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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 453 KB, 900x1367, 1405304073109[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8242362 No.8242362 [Reply] [Original]

Outfits that are bad, but not necissarily Ita.

something about a coord is rubbing you the wrong way? found a coord that follows all the rules of lolita but still looks like shit? Unsure if something is ita but it still rustles your petticoat?

post it here.
Bonus points for outfit breakdowns of what you hate about it.

>> No.8242366

>no petti
>no blouse
>sweater + flowers have no place here
>that wine bow???
>fucking pearls
>are those nautical socks

imo more of an ita

>> No.8242374
File: 563 KB, 445x810, tumblr_nmlz15PbuZ1so8wf9o1_540[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, its a nitpick.
here's more nitpick.

>> No.8242419

>there is a blouse
>slighter petti for long dress
>flowers match the bolero, pearls, print
>socks with gold, gold in the dress, you are looking with a fucking magnifier glass
>wine bow, the dress have wine on the print

wtf cgl?

>> No.8242436

considering the weird shape of the skirt, I'm betting it was wondy out or something. My skirts do the exact same thing.

Honestly the only real nitpick here is the theme of the tights doesn't go with the dress at all
There is a blouse, even if she didn't she's wearing a bolero
The flowers aren't overdone and are nice quality
what's wrong with pearls? especially ona jetj dress

yes they are nautical tights

>> No.8242443

hmm, I think I might agree with the anon about the socks though since we're being nitpicky. in person I probably wouldn't care since yeah, they're matching the gold in the socks to the gold in the dress but thematically they don't seem to match the dress because the socks have a pretty clear pirate theme. (then again, I can't really see what's happening in the print on the dress either)

wine bow doesn't look terrible but it might've been cuter (or at least I think so) if she had a gold one like the one on the waist of the dress.

>> No.8242465


not feeling the socks for this at all, def should try some otk's or tights instead. I get what she was doing with the sax shoes but I feel like the sax color looks a little washed out here anyways. I feel like darker shoes would kind of balance out the color a bit more. wish she had a strawberry bag and maybe strawberry wristcuffs? just to play up the strawberry theme more. darker bolero would be nicer too I think. I have no idea if there are daisies on this skirt or not but I don't think so, so I think the head accessory should be ditched.

in general this whole thing looks really bright and washed out? maybe it's just the lighting?

average "meh" babby's first bodyline order coord...could've gone into super ugly ita territory, isn't super terrible but needs a whole lot of re working, i would say she has potential if this is among her first coords. at the very least if she changed 1 thing I think I would prefer pink shoes for this.

>> No.8242538
File: 125 KB, 640x854, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mind if I self-post? I know it's not perfect and I seriously need a better petticoat but what's you guys' honnest opinion?

>> No.8242548

you need a blouse with a peter pan collar or something. That thrifted blouse doesn't go at all and the cardigan is a bit frumpy.
the tights and BL shoes are cute

and yes you need a much better petticoat. If you're poorfag I recommend the "25' retro petticoat" from ebay. You can get them for about $10 and they last about 2 years and start to deflate after 1.5.

Make sure you get that specific one if you're not getting the VGD one

>> No.8242549
File: 166 KB, 540x810, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grabbing this one from the ita thread because it really irks me
first, I've never seen a lolita outfit that ligitmently looks like a little bo peep costume, but seriously this does.
I think it's the ringlets paired with the shitty bonnet thing and how frumpy and short she looks at this angle
and those shoes are unforgivably bad

>> No.8242555

where do you buy wigs like that?

>> No.8242569

That one is GLW. Another choice is Maple Wigs.

>> No.8242573

dem brows too

>> No.8242602

She is wearing a petti, it looks like it's being pushed in the wind. A dress without a petti doesn't fall like that.

>> No.8242715

> shitty bonnet thing
> legitimate piece of CDC set

>> No.8243005

There is not enough cream in the print to carry that much cream in the bolero or accessories. Especially because all of the cream is on the top half of the coord. It looks unbalanced.

The socks have gold, but the print does not match the theme of her outfit at all. Flowers and classical paintings and pirate themes in one coord? No.

>> No.8243390

>Flowers and classical paintings and pirate themes in one coord
but I'm pretty sure that you don't argue the pirate shit if it's a tricorn
>There is not enough cream in the print
well, I think that what makes the coord more interesting, If you match with the main color of the main piece is super boring

I'm beginning to think that cgl only aloud extremely structured coords (and by that I mean full sets, kuro or fanny rosie) that can be boxed in one style and ditch everything else.

>> No.8243417


also, these are just a few peoples' opinions on her outfit, of course only people who feel strongly positive/negative about it are going to say anything. i personally think it's quite an average coord and couldn't give less shits about matching themes (yes, i'm one of those people)

>> No.8243431

I would just change the shoes to actual pink or gold tea parties or something more elegant than Payless flats. Also, add some wrist cuffs or something.

>> No.8243434

>but I'm pretty sure that you don't argue the pirate shit if it's a tricorn

That would *maybe* make it a cohesive theme. But guess what? It doesn't have that. It's random crap thrown together. Still, the theme doesn't really match the painting on the dress.

>well, I think that what makes the coord more interesting, If you match with the main color of the main piece is super boring

I wasn't aware that interesting = good. It's fine to have cream accessories. It's not fine to tack it all on top when there's almost none of it anywhere else on the outfit. This is not the first time this coord has been posted in a nitpick thread. Defend poor fashion choices all you want I suppose. It only reflects on you.

>> No.8243436

I just love how it looks like the people in the back are laughing at her.
I like it apart from the shoes though, Love that wig, did she say where she got it?

>> No.8243437

Oh never mind

>> No.8243441

Someone mentioned the wig above. GLW

>> No.8243690

looks ugly nonetheless

>> No.8243722

What >>8242548 said, plus your roots are showing really badly so you need to re-dye your hair at minimum and ideally get a wig in a more lolita-suitable style, even if it's just something casual like a bob or shoulder-length cut with a bit of wave. Also can't tell if you have a hair accessory or not but I'd suggest a small pink bow.

>> No.8243724

I mean, she's wearing a brand set with a ringlet wig, make-up is fine, shoes need to change and flowers in front of the bonnet need to go but that's really it. I personally hate the colour of the dress, it's too much of a vivid pink for me, but I don't see that her actual coord is bad even if I find the colour scheme ugly.

>> No.8243868

You sound a bit vendetta-y to me
Dial it back a bit, will you?

>> No.8243872

> not knowing CDC
How fucking new are you??

>> No.8243880

The colorway is ugly, the wig looks pretty fake, she could have opted for periwinkle flowers, and she could have had better shoes.
Other than that, this doesn't make me cringe or anything.

>> No.8243881

grandma loli here, never heard of it.
you printfags are crazy

>> No.8243938

>having an opinion you don't agree with
Diff anon, I also think it looks ugly. Being a brand piece doesn't automatically make it good in everyone's eyes.

>> No.8243943

Hence why it's in the nitpick thread.

>> No.8243944

This looks like someone who bought a completely OTT set as their first dress and then was like "Wait till I have a few accessories, shoes,socks and a purse? Why bother, I'm good to go".

>> No.8243953


>> No.8243962

That's so fucking lazy.

>> No.8243988

But there is nothing "wrong" with the outfit either. Your concrit can't be "buy a new dress because I don't like this one"

>> No.8244014

Gee, you think? Stop being so defensive.

>> No.8244029

Might just be my inner artist but I really lke that the space skirt is above the water related socks.

>> No.8244033

your inner artist is a hack.

>> No.8244039

Still, you can see the bonnet matches the dress as part of the set. Same fabric, same trim. Just because you do not like it doesn't mean it doesn't match. The bonnet/dress pairing is the only thing I actually like about this.

>> No.8244042

Ouch, someone doesn't like artistic tolerance :^)

>> No.8244049

There are plenty of things wrong with the outfit. Some anon already mentioned how it's an OTT OP and bonnet but she didn't bother to get accessories or legwear of corresponding fanciness and instead opted for the plain, black flats, which is barely a step above wearing converse sneakers with lolita. The roses are too neon for the rest of the "outfit", and CDC in pink is pretty garish. It may not be Meta's leopard print-tier ita, but it's still pretty unattractive.

And yes, concrit can definitely be "use a different dress", it just rarely happens outside of the ita thread because most of us build coords around the main piece.

>> No.8244530
File: 108 KB, 845x623, 11150601_10203515247554136_1224600701262987587_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually lover her coords but her last few have been so off. this dress has a lot of potential but there's barely any balance in colour, and i fucking can't stand Jeffery Campbell shoes in lolita.

>> No.8244542

I don't think it's bad, but there's definitely not enough black in the dress to pull off adding so much black to the coord. It looks okay, but in all fairness she at least acknowledged in the post that it needs more color and she wasn't super happy with it overall.

>> No.8244548

I didn't say there was nothing wrong with the outfit. I'm just saying it's ridiculous to criticize her for wearing the bonnet that was *made* to go with the dress

>> No.8245520

I think this is fine, just a bit plain and boring. Way more of a casual outfit. But I guess it does read more as a cool normalfag outfit rather than lolita because of that.

>> No.8245575
File: 611 KB, 1424x2144, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me crazy, but this outfit just seems.. Off to me. I can't quite put my finger on it though.

Also she needs to invest in some Loliable shoes. I'm not a very big fan of heels in any Lolita coords.

>> No.8245579

i agree. i fucking hate these shoes.

>> No.8245591

I think it's the shoes, something "heavier" would balance it out better. The floral shit just doesn't work with the dress.

>> No.8245602

Her stocking is crooked...

>> No.8245678

High collars dont suit her, it eats her neck and she needs all the neck she can get.

>> No.8245771

I actually really like this. It's nice to see casual outfits with detailed main pieces; there's too much OTT or bust bullshit nowadays and it's getting old.

The issue with this is that everything except the dress has such a winter/holidays feel. The themes just don't match. Even if the accessories aren't themed, it's the impression they give off.

>> No.8245806

is that a skull and crossbones and a fucking squid on her tights?
- the tights are hideous

>> No.8246740
File: 48 KB, 413x720, 11045415_10203797691363085_8683736711772046944_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoes are not lolita. Socks are really not right for this coord. The pinks don't match the skirt at all, which is the main piece.

>> No.8246828

Why do people like this wig? It looks so plastic and awful

>> No.8246844

Woah I just noticed that military lolita in the background.


>> No.8246872

yeah, but didn't she say she wore this to go run errands or to her job or something? I know stuff doesn't match but idk I get dressing down/not being matchy matchy if you're just going out by yourself or with normalfag friends, or to your job. considering all that, the shoes I can excuse for being comfortable, the only thing I really dislike here is the socks.

>> No.8246879

I agree with you on that. I think the socks and shoes look bad with the outfit, but it's not a huge deal. If she was to use better matching socks, aka, no brown, and maybe some pink tea parties, then this would look incredibly better.

Those socks are really bad here, though.

>> No.8246900

I actually prefer it like this. The dress is already so fucking busy, anything else would've been overkill.

You can buy a heavily sweet print and not have to inundate it with fucking accessories.

>> No.8246969
File: 673 KB, 1280x1577, http%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2F675738b9ef72166b4f321478d42a2071%2Ftumblr_nmiaom9yz51qf90bxo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could have been nice but
> that work blouse
> blue bag doesn't match the dress
> no petti
> better shoes please

girl on the right is cute though.

>> No.8246973

Did you mix up your rights from your lefts..?

>> No.8246979

Yes is did AHA whoops. Silly me.

>> No.8246983

girl on the left isn't much better tho

>that awful quality lace
>cheap looking fabric
>skirt too short

cosplay tier imho

>> No.8246984

I don't care what you want to wear or what you're wearing it for, if it's not well coordinated or doesn't follow the rules, it's worthy of criticism based on the fact that you've chosen to call it lolita.

>> No.8246985

Alright good, I was going to call selfpost/vendetta on this.

Left isn't horrible, I just really don't agree with that color palette, and right.. just does not have a good face. Lack of petti makes her look frumpier than shit, too.
I was going to ask for sauce on the dress but those weird brown bits are making me change my mind.

>> No.8246988

I don't get why you'd take a selfie if you're going to throw stuff on for an errand.

>> No.8246990

>cream tights and blouse don't match
>flower crown is not thematic with jsk
>black shoes with no other black in the coord

yeah, agreed, it's just slightly off. I see what they were going for, but it's not quite right.

>> No.8247030

Pretty much this. I wore a Lief dress with a cardigan and some wedges to go shopping today, and I would never take a picture of it and upload it to a page for lolita coords because it's extremely normal fag-y and not worth being shared. Even if she considers her outfit to be casual lolita or whatever, it's still not put together well enough to avoid criticism.

>> No.8247063

I think the pink looks nice though? It's not quite the same shade as in the skirt but the tones are the same so I think it works - 'don't match the skirt at all' seems like a rather extreme analysis to me.

>> No.8247077

>black shoes with no other black in the coord

Say what? Are we looking at the same picture(?).

The tights may well match irl, there's some strange lighting going on here, casting shadows over everything - this can have quite an impact on the appearance of colours / shades in photos.

Either way, what I'm probably trying to say is, screw you guys, I like this outfit.

>> No.8247098

I guess i meant more that there isn't enough black in the coord for the shoes to look like a balanced part of the outfit. I feel like she should have replaced all the cream with black for black shoes to work.

>> No.8247099

>screw you guys, I like this outfit.

It's amusing when people who like mediocre outfits get defensive like this. It's a nitpick thread not an ita thread.

>> No.8247171

Or maybe other people don't see nitpicks where others do, and possibly even see good or great outfits rather than mediocre ones? Just the way things go.

I just reckon the very nature of the thread means that it's pretty much guaranteed to feature posts that mention liking some of the stuff posted, rather than taking any 'nitpicking' issue with it.

>> No.8247429
File: 654 KB, 1165x1920, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F53874fc99dc8dcc24f7f8edd3615be45%2Ftumblr_nmpss16V701tfhnsio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those legwarners. Why. Also, is there a less frumpy way to wear that peignoir?

>> No.8247451

if you take notice, that peignor has buttons, however it looks like she's too fat to button it up

>> No.8247469

It's the wig(too much volume), the tights, and the shoes.

The flower crown is the ram horn one from ciciworks I think, I'd argue it works thematically, it's just not the best choice.
I like whatever blouse that is.
I don't really see anything wrong with it. It's a "casual" everyday coord. I really dislike the flower in the hat, honestly don't mind the JC given they aren't the weirdly printed/coloured/spikey ones and again this looks like it's supposed to just be a everyday coord.

>> No.8247471

>Anon: Hey, I love your coord, can I take your picture?
>Anon: Oh, I left my shoes at my table, give me a second I'll go get them.
>Anon: No that's fine, nobody will notice, I'm on my way to a panel right now.
>Anon: A-alright. (I suppose it won't hurt, one picture right?)
>Anon: *checks 4chan 2 weeks later* well fuck me sideways.

>> No.8247473

she's wearing shoes though you idiot.

>> No.8247479

I think she meant better matching shoes not black flats.
>what is context.

>> No.8247490

I think the peignoir looks nice, especially with a belt, she just has no color coordination.
>leg warmers
That will never be a loli trend honey, stop.

>> No.8247497

are you saying it's more reasonable to assume she just happened to have 2 pairs of shoes and just happened to not change them and then just happening to post a pic of herself without cropping the photo onto a lolita coord sharing fb page, rather than her being shit?

>> No.8247509

It's actually really common for people to bring flats in their bags to change into when their feet get sore from wearing heels (TP's can also make feet sore)

You might not do it, but yes it's a very reasonable conclusion to make

>> No.8247519

she put the photo on CoF herself though, and she knew her fucking flats were in that photo, obviously, she spent enough time fucking the contrast to hell. either way it's still nitpick shit and there are many other things wrong with the coord.

>> No.8247583

I'd feel bad if it was something out of her hands like the coordinating shoes got lost in transit or didn't ship in time

>> No.8247589

>Or maybe other people don't see nitpicks where others do, and possibly even see good or great outfits rather than mediocre ones?

Um, that doesn't negate my point at all. Of course they see nice outfits in mediocre ones. My point was people get overly defensive in these threads about nitpicks. It's one thing to disagree. It's another thing to get butt hurt.

>> No.8247618

I feel like she coorded a gothic (or sweet-gothic?) dress in a classic way which is throwing things off.

>> No.8247757
File: 776 KB, 511x868, tumblr_nmeb5euaVF1rbu4vno1_1280[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its gorgeous, but something about the whole coord looks off. I'd say lack of bangs but I don't think it would look good on her face shape.

>> No.8247801

I'm thinking it could stand for a more dramatic headpiece or big hair at least.

>> No.8248315

She's clearly plus-size but not a land whale so wtf is wrong with her legs?? They're like logs!

>> No.8248323

There was someone else on cof that had legwarmers recently that kind of irked me

>> No.8248327

what an unfortunate face :I

>> No.8248329

There are people I know with 28" waists with legs like hers. She could just be really short or something.
Everyone's built differently.

>> No.8248344

I think the issue was more the combination of the wig and bonnet and the impression it gave of the coord as a whole

>> No.8249729

Except they said "shitty bonnet thing"

So specifically talking about the bonnet and not the combination

>> No.8249735

I have a relatively small waist and large legs, anon (also fatty-chan). Some of us are just stuck with big legs.

>> No.8250192

i think it's because she looks extremely bottom heavy right now. like, the skirt is so full and attention grabbing but then she doesn't have a whole lot going on with her head. if she doesn't want to go like, super OTT with some fancy headwear and wig I think it would look nice if she at least had some sort of updo with some pretty clips in her hair/some kind of elegant headband.

>> No.8250220

lol isn't this an april fool's post?

>> No.8250236

No, but it does look an awful lot like the April Fool's post she did with the same dress.

>> No.8250267

I ask myself that whenever I see voldie's coords, too.

>> No.8250276

Where does that ivory hairbow come from? Someone sent it along for free with a recent lacemarket purchase.

>> No.8250284

I want sauce on the fabric used to make these. I feel like they could be great dresses with the right cut and embellishment. Star dress isn't too bad on it's own if you take away that weird gold chiffon.

>> No.8250291


I think she needs to wear her hair pushed back with a headband or something.

I feel the hair styled to one side throws off the look. I'm also not liking the green/mauve makeup.

>> No.8250442

Everything everyone else said. Also, don't wear a crossbody bag like that if you want to look fashionable at all. it divides boobs oddly and pulls on the bodice.

>> No.8250463
File: 155 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nmccahowPS1qclwxuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8250472
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>> No.8250476
File: 280 KB, 752x1002, Little_Apple_Princess_by_Psychedelic_Heroine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mullet so kawaii

>> No.8250487

Wish there were more brown on the bag and less brown on the hat, and maybe something brown around the waist?

I usually don't like two-tone hair, but this works for me, probably because it matches the socks.

>> No.8250653

Where's the problem here?

>> No.8250669

Yeah, these are both pretty perfect. Looks like a vendetta to me.

>> No.8250942

Pink shoes, maybe? And that bag that looks like a diaper bag. I know it's brand but it's hideous... And it's not polished enough for the classical coord.

>> No.8250959
File: 14 KB, 200x170, cheap-womens-hair-wigs-fashion-women-s-korean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree the hair is terrible & I hate it when people ruin their coord with their non Lolita suitable natural hair. If she had a wavy bob style wig she'd be adorable. The coord itself is very basic/casual and old school, but cute imo. Reminds me of old pictures from the Fruits books.

>> No.8251530

I believe it's one of Bodyline's detachable bows. It matches the one on the OP I have.

>> No.8252040

Eh, I'm not fond of the pink shoes. I personally think the shoes and bag should always match.
I'd have gone with a blue bolero. It's a good coord, but it'd be better if she chose more blue accessories rather than pink.

>> No.8252510

I thought that's what they COULD be getting at before but I actually prefer it with pink shoes as they look softer + more mature, and I usually match my shoes and bag. I'd swap out the bag instead. Anyway not everyone has a rainbow of shoes, it's really not worth nitpicking.

>> No.8252533

This. The dress is so OTT, so the lack of much goin gon on her head is strange in contrast. Also, normalfag shoes.

>> No.8252625

just check the bargain bin at joanns lol

>> No.8252631

Obvious vendetta. This girl is always impeccably dressed and a sweetheart.

>> No.8252633


Clearly vendetta. Fuck off.

>> No.8252726

i totally wear flats most of the time when I am walking/ in transit. only wear my proper shoes when I'm indoors (home/work) or at a meet. Though if she posted to cof without an explanation... that's a whole different thing.

>> No.8252930

My kingdom for an updo. She looks so regal.

>> No.8253083
File: 440 KB, 960x1280, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Ff71ec43bff5ecd8e5b3f404d26443d42%2Ftumblr_n89uju4fTI1qfg8gbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8253145

The skirt on the sailor dress is not too short. It's to her knee. Are you blind?

>> No.8253156

The one on the right is wearing a petticoat by itself, one on the left is using her body as a petticoat.

>> No.8253198

What the fuck. If that dress isn't altered to shit and back, I'm so impressed she managed to get the dress on without it splitting in two. I want to see what condition it's in after she's worn it..

>> No.8253232
File: 143 KB, 500x281, buuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dream dress

>> No.8253303

Not a vendetta. I was the person who posted them. There are some very nitpick things about them and I was posting to see if anyone else would think of any as well. Just found her on tumblr.

>> No.8253317

Did they really wear this out in Japan? Embarrassing.

>> No.8253325

Belongs in the ita thread. No nitpick about it. Shit burns my eyes.

>> No.8253344

OP here.
I'm anal about nitpicks in the ita thread but that's straight up ita.

>> No.8253444
File: 216 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grey tights when everything else is white or blue

Girl pls

>> No.8253512

Japanese arent that fat. Its probably Hawaiii

>> No.8253520

IDK I think they are nice. Completely white tights would be too jarring.

>> No.8253521

No shit. They look like tourists. The wall says "Ginza," so I'm assuming that's where they are.

>> No.8253567

I don't think it's a vendetta. Personally I'm really bothered by the shoes and the bag, neither of which match the other colors in the coord. Colors aside, I think the style of shoe doesn't suit the coord either - they're too simple and understated. A nice pair of heels would go so much better.

>> No.8253615

Gray is a pretty smart idea because pure white might be too much and navy would be too heavy. Maybe if they were a gray headpiece or bag or something it'd come off less lonely.

>> No.8253686


Holy mother of batman. Dem arms. Well, all of it really but damn.
Sad thing is, she appears to have a cute face, she'd be a cutie if she wasn't such a hamplanet.

>> No.8253688


Uggghh. Headbow, blouse and tights all need to be replaced. Bitch didn't even bother.

>> No.8253807
File: 87 KB, 489x720, 10906546_10152684331546126_4124455426545483307_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those shoes really bother me

>> No.8253887

change the headband and I think this would be a really cute old school inspired coord

>> No.8253909
File: 79 KB, 704x960, kinda qt3.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like she has potential. The whites are what's doing it for me. I hate miss-matched whites passionately.
Not sure about the lace on the legs, either. meh

>> No.8253997

Nah, she's in Hawaii.

>> No.8254001
File: 221 KB, 504x1280, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fa456d75f2d1ab3281dea45f0ab5d2c4c%2Ftumblr_nglkj3Au6n1qccx25o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job ruining Honey Cake with those Hot Topic socks.

>> No.8254017

those socks are the matching otks anon

>> No.8254064

Anon, are you okay?

>official HC socks in matching color

>> No.8254070


Kek, those are matching AP socks from the set. Noob.

>> No.8254083

This is embarrassing, anon.

If you want to nitpick this that badly, the long cardigan and the classic shoes are what ought to be swapped out.
Cute though.

>> No.8256139

Anon you should know by now that itas love japanese places. The sign behind them with prices is in english minus the katakana and has $ or at least a pound symbol
>generic american dixie sample cups

>> No.8256151

Fuckin' love that pearly cardigan, though. Anyone know where it's from?

>> No.8256411

Holy shit, are they? I guess I didn't notice the pattern at the bottom of them but either way, I fucking hate those socks.