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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 275 KB, 1440x1080, lJBf2BM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8247841 No.8247841 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about League of Legends cosplay at cons?

>> No.8247854


>> No.8247859

It depends, I've seen good ones.

It pretty much depends on how much quality of work and how good they look, I guess.

>> No.8247873
File: 300 KB, 900x1355, STOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one thing that bothers me with League of Legends cosplay. Specifically Ahri cosplayers.


But seriously. I have literally seen a cosplayer do her wig BRIGHT PURPLE before at a con.

>> No.8247901

I can get a blue so dark that it's almost black, but seriously, if it's easily distinguishable as blue, get out.

>> No.8247938
File: 366 KB, 919x799, cuz its blue bitch damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8247944

it's blue black anon
so it should look black with a blue sheen

Also characters with hair like that are usually really supposed to have black hair. The blue/purple that get used is there to make it look more dynamic and stand out

>> No.8247963
File: 270 KB, 1920x1080, 1407371043027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if the character model has deep navy hair, like she does, you expect someone to have a black wig, when they could have an Arda Jareth in their Dark Blue or Raven colourway?

In her splash its more of a brown-black. Either way, it's not pure black, and just because you want her to look like your precious aegyo sonyeo doesn't mean she's supposed to.

>> No.8247975



I'm guessing OP's pic is you?

>> No.8247979

Jinx is the Harley Quinn of LoL cosplay.

>> No.8247982

I hate girls who play and cosplay Jinx. They're like the "fans" of Deadpool who've never read it. Jinx is the Deadpool of fake geek girls.

>> No.8247983

no you're just a moron.

>> No.8247987

>I hate girls who play and cosplay Jinx.
>who play

Mechanics wise, she's one of the ADCs out there who has the best kit alongside Lucian and Tristana.

>> No.8247995
File: 101 KB, 900x585, league_of_legends__jinx_by_deve_kun-d71wjej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's a lovely ADC, I have a great time supporting Jinx. Its the girls with x's in their names that typically only play league when their boyfriend plays. I know a girl that a met at a con that's like that. ALL SHE PLAYS IS JINX and her severely friendzoned friend carries the shit out of her.

And inb4 tumblrinas with FRIENDZONED BLAHBLAHBLAH she's obviously taking advantage of his feelings, and he's too emotionally weak to leave her in the dust.

>> No.8247996

you would be a league fag on top of being a piece of shit in every other way possible.

>> No.8248004


> League fag

is this sediment common among /cgl/?

>> No.8248006

no it's just a fact, and blue/black wigs are so easy to find. even in the pic you posted it had blue undertones, but it's just a 'blue black' it's not straight blue at all. that's how art works, one of the main rules you learn is don't use pure white or pure black because it destroys the depth. especially with hair, you need to create it with contrasting colors, and adding a hue to it does just that. the only traces of pure blue are from the highlights, and even then only someone with no art background at all would possibly think the entirety of the hair is meant to be blue.

>> No.8248008
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x786, tumblr_ng4g88AgJq1rgdio9o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clockwork seems nice enough, but I have been absent for a long time so I don't know the specifics other than he has a boner for whatserface, Ukraine? She cosplayed Jolyne.

She's hot bro, I feel you. Just cool it on your sperg.

>> No.8248014
File: 10 KB, 250x231, disbitchserious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is this sediment common

>> No.8248015

check the archives. he's a cringy whiteknight with high-level autism that posts the most useless comments in every thread.

>> No.8248016
File: 354 KB, 1920x1080, 2015-02-04_00004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, I play Dota too.

>> No.8248018
File: 404 KB, 1280x905, tumblr_n2sszlkVbt1t0f7kgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of my training in culinary school was to understand how to cooperate colours to make something more appetizing, or aesthetic, if you will. I think you need to get your eyes checked. It's not pure black.

Pure black hair isn't good for cosplay anyway. It makes your teeth look yellow, your whites look dingy or grey, and your skin look sickly.

>> No.8248019


> techies
> arcana

I don't know much about the trip fags on /cgl/, but I know you are a faggot of the highest order.

>> No.8248021

i think you need to learn how to into comprehension because i stated several times it's blue-black, not pure black and not pure blue. and infact said not to use pure black.

>using shitty tumblr art as references

this is why no one will ever cosplay her properly.

>> No.8248023

>it's blue-black no straight blue
Bro, they never said it was.

>> No.8248025
File: 606 KB, 1500x917, Konachan.com - 169866 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two images from my collection of backgrounds does not a reference make. I went to lolking and used the model viewer, like any decent fucking league of legends cosplayer should.

>> No.8248028
File: 36 KB, 720x405, 1413005456920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can see the blue [more accurately its violet] without trying, then there's nothing wrong with a hyper-pigmented hairpiece.

That being said, I actually hate Ahri. I think she's a fapbait champion and super trashy to cosplay.

>> No.8248031

you still don't seem to understand that no, her hair isn't pure black, OR pure blue. now, i know it's hard for you since you're a ~culinary major~ (read plating expert) but you should try to stop being such a twat.

>> No.8248034

You're just trolling at this point. I bet you don't even play LoL. What are even the point of your posts if you don't know what color her hair actually is, and think it's violet and don't even play her?

>> No.8248038
File: 1.12 MB, 955x1288, 1405324783565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like someone went to community college.

>> No.8248045

Girl, what's even your issue? Quit shitting up the thread.

>> No.8248049
File: 235 KB, 600x600, 3f39fe4e65a83f4d8f638f6e43827e07-d6o8hbg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking with koreaboos about their weeb champion.

God, I love league but the fanbase is so easy to fuck with.

>> No.8248053

>Jokes on you guys, i was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.8248055

But you're not, you're just being a cunt and shitting up the thread. This is like the equivalent of saying UMAD over and over and then thinking you trolled them cause they stopped replying to you.

>> No.8248057

cockworks only good reply to anything.

>> No.8248063

League is a cancer that steals all your friends

>> No.8248066

are you sure it's cancer and not autism. from some of the people ITT it seems like the latter.

>> No.8248235
File: 33 KB, 720x405, IMG-20150412-WA0030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just cosplayed as Aatrox two days ago. I liked the result.

>> No.8248514

What bothers me when it comes to Ahri cosplayers, is when they have shitty tails that look like pool noodles covered in cheap fur.

>> No.8248525

My favorite is when they're lazy and only make one tail with the excuse "but she runs like that in game, anon!"

No, shut up. You're too lazy to actually attempt all the tails.

>> No.8248775

thats pretty neat. I've never seen people cosplay aatrox. I wonder if its because he comes off more of monster than man.

>> No.8248824
File: 2.91 MB, 997x1496, IMG_6379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything anthropomorphous is kinda easy to take on, I think

>> No.8248834

Ugh, the makeup breaks this. Armor and stuff is nice, but that hair + eyebrows + facepaint is so disgusting. I hate when this happens.

>> No.8248840

That's with the helmet off, also a pic with shit quality.

I had the helmet on the whole con so my ugly face/hairstyle didn't show :^)

>> No.8248847

Judging by the amount of stupid fan art you include with your responses I'm gonna have to say you're the same fag that "trolled" the last League thread with your ARAM games. You're too obvious, honey.

>> No.8248916

Kohalu Cosplay's aatrox is amazing also!

>> No.8249452
File: 153 KB, 774x1032, liss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always nice to see well-constructed League cosplay!

I used to think it was a little weird that there would be LoL cosplayers running around at cons like Anime Expo, but now I can't bring myself to care because I'm gonna start doing the same.

>> No.8249512

I'd rather someone be lazy and only have one than a clusterfuck of tails at a crowded convention tbh

>> No.8250002


What does /cgl/ think about this Jinx?

>> No.8250108

Already posted the bitch in the cringe thread.
That was so uncomfortable to watch.

>> No.8250118

I know, I get second-hand embarrassment.

>> No.8250203

It just reminds me of how awful her character design really is. She's literally the *holds up spork* girl.

>> No.8250379


Lot's of things are cringey about LoL. Pretty much every taunt and dance is a meme. Lux says "double rainbow" and "charging my laser". Sona does Caramelldansen and Twisted Fate does Gangnam Style.

>> No.8250492

>all cosplay is of the same 3 female characters
There are so many characters with cool designs that are overlooked. Including basically every male champion.

Also, any Bard cosplayers yet? I love that guy.

>> No.8250496

Someone post the amazing Fiddlesticks guy with the stilts.

>> No.8250508

I'm on mobile so I'm not going to go find it. But his cosplay name is 4 itchy tasty

>> No.8250517
File: 181 KB, 497x750, tumblr_mocg4mDTi41sn3bjmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one?

>> No.8250561

I don't really care about them. I usually am wondering what they are because I'm not a child who plays video games. I prefer more mature entertainment like sol anime. Seriously if you play video games you should look in the mirror and grow up.

>> No.8250564



>> No.8250575


I'm too busy looking at the sea of nerds behind him.

The sad looking Asian guy on the right probably got Legendary killed by a Fiddlesticks the night before.

>> No.8250576


>> No.8250582

Beats seeing Homestuck cosplay at cons.

>> No.8250614

her bangs grabbed my attention more than her impression did. cut that shit.

>> No.8250784


>> No.8250793
File: 682 KB, 1280x853, 1397171742121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we post some nice League cosplays here?

And get tips on doing League cosplay?

>> No.8251098

It makes up like 50%-60% of displays I see at cons, so the expected value of the quality of said cosplay is just as bad as homestucks, because of the rush to the bottom effect, and the effect of scale. I never was too fond of the community to begin with. When your method of communication is a series of stale memes, and nothing is ever your fault, your community will be known for acting half it's age. Unfortunately for league, at cons it's least common denominator fans do not give the rest of the community a good rep.

Too many bad cosplay, takes up too much of the total cosplay pool, memey edgy teenagers, least common denominators

>> No.8251812

>not flying

>> No.8251876

>How do you feel about cosplays at a convention?

>> No.8251890
File: 67 KB, 491x960, 1397011926441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning how to use worbla well is probably the main tip for League cosplay, since so many champions are wearing armor or other clothing where worbla will be the best material for crafting.

>> No.8251894
File: 298 KB, 440x814, TF_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make Twisted Fate's shoulderpad things, but I just can't figure out how to do it.

Any tips?

>> No.8251946

Any hints/tips on making my Vi cosplay look solid. I'll be making everything except the shorts, tights and boots.For now at least.

>> No.8251967

Is this helpful at all? To my eyes it looks more like fabric than armour.

Just alter it to fit your needs? Though she says she used no reinforcement, I definitely think you'll need interfacing.

Or maybe leather/fabric over foam? Magnets or snaps so it can be removed from the coat for washing?

>> No.8252047
File: 1.85 MB, 3300x5100, Techies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's why I barely bother with turning voices on, I only turn it on for Udyr(Since Spirit Guard has special lines for heroes like Nidalee) and Omega Squad Teemo(Because dem B Action movie lines, man).

Dota 2 has them beat on that department because Valve's roster of VAs is just too good. I mean, Timbersaw's script and voice lines alone is better than any hero script there is in LoL

>> No.8252110
File: 282 KB, 2048x1152, Purple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, nice fur can get pretty expensive by the time it gets to 9 of those tails.
Are you talking about something like the girl in this pic? (Front row right hand side) It seems more like a Lulu wig.

>> No.8252965


That Jayce is far from 'debonair'.

>> No.8252970

Everyone in this looks awful, except for the Lulu in the front.

>> No.8253067

Io has more responses than a number of League champs.

which is kinda sad because Io just makes beep boop noises

>> No.8253144


Holy shit I can't stop laughing.

The Syndra is great

>> No.8253157
File: 43 KB, 388x518, talon1_modele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy shit I can't stop laughing.

It's not malz. It's talon. Pic related.

>> No.8253160
File: 174 KB, 1215x717, Talon_Splash_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stared for ages and didn't see a malzahar.

the person in the front is cosplaying renegade talon, and pretty well at that.

>> No.8253164

How the heck do y'all remember all of the Champs names and skins?
I know like 5 champs and only a few skins for each.

>> No.8253170

I play every day. It's kind of where all my friends are. If I'm not there, I'm doing something similar.

>> No.8253181

Been playing since beta ended.
You just sort of learn after awhile.

>> No.8253374

they're faggots, that's how

I used to know all the Touhou character's names and theme songs but since getting a life I've forgotten most of them.

>> No.8253382

>getting a life
>on 4chan

Pick one.

>> No.8253383


>> No.8253758

You must be really new. I thought the same thing in my first few months of playing league. Eventually you just learn them all.

>> No.8253768

I don't remember the weird monster characters names. And I also seem to forget about half of the male characters names. Though all the female characters I know

>> No.8253778

By playing the game

>> No.8255034
File: 477 KB, 533x800, 1411417988775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8255267
File: 1.38 MB, 1840x3264, 0003831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a lissandra from SacAnime last summer

>> No.8255325

Ah yes, good ol' Fatsandra. Saw her at Katsucon a few years back.

>> No.8256011
File: 961 KB, 831x1215, 1397898839508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's uh, interesting.

>> No.8256028

It's sad how few dota cosplays there are. They suffer even more from the "only cosplay female characters", and its an even smaller pool of female characters that are cosplayed.

I know there's this one guy with a really nice Rubick cosplay who hangs with the LoL cosplayers at cons.

>> No.8256031

lool; that hair

>> No.8256044
File: 460 KB, 600x900, vayne_at_ala_2___league_of_legends_by_jynxed_art-d5xhxle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Postin some sick ass cosplays.

>> No.8256045
File: 371 KB, 900x1350, league_of_legends__jinx_joke_by_silentcircus90-d7arx9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8256048
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>> No.8256051
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>> No.8256056
File: 106 KB, 800x1200, 1655661_607213309387577_5998409357215565927_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8256911

its a combination of difficulty and the tendency for dudes in dota to have fucking strange body shapes
just going by the top 4 most played male heros
Pudge: Fat Zombie
Sniper: Difficult props, purple skin, 3 feet tall
Invoker: HOPE YOU LIKE BIAS TAPE, needs sclera lenses, elf ears

>> No.8257155

There's still a bunch I'd love to see
>Wraith King
>Phantom Lancer
My ultimate dream though is a Timbersaw cosplay complete with shredding machine.

>> No.8258293

Anyone hope for a new skin for a certain character?

I wish Leona, Lux and Lulu would get new skins soon

>> No.8258360

She only has two and they're both shit.

>> No.8259247

>in culinary school

*brings out my art Degree* Finally Its your time to shine

>> No.8259253

One of my main reasons for going to conventions is to have sex with someone cosplaying as a LoL character.

>> No.8259257

What the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.8259261

Firecraker Jinx literally came out less than 2 months ago so don't hope for a new one anytime soon lol.

>> No.8259274
File: 162 KB, 1688x518, 1424677726975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sacanime represent
>represent the fucking worst

>> No.8259280
File: 55 KB, 800x475, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vayne, 2nding Jinx. Arclight Vayne just a doesn't look like her at all, and reminds me of Heartseeker's awkwardness. Mafia is bad and Firecracker's hair is ugly af. Too bad their skins are both recent.

>> No.8259424
File: 122 KB, 669x1000, 1501566_684919891528931_239778653_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's great. The artwork gives cosplayers a good basis to work off of.

>> No.8259588

Lady gaga, you've let yourself go!

>> No.8259788

Why do girls always tend to only play female champions?

>> No.8259800

The fur in OP pic is about as nice as fur can get while still being in most people's budget. Stuff like that tends to run $20-$30 a yard. Nicer, more realistic stuff will often run $50+ a yard.

>> No.8259813

Cosplaying ahri, people need to realize it's going to be expensive. Yes, fur isn't cheap. But I've had good experiences with a site and gotten fur for about 22$ a yard. If they can't afford to make all 9 tails, they need to either save their money or just make one tail. But they also need to add structure and correct darts so that the tail looks like an actual fox tail and not a noodle.

>> No.8259950
File: 112 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering this myself when I realized my pool when I first hit 30 was entirely female.

>> No.8259965

>>8256048 and >>8256056 are just awesome.

>> No.8260000

If there are multiple champs that fit my playstyle, I'm probably going to choose the one of that group that I like the best, which tends to be a female character. I main male characters in Smite though, for some reason.

>> No.8260021

You're a noodle.

>> No.8260082

I don't just play females. But if you're attracted to the support or mage role you're gonna end up playing a lot of female characters.

>> No.8260090

A lot of the female champions are OP as shit right now.

Sejuani, LeBlanc, Katarina, Jinx, Vayne, Diana, Leona, Nami, Sona... the list goes on, most female champions are super OP for some reason.

>> No.8260119
File: 78 KB, 313x186, 1428118257772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much does it cost to make a costume that is made out of metal or atleast looks like metal? Always wanted to dress up as mordekaiser.

>> No.8260129

Your costs can vary a lot depending on what materials you use, how big you are, and how much you fuck up. You'll probably want to read over some of the tutorials here: http://cosplaytutorial.com/list.php

>> No.8260131


>> No.8260139
File: 104 KB, 266x400, udyr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Annie

>> No.8260331

I said the list goes on you megafaggot.

>> No.8260344

I don't know why you don't think Lux isn't OP LMAO! I get that you have to be amazing at skillshots but if you are she can take anyone.

>> No.8260348


>> No.8260352

It might go on for a while though before including fucking Lux.

>> No.8260361
File: 177 KB, 640x960, 1401109878791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


now post cosplays

>> No.8260368

>mfw shitties don't know about the golden 8

There are 8 over powered champs in league right now, 15 on the NA server.
Everything is basic bitch tier.

>> No.8260377

NA is shit.

TSM suck a dick.

>> No.8260382
File: 60 KB, 460x613, jayce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8260448



>> No.8260454

Powerslam me indeed.

>> No.8260463
File: 37 KB, 640x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao. I can see someone having trouble with Kat and Leona but there's no way Sona could be considered remotely difficult to play into.
What? Nearly every mid rn will shit on her unless the person playing them is braindead.

>> No.8260591

I think most people that talk league on this board are relatively low leveled, anon.

>inb4 stfu anon I'm gold 5
Sure, there are a lot of people that are more experienced here, but it seems the ones that always talk are the ones that are bronze 5 trash/ridiculously new to the game and think their input matters.

>> No.8260782

OK, then why are so many girls attracted to the mage and support roles?

>> No.8260784

I like playing with friends, and most of my guy friends want to play ADC, so I picked up support so we could lane together.

>> No.8260810


Are there more pics of the Syndra? That's the first decent one I've seen.

>> No.8260817

Duo bot with boyfriends, less pressure to hard carry, easy roll to get into, safest lane, protecting people, etc.

I cringe when I read threads like these.

>> No.8260861

>and most of my guy friends want to play ADC

ADC is literally the worst position. You have so little impact early, you can't fend for yourself, and if you die early in a teamfight your team is fucked.

>> No.8260866

Or Diana

Nami is all based on skill, very annoying in lane but I have yet to meet a Nami that does anything in teamfights besides ult.

That list is shit TBH. Jinx is so easy to beat in lane it's not even funny, she has to be babysat hardcore and can't make plays for herself.

Kat is a skill match up.

LeBlanc is hardly more than a skill match up. Everyone and their mother sees Faker play her and think they can pull off fancy plays.

>> No.8260869

because I just want to nurture and heal all my poor little babies and watch them become strong

>> No.8261094

I started playing ADC, so another friend of mine went support and another mid. Our male friends jungled and topped since they were the roles left over. But now we can all trade roles.
Why do people stick with one role? How boring.

>> No.8261108

nothing like getting a 3-man stun off with leona and getting your team the ace.

>> No.8261233
File: 71 KB, 640x462, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less low-level analysis, more cosplay

>> No.8264015
File: 54 KB, 838x637, So much photoshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really get why you would put so much time and effort into something that you can only wear to a photoshoot where they are going to have to shoop the 50% of the cosplay in.

>> No.8264139

Bodysuit looks nice, though. Most accurate one I've seen.

>> No.8264252

Duo bot is the shittiest duo possible since there's nothing you can do if top, mid or jungle fails.

Mid and Jungle has the most degree of control, while Top is capable of being everywhere when needed with the current popularity of Teleport/Flash for top lane.

Mid/Jung, Mid/Top or Jung/Mid is always the best duo, mainly due to the map control you get to be afforded with.

>> No.8264260

What do you think about the girls who wear cosplay to the LCS games? Are they attention whores or is it ok to dress up to games? I personally think it's way too much, you're supposed to be sitting on your ass for five hours watching the matches not parading around with tails and weapons and armor and tits hanging out, but maybe that's just me. I'm ok with low-key cosplay, like I saw a Forecast Janna in the NA stream's crowd today. Thoughts?

>> No.8264282
File: 129 KB, 800x1200, bloodcyka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8264301
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>> No.8264305
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>> No.8264312
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>> No.8264317
File: 449 KB, 900x600, skywraith and vengful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8264319

well seeing as riot is backing out of all the fucking events they possibly can that aren't directly riot-funded, it's gonna be slightly more weird to cosplay league at events, so cosplaying at LCS is probably one of the best places you can do it
yeah, people will still cosplay league champs at PAX and AX stuff but the lack of riot presence in most LAN events now is kind of annoying and disheartening
LCS might be one of the few places you can really cosplay at if you want rioters to notice you in the future

>> No.8264320
File: 457 KB, 640x875, skywraith and vengful2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2, upclose

couldn't find a wraith king, Lion or phantom lancer sadly

>> No.8264328


>> No.8264331

But tbh most of them aren't even good enough to be noticed by riot. There was a bloodmoon akali standing outside with a frizzy wig on the stream, among the fifty-thousand popstar ahris and battle bunny rivens. There were none I saw that are Riot-worthy, so it's a bad excuse.

>> No.8264334

please just make a dota thread. If you have this much to spam then isn't dota worthy of its own?

>> No.8264339

whoops trip
yeah, there are always going to be a shitton of bad cosplays (and HEHE LOOK AT MY RED CARD KAT COSTUMES) but i remember at IPL there were some incredible cosplays and there was even a little contest for it
nowadays that probably won't happen, so maybe in the future LCS will start to embrace that kind of culture?

>> No.8264352

People should go to support the teams, not whore themselves out though. I guess it's the equivalent of wearing a crop top and heels to a football/soccer game but unless it's a fnatic skin to a fnatic game or a signature champ of one of the players it doesn't show support for the team. It's not a convention or festival, it's a sporting event.

>> No.8264356

I never said it was good, but if you're shitting around with your boyfriend in normals it doesn't really matter.

Honestly, I see it sort of as painting yourself up for any other sports game. There are going to be attention whore, but there are going to be people who genuinely support the game who want to dress up. You're also going to be mingling before and after so you can get photos if you really wanted to.

>> No.8264360

Has anyone seen a Kennen that actually looks good? I want to do a League cosplay, but I can't think of anything I can pull off.

>> No.8265706

They asked for cosplayers to come to the NA LCS finals to drum up attention for the fans.

>> No.8265750

Because it's an unrealistic cosplay that she wanted to make. There is no way that you can make that skin in real life, it would never look good in a convention, maybe on stage with proper illumination.
This is x100 better than the disaster that YukiGodblesa made, and that's the reason why it's not possible to make that cosplay IRL or without Photoshop

>> No.8265760


it be so difficult to sit down as Vayne

>> No.8267320

I never want to see a shitty jinx again for as long as I live

>> No.8267673

>I'm ok with low-key cosplay, like I saw a Forecast Janna in the NA stream's crowd today.

She's the only cosplayer that matters.


>> No.8268007
File: 103 KB, 684x576, 1406844666339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never get to bury my dick into Elise

>> No.8268304

Fed Liss shit top

>> No.8268528
File: 118 KB, 540x810, tumblr_nn40mqFGqh1trtyg9o2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8268729


>> No.8268787

What an accurate wig.

>> No.8268956

You are delusional if you are expecting her to be accurate on her cosplay

>> No.8268981

Shit game with a community full of spergs and attention whores/coswhores.

The characters themselves are too Deviantart to like for design, either. Generally avoid but wouldn't actively avoid like Homestuck or Deadpool cosplayers.

>> No.8269055

>Challenge: Submit photos of your Worlds and esports-inspired skins, including (but not limited to): the Championship skins (Riven, Thresh, Shyvana), Victorious skins (Jarvan, Janna, Elise, Morgana), esports skins (Fnatic, TPA, SKT1) and the Challenger Ahri skin. You can also create an original design based on your favourite champion and esports team. Unicorns of Love Hecarim, anyone?
>Challenge: Take a dynamic, splash-art inspired photo where it looks like everyone’s just been caught in the middle of having an awesome pool party. Or put together the largest pool-party group you can with as many cosplayers as possible! Make sure to get everybody’s summoner name who takes part! We encourage you to design your own original pool-party skins for your favourite champion!
>Challenge: Submit photos of your winter holiday-inspired skins; whether they are official Christmas/winter skins or original designs. Extra points for those who create interesting themed backgrounds!

Riot's latest update is very cosplay oriented.

That looked like sarcasm

>> No.8270242

Fuck me. Riot, why do you encourage these dumb fake skins? They look so bad most of the time and are an excuse for girls to attention whore.

>> No.8270246

She bought this from another cosplayer (who looks 50x better in the outfit with accurate hair and fists)...

>> No.8270585

Because it's a fun, interactive idea that makes Riot look like they're all for their fans? Looks like a good marketing scheme to me.

>> No.8270635

I still need to do a league cosplay. hmmmm

>> No.8270652
File: 106 KB, 640x973, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8270765

Skins like Battle Bunny Riven were originally derived from Fanart, same goes for the entirety of Pool Party as well.

I agree with >>8270585
not to mention it keeps players enthused. Besides, its the people who make good cosplays who will always stand out, while the bad ones will end up being in cringe threads.

>> No.8270827
File: 66 KB, 769x436, dishonour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop rito
yarn wigs never work

>> No.8270838

And you, good sir, are an idiot.

>> No.8270941

She bought it? I could have sworn Lisa LouWho let her borrow it.

>> No.8271130

Riot takes a lot of fanart ideas. Astronautilus was fanart as well, and so was popstar Ahri and Braum. I think that's what I like about the creative team, they actually use some of the really good ideas people suggest to them.

>> No.8271143

She is borrowing it. That anon clearly just wants something to talk shit about.

>> No.8271183

That fat Annie tho

I cringed so hard when I saw this up

>> No.8271362
File: 191 KB, 1280x800, 1267211_575431342514735_1990647553_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we share pics of good Syndras, pretty please? I'm looking for inspiration, doing the cosplay myself for worlds this year.

>> No.8271372

She's fed, gg.

>> No.8271422

>that landscape
Who do I have to kill to get this?

>> No.8272026

I mean, it looks really bad so she does deserve to get shit on. Can't even be assed to get the hair right.

>> No.8272138
File: 125 KB, 960x521, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinpatsu's Syndra is my favorite!

>> No.8272141

the construction looks really fucking awesome, but am i super nitpicky for hating that she didn't take the time to cover up her tattoos?

>> No.8272157

These look like they were taken in her house, they'd probably be covered at a con.

>> No.8272262
File: 278 KB, 642x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that was just a test fitting. They're covered up in other photos!

>> No.8277011

That's Mikot, he also has an amazing Vlad cosplay.

>> No.8277032

That's a dude??

>> No.8277433

Wow she looks awesome!

>> No.8277497

Show me the Vlad, for science.

>> No.8277514
File: 247 KB, 482x726, tumblr_mlpkcnKu881s5v1pao2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick google search, not sure if same person.

>> No.8278734
File: 37 KB, 500x331, tumblr_inline_mrli3epwX61qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those wings.

>> No.8281822

Depends how you look at it. Saves them time spent making a new design when there are hundreds of people willing to do it for them for nothing. Also stops them getting sued over it, So do the people who submit their designs get royalites from it?

>> No.8281825

Pay for it? You must be joking, Nigri never pays for anything.

>> No.8284050
File: 1.14 MB, 2352x817, dundunhurrhurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ
same girl as QoP and Venge

>> No.8284134

too lazy to bodypaint?

>> No.8287346
File: 125 KB, 1214x562, sw_Lux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Star Guardian Lux

>> No.8287353

my life/wife

>> No.8287369


>> No.8287485

i question my life.

>> No.8287999

Can't wait for half the cosplayers at the next couple lol events to be this.

>> No.8288083

Yeah get ready for all the shitty Star Guardian Luxs that wanted to be first to make it.

>> No.8288291

i want it so bad

>> No.8288367

I am one of the cosplayers that jump right on to this, but this is everything I want and need right now.

I've been wanting a new Lux skin for so long now, and I'm also a fanatic Mahou Shojo fan (I've done about 3-4 magical girls cosplays so far)
I even have a wig at home for her, so I'm ONTO it

>> No.8288468

I'm in the same cosplay community as the Kittycat Kat's. She's obnoxious and can't stop flaming about bad teammates while she's bronze 2. kek

>> No.8288745

That doesn't go away no matter what your elo sadly...

>> No.8289070
File: 62 KB, 960x960, You call those pleats?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the shitty Star Guardian Lux cosplays are already beginning to pop up.

>> No.8289071
File: 95 KB, 720x960, Try again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing she didn't even bother to style this wig.

>> No.8289076
File: 43 KB, 720x960, Just stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This already looks like a hot mess.

Sad thing is everyone is already paying them so many compliments.

>> No.8289094


>> No.8289156

What the fuck does that shitty chest tattoo say?
>Bring Noe The Horizon

>> No.8289169

I am >>8288367
and these makes me so mad

It's not that damn hard to make it preoperly, it's not a hard design. that skir tisn't even pleated like WTF.

I will at least wait for the skin to get a splash art and come out of PBE to get the right color choices

>> No.8289171
File: 146 KB, 884x666, save.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8289212

What are you thinking of using for the fabrics when you make it?

>> No.8289223

Bring Me The Horizon with a really shitty M... which is even more sad that she has a tattoo for a horrible emo band.

>> No.8289598
File: 87 KB, 1365x669, synd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PBE update today.
>Alice in Wonderland themed 750 RP skins
if only they had themed particles

>> No.8289916
File: 151 KB, 683x622, L3MoKeG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, is that bitch that sends people to bash other cosplayers in her country because she doesn't like other people doing the same costumes as her

>> No.8289923
File: 61 KB, 720x960, 1488545_223326134515742_1170579681_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a way, she's just being lazy

check her Jinx for example

>> No.8290071

Twisted fate. Holy shit.

I remember seeing this guy who was in a cosplay group as Twisted Fate. When they were getting their pictures taken, this guy was throwing around cards. I mean, it's not like he's doing it in a rude way but he ends up making an ass of himself by doing these improvised throwing poses. We found it hilarious yet cringy.

>> No.8290346

Matte satin from a local fabric shop. I've used it for lots of costumes and I love it. Really nice flow and not shiny. Maybe I will use a cotton sateen for the petals on the skirt though, If I can find a stretch fabric in a close color to it for the boot covers

>> No.8290357

>why does anybody put effort into anything ever
Because it looks cool, you jackass.

>> No.8290361

I have a mat with Aatrox on it, its the shit.

>> No.8290649

What about a Sona? (original) I've wanted to cosplay her for a while, though I actually main as Leona.

>> No.8290767

Maybe your sense of cool is a bit off, that DJ Sona is plain awful

>> No.8290773

I thought it said "Bring Me The Hormones"
and I was like 'oh that makes sense.'


>> No.8290785

That's what I was thinking of using as well but I was wondering if there was a better material for it. I was thinking of putting armor on the shoes instead of boot covers because they look rather bulky on her foot (especially the ankle area) and then I would use modified thigh highs. I think they will probably release her splash art soon because they already have her spotlight video up and she's up on lolking.

>> No.8290793

Aren't you tired of bashing her the whole time? You are in every thread waiting to post the same 2 pictures every time.
Trash talking about her, whether it's true or not what you say, just makes people curious and will visit her page and do the opposite of what you want to achieve.

>hi glory
> oh I didn't post the before photoshop version of sona

>> No.8290825

Riot sometimes contacts cosplayers in the area to come to LCS events (unpaid, just invited and given a lot of merchandise). Happened this last EU Split in Madrid.

>> No.8291008

>Alice in Wonderland themed
You ever played a game of cards, buddy? They're not Alice in Wonderland themed.

>> No.8291643

realized that after posting, but what can you do

>> No.8291814


>> No.8292016

Thank you for bringing this month old news to everyones attention.

>> No.8292950
File: 84 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1430473212885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really REALLY hate all these crappy Star Guardian Lux cosplays

>> No.8292974
File: 250 KB, 540x608, zyra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta make it first so you're the very first one! DOESNT MATTER HOW GOOD IT IS GOTTABEFIRSTGOTTAGOFAST

I prefer my main and my main cosplays are sexy and beautiful as shit. I want to cosplay her too, but maybe Ill just do a knockoff lazy casual outfit thing or something. My skills are nowhere good enough to figure out the leaf stuff. The hair/headdress part will be a pain in the ass enough.

>> No.8293107

Because Im a lezbo
Dont judge me I like to look at qts while I play
I also play some other characters but not as much, because the Champions I like the playstyle of are female

>> No.8293118
File: 427 KB, 1280x854, tumblr_n69up1Yuvi1qblzmwo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a tick. That's me!

>> No.8293354

Don't forget the shitty headdress and bows she posted too.

Sad thing is the first one to get her done is going to get all the attention no matter how shitty it is.

>> No.8293359
File: 92 KB, 720x960, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic

>> No.8293442

Holy shit. It's like every taboo about making a cosplay came true in one photo.

>> No.8293456

idk about the legal aspect of it, but from the fans' perspective, it makes them feel listened to, and it's kind of exciting when senpai notices you and uses your ideas. If fans submit them in the first place, I don't think they're really going to ask things of Riot. Maybe I'm just an optimist and it turns out they really are just that lazy, but I guess what mostly matters is how they present themselves to the fans, and as far as I know, the fans are eating it up.

>> No.8293481
File: 337 KB, 1920x1080, TI4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what pose you need to do next time.

>> No.8293836

This irks me so much. Bows is my favorite thing to make because they can be so pretty and are so easy to make. This makes me really sad to look at

>> No.8294189

I thought it was "Bring Abe The Horizon" maybe something about her Grandpa Abraham?

>> No.8294452
File: 539 KB, 800x810, garen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I bother doing a female Garen or is it a bad idea? I was thinking something like this except with the stomach not showing, keeping as close to his original design as possible.

>> No.8294750


Hi glory, this answer you gave here is exactly the same as the one you gave in your interview about your cosplay justifying that horrendous amount of shoop


>> No.8295057

Yesssssssss that could be really cool. Not sure if you'll want to do boob armor though.

>> No.8295091
File: 121 KB, 650x384, varus_splash_4_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much am I screwing myself by trying to make Heartseeker Varus?

>> No.8295092

Are you buff and pretty?

>> No.8295098
File: 59 KB, 849x338, IMG_20150502_122815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty, I'd say 7/10

>> No.8295100


>> No.8295103

No problem if you don't believe me, but I want concerned about my body, more about the costume itself. Bracers, bow, belt thingy, sandals how do I make that stuff

>> No.8295105

You're going to be fine as long are you're pretty anon, that's why we asked.

>> No.8295159







>> No.8295375


>> No.8295441

That isn't you, motherfucker you stole that out of a CBT now didn't you?

>> No.8295460


>> No.8295513
File: 67 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1430582730524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So awful

>> No.8295528

You beat me to posting it, this also really belongs in the bad LoL cosplay thread but I'm sure she'll get posted there after her photoshoot today. Looking at this really makes me feel that she was picking her fabric and doing her sewing in the dark.

>> No.8295531

Ironic for a Lux cosplay

>> No.8295566

I wish someone just came out of the blue and secretly made it first and it ended up being awesome, crushing this girl's shitty cosplay dreams.

>> No.8295922

>that guy
>typical league player

>> No.8296152

me too. I could make this costume in less than 2 days with fabrics I already have and it would look 100 times better.

>> No.8296167

Isn't lux getting a magical girl skin soon?

>> No.8296170
File: 79 KB, 600x1025, sglux_concept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fap fap fap

>> No.8296213

I think navy blue and blue black are acceptable. I agree that her hair would more then likely be blue black... which is still black no matter what way you slice it.

Purple... oh dear. I bet it looked navy on their monitor when they bought it and when it showed up it was purple.

I don't know if synthetic wigs are anything like wefts and loose hair.... but in every store I've worked in the states, we cannot take returns on hair, synthetic or real, for health reasons... even if the package looks unopened.

>> No.8296218

Yup, go look him up on facebook. He's really good.

>> No.8296219


>> No.8296221

Sorry, auto'd on accident. But yup, that's him!

>> No.8296247

I hope the splash art comes out next week so I can check the actual colors better.

For now I can't find any good purple for the skirt if I go for the PBE model, but I can find a purple matching the concept art (my country is the worst when it comes to fabrics...)

>> No.8296269

I think the splash should still be close to that, since the person who drew it is one of Rito's concept artists.

>> No.8296284

Why not then? It'd be a nice change of pace from all the shitty ones.

>> No.8296723

Finally, a Lux skin I like and can actually attempt to cosplay sooner rather than later! I'm super excited to get this skin when it comes out and try my hand at making it.

>> No.8296893

oh god so cute

>> No.8297122
File: 472 KB, 1280x1025, lux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably. i hope so too, because when you look at the PBE model, both the petals and the boots seem to be a light purple , and the gloves and collar seem to be white. But I like the white/gradient boots on the concept art more

>> No.8297161

Do you know how lighting works at all?

>> No.8297163
File: 89 KB, 687x1163, BM_Elise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same concept artist did the concept art behind Winter Wonder Orianna, Challenger Ahri and Blood Moon Elise so I wouldn't doubt the art being her canon appearance.

>> No.8297187

Yes, do you? Even if the lighting only came from above a pair of white OTK still wouldn't turn into such a purple color. There would still still be som visible white. The gloves in the shadow is also the same color as the petal that has been lit up.

>> No.8297197

No it wouldnt because that would look too out of place.

>> No.8297225
File: 157 KB, 359x444, riotpls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id prefer to do a cosplay of her, but without Riots shitty color scheme choice for the original.

>> No.8297337

Only because I don't fit the character at all and I would feel weird. I wish someone would commission it from me, but my local comm isn't hyped about it.

>> No.8297344

Ok anon, I'll tell you something about digital painting.
Never just pick the colors it shows, you need to do some interpretation. Shadows and highlights are often colored a different shade for the sole purpose of visual impact .

I'm not saying the boots don't change color, I'm saying maybe they do in the art just because it would look painfully plain to just leave them white.
And if the shadows of the other white parts also have a purple shade, then it is obvious the purple in the boots is just a shadow effect too.

>> No.8297394

Yeah this is the color scheme I would have preferred as well. All the pink and purple in the other one just makes me think of the arcade skins.

>> No.8297456

Just wait for the chroma pack, it's only an extra 590 RP :^)

>> No.8297467

This is too close to Sailor Moon and given the recent release of Crystal there would have been copyright problems. Early on they might have gotten away with things like Spectacular Sivir and Deadly Kennen, but now they're too famous to get closer to anything like that.

Besides, it's more similar to Madoka and Chibi Moon this way. Cover more ground whilst avoiding the main character crisis of the giant SMC franchise. But then again, maybe I'm just shooting steam here.

I like it, myself, but I already have two Lux skins and I don't even play her that much.

>> No.8298064
File: 122 KB, 720x960, 11205111_631822190281022_1215577332779983581_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't even bother getting a wig in the right color bcz FIRST

>> No.8298067

Nothing else even matters if your eyebrows don't match your wig.

>> No.8298091

please end my suffering

>> No.8298200
File: 3.82 MB, 2405x1829, lackluxter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least this one is still better than satin lux girl, who is possibly a new candidate for the "cosplayers who photoshop too much" thread
bonus of her going full psycho on her page when someone asked her why she used satin

>> No.8298301

>If you think it looks cheap then try to make it yourself under 24h and 70$

That is your problem gurl. No one TRIES to make a cosplay in that time and expecting it to look good. It looks cheap because it sucks

>> No.8302251
File: 93 KB, 720x447, league_of_legends_ahri_by_twndomn-d5a5y4n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]