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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8231377 No.8231377 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread is autosaging

>> No.8231510 [DELETED] 

someone bought wonderfinch's Misty Sky set for $1800. I'm disappointed, not because I care about dress values but it would have been way funnier if no one wanted it.

>> No.8231518

someone actually paid 1.8k for it?
what a fucking retard.

>> No.8231519

It's a cute enough print, but I really don't understand the hype. Almost $2,000 for a sack-like OP with clouds on it?

>> No.8231520

Why do I feel like whoever bought it only did so to prove they have so much spare money, since literally everyone was talking about how that's way overpriced.

>> No.8231525

whoops, sorry I think I misread the post and they were talking about Cat's Tea party.

Still, WF's post has girls asking for payment plans and saying they would buy it if they had money so who knows

>> No.8231532
File: 267 KB, 1250x833, wonderfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny you mention Wonderfuck

So we're all familiar with her infamous TEN YEARS A LOLITA claims. I was bored and did some digging to see how true that is.

She sure dresses like she's from ten years ago, but I couldn't find her posting anywhere prior to 2009. I found her asking newbie questions on egl and other lj communities IN 2009, but maybe she was using another name prior to that and also just didn't know anything about lolita while somehow still dressing in lolita for four years prior.

Anyway I found this wardrobe post. In 2011 she says she had been wearing lolita for TWO YEARS. Which places her lolita start date at 2009 which goes perfectly with her noob questions and attitude in egl around that time.


>to the surprise of no one, wonderfinch is full of shit and claiming expertise she doesn't have

>> No.8231579

She discovered Lolita in 2003 i know for sure. So she probably includes that

>> No.8231582

The plot thickens

>> No.8231585

Yeah but as anyone can tell you "discovering" Lolita and actually wearing it are two entirely different things. Still, 6 years and she still dresses like that??? I dressed better by my first 2 years in and I considered myself a slow grower.

>> No.8231628
File: 605 KB, 832x467, over9000hoursinmspaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I should be doing homework

>> No.8231639
File: 9 KB, 462x70, wonderfuck2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know for sure? That also doesn't fit with anything she says. Here she says she started wearing it very badly (wanting it?) when she was 10-11 which would have been 13-14 years ago, so 2001 or 2002. And she claims she started wearing it officially when she was 16 when she was more likely 18.

>> No.8231645

>the plot thickens

I'm so entertained and I've never even interacted with her.

>> No.8231657

There's more proof too. In her wardrobe post in 2011 she mentions that the Alice Halloween Print by Btssb is one of the first dresses she fell in love with when she first started lolita. Elsewhere (a sales post I think) she says that it was one of the first dresses she bought. The print came out in late 2007 and she bought it secondhand so the earliest she could have gotten it was around early 2008. but it's way more likely she bought it in 2009 as literally everything else points to her not being a lolita in any meaningful capacity until 2009.

>> No.8231704

thank you, I've been wanting to make this joke forever. A+++

>> No.8231708

>I started wearing lolita when I was 10-11


>> No.8231799

Any more screencaps?

>> No.8232062
File: 560 KB, 1127x612, wonderfuck4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one just for keks
It's not as damning but I still believe she bought this skirt in 2009 as I said here >>8231657
Any way you look at she has not been a lolita for "over a decade"

>> No.8232169

Lol my first coord is better than any shit she's pulled out of her ass in the last "TEN YEARS" and I'm only a year into wearing the fashion. She's just one of those ugly kids with no sense of style and needs to take her shit down a notch or two.

>> No.8232177

So she hasn't even been in lolita for ten years yet she goes around flaunting it?
Top. fucking. kek.

>> No.8232185

One thing that I've noticed is how she will always insist she can find inexpensive brand (and not just occasionally, like its a common thing if you look) yet her selling prices rarely reflect this so she does not pass any savings along to help other Lolitas, she just pockets a profit. That's not really a bad thing by itself but it just really highlights her as someone who regularly overprices and is looking to make a profit off her hobby.

>> No.8232191

Well she is selling misty sky for TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS
so there is that.
It is odd how some lolitas say "oh hurr durr let people price stuff how they want, stop being so entitled", because in all of my other collectors hobbies people get really fucking mad at scalpers. Like you are hurting the thing as a whole by driving up prices for everyone.

>> No.8232210

i think it's highly possible, if milanoo cosplay lacemonsters count.

>> No.8232266

People notice who sells at market value and who prices high. At least if they are paying any attention they do. Or who is selling something that went 1/2 off from brand for near or at full price in their used sales. Few people actually are called out on it though.

>> No.8232274

I think most general lolita groups online should be (and are) welcoming to newcomers to the fashion and people who haven't bought their first coords yet but are there any groups that are for more experienced Lolitas only? It would be nice to have a place for those of us who are past the newbie stage.

>> No.8232295

Basically, she's been in at best six years. Being in lolita for "over a decade" and being a mod is the ONLY thing she has going for her. But she has been in only six years, which is nothing to brag about, and she was a shitty mod, so.
Probably not, by its very nature such a group would generate infinite butthurt. Someone should make it kek

>> No.8232300

Yeah she has told me and many other people she discovered Lolita in 2003 when hospitality doll was released and that's what made her want to get into the fashion.

>> No.8232307

lel, she is so full of shit.
like, I can understand not really remembering exactly what got you into the fashion or when. it's the fact that she goes around flaunting it everywhere and uses it to make herself seem like a flawless expert. Nothing she says adds up, from 2009-2011 she was claiming Alice Halloween Print was her first dream dress, in 2014-2015 she claims it was hospitality doll but also claims she really wanted to get into lolita when she was 10-11 which was before hospitality doll came out. She is so unbelievably full of it. I bet in two more years she'll be claiming she got into lolita in the 80s.

>> No.8232312

>I have a grasp on what styles do and don't work

haha... haha

>> No.8232316

Why would it generate butthurt when almost every other group allows and encourages noobs? Should we not have a space where we don't have to deal with the closet lolitas and the first time (for the thousandth time) noob questions like, 'Do I really need a petticoat?'

>> No.8232329

If you really have to ask why it would generate butthurt you're probably not experienced enough to be in such a community yourself.

>> No.8232332

because people will complain about elitist brandwhores.

>> No.8232333

Her deviantart is a goldmine btw.
So we at least know she was wearing handmade with Walmart lace from late 2008

>> No.8232334

I've dressed lolita for several years so I'm not a newbie or oldbie. Maybe I should have said 'why should it generate any more butthurt than Ita threads here or posts on BTB'? And since when has things generating butthurt ever stopped them from happening? I think there would be interest in that kind of group but I read that Lacebook will also be revived soon so that's a better type of place to have a 'beyond your first coord' type of thread than facebook.

>> No.8232337

But first coords can be bodyline and styled well, so not either applies? What's wrong with wanting to have one group that politely excludes noobs and gawkers?

>> No.8232355



>> No.8232363
File: 40 KB, 640x167, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I side-eyed the title too.
I also found her GaiaOnline where she admits she's only been wearing the fashion since 2007 but interested in since 2001.
Sorry finchy, 2007- whenever she started claiming this =/= 10+

>> No.8232370

So she's been lying for awhile then, in December 2008 "realizes" she can make lolita clothes. December 2008 still isn't 2007 and it sure as fuck isn't 2005. If she's basing her claims on "interest" and she got interested in 2001 that's what, 14 years? Yet she doesn't claim that probably because she knows how fucking stupid it sounds. Also contradicts her hospitality doll claim.

>> No.8232374

There's nothing wrong with it we're just saying a lot of people will get pissy, which is true

>> No.8232376

I started wearing "lolita" (plain shirts with lace sewn onto them, crappy short goth skirts and pulled-up trouser socks) when I was 13 and I'm 23 now but you don't see me claiming to have been wearing the actual fashion for ten years. It's no surprise she's including her ita stage (since she's still in it) but it looks like she's including her pre-ita stage as well.

>> No.8232382

Wonderfinch has always been full of poop.

>enables maikodolly's scam to continue by telling the community she has an inside source confirming that it's not a scam/all a mistake
>her inside source was talking to maikodolly + seeing that she wasn't, like, in jail so...

>Tumblr SJW who gets up in arms about SJW-y things
>loves, covets and buys Meta's Dark Secrets/Die Walkure set, even calling it 'infamous' so she knows about its history/implications

>gets called out for enabling maikodolly's scam with her bullshit
>cries about how this is making her so physically ill and she's so sick now, and people are just cruel and want her to faint in the post office like she did the last time she got called out for bullshit
>yet during this same time period she's posting a bunch of outfit photos, talking about how she's going x and y places, and so on

>> No.8232694

they don't, though, which is the point.

i can't get a job as a graphic designer saying I have 10 years of experience and include my refrigerator watercolor paintings from when I was 10

>> No.8232705
File: 244 KB, 481x926, uksales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for sales mods, they have a completely thankless task and are constantly dealing with morons.

>> No.8232709

Shoulda just given her the instructions of what to do:
>go to your ebay profile
>copy url
>paste in WTB post

>> No.8232737

most of them -are- morons though. you know damn well those fb groups are shit shows.

>> No.8233072

Seriously, what is this shit. Should have just banned her.

>> No.8233206

As someone that used to admin a non-lolita BST group on facebook, RL actually pisses me off the most--way to undermine an admin and question the rules in one comment. So rude. At least with the first person it's annoying, but it seems like someone who doesn't speak English well.

>> No.8233211

I had a hard time reading her posts because the way she says them sounds uneducated or possibly "ghetto"

>> No.8233218

This whole thread is mostly bitching about Wonderfinch...are we really so low on other drama right now?

>> No.8233219

Thank you Van comm for being lovely and not embarrassing to associate with

>> No.8233310

she's just too annoying to ignore

>> No.8234376

Wtf is up with that taobao argument on that big sisters group. Is the one girl full of shit or will taobao agents really sit there and translate entire listings for you?
Never mind that it's on a thread where OP has been given every resource and still wants to be spoonfed.

>> No.8234437

I'm not in the group so idk what's going on but

They will not translate entire listings, but I've had cases where I couldn't figure out what something meant, and they would clarify for me.

>> No.8234492

Did I miss something???

>> No.8234556

Nah it's still there. I wouldn't say "argument" but I don't understand how that Nancy can say a service will soft through multiple listings to find something you want. That makes no sense.

>> No.8235872
File: 448 KB, 450x292, 1420401106140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you don't have an Ebay or a LJ and none of your previous Etsy customers have left feedback because they fucking suck.

>> No.8235874

This girl is saying she doesn't have feedback of any kind and doesn't feel she needs it because she's buying, not selling.

>> No.8235972

Thanks for this research anon.

I'd been assuming this too.

Damn, if I include when I discovered/researched lolita I could say I'd been a lolita for five years. I've only been wearing lolita a year. There's a big fucking difference.

>> No.8235975

So if you take that at her word, she was exclusively offbrand/handmade, and shitty enough offbrand/handmade that she didn't include it in her wardrobe post, until 2009 when she actually got some proper lolita items.

>> No.8235979

And we also know from what she said there that she didn't have any "uber-expensive Japanese dresses" and it hadn't occurred to her to handmake anything until late 2008.

>> No.8235984

If she's as young as she sounds I can understand her not having other feedback. eBay needs to be tied to a PayPal account, which you need a bank account for...then again, if she doesn't have PayPal what the fuck does she expect to pay with on the Facebook sales?

>> No.8236066

It wouldn't even be a problem if she was just buying off other people's posts, the problem is that she posted a WTB.

>> No.8236158

Set up an eBay and buy something cheap from a seller. You'll probably get feedback.

>> No.8240962

You don't need to actually have feedback, you just need to list a goddamn feedback page.

>> No.8240976

According to their dA, they're 23. I think they're uh... mentally deficient. http://englandcosplayer.deviantart.com

>> No.8241044
File: 1023 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-04-10-11-37-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For sale in the UK sales comm. So rori

>> No.8241283
File: 349 KB, 599x1066, 1428677900485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has that even happened in the last year or so? I can shittalk the janitors all I want, but they don't leave those kinds of posts up.

>> No.8241297

In fairness this place is really aggressive. 4chan as a whole is pretty aggressive. There's no reservations here unless you're a tripfag with an identity at stake, or a good person who hasn't succumbed to treating people like shit despite anonymity.

>> No.8241806
File: 419 KB, 1080x1920, 2015-04-10 12.50.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But.... isn't it a wig....
why is she not correcting them...

>> No.8241810

>why is she not correcting them...
I think she's just trying to soak up as much popularity as she can, now. She knows people won't be as interested when they find out it's fake. Someone should ask her where she bought it, and see if she responds.

>> No.8241837

whaaaa, it's a wig? Source?

And I was over here jealous of her bc of my low density natural hair that can't do that shit, haha

>> No.8241843

Am I the only one who thinks the fro looks fucking ridiculous?
I mean I don't even care if it's a wig or not, it look ugly as hell.

>> No.8241849

When her first coord with it got super popular on Tumblr, she mentioned that it was a wig, but lately she's been trying to pass it off as being her real hair, it seems.

I was mad jelly at first, too, because my natural hair shrinks like a motherfucker, so I could never get an afro like that without some serious manipulation. (I'll have like eight inches of hair, and shit shrinks to about two.)

>> No.8241901
File: 1.35 MB, 960x720, wig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely a wig. I can't find where >>8241849
says she admits it, but here's two pictures of her from the same month.

>> No.8241909

damn. I am about to ask her where she got that hair from bc for being this old it still looks really nice lol

>> No.8241978

It's so obviously a wig in that photo... The reflection of the fibers is super obvious.

>> No.8242002

>why is she not correcting them
Because she gets a ton of compliments that are exactly like that on fb, tumblr, etc. Do you expect her to repeatedly say she's wearing a wig?

>> No.8242010

How long do you think it takes to type up, "It's a wig, but thanks!"? Especially since she seems to have no problem addressing the thousand other compliments that are just variations of, "Wow, I love this coord!"

>> No.8242183

Plenty of other people do so yeah

>> No.8244508

ffs why is everyone busting out their CDCs?

>> No.8244516

Why not? It's a popular print, collect and unrustle your jimmies.

>> No.8244620

Is complaining about the lack of black models Lockshop has becoming a thing now? I have seen multiple people complaining that they do not know how the wigs will look on them.
You do realise the shade of someones skin is more or less irrelevant to how a wig will look on them? Undertones are where it's at.

>> No.8244839

She mentioned this was a wig in another post about two months ago. Why does it matter!

>> No.8244921

Also that Lockshop is in Europe iirc... I'll admit I have no clue what the black population where Choke's located is, but Europe on the whole is a lot more homogenous...

>> No.8244952

Well the "I don't know how this will look on me" thing is clearly a jab at the lack of black models. Choke has said that she is looking for some, but there are no darker skinned people who wear jfashion in her area and she doesn't want to enlist random models.
I can understand that they might want models representative of their skin tone, but they should just say that rather than claiming that it is because they want to know how it would look on them when that is completely irrelevant.

>> No.8244971

The population in the Netherlands is mostly Dutch, other Europeans and people from North Africa (who are definitely NOT black)
I agree, they're making a fuss over nothing and this isn't America. Take your SJW shit elsewhere.

>> No.8244979

Chokelate was just in Houston for Anime Matsuri and could have easily arranged for some black Lolitas or even just regular black models for some product shots. Shame she didn't.

>> No.8245006

She should not have to arrange and seek out black models - when she needs models she can put out a casting call and pick from what is there. Chasing someone to do something based on race is creepy as fuck. And if she doesn't need any wigs modelled, I don't think she should need to retake pictures just so a few girls can be placated in their cries for diversity - race really doesn't play that much bearing in what colors and styles look good on an individual.

I think the ideal thing would be to set up a customer showcase of her wigs.

>> No.8245110

Agreed. Besides, she was way too fucking busy at AM to start grabbing at random dark skinned girls and trying to get them to model her products. And like you said, that would be weird...

Also, there were a couple of black models in the show. The girl who walked for AP wore a Lockshop wig. So there ya go. Pretty sure the girl in Boz (I think she was modeling Boz) was wearing a Lockshop wig as well? So there ya go. Two cases.

>> No.8245123

The girl who was in AP is a GLW muse. She couldn't wear LSW. Imagine if she did though LOL

The girl in Boz used her real hair.

>> No.8245128

She was in LSW lol

>> No.8245136

Seriously? I thought when you are a muse you have a binding contract to never model for any other wig brand. Anyone have pictures?

>> No.8245137

Im not black but I would be fucking creeped out if some random business owner said "Hi I really need you to model for me right now because you are black please, can you come do that with me so we can take some pics of you modelling my wigs? Ill pay you for it"

I cant imagine GLW would take black muses tbh, they don't think dark skin is doll-like enough.

>> No.8245154

Is this some pedo shit?

>> No.8245174
File: 97 KB, 591x344, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not of her but I have group pics and stood next to her and asked if they chose her wig or if she did.
Yeah the girl in Boz had some really nice natural curls.

>> No.8245214

From left to right:
- Lockshop, natural, lockshop X5, natural X3
- natural, lockshop, natural x2, lockshop, natural (and the kid natural too), lockshop, natural.

>> No.8245222

has that feminist lolita group quarantined all those crazy SJWs bitches? RC: Uncensored has been relatively normal lately

>> No.8245226

How do you know?
There haven't been any major SJW issues for them to go crazy about.

>> No.8245252

Asuka is wearing a wig and Maki had on extensions.

>> No.8245257

That sounds right to me. I thought maybe Midori was wearing a wig but I think her hair is just that perfect.

>> No.8245313

Using models with varied skin tones is very common in the beauty product industry, Julep shows every color of nail polish they sell on 2 skin tones, for instance.
But I agree customer showcase might be the best option for LSW, then it is up to who posts as long as they look nice. The only problem I see is like GLW, some customers looked pretty bad, despite the photo-shopping, for their customer showcase photos. I am not sure how many they rejected either with some they accepted looking pretty off.

>> No.8245731

They have a tag going on on Instagram for this purpose I guess, but it doesn't make a difference as pretty much 99% is white and the rest is asian.

>> No.8245836

No, it's Finland drama.

>> No.8245842

Aside from the clobba thing and modeling thing, there hasn't been much for the sjws to come out.

>> No.8245861

Clobbao thing?

>> No.8245894

Yeah, one girl got the wrong size and it was moldy. Krad said she measured herself wrong and now she's feeling triggered into relapsing her ED. It's on RC too

>> No.8245918

If she is the measurements she says she is, a Medium would be too small anyway.

>> No.8245922

She fits the listed measurements on Clobba's page. That size chart apparantly didn't mention the actual measurement of the dress was 6cm smaller?

>> No.8245924

that's fucking disgusting

>> No.8245936

Yeah, Clobbao neglected that. Apparently they also lied to paypal saying that the dress was custom ordered when it wasn't.
She just got her refund after being on the phone with a paypal supervisor.

>> No.8245938

She says she's 90/70, the website measurements for M are 92/72. 2cm of ease isn't really enough, especially if there will be a blouse under. If she would have ordered a larger size in the first place this wouldn't have happened

>> No.8245945

>implying that paypal doesn't just hand out refunds to any and everyone with enough bitching

>> No.8245954

But it was Krad who said she was too large for the dress size (which she is) not Clobbao

>> No.8245957

lrn2quote reply, newfag

>> No.8245985

Oh my god Kate is such a drama queen. It's perfectly alright for her to shit all over other people but someone so much as BREATHES funny near her and she's all tears and triggers.

>> No.8246035

They all act like whiny children. Are they even out of high school yet?

>> No.8246209

To be fair, clobba's site does only say you should account for 1-2 cm of ease so it could be a noob mistake, esp since some brands list body measurements and some list garment measurements and you're never sure which is which.

>> No.8246489

To be fair she says she measured the dress laid flat and it is the size of the size small measurements, and the zipper was sewn into the seam or something so it wouldn't go up.

>> No.8246500

To be fair I don't understand why the size is the biggest problem for her, when she says the dress is fucking MOLDY. That's the real problem right there!!

>> No.8246501

It turns out that the size was correct but Clobba didn't translate the rest of the size chart that said what size the wearer should be. So that kind of sucks, but still such a melodramatic cunt.

>> No.8246520

she said it SMELLED moldy. which, IMHO is quite different. I wash everything I get from China and toss all the packaging since I get a very mild allergic reaction to whatever it comes in contact with in transit.

>> No.8246536

Are you sure? Because down the thread it kind o mentions a pic of the mold. But I kind of skimmed.

>> No.8246546
File: 43 KB, 436x192, Screen Shot 2015-04-12 at 4.27.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the OP said it just smelled, someone mentioned pics of mold, but think they were being facetious.

>> No.8246593

Does anyone know why the feedbacks community was abandoned since January 30?

>> No.8246647

I dislike her on the "omg my dress is too small it's triggering me" shit, but on the moldy messed up dress part she has my sympathy. Clobba fucked up.

>> No.8247380

That is a legitimate trigger though. Not like one of those "dead animals make me feel sad, I am triggered" but it could very easily make her feel fat and disgusting, so she won't eat until she fits into the dress.
In Japan they say "don't eat 'till you fit it" was my mantra for a very long time.

>> No.8247432

If a company mailing you the wrong size dress is a trigger, I hope to hell you have a good therapist because, seriously, that is some intense-level ED. Speaking as someone recovered ED. I could see the dress only being offered in one size ala Moitie being a trigger, but not getting mailed a size small by accident.

>> No.8247456

Agreed. Even if she IS that triggered sharkng such a weak moment with everyone makes me think she's still reaping the 'reward' of attention her ED gives her. Part of recovery is not puling this kind of shit

>> No.8247458

She didn't though, she ordered the medium and it is too small because their sizing is off.
It is actually a medium and the tags say so, she just doesn't want to admit it because she feels like that means she is fat.
And she fits into some moitie, she is wearing it in her profile pic.

>> No.8247465

Wrong, please see: >>8246501

The dress was the exact size it was supposed to be, but Clobba didn't translate over that part from Krad's Website. The measurements on Clobba were the garment measurements not the measurements of the person that was supposed to wear the dress.

>> No.8247468

thanks for clarifying.

>> No.8247472

Uhhh, I never said she didn't fit in Moitie? It was just an example of an item that is often size restricted. She measured it and the sizing is fucked up, it measured as a small size on the chart. It is a factory fuck up having a medium tag. She HERSELF said it is actually a size small dress just with a medium tag. Cut the whiteknighting.

>> No.8247475

Again, see >>8246501

The dress was sized correctly! But the Clobba put the garment measurements on their site, not the maximum measurements for the person that should wear that size. THAT information was on Krad's website.

>> No.8247481

Oh that's a newer development (I'm >>8247472 )
. Still also stupid and she's attention whoring her ED, which is the tumblr way of dealing with triggers, not the way an adult seriously working on it does.

>> No.8247482

you're the one white-knighting.

>> No.8247484
File: 15 KB, 515x146, 10615421_673110072800964_4246994373371247764_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from Krad's website. The bottom numbers state what the person's maximum measurement should be for the M size. Which is well within the range she measured.

>> No.8247485

Not they're not you're not following the thread properly

>> No.8247486

Wtf? I'm the one calling her a whiny attentionwhore. Damn that's bad if I'm all she's got to WK

>> No.8247489

>well within range
>1-2cm difference from max
sure, anon, sure.

>> No.8247496

She's 90/70, that says she needs to be 86/66cm

>> No.8247504

Please see: >>8247496

She was over the maximum size for what she needed to fit the M size. Just because the garment measured 92/72 does not mean that a 92/72 person fits.

>> No.8247535


Seriously you guys, who gives a shit? The dress came from the manufacturer with defects. I will never drop 200$ for a defective dress from a bad shipper.

This is why I would 100X rather buy major Japanese brand. I've never had these issues with them.

If you google Clobba reviews, you can see the awful shit they do. Just saying, my recommendation is that no one buys from them. They've got a ton of bad rep.

>> No.8247540

It didn't though, also you should look up the stories about the baby shoes and see how much better they are.

>> No.8247544

>implying clobb is a manufacturer

The dress came from Krad which has a really fantastic reputation. Yes there was a slight issue with the zipper but it did not affect her ability to zip it up and down. Other than that the dress was made exactly how it was supposed to be.

>> No.8247624

>but they should just say that rather than claiming that it is because they want to know how it would look on them when that is completely irrelevant.

Exactly. Notice how these same people (coughwonderfinchcough) have never bothered the Japanese brands about needing black models because otherwise she won't know how the colors look against her skin tone.

>> No.8247661


Uhhh... You can clearly see... even in the shitty pictures that the zipper is sewn into itself. It's really obvious.The fabric is overhiding the zipper because if you were to zip up with that much excess fabric, it would catch. That's something she didn't even complain about.

I'm not blind.

Also, Baby's shoes really aren't what I shop for. Or AP for that matter. I pretty much hate brand shoe styles. I like their dresses, headdresses and blouses, and that's about it. Their tights don't fit my thighs and neither their shoes don't fit my feet (on top of their shoes not being the cutest imo), so I have no experience there.

With the dresses though, I've always had good experiences, and the accessories I do buy from them have been phenomenal quality.

>> No.8247697

Ironically, the dress I have with the shittiest zipper is my Moitie jsk.

>> No.8247827

It's not just lolita brand shoes, but Japanese shoes in general, which tend to be rather mediocre quality for the high price. What's the point of cute, expensive shoes if they fall apart in three months' time? The size ranges are narrow there, too; women's shoe sizes only go up to US size 8, and men's shoe sizes go up to US size 10.

If you're a woman living in Japan and you happen to have feet bigger than US size 8, you either will have to try to squeeze in men's shoes (which are heavy and not cute) or buy shoes from abroad (which can get expensive).

>> No.8247838

She said she was unable to zip it up, anon...

>> No.8248114

Wonderfinch is tan as best, I know a lot of white people that get to her skint one in the summer, if LSW got a black model WF still wouldn't know what it looks like on her skintone. Black =/= one color

>> No.8248120

how big are your fucking thighs anon? i'm 5'10 and can fit burando tights just fine. and i'm all leg and no stick.

>> No.8248341

You sure it's not the "dirty replica" she can't get rid of that her fat ugly ass is wearing?

>> No.8248447

Most dept stores have a 26cm+ section

>> No.8248573
File: 534 KB, 991x509, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This group is a fucking cringefest.

>> No.8248575
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>> No.8248579
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also kek at the comments

>> No.8248593
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>> No.8248596

Antoinette is so patronizing hell and why is she using the big sister tag really

>> No.8248616

Maybe anon is a little chubby. I'm 158cm (I think it's 5'2) and brand otk start to be too tight over my knees, so I guess brand tights will never fit me. Though I have a 70cm waist and 93cm bust and can fit into many brand dresses well. But yes I don't fit into european medium size of tights as well, I guess their sizing is quite similar.

>> No.8248674

I hate when lolitas try to be edgy by wearing coords to inappropriate events. You just look like a fucking idiot.

>> No.8248703

Come on, guys... At least she is posting here for help instead of on CoF like some of the trainwrecks that think they know everything.

>> No.8248707

That fucking superiority complex in the comment

>> No.8248709

Isn't her name Samantha?

Why do Lolitas have these weird pseudonyms?

>> No.8248732

Because she has a god complex, I thought they changed it so only a few chosen people could use the big sister tag
I heard that she Legally changed her name or something

>> No.8248809

Don't you know she was dressing in lawleetahhh as a toddler?

>> No.8248815

And yeah I heard she changed it too, but I've heard a lot of things about this child so who knows what is what

>> No.8248836

She's located in Germany currently.
Europe in general is pretty white. Obviously there are black people in Germany, but the lolita community seems to be overwhelmingly white. I'm sure she could just hire a random black model, but that's probably not what she wants.

>> No.8248849

What's your leg circumference? I'm 5'8" and not thin (read: fatty) and brand tights and otks fit my thighs fine, although they tend to be a little short.

>> No.8248862

Apparently the dress she received had the measures for size S, so it's sort of a moot point. They didn't even send a 90/70 dress.

>> No.8249031

I swear you gulls don't know how to read.

>> No.8249225

AGH all of the people on RC complaining about "transmisogyny". I support being trans but you do realise that people DO have a right to judge you, and if you purposefully make an effort not to pass I am not sure what you expect to happen.
Also that fucking whinging about truscum. Jesus christ - I don't think I have ever seen anyone with actual dysphoria who supports the idea that being trans is a choice and people can do what they want with their genders.

>> No.8249465

I saw "truscum" and stopped reading. Absolutely fucking disgusting. I hate that this is what our community has come to babbling about. I hate that I have to specify "biological" sex if I'm talking about someone's gender for clothes. I hate that I'm seen as a racist if I say that Emma from RC:Uncensored was a crusty cunt. I hate that people even bitch about lack of representation of PoC. Fuck you, put yourself out there if you want representation, bitch. But no, you can't, you're a tragic cisgendered white-privileged feminist who needs to protect all of our social rights to be retarded uwu

God, my jimmies are so fucking rustled.

>> No.8249612

I'm on RC and I only thing i see is girls having an idea of dressing lolita in church with all the other little girls dressed up.

>> No.8249621

I'm hardcore truscum and I'm not at all surprised that the lolita community is full of queer theory shitlords. Literally every single one of my IRL trans friends hates genderspecials and sees them as an active detriment to protecting the rights of transsexuals.

OP of that thread is either a troll or a fucking idiot.

>> No.8249738

Also "truscum" anon. People these days think you're "genderqueer" because you wear pants sometimes and throw your hair in a cap. It's ludicrous. I hate seeing that shit trickle into lolita. I hate that pointing out that being trans isn't a choice and that genders aren't accessories is considered *~*bigotry*~*

I just want a comm where we can dress well, be cute, occasionally talk shit, and drink coffee/tea/booze. Trans people, brolitas, etc. are all welcome--but nobody is being put on a fucking pedestal.

>> No.8249917

>I hate when lolitas try to be edgy by wearing coords to inappropriate events.

How is her dress inappropriate for the event?

>> No.8249933

Emma is not a crusty cunt, she is just a racist piece of shit. She tries to justify it by saying "you can only be prejudiced towards white people", but the only people who use this argument are white people who constantly talk about how they are privileged, or racist "PoC" who use their race as a pity tactic. She has backed off on that behaviour, luckily.
Lack of representation is an issue but it pisses me off to no end when people blame "whitewashing" for the "lack of PoC models in lolita media", when most of the models are Japanese - which is "PoC" by the SJW definition - and the lack of darker skinned people is completely the fault of the Japanese, who are pretty racist themselves. Living in a country which is 98.5% ethnic Japanese they probably don't have anything else to compare to though.

I think that unless you have experienced dysphoria it is very hard to understand why someone would be truscum. The anti truscum people do not understand. Their emphasis on pronouns rather than changing gender is what pisses me off most, because it defeats the entire point of transitioning to save yourself from the horrible feelings of dysphoria. They do it because they think gender is just an identity, but it is directly linked to a persons biology (there have been studies that prove this). The whole "I have a vagina and boobs, and I feel very comfortable with those, but you have to call me by muh male pronouns because I ~identify~ with them" spiel hurts trans rights in ways they cannot imagine. I am trans, but I keep trying to talk myself out of it because I do not wanted to be associated with those idiots. I don't care about darn pronouns, I don't need other people to validate what I already know.

>> No.8249982

do you see what those other girls are wearing? looks like they're out dancing or at a nice restaurant or something like that
sweet Lolita isnt exactly what you should wear to those occasions. Also, her friend suggested not to wear it. You should have the common curtesy to wear something toned down when out with people who aren't used to the attention that this fashion draws

>> No.8250006

>looks like they're out dancing or at a nice restaurant
They look like typical bar skanks. honestly the weird lolita probably gives a better impression than any of these women who look like typical daft hoes. Idk how to explain it but it's kind of like a group of rats complaining about flies in their midst making them look bad.

>> No.8250014

This is what happens when people fucking wear alternative fashion. Its clothing, not some damn costume you can only wear to cons.

>> No.8250030

All I'm saying is she could have dressed more appropriately for the venue. This looks like a fairly classy get-together, classic or gothic or even more mature sweet would have been much more acceptable.
Regardless of if someone is wearing an alt-fashion or not it's a simple matter of dressing for the occasion

>> No.8250059

>classy get-together
Half of them are wearing mini skirts and have their shirts tied or are wearing shirts that are cut to show off their midriffs. It's not skanky or anything, but it's definitely not classy.

>> No.8250061

*tips maxipad*

>> No.8250130

Yeah I used to be a weird goth bitch but even I toned that shit down for clubbing because it wasnt appropriate for that situation/venue/crowd . She's a "little sister" noob, it's not like she has a ton of lolita clothes and no normalfag wear. She made a point to wear sweet lolita to what looks like a club and I'm willing to bet she made a huge fucking deal out if it and all of her friends were cringing at her tryhard shit.

>> No.8250189
File: 236 KB, 449x499, 1428194646026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this world coming to when I feel bad for her skanktrash friends

>> No.8250481



>> No.8250498

Probably arda. They had(have?) and android wig in many natural colors and it was fucking massive.

>> No.8250530

*Afro wig.
Why auto correct. Why.

>> No.8250547

Which thread is that? I don't see it.

>> No.8250631

RC: Uncensored on facebook

>> No.8250654
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It doesn't start of ass church, however it does progress

>hence to be continued

>> No.8250660
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>> No.8250663
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>> No.8250729

> People who see their children as dolls to dress
Don't know who to call first CPS or cringe police

>> No.8250737
File: 12 KB, 283x302, tktm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loli dresses
>a mini loli

>> No.8250782

Well I for one think it is sweet.

>> No.8250811
File: 386 KB, 1270x800, kaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of that photography series where the photographer took pictures of a child's bedroom. The Japanese one is amazing..

>> No.8251059

It's sweet if someone wants their child to be dressed in cute clothes, but refering to your child as a doll (not as in "aw, isn't she cute?", but as in she is a real-life doll) and a loli is creepy. If you want to dress something up like a doll, get a BJD not a baby. You can dress it up all you want and treat it like it is, a doll.

"She very much enjoys being my little doll" No, she probably likes it when she can play dress-up with mommy, not be carted around and shown off like she's a toy.

>> No.8251157

I certainly don't remember ever seeing anything like that. Generally black lolitas seem pretty well received on /cgl/ aside from one or two troll posts.

>> No.8251782
File: 99 KB, 442x963, Does she even wear lolita....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chicken tries so hard to fit in but she's annoying as fuck and just looks stupid as hell in the end. And seriously, does she even wear lolita? I'm legit curious.

>> No.8251896

I could be remembering wrong, but I think she might only have a few/couple of dresses. Either way, a newfag.

>> No.8251897
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>> No.8251921
File: 15 KB, 491x222, 42fd42fg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone seeing this on RC?

>> No.8251928

Yep. Reading and laughing. Gotta love Chanel.

>> No.8251933

My civil opinion is that she should stop feeling entitled to having things she can't pay for before other people who can pay for them do.

>> No.8251938

I just came here to post this, lol. I love how whenever she posts a topic people call her out on her weird ideas/opinions/stories and then she inevitably edits her post/tells others not to "bash" her orr in the case of her last thread with that crazy story about the AP SF store, she baleets it. (unless a mod did that)

>> No.8251941

And she deleted it.

>> No.8251947
File: 340 KB, 600x900, 1420248640541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw it and wondered when it would be posted to cgl

>> No.8251952

I bet it was her. Seems right up her alley.

>> No.8251953
File: 86 KB, 786x384, el oh el.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL guess I predicted it right as I was typing cause I went back to check it she deleted it.

I'm highly amused by the way her threads go. Post stupid opinion, get told she's being idiotic, get annoyed that no one shares the same idea, deletes after a slew of people disagree.

>> No.8251986

Annoying that fake fro-chan gets asspats when natural hair-chan will most likely get told to wear a straight fucking wig.

>> No.8252030

They are well received however /pol/ sometimes picks up on stuff. I remember that thread, one anon was posting pics of monkeys in dresses and everyone else was telling them to shut the fuck up.

>> No.8252279

>Damn, if I include when I discovered/researched lolita I could say I'd been a lolita for five years. I've only been wearing lolita a year. There's a big fucking difference.

It makes me think of all the old secrets when loli-secrets was still a thing, where girls would be like 'I don't dress lolita but I FEEL like a lolita!!'. Makes me laugh because its a fashion, not an emotion or something.

>> No.8252337

Yeah, that turn of phrase bothers me too.

>> No.8252344

She sounds really creepy.

>> No.8252471

Ugh I miss all the good drama. Any more screencaps before it was deleted?

>> No.8252497
File: 40 KB, 391x600, 1356623804808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so apparently Clobba girl is calling the police because a friend of Clobba posted the same information Clobba girl posted earlier up (resolution of the paypal claim) only mentioned that Clobba wasn't charged for her refund.

>> No.8252501

You both sound idiotic saying this. Have you even been anywhere in Europe? I'm not black but in big cities there is definitely a lot of black, south asian people etc. And not every white person is actually pale you know... I'm olive skinned with yellow undertones and its very hard for me to know what a wig will look like on me. I don't really care about Lockshop having diverse models but don't claim everyone in Europe has porcelain skin lol.

>> No.8252511

Where did she post about this, RC?

>> No.8252514

I hate when people say loli anyway, but this is about her kid and it makes it a million times creepier.

>> No.8252520

Well the one woman says her kid is the one who's wanting to go. Assuming she doesn't drag him to a very long meet with no food and nothing to do, it should go fine. Considering he wants to go, he'll probably be one of those kids who likes the attention or being around a bunch of other women.

Not all kids are monsters. It's actually quite easy to raise most kids to behave well as long as the situation is reasonable.

>> No.8252531

Wait wut?

>> No.8252536
File: 23 KB, 482x398, wtfclobbagirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, on rufflechat

>> No.8252549

If they have proof of her posting the information herself then does she actually have anything to go on here?

>> No.8252556

And guess who's instigating the "truscum"-phobia?

Lesbian Lolita. Fucking bitch.

I seriously don't get the term "truscum". Did transtrenders make up that term because they know for a fact that being trans isn't a choice, so they try to invalidate them in return? Yes, being trans has been proven again and again that it is not a choice and that it's biological. It's. Not. A. Fucking. Fashion. Accessory. People like them are the reason why my state is close to approving a bill to create segregated bathrooms at public school for trans people.


>> No.8252577

I just read it and the "personal info" is basically that she got the money back from PayPal and not from Clobba's wallet. It looks like someone told Clobba dude that Kate got a refund and he didn't know anything about it and told the person that PayPal probably did it as a customer service thing because he didn't have any money taken from him. Person comes back defending Clobba on RC and they flip that he's sharing the personal info about her case to people (that she already told about??), even though it appears he didn't even KNOW about her getting money back before the person told him.

And Linda brought up the police and law a few times in the discussion.

>> No.8252582

Idk what people are using the term truscum for now, but really it was a term trans people created to call out people who tried to narrowly define being trans as a medical condition that needed dysphoria to be valid. Which cant be backed up in any sense because the medical community has specifically changed their wording in the DSM away from that kind of interpretation.

It was never about if trans was a choice or not, it was about if you needed to be in a certain amount of discomfort in your body (and therefore want to transition) to be trans or not.

>> No.8252583

I'm not sure how to feel. On one hand, Invie was being kind of cunty and contrarian and whiteknighting clobba really hard for no apparent reason, on the other hand calling the police over something like this is a 100% overreaction and super silly.

>> No.8252595

>100% overreaction and super silly.

Are you fucking surprised?

>> No.8252597

Yeah, it was created by transtrenders and queerios to shit on transexuals who use the dysphoria criteria, and now the transexuals who were shat on are reclaiming it as a title.

>> No.8252600

This is my theory:
The people who created "truscum" are a bunch of transphobes pretending to be transgendered so they can mock and hurt our issues in whatever ways they can. It is a lot like how people used to blackface to promote blacks as being unintelligent/lazy.This is why all they do is cut their hair short and bind/wear opposite gender clothing. They never take hormones or have surgery, because those are irreversible and they don't see anything wrong with their bodies - so why change?
They use being "transgendered" as leverage to get what they want (which is usually making people think we are narcissistic, play the pity card at every turn, and CHOOSE to be the way we are), and when they get it they will revert back to being "cis" (which they were the whole fucking time) - hurting us even more in the process.
Proof of this is blacklipstickbuxomboy or however you spell it (the face of "die cis scum", pic related) who, after explicitly saying that it is fine to threaten and harass cis people because of their "privilege" - thus setting trans folks back a lot in the eye of the internet - said being trans is just a phase, and then deleted all of their media.
So they do things to hurt us while pretending to be us, then go "surprise, Im not one of them!" which is just another slap in the face. If you say anything to contradict them, they throw insults at you and say that being trans IS a choice, the same thing transphobic people do.

Granted they will vehemently deny this - but wouldn't you if you are a radical person trying to get your way?

>> No.8252605
File: 319 KB, 400x400, mesmashpatriarchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic. Crappy 'shop, but this is why I love /lgbt/ so much.
"me kill cissies"

>> No.8252609

Remind me to never interact with Kate, Linda, or Persie. Kates a drama queen and Linda and Persie were really quick to jump on the "illegal" and getting the police involved. They sound like the kind of people who would sue people for being "meanies". Kate got her fucking money, case closed.

>> No.8252618
File: 138 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this the right thread but surprised this isn't here already.

>> No.8252626

I am pretty sure Linda and Persie were the instigators behind that "raid" or whatever against Jenna, so yea that makes sense

Wow, this is so fucking tacky. Why wouldn't she save herself the embarrassment and just sell the skirt after winning it (if she wins it)

>> No.8252628

Found the fatties in that entitlement thread on RC.
>Girl posts arguably valid opinion that replicas are entitlement.
>Cue personal attacks about not telling people how to spend their money or take care of their bodies.

Kek these girls are too much some days

>> No.8252636

She risks negative feedback but why doesn't she just message the seller to redact her bid? Asking someone else to buy it so tacky and weird.

>> No.8252637
File: 220 KB, 476x970, screenshot-www facebook com 2015-04-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, this is rude as fuck.

>> No.8252640

You beat me to it anon.

>> No.8252644

That's a bit too tinfoil hat. From what I've seen and experienced, it seems to be much more similar to back in the myspace days (my jr.high days) when everyone thought they were depressed and suicidal when in reality the vast majority of them were going through the same identity confusion that everybody goes through.

In this sense there's a lot of girls(boys as well, but I'll focus on girls atm since transtrending girls seem to be more common, and since I'm not a boy I can't give as much input with the thought process though they should be similar) who feel uncomfortable with their bodies. This can be for a lot of reasons like they feel they're ugly/fat and get rejected as they are socially, or maybe they get too much attention on their body, or maybe their general personality dislikes "feminine" things and images, etc. and thus they internalize those feelings and reject the "feminine ideal".
Typically this will manifest as girls who dress tomboyish or in frumpy clothing because they're uncomfortable with themselves. This along with social rejection will usually make kids around 12+ want to find the group that they can "fit in" and as things are now that tends to be in online forums and websites.
So basically you get this kid whose insecure and trying to figure themselves out, they see the praise and attention certain things get from large social groups online and may end up conforming to whatever it is that's getting the positive attention, and maybe they identify with some of it(in the case of Emo's it would basically be they weren't popular with the "in" crowd, they liked things others didn't like, maybe things were rough at home etc but they didn't actually have xyz mental illness, they self diagnose and list it on their profile because it'll bring attention to them. The more it gets fed, the worse it becomes for that person).
Kind of like Otherkin.

>> No.8252670

Seriously. Kate and Emma are rude and hateful bitches, but it seems like Linda and Persie are the secretive and conniving ones. Wouldn't shock me if they had instigated much of the SJW shit.

>> No.8252677

i don't think it's that rude, if no one outbids her she obviously either has to go through with the sale or try to negotiate with the seller anyway
she's just hoping she lucks out and someone else who wants the skirt will outbid her?
sometimes sellers don't take kindly to people asking stuff like that (rightly so) so she probably wants to see if she can sort it out herself first

>inb4 bricked

>> No.8252690
File: 179 KB, 500x1919, entitled chanel - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky you I got it all.

>> No.8252725
File: 681 KB, 1119x610, FAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see what Jo Dee looks like. Because I'm imagining pic related

>> No.8252729

She posted it in the regular Lolita Sales as well but it has no comments.

>> No.8252735

Isn't she some oddball sjw from scotland? I feel like a while ago someone posted her tumblr. Or am I totally mixing her up with someone else

>> No.8252739
File: 121 KB, 325x484, Mimi_Bobeck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure Jo was on the Drew Cary Show a few years back.

>> No.8252753

Its like Raleigh got into replicas and changed her name to Angel.

>> No.8252758

ilu, anon

>> No.8252773

Can she please learn to fucking type, her posts are so difficult to read. I feel like I'm getting out of breath with this lack of full stops.

>> No.8252782

I don't care how much of a tinfoil hat thing it is, I believe it is true - and I am not normally one for conspiracy theories, but this one makes sense to me.
Those people push the EXACT ideas of transphobes, but under the guise of being trans.It is toxic and I think it is stemming from some anti-trans group who has realised the powers oppressed people hold on tumblr. Rather than being transphobic, they are "real trans people" and since they are oppressed everyone needs to take their opinions seriously and defend them. It is very possible to sway anyone - not just gullible teenagers - to your will by offering them help or acceptance in some way.

All any group has to do is set up a bunch of troll accounts with their hateful viewpoints under the guise of inclusivity, relate it to some buzzword topics like "patriarchy". Maybe set up a separate tumblr or two that posts content specifically aimed at gaining a large following, and then after a while have this tumblr begin to reblog shit from your troll tumblrs. Some readers will jump on this, guaranteed. There you have it, your own personal army that will start gaining in numbers. People on tumblr rarely verify facts, and if you tell them that anyone who believes something other than the information they have been told is hateful and misogynistic/sexist/racist/adultist/buzzword, they will block out that information because the worst thing to them is being called one of those words.

An example of the logic that could be used to sway innocent tumblrinas to hateful views: The patriarchy forces us into gender normatives so we should smash this by creating our own genders - stop letting them make decisions for us. We should choose what we identify as and who we are, gender is a choice. Anyone who says otherwise is hateful and transphobic. They are also sexist by saying that you need to fit into a gender role based on your genitalia, or that you can only transition to the opposite pre-prescribed gender.

>> No.8252796
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>> No.8252823

Fingers are too big.

>> No.8252830

Anyone get caps?

>> No.8252833

Considering most of the transtrenders are between the ages of 14-20, yeah I don't think it's a anti-trans conspiracy

They're separate things anon.
One is a bunch of teenagers trying to stand out, maybe confused and insecure on an internet forum.
A bunch of teenagers aren't making a trans/genderconspiracy for some ultimate hate driven goal.

>> No.8252847
File: 3 KB, 430x45, okaythen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha alright, "Angel."

>> No.8252852

> be anti-trans cultist
>offer refuge/acceptance to confused teenagers
>slowly change their viewpoints to suit will
>watch work unfold and grow as teenagers preach "gender is a choice, now choose to join us and be special and unique!"

>> No.8252857

Can she take Jo & Kati K with her?

>> No.8252861
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Thread is still up but here.

>> No.8252862

And kate, emma, linda, and persie

>> No.8252863
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Wow, I didn't realize how fugly my shitty MS Paint censoring was. Sorry, gulls. This bit made me chuckle, too.

>> No.8252864

Yep I found it, thanks anon!

>> No.8252866

Lawd, we could fill an ark

>> No.8252867

No, Your anti-trans people are the ones who are either picketing and saying you're going to hell, or the same shit in highschool gay/minority would go through in a racist/homophobic area.
There is no grand conspiracy. Transtrenders are shit and don't realize the damage they do, but they aren't what you think they are,
Please go and talk about your paranoia with your psych.

>> No.8252873

Everyone was so patient with that cunt. I hope she does fuck off back to cosplay with that attitude.

>> No.8252874

Seconding this. Honestly, I feel like most transtrenders just wanna fit in and be special/unique. That's why they think every facet of their personality needs a label and why they think they're "breaking the binary" by identifying as genderqueer when in actuality they're re-enforcing the gender binary even harder. Kek.

This is OT as fuck, but I just get so irritated by this shit. So many young, impressionable people are getting sucked into this and it just hurts to watch.

>> No.8252881

The worst part for me is that a number of them very well may go on to get surgery/ hormones they will later regret. In fact I already know someone who is getting top surgery done who identifies as non binary. I hope they are really doing what they want.

I just don't want their stories to then be used to stop actual trans people from getting the treatment they need.

>> No.8252889

Yeeeah I actually have a friend who was really deep into that, started to transition, and has been detransitioning for the last two years. It fucked her up, physically and mentally. It took a long time for her to come to terms with the fact that she could be gender nonconforming without being a trans man. I hope that for a lot of these teens and young adults, it's just a phase mingled with some insecurity and that they'll embrace their differences without resorting to drastic--and possible irreversible--measures.

>> No.8252896

And who told them that gender is a choice they can make in the first place?
It is a transphobic ideology. This was started and shared around by transphobic people, wether they are intentionally transphobic or just retarded.
Doesn't matter the motives behind it.

>> No.8252897

That shit is so fucked. It's already hard enough for people with severe dysphoria to actually realize and embrace the change, many suicide cases are because their dysphoria remains even though they've transitioned 100%(sort of like anorexics).

>> No.8252900

Shit, best wishes to your friend. That sucks so hard.

I was hate-reading a genderqueer friend of a friend's blog, and the tags on some of the pictures said everything you need to know is wrong with that way of thinking

>I look too cis today ugh
>gotta look cis in front of the parents!

>> No.8252901

No one told "them"

>> No.8252903

ugh my comm is so cringy sometimes... They are already posted like twice in this thread and the ita thread

>> No.8252906


>> No.8252910

Someone started this movement. Someone said "gender is a choice" and told other people, who decided to follow that persons viewpoint for fear of looking like they are oppressing them. The majority of transtrenders may not be part of this movement, but I am sure that the original ones were transphobic based purely on their beliefs.
>captcha just made me say bowls of edamame and rice are sushi

>> No.8252920

Bruh the captcha made me have an argument with myself about the difference between spaghetti and pasta.

And yeah, I agree that someone started this shit for selfish reasons. It didn't materialise out of nowhere: someone wanted to push this ideology for a reason, and I strongly suspect that reason was transphobic.

>> No.8252933

>someone started this shit for selfish reasons. It didn't materialise out of nowhere: someone wanted to push this ideology for a reason, and I strongly suspect that reason was transphobic.
That was what I was trying to say the whole time. Less of a tinfoil hat thing, the motives behind the original "anti truscum" were transphobic. It may have been one person or many.

And for all of the people saying that the transphobes I am looking for are the ones who picket and say it is against god, you clearly have never trawled the deep web, been to pol or been on any other "unsavoury" sites.

>> No.8252934

Or the reason was the simple and common "they wanted attention and don't understand the thing they're talking about"
You sound like lunatics when you think a literal social trend came out because of hate and not because people, especially teenagers, are dumb and don't really understand some of the things they do

>> No.8252938

Nah, Emma and her precious brand (I saw her mention somewhere when they were talking about Haenuli that she liked her stuff, but refused to buy it because she ONLY buys brand) wouldn't lower herself to be around white replica-chans

>> No.8252943

We could send her on her rocket to some far-off planet to be away from the nasty white folks, just like she has always said she wants.
She is the definition of elitist brandwhore if I ever saw one.

>> No.8252950

Isn't she a furry too? Some anon said that previously

>> No.8252956

Supposedly, but she isn't one of the creepy ones. She has enough else going for her.

Also >>8252943 pic related.

>> No.8252958
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>> No.8252983

That's mildly creepy

>> No.8252997

>doesn't like capitalist whites for taking what isn't theirs and invading other peoples land
>wants to colonise shit
Good fucking going. For someone who is against colonialists she sure spews a lot of shit.

>> No.8253003

Gotta admit that that is indeed a book I would read though

>> No.8253019

>Whites destroyed the planet
>SE Asia
Nah man that blame is equal. Fucking racists. If Africa ever industrializes they'll be just as fucking guilty. I don't care what the color of your skin is, polluting is polluting.

>> No.8253022

I really REALLY want to know what the blacklipstickbuxomboy girl is up to these days. I've seen the video and heard that she eventually grew out of her trans phase but I want to know every detail about her. She sounds like a lolcow.

>> No.8253024

But she lives in America. She can't look at world issues outside of her own country, anon... Are you crazy? That would be a ridiculous thing to do, because everyone knows that America is the world!

>> No.8253036

People only mostly like it for the style. Afros are rare in Lolita. Fake or not I doubt pp would care enough to change there mind on there option of the style.

>> No.8253084

Isn't she Canadian?

>> No.8253092

Kek, yeah she lives in Toronto

>> No.8253097

Same fucking thing, both are pretty focused on their own issues.

>> No.8253098

She lives in Canada you asswipe. But either way, she sounds like she has no idea whats going on outside her own continent.

>> No.8253129

Sorry, meant to say northern America.
This is what I was talking about. You people who live in the USA think that it is the WHOLE America. America is a continent, not a darn country.

>> No.8253240

I'm not in the states, but usually people mean "The United states of america" when they say America, and for "North America" they say North America. That's why I asked if she was Canadian cause I thought she was.

>> No.8253252


>> No.8253263

>America is a continent
>one continent

It's funny because there's also this giant thing you're forgetting about called South America.

>> No.8253287

Wuh wuh wuh THE AMERICAS
Are you happy?

It is only north Americans who have the issue though.

>> No.8253322
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>> No.8253323
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>> No.8253652

I was trying to figure out who she reminded me of, you are so right.

I hope she posts more, I need amusement.

>> No.8253706

Depends upon where you're from--it's taught as being one continent in some cultures and two in others.

>> No.8253809

Wasn't there a blog on Tumblr at one point that did exactly this? They often preached these radical ideologies like "all cis males must die" and other things and had people actually believe and reblog them. Then they came out one day and they basically said, "Just kidding, guys! (No but seriously though, if you unironically believed us, then you need help)" Anyone know who I'm talking about? A friend of mine mentioned it to me, but she didn't mention the blog name.

>> No.8253951

You know, I kind of agree with you. I've seen this to some extent with fake feminists on twitter.

>> No.8253970

I agree with you. Gamergate eventually figured out there's actually a think tank behind pushing a lot of feminist ideas in public and specifically in games. I think there are one or more similar entities out there with a right wing agenda. So much of this stuff started roughly the same time, I don't think it's a coincidence. All you really have to do is come up with an idea that makes sense and push it in the right place.

Yes my tin foil hat is in place, thanks

>> No.8254233

I blame /pol/

>> No.8254351

Really? I'd be fascinated in seeing that. I'm not normally one for conspiracy theories, but I want to make this one a legit thing because it's less crazy than others - we have seen the same things happen before. I'm not one to stand on the sidelines and watch and wait until someone else figures it out.
Recently I was reading a book about cults and this movement reminded me of it, because they use the same tactics as many cults use on tumblr to change a persons opinion. They make you feel good and push out all negative thoughts, validating their bullcrap to you. Anyone with a differing opinion is negative and makes the person feel bad, so they came up with names such as "truscum" to call us, to encourage nobody to listen to us because we are bad and problematic. I've seen so many tumblrinas say "but why would you WANT to be called something that has scum in the name?"
You picked this label for us, sweetheart. Sometimes life is about more than your silly identifiers, and the actual thinking behind them matters. Don't let yourself fall into the hugbox.

>> No.8254700

Here's the chart with the think tank listed at the top. Now, to be fair I find gamergate in general a little silly and their love of connecting every gaming journalist under the sun stupid but it's worth reading about this think tank because it reminds me a lot of what you're saying and it's not really that far out of an idea. iirc the jist of it is feminists wanted to influence academic thinking to get feminist ideas in games, and they planned how to get people/gamers/devs to listen.
Your point about people's kneejerk reaction to the word truscum reminds me of the term "SJWs" in general, I've heard people say, verbatim "how can being a social justice warrior be a bad thing?"
If you want to talk more about this I dropped my throwaway email. I want to know where these ideas are coming from too but I don't have any idea how to do it.

>> No.8254701
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Dropped the picture

>> No.8254722

I will contact you later.
I have no idea what the heck is going on in that picture as I don't follow gamergate, but still mildly interesting.

>> No.8254777

ugh she's in my comm. such a tryhard