry artist. i was thinking of drawing the animals from anime like jiji from kiki's delivery service, luna and artemis from sailor moon, etc. should i just work on my anime art?

also, can anyone recommend other weeaboo fashion artists like omocat and super orange?

>> No.8281921

cute shit if done well is one of the few original things that actually sell well. key words being done well tho

>> No.8281934

I think they would! There are a lot of sellers selling ones like them on ebay. Only thing is depending where you live the exchange rate could be against you.

I don't know why they sell, to me they're just plain ugly!

>> No.8282962

Opinions on 3D crafters and their prices? /how to price.

I've been to also renegade fairs and such - and have noticed that prices in actual craft fairs tend to be MUCH more pricier - but quality usually much higher.

I want to price my crafts a little bit higher - but it's always hard to gauge it since I literally have to make each individual one.

>> No.8282988

dickbutt is the only thing to commission at cons

>> No.8283711

how many dickbutts does one need?

>> No.8283729

Thank you anon for trying! I was the one who told about innopack. It looks like the artist that gave the source on her Instagram took out the photo, Maybe they manage to get an arrange with them but they are not openly doing it with a lot of people?
Going to search on Taobao too.

>> No.8283748

>that pearl
Do you have an online store and are those gonna be stickers as well? I've been dying for some SU merch.

>tfw no one makes anything with lion on it

>> No.8283775

How well would a Idolmaster/Kancolle/Toulove gag doujin sell if one inserted their own producer/admiral/saniwa?

>> No.8283791

Its shit anime dont waste your time

>> No.8283792

You should make an Opal sticker. I think she would look really cute in your style.

>> No.8284083

all of them

at this point it's currently around 900 total

>> No.8284098


>> No.8284725


most perler "artists" should really gtfo in my opinion.

Bothers me how I saw at CBF + Krakencon there's artists that are pulling out these cute perler designs from TAOBAO. And selling it off + asking for no photos. Why no photos? So people won't copy off their pattern. But those perler patterns from taobao have been made since LAST YEAR. I know since I made some (for personal use) of those cute sailor moon designs myself.

Unless they're unique and I know there are a few that do make their own original designs. Rather than taking an image and 8-bitting the heck out of it.

>> No.8284827

Worked in printing for a few years. There's not really any reason to do it that high unless you're planning on printing it larger down the road. 300dpi is more than sufficient, especially for something as small as a3. I'd only bother doing 600dpi if I was going to make a big print or if I thought I'd have to enlarge it later.

>> No.8284834

Staples does em pretty nicely and there's usually a pretty good sale on them. You just have to keep an eye out for the sales because the normal price is fucking retarded. Good news is the sales are usually running and last months.

>> No.8285535


>> No.8285545

>most perler "artists" should really gtfo in my opinion.
this is the one item that I may pop and stare at it saying "cool!" but would never actually buy one, prices are silly when I realize unlike artist prints these you can do yourself if you want.

>> No.8286134

My problem with perler artists is that all they do is copy sprites that already exist.

I know sometimes people say "I can make this" but literally I fucking can! What's the point? They all look like shit anyway.

>> No.8286141

This so hard. A girl I know makes perler "art" and all she does is go online and print out anything pixelated and then set the beads over it. The most work she does is laminating the pattern and cutting it out so she can reuse it.

>> No.8286390
File: 462 KB, 640x480, 8276455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you guys know what type of resin is best for paper jewelry like pic related?

>> No.8286501

It's really frustrating to see that stuff in AA! It's like, "cool, you recreated an existing sprite and stuck a magnet on it." and sometimes, not even that.

Realistically, one could make original patterns just using graph paper or something, right? But almost all I ever see is perler bead "art" of shit that already exists.

>> No.8286503

I use craft resin for mine, but the jewelry stuff works too apparently.

>> No.8286683

thanks a ton anon!

>> No.8286856

That's not paper it's shrinking plastic. Japs love shrinking plastic. To paint over the surface better with color pencils, they sand the shrink plastic.

Paper with resin tends to bend when it cure... Unless you use a very thick paper...

>> No.8287096

What are your guys' thoughts on Anime Matsuri in Texas? Worth it to fly over to from another state? How are sales?

>> No.8287216
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It's hard to price because I'm more for getting my money back for my efforts and stuff, and not just slapping any price on plushies and stuff. I stick to some hourly wage thing, time myself, calculate material bits and things, and come up with a price. Timing myself is rather important because it helps gauge what's worth making and selling. If it takes too long to work on a single thing, I usually set it aside, or readjust the pattern and methods to make it faster while not ruining its quality so much. Shit is complex.

>> No.8287267

So I have a weird question for all of you.

How do you feel about "industry secrets" and what not? I know some artists love to share all the information they can while others prefer to keep to themselves. Where do you think you personally fall in those thoughts and why do you feel that way?

I'm really protective about my process (mostly about how I make merchandise/manufacturers) and I really don't know why.

>> No.8287280

Some things i'm pretty secretive about - things that I seem to be the only one doing, etc. If it's stuff lots of people in AA seem to do i'm less secretive. Stuff like packaging, etc, i'm very open about.

I've had people (like con attendees) come up and start quizzing me on where I get stuff and how much I pay, and that pisses me off.

>> No.8287299


I've never had a con attendee quiz me about that but that is crazy rude. They would likely be blown away to know prints cost less than a dollar to produce (mine are 17 cents), but they wouldn't consider all the hours you spent drawing.

I think I feel similar to you as well, I'm pretty secretive about non-mainstream things I do. But I don't mind giving links to things I purchase on Aliexpress or whatever for jewelry supplies.

>> No.8287301

I'm okay with telling people where I buy supplies and where I get stuff made if I don't do it myself, but how I make certain things is when I start to get really vague in my process.

It bothers me a little when people keep secrets about where they get things made, since everyone's styles are so different and there are so many cons that competition of items shouldn't be an issue, but I can totally understand at the same time.

>> No.8287313
File: 502 KB, 912x684, 7301955222_352508257a_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a weird question at all!

I respect artists who keep their suppliers and methods secretive, and if they feel like sharing, that's cool of them. Sometimes it sucks not to know where I can get fabrics printed cheaper and more locally (at least within Canada, pls), but I'm not going to whine at the artists for not revealing their sources. I just have to search harder, test the waters, and find my own sources.

There are some things I don't mind sharing or explaining, like where I get my craft eyes (eBay) and how I sew my plushie stuffing holes neatly closed (baseball stitch or something?). I don't go about sharing my sewing and crochet patterns in detail, that sort of process takes so much of my time and it's not worth sharing what I worked hard to perfect. I just tell people it's trial and error, and look up tutorials if they want to practice.

It is annoying when I get bombarded with questions when I'm trying to cater to customers who want to buy stuff... just not the best time, and I don't like being rude back by ignoring.

>> No.8287347

I feel like resources are a really dumb thing to keep secret, personally. I have a friend who made some really cool acrylic charms and I wanted to make a small batch as a test. I've tried other companies and wasn't happy with the results, so I asked her and told her my failed ventures.

And she was super, super, super secretive about it. It really bugged me. Because she didn't even want to share something personally. I get maybe not wanting to tell your competitor, but like hell we've been friends since high school, can you not be a cunt about it?

>> No.8287366

Shit like this man drives me up a wall.
I'm not gonna sell the same fucking charm as you, or same print why not help a friend out.

>> No.8287379

as a 3D crafter I get asked how I make things A LOT. And it's a bit frustrating since I made up my technique of sculpting through practice. ): personally I hate that type of question on sculpting - I tend to just give the vaguest answers when asked how I texture things.

I don't mind giving suppliers but asking my techinques is something else.

What is a proper way of turning down on telling someone you prefer to NOT tell them how you made something - without sounding like a total ass...

>> No.8287404

3-d crafting I get, but if its where you get plushies,or beads,or any other thing that you as an artist didn't hand make what's the harm.

>> No.8287410


I'm in the same boat as you. I dont do 3D sculptors but I craft a lot of my own merchandise with techniques I've created and researched. (well actually I guess I do sculpting sometimes, but only miniature food.)

I'm seconding how to avoid answering because I'm horrible at that kind of thing.

>> No.8287420

i would just say "i saw it on youtube/deviantart/pinterest"

>> No.8287735

Is anyone going for those AX tables on Friday? I'm sure it's a great con and all, with those attendance numbers, but I don't have $325 to put down right now.

Most of my stuff is prints, but I do try to be helpful with my sources when I can be. Problem is just very often I don't remember how I got about contacting that source, or I met them through a friend and don't feel comfortable passing on their contact information since they didn't explicitly permit me to.
I do ask sometimes if I see something interesting, but I also entirely understand if people want to keep it private. We're friends and allies but we're also all direct competitors, and if they don't want to share then that's their right to.
Nothing rude in asking, nothing rude in not answering.

I mean, I don't think anyone would purchase the doujin with a generic anonymous shadowy teitoku, while seeing one with a definitive character and being like "Nope, I don't want this anymore."
Err It's not going to make or break a sale, is what I'm trying to say.

>> No.8287793

For those of you who sell lanyards, what do you charge 'em for?

I found a place that'll do pretty low min quantities and the price for that quantity is $3.29. I assume maybe $10 each is okay, but I'm not 100% sure.

>> No.8287828

How many is the quantity?

>> No.8287837

Yo, Fanime people, someone made a google doc spreadsheet in the Fanime AA group so you can plan seating with friends.

Its not a guarantee, but at least it'll help you figure out where to sit if you want to sit with people you know

>> No.8287852
File: 520 KB, 1696x1459, KFC_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would AFO be a good con to start at for an AA table? (or am I better off sucking someones dick for a 5pc at KFC?)

>> No.8287906 [DELETED] 

>Is anyone going for those AX tables on Friday?
Aw man yeah gonna try to get a table with a coworker, our first time to an ax AA too. We already prepaid a pair 4-day passes, if we get the table and an AA badge is their time to get a refund? anyway shot an email, still waiting on that response...

>> No.8287909 [DELETED] 

>Is anyone going for those AX tables on Friday?
Aw man yeah gonna try to get a table with a coworker, our first time to an ax AA too. We already prepaid a pair 4-day passes, if we get the table and an AA badge is there time to get a refund or they would just exchange them - almost the same price 79-80? anyway shot an email, still waiting on that response...

>> No.8287921

>Is anyone going for those AX tables on Friday?
yeah gonna try to get a table with a coworker, our first time to an ax AA too. Initially was gonna go as attendees, but we have some extra stock and have been doing fairly well at our local con, may as well give it a shot.

>> No.8287998

apparently it's changed to private - the spreadsheet? person deleted post in the group.

>> No.8288037

12 is the lowest min they have.

>> No.8288051

That's alright, doesn't matter since people will probably try to aim for the the tables they want regardless of anyone trying to claim them anyway. I'd rather not know who sits where because if certain people end up getting X or Y's table, it may just cause animosity between artists.

>> No.8288054

>who sits where
who wants to sit where*

>> No.8288070

Yeah. Some people were also being nasty on twitter or something about it. I get both sides, but damn, don't throw a hissyfit jesus.

>> No.8288078

>I'd rather not know
>who wants to sit where
yeah thats the fun part.. rather not know dreading so-and-so will be N E X T - TO-Y O U..duh-Duh-DUNNNNNNN@

>> No.8288112
File: 54 KB, 672x611, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit
$325 plus $80 for an additional badge, how the fuck

>> No.8288117

They only want the big print booths to be there, the ones that the original artist doesn't even work inside of anymore

>> No.8288119
File: 368 KB, 945x574, 4U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're super serious about the artist alley special badges too, last AX I saw them doing multiple sweeps of the AA area and checking every single person behind the AA tables

>> No.8288128

And since they got rid of their forums it'll an even bigger pain to find someone to share a table with if you're solo like me. Thanks AX.

Speaking of their forums though - did anyone save the seller's permit tutorial they had on there?

>> No.8288146

haha guess not doing a table... frigger lol. beeeg empasis not going ax to work. not-to-WORK, no No NUUUUU!!...

but heading to vegas right after AX for the week. lolol

>> No.8288149

Soo table split amongst yourself and a friend 200~200ish since badge is included in the first 325

>> No.8288154

there's a facebook group called Artist Alley Network International that you can post on for table sharing (and WIPs and self promo on Wed/Sun respectively), it's got like 5k members.

>> No.8288179

could be worse. could be AX followed by SDCC.

AX is like a warmup for the war that is SDCC

>> No.8288202

>profiting enough from 4 feet of space to cover $200, hotel in LA, gas to and from, food, parking/taxis, actual printing and supply costs and the time you'd take off work
i typically get a full table at cons and bring my friend as help, usually theres a decent profit so i cover my costs, make some money myself and pay her some for her help
AX is crazy

>> No.8288246

>AX is like a warmup for the war that is SDCC
With all that media powerhouses there, how is the AA feel there? I haven't gone yet, sorta have the notion its like having a swap-meet next to a disney-land, and only get the stragglers who walk by out of curiosity.

>> No.8288337

I'm going to go for it, how competitive do you think getting these tables are going to be?

>> No.8288540

cheapest i've seen is $5, most are $7, and i've seen a few $10

>> No.8288638
File: 606 KB, 900x598, super_cute_kawaii___large_zipper_bags_by_miemie_chan3-d4x3hdj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen these bags at so many artist tables, where do people get their zipper bags made?

>> No.8288664

Yea some of the stuff I do costs me like 40c, sells for ~$15 or so, but the initial work can take 5, 6, or more hours. and I find that attendee's really don't take labor time, table costs (table + insurance + travel + the rest) into things, and generally scoff and go "so expensive, I could make it myself for MUCH less." Generally attendee's are polite, but there's always the rude assholes.

>> No.8288671

I find a pretty ok way of explaining it away is "oh, I don't know how to explain it! I taught myself so it's difficult to explain." or something...

>> No.8288676

Check the resources page in the OP, first link under the "misc products" category. I would give you the link/tell you the name directly but for some godforsaken reasono 4chan keeps telling me my post is spam.

>> No.8288715

God knows why 4chan thinks its spam, it's pronounced artscao, spelt like arts+the animal!

>> No.8288736

Does AX allow table sharing? This says one table per person.

>> No.8288762

Oh thank you! I didn't know they were the place everyone was getting them from. I've always felt a little iffy about artscao, are they really a great place to order from?

>> No.8288851

a r t s
c o w

>> No.8288871

Digit pls link your store I'm trying to buy from you

>> No.8288874

What's up with the name censoring?

>> No.8288942

I believe I read something of subsidiary artist other than the helpers mentioned on the form.. and as long you do have your sellers permit also.

So it is a gray area where the main person pays the table and up to that person to share it.

>> No.8288944

The question gets posted so much, and the word is used so much in response, that it got filtered as spam.

>> No.8288955
File: 2.60 MB, 1035x2293, lineup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is my current lineup for Metrocon, half new, half stuff from last year...The top being most recent and bottom being older.
How long does it take for you to retire a print? I did that Wind Waker one like three years ago and I hate it now, but it's still my best seller, so it'd be kind of dumb to retire it.

That's kind of hilarious.

>> No.8288964
File: 2.24 MB, 900x900, froge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>word is used so much in response, that it got filtered as spam.

this is untrue and shows either that /cgl/ really is closed off to the rest of the boards or you're a newfag

There used to be a discount code people could share from account to account and a convoluted method that using this code along with a new account would get you a custom mousepad for FREE

this led it to being constantly spammed on many boards, I think /g/ is one of the few boards I've seen that still gets their mousepads consistently, although I believe it's like 99 cents these days

>> No.8288974

I've been lurking /cgl/ for a couple of years now, but I don't really visit other boards besides /co/ every once in a while. I wasn't aware of the mousepad fiasco. Thanks for clearing it up.

>> No.8289011

Why not redraw the wind waker one?

>> No.8289187

so people can get away with sharing a table, I don't think I've heard of any AX horror stories of the staff harshly enforcing the rules.

cause I'd love to try and apply for this but I could not afford that table on my own.

>> No.8289236

Well besides >>8288974, I'm guessing newfag, because I have explained the exact mouse pad fiasco in the past.
It looks like the referral problem JUST came back up recently, so free mousepads (and tank tops and cosmetic bags omg hype) looks like a possibility again.

>> No.8289386

AX is the "brand name" con especially to foreigners, so had a lot of draw for international artists. It's by far the most talented print artist alley aside from sdcc. Kind of huge, but it still gets pretty decent traffic ands most artists do fairly well there. A lot of customers go to the aa banking on the fact that their favorite online artists will be there too

>> No.8289482

Had an artist and her friend stop by my table, ignored me but looked through my products, and her friend said, "You should totally make that too, to sell." Then promptly left. Granted, it wasn't the artist herself that said it, I felt like she should have at least acknowledged me or said something to her friend. It's normal to get ideas from other artists, but the bluntness of this rubbed me the wrong way.

Have you guys ever had rude fellow artists or table neighbors?

>> No.8289498

i spent a few months carrying around a small sketch book with me so whenever i had time i could just quickly draw whatever i could, really got me back into the groove of using traditional media. at conventions i take traditional commissions to be completed at con and digital as well for after when i have time
worked pretty well

>> No.8289662

do you artists sell a lot of art outside of cons? maybe just commissions or do you also sell your buttons, lanyards, etc?

>> No.8289697

i sell buttons on etsy and take pretty much any commission i can

>> No.8289730

how is the commission business?

I can't imagine you get much of anything that isn't fetish porn

>> No.8289742

depends on where the comissions come from,
i was a drawfag for a 4chan board for a long time and every single commissions from that was fetish porn as well as a nsfw blog on tumblr. i also used the time to build a tumblr following for my regular art and now i mostly get commissions from there and its all sfw cutesy stuff or tame body pillow designs.
thinking about just taking the plunge into furry stuff though, i have bills to pay

>> No.8289757

>paying bills with your art
a dream, a very distant and unobtainable dream

>> No.8289761

My boyfriend told me to look into doing furry nsfw art. How much are they willing to pay, and do I just set up an account on furaffinity or whatever its called?

>> No.8289764

depends how low your bills are and how fast you can make your art

>> No.8289765

you must be pretty popular to have enough commissions to outpace your work

>> No.8289889

typical autist

>> No.8289976

I am really digging that Psychonauts print!

>> No.8290102

Thanks! Unfortunately it doesn't sell too well since barely anybody seems to know what it is, but the people who DO recognize it get real excited, haha.

>> No.8290118

Would /cgl/ be interested in a line of cute dinosaur products? Plush/buttons, the usual.

>> No.8290140

Always and forever.

>> No.8290157

I saw a couple of girls at a con last year standing near a booth, and overheard one ask the others to wait, she wanted to look at the art and "decide" on it, and she stood in front of it for a good 30 seconds before blowing it off and saying clearly enough that I could hear a few feet away something along the lines of her being able to do better (or the anatomy was off, or something?). I remember it being pretty fucking rude, especially since I saw that the artist saw (and probably heard) her too.

To be fair, I live in AZ, and while many of the artists here aren't great, most are decent, and it's not particularly polite to completely brush someone and their art off where they can hear and see it.

>> No.8290165

>>Have you guys ever had rude fellow artists or table neighbors?

I always worry that I'd come off as rude or annoying as a table neighbor.

I had one guy who had his table partner skip out on him last minute so he was selling alone and on his feet all day. Whenever he had a moment I asked if he wanted food or some of the soda or water we kept under our table just because he couldn't leave his table while I had my assistant.

All the neighbors I've had thus far have been super friendly.

>> No.8290181

My friends and I typically skip SDCC's AA. The best artists either have small press tables or their own booths or have moved outside of the convention itself.

>> No.8290193

At Sakura Con, the table behind us was shady as fuuuuuuuuuuuck. They started copying people all weekend (stealing ideas for owl plushes from another table, buying stuff off of us to tear it apart and copy it, copying steampunk artists in the alley, etc).

They seemed sweet at first but as the weekend progressed it became very clear it was best to stop associating with them.

>> No.8290200

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

>> No.8290214

But then again that's one of the last things anyone should be doing at the con, how the hell they got in the first place? What did they originally bring with them?

I'd watch whatever they sell from now on if they keep doing cons. Soon they may learn the secrets of being another Granito at a convention.

>> No.8290231

My mom does this to me every time we shop at craft fairs and it's really embarrassing.

>> No.8290248

Speaking of Sakura Con, what's with that Steven Universe pixelated canvas art? I saw a few of that at different AA tables, plus one at an exhibition booth I'm sure. It weirded me out, plus made me wary of that sort of thing - the same exact item displayed to be sold at more than one table.

>> No.8290526

Have any of you guys filed design patents to stop people from copying your stuff? I was wondering if its worthwhile for me too

>> No.8291011

I thought this thread is mostly on hobbies since majority of the art here is based off of trademarked anime and manga.

Do you mean design of an actual item like a bag/physical object?

>> No.8291129

>Do you mean design of an actual item like a bag/physical object?

>> No.8291232

dude, same.
or worse, my mom says "you can do better"
i feel so bad i immediately go into disgruntled-teenager-embarrassed-of-their-parent mode even though i'm 25


>> No.8291240

The one embarrassing thing that happened was while I was looking at a table of charms similar to ones I make, my roommate exclaimed loudly that mine were way better and I should sell them here since they'd clearly get in if that seller's did.

He said it right in front of her too, and even though it was sort of true it was super rude and she looked like she was going to start crying. I mean, I'd have been fine had he waited till we were outside someplace else but damn, poor girl, she just wanted to make cute, tiny sweets.

>> No.8291444

All my dashes exploded in Fanime complaints. Was the table placement a hot mess?

>> No.8291464

Site broke down under the weight of less than 300 people. A couple people got in, some people got assigned three or four tables in prime locations. It's been an hour and a half and most of us still can't even log in. No official announcement anywhere. Fun times all around.

>> No.8291496

Anyone else having trouble with artsbovine? It keeps saying I don't have Silverlight installed when I do. I saw a post about the same problem in the FB group but even trying those things I can't seem to get it working...

>> No.8291549

Try using a different browser

>> No.8291555

it doesn't play well with chrome sometimes, try FF or IE

>> No.8291913

>have hentai in art.
>get requested hentai print
>don't know how where to produce hentai print without being banned.

feels bad man.jpeg

>> No.8291923

Censor it at the con or put a black sheet of paper over your display image with 18+ written on it. Also, check your con's rules if possible. I've never been to a convention that hasn't sold 18+ items but you can never be too sure.

You could always just do a comission for the person requesting as well.

>> No.8291949

no it's not hiding it that's the problem (the con rules are hiding it in a binder out of the way so children can't get it.) It's printing it in the first place. I have no idea where to get hentai prints made. I usually use my mom's costco account to produce my prints.
it's getting

>> No.8291953

Archiaart mentioned something about where she gets her Sherlock fujo fodder printed. Says they're good. Check her tumblr.

>> No.8291956

I swear there was an anon that shamelessly strutted into Kinko's to print out a huge hentai Yoko poster once.

>> No.8292002

yeah kinkos will print whatever, most don't care.

The fun part is picking a victim to do your job. I'd ask the shy looking girl that doesn't look like she ever swears in her life to do the job lol. Let the corruption begin :)

Of course, watch out if its a smooth-talking dude, mostlikely they themselves will perve out or make extra copies themselves (if you dont mind) just tell them you know they will, haha.

>> No.8292005

yeah that and watch out if gets handed to someone else too, ask if will they be the one to finish it? avoid day-shifts, managers usually around. The night shift are typically the cooler heads at most places.

>> No.8292048

>apply for artist alley with physical items
>everything black shows up as covered in white specks in photos
>tfw black velvet turns snowy upon contact with air
>looks gross even when clean
>no time to learn photoshop before application deadline

procrastinator life. this is the shame i deserve.

>> No.8292073

are you guys going to keep your regular art completely separate from your furry art?

>> No.8292076

Hey Digit, what's your store? I wanna buy SU stickers from you.

>> No.8292087

How are furry cons? I do furry art but I've never gone to a con and don't really have an interest in suiting up n' shit.

>> No.8292096

Furcons have a whole spectrum to them, some are plainclothes, some just wear ears or tail, some just mask, some do just top half of the fursuit with like gloves/head/etc, and others do fullsuit

>> No.8292100

the whole process has been really fucking awful on the artists.

>> No.8292103

tumblr plz?

>> No.8292115

Fanime seems to have the worst run website system for being in Silicon Valley with tons of engineers and people around

I still remember when their hotels crashed this last time and it was revealed the whole database was just hosted on a regular office PC

>> No.8292135

that's because the owners are jews of the highest order and give everything to the volunteers n' shit instead of hiring a crew.

>> No.8292141

They're fun, I've been to a few and done artist alleys. You run into some pretty strange people, (maybe even people you've seen pictured in notorious encyclopaedia dramatica articles) but I imagine they're about the same as an anime con, just with less narutos and more wall eyed husky/fox/dog/whatevers. For a first con I would recommend Furry Weekend Atlanta, and stay the fuck away from Anthrocon.

>> No.8292145

just asked my friend who has gone to a few cons:

artists at furry cons sell everything from weeb ears to sex toys, very little fandlm stuff and mostly crafty things. the crowd is more mature than anime cons (age wise), and maybe 10% were in full costume. other people had ears or tails but not much OTT furriness and plenty of people were in plainclothes.

>> No.8292147


>> No.8292243

what? isn't it non-profit 501c3? there's no point to cheap out

>> No.8292400
File: 619 KB, 734x1122, dick_punching_Amethyst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haven't put any up yet but let me know which ones you want and I can make a custom order for you.

>> No.8292431

I was gonna keep mine separate. I don't really want my other art linked with it.

>> No.8292432

Thank you for that file name Digit. I love everything you do, and every time I see this picture that is all I can think of sdfg

>> No.8292448

different anon but oh hey that drawing is really cute.

how much would a custom order cost, i kinda want to send a couple to a friend in another state

>> No.8292594

anyone know how the current fanime aa tablelist looks like?

>> No.8292608

For Seagulls I can fit as many stickers you want on a 7x10 area for about $4. That way you guys can get whatever you want.

>> No.8292633

On another note what do you guys think of AWAs new filtering Jury system? Basically they're letting artists apply from March til Aug and selecting artists in groups monthly. You either get approved, declined or placed in a new round giving you time to work on your portfolio. They have it a way that even though you applied first, if you don't meet requirements or you're work isn't up to pay, another artist that applied later that year can be accepted over you.

Though we already have proof they're not looking at fanart counts as good as they say.

>> No.8292642

*up to par


>> No.8292685

thats a great deal! do you have a list of su stickers that you have somewhere or an email i can contact you at instead so we dont continue shitting up the thread?

>> No.8292705


>> No.8292787

Lmao I got so frustrated with table picking today that I actually asked our tech guy how hard it is to handle 200~300 people on at the same time. His answer was pretty reasonable. A lot of people-- especially in silicon valley- can do it, but not as many people can do it well, and the ones who can are paid a lot. Even if the market is saturated, you're still gonna get shit tier engineers if you're not paying them shit.

Anyway, did everyone get the tables they wanted? I was super lucky. As soon as I got to the reg page, I clicked, hoped for the best and ollied the fuck out because I didn't want to waste my time on their shitty ass fucking website when I could be playing Smash with my students instead. I feel lucky, but I'm not super happy about it because I'm so freakin' aggravated by how utterly shitty Fanime's been so far.

>> No.8292797 [DELETED] 
File: 438 KB, 540x524, tumblr_nile1h6U5M1ti8db0o5_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Though we already have proof they're not looking at fanart counts as good as they say.

Yea i'm pretty sure I could have sent them a portfolio link with a recipe to potato salad and it would have been approved.

>> No.8292807

What sells the best, in your experience?
Necklaces, earrings, brooches, bracelets?
I'm trying to gauge how much of what I should make.

>> No.8292826

I would assume earrings, because they're small/subtle and easy to accessorize. Also smaller and usually cheaper, depending on your process/materials.

I feel like necklaces and brooches are occasionally on the more formal side and aren't quite as versatile as earrings. Bracelets can be a crapshoot, I think.

>> No.8292892

Couldn't select a table for hours and I had to leave for work at 3, so I just left it to my helper to get in after most of the tables had already been taken. So I dont have anywhere near a spot I would have liked, but it's certainly not the worst spot I could have gotten.
Gonna keep an eye out for expired reservations tomorrow though.

>> No.8292912
File: 365 KB, 1000x651, Canvases Mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britfag here. Would these mini canvases ( 3inch) sell if painted with more popular characters? They're acrylic. Thinking about £10 each.

Second, where can I get manageable-sized gridwalls in the UK? The ones I find are for shops so they're too big for a table.

>> No.8293425
File: 276 KB, 1040x958, 1421703860070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else trying to register for ax right now?
It's been like 5 minutes and the tables have not gone up yet.

>> No.8293436

I am, still not up for me.

>> No.8293445
File: 223 KB, 960x960, 1423423013027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok good I thought I messed up the time or something. I sent them an email asking what's up but no response yet.
hope we both get a table. Do you think a lot of people are trying to apply for these last minute tables?

>> No.8293457

welp i didn't get to select a table until just now because there was a problem with my account and they didn't reply until like 7 this morning saying i was good to go.

my options were literally
farrrrr corner against the wall
right up against the staff tables
within the cluster but next to floraverse (who i tried to talk to last year and got nothing but a blank stare)
or slightly within the cluster but still in a far corner

i ended up with the last option. not near anyone i even remotely know, but hopefully i can make some new AA buddies.

>> No.8293604

I managed to snag an ideal-ish spot closer to the entrance, so I'm happy. Not happy it took me about an hour to even select a table that wasn't already taken and like 2 and a half before I could confirm my reservation.

>> No.8293641

You think there were a lot of people running bots to try to get in? That's not uncommon these days, and can really flood a server with requests. Even restaurant reservation systems get bots sent after them for holidays, etc.

>> No.8293643

no clue, kind of wish we still had access to that doc before someone ruined it

>> No.8293671

Hoping to try acrylic charms for the first time. It seems cheaper to go through alibaba/taobao but is it actually once everything is said and done?

>> No.8293733

>implying artists know anything about computer

>> No.8293759

This is the last pastebin from last night: http://pastebin.com/DCk04PAj

If anyone still hasn't moved to step 6 please copy paste the list and pastebin it to keep everyone updated!

>> No.8293771

Is AWA worth attending if you're from out of state? Wondering if the audience/profit margins are worth flying out for.

>> No.8293959

>Is AWA worth attending if you're from out of state?
You can only answer that yourself by going there. Maybe show your warez you plan to sell perhaps.

>> No.8294025

oh yes. I just got quoted on 285 charms from Vograce and it's gonna be like $150, which wouldn't get me nearly that number with any of the western companies, and there's no limit on designs either. Alibaba/Taobao definitely worth it.

>> No.8294043

Thanks anon, that's amazing! Was communication easy?

>> No.8294235

For sure! Coco is great to talk to.

>> No.8294254

Highly doubt it. It's way more likely that Fanime just fucked up like they do every year.

>> No.8294260

This is fantastic. Seconding the other anon on a list of stickers though.

>> No.8294660

If you're used to flying out of state for cons in general then yes, if you've never flown out of state for a con then we can't say.

>> No.8294751


aww omg - I was tempted to get that table next to floraverse but didn't know who she was at all yesterday, but managed to snag a table near friends instead. idk. I wasn't able to get it till like 4-4:30ish since I couldn't get any time off from work -_- wouldn't work on my phone of course.

Honestly wish they just kept it to THEM doing it and just putting us near friends instead or us having to choose our own. That or upgrade the system where it's a lottery waiting game room like comicon tickets, for selection process.

>> No.8294757

that and it's stupid how we move onto step 6 and it's just "LOL WAIT FOR US TO UNLOCK IT"

making it sound like some sick game.

Wish that I could've gotten another email confirming my table space number though just since I'm paranoid like that.

>> No.8294992

Both fair responses. It would be my first out of state con, and I've been looking around multiple reports from other artists. The variance in experience is as wide as you two imply. Thanks for responding anyway.

>> No.8295942

I want to try out the taobao sources since I'm going to make an order soon. Anybody knows which SS would be good for it? So far the best SS I've tried was Taobaoring since they can speak a decent english, not sure how they handle custom orders.

>> No.8297684

woah, page 10