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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8259990 No.8259990 [Reply] [Original]

Give me one reason as to why you cosplay that isn't "I like the attention" and/or "It makes me feel pretty".

>> No.8259995


It's fun to make things.

>> No.8260011

Then why dress yourself up in them instead of selling them for mad dough?

>> No.8260020

Because it's hard to sell to other people. They all have different sizes, preferences nad problems.

People suck.

I have a real job for money.

Let me have my fun.

>> No.8260029

Sure, but if your reason is just "it's fun to make things", why not make actual clothes that can be worn every day? Making flashy pop culture costumes and wearing them to show to other people doesn't exactly say "I just like making stuff", it says "I want people to notice me."

Really, all I'm doing here is trying to find an angle on cosplaying that doesn't imply that the cosplayer is an attention whore, but it just can't seem to be done.

>> No.8260032

what's wrong with wanting to feel pretty? Are you just upset because you're too ugly?

>> No.8260033

Because its fun.

>> No.8260034

Because it's cheaper to buy regular clothes. Are you going to ask your uncle who make model ships why he doesn't knit socks instead? People like to make what they like to make.

>> No.8260037
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No. I want to cosplay, but I can't for the life of me justify it without coming off as an attention whore.

>> No.8260039

don't feed the troll

>> No.8260044

Unless you're going to the fucking mall in a cosplay or waving your tits or dick in everyone's face with your costume no one will think you're an attention whore except apparently yourself. No one walks around a con looking at everyone and thinking "You're all attention whores"

Don't take a million pictures and put them online or make a fanpage for yourself. There's thousands of cosplayers that don't have a "gallery" for everything they wear.

It seems like you need to go to a convention and experience the culture first.

>> No.8260045

I really like a character to the point of wanting to be them so i put my enormous powerlevel to a good use.
you don't need to tell me, i'm a disgusting weebshit, i know.

>> No.8260133


>> No.8260135

then don't post your cosplay on the internet or attentionwhore. There's nothing that mandates you have to do these things to cosplay.

don't be dumb.

>> No.8260136

Because trying to make the character look as close to real life as you can with makeup and sewing skills is a fun challenge. It's also an interesting learning process that has a curve.

>> No.8260146

You have some issues, bro.

>> No.8260189

Escapism brought about by a traumatic childhood caused by my mother's use of alcohol to self-medicate after divorcing my dad because she didn't want to be a navy wife, which led to rampant abuse relating to failure to perform in school and disobedience? Admittedly though, I'm just a camo fag.

>> No.8260233

When I was little I did a shit ton of arts and crafts, so cosplay became a natural use of my existing hobbies. There's also something cool about bringing a character to life.

It also helped me get over a lot of my shyness growing up.

>> No.8260236

It draws attention.
I like to feel pretty.

>> No.8260240

goofing off with friends in character is cool.
its nice being someone else every once in a while.

>> No.8260241

I like to show my love for x character and x series and nerd out with other fans.

>> No.8260338


You've got some issues, Stan.
I think you need some counseling.
To keep you from bouncing off the walls when you get down some.

>> No.8260356

cosplay excites my imagination and lets me experience potential worlds. it is transformative, creative, and challenges my expectations of what reality can be.

>> No.8260357

Because I like to make costumes and dress up as characters I like, while meeting fellow fans of the series. If you really think attention and feeling pretty are the only reasons anyone cosplays, I suggest you spend a little less time off fedora sites.

>> No.8260358

It gives me an in with emotionally damaged or stunted nerd girls who are themselves seeking attention.

Then I fuck them on camera.

>> No.8260365

i don't cosplay
and im not a woman

but they do it for the money and the possible fame

>> No.8260386

Then why are you on this board? I'm surprised you still have these ridiculous views after being here for a while.

>> No.8260407

i like lolita and jfash

i just hating admitting it

cosplayers are just people aiming to capitalize on the "geek culture" craze

chris hardwick with tits

because shit like xmen has been in theaters for over a decade and people buy into think geek type shit and epic meal time to fit in

that doesn't stop me from finding it adorable when a 26 year old woman throws on a jsk to get coffee with her friends

>> No.8260515

Because I am a nerd and I have no talent and money to do photography, but I can sew well.

I actually like cosplaying from anime, manga and games that I like.

>> No.8260533

I hate you a little less.

>> No.8260534

I like practicing my sewing techniques outside of my job. Sometimes I sell my cosplays to make room in my closet for better ones, but it's not something I do to rely on for a full job or even part time. It's just a fun hobby.
And I'm gonna be boring and say I like picking modest cosplays that aren't in the hype so I can wear a costume, but still walk around and enjoy myself rather than stand somewhere for an hour b/c people want my photo when I'm dying to go get some food or buy that sailor moon lunch box before it sells out in the dealers room.
And I don't see anything wrong with cosplays making people feel pretty, but I'm just a girl so my opinion is invalid to your waffle mindset, right?

>> No.8260545

Got sick of having to hold my cosplaying friends' bags when people took pictures of them.

>> No.8260555

I come from a long line of cosplayers. It's a generations-old family tradition and I must carry on the family name with honor. My mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, older brother and wife all died of cosplay overdose and I must follow in the same fate in order to honor their memories. My sisters and children will carry on the tradition well after my death, though, as will their children. My little 5-year-old makes me so proud every day. Already he has mastered the sewing machine so well that Yaya Han has offered to let him make her cosplays. My 3-year-old built a smith all by herself in order to produce the finest armor. I can die knowing the long lived art of my family will live on.

That, my friend, is why I cosplay. For honor. For tradition.

>> No.8260632

the same reason that people draw fanart. we enjoy putting our time and skills into making something that can be shared with other people who share our enjoyment.

>> No.8260642

Not to mention that there isn't anything wrong with wanting to feel pretty. Or even get attention, honestly. Wanting attention is a pretty human thing, and as long as you aren't constantly trying to be the center of the world or shove yourself into everyone's face, it's fine.

>> No.8260672
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Escapism, I have issues with myself so I love dressing up as my favourite characters so I can be someone else for a day.

>> No.8260691

Pretty much this for me. I thrive on the challenge.
Not to mention that it's a good way to just relax.

I think this is the only time I'm not annoyed at you.

>> No.8260998

It's fun to make things. Especially challenging things that would never be able to be worn in the day-to-day or have a purpose outside of cosplay.

I like the character and I like finding other people who are fans of the character or series, especially when it's an obscure or old show.

It helps break the ice at cons, offers opportunities to meet people (photoshoots and meetups and lets you be a part of an online community of costumers.

>> No.8261007

>cosplayers are just people aiming to capitalize on the "geek culture" craze

That's maybe 2% of cosplayers. Most conventions are just full of cosplayers trying to have fun and get pictures with skill levels ranging from crap to awesome who you've never heard of an never will because they aren't trying to capitalize on shit besides fabric coupons.

>> No.8262090

You on east coast?

>> No.8262101

Literally .05% or less of cosplayers gets any money for cosplaying. The rest spend huge amounts on cosplaying. Like literally wtf are you on.

>> No.8262114

seriously, just ignore sieg
the more posts you read of his the more you'll realize that reading them is a waste of time

>> No.8262127

This. A million times this. There's nothing better then the feeling of getting to be someone else for a day, getting to wear something that I'd normally never be brave enough to wear and enjoy the feeling of escaping everyday life for a little bit with others who enjoy the same hobby. Best of all? Chances are none of the people will ever see me again, and even if they did, they'd never recognize me out of cosplay.
I don't want attention, infact I think I would completely mortified if anyone even knew I went to a convention, never mind dressed up for one as a form of escapism. The area I live in isn't exactly accepting of anyone that is outside the norm even a little bit. Things like cosplay and conventions are considered social sucide, and I think that's a pretty normal opinion from my experience. I don't know why anyone would want attention for doing it. That's just my experience though.
Maybe this type of thing is more accepted in other places?

>> No.8262130

I like the character and wanna role play pretending I'm them to other characters coz I'm autistic

>> No.8262198


>> No.8262206

i'm talking about people like this chick:

face book / kellyjeanartist

she used to post here, was a a bitch to everyone

would do anything for money and fame

including using murky details to profit off of gamershelpinggamers fundraising.

i'm not talking about some 19 year old college student who likes to sew and attend cons with her friends on weekends/spring break and only photos she has a group shots/ shots her friends took

>> No.8262220


>> No.8262249


>> No.8262263

>Really, all I'm doing here is trying to find an angle on cosplaying that doesn't imply that the cosplayer is an attention whore, but it just can't seem to be done.

The only angle that fits that is if you are deciding to wear buttfloss. flaunt your cleavage, wear a wig and only carry a prop and say "I'm cosplaying <insert-random-character) implies attention whore to me. In generally most cosplays are just costumes.

I just can't imagine calling out those kids on halloween attention whores.

>> No.8262274

Same reason people dress up for halloween
It's fun

>> No.8262558

I like the chracters, I enjoy doing makeup in wacky ways... and I get to practice my acting.
(Yeah, I'm one of those cosplayers.)

>> No.8262564

My uncle only makes model ships because he's an attention whore

>> No.8262755

I was
And was planning on commiserating with someone about our shared issues, regardless of whether it was a guy or girl.

>> No.8264359

Wanting attention, or getting attention, isn't a bad thing.
Positive attention is healthy.

Yeah, cosplay attracts attention, any sort of unusual look or semi public hobby will get attention.
Don't want to feel like a whore about it? Then don't be a whore about it.
Don't make it the focal point of who you are and what you do, don't make every outing a cosplay adventure, just be chill about it.

You can take the skills you pick up and make ordinary clothes as well. If you feel decent about your ability, you can sell the stuff you make. If you like making your own clothes over cosplaying, then switch to making your own clothes instead.

Odds are, anybody calling you an attention whore for cosplaying are most likely salty cunts who don't have productive hobbies of their own.

>> No.8264384


>> No.8264395

You make posts like these and then you wonder why we hate virgin (misogynistic) men.

This shit is just unbelievable.

>> No.8264410

- Learn new skills
- Have a good time with friends
- Challenge yourself
- Watch a pile of fabric and nonsensical household and crafting items become something awesome.
- Enjoy a hobby
- Find fans of a series you're into you wouldn't have met otherwise
- Watch your experience grow
- Look back at your old work and be like yeah... look how far I've come!
- Compete for certificates/awards and move your way up through experience levels because it's something to do.
- Do a fun skit with your friends and have a good time or do a walk on and have fun with that too because it's something to do.
- Become good at what you do and eventually you can offer commissions for some extra money to fund your hobby.
- Weird out your annoying neighbors when you do walk tests in a full suit of foam armor in your backyard.
- Get high on crafting fumes like spray paint and resin.
- Taking stupid out of character pictures for shits and giggles.
- Enjoy being a huge dork, because congrats, you are a huge dork.

>> No.8264414


>> No.8264418


I get to be someone else for a day. My 8-5pm job is monotonous, my evenings are for school, my weekends are for hanging out with friends. I don''t get to dress up and be someone else very often, and I like getting dressed when I know I'm not going to be the only one.

It's fun to pretend that I am the all powerful Zelda who needs to be rescued or that I am a Stormtrooper. I do it because I need to break monotony and I like dressing up. I do it because there are other people who like doing it with me and its fun to meet them.

>> No.8264436

why do you sit on your lazy ass all day and play video games that isn't "it's fun" or "escapism"

>> No.8264514




>> No.8264544

I like to waste my money on pointless shit.

>> No.8264571

Imagine if you saved it up on a surgery to make you look like a woman instead.

>> No.8264577

top craic, we'd have two retarded trannies qualityposting on /cgl/

>> No.8264625

There's many reasons.

Pride in creating something and a job well done - I find the process of making a new costume as satisfying as actually wearing it.

Helping other people perfect their craft - I love giving cosplay advice! I want to see everyone else up their craftsmanship game and get to be actually good at sewing.

Escapism, for obvious reasons.

Connecting with people. I like to cosplay obscure-ass characters, and I tell you what there are few more satisfying feelings to me than finding the unicorn, the one person at the con who recognizes you and is just SO DARN HAPPY to see a cosplay from that series.

And honestly, this is probably going to come across as 'i like the attention/makes me pretty' but I love when I get together with one of my photog friends and we can some photos that just pop. Its like mutually created art; not high art by any meanings, but it leaves me satisfied. I'm not efamous and I don't spread my pics everywhere but its still great to get great photos, just for memories sake.

>> No.8264661

>why not make actual clothes that can be worn every day

Yeah, I get this is bait, but I'll give a serious answer: My crafting sucks. If I tried wearing it as normal fashion I'd be told to stop crafting and go buy it instead of wearing crap.

If I'm making it for a cosplay, though, nobody seems to mind that it's not perfect since it's only for one day(a con) or one night (Halloween). So I can continue making these lousy things and honing my skills. One day, though, I'll actually get good enough that I can make these things as real, wearable fashion.

>> No.8264662

>Get high on crafting fumes like spray paint and resin
>spray paint and resin

Be careful. It is dangerous to inhale some types of resin dust

>> No.8264696

I like to feel pretty

>> No.8264789


>> No.8264830

Getting to dress up as the characters I love is just awesome.

In some ways, it is the ultimate love letter to your fandom. Obviously this is "weeby". I don't care, and prefer to hang around people who love the shows they cosplay compared to just people who do it for attention. I don't know when people started thinking you could be a cool cosplayer. No matter how cool you think you are, you are still at a geek con in a geek costume. Not like that's a bad thing. Fuck geek chic.

>> No.8265024

Because I like a hobby that; opens up my social circle; forces me to learn new skills and try things I otherwise would never consider; that links into other hobbies I have (photography, for example); that gives me a reason to travel (France! Germany! America!).

Because dressing up with my friends and taking pictures and making in-jokes and drinking at cosplay parties is fun. Like actually just fun.

It's entertaining to go and see other people and compare tips and get selfies with them, and light up someone's day by doing a character they love.

>> No.8265115

Because I have always had an interest in movie costumes and have always loved dressing up you know

>> No.8265127

/cgl/ is so easy to b8, I think I'll try it sometime.

>> No.8265684

I love this

>> No.8265789

I love you, m'lady.

>> No.8266472

Fuck off and die, male.

>> No.8267445


>> No.8267736

Bump one more time to reel them in.

>> No.8270251


I'm just sitting here, chuckling at the absurdity of all this whilst fluffing my ghillie.

>> No.8270258

I like the animus and doing makeup

>> No.8270446
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Because maybe if I dress as a 2D waifu my 2D husbando will appear and save me from the 3DPD.

>> No.8271167

I cosplay because it keeps me healthy and gives me motivation to stay in shape. Before I knew what cosplay was, I rarely ate fruit and veggies, and my diet consisted mainly of greasy, fat rich foods.

My body is in much better shape now

>> No.8271168



>> No.8271186

Why can't it be those reasons plus other things? Do neckbeards seriously believe if they convince themselves that they're ~above attention~ and ~above looking attractive~ that it makes you ~deep~ people? Here's a newsflash: You guys are a bunch of shallow, pseudo intellectuals spooning each other in the bouncy house that is your parents's basements. You're so god damn full of yourselves.

>> No.8271196

I don't actually. I was just throwing shit in there to be stupid. I use that stuff in well ventilated areas.

>> No.8271203

I love costuming on a theatrical level. It started with the first time I ever watched the CATS musical.

I love all costumes, not just those from anime and manga exclusively. I however even love the slutty costumes when done well.

Unfortunately I'm a stickler for details and craftsmanship when it comes to costumes and I know I would not be happy wearing anything I made.

It's like a fashion designer and his clothes. The person wearing the costume is secondary to the costume itself. It is a love of an art.

>> No.8271205

Adding to that, part of the reason I enjoy manga and anime is because of the fashion designs and costumes of the characters.

>> No.8271508

>getting to wear something that I'd normally never be brave enough to wear
you mean "wearing something revealing and getting a bunch of attention for it"

>> No.8271552

Because I like making geek boys angry.

>> No.8273944

I don't really like my real life, so being someone else for a day or two feels great.

Also, after watching a series end, I always feel a need to be a part of it. Sometimes just drawing a bunch of fanart is enough, but if I really LOVED the thing, I want to be in it. Cosplay is the only way I know of...

>> No.8277940 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8277951
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>> No.8277956

I hope to one day transform into an animu and absorb the semen of every basement dweller who faps to my glorious existence

>> No.8279774

This is one of the most pretentious posts I've read on /cgl/ in a long time.