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File: 174 KB, 800x600, natural-ways-to-treat-cystic-acne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8264563 No.8264563 [Reply] [Original]

Seagulls, I'm so miserable. I've had a giant line of cystic-like acne on both my cheeks for months and I look so bad I cry about it and get all stressed and make it even worse. Lately they've been popping by themselves, like after I take a hot shower. Even the smallest amount of pressure on my face causes pain, it's annoying to even wash my face. They don't even secrete pus, it's a weird whitish sticky blood. When it leaks, it all sticks together in one drop cohesively like water. I don't know what to do, I'm getting a dermatologist tomorrow. I eat very cleanly, change pillow case every day, all the usual stuff. I'm 18 and I feel too old for this, none of my friends have acne and I just feel so bad. I used to have a clear complexion until these lumps appeared a few months ago in january

>> No.8264575

I feel you, man. I used to have really bad acne growing up and people don't realize how shitty it is, especially during your teenage years when you're just starting to build your confidence. I tried everything: eating right, drinking tons of water, all kinds of acne meds, even getting my skin fucking literally lasered off by a derm, but my acne was just awful and it kept coming back. I pretty much grew out of it around the 24-25 age range.
Some nights I would just sit in my room and cry because I felt so fucking ugly and gross. I really hope your dermatologist can do something for you.

>> No.8264581

That sounds so painful anon...I hope you get some answers tomorrow.

I have heard talk of African Black Soap (paste, not bar, not so rough) clearing up cystic acne right quick, and it's inexpensive too. Have you ever looked into it?

What is your skin routine?

>> No.8264601
File: 90 KB, 300x290, Screen Shot 2015-04-20 at 2.09.50 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, it's a little more deal-able knowing people know how i feel

I wash my face twice a day with oil free Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit acne wash, also followed twice a day by this prescription stuff "Clindamycin Phosphate Benzoyl Peroxide Gel." Then after about a half hour I usually put on a small layer of aloe vera gel. In the middle of the day I wash my face with just water. I just got a charcoal Konjac sponge today that I started using too. Every other day I put on the Paula's Choice 2% BHA liquid. My skin is neither dry nor oily. I only get the acne on my cheeks, with the occasional stray zit around the lips, but only on the spot where people get canine bites piercings, it's strange. i don't have any piercings, the zits are just the spots of where that kind of piercing would be, if that makes sense

>> No.8264633

Have you considered ditching the Neutrogena acne wash (their products are very drying and contain sulfates generally--check the ingredients--that may be making it worse for you)? Scented products are also something you want to avoid on your face, particularly if you've got sensitive skin and/or really bad acne.

Keep the BHA every 2 days and consider adding in a PC AHA as well (it's perfectly safe to use both together, just introduce it slowly).

I'm concerned about the aloe vera gel--what product is it? Is it non-scented and made specifically to go on your face? What role does it play in your skincare? (I assume moisturizer?)

It honestly sounds like you have too much going on, which can make skin worse. Also, if you've been using these products since before this break-out, it's time for a change. (Skin changes as you age, or if you change climates, etc, and your routine must adjust to these changes to be effective.)

If there is an underlying medical cause for the sudden change in January, then the derm will be helpful. Unfortunately, most derms are useless for skincare in general (derms treat conditions/illness/diseases of hair, skin, and nails)--estheticians are the folks that you want to talk to.

>> No.8264674
File: 757 KB, 692x1090, Screen Shot 2015-04-20 at 2.30.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only just started the Neutrogena about a week ago, before that I was using St Ive's oatmeal wash and I heard St Ives isn't actually that good of a product to be using so I stopped that when I switch to Neutrogena. I saw this rosewater wash being recommended on other skincare threads, was gonna pick that up once I put some money in my account.

I'll try out the AHA too, thank you

The aloe gel I use is alba botanica "very emollient after sun." The top two ingredients are aloe and water so I didn't think it'd be harm to put on my face

I started the prescription cream less than a month ago too. The only consistent product I've been using pre-January is the BHA.

I don't think there would be a medical cause though, but also it seems weird to get a line of acne on both cheeks in less than a week apart from each other. I didn't know that either about estheticians, thank you

>> No.8264691

Funny someone should mention black soap, I'm doing an experiment right now. I have moderate acne.
It's surprisingly non-irritating considering it is soap. Maybe KCl vs KOH really does make a difference. It's a little drying, and if you have hard water it will leave a horrible film on your face.
I'm actually "moisturizing" with pure shea butter. Thought I'd go all-out on the inexpensive african imports thing. I melt it first.

A week in, I don't have any new breakouts but my skin is in dire need of exfoliation/an actual moisturizer that puts water into the skin.

Anyway, just thought I'd share. Doesn't irritate my sensitive skin, somehow, and is cheap. Don;t think it's going to give me the even-toned, fine pored skin of my dreams, but a lot of my acne seems to come from irritation and it's not irritating for me.

>> No.8264700

I use the ABS paste and whipped shea butter (both are easier to use) and it's cleaned my skin up immensely. I use ABS at night, Boots toner for sensitive skin, PC 2% BHA liquid, then the shea butter.

It's been about two weeks and any acne and redness I had is about gone and my pores are smaller.

They're both definitely under-rated products, at the very least!

>> No.8264702

PC 2% BHA Liquid feels gross on my face and for some reason makes it flakier?? Do you know what any of PC's other BHA formulations are like? I'm thinking about trying the lotion.

>> No.8264728

I've used the lotion on my arms (it works to help control keratosis pilaris). It's been a miracle worker for that and I love it...but I've never tried it on my face to tell you.

>speaking of
>grossness ahead

I have fairly mild keratosis pilaris but I also have dermatillomania. My arms are torn the fuck up with some scabs, scars, and inflamed bumps where I scratch and pick. One makes the other worse and it's made it so I'm not comfortable cosplaying or wearing lolita with short sleeves.
I'm getting married this November too.

All I have been advised is bio oil to help the healing process and a physical barrier between my arms and hands. I ordered a bunch of vintage gloves for that but idk if there is anything else I can do

>> No.8264756

Wow, didn't think I'd actually ever see another person on here with dermatillomania.... That's actually super reassuring as I thought I was alone in this considering the reactions I get at cons sometimes...
The thing I find that helps most is a anti aging cream called rentiol that you can pick up any Sally's Beauty Supply store. It's the name of the brand, and there is a presception form too, but that's not really the same and is much harsher.
What it does is helps increase how quickly your skin regenarates (I guess that's the term) so it helps you heal a lot faster, as well as I found it actually got rid of a lot of the scarring. It worked much much better then bio oil, which was what I was also told to use, and I found it was much more pleasant to use.
I also found that wearing fake nails helped as it made it much harder to pick. Taking a zinc suppliment to help you heal faster never hurts either.

>> No.8264958

My legs are a right mess thanks to dermatillomania. KP is not fun with that. However I don't think anythingthat makes the skin grow faster will help, as it seems likely to make the KP worse. I know it seems weird, but if you can manage to hold off on picking your arms long enough for them to heal, try using Nair or Veet on them. It can really help break down the keratosis and then you won't feel the need to pick at it as much. Not a permanent solution, it'll last 1-2 weeks with exfoliationn though. It will take off arm hair as well, not sure of that's a plus for you or not.

>> No.8264995

Is cetaphil a good cleanser?

And since I have really oily skin I think I should just use clay masks a lot. Any recommendations for clay masks?

>> No.8265005

I feel your pain. I've struggled with acne since I was about 11 and I'm 18 now and it's only just beggining to clear, though I am getting more poppy spots instead.
I find that angels on bare skin or ultrabland from lush has helped reduce everything and leave my skin with a nice glow too.

I honestly hope you get it sorted out. Bad skin is such a confidence blow even when its just 1 ! Take care 💖

>> No.8265141

For all the anons careful about sun protection - I bought a small pack of UV beads that change colour when exposed to sunlight and made them into a bracelet. It's a great way to check how harsh the sun is and whether the shade you're in is enough, but do be mindful and mind that the sun's strength is usually slightly more than what the beads show.
It changes gradually, from white to pastel to vivid colours so you can gauge it fairly easily.

>> No.8265399


I like that idea, it's pretty cool. Might have to craft this.

>> No.8265480

Current routine finally seems to be working for me.

Morning: neutrogena gentle wash (pH 5.5)
Witch hazel
Red raspberry seed oil (if sun) OR juice organics pomegranate moisturizer (no sun)
possibly makeup and/or mineral powder

Night: tea tree oil makeup removing wipe (if I used makeup that day)
neutrogena cleanser again
rice bran oil

And if I have any blemish, I seal it with aloe vera before putting on anything else (day) or wipe it with vitamin E oil (day or night). I also put the oil I'm using on my lips, and it really makes them soft and nice and glossy.

(After I run out of the neutrogena cleanser, I picked up CeraVe.)

Also picked up sheer/light shirts to wear over my sundress for sun protection. I want my arms to stay light and legs more tan to even it out. It's been dark arms, light legs for the past few years and I hate it. Now I have bare legs but wear a long sleeved shirt or jacket. I'll do that until it is absolutely unbearably hot.

How to protect neck/shoulders exposed by shirt from sun?

>> No.8265491

I know jack shit about skin care so I need some help here. I got a bunch of white dots on my nose which I think are blackheads. I tried using one of those nose strips and it did pull out a lot but they're still super noticeable.

What's a good way of getting rid of them?

>> No.8265504
File: 13 KB, 350x264, derma roller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here have any experience with derma rollers? I bought one and I don't use it very consistently. Has anyone used it long enough to see results or if it's worth it?

>It's been dark arms, light legs for the past few years and I hate it
I have the same problem, anon. My legs practically glow when I'm out in the sun because they're so pale. I use a higher SPF for my upper body and a lower one for my legs.

>> No.8265508

Did you steam your face before using the pore strip? I usually exfoliate+steam before, and then tone when I'm done.

>> No.8265523


My legs would almost never burn, unless I was outside laying in the sun for hours (and who the fuck does that). I don't use anything on them.

>> No.8265526

I don't. Closest thing I do is take a hot shower beforehand. Mind sharing your process so I have a references?


>> No.8265529

>unless I was outside laying in the sun for hours (and who the fuck does that)
Practically everyone in Finland

>> No.8265583

Night routine:
>shower and exfoliate
>steam face with towel above me to keep the steam from escaping
>pore strip
>moisturize or face mask

Don't use the pore strips too often. It can be more harmful than helpful if you use them too much. So in reality, my typical night is just washing my face in the shower, toning, and moisturizing.

I only use the face mask sometimes. It's the kind that you have to rip out of the packaging. So sometimes I do that instead of moisturizer. I also used to rub ice on my face when I was done with toning, too. I should probably start doing that again because my pores have been more noticeable lately.

>> No.8265688

This is a lot too drying anon - use moisturizer, especially with acne prescription stuff.
The Neutrogena face wash made it worse for me too when I had acne.
I hope your derm finds a solution for you !

>> No.8265698

I meant "use a stronger moisturizer than just aloe"

>> No.8265777

My skin didn't clear up until college anon, after I had given up on ever having nice skin. I think I really just ended up growing out of it, but there have been a few things that made a huuuuge difference. I still have break outs, especially if I eat like shit, but the two things I've noticed that made the biggest difference was drinking 96oz water (thanks [Michelle] Obama) and getting on birth control (Nuvaring is the shit). These two things helped me more than my dermatologist ever did. Using all those creams and cleansers made my skin so much worse. They'd work for about two weeks and then I'd break out even worse than I was before. So I stopped using all of them.

I also had to find the right makeup. Even "acne-clearing/oil-reducing" make ups made me break out. For whatever reason, Covergirl & Olay's Simply Ageless makeup is the only once I've used that doesn't make me break out

Warning about BC: if you're sexually active, on birth control, and taking meds for acne, use other forms of contraception. Acne meds are antibacterial and those can reduce effectiveness of BC.
Nurses love the fuck out of cetaphil. I can vouch for the lotion but not sure about cleanser apart from my nurse coworkers having a huge boner for it.

>> No.8265802


Just to mention so you don't waste any money or product, but the Thayers there that you are thinking about getting isn't a wash, it's toner.


You could try the Asian approach to moisturizing (layering products), or mix your shea butter with something water-based. At the end of my routine I mix about 1:1:1 water-based moisturizing/soothing serum, passion fruit oil or shea butter, and glycerin together in my palm and apply it as a moisturizer. That's been working pretty well for me.

>> No.8265994

I'm not a regular in these threads so please excuse me.
I got a face wash a couple of days ago (Nuetrogena Grapefruit face wash, not knowing its terrible reputation) and used it a couple times before I broke out- and now my skin is several irritated - Red, dry, bumpy, the whole nine yards.
I threw out the wash and did some research before I bought a new one but I'm afraid to use it until the irritation goes away- How do I calm my skin down and get it back to normal?
I have sensitive skin, if that was obvious at all.

>> No.8266001

I tried a roller (0.5mm) and a derma punch (1mm) last year for about 3 months in total. The roller didn't do shit to my acne scars but the punch cleared out a tiny 3x5mm patch of self harm scarring lol.

>> No.8266245

Anyone have anything to say about Nip+Fix? I'm looking into their Dragon's Blood and Glycolic Wash/Toner for anti aging in place of the 0.04% tretinoin gel I'm already using.

For my routine, I use Cuticura for my acne at night and for the morning, I do quick swipes of the Simple Micellar Cleansing Water.

As for moisturizing, I use Simple Moisturizer morning and night and Neutrogena Clear Face SPF 30. I've got normal/oily black skin and I'm looking to both get as much anti aging as possible and also eradicate the ghosts of zit's past on my face.

And also, would anyone recommend methods such as Proactiv+, Paula's Choice and Perricone? I used something similar to Proactiv a very long time ago(L'oreal Pure Zone) and nearly got my face scorched off due to the strength of the active ingredient. Just looking to get a reading here.

>> No.8266279
File: 339 KB, 1808x1252, Screen Shot 2015-04-20 at 6.13.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, about to order all these products. I've seen minuscule to no negative feedback on these

>> No.8266288

Help me seagulls
I have a chronic form of milia (basically white bumps on my face made of dead skin)
They just won't go away even though i exfoliate every day and wash my face. Getting them professionally removed would be too expensive and would only give short term effects.
I'm currently using same grapefruit neutrogena product everyone us talking about in this thread.

>> No.8266380

Ok so, when you say exfoliate every day, do you mean you're using some shitty face scrub?
Those are bad. Ditch those. Get chemical exfoliants: BHA, AHA, and/or retinol products.
If you can only afford one product right now, go for the BHA. BHAs are best for, in laymen's terms, drawing out the gunk that is deeper in the poors. AHAs take care of resurfacing, which is helpful. Retinol greatly helps the turnover of old to new skin cells and the like.
Be sure to have a good moisturizer too.
& I'd personally recommend against the grapefruit thing for the reasons I mentioned earlier in the thread here >>8264633 .

Sorry for taking so long, anon!
The aloe product is fine for soothing very irritated skin, but you shouldn't be using it for your problem. Stop using it for now (it is not actually a moisturizer) and get a good moisturizer. >>8266279 this list looks better than what you've been using. Still don't see a moisturizer, though!

Thanks! I didn't realize Sally's carried that. The retinol products I have used were too expensive to justify smearing on my arms, haha. Unfortunately, I have long natural nails (after finally breaking THAT ocd/anxiety-related compulsion...argh) which has made the issue a lot worse.

It's definitely something I'll consider. I've had adverse reactions to nair/veet before but that was a decade ago. It may have changed.

Cetaphil is just fine, yes. Gentle, effective, and not scented. Also, cheap. It's what I used pre-ABS and still use sometimes. (RE: clay masks: no more than twice a week.)
Seek out clay masks that aren't perfumed and you should be fine.

This is an amazing idea! I may make one myself...thanks, anon!

>> No.8266409

I doubt they're blackheads, anon. They sound like whiteheads to me. You don't use pore strips (which can do more harm than good, for the record) for those. Add a BHA treatment into your routine for a few weeks and it should clear up some.

That said, everyone in here should read:


It really clears up (huehuehue) misconceptions about breakouts and can help you all figure out what you need to do without making the problem worse.

Oh no!
I hate that it has so many good reviews on retailer websites (go to acne.com for more critical reviews--it has a bad rating). Most people don't know what good skin is or how to track changes in their skin at all.

Keep product use minimal (a gentle cleanser and a moisturizer, no scents) for a week or two. Your skin will bounce back to what it was before after it heals.

I feel like I should be getting paid but Paula's Choice is serious the best brand I've ever found for chemical exfoliants. They also have sample listings so you can spend a couple of dollars to try it out and make sure it won't burn your face off.
Proactiv+ is usually too harsh unless someone has really bad skin. I'm unfamiliar with Perricone.

>mfw I won't shut up in this thread
I am so sorry anons I hope I'm helpful at least

>> No.8266429

Don't worry, I need all the help I can get (Proactiv+/Perricone/Paula's Choice anon here) However, any word on the Nip+Fix? I'm on my way to CVS with a sweet coupon and want to know if blowing it on that stuff is worth it.

>> No.8266444

Yoo that Neutrogena Grapefruit shit is not good. Just wash your face with a gentle basic cleanser like CeraVe.

What you described sounds like something that will need to be treated with accutane.

But, since this is a skincare general thread, I thought I'd recommend one of the best over-the-counter products I've yet to find, which is Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Night Cream. It's marketed as a wrinkle reducer, BUT, this stuff contains the highest dose of retinol I've seen in any non-prescription skincare product, which means this stuff is far more likely to starve your acne than anything else you buy in a store.

>> No.8266450

I haven't personally tried it, and it looks like a lot of people rave about it on MUA. The good news about CVS is that you can try that for 1-2 weeks and see what it does for you. If you don't like it or have an adverse reaction, they take back most things for store credit.**

**Double-check that it applies to this product. I know it does for cosmetics.

>> No.8266466

Thanks anon i'll look into retinol products since it seems appropriate to milia.

>> No.8266477

What moisturizer would you recommend? My skin doesn't even get dry after the neutrogena + prescription cream, so I don't think I need heavy moisturizing. I think something light would be good?

I've looked into accutane but to be honest and as dumb as it sounds, the main thing making me not want to do it is drinking alcohol is really dangerous while on it, supposedly. If so then my weekends are p much done and I'm reliant on that social interaction to keep some stress away. I might hop on some birth control if I can get the OK from my mom. And of course I've also read horror stories from people on it, like shitting out blood

>> No.8266488

Sweet, thanks

>> No.8266499

Ah yeah. Be vigilant with the BC pills. My skin is actually really fucked up right now. When I was sixteen (I'm currently twenty) I went on birth control specifically to get rid of my moderate acne, and it worked extremely well. But last year they like, stopped producing whatever pill I was on and switched me to another "totally identical!" pill that... basically gave me yeast-infection-like symptoms. So I quit that. And then I switched to /another/ pill which I thought had given me this shitty cystic acne, but I quit that over a month ago and I still have some cystic acne, so now I don't know what to do.

tl;dr: Be patient in finding a birth control pill that works for you. I'm sure there's something out there that will do you some good.

>> No.8266511

Yes, I wouldn't recommend something really heavy for you, especially if you're moving away from extremely drying products.
In general, you want to find something that is non-comedogenic, formulate to help control acne, is not scented, and you have the options for serums or lightweight lotions.

Cetaphil Dermacontrol (all of the above and also has SPF 30 to protect against sun damage, particularly because BHA/AHA/Retinol products can heighten sensitivity), CeraVe AM Lotion (also SPF, another anon mentioned CeraVe earlier), and Burt's Bees Natural Acne Solutions Daily Moisturizing Lotion are worth looking into.

You may find down the road that you want a slightly heavier (but still non-com, unscented, etc) moisturizer at night while you sleep.

>> No.8266581

Try some hydrocolloid bandages if they are popping by themselves. If they're popping that means they're coming to a head, which is what you want to happen. Cystic acne does not have to do with how you take care of your skin, changing your pillow case, etc. It's not a topical problem, it's an internal one. You want it to be a topical problem so you can fight it. Talk to your dermatologist about your diet, taking supplements, or if they plan on putting you an antibiotic of some sort. Supplements that can help are:
>Vitamin A
>Vitamin E
>Omega fatty acids

Welcome to the adult life, where your acne is more painful and heartbreaking that the kind you experienced as a teen.

>> No.8266583

anon that's not a wash, that's witch hazel. You use it as a toner.

>> No.8266673

Are you sure they're not sebaceous filaments? They are very commonk and are mistaken as whiteheads or blackheads thanks to marketing.

SFs cannot be gotten rid of. One can only decrease their appearance.

>> No.8266713

Gulls I have an issue.
I normally have fairly balanced skin, tiny pimples every now and again around my mouth, which is from touching my face (my fault, i know)
Then medium size pimples that I can deal with pretty quickly, every now and again.
Issue is, I wear glasses and I got a pimple on the spot where the bridge on my glasses meets my nose. I dealt with the spot as normal.
However because of the constant rubbing from my glasses, it has become a blister.

Need to wear glasses bc awful eyesight, have no contacts available to use.

Any suggestions on what might help? Or should I just do the anime boy thing and wear a band-aid over my nose?

>> No.8266904

Would it be a bad idea to try switching to a different facial cleanser when you have one that works ok? I've been using Philosophy for my breakouts for a while, but it tends to dry out my skin and I still get occasional bumps. I've been looking into The Body Shop's tea tree line because it has a lot of good reviews, but I'm just worried about trying to switch to something else and then having my face explode like it used to.

>> No.8266914

I assumed anon was describing whiteheads but good point.

>> No.8266940

While I'm here, are cleansing brushes with anything A/BHA or retinol on the face a good idea or NOPE if it isn't a cotton ball or pad?

And I'm gonna go ahead give the Nip+Fix GA Cleanser a shot tonight. Thanks so far, fellow gulls!

>> No.8266942

I've definitely learned my lesson- and thanks for the website! I normally have really nice skin, so this is a terrible experience for me, thanks for your advice!

>> No.8266964

You could always put a blister bandage over it, those, or at least the ones I've seen, are skin toned. I've slapped bandaids on my face before though and don't really care, makes me look tough lol. There's also those waterproof bandages with the clear sticky part, so it will be less noticable.

>> No.8266967

If you want to switch then just switch. You're the best judge of your own skin, if something feels like it is making your skin tight and dry then it may not be the best product for you. TBS's tea tree line is pretty nice so if that is what you feel will be best for you then go for it.

>> No.8267041

Thanks for that PC link. I've heard the name thrown around quite a bit, and I think I'll give them a go. I'm very glad to see that they're cruelty free as well. I feel like it's very difficult to find cruelty free skin care that actually works.

>> No.8267056

European cosmetics have to be cruelty free according to a recent law change.
Though if the company is part of a conglomerate they can't control the parent or sister companies, so you'd still have places like the body shop which are owned by Loreal which tests on animals

>> No.8267064

Any recommendations on how to do so? My skin is pretty much always clear other than a single blemish now and then, but my nose looks awful due to them.

>> No.8267138

Rub your face with mineral oil, let it soak in, then wash it off with a mild soap. Like dissolves like, and sebum is an oil.
They'll return soon, but it'll buy you time.

>> No.8267160

thanks anon! I didn't even think to use them for that.

>> No.8267185

I've used PRID/drawing cream/black salve a couple times and have some thoughts.

The internet recommended PRID as a way of getting hard cysts to come to a head. With one very stubborn cyst, using PRID overnight twice made it waaaaaay smaller and flatter, but after the first two nights it didn't seem to do anything. However, putting PRID on a juice pustule seems to be really damaging to the skin. So: great for putting on a cyst before you can get to the derm, bad for pustules, don't use unless you're sure it's a hard cyst instead of a pussy pustule.

>> No.8267586
File: 49 KB, 418x408, boxcar scars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any tips for getting rid of acne scars? I've been looking into Vitamin C serums and microdermabrasion, are there other more effect ways that any of you recommend?

>> No.8269138

seconding this, I've only been using vitamin e oil and I want to know if there's more I can do to help with scarring and pigmentation? I thought vitamin C serums were for aging?

>> No.8269215

anon, use vichy normaderm cleansing gel and moisturizer. your face will get clear after some months. these products help a lot in eliminating scars too.

>> No.8269230

Mizon acence mark-x after-blemish cream is a cream specifically for acne scars. It's given me pretty amazing results. I can show pictures from September to March if you want to see the improvement (Although I used this in conjunction with some expensive double cleansers which have also kept me acne free in general)

>> No.8269293

I've always had medium-light acne that comes and goes and issues with dry skin and hair and shit and I thought I'd try just for fun cutting out all store bought products and instead using handmade bar soaps for my skin/hair. I get mine from etsy or those little pretentious spiritual shops or trader joes and just ac vinegar for conditioner. i seriously have no problems with anything anymore, my skin retains moisture better and I don't get as oily, and i save so much money. I try not to tell anybody IRL though, i dunno just some people just can't wrap their head around the fact that all of these products aren't entirely necessary for everyone. Just thought I'd mention it in case there's one of those people reading who have tried every product on the market and nothing has worked so far

>> No.8269299

>pussy pustule

>> No.8269301

>KP + dermotillomania

I'm so glad I looked in the Skin Care thread. I'm 20 and I used to have severe KP that had lightened up only a little bit since I left middle school. My skin was disgusting when I was little and I was heavily bullied for it, which only worsened my picking.

Now that most of those people have either fucked off out of my life, I'm trying my hardest to break the habit and catch myself when I pick. I was told by my dermatologist that my KP should be mostly if not completely gone by my mid-late 20's, which gives me hope since now it's behaving more like mild KP.

In the past I've been prescribed all kinds of bullshit that didn't really help control my KP. Elidel, Aveeno products, Cetaphil, and so on. Currently I've been sticking with Dove products since they at least make my skin feel soft without worsening my KP, but I'm open to experimenting.

Also congrats to anon getting married~!

>> No.8269318

Tested the bracelet out 'on the field' today. It just werks.
It was cloudy but it still reacted fairly quickly, and was surprisingly accurate for a pack of Chinese beads from eBay.

>> No.8269319

Would you please show a before and after? Using the creme alone, how much improvement did you see in say, a month?

>> No.8269451
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This is my before and after pics,no makeup is being worn in any of the photos except eyeliner in the last two.

I'll be honest, I'm extremely inattentive and totally unable to make consistent recordings, so I wouldn't be able to tell you - I think 2 months made a massive difference though, that's when I started using the cream less frequently because there wasn't as much scarring. but I do believe that the cream has made a huge improvement to my skin. if your only problem is acne scars and not both acne scars and acne breakouts, then the cream is ideal. But if you also have issues with breakouts as well then you'll need to find a cleansing routine that works for you alongside this. I put it on every morning and night until I started to notice there wasn't much need to use it anymore - which was probably 2 months in give or take. But I still use it after I get those tiny little spots just in case. And my acne scars aren't 100% gone, there are still tiny red spots here and there but it's barely noticeable. My skin is so good now, I don't use foundation anymore.

>> No.8269466

I say 'so good' relative only to myself of course. It's not amazing compared to many people, but I'm so happy with my skin right now that I don't feel like I need to change it or cover it with makeup.

>> No.8269584

OP I relate to this so much. Dealt with acne since I was in 3rd grade and now I'm hitting 20. My best tips for you are to remove dairy from your diet entirely, drink a lot of water, and try to figure out if your acne is sprouting from an over secretion of bad oils.

>> No.8269709

Acne scars may also be called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). Vit C serums are great for fading this (using OST 20). Some other great active ingredients to help fade PIH are niacinamide (Missha First Treatament Essence, Cerave PM Lotion), AHAs (CosRX AHA), and retinol. Also, wearing sunscreen daily helps to prevent your marks from getting darker.

>> No.8269970

My boyfriend has large, blocked up nose pores he is worried about. I have dry skin, so I don't know much about it. Any recommendations? He is willing to try extra step products.

>> No.8270076

I'm so fucking mad right now. I got one of those cystic oil slick sores on my chin and it finally healed BUT another one appeared right next to the old one. I was really diligent about aftercare too. I'm 25 and all the sudden I'm getting acne like I did when I was 14. The rest of my face I have under control, but this chin issue is pissing me off. Any tips on how to stop oil slicks from getting out of control other than not to pick at them?

>> No.8270479

That's amazing! I'm definitely going to look into that cream. I'm currently on accutane and everything is clearing up but I am very worried about scarring. But I would much rather deal with scars then giant painful cysts all over my face. Thank you for the reccomendation!

>> No.8270519

Anyone who mentioned having dermatillomania, any tips on stopping the picking? I do it to my cuticles and my thumbs are a disgusting mess, and have been for years. Nothing seems to work ;_;

>> No.8270547

Try putting bandaids around them? Or coating them in vaseline so it's harder to pick at it.

Could be hormone related. Are you a female? Hormonal acne, specifically cystic, typically forms around the chin/jawline area. If it is hormonal, there is honestly not much to do to make it go away/stop topically.

Various medications/supplements can aid in hormonal acne, though.

Depends on what kind of scars they are-- PIE, or PIH, or Post inflammatory erythema vs post inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

To test between the two-- PIE is usually red, and will disappear/go white (if you're lighter skinned) whenever you press your finger against it. PIE is more difficult to get rid of, and generally will only leave with time. Possible things to aid in fading are oat beta gloucan, some say aloe vera or vitamin e, and silicone sheetng for scars. Mostly time, however. Oils high in linoleic acid supposedly can help, like Hemp, Borage, Evening Primrose, Sunflower or Safflower.

If it is PIE, here is a scientific study about it that may help: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3780804/

PIH are generally darker, like another anon said. Many things can help with PIH, like Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA), Retionols, Vitamin C, Snail mucin, Bee venom, Niacinamide...there are many things that can help PIH.

>> No.8270647


old thread, because it has a lot of info

>> No.8270752

So kinda on topic

Does anyone here go to spas or get any spa treatments done? Even simple ones? My husband found a really nice spa in our town and is considering treating me, but I'm not really sure it's suoer worth it. My skin stays pretty clear (thank you 6th BC I've been on), but I might for the experience.

>> No.8270954

I'm only 19 but I have terrible forehead wrinkles.
I keep having to get a fringe because I'd look like a hag otherwise.
Is there anything I can do to do get rid of them?

>> No.8271026

Use sunscreen as a preventive measure. As far as treatments go, there aren't really many out there that work for everyone. I've heard good things about vitamin c serums though.

>> No.8271030

surgical methods/ injections are pretty much your only hope for erasing wrinkles. like the other anon said, use sunscreen everyday to keep it from getting worse. if you have dry skin, keeping it properly moisturized will make the wrinkles much less noticeable.

>> No.8271050

Do you frown a lot? I get wrinkles between my eyes because I frown in my sleep. Botox was the only thing that helped, because it stopped me from making unconscious facial expressions. If you go to someone good and get them to use a small amount, you'll still be able to move your face, but it should be enough to stop your forehead from crunching up as a default.

Alternately, and where I'd actually start: you might be dehydrated. Try drinking a lot more water, and steaming your face or misting it with water during the day. Apply water to your skin is a good way of hydrating it, and the wrinkles might just be from a lack of water to plump the skin out.

>> No.8271093

Drink enough and use good moisturizer. Keeping hydrated makes such a huge difference for me, I can notice lines showing up when I don't drink enough!

Also get enough sleep, eat well, don't drink alcohol and smoke!

>> No.8271105

>Apply water to your skin is a good way of hydrating it
putting water on your skin doesn't hydrate it. if anything, too cold, too hot, or too hard water will dry it out.

>> No.8271172

i can vouch for it, i use it daily and have never had any problems and my skin is really sensitive, but if you have oily skin it might not be enough

>> No.8271177

It's just nice to feel pampered, I've never thought of spas as skin treatment. Skin treatments need to be long term or medical. Spas are just for aromatherapy and massages. Go anon and enjoy. Just make sure to alert them of any allergies, and check their refund/liability clauses if you develop a reaction to their products.

>> No.8271184

Once a year I go to a spa and get a facial. It always makes my skin look so smooth and feels very good. If someone's going to treat you to one then go for it! It's a really nice experience. If you have severe acne though, I would not suggest getting one unless they offer one specifically for that. A lot of the people doing the facials get squicked when faced with a lot of acne, and I remember one anon posting before about how everyone refused to work on their face because of their cystic acne, they didn't want to touch it and kept telling the girl how she needs to wash her face if she has acne.

>> No.8271743

Hydration, sunscreen, retinols and vitamin C ca help with wrinkles. Primarily for preventative measures, but I believe the latter two can help wrinkles fade. It is anecdotal, though, and your experience will probably not be the same as another person.

Honestly, I'd do anything except a facial, unless you can ask specifically for the ingredients. God knows what anybody could get a reaction from, and if they do extracting, they might not clean their equipment well enough.

I'd say just get a nice soak, or a massage, but nothing primarily on the face (again, unless you can ask for ingredients)

>A lot of the people doing the facials get squicked when faced with a lot of acne, and I remember one anon posting before about how everyone refused to work on their face because of their cystic acne, they didn't want to touch it and kept telling the girl how she needs to wash her face if she has acne.

Wow, that's extraordinarily shitty. Primarily the last part.

>> No.8271767
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I recently just bought this but after I went to my dermatologist today she told me tea tree can make me allergic or have allergies of some sort is this true?

Also that oils of any kind clog pores and if anything...oils cause acne.

>> No.8271827

OP, it's very unlikely but it it could be a side effect of some kind of hormonal imbalance. If you can't find a more conventional solution, you could get some tests done as well.

It's unlikely, but not impossible. Good luck

>> No.8271849

>But last year they like, stopped producing whatever pill I was on and switched me to another "totally identical!" pill that... basically gave me yeast-infection-like symptoms.

The same thing happened to me a few years back! I ended up getting a non-hormonal IUD, which was great for my lady bits but not so great for my skin. I've been dealing with teenage-level acne since then (I'm in my mid-twenties) around my jaw/chin. It sucks! I think I need to go back on prescription acne stuff at this point.

>> No.8271850

26 and my KP (upper arms) finally started clearing up over the past 2 years. It's still there, but much easier to cover with makeup/less visibly bumpy.

>> No.8271928

different oils are different levels of comedogenic. this link lists most commonly used oils for skincare.

not all oils cause acne and everyones skin reacts differently to them. coconut oil is a holy grail for a lot of people despite being rated as highly comodogenic.

what did your dermatologist mean by tea tree will give you allergies? i've heard that one can develop an intolerance towards tea tree oil after using it with no issue for a while, but it seems unlikely that it would cause unrelated allergies.

tea tree helps dry out acne for a lot of people, and if you're using it in a product and not straight undiluted you should be safe. patch test anything behind your ear or on your wrist before use and you should be fine. lot's of people vouch for the body shop's tea tree line.

>> No.8271996
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op here and just got back from the derma
i need four different prescriptions

>> No.8272028


Her skincare is pretty good too. particularly day moisturizers with sunblock.

>> No.8272046

What really improved my skin is not using any products with perfumes in them and alcolol/alcohol denat. Also don't use any cleansers that have Sodium Lauryl Sulfate in them, look for the ones that have Sodium laureth sulfate.

>> No.8272207
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>Got back from a trip, lazy with unpacking so I have been using my bf's body wash for a while instead of my nice moisturizing soap
>finally unpack my shit
>use my good soap for the first time
WHY THE FUCK WAS I SO LAZY MY SKIN FEELS AMAZING. I almost forgot how soft and silky it makes me feel
I am an idiot.

>have fucking broken capillaries on my face, they come and go as they please. I have very very pale skin so they are very easy to see
>Thankfully I don't have all-over rosacea so there is that
>But I have these obvious red veins on my face sometimes, only real option is to lazier them off and I'm not into that since they do clear up eventually
>Except I had a fucking red explosion like pic related under my chin for a few weeks, thank fucking god it took care of itself but everyone kept asking me if I was bleeding, shit sucked.

They say that Vitamin E oil will help with this bullshit, does anyone have any recommendations for brands?

>> No.8272214

For what? If it's topical stuff that's normal.

>> No.8272249
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I also had an amazon giftcard so I splurged on some face stuff. Finally got some non-sample sizes of my favorite moisturizers. The BB cream is also a re-order, love that shit.
I'm worried about maybe the sponges will irritate the broken capillaries problem, but I'm hoping it will just keep be from being so ruff with my face in general and maybe help a bit.

>> No.8273756

What are they from? I have really translucent skin and tiny little veins that I can see but I think they might be spider veins. I hate them because they cause weird shadows rather than looking like veins.

>> No.8273760

Oh, apparently that's the same thing, just found this article: http://www.empowher.com/rosacea/content/broken-facial-capillaries-causes-and-treatments

Mine don't seem to come and go though, and they aren't noticeable, just make my skin look sort of uneven around my nose and mouth. I wish I could get rid of them because my skin's pretty nice besides that. I think mine are genetic since my older sister has them too.