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8242086 No.8242086 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread died. Let's continue our discussions.

>> No.8242099

I finally caved and ordered some of this highly viewed toner. Today only, Puritan's Pride is offering a free 8 oz Perfectly Pure Rose & Witch Hazel Toner with any $10 purchase. Free shipping everyday. I've ordered from the website before and received my order in about a week.


**In no way am I trying to advertise either site, but I'm linking it to show the code for the Rose & Witch Hazel Toner and how to place the order.**

>> No.8242138

>Collagen and Placenta Night Creme
>contains placental protein

Well that's interesting. I've heard the placenta has a lot of nutrients in it (which is why some cultures eat it) but I've never seen it in a cream. I'm tempted to try it.

>> No.8242164

have any of the people who have been using this stuff have anything bad to say about it? I want to try it since my current witch hazel has alcohol in it but a lot of stuff seems almost too good to be true.

(But then again most of the stuff in the skincare threads have saved my skin so I don't have much of a reason to not trust you guys)

>> No.8242184

I have a derm appointment in june because of acne. I've been trying tea tree oil facewash, and then applying tea tree oil with a moisturiser afterwards for about 3 months now and no real changes. I have pretty oily skin. Any other things I could try? I also have blackheads on my nose and winging out sorta from the nose. I really don't wanna get put on drugs and have to pay mad cash to get good skin. Any tips cgl?

>> No.8242197

are you only using the facewash, tea tree oil, and a moisturizer?
maybe try switching your face wash and use a toner and an exfoliant along with what you're currently using.

>> No.8242199

I've used it and it clogged my pores somewhat. The unscented alcohol-free one was ok though.

>> No.8242210

I'll try. Is there any you'd recommend? I live in the UK btw

>> No.8242221

Irritated the fuck out of my skin. My face was covered in red patches, weird rashes and cysts. I assumed this was just the purging period and tried to stick it out, having heard nothing but good things about this product. After 2 months of my skin looking like absolute shit, i finally caved and switched back to my regular witch hazel, and my skin cleared up within a few days. I really don't think it's the best thing for sensitive skin.

>> No.8242315

2% BHA from paulas choice. I wish I listened to people and bought it sooner. Really helps prevent acne and black heads, it can take a little while of using it to really see results though.

>> No.8242340

Did nothing major on my face....Although I think that its a better toner than my previous one; doesn't dry out and feels more gentle.

>> No.8242348


what >>8242315 said. I really love their 2% BHA exfoliant but I haven't been using it too long. I like it so far though.
for a toner I just use witch hazel and it works for me but looking at other anons in this thread who have had negative results just make sure to do your research and know your skin type and what works best for it (I have oily sensitive skin and witch hazel works best for me)

>> No.8242361

The cucumber one irritated my skin a little, unscented alcohol-free though worked well and zero irritation (literally feels like water) to help clear up my skin a bit but after a while it felt like it wasn't doing much to vastly improve my skin any further. Will probably repurchase the unscented alcohol-free after I go through the stuff I have now.

>> No.8242368

>Thayers Rose Petal and Witch Hazel

This stuff is the shit, hands down best facial treatment I have ever used. The rose sent is very organic smelling and creates a nice aroma around you all day. I got it as an add on from Amazon for like $9 and its a pretty big bottle.

Anyone tried the other scents?

>> No.8242377

I'm on accutane and I love the stuff. It feels very soft on my skin and I didn't want to just go with the plain old unscented. I like it.

>> No.8242381

Well, what kind of acne do you have? Just plain old acne or is it cystic?

>> No.8242385

I use the lavender, but I have no idea if it's any different. My skin has been better since I started using it, but almost everything wrong with my skin is hormonal, so who knows.

I prefer the smell over the rose version, though.

>> No.8242897

I love it so much. Any time my face feels a little bit icky, I splash some on.(from drinking soda or eating greasy food, or sweating) when my tonymoly pocket bunny runs out I'm going to refill it the Thayer's rose petal.

>> No.8242912


>> No.8243256

recommendation for vag and surrounding area bleach?? need to get it before i forget.

>> No.8243260

One of my parents has severe moderate that appeared later on. I believe a small patch on my face is starting to appear and Im curious if theres any other anons with it and what they do for their skincare routine.

>> No.8243267

how is this any more disgusting than eating chicken periods

>> No.8243270
File: 35 KB, 400x400, tony-moly-pocket-bunny-mist-ffcc39e19c9d2e2799dec3790a2e5520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my goodness these are so cute, I wonder if anyone makes something like this that's just empty?? I'd love a cute sprayer to use with my toner.

Also how do you gulls apply your toner?

>> No.8243274
File: 1.77 MB, 450x253, 1401432340221.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...love yourself anon.

>> No.8243287

I don't know. You can just buy one and empty it out. They're ~$15

>> No.8243307

Ahhh that's wasteful! Is the stuff in them any good?

>> No.8243339

but summer is coming.........

>> No.8243400

The placenta is like an external embryonic liver; one of its main functions is to filter out toxins before they get to the baby. They contain nutrients but they also contain tons of shit you don't want in your body if you can help it. Throw that fucker away, don't smear it on your face.

>> No.8243404

Any recommendations for body moisturizers that absorb quickly (without getting all over your clothing) and have a non-invasive scent or no scent at all?

I still have a ton of TBS body butters laying around that are practically unusable because of the heavy scents. I want to moisturize my upper arms and legs but if I apply even the tiniest bit of this stuff it's like I doused myself in perfume and people keep commenting on it.
>so I only wear them at home
>cat refuses to go near me

>> No.8243420

just a heads up, filtering and storing "toxins" are not the same things.
placenta is completely fine to use on your hair or whatever else you want to use it on, and even if these sensationalized 2spooky5me "toxins" were present in the placenta, the amount would not come even close to having an effect on your body, especially if you're only using it topically and not eating it

>> No.8243423

vaseline aloe fresh lotion is a great body lotion, it also has a very light fresh smell
it's also pretty cheap

>> No.8243451
File: 42 KB, 400x300, userimage-195757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have small bumps like this under my lip (not me in picture) and most of the time they are not noticeable, but some days they are, is there a way to cover them?

>> No.8243476

Skin bleaching, I have hyperpigmentation and it'll be the only thing that works, what's a good bleaching cream and what's a fast or strong one please mercy

>> No.8243479

Some people's groin, armpits and sometimes neck and certain facial areas get darkened pigmentation. Its not a case of 'not loving yourself' to want to exfoliate and re-lighten those areas back to match the surrounding skin better.

>> No.8243497

.. I meant moderate psorisasis.

>> No.8243530

So technically this can be DIY with your own periods?

>> No.8243538

Lavender has healing benefits to it, it's a shame it's over looked because its typically and old lady thing.

That's a great idea.

Since you didn't post location I'd say one of my favourites is the 1.25 L of QV skin cream.

>> No.8243542

Nobody uses bleach on their skin here anon.

Where is the problem area that is so important you couldn't cover it with makeup or clothes that you need it to be so "fast and strong"?

>> No.8243573

this is a beauty/skincare thread.
obviously armpits, thighs or vagina.
i mean who puts makeup there?

>> No.8243577

Many people bleach before and during bikini weather in their region then stop and give their skin a break during more covered up times. Anon needing something quick likely means they didn't start soon enough or has an occasion to wear bikini before their spring rounds of bleaching. If I had the pigmentation problem, I'd likely bleach year round but then I'm the type who shaves as much in winter as summer too. Just habit or routine I guess.

>> No.8243580

agreed. it's light, almost scent less and absorbs instantly. bonus: if you get sunburned at any point it is a gift from the gods

>was a lifeguard for 7 years

>> No.8243668

Do you even realize there's skin diseases where the skin tone is uneven and/or badly pigmented? Are these people supposed to makeup all their bodies? There's skin whitening products that are prescribed by doctors for people like me but they're incredibly expensive. Your ignorance is a wide as the pacific ocean, and embarrassing, don't assume the one reason to use bleach is to get a pink asshole and if you have no good answers don't open your bitchy mouth
This thread is for help, not preachers

>> No.8243731

>did u not know about people with disease ur ignorance
Of course I know about these people, that's why I asked for there reason why they're in need of doing this. Your ignorance in comprehension, holy fuck.

Besides, if this person was diseased why are they in a rush now? They wouldn't be - because safe, affective lightening techniques are what I would have recommended them. I can't believe you think I've done this person and every dermatologically brittle person injustice by not giving them the most invasive skin bleaching method I know. You're sick in the head m8.

I'm aware this may likely be one of the two reasons they needed answers for this - I didn't ask you though.

Are you the anon who I asked?

>> No.8243732

*their reason
you know what I meant

>> No.8243798

...I don't think bleaching your skin will help with hyperpigmentation

>> No.8243807

Because now I have the money and the permission you moron, I'm the same anon, thanks for being so useless

>> No.8243811

If your 'advice' is as poor as your spelling, grammar, and attitude then I doubt you'll be much help anyway. Prove us wrong with your miraculous enlightenment?

That said, >>8243256 - I don't think there are any fast but also safe skin lightening methods unless by prescription or treatment from a derm or other doctor. The strength of the proven effective whitening agents in over the counter whitening products is most often regulated to a safe strength so they work slowly and within limitations.

>> No.8243825

Which slow but safe ones would you recommend? Not that anon but my crotch and knees are terrible.

>> No.8243826

For lack of better words, my skin looks really.. tired. I use a gentle scrub twice a day, and use a oil-free moisturizer after. I'm working on getting enough sleep and drinking enough water. What other things can I do to improve my skin?
In addition, are there any ways to reduce under eye bags without surgery? Mine are left over from having so many issues sleeping as a kid and are making me look so much older.

>> No.8243838

A combination of hydroquinone alternated with a low % of retinoids, prescription strength from your doc. That should be fastest and most effective.

Otherwise, low dose hydroquinone cream you can buy without prescription alternated with a strong retinol cream or lotion like alpha-hydrox 10-12%. Spf 50 or above every single day on any exposed skin you are treating like knees.

>> No.8243849

Try using a brightening moisturizer, maybe? The ones with soy and vitamin C can brighten the skin.
To treat under-eye swelling/dark circles, I've found that roll-on serums are helpful.

You might also want to try supplementing with silica.

>> No.8243858

How is your nutrition? You may need a vitamin.
Otherwise, maybe try giving physical exfoliation a break, scrubbing that often is too much anyway. Try a fruit acid peel or mask or something with alpha or beta hydroxy acids instead of scrubs. Use a brightening powder to make your skin look temporarily brighter.
Arnica or vitamin k creams can help under-eye darkness but it takes 6weeks or so of daily use to see an improvement.

>> No.8243860

Thank you guys.
My nutrition hasn't been the best, I was raised on junk food and I'm trying to learn to eat better now. I'm a vegetarian, so maybe something meat provides is what I'm lacking? Like I said, I'm trying to eat better now though.
If there's any specific products you guys would recommend I'd appreciate that to!
I have normal skin and it can be a bit sensitive, I also react badly to lavender in case these things matter with your suggestions!

>> No.8243888

Aveeno makes good brightening moisturizers with soy, and they're also fairly inexpensive.
I use a Garnier eye roller and it works pretty well. There's a kind with and without concealer. If you want a higher quality eye cream or serum, then
Sephora has some products, too. They're just really pricy.

>> No.8243902

You guys ever think you need to put on dozens of skin treatments because it dehydrate and ruins your skin? I know some girls are blessed and some girls are unlucky but still. I've always believed too much can be bad so I've refrained from doing skin treatments. I just shave my face because I want kawaii baby butt skin. Besides an occasional zit I have good skin. It's not dewy but I never have to wear heavy foundation or fret about how blemished my skin is. Meanwhile my friends with acne and bad skin keep using shit and doing way more than I have to. Excuse my conspiracy bullshit. I just don't know how people can justify using more than 5 products a day.

>> No.8243905

What to do about dead skin on lips?

I've tried exfoliating them with a toothbrush and homemade lip scrubs but I just can't get rid of all that dead skin. When I get rid of some, more pops up. It looks really awful.

>> No.8243911

Lip scrubs with sugar and olive oil-or even a washcloth with warm water-work the best for me.

>> No.8243914

>what do you mean not everyone's skin is like mine?
I don't wear any makeup and only use a simple cream and my skin is still dry and flaky. Always has been.
Maybe you should refrain from momscience for a while and consider that not all people have the same physiology as you. Not everything can be cured with 'all natural' products and vegetables aren't 'the only medicine you'll ever need' because people wouldn't be going through chemo in that case. Now scurry off to your knitting club.

>> No.8243919

My skin actually acts up if I do too much to it besides gently cleanse and moisturize, everything from pimples to red patches to broken capillaries.
I like gentle cleansing towelettes a lot!
Also my makeup slides off if I use too many products so I use a combination moisturizer/sunscreen/primer product under makeup or just by itself. The less I wear makeup, the less I have to agitate my skin by removing it so I get by with a lip color and some eyeliner and mascara most days, maybe a little powder.

>> No.8243920

No, I understand what you mean. I have mild acne, but lately I've been wearing less makeup to cover up spots, and instead just used a moisturizing treatment. I've noticed a marked improvement in breakouts. Obviously, if you cover your skin with >5 products, it can't be good for it. It probably messes up your skin's pH levels.

>> No.8243949

Plenty of people use more than 5 items on their face. It doesn't fuck with your pH levels if it's all pH balanced as it should be. I currently use: Cleanser, baby oil, anti-redness toner, spot treatments, and two moisturizers, on top of the masks and makeup I use not every day, and two things I've bought that haven't arrived yet. Some people's skin needs more work than others-- it's literally as simple as that.

Just look at the "basic" korean skincare routine, it uses at minimum 7-9 things, including sunscreen, and a ton of people have success with it.

>> No.8243954

Drop the scrub, anon. Especially not using it twice a day. Drop the scrub, maybe look up a nice brightening mask. Garden of Wisdom makes some nice masks, and they list all the ingredients they use on the page of the item. I recommend them!

Lavender is phototoxic, and should totally not be used on your face. I definitely suggest trying out an AHA, vitamin C serum, or a brightening serum/face mask.

>> No.8243996

Scrubs are for exfoliation, which you should only do two or three times a week. You can keep the scrub, but pick up a cleanser to use daily. Like the other anons said, look into taking some nutrients, if you're lacking some that just instantly makes you look and feel blah. You mentioned you're a vegetarian so you may be lacking protein. You can find that in soy, green peas, nuts (peanut butter/almond butter is good), leafy greens, sunflower seeds, etc. You're trying to get healthy, and that's awesome! Just be sure to eat a balanced meal. Keeping hydrated and sleeping well will also help you out, but if you're in school I know it will be tough. Good luck!

>> No.8244001

From my understanding, less is more. If you use too many things, you run a high risk of irritating your skin which can just mess it up or cause breakous. I don't really understand how people use so many products in a day but everyone's skin is different so whatever makes them happy I guess.

>> No.8244002

>own periods
No, because periods are the result of an unfertilized egg basically performing cell suicide. Period blood contains blood, part of the inner layer of the uterus, and the unfertilized egg while a placenta carries a fetus that has obtained nutrients from the mother. There's nothing beneficial for your skin in period blood.

>> No.8244020

You know, that actually makes sense.

>> No.8244025

Any anons here use Snail products? If so, do they work well?

>> No.8244050

Most people introduce items one at a time, and continue to use them if they know they do not irritate your skin. A product you've used for a year and a half will most likely not start randomly irritating/breaking you out.

Patch testing is a pretty important thing.

I just bought Benton Snail Bee High Content Essence, and I'm going to see how that goes after hearing raving reviews on it. It's one of the only things I haven't tried for calming down my acne.

>> No.8244058

They have products for acne? I'll look into that, thanks anon.

>> No.8244071

The Benton Snail Bee essence apparently calms a lot of people's acne down, on top of skin brightening. It's marketed as being anti-acne, anti-wrinkle, brightening and moisturizing (marketed being the key word, however.)

But, it's supposed to be an anti-inflammatory, and looking at reviews, they have pretty good progress with it. If you don't might waiting month, you can order sample sizes of the Benton Snail Bee High Content Essence, along with the Benton Snail Bee Steam Cream for about $7.The steam cream is supposed to be more moisturizing, but the essence has far more snail mucin/bee venom in it.

>> No.8244074

Err-- *if you don't mind waiting a month, you can order sample sizes of the Benton Snail Bee High Content Essence, along with the Benton Snail Bee Steam Cream for about $7 off of eBay. My bad.

>> No.8244083

Also using snail bee essence and I like it.
It's very slippery when I put it on but dries sticky on my face. Didn't break me out. My face looks ok, but then again it always has, and I don't use it every day.

>> No.8244137

What does everyone do as a routine? After lurking in this thread for a bit, I realized I'm severely lacking in any type of routine and want to change that.

Is this routine overkill? http://intothegloss.com/2014/04/korean-beauty-skincare/
If you don't want to click the link:
Step 1: The Eye Makeup Removal
Innisfree Olive Real Cleansing Tissues
Step 2: The Cleanse
The Face Shop Rice Water Cleansing Oil
Step 3: The Exfoliator (once or twice a month)
Skin Food Black Sugar Wash Off Mask
Step 4: The Refresher
SU:M37 Waterfull Skin Refresher
Step 5: The Essence
Missha First Treatment Essence
Step 6: The Ampoule
Missha Time Revolution Night Repair New Science Activator Ampoule
Step 7: The Sheet Mask (twice a week)
Step 8: The Eye Cream
Etude House Moistfull Collagen Eye Cream
Step 9: The Moisturizer
Etude House Moistfull Collagen Emulsion
Step 10: The Night Cream
SU:M37 Timeless Moisturizing Cream
Alternate Step 10: The Day Cream
Etude House Precious Mineral Any Cushion

The only things I use is tea tree oil face wash daily in the shower to get my makeup off when I get home, and immediately put on night moisturizer (tarte pure maracuja oil), and some bb cream and concealer in the morning. If I break out, I dab tea tree oil on my pimples in the morning and let it dry. I grease up pretty quickly in the day to the point that most of my concealer is off by 4pm even with setting spray; so not sure what I need to do to change that.

>> No.8244142

How do I get rid of pimple marks? You know that red spot where the pimple was.
I finally found a good routine to get my skin clean prevent new outbreaks.
My skin is pretty unforgiving in that regard and I can't get rid of these marks. They are on the sides of my forehead for at least 2 months fading very, very slowly and I'd love to get rid of them a bit faster.
I'm a noob with skincare so it would be a bit more helpful if you could recommend products or types of products rather than ingridients to look for. I'm located in germany if that's any help even though I'm willing to buy something off of ebay.

>> No.8244168

It's not really overkill, imo. One is makeup remover, one is 1-2 montly, one is 2x weekly and one is a bbcream. Seems typical of an asian skincare routine to me.

>> No.8244177

Well, first of all-- do the marks disappear whenever you press your finger/clear plastic against them? (if you're white, do they turn super white?)

>> No.8244180

Total overkill. Srsly my skin has never been better since I just laid it off. No water, that is! I have top of the line skin (everyone always compliments it) and yes, it's mostly no sun and good genes, but my routines are:
1) Moisturiser
2) Mineral Make-UP
3) Baby wipes

>> No.8244191

>and yes, it's mostly no sun and good genes

And there you have it. No amount of routine can hold up to good genes, so it really doesn't matter what your routine is.

>> No.8244201

the way you type makes you seem 55.

>> No.8244247

I think one of our moms found this thread.

>> No.8244251

An effective (yet expensive) way to get rid of acne scars is to get micro needling done at a dermatologist. I've considered it, but...the expense would be deadly.

>> No.8244255

this is probably the most common question ever, but forgive me.

how to get rid of old, deep acne scars? so far i've tried the body shop tea tree lotion and l'oreal spot corrector, it's helped only a little so far. i'm considering something like a chemical peel now :/

>> No.8244256

I'm 18, but is it common to never get ACNE? I've never had it in my life.

Could I still get it?

>> No.8244258

I only started to wear makeup recently (last 2 years)but always moisturized with bb cream; and still had greasy skin then so something tells me your routine wouldn't work very well for me. I don't have good genes and don't want to live the life of a hermit with no sun either. Just want less break outs.

>> No.8244260

Yes, its possible to start getting acne later. Not sure if never getting it is possible, but if so congrats! I didn't start breaking out until I was about 20-21.

>> No.8244261

Ma pls go
You'll never be down with the cool kids

>> No.8244264

Retinols, AHAs, or Vitamin C serums are generally the most used for getting rid of post inflammatory hyperpigmentation/aka dark acne scars.

Chemical peels would work, like a Lactic or Mandelic acid peel, but you must. must research it first before attempting it. You do not want a chemical burn across your entire face.

I don't think it's that common, but consider yourself lucky! You could still get it-- adult acne is a thing. Be wary, anon.

>> No.8244267

>Mineral Make-up
Mineral makeup is comedogenic and generally not recommended for your skin

>> No.8244269

I'm jealous. I'm in my 20s and still have teenage skin, it's balls.

>> No.8244270

B-but she's a cool mom, anon.

>> No.8244271

What's a good way to cover/deal with cuts, blemishes, and zits on face? Not sure if this should go here or makeup thread

>> No.8244273

Color correcting concealer, foundation, normal concealer.

The last two can go in any order that works for you, imo, but I would say that the color corrector goes on first.

>> No.8244278

I didn't have it either until I was 20, and I don't know if this is the cause but until I took the day after pill I started getting my cystic acne. It was horrible, so be careful.

>> No.8244283

Maybe not for someone else but for me definite overkill.
I get slathering on sunscreen every several hours, I get moisturising obsessively, I get having a somewhat elaborate routine, I get researching what you put on your face but the lengths some girls go to just for looking younger a bit longer are definitely not worth it, at least not for me.

I've heard all kinds of different shite:
>pat your moisturiser in, don't rub!
>don't scratch your face, you'll damage the skin!
>layer 17 different products in a particular order and wait 20 minutes between each application
>follow a tight skincare schedule
>Get some UV film and thick velvet curtains on top of thick cotton curtains on top of chiffon curtains for your windows and wear SPF1000 PA++++++++ sunscreen indoors;
>Alternatively, move into a cave and survive by catching fish with your bare hands along with tricking unsuspecting Hobbits into your den

I get wanting to be pretty forever and ever and ever but at that point I'd just want to grow old and get it over with already. Maybe it's because I'm a bridge troll and having amazing skin won't make me any better looking, I don't know.

>> No.8244290

The secret to dewy, radiant skin is a cursed ring and copious raw fish consumption.

>> No.8244303


>> No.8244307

nah not old - I'm just an alien.

>> No.8244340
File: 271 KB, 480x852, 45303339_480mw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as you're a friendly alien, it's okay, anon.

>> No.8244341

yes they do disappear when I press my finger against them.

>> No.8244348

i'm new at make up

can someone explain what toner is supposed to do and what skin types should use it and all that stuff?
i've tried googling some stuff but i found a lot of websites trying to sell me things and giving me angled information

>> No.8244349

step 1 wash face
step 2 never go outside

>> No.8244352

I found that vitamin e oil applied with a qtip helps fade my scars much quicker. Same with vitamin c serum, and I know that some peels help so maybe an AHA/BHA or whatever anon can reccomend something? Also grapeseed oil extract.

>> No.8244362

Yes not getting acne as a teenager is common. You may never get acne at all and that is fine, you have good genetics. However, after puberty, your skin as an adult changes. Adult acne, or cystic acne is a whole different ballpark from teenage acne. Most of these skincare threads discuss adult acne, but if you're still 18 and don't have to worry about bad skin then enjoy it and hope it lasts!

>> No.8244368

Well, scratching/picking/squeezing your skin if you have acne is really bad for it. Everything else is 100% true, but you also forgot about how you should bathe in the blood of virgins three times a week.

>> No.8244370

It reduces shininess, shrinks pores, and evens skin tone. It also helps to remove foundation after cleansing.

>> No.8244371

Alright, then it's post inflammatory erythema, as opposed to post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Generally, the former will not respond to topicals generally, and 90% of the time, the only thing to do is wait it out. :(

However, some people have said that silicone sheeting (generally used for scars) can help get rid of post imflammatory erythema, as well as laser treatment (which is always a last attempt.)

Here is a good medical essay/article about PIE: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3780804/

Googling it brings up a few anecdotal threads-- some people have said Aloe Vera helps with PIE, and others say that Beta Gloucan/Oat Beta Gloucan is helpful as well. (Garden of Wisdom has a fantastic Oat beta gloucan product-- it smells bad, but it doesn't stay for very long.) Vitamin E may also help, as well.

Toners do different things depending on the product, anon! Asian "toners" tend to focus on hydrating and moisturizing, where as American toners tend to focus more on cleaning the skin via astringents, like Witch Hazel.

>> No.8244385

Damnit, a few threads ago some anon had a really good explanation for toner. I think it went something like toners are used to balance your skin's pH, rejuvenate it, as well as pick up any left over residue that your cleanser missed. However, if it picks up stuff (dirt, makeup, etc.) that means you are not removing your makeup properly or washing your face properly.
Toners are good for all skintypes, its just a matter of if it fits into you skincare routine. Some people swear by it, other people are just fine with a cleanser and moisturiser. I think that a basic routine - cleanser, toner, moisturizer, is best. Different toners cal do different things besides balance your skin's pH. A really popular and basic toner is Witch Hazel, the Thayer's brand that is popular in these threads is alcohol free, which anons like, and has good stuff like Aloe Vera and vitamin e in it. You pick a toner based on what your want it to do, or need it to do. Hope that helps.

>> No.8244388

>no water

>> No.8244409
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Better skin than you'll have at 500.

>> No.8244447

Routines are built up, you don't just introduce your skin to 10 new products and expect beautiful glowing skin. You target your needs and use stuff that works for you - which won't be the same for everyone.

So is it overkill? Not if that's what works for her.

You might want to look into oil-free moisturizers or shine control ones. Also no sebum powder or some sort of setting powder on oily areas.

>> No.8244502

I never had acne as a teenager but as soon as I hit 21, I started getting big red zits all over my chin and forehead. So yeah, it's definitely possible you'll get acne.

>> No.8244541

824447 anon best reply ever. Yes anon 8244388 no water - I have really dry skin that gets an oily t-zone with pimples and comedones if I dry it out more. First I used really strong acne wash to try to make it better, but it just got worst of course. But when I was a lazy bum and layed of the routines my skin cleared up. So I stopped washing, since a skin therapist told me all oil form the skin washes away instantly with luke warm water. I only use lotion now, and wipes for sensitive skin, worked like magic for me. But as first anon said, we are all different. If you have oily skin, give not drying it out (aka water) a chance and just use good moisturisers instead, maybe it works - maybe it will not.

>> No.8244560

wow I didn't though getting such a informative answer. Thanks anon you made me a bit wiser.

>> No.8244601

Thank you, that's what I was curious about.

I'm not sure what items people think are necessary "DO NOT MISS!!" steps in skin care, and wanted to be sure to get the right things down straight before I started experimenting with everything else on the list; or if someone would say "yeah that list is what everyone does"; or if someone would say "you have oily skin, so don't use x item".

I'll be sure to look into those! Having greasy skin in the middle of the day is one of those things I feel really sensitive about and want to change.

>> No.8244609

Shame about the hair, though.

>> No.8244612


>> No.8244634
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I know I have seen them on Taobao or something before. Check ebay, they might not have the Tony Moly rabbit one but I have at least seen Rilakuma ones!

>> No.8244650

Any suggestions for an SPF moisturizer? I have dry, eczema/sensitive skin and have been having problems with scents.

>> No.8244785

Tried the Mizon gel that has raving reviews but didn't find it anything special but probably because I have tons of other gel creams if I had to compared it. Love the snail mask from EtudeHouse.

>> No.8244912

Funny because I grew up in a two language household.

Because I researched treating hyperpigmentation, you think I have nothing to offer because I made mistakes in my typing? That is a lot of sand you have there.
I said I also have had hyperpigmentation, why can't you read a post that doesn't instantly gratify someone with bleaching information without getting butthurt? Why are you so butthurt for another anon anyone? Are you samefagging?..

Why are you so buttblasted? What was the most offensive thing I said?

>> No.8244931 [DELETED] 

In my skin story, I used to have a lot of acne and scarring until I started updating my routine, unintentionally added more elements to the routine. My face is not not perfectly smooth now with putting etc, but at least the acne is gone. So I agree with the girls that it's all dependant.

I wonder if some of the larger routines people who still suffer skin problem use come out of neurosis though. I am an anxious person and I admit I did try that full on routine with 10 or so products including serums etc but as said, I'm doing with less now and the active acne condition is gone.

>> No.8244933

In my skin story, I used to have a lot of acne and scarring until I started updating my routine, unintentionally added more elements to the routine. My face is not perfectly smooth now with pitting etc, but at least the acne is gone. So I agree with the girls that it's all dependant.

I wonder if some of the larger routines people who still suffer skin problem use come out of neurosis though. I am an anxious person and I admit I did try that full on routine with 10 or so products including serums etc but as said, I'm doing with less now and the active acne condition is gone.

>> No.8244948

Well speaking of which, someone was doing a study where they had old mice and young mice, and how they donated lots of young mice blood to the old one and they started to exhibit younger characteristics! So maybe we could not be far off from that haha.

This was a very interesting post - might be off topic but are you studying or have you anything about this?

Too much for me. I'd skip the night cream just for when my face feels like it needs it.

>> No.8244954

I use this stuff by Benton called "Snail Bee High Content Skin" whatever that means. I noticed if my face is tingling or burning from something, applying this instantly soothes it. I don't know if this is meant to be a toner or anything, but I'd buy it again.

>> No.8244956

You're welcome, anon!

Ahh, no. I've just become very interested in skincare once my skin turned to shit, basically. :p I get PIE quite often, so I at least know plenty about that.

>> No.8244959

Hm, seems we still wait for some actual skincare info from you since this is, you know, skincare thread.
Sage for last useless reply to completely useless poster.

>> No.8244964

Reading through the comments, the original person asking for a skin bleaching creme was most likely not requesting something with actual bleach, but rather something akin to Hydroquinone. It's commonly found in products marketed as "bleaching", but it's known to work very well for getting rid of dark spots.

>not the anon you replied to, btw.

>> No.8244966

I tried the sugar scrub thing, and the tooth brush removed skin even worse imo, it made it raw and the next day you can feel it coming back. I'm with certainty that it's worst on days I'm poorly hydrated but getting back into the habit I still can't get rid of it all. I wonder if its because of how you sleep for example, because sometimes people breath from their mouth unintentionally (not because they're a mouth breather but something like when you sleep on your front or side you get more desperately for air? I dunno).

>> No.8244967

>Funny because I grew up in a two language household
So have I, all the more reason to have proper punctuation and spelling. That's really not at all comparable to people who started learning English at 11+ years of age, you don't have that excuse.

>> No.8244972

Not that anon, but c'mon, everyone has their own reasons why their English is poor on paper, and a lot are incredibly smart too. They may have had more influence with their second language than you (travelling can do that). For all you know they might be mildly dyslexic. When will you guys end this? It's not like anyone purposely wants to type bad I'm sure.

>> No.8245301

I've been using a BHA for a while and recently added an AHA. I think it's overkill. I'm still getting acne and recently broke out with a few larger than normal bumps. I don't think it's purging since they're not immediately coming to a head. Can an AHA make you purge when you've already been using exfoliating with a BHA?

I was just starting to think my skin was getting better, too. My face had zero blemishes for a short period. I think I'll cut back on products starting with the AHA.

>> No.8245308

I believe it is possible, considering AHAs are a completely different type of acid, and are at a stronger percentage than a BHA would be at. What AHA product are you using?

But, if your skin was doing fine pre-AHA, I definitely say cut back on it. Don't try to fix what ain't broke, y'know.

>> No.8245327

What are your thoughts on accutane, anons?

>> No.8245333

Last ditch effort, imo. There's a shitton of very serious side effects of Accutane, and I would recommend only using if literally nothing has worked and your acne is very, very serious.

>> No.8245410


I took accutane about a year ago for 6 months.
My deep cystic acne was due to stress, depression, new enviroment.

First 20mg, then 30.
I had barely any side effects and my skin is usually sensitive.
Only thing I noticed was my lips being try and I had to invest in high end lip balm.

Now it has been a year and I am still acne free.
I still have a lump under my jaw that gets noticeable (not inflamed) whenever I have my period but other than that I couldn't be happier.

But you have to know about the possible heavy side effects. It's harsh on your liver, sometimes can you break you even more out at first etc.

>> No.8245417

I'm pale as fuck, but I get freckles really easily and what helped me to fade the freckles was lactic acid peels (at 40% once every two weeks) then sunscreen SPF 50+ and not going outside. But beware of sneaky things that emit UV, like gel nail polish lamps. I have a freckle on my PALM because I forgot that those emit UV.

>> No.8245423

It's nothing to write home about. It's refreshing and doesn't fuck up your makeup, that's about it.

>> No.8245436

For me the bare bones basics is a gentle cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. If you have specific concerns you can add things, but those basic three I won't leave home overnight without.

>> No.8245625 [DELETED] 
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no i'm not but.. what the hell happend here?

>> No.8245638

i never said id be needing it fast, i just want to start using it before summer comes along.
do i wash it off after using? it seems like the most practical thing to do, also are they drying?
buy it and transfer the inside into a different bottle, and then use your other toner in that one?

>> No.8245642

Thank you anon , that's what I wanted
I'm trying out nandiola

>> No.8245651

Exactly, I was
Can the eloquent boring pissy anon hush up already , just useless
And English isn't my first language either, wowzers

>> No.8245654

What can actually be done for white stretch marks?

>> No.8245681

more stretch marks are appearing on my hips so if anything works well for me ill post back here about it.
so far for scars, vitamin e, purcellin have worked really well for me. shea/body butter is also good.
ive been wanting to buy from http://www.sheamoisture.com/
to be specific the raw shea butter.

>> No.8245902

Basic of the basics would be a cleanser and a moisturizing but non-oily moisturizer for me. Would definitely need a makeup remover if I had makeup on too because a cleanser is not enough to take it all off.

You can also look into blotting paper for a quick midday fix.

>> No.8245953

My experience was pretty similar to this anon's. I think they base your dosage off of your weight and the severity of your acne? I used chapstick a few times a day and drank a lot of water because it made me thirsty. I healed a bit slower and my skin was sensitive, but that was it. It was a huge relief to barely have any side effects after I was told to prepare for the apocalypse. I was so nervous about going on it I could barely sleep or eat.

My one cousin is a doctor and she was completely against me going on it, because of how serious of a medication it is, but this was honestly my last resort. My deep cystic acne was due to very oily skin and my immune system being shitty or something.

It is definitely not for everyone, and it was a huge pain in the ass to get if you are a female patient. But I'm glad I went on it, it gave me my life back and the emotional stress my acne had put me under was horrible. I didn't mind the initial breakout I had because even though my face looked like shit it sure felt a lot better underneath my skin.

>> No.8245965

I was using the Cosrx AHA 7 Whitehead power liquid
I'll try using it once a week or so and see what happens. I really wanted to use it for lightening my PIH and to stop buying more products. Probably going to end up buying a Vitamin C serum for PIH.

>> No.8245983

For me it's cleanser, moisturiser and sunscreen. Everything else is secondary.

>> No.8245988

Yup. Never got more than a couple spots until I went to college. Now I break out all the time from stress.

>> No.8246017


Thank you guys! I just ordered some cleanser, toner, and moisturizer so I can start on the basics. My bb cream has spf in it; so hopefully thats ok?

>> No.8246072


I did a course of 10mg, and then my Dermatologist increased it to 20mg when my skin appeared to respond well to the treatment.

While the Accutane has really helped with the acne, I just recently had to stop taking it completely because I've experienced some very unpleasant side effects on the higher dose.

On 10mg the only issues I had were the standard dry skin and lips. On 20mg I've developed painful patchy rashes that behave like eczema and don't respond to treatment. I was also getting constant nosebleeds, and my lips were damaged to the point that I had deep cracks in the corners of my mouth that wouldn't heal, and lesions on my lips. The lesions weren't cold sores - I don't get them and my Derm examined them. They looked and felt like I had burnt them on a hot surface I also experienced pain and digestive issues because the accutane killed off all of the good flora/bacteria in my gut, and I haven't been able to fix that issue yet.

All up, knowing what I do now, I wouldn't have taken accutane. Most of the side effects I experienced were from the 'not typical' category though, and most people just have to deal with extra dry skin and lips. If you want to try accutane then you should do it - just keep a close eye on how you're feeling and keep in contact with your Derm.

>> No.8246159

aw anon, I'm so sorry that happened to you! Especially on such a low dose, that goes to show how much of a russian roulette drug it is. It works for some, bad side effects for others. Are you alright now?

>> No.8246178

I was fine on it, standard dry skin and lips routine. I had some weird emotional reactions to it though. It didn't make me depressed or anything, but I have anxiety, and it became a lot easier to set it off when I was on Accutane.
I guess an example would be I had to show up for jury duty, which I had no desire to do. My mom wanted to do a dry run to make sure I knew how to get to the courthouse since it was in a different town, and usually I'm fine, can hop in the car and just drive there. Randomly I got super anxious because I didn't want to be out in public with my face looking how it was, then I couldn't eat lunch, etc. because the thought of having to sit in a court house and do nothing for a few days made me so irritated. It sucks because when I'm like that sounds can set me off, especially people chewing food loudly and other loud noises, and my mom kept talking to me chomping on malted milk balls and I just wanted to throw up.

And then I was fine two hours later. It was weird, just my normal low key anxiety would get blown out of proportion every now and then. From what I understand though different people have different reactions to it, some more severe than others.

>> No.8246216
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has anyone tried pic related, or the moisturizing version? i read a while back that kate middleton uses the latter which was what made me interested, but the reviews seem pretty horrible. any britbongs use this stuff?

>> No.8246321


I'm getting there, thanks! Russian roulette is a really good way of putting it: some people are fine but others just aren't, and it seems to be pretty random when it comes to who gets hit with the weirder side effects. What surprised me most is that I was ok on 10mg for months, but increasing the dose up to 20 was like flipping a switch from fine to NOPE.

In the end you need to decide what you feel comfortable with, and whether taking accutane is worth it to you. If I had only experienced the dry skin and lips that I'd had while I was on the 10mg for the whole course of the treatment I would have said that accutane is unpleasant but worth it if you have serious acne. Even aften dealing with the side effects from being on the higher dose, I'd say that, as a last resort, try a low dose if you feel comfortable doing so and monitor how you respond to it.

It's a difficult decision to make - good luck with whatever avenue you choose.

>> No.8246335

I've finally compiled somewhat of a routine after lurking too.

Wash face with TBS Tea Tree Cleanser with my Clarisonic
Apply TBS Tea Tree Pore Minimiser before putting on makeup

Wash off makeup with TBS Tea Tree Cleanser with my Clarisonic again
Use TBS Tea Tree Skin Clearing Toner
Apply CeraVe Night Lotion to face
Apply TBS Vitamin Eye Cream to eyes

In the PM three times a week I'll use TBS Tea Tree Squeaky Clean Scrub instead to exfoliate and once a week I use TBS Tea Tree Face Mask.

I can't decide if I should use toner and moisturizer in the morning too. I use them sometimes if I feel like my face is a bit dry but I'm not consistent with that part of my routine. I use the Pore Minimizer to mattefy my face and I feel like it would be redundant to use the lotion that makes my face oily. I wouldn't want to use the toner without the face moisturizer either.

Also, I just discovered TBS in November which is why almost my entire routine is based off of their products. They just keep having good sales and I want to try everything.

>> No.8247847

I actually use a bunch of the same tea tree items! I've been using them for months, and they don't seem to be working for me though, which is why I'm trying to change my routine.

>> No.8247856

I love you.

>> No.8247954

I don't. Even if I did, still disgusting.

>> No.8247965

This isn't 100% the appropriate thread, but:

Guy here. I stopped waxing, and now my arm hairs are about an inch long. I noticed that most of the hairs are pure white up to 1/3 of an inch from the root.
I thought I had a lot of long vellus hairs, but noticed this when I looked more closely.

Does anyone have any idea what this is? I've never seen it.

>> No.8247969

I don't know why people in this thread are so useless sometimes, but Milky Dress is really good, but I think most of them are just temporary, I can't remember. It's an instant effect though, it whitens wherever you apply it (there's a pink one too, Virgin Peach). It's really popular in Korea right now. I can't remember if some of them also whiten over time, but it's worth looking into. You could use both a whitener and Milky Dress if you want to actually whiten but also have an instant cover up.

>> No.8248094
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Hey. I've had a problem with blemishes for a while now. It doesn't seem like it's going away any time soon either. I'm looking for a product specifically for blemishes and uneven skin tone that has worked well for you, or someone you know. Thanks.

>> No.8248151

step one would be to invest in an exfoliating scrublet, something gentle like a face loofah
especially if you have skin like what you posted, flaky bits of skin encourage zits

next would be your face wash, i use an anti bacterial (noxzema ultimate clean). this type in particular is great for combination oily / dry skin because it balances out everything

next would be to have a toner, witch hazel is a good cheap option (just warning you it smells)

so the routine would be to wash your face with warm water, with the soap still on, scrub on the blemish areas gently to get off any dead skin, rince with cold water and then follow up by dabbing with hazel all over your face

this should reduce redness and help get rid of pesky little zits

>> No.8248195

Thanks! I'm going to head over to London Drugs and buy those things. What moisturizer do you use?

>> No.8248253

clean and clear acne moisturizer, it comes in a grey bottle
anything for acne prone skin should do fine if you can't find it

>> No.8248660

Or you can just take cod fish liver oil

>> No.8248678

There's still the whole cursed ring problem, they're becoming increasingly difficult to find

>> No.8248712

They're probably sebaceous filaments. They're normal and will fill right back up if you extract them. I would use a BHA in the morning before your moisturizer to reduce their appearance.

>> No.8248720

Well, excuse me princess but we don't all have the same skin type as you.

>> No.8248726

Nothing, really. Coco butter and bio oil is only good at prevention and very early treatment, if anything at all. Unless you have thousands to blow on laser treatment I'd just accept them.

>> No.8248733

Any advice on flaky skin? I used to exfoliate once a week but now I do it twice a week and I feel like my skin is still peeling. So now I have days where I put on makeup and it looks cakey and flakes off.

I always moisturize after I wash my face, but I don't know what else could help. It always happens when the seasons change, like into really cold winter or when it's starting to warm up, not sure if that's a factor.

>> No.8248773

You could always find a Chinese knockoff on Ebay.

>> No.8248780

Have you checked your cleanser's pH? That used to give me worlds of trouble. It was such a nice cleanser but I hadn't even noticed its pH was 7+, which was a tad drying. Immediately after switching to another one my skin stopped flaking, but this one has a very strong scent. Doesn't irritate me, but I guess you can't have it all...

>> No.8248879
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This is my simple little skin care regiment and it works wonders.
I have natural dark circles under my eyes so I spent a long time looking for something that would help remove dead skin and dirt without having to exfoliate. I also tend to dry out very quickly on my nose and peel, particularly because the pores there are larger and never seem to lack in blackheads. But since starting these, my skin feels just as smooth and my pores feel just as clean after im finished as they did when I was exfoliating. The mask came in a variety pack that included 32 different kinds, I use one every other day and have definitely noticed my skin looking younger and fuller.
Koiji-san works miracle for my uneven skin tone, I just have to make sure I only use my toner every other day (the days I don't mask) and moisturize morning and night. But doing that keeps me from drying out, and I didn't even suffer the "new product break out" when I started using this.
Totally worth every penny.

>> No.8248924

Hmm, I'll check. I use that Lush Dark Angels scrub and it works fine, but Ocean Salt really dries me out and I've stopped using it. Other than that, I just use Neutrogena and clinique face wash.

>> No.8248930

I wouldn't recommend using the Kojie-san soap on your face but whatever works...

>> No.8248981
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Hello seaguls.
I don't have any routine and would like to try taking care of my skin, but I am quite lost and I am afraid of choosing bad products.
The only products I actually use are pic related and 50+ sunscreen. When my skin start to peel I use moisturizing cream but otherwise I'm afraid it we make me have spots.
I have really pale skin with acne when I eat too much fat and visible pores (mostly on nose). My skin (on my face) is probably combination skin, and the color is not the same everywhere. I also have some moles and a birthmark on my cheeks and my veins are really visible on my forehead, cheeks and chin. And the cherry on the cake, I have ultimate purple dark circles everyday since my childhood.
Thank you very much and sorry if it's not allowed here. I should probably have tried to do things before.

>> No.8249244
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Hey /cgl/, it's not really my board, I just know you have a skincare general. How do I best cure irritation on the neck?

>> No.8249256

Try aloe vera and perhaps change the shaving foam. La Roche-Posay's Cicaplast cream also works.

>> No.8249267

I was picking up a new multivitamin bottle when I noticed there were a lot of bottles claiming to be good for skin. Do any of you take vitamins specifically for your skin?

>> No.8249404

Any tips for a guy with acne around his upper thighs?

>> No.8249416

same tips as for a girl with acne around her upper thighs.
Try a gentle powder or deodorant if you sweat there a lot, if it's bad you might want to get it checked out by a doctor.

>> No.8249489

Check the PH like other anon suggested, and get a better moisturizer. I recommend it all the time but it's seriously great and cheap, try HadaLabo HLA (gokujyun) cream.

>> No.8249639

any anons with rosacea here? what's your skincare routine like? i have a few small patches on my cheeks, and i want to treat them as best i can. my derm gave me a cream for it, but it doesn't really work and it's tacky/sticky as hell. i want something that absorbs into my skin really easily, not a moisturizer that just sits on top of my skin and balls up if i touch my face even the tiniest bit like the rx one did. my skincare routine looks like this (maybe not the best, but i'm trying and i've used the same products for a really long time now):

cleanser: shiseido white lucent cleansing foam used with silicone scrubby
toner: le couvent des minimes micellar water, sometimes the white lucent emulsifier
moisturizer: prescription cream, but used to use koh gen do spa gel (the one in the red jar)
spot treatment: mario badescu drying lotion
cleanser: same as above but remove makeup with pink bottle bioderma sensitive h2o (doubles as a toner)
moisturizer: prescription cream, used to use nuxe reve de miel night cream
eye cream: antipodes kiwi eye cream

can anyone help with a better routine? my skin doesn't look bad since i've consistently taken care of it with the same stuff, but i know it could be better. if it helps, i have sensitive combination skin in addition to the mild rosacea, some redness on my nose, and i really hate heavy silicones and lotions with a long drying time. thanks gulls~

>> No.8249691

Most people here take specific supplements for their skin, however there are some multivitamins that are geared towards skincare specifically and will help. Most multivitamins, however, will not give you the maximum dosage you can get in a day to help with shitty skin. Only thing I can thing of off of the top of my head that is a three for one maximum deal is Cod Fish Liver Oil.

>> No.8249900

How useful is retinol as a chemical exfoliant, really?

I have some very deep scars on my right cheek bone - 3 or 4 from blemishes that, while I didn't scratch/dig at/etc, got badly infected as few years ago.
I'm saving for a laser treatment, but was considering a retinoid in the meantime.

>> No.8250017

It's pretty dang useful, imo. But, I don't know how well it'd work on very deep scars, depending on how deep you mean.

>> No.8250063

Would anyone happen to have any sunscreen recommendations or advice on SPF? It finally started turning into spring up here but I also noticed my skin is ridiculously pale. I like going cycling and also work outside during the summer but I'm worried about getting sunburned easily because I became so white over the winter.

Nivea products make my face break out a lot so I try to avoid them but those lip moisturizer tins are godly.

>> No.8250066

Retinol is good but get an AHA and BHA product too. (Don't start using all three at once though, it may be too much.)

>> No.8250078

Noxzema now

>> No.8250087

>What does everyone do as a routine?
>cleanser from a local chemist
>Hada Labo SPF50 PA++++ sunscreen which is greasy as fuck and makes my eyes sting (and I don't even apply it near my eyes)
If anyone has a similar strength sunscreen to recommend I'm all ears
>same cleanser as above
>Snail Bee Essence
>moisturiser with vitamin E
>vaseline on my cheeks and forehead

>Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque on forehead, upper lip and nose
>Etude House sheet mask
>Paula's Choice 5% AHA
>tea tree oil in case of breakout

>> No.8250248

Thanks! I'll give that a try.

>> No.8250254

Anyone have any good cleansers that they'd recommend? I like the one I've been using but I feel like it's not working as well as it used to because I think my skin has gotten used to it. I have really sensitive skin that's oily and acne prone too so any suggestions good for that would be really appreciated!

>> No.8250302
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Hi I've got sensitive, oily skin, and I have an acne issue along my jawline. I use makeup wipes, then a cleanser, toner (thayers!), and a medicated moisturizer.

I'm on the lookout for an exfoliator to use occasionally, and face masks! (I have some masks that I feel eh about)

>> No.8250311

CeraVe's foaming/hydrating cleansers are nice. Panoxyl's 4% BP cream wash, Himelayan herbal turmeric and neem soap is nice, Hada Labo foaming..etc

Anything but this. I hope you don't use that scrub, anon, it's awful.

>> No.8250344

What should I use instead? It was just one of the top search results, but I came here for suggestions because I've never used a face scrub.

>> No.8250354

Honestly, don't use a face scrub. If you want an exfloliater, I heavily recommend a konjac sponge. They're very gentle, almost....gel like sponges after they fill with water. Look 'em up on amazon, they're around $10-15, but they last for months.

>> No.8250359

I use non-antibacterial Dial liquid soap scrubbing 5 minutes and rinsing for 7-10 morning and night. I use St. Ives Green Tea Scrub with salicylic acid. I leave it on for 10 and scrub for 2. It gets used every two days. I use a serum from Sally's that has 500, 000 I.U. vitamin A and other things. I've been using it a week and a half. I'm seeing results.

I like Freeman's Diamond Rinse mask and the Charcoal Mud mask. I loves masks. What would you recommend other then GLAMGLOW? I can't afford that one, I won't do it.

I use povidone-iodine as well as pure distilled lavender applied with a q-tip for MRSA and strep boils and impetigo.

>> No.8250382

A lot of that sounds...awful. Honestly. Dial liquid soap for your face? Holy moly must the pH of that be way off.

Not sure about that specific scrub, but you sound like you are overexfoliating by a shitton, as well as the salicylic acid in it not doing very much for only being on for 10 minutes.

>> No.8250393

Aye, it's my last resort though. The doctor told me to start using it as nothing else is working.

>> No.8250401

The dial soap and exfoliation.

I have to slough off dead skin around places.

If my skin is clear, I won't really exfoliate too much.

Life is pain for me. I'd feel prettier were it not for scars and infections.

>> No.8250422

i take a vitamin d supplement since i'm neet and never see the sun

from my research on this i've seen
>Vitamin A
>Vitamin D
>Vitamin E
>Cod Liver Oil
>C and B6
all supposedly help with skin. particularly cod liver oil with is also a good source of vitamin d

it's annoying finding conclusive information on how much you should take, though. i guess seeing a doctor and getting a blood test is the only way to be certain.

>> No.8250467

Can anyone recommend a good hand cream? I wash my hands a million times a day at work and not only do I live in a cold and dry climate, I'm working beside machines giving off stupid amounts of dry heat in a likewise dry building (fucking labs) so my hands are always scaly no matter what I've tried. This past winter it hit a point where my hands were cracking so bad, I put like 6 band aids on one day because I just kept bleeding or splitting and it was a safety hazard.

So far the closest I've gotten to a solution is YuBe hand cream but even then it is not ideal (stinks, greasy, still not intense enough for moisture but does the job in summer since we have a smidge of humidity finally happening then). In the winter I've layered uremol (sometimes vaseline depending how quick i need it to absorb to work) over it too. I'm salty because before I graduated I had super nice hands ugh. Do I need to go prescription?

>> No.8250478

Would something like these help?

I'm not sure how useful it would be if you're just washing it off all the time, though. You can also pick up a hydrocordisone to help with the irritation.

>> No.8250510

The rose petal + witch hazel broke me out pretty badly. It may have been a purge period or my regular period hormones, but I couldn't hack it anymore and stopped using it. My skin cleared up a week or so later, and hasn't been that bad since. I'm a little nervous to try it again now.

>> No.8250522
File: 19 KB, 296x355, 71yG+3-hUOL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those sound pretty cool, I'm going to get the charcoal one to help with acne/oily skin! But what about face masks?

>> No.8250588

What kind of masks are you looking for? Moisturizing, clearing, etc.

>> No.8250735

Moisturizing is always nice but probably masks with some sort of acne clearing benefit. Also I tend to use masks just a few times a month.

>> No.8251226

Is my skin routine too simple?

All i do is wash with cetaphil at night and apply the same brand lotion (once while my skin is wet and again after pat drying) and in the morning i just splash water on my face and apply lotion. I also do homemade facials once or twice a week?

Is this enough to avoid wrinkles and other skin problems in the long run?

>> No.8251238

Well I mean...if it's keeping your skin clear then that's something.

It will not protect against sun damage (you need a daily moisturizer with spf for that), nor do you have any anti-aging precautions (Retinol, Aha, bha products).

>> No.8251248

You can eat foods high in those vitamins which is much better than taking supplements. I drink a glass of sea buckthorn juice every day (tastes like bile but you can find it in Lidl if you like) and it's helped with my UTIs as well.

>> No.8251647

Well, there's always the Queen Helene Mint Julep mask, or the Aztec Clay + ACV. There's the absolute hundreds of asian sheet masks, for various purposes. Or, DIY masks. (Clay, rice flour, oils, oatmeal, turmeric, etc...) The previous two I listed are rather drying, but people have said they work wonders on their faces. Queen Helene is more known for clearing, whereas the Aztec clay is known for making pores appear smaller (for a while, or slowly over time) and cleaning out sebaceous filaments.

Sheet masks are usually very moisturizing, a lot of them provide anti-aging, or anti-redness, like collagen masks or snail/bee mask, or royal jelly masks.

>> No.8251662

Yeah, I wouldn't say it's enough to avoid wrinkles. Sunscreen is honestly the holy grail for that, and if you want to keep your routine as simple as possible, just apply sunscreen in the morning and keep well moisturized.

If you especially care about anti-aging, I'd recommend a vitamin c serum.

>> No.8251683

I've actually used the Queen Helene before! It was nice, but I was an idiot and forgot to close the lid completely once. I'll have to buy some more. I just like trying new stuff so I thought I'd ask you guys for recs! I might pick up a few sheet masks to try out.

One last question: Is anything from LUSH worth it? My roommate goes there weekly and everything she has smells amazing but I'm wondering if it's actually beneficial. Face masks especially?

>> No.8251698

I wouldn't, honestly, recommend any facial products from LUSH, aside from one cleanser called "ultrabland" that many people say is great. Most of their stuff is loaded with essential oils for fragrance, and would probably be very irritating for the face.

It would be better to DIY your own instead of getting some from LUSH, since you police over the ingredients. For facial products, I'd stray from anything with "fragrance" in the name, if you browse the website.

>> No.8251701

err, fragrance in the ingredients.

>> No.8252007

>Get Skinfood's Aloe Triple Sun SPF50 PA+++
>It doesn't make my eyes water
>it applies evenly
>it isn't too greasy
>it smells so powdery and pleasant
>I look like a mime with it on

God damn it I wanted to like it so much. Is there not a single sunscreen that has all this but doesn't make me look like my hobbies include getting stuck in invisible boxes and wearing striped shirts?

>> No.8252099

What shade are you? I'm about NC15 and I that's the only Asian sunscreen I've used and I like it a lot. I think if you're dark you'll have an issue with white most Asian sunscreens. Check skincare blogs for swatches before buying, they usually show if the sunscreen leaves a cast.

>> No.8252105

I'm ginger... Perhaps it works in the sunlight but indoors it's quite noticeable, and I wouldn't like it to be.

>> No.8252112

Also, are you sure you're applying enough? Even with other sunscreens 1/4 of a teaspoon is too much for my face, with this on there's no way to blend it all so I don't look like Casper.

>> No.8252144

Get the "Biore Sarasara Uv Aqua Rich Waterly Essence Sunscreen 50g Spf50+ Pa+++". It's very liquidy, but goes on completely dry, non-sticky and there's no white cast at all.

>> No.8252152

I've had that one! It's wonderful but makes my eyes burn a lot due to its high alcohol content. Pity, they improved it to PA++++ and added royal jelly extract...

>> No.8252169

Update, it seems I was applying too much and not blending enough. It's really cakey too so there's some nose flaking, so that's also why.

>> No.8252173

Ahh, bummer. I have this PA+++ sunscreen from a memebox, by a brand named oseque. It has a spray side and a squeeze side, so it's rather nifty, but I can't seem to find it anywhere online not marked way up. :/

But, since you fixed it, if you still want to look for a new sunscreen, I definitely recommend Reddit's /r/asianbeauty.

>> No.8252388

Does anyone here use hydrocolloid bandages for their acne? I keep hearing about how wonderful they are.

>> No.8252398

They are really great! They definitely help with swelling and irritation, as well as helping a popped acne heal better. If anything, it at least completely helps somebody not mess with a spot. I'd recommend it.

>> No.8252419

Are there any good body moistureizers that don't have a creamy texture? Something more liquid type like a toner?
I hate the creamy texture I find in moisturizers and it always turns me off from using them.

>> No.8252467

Maybe this isn't exactly the right thread for this, but does anyone have any cute small packets of wipes they can recommend? Like, just something to carry around for when my hands and face get sticky/greasy/sweaty. Preferably with a nice fragrance!

>> No.8252949

Any recommendations for a good anti aging night cream

>> No.8252963

I have keratosis and possible rosacea that makes my cheeks very red. Are there any cremes, lotions, etc that would help achieve a more even skin tone? I've tried all sorts of things and nothing seems to work.

>> No.8252973

What sorts of things have you tried? (So I know what not to suggest.)

>> No.8252981

I've tried various moisturizers and exfoliants, as well as a Hydrocortizone butyrate cream prescribed by my dermatologist.

>> No.8252999
File: 90 KB, 640x480, elf_wipes1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have suggestions for makeup remover that doesn't sting eyes? I know you should avoid getting it in them in the first place, but that's not always possible.

I really like cleansing cloths because I can use them at my computer or in bed after a long day (and then when my face is mostly clean, go wash my face properly and do my nightly ritual of course). Right now I'm using pictured but that was just because it was cheap so I wasn't shocked when they stung.

>> No.8253006

I've heard oils high in linoleic acid are good for helping calm rosacea (if you have it, at least), like hemp oil, evening primrose, among others. There's also a product from Paula's Choice, "Clinical Instant Calm Redness Relief" that I personally use and really enjoy. It contains Oat beta gloucan, colloidal oatmeal, and willow bark extract, which are all lovely for anti-redness.

Hemp oil is rather popular, I've seen, for Rosacea. I'd recommend at least trying it, perhaps getting a small bottle from Garden of Wisdom (or you could check out other serums from there for redness) I spoils very fast, but with a sample bottle, I doubt you'd need to refrigerate it.

>> No.8253010

Mineral oil, all the way, anon. They don't come in wipe form, but it gets literally everything off.

>> No.8253021

Hm, Nivea sensitive makeup remover wipes are good. I use Lumene's waterproof eye makeup remover though which is very gentle

>> No.8253026

Is petrolatum okay to use for ocm?

>> No.8253031
File: 28 KB, 450x450, s534628-main-Lhero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear by Lancome's bi-facil. It's pretty wonderful. Easy on the eyes, effective.

>> No.8253039

Thanks for the suggestions! I think I will try the hemp oil

>> No.8253053

As in, mineral oil? Definitely. It's a very un-comedogenic oil, and generally will not break people out unless it is baby oil with vitamin e or fragrance, which some might be sensitive to.

No problem! I think a thin layer after your normal moisturizer would be a good idea. Hell, if you like it after a while, you could even cleanse with it.

>> No.8253200

Should I use CC cream instead of moisturizer?

>> No.8253266

I have this and it's very good. though I have to ask would there be any harm on using it all over my face? I sometimes do and it gets rid of all my foundation, doesn't irritate my face and makes feel my skin clean.

>> No.8253297

No, definitely continue to use moisturizer. Use CC cream along with it.

>> No.8253626

you could try something with cocoa butter. Not necessarily liquid but the consistency can sometimes be more oily than creamy.

>> No.8253995

Thank you! I just bought some, my cystic acne is all coming up and to a head and I figured this would help drain them quicker? I heard that the bandages absorb moisture, so it sucks out the pus and other juices into the jelly part of the bandage. I'm gonna give it a shot, because I'm really tired of waiting for something to come to head, have it dry out....wait another week for more of it to drain, etc.

>> No.8254294


It'll definitely speed the process up. I slapped one on a zit last night that wasn't quite ready to burst yet, and this morning it had released its beautiful pus and nastiness. Very satisfying, but I slapped another bandage on it before work to protect the fresh "wound" and suck up any residual nastiness.

>> No.8254298


Oh, but also, be careful where you put them on your face. Undereye and any other places with thin skin may be ripped of....

>> No.8255256

If you want to DIY like >>8251698 recommended, check out Pinterest! I found a recipe for a DIY body scrub that all the comments raved on how similar it was. I've never even been in a LUSH store (don't have one where I live) but the scrub smelled nice and had natural ingredients.

>> No.8255671

What to do about pockmarks?! I was a bastard in my teen years and couldn't keep my nasty fingers away from my face. I was hoping it'd even out on its own magically, but no such luck.

>> No.8255812


skincare related video stolen from leddit

>> No.8255834
File: 823 KB, 360x201, face-massage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you gulls out there face massage?

I've only done it the last few days but something about pulling on my skin makes me really uncomfortable.

>> No.8256323

I feel the same man

>> No.8256434
File: 592 KB, 1920x1080, 20150416_085820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this acne that'll go away naturally or do I need to use more products? I have a basic skin care routine of cleanser, exfoliator and moisturizer at night (and I use sunscreen and bb cream on my face in the day) and I'm wondering what else I could use.

No filter, only sunscreen, though it's hard to see some of the red bumps.

Also any recs for anti wrinkle / age creams?

>> No.8256649

Is toner, spot treatment, moisturizer the right order? Or does spot treatment come before toner?

>> No.8256684
File: 69 KB, 683x615, mask-leaders-insolution-wrinkle-filler-skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else ever tried these Leaders
insolution masks? they're kinda expensive ($5 a piece) but I tried the wrinkle filler one a while back and man did this stuff hydrate my skin and made me look alive, I'm looking to get my hands on the aloe vera one

>> No.8256763

tfw no chubby faced asian gf with acne

>> No.8256765

do you use other masks too? are they noticeably better than a $1 mask?

>> No.8256808

>do you use other masks too?

I've only tried the wrinkle filler but I've heard good things about the others as well!

>are they noticeably better than a $1 mask?

Honestly yes imo, they worked really well for my skin. I used one mask at night and the next morning my acne scars were noticeably lighter. pretty good stuff

If I manage to get my hands on some more I'll let y'all know how well these work out with more uses.

>> No.8256824

I love these, aloe is nice and collagen is good too.

>> No.8256878

? what do you mean?
And yes, I do have chubby cheeks that i'm very self conscious of :( I'm borderline underweight but they're still so round.

>> No.8256884

I've swapped out soda for water recently and noticed my skin has broken out more since. Anybody know what's up with that?

>> No.8256913

you dont look fat from the pic. chubby cheeks are cute and look young. azn girls get that procedure all the time to get fat transplanted there

>> No.8256936

It's nice bring able to cosplay all the moe cuties I want, but drunk people calling me adorable and talking about how they want to pinch my cheeks gets old fast.

>> No.8256944

deal with it fat bitch

>> No.8256951

does eatig a vegan diet effect your skin?
i went vegan recently (casual vegan, i eat animal products like 3 times a month) and im wondering if itll help out my skin
i have acne, like the little bumpy kind and the occasional volcano and im wondering if it'll go away as i go further into the diet
some people say diet has little to do with acne and some people say diet has everything to do with it so im mostly looking for people's first hand experiences with diet change and how it changed or didn't change your acne

>> No.8256954


>> No.8256956

I used to be vegan but I never noticed any changes to my skin. Still eat very healthy, still get acne. I guess it varies from person to person.

>> No.8256974

Are any of you in your 20s and still get acne? I thought this stuff was supposed to die out after high school.

>> No.8256984

I'm 26 and I think my skin has never been breaking out more. I got like 2 big pimples on my forehead.

>> No.8257000

That's how I do it

>> No.8257014

It's usually worse in high school because that's when hormones are the most volatile, plus teens might not be aware of how to care for their newly-decimated skin.
I'm 21 so I can't really speak for the "in your 20s" bit, but my acne's calmed down since I started drinking green tea every night.
But I have large pores so I'm just fucked for life.

>> No.8257100

It does die out after high school, but when you're an adult you can get "adult acne" which is mostly cystic. It's caused by stupid shit like your hormones, your diet, immune system, etc. It's a mixed bag, you either are done with acne after high school or you're fucked.

>> No.8257147

Ughhh, I still have a stupid amount of acne. I think I actually got more since hitting my 20s from a late puberty and stress (sometimes about breaking out, which leads to more stress breakouts).

I've tried the St Ives green tea cleanser (worked for a while), the Bath and Body tea tree oil and cleanser (also worked for a while, but it seems to be wearing off), and I'm going to start Cetaphil once I run out of a cleanser. I've bought so many drugstore spot treatments and none of them work.

>> No.8257163

23 here, still having acne problems
although i will be real, the acne i had in high school was worlds worse than what i deal with now but i still would like to be zit free
my bf just sits around, never washes his face and has flawless skin and it makes me mad

>> No.8257217


>> No.8257242

>drugstore spot treatments
I had one that worked so amazingly at first. It dried out my skin like crazy when I first used it, but that was because I put too much on. Aside from dryness on an otherwise-oily face, my skin was really smooth and clear.
A month later, nothing. I caked my cheeks in it and all it did was leave a white residue over my acne.

>> No.8257254

what do you use? maybe you just need to change up what you're doing
i know for me i was using an acne wash with salicylic acid but it wasn't doing much for me, but when i changed to an antibacterial wash it really helped clear up my problem areas

also you said you use sunscreen, i know for me if i get any sunscreen on my face it'll cause me to break out
does the bb cream you're using contain any sunscreen? i think you only need spf 30 or something like that to prevent sun damage, which you can get in a lot of bb creams

sorry if this isn't helpful, but i think part of it is just experimenting until you figure out what works for you

>> No.8257446

I'm a stickler for using products until the bottle is clean so I'll try out different products once I run out of this stuff. I didn't realize there were so many types of cleansers!

And my BB cream is SPF 30 but i read somewhere that you should still layer sunscreen underneath for adequate sun protection.

>> No.8257516

Skin type: Combination, extremely bad cystic acne
Cleanser- cerave
Tone- mizon AHA BHA (I'm going to switch to an alcohol free when I run out)
Serum- rotate between innisfree green tea and mizon snail ampoule
Lotion- hada labo gokujyun lotion
Sunscreen- Biore (also going to switch to alcohol free)
Cleanser- Banila Co. oil cleanser followed by cerave and same toner
Serum: Benton snail bee (This product literally does nothing for me, switching to missha the first essence)
Moisturizer- Cerave hydrating, hydrocortisone cream over cysts, tears because my face hurts so much.
Weekly exfoliator: Cure aqua gel
Weekly mask: Aztec secret with ACV, propolis or royal jelly sheet mask

>> No.8257553

you shouldn't have to use anything higher than spf30 unless you're spending hours in direct sunlight, layering sunscreen and bb cream could definitely be effecting your acne
i understand the concern with maintaining your skintone and avoiding sun damage, but spf30 is definitely enough
your skin needs to breathe so when you add sunscreen with the bb cream it traps in tge oils and starts clogging up your pours

>> No.8257702

It depends on how many UVA stars a sunscreen has to determine whether spf30 is enough-- not all spf30 sunscreens are the same, and therefore would not protect the same amounts.

A bb cream would definitely not be enough protection if one was to actually spend a decent amount of time outdoors.

>> No.8260755

What is vitamin c serum and does it help with acne scarring? My cystic acne is finally clearing up and I want to start dealing with the hyperpigmentation and scarring it left behind. I don't think I'm going to be left with many pockmarks, maybe a few but I can deal with those. I just want pretty clear skin...
Right now I'm just using vitamin e oil to help with scarring.

>> No.8260890

I still have your sweater. Mail is hard. ;_;

Do the red bumps eventually come to a head, or do they just go away?

>> No.8261383

I work for Lancome, in the training they actually recommend to use it for removing lipstick just as much as eyes. I personally would use it all over if I didn't think it was precious gold in a bottle, instead i just precleanse with an oil or cold creme. I only use it for gentle removing eye makeup.

>> No.8262113

Ohey there. I can't believe you recognized me just from the lower half of my face LOL :'D.

No head for the most part on the red bumps; just big, fat and ugly.

>> No.8262141

Maybe you are lacking some minerals

>> No.8262258

>my hobbies include getting stuck in invisible boxes and wearing striped shirts

I had a chuckle

>> No.8262279

diet does have a lot to do with your skin but animal products don't necessarily help or harm your skin. it's the fruits, veggies, and nuts that do help, so obviously if you're eating more of those your skin should improve. there's still lots of vegan junk food

>> No.8262281

No, spot treatment should be last. Otherwise you're just smearing it into the rest of your skin with the moisturizer and it's no longer a spot treatment

>> No.8262282

>green tea every night
that's horrible for your sleep though

>> No.8262295

Skin-care noob here

Is avoiding the sun justification for not using spf? None of the stuff i use contains spf but I'm inside most of the day and when i do venture outside i use a parasol.

>> No.8262317

Sure. If you don't care about aging too much or live in an area where the sun is not as strong (Northern Europe, parts or Russia, Chinada) + have reasonably thick curtains on your windows, there's no problem.
If you do care about aging, I'd say use a gentle low spf sunscreen inside and reapply every couple of hours like the sunscreen nazis say.

That said I live in the Nordics, go outside during the night (security guard summer job) and don't use sunscreen and I've been faring well. I do use it indoors when I do some heavy peeling and can't risk wrecking my skin further.

If you can't justify slapping on sunscreen indoors every few hours (understanable), I suggest looking into adhesive UV film for your windows. They aren't expensive and will let through sunlight while protecting you from the harmful rays. Don't know how you can test them for effectiveness though.

>> No.8262642

/cgl/ help
I woke up this morning to my face being bumpy/red and feeling tight. I think it might be my new cleanser but the break-out or whatever it is is only on my cheeks? Is it possible for only parts of my face to react badly?
wat do

>> No.8262646

Don't they have decafinated? Like a sleepy-time kind or something?/

>> No.8262683

>large pores
I have those too and the OCM really helped. My skin's become 10x better since I stopped using cleansers, and it looks like it might keep getting better since winter's done.

>> No.8262772

I would say that dairy is the biggest thing to avoid to help your skin. but mostly veg fruits nuts healthy natural fats like avocado, oils really natural eating, not eating as much cooked food will help

>> No.8262774

can you give some more info on wonder pore, also where to buy?

>> No.8263103

Thanks for the great answer!

>> No.8263129

Spot treatment goes before moisturizer. Unless we're talking a spot treatment that actually is supposed to physically stay on your skin, i.e pink powder, or some form of DIY spot treatment, then it goes after.

Generally, you wait 20min or so before putting on your moisturizer after spot treating, to allow it to begin to work and sink into your skin.

>> No.8263131

my breasts sweat and has a weird smell to em. I've started using deodorant in my cleavage and sometimes powder, but it's embarrassing when I have powder and shit on my tits. Any suggestions?

>> No.8263152

Vegan diet? Hmm... No. Diet in general? Absolutely.
If you're eating processed sugars, I suggest either cutting them out or reducing the amount consumed. I use honey instead of sugar and drink smoothies instead of milkshakes, have nuts for snacks or make my own granola bars etc. Every now and then, though, it's fine.
No carbonated drinks (aside from mineral water) or coke, eat plenty of seeds, fruits and vegetables. That's it. The amount of meat you eat (or don't) doesn't affect your skin but eating certain types of meat too often or not eating meat at all (without taking supplements) can be a risk.

>> No.8263156

A risk for your overall health that is.

>> No.8263164

It could be a fungal infection if it's a foul smell. I'd look into a topical anti fungal cream (something like Canesten) and if it doesn't work perhaps try other things.

>> No.8263169

It's not so much as foul, just a strange scent. Going to try using those creams.

>> No.8263181

My creepery is strong~ But srsly, it was the underweight and cheeks part with the thirsty anons.

Those are probably cysts, though. I get them if I eat more than 15-20g of sugar or too much dairy; I imagine dairy might cause it for you, because Asian. I have some friends who usually get them on shark week, too.

I also used to get them if I exfoliated too much. If you exfoliate a lot, maybe try reducing it to twice a week, or switch to a gentler exfoliant if yours is like sandpaper.

The only minor success I've had was using a sulfur mask. Normally they take like a week+ to go away, but I find that a sulfur mask brings them to a head overnight. They go away faster, but you can't really cover them with makeup.

Retinol is god for anti-aging, but it can be too hard on your skin. And it's expensive.

>> No.8263229

I need help... I put my makeup on in the morning and my skin looks fine but then by the end of the day I can always see little bumps forming and sometimes new pimples under my foundation. My skins currently purging because of my new exfoliant but could it also be my foundation? I feel like pimples forming that fast wouldn't be caused by my makeup but I'm curious

>> No.8263937

Hey, has anyone heard about Nip+Fix?

>> No.8267540
