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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8243913 No.8243913 [Reply] [Original]

old thread is in autosage

while using from japan last night I was just wondering, is it possible to also use them to buy something from the AP website? or can we only use tenso?

>> No.8243982


For ordinary items, yes. It won't work for reservations. I tried it with Q-pot, wrote in a couple of days ahead and put in the comments "this item will be available for sale on so time and so date." Same day, later on, they refunded me the money and said "this item is not available right now".

So they'll work if you just want a random blouse or hair accessory that's up on the shop, and continues to be up on the shop while your order to fjp is being processed. It won't work for releases where everything sells out in under 2 minutes.

FJP does not have a system where they give out addresses for you to use either, you're stuck with using their shopping request system.

>> No.8244041

yeah, that's fine, AP releases kind of scare me so I haven't yet tried one out...probably should just learn how to make a regular purchase with tenso when the time comes around when I see a reservation I'm interested in. anyways yeah I know I'd have to do use the shopping request system, just wasn't sure if like ~AP allowed that~ and ~only~ wanted us to use tenso or something. thanks!

>> No.8244198
File: 71 KB, 360x420, 110430161309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How far can vests from Meta stretch? I've seen measurements on lolibrary vary from 86~91cm but this aren't the max measurements. Help from vest owners much appreciated.

>> No.8244305

Are there any good tutorials for making scepters? I want to make one but don't want to create something that looks like something from the shitty side of etsy.

>> No.8244346

Vests aren't made to stretch if they are proper vests. Don't count on it.

>> No.8244408

Are canes/walking sticks appropriate for lolita (or where can I get a lolita-appropriate one)? I have a weak right leg and I get cramps a lot and cant walk especially in heels. I don't already have one to decorate BTW since normally I wear sneakers and drag my feet around but that won't work in lolita.

>> No.8244417

Should probably head to a cosplay help thread for this.

Especially if you need it for medical reasons, I certainly don't see why not. I've seen them in coords before.

>> No.8244430

I also posted there and got asked wtf is a Lolita scepter lmfao. I guess I will try to venture it on my own.

>> No.8244436

Bought a foldable one from English Canes, it's super cute and match many of my outfits.

>> No.8244449

Seriously? cgl has really fallen in quality these days... I'll try to find something for you, anon. For starters I'd say googling MMO weapon staffs or things like Sailor Pluto's Time Key for tutorials.

Of course, you're going to have to have your own design already in mind. It'd help if you drew a sketch of what you want.

>> No.8244477
File: 71 KB, 720x576, swans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a sketch, but don't really want to post. It's pretty simple swan themed. Two swans kissing making a heart, possibly on top of a crown (maybe not) with a jewel under and a bow. Going for more simple elegance so I was thinking of having the swans from a nice material.

>> No.8244998


Don't ask how to make a lolita sceptre, silly. Find a pic of a sceptre that looks similar to what you want, then post that pic in the cosplay threads asking for help on how to make it.

Most lolita sceptres are just decorated sticks, if that helps. Curtain rods, broomsticks, dowels, anything of the right size. You basically only want to make the top, figure out how to stick it on, and how to give the thing a decent paint job.

>> No.8245033

does anyone have the list of lolita youtubers? it was a spreadsheet i think.

>> No.8245044
File: 393 KB, 1200x1000, general.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do your parents or legal guardians known about your hobby?

how do they feel about it?

My parents know I go to anime conventions, but they have no idea that I dress up in Lolita fashion and go to meet ups.

>> No.8245069

My parents do know, but I'm 23 and out of the house soo it really doesn't matter. They think it's nice, and they told me I looked really pretty in it. They thought it was sort of weird at first but they just accepted it.

>> No.8245237

>being this underage
you have to be 18 to use 4chan dear

>> No.8245306

My parents buy me brand from time to time. I got Celestial for christmas, some nonprint IW stuff for my birthday. Most of the time it's payment for good grades (they don't want me to get a job, as they think studying should be my first priority). College is causing me a fuckton of stress, so they approve of lolita because it keeps me sane.

>> No.8245605

I started wearing lolita when I was 17, told my mum about it a few months later and she thought it was really cool and Victorian-looking (I wore old school and gothic a the time). I didn't join a comm until a year after I started wearing lolita, due to a mixture of shyness, not knowing my rural area had one, and fear of dramawhores and itas. Joined one at 18, they turned out to be super nice online, and it was my mum who really encouraged me to go to my first meetup since I was pretty lonely and socially isolated at the time. Don't live at home any more but I like that she's proud when I send her pics of me in lolita and even shows them to my other relatives. She thinks I spend too much on it though, and doesn't like OTT sweet (like, stuff with childish motifs like teddies or toys or borderline decora shit, I've worn stuff on the sweeter side of sweet-classic around her and she likes it). Dad was weirded out by it but my parents are separated and I don't see him often so I don't care much, I just don't wear it around him.

>> No.8245610

if i used my old girlscout sash do you think you could get away with making a girlscout coord

>> No.8245612

I dunno, it'd be pretty weird.

>> No.8245620

Has anyone else noticed some guy named Donald on CoF? I see him commenting on pictures every so often, generic comments like "So cute.", but it still comes off as a little creepy. He just seems to be a middle aged fat guy who is only a member of about 4 different (public) lolita groups.

Do I seem immature or something to be bothered by this? Is it worth calling him out or what? The comments seem mostly innocent, but something just doesn't seem right.

>> No.8245925

Thinking about meets and meet planning, so I have a question for those of you that are in comms?

1) What was the most memorable meet activity you've ever done?
2) Is there anything you'd particularly like to do at a meet?
3) Does your comm ever do themed meets? When they do, do you find them fun? Or do you ignore them?

I've also got a few theme ideas I'd like to run by people, since it's so hard to find a theme that won't exclude people.

>> No.8245963


>1) What was the most memorable meet activity you've ever done?
Never done anything more exciting than the usual restaurant or tea room meet, partly because I work full-time and can't get to a lot of my comm's meets. I have got a theatre trip and historic house meet coming up soon though, and they should be good.

>2) Is there anything you'd particularly like to do at a meet?
I'd like to have a super-fancy tea rather than just at a mediocre tearoom. It almost seems like it'd be easier to organise that (with nice-quality tea and great snacks) at someone's house. I'd also like to go ice-skating. They're both common meet ideas but our comm has never hosted either.

>3) Does your comm ever do themed meets? When they do, do you find them fun? Or do you ignore them?
I find themed meets really awkward. I like them in theory (I'd love to go to a picnic with a country/gingham/fruit theme), but in practice the themes are often things I don't have in my wardrobe. And I don't like going to themed meets if I don't have stuff fitting the theme, so it sometimes means I'll turn down an event (it seems kinda like common courtesy, since on the rare occasion the theme is something I own, it's annoying to turn up and find that less than half of the attendees kept to the theme). Also, if it's a theme that fits the location, like if we were doing a museum tour and the theme was books and museums and stuff, I'd be willing to buy new stuff for it if I thought it'd fit in with my wardrobe. But I'm not gonna buy something just for a casual meet which has no reason to have a theme, or buy something I'll never wear again. If there's gonna be a theme, it should either be something most people have in their wardrobe or is easy to borrow (stuff like black and white meets or pastel meets), or it should be announced well in advance so people have time to prepare.

>> No.8246000

1. One of my first meets was trampoline jumping. Everyone just wore bodyline or whatever was comfortable/cheap and jumped around for an hour. Other than that the more memorable meets are the smaller ones. At big meets I don't really get to talk to anyone.
2. I feel like my comm is pretty good about planning a variety of events, and I like the occasional 21+ drinking meets. I would like to attend a crafting meet for once though. Making a rosette or brooch, headbow, or whatever.
3. There are some themed meets but I don't think it's required. If someone has only a couple of dresses then I don't think people mind them not wearing the theme as long as they look nice.

>> No.8246138

>1) What was the most memorable meet activity you've ever done?

That time when my comm went to my favourite fairytale theme park, it was nice to go there in lolita.

>2) Is there anything you'd particularly like to do at a meet?

It would be nice to do something besides eating. My comm usually organize tea parties, lunch meets and diner meets. Visiting museums, zoos, theme parks, botanical gardens would be great.

>3)Does your comm ever do themed meets? When they do, do you find them fun? Or do you ignore them?

Yes, there are themed meets once in a while. We've had a few old school meets, fairytale meets, a rococo meet and a masked ball. My comm is planning to do a twin meet very soon. I love themed meets, because it's a nice reason to wear more OTT coords.

>> No.8246150

They do and they like it, but even if they didn't it wouldn't matter because I'm an independent adult.

>> No.8246183

No, I've been bothered by this as well but I feel like with CoF there's no easy way to call him out without upsetting people ("what if he's into lolita?" "are you saying older guys can't be into lolita?").

He just seems super skeevy to me like he's just on there for fap material.

>> No.8246267

>1) What was the most memorable meet activity you've ever done?
I've not done anything really exciting, althogh they were all nice. Museums, galleries, tea rooms, restaurants, ice skating. I did like the ice skating meet because I'm a good skater.
>2) Is there anything you'd particularly like to do at a meet?
I want to go to see a play or the ballet. I'm really into old stuff but I've already been to all the museums and galleries in the city my comm's based at least twice, so I find museum meets a little boring. Since my comm nearly only holds meets in the city I know they've only ever been to a stately home once before, but I'd love to visit one this summer.
>3) Does your comm ever do themed meets? When they do, do you find them fun? Or do you ignore them?
Even though there's usually no actual theme, people will often wear outfits appropriate to the location/season, like witchy coords for Halloween or Christmassy coords for Winter ILD. I'd love it if we had an oldschool meet, but I suspect with my comm it'd be almost entirely Bodyline because none of the regulars are really into oldschool. I like twinning but it's so hard to organize when most people don't own the same dresses - sticking with the oldschool and Bodyline theme, it'd be great to have a group in multiple colourways of l348. I'd also love a Pirates vs Sailors nautical meet, but I don't think enough of the comm have outfits in either substyle - there are probably 5 sailors and 2 pirates. I think a food-themed meet would be fun, although it could exclude the goths (could have Guilty Meltin Sweets Town, that one AatP print with the chocolate, or Vierge Vampur's Meal Time OP though). It could exclude me too since I don't have any food prints, but I have IW's Patisseries de Paris on my wishlist. Even though not everyone has coords for it, a food theme is pretty good because Bodyline has a few nice dresses that fit the theme, and it's also easy to bring it in with accessories.

>> No.8246708

Does anyone know where the Finnish lolita community is located? Not the online one, but geographically. Thanks!

>> No.8246747

Thank you! I was wondering what I should use for the main stick. I think if this ends up successfully I may put up a tutorial for one myself

>> No.8246818

Some people might think it's tacky/weird (like other anon) but it sounds cute. If you did it nice with something like pic from OP it might be kinda cute? Gotta match the greens though, might end up needing to do something homemade, I feel like the greens in OP and the green of Girl Scout sashes aren't really in the same color family.

>> No.8246961
File: 43 KB, 570x238, r-SAD-PUPPY-large570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want that new meta military sailor dress so badly but I can't justify it atm. It even has a cute little bag clipped on so you don't need a purse.

>> No.8247391

I am going to make some lolita clothing to sell at a booth at a con. I am making fully shirred skirts, head bows and accessories, maybe an op/jsk or two. Also some knit boleros.
I want to pick up on the steampunk/goth crowd as well.

What other things could I make?

>> No.8247436

That sounds very time consuming to stock a booth like that, anon... Hope that goes well for you. Personally I think nice handmade accessories are your best bet.

>> No.8247492

How do you guys feel about buying stuff without waist ties? Theres a dress I really want but the listing has none. Would it be a big deal?

>> No.8247571

Only if you don't care about it. Better make sure they discounted it accordingly though, that's still a big part missing.

>> No.8247629

I don't get this image.. like I get that it has something from all the different 4chan boards but why is /cgl/ so prominent? Why in general?

>> No.8247679

I thought it was a picture taken from /tg/ and then lolified to suit /cgl/. (I'm only guessing /tg/ due to the d&d and Magic trophies thing; I assume the pee bottles and rolling a blunt with Barney etc. are other memes they have)

>> No.8247851

Checked out tg and it appears to be so.

>> No.8247929

Ffs the secrets thread was deleted again.

>> No.8247993

I wanted it too but I also really wanted the lemonade print, had to pick one so I went with lemonade...hoping stuff will still be in stock a few months from now or I can find one for a good price secondhand. (cries)

>> No.8248033

Is it okay to wear AATP to a BTSSB tea party?

>> No.8248059

AN? You can wear any brand you want as long as it's not a replica.

>> No.8248064

check the event rules. many brands request you to wear atleast one piece, sometimes a main piece of their brand to their events.

>> No.8248086

AATP is a Baby sub-brand. You'll be fine.

>> No.8248090

In awful fashion normalfag terms, that would be like asking if it's rude to wear Gap clothing to Old navy

>> No.8248092

but it's not. i mean unless you work there, but that's policy. also old navy and gap are pleb-tier.

>> No.8248095

That's a horrible analogy anon.
Go sit in the fucking corner an think about what you've done.

>> No.8248162

I'd say try those half-veil headbands that are so popular right now. Aside from taobao, it's pretty hard to find one that isn't isn't super expensive or sold out.
Good luck anon!

>> No.8248183

This works for going into a brand store, but if you are going to a brand specific event put on by a brand for their customers, then yes you should wear that brand.

>> No.8248229

God, I just realized in the coming weeks I'm gonna have packages coming in from China, Japan (2), and England. My mail man must think I'm crazy. I'm always getting shit from Japan. I always wonder what they think it is that I buy since the majority of my packages come from asia. I like to laugh thinking maybe I'm importing drugs or something.

>> No.8248231

I've been wearing lolita for almost a year now, but I feel like my coords are ...stagnating? I guess would be the word? Like they could use some extra 'oomph'.
So gulls, in your experience what can you do to make a good coord great?

>> No.8248238

Capelets (Victorian style, Excentrique style). Seconding the veils. I'd like to see cute pillbox hats as well. Also if you made something somewhat similar to the Antique Beast bat headdress (slightly different pattern, different colors) you could maybe swim in money.

>> No.8248264

>Hahaha I'm so funny and weird that my mail comes from OVERSEAS XD my mailman must think I'm such a weirdo!
You're not quirky or cute, please stop. Your postal carriers don't give a shit, nor is your purchase history at all weird or unusual in this day and age.

>> No.8248267

China, mass-production expert of the world, isn't that odd for a package to come from.
Now if you had several packages from Columbia or something every month, it might drive up suspicions.

>> No.8248291

Accessories and unusual but well done colour schemes.

>> No.8248302

For me, it's unique/elaborate handmade accessories that give a coordinate the most oomph (I'm a sucker for OTT hair pieces like the ones marlessa creates). Not only is it a display of skill when you create a new piece, but it's also an opportunity to show your attention to detail by incorporating other elements of the outfit into the accessory (as opposed to using pieces from a series, because they may not look great with other items you bring into the outfit).

>> No.8248328

I just had a thought and wanted to discuss this or get some Lolita's opinions on this. It's fairly controversial so hence cgl. Well, over the Christmas holidays, there's been series of terrorists events, e.g. the Lindt Cafe in Sydney. Now I'm not one to fear leaving the house, and frankly ppl of various ethic backgrounds/religions don't bother me that much 'live and let live' that kind of thing.

Q: We often go to cafes/restaurants for Lolita meets in general. What would you have done or feel if you were suddenly caught up in a terrorist/hostage situation?

>> No.8248373


I had a period where I got multiple packages from Japan every week (it's not my fault, some different brand reservations decided to all ship at once, and a yja shopping spree (fromjapan) happened in the same month with some nice AP releases (Tenso). Think there was a taobao order for underskirts in there somewhere as well.)

Postman started asking my family about it. My mom (who is somehow always receiving the packages --- when they weren't being missed) told him I was starting up a fashion boutique selling Japanese clothes. Kinda funny, but I also got sat down and told to get a grip on my "shopping addiction", which wasn't so fun.

>> No.8248619

I would have followed orders which probably would include lying on the ground and not being an annoyance. Then I'd hope I don't get shot to make a point or by accident when the special units come in.
What exactly are you expecting as an answer here? I'm not armed nor wonder woman.

>> No.8248641

idk...I'm just spun out, it's because this could happen to anyone, lolitas holding a meet at any venue any given day etc.
Not really expecting unrealistic answers but if were me, I would be crapping myself regarding the situation, my chest would hurt from my heart pounding with fear, I would like you, keep a low profile (despite standing out!) and think about trying to escape, and how to escape efficiently i.e. getting rid of excess weights like petti/accessories that would slow me down or running without shoes. All these thoughts played through my mind.

But I'm a strange one, whenever I see the news of a person being harmed or killed, my mind immediately imagines the pain and fear that person must've gone through.

>> No.8248645

i would hide underneath someone's petti, using the extra fluffy layers to shield my head from bullets. then, wearing my petti helmet, i would imagine ways to begin incorporating kevlar into my coords.

>> No.8248646

meant for >>8248328

but i would do the same if confronted about my shopping addiction.

>> No.8248758

Misty Sky for 200000 yen? I've seen auctions for popular prints go up to the 100000s, but is this really the going rate for Misty Sky these days?

>> No.8248781

Anon, four packages in a few weeks is nothing and your postman doesn't give a shit. You're not "SO WEIRD LOL xD".

>> No.8248788

>21 bids
Holy shit. Must be the Chinese lolitas, misty sky seems super popular with them.

>> No.8248844

I do have my concealed carry permit and while I don't always carry, >>8248619 is right. Even if I was armed, I don't know if I would pull my gun, because one girl with a handgun probably wouldn't take care of any extreme situation, it might actually worsen things.

>> No.8248848

You sound like a responsible gun owner and I wish more people felt the way you do about firearms. When concealed carry on college campuses was up for debate down here (Texas) and I was in student government, I had to deal with a ton of fuckwits who insisted they'd be the hero of the campus if a shooter came. Idiots.

Holy shit. I knew it was increasing in popularity and that set sold recently for, what, $1,800? But this is ridiculous. It's beyond CTP.

>> No.8248854
File: 217 KB, 740x1052, tumblr_l4abg5etww1qbfkygo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~remember when~

>> No.8248865

Helsinki and Tampere areas are most active

>> No.8248906

How long does it usually take for Mary Magdalene to confirm your order? I sent in my preorder for Fleur Antoinette yesterday and got some weird automated email. I'm not sure if my order got in and was wondering how long I should wait and see if I get a confirmation email before I try submitting it again.

Also who else is getting Antoinette and in what colours?

>> No.8248939

does Alice and the Pirates ever do brand events? I've only ever heard of and seen pics from Baby events

>> No.8248946

I've had a lot of packages from Russia lately and I feel like that might look kind of weird, since the US and Russia have a pretty fucking strained relationship atm. But so much cheap stuff on the Russian comms! My capitalist US soul can't resist inexpensive brand dresses...

>> No.8248963

Probably because the value of the rouble is super low at the moment so people are struggling (and can sell stuff for more than they paid in their native currency because they're currency's devalued as shit).

>> No.8248971


lol, they're the same. Any party for Btssb, you can pretty much treat it as a party for both Btssb and AatP. I wanted to correct the other anons who didn't seem to know above, but it was pretty funny to have so many newbies give advice without knowing this, so I left it.

Btssb is the original brand, AatP is the sub brand that was created later on. That's why tea parties always have the Btssb name and not AatP, same as AatP stock photos still always have Btssb logo instead of AatP.

>> No.8248980
File: 2.49 MB, 393x324, kansasmelting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why would you throw a brand bolero on the grass to take proof photos of it. why.

>> No.8249080
File: 74 KB, 750x750, dollars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like going on cgl is a lolita equivalent of dollars. No one says anything, but we're everywhere.

>> No.8249089

Now you've just reminded me of how meh-decent I found Durarara.

>mfw friend and I were doing an "I watch something you recommend and you watch something I recommend", then we discuss trade
>got to end of the first arc of Drrr and "took a break" because I was bored of it and these things take a long time to do when you're doing in-depth review and discuss at the end of every episode
>that was over a year ago and I never went back to it

I just can't be arsed finishing it, only thing that's annoying is friend won't watch stuff I suggest until I do. (Or, if I suggest something and he actually likes it, instead of watching and reviewing he'll just blitz the entire series).

>> No.8249143

The website is saying that they're having a rush of emails due to the reservation, so they apologize for the inconvenience but it will take longer than usual to answer all of them

>> No.8249152

Also, it looks like while the reservations opened 4/11, they will only reply to them starting on 4/13. So they're probably just getting started in reading all emails

>> No.8249228

Kek I was giggling while reading this. I remember when AATP was first launched, do newfags really think they're separate companies?

>> No.8249245

A+ head to toe coordinate from BTSSB, with items from the guest designer
A head to toe BTSSB coord
B head to toe BTSSB/AATP mixed coord
C handmade or taobao with BTSSB/AATP accessories
F bodyline

>> No.8249315

Can i please get some recommendations for classic style blouses for 100bust 80waist? I'd love if it was 50$ range or below, taobao is great too~ black and white/owh are best

>> No.8249318


>> No.8249322

I heard they were generally shit/ scratchy

Which ones do you recommend?

>> No.8249422

I've got 3 or 4 blouses from them. Everything was a little stiff when it arrived, but once I washed it it was pretty normal quality.

>> No.8249528

Just sent mine in too, that gorgeous Antique Peacock needs to be on my body so soon

>> No.8249533

Got my invoice and paid for it. I'm so excited for the Iris!

>> No.8249572

The second half of the first season was awful, but the new season that aired over winter was great. Honestly you should continue.

>> No.8249614

Any updates on Dolly Cat?

>> No.8249619
File: 73 KB, 640x428, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody know where this constellation crown came from? Photo taken at AM I believe but idk who this is or where they got it.

>> No.8249657

looks hand made

>> No.8249664

Mila made it by hand.

>> No.8249698

damn I was worried that would be the case. Does she have a blog or something?

>> No.8249728

She is deeralice on tumblr and deer-alice on blogspot. She's one of the 3 French kawaii ambassadors.

>> No.8249756

thanks pal

>> No.8249866
File: 116 KB, 467x700, IWANNAKNOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please tell me where this is from? I want it!

>> No.8249953

What comm are you in?

>> No.8249962

looks like it might be miss point's mannequin and props.

>> No.8249964


>> No.8250089

My parents know that I go to conventions but they aren't sure what that means. I'm not sure my father would be happy with his son running around in ouji, but uh.. he's cool so it couldn't be that bad.

>> No.8250377

That's great!
I was so torn on which colour-way to get, but I went for the Iris as well. I do love the Peacock, but I think it might be hard for me to coordinate.

>> No.8250520

on lolibrary there's multiple years/releases for BTSSB's butterfly scepter, from 2012-2014. do you think they'll release another one this year? or do they go for a reasonable price in the japanese secondhand market? someone is selling the silver one right now but with the shipping and stuff idk if it's really worth the money.

>> No.8250553

He is still around.

>> No.8250569


>> No.8250736
File: 737 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2015-04-13-01-16-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I buy a wig like this? I was looking to max out at 40 shipped. In the USA btw.

>> No.8250790

I'm not on closet of frills but I have a good feeling I know who you're talking about (last name start with a G?). he was stalking me a couple years ago when I was 17. He tried to friend me on facebook an impressive 10 times until i asked facebook to permanantly block him, but he continued trying to message me through my "other" inbox on facebook. He then made a tumblr just to follow my blog and would ask me if I was going to events in the area and what I would be wearing. I finally told him I had called the cops on him after he invited himself to my birthday, which he shouldnt have even been able to see the event, and got a hold of my address. He got really huffy saying he "only wanted to learn more about lolita fashion because his wife was interested." I really dont think he has a wife, because he came to a meetup recently and watched from about 10 ft away alone.

>> No.8250800
File: 105 KB, 576x1024, P1030676_edited-1_zpsb53c1f6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have Lief's My Tart jsk in black and I love the print...I just really hate the stripes and ric rac at the bottom. It looks kinda tacky and cheap. Does anyone have any ideas on how to alter it? I like how the vibrant bold red is used at the bottom with the ric rac, but I don't think I could get away with using a similar coloured red lace. Would black lace in a fruit-themed print look okay, perhaps?

>> No.8250803

I know this comes up often and maybe guideanon should include something about it but:

What's the poofiest A-line petticoat available?

I've tried using three modest A-lines to get the level of poof l wanted but suddenly with 4 waistbands pressing on my stomach I understood why so many lolita horror stories are about shitting yourself.

>> No.8250806
File: 56 KB, 250x333, 195788-2703-2014-10-15359528[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover with a red satin bias tape, or tack the hem up and add red tulle edging to the bottom, like here.

>> No.8250808

Puppet Circus is good.

>> No.8250810

Depends on your fabric, but Malco Modes is generally A+

This is pretty much a 101 question.

>> No.8250812

Er, did you mean Classical Puppets?

>> No.8250813

That's a great idea, anon, thank you.
My one worry is that if I take up that striped hem, the print will look unbalanced with the dress as the design slightly goes over into the striped area...There's really no way around it, I'll just have to unpick the ric rac. I had a crazy thought about dying the fabric black but it would be so hard to control where the dye goes, the saturation...it would ruin the dress.

>> No.8250822

yes fuck me idk what happened there

>> No.8250836


Oh girl. They just re-released it like last week or something. You can even still see it on Baby's site, but it's already sold out (http://www.babyssb.co.jp/onlinestore/b39ot036/))

You can try sending Baby an email order (http://www.babyssb.co.jp/overseas/the-method-of-a-mail-order/)) and see if they can find one left somewhere to sell to you.

>> No.8251115

WTF ARE YOU SERIOUS....did I miss everyone talking about this??? omfg why. ugh. Did they only release it on the Japanese site?

>> No.8251162


I don't think anyone is really fussed about this sceptre, maybe that's why no one talks about it? It also came out when aatp put up pages of their mermaid print so that's what girls were talking about for a while (that, and the new weirdo btssb print)

>> No.8251190

they re-released it together with the harmonia series reservation.

>> No.8251192

L-Email, Amazon, eBay... Any of the usual sources should have one similar.

>> No.8251204
File: 22 KB, 240x320, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this one then?
I've read some weird comments about how it's way too big and makes their skirts flip up but maybe that's just because the skirts weren't made for that amount or they were wearing the petti wrong.
Pic related is what I want to achieve.

>> No.8251228

i've never ordered direct from baby before, what's online reserving like for reservations?
if you get on in the first 5mins will you usually get what you want? also, how soon afterwards do they start contacting/invoicing people?

thank you in advance

>> No.8251230


Maybe it's because I ordered an unpopular print, but it's pretty leisurely. I hemmed and hawed for a few days, then filled out the email form, and I got the skirt with no drama. I think it really depends on what you want.

>> No.8251239

may i ask what print it was?
i think online reservations can only be made through the shopping cart now (at least, that's what i read on their japanese webguide)

also, harmonia colourways just went up on baby's site for their release later today, the lighter colours look so much nicer than navy

>> No.8251242


It was AATP's ragnarok.

I completely forgot they have the shopping cart system. I've ordered from so many sites they've started blending in for me. Apologies about that!

>> No.8251308

Yes! That's him. That's really fucking creepy, and my boyfriend said I was being too paranoid about it. I think he might have a wife, and according to his facebook he might have a kid too.
Should I contact the mods, tell them to warn other people, or what? I'm not really active in the groups though so they might think it's weird of me to do it.

>> No.8251379

I guess I thought if they rereleased it there would be at least a little bit of a commotion since it seems really popular secondhand? Or at least that's the impression I got. Sigh, well I guess I'll e-mail baby then. If not maybe I'll just buy a silver one, it seems like it's only the gold that's sold out.

>> No.8251388

ahh guess it's just gold only, on my phone/don't know Japanese so I didn't notice that, sage for dumb

>> No.8251403

Guys, does anyone know if this is legit?


I really want this dress and headbow, I have £100 for them and I want it asap. this seems like the cheapest and quickest way of getting them.

>> No.8251517

don't take my word for it, but I think possibly so? I feel like I read in a previous thread that Infanta has an aliexpress page. might be worth checking the archives

>> No.8251524

Yes, but she asked about going into the store. Unless there's an event she can wear whatever she wants.

>> No.8251546


They do have one, it's linked from their taobao, too.


It's legit Infanta.

>> No.8251588

Do you have any tips for picking good wig sellers? I've never bought a wig before.

>> No.8251597

it sold out like instantly

>> No.8251603

No she asked about going to a brand tea party, not even the store. Read.

>> No.8251629

Thank you cuties <3

>> No.8251639

With FromJapan it doesn't matter if I make small orders when I find something or a big one, right (no minimum fee is charged)?

>> No.8251663

I've been following all the threads on /cgl for a while, but lolita has always stood out to me
I'm not entirely sure why but i find it all so interesting and just beautiful. I'd love to slowly ease myself into this fashion, and maybe one day be brave enough to post.
But i feel like there are so many things I still don't understand.
What's the difference between lolita and ita? i've been on the ita thread and it seems like a joke most of the time.
And what are the general rules of lolita? I can't start if I don't know my restrictions right?
Anyway, any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.8251710

yeah it definitely can be overwhelming, I remember I wasn't really sure where to start either. fyeahlolita is a really great resource. it won't let me link it but check out the "what is lolita" post.

that post has lots of links to her other helpful posts and I think should be helpful for some of your questions and general bewilderment (we've all been there, heh)
and the ita threads are a joke. by that i mean, people get posted in those threads because they're dressing like shit. "ita" is a pun whihc comes from the end bit of 'lolita' and also the japanese word for 'itai' meaning 'ouch' - basically it's just someone that dresses so badly it's painful to look at.
I feel like the first rule/guideline is just to follow the rules/guidelines. you don't wanna know how many people special snowflake their way into the fashion and think they can wear anything they want and call it lolita. the most important thing is to adhere to the silhouette, which will absolutely require a petticoat - make sure that if this is not your first purchase, it is among one of your first purchases. lolita dresses/skirts don't look nice without one. there's so many petticoat guides i won't bombard you with that just yet, but definitely look through fyeahlolita because that blog will answer so many questions you have.
it also might be worth it to join rufflechat on FB as well as the lolita mentoring group.
my biggest tip in general though is just lurk moar - read read read and consume all the information you can get. read closet of frills threads and see what people are saying about coords, play around with coord ideas and post them in the coord help thread to practice your skills, read the lolita generals and see what people are saying, google can be your friend, etc. my other biggest tip is to always keep an open mind to concrit, too - people can be harsh but most of the time people just want to help you look nice.

>> No.8251713


Well, I did a popular release (Midsummers Night's Dream), the experience was not like other anon's.

If it's popular, you'll want to make an account or something and have it ready to go with your address info saved (I don't know how to make one without buying something, though). You'll also want to be on time and get ready for a clickwar. Keep refreshing the page, you'll run into server overload errors and page not available errors fairly often. The struggle is mostly to get the item into your shopping cart. Sometimes you'll just keep getting errors or a blank page and then it loads to a completely sold out page.

Once it's in your cart, it's *almost stable and not usually likely to fall out, unlike AP's servers. Don't dawdle, though. Glitches can still happen if you're just unlucky, the shopping cart times out after awhile, then it deletes its contents.

Midsummers was a nightmare, the whole thing was sold out in just under two minutes, not five. Round two I accidentally put two jsks into my shopping cart without noticing and nearly had my order cancelled.

If it's not a popular release, then yeah, it's pretty much a leisurely walk in the park.

>> No.8251741

Does anyone have tips for long-distance traveling for convention day? I'm in a pickle and it's not really my fault.
>decide to invite boyfriend to a saturday/sunday convention
>we ask a friend if we could crash at his place, friend agrees
>convention is a little over two hours away
>ask bf a month in advance to request the weekend off
>should have been more specific but I thought asking for friday too for travel would have been common sense
>he reports that on friday night he closes which means he won't be out of work until 1am
>meaning we'll have to be up and ready by 6am to make it to the convention on time
>he'll be cranky and so will I

I'm wondering if I should wait to put on my makeup and wig until I'm at the convention? I'm paranoid the makeup will look old and oxidized by the afternoon if I have to put it on at 6am.

>> No.8251759

Thank you, you sweet helpful angel!
I'll be looking up that blog shortly.

>> No.8251793

yeahhhh just wait to do it at the convention, plenty of people head off to the bathrooms to put their faces on. if you have to get up that early and travel that far and you know everyone will be cranky and tired and itching to leave to get there on time, I think it would be better for the both of you to just wait until you get there.

also, word of advice - people aren't always as smart as you think they are or take hints as you think they are given...next time with something like this explain everything and specify when you'll be needing to do what. also some people just consider satuday/sunday the weekend so he may have been confused by that part, but you already know you should've been more specific so yeah. hope everything goes smoothly anon.

>> No.8251905

How are AP's recent prints holding up in the wash? The list on egl only has relatively older prints.

>> No.8251957

Holy shit that's scary. Sorry you had to go through that anon.

I'd definitely contact the mods about him to get him removed.

>> No.8251975


Still good, sort of. The prints don't run and the fabric is still the same excellent quality, even the chiffon is good (I put Cosmic into a laundry bag and put that in the washing machine on delicate cycle).

The only spanner in the works is that lately they've been using more and more gold trim, glitter, fur trim, ribbons with metallic threads, beading details, and so on, it's a bit of a gamble how those extra things will hold up being washed in water.

>> No.8252068


jesus, I think both of you should get together and talk to the mods about it as well as contacting whatever comm's meets he tries to go to. this guy is skeevy as fuck and sounds like he's either into ageplay bullshit or a crossdresser/sissy or both.

>> No.8252088

>>8247492 i think it's down to the seller's discretion and how much you'd still want to wear it (especially if you have a bulky blouse)
I bought shirring princess from an anon and realised there were no waist ties when it arrived. It's adorable but it sags to my ankles. If the bodice isn't shirred, it's not so much of a big deal; I turned the waist ties onto a jabot from a velveteen dress and it holds itself up well.

>> No.8252095

Don't you mean if the bodice is shirred, since shifting makes the dress conform to your body better without waist ties?

>> No.8252108

Chinese lolitas are so fucking weird. Bitches be nouveau riche as hell.

>> No.8252109

Ebay rockabilly petti. Roll the waist up. They don't look famcy but are impossible to deflate.

>> No.8252111
File: 215 KB, 700x1200, shoes261-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noob here. I posted in the Bodyline thread >>8230771 and they said I needed different shoes since the brown ones I had didn't match the dress, which they don't exactly match the brown of the dress, they're a darker brown. I asked for suggestions but got no responses so I'm asking here.

Should I just stick with the brown shoes I have, pic related, or should I try to sell these off (since I have no other dresses for it) and get another pair? I was thinking gold ones from Bodyline but I don't know if they'd match the gold in the print.

>> No.8252118

Nah, for me I just found the whole dress just sagged by it's own skirt weight because the entire bodice was elasticated.

>> No.8252316

thanks for your reply!

just one last thing, once the item is in your cart, is it held for you until you checkout/it times out, or do you have to pay to be sure the item is yours?

>> No.8252356

You may as well buy it from Sai Sai

>> No.8252479

I'm a member of my town's local facebook comm but I had only ever gone to one meet (in bodyline, a couple years ago) until this last weekend.

Then after attending the meet in AP I was added to an invitation only comm fb group with only like 15 members by an administrator. This is so weird it's like mean girls oh my god.

>> No.8252484

If you intend to have more brown in your wardrobe, hang on to them. Brown is a pretty common, staple color and it's useful to have a couple of options. I don't think Bodyline has a brown that is lighter than that (it honestly looks like that dress is a red-brown, which is difficult to match). I would check out antaina; see if they have something closer to this color.

The other alternative is brown legwear and a different color shoe altogether.

>> No.8252498

Thanks for the advice. Honestly, I think I might end up just selling the dress and the shoes. I do love the dress but I didn't think it would be so difficult to match with shoes. I've been through the Bodyline catalog twice and looked around a few other places but I'm worried if I risk buying another pair of brown shoes it won't match either. I'll probably just buy it in black since I have enough black shoes to find something to go with it.

>> No.8252564

damn, that's pretty sizeable. even if only half the people end up at a meet at most, how do you guys hide the 2nd comm's meets from the other comm members? (like when people post photos) is everyone just super careful of what they post and use the custom privacy settings?

i mean cause like...if it's just 3-4 people you could say oh it was just a get together with friends, but if you have a photograph of 15 lolitas at a high tea, what if some lone lolita from the main group sees and asks why she didn't hear about it?

pretty mean girls but i'm also weirdly impressed.

>> No.8252590

I'm impressed, too. Honestly, I would secretly love to be part of something like that. Knowing everyone is gonna look cute and put in a reasonably amount of effort into their coords, gushing about brand releases without people feeling put out, being with a group of lolitas who actually know how to socialize...

I don't even care if it's *~*elitist*~* either. It's not even a comm at that point--it's a fashion social club. And if people wanna get pissy, let them. There's no rule that we have to all be friends and sing kumbaya simply because we all like the same fashion.

>> No.8252629

yeah tbh I think secretly I would too, I will say though certain types of meets will bring out certain kinds of people. high teas, meets at restaurants where entrees are like 15+ dollars, events with a higher cost (such as museums, some are more expensive to get into than others), etc. though I will agree that just because someone can afford to go to like a swanky $45+ high tea doesn't mean people will necessarily be well dressed or not a socially awkward troll. but if you're bummed about being surrounded by bodylinechans, itas, and awkward teenagers there's that.

>> No.8252657

not that anon, but my comm had a large meet last year which cost $90 yet around half of the people who turned up looked itatastic af, so price is definitely not an indicator of coord sense in my comm

i think the idea of an exclusive group is very appealing, and we do have one, but it's hard to organise lavish events with just them since we all love sharing our photos

i guess it's a little hypocritical that
>want to have exclusive group
>don't want to come off as mean for not including everyone

>> No.8252698


hi I'm >>8250790 and I'd totally call him out on his shit, because he terrified me for months and no one helped me. I wouldn't want to let it happen to another girl.

but at the same time, this happened to me 5 years ago and after 2 major computer crashes and facebook clearing my message inbox, I no longer have proof. I'd be too nervous talking about it off-anon without proof because people already told me when it was happening that I was overreacting or lying.

at least my local comm. knows this guys isn't allowed around anymore. when he showed up at the SDCC meetup (the one I talked about) I was too afraid to tell a mod in person, but everyone knows now and watches out.

>> No.8252760

I have a shopping problem (it's not at the level of an addiction yet, but it's a problem and I know it, because while I stick to my budget I find myself turning to shopping whenever I'm having an emotionally difficult time). I don't want to give up Lolita but I feel like it's making the problem worse, because I'll impulse-buy a $100 JSK instead of something like a $9 nail polish.
Are there any other lolitas out there who have a similar issue? What did you do/have you tried to do to help get over your problem? So far I've had my best friend change my PayPal password and no longer carry my credit card in my wallet, so if I want to buy something I have to really rationalize the purchase. Is there really anything else that can be done?

>> No.8252786

I still have three dresses from Sai Sai from like 2007 lol. GLP and other offbrand. I've only just heard about the TaoBao reselling though?

>> No.8252799


You don't actually pay during reservation itself. After you check out, you have to wait a couple of days for Baby to send you an email telling you how much the total is, and what paypal address to send your payment to. Then you pay it and the item is yours. If, you've checked out and gotten the email and you don't pay, then this is definitely where they blacklist you.

If you're asking about whether items stay in the shopping cart, yes, it's held for you until you check out, but the timeout is pretty short, and both the main servers and checkout servers will be glitching during this time, so you can still experience an empty shopping cart for no reason at all.

>> No.8252806

>people already told me when it was happening that I was overreacting or lying
I'm really sorry to hear that, Anon.

>> No.8252834

I get that you don't want to come off as mean, but at the end of day, how much do you REALLY care about the rest of the people in your comm? Yes, feelings will get hurt, but unless you're trying to win miss congeniality, I really don't think it's an issue.

It's nice to be considerate. It's nice to be nice. But nobody should try to make you feel bad for wanting to hang out with your friends vs. hanging out with a bunch of acquaintances--especially if they make things awkward.

>> No.8252836


I stopped browsing second hand sales. LM, egl comm sales, mbok, yja, the works. Even delete the closet child emails as they come in. If I didn't see the $100 jsk then I can't buy it.

Helps that I don't have dream dresses I'm searching for. If you do, some anons make it a rule, no buying dresses unless it's on the list.

The other thing I did was reorganize my wardrobe. I don't know about you, my impulse shopping meant I bought stuff I didn't want after they'd arrived, and some of it doesn't gel with other things. So my time is taken up with organizing sales postings instead of browsing secondhand markets. I'm also checking what I really need for my wardrobe and then buying the missing pieces (like blouses or underskirts), which also helps, because now when I see a "cheap" jsk I think to myself that I have a blouse I need to order, or I imagine it arriving and then having to go through the hassle of putting it up for sale.

>> No.8253251
File: 477 KB, 800x1641, meltyberry print.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do people think of this new print?
>cuts and colorways?

i am a big fan, my favorite berry print in a long time, also i ripped this tile from the ap website, i know i like to save print tiles and etc, also didnt see a "lolita print backgrounds" thread which are a thing sometimes

>> No.8253264

Cum print

>> No.8253302

I have one too, except most of my paycheck goes towards lolita since my job can be stressful sometimes. I find that rearranging my wardrobe like >>8252836 suggested and making/planning outfits to be more therapeutic than browsing the sites.

I really wanted to like this series but that cream everywhere. The skirt almost looks bodyline-tier, although I am sure it will look much nicer in person.

>> No.8253359

I don't care if it looks lathered in ejaculate, I love this.

>> No.8253361

Has anyone used Rakuten through Tenso? I want something from Violet Blue and they don't ship overseas.

I can read Japanese and I know where to put all the info, I'm just worried for some reason...

>> No.8253379

Well I did it anyways. The item shows as sold out and it took my card. I guess it worked? For a $50 pristine Innocent World blouse I'll take the risk.

>> No.8253447

i've been lurking cgl for a little over a year now and i've fallen in love with lolita. i'm about to buy my first piece but i'm nervous to join my local community. i'm afraid i'll face scrutiny for not being a 'lifestyle lolita.' any anons have any experience with this?

>> No.8253449

No one cares, just don't give yourself an online presence

>> No.8253451

Don't like it, but it'll probably sell out and be scalped like basically every AP dress now

>> No.8253477


>> No.8253480

Hardly anybody's a lifestyle lolita, nobody cares.

>> No.8253591

now I have two icing based prints on my wish list.

>> No.8253598


Lmao most lolitas have entire lives outside of lolita. No one's going to judge you for not going to bed in VM pajamas

>> No.8253633
File: 301 KB, 500x600, bbypls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone get their paws on AP's University OP? Devo that I couldn't get my hands on it :(

>> No.8253771

I had the same problem anon, it led to me spending thousands of dollars a month on Lolita alone. Nothing really helped other than having professional help to be honest. Now I have someone to talk to about my problems instead of using shopping as an emotional crutch. My finances are in such trouble that my family have taken control of them until I can get back on my feet again. I haven't brought anything for ~2 months now and I feel a lot better now. I also started selling all my impulse buys which helped generate more income.

>> No.8253773

Hi anon, I have the same problem, although it's a bit more severe for me, so this might be overkill for you.

There is a software called ColdTurkey, you can use it to block websites on your computer. It has helped me quite a bit in the first period of cutting down. There's something similar for Mac. Block everything for one week at a time, and try not to browse on your phone. During that time, go through all of your impulse buys and sell everything you don't wear. I also make collages with recent purchases so I have visual reminders of things I bought.

>> No.8253775

I've ordered from Rakuten using Tenso before and shopped at Violet Blue. It's really easy and I had no trouble

Yeah they've been selling crazy overpriced Infanta stuff recently

>> No.8253786

>make collages with recent purchases
I do this as well. It helps me keep track of what I've bought but I think it would work better if I included the amount I spent on each item and keep up a tally because you feel less likely to spend if you see how much you've already spent on stuff you don't need.

>> No.8253789

Make a Google drive doc. Put in dates, money spent, received or not, shipping, customs and a picture.
I don't to do that because it would make me sick looking at it.

>> No.8253792

I know I need to but I'm scared to see.

>> No.8253796

Wow, I had no idea a good bunch of you had shopping addictions.
What was the turning point for some of you? Like what made you realize you had a problem and needed to get it under control?

>> No.8253803

i realised when i made my google doc
it also hit me hard when i started to get dresses in the mail where as soon as i opened them, i put them in the 'will never wear out' category

it's taken a while for me to let go, but i've been steadily selling off my unwanted things for a few months now

>> No.8253804

Life is shit. Economy is shit. World is going to shit. Buying stuff and having something to look forward to is what brightens your day.

Seize the day, enjoy it while you can, etc.

>> No.8253808

That's how I look at it, too. Mercifully I don't have a problem but I don't really experience buyer's remorse anymore because I'm making myself happy, I'm not in debt, and even if I stop wearing this stuff in a couple of years I can always sell it all seeing as I take good care of my clothes.

>> No.8253821
File: 129 KB, 563x750, tumblr_n14gmgUcMU1rgnxpao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will lolitas buy indie dresses that don't have an original print? I'd like to slowly get into indie by offering some of my dresses to gauge reaction to my designs and craftsmanship and then make an original print.
I'm worried no one will even look at a dress that's made with fabric bought at a fabric store.

>> No.8253828

I'm the original shopping problem anon. For me it was when I realized I'd automatically turn to buying something for a quick easy burst of happiness whenever I was having a bad day or felt upset. Looking at my budget and seeing that nearly all of my free money for going out with friends, hobbies, etc., went to Lolita also was a wake-up call, because I have a fairly generous budget.

>> No.8253837

I'd be all over pretty velvet dresses. I'm a sucker for beautiful construction. Less than half my wardrobe is print.

>> No.8253860

This. I do this a lot with cosplay and just recently with lolita. I'm living in an area where I know no one my own age, I'm self-employed right now and already buying things to resell, so with convention season upon us I've started buying things for myself as well. Having something to look forward to like getting pretty things in the mail, even if I'll only wear them a short time in the summer and fall, makes me happy and less alone.

I do feel remorse when I buy cheap things I know I can't use though and it's so hard to sell them off again. I'm trying to curb that habit and instead shift gears from spending all this on things online to instead saving all this money and putting it towards traveling more with my friends that I now only see once every few months or something.

>> No.8253868


This! I too am a sucker for pretty velveteens and beautiful construction.
Especially the way BTSSB and Meta do them!
Beautiful muted colors or jewel-tones would grab my attention for sure.

>> No.8253870

We've had pretty successful shopping addiction threads before. I guess it makes sense for a hobby that revolves a lot around purchasing things.

I realized I had a problem when I completely blew through my savings and still couldn't stop myself from buying stuff. I don't have it under control yet, but starting antidepressants, keeping track of everything and seeking a therapist has helped a lot.

>> No.8253878

Thanks for all your responses! I've actually got some new meet ideas from this.

Not that anon obviously, but that could describe virtually any comm. I don't think this girl is in my comm because we've not had an ice-skating meet for a few years, but everything else she's posted about locations sounds normal for a comm in a metropolitan area. Lots of museum, gallery, tea and restaurant meets, but virtually no-one willing to travel or organise events outside the city because of transport difficulties so the comm is unlikely to visit an old house in the country. Some members with good wardrobes that could attend a meet with themed coords, but also a lot of Bodyline-chans who might feel excluded if they were told that attendees were strongly encouraged to stick to the theme. Lots of Bodyline-chans also = lots of poor and underage members who won't pay to go to pricier events like the ballet. My comm actually does do theater meets, but whereas normal meets get 12+ people turning up, theater events, even for stuff popular with lolitas, never gets more than five or so.

>> No.8253880

Velvet would definitely grab my attention too if it was well-constructed, because there aren't really any non-brand sources of non-screenprinted velvet skirts and dresses. Other than that I'm afraid I wouldn't pay a western indie brand's prices - I'd get a similar item from Taobao instead.

>> No.8253884

Oh awesome! I have plans for a burgandy velvet dress. This makes me feel better about starting.

>> No.8253885

I've been lurking for a while, slowly getting involved with coords and such. I finally made my first purchase...
But what's a good site to get a petticoat?

>> No.8253906

VictorianGirlDress on Ebay supposedly makes super poofy pettis for under $30.

>> No.8253907

I think this got said upthread (or at least on another thread recently), but however much disdain /cgl/ has for virtually everyone else, you have to lurk outside of /cgl/. thelolitaguidebook and lolita-tips on tumblr, lolita-handbook on livejournal, hellolace.net, fyeahlolita on blogspot, and the plethora of personal lolita tumblrs and YouTube channels should really help. (hint: the answer is in the first one)

>> No.8253998

I would, if you had a plus size option(I'd gladly pay a bit extra).

>> No.8254018

I planned on doing small, medium and large, each with a give of 3 or 4 inches or so, with an option to pay a fee for personalized sizing on anything that was outside that range .

>> No.8254027

"Super poofy" is a bit of a stretch, but theirs is a great first petti because it's a versatile poof. I'm a fan, personally (though mine has gotten pretty tired over the last couple of years).

>> No.8254039

Remove the ricrac and then sew it to the other side of the hem so it's more of a subtle scallop detail.

Not a solution if you just hate ricrac no matter what though.

>> No.8254615

I realised when I would get invoices from my shopping service and they cost the same as my rent. My family and friends had told me I had a problem too but I think seeing such huge numbers gave me a big shock

>> No.8254828

I'm doing my first Taobao order to try and get my wardrobe started. So far I have a short-sleeved white blouse, two pettis (a big cupcake and a daily for layering) and some lace ankle socks. Are there anymore basics you guys would suggest I get right now, or should I wait until I have more dresses and buy more specific items? I thought this was better suited for this thread than the TB one, hope it's okay to ask.

>> No.8254838

get some ivory/white lace tights, and a few basic headbows in the main colours you think will be in your wardrobe

>> No.8254845


What kind of style are you aiming for?

I would ideally get blouses in beige, white, and black, each long sleeved and short sleeved. The styles should cater to what style of lolita you are aiming for. A large peter pan collar blouse, for instance, wouldn't go very well with gothic (simplistically speaking).

Ankle socks are pretty good in warm weather. I'd also get them in neutral colors that are easy to coordinate with outfits.

I would also not neglect accessories. Invest in a good strand of pearls, a versatile pendant, and some versatile hair accessories like bows or headbands.

Other than that I think you're good to go. I think fyeahlolita has a really good entry on what basics to get as well.

>> No.8254850

Last time I asked FJ to buy from AP they told me that AP said no and canceled my request, but that was before they started accepting Tenso.

>> No.8254853

It doesn't hurt to pick out a couple pieces you want and pick more basics based off of those. The most annoying thing that can happen is you just blindly pick some basics and they end up not working with anything you have or on the flipside you have to match main pieces to your accessories, which can sometimes be a hassle. What you have now sounds pretty versatile though, so that sounds good. I suggest picking out a couple skirts or jsk's you like and then picking versatile accessories so you can at least create a few different coords out of just a handful of items for the time being, until you make your next couple purchases. I would recommend getting another blouse, either in another versatile color, or one in a color specific to a particular piece you plan on buying.

>> No.8254869

Should clarify that by "a couple pieces you want" I mean a couple pieces you want and will actually be able to get with this purchase or your next purchase. (have to mention this because sometimes new people have an idea of something they'd like to buy and then keep waiting for it to appear on the secondhand market) I don't think you need that clarification but thought I should mention it anyways. Also def agree to keep in mind the style you want to aim for, don't be that person that buys sweet-oriented blouses and accessories and tries to wear them with gothic pieces.

>> No.8254886

Thanks for the suggestions, this is all really useful and I appreciate it!

I guess I don't really have one specific style I'm sure about at the moment, though I like classic and more muted sweet pieces. I'd like to get darker main pieces at some point, but so far my wardrobe is muted pastels, white and ivory.

I still don't think I'm confident enough to coord with skirts yet, but I plan on getting some versatile jsk's to coord with and expand my wardrobe!

I think I'll pick up some basic necklaces, bows and maybe a pair of wrist cuffs for the coord I'm working on right now, and I'll keep looking for at least one more blouse! It's getting warm here but maybe I can find a chiffon long-sleeved blouse. I always read about lolitas buying just whatever they saw and liked and regretting it later when nothing matched, so I'm really trying to avoid that.

Thank you guys again, I'm saving all this for reference!

>> No.8254939

any cute vests for sale anywhere rn? something busty friendly (which I know starts to narrow down my choices).
alternatively i might just sew one of my own or go out and thrift one and change out the buttons. wanted to see if there were any taobao/indie places selling some.

>> No.8255161

How do you guys clean your brand dresses? Do you prefer to hand wash, or dry clean them? I ended up buying 2 and they both smell like a thrift store and one is really dingy and grey looking.

>> No.8255231

Asking this as someone who's here for cosplay but occasionally reads lolita threads.

What's the thing that unifies all substyles of lolita? Is it looking like a doll? Or is it the general silhouette? Or something else?

>> No.8255253

if it has thrift store smell but is otherwise clean, i generally cold wash,lay out to dry, and then throw it bagged in the freezer for a couple of days. otherwise i dry clean if it's dirty.

>> No.8255305

For most of my dresses and blouses, I put them in those mesh laundry bags and do a delicate wash in the machine, and it works out fine. For more fragile things, e.g. chiffon, anything with bits and pieces that are liable to fall off, etc., I tend to just spot clean unless there's an actual smell or something, in which case I handwash. I handwash most of my blouses, too, since most of them are chiffon or similar materials.

>> No.8255308

and some blouses*

>> No.8255381

It's silhouette, details, and certain themes that are generally translatable across all substyles.

>> No.8255447

Depends on your price points for me, to be honest. I can justify high prices for printed indie brand because I know that unless you're going to a factory in China you're already paying $60-$100 for the fabric for a singel piece before factoring in notions, construction time etc. However, since a prudent shopper could find nice fabrics for $20-$60, or even cheaper if you're using vintage cottons or something, so I'm less willing to spend as much.

Having said that, though, there's not really anyone much doing non-print or store-bought prints that I've seen so especially if you can make them interesting/not look like basic handmade I think there'd be some market for it.

>> No.8255598

This thread is in autosage so new one here


>> No.8255624


this thread still has like 40-ish posts to go before it hits autosage (300 posts)

>> No.8255642

I don't like these kind of horizontally striped prints, they always look cheap.

>> No.8255644
File: 57 KB, 560x467, cardi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. This thread keeps hovering on page 4 for me, even after I posted in it. I think my phone is having problems refreshing, I had to come onto the desktop to delete the thread I made. In any case I may as well ask a question while I'm on a computer and can post a picture.

Are there any rules for cardigans in lolita? I couldn't find any rules about them on fyeahlolita, and didn't see much posted in the other loli threads on cgl. I do more of a classic style so I really don't like all the frills and bows and stuff on most brand, since they seem to cater to sweet styles. Is it acceptable to just wear a regular button-up crew neck cardigan, or is that too plain?

>> No.8255661

If it's anything from joann's I won't be able to buy it because I work there and hate all our fabric now.
But in all seriousness, if your construction is on point and you have thoughtful designs and pick quality materials, yeah I'd buy it. Not going to buy some quilting cotton skirt with a single ruffle on it from some etsy hack for 50 bucks, though.

>> No.8255664

I feel like the plainer the cardigan is, the more focus there is on cut and details. I've definitely seen some pretty normal looking cardigans put out by brands though, like just plain pink crew-neck ones. I think as long as it fits well, the color is nice and matches what you're wearing, you should be fine, but don't be opposed to pinning a brooch on it either, or changing out buttons.
Anyways, what kind of style are you trying to wear it with? ("since they seem to cater to sweet styles") I would also say be careful wearing cardigans with gothic or classic styles. They're a bit elegant and a plain crew neck cardigan with no details like ruffles or lace or nice buttons might look a bit awkward or too casual. Maybe that's just a personal style thing for me.

>> No.8255687

>I feel like the plainer the cardigan is, the more focus there is on cut and details

I don't think what I said made sense woops. I meant if your cardigan is plain, it better look nice and appropriate with what you're wearing. Like, don't wear a super deep v neck cardi with embroidery around the bottom that doesn't match your dress thematically.

>> No.8255708
File: 167 KB, 356x424, cardigan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to do country and some very reserved classic styles. I also have a couple sweet pieces that would look nice and dressed-down with plain cardigans, I think. I'm really not into OTT stuff with tons of bows and lace and ruffles so I like to downplay my sweet prints.
I wouldn't be opposed to dressing up a plain cardigan with contrasting buttons, brooches, or even handsewing a high quality lace onto it. If you have any tips for dressing up a plainer piece, I would love to hear them!
Here's a pic of the cardi I'm looking at, if that helps. I'm working on a tight budget right now so I like to buy cheaper offbrand accessories to make coords with, when I can.

>> No.8255728

i prefer non-print dresses, honestly, so i'd be all over your stuff

>> No.8255730

crew neck cardigans can look really good with lolita. they tend to make a coordinate more casual looking imo, so if that's what you want then go for it.

>> No.8255735

I hardly ever go out in lolita except with a couple friends, and I'm not even a member of my local comm at all. I will keep that in mind if I do attend a formal event. Thank you!

>> No.8255886


A common history and culture.

Lolita only looks diverse today, but once upon a time every style out there was about looking a little bit like a victorian doll. Still, we carried over the culture, so every lolita knows about egl, cgl, lacemarket, secondhand shopping, Misako Aoki and the top 4-5 lolita brands (you don't need to like them, but you'll definitely have heard of them). We also carried over common nomenclature, common items of clothing, common ways of dressing, a preference for frills and stories, and remarkable amount of geekiness over clothes.

Pretty much everything else differs depending on what substyle and brand you follow.

>> No.8255894

Miss Point and HMHM both have ones that can be custom-sized. F+F do custom too. I'm sure I saw a vest on another Taobao shop but I've forgotten the name.

IMO this style looks good as long as you remember to untuck your blouse collar over it

>> No.8255904


A common problem for cardigans put out by non-lolita brands is that they tend to be longer (like the two that you posted), so they start squishing your lolita skirt, unless you restrict their use to miniskirts/low-waisted skirts/dresses and low-poof outfits.

If you want to lolify a store-bought cardigan, you can shorten it so it doesn't squish your skirt, and sew on trim like braids, lace, ribbon, pearls, beads and so on.

>> No.8255952

Thanks for the feedback guys.
I like being inspired by the fabrics I see and enjoy layering and texture. Knowing there are a few annons out there who would appreciate a thoughtfuly made, quality dress gives me hope!
So far I've made one dress and a blouse and I'm working on two more dresses and a skirt. Once I have my pieces done I will tentatively test the waters.

>> No.8255978

Thank you for the suggestions. I figured I'd have to shorten them, but I hadn't thought of sewing on pearls or beads. Thanks!

>> No.8256025

Bunch of IW on CC right now.

>> No.8256032

I hand wash them.

On that note, I once hand washed an IW petti that said not to get it wet on the label though, and I found tiny holes in the layers afterwards...it was pretty dingy when I got it (came free with a 2nd hand set) so I'm not sure if they were there before or if the water disintegrated the material somehow.

>> No.8256067
File: 207 KB, 709x900, quick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am also in for jewel tones like a nice emerald green/forest green, royal/navy blue, bordeaux/rust red, mustard yellow, coral orange, dusty pink and so on.

Since I owned so many velvet pieces which I didn't like (you can wear them only in cold season), I would prefer to see more lace, chiffon, pinestripe and one color stuff. Especially with a more simple cut which would be suiting a daily wear.

I sew myself a lot of JM inspired dresses lately but I am lazy as fuck and rather buy it, if the price is right.

>> No.8256073
File: 17 KB, 333x250, AngelicPretty-Accesoires-WristcuffsColorscheme-Mint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have Angelic Pretty wrist cuffs and can do me a big big favor? I need a photo of them turned inside out, so of the inner of the cuffs.
That'd be more than great!

>> No.8256097

what sort of new fetish is this....

>> No.8256101

It's probably because anon wants to make wristcuffs and wants to see what the inside looks like, come on now.

>> No.8256156


>> No.8256157

i was joking around sorry

>> No.8256169

Thank you Anon, but it's alright, you don't have to defend me. Anon >>8256097 is right, it is my fetish to see brand clothing turned inside out. I just wanted to start off with the wrist cuffs as they're small and I can say I want to make some myself. I then wanted to continue with blouses, maybe because I have a problem with the seams on mine and then eventually come to the point where people show me their JSKs or majestic OPs. Lord, just writing about it makes me feel good. Theese clean finished seams, ironed in the right place with those nice inbuild pettis... I even store my AP turned in my closet and when I wear my dresses I just can wear them the right way to feel them on my body.

I want to know if it's worth buying expensive AP wrist cuffs. Feeling those on my bare skin could be even better than my cheap lucky bag blouse.

>> No.8256179
File: 93 KB, 171x278, 1403250877876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had more than a kek m8

>> No.8256184

That sound's great!

>> No.8256190

I saw your comment before the one you replied to, and saw the pic of the cuffs before reading their comment, and leapt to the assumption that someone was putting wristcuffs on their dick. Or wanting pictures of wristcuffs on someone's dick. I'm kind of disappointed now.

>> No.8256197

Uncultured noob

>> No.8256256
File: 114 KB, 770x578, 39e703_87372c2d49e54620bb103277f0bb43a2.jpg_srz_p_770_578_75_22_0.50_1.20_0 (1).00_jpg_srz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does everyone feel about this? I know some of you guys were dying for a guru print thing

>4chan think link is spam

>> No.8256264

Print looks nice, but ugly dress construction and cheap looking fabric.

I would buy a skirt version if it was no more than $50 though.

>> No.8256287
File: 89 KB, 405x607, 39e703_c49f7d505a15408d88f4d7c1936207e9.jpg_srb_p_600_607_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just went to look out of curiosity for you

>lolno skirt is $90
>I guess at least they aren't pricing at brand level

>> No.8256293

Oh yes, pinstripes! With the popularity of AP's university series that could be a good one to do. A few Taobao brands (Chess Story, Miss Point, Pumpkin Cat I think) had already done similar-ish school-themed stripy dresses before though.

>> No.8256295


>> No.8256299

I concur.

>> No.8256306
File: 31 KB, 280x394, 39e703_268733194b84405eac65d95b2edfd21e.jpg_srz_280_394_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if the fabric is meant to be like this. Like worn, vintage linen.
I admire the ingenuity on the bodice though. But I would have no idea where I'd wear this thing besides as a costume.

>> No.8256311

Oh to add - I'd love to get this JSK without the print. And leave the print for the skirt.

>> No.8256343
File: 210 KB, 700x1200, shoes274-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


iirc these are a much more red-brown. But yeah, unless you have more brown maybe stick to more standard, versatile colours.

>> No.8256351

I want to like it so badly. The print itself looks okay, but the material and construction combined with those prices.... I'll pass. I may buy the tights if they offer a second batch of reserves, though.

>> No.8256444

My sides are in orbit.

>> No.8256682

I want to use an SS other than Chibi_Tenshi for Mbok/Y!A orders, but I don't know any other than Tokyo Pirates (who is closed atm).

>> No.8256718

anyone have a list of in store SS for AP releases in general? The most popular ones like Tenshi, TP, etc are always booked.

>> No.8256727

....like all of the big ones? Japonica, From Japan

>> No.8256766

Can confirm, the dark brown of these is quite red and not really like the stock picture.

>> No.8256889

I need help dealing with a Lacemarket buyer! I sell things all the time on there but I've never had someone like this.

Messsage #1
PM asking to for shipping to another country, to hold the dress for a month, and then if I could lower the price.

This message was super rude, so I ignored it.

Message #2
Asking if I will reply to her.

I replied politely explaining, I wasn't going to lower the price since I'm asking what I paid for the dress, and its brand new.

Message #3 They replied again saying I should still lower the price, and something about borrowing money to buy the dress. I understand English isn't her fist language but she doesn't seem to understand/is just ignoring my explanation.

Message #4 (sent at 7:30am my time this morning)
I borrow money of my friend. Can U sell to me this price + shipping cost and I will pay today? :)

Message #5 (Sent 1 hour after message #4)

Can you answer to me soon because I feel you are rude not answering my messages. I buy other dress then.
I thought that was the end, but she just bid on my auction now...wtf?

She only has one positive feedback.
I don't feel comfortable selling to her, is there a way I can cancel her bid or contact a LM mod? Should I send her a message asking why did she bid after claiming I was rude and she wouldn't buy it? I think she would just ignore me anyways if I did that.
I'm not desperate for money so I'm not in a hurry to sell the dress.

>> No.8256896

Also, I ship international all the time and never have a problem/deny international buyers. I just have a bad feeling about this.

>> No.8256914

yeahhhh I feel like, even though some sellers have shitty reasons, at the end of the day it's the seller's choice as to whether or not to sell to someone. however, i think you have plenty of reason to be uncomfortable selling to her.

maybe confront her about it and then message a mod?

>> No.8256934

I tried to contact a LM mod, and I'm going to write the girl a reply asking why she bid after saying she wouldn't buy from me, and that I'm not comfortable selling to her right now.

>> No.8256978

I hope everything works out for you anon with not too much drama, she sounds super sketch. my biggest fear would be if I sold to her, she would suddenly flake after I shipped and say she needs the money for bills or something and try to reverse the charge, just something disastrous like that. it's really weird that she acted out to you like that then bid on it...other worry is she would win the bid but then try to haggle it down when you ask her for payment.

>> No.8256981

Damn, people like her make things so hard for international buyers because sellers get put off.

>> No.8256998


Thanks, I'm sure it will be fine but It's just a pain to deal with. That's why I tend to sell on LM instead of egl comm sales or FB.

I've shipped dresses to super sketchy places like Brazil (mail gets stolen all the time there) and everythign was fine. But then again the buyer was nice and super polite for that transaction.

>> No.8257033

What's the best bet for washing BABY at home? I got a dress in an it seems a little dingy, I'd like to wash it but it doesn't have a laundry tag anywhere that I can find.

Specifically it's British Regimental Salo.

>> No.8257071

I also prefer non-print dresses.
If you have an etsy or can send me a link to your shop, or just save my email until you start producing work, message me.

>> No.8257079
File: 218 KB, 639x960, 1428770758344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8257256

I've had several buyers pay for something, and then message me asking to have it shipped to a completely different address (even different country!) than the address they gave on PayPal. My advice is never never do it, you aren't eligible for PP seller protection. If they really want it shipped elsewhere, refund them and have them resend the payment with the correct address.
Shady ass bitches who have a Western address on PP and then msg wanting shipped to China lolno

>> No.8257297

...That's because they ARE red. dred, as in dark red. They're a deep maroon in person. Unless you meant the brw color.

>> No.8257508

Is there anyway to get ahold of Krad Lanrette's Medusa?
I've been wanting it since I saw it but I have no idea how it all worked.

>> No.8257523

The print is interesting but they styled it with what looks like a Forever 21 blouse. It's also missing a lot of elegance for lolita and could use a bit of ruffle or lace or something nice. Cool normalfag or j-fash dress though.

>> No.8257532


You can get it from their etsy for an exorbitant price.

I'm pretty busted I missed their other reservation for the nautical jsk and now the only way is to buy it at a hugely inflated price.


>> No.8257539


The pain right now is real

>> No.8257626
File: 54 KB, 284x585, 39e703_9a52db7cbe6f48e0a945bef0d7b6c1f4.jpg_srb_p_600_585_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ilu, anon. Wish I could help fulfill your desires.

I don't like how bottom heavy it looks. I agree with others that I would definitely buy the tights if they became available again.

Has anyone bought from this shop before? I'm interested in their Sea Jewels OP, but can't find any reviews.

>I wonder if the fabric is meant to be like this. Like worn, vintage linen.
Probably--"in the style of 1900s nurse uniform."

>> No.8257780

I'm scared the seller will tell it's a shopping service, and cancel on me. It's a dream dress and the auction ends tomorrow, so I ended up using CT (although I'm nervous because she hasn't replied yet even though it's still got a few hours to go)

>> No.8258218

;_; excuse the emoticon, need a place to vent

the other day I decided to add star night theater to the list of dresses I would like to buy before the end of this year, hopefully would like to wear it to my comm's christmas event or just some event to do an ott thing with

and suddenly 2 dresses go on sale, one on CC and one on mbok...and the one on mbok is in the cut I want too (the weird jsk that is strapless) but I do not have the budget this month to buy it....ugh. and they're both probably going to be sold by the time I have the money for it. I'm wondering if I should grab a couple pieces and sell them, but they might not sell quickly enough. I guess I could do that anyways and have the money ready for the next time I see it but I'm also afraid that this is gonna be one of those times where a bunch of them pop up for sale and then none of them pop up ever again. grrr.

I remember in a previous thread a long time ago people were talking about there were like, seasons/cycles when certain dressed would come up for sale a lot and then disappear off the market for a while. anyone know if I have a good chance of finding another SNT in the coming months?

>> No.8258224

there was an influx of starry night theatre about 5-6months ago as well, so i don't doubt that it'll pop up again

if you desperately need the dress you could sell stuff that you don't wear often i suppose

>> No.8258237

I guess I feel uneasy because it's like, I don't desperately need the dress right now, but I know I want it in the future. I would gladly buy the dress right now, but it caught me at an off time. Already spent money on a main piece this month and a taobao order + a convention. I guess there's no use in fretting over it, I'll just have to set the money aside for it and hope that something comes up again or what I want doesn't sell until I come for it.

>> No.8258264

I LOVE the dress you have pictured here. Please email me. I'd love to do business with you!

kandikid82 at charter dot net

>> No.8258316

kek m8

>> No.8258340

all those are big NO's in my selling book, Ultimately it's up to you if you want to sell to her or not.

If she's bidding, get a friend to outbid her or make a fake acct, outbid her and then relist with no international shipping

>> No.8258343

It's not an official affiliated with KL store, just some Chinese girl in Europe who buys in bulk and resells

>> No.8258344

You can use clobba and do a 50/50 payment plan

>> No.8258358


I hadn't heard of Violetfanes at all and looking at their site I feel like they are relatively new. But I'm excited to see what they produce

>> No.8258387

Yes sorry I meant the brw colour, thought it was labelled dark brown. They're much lighter and redder than the stock photo of brw

>> No.8258512


Thanks! I didn't know if I should hand wash it, since on other threads people were talking about the dresses bleeding and I was afraid I'd mess it up. I think I may dry clean it so at least if it's messed up it won't be my fault.

>> No.8258515

Looking around, it seems to be 100% cotton and the lining is 100% polyester. I'd say wash it on a delicates cycle to be safe, or dryclean it.

>> No.8258566

how did you find that out?

>> No.8258617
File: 12 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how to use fromJapan to buy from yahooJapan auctions, has anyone used it to buy from mbok? I was under the impression that fromJapan bids would be rejected by mbok users but now I'm not sure why I thought that.

>> No.8258841

You can, they even have instructions for it on their web page. You use it like you'd use it to buy from the website of a Japanese brand that doesn't ship abroad - send them the web address and the payment with their form and they do it for you in a few hours. It's easy.

>> No.8258993

>The Floral Notebook is accepting custom orders again, says she might not do custom orders again after this
>there's about $300 worth of stuff I wanna buy from her
>have to pay shipping on Taobao order next week, no way am I gonna be able to get more than $120 together before she stops accepting custom orders
>will probably just custom order the blouses I wanted in colours you can't get elsewhere easily (I wanted some grey ones for gothic) and hope that the other stuff I wanted gets made at a standard size in stock later
>also have a meetup coming up
>need new shoes for it
>if I don't make a Bodyline order within the next couple of weeks they probably won't arrive in time
>but I can't afford to make the order if I'm spending on The Floral Notebook

Hnng. I'll probably wait til a couple of weeks before the meetup, then pay the extra for EMS.

>> No.8259098

Interesting, do you have an IRL photo of them (preferably with natural light)? I was thinking about getting them to match IW chocolate items but now I'm not sure...

>> No.8259260

I used fromJapan for mbok and my bid got cancelled by mbok seller. They generally reject bids when they think foreigners are bidding.

>> No.8259306

fromjapan has to do more contact with the mbok seller to prevent rejection, and the only bad thing about them is that they're closed on the weekend for mbok?
>Our buying service operating hours are from 10am until 7pm JST on weekdays (excl. National Holidays)

I had to email Japonica with an urgent bid since I didn't bid high enough on mine with fj, and it was Saturday.

>> No.8259542

op here, in the previous thread I asked the same question and was able to use FJ to bid on something with mbok (but with "shopping service" instead of auction service). but, when I was looking at the seller's feedback it seems like she had done business with FJ before and I also think my item was something the seller was really trying to get rid of because I know I had seen it on there previously and this had been a relist. so, personally I didn't really have any issues and I only had 6 hours to go when I sent FJ the request.
when you say they generally reject bids if they think it's a foreigner, to you mean on mbok specifically or just on all japanese auction sites in general?
also, what I bought was just a purse. are things like dresses more apt to be rejected if they think a foreigner is buying it?

can you explain the contact thing more? I know in some people's descriptions I saw something about an introduction.

>> No.8259543

I really don't want to sell to her. Still haven't heard back from LM mods yet :/

>> No.8259578

i'm also curious about anyone who got the OP or skirt from the University release. i kind of wanted to get the green/blue color way of the skirt, but none of the blouses in the series matched that skirt for some reason and it put me off. now i regret not buying a dress or something.

>> No.8259584

As a very short girl, I think this is an awesome option. I would pay a good deal extra to have a dress be constructed to fit me properly for once!

>> No.8259637

Different Anon, but basically Mbok isn't the most secure platforms, so people can get a hold of your personal information through it. Since a lot of lolitas are early 20 somethings, they're paranoid about that sort of thing. So on Mbok most sellers want you to send a message introducing yourself and asking permission to bid so that the seller can look at your account and make sure that you're not a creeper or male. This is much more prominent on Mbok than it is on Yja, but people on there will still sometimes refuse to sell to SS. Honestly it really depends on the individual seller.

The issue with SS that the girls have is a combination of general xenophobia, a lot of SS being male, scalpers, having poor Japanese, or any combination of the above.

>> No.8259653

I've been wondering about this recently - why are a significant number of western lolitas so obsessed with surveillance and general monitoring of other lolitas?

Way back we had 'lolita fucks' and its various incarnations, then there was getoffegl which was immensely popular for several years, behind the bows etc etc, /cgl/ is still a haven for anonymous bitching..

The Japanese community has never had anything quite like this and they seem to keep to themselves in general; hell, they tend to think western lolitas are batshit because of all the high school style drama they see from afar. I'm not suggesting that Japanese lolitas are perfect and sweet but they definitely keep their bitching, drama and singling out on the down-low for the most part.

>> No.8259837

>hell, they tend to think western lolitas are batshit because of all the high school style drama they see from afar
Source? I mean, I've heard they think we're all gross ugly fatties, but never anything about that.

>> No.8259847
File: 97 KB, 756x485, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I balance my expensive hobbies?

>> No.8259874

I will! I have your email saved and I'll contact you.

Sorry annon. That's not my dress. It's a photo I found on Google. I get nervous posting my work on 4chan.

>> No.8259885

Sell your pieces of cardboard for burando, obviously.

>> No.8259929

A few lolitas with Japanese skills have lurked forums and observed plenty of comments along these lines, I wished I'd saved the bunch of screencaps that one of them took.

I mean you could say they were observed bitching about bitching, but I think the general difference is, singling out individuals and forming communities to do it is pretty much unheard of - even the screencaps were general comments rather than specifics about individuals.

>> No.8260389
File: 209 KB, 698x1145, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8260457

But it's not? It's run by their UK representative

>> No.8260552

Find another lolita who plays, play with your most expensive dress on the line. Lather, rinse, repeat.

>> No.8260602

I think it has everything to do with Japanese society vs American/Western society. Even if JP lolitas were raging cunts on the inside, they'd keep it quiet.

>> No.8260666

this, it's not about the hobby

>> No.8260905

This is a genius way to incorporate my 3 favourite hobbies together; Magic, Lolita, and being better at things than Voldie.

>> No.8262700

Please be from SOL, I'd love to play you at the meeple meet. Also I totally don't doubt that you're better than me at magic, I'm just getting back into it after a 2 year break and I have to re-learn /everything/