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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8244429 No.8244429[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about your relationships and Lolita.
How have your BF's felt? Do they dress up, and do you want them to if they dont?
Men: Why dont you have a Lolita Girlfriend? Why do you want one?

>> No.8244455
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Boyfriend likes the whole lolita thing although he's told me he prefers the sexy black dress look. He has even bought one aatp dress for me and a parasol. Photo is related

>> No.8244470

sage for not including gf/gf and bf/bf relationships.

but anyways. My boyfriend is very supportive, he even offers to buy me pretty things. (I usually just buy them myself though). I wish he would join me in the fashion and wear kodona or ouji style (like deerstalker) but he's not really into it. He's not really into other styles as much, just the jeans and a tshirt. But he does cosplay with me :]

>> No.8244495

By bf supports me but enjoys the gothic look more.

>tfw you used to be a gothic lolita many years ago but became tired of black and have been into sweet for a long time...

>> No.8244498

I'm not in a relationship, but I tend to get a lot of compliments from guys I used to know in school on my photos.

What is it with guys and gothic lolita?
"Why don't you wear that gothic black stuff it looks sooooo more sexier."


>> No.8244512

had a guy crush on me for the longest time when I was into gothic lolita.
I switched to sweet lolita and he straight up told me "I'm not interested in you anymore since you've changed your clothes" good fucking riddens.

>> No.8244518

get down on it

>> No.8244522

The only time since I got into lolita that I had a bf was in high school. Dated him for two years, and in my final year, about six months before we split up, I started buying lolita dresses. I never mentioned it to him, although I'd refer obliquely and jokingly to "expensive Japanese auction purchases". He knew I had wigs and bags and I legit think he thought that was what I was buying whenever I mentioned auctions.

I actually just did a Facebook chat search for our conversations and it turns out I did mention it a couple of times, but only as stuff I had seen other girls wear online, not that I wore or intended to wore. One time I linked him to a BtSSB parasol I was buying for non-lolita purposes and he responded with "O.o Very gothy and frilly.", which was positive enough, but then when I linked him to a belt or something he said "Seriously, these websites are just bad, I don't get the lolita thing..." and I pretty much never brought it up again. He thought I looked hottest in jeans and a fitted black T-shirt (and that was also his daily wear), so he didn't get fashion things of any kind at all.

I'm probably a bad example though because I'm a lesbian and he was my beard/half-hearted attempt to turn myself straight. I live in buttfuck nowhere right now so I don't have a girlfriend, but I'd think it was pretty cool to have a lolita gf although of course that's not my only criteria. Hoping that when this gap year's over whoever I date in uni will be cool with lolita.

(I also knew a guy who was really into gothic lolita, and thought it was cute as shit. He didn't realise I was gay though, so he hung out with me for ages, asked me out, then dropped off my radar for a while after I told him. We still hang out sometimes though and he likes seeing my outfits.)

>> No.8244524

I started wearing lolita after getting together with my bf. Luckily, he likes it and nudges me into wearing sweet more often in public, because he thinks the dresses are cute.

If my bf weren't as tall and broad-shouldered as he is, I'd love if he'd get dressed too. Knowing him, he'd enjoy it. Sadly, it wouldn't look right on him, I think, even if we managed to find clothes which fit him.

>> No.8244528

>How have your BF's felt?
it was weird.

My boyfriend now likes to help me out with coords and accessorizing. He doesn't really care much about it he just recognizes its something I like and whenever I get a new dress he suggests we go on a date so I can wear it out.

My advice would be don't look for people who find lolita attractive- they are creeps most of the time. find someone you like, and if they're ok with what you wear, cool.

>> No.8244539

Talk about creeps. . .

>> No.8244545

Now I realise I've made the guy in >>8244522 sound creepy. To clarify, we hung out a bunch before he found out I wore gothloli, he's just one of the only guys I've come across that didn't strongly dislike or distrust it. But pretty much all of my male friends bar one don't care for clothes or putting effort into appearance at all, and that one is a gay guy who just assumes more revealing and sexy = better outfit.

>> No.8244549

My bf is a champ and puts up with my nasty fujo weeb shite no matter what, as well as lolita.

>> No.8244573
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My boyfriend is really supportive of lolita! He really likes it when i dress up for our fancier dates and is always willing to entertain my rambles about whatever AP sparkle vomit print has come out recently.
I feel super lucky to be with someone who finds all my weeb tendencies endearing instead of embarrassing (though he still won't go to cons with me). he comes off as a total normalfag but has some secret nerd interests as well, like vidya and WH40k, so it's a good balance.
>usually never awkward about my fashion but
>i go to super liberal/hipster uni where no one cares what you wear as long as you're not in sweat pants
>he goes to a super normal state college
>go to visit him on his campus while dressed in lolita after a meet
>the most stares I've ever gotten while wearing lolita, ever
>entire 'prospective student tour group' stops to take pictures of me while we're sitting around
>one guy randomly kept pestering me asking if i was in a play/theater club/"NO BUT WHY ARE YOU WEARING THIS LOLOL"
>my face the entire fucking time
normies, man

>> No.8244574

haven't had a bf since i got into lolita, but that's because of personal choice

i find that the people i'm interested in usually don't get that lolita isn't a costume, even after i explain that it's just a street fashion from japan
i had one guy insist that i was in a "cute maid outfit" when i was wearing the potato sack dress aka melty ribbon chocolate jsk
even after i said it's not a maid outfit he was like "oh dw i have a maid outfit too that i wore for halloween once" wtf m8

i know what people think about lolita shouldn't dictate my relationships with them (be it romantic or friendly) but i can't stand people who keep calling it a costume right in front of me after i've explained

tl;dr - can more people understand that lolita is just clothes

>> No.8244577

I actually encouraged my girlfriend to get into lolita. I'm from /tg/, but started coming here because I like Cosplay. We've been together for years now, and one of the things that bothered me was the fact that she had no sense of coordination and style. Getting her into Lolita helped fix that quite a bit, she's a lot more thoughtful about what she wears and how she takes care of herself.

It's just a god damn shame when a 6'1" 200+ lbs burly guy has better taste and style then a cute chick, felt it needed to be rectified.

She's mainly into Mori now, which I love, looking at getting her a few coords to start up, as well as a totally custom dress.

>> No.8244588

Something about this post weirds me out but I can't put my finger on it.

>> No.8244593

I'm kind of a fat guy (Working on it, been on a diet for 3 months, working out, etc, etc, but fixing years of damage will take a long time), but my girlfriend really wants to start doing lolita, she just has no one to do it with.

Any suggestions so that I can do it with her? She doesn't have many hobbies, and I know she'd really enjoy herself. I just don't want her to feel left out because she doesn't really have many friends.

>> No.8244602

My husband hates it...
He says he doesn't want to be seen with me while I wear it but I've never worn it bc I'm still a newbie?

Sorry if this sounds like a troll post but fuck I hate it. I'm hoping my first coord won't look ita so I can change his mind but idfk anymore.

>> No.8244605

K, and? Fuck him, go out and get some tea and look fucking awesome doing it.

>> No.8244616

I feel you. I don't really like the idea of someone dictating what another person should wear, and saying he "fixed her". Or something along those lines for me at least.

>> No.8244625

Thats really sweet and all; but why not just tell her to join the nearest comm? Its a good way to start having friends.
Its just that if you are going to join lolita just to hang out with her; you'll each have to buy all your own stuff; if you are big, custom made and that will really get expensive for you fast.

>> No.8244626

I agree. Helping her improve would be a positive way to put it, but saying he "fixed" the problem sounds like is trying to force her to be what he wants her to be like and doesn't just love her for who she is.
I know you're going to get defensive and brush off our responses but seriously. It's clear that you don't appreciate your girlfriend as much as you should. You're trying to fix her, in your own words, not bond with her or help her improve for the sake of her own confidence and self-image. Step back and take a look at what really matters in a relationship because it sounds like you're looking for a project and not a partner.

>> No.8244628

I don't date.

Last girl I went out with remarked that Pinterest was girly. I didn't want to reveal her my lolita fashion hobby after that.

>> No.8244639
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got into (sweet) lolita when I was dating my ex. He didn't care, was supportive, and wore an ouji outfit I got him with me. It was a shitty relationship in most aspects, but in regards to what I wore he was always supportive.

Guy I'm I guess "seeing" now is aware of lolita, knows some of them from the comm group where he lives, etc. He says I look cute whenever I wear it around him, so I guess he likes it? I actually put him in a coord and we twinned for fun and took some silly photos which he posted everywhere, so he must enjoy it at least little bit, lol. I want to dress him up more, but only if he wants to again. Plus his personal style is really cool, also.

I definitely wouldn't want to date or even be friends with someone that didn't at least tolerate how I dressed. Like, you can not like it, but you gotta deal with me wearing it regardless of how you feel about it, ha!

>> No.8244640

Are you really gonna let that one girl ruin your possible chances with others? In all honesty she sounds like one of those "I'm not like the other girls! I'm not girly, being girly sucks".

You don't have to date if you don't want to, but I wouldn't want you to close yourself off just because you are scared someone shitty won't like your hobby. And even then, you can date someone even if they don't like your hobby (as long as they aren't asshats about it and constantly making stinkfaces).

>> No.8244648

I got into lolita after being married. Lolita is just kinda my thing and he doesn't have much interest in it. So I don't drag him along to meets or anything. He doesn't like attention being drawn to himself, so I respect that and don't wear lolita with him unless it's at a convention. He'll occasionally buy me things if I ask, but it's usually smaller items. Then I have friends who will just drop $600 on a full coord for their girlfriend's birthday. Oh well.

>> No.8244651

Oh I love her, it's just that some of the stuff she would wear was wayyyy out there. Lime green short-shorts with Ox blood boots and half stockings for example, and it was more of a "I have clothes on, good enough" rather then a personal sense of style, but from an outsiders perspective, I guess you could make assumptions, just know that they're really unfounded in all actuality.

I sold everything I owned and left my family about 2,300 miles away, took up a career that's a bit of a circumnavigation from where I want to go to help support her in her schooling (Botany and plant chemical sciences), and do whatever I can so we can be happy together. She still dresses quirky, which can be entertaining.

If that ain't love, well, I guess I'm a broken human being and that's the best I'll get.

>> No.8244653

>I actually put him in a coord and we twinned for fun and took some silly photos which he posted everywhere, so he must enjoy it at least little bit, lol.
He must enjoy it a fucking lot, no way would most guys I know do that. Sounds super cool though.

>> No.8244658

One of my exes a while back was into Lolita. I don't mind the fashion and actually think it's pretty cute. Haven't specifically been looking for a Lolita gf mostly because I feel it's hard to tell a girl she has a cute coord without sounding like some fetishist.

>> No.8244667

Aw, I guess I hang around a lot of cool guys because I've dressed up other dude friends as well.

He is indeed very cool! He's probably the nicest person I've met. I'm really glad I've gotten so many opportunities to hang out with him and get to know him better~ I'm falling for him pretty hard!

>> No.8244671

Haha, I know a couple of guys that'd do it for a joke but definitely none of them would post pics online later.

>> No.8244674

I think the key to not sounding creepy/fetishy is knowing the lingo - dropping words like "coord" or asking what brand the person is wearing/dropping brand names is a good indicator that you know about the fashion more than just "living doll" or ageplay bullshit

>> No.8244678

Then it was probably just the way you worded it that sounded bad, keep in mind noone here knows you personally, and how you say things is the only way we can get a feel for who you are and your situation.

Though the way she dressed originally doesn't sound like "I have clothes on, good enough". Clothing that strange seems like something you'd have to purposely seek out, rather than something you'd find in the bargin bin at Target.

>> No.8244679

I had no intention of posting them anywhere, but he insisted, and then proudly tagged himself in it on FB and reposted it on his various social networking sites.

I didn't think much of it, but now I'm like "yeah, that IS pretty cool, that he did that."

>> No.8244684

Well, She likes kneesocks, so has lots of those, the shorts were a random purchase, and the Oxblood boots are actually a fantastic thriftstore find (Grinders from Britain, and fantastic condition.) She was mainly a Rivethead, so she had a weird fashion in the first place.

Besides, I'm way high right now, so I could see why the shit I'm saying sounds weird.

>> No.8244690

I met the guy that I'm currently involved with when I was wearing lolita. He likes all my fashion styles and likes to help me coordinate and try the new things I get. Has also offered to buy me brand but has rejected his offer since we are not in a relationship yet and I'm not comfortable with it. My past lovers didn't care about it, would be ok if I wore it around them while going out, and one girl wore lolita too, sadly we didn't get to wear it together before she went back to her home country.

>> No.8244692

oh, so you're both damaged goods

>> No.8244696

Prolly in some ways at least. We work well together and have fun. We made space cakes and she's currently cuddling with the cats. Good times all around.

>> No.8244700


>Men: Why dont you have a Lolita Girlfriend? Why do you want one?

I don't have one because none of them are interested in me. Why do I want one? Because it would be cute, but depends on the girl ain't no one wanna love a stuck up lolita girl lol.

>> No.8244708

All I want is an aristocrat boyfriend who is taller than me so we could do couples outfits and shit. Too bad I'm 5'10 and a dude, so my prospects of having a lolita-enthusiastic boyfriend are more or less limited to tranny chasers.

>tfw not even a sissy

>> No.8244709

Ex BF gave no fucks about my interest in lolita whatsoever. I could be really excited about something and try to tell him about it and he didn't care at all.
Current boyfriend is really supportive and thinks it's amazing. He's actually interested and asks about it a lot etc. so it's a nice change.
He doesn't dress up but I know he's sort of interested in EGA related things, so maybe in the future, it's still a very new relationship

>> No.8244715

When it comes to my boyfriend, whenever I first mentioned I wanted to get into lolita; he didn't really like the idea of it. Not because of the clothing, but because he has 2 friends who became lolitas and it virually took over their lives and all they do and think about is lolita now to the point where one of them said "i don't feel like myself unless I'm in lolita", so lifestyler, and I guess that freaked him out? But of course, I still got into and he's fine with it since it hasn't really changed my personality or my way of life, so he tolerates it, and even says I look cute when I'm dressed up.

>> No.8244731

>Men: Why dont you have a Lolita Girlfriend? Why do you want one?
my girlfriend is in another state and has severe body self image issues. she does like looking at photos and stuff though. personally, i'm not into it at all, but it brightens her day/week up when she see's something she likes and that's good enough for me to be supportive of it.

>> No.8244740

Good man, keep up the work. Hopefully one day she'll find herself as beautiful as you see her.

>> No.8244744

My husband 100% supports me wearing lolita. He thinks it's cute. He helps me pick things out and get ready occasionally. We want to get him into EGA but he's pretty tall so it's hard finding things to fit.

>> No.8244748

My girlfriend is supportive of my lolita stuff; I started dating her before I started wearing it, but she knew I'd been interested for a few years, and she's always super sweet about it.

>> No.8244761

yeah she's even asked me about how i'd feel if she got cosmetic surgery... then she got all quiet after i replied so i don't know. it's hard to arrange things 900 miles apart other than texting and random phone calls. my job keeps me quite busy so other than working, sleeping, and sometimes eating i don't have time to do anything more. it makes me sad because she's had it pretty rough for a long time and only recently after going to grad school has things started to lighten up on her.

so things like those really nice photoshoots of new stuff that comes out that she can oogle and be excited about are fantastic. it's the little things that make the difference.

>> No.8244777

She'll get there, a rock is all it takes. Be a stable foundation, and hopefully the two of you can be happy together.

>> No.8244788

Thankfully my fiancé is very supportive of the fashion. He always tells me how beautiful I look when I get all dressed up and he thinks it's really great whenever I find new lolitas to connect with. Whenever I hear some girl/woman complaining about how unsupportive or rude their bf is about their love for the fashion, I get really sad. I don't see how you could want to be with someone that just ridicules/criticizes something you love so much. Yeah, they're just clothes and it's just a hobby--but it's an expensive hobby and I can't imagine how crushed I would be if I put a lot of time and money into my coords only to have my SO tell me I look ridiculous.

>> No.8244809

My bf was a bit weirded of lolita fashion saying it looks like childish or weird, it's odd because he isn't either a normalfag and he look more unsual than me, with many piercings and side shaved/hawk style hair and metalhead clothing, some gothic stuff too while i have no piercings/tattoos or weird haircut. It doesn't help i like more sweet lolita than gothic, he likes ofc the gothic look but less the sweet one, especially if full pastels. I'm in a LDR, hoping for the best and starting into lolita so what i have is only burando in black and sweet prints so i'm not sure how he would act in public or seeing myself dressing often lolita, but i think he doesn't really care (i showed also some pics of me in lolita or on skype and he appreciated the looks, maybe he need to get used to more cuter fashions lol) as long i dress still in darker clothing, thing i do often outside lolita but i want to get into ETC and so into otome.
>mfw i thought to dress up for fun my bf one day in gothic lolita
>i know he somewhat likes crossdressing
>maybe he would accept it and look good too

>> No.8244811

>yeah she's even asked me about how i'd feel if she got cosmetic surgery... then she got all quiet after i replied so i don't know
What did she want to fix, and what did you say?

>> No.8244834

the typical stuff, boob job, butt implant, nose thing, et c. just more of a general question but her comment was specifically about a breast augmentation.

i said i just wanted her healthy and happy with herself - whatever form that took. cosmetic surgery might be a thing to hold off on until after school though for money/recovery reasons. i also said that there's a very real confidence boost a lot of people get after they realize their ideal body (or get closer to it) so since i didn't really have an informed opinion nor did i feel comfortable outright telling her what to do about it, i'd rather keep it to "healthy and happy". you know, because i love you and shit.

pretty was how my side went down. after some other jabber she needed to get to bed.

>> No.8244843

That sounds kind of like you want her to get fake boobs. You were trying to send the right message but I think something along the lines of "I love you just the way you are" would have done less damage and made her feel better.

>> No.8244844

Ex-bf loved it, but I couldn't afford it when I was with him

>broke up with him
>got a nice paying job
>gonna wear it when I walk past his stall in a con this year just to say fuck u

>> No.8244870

Not the same anon, but I don't see how. If someone told me they wanted cosmetic surgery I would probably react the same way. "I love you the way you are" is disrespectful if she really wants to go through with it.

>> No.8244872

her tits are fine, i wanted to make the point that i care more about her being healthy and happy with herself than her cup size. i'm not really someone that would tell someone else what to do with their own body.

>> No.8244881
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I just interviewed him to be sure.
>How have your BF's felt?
"I think that it is a great hobby..for you, and you very much so enjoy it. I approve of it."
>Do they dress up?
He doesn't.
>do you want them to if they dont?
Usually I only ask him to look nice if I take him to a meetup, usually involves a vest and a tie.
Is it weird that I want to embroider some of his ties so they match my Angelic Pretty prints?

>> No.8244882

It's probably better to say "i love you the way you are, but will respect your decision with your own body." or something like that, because that way it doesn't pressure her one way or the other, and shows that she is still cared for regardless of her choice.

>> No.8244886

i guess i was too wordy or something.

>> No.8244894

Ex was already into J-culture, so he wasn't too phased. He preferred gothic, but I was more old school sweet and otome.

>> No.8244903

1. What is this pic from?
2. Why don't I have one? Haven't really been thinking about relationships.

>> No.8244905

Tommy Lee Jones is the spokesperson for Boss Coffee so he goes to Japan a lot for commercials.

>> No.8244930

My boyfriend likes lolita - He likes how it looks on me and that it makes me happy.
He's super proud of me for being able to make my own clothing and loves it when I get compliments while we're out, too.

He finds trashy goth stuff 'sexy,' but a nice, clean lolita coord is 'wife-tier.'

>> No.8244938

I got into lolita about three years into my relationship with my boyfriend. His only concern was that I not wear it daily, which I don't ever really see happening anyway, but he always gives me tons of compliments when I dress up, never seems embarrassed or anything to go out with me while I'm wearing it, and is very happy that I've managed to make new friends through the fashion. I doubt I could ever get him to dress in jfashion, but maaaybe one day. It's not really something I care about one way or the other, though, as long as he's supportive and happy for me like he is now, it's enough.

>> No.8244960
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>How does he feel?
He knows it's a hobby of mine, he's gotten me a dress for my birthday, and he likes to see me happy. I don't think he really has a thought about it or not, he just likes seeing me happy. I think he likes the more classic stuff I wear, though I generally wear sweet.

>Does he dress up?
No, he doesn't. He kind of has "his style" and sticks to it, "his style" being khakis and a button down or polo. He's just a nerdy normal faggy IT guy that (like me) prefers to sit on his ass all day on his computer.

>Do you want him to?
Naw. I don't care. He has the body to do so if he ever wanted to though... unf. This does make me curious what he would look like, but I'm not going to spend the money just to see, he would probably play along with it as long as we didn't go outside and no pictures were taken, lol.

>> No.8245029
File: 57 KB, 400x533, tumblr_nd3d9rIBds1txb5muo5_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a husband and he's fine with it. I really like sweet although he definitely prefers gothic. He's happy though because I'm happy.

He doesn't dress up but I would like him too sometimes. Mostly so its more appropriate for him to go to events.

>I'm bisexual though, if I wasn't in a monogamous I would love to have a cute as fuck lolita girlfriend

>> No.8245335

I'd leave you for wearing sweet and spelling riddance like that.

I want a qt gf who spends too much time on her looks. Whine.

>> No.8245375

I don't have a Lolita gf because I'm out of shape and have a huge beard

I'm trying to get in shape but making time to LARP and becoming an Engineer THEN to workout is difficult and I think I'm just lazy

>> No.8245406

Where are you going to Uni? I'm starting this year too.

>> No.8245426

>How have your BF's felt?
I was into Lolita before I met my husband, so if he hadn't liked it we probably wouldn't have worked out. He thinks it's very pretty and has expressed that I look beautiful in it, but he would rather buy me electronic than dresses, so I never ask for clothes from him or anything. He gets along with the majority of Lolita friends, and comes to casual meetups sometimes. He's also pretty geeky in general, so we watch anime together and go to cons, weeb shit like that.

>Do they dress up?
He'll wear Victorian-style stuff for fancy meets, but otherwise isn't interested in dressing up much.

>Do you want them to if they dont?
I'd love to see him wear more Neo-Victorian stuff, but the opportunities for him to dress up are pretty rare, so I haven't made him anything new recently. I can't see him in EGA or ouji--it wouldn't suit him.

>> No.8245435

Maybe start with your diet? You can do it anon!

>> No.8245450

>How have your BF's felt?
he loves it and appreciates me wearing nice clothes. he wishes he could dress to match with me, but maybe in a few years. he might even let me dress him up!
>Do they dress up, and do you want them to if they dont?
i dont mind. although, ideally, i want him to wear dress shirts and a nice pair of leather shoes. whatever looks nice and classy.

>> No.8245452
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My boyfriend has his own metal/greaser look going on so we look like an odd couple but he thinks lolita is really cute and likes to help me when I have trouble picking things out for coords and such, only problem is that he is quite protective of me when we go out. If someone says something rude or mean behind my back he instantly turns around and says something along the lines of "well I think she looks beautiful, got a problem with that?" they instantly back away because he's practically bear-mode 24/7. My bear the biggest softy in spite of his looks and really dotes on me, I love him so so much

>> No.8245456

The problem is I'm on a meal plan so yea

>> No.8245458

*im on the Uni meal plan

>> No.8245514

I've been with my fiance 3 years and have just recently started getting into lolita. He says that it suits me and likes the way I look in it. He also likes that it's encouraging me to make new friends in my comm, because he knows that's something I want but am bad at. I think he's a bit wary of how expensive it is though. I'll tell him how I'm "being good and not buying the $300 dress I saw" from time to time but I think we both know it's going to happen eventually.

He doesn't dress up, I don't really care that he doesn't (he's tall and beardy and thinking of him in ouji makes me giggle a little) but it would be fun to coordinate somehow if we ever went to a meet together.

>> No.8245519

What does that change? You know you can diet by just eating less?

>> No.8245523

But what just like one plate of meat and veggies?

>> No.8245526

I was into classic lolita a little after I met my boyfriend, but at the time we weren't dating and were only friends. When I linked him to some jsks and stuff back in the day he said "that shit is so stupid" so I never really brought it up with him again, though I still wore Lolita on special occasions and didn't hide it from him.

Then now we're 3 years into our relationship and he suddenly comes back from a con (we don't live in the same country so meeting up is tough) and he told me he went to a Lolita meetup by coincidence the day before the con and that "EGA and boystyle doesn't sound that bad, I might start looking into it" "It's not like I'm trying to match you or anything, you still look stupid wearing Lolita"

I think that's his way of saying he likes what I wear and wouldn't mind going to meetups with me when I visit him. Yay~

>> No.8245530

So your uni meal plan is too little food to diet?

>> No.8245535

It's just I just do not know how to diet like what foods to stay away from, and they hav little variety of food but I see fit people eat there so if they can do it why can't I?

>> No.8245538

>you still look stupid wearing lolita

What a dickbag. And how does one accidentally go to a lolita meetup?

>> No.8245540

Just measure the amount of food (scale if you can, otherwise like cups) and count calories with one of the million apps that do it out there. You will soon see which food will best make you full for the least calories.

>> No.8245548

Alright will do friend also im currently doing insanity (a workout did program) and sweating like a mother fucker each workout

>> No.8245558

My husband's a little iffy about lolita because his ex-wife was a lolita and she cheated on him while he was in boot camp. I kinda feel bad when I dress in lolita because I don't want him to be reminded of her and what she did, but he's very supportive of what I love and I'm very grateful for that!

Plus he says I look way better in lolita than his ex-wife and tells me that she was ita and dressed like shit the entire time they were together, so there's that.

>> No.8245560

>How have your BF's felt?
My first bf was the one who got me into lolita. I was a mallgoth at the time and very anti looking cute - I wanted to be more vampy and was more into the idea of aristocrat/victorian goth, but he kept saying that I would look cute in gothic lolita. I didn't really get into it after we broke up, but I'm still good friends with him and he's bought me a couple of dresses which I guess sounds a bit weird, but we tend to get each other fairly expensive gifts for birthday/Xmas - his last one was a ski trip.
Subsequent boyfriends have been supportive but varyingly enthusiastic about it. My current boyfriend thinks my style is awesome, but much prefers the elegant and darker end of things.

>Do they dress up, and do you want them to if they don't?
He's got a pretty good sense of style himself - he doesn't do super casual very well so his most casual is usually a shirt + chinos/tidy jeans. He's not anti dressing up for formal occasions to match me although he wouldn't really be into following brand releases/poring over catalogues ever.

>> No.8245562

Rather not say. It's an area with a decent comm that I fully intend to join though, so I'm sure we'll come across each other.

>> No.8245563

>Why dont you have a Lolita Girlfriend?
I don't know anyone who is into cosplaying, let alone lolita. I hang out with "normies".
>Why do you want one?
I wouldn't solely seek out someone who was into it, I think it would be like a cool bonus that someone's into that fashion, and also I'd get to hear all about the delicious drama because I'm a drama whore.

>> No.8245564

A lolita with a bear-mode metalhead boyfriend? Cute as shit.

>> No.8245567

>It's not like I'm trying to match you or anything, you still look stupid wearing Lolita
This thundered shit is fucking weird in real life. Outside of anime this is kind of unacceptable.

>> No.8245571

Super fatty foods, sugary drinks (if you drink fizzy drinks or alcohol or take sugar in your tea/coffee outside of your uni canteen, just cutting that shit out should help you lose weight and prevent you getting diabetes). Carbs aren't bad in and of themselves but they shouldn't be the majority of your calorie intake. As a rule of thumb, carbohydrate and protein has 4 calories/gram, while fat has 9 calories/gram. Your food will also have fibre, which your body can't digest but keeps your digestive system running smoothly, and water content.

>> No.8245572


I think they had a pre-con lolita meetup at anime matsuri and my boyfriend went to buy tickets for the con a day earlier because he lived close by.

>What a dickbag

Yeah he kinda is one on the outside.. Maybe I'm kinda messed up to like him LOL but he does say nice things but he makes sure no one is around but me before he says anything like 'I think the dress you wore last week was nice.. But don't tell anyone I said that okay'

>> No.8245574

*tsundere not thundered

>> No.8245586

Here ya go, this should cover it:


Linking to an UK government health service website for a reason - a lot of commercial fitness ones will encourage unhealthy habits that border on disordered eating, or peddle pseudoscientific bullshit in order to sell you expensive supplements or the latest diet fad. The NHS is usually better than that.

>> No.8245595

You must be 18+ to use this site.
You guys literally sound like you're 12.

>> No.8245618

My bf has been very supportive from the beginning. He even started stalking /cgl/ to better understand what I'm into, haha. He thinks I'm pretty in the fashion and has told me he'd like to buy me a dress some day.

>> No.8245621

On the one hand my boyfriend doesn't like how much the clothes cost and sometimes grumbles a bit about girls who get too 'dolled up' (wigs, circle lenses, falsies, etc.) but on the other hand he thinks it's cute I have a hobby I enjoy so much and likes it when I make an effort. He also knows that I have pretty bad social anxiety and that dressing up cute helps with that.
He's a bit of an ex-weeb so maybe that affects how he feels about the look itself, but he has never really said anything about it. Basically the only time he gave me any feedback about an outfit was when he told me he doesn't really like black/gothic and prefers seeing me in lighter colours. Gothic doesn't really suit me anyway so that's fine, although I'm going to keep wearing black items when I feel like it.

As for himself, he's made it very clear (in general, not just in reference to lolita) that he's completely opposed to dressing up himself. He's said that he will never take a job that expects him to wear something nicer than jeans and hiking shoes. I don't think he'd look good in male Jfash anyway so it's no skin off my back, but I do hope he'll reconsider the jeans thing at some point. Or at least get nicer jeans.

>> No.8245690

My boyfriend thinks it's cute. First time he saw me in AP, he was a little surprised and said it was 'different' and a 'bit over the top', but supports me wearing/talking about it. I dont think he'd be too interested dressing up in ouji or anything,(I'm not too interested in having him dress in it either) I've probably reached his limit already by having us cosplay together at his first actual con soon.

>> No.8245695

My bf is similar to everyone's in that he prefers classic and Gothic, he gets embarrassed when people look at us in the street whereas I'm really used to it, so I try to not wear sweet around him. But he would never refuse to walk with me just because of it, he's very supportive and so I work to respect his choices too.
He's a western geek; computer games and SciFi, so there's no overlap with my weeb life but we try to meet in the middle about everything. He keeps up with the community drama and i follow his game tournaments. It would probably be easier to date someone that watched anime etc but that's not what it's about.

He's a total cutie though, I think he'd really suit most of bakasouseji's coords so it's a shame that the most out there his style gets is a bit rock-ish, but think he'd prefer me in 1940s style so it's all about compromise.
>that said, forever dreaming of a lolita gf to share wardrobes with and sleep next to in lacy nightwear tho

>> No.8245702

I have been with my boyfriend for a long time. I became a lolita about 2 years ago. At first, he didn't mind and helped me buy a baby dress once. However, about 2-3 weeks ago, his opinion has suddenly changed. He has been telling me he hates me wearing lolita. I need to stop. If I must wear it, it should only be to conventions and meets. I would try to wear a very toned down lolita coord on Sundays, but even then he doesn't like it. I don't understand the change in view. I asked him why he hates lolita now. He told me that I have a really nice figure and I need to wear clothes that show it off not constantly hide it. He then commented that by the time I finally leave lolita, my figure will be bad and he missed out on seeing me wear nice clothes. I then jokingly asked what offend him more, if I got a gigantic tattoo (he hates tattoos) or wore lolita on a date for the rest of our lives. He told me lolita.

It makes me upset. Again, I have been with him for years, and I just feel blind sighted by this.

>> No.8245703

Thanks friends!

>> No.8245722
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I met my boyfriend the last year of college. I was so broke I couldn't afford ramen, let alone lolita. He has aways been super supportive and has grown to love it more the deeper I get into it. Last time we visited NYC, he even insisted on getting me a jsk.

Although he doesn't really dress up for me, he's slowly evolving into his own sense of style. It's very vintage Harvard professor, which I think matches my style of classic pretty well. He's a big guy (bearish with his beard and beer belly) so he would never be able to pull off jfash anyway.

Picture pulled from google to give an idea. His frames are a little less hipsterish, though.

But honestly, I'd be happy with him even if he thought lolita was odd. I've had several bad relationships before, and it's really the respect that I appreciate.

>> No.8245931

Man, that's weird. Anything cause the sudden change of heart? Or was it just one of those things where he thought it was a phase you'd get over so he was tolerating it, then when her realised you were in it for the long haul he panicked?

>> No.8245943

God sometimes you people are stupid. It's really obvious that he just misses seeing her in clothes that show off her figure. She fucking said that's what he said. Obviously he likes her body and lolita is good about completely disguising it. He probably just misses when she used to show it off more(atleast show it off compared to in lolita)

>> No.8245951

Well yeah, but I was surprised it took him two years to say it if that was the only reason. Hence why I thought he probably assumed she'd get bored of lolita after a while before.

>> No.8245955

He didn't say he hates it or even wants her to stop wearing it all together, just that he wants her to stop casually. And the OP didn't say how long she'd been wearing it causally(it certainly wasn't the entire 2 years she was into it) chances are, that's a recent thing and she's leaving it out cause she misread his meaning.

>> No.8246010

My ex bf didn't really give a shit about lolita. when we first met I didn't have the money or time for it but later in the relationship I got a job and more time and started getting into it more. He didn't really want to talk about it with me and he didn't like me wearing it out when he was with me. Tbh I think it's part of the reason we didn't end up working out. I always tried to do my best to show interest in whatever he was into at the time,(playing metal, riding motorcycle, working out, making games) but he never really cared much about what I was doing. :(
Currently talking too much to a boy already in a relationship because he actually loves lolita and talking with me about it and going to tea and shit. He even tries to match me when we hang out with colors and what not. We talk back and forth about whats in the mail and garbage too. 10/10 would date. I hate him for being so nice while with someone else.

Secretly hoping to meet dream lolita girlfriend but not holding out too much since I hardly ever hangout with new people. I'm a piece of trash.

>> No.8246040


I have been wearing lolita a lore more casually since I have been able to get more dresses now. He understands that I love it and it makes me happy and that's why he says I don't have to quit it, but he does want me to save it for conventions and meets only. I see lolita as a fashion and since I wear classic, I don't see why it would be inappropriate to wear a toned down coord for day to day wear sometimes. He just thinks differently of it now.I am starting to think it something he thought I would just outgrow.

>> No.8246086

>He then commented that by the time I finally leave lolita, my figure will be bad

>> No.8246095

I really highly doubt that he thought you'd outgrow it but rather, didn't think you'd want to wear it so often. From what you said, he wants to support you but also wants you to look sexy in a way he finds sexy sometimes. And that's not wrong, but if it's an issue you guys gotta work it out.

>> No.8246105

I don't know, I feel its really unhealthy for him to be so aggressive about what clothing you decide to wear. I mean, unless you tell him what to wear all the time too, and you guys are both controlling type people. "i just want you to be sexy now; because i won't find you sexy in the future" makes him sound like he's not that great of a guy.

Then again, maybe he's getting picked on by his friends and family recently because of the way you dress; and he's taking it out on you? Probably need to have a serious chat with him.

>> No.8246126

>Men: Why dont you have a Lolita Girlfriend? Why do you want one?
I don't think you should be asking this...ever.

>> No.8246127

I know he doesn't really like it, but seeing as he went out with me last night dressed in it, I think he just doesn't care unless I was to dress OTT or something.

Probably helps that I dress in mostly non-print goth/classic and try to keep it somewhat normalfagy-ish looking

>> No.8246135

Ech. My boyfriend gets to see me naked every night so he doesn't care so much what I wear during the day as long as it doesn't get too crazy. Does your bf want to show your tits off to his friends or something?

>> No.8246137

The classic - if female, talk about your experience with your bf's and their reactions to lolita - if male
>tfw no gf (90%)
or post some fantasy stories where you pretend that your anime waifu is your gf (10%).

>> No.8246141

Your boyfriend is a misogynist. Drop him and get a better one.

>> No.8246152

I thought that was weird too, like surely he sees you around the house in other clothes, does he feel like he has to show off that you're a prize-tittied catch?

>> No.8246157

Agreed. They're just fucking clothes and if they bother him that much, there's something wrong with him. If he cares about you he should be supportive of your hobbies and fashion choices.

>> No.8246160

This. If you know a brand name or say coord it's easy to tell you aren't a creep

>> No.8246167

My boyfriend doesn't really like it because a friend of his is into it. She had a crush on him quite a few years before we were together, and he couldn't get over how much makeup and accessories she wore (OTT gothic) and he thinks she looks like an ugly alien with it and worse without.
I don't know if she acted like your boyfriend's ex, but she would refuse to go out unless she had a bunch of makeup on and was dressed to the nines even if she was just going to the bank, so he'd be left waiting around.

>> No.8246168

Depend if they have the mentality of one. If she do, no, just no. If she don't then why not I guess... If I like her and all that

>> No.8246174

Boyfriend is not crazy about jfash, unfortunately. He says he's not embarrassed by it, but he essentially says that nobody likes to have other people think you're embarrassing. He says he thinks I won't be able to handle if people say mean things to me or laugh. I tried to tell him that I don't care what other people think when it comes to how I dress, because I'm enjoying myself and they're just ignorant, but still he insists. I think he's actually just embarrassed by me wearing it and doesn't want to hurt my feelings by saying so.

>> No.8246195

My boyfriend is fine with it in general but asked me to wear something else when we're around certain of his friends. Apparently most of those guys (who he knows from high school) have a bit of a pervy weeb side and one guy in particular is quite outspoken about his fetish for "lolis" - both underage anime girls and lolita fashion. Apparently he talks about how OTKs and petticoats turn him on all the time when I'm not around. Bf and I tend to avoid him anyway but when there's a high likelihood of running into him I leave the lolita at home since I don't want to give this guy the wrong idea. My bf doesn't like the idea of dudes creeping on me because of my clothes, and neither do I.

>> No.8246199

my ex bf was very adamant about me not getting into lolita because he was fucking around with one of the underage girls in my comm before we dated.
needless to say...he's an ex for a reason.

>> No.8246206

not that anon, but meal plans make it very hard to eat right. All the food is cooked really un healthy and full of extra grease and stuff. Plus in some places the salad bar is literally lettuce and carrots (like mine). It is a lot easier to eat well when you cook your own food.

>> No.8246211

-> One free ticket for a boyfriend, right here! <-

Get it while you can!

I would love to have a qt gf that dresses in lolita, that's just how swell I am.

>> No.8246218

>Apparently most of those guys (who he knows from high school) have a bit of a pervy weeb side and one guy in particular is quite outspoken about his fetish for "lolis" - both underage anime girls and lolita fashion. Apparently he talks about how OTKs and petticoats turn him on all the time when I'm not around.
Why is he still friends with that guy at all?

>> No.8246224

Must be some secret patriarchal bond to keep womyn down.

>> No.8246247

I completely agree. What I've been doing in that situation is eat rice mixed with whatever the salad bar had to offer and some olive oil. I don't think that'd work for your main meal though.

>> No.8246256

That won't help him stop being an ugly Beta male. Also, thin men are just as unattractive if not more than fat men. It is better for him to remain fat and then use the fat to get ripped (muscular in Alpha speak).

Diets are something for women only.

>> No.8246275

>Also, thin men are just as unattractive if not more than fat men.
Not to women.

>> No.8246286

You are confusing thin men with men who happen to have a low bodyfat percentage and hence visible abs. Only a minority of Beta skeletons do that.

Whereas with a reasonably fat man the woman can appreciate and understand the fact that he is merely bulking, at the moment.

>> No.8246288
File: 188 KB, 428x546, 1428622825492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no lolita gf
>tfw in love with friend who's also a seagull

I love talking to her about different burando and classic looks great on her but I don't think she has any idea how I feel about her.

>> No.8246291

Don't even tell her. She might take it as sexual harassment from you.

>> No.8246295

>ugly Beta male

Bro I still bang fat chicks

>> No.8246300

If I was going to sexually harass her, I probably would have done it already.

>> No.8246302

Nono, my boyfriend didn't date either of them; just sort of watched as lolita consumed their lives and saw how their boyfriends who are our friends reacted to it and got treated? Like spending most money on lolita before anything else; taking pictures everywhere; being all sad after being posted on btb and /cgl/; and dropping most family and friends for mostly lolita friends. He's still friends with them, and they are both really nice.

>> No.8246303

You must have had some bad experiences if you think telling a friend you like them will probably be construed as sexual harassment.

>> No.8246304

Not bad, dumb people would almost believe this lie because it sounds reasonable.

However, fat chicks don't want to have sex with ugly fat men (i.e. you). Fat chicks, even the morbidly obese ones, still have extremely high standards for men. Especially in the West that is. And with the way the sex market is set up, it is completely normal to see 5/10 fat cunts with 7-8/10 thin boyfriends.

You wouldn't stand a chance - not only metaphorically, but if you think about it in a rational way, it's also physically impossible. I mean, how the fuck would you even put it in?

You'd need a meter long schlong to reach her cunt between your and her fat rolls.

>> No.8246307

Thin men can easily be attractive to women if the rest of them isn't "beta". Meaning well groomed, manly features, wearing elegant clothing etc. I'm the kind of woman who likes that aristocrat/artist type and many other women do too (not just little girls).

>> No.8246310

Leave him for a man that loves you and the stuff you do.

>> No.8246311

Nothing about his post implies that she is his friend. He is most likely her "friend" as in she already friendzoned him when he tried something in the past.

I didn't say anything about you sexually harassing her. I said that she might take it as sexual harassment from you.

Recent polls in Britain say that the majority of (college-aged) women believe if you smile at a woman you're sexist. If an ugly man makes advances on a girl he likes, she can report him for sexual harassment.

You are clearly an ugly man, so put 2 & 2 together, mate.

>thin man
>manly features
I'm dying here.

>> No.8246312


>> No.8246318

Fuck off. We used to run this board, show some respect.

>> No.8246319

I'm a female ouji/gothic lolita, and my first gf was a sweet lolita. She's a great friend, but she wanted to take things too quickly for me. Also, she's make her voice higher when dressed up and had a serial killer laugh.
TFW lonely ouji looking for a cute lolita to cuddle and talk to and do absolutely nothing sexual.

>> No.8246320

Yeah because all of the muscle and fat in your face makes it manly right, Anon? Clench that jaw harder.

>> No.8246322

Who, /fit/izens or paranoid men in general? I don't see why I should respect either.

>> No.8246325

>she's make her voice higher when dressed up
Ah man, I hate it when people do that.

>> No.8246327

No, there's a little thing called TEST-TOSTERONE. The only way a thin man would have that is through prenatal testosterone (aka the Legolass Effect) and that is incredibly rare (aka naturally good looking from genetics people).

Normal men become good looking by lifting.

>> No.8246328

I was under the impression that they were both women if they were talking about burando together, not that it really matters. Still not sexual harassment.

>> No.8246329

Well you are clearly a landwhale so your respect is completely irrelevant.

>> No.8246334

It can still be harassment if he identifies as a woman. He clearly still has his penis. However, I guess you are right - if a MtF smiled at a woman, it is highly unlikely that he would get reported for sexual harassment (even if he's just as ugly as he used to be; just wearing a wig and bad make-up now).

>> No.8246336

I feel like there's already a disproportionately high number of lesbians in the thread, but whatever.

>How have your BF's felt?
Never had a bf. Haven't had a gf since I started lolita either actually, but I've only been wearing it a year and a half.
>Do they dress up, and do you want them to if they dont?
I'd fucking love to have a lolita girlfriend. There's so many ways it can be cute - either you like similar styles, in which case you might be able to twin, or you like different styles, in which case you can be a cute opposite couple. Even without a girlfriend I really want to try twinning with a girl, so here's hoping I'll be able to do that in 2015. That said, I'd be happy to have a girlfriend who dressed in another style entirely, or who wasn't that into fashion, as long as she didn't disparage me for liking it.

>> No.8246338

>I feel like there's already a disproportionately high number of lesbians in the thread, but whatever.
Don't worry love, there isn't. You might be the first real one if you're not also MtF.

>> No.8246341

So, is this the newest science now? Men all look like babies with no defined features, have no testosterone and have to produce it by lifting to alter their features? I simply wasn't aware.

>> No.8246342

[Question Time] - Does having a lolita gf mean that you're going to wear those clothes in bed and let me cover them in my semen?

It is kind of arousing, the thought of seeing my thick white seed on those delicate, probably expensive clothes.

Before you answer, consider the fact that I am a ripped confident good looking male, pretty much your dream guy compared to your current loser boyfriend.

>> No.8246344

You ever seen Jurassic Park?

"Life finds a way fuckboy"

Your Logic is just as bad as Robocop 3

/fit/ used to be really cool until cunt's like you came and fucked it more than Obamacare

>> No.8246347

>Men all look like babies with no defined features, have no testosterone and have to produce it by lifting to alter their features?
As I said, unless you have prenatal testosterone (one that you get at birth) then yes - if you never lift or do other manly things, then you are going to look like a man-baby.

Confirmed Virgo.

>> No.8246350

Whenever I've browsed threads like this, I've pretty much seen all women reply with "I won't have sex in burando but you can fuck me in Bodyline" on whether or not they'd indulge their partner's loli fetish

>> No.8246352

I don't know what neither burando nor Bodyline is.

>> No.8246354

Then lurk moar

>> No.8246356

go away

>> No.8246363

>telling the only good looking guy who blessed this thread with his presence to go away
>the "tfw no gf" betas & creepers can stay

Women logic.

>> No.8246364

Confirmed Natty.

>> No.8246366

She's not the first real one, I'm >>8244522 and I'm a bio female too. Can't speak for anyone else in the thread though.

>> No.8246368

I'm a female classic ouji/lolita on most days and also wishes to have a girlfriend to just cuddle because sexual stuff is overrated haha.

Had a boyfriend who always had a raging boner and I'm 100% not comfortable with that stuff. I'm a little terrified of guys now

>> No.8246375

Quit fucking posting here and go read the Sticky and Starting Strength.

>> No.8246378

Is prenatal testosterone super rare? I see manly faced skinny dudes all the fucking time. Actually the only feminine dudes I see are fat and that's just the fat hiding their features.

>> No.8246384

Well how I was supposed to be able to tell? No one is going to read that huge wall of text.

Are you retarded? I already have the nattiest physique. I don't need to read any stickies (and I never did).

Your standards for "manly faced" are clearly set extremely low then. It's literally billions of skeleton nerds who are into MLP or anime for 1 good looking Enzo the Menzo whose prenatal testosterone gave him a Johnny Depp face.

>> No.8246396

>Not reading the sticky

You are calling me retarded?


>> No.8246411

My girlfriend and I are both lolitas, but she wears it much more than me, is much better dressed and is pretty lifestyle. It's great having somebody to help me coord and and I'm not an envious person so I'm really happy to let her shine and show off how beautiful she is. It's also pretty fun being able to talk about loli drama with somebody irl without them thinking you're an omg vendetta-channing bitch seagull who's going to go post them on BtB.

>> No.8246426

Girl I'm so jealous. That's awesome. I hope you two twin and do outfits together too, ahhh that sounds like so much fun.

I'm just gonna sulk in a corner w/ all my burando but no one to coord with sobs

>> No.8246442

Maybe I'm just not American.

>> No.8246455

Is natty an American term? I've never heard it before.

>> No.8246458

No, I mean the feminine skinnies everywhere.

>> No.8246467

Boyfriend thinks lolita is cute, but doesn't understand why I want to spend as much money on it.
Actual quote
>You bought another blue dress? You already have two!

My ''identical'' blue dresses are a floral from Baby, IW's Icing Cookie and Meta's Fruit Punch Soda

>> No.8246477

Holy shit, your boyfriend is a fucking misogynist. DUMP HIM!

>> No.8246482
File: 37 KB, 267x400, 1428023240560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put that away before some dumb cunt takes you seriously and derails the thread

>> No.8246487

>implying I'm going to listen to an old straight cis white male patriarch

>> No.8246508

>Thinking that my otherwise amazing boyfriend not getting my obsession with clothing equals misogyny

You're either a horrible troll or the living embodiment of the worst kind of tumblr or both.

On the other side, I don't understand why he needs more than one first person shooter, so I guess we're sort of even

>> No.8246511


>> No.8246513

jesus christ we've really hit a new low
it's like this board is eternal summer

>> No.8246516

My bf likes me wearing lolita fashion.

Sometimes I dress up in lolita when we have sex and he gives me delicious cummies all over my burando.

>> No.8246551

You must be really ugly then if you can't even drop a misogynistic 5/10 boyfriend for a better one.

>> No.8246600

My boyfriend supports my love for Lolita, so much that he keeps an eye out for things I might like. He doesn't find it sexy or anything, just loves that it makes me happy. He also tends to be the one to buy all my Lolita for me as well.

>> No.8246608

My boyfriend loves Lolita! He's actually been getting into it himself recently. He's bought a few dresses and almost has a full coord together. I can't wait to wear lolita with him. A lot of brolitas look really awkward but I think he's going to look cute. He crossplays a lot and always looks cute in those because he's pretty feminine already and knows how to do his makeup.

>> No.8246613


I talked about it with him. He is concerned about others judging me by my clothes. I am shy, so my interaction with others outside of meets and close friends is minimal. I can see people judging me if I don't talk to them.

>> No.8246619
File: 51 KB, 680x383, hjhfnklsdj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boyfriend is the kind of boyfriend who makes me think there should be an International Lolita Boyfriend day.

>always tells me i look cute, no matter how OTT or how freaky i look
>can appreciate all styles; classic, gothic, sweet, he says theyre all his favorite on me
>ties my waist ties to perfection, never lets me leave home without them done beautifully
>styles/blow dries my hair before a meet, telling me how cute i am while doing so
>takes me out to dinner at the end of every meet, telling me its because im so cute
>GOES with me to every meet, says he loves seeing me happy and likes some of my friends
>participates in the weeby stuff about my life, agreed to doing valentines day+white day instead of the traditional western way and makes me beautiful cakes and sweets and parfaits cause he knows i love stuff like that

I dont deserve his love, truly... im actually blushing while typing this.

>> No.8246630

Not sure whether to feel jealous or accuse you of lying.

>> No.8246636

Probably lying. It smells a lot like the typical "neckbeard posting about his fantasy girlfriend on the Internet" greentext.

Not even girls get boyfriends that are this fucking high out of their league.

>> No.8246637

Are you cheating on him?

>> No.8246642
File: 197 KB, 1600x900, #goaheadmakeherday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well either that or he looks like this guy, which would explain his behavior.

>> No.8246663

To feel less jealous:
>he isn't rich. at all. We usually go to cheaper places, and have to save on other things together to go out to dinner once a month.
Its not a complete dream where everything is done/paid for for me. I actually pick up the dinner tab quite often myself.

It totally is the truth though. Weve been together for almost 4 years now, before I was into lolita.

He dresses in normal clothes.

>> No.8246671

>To feel less jealous:
>>he isn't rich. at all

Lel, ok. Confirmed fantasy boyfriend.

>"Hmm, /cgl/ doesn't believe me, quickly I gotta find something negative about my dream/fantasy boyfriend, Gary Stu..."
>"Oh yeah, he's not rich, that will definitely do it!"

>> No.8246683

This board has more elitist than /v/, /a/, and /fit/

>> No.8246690

My boyfriend likes my looks, he hasn't said anything bag about it but sometimes he really doesn't get the aesthetic.
He has a good fashion sense and dresses up but it's a very street style, not an elegant look.
He think all the guys in ega look like faggots but he'd wear Atelier Boz if I bought it. But I don't want to drop that cash that just to drag him along somewhere.

>> No.8246691

>but that's because of personal choice
Well duh it's physically impossible for a girl to want a boyfriend but not have one.

>> No.8246702

It's got nothing to do with elitism, it is just cringeworthy and obvious fantasies. Maybe if you said "he's not very attractive physically" it would be slightly believable but this is just too much. Reads like a fanfic.

>> No.8246710

they never even talked about his appearance. he could be morbidly obese and 40 years old.

>> No.8246714

This is an different person not the 'whatever' that was posting about her bf.

I believe she's not lying but also cheating on him she has to she can't support this expensive habit by herself.

>> No.8246716

If that was true, she would have mentioned it.


>> No.8246718


>> No.8246729

My boyfriend likes lolita, I wear quite a few styles and he seems to like all of them although prefers Aristocrat and Classic. When I wear old school he thinks I look most like a lolita. Which I find pretty sweet that even after seeing so many lolitas he still has the traditional image of lolita in his mind. He helps me get dressed sometimes and occasionally gives coord advice. He loves Iron Gate and calls most prints Iron Gate as a jokel and always suggests I wear it. He doesn't dress up in aristo or ouji but does attend meets with me sometimes and is friends with a few lolitas in the comm. My closest lolita friends are good friends with him too and we often meet up outside of meets. I wasn't a lolita before we started dating but was interested for a long time and started wearing the fashion about 9 months into the relationship. We've been together for over three years and our relationship is quite good outside of his severe depression but that's another story.

>> No.8246787

My rl husbando accepts my fashion, and always says I look cute when I wear it. (Mostly sweet lolita or himekaji) He always helps me put my fake lashes on(something I just haven't been able to do myself) and ties my bows to get ready. So kind of similar to >>8246619 . They do exist!

I don't have him come to meets with me though because I think that would just be awkward. He isn't really into fashion, he dresses nice for work otherwise he just asks me what he should wear when we go out.

I've been trying to get him to do some kind of male j-fashion. He probably would wear whatever I picked out but he if he isn't passionate about it so it seems like a waste of money. I'm not going to make him an accessory. More outfits for me I guess?

>> No.8246800
File: 1.32 MB, 2470x2194, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was friends with my bf for a few years before we got together so he already knew I wore lolita and totally accepts it. He's one of those 100% bear mode alpha male guys and his ideal type is super feminine tiny ladies so naturally he's very supportive and loves how I dress.
My ex couldn't handle how obsessive I can be with lolita but my current bf is as much of a car nerd as I am a frilly loser so we totally understand each other in that sense. I get to pick out brand pieces for my birthday and xmas, he fronts me cash when I see something I really want but can't afford at the time and he never lectures me about what I do with my money (and I don't bitch when he spends all his money on driving sims and craft beer). The guy is a fucking diamond.

>> No.8246810

Nope, hes 20 and really really cute.

So heres the conflict of your "fanfic":

Hes..short? He's about 5'7". He's slightly overweight and hates my mom and my cat. He carries his weight only on his torso and is having an incredibly hard losing it there, even though he's lost it everywhere else. Occasionally he can be a dick, and can get mad easily. We have the same real, normal fights all couples have, but I'm very happy about the way we handle them now, since we've both grown to understand each others ways of communication more. We had a rough patch about 1.5 years ago where almost the only thing that kept me from breaking up with him was that I was scared nobody else would understand lolita.

But that was about everything bad about him in a paragraph, and I could write a book about how amazing he is.

Hope you liked it anon!

>> No.8246811

I hope you ladies with these super supportive boyfriends at least swallow!

>> No.8246813

Yeah but how many guys do you fuck behind his back?

>> No.8246837

Different anon here. he sounds like he wants to respect her choices but also say he loves her as is to me.

>> No.8246860 [DELETED] 

>implying they ever actually do anything sexual with them

Silly, nice guys are only for free money and emotional support.
Sex is only for the tall, buff alphamales.

>> No.8246861

>implying they ever actually do anything sexual with them

Silly, nice guys are only for free money and emotional support.
Sex is only for the tall, buff alphamales.

>> No.8246863

I don't suck dick.

>> No.8246864

What a surprise, I'm shocked.

>> No.8246865

Being beta enough to think like this and feel the need to say it here.

>> No.8246866
File: 54 KB, 315x320, lews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this your fantasy or something? None. He's crazy in bed and I cant imagine anyone in the world fucking me better. He spends a majority of the time eating me out while pinching my nipples, its great. He spanks me, ties me up, buys me lingerie, buys pink bondage gear, buys multiple vibrators, talks dirty, likes roleplay (bro/siscon, even), etc.

>> No.8246870
File: 170 KB, 506x480, 1427803568242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw an ex gf indulged my incest roleplaying for months before breaking down in the middle of sex and telling me she was abused by a family member

>> No.8246876

The part that seems cringe worthy to me was adding the "because I look so cute" to every single action he does. It just seems creepy.

>> No.8246880

And that's when you brought in the bondage and switched up the role-playing by pretending to be that family member right?

>> No.8246883

>calls him "cute"

>then points out he is a fucking manlet and fat as fuck (assuming that you're American and if an American says "slightly overweight" he is fat as fuck by European standards and morbidly standard by Japanese standards)

Looks like >>8246642 was right.

Case solved.

>> No.8246885

I have a husband like this. What kind of scrub ass boyfriends do all you have to think this is so out of the norm?

>> No.8246887

We changed it to brother and sister instead of father and daughter after that, funnily enough.

She also actually had an older brother. Funny that

>> No.8246889

Mad beta is mad.

>> No.8246892

Mexico, Australia and Britain have all surpassed America in terms of fatness. I just wonder how long it will take internet shitposters to catch up.

>> No.8246893

Gurl you've obviously never had the BBC :)

>> No.8246895

All of them are shitholes that became such after copying America.

>> No.8246897

>tfw most people want some wild sex fantasies
>tfw only interested sex in the missionary position for the sake of procreation and if I do get a bf he'll probably break up with me anyway once he finds out

>> No.8246902

Yeah sure but how long until the "americans are the ONLY fat people in the world" meme dies

>> No.8246904

My bf loves it. He takes it as his cue to be extra gentlemanly and hold doors open and stuff. I always tell him doesn't half to but he always does. He's used to girls who do nothing for themselves and has exes that are junkies now so I think he's enamored by the pure effort more than anything. Like after all that work he wants me to be relaxed all day. It's sweet because he knows how important lolita is to me. The only downside is him not getting why I wont bring him to a meet unless we get him some boystyle or EGA.

>> No.8246911

>other people get stereotyped as terrorists, rapists, communist spies who beat their children, drunkards
You sure sound fat

>> No.8246912

Angry troll is talking to one of those girls he pines after. Also taken by a supposedly beta male. Cry harder.

>> No.8246916 [DELETED] 

Busting a nut inside a woman missionary style is probably the best and most basic carnal pleasure there is in this world after getting sucked off vigorously right after coming

>> No.8246920

>I hate americans because they all constantly make unfounded assumptions about entire groups of people despite never even actually meeting any of them!

Do you realize the irony what you're doing right now?

>> No.8246924

>after getting sucked off vigorously right after coming
nah Jesus taught me better son

>> No.8246932

The taste of cum isn't that bad, gurl.

Getting pubes in my teeth after eating a girl out, now that's bad.

>> No.8246938

>The taste of cum isn't that bad, gurl.
does anybody else's stomach hurt after swallowing cum? I love sucking off my boyfriend but I just cant swallow because of the nausea/aches.

>> No.8246943

Tell him to change his diet.

>> No.8246944

Man what a fag.
I was mostly just joking about the cheating thing but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he wouldn't want to watch you fuck another guy.

>> No.8246950

He wants to watch me fuck another girl.

But I don't think we'd ever actually do that, Im not into anything remotely polyamorous.

>> No.8246963


>> No.8246964

>Is it weird that I want to embroider some of his ties so they match my Angelic Pretty prints?

That is an amazing idea, anon.

>> No.8246991

What shithole are you from? I literally cannot understand your Mystical Wizard-speak.

I'm guessing some SEA nigger country. That would also explain why you pretend you're a woman on the internet.

>> No.8247084

That's fun and all, but unlike doujins in real life you actually have to deal with the consequences of that (like actually having a baby)

People invented birth control because they want to bang without necessarily have to take care of a baby afterwards.

Plus 1 position would get boring after a while.

>> No.8247090

the irony

>> No.8247093

Jeez dude, some "fat ugly manlet" has a girlfriend and you don't. I know this probably contradicts years of mental conditioning from /fit/ and is shattering your entire world view but there's no need to get this angry about it.

>> No.8247115
File: 4 KB, 104x104, 14275726485180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god I went to that board once and it was full of former neckbeard fatties crying how they still can't get a gf even after they got /fit/
>a grill told me she doesn't like muscles, she's a liar!
>waaaah wimmin don't know what they want!
>I'll show them when their BIOLOGICAL CLOCKS start ticking and they'll have no choice but to fuck me!
lmao that delusion

>> No.8247205

There is nothing ironic about it, Mystical Wizard.

He literally said that he doesn't even have one and never had one because he's fat and wants to become an engineer or something.

At least read the thread before you start baiting.

That is actually trolling. All the "tfw no gf" posts on /fit/ are just us making fun of subhuman scum like you who go there thinking that this is actually what it's like but it ain't.

>> No.8247206

>You'd need a meter long schlong to reach her cunt between your and her fat rolls.
Sounds like we got a virgin here.

>> No.8247208

My ex gf and I used to go on tea party dates in lolita together. I'm sweet and she wore gothic/aristocrat. That was really cute and fun but we weren't serious about eachother.

My current bf isn't too normie, he loves mod fashion and dresses vintage every day, coat and tie most days. He likes my fashion and calls me cute and encourages me to go out dressed up. He wouldn't seem too out of place at a meet (at least hes not in jeans) but he doesn't like new people so I don't take him with me.

I'd definitely let him fuck me in lolita but he's never asked...

>> No.8247246

Sounds like you're a Tumblr landwhale who can't get the joke.

>> No.8247299
File: 258 KB, 640x360, 1374345558281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admitting you're just a butthurt /fit/fag
>honestly trying to pull the "nobody on my board EVER does anything bad or stupid, it's always just us pretending and being ironic because we're just trolling you" excuse

Oh aren't you adorable.

>> No.8247303

>she wants my dick

Sucks to be you, I don't like fat SJW cunts.

>> No.8247307
File: 139 KB, 1440x810, 140882364291233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8247338

>tfw you come back 8 hrs later
>no one took your ticket
;__; and I would even buy you burando

>> No.8247375

Come up with some new insults beta bro.

>> No.8247409

If you want a lolita gf that probably wasn't the best way of going about it.

And a relationship built on offers of you buying someone things probably isn't going to be too great.

>> No.8247415

Idk anon, a ldr with free* brand? If he's not ugly I'm sure he could find someone easily.

>> No.8247424

Shhh I was having fun shattering his fantasy world

>> No.8247427

Well yeah he could find someone easily. But the odds of there being any true affection instead of him just being used as a living ATM for a while are probably fairly low.

>> No.8247434

That wasn't the Wizard douchebro. Guess knowing how to tell who's posts are from the same person is just as hard as getting over yourself

>> No.8247437
File: 874 KB, 1600x1200, sin_titulo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some random Beta mangina cuckold comes in to whiteknight the "fair maiden" that I sexually assaulted with my misogyny.

Tip your fedora somewhere else before I cave your fucking face in, you fat scum.

I am the ultimate alpha male.

What fucking fantasy world you dumb cuck?

You are trying to project your own fantasy world where ugly fat neckbeards are not MLP masturbating losers.

Imagine if I was came through your computer screen right now. This is what you see and you shit your pants, fatty beta shit.

>> No.8247441

...are you 40

>> No.8247445

Pressing your arm fat against your ribcage doesn't count as muscle you know.

>> No.8247446

Thanks for entertaining me and all, but you really should scurry back to that sewer you call a board now baby. I mean baby in the literal sense don't get too hard about it

>> No.8247452

Why is ur mirror so dirty tho :''(

>> No.8247462

nice bathroom
nice gyno
you live in albania or something?

>> No.8247466

No, Florida.

No, 28.

Cleaning is for women.

The only entertainment here is you for me.

Desperate Beta mangina response. Post your fotografia and show us your mantitties.

>> No.8247470
File: 42 KB, 600x800, sin_titulo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also face pic if you think I'm too afraid to show.

>> No.8247474
File: 4 KB, 225x225, low quality bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so obvious but you still fall for it /cgl/

>> No.8247476

Pablo please go

>> No.8247480

You're right. Your pics totally ruined my night. I'll be up puking for hours now

>> No.8247527

Oh man. The toppest of keks.

>> No.8247532

If you wanna troll around here at least go to the skincare thread and learn some tips.

>> No.8247547

Not even him but let's be honest - for half the girls ITT, this guy would be a significant improvement over their current DYEL bf who "styles/blow dries [your] hair before a meet, telling [you] how cute [you are] while doing so".

>> No.8247581

Yes. Every woman ITT wants a misogynistic manchild who has enough water weight to solve the drought in California.

>> No.8247587

>using misogynistic outside of Dumblr

>> No.8247596

this thread looks really great. keep up the good work!

>> No.8247600
File: 246 KB, 1024x776, funny_knight_armor_by_123licensetopaint-d3rbr1q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.8247627

Agreed. Honestly >>8244843
>"I love you just the way you are"
sounds more like a way to pressure her to not go through with surgery.

>> No.8247642

Mohammed pls go

>> No.8247657

>See relationship thread
>"I bet /fit/ and /r9k/ have turned this into a spergfest"
>not disappointed
Congrats anon, you nabbed a sweetie. Sounds kinda like my bf.

>> No.8247667

He doesn't even look like an Arab to begin with.

>> No.8247678

Well what do you expect? /cgl/ is still a board on a website where the majority of posters are not only male but also virgins (many of them probably never going to lose it unless to a prostitute).

If you want a 'safe space' to talk about shit like this go to Tumblr.

It's like making a cosplay subforum on Stormfront and then complaining that people keep saying HEIL HITLER! in it.

>> No.8247758


Sounds like someone is insecure and can't get their boyfriend's message. It's not a maybe, it's a yes; yes he's interested and you should drop your insecurities and get a firm grip to reel him into something that you both could be enjoying together.

>> No.8247885

Went on a date with someone from /fit/

hilariously tryhard

>> No.8247889


My goodness. Did you know before hand? Oh honey.

>> No.8247930

Sounds like the shitfest is exactly what they expected you faggot.

>> No.8247945
File: 147 KB, 1365x768, misato moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who has enough water weight to solve the drought in California.
Good one

>> No.8247957


>> No.8248677

The perfect boyfriends for the "attractive" lolitas ITT:

>> No.8248680

My condolences

>> No.8248682

I liked this post on /fit/ and we agreed that you are bullshitting / making this up. If you went on a date with an actual /fit/izen, he would end up fucking you (assuming that you're good looking because uggos don't get the privilege of dating a /fit/izen to begin with).

>> No.8248691

*linked, not liked

>> No.8248710

Lolita probably has more lesbians than the regular population so I really doubt anyone here minds.
>tfw straight
>tfw in great relationship with awesome sweet guy
>tfw still fantasize about cuddling with a qt lolita gf sometimes
>I think lolita made me kind of gay
>I'm okay with this

>> No.8248951

>tfw the shitposting is over

>> No.8248953

Shitposting is never over.

>> No.8248961

this is /cgl/

the shitposting never stops

>> No.8249001

I would date a girl who was into this stuff if any lived here and she was otherwise an interesting person that wasn't extremely fat.

When I worked as a security guard in saw two girls that looked around late teens that were wearing some kind of Lolita. I didn't bother them because I'm not a creeper who flirts with teenaged girls but they're also the only 2 people I've literally ever seen that were maybe past 18 that were dressed weird.

Everyone here heavily into a counter culture or some weird subculture are teenagers. Since I'm not a pedophile I don't try to talk to them. There's literally no way for an adult male to approach a younger girl/woman and ask them about something like that with out seeming like a disturbed weirdo. I also live in a southern town directly next to a military base with a huge crime rate so very few women actually dress up in anything that promotes attention unless they want barracks rat creepers trying to talk to them or wind up as rape victims by a roving pack of thug degenerates.

>> No.8249003

Anon, are you me? I love my fiancé and wouldn't trade him for anything in the world, but I'm bi and I feel like being a lolita has just increased my attraction to women. I see a cute lolita in a nice coord and I start blushing like mad.

>> No.8249044

I'm a lesbian and lolita has definitely done weird things to my feelings for girls. When I first started out in lolita, I found the clothing very non-sexual - I'd find an outfit pretty, and I'd still be attracted to the girl if she was pretty, you can see if she's got a good figure, whatever, but it wouldn't add anything extra compared to normal clothes. Now I've been in lolita a couple of years a cute coord makes me a lot more attracted to a girl (unless she's one of those people lolita really doesn't suit). I honestly don't get people posting about fucking in lolita, it doesn't appeal to me at all, but cute girls + cute clothes do a lot for me.

>tfw also have on-off phases of really bad physical body dysphoria where I want to be a boy, although at other times I'm very happy as a girl
>during said phases I feel more attracted to boys and into m/m stuff, but I've tried relationships with guys and I feel really turned off unless I roleplay and imagine myself as a boy, and even then I can't get past kissing
>not sure if the dysphoria is a reaction to me trying to repress my lesbianism by dating guys, or an extreme yaoi fetish and repressed bisexuality, or a reaction to experiences of sexism and unhappiness with my gender role, or an actual trans issue
>an accurate label might be some variant of genderfluid but I never mention it to anyone because it sounds 2tumblr and there's nothing I can really do about these feelings except ignore them because if I transitioned to male I'd feel unhappy during the phases when I wanted to be a girl
>lolita actually really helps because it's something feminine that makes me feel good, and feeling lesbian and attracted to girls and pretty as a girl makes me feel happier as female

>> No.8249168
File: 52 KB, 640x420, nicela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joining the ticket train.

<-- free boyfriend ticket -->

pic is me

please respond & let me cum on your dress

>> No.8249174

Aw man my little sister used to have a cheap plastic wand just like that when she was three, which makes it even worse.

>> No.8249187

my fanny would be drier than the Sahara desert if one of you creeps even attempted to get into my pants, so I highly doubt that it was a lie
>w-what do you mean girls don't like boring fucks? but m-muh muscles!

>> No.8249227

Maybe in the same way /fit/ shit has an attraction to some gay guys (the gym bunny muscle obsessed gay stereotype), which is hypermasculine, lolita has an attraction to lesbians because it's hyperfeminine, and more in line with women's typical perceptions/ideas of what's attractive than men's ideas of what's attractive, which is what conventionally sexy stuff is? Reaching a bit here but I think it stands.

>> No.8249252

The muscles also make /fit/ exciting, confident and all around Alpha.

You're full of shit & baiting, landwhale uggo.

>> No.8249262

>muscles are exciting
>muscles are the same as confidence
>people giving a shit about whether someone's "alpha"
I swear to God /fit/ trolls are all repressed homosexuals who think because they find dudes with muscles super hot, all women must too.

>> No.8249317

I didn't say that the muscles themselves are exciting you dumb cunt. The muscle buildup gives them testosterone which makes them confident and Alpha (=interesting to women).

>> No.8249399

You must be new.