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8235998 No.8235998 [Reply] [Original]

due to autosage new LARP thread
previous one

>> No.8236075
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Larp thread?
How lovely!

>> No.8236085
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yeah, such a rare sights today. How did you even manage to find this?

>> No.8236423
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>> No.8236699
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>> No.8236850
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>> No.8237034

American LARPs will and are improving all the time, but it's going at a snail's pace. Nerds around here are an exclusive and horribly traditionalist bunch of fucksticks, which makes making headway in anything that you'd consider to be 'nerdy' a goddamn nightmare. I understand that Alliance, and even then it's on a chapter-by chapter basis.

The biggest issue we face IMO is just how much LARPing is stigmatized in American culture and just how that impacts our demographics. Most players are nerdy conservative dudes who don't want to see anything change. That is shifting, albeit slowly, and at every event I see a couple more outsiders who want to give LARPing a shot. Our demographics have to change before the LARPs themselves do.

are those repeating crossbows?

>> No.8237038

aaaaand my subpar proofreading strikes again.
I meant to say that Alliance had only legalized latex weapons a few years ago.

>> No.8237100

>are those repeating crossbows?

> Our demographics have to change before the LARPs themselves do.
that or the players. Worst case scenario you have to wait until the "veterans" slowly die off (and make sure they won't have any successor but then again these kind of people rarely recruit anyone like that)

>> No.8237189
File: 19 KB, 320x426, shwerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a handle for my old liveblade sword.

Look way better now in my opinion.

>> No.8237238

it's probably looks nice... but I can't see shit on that pic

>> No.8237274
File: 23 KB, 320x426, shwerd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a closer pic on a less well made handle from my foam swaaaord

>> No.8237281

is that cotton yarn?

>> No.8237289
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And it gives a nice look once its dyed. kinda look better in real, my phone take shitty pic

>> No.8237295

you do know that it will easily amortized?
simple string is kind of better and could be still dyed. Although leather is way better

>> No.8237298

I...uh...what does amortized mean?

Also i'm not totally sure what kind of string it is...migth also be nylon too

>> No.8237304
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it will be destroyed through time quickly.

And by string I mean stuff like this

>> No.8237352

No wire wrap/10
But seriously that thing looks nice.

>> No.8237369
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Aw yiss, thank you

Pic unrelated : Ridiculously photogenic pikeman.

>> No.8237529
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By the way this summer i'm starting the S.S.
The Sansfacons Squad
Because of my new longbowman character
''Timothé Sansfacons dit le cul terreux''

It's a move to get some good archer in the true faith becase we really lack those

Pic unrelated: my friend just finished my ailettes for my armor , still need some finition but its pretty much it

>> No.8237590

>Then again in that thread the question was how can someone get into european larping from the US so yeah travel is the only option. Except if you meant that you want european _quality_ larp in the US which is a totally different thing

Apparently, finding European-quality larps in America is really difficult because they keep such a low profile. Is it possible that someone might keep going to halfway decent larps hoping to get invited to one but be unlucky and never be invited?

I wonder if anyone's given anyone sexual favors in hopes of being invited to a good low-profile larp. Or if anyone's tricked someone into thinking they'd been told about such a larp but it's actually just a shit one - or a non-existent event in a bad neighborhood.

>> No.8237650

So what are the max ranges on your bows up at Bico? In most videos I've seen it looks like you just have archers closely following the line of battle and taking potshots over people's shoulders.

The fact that the whole 'You don't need to put THAT much effort into your character' or the "Dickswords should be the only swords" crowd has this much influence in the first place is fucking terrible.

Nigh-impossible, actually. It relies on finding anyone who has the patience to run (or play) a game but wants tidier mechanics than Alliance/DR/NERO and who hasn't run off to Amtgard/dargorhir/Belegarth. I'm sure they're out there, but running into them probably requires a little more patience than I have for the LARP community over here.

Also a Kendofag friend of mine once invited me to DR under the pretenses of it being good practice. I consider that misleading.

>> No.8237669
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50ft pretty much
more than that its pretty much useless because:

1- the bow is 25lbs max so it wont go much farther anyways
2- for a longer shot you would need to arc your shot and if you aim too high you take the risk of shooting someone head and its a shot that doesnt count (you cant aim at the head) and its also dangerous
3- you want to aim at soft targets or engaged target, not target who can see you aiming at them and raise their shields
4- bowman want to follow the line as much as possible to be protected from charges

>> No.8237987

Hey guys, question about boffer making. I just watched Matt Easton's video about polarm blade alignment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfyycC2Bz8Y
and since I'm looking to make a partisan for my next event, I thought it might be helpful to try and recreate that octagonal haft. Any ideas how I could go about doing so with a more modern core material?

>> No.8238082

According to Tarantula Larpsocks in this thread - >>/cgl/thread/8136769 - the best way to get invited to low-profile larps is to get involved in higher-entry mainstream games. Is this worthwhile, or just not worth it?

Do you think crappy American larps should be allowed to continue and possibly improve over time, or do you think they're hurting the hobby and should stop? Is American larping a lost cause?

>> No.8238185

>people having fun a lost cause because it's annoying to others
>thinking that the only place to go is not up

Anon are you baiting

>> No.8238187

Well they're the best we've got in terms of physical escapes to fantasy, so I believe they should continue. Hell, even the fact that we've taken a step up from dickswords only is good.
Additionally, I recommend that you get involved with whatever LARP sounds interesting. Every fresh face is a new point of view and another dissenting opinion. I don't like a lot of the community, but at the same time more and more people are playing, and more and more are speaking up. This shit doesn't change without people behind it.

On another note, I'm still riding the adrenaline high from practice tonight and my ensifer should arrive in time for the tournament next month, so I'm really goddamn happy.

>> No.8238465

>In most videos I've seen it looks like you just have archers closely following the line of battle and taking potshots over people's shoulders.

That's more a safety concern than a weakness of the bows. No headshots counts for bows the same as it does for melee. Firing in an arc will eventually have you hit someone in the head.

>> No.8238510
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>The fact that the whole 'You don't need to put THAT much effort into your character' or the "Dickswords should be the only swords" crowd has this much influence in the first place is fucking terrible.
I agree but you either wait them to die off or you change the thing locally. Which the kind of chapter hierarchy you have in the US isn't helping either

One of the problem is that in the last one or two years the US larp community realized that "HOLY FUCK THERE ARE LARPS OUTSIDE OF THE US" and since then euro larps and euro quality became a buzzword. So anyone who makes a new larp with blackjack and hookers claims that his larp will be euro quality. While he doesn't even know what it means apart that "good"
pro tip: there is no such thing as a precise definition of euro larp, it's just a blanket term that someone come up with to refer all the different larps in europe because fuck knows the reasons.

I mean even in europe there are shit tier larps and different kinds of larps and a whole lot of disagreement. Here in Hungary we worked out a generation theory but nobody else uses it apart from us

>> No.8238522

well, octagonal shafts are a difficult things because usually you are required to put padding on the shaft too or at least some length below the head.
There are shop versions of octagonal latex shafts though.
That aside you can make it from whatever you want but so far I had the biggest success with wood. Beech wood could work most of the time but since one retard managed to break a 28mm beech shaft for my halberd I had to change to 32 mm ashwood.
Moral of the story: don't give your weapon to other people

>> No.8238537

>get involved in higher-entry mainstream games. Is this worthwhile, or just not worth it?
that's entirely depends on you. If you really into larps then it's worth it. If you aren't that into larping then probably not.

>Do you think crappy American larps should be allowed to continue and possibly improve over time, or do you think they're hurting the hobby and should stop?
my _personal_ opinion is that the shit tier kind of stuff like maximum standards (people with too good costumes not allowed in the game) the hundred pages rules, the overprotecting safety rules and a fuckton of other things shouldn't allowed and anyone who encourage shit like that must be hit in the face with a brick.
But that's a personal opinion, a more objective one is that if this doesn't changed until now is means there are people who actually want this and probably enjoy it. If there will be REAL need for something else then it will change. Yeah it sucks for those who want something different right now but that's how the world works.
They aren't hurting the hobby anywhere else but in the US, so they are just hurting themselves. At the end of the day it is your responsibility and the euro people are just talking from the other side of the pond with different culture, viewpoint and all that things. You must decide what you want.

>Is American larping a lost cause?
only if nobody wants to change it. As I said there are ways to change it, yeah it would take a lot of effort, time and probably money too. The only question is is there a group of people who thinks it will worth it and do the changes?

>> No.8238683
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Hey americans, make a LARP out of this. Or do i have to do it?


or this:


I mean, there's a lot of denim and workwear to be worn, songs to sing.

>> No.8238885

How big a stigma around larping is there? Apparently people also tend to be judgemental about time/effort/money intensive hobbies in general in America. How does all that affect you guys? And what's it like in Canada, Europe, Australia etc.?

>> No.8238954

in Hungary, no stigma at all. Truth to be told most people doesn't even know what larping is, and they doesn't even really care. Same with all the nerdy hobbies. You get very few occasional though guys try to say how much of a pussy we are but that's all.

>> No.8239036

I know fuck all about LARPing but it seems pretty interesting. How does archery work in it? You mentioned something about a 25lb max, but what are the other restrictions? Like arrow points and shit?

I really want to try it. I'd say there's a good few of them in Ireland, but goddamn does the Irish government love pointless health and safety.

>> No.8239065

Here are the rules from Empire regards Archery, it's a UK game so it can't be too different from Irish rules.

The string must be in good condition and must not be fraying
The body of the bow or crossbow, whether wood or fibreglass, must not show signs of cracking
The string notches must not be worn and must be able to hold the string firmly
The draw of a bow must be less than 30 lbs at 28” draw. Crossbows are also limited to 30lbs draw weight
You must check the head, shaft and nock of any arrow or bolt you are given or recover yourself before shooting. Failure to do so may see you removed from the battle or skirmish you are on.
The shaft must be made of fibreglass or wood. Carbon fibre, aluminium and dowel are not allowed
The shaft must not be cracked or damaged
Flights must be adequate to keep the arrow stable in flight and must be properly attached to the shaft
The shaft must have a proper nock which is securely attached
Arrows must have a maximum draw position of 28” clearly marked if the possible draw length is greater than 28”
The arrow must have some kind of blocker between the shaft and the foam of the arrowhead to stop the shaft pushing through
The head must be securely attached and not move on the shaft
The arrowhead must be at least 50mm (55mm recommended) across and have a circular cross-section
Dome headed arrows are allowed as long as the width of the widest part of the soft foam dome, and the foam behind it are of the appropriate diameter
The soft foam portion of the head must be designed in such a way as to allow it to collapse fully (so there must be no latex within 5-10 mm of the face)
Any gaffer tape used on the arrowhead must not be within 25mm of the face of the arrow

>> No.8239082

Here in Serbia it's mostly seen as 'Cool! Funny costumes!' And not much else.
In my city they often organise little events and activities so I suppose people got used to it. Compared to annual Santa Claus races we're quite tame.

>> No.8239084

A while back LARPing was getting hit pretty damn hard in popular media. This was before I even tried it, and I had to overcome my own preconceptions about what I thought it would be like once I dredged up the courage to try it.
As far as I know a lot of the people who play try to keep it out of their everyday lives for fear of ridicule.

>> No.8239107
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In Canada i dont know.
But in Quebec its pretty well known and the stigma is almost non-existant now compared to how it was in the 2000'


Yep, 'murikan media is really not helping the larping situation.
How larpers are portrayed in popular culture is really bad.

Hell, even the wild hunt wich is a movie from Quebec made larper look like socially inapt psychopath. (is it better than looking like doofus...i'm not even sure)

>> No.8239523

>"Carbon fibre, aluminum and dowel are not allowed"
Well shit, I'll need new arrows.

According to a bit of research LARPing isn't really a thing in Ireland, at least not in the battle sense. Apparently we all go to the UK for it.

Tbh, I'm not sure how smart it is to tell a bunch of Irishmen to get into the medieval mindset and then sending them against Englishmen, but oh well...

>> No.8239625

Yeah, my group doesn't require the entire haft to be padded, thankfully. Standard padding on the striking surface, and light padding for a few feet below that in case of near misses. The gripping surface, which is the most important part for this, doesn't require padding.

I can't really afford a latex weapon at the moment, unfortunately--and my larp is still pretty borderline about whether they're considered safe or not (amerilarp). I've looked around a few sites for a good wooden pole, but I'm having trouble finding one. Do you know any good places?

>> No.8239672

Isn't LARPing essentially drama club for the uncool people? I love gaming RPG in particular but I'm bad at the Role part because my self-esteem sucks even amongst friends. I can't imagine painting your face green and whacking strangers with a foam mallet. Love the craftsmanship, seen some really awesome stuff over the years even from reenactors not just Warhammer fans.

With all the crafting and travelling it can't be a cheap hobby. Do you stay in your home country or travel across continents?

>> No.8239677

while what Matt says is true you must realize that those shaft were usually used with gauntlets and such with very thick gloves, etc.
If you don't have on your hands anything that seriously restrict your touch just put one layer of tape at the "back" of the shaft and you will feel it just the same

>> No.8239686

>Isn't LARPing essentially drama club for the uncool people?
uncool people make a drama club in every hobby

>With all the crafting and travelling it can't be a cheap hobby.
every hobby can be expensive if you take it seriously. But for example it's a lot cheaper than skiing and such. Especially because you can make a lot of stuff yourself.

>Do you stay in your home country or travel across continents?
I personally larp in a lot of countries but so far never traveled outside of europe

>> No.8239716

That's true, although I do wear rather thick gloves, so a strip of tape may not be enough. I've heard some people mention using thin pieces of wood to give their swords a flattened grip, maybe something like that could work?

>> No.8239723

or just hockey tape. failing that just rasp down a mm from it, you can feel that good enough. touching is still one of the best sense a human has

>> No.8239798

>love gaming RPG in particular
>bad at the Role part
So you play Pathfinder/3.5, right?

Believe me it gets a lot easier to paint yourself green and whack people with a fake sword when you're not the only one doing it.
>Drama Club
As a former theater nerd, pick one.


I have absolutely no idea what constitutes a legal polearm shaft at your game, but these are what I cut my teeth on with Meyer.
Purpleheart is love.

>> No.8239843
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>Isn't LARPing essentially drama club for the uncool people?
Are you calling me uncool? 15h30 in front of the school at the bycicle rack bitch! you'll know me i have a star-wars t-shirt and i'm with my pack of nerdy friends

>With all the crafting and travelling it can't be a cheap hobby.
no...its not, but it depends on how much you are willing to spend. the more you want good stuff the more it cost.

>Do you stay in your home country or travel across continents?
never larped out of Quebec, i've been living in france for some month but never larped there because it was during my ''dont even remember that i used to larp'' part of my life.

>> No.8239873

It'll just take a little elbow grease, but I can do that, yeah.

Their rule is a little hazy, no one thing is illegal (within reason), but sometimes a particular person who has a known tendency to lose control will be banned from using certain weapons, that sort of thing. I'll see some of the other members tomorrow, so I can run the idea of a wooden core by them then.

>> No.8239890

That strikes me as incredibly levelheaded.
If the hardwood cores get nixed, rattan makes nice, safe training polearms, and waxwood is what most eastern martial arts practitioners start out with.

>> No.8239910

on a slightly unrelated note: fuck armor painting. fuck it seriously. It's wizard magic shit

>> No.8240994 [DELETED] 


Okay, im new to larp and anything crafting related.
I want to make a big ass axe and i already have design and material ideas. I could post my idea but you will all have much better ideas than i do.
For the sake of knowledge im Australian and some of the product names may differ, but could anyone give me the rundown of materials/production? Im still confused and ive watched a few youtube videos, but im not sure which gives the best advice.
Im going to planned events if anyone wants to meet up or talk n shit.
Clants of Elgardt (both the Story and the War)
And Swordcraft Quest. Which is a 3 day event.

>> No.8240995

Okay, im new to larp and anything crafting related.
I want to make a big ass axe and i already have design and material ideas. I could post my idea but you will all have much better ideas than i do.
For the sake of knowledge im Australian and some of the product names may differ, but could anyone give me the rundown of materials/production? Im still confused and ive watched a few youtube videos, but im not sure which gives the best advice.
Im going to planned events if anyone wants to meet up or talk n shit.
Clants of Elgardt (both the Story and the War)
And Swordcraft Quest. Which is a 3 day event.

>> No.8241006

trick question: how big is "big ass"? preferably in SI measurements

>> No.8241015
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The weapons size will be about 120/130 cm all up. I want about 30 or even 40cm of that to be the blade. And it to protrude even more!
For design sake, lets say Dark Souls Greataxe

>> No.8241026

... why? Why do you want that? I'm pretty sure that there aren't any easy way that a beginner could use to make it safe.
So either you need a technique that isn't for beginners and probably expensive materials or you just make it not safe or it will be destroyed pretty quick

>> No.8241045
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Because large weapons are gr8
I dont see how its not possible.
The axe blade is one in 2 parts, divided down the middle. Have 2 small cores running through the blade itself (in my case, pvc pipes, 20mm)connecting to the to the main pipe which runs through the axe blade. A counterweight would be fitted on the black to slightly balance out the axe itself and the impact. Giving me control of the swing and letting me defend myself with a little more speed.

>> No.8241048


Oh and its not meant to be EXACTLY like that. Ill make the tip of the axe blunt and the tip wouldnt be so broad sweeping like that one is.
And what do you mean safe? What would make large weapons more dangerous than other weapons? Mainly this one against others? I mean it follows the large weapon criteria of my event.

>> No.8241050

If any of those two PVC pipes in the blade crack and penetrate the foam they could perforate someone

>> No.8241055


Id be lathering them in silicon on the inside and out to almost nullify the chance of the splinters penetrating the dense foam. Plus the place and angle the blade would be taking the force would be divided well between the 2 pipes.

>> No.8241057

>Australian LARPS
Get on our shit-tier level

>> No.8241061

if the PVC pipes crack something is already way to wrong, that's not the main concern

First of all as you pointed out it will need some kind of strengthening in the blade so it won't be all floppy and shit. While the one you described a possibility but not the best one. Again, as I said it is possible to make something like that but if you never done any larp weapon crafting then you won't be able to do it the first time.
With your method the main problem is that those two pipes will crush the foam sooner than later as every swing will take most of the force on them as there is no other support for the foam. Which means the blade will quickly degrade after a few games if you use it frequently, plus if you hit harder there is a chance that it will just simply tear through the foam and you hit them with the PVC pipe.
Another problem with all big weapon is the weight. Becasue you need a lot of foam and support for the foam which means it will be heavy which in turn make it less safe. And if you add counterweight to it to be more controllable it makes even heavier, etc. It's a race that you rarely can win.
Then there is a the problem of how will it look like , because the blade will be wide as fuck, you have to put somewhere the supports after all.

Plus big ass weapons are cannot be used effectively against anyone who knows his shit, but that's not really a construction problem

tl;dr having any kind of head for an axe that is twice as big as your head or more is a pain in the ass and my personal opinion that it doesn't worth the effort

>> No.8241070


Well my form is probably good as im a fencer, and a good one according to the people. So they better hope their form is a good as im able to read their asses to the moon and back.
But is it feasible to at least try? I wont improve until i try. And although this will be my first try at foamcrafting ive grown up with my builder father and im an apprentice builder if it helps my skill in any degree.

Although its against your personal opinion, could you give any tips on improving the head strength? If this does fail, i want to end up completing a working one at a later date.
And finally, do you
A. have a large weapon that i can make that would be good enough to use?
B. suggest a normal sized armant thats slightly unseen as im a hipser? Im making a sabre to beat people easily with actual fencing but regardless, another weapon would be fun

>> No.8241084

>But is it feasible to at least try?
yes, feel free to try, I mean iyou can't learn without making mistakes, but keep in mind that it probably won't be perfect so don't use too expansive materials and don't depend on it too much.

>could you give any tips on improving the head strength?
instead of having to pipes try to put the pipes in a slight angle to face each other away and put something to connect the end of them, maybe some thick leather or a piece of plastic sheet, or something else, maybe do a little curve on it that follows the edge. (also instead of PVC pipes you can try something else too but right know I don't have any better idea that is easily doable.)
This way if you strike the whole edge is supported and the pressure is distributed evenly, not just on two points.

>A. have a large weapon that i can make that would be good enough to use?
make a halberd. with a normal sized head. They aren't that big but maybe you will like them.

>B. suggest a normal sized armant thats slightly unseen as im a hipser?
warhammer. Or there are less known falcions. Or a messer. Maybe a katzbalger. Depends on what do you want to do with it.
If you want to go full blown hipster just make a lantern shield although again that's a fuckton of work to do it right

>> No.8241087
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and pics
here is an older halberd, very easy to make if you change the latex coating to ductape or something, although you would have to modify the hook a little

>> No.8241098
File: 1.68 MB, 2448x3264, DSC00399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here is two very old axe I made in ye olden times. Not proud of it, they were shit. But roughly that's the size you can make without additional supporting in the foam while the axe head still sturdy and "safe" although it was already pretty close to unsafe

>> No.8241104


Fair enough on the dont use too much material.

>instead of having to pipes try to put the pipes in a slight angle to face each other away and put something to connect the end of them
Not 100% on what you mean there. So are you saying face the pipes away from each other and then connect the heads with something?

>maybe do a little curve on it that follows the edge
And this i also do not understand.

Halberd? I hope there is tutorials on those. Sounds a little hard to make properly.

With wide blade swords like the falcions, what core would be used?
Katzbalger would be good as fencing applies well to those.
I might give the lantern shield a go later in the year. When i have the money to invest.

Also are parrying daggers allowed at most LARPs? I feel it might be a little unfair to disarm an opponent...

>> No.8241119
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Love this pic!

Some pics from Empire Y3E1

>> No.8241122
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>> No.8241123
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>> No.8241124
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>> No.8241125
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>> No.8241126
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>> No.8241128

How does everyone come about medieval looking clothing for LARPs? I just need some simple fucking clothing to go in and i have no idea where or how to start. I got some mock fur from the second hand shop and itd make good neck fur or fur gauntlets or something.
But first i need some clothing to add it onto!

>> No.8241130

Would the halberds and shield in these images typically be home made in large batches?

>> No.8241132
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behold, over 9001 hours in MS paint.

as for halberd the previous halberd pic I posted is pretty easy you don't need much skill for it.

As for core for sword we usually use fiberglass rods, two or three next to each other so it handles better.

Parrying daggers are allowed in most larps as far as I know, although disarming sometimes is not allowed. That said usually you can disarm the average larper just by hitting their weapon hard

>> No.8241133
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>> No.8241135

how do you connect the multiple cores? just epoxy glue, or some sort of cloth?

>> No.8241137
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Normally job lots bought from sellers. Most UK manafacturers offer discounts for large orders.

>> No.8241138
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>> No.8241139
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>> No.8241140
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while you can make it at home those on the pics are all from larp shops

contact cement and tape

>> No.8241156
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Here in bulgaria we use metallic reinforcing plates for things like that. It makes the joints essentially unbreakable and are quite safe.

>> No.8241175

ohh and hot glue too, hot glue works very well... although in australia I'm not so sure about it...

>> No.8241182


Well hungarian LARPfag, youve been one hell of a help. Like a ton.
Problem is youre making me spend more money. Fibreglass rods cost quite a bit.
But, all for the sake of swords!

>> No.8241184


Also i think this is our equivalent

>> No.8241238

will write more when I have the time, also if you have more questions write it I will read it somewhen. Also during the night another hungarian larpfag will be at my place and he is our weapon crafter he can answer even more questions

>> No.8241244

also keep in mind that the whole support thing I wrote is only true for really big heads. Smaller heads doesn't need a separate support structure in the design as they can support themselves. (hence why I said really big weapons are way more complex if you want to do it right)

>> No.8241249


Well ill craft a smaller 1 handed axe just so i know i can use it safely at the next event. Along with some swords when get some fibreglass rods.

Well for weapons i think im set except for materials.
So foam would be stuff like camping pads for the blades and pool noodles for any polearm weapons.
For the halberd you had before, what was wrapped around the pole part of it?
What other small accessories are good to add to weapons? Leather, carvings, pommel etc
Also maces may seem easy, but i want something nice if i wanted to play a cleric. Any tips on mace building?

Large surface area for shields, how does one achieve making a large shield?

Where would one aquire the fabrics for making clothes n such?
With armor, how much is the legal requirement for it to provide bonuses in events?
Like would having a chest plate give you an extra health point or a helmet giving you another? And absence of these things in place of just clothing is in turn, giving you less health?
I know it'd differ per event, im just taking generally.

Thats all i can think of at the moment.
And show the bloke coming around my axe idea and maybe he will also have an idea or two about making it more stable/safe

>> No.8241254

>So foam would be stuff like camping pads for the blades and pool noodles for any polearm weapons.
For the halberd you had before, what was wrapped around the pole part of it?
Pipe insulation

>What other small accessories are good to add to weapons? Leather, carvings, pommel etc
Non-round handle. Oval is best, usually.

>Also maces may seem easy, but i want something nice if i wanted to play a cleric. Any tips on mace building?
What kind of mace? Just a ball on top of a stick? A morning star?

>Large surface area for shields, how does one achieve making a large shield?
With wood. Usually plywood. Otherwise there are complex methods to do it with foam, involving curvature and differing foam densities.

>Where would one aquire the fabrics for making clothes n such?
At fabric shops

>With armor, how much is the legal requirement for it to provide bonuses in events?
Depends on event, but 2mm plate is usually more than enough for everywhere.

>Like would having a chest plate give you an extra health point or a helmet giving you another? And absence of these things in place of just clothing is in turn, giving you less health?
Depends on the event's rules, it varies too much to say.

>> No.8241268
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Honestly, im a fan of flayed maces

Plywood shields, perfect. Loads of that in supply.

But is there reccomendations or something? I dont really go there. All i know is you order by lengths. Is it expensive? What looks best when crafted?

>> No.8241272

Raccomendations for plywood or cloth?
Assuming you mean cloth, go for natural materials (wool and linen) and natural colors - nothing too bright or garish.

>> No.8241284


Yeah, the cloth was what i was after. Alright, will pick some up in the week. How hard is it to create this clothing first time round?

>> No.8241384

>Their rule is a little hazy, no one thing is illegal (within reason)
Are you playing sword tag? Because fuck sword tag.

>> No.8241475

Good pics, gutted i missed it. Especially with my Hall-mate getting made a Wintermark General.

>> No.8241560

>what makes large weapons dangerous?
w8 m8. Even in foam and latex, a weapon of significant weight (especially a weapon with all the weight at the point like an axe) can fuck people up. Also it ruins your ability to control your strikes, which can make it more likely for you to hurt people or make illegal strikes to the head. Not to mention that all that weight is going to ruin any chanes of success you may have against someone who actually knows what they're doing.

But if you really want to go DARK SOULS XBAWXHUEG then just make sure you give that thing a lot of haft. Also take a look into Jeu de la Hache for some fun shit to do with a two-handed axe.

>> No.8241661

>Jeu de la Hache

Also another reason i wanted to do something like an axe, loved this sort of stuff.
But i just got sent the .pdf for the rules and theres no pommel bashing and no direct body contact. So im actually not allowed to use that at events. So that throws my whole parry system with axes out the window.

I'll probably still make an axe, just a more realistic 2 handed one.
But what i will definitely make is a mace. I just read up on being a cleric so a mace sounds like loads of fun.
And if i can get these fibreglass rods, oh man am i going to have fun with a sabre

>> No.8241723
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Hey its totally unrelated but i have to share that with y'all.

>Be kid me
>be cute little fucker
> i'm with my grandma
> go to a restaurant
> she take a coffee and i take some kid meal or whatever
> she is a regular
> place if full of old people who are regulars
> one of them is a nice old dude who give me 0.05$ (that would be 5cent of canadian moneydolla' )everytime i go there
> tell me : ''Save them so one day you'll buy a 10speed bycicle!
> i'm the lone kid in that place so ol' people all like me
> while my grandmother speak with them and i dray on the aprons i get bored and start playing with the 5cents
> since i'm a kid i put it in my mouth
> grandmother tell me : ''Dont put that in your mouth, maybe a jew touched it''
> ask my grandma what is a jew
> tell me its people who like money too much

Fast forward years later
> grandma was a nazi sympathiser
> rip in peace grandma , you crazy lovely woman

>> No.8241953
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Even without being able to switch ends and use the shaft for grappling, shield hooking and such should still be viable, providing the axe head is sturdy enough. Was it swordcraft that has the shield meta out the ass? Should be valuable there.

Sabres are so much fun. I've been getting people in the NPC camp at my chapter to go through some of Angelo's Hungarian drills with mixed success.

>> No.8241990

Also , unrelated but...when you buy historical stuff you intend to sell later, dont take it black...

I finally changed the color of my gambeson...t'was black but for 30$ i would have been crazy to pass.

Sadly there is no way to make it white so i settled for brown.

(couldve gone for red but...meeeh brown is easier to match with many other colors.)

Slowly but surely making a new costume with all that.

Will post the finished product

>> No.8242258


>Pommel strikes and body to body contact is strictly prohibited. This includes
but is not limited to grappling, pushing, pulling, head-butting, punching, and
kicking or any attack using your body

>Grabbing an opponent’s weapon or shield with your hands is forbidden. Shield
and weapon control/hooking with your own weapon is permitted.

This is for clans of elgardt, but Swordcraft has the same rules to the letter on shields.
How useful are maces and how exactly should they be swung? I cant find a video or anything picture based. Is it just swing and hope or is there a method i need.
Also since youre HEMA, do you show teammates how to properly maneuver and dodge? Although yours is more larger sword based, should i be teaching them rapier stances and dodges and parries?

>> No.8242263

That's such a sweet story

>> No.8242265

Anyone not willing to get into a bar fight during larp is a bitch

>> No.8242267

I'm imagining this as a faked soccer injury, and the doc is all confused like "I don't see anything"

>> No.8242274


If someone spills my ale they will have a barfight

>> No.8242358
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>> No.8242437

>hooking with your own weapon is prohibited
well shit. This is actually something Alliance allows, as long as you aren't pinning their weapon to a wall or anything like that.

Maces are an odd duck. Just practice doing that little theatric sword spin in one hand, and the practice doing that at the end of your strike. Having the weight at the end of the haft fucks up your recovery in comparison to a sword, so it's all about minimizing the time spent not moving the mace. Same for single-handed hammers and axes, too.

People's eyes glaze over whenever I gush about the importance of footwork, so I tend to just stick to instruction on guards and parrying. It's kind of a shame, because I'd like to draw up Thibault's 'mysterious circle' and show off my rapier footwork, but alas.

>> No.8242597

>Shield and weapon control/hooking with your own weapon is permitted.

If that's not enough to convince you, it's my favorite stratagem. If I ever get caught in a straight fight I think I can win I lock with my main and shiv with my dagger.

I've been getting pretty lazy with my kit making. I felt pretty motivated when tackling my gauntlets but this simple shirt's taking forever. I purchased a quest ticket, however, so hopefully that'll motivate me to get off my arse. I'm setting my minimum kit acceptability at a shirt, gambeson (done), gauntlets (done), Orc Mask (owned), Surgical tools and apron (done), breeches, and hosen.

>> No.8242765

you know what trait I would love to see in myself?
Reading comprehension.

>> No.8242786

Has the reputation of larping in America improved at all? What's the hobby's reputation here in Australia?

How badly did Wild Hunt hurt the hobby's reputation? I read real larpers from Bicolline were used as extras. What was their reaction?

>> No.8242814
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>How badly did Wild Hunt hurt the hobby's reputation?
not much, except that one time where a kid asked on the forum:''I want my parent to see how bicolline is because they dont want me to go alone, should i show them this movie?''
And we all said...''Yes that is a good idea''

>I read real larpers from Bicolline were used as extras. What was their reaction?
dont know for sure. i came back to larping in 2011 so i have no idea since i just never asked the question.

>> No.8242838

Larping's mostly unheard of. People who walk by and spectate often find it amusing. Still, I'm a little worried. Swordcraft's getting big, and it's bound to at least impact people's perception of the hobby. There's a little bit of drunken idiocy and just plain adolescent behavior, and I'd rather this be considered a mature, sensible, respectable hobby rather than a immature farce where anything goes. If it requires a little elitism so be it.

>> No.8242849

if you could say anything to the game master of swordcraft , what would it be?

>> No.8242892

How did you make that?

>> No.8242900

with dyed string.
and lot of free time.

>> No.8242903

no, the sword friend

>> No.8242925

Transparency, mainly. In my years I've learned to give SC a little more slack than I used to. I've actually come to consider the battle magic removal was to SC's benefit. It's just there's been a critical lack of communication. The Krins' have mentioned how it's difficult to be democratic, and I can accept that now. I guess I don't have much of a frame of reference for being pulled in so many directions by a crowd of both belligerents and asskissers. It's just that I wouldn't mind big brother if he was honest as well, so to speak. It's just than a lot of the time when people ask why SC does something they avoid the question, remain silent, comment on some maymays instead or occasionally bring the Swordcraft b&wagon out for a tour.

I can't say if I'd react kindly if they out and out said they were doing things autocratically, or having a 'git gud' approach to balance, but I could at least respect that instead of maintaining the facade that only irritates and confuses the malcontents. Better yet, providing reasoning for the processes. Believe me, I hear the craziest rumors from doomsayers sometimes, like how people think they want to remove all the fantasy from Swordcraft.

I've got a lot of problems, but that's really the only one I can think of a solution for, and even then I'm not sure it's the best.

>> No.8242935
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Does anyone know if this is real plate and chainmail and if it is not can someone please tell me what it is made of? Thanks

>> No.8242977
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Now, i am friend with phil.
He came to bico last year.
Without mentioning you in particular, i will speak with him about that.

It is true that SC is now borrowing a lot from Bico.
Mostly because bico is a formula that worked.

Now bico too is transforming and i'm not totally sure i like the new direction.

More like an big event instead of a persistent world with virtual wargame.

I do understand why the wargame was really hard to take care of.

Some players are very hostile to the virtual game and only want combat....fine okay but as i understood over the time, when there is no reason to figth its not ''worth it'' that much.

Lets say you go somewhere and there is 500 vs 500.

Now on one side you got the Kingdom of Haldorf who has been at war for the last 10 years against three big nation that all got raped in the end by superior wargame strategist and superior men on the battlefield.

This is where powerful nation go to die.

Now Haldorf is invaded (again) and must find allies on the battlefield to defend it.

while the Kingdom of Andorre is invading with the help of the Elves , Haldorf turn to Arganne who promised protection in exchange of troops for an earlier campaing if something ever hapenned , Arganne decide to not get involved.
while Andorre is laying siege to Bramha .the capital city of Haldorf, the Haldorfian troops are all stationed in the southern lands to invade Kazarun to punish them after their failed siege of Mel-El-Nail.

During that time the Empire decide to get involved on the side of Haldorf after years and years of war between haldorf and the empire and one year of truce.

The date is set, the battle is prepared and all Haldorfians are stranding with fewer number in front of the Andorian army and their many many many allies they paid for.

the scenario is simple, imperial reinforcements start pretty fucking far from the battle and have to join up with us before its too late.
we have to defend King Hubert

to be continued

>> No.8242985


No, it's fake.

Looks like leather and plastic rings.

>> No.8243001
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if the king die, the kingdom of Haldorf have fallen and is now Andorrian.

Fuck no it aint gonna happen.

we are defending in a square formation and then...

Then the King see our smaller number.

see what kind of men and woman he have defending him and defending our homes.

We call the charge on an ennemy 2 time our size and reaaally not prepared to be charged.

We run them over, we pursue routing enemies.

I remember hitting fleeing people in the legs with my spear only to mock them while they were trying to defend themselves on the ground.

Taking great pleasure in finishing them off with my sword

Then the empire came.

Jawdropped over our effectivness.

Emperor found me (i'm pretty easy to spot in white and red) and told me.

I'm pretty happy to be on your side now.
And now without any virtual wargame, all this would be...

2 teams , the winner win something like Solars (ingame money)
Have fun, play safe

looks like those fake armor from GoT.
or the hard plastic stuff from Epic Armory.
Not that bad looking but not made for more ''heavy hits'' larp.

>> No.8243021

If you feel you are being hit with insufficient force to count, you are perfectly within your rights to say "too soft" and ignore the hit. So no, no sword tag. I don't really know why that particular phrase would give you that impression.

I asked a few players about potential polearm cores, and they said wood is likely to get rejected due to concerns about splintering. Not something that I imagine would actually be a problem with certain types of wood, but I'm not bothered enough to fight them about it. So now what I'm looking for is a good core material that isn't too whippy. I have PVC pipes at home, but I'd rather save them for a last resort due to the aforementioned whippiness. An alternate material that was recommended was poles from bandshoppe. Any experience with those?

>> No.8243036

I hear bamboo's decent.

>> No.8243196
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It is.
I Highly recomend it for various reasons.
The cost mainly, you can get some for really cheap

Its also flexible enough without being too ''noodly''

>> No.8243227

I'm embarrassed by how long it took me to remember this, but kitespar in sufficient thickness is used for polearm cores over here. Some people also have a trick where they just take PVC, reinforce certain areas of it with duct tape, and glue a separate head onto the shaft.

rip in peace bico.

>> No.8243232

Huh. Really? Pardon my skepticism, I've used bamboo a little before for other things, and it struck me as crooked and very prone to splitting. Is there some way of strengthening it that I'm not aware of?

>> No.8243236

Oh yeah, they did mention kitespar too. I know virtually nothing about it, how's its thickness?

>> No.8243239

>I don't really know why that particular phrase would give you that impression.

>> No.8243242

Its just fibreglass pole i think, kitespar as in spars for kites

>> No.8243259

That's the impression I'm getting, yeah. The more I read about it, the better it sounds. Can't seem to find many that are as long as I'm looking for, though... if it's basically just fiberglass, will I notice much difference between them and the bandshoppe poles?

>> No.8243264

Variable, seeing as it's a catchall for various fiberglass tubes of varying diameters. IMO it's probably going to end up like rattan polearms in the SCA where it's going to start pulping or breaking apart after a couple battles.

>> No.8243266

Probably not,apparently they use fibreglass poles for more heavy contact fighting, according to the militia leader fm swordcraft

>> No.8244008
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Use thick bamboo.

90% of the spear at bico are made with this so its pretty much proven to be good.

My spear is bamboo with hockey tape all over the shaft and the first meter with foam.

I'm not saying it will never break (it will eventually, like all weapon with heavy use) but its pretty solid otherwise.

>> No.8245919

We're organizing a big event in Bulgaria this september.
If you want to come I can help with organizing transport/sleeping place/food - hit me up with an email.

>> No.8246255
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meanwhile, the local con is over. I may or may not post pics about that somewhen

>> No.8247836
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Alright, here's the materials I have. Came here a few days ago asking about axes n stuff. No fiberglass rods as there is nowhere to get them around me. So I can't make swords unless I'm given an alternative idea.

3m of pvc pipe. 15mm.
500ml of high strength contact adhesive
1000x2000x10mm foam camping mat
And various sized brushes

So, what can I make? Is there any other products I can get for cheep that'd be needed?

>> No.8247863
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dat sweet moment in the year that people start posting their new creations in progress.

Aw yiss! it's staaaaarting! Larp season is staaaarting!

>> No.8248223
File: 170 KB, 960x720, 11138604_911112285578725_5567894482699129715_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of that time of year, new guy who just went to his first event a few weekends ago here. You asked for pictures of my getup, and my friend just shared her stuff from the weekend. I'm in the yellow here; sadly, this is the best picture of me I've found so far.

On the upside, she also posted several videos, some of which have very good footage of me. On the downside, they're all set to be visible only to friends. I'll stay on the lookout for more pictures in the meantime!

>> No.8248272

I must agree that the size and awareness of SC is bothering me too, I'm sick of people taking photos of me and now I have to constantly worry about me and my comrades shit getting stolen from the sidelines. I think we've attracted the wrong attention, it was cute when uni media students and the odd by-passer dropped by but now I'm getting concerned that we're a permanent blazed/drunk douchebag magnet.

>> No.8248298

So how did it go? Did you have fun? Tell us about your experience!

>> No.8248331

If hungarians and slavs can survive without drinks for their LARPs certainly we can.

>> No.8248392
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>For the halberd you had before, what was wrapped around the pole part of it?
insulation foam, tube kind. They put it on pipes for heat insulation.

>What other small accessories are good to add to weapons? Leather, carvings, pommel etc
depends on the weapon really. We usually for example put wood textured wallpaper on the shaft of our polearms

>Also maces may seem easy, but i want something nice if i wanted to play a cleric. Any tips on mace building?
flanged maces are not impossibly hard, here is one from a long time when I was young(er) and more stupid... also I had to make it one night. Not proud of it.

>Large surface area for shields, how does one achieve making a large shield?
depends on the shield but you can make them out of wood or several layers of cardboard. cardboard is usually overlooked as a shield material but if you know what to do it's a really great and cheap material which you can make into a good looking shield with a textile cover.

>Where would one aquire the fabrics for making clothes n such?
fabric shops. Or people who have fabrics.

>With armor, how much is the legal requirement for it to provide bonuses in events?
really depends on the game. Some have lrules that says you need this and that to give you X amount of HP, som says the armor counts where you wear it and gives you damage reduction. etc.

>And absence of these things in place of just clothing is in turn, giving you less health?
absence of armor usually give you no bonuses. To this day I never heard of any larp where not wearing armor gave you negative HP. Although I'm pretty sure someone somewhere tried that...

>> No.8248396

>Has the reputation of larping in America improved at all?
slightly. The costumes definately improved, but it's not so hard to imrpove from T-shirt standards. Nowdays you can see a few decent weapons too, but it's still not the norm.

>How badly did Wild Hunt hurt the hobby's reputation?
Given that it wasn't a popular movie I say it's just another drop in the bucket

>> No.8248398

pretty sure it's not made of metal. As others said it's either some kind of leather (less likely) or foam or maybe plastic or some other kind of cosplay material (worbla or decor rubber or something along that line)
The texture, the rivets and the whatever stuff on the skirt part is a dead giveaway that it's not metal

>> No.8248407
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>I asked a few players about potential polearm cores, and they said wood is likely to get rejected due to concerns about splintering
splintering is a bullshit excuse for any weapon core. The only place where splintering could be a problem is arrows.
Everywhere else you can just put around it a layer of powertape or hockey tape tightly and then splintering won't happen.
When someone broke my 28mm thick beech wood halberd we didn't even realized it was broken until some time later when it just felt a little funny, the tape and the padding on the shaft kept it together so much that I had a hard time to even remove those when I tried to remake it.

bamboo is very popular and yes it's even more prone to splintering.
The upside is that it's waaaaay lighter than wood. But then again, putting tape around it helps the splintering. I just personally don't like bamboo cores because they are way too light and break easily.
Plus they bend too much on the length that is good for a polearm.
But that never scared away people to make 4 meter long pikes from it and then be surprised why it is not effective.
On pic: thin, green bamboo, the shittiest kind to use for polearms

>> No.8248412
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anyway at the weekedn we were at a local con, brought a few swords there so people can hit each other with our supervision. We had fun, som guys had bruises, some retards were told to get the fuck away, we seen a good and bad costumes and all in all it was a fun weekend

>> No.8248414
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>> No.8248419
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>> No.8248422
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>> No.8248502
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>St. Louis Ren-Faire is next month.
>Mfw an hour away.

Just got some Finntroll on my ipod, gonna blast it all the way there.

>> No.8248556


Saw some insulation foam while picking up my mats. sadly, it was a little too pricy.

>wood textured wallpaper on the shaft of our polearms
Thats a smart fuckn idea there. Wonder if ive got any lying around the house.

>flanged maces are not impossibly hard
So the i guess you call them flanges(?), were they just single triangle sorta shaped pieces put onto a foam head?
I was thinking of doing some sort of interlock system so the flanges would stay on there and reduce their bending.
And your core, is it wrapped in insulation too? or something else? I dont really have anything to put around the pvc pipe, so itd be making a hollow clunk every time i guard with it, so that will annoy the shit out of me.

>really great and cheap material which you can make into a good looking shield with a textile cover.
I get them from the office supplies place round here. And i have loads of plywood about too. A large shield id feel would be better as plywood. As too large an area of cardboard would stand the chance of bending.

And reguarding clothing again. Lets say i were to use modern clothing. Is there any pieces of clothing i can get away with degrading or de and restitching in a different way to pass for medieval looking stuff? Was thinking of doing stuff with some cheap shirts.

>> No.8248592
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>Thats a smart fuckn idea there. Wonder if ive got any lying around the house.
keep in mind that they are the most fragile part of the whole weapon.

>And your core, is it wrapped in insulation too? or something else? I dont really have anything to put around the pvc pipe, so itd be making a hollow clunk every time i guard with it, so that will annoy the shit out of me.
insulation foam and the flanges or whatevers are glued on it separately.
Although now I would have cut out the pipe too for them. Instead I just put some more foam between the pieces.
And the core was a wood.

>And reguarding clothing again. Lets say i were to use modern clothing. Is there any pieces of clothing i can get away with degrading or de and restitching in a different way to pass for medieval looking stuff? Was thinking of doing stuff with some cheap shirts
can't think of anything if it shows AND you want to look good.

>> No.8248594
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>> No.8248599
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>I get them from the office supplies place round here. And i have loads of plywood about too. A large shield id feel would be better as plywood. As too large an area of cardboard would stand the chance of bending.
here is a big cardboard shield. It has one piece of wood in the inner side as a support. It works perfectly.
You just have to use several layers of cardboard and rotate separate layer 90 degree

>> No.8248610
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> Lets say i were to use modern clothing. Is there any pieces of clothing i can get away with degrading or de and restitching in a different way to pass for medieval looking stuff? Was thinking of doing stuff with some cheap shirts

Ehh... The shirts have to be without any prints and in a plain, natural color.
1) Cut off any folded edgesand then refold and resew the edges yourself.
2) Cut the sleeves in a fancy way
3) Take another t-shirt, maybe even in another color, and chop it up in two long rectangles
4) Sew said rectangles in tubes and then sew them as new sleeves on the t-shirt.
5) Repeat steps 3-4 but slash the middle of the two long rectangles and sew them from the shoulder to the elbow - this is to have poofy, fancy sleeves

>> No.8249010

for a first timer you have a pretty elaborate suit.


>> No.8249027
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>wood textured wallpaper on the shaft of our polearms
Simpsons did it, pic related (its a good idea really)

>How badly did Wild Hunt hurt the hobby's reputation?
We talked about it in the car yesterday and declared that any kind of real life wild hunt would probably stop really quick as soon as it get in contact with the true faith encampment, the pack encampment or will last aproximatively 5 minutes before the cops from Shawinigan show up before the swat and a bunch of ambulances (mostly for the drugged up dudes who got beaten up by Sir Hector)

>> No.8249038
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prepare to be culturally enriched, frog!

>> No.8249055
File: 97 KB, 552x827, 10338516_10152526316793428_8915350200224830883_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if by that you mean immigrating in my country , yes, please do.

I'd welcome a thousand Hungarians in exchange of one Sandni....

I went too far right?

>> No.8249062

nah, you will be just clubbed at your doorstep

>> No.8249074
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My door wont be unlocked you could come in.
Locking doors is for third world countries like in eastern europe or europe in general.

>> No.8249077

You're saying that only because you don't know him IRL.

>> No.8249088
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>> No.8249114
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it seems you want stabbing instead of clubbing

>> No.8249117
File: 63 KB, 480x720, 189279_360242380728423_1983667541_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking of starting my own squad of archers at bico.

Now what to call them...

Kingdom of Kafe Killers - K.K.K
String Squad - S.S.
Front line Quickies - F.L.Q.
Intervention Squad of Immediade Support - I.S.I.S.
Immediade Response Archers - I.R.A.
i'm too old to go clubbing anyways.

>> No.8249121
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>i'm too old to go clubbing anyways.
you are no fun, old fart

>> No.8249126
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>I've been thinking of starting my own squad of archers at bico.
Frenedian's Archers of Guaranteed Stealth

>> No.8249162
File: 1.61 MB, 2679x2032, 10outta10_best_polearm_all_years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mildly upset that the face of nerd culture over here has become the blazed, unshaven twenty-something League addicts.

You can make a nice flanged mace or a halberd. Or if you can figure out some articulation between the haft and the head, you can make pic related and be my hero forever.

I can't wait. Once the spring term is over I can actually buckle down and put together a costume for my character.

>> No.8249165
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>> No.8249170
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>old fart
My name is Frenadian and look what alcool transformed me into, I'm only 27 years oooold

>> No.8249181
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>Or if you can figure out some articulation between the haft and the head, you can make pic related and be my hero forever.
send the chocolate to my changing room, I eat the flowers here

>No fiberglass rods as there is nowhere to get them around me. So I can't make swords unless I'm given an alternative idea.
we found out that they sell it as an agricultural supplement whatever, apparently it can be used to.. agricultural stuff.
Or failing that you can try a wood/PVC hybrid core. Basically you have a short wooden core, and put a PVC pipe at the end of it so the end of the weapon will be a PVC pipe. This means it's not that heavy as a full wooden core, but not as light and hollow as a full PVC core either.

>> No.8249193
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>> No.8249531

Are there like any good photos of people fencing in these sort of..... is like very late 15th century clothing?

>> No.8249673

This in particular is a plate from Mair's codex, which was made sometime in the 1540's. So, mid 16th century, actually. I'm sure you can find photos of reenactors dressed like this, but my google-fu is pretty damn weak.

>> No.8249693
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Quick! I need a length for the mace! Go!

>> No.8249714

60 centimeters

>> No.8249718
File: 119 KB, 815x540, 10862516_877496178967701_3658683954144284847_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you...got grass...and sun...and no snow...i...i... I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!

>> No.8249734
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Also , unrelated to anything but my friend did this (the front part)

She's a leather artisan and it's lookin' pretty gud

>> No.8249746


I went 80 as I'm tall as fuck and I can always cut down.
Blue sky and autumn tree just to fuck with ya

>> No.8249752
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>> No.8249761

One handed? Your upper limit should be around 70 cm or so. Mind that you can't make it quite as long as a sword due to balance and all that fun shit.

It's been hailing on and off for the last week over here.

>> No.8249783

Here's my lengths

Also encountered my first problem!
Tip of the mat is curling

>> No.8249790
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My pictures are fucking up

>> No.8249795
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Curly foam

>> No.8249876
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The flanges (or whatever) are coming together.
What do I do next?

>> No.8250364
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heads now glued on, just need to clean up the cuts with something

>> No.8250620

The first day was mostly check-in and people interacting in-character, no real action until after dark. Which was fine with me, it gave me some time to get used to the character I'd created and meet some of the other people. There were a few mods in the evening, so I was able to get a feel for how those were structured.

Saturday was, of course, the big day for important events. Apparently there was some metaplot development going on, which I heard about occasionally, but I somehow managed to miss almost all of it. I'll have to keep an ear out for that stuff at the next event.

The system and costumes were pretty decent, better than I'd come to expect from an American larp based on what I'd seen in these threads. Low-numbers combat was a big plus, although I think if I was in charge of it I'd keep the numbers even lower than they did. People were very friendly and welcoming, and there was none of the "roleplaying is stupid, I'm just here to hit things" mentality. It's a smaller larp, so I think that's probably helped them to avoid some of the worse aspects that get associated with larger American groups.

Overall, a very enjoyable experience, and I liked having the opportunity to flex my acting chops a bit. I'll definitely be going back in the future.

Thanks! I got quite a few compliments on it from the other players, and I was very proud of that surcoat. Every other part of it was stuff I owned already.

Costuming standards were pretty good, I found. Mine was well above the average, but still not the best costume there by a long shot. The lazy "t-shirt and bedsheet" costumes were present, but they were a very tiny minority.

>> No.8250754
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a shitload of it. And as HEMAfag said it's mid 16th century and from one of Mair's codex.

>> No.8250816
File: 3.30 MB, 4128x2322, 2015-04-13 19.42.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Bevor aquired for heavy infantry stuff.

>> No.8250827

I've tried LARP at my local park and wasn't impressed. Most people turned around and ran away and would try to circle behind to hit them in the back. I don't have the patience to play tag with them. Other people just made little pokes at other people with no force behind it, I suppose it's legal for the game but felt really stupid.

The last problem I had was that it only counted as a hit with a deliberate strike. Now I see the reasoning behind it but when I hold the point of my weapon leveled at my opponent's chest I expect them to take a hit if they try to step in without deflecting it. Instead they step into the point, deflect it off their chest and hit me while calling that it didn't count when they got tagged.

>> No.8250829

I'm home!

>sexual favors in hopes of being invited to a good low-profile larp.
Then it wouldn't actually be a good LARP, now would it?
I can absolutely imagine that kind of crap happening for a Vampire LARP though, those players can be totally disgusting.

Aww I got quoted!
>Do you think crappy American larps should be allowed to continue and possibly improve over time
I know from personal experience that my local Alliance chapter, which was shit-tier 5 years ago when I joined, has improved enough that I can sit here and talk about LARPing and not immediately get laughed out. The improvement does happen, and it's really easy to shame people into getting better by being great at your own stuff, and it gets even better if you do stuff like let newbs borrow your old costuming.
The higher entry games in the US aren't terrible- they aren't all fantastic but they will still be fun and it is, like I have said, a great way to get invited to the privater, probably better games.
Also really shitty LARPs like Carl's Basement Vampire Game and such are great containment areas for people who just will never improve.
>euro larps and euro quality became a buzzword
Urrrgggg... I hate it.

America here, before I tried it my D&D groups used to make fun of LARPing all the time. I usually spend an age trying to explain to older relatives that it's something we're really doing- not roleplay on the internet or a video game.
I know friends of mine have religious relatives that have flipped out. I try to laugh off how much it costs, but I have been called out on my 'privilege' to LARP.
Slightly? Games look cooler now so it isn't as immediately weird looking.
Probably foam.

>> No.8250906

> I have been called out on my 'privilege' to LARP
Is that really a thing in the USA?
>Other people just made little pokes at other people with no force behind
Don't even bother counting those
>The last problem I had was that it only counted as a hit with a deliberate strike. Now I see the reasoning behind it but when I hold the point of my weapon leveled at my opponent's chest I expect them to take a hit if they try to step in without deflecting it. Instead they step into the point, deflect it off their chest and hit me while calling that it didn't count when they got tagged.
That's abusing the rules and asshole behaviour - when they try that go ahead and stab them.

>> No.8250976

What? Being called on your privilege literally? Yes, it really happens. In this case, they were referring to my financial and physical ability to LARP, as well as my seamstress talent.
I was a little baffled. LARPing is a luxury hobby to be sure, but it eats a huge amount of our income and we budget specifically for it, and I know I'm certainly less wealthy than the person who said it to me. The one that baffled me most was the privilege of being a seamstress... I taught myself to sew and it took years of practice, did they think you were born with it? I don't even know. They pissed off some people and eventually left game in a huff, and they only play shitty vampire games now. Yay containment games.

I have, in a different context, been called out on having 'pretty privilege' which is pretty flattering when you think about it.
I expect it's just a trend and it'll fall out of favor as soon as people realize judging other people without knowing them is *triggering.*

America is the land where people are so bored they need to find things to be angry about.

>> No.8251007

Dear Australian LARPers,

How can we make the Tasmanian scene not shit?

>> No.8251041

Well, what do you think is making it shit?

>> No.8251302

Sounds more like a boffering group than LARPers.
That being said a lot of groups don't recognize ANY strikes unless you draw your arm back to make them, so shit like sidesword and Spanish/Dutch rapier techniques get to eat shit.

Yeah, this can be a real thing. I've heard people talking shit about another person's costume because 'they just have more money to spend on it.' And don't even get me started on the shade that gets thrown around for knowing how to fight/casually instrucing the others NPCs.
It's generally the people who are dedicated to putting as little effort as possible into the hobby who voice these kinds of complaints.

>> No.8251319

Hey HEMAfag, what do you think of Meyer's Meisterhauwen and do you think it's possible to modify them for LARP use? I've been having good success with a lowered zwerchhau

>> No.8251340

I hope you'll forgive me, but I haven't practiced Meyer's longsword, so I'm just going to assume these are variations of/a revised version of Lichtenaur's cuts.
As for their use in LARP, I imagine it comes down to local rules. The Krumphau and the Zwerchau could be incredible tools (the rest are a little too dependent on hitting the head and throat). The true shame of it all is that most American LARPs void the hit upon contact with your opponent's weapon, so all of that's a no-go for me.

>> No.8251346

Musketeer question:

What do you use to attach the apostoles to your bandolieer belt?

>> No.8251357

>The true shame of it all is that most American LARPs void the hit upon contact with your opponent's weapon, so all of that's a no-go for me.
the fuck?
please repeat that and make it clearer

>> No.8251427

Let's say I execute a modified Krumphau that strikes my opponent in the torso. Because that strike had already hit my opponent's weapon, the strike doesn't count.
A strike that hits your opponent's weapon before hitting your opponent is voided over here.

>> No.8251451
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I have no words for this faggotry

>> No.8251472
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>> No.8251491

I've been able to translate Lichtenauer strikes to the LARP environment pretty well, the zwerchau especially. My main obstacle has been training myself to avoid head strikes (especially because everybody has been trained not to worry about defending it) and lower the neck ones about six inches so they hit the shoulder instead.

>> No.8251507

To be fair, I'm not sure this is common to all American larps. Mine still counts a "blocked" blow if it has enough force to hit the opponent even after weapon contact.

>> No.8251622

Very nice, where did you get it?

>> No.8251677

I swear it's not as bad as it seems. In DR and the other NERO holdovers extended blade contact is banned outright. I'm just happy that I can press my cuts after people invariably whip their swords back and cause quite a bit of consternation in the process.

That's why I'm glad that I wasted so much time dicking around with the dussack. Kind of hard to throw headshots when your technique is representative of a glorified machete.

If forcing your way through someone's guard is something that happens with any regularity, then people REALLY need to learn how to parry.

>> No.8251740
File: 51 KB, 540x720, solar8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat sexy sexy purple knigt not being purple.

>> No.8251920

Hey. You've got a chink in your amour.

>> No.8251945

has lolita died??

I want to put in an order for garb and i havent seen her in ages ;_;

>> No.8252009

Not too regularly, no. I'm probably wording it poorly. It's basically exactly what you said earlier in your post: if I go to parry a blow, but I pull my weapon back after making contact and don't follow through completely on the parry, then they can just maintain their force and still hit hard enough for the blow to count.

>> No.8252032


Sounds more like a block than a parry. A parry deflects a blow, and a block stops it.

>> No.8252060

>In DR and the other NERO holdovers extended blade contact is banned outright
I'm afraid to ask.... What is extended blade contact?

>> No.8252092
File: 71 KB, 476x434, bleedthegod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know any good games in the pacific northwest?

>> No.8252113
File: 1.19 MB, 3072x2304, IMGP1768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fighting women, dayum.

>> No.8252115

I'm guessing (this is a rule in Alliance, anyway) they mean you can't force the other person's blade aside by doing blade arm wrestling. The reason for this is that some boffers are more durable than others, so if a guy with a giant dick sword with a carbon core starts pressing a rattan core thin sword out of the way, he's not only going to win he may also damage the other guy's sword.
Essentially no sword wrestling. Hit, then get out.

>> No.8252124

on one hand I can understand the ultralight things a lot more now.
on the other hand... why are the people who made these rules still alive? or anyone who thought this is a good idea. Look guys if you really need it I can tell you how to make napalm at your home.

>> No.8252133 [DELETED] 

Oooh, tell them about the bananadine recipe!

>> No.8252139

I posted the story about my gigantic dick sword a while back, and if I had been allowed to swing that thing as a bludgeon and knock/wrestle other people's swords away I would have destroyed people's swords (even latex ones) and it would have been ridiculous and then everyone would be swinging clubs. You can still *knock* other swords out of the way, you just can't get into lightsabre wrestling matches.
For a non-full contact game it makes sense.
Ultralights are also absolutely bullshit on the opposite end of that spectrum, and I'm so happy they're falling out of favor.

>> No.8252145

your sword was shit. That's the fault of the weapon safety checks.
and it has nothing to do with full contact. full contact is just another buzz word that people doesn't know what it means but regardless they use it all the time to look more hardcore. And another reason to hit people in the face with a brick

it's not THAT serious yet

>> No.8252161

> if I had been allowed to swing that thing as a bludgeon and knock/wrestle other people's swords away I would have destroyed people's swords
I don't know what kind of easily breakable swords you guys make but this sounds highly unrealistic.

>> No.8252176
File: 16 KB, 800x250, pic_higgins_e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically what Tarantula says here >>8252115
To expand, in Alliance there is nothing in particular that says I HAVE to pull my sword back if I get parried, but the rule that voids hits after blade contact means that there's really no point. Beating your opponent's weapon off line and creating openings is still very viable, though.
Likewise I can technically get into the bind, but the fact of the matter is that a.) latex and dickswords don't behave at all like steel, and b.) there is again no point unless you have an offhand weapon.

In DR and other NERO offshoots, there are a crapton more rulings on melee e.g: you have to cock your arm back after each parry, or that you can only attack three times before stepping back and giving your opponent a turn. Alliance actually lets a lot of shit slide, comparatively.

>full contact is just another buzz word

Also I can damn near guarantee that most people you encounter (and possibly even you, reader!) have any idea about what to do when someone comes at them with >10 lb point-forward weapon.

pic unrelated, but have this nice sidesword.

>> No.8252183
File: 174 KB, 600x800, y he do dis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"good" is subjective, but I hear the Seattle Alliance chapter is supposed to be something special.

>> No.8252205

>that you can only attack three times before stepping back and giving your opponent a turn
What the actual fuck.

>> No.8252215

>fault of the weapon safety checks.
Totally fair.
I'm not saying I would have been snapping people's swords with a single blow, I'm saying that the superior weight of my sword would have made winning a breeze. I dunno, it's never seemed like a thing that needs to be changed.
Voiding hits upon contact with another sword is ridiculous though.

Is the hit voiding rule an Alliance rule? Because if it is my game does it totally wrong. We just don't do wrestling.
>only attack three times before stepping back and giving your opponent a turn.
Lets take live action fighting and make it turn based! We're having so much fun!

Word on the street has it that the Seattle chapter is amazing, but I have never personally been there. Have a story (told to me by someone who was there) from a recent Seattle season closer though:
>One of the NPCs is a profession pyrotechnic guy.
>They set up a wall of flames in front of the adventurers
>The undead NPCs come running through the flames... and catch on fire... and keep running at them
>Suddenly the PC line hears a noise behind them
>They all turn around
>It's nighttime so they can barely make out what's happening
>It's the other half of the NPCs
>on giant stilts
>With glowing red lights for eyes
>While the PCs backs are turned, the on fire NPCs hit the dirt and people standing by douse them and they get back up quickly
>As soon as the PCs turn around the undead army is in front of them

I'd say lighting people on actual fire for an effect is pretty hardcore.

>> No.8252226

>In DR and other NERO offshoots, there are a crapton more rulings on melee e.g: you have to cock your arm back after each parry, or that you can only attack three times before stepping back and giving your opponent a turn. Alliance actually lets a lot of shit slide, comparatively.
okay look. If you get a barrel of gasoline and put a lot of styrofoam in it then let it rest a little maybe a day you will have home made napalm. The styrofoam will basically absorb the gasoline more or less and at the end you will have a jellyified gasoline which is technically napalm.
Then you just have to find the guy who make these rules pour the napalm on him, explain in a calm manner why is this happening to him/her and light the whole thing on fire, if necessary then the whole house he lives in too.
This is also called the educational purposed death although methods may vary

>> No.8252283

>superior weight of my sword would have made winning a breeze

We have a couple of players who divide their time between our chapter and Seattle, since it's relatively close. They always have stories about Monsters on stilts and golems with gigantic padded arms for weapons.
Also as a current NPC I hereby volunteer to light myself on fire.

Alliance is moving past its roots, albeit slowly. NERO is dead, and I'm more than content to leave DR's "zomg zombiez so cool ^.^" crowd to fester on their own. I'll reserve violence for the next fucker who conflates sport fencing and rapier combat.

>> No.8252291

I didn't say to use violence. Just light up those fuckers in a calm gentlemanly manner, no need to beat the shit out of them they just need a good old EPD

>> No.8252335

For the life of me I can't remember. Southron Swords I think?

>> No.8252368

I keep thinking about getting more armour to layer on top of my chain. Leather makes sense for Wintermark, but if my character dies, I'll be going Dawn, so also want plate.

>> No.8252539

You'd be surprised how blurry the line is between the two.

>> No.8252551

That *is* a very sexy sidesword. Hot damn.

>> No.8252561


Okay I'm awake again and I realize I don't have enough money for paint.
Any way to get it cheap?

>> No.8252568

Oh okay. Brb buying gas and styrofoam.

Seconded. I generally use the term 'parry' to indicate actively deflecting a blow and 'blocking' to indicate using a static guard, but that's more of a personal thing. The fact is that damn near everyone in the community has ideas on what makes a parry vs what makes a block.

Nothing like grafting a type X blade onto a complex hilt.

>> No.8252570

pick one
try scumming around hardware stores and picking up a deal on spray paint? Maybe see if there's anyone you can borrow paint from?

>> No.8252586

What color am I looking for? Do I get something special to use on the foam?

>> No.8252622
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Well I had a good look and I found some
Even some black primer so the silver might go dark metal colour

>> No.8252675
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>> No.8252849
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The pvc pipe would need to be covered by foam wouldn't it?

>> No.8253028

Stop partaking in incest and cannibalism, for one.

>> No.8253090

Correct. I understand pipe insulation is the usual choice for that.

>> No.8253182

>I swear it's not as bad as it seems.
It is exactly as bad as it seems.

>> No.8253192

>I'm saying that the superior weight of my sword would have made winning a breeze.
Good, maybe it will convince people to stop using ultralights.

>> No.8253196
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Dat moment when you realize that a real sword actually is pretty ligth.

Not ultraligth but still pretty ligth and well balanced.

>> No.8253212

generally pipe insulation foam. Around here it's 3/8 an inch thick minimum. May be different in the land of pouch-bearing mammals. Then you wrap it in fabric/tape/magic. A little different considering the flanges on your mace, but the idea should be similar.

You *are* working from a tutorial, right?

I'm desperately not trying to sperg out about this, but anyone with a clue about footwork and proper parrying will destroy an opponent with a weapon like that.
But anything that gets rid of ultralights is good.

Historical 2-handed swords tended to max out around 3 kg or so with a point of balance just about 5 inches along the blade, and those are the heavier ones. Same holds true for most polearms.

>> No.8253223

dat beast i posted here >>8237189
is 3kg, it's pretty foaking heavy and made more for thrust and half handing than swinging.

Most people cant even swing it.
I'm just like a dwarf i guess, really strong but short and stout huhu

>> No.8253231

How long is that thing and what's it's point of balance?

>> No.8253241

What system is it for?

>> No.8253242
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93cm long
Point of balance at 14 centimeter from the pommel.

I've had better blades in my hand but this one cost me 5$ from a friend.

>> No.8253292

exceedingly normal, actually. It's about twice as heavy as most surviving swords, but with that POB it really shouldn't be unimaginable to wield. I'm sure it takes quite some strength to be fencible, though.

More importantly, how the everloving fuck did someone make a foam sword that heavy?

>> No.8253295

It's not foam, this one is metal.

>> No.8253321

>Stop partaking in incest and cannibalism, for one.
I'll have to ask my sister-wife after she's done eating the neighbours other head.
>Well, what do you think is making it shit?
Cost. We've got to import everything. Alternatively we have to make stuff ourselves. Plus we have a way older average population, plus bogans so getting people to actually DO anything is bretty hard. Also, most are homebrew rules that have had little thought put into them.

>> No.8253358

My question still stands. If they're keeping the PoB at around 5 in, then they've got to be using about twice the steel throughout the sword.

>> No.8253469
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> tutorial


Pipe insulation. Okay. I'll need to find some thin stuff.

System? I'm not sure on what you mean.

>> No.8253473
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And here it is in silver

>> No.8253474

what did you do? painted over the latex or mixed paint to the latex?

>> No.8253481

What game will you be using it in? Or are you just making it for funzies?

>> No.8253482


Painted over the latex with some spray paint that's meant to be strayed on silicon joints and stuff. I thought it might stay well, and it stays beautifully.

>> No.8253490

I plan to take it to an event. Clans of elgardt. And if it stays strong or I Find a way to improve it? It'll take me to swordcraft.
But this is my first make. I plan to make a war hammer too.

>> No.8253491
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You did a good job.
But mixing it with the latex directly makes for a better end result (its what most weaponmaker do)

Will you be making a ''wooden'' latex shaft?

>> No.8253516


I'm conflicted to using wood wallpaper or making the shaft look metal as well.

I'll remember that. Especially when i get actual paint instead of leftover spray paint i found around the house. It would have been hard to mix the latex with spraypaint as itd take a lot of it.

>> No.8253527

I love larping with my local group but the strict rules of others really takes the fun out of it.

For example.....

> be me larping, 1st time at a camp event
> bring an assortment of weapons with me because unclear on rules
>spear, claymore, longsword, daggers and throwing knife rig as well as a round shield
> have decent training in weapons, used to be part of a reenactment training club before I moved to the countryside
> used to standing correctly and parrying as well as underhand moves for playing "bad guys"
> spear is not allowed "No thrusting weapons"
> wtf.jpeg
> rest gets the approval and i get dressed
> no flash armour just leather chest and vambraces over cloth shirt
> get told to join a faction
> wtf i just wanna join the mercenary company
> lolnope request to join one
> k, ask to join modest looking army
> duel my champion for your space in my army
> kmate, guy in chainmail and some heavy boots with a beasty warhammer
> this gonna be gud
> charges at me
> dive to the side and begin unloading knives at the guy
> apparently his chainmail can take 10 hits before its not good anymore
> lolwut
> charges again
> keep moving
> guy starts to pant and charges one more time
> side step and as hard as i can punch with my shield and he stumbles to the side
> hit sword in back. No drama just stab k mate ggwp
> hear screeching whistle
>warden comes over yelling at me
> shield is coated in so much foam it wouldnt hurt a grandma
> "It's part of wielding a shield mate. Calm down"
> Commander of army is pretty much creaming himself. Chainmail bro stands up and smiles
> "Don't be a pussy dude. He won the fight"
> Warden starts yelling about rules and safety
> Get told if i do it again i have to sit a battle out

We won the battle though

>> No.8253536

for mixing with latex you should use acrillic

>> No.8253539


I think i can manage to let my school lend me some. Means i can mix it to the colour i want too.
I dont like the silver, its too...silvery
but for the sake of weapons, ill keep it silver.

>> No.8253655

>Cost. We've got to import everything.
Not too different from almost everywhere.
>Alternatively we have to make stuff ourselves.
What is the problem then?
>Plus we have a way older average population,
Bring a few boffers to the park, invite random teenagers in. Some will get interested and stick with the hobby.

>> No.8253658

>Bring a few boffers to the park, invite random teenagers in. Some will get interested and stick with the hobby.
that's only a good method if you already have a stable community that can help the newcomers. Otherwise it will be just a bunch of people who don't know what to do

>> No.8253704

Could i see everyones shields here? Im mainly interested in the backs as i want to see how ya'll made your handles n stuff.

I want a large shield as i want to be the defender of the people. Follow Clerics about and let them heal people.

>> No.8253730

>with a clue about footwork and proper parrying
Totally true, which is why I got rid of it- it wasn't effective when I couldn't use it to stun or disarm. I concede defeat on this point. I'm just saying I like not doing sword wrestling.

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure the reason ultralights are on the way out is that people have learned to block them and it's been discovered how easy they are to knock away.

Not to mention their teenagers. Teenagers will eventually grow into good LARPers, but they almost never start out that way.

>> No.8253738

I'm not so sure that they are on the way out. Maybe a little repressed but there are still a lot of places where ultralights are welcomed

>> No.8253767

HEMAfag (see >>8237650 ) said he's given up on finding the fabled good larps because he has no patience for the local larping community (and I assume he isn't willing to travel further). How common is this? Is it okay to give up or is he a quitter?

>> No.8253867

I'm just a quitter, duh.

>> No.8253900

I think I've been misunderstood about the whole 'better, harder to find LARPs' thing.
There is no sneakily hidden El Dorado LARP with 'muh European quality' and a population of 500 in a fully built medieval village where everyone uses latex weapons and nobody complains.

What I mean is that by joining a larger LARP you are much more likely to find out about a game that will appeal more to your personal tastes, because word of mouth is an easier way to find games than the internet. You can also find some games that are beyond the entry-level quality of many popular games which you may not have found out about otherwise because they're less popular.
Also, as you make friends in the community, sometimes people will run intimate, carefully planned 1 shot games specially made for their friends that can be totally amazing because everyone knows each other.

Pull back the conspiracy theories here a little bit, guys.

>Or IS there a magical ultimate LARP and I'm just hiding it from you? You will never know.
But seriously, there isn't.

>> No.8253910

Also if you aren't enjoying yourself and it isn't worth doing it anymore, it is always okay to quit. What you do with your time is your own business, and LARP is a really expensive hobby to not really be into it.

There is also a general rule that if you aren't getting what you want from your local LARPs, start your own. You'll be running it for 1.5-2 years and then you can burn out and pass it off to one of your subordinates and play it yourself.

>> No.8253916

>There is no sneakily hidden El Dorado LARP with 'muh European quality' and a population of 500 in a fully built medieval village where everyone uses latex weapons and nobody complains.
at least, not in the US

>> No.8253921

>500+ people
>nobody complains

>> No.8253924

I've already said too much. After all you are not among the chosen people

>> No.8253930
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Dun dun dunnnnn

>> No.8253948
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>> No.8254055

So guys. Attempting to turn an old satellite dish into a shield, yay or nay?

>> No.8254059

depends. Is it for a postapoc larp?

>> No.8254066


That would be even cooler, but I was considering souping it up (pad the edges, dress the front with leather) and turning it into a target shield.

>> No.8254087

is it sturdy enough that it won't break? Like if you bash it to a tree, will it have any damage?

>> No.8254197


I shall be trying that tomorrow, but I doubt it would. Will keep the thread posted.

>> No.8254252
File: 223 KB, 800x1066, 800px-Roman_soldier_175_aC_in_northern_province.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I wonder if you guys could help me a out a bit.

On August this year, I'm heading to a Medieval convention in Sweden, Gotland. I'm going to dress as a Western Roman soldier (my friends are vikings, >tfw no blond hair). Now I wonder what kind of items should I be looking for to make it as a historically accurate as possible? I know that the soldiers in that time had a lorica hamata, a spatha, a hasta and an intercisa helmet. What about trousers, tunic and belts?

Also, pic related.
What about the other types

>> No.8254264
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yeah sure.
The front

>> No.8254267
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the back and the way to hold it.

>Teenagers will eventually grow into good LARPers, but they almost never start out that way.
i agree, you must demolish everything they know about larp and teach them , especialy about figthing.

No special snowflakes allowed.

>> No.8254269
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holding it

>> No.8254270

>Medieval convention in Sweden, Gotland
Visby Medieval week?

>> No.8254271


>> No.8254280
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I wanted to go too but sadly it's not possibly, I have too much other stuff to do...
Anyway let me dump a few roman soldiers. I know jackshit about them so you have to decide which one is for your period and place

>> No.8254281
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*not possible

>> No.8254286
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>> No.8254287

>Chainmail bro stands up and smiles
>> "Don't be a pussy dude. He won the fight"
at least you met a cool dude, I was half expecting your story to end with "and then he got super butthurt and they threw me out"

>> No.8254289
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I don't use shield, but most Alliance players use cement trowels bolted into their shield base as the second handle, along with a velcro/tied/leather strap. Here's a diagram.

That harness system is gorgeous. I've never seen that method before. Is it historically relevant, or just something you came up with?

>> No.8254291
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>> No.8254296
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>> No.8254300
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>> No.8254302
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Handle is a punch grip covered in suede and twine.

>> No.8254305
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>> No.8254310
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>> No.8254312
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>> No.8254315
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>> No.8254318
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>> No.8254319

>There is no sneakily hidden El Dorado LARP with 'muh European quality' and a population of 500 in a fully built medieval village where everyone uses latex weapons and nobody complains.
>Or IS there a magical ultimate LARP and I'm just hiding it from you? You will never know.
Stop hiding it from us we know it exists!

>> No.8254320
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>> No.8254322
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>> No.8254323
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>> No.8254327
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>> No.8254329
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>> No.8254333
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>> No.8254336
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>> No.8254340
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>> No.8254343
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>> No.8254345
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>> No.8254350
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>> No.8254353
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>> No.8254357
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>> No.8254361
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>> No.8254362
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>> No.8254363
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>> No.8254368
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>> No.8254370

the look on that guy's face
>my helmet doesn't fit
>this chainmail is heavy
>when do I get to stab someone?
>I wish I was at the brothel

>> No.8254372
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>> No.8254374
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>> No.8254378
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>> No.8254379
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>> No.8254380
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>> No.8254383
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>> No.8254384
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>> No.8254389
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>> No.8254390
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>> No.8254392
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>> No.8254395
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>> No.8254396
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>> No.8254398
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>> No.8254403
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>> No.8254405
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>> No.8254412
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>> No.8254414
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>> No.8254418

and image limit reached so is autosage. I'll make a new thread shortly

>> No.8254428

new thread