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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8257226 No.8257226 [Reply] [Original]

Every project has its 'oh shit' moments. What are the worst that have happened to you? Pics a bonus.

>> No.8257233

> Self draft sleeves, spend forever fitting sleeves to armhole
> Sew chiffon sleeves into armholes for cosplay dress
> Realize sleeves too narrow at forearm
> seam rip the sleeves
> chiffon
> chiffon shreds and goes everywhere
> poke holes in dress fabric
> accidentally cut into pleat with seam ripper
> now have to remake dress entirely
> not enough fabric
> cry self to sleep

>> No.8257246

When tidying up, I was carrying a heavy armful of things back to my room from crafting in the lounge. I went to close my glass door by gently pushing the wooden frame back into place.
>Heavy armful
>Glass door

I was lucky that the glass shard in my ankle missed any veins or artery. And that it was a quiet night in A+E.

>> No.8257252

I sew zippers on wrong on almost every project. When will I ever learn.

>> No.8257269

>sewing on machine
>forget to put down the pressure foot

every project, multiple times per session. whyy

>> No.8257273

>Carrying bag of sewing supplies
>A pair of sharp scissors poke through
>Slice my leg badly without even noticing
>Not sure if scar will ever fade

>> No.8257285

>ripping a seam
>accidentally rip the fabric's threads a little, too
>runs, runs everywhere

>run out of black thread 3 times in one day
(I had many spools lying around)

>finish babby's first complex cosplay
>realize the fabric is wrong-side-out in the front
>can only fix it by seam-ripping pretty much everything

>> No.8257293

>sew pieces together facing the wrong way (one piece in and one piece out) every single time I sew

I never stop feeling like a dipshit.

>> No.8257294

>in a rush to pack all things up
> Sewing machine leather needle slips away from the pile of cosplaystuff I carried
> wanted to stop but walked to fast when the needle fell
> Slamm the leather needle between big and 2nd toe
>hear a disgusting CRUNCH
>OH SHIT.jpg
>next day was my flight from europe to USA for 4 week vacancy.
>panic mode enabled

Just glad I could pull the needle out in one piece and it didn't get infected. That was my only fear because shit would've been expensive if I needed any treatment there...

>> No.8257345
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>machine sewing hem on white cape before work
>straight line, uncomplicated seam
>glance away for a second
>needle goes through my pointer finger twice and breaks off while in my finger
>chunks of nail and needle all over my fabric
>can't pull needle out with fingers
>can't pull needle out with pliers
>finally pull needle out with tweezers

This was the most painful thing I've ever done to myself by a long shot. I am so lucky it didn't infected or hit a bone. I had nail polish on, and I couldn't decide what was worse, keeping the polish on and being unable to see the full extent of the damage, or taking it off and experiencing the pain that is acetone in an open wound. I choose the later and man I don't recommend doing that. But no infection, no lasting damage, I just pay a lot more attention when I'm sewing.

>texted cosplaying friend about my injury
>"Oh god, you didn't get blood on the fabric did you?"

She's got her priorities straight.

>> No.8257366

> ITT ppl sewing through fingers
please be safe gulls

> go to press seams, cosplay finished
> let iron heat up, lightest setting
> start gently pressing a delicate fabric
> pull iron away and it has completely melted and shredded the fabric
> iron has short circuited and is superheated
> can't cover burn hole
> unplug iron, sit on floor, stare at hole for 30 min

>> No.8257388

>mildly proud of myself for not seeing my finger yet....


>working on cosplays with my entire group in a pretty small space
>someone is hotgluing part of their prop
>set my arm down to grab scissors
>other Anon pushes their hot glue gun into my arm

>> No.8257389

Not cosplay related, but tried to cut apart a plastic box for disposal. The plastic didn't so much cut as shatter, so the knife went skittering away and lodged itself in my finger at an angle. Barely missed cutting a chunk off, cut through a good portion of nail, and nearly hit bone. However, the cut was so close to the tip that they couldn't put in sutures due to how thin the remaining tissue was.

After about a dozen stabs of the needle into my finger, they gave up on stitches, glued it shut, put steristrip over the top, made me take SUPER high dose antibiotics, and left it for a week. I don't even have a scar.

>> No.8257393

sewing* dang it, my phone always changes it.

>> No.8257396

Something similar.
>At con, going to do a final iron before wearing cosplay.
>Fabric is fairly thin on underskirt.
>Sharing a room with careless, messy people.
>Ironing table still set up from their last minute sewing the night before.
>Plug in iron and set to low.
>Start to iron and imediately melt a hole in dress.
>Find out they left iron plugged in all night on high.
>Had only turned it off a few minutes before I used it.

It was a very full skirt with gathered panels, so I pinned it and manged to hide the hole in a gather. Nobody noticed, but I was very unhappy and self conscious about it, especially during my photoshoot.

>> No.8257402

>steaming costume to de-wrinkle
>have iron set to high/steamer setting
>set next to me
>accidentally yank on cord
>there goes the iron
>grab for it like a moron

It didn't even leave a real burn. It blistered immediately, didn't even hurt, really, but then the chunk of burned skin just... fell out. I still have a dent in my hand where it scarred.

>> No.8257410
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>last minute hot gluing of stuff. Adhere some rather meticulously painted cardboard ears to a pair of sunglasses for pic related.
>set them aside to go grab something.
>has two dogs
>in their over excitement, barrel through the baby gate that was keeping them contained downstairs and away from the craft room.
>unable to stop them.
>find youngest dog eating said cardboard ears
>quickly whip up not as meticulously painted cardboard ears and try to re-glue my glasses back together.
>burn self multiple times.

In the rush, we ended up having to go back after breakfast because I couldn't remember if I unplugged the damn glue gun. Never again.

>> No.8257443


I usually never put the pressure foot up on my serger (I just pull it up with my hand enough so I can fit the fabric, I'm not sure if you can do this with all brands? I got a Singer), so when I go back to my sewing machine sometimes I forget you actually have to put the pressure foot up and down, kek.

>> No.8257463

> handsews details on a shit
> done after hours of work
> ok time to try it o-
> fuck
> it's stuck
> I sewed both sides together
> again

>> No.8257472

I once sewed straight through my thumb. Needle was in one end and out the other. It was the kind of pain that hurt so bad that you couldn't feel it if that makes any sense (a lot like being stabbed if anyone has experience with that).

>> No.8257477
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Once when I was making my Howl coat the fabric snagged and the needle ended up breaking in my thumb and my first thought was "oh shit I gotta get a picture of this".

>> No.8257478

>Have tendency to stab between the fingernail and nail bed when pinning or hand-sewing something
>Chronic hand/feet-sweating, always sweating into any fabric I'm handling

I still have a permanent scar on my right inner forearm from accidentally touching it against a hot iron. The blood blister from that was nasty.

>> No.8257485

I cut my finger really badly when I was cutting leather to make finger guards. Most ironic injury to date.

>> No.8257486

I'm sorry about that anon but this made me laugh

>> No.8257495


>> No.8257499
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Wear a thimble kids.

>> No.8257502

I was handsewing a dress for my BJD and managed to sew the dress to my hand. I sat there on my friend's living room floor for a good 20 minutes staring at my hand in wonder while she was screaming. It honestly didn't hurt at all, which was weird as fuck, because those stitches were in there good.

>> No.8257577

I manged to basically weld a magnet to my hand with some really strong chemical adhesive once. The glue in question generates alot of heat, which made the magnet hot enough to basically melt my top layer of skin.

>> No.8257586

how'd you get it off?

>> No.8257589

Whenever I use hot glue (and I use a high-temp gun), it always ends up in a huge glob on my skin, no matter how careful I think I'm being. Hurts like crazy. The weird thing is I kind of like it, I think I enjoy the endorphin rush I get.

>> No.8257590


>fingernail nightmare stab
and I make the same dumb yelp noise every time.

>> No.8257603

Hot glue burns are a special kind of good hurt.

It's really satisfying to pry off the cooled lump later, too.

>> No.8257609

This morning i was making an emergency mock up and i totally sewed my finger. It didnt hit my nail, but it took about an 1/8th of an inch of skin from the side to my pointer finger.

It was my first time sewing my finger but good lord i hope that never happens again.

>> No.8257611


This is why I keep a bowl of cold water near me when I'm using a hot glue gun. I can cool it quickly and peel the glue off. Because the hurt doesn't seem to go away until the glue is gone. :/

>> No.8257616

>"Oh god, you didn't get blood on the fabric did you?"
SAME though. I was putting in an invisible zipper using a normal zipper foot, which involved pressing the fabric/zipper as close to the needle as possible. Naturally, I managed to sew through my finger, break the needle, et cetera. But my main priority was making sure I didn't get blood on my all-white skirt. After that I got some ice and texted my friends. Priorities.

>> No.8257632

I stepped on a needle and it went all the way through my pinkie toe barely missing the nail.

>> No.8257635

> blood on fabric
At this point, every one of my costume gets baptised with virgin blood before their completion.

>> No.8257636

I just roll my fingers together. If it's not on a fingertip, rub it. It'll peel up and just fall off, leaving no residue or marks, if you're fast enough.

>> No.8257652

That works too. Except I always manage to get it on my fingertips. I picked up the water trick from the customer floral designer at my old job after I started making wreaths. Nothing like hot gluing wire to your own fingers after you've stabbed yourself with it.

>> No.8257678

I have so many stories, but the most terrifying one has to be when I stepped on my pincushion. Nothing like having 15 pins embedded in my heel. Luckily none of them went in that far, but I still cried like a bitch more from terror than pain.

>> No.8257684
File: 83 KB, 500x529, 405092_10151669262950401_2113596382_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breaking needles
>making a costume that has a lot of ruffles
>needle starts to get dull
>and then breaks.... into 3 pieces
>one piece flies past me, nicks my face, imbedded in ceiling
>one piece stays in the machine
>third piece burrows in my shoulder
>it scars
>pic related is immediately after incident

>pressing seams on rickety old ironing board
>place down iron
>board collapses
>iron lands heat plate down on my foot

the worst part is both of these things were avoidable

>> No.8257701

love yourself... that shard could have hit your eye.

>> No.8257733

I've got a funny one.

> Over at friend's house, they're cutting a wig for Trip for DMMD
> friend slices into their index finger while blending the edges in the back
> doesn't freak out, immediately puts pressure on the wound and speed walks to the bathroom
> we have a very casual "you okay?" "yeah I'm fine" exchange while they clean the wound

Normally, this on it's own would not be nearly as funny, but later on:

> at home, working on my Trip wig to match friend's
> blending the edges in the back
> guess fucking what

At least I knew exactly what to do. Mine was on my middle finger, but the two of us had hilarious matching injuries on our left hands.

>> No.8257747

I've just got a lot of annoying burns scars that look like cut scars because I was reaching around the iron and hit just the edge. More than anything my IQ has probably dropped a few points from improperly ventilating and filtering when painting wig styling and sanding.

>> No.8257753

Oh, and costume harm instead of bodily harm:

> about to leave for con with same friend
> put jelly donut down while getting in the car
> realize halfway down the block I sat on the fucking thing
> of course
> go back to the house and start desperately rubbing a shout wipe on my skirt
> friend starts with "You could say that Mabel was--"

> oh fuck no

> "-- in a jam."

>> No.8257761

This is why I always do a test swipe on either my board or a towel

>> No.8257764

>carving something
>toward body because it's easier
>flay left thumb

And that is why we are supposed to move the knife away from our bodies.

(In case anyone's curious, I just put the skin back down where it should have been and dumped a ton of rubbing alcohol on it, then bandaged it up. It's fine now. There's just a thin, barely visible scar around the incision site.)

>> No.8257772

My machine is computerized enough to not allow me to sew when the presser foot's up.

Nothing too awful but I did shove a pin halfway under my thumbnail. Now I understand why they use that shit as a torture technique.

Oh and
>trims seam to prep for french seam
>scissors go too far and cut fabric adjacent to seam

>> No.8257791

First cosplay I dropped my iron on my arm and got a second degree burn, that was 7 years ago and the scar is still there.

Our rug has 2 iron burns in it too from being stupid and accidentally putting the iron flat on the floor instead of upright. I messed up a bunch of fabric those two times too because the black residue stayed on the iron and transferred to what I was ironing.

Recently melted some fabric on accident too. I just really shouldn't be allowed near irons.

>> No.8257792
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>super gluing fingers together while working on something super small

every damn time

>> No.8257799

It's fine, I laughed a lot too. After I got a bandaid because I was bleeding all over my leather.

>> No.8257862

> doesn't freak out, immediately puts pressure on the wound and speed walks to the bathroom
> we have a very casual "you okay?" "yeah I'm fine" exchange while they clean the wound

I'm glad I'm not alone with this reaction to hurting myself. My boyfriend has stated that the less noise I make when I am hurt the more worried he is because I go into a "silent get 'er done" mode when serious shit is going down and screen like a child when I stub my toe.

>> No.8257877

Yep. Needless to say I keep at least 3 packs of needles around at any given time and change them often.

>> No.8257907

No answer...

It's still there, anon.

>> No.8257924

Naipolish-remover-san to the rescue!

>> No.8257929
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>need to cut out fabric strips for ruffles
>"cool I can finally use my brand new rotary cutter!"
>cutting on the floor cross-legged
>shift self over a bit with my hands while holding cutter
>notice blood on the carpet

Blades that are so sharp you don't even feel them are kind of horrifying.

>> No.8257974

lol... after it cooled and i calmed down a bit i carefully cut it off with a razor knife. Wasnt pretty though. I had pics but lost em when i switched phones.

>> No.8257975

>hot gluing horns to a headband
>hot glue gun is broken and superheats
>puts too much glue on horn and molten hot glue drips onto my leg
>tries to swat the glue off leg out of reflex and in the process rips my skin off and burns the tips of 3 of my fingers

>> No.8257980

>working on cosplay upstairs in my room late at night day before con
>mother screams up the stairs wondering why the hell I am still awake at like midnight-ish
>scares the shit out of me
>I jump
>I slice my ankle wide open on the door frame somehow
>blood, blood everywhere
>4 stitches, did not finish cosplay, and limped the entire convention.

>> No.8257988

I hope she felt bad. In your defense, she was awake at midnight too.

>> No.8258034

Should have sued her and make some money so you can live all alone upstairs forever.

>> No.8258043

I did something similar with my new Gingher scissors. Did even know I'd cut myself until I saw the blood.

>> No.8258049

I've got so many burn scars from irons falling on me. The most notable one is a inch and a half one on the front of one of my thighs.

I also managed to cut pretty deeply through my finger and fingernail with an Exacto knife. I was using a wood ruler and it jumped on top of it and just glided over my finger. Shit hurt so bad and it was two days before con so I had to walk around with a gauzed finger. Got a pretty sick scar though.

>> No.8258067
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I started needle felting two years ago. Within 5 minutes of trying it out I got the barbed needle poked deep in my finger. It hurt so much I had tears in my eyes. I couldn't craft for a few days too.

I still poke myself sometimes, but it's not as bad.

>pic related, closeups of the barbs on felting needles

>> No.8258094
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 2a0hpn5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.8258098

Handsewing through pleather and foam to the point my thumb and forefinger were raw.

>> No.8258101

I was sewing over a pretty thick fabric when my needle broke and flew into my eye. I could see it shooting towards me but it happened so fast I couldn't do anything but watch in horror.

>> No.8258112

mines not anywhere near as bad as these.

>>Sewing snaps on pleather belt as I can snap on hearts and shit later
>>notice my white thread is suddenly brownish
>> my thumb is bleeding from forcing the needle through the pleather
>>was dumb and didnt use leather needle
>>fuck it, the hearts will cover it
>>finsh the snap

>> No.8258120


>> No.8258128

I burned myself about ten times with hot glue and cut my thumb open working on my last cosplay. All my wounds healed, though.

>> No.8258137

Everytime I open the bottle I get zap-a-gap on something fleshy. Last time it was my tongue.

>> No.8258142

Too much sewing, needs papercraft

>Two days before con
>Need to resin all of my papercraft armor
>Stay awake for two days
>By the first night I couldn't smell the resin anymore
>By the second night I was hearing voices
>Hands and pants coated in resin
>Didn't finish
>Went to the con anyway

>> No.8258150

I needed to do a pretty drastic cut on a wig and didn't have time to do it on a wig head, the the time it takes to cut, try on, cut. try on. I had my mom wear it and I managed to cut myself once with the scissors and once with the razor. Only in front of my mom...

>> No.8258180

>be working on a big prop for cosplay
> two weeks on and off cutting foam sometimes late at night
>perfectly fine
>pick up scissors to cut off zap strap on cord for computer
>slice a chunk of my thumb off

I am I equal parts pissed and pleased that it was on something so mundane rather than the prop. Though I apparently have bad luck with zap straps as I took off the top of my other thumb while cutting a completely different set of zap straps. More actual cosplay related:

>forming plexiglass with heat gun
>hand touches barrel when reaching to grab it
> smell of burning skin stuck to it
> still have scar on hand to this day

>> No.8258185

She died.

>> No.8258194
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>reach over to grab scissors while at my machine
>lean on to pin cushion
>one of the pins punctures my left boob
>no big deal, just put ointment and bandaid over it
>month later, notice under side of left boob is red, think it's a rash from medicine
>later that day I reach down to pick up something
>suddenly, warm, wet explosion in bra
>look in mirror to see front of shirt covered in brown goo
>huge hole under boob with blood and pus pouring out

I got MRSA and my skin stared falling off. I have a bad scar which is why I cannot do underboob cosplay. PIC VERY RELEVANT.

>> No.8258199

You didn't think something was wrong when it wasn't healed after a month?
Still, shit op.

Once I had what I think was a boil inside of my ear, not in the canal, but I couldn't see it myself in the mirror because the cartilage blocked it.

one day I went to poke it and it exploded purple blood.

I spent the next week scared I was going to get MRSA, but it healed quickly and just left a scab for a week or so

>> No.8258200

White fabric is some kind of curse I swear. Not was the only time I've sewn through my nail when I was working on a white top but every time I manage to stab or cut myself then bleed on something otherwise, I seem to be working on something white.

>> No.8258205

Multiple... Some are me being stupid and some were accidents

> Get new craft knife from Poundland
> "Cant be that sharp"
> holds out hand and does a small check by patting the blade on my hand
>slice palm open in a second and stare as my palm now pools with blood
> Still no idea why I felt the need to check it....

and one less stupid!
> Night before con
> checking that my ezreal cosplay fits, checking belts etc. (LIKE A BILLION OF THEM)
> realise some belts don't fit all the way
> No craft knives in gfs house
> "Use the titanium one"
> oh yeah
> go to kitchen and get knife
> Fake leather is fucking hard to get through
> lean in and as I tear through the leather smash the blade straight into the edge of my middle finger to the bone
> Knife isnt exactly sharp so it doesnt cut as much as make a dull impression through the skin
> yelp in pain. GF hates the sight of blood
> chuck knife into sink to wash up finger is killing
> can't bend finger in the slightest
> fuckfuckfuck
> have to do first aid myself
> went to con, halfway through day 3 my bandage split and I had to see a nurse

Still have the scar.

>> No.8258207

>cutting something for a misty cosplay
>zone out and don't pay attention like a retard
>cut the tip of my thumb
>cry tears of pain and fear
>it's deep
>wrap it up and pray it heals

took over a month for it to scab properly, and another 3 weeks before it scared up and the bit of skin fell off.

>> No.8258216

The scary thing is that there was no redness or pain until a month after the puncture. My doctor thinks that the pin pushed the MRSA bacteria so deep into my boob that it essentially incubated in there until it ruptured back on the surface. A week after the pin punctured me, the outside hole was gone. So I assumed it healed. I was getting a sharp boob pain but I always get those stabbing boob pains. I actually asked my OB/GYN about the sharp boob pain and she said it was normal so I didn't think anything of it. Then two weeks later it suddenly drained.

>> No.8258217

I'm now more terrified than ever
At least you made it out relatively fine?

>> No.8258220

kek I did the same thing but I was a dumb dumb and tried cutting a bag of frozen fish open.

Was talking to my bipolar father when it happened. Pretended nothing was wrong, waited 40 minutes until he left, and walked 45 minutes to get to the nearest clinic that happened to be open.

It didn't actually hurt very much for me though (just some pulsing and stinging) so I'm pretty sure I sliced through a nerve.
Healed up pretty quick though and it was fully functional again after 2 months.

>> No.8258230


Yeah when I did it I was a bit, Why the fuck did i do this but it didn't initially hurt until the blood came through.....

The sharpest knives don't tend to hurt straight away though as they slice so quick

>> No.8258244 [DELETED] 

Did some soldering once for a flashlight, managed to short the leads at the very end because I forgot how a circuit works.

>> No.8258246 [DELETED] 

Shot the circuit, my bad.

>> No.8258257

I have two:

>using hand Dremel to drill holes in armour
>sit cross legged to do it in lap, what could go wrong
>drills into leg
>luckily it's not deep so heals
>that's not all
> next day hot gluing
>glue falls onto the drill hole
>all of my pain

And a machine one
>sewing white dress
>almost at the end
>foot pulls my index finger in
>sews right under my nail but through my finger and pulls thread through before I realise
>stop and pull finger out to examine
>blood fountain

And after sitting on the floor drinking coke until I wasn't dizzy, I checked the dress. Blood free.

>> No.8258260
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Not crafting, but cosplay related.

I fell climbing down from on top of this old ruined 'castle,' thanks to wearing a full length, heavy dress and a corset and all that. Tore a neat little strip of flesh out of my hand, and grazed nicely up one leg. Decided to just wrap up my hand in my dress till it stopped bleeding and keep taking photos.

I never even got a good photo from when I was up the top though.

>> No.8258263

how did you fuck up sewing? it's almost impossible to get your finger caught even if you try?

also, why was your leg hole not bandaged?

>> No.8258277

>using a heat gun on foam to make armor
>puts heat gun down for .2 seconds to shape hot armor piece
>heat gun falls off desk and lands right on my leg
>metal of the heat gun was still so hot that it burned shapes into my leg that still haven't gone away

>> No.8258280

Not impossible at all if I did it. Do you never hear of work related accidents and it looks too small a gap but it's possible to get fingers stuck.

Like I said it wasn't bad and healed overnight? The glue actually completely sealed it so it wasn't as bad in the end.

>> No.8258281

dang it's a perfect lil rectangle. Glad you only got a bit scraped up though!

>> No.8258298

> Still no idea why I felt the need to check it....
I know that feel, I did that with a steak knife before. It wasn't even my first time holding a steak knife either, not sure what I expected would happen.

>> No.8258299

>it's almost impossible to get your finger caught even if you try?
I watched a girl in my apparel class crunch through the middle of her fingernail by accidentally slipping it into the feed.
It's very possible anon.

>> No.8258315


The first time I had steak and used a steak knife i had seen the brazil episode of the simpsons and they were eating meat on a sword.

I figured why not so I threaded the meat onto the knife.

First mistake, cut my hand.
Second mistake I cut mouth.

Looking back i'm kinda lucky I didn't do any serious damage

>> No.8258330

>boyfriend and I recently start dating
>he wants to join in on my hobby to be closer to me. Opts for prop work because sewing not his thing
>gets himself a dremel and is in love. Wants to thank me by making me something
>slices his arm wide open with the disc tool
>"tis but a scratch" he was bleeding for two days and has a scar that makes people ask if he's a cutter.

My own injuries include:
>burns on the back of both thumbs from ironing pleats.
>scar on my nose from a brown needle flying into my face (thankfully I wear glasses or I'd be blind)
>stuck a needle straight through the webbing of my finger while pinning a dress
And a classic among my friend group:
>had a prop party at my house with the bestie
>working on a helmet. I'm new to props so I figure spray foam should be fine for padding. It's squishy.
>got overt excited about finishing on time for the con and tried it on before the foam cured.
>yellow foam in my hair.
>acetone what I can out. Have bestie cut the rest out of my hair.
>it's pretty bad. She has to shave the top of my head.
>bald spot like no one would believe. Just laugh it off.

I love this hobby.

>> No.8258353
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Way back in 2011 I got me a lovely third degree burn

>Set out glue gun to warm up
>forget about it and watch a show
>Some time later I remember I was working on a project
>I try to squeeze the trigger but nothing comes out
>HUH? Why wont this glue gun glue????
>*squeeze harder*
>Suddenly the glue gun tip explodes!
>Molten glue magically flies backwards onto my thumb
>oh... weird, it doesn't hurt?
>Glue falls off, takes skin with it.
>no pain
>wait... oh no... WAIT. NO.
>OOOHHH FUCK... Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck that is NERVE DAMAGE
>Loose feeling in part of my thumb all the way up to the tip for over a month, then one day...

>Oh, my thumb is tingling! I wonder if the feeling is coming baaa-

Fun Fact, if you are lucky enough to have your nerves reconnect after damaging them, the process often feels like pure pain of the highest sort. Just pure, burning, vomit inducing pain.

>> No.8258355

> collar of my jacket gets loose at con
> only have cheap super glue on me to fix it
> attempt to fix it while wearing it
> press softly on the tube
> tube suddenly empties entirely
> my neck gets covered in super glue
> burns like crazy
> takes a long time to get to the bathroom
> spend an hour prying the glue off my skin
> my neck is bright red
> jacket is ruined because of glue stains and pieces sticking together

>> No.8258363
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OH! And on the Lolita side of things...

>decide to wear a coord with heels to Sakura Con in Seattle
>Seattle is nothing but hills
>did not take this into account when choosing my shoes
>Shoes are just a tiny bit loose
>normally I wear socks under my tights but forgot this time

The result...

>> No.8258365


>> No.8258371

I did the away from body movement with sharp scissors while cutting thin plastic, didn't really help.
>Plastic is curved so hard to cut
>Have no blades cause scared of cutting myself with curved surface.
>Cutting the last small bit
>Put my thumb near to hold it steady.
>slip right towards thumb
>Cut down on my thumb a little with the scissors.
>Almost to the bone and can see blood everywhere.
>stand up and just walk to the kitchen, put my thumb under the tap, wrap it up with paper towel and continue cutting last bit.
I think when I finished I realised how much damage I did and just sat there alone in panic for a while. Didn't help I cut down in the join so my thumb now forever feels weird when I move it and I have a nice scar that blend in with the joint.

>> No.8258377

the best part was I didn't even make it to reg in time.

>> No.8258389

I almost always end up burning myself with my iron and other than pins/needles under my nails I've only had a few memorably bad accidents.

>supergluing bead detail onto shoes in an emergency repair
>my phone rings and without thinking I go to answer it
>there was superglue on my hand
>I am now superglued to my phone
>in panic I just brace my phone under my knee on the floor and pry my fingers off
>took off about two layers of skin, phone case still has battle scars

>ventiliating hair onto lace front wig hairline
>using small extremely sharp ventilating hook
>ventilate hair into my finger and stab myself so many times with the hook that I lose sensation in the tip of my right pointer finger (I still don't, there's too much scar tissue)

>ventilating hair onto different wig
>have really long hair that's the same color as the hair I'm working with, didn't bother pulling it back
>been working on wig for about three hours now, getting bored and losing focus
>pick up bundle of new hair to ventilate in, get a little more in before calling it quits for the day
>go to put wig down
>I have ventilated my own hair into the wig
>have to pull my hair out to get free without damaging wig
>I have literally given this wig a part of myself

>> No.8258394
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Cutting worbla, 6 stitches and I still can't put pressure on my thumb now that they've been taken out. Had to keep going cause I was on a deadline.

>> No.8258405


>> No.8258447

>immediately changes machine needle

>> No.8258458

Killed a man.

>> No.8258460
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chicks are warriors

>> No.8258468

Me too. Every. Single. Time.

>> No.8258503

>ITT: Nightmare Fuel

brb selling my glue gun

and my sewing machine

and all my knives, scissors, and razors

>> No.8258504
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>needle felting injuries
Mah sista. I've invested in one of those little finger cover guards now.

>> No.8258510

And this is why I gave up crafting all together and buy all my costumes. I already have slight tremors in my hands as it is. It's a disaster waiting to happen.

>hell nope
>fuck nope

>> No.8258516


People who dont use sharp tools safely annoy me... please dont annoy me and use your sharp tools on a proper surface on a table.

>> No.8258523


And apparently also not very safe with tools.

Then again, i had a crafts teacher tell me how a student of his lost 3 fingers in an instant when he put a table leg he wanted to cut against a fast spinning blade that pulled the table leg out of his hands with his fingers still on it.

>> No.8258550

Why live life if it's not to the fullest?

> seriously though, the serious incidents don't happen often, and will happen even less if you're careful
> that or your pain tolerance just goes up

>> No.8258830

> A super glue bottle exploded in my costumes pocket and ate through it, I was a cosplay assistant at a con then
> also glued three fingers together while trying to save my poor suit
> oh yeah, somehow got superglue on my friend's front teeth
> Hotglued my pj pants to my thigh
> got a scar to my forearm while ironing cosplay
> multiple stabs by needle
> passed out of spray paint fumes
I love my hobby

>> No.8258844
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OH MAN I've done this before. I don't know how people sew without a thimble unless their fingers are calloused.

>> No.8258908
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I wish I had a pic, but I once managed to drive a crochet hook through the tip of my finger. Pulling it out wasn't fun.

>> No.8258923

>I am bent over a chair while friends are painting butterflies on my ass (swimsuit for cosplay)
>my friends leave for the night while I let the paint dry
> realize I can't unzip the back by myself
>freak out for half an hour imagining knocking on my neighbors door wearing a spandex one piece
>eventually find a pipe cleaner and use it to unzip the back
>realize I also didn't think to wear something between my underwear and spandex
>I now have a binder covered in sparkly purple butterflies

>> No.8258934

Ouch, those are the worst. Once i stabbed through my nail and ended up with a few fibers embedded in my skin for a few days

>> No.8258976

Reminds me of this time in woodshop where I was helping a guy at the table saw, and the 2x4 he was cutting kicked back right into his nads.

>> No.8258977

>I love this hobby
Stockholm Syndrome cause by suffering for your craft. It's like owning a cat.

>> No.8259005 [DELETED] 

I has set a

>> No.8259013

I generally only make mistakes like this once, so I'm good on that front.

Unrelated to cosplay, but my brother nearly severed part of his finger in a workplace accident when his glove got caught in a machine that cuts metal plates. It shattered the bone in his fingertip and sliced open the skin in that area from tip to knuckle, including his entire fingernail and nailbed. A surgeon tried to get his fingernail back on but no dice, so it's been growing back from scratch for at least a month. Super gross.

>> No.8259030

I had set a pack of embroidery needles on my nightstand a few days ago but couldn't find them this morning, so i was looking around and ended up finding them when i stepped on them. Somehow the plastic card that held all of the needles fell out of the package and i ended up with about eight needles stuck in my foot

>> No.8259031
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Were you pic related anon?

>> No.8259048

Pfff what made you think that?

>> No.8259053


>> No.8259066
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The first time I ever had to get stitches was because I was impatient and thought I could slice a lump of paper mache off with an xacto knife rather than sanding it forever.
It took my insurance several MONTHS to pay my ER bill so I got a shitload of threatening letters over this. It was just two fucking stitches. Thanks, america.

>> No.8259435

I got roped into making a jester's costume covered with tiny bells. Sewed them all on, but the bastards cut right through the heavy thread. Resewed 'em with dental floss, but pricked my finger.

It hurt a bit, but nothing too bad. Two days later, I woke up from a nap, my whole arm was red, and I had blood poisoning.

>> No.8259445
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>mfw this thread
I am never going near a sewing machine or glue gun ever again.

>> No.8259533

I ALMOST had a piece of needle from my sewing machine get stuck in my eye the other day. The needle broke and a tiny bit of it hit the inner corner of my eye and must have put a tiny scratch in it because it felt like something was in there but after a half hour of searching with contacts tweezers and my dad checking it out we couldn't find anything and it stopped being irritating the next day.

>> No.8259540

I'm jelly. Is it worth it have a nice sewing machine or does a basic machine do the job? I'm considering upgrading mine.

>> No.8259541

I've done this. Dropped the damn thing pretty fast, curse my coordination which suddenly decided to be good enough to catch something. mine were only second degree burns though. Yours sounds pretty bad.

>> No.8259545

As someone who worked in a hospital, that's horrifying. I'm so sorry.

>> No.8259552

Not to me, but my groups resident overweight THAT GUY set his skirt and a friends wig on fire while trying to light a fart into her face.

>> No.8259583

Remember Anon, well-ventilated area.
Well-ventilated area.

>> No.8259648
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>> No.8259738

Not an actual injury, but I had a broken sewing needle tip very narrowly avoid hitting me in the eye. Makes you consider wearing safety goggles every time you sit down at the machine.

>> No.8259744

> mfw I wear glasses
They saved me from flying broken needles countless times.

>> No.8259759

TBH I was like 14 and the sewing noise was keeping her up.
10 years latter I don't live at home any more but now it is a fun story to embarrass the hell out of my mother with.

>> No.8259774

>Working with wonderflex, worbla, etc
>Using heat gun on highest setting for like an hour, nearly constantly
>set it down
>knock stiff cord with leg, arm, hip etc
>Metal flies at me and leaves a massive burn

Current count is one on my foot, one on my knee, three on my arms and four on my hands over the past six or so years.

>Making plastic casts in a 2-part mold
>registration keys aren't the best but they work
>Pour plastic into mold
>leg starts to feel really weirdly warm
>Mold hadn't closed correctly, plastic poured onto my leg
>exothermic chemical reactions fucking suck when they're right on your skin

I still have the pants, they have a big hard patch of solid plastic-infused fabric on one leg.

>> No.8259777


>> No.8259789

Oh I should also add since I did not drive she had to take me to the ER and we were both there till 5am because she thought midnight was an unacceptable time to be awake.

>> No.8259814

I'm going to do everyone a favor by not pisting a photo of this, however:
>At my sewing course, feeling unwell
>'anon please go to lunch'
>Didn't go to lunch
>sewed right through finger, middle of the nail
>needle stopped down
>literally stuck to sewing machine, had to disassemble machine to get out
>spend 4 hours in the A+E trying to get it out and the anaesthetic didn't work
>fingernail ended up shattering
Posted about it on facebook later and was accused of sewing myself for attention seeking but yolo.

>> No.8259815

>Working on pinning a design to sew
>Taking pins out as I go and sticking them into a fluffy coaster to keep track of them
>pins were stuck into the fabric so deeply they're coming out the other side
>Something fucked up in the sewing
>Slam hand down on table in anger
>sudden pain, something isn't right
>Lift hand up, pins sticking into my palm

Somehow the coaster got turned upside down before I got pissed and didn't notice.

>> No.8259864

>In garage casting resin
>It's getting dark. Make my last batch.
>Go to close garage door (not automatic)
>Finger gets smashed in between the cracks between the slats because I the handle is too far up for me to reach.
>Out of commission for days until it heals to the point where I can use it again.
>Thankfully I didn't break anything.

Otherwise, the worst I've done is a lot of hot glue burns, needle and pin stabs (fingers and feet) and sneezed while using a seam ripper and ripped one button hole to another.

>> No.8259902

>I got a little tipsy one night and decided it'd be a good idea to sew a cosplay.
>Get a little carried away, pushing the fabric really fast.
>Lift foot off of the peddle
>Feel the tip of the needle tap my nail
>Realize if I had my foot on the peddle for one more second I wouldn't have a finger anymore

>> No.8259907

The needle would have gone through your nail, not take your whole finger off. Glad you avoided that though, cheers.

>> No.8259941

Constant thing in my room

>always a pin or pushpin on the floor
>no matter what I do or how careful I am
>lay down in bed
>what's this thing on my foot
>oh it's just shoved all the way and stuck in my skin

I'm a dancer so my feet are 200% calluses and numb to almost any external pain anyway, but having a pushpin shoved into your heel almost to the bone don' feel good.

>> No.8259966

Craft related, I have snipped the webbing between each finger on my right hand with either safety scissors or fabric scissors. Different project for each time. It keeps happening even if i'm watching for it.
Another time I had been working on a white bridal dress for a friend's costume, and simultaneously cutting foam armor out for myself whenever I got bored of sewing. I forgot about the knife set down near my thigh. I leaned over, sliced my thigh up good and got blood all over the front bodice of the dress. I had to scrap it.

Non craft related I worked as an "apprentice" for a dude who liked to flip houses on the side in high school. I took off my shoe to remove a rock and tripped backwards, I kept myself upright but landed my foot on a portable table saw someone else had left out. stupid high school girl I was, I was scared the boss would be mad so I wrapped my foot up with toilet paper and duct tape and worked the rest of the day on it

>> No.8260084

Fucking fuck anon euugh. Once i accidentally sat down on a long straight pin (one with the ball on the end) and it went all the way down to the ball in my thigh, it was the most painful and weird feeling having to pull it out. I can't imagine getting one in the foot

>> No.8260093

Something exactly like this happened to me, I remember slowly pulling it out and it was just so LONG, I didn't realize how much was in my leg at first. My roommate was watching and got really freaked out.

>> No.8260102
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This thread be like

>> No.8260157

>friend points out I've been feeding my fabric through the wrong way on my machine

>> No.8260160

HOW, they're not sharp at all???

>> No.8260167

Well if you get one of the thin ones with enough force you probably could. Then again, I've cut myself on a butter knife.

Crafting wise. I've jammed the eye end of a large needle under my fingernail. Almost up to the quick. It didn't hurt as bad as it looked.

I've also dropped a large glob of hot glue on my bare thigh.

>> No.8260187
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Well, sometimes this hobby sucks...

>> No.8260193

A tale of personal stupidity and cringe for you all. Wear gloves and be safe when using toxic chemicals guys.

>mixing resin in plastic cup with a straw
> start to mix ink and mica
> move face closer to blend in
> resin splashes into eye when mixing
> no pain but PANIC. INTENSE PANIC
> washes thoroughly but too dumb to go to docs because I am an idiot
> eye seeps gross gunge on and off for 2 weeks and is cloudy but amazingly no lasting damage

I am both very lucky and also very dumb.

>> No.8260202
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>at night
>trying to carve out pieces of plastic from cosplay craft
>with an x-acto knife
>whaddya know, knife slips
>cuts my upper middle finger on right hand
>wake my mom up
>"I need help putting this bandaid on"

But I think I'm a little more wary of sewing machine (or needle) hazards and accidents now because of this thread.
I'm already cautious about making sure my fingers won't get caught in the needle, but for a needle to break and fly shards at you? Holy shit.

>> No.8260222

I use scalpels because they're cheaper and sharper and I always worry about this.

>> No.8260248

>this entire thread
jesus fucking christ I work with knives everyday and I don't have fuck ups to rival you guys

>> No.8260250

The specialty stitches are worth it for me. it's a little bigger and doesn't travel well though.

>> No.8260287

As long as nobody has a lathe accident.

Don't look it up if you're squeamish about gore.

>> No.8260291

I had a shoe related mishap last weekend

> rarely wears high heels
> wears really high platform wedges for a con
> thinks some socks and gel padding will be sufficient cushioning
> feel toes getting compressed and squished throughout the day
> can't take them off because they are a attached my cosplay's pants
> limping by the time I get home
> takes off heels and literally falls over trying to stand up

I couldn't feel my 2nd and 3rd toes for days and they are still numb, I think I may have done some nerve damage. How do women do this everyday?

>> No.8260411

My grandfather lost the first joint of his left pinky finger in a rotating table saw. My dad got luckier, just skimmed off the end of his middle finger in the same type of saw years later.
...am I next?

>> No.8260446

>It was the kind of pain that hurt so bad that you couldn't feel it


> Using guillotine cutter at work to cut postcard prints for AA
> Cut a ton of things at work all day no problem
> This time forget to move my index finger
> Well, that's a good chunk of my finger and nail gone
> Couldn't feel my finger for several hours
> Too scared to see the damage, nearly pass out changing the bandage 3 days later

>> No.8260449

Oh fuck I remember you

>> No.8260518

As someone who also crochets, I'd love to know how in the world you managed to do that.

>> No.8260536

>>literally stuck to sewing machine, had to disassemble machine to get out

i'm crying holy shit

>> No.8260647


It's called a nerve palsy. Usually ones from wearing shoes you're not familiar with only last a few weeks, but I had a bad one once and I couldn't feel my smallest three toes on either foot for about six months. You get used to it though, so as feeling comes back gradually you don't realize until you whack your foot on something really fucking hard and everything is suddenly pain.

>> No.8260697

I have a bunch. My hands are covered in scars.
>Be 13
>Doing wood carving for a prop
>I have professional tools because I'm really into whittling, and I have a kevlar glove on my off hand and a leather thumb on my knife hand. I am as protected as I can be.
>I'm using my flat chisel, and it slips and goes into the palm of my kevlar glove
>No pain, and no hole in my kevlar glove, everything is fine!
>Keep carving for 10 minutes
>"Huh, this is a weird discoloration in the wood... Weird I didn't notice it before.
>"Aw man, it's wet!"
>Kevlar glove is covered in red
>"Oh shit."
>My hand goes numb, I pull my glove off and there's a tiny little cut right below my index finger
>It's been bleeding badly for a while
>Get rushed to the hospital, get two stitches.
>The chisel cut all the way to the bone and severed the nerve
>7 years later, I still have very little feeling in that finger
>Kevlar glove is undamaged
>T-t-thanks kevlar glove!

>Sewing on my machine
>Needle snaps
>Piece slams right into my glasses and gives them a nasty scratch
>If I hadn't been wearing glasses I would be blind now.

>Doing glass blowing for the first time
>Bubble of glass explodes
>Glob of molten glass right on my hand
>Burns immediately
>Burned the nerves or something, because it didn't hurt at all, it just turned grey and lifeless
>Sloughs off immediately
>Wound up getting infected and turning all kinds of crazy colors

4 (last one):
>Working on my wedding dress
>Sewing the super expensive, cream silk that can only be dry cleaned and even then not often
>Slice my fucking hand open on a pin like a dumbass
>Get blood on my wedding dress
>I always get stabbed or scratched by fucking pins

>> No.8260738

>I don't know what this is
>But squeamish
>Morbidly curious.

>> No.8260824

sadly no pictures but its a funny story when i look back on it...

>Start working making irish dancing dresses
>first ever job sewing and super excited
>get funny looks from coworker cuz im a 25 year old guy super excited to sew dresses; coworker is a chick in her late 50's
>use a rotary cutter for the first time to cut some velvet
>end up cutting a crayon in half one of the younger dance students left on the table
>"no worries ill clean off the blade with a q-tip"
>rotary slips out of my hand, spins in midair and slices the knuckle of my pointer finger open
>remember im hemophobic
>sees glob of blood on my hand
>first thought: DONT PANIC, apply pressure! quickly spin around and grab paper towel, blood splats on the walls
>apply pressure while my coworker bandages me up
>I go completely pale, start crying and shaking while trying not to look at the blood all around me
>talked to my mom the whole drive home because thinking of the glob of blood on my hand makes me break out in tears and i can barely drive

thank god my coworker wasnt fired until a week later or i would have probably fainted and never properly butterflied the slice on my knuckle. just typing the story up makes me break out in cold sweat. I have a very distinct fear of rotaries now, it was also quite emasculating.

>> No.8260894

>just typing this story up makes me break out in cold sweat.
>but its a funny story when i look back on it.

Holy shit. I'm just glad you're okay, but holy shit.

>> No.8260899

large shop power tool
high speed

that's all you need to know

>> No.8260946

We're you at kumoricon, or just from online?

>> No.8261250

I googled it for you.

Missing arms are a constant theme...

>> No.8261261
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> googles it because too curious as well
> mfw

>> No.8261405

Yyyyeah it was an industrial as well so people had to run around getting the right tools.

>> No.8261559
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I have a couple, even though I try to be safe I'm just so clumsy.

>carving expanding foam for a prop
>slice small hard to reach areas no problem
>going pretty well
>finish up
>prop looks great so far
>no injury no problem
>hold craft knife I was using upwards and away from self as I reach over for the craft knife's box
>somehow catch thumb on craft knife as I'm reaching
>no pain because the knife was so sharp but there's a huge cut right in the middle of my thumb
>luckily it wasn't TOO deep, i was able to just apply pressure, bandage and call it a day

2 ( unrelated to cosplay but people were posting about mishaps with cutting wigs so i thought it was kinda relevant)
>around about 4 months ago
>training to be a hairdresser
>cutting someone's hair in salon as part of training
>back starting to hurt from standing up for a long time
>get to about halfway through the cut
>salon gets extremely warm because of dryers and it generally being a warm day
>back pain suddenly disappears and I start to feel nauseous
>start to feel incredibly light and weightless, my vision is going
>uh oh
>put scissors down
>'I-I think I'm going to faint'
>turn around to sit down before I go
>too late, everything goes black
>wake up on the floor in a little puddle of blood, surrounded by my mentor, boss, manager and the other trainees
>I apparently fell face first onto the ground and hit my chin on the floor so hard it split open to the bone
>3 dissolvable stitches inside the wound and 7 normal stitches holding it together, pic related
>doctor tells me i'm more susceptible to the heat than others and need to stay in the cool and I can't be on my feet for hours at a time
>welp, there goes my hairdressing career
>I also need to make sure I take occasional breaks from standing at cons or else I start to feel faint
>on the brighter side, I have a cool scar tucked away under my chin to remind me of my time as a hairdresser. I'm just thankful I didnt break my nose or knock out any teeth.

>> No.8261625

Did you wear the dress anyway?

>> No.8261833

I love this thread, both for the abundant examples of "why you should have safe sewing practices" but also because it's comforting to know other people have fucked up as badly as or worse than me and lived to tell the tale.

>> No.8262724

A girl at a big name university died a few years ago from a lathe accident. I heard about it on the news. She was working in the machine shop by herself on a fride night. She got her hair caught in the lathe. Machine ripped half her scalp off. She was stuck to the machine, nobody around to help her because it was the weekend. Nobody finds her until Monday morning.

I don't have long hair but I always roll up sleeves etc out of the way when I use a mill/lathe. I over see interns and use this story when training them in the shop.

>> No.8262746

I superglued my thumb and my index finger together. Took a few days before I could peel the thing off and it was painful..

Also I made 3 really nice spinning tops out of nuts and bolts for a school project final and when it was time for us to bring our projects home someone stole all three of them and I never saw them again. What was agonizing was that I didn't take process pictures or pictures after the fact because my phone was out of battery.

>> No.8262782

.. just use nail polish remover next time, anon. It'll et right through superglue.

>> No.8262867

yesterday my sewing machine cracked a button in half. luckily, i have extras but it scared the shit out of me and i can't find the other half omg

>> No.8262892

>gluing hooves on my faunlegs
>leave glue gun on and forget about it
>45 minutes later
>can't get a good angel on the hooves and pants
>put on pants, apply glue to hoove
>look away for a second, glue all over my foot
>"hmm, that's not so bad, wonder why it doesn't HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURT"

The old glue gun overheated and just poured superhot glue everywhere. Smellt like burnt meat for hours, and meat was missing from the wound. Yummy ~

>> No.8262929

Since this is a sewing thread

How long did it take for you seagulls to learn how to sew once you've got your machine? Is it easy to learn?

>> No.8262943

Sewing by itself is pretty straight forward.It's one of those things that are theoretically easy, but takes time to master.

>> No.8262953

The hardest part of sewing isn't so much using the machine, it's how you do your stitches to fit the garment's needs.

>> No.8262959

Hmm, okay. I was just thinking of buying my first sewing machine and learning how to sew, so I was wondering where the most difficulties would lie.

>> No.8262984

It might be hard at first, like threading the machine and knowing what to look at if something goes wrong, but you pick it up pretty easily.

>> No.8262985

It;s easy to learn to sew, it's more difficult and takes practice to learn to pattern properly, and to sew cleanly. The insides of my garments still look absolutely horrendous, but the outsides look great. I only sew for myself and friends so it doesn't much matter.

>> No.8263274

I've got a scar like that on my chin too, I fell down while ice skating. You could see my jawbone before they sewed it up.

>> No.8265047
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Just came out of surgery for this mishap. Jennifer Cosplay on facebook for more details :')

>> No.8265278

I have a scar like that too. I probably should have had stitches, but instead I got a bandage beard for a few weeks. There's no layer of fat between the skin and bone there anymore, it's just... skin and bone.

>> No.8266069


I was sewing a zipper one time and the needle exploded and got in my eye. I sat dumbfounded for about 15 seconds, then ran to the bathroom and pulled it out.

>> No.8266078

I went and looked out of curiosity and it's exactly what I thought it was. Ouch.

>> No.8266086

I'm lazy, it looks like a needle? How the fuck did that happen.

>I'm always wearing slippers in my room from now on

>> No.8266114

It's a sewing needle that broke after it got lodged into the side of her foot, it was on her floor. It probably got partially stuck into the carpeting and got mounted there, and then she swept her foot over it and it just pushed into the carpeting where it was already firmly lodged. I've had similar things happen to myself and others, though not that bad.

>> No.8266194
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Picture your upper body being turned into human lasagna. Sums up that machine perfectly. Our university had one, and anyone caught joking around in the same room as that machine was either dropped from the course or expelled.

>> No.8270826

Over the weekend I was working on my contest costume and it was friday night so I was pulling an all nighter and completely exhausted. I had the sewing scissors open in my hand and was putting them down. I got a really bad leg cramp and without thinking jerked my leg to the side to get it to stop and my leg went down faster than the scissors did. It was a straight puncture in and was 2-3 inches deep. I was completely in shock and felt like I was going to pass out. My boyfriend came running in and got the first aid kit and we butterflied it. No infection, no nerve damage.

>> No.8270882

Those are a thing? I've tried many kinds of work gloves but just resigned myself to the fact needle felting is probably just for masochists/crazy people who have alot of cat hair to do something with

>> No.8270905

Not a craft accident, but
>Leaving walmart one night with a bag of supplies, including one exacto knife
>Plastic shopping bag I'm carrying is kind of gently hitting the back of my calf as I walk to my car
>Notice that my calf is starting to feel kind of itchy
>Don't really think about it too much
>Itchiness kind of evolves into a weird throbbing pain
>Throbbing pain is now searing pain
>What the fuck is happening
>I look down at my leg and its fucking bleeding
>What the fuck
>Tiny stab wounds in the back of my calf
>What the fuck
>My fucking exacto knife had managed to cut through my bag and had been stabbing me in the fucking leg while I was walking to my car

>> No.8270909

Lathe accidents are fucking horrible and they're not even that rare though most of them result in missing fingertips. I was working with one in my shop class when I was around 13 and some disturbed bastards thought it'd be fun to try to push me while lathing. Thankfully I didn't lose my balance, but it was one of the most terrifying seconds of my life. People really underestimate the velocity and power a lathe has.

>> No.8270923

>Iron a piece of clothing that has leather details
>"Gee, I might melt the leather if I touch it with this hot iron, I better use a cloth to protect it."
>All done
>What's that smell?
>the cloth had slipped off and now some of the leather details are a melted mess and I spent an eternity making them

>Cutting through a cloth with scissors
>"Why is this part so thick and hard to cut through?! I'll just apply more force."
>Realize you just cut through something really important that had snuck itself under the spread fabric

>Pin the patterns on the fabric
>Mark seam allowances with a chalk
>Start cutting
>Cut right by the pattern edge instead of the seam allowance guidelines, realize this after doing so for 10+ inches
>why the fuck am I so dumb why can't I pay attention to what I'm doing

>> No.8273155

I hope they got into serious shit for that.

>> No.8273186

>Going to Iron garment
>Have really bad sense of awarness. Oblivious to all
>roomate left for a job interview and had recently ironed their pants a few 10 ago
>Reach for iron and stupidly grab it by the base.
>Sear entire palm.
>Second degree burns
>This is my fault for not using an iron properly

>> No.8273230
File: 917 KB, 1944x2592, 2015-03-02 09.41.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a link hat
>have done this a literally hundreds of times
>cut out the pattern with my rotary cutter
>pic related

The finger tip was off at roughly a 60 degree angle, just missing the nail bed and the middle finger had a deep gash in it halfway through the nail.
They luckily were able to reattach the piece with a total of 11 stitches and some god damn tape, because the cut went right across the nail.
2 months later it's basically not noticeable anymore. YAY HEALING!

Other noteworthy injuries:
-numerous burns with the hot glue gun and soldering iron
-Stabbing my finger with my sewing machine (my nail actually managed to stop it)
-dropping my iron onto my upper arm, leaving a massive burn
-stabbing my left boob with a x-acto knife

I am not a very graceful creature...

>> No.8273232

*Nail bed = nail matrix

>> No.8273465

Not really a crafting mishap but
>shirt has low V neck
>can't work out good alternate method so do the sports tape binding
>all day perfectly fine
>go to take it off at end of day
>skin goes with it
I still have a nice stab-wound looking scar on my side ten years later.

>> No.8273492

I thought this once but then finally one day I managed to do it (thankfully missed the nail, but still my friend sitting next to me was impressed she hadn't realised I'd done it since I didn't make a sound).

>> No.8273502

I actually have permanent nerve damage that feels like what you describe. The three outermost toes on my right foot are almost completely numb (I can feel pressure and if I whack them good there's intense pain, but anything lighter than almost-broken I can't feel) and frequently I get full foot numbness and even shooting "shivers" of numbness up my leg to my knee. Granted mine was from dropping a first-gen Xbox on my foot, with one of the corners going right between the bones on my foot.

>> No.8273516

jesus that's horrifying

>> No.8273533

All the sewing machine accidents made me think of this from back in school.
>be in home ec
>most classmates have never used sewing machines before
>some kids are terrified of them
>teacher had just got done reassuring some girl that she had never seen anyone sew through their fingers and that it was "almost impossible"
>we all start our projects
>One girl quietly calls for the teacher
>"Whos calling for me? You need to raise your hands."
>"....I can't. I need help please"
>teacher comes over looking pissed
>suddenly turns white as a sheet and runs for the phone
>had to call nurse and both struggled to get needle and presser foot disassembled because needle was imbedded in her knuckle

>> No.8273544

I was working on some wonderflex armour with a proper heatgun for the first time at a friend's (grandparent's) house, and later my friend walked across the rug I had been sitting on in stockinged feet and realised I had melted some of the fibres. Thankfully you couldn't see it, but she still (rightfully) gave me a bit of shit for it.

>> No.8273630
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It was one of the smaller metal ones like >>8260167 mentioned and I was using a lot of force and it just... Went through. I have a weird crease on my index finger now.

>> No.8274624

Holy shit anon I never realized just how sharp rotary cutters are. This is terrifying.

>> No.8274654
File: 925 KB, 1944x2592, 2015-03-02 09.42.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever looked at a pizza cutter and thought "lets make this razor sharp" was a mad genius.

>> No.8274676
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Friendly reminder to be careful when oiling and cleaning your scissors. The blade managed to slice my finger through the paper towel (yet somehow without cutting it) I was using to get so excess oil off.