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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 55 KB, 800x453, tumblr_mxnd4v4y9Y1skzzjvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8247305 No.8247305 [Reply] [Original]

last thread has saged

>> No.8247483
File: 76 KB, 720x720, 10256886_745354798853114_8496876687790121521_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SmallRiniLady's stuff on Facebook is pre hilarious.
Like who would wear this??

>> No.8247487
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>> No.8247494
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>> No.8247498

What? This looks cute af

>> No.8247499
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>> No.8247502

that poor figure....she would look far cuter on my shelf than on that stupid necklace

>> No.8247507

look, we already know you have shit taste. you don't have any need to speak up about it.

>> No.8247508

>Bootleg SAO(?) figure slapped onto a pile of shit and called a necklace

>> No.8247510

Stop doing this with tiny figures
I don't care if it was $12, it's tacky

>> No.8247511

Yes. But would you wear it is the real question.
A big petti character on something that looks like it would look better on a phone case but as a necklace??

>> No.8247512

I wish I didn't know people buy these.

As always kill yourself, cunt. If you knew anything about sweets deco you'd know how shitty it actually is, and you're not much of an /a/ or /jp/ fag if you think ruining a fig is worth it.

>> No.8247520

It took me a full minute to realize that was a cat poking it's head out of a hole, and not a severed bunny head
I can see this one working for Decora or something

>> No.8247542

Each one looks like they got stuck in someone's splooge ball, and some sadist fuck came around and put them on necklaces for the mockery.

>> No.8250321
File: 129 KB, 640x640, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F141933a5cfaffadebddc367744b7e2f1%2Ftumblr_nmcfwsJ71z1qb9ia7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that her tongue? Or are those her lips? What's happening?
This picture is annoying me much more than it should.

>> No.8250366

alright, at first I didn't really mind her but peachie has officially creeped me out. the crazy look in her dead eyes is making me so uncomfortable rn
too much, peachie too much

>> No.8250383

How much money is this woman wasting on Re-ment and mini figures, just to roll them haphazardly in bathroom caulk?

>> No.8250412


This got posted in the last thread but I don't really see how it's cringy? Maybe the parts where the dancers are trying to be "sexy" and how inaccurate their cosplays are, but aside from that the dance seems properly coordinated. I kinda caught myself rolling my eyes at the people commenting the whole time.

>> No.8250771

Clearly her tongue

>> No.8250791

How can you not see the cringe?

I got linked to one of these and just kept going through related videos. I'm still trying to understand why anyone would think posting this seems like a good idea.

>> No.8250857

This fucking eye make up is rustling my jimmies so hard. HOW has she NOT understand that it looks so awful by now?

>> No.8251053

Because people baby her because she's "Super kawaii and nice!!" So people never feel like they should tell her that her makeup looks like a 13-year-old's first time appyling it.

>> No.8251336

you're clearly blind anon

>> No.8251341

cuz kawaii animu dolly chan desu!!!1!

>> No.8251704

>I'm still trying to understand why anyone would think posting this seems like a good idea.
I agree completely. All tree of them are really bad at dancing, why would they even consider posting this?

Comments are hilarious though, first vid they criticize her (lack of) dance moves, second vid people seem to like because she looks good, and in the last vid's comments you got SJW's crying "women aren't supposed to be sexy for men!" when guys wrote they didn't get a boner. Also all that "she is not fat she is only obese so stop calling her fat!" lol.

>> No.8251719

>she is only obese so stop calling her fat!
Please, PLEASE tell me this is an exageration

>> No.8251736

She thinks they look like puppy eyes instead of just freaking creepy.

>> No.8251763

I quote:
>Fat doesn't mean you have to be extremely fat as in 150kgs or 330 lbs. She's just obese, I fail to understand how you disagree with that.

It's just a whole lot of "is fat bigger then obese?" and people arguing about it, then a whole lot of "she is doing it for fun so it doesn't matter that she is unattractive" and "she is not trying to seduce anyone so don't bully her"...

>> No.8252722

I thought she would evolve eventually. clearly not.

>> No.8252749

Are they creepy because they're brown? Are you saying people with brown eyes look 'dead'?

>> No.8252752

careful not to fall for it...

>> No.8252779
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>> No.8252802
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Just... read this.

>> No.8252811

"Please like my personal posts" jfc.
That's not being paranoid or experiencing a delusion. That's just wanting attention.
There's nothing wrong with wanting attention but there's everything wrong with pretending all these things are wrong with you so that people give you praise or whatever.

>> No.8252819
File: 1.15 MB, 500x281, nicole.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend and I thought of making up our own dance to the song, since it's so catchy and fun to dance to, but never mind. I don't want to be lumped in with shitty cover dancers.

It's sad, cause you can tell that they're trying...they just don't look good at all.

>> No.8253000

No cringe thread is complete without CMVs pls find more to add

>> No.8253008
File: 73 KB, 1492x1080, rv0SYgG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they fucking spelled both of kaworus names wrong

>> No.8253014

i think its time we figure out whatever happened to the foam girls

>> No.8253023

ew ew ew i used to have a friend in hs who did this shit with her face uhggggg it gives me the creeps

>> No.8253035

they obviously did not practice enough, this gives me middle school talent show flashbacks

>> No.8253047

I have a friend who is going to be trying to do the Lonely Mountain song on stage during Tora-Con this year...no costume, solo...the book version.

I've done everything I can to stop it. I feel awful, I know exactly what the crowd reaction is going to be.

>> No.8253082

how can you be kin with a character that you can't even name correctly

>> No.8253125
File: 97 KB, 443x951, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just seeing this reminded me of pic related story on Weeaboo Stories. If anyone knows if there is footage pls show.

>> No.8253246

A friend was trying to get me to cosplay as this for AM, since she knows I've been a fan of teddyloid for some years and wanted me to get noticed, but this is how I envisioned the people who would come up to me would be like and/or what I'd come off as... I feel your pain, anon.

>> No.8253272

She's pushing her teeth against her bottom lip to make it look fuller.

>> No.8253275

I meant tongue, not teeth. Sorry!

>> No.8253683
File: 78 KB, 657x346, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girl you didn't need to go there with that first part. smh.

>> No.8253712

Nope. Someone asked her that on IG and she said that it was her tongue. I think it's just blending in with the shade of her lipstick.

>> No.8253722

Yeah, I corrected myself if you look.

>> No.8253728

This is fucking gold
>inb4 Funnyjunk is cringe enough.

>> No.8253810
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>> No.8253842
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>> No.8253859

The chubby girl in the third video- hnnggghhh

>> No.8253861
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>> No.8253873


I'm very upset those furfags dance better than I do.

>> No.8253935

pls. this is worst

>> No.8253947

>Suzuya Juuzuo
>Kowaru Nagisa

>> No.8253978
File: 14 KB, 369x82, est2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tis is why I don't go to mex cons

>> No.8253984


>> No.8254010


>> No.8254011

After the minute 2 is all shit

And why do a CMV in a con full o people?

>> No.8254032

Cringe threads make me kind of sad.

Not because the people are super fucking cringe, but because they look like they're having so much fun.

I miss when cosplay was that fun for me.

>> No.8254190

Same here
Everyone started out somewhere

My first cosplay, I chose Itachi Uchiha
No wig, no makeup, I wore my glasses, white tennis shoes, no binder. But then again, I didn't have anyone to show me any different, I was the only cosplayer in my school. I often wish I had someone who was there to teach me

>> No.8254214

From all the responses I've been getting, I am. I don't know all I find cringy from it is the cosplays and some of the dance moves.

>> No.8254215

lmao the Me!Me!Me! one is just all kinds of bad

>> No.8254224

whoops only watched the first link--no they're all bad jesus.

>> No.8254225

She's right but goes about it in the completely wrong way. Why would you compare yourself to hairy feet and vomit?

second part is fucking on point though

>> No.8254231

I had almost added that one as well, but I actually somewhat liked her cosplay compared to majority of the Memes that I've seen.

>> No.8254484

What did they even do with all that foam?

>> No.8254532


>> No.8254535


>> No.8254545


>> No.8254558


>> No.8254679


>> No.8254691

NO! Tell me you are lying! please! spare me the truth!!

>> No.8255241 [DELETED] 

> At work, in elevator with a bunch of old guys in suits
> Fat Asian guy wearing SnK shirt gets into elevator
> Staring at me like he recognizes me
> Ogod
> Mentally preparing for 'HEY ARE YOU BEANIE-KUN'
> Old suit goes 'Hey is your shirt from anime?'
> Suddenly, weebs everywhere
> Huddle in corner until elevator stops and smuggle power level out

>> No.8255322


found this in the related videos

>> No.8255430


>> No.8255589


>> No.8255593
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>> No.8255600


How does someone get that fat and... bloated looking?

>> No.8255605

chill yo.

they probably bought bulk bootlegs off aliexpress or something. regardless if it is real and it irritates you, there's not much that complaining about it will fix.

>> No.8255615

In case you wanted to look like an inbred and sound like an autist while you cosplay


>> No.8255620
File: 72 KB, 640x480, blush3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the girl in the blonde wig in that video and I just wanted to say that pretty much like a couple hours later on the way home from Sakura Con I regretted everything I did on that stream.

Sorry for acting like a retard, /cgl/. I will do better in the future.

>> No.8255679


shit like this

>> No.8255752

Awww that actually looks awesome and kind of cute.

>> No.8255758

I really hate that you can see the chicken wire or whatever that they used as a base under the foam. They really should have covered it in fabric.

>> No.8255766

I'll do you one better
I love finding these kinda blogs

>> No.8255772

Dance is good, cosplay is shit.

>> No.8255787

Feel like experiencing hell? I will buy a dream dress for anyone who can watch all of these without throwing up.

>> No.8255817

You're on. I'll drop my email in the field in few.

>> No.8255822

Made it to thong bath and threw up. :( I failed.

>> No.8255861

Omg the lyrics...

>> No.8255864

oh my god, how recent are these??

>> No.8255869

Holy shit...I've never seen someone with forehead fart that hangs in their eyes like that...incredible. This girl needs help.

>> No.8255876

I've made it through quite a bit of these, and honestly I'm not even surprised by her antics anymore. No throw up to be had. Just general confusion of what her faces are supposed to be representing.

>> No.8255879

No idea.
They were leaked a couple weeks ago though, not sure on the details. Someone posted the link in another cringe thread.
>in few
there are well over 300 videos in there. May god be with you.

>> No.8255884

There a few that sneak up on you. Once you think you're used to it, bam.

>> No.8255889

hahaha oh my god that was perfect

honestly these are bad regardless, but what really puts the icing on the cake is the lack of music. she is quite literally dancing to traffic noises and birds.

>> No.8255891

she's giving a blowjob to a corn dog I'm going to die

>> No.8255893


my eyes!!! wheres the bleach

>> No.8255898

What amazes me is that she's go out into public places alone with her camera and does this.
Why is she doing it?
Is she getting paid?
Is this how she affords all the shit she buys?
so many questions

>> No.8255907

although she's fuckin cringe as hell, some of the outfits she has are kinda cute



are these all bodyline?

>> No.8255917
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>> No.8255921

is she ok

>> No.8255923

is this how pt died

>> No.8255924


>> No.8255926

I was just thinking that! like if she had the tiny loli body she wish she had, she would be adorable.

>> No.8255939


>> No.8255944

Oh god, on that third link you can see her pad.

>> No.8255972



>> No.8255979

I can watch all of them and video tape my reaction. Can I get my dream dress?

>> No.8256242


>> No.8256266

I only made in 3 seconds...

>> No.8256291

What does she do for a living?

>> No.8256308
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>> No.8256319

how did you have this queued up?

>> No.8256341

I didn't find this that bad either. Sure it could've been better, but to me it's not cringy. I think the girl in the pink looked the most off though and made the dance look worse though

>> No.8256410

wtf would you post that here you fuckin faggot? Not fucking on at all.

>> No.8256528
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>> No.8256548

thats a really nice/on-model silhouette. it looks like a wip is there a finished version somewhere?

>> No.8256550

I'm less concerned with the hole and more with the second set of boobs under her bra

>> No.8256553

>not knowing her workout lines
Fuck off.

>> No.8256564

i know a girl who had a full on meltdown when she didn't get enough notes on her selfies

literally posting about how she was crying and shaking and shit
kept reblogging her selfies begging for notes

>> No.8256595
File: 2.26 MB, 1280x720, dancedancerevolution.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-hope i do this right

>> No.8256625

at least shes taking baths now

>> No.8256633

ah i didn't post the video to be mean; i just wanted to show that she's actually mega talented despite being obnoxious in that foam video. kinda sucks that she's watered down to just that vid.
she has a demo reel of her animation and cosplay work on her channel.

>> No.8256676

You're cute as fuck tbh.

>> No.8256680

I couldn't make it, once there were five of them gyrating it was too much. Too, too much.

>> No.8256695
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>> No.8256709
File: 571 KB, 916x788, groudon_invades_joann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filename could also be the name of a porno

>> No.8256714

btw I did not alter this. This is how exactly how I found it.

>> No.8256726

oh fuck that's the FOOOAM girl. I'll post the link when I get home. that video is the manifestation of cringe.

>> No.8256736

The furries? I think everyone's seen that video.

Are you saying that the last panel reminds you of her, or is that actually her in the Groudon outfit?

>> No.8256741

it's already been posted in the thread as well

>> No.8256751

Just noticed, thank god. I really didn't want to go looking for it again.
What do you think they did with all that foam? Someone posted a wip video in the thread already.
They're actually really good at making things, it's a shame foam adventure exists.

>> No.8256806

a true modern classic

>> No.8256821

she looks like a massive tumour

>> No.8256844

oh shit its the foam people from colorado
something about the finished version feels off but the shapes and construction look great. i think its the surface material it feels kinda loose and im not a fan of the fursuit tier (fleece?) in the front. otherwise wow

>> No.8256850


>> No.8256856

Whoever kept moving that plush needs to be put the fuck down

>> No.8256880
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>> No.8256887

>What do you think they did with all that foam?
I thought they'd make legitimate gross fursuits.

I'm slightly proud of them for making a Groudon instead though.

>> No.8256893

Man as nice as this suit is, why are you going to 7/11, in a WIP costume no less?

>> No.8256895

Onision needs to stop trying to be relevant
At this point he's just making edgy videos.
2:45 made me so embarrassed.

>> No.8256897

You can't post that here, that's basically cheating.
He's already cringe as it is.

>> No.8256902

He's like Shane Dawson but somehow even shittier.

>> No.8256903

Jesus, this is recent. When will he end?

>> No.8256907



>> No.8256919
File: 45 KB, 363x364, 1378363274999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For real, I'm trying my hardest to finish this video.
I keep pausing every second to hold my tears in.

>There are people in those suits, actual human beings
How do I help them?

>> No.8256993
File: 28 KB, 432x288, 1369598053980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holding up the background

>> No.8256997

This is so bad for someone who claims to be a "designer" and has been sewing for awhile.
>Rolling hems for everything
>Shitty thin fabric
>No darts
Ugh. Please don't teach people your shitty sewing techniques when you're still at a beginner level

>> No.8257010
File: 4 KB, 300x300, 1341240459672.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as the girl has a nice body I can't cringe at me!me!me! no matter how bad the dancing is.

>> No.8257054

I just figured her videos are for people who dont sew, or need an easy way out.

>> No.8257062

I-I'm scared. It gets more and more disturbing the farther you get in the video

>> No.8257234

That is the least flattering blouse I have ever seen.

>> No.8257419

On video 27 and loving it. God save the queen

>> No.8257514

Ok honestly I'm at like video 80 now and I'm not disgusted, I'm really worried.
I know Pixyteri's super fucked up, but she's going out in public dressed as a toddler and showing her bra and panties to a camera she's set up. She's doing this in the park where children play! There must be parents here side-eyeing her like she's a fucked up pervert! Why is she doing this in open public spaces? She's talking to the camera and shit.
She's constantly looking around like someone is going to see her. This is starting to make me really, really depressed. She seriously needs help, she has something very wrong with her. Someone needs to show this shit to her mom or something. I know she's 30 but this is beyond fucked up.

>> No.8257534

cringe aside, that's a really good groudon tbh

>> No.8257538

does she really take her tripod to carnivals and shit

>> No.8257555

the brain age guy makes me laff everytime

i love him

>> No.8257776
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>> No.8257786

That sounds like...mental disability...

>> No.8257822

This is super cringe and the burping is fucking gross
But I can't help but feel bad for her, it must suck to be so heavy and look like that

>> No.8257844

you ever blow up a rubber glove like a balloon?
those are her hands.

>> No.8257851

>Ask before following if:
>Are straight or cis (don’t follow at all if ur both)
Someone should really make a tumblr account named "I am a cis-het white male" and then just follow these kind of blogs.

Not try to troll them or anything, just follow, not even post a thing. And document the reaction.

>> No.8257855

have them reblog headcanons of characters being cis/white

>> No.8257860

Is that a thing? I always thought head canons were more oppressed or problem-ridden than the original characters.

>> No.8257861

I've met this girl in person and I'm fairly sure she's disabled

>> No.8257868

Maybe even create some bullshit argument about how japanese draw anime characters "white" because they worship white as the superior race, I know some of them would believe it.

>> No.8257899

I feel like I should feel bad for her but when a person is that obese, they probably have really poor lifestyle choices and I can't feel bad for a person who does that to themselves.

>> No.8258099

How the fuck is Onision still relevant? I thought that piece of shit died already.

>> No.8258163

"I'm not racist, I'm just saying cosplayers should stick to their race for accuracy of the costume! A lot anime characters are white because that's the way the creator wanted them, therefore represent them better. There are plenty of black characters for black people! blah blah blah"

>> No.8258177

They go by CanineHybrid. They've mostly made Pokemon mascot cosplays but they make fursuits too.

>> No.8258181

>yfw you find out japanese people regard themselves as white

>> No.8258184

This made me furrow my brow so hard. I did some stupid shit as a kid but this takes the cake.

>> No.8258278

You should also reblog audio posts of '''problematic''' white male artist like Eminem and Robin Thicke and defend them religious, even for songs like 'Kim' and 'Blurred Lines'

>> No.8258283

Shit that was meant for >>8257868. I'm so stupid

>> No.8258288
File: 36 KB, 600x400, 1428745332133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8258290

Don't be jelly over a 10/10 Hestia cosplay

>> No.8258295

>implying melonpan is cringy at all

>> No.8258308

Did she need to pee or something? Why all the scurrying?

>> No.8258336

I actually enjoyed that...

>> No.8258341

They hadn't finished it yet, this was a test to make sure everything was fine before finishing it off.

>> No.8258347

I have to try!

>> No.8258362

OH MY GLOB! Even Lumpy Space princess doesn't look as lumpy as this. This is a trainwreck, how can you get so fat that you can't even open your eyes properly. I guess at this state you can pretend you are nihon desu.

I want to rip my eyes out but not enough torture for me, I will look at their chanel now.

>> No.8258452

Cute idea but it was done so terribly, like this shit was made up on the spot or something

>> No.8258802
File: 464 KB, 500x271, 8486.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>swaying for 3 minutes

>> No.8258813


>> No.8258819

when white people first found japanese people they were so surprised at how cultured they were that they actually thought they were equal to white people when no other races were

>> No.8258820

Her video wasn't cringe, them asking her to strip and that weird ass email was cringey

>> No.8258837

No, she is cringy as fuck. Cons and anime burlesque type things exist, this isn't that uncommon, hell, disgusting girls sometimes force cons to let them do it. She lives in fucking Vegas area. She cosplays panty and so it would work for her cosplay, it's not that big of a deal and the email was very professional and not really that creepy.

I am a girl by the way and I'm against shit like prostitution and stripping.

>> No.8258856
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>> No.8258863

>not found

>> No.8258865
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>> No.8258869

>tfw you actually watched the whole thing and found it nice, not cringey.

It's like a weird Disney Channel actress doing cosplay.

>> No.8258873

Idk, I liked the first one but the other ones looked really off somehow.

>> No.8258875

my friend used to date her

>> No.8258916

who is recording all of these for her, and do they need therapy

>> No.8258929

Using that black ass marker to mark on the sheet on TOP HER LIGHT PINK FABRIC.
one slip and that fabric would have been rip in peace ugh

>> No.8259498
File: 39 KB, 631x216, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the panels at my local convention. You would not believe how much I laughed when I saw this

>> No.8259526
File: 442 KB, 692x810, 1427760742609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like dying.

>> No.8259573

>getting pissed off as at being called "miss"
she must be freshly married.

>> No.8259607

Second one is set to private now... im disappointed.

>> No.8259620

aww she's fun, and kinda cute. it's a good tutorial too.Way better than the tutorials you usually see where homestucks tell you to glue fake nails in your mouth.
and her cosplay isn't too bad either.
just needs foundation, and light makeup.

>> No.8259623

'Miss' nowadays can go even for married women, especially those that have kept their own surname. So I don't see what the fuss is about

>> No.8259649

holy fuck... she's so obese, that you can't even see her eyelids... I don't think she'd even be a butterface if she'd lose weight.

>> No.8259667

What's wrong with rolling hems?

>> No.8259671

>rest in peace in peace

Think before typing.

>> No.8259677


She'd make a pretty good Unclean One

>> No.8259685

>not knowing that old ass meme

>> No.8259690

>getting this pissed off at being called "miss"
u wut m8
not everyone knows your personal life, shit.

>> No.8259787

I say ma'am to all women virtually unconsciously.

Am I in trouble? Is that not okay either?

>> No.8259794

I used to get "Miss" and suddenly I started getting ma'am and it hurts me inside.

>> No.8259801

I think I said miss in my teenage years but naturally switched.

I don't talk to very many people either way, so I hope I never offended anyone. I just figured it would be better than saying "hey you"

>> No.8259832

anyone has the comic of the men with asperger and don't have any facial expression?

I remember one part "I don't have any facial expression because I have..... asperger" o something like this

>> No.8259840

oh god they're from sydney

>> No.8259855

>the male gaze


>> No.8259916

>tfw INTP
>tfw no idea what terf/twerf/swerf means


>> No.8259923


I'm not sure, but it looks to me like she has a rolled hem foot on her machine, but that she's not using it, she's just folding the fabric by hand underneath it instead of using the metal spiral...

>> No.8259957
File: 33 KB, 267x74, soapstonemessage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the ones where she's eating and drinking shit
>those lippy smacky noises
>those little remarks and noises of satisfaction

>> No.8259961

I-I made it through... Now I only feel a strange mixture of sadness, pity, despair and nausea. Like when you're watching an armless child try to eat an apple.

>> No.8259972

nno nono nononono

why is that brainage faggot trying to be relevant

>> No.8259974


fuck yourself

>> No.8259986

Oh a cringe thread?

>> No.8260007

How the fuck is this remotely cringey?

>> No.8260047

poor thing, her wig kept trying to run away.

>> No.8260051

I mean, they look like nerds, but they're pretty good for being... high schoolers? That guy on guitar is rockin' out.

Are you one of them hunting for more views or...?

>> No.8260071

Foam adventures is retarded as shit and makes me cringe...

However it appears to work in mascot costume.

>> No.8260201


>> No.8260203

Is this some sort of elaborate prank because I am not seeing anything.

>> No.8261502

Are you willing to teach me?

>> No.8261531
File: 131 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2015-04-19-02-11-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They took my bait

> why is it so dark?
> why is my phone screen to bright

>> No.8261563

She looks special. Can someone confirm if special.

>> No.8261912

Wow it's a good thing that blouse has so many ruffles because it disguises a lot of the disgusting puckered seams.
>Not ironing after every seam
Pfft amateurs when will they learn

>> No.8261921

How does this idea even come up in a conversation?
>hey friend I read some hot ErinxLevi yaoi the other day I wish it could happen irl
>I know let's reenact it and post it on YouTube

I mean, I don't have any cosplay friends so idk if this is just some disturbed subcommittee of the cosplay community. I do know two girls reenacting yaoi is not as exciting as just imagining two guys.

>> No.8261922

I can't tell if they're supposed to be the cringe or you are. Leaning toward you.

>> No.8261959

They both look like the same character, so already it is bad to begin with.

>> No.8262095

I got scared once that music stated playing.

I finished though.

>> No.8262119
File: 34 KB, 600x602, b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8262124

You lucky soul.

>> No.8262229

Now can I get my brolita on

>> No.8263018
File: 1.81 MB, 356x200, NONONONO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8263113
File: 1.34 MB, 842x673, klnadslfn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8263141

It's not that she's rolling them. It's the fact that she used it to finish ALL her seams. Rolled hems are fine for actual hems, but you're supposed to use an overlock or zigzag stitch for seam finishes.

>> No.8263148

those legs

>> No.8263155

this has to be fairly recent because the seifuku in the 3rd link here >>8255907 is bodyline and it came out only a few months ago.

>> No.8263171
File: 33 KB, 300x285, clip_art_illustration_of_a_cute_frog_sitting_down_smiling_0521-1102-1611-3035_SMU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8263189

This seems like it was bad on purpose, especially with that comment at the beginning saying "it killed me to make this".

>> No.8263336

Peachie is cuter when she's acting natural in a video. When she tries to act cute, it scares me. She looks like a porcelain doll, but the creepy kind.

>> No.8263364

That comment is because it is a compillation of various cringe videos. It's the compilator saying that.

>> No.8263432

possibly the cringest thing in this thread. It even might be good for OP pic of next cringe thread. I used to love Peachie a while ago though, but now most of the time she just looks scary to me.

>> No.8263485

This is just beyond me. The comment are even worse: "There's nothing wrong with mixing types of cosplay or outfits in general. Especially when there is concept art all over the place of lolita girls with nekomimi. It's been in the fashion for YEARS. Even in Harajuku! Which is where most of our most extreme fashions come from. Anyone who says otherwise must be new, which makes them inexperienced and non-credible.

Bring on the haters, but don't let them tell you what to do! =3"

>> No.8263502

do tell more

>> No.8263504

.... why does she have a huge picture from that deviantart lolita dress up game on her wall

>> No.8263531
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x1136, canyoujustnot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally the only thing that can make me feel uncomfortable over the internet.
Why do people do this? Do they not realize what they're doing?
This guy gets comments like these on pretty much everything he posts.

>> No.8263543

Whenever these videos gross me out I just remember that she at least OCCASSIONALLY takes baths.

>> No.8263559
File: 651 KB, 500x422, 1404770420089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8263575
File: 2.20 MB, 640x271, 1406148550306.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 seconds
I actually lurched back in my chair away from my screen and mashed the pause button.

>> No.8263597

the girl doing Me! Me! Me! has a fantastic body for it, I just wish she'd been wearing something that shows it off rather than a frumpy t shirt and weirdly cut shorts.

>> No.8263619

Aren't they all doing mememe?

>> No.8263626
File: 78 KB, 704x960, 11160580_10152813217347547_6561954284972404562_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8263640

oh shit. I only watched the last one. I meant the last one, black shirt and denim shorts.

>> No.8263681

>mfw I used to follow them for Earthbound stuff then realized they were one of those fucking people

>> No.8263683

Since when is fat a fantastic body? lmfao

>> No.8264154

I saw that the other day too, God damn.

>> No.8264251

Wasn't meant to be cringe. Just forgot to reply to the person who said to make an account with white cishet in It and see what happens. And that's what happened.

>> No.8264295

>fantastic body

>> No.8264348
File: 126 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8264378


>> No.8264412

That feel... When I know that Braniac guys.. And think he's creepy in general and he attends everything that I attend in NorCal.

>> No.8264416

This girl is a mute, a little special, and its awkward. Seems really unfair to have her on here.

>> No.8264420

what the fuck

>> No.8264426

:( rip felice

>> No.8264438

Her head looks huge as fuck

>> No.8264439

>those hashtags

>> No.8264453
File: 79 KB, 528x396, 1417903268458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"don't follow if you're against self diagnosing"
>so important he put it on there twice

>> No.8264470

what are you talking about

>> No.8264490

I liked it, she's WAY better than the other girls doing this dance and her costume isn't that bad the only thing was her wig having issues..

>> No.8264492

oh god

>> No.8264499

Where's the one where that kid was obsessed with being a zillion different fictionkin or whatever, and you couldn't follow them if you identified as one of them because it would trigger a panic attack and identity crisis, and they had like...this weird sleuth personality among their fifteen stupid MPD things?

>> No.8264520

I can understand feeling like something fits you and self-diagnosing, but if you're so sure of it that you're diagnosing yourself SEE A DOCTOR AND GET SOME HELP. Get a LEGITIMATE diagnosis instead of pretending your self-diagnosis is legitimate. It isn't. It really isn't.

>> No.8264522

I was done after thong in bathtub

>> No.8264536


Agreed. Otherwise you're just making excuses for yourself.

>> No.8264547

Fucking bitch whale

>> No.8264549

There is nothing worse then a mental self-diagnosis.

>> No.8264570

HOLY SHIT you're right. god damn.
excuse me, it's called hello kitty NOT BYE BYE kitty

>> No.8264572

The only thing that's making me cringe right now are you people arguing about mental self-diagnosis and gender equality on a fucking cgl board. >.e take that shit to tumblr.

>> No.8264587


It sickens me that she does this in public places. I mean, the playground? Where the kids and their parents are? Seriously?

>> No.8264588

>implying that tumblr wouldn't make "call out" posts telling us that we are horrible ableist truscum who need to be beaten up. Probably get doxxed too if we aren't careful.

Self diagnosis is only good so that you can get to a doctor who can give you legit help. Just saying "I have depression, everyone be nice to me" means nothing. I have self diagnosed depression and I don't flaunt it like its some special badge that allows me to do whatever I want "because I have mental illness!!1!"
People should not be doing that, it takes away from people with actual depression and shit who actually realise that it is bad and shouldn't be posted out for the world to see.
Until I have legit confirmed the multiple things I have diagnosed myself with (going doctor soon) I won't be telling anyone about them because fuck, it just cries attention whore.

>> No.8264598


>> No.8264610


>> No.8264613


>> No.8264616

The worst part is that I'm pretty sure there are two morbidly obese people in this video. Someone is putting the makeup on her, whoever she's talking to. Fuck this is disgusting, I feel simultaneously motivated to get on the treadmill right fucking now at 2am and sit in contentment with the fact that I will never be this disgusting.

>> No.8264626

It's a bootleg. The real one's roughly Nendoroid sized.

>> No.8264627

this is what /cgl/ does to me every day. also you're in the same time zone, hi.

>> No.8264637

Glad I'm not the only one on here so late. Things slow down around this time, but this is like afternoon for my sleep schedule.

>> No.8264658


It's hilarious watching the sped-up segments without volume.

>> No.8264664

same here haha.

>> No.8264666

>tfw also same time zone
Hello, my brethren.

>> No.8264680

I'm assuming she used a black marker for demonstration purposes. If she used fabric chalk, it'd be hard to see in the video.

>> No.8264701

>cheap satin ribbon
>ripping the fabric off instead of cutting the whole piece
I didn't get past 55 seconds. sorry.

>> No.8264744
File: 46 KB, 600x600, you-must-be-new-here-willy-wonka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8264865

I can see the regret and uncertainty on your face within the first few moments in the video anon.

>but like that other anon said you're cute as fuck
>and it seemed like you were roped into it anyways

>> No.8264879

>in the middle part
>take a sip of tea
>see that fat jiggle
>I can't contain it
>spit out tea from laughing

It was a bad idea to try to drink something while watching that.

>> No.8264900


My issue with this shit is that the video itself is satire. If you're cosplaying as one of the MEME's in protest of the satire, that's one thing, but it seems like all of the women out there are doing it simply because they think they're cute. As if that wasn't the entire fucking point, and as if the MEME's weren't SUPPOSED to be hypersexualized as a representation of the idealistic nature of the two-dimensional women that otaku males seem to prefer over real women. If you didn't get that from the video, you look like a tard dancing to it or dressing up like the MEME's.

>> No.8264974

>>near Red Deer


>> No.8265042
File: 28 KB, 589x433, Japri Suryadi - Ladykiller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every girl cosplayer I follow has 3 general types of followers that actually comment on all their posts:

White/Mexican/Brazilian weebs with cringey and inappropriate humor
Indian perverts with no tact (see pic)
Muslim perverts with no tact (ARE YOU VIRGIN???)

It's quite humorous

>> No.8266161
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everytime she tries to get up to turn off the camera

>> No.8267471

the fabric looks so sad