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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 291 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nmczn4ldj41rtv3mpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8233355 No.8233355 [Reply] [Original]

Old one's autosaging.

>> No.8233357
File: 511 KB, 1280x1714, tumblr_nmczn4ldj41rtv3mpo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full dress. Haenuli really needs to not reblog every ita who uses their tag, it's embarrassing.

>> No.8233362

With a wig and makeup this would be fine


>> No.8233381

Agreed. And maybe a smile she looks sad

>> No.8233391
File: 78 KB, 720x960, ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8233393

But she didn't use a wig or makeup

>> No.8233410

yeah but that fact just makes it a rather unfortunate nitpick, not ita. it's not like her whole coords a damn mess, her face and hair are just ugly

>> No.8233423

Not ita

>> No.8233428

Hate that bolero and top, but I wouldn't say this is ita. Just needs a proper blouse.

>> No.8233439

Her tits are also popping out of the top of the dress.

>> No.8233487

dude, the only other thing she's got on is the dress and that cheap top. that's it. a dress isn't a good coord, even if it's a lolita dress.

>> No.8233533

ita detected

>> No.8233539

jfc. girl on the right looks like she needs a proper fitted bra or a blouse and bolero that fits. girl on the left is meh. also needs better shoes. overall, i'd say this is a nitpick.

>> No.8233551

Did she just get the dress and is trying it on or did she legitimately call this a coord? Because, no.

>> No.8233558

Her hair also looks like a store-brand popsicle.

>> No.8233574
File: 69 KB, 400x533, tumblr_ne5yfdrUQ61qm9g2zo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please for the love of god, will someone tell MahouPrince to fix his "eyebrows".
I'm too much of a pussy and they don't accept anonymous asks.

>> No.8233579


>> No.8233581

Lol this is so awful.

>> No.8233584

Just accept it already, it's irrelevant to this thread
I get what they are going for but they just dont know how to do it properly
Potential: wasted

>> No.8233585

she looks like shes shitting in this photo

>> No.8233586
File: 12 KB, 400x273, mole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8233641

I hate her need to show off her pit hair like its making some sort of statement.
>dat shit aint kawaii

>> No.8233738

Armpit hair doesn't usually bother me because everyone has it but something about hers makes me wanna barf.

>> No.8233743

Anon, don't say mole.

I said mole.

>> No.8233764

well of course, no matter how you feel about armpit hair, anyone smugly shoving their sweaty armpits right into your face would look disgusting, even if it's just online.

>> No.8233861

Post that went with it:

"not shown, white lace socks and black clogs
today was easter so i dressed up for a little
#though my bust has gotten larger. took a bit to get the zipper up #though my waist and hips are the same as ever #i am not a happy camper though. i do not want cleavage. i'll likely start wearing my binder regularly soon #someday. top surgery. some day "

>> No.8233906

Ugh god my younger sister used to do this. She was like "hehe I don't conform to social standards - look at all of my armpit hair! IM SO EDGY!11one!"
She smelled bad nearly constantly because her sweat would stick to the hairs and apparently hygiene was too mainstream. She got furious whenever anyone asked if she shaved/pointed out her armpit hairs - because she knew they were disgusting, but she wanted the world to be a hug box that validated her deep "statements against society".
I rarely shave my pits but at least I take care to keep them clean, and I don't flaunt them or call them a political statement. Its just fuckin hair - it isn't going to smash the patriarchy.

>> No.8233931
File: 423 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nmeu720lO01r77vzvo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did she look in the mirror and think "yes, my eyebrows look good"

>> No.8233936

The more you scroll, the worse it gets...
Shame because she's rather cute.

>> No.8233938


>> No.8233948

>check out her blog
>every "boy" picture she has has that armpit hair pose.

Honestly, armpit hair looks gross on everyone. I like boys, I like girls, I like nonbinary, but if you got armpit hair shit's gross.
I know its a "argh girls aren't supposed to have armpit hair so lets have ours like boys do thing!" a lot of the time
but I firmly believe that guys should not have it either. no one should have it. if you've had a guy put his arm around you while he was wearing a tanktop, you'd know how gross this shit is.

>> No.8233951
File: 1.99 MB, 500x281, 1416978703463.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thumbnail looks ok
>open picture

>> No.8234021

reminds me of drunkroxy's mako brows

>> No.8234031


>> No.8234054

We aren't supposed to talk about the bloody mole!

>> No.8234062

>cute guy in a tank raises his arms
>suddenly, two tribbles with little white balls stuck in its fur
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.8234064

ugh god I hate when armpit hair touches me. So gross.

>> No.8234066

I guess I'm your typical conformist because admit hair on a guy drives me wild.
Pube hair sticking out from the edge of his jeans or underwear?
I'm going to ravage that man

but on girls ehhh yeah i perfer them hairless.

OR even just if you're going to wear a lavender wig, dye your pit hairs to match jesus christ
have some consistency in your shitty SJW bullshit

>> No.8234102

I dont really care about armpit hair as long is clean and put always deodorant (i dont shave regularly but i dont have bushes and i have my armpits covered usually) but i dislike chest hair or even non trimmed/shaved pubic areas on both gender for sexual reasons, y know what i mean

>> No.8234129

dammit, this makes me so salty because I want this dress so bad and here's this person who can't even make a decent coord with it.

>> No.8234138

i have no problem with people have hairy pits if they want to. its a person preference really.
but there is no need to shove it in my face to show how TOTES NON BINARY you are.

>> No.8234451

They look like leftover bits of seaweed

>> No.8234460

Anon you've disappointed me

>> No.8234563
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>> No.8234581
File: 717 KB, 500x299, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right? I got all excited and then anon just gives me a "why"

>> No.8234658
File: 566 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_nmekra0sQO1qgtfzjo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF is going on here.

>> No.8234684
File: 94 KB, 540x723, tumblr_nmea6m2cu11qg28s1o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8234732

At least the unnatural hair goes with the coord but the bow needs to go. Nitpick not ita.

>> No.8234735

lol I saw this at anime boston this weekend...was hoping it was just one of those cosplays but nope, apparently she really was trying to be lolita.

>> No.8234767

I don't know what her face looks like, but this is definitely the best ita outfit I've seen. It's not dirty, her wig isn't frizzy, she actually has a perfect body. If she dropped the weeb aesthetic she'd have so much potential

With a few tips she could be a pert. model for lolita.

>> No.8234783

Sorry but I have zero idea why you can't talk about a mole. Assuming it is some fandom related thing that I know zip about?
>Looks it up
>mfw austin powers is my favorite
In my defence never saw gold member.

>> No.8235008
File: 140 KB, 648x960, demshoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8235015
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>> No.8235020

Where's her neck beard?

>> No.8235481
File: 251 KB, 512x512, 1375080079679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I kind of like this

>> No.8235592

>no accessory
>ratty hair
>no make-up
>blurry selfie
>pic with cleavage in lolita fashion
>no bag
>no pose
>nothing except a fucking dress

Your standards are fucking low. Even for my casual coords I take mor effort.

>> No.8235593

Why do the piggy-faced ones always go for the ringlet curls?

>> No.8235754

the one on the left is adorable

>> No.8235866

aw man I kinda hate how someone would grab this from my facebook to post on here... it is kinda upsetting but I expected it eventually.

I'm on the right, I know I need a better top I just couldn't find a off-white blouse that would match on time since all my white blouses were thrown off with this skirt. Blouses are definitely something to improve on for me and I'll look for better ones in the future when I have the time for it. I was particularly worried about wearing this coord for the con but now I know better,

My friend on the left didn't have her red shoes from bodyline on though for the picture so there's nothing to nitpick there. I'm really happy you guys think she's cute! She worked really hard on this coord especially with her limited budget and she's always been worried to be posted on here but yeah. It was most likely my fault she ended up here so hopefully she won't feel so bad.

>> No.8235878

What is the max size on that dress?
I have the same dress in about 1/2 the size..

>> No.8235881

I bet you se was one of the people complaining about the New Lolita guidebook. The number of people whining and saying that it was unfair to expect someone to have their hair clean and styled or wear a wig and put on makeup was hysterical. And then they were complaining about the term ita.

>> No.8235893

Why a stripy business blouse tho?

>> No.8235912

How is this ita? Everything's balanced and everything fits, just because you've got some kind of weird vendetta with her doesn't mean it's ita.

>> No.8235938


>> No.8235951
File: 149 KB, 664x1181, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8235954

plain but not ita, nitpick at best.

>> No.8235956

nitpick, honestly one of the more decent black x White coords I've seen

>> No.8235967

This doesn't burn my eyes, Anon. This is actually quite pleasant to look at. Am I in the nitpick thread?

>> No.8235981


Oh man she looks like Patrick Stump before he lost weight
>kek forever

>> No.8236034

I honestly don't understand how my post indicates that I'm against a polushed outfit. Also, I hace yet to even read that guidebook.

>> No.8236132
File: 535 KB, 608x608, 1427722512904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this ita

>> No.8236521

hank is a creepin

>> No.8236704

Yes, he.
If people continue to misgender the transtenders then more will choose to do this because "muh political statement, you only pick on the transgendered people because there are so few of them so if there are more of us you will need to take us seriously. Also look - I am oppressed because people keep misgendering me."
Us real transgendered people hate them just as much, they make a mockery of our mental illness and make people take it far less seriously.

Lesbianlolita changed xer pronouns btw. Soon xe will be back to a she and claiming that it was just a phase, just like the die CIs scum chick. This is why tumblr sucks, being trans is serious and never a choice, never just a phase.

>> No.8236911

Lesbian Lolita is literally the very embodiment of everything that I hate about Tumblr SJWs. She loads herself up with stupid labels and pretends to be all these things that she's not to come off as edgy and unique (like being trans and a Pomeranian-kin or some sort of fuckery). On top of that, she'll go out of her way to argue with people about her edgy kawaii opinions and find some way to accuse them of being sexist, racist, transphobic, etc, when they're not even doing anything remotely trivial.

> tl;dr she's a hardcore special snowflake who only talks out of her ass

>> No.8236924
File: 1.18 MB, 736x1496, Amanda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8236955
File: 442 KB, 500x265, rMyL9Mn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8237023

It doesn't matter. Use the correct fucking pronouns so xe will stop using being "trans" to get attention. I don't understand why this is so hard to comprehend for so many people on 4chan.

The more people keep misgendering and berating tumblr transtrenders, the more people become them as a show of solidarity. Most of them don't even fucking know what dysphoria is, they just expect people to call them by whatever pronouns they want and if not, they think they are being oppressed.
Being trans is a heck of a lot more than feeling sad when someone says you are a girl because you have boobs. Dysphoria is scary as fuck - I can imagine that a lot of the trans people who commit suicide actually do it because their bodies feel so disgusting and unreal to them that they just don't see the point in looking at the world through a television set anymore, rather than it actually being because people wouldn't gender them correctly or whatever shit tumblr has to say about it. I have dysphoria, I should have been born a dude - but there is no way in heck that until I remotely pass I would expect people to call me a he (although I am still undecided as to if I want to transition).

>> No.8237074

Classic Tumblr case of enbybrows.
You can tell straight away that on their profiles, both of them will undoubtedly have "prince" written somewhere at least once.

>> No.8237123

Invest in a better bra gurl.

>> No.8237179

It needs to shave its armpit hair before I find it and shave the hair myself.

>> No.8237185

I fucking agree with you here. I'm ftm and one of the only places I WILL shave is my fucking pits, because holy hell armpit hair is disgusting and most GIRLS (and ofc some guys) with pit hair are disgustingly unhygienic about it.

>> No.8237232

> acknowledges that someone is a transtrender
> "use the correct pronouns"

Are you serious? Transtrenders are a huge reason why people who are actually suffering from gender dysphoria are being trivialized. They treat their gender like a fucking fashion accessory.

>> No.8237256

If you just use the goddamn pronouns all of the transtrenders will stop using it to be unique speshul snowflakes, and go find something else to do like being other kin or some shit like that.

>> No.8237265 [DELETED] 

read >>4204828

>> No.8237277


I'm pretty sure this is just a catch-22.

If you acknowledge their special snowflake status, they will definitely use it as proof that people recognize them and all they have to do is believe hard enough to become a transtrender.

If you don't then they take it as proof the entire world is against them.

It's like telling someone who thinks they have anxiety issues that they do. It's trivializing the actual issue of people with legitimate anxiety, and it validates their need to be unique without the issue of actually having the disorder. It also only serves to strengthen the perception that whatever the person may have is not actually serious. So in the end, acknowledging a transtrender by their 'true' pronouns does nothing really.

>> No.8237291

Holy shit you are right.
The issue that comes of this is that there are some legit trans people on tumblr and I can't stand seeing them shit on for it.

>> No.8237810
File: 1.36 MB, 260x195, puhtreearke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, I hate when people do that, I mean yeah I don't shave that much either (mostly because I work at home and it's a pain in the ass) but at least have some self respect and wash yourself, or at least put some deo on it.

>> No.8237844

You hit the nail on the head, anon. I thought he looked like a character I was familiar with.

>> No.8238271
File: 1.43 MB, 999x1366, tumblr_nltpf7hzgL1r70paqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i can't stand this fucking coord. it's such a mess.
>four different print series (dream marine, drained cherry, dream sky, and sugar dream dome) that all clash together motif-wise
>all those mismatched blues
>that fucking mini top hat for no reason
it's so sad because i know she can dress herself and has a ton of great coords, but this is a train wreck.

>> No.8238273

holy shit this is rustling my jimmies

>> No.8238594

I'm the anon in the pic.
Please give me concrit as I'm always trying to improve.
All replies so far say it's nitpick but even so I'd like to know what's "wrong" with this outfit

>> No.8238597 [DELETED] 

I'm the anon in the pic.
Please give me concrit as I'm always trying to improve.
All replies so far say it's nitpick but even so I'd like to know what's "wrong" with this outfit

>> No.8238607

I like how all the blues match, maybe the headbow need more details in black,but definitely no ita. and i love the derpy pose it's cute

>> No.8238609

>all the blues match
no, no they don't

>> No.8238610

I like this one too. It's not a bad coord for a beginner.
so what? you want her to use the whole fucking series?that will be super boring. I like this, it's refreshing; but I don't like the 2 bags tho.

>> No.8238614

you are making me overanalyze this pic, but, yes, the blues in the shirt and in the jewelry goes with the hair, and the other stripes in the blouse go with the socks. Have you something besides she is a plus size lolita for being so salty about this?

>> No.8238617

It's not refreshing, it's clashing and way too busy.
I admire combining two prints that fit, but that's just overdoing it.
Like that hat, it doesn't fit at all and the ivory bow in an overall blue coord.

>> No.8238622

Technically it follows the rules.
It's nitpick to me because there is a mix or mismatch of dressiness vs casual, fancy vs simple that doesn't work to me. The blouse, neck bow and tights are very plain. The skirt lace is eyelet which is a less sophisticated type of lace but the skirt design itself is frilly. The blouse is plain but there are really lacey wrist cuffs that do not seem to coordinate with the lace on the skirt. That kind of thing.

>> No.8238624

>hair electric blue
>tights periwinkle
in what reality do those go together? not to mention the 50 shades of blue in the walmart blouse. Also,
>mixing white and cream with black

>> No.8238627

just for reference can you show me which type of coords you like? Cause every time anyone goes a little outside the lines get posted as ita. she is wearing brand, she had a petti, makeup, hair, accessories, so I can't see how this is ita but instead someone having fun in her coord.

>> No.8238638

I don't like to admit it but I agree with this. I want to give people like that the benefit of the doubt but they always prove to be disgusting in some way.
>childhood female friend of bf doesn't shave her legs or pit hair and doesn't give a fuck
>okay nbd that's her business
>at least she doesn't stink... much
>stay over at her place
>her bathroom is the most revolting thing I've ever seen
>(scalp) hairs everywhere
>so many toothpaste flecks on the mirror it's practically opaque
>greasy shower/bathtub
>trash can smells like something died in there
>oh look, it's old used tampons
>feel more disgusting coming out of that bathroom than going in
The same happened with another friend of mine and unshaved pit hair is now my personal don't-ever-stay-over-at-this-person's-house-or-lend-them-anything flag.

>> No.8238640

but the blouse is pairing with a solid color jsk and also the blouse have white like the bow. I think you are going to hard, barely niptick.
same for >>8238271
and >>8235951

>> No.8238648

I'm not the anon who posted her, I don't think it's ita at all, maybe nitpick. She might be having fun with her coord, but it's so busy it's almost some kind of decora-type thing.
It simply looks like she tried to wear her whole closet at once.

>> No.8238652

Is that a picture of you? The coord is very poorly composed. You can't just shove a ton of shades of blue on and say "it's ok some of them match with each other!" The blouse looks like an office shirt anyway.

>> No.8238654

this is a nitpick you dumbass

>> No.8238660

I'm not OP but I was wondering about the 2 coords with mixed blues, that one and this one >>8238271, both has being pointed out as ita and the only thing I see is just several shades of matching blues.

>> No.8238668

This is fugly. The styles of each item do not go with other items and the blues do not match or coordinate. The headbow is very out of place with everything else. What looks like a normalfag striped blouse is out of place. JSK is super wrinkly. Rosary is gothic, JSK is sweet or classic, bow is sweet. It just looks like a bunch of very mismatched things thrown together with no theme or eye for style. What substyle could you even call it?

>> No.8238672

>everything clashes with everything else
Sometimes it's better to incorporate plain items in your coord to prevent it from becoming a clusterfuck. This just looks like she rolled around in the AP section of her closet and wore whatever stuck.

>> No.8238673

I'm starting to like Haenuli less and less. They aren't moving up, they are lowering the standards down. JetJ showcases customers and they never look like this. AP is getting ready to and I'm betting they won't look anything like this either.

>> No.8238674

>black jsk
>sweet or classic

>> No.8238677

Change all the headwear and ditch the pink bag and it would be ok. Just ok. It's a mighty clash of patterns even then though.

>> No.8238686

>if it's black it must be goth!
Holy shit contain your newness, this is embarrassing.

>> No.8238687

Yes it is. It can be styled either way. Do you not see the bows on the bodice and the lace on it? It's sure as heck not gothic. Do you think black things can't be sweet or classic unless they have a print? If so, I have some news for you...

>> No.8238693
File: 493 KB, 361x214, 676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2015 and she is trying to put everything in a substyle.

>> No.8238698

No, not everything has to be matchy and super slavishly substyle-oriented but most coords can still at least be loosely identified by what they are, not just a nonsense mashup with no apparent theme and puzzling to the point of 'wtf even IS this anyway?' which was actually first my reaction.

>> No.8238705

kind of matches blues but is cluttered with things that only match one other thing.
>Blouse, bag, necklace, and print have same light blue.
>White in necklace, hat, both bags, tights
>Black shoes only match black hair flowers.
>Navy in jsk matches nothing else.
>Cream bow only matches tights kind of
>Hair bow almost matches light blue in jsk print
>Pink bag almost matches pink in print (print is more purply)
>Ring matches nothing.
>Bright pink in hat matches nothing
>Wig matches nothing
>motifs of shell jsk, moon bag, and heart bag don't really make sense but aren't /ita/ together

If she would use a nautral hair tone, any I don't care what one just not a costume color, lose the hat and light blue bow, change the ring for something light pink/purplish, and lose the moon bag I would like this a lot more. OR she could shove more stuff on and call it decora.

I wouldn't call this "ita" outright but there is SO much to nitpick it gets into ita territory.

>> No.8238720

This one though,
>weird alt girl shade of blue hair
>roots showing
>office lady blouse doesn't fit lolita aesthetic, too many shades of blue, it's a mess
>bag smashing silhouette
>hair bow only matches that ribbon
>dainty accessories make her look fatter
>necklace competing with bows on jsk
>hunches pose makes her look fatter
>stripes make her look fatter

I would change the blouse for something that has less going on and has longer sleeves, maybe like a royal blue high collar? Or if she wants to be sweeter a blue blouse with a pussy bow. Not a peter pan collar though (or maybe I'm just biased against those). Get a necklace that isn't as long and has a larger cameo, darker tights, big black or blue bow, handbag or a petti that can stand up to that bag.

Again, just a lot of shit together adds up it's getting ita. There's probably a way to throw more white in there but I don't know how to deal with white.

>> No.8238740

>implying catering to their speshul snowflake attention whoring will stop them from pushing their stupid shit further

I understand what you are trying to say, but these people are greedy, entitled teenagers and adults with mentality of spoiled children. Coddling them is the first reason tumblr is the way it is now.

>> No.8238775
File: 256 KB, 728x745, 1404422987563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>follows basic lolia rules
>Op had to break down what's wrong with it
>doesn't burn my eyes

itssssss nitpick bitch.

the coord is shit, yes, but its nitpick. hell, you could start a nitpick thread with it if you'd like.

definition of ita = outfit so bad its painful to look at

while it is a bad outfit, it is not painful to look at.

this thread is actually a dissapointment for the most part

(can be any of these but not limited to)
follows basic rules of lolita
most colors match save 1 or 2 items
girl is ugly/fat/doesn't have makeup
doesn't make onlookers cringe hard upon first second of looking

(can be any of these but not limited to)
colors clash horibly, I'm talking neon greens and neon purples bad
rules of lolita are not followed
poor quality dress

actually I shouldn't have to fucking explain this GG I'm out fucking newfags

>> No.8238807
File: 994 KB, 250x250, 1421491725949.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you anon

>> No.8238814

There is more asspatting over things that aren't really right and less honest concrit these days so these ugly-but-not-exactly-itai caliber outfits are the result. They are more than nitpick because they look bad but no, they aren't the old 'blind you with hideousness' ita of old.

I'm really not surprised, though.

>> No.8238815

I guess ita is relative then, because that obnoxious mismash of patterns is painful to look at for me. The girl OP posted is actually less visually offensive to me even though she obviously looks bad.

>> No.8238856
File: 194 KB, 540x810, tumblr_n8rvluYTkE1r35etuo1_540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think people are ready to jump down my throats for calling out nitpick because they assume I believe the coord looks good.

I think everyone should get shit but its highly dissapointing when coords just make me go "oh thats a bad coord, meh"
instead of hard cringing

usually when nitpick threads are created when there is an ita thread in exiistance its filtered.

I do understand wanting to talk shit on coords you hate so I frequent both threads.

Let me add some relevant ita content

>> No.8238864
File: 483 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mq0iowk5fh1rgbe1to1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8238867
File: 168 KB, 540x720, tumblr_mnbmeqO8ta1r9ypbio1_540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finding ita shit is too easy

>> No.8238881
File: 107 KB, 463x598, Ero_Lolita_by_zhannahkinsz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear lord....this is like pete wentz lolita or something similarly awful.

Tumblr's good for that but deviantart's better. Then you find the real heart-purse-clutchers.

>> No.8238890
File: 61 KB, 400x533, __sweetblackwithelolita_ii___by_louyse-d2s7ktp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this ita mess

>> No.8238896
File: 319 KB, 312x420, manfacetothemax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same girl, not ~quite~ as ita (but still pretty ita ...dat split wig) but wow what is actually wrong with her face?

>> No.8238899

I usually really like Prince's style but that stupid facial expression they make, the sharpie eyebrows and the pit selfies, that shit is not cute. I think hairy pits are fine, but flaunting them is so tryhard edgy.

>> No.8238902

oh, that is so fucking gross. Admittedly, I haven't shaved my pits in a long time, but if you're going to do that, you have to keep clean, who wants grimy armpit hair?

>> No.8238907

other than her slightly too obvious 'smile' lines, this coord is pretty on point for me. the split wig isn't too bad because at least the colours match those on her dress and the print is sweet

>inb4 shit taste

>> No.8238908
File: 140 KB, 600x900, hipster_casual_nerd_lolita_by_monologue_de_chi-d5ozoap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I think they are aware that they never had much going for them, hence the whole *~kawaii fairy boy uwu~* persona, when underneath all the pastel vomit is an ratfaced girl with a mole on her face. Ahem anyway

>hipster casual nerd lolita
This coord physically fucking pains me. It's mostly brand as well, but how/why does she make it look so ugly?!

>> No.8238910

Prince's pronouns are they/them though, so technically you're not following your own advice.

Having said that, when it comes down to someone who is an obvious transtrender, I will only use the pronouns they ask for when I'm talking to their face. Catering to a teenager's snowflakey needs on 4chan will not help them.

>> No.8238912
File: 181 KB, 900x1200, fairytale_lolita_by_xbree77x-d34g6jq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah the coord is pretty solid compared to the other crap I saw but the star clip and the split wig still make me hate it, but that's just my opinion. She still needs to tone the blusher waaaay down and ease up on the eyeliner too. Unfortunately I don't think there is a cure yet for chronic manface.

>> No.8238916

Astronomical themes and nautical themes do go together though.
My main problem with this coord are the sugar dream dome socks, the ring, the second bag and the cluttered headwear, then it would be fine. The shades of blue are not an exact match, but they compliment each other when you put them next to each other, there's no need to have everything be the exact same shade.

>> No.8238917

holy hell i just looked through mahouprince's tumblr and this chick only has about 2 poses: one to cover that mole up (honestly if she didn't do it so much, i wouldn't even notice it), another with her arm bent on that awkward af right angle

armpit hair isn't inherently gross to me, but the way she so obviously tries to flaunt and draw attention to it weirds me out

>> No.8238921

Eh, I actually think prince is pretty cute in the face. They just need to smile more instead of doing the open-mouth dead stare.

>> No.8238927

If I stare and squint reaaally hard and imagine all the cakeface and fake lashes gone I see they could be a cute girl maybe????? but not for fairy kei or super sweet lolita like I just don't think it suits them too much.

>> No.8239011

Still pretty ita? This coord is pretty cute. If you are one of those persons that say split-wigs or any other thing are "instantly ita" without considering whether the whole outfit looks nice you should nit judge people at all.

>> No.8239043

I'll never understand the anons who go into ita threads to whiteknight people they've never seen before, without contributing at all. I explained why I disliked it here
>>8238912 but actually was commenting on her almost sissy-like face in that post. Lrn 2 basic literacy while you're at it.

>> No.8239054
File: 10 KB, 233x350, 4915529056_tumblr_leowoyyxXU1qa9xr8o1_500_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally agree! I don't get why feminists don't shave, is it because they think men are forcing us to? then why not force men to shave as well?
Thats what i call gender equality!

>> No.8239487
File: 85 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She calls it "lolita cosplay" and not actual lolita

>> No.8239506

Almost worse. Which lolita character is she cosplaying? If not a specific one then its not lolita cosplay either.

>> No.8239593

There is nothing wrong with calling out stupid opinions. I personally come here to cringe and not to look at a girl you have a vendetta against and say is ita because you don't like her wig and face.
Do you even know what's ita? Lacemonsters, most basic rules being broken, halloween wigs, things that will objectively hurt people's eyes.

>> No.8239603

Armpit hair is delicious. Happy trails are delicious. If you trim it a little and stay clean a hairy pit or stomach will always be more appealing to me than a clean shave (not to mention shaving looks pretty ugly up close). But I'm 24 so maybe that's just a different age group.

>> No.8239661

I don't shave because I don't feel like it, it has nothing to do with feminism. Unless it's your own or on your partner, your preferences are pretty irrelevant.

>> No.8239694

This is fine but not shaving to try and be edgy is gross because often those people do not care about hygiene either. I don't shave, but it isn't because I am defying socials standards, I just don't want to.

>> No.8239709

I don't get why some people don't shave, to me it's basic hygiene like brushing your teeth. But I think this counts for both genders; my boyfriend is too lazy and very hairy so he let's me do it for him. It's our secret and I secretly find it very enjoyable.

>> No.8239722

It isn't like brushing your teeth at all and the fact that you think so is pretty sad and probably the reason why people feel the need to be edge lords about some pit hair. It should just be a personal choice.

>> No.8239728

If you don't keep up with dental hygene your teeth will rot out resulting in a fuckton of health-related issues and pain.

If you don't shave, it's not going to harm your health or your body in any way. It can easily be covered if you don't feel like it and nobody will fucking know.

>> No.8239729

Yeah, that's why I said "to me it's like brushing your teeth", it's a morning routine to me. It is my personal choice, I prefer it this way. But's also my personal choice to think hairy armpits with tank tops will look gross.

>> No.8239730

You also said you don't get why people don't do it...

>> No.8239734

If you don't shower your skin won't rot away like non-brushed teeth, but it's still considered poor hygiene to not shower regulary.

>> No.8239738


What an asinine comparison.

>> No.8239739

Not showering will result in health issues and smell. Not shaving will not. And before you start whining about this: if you don't clean your sweat you will reek no matter if you have hairy pits or not. If you clean yourself your pits won't reek no matter what's under them.

>> No.8239741

Yeah, I don't get why people don't incorporate it in their morning routine.

>> No.8239743

Why should they?

>> No.8239750 [DELETED] 

well yeah i don't shave but showing your bare armpits to the world is just no... if you don't shave, you cover up those areas... i wish the edgy ones would understand that.

>> No.8239751

Alright, then take not brushing your hair if you like that better? Who cares, it's my personal lack of understanding. I know you don't have to shave, but I don't get why you wouldn't, doesn't take much time for less problems.

>> No.8239752

Why? Seriously, this is why they do it so obnoxiously. Because you think this is something to be ashamed of. It ain't.

>> No.8239754

>I do it, so everyone else must do it too!

>> No.8239760

Because it doesn't take much time and will benefit you aesthetically? Of course you can be all "I don't give a fuck what people think about me.", but I prefer my coworkers and boss not thinking I'm a hippie because my armpit hair shows in the summer or because my leg hair sticks out through my thin tights. I also like smooth armpits and legs, but not creeping off my office definitely is a plus.

>> No.8239765

There are no problems involved with not shaving, besides people like you passing judgment, which is why edgelords feel the need to show their hairy pits, like >>8239752 said.

Sage for off-topic.

>> No.8239767

Where did I ever say so? I do so and I don't understand why other people don't. I don't dictate people how to treat their body, but I don't have to approve of it either.

>> No.8239770

Okay, anon. To put it through to you. The question is why should it be considered disgusting or hippie to have some fucking hair where it grows? Because society says so is the situational answer where you obey what is commonly believed but that's not the question.

>> No.8239774

I literally couldn't care less about edgelords showing off their hairy pits. It only shows me who to avoid and I have something to cringe about when I feel like it.

>> No.8239776

...you typed homestuck and lolita into the tumblr search bar, didn't you? you monster.

>> No.8239779

I know why it is considered hippie, and I agree with it. I think it's creepy, everyone around me thinks it's creepy and I don't have a problem with it being a norm.

>> No.8239785

Body hair is completely natural and extremely easy to keep clean, there is no reason it should be considered creepy, you just don't like how it looks. Jesus, this cannot be hard.

But whatever, this pit discussion has gone on too long, back to itas.

>> No.8239786

Is Homestuck dead yet?

I wish I could convince my boyfriend to trim. His armpit and chest hair is well over an inch long and uugugghughhg no
I don't mind that there's hair there (and knowing him shaving would just lead to ingrown hairs and general ickiness) but I do mind that they're long and wiry and sweaty and ugh. One reason I like winter is that everyone is covered the fuck up.

>> No.8239794

We're talking about body hair being compared to not brushing your teeth as being unhygienic. We're not talking about avoiding the shower.

Like when talking about itas, we'll post pictures of ugly lizards because they are totally related, right?

>> No.8239849

At least lizards shed

>> No.8239943
File: 93 KB, 639x1834, FB_IMG_1428619459003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8239962

Looool, I knew this would end up here. To be fair she said it was her first court and she asked for honest concrit

>> No.8239964

*coord, damn text recognition

>> No.8239977

First coord or now, how do you fuck up putting on a wig THIS badly? The straps to tighten it are sticking out.

>> No.8240036

>she wanted the world to be a hug box that validated her deep "statements against society"

does she not know how statements against society usually go or... i am confused, how could she not know that going against society's expectations would bring disapproval? it's like right in the definition of going AGAINST societal norms...

>> No.8240060
File: 118 KB, 720x960, tumblr_nmh7obgqAc1rem2p4o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8240070

I like the word "transtrender." It really does seem to define the way the Lolita rules are always being changed.

>> No.8240089

That's not what that means

>> No.8240098

She said something about how her friend used to do her wigs for her. Not sure why you'd need a second person to put a wig on (especially when she managed to smoosh into that dress just fine) but you would still know how it should look.

>> No.8240106

They are both kinda cute. Nitpick, one on right more so than left.

I fucking know, I told her that a while ago, and she told me I needed to learn what sexual objectification is (although how this was relevant I do not know...). According to her nobody can sexually objectify you, but you can choose to sexually objectify yourself - and that is bad. Models in magazines are bad because they sexually objectify themselves and they shouldn't because people will think they only care about their appearance, but when she dresses in very revealing clothing nobody can sexually objectify her because she isn't trying to be sexy (stench, fedora and leg hairs are such a turn off that I suppose it doesn't matter if she walks out naked). I told her that this was not how it works, and she blew up at me, because clearly no woman should be allowed to dress to express her sexuality.
Her logic is fail.

>> No.8240110

pretty sure they're just fat, i don't see much wrong with these coords

>> No.8240112

There are numerous issues one might not shave. It's called personal preference you don't need to understand why my favorite color is brown to acceot that. it's just hair and I get that outright flaunting it is annoying but so is acting like everyone should care as mych as you do about it

>> No.8240121

dunno whether to quit life or laugh at your sister. how can she even be possible. lend her some of your logic for a bit

>> No.8240126

Aw give her a break. It's her first coord and she's doing really well at taking everyone's advice graciously.

>> No.8240155

nothing, absolutely nothing is wrong. honestly very cute

>> No.8240176

She thinks she is really educated on those topics because she reads buzzfeed and upworthy. She takes all of the shit on those sites to be gospel. If you say anything that goes against her knowledge she will literally walk out of the room because you are "insulting her opinions". So fucking pretentious.
I am so glad she has not discovered tumblr yet.

>> No.8240271

this. armpit hair grosses me out on everyone.

>> No.8240283

She was just asking for advice.

>> No.8240302

I feel like this could be really lovely without the cake headpiece (???) and the extra bag. Somehow I feel like space motifs and undersea motifs go well together, but I'm probably wrong.

>> No.8240375

I lol'd.

>> No.8240573

Honestly the only thing I would change is the tights. Maybe swap them out for a pair of knit socks or those old school OTKs with lace at the top. I may be biased though because I really dont like solid opaque tights.

>> No.8240593

that haenuli dress looks so sad and deflated on her

>> No.8240700

Not at all surprised to see this faggot in here.

>> No.8241192

Wow, your sister is fucking stupid and everything that's wrong about SJW kids.
Sorry if you like her, but damn, how come you turned out as a rational human and she didn't?

>> No.8241495

Nitpick at best. Both need slightly poofier petticoats.

>> No.8241506

Rock lee?

>> No.8241516

Maybe different anon swooped in?

>> No.8241541

Potentially switch the tights or head accessory.

Also the top seems a bit dark underneath, maybe you're wearing a dark tank- so make sure to wear a light undershirt/bra there.

>> No.8241624

Nice lolita silhouette. Are those tea length dresses normally or are they just very short?

>> No.8241632

I don't like your makeup in it (in particular the lips but overall you look older than you probably are). Everything else is pretty and I think they have a case of the oldschool hate. Maybe replace the headband with a rectangle headdress.

>> No.8241669
File: 263 KB, 774x1629, 13-144385564-0-2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8241670

Haenuli is longer (like 63cm skirts or something), but I think it's a combination of long skirts, shorter height and photo taken from a high angle.

>> No.8241684
File: 29 KB, 299x450, 061213_assess_jackBlackEX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8241734

Well, I like her but she is a bit stupid. I blame buzzfeed and upworthy (funny that my computer tries to correct that to unworthy) because she takes everything they say as fucking gospel.
I turned out rational because rather than those shitty sites, I found 4chan.

>> No.8241748

ringlet curls don't look good on most people

>> No.8241754

I hate literally everything this bitch posts.

>> No.8242339
File: 209 KB, 540x810, tumblr_nmln9wg5Lq1suftqao1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8242342

Make she sure she doesn't get a tumblr. She will be gone for good.

>> No.8242343

I'm really only hating the shoes. I don't think it is that bad. More nitpick

>> No.8242344

>"what's wrong with thi-"
>black ballet flats
she did not even try.

>> No.8242346

I'm asking "why" myself
as in "why is this in the ita thread"
shoes are shit, flowers on the head a bit out of place, but seriously, anon, get your shit together, you know what. I'm making a nitpick thread just for you.

>> No.8242386


Clean people who don't shave are fine though. I actually really like that my girlfriend doesn't shave because I don't normally see it on women. She keeps clean, too. Always smells nice. Her having hair is almost cute in a really weird way

>> No.8242388

yes thank you based anon

>> No.8242391

To be honest, I think Ita threads and nitpick threads should be done side by side, they work as great filters


>> No.8242421

chop it up, and make some guacaMOLE!

>> No.8242424

Poor attempts at lolita, but A+ as regular goth. I'll take this any day over fat goths in tube tops.

>> No.8242429

Considering she looks pretty on point, I'm going to assume this is a case of her switching to flats because of sore feet

wig looks super fake though

>> No.8242433

It looks like maybe she switched to flats because her shoes were hurting her feet and the person taking the picture caught her at an off moment (shoes across the room maybe). I mean you've got the CDC op set and a wig, you've got to have some kind of shoes to wear. Other than that, the bright pink roses seem out of place. Something lavender or gold might look nicer up there.

>> No.8242523

even if she swapped out the shoes it'd still be pretty bad because of the tights and the flowers

>> No.8242556

I feel like this is a joke where she took every a lot of recent or popular items (melty moon bag, Drained Cherry bow, printed tights, heart bag, Dream Sky bow, Dream Marine) and just mushed them together to see if people would call her out on it or not. She's cute but you all delusional if you think this coord works at all.

>> No.8243695

I feel like ALOT of black girls into lolita don't put forth any effort whatsoever they literally walk into dollar store and by some circle glasses and a headband to hold down there crappy party city wig and throw on whatever half assedly make a coord n throw a shitty petty coat that doesn't fit and throw on some old church shoes from 2009 and call it fucking lolita. Just...ugh.

>> No.8243696

Doubtful. I know this girl, she calls people ita for not wearing brand and lets her mommy buy her dresses for her. Her switching shoes at an event is just careless, but she probably just didn't have pink shoes and just thought she could hide.

>> No.8243762

That's not just black girls, anon. There are a lot of lazy lolitas, people just like to pick on the black ones.

>> No.8243793
File: 24 KB, 250x250, 1407633472575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't the sharpest crayon in the box are you

>> No.8243804

This kind of thing reeks of "I just got into lolita a few months ago and bought the new popular dress for notes but realized I don't have anything to coord it with."

>> No.8243850

I thought this was a hoverloli from the thumbnail.

>> No.8243884

>Is Homestuck dead yet?
I hope so, I used to like the comic but I went to a few cons back in 2013 when it was huge, and the fanbase were literally the worst. All fat fujoshi in dave cosplays who talked loudly about their favourite smutty fanfics and took 'hawt yaoi' pics of one girl straddling another.
Now they are all genderfluid (read: badly crossplaying on occasion or having a pixie cut) tumblr snowflakes who are super sjw (but still creep on other cosplayers at cons) and draw fanart of their favourite male animu characters with 20% darker skin, a massive red nose and cheek swirls.

>> No.8243892
File: 41 KB, 540x960, ewwwwwwwwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like this tranny bastard got ahold of some milanoo for himself. So now he's probably going to be stalking all of the well-dressed lolitas at our convention in a couple weeks. Gross.

>> No.8243928

I'm fucking pissing myself over how accurate you are.

>> No.8243941

Collectively snub him. Otherwise next thing you know, he'll be in your comm, sipping tea at your side.

>> No.8243955

Treat it like an intervention.
>I've called you here today to shave your pit hair

>> No.8243972

Brings back memories. I think all the homestucks like steven universe and gravity falls now, or are obsessed with the popular fujoshi anime of the moment, as well as obsessing over trans rights, from what I can tell by logging into my tumblr account from that time.
I never understood the connection between fandoms and extreme social justice stuff, but I'm sure it's something to do with escapism and pretending you're something you're not, especially with the trans/non-binary stuff and all the 'uwu kawaii mother to all' personalities everyone likes to think they have there.
I'm sure there are legitimate trans and non-binary people on tumblr, but when a 'trans boi' is into fairy kei, doesn't bind their chest and claims that you don't need gender dysphoria to be trans, I can't help feeling a little skeptical of whether or not they are trans or just following a trend.
I swear being trans or gay is like another fandom to them or something.

>> No.8243974

I'm pretty sure anyone into cosplaying or 'geek culture' has met someone like this once. They are like a female version of a fedora wearing neckbeard.

>> No.8243991

You can totally be trans and not experience disphoria. Whatever floats their boats y'know. If they present as female but want male pronouns it's no skin off my back.

>> No.8243994
File: 3.37 MB, 4608x3456, DSCN1004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..I saw them in person last year.

>> No.8243997

Why is this down so low on her chest showing her cleavage? I have not seen it like that on anyone else.
Mfw itas and fatties and ita fatties have all but wrecked the Haenuli coords I see.

>> No.8244010

>Dave cosplays in lolita
This makes me feel so uncomfortable. Is there some sort of reference in this fandom that makes people want to put Dave in lolita, or was this just a trend that caught on with tumblrite cosplayers because muh genderfluidity?
>friend asked me to borrow a lolita dress
>hand her a replica
>never heard about what she did with it
>turns out it was a Dave cosplay in lolita
>embarrassing pictures
>took her months to give the skirt back
>sold it because eughh

>> No.8244015

for whatever reason homestucks need to make anything and everything homestuck related regardless of how stupid it actually is.
It's likely because their fandom is assbackwards retarded.

>> No.8244046

I will never forget the poor girl I saw at Ohayocon who was wearing her Bodyline dress backwards...I didn't have the heart to tell her and to this day I feel guilty about the fact that she ended up on BTB

>> No.8244051

as someone who loves homestuck but doesn't care for fandoms, i can assure you there is absolutely nothing in the comic that may allude to dave having anything to do with lolita.
he's the edgiest character though, and i guess tumblr can relate to that...

>> No.8244056

our local homestuck squad once tried IKEAstuck.

>> No.8244065

so, like... the characters were ikea staff? or ikea furniture maybe?

>> No.8244105

That is NOT how it works anon. If someone is making no effort to transition and just want you to call them pronouns of the opposite gender/some special other gender, they are a piece of shit and should be ignored. Appropriating mental illness is NOT ok, they make real trans people look bad. There are so many transphobic people now, who would probably be much more accepting if it weren't for those entitled piece of shit SJWs. If gender is a choice as they say, people would have every right to treat us like crap in my eyes - it is fine to berate people for the choices they make.
It may be no skin off your back, but they are a serious issue for actual trans people.

>> No.8244111


>> No.8244113


>> No.8244118

The wig looks like butter

>> No.8244123

That's not how being trans works, you Tumblrina fuckwit.

>> No.8244182

See... this is the ita I like to look at along with >>8238896 and >>8238271

I could laugh at ugly, fat poor people all day and it won't be a good laugh.

It's best when ita outfits have had serious effort put into them.

Like the girl with pink hair... yes, I like the outfit...

It is however ita as fuck and the shoes are just the icing on the cake.

It's like when girls dress up in fancy long skirts, tops, and jewelry or just nice in general then have on a pair of beat up sneakers.

>> No.8244184

pink dress*

>> No.8244193

I don't believe there is any reference? It's pretty much the same thing as the any fandom when it blows up- the decent people are still in it, but suddenly half the internet jumps on board because "it's popular!" which results in the other half being annoyed because this new fandom is now everywhere.
Dave is one of the more (most?) popular characters as far as I'm aware, which is probably why there are a lot of "hurr durr dave + lolita!!!" people. It's similar to Hatsune Miku fans who stick their wigs on and wear lolita claiming that their character is a lolita.
Honestly, I don't really care about fandom-esc coords so long as they, independent from the fandom theme, appear as a cohesive coord.

>> No.8244200

Aye... but given that photo is taken from a downward angle. He may have hope.

If he shaves his beard, waxes the eyebrows (In his case, he'd have to go thin. Thick wouldn't work for him.), and puts on some heavy eye makeup... he could pass. Looks like he has smaller hands anyway.

Wigs work better but his hair is certainly long enough to wear clip-in extensions.

>> No.8244203

iirc, whether or not being trans is a mental illness is very much up for debate.
Either way I'm pretty sure that transphobic assholes are just that- assholes. I'm pretty sure they'd be intolerant either way.

As far as gender as a choice, etc. pronouns and how you present is a choice, regardless of whether you are "truly trans" or not. Even binary trans folk who experience dysphoria and want to get surgery and the works choose to present as their assigned gender because of their unfortunate circumstances. But that still doesn't make it right to treat people like crap for it.

>> No.8244235

I tried giving concrit but they seem to just brush off anything that comes their way. Like this is the 3rd time.

>> No.8244244

If you don't know this person irl he looks and behaves like he has a mental deficiency and is full SJW when it comes to transgenderism because he truly believes he is a woman.
He might even be on the autism spectrum since he can't take social cues and doesn't appear to be aware when people don't want or aren't comfortable with speaking to him.
He will never look okay.
Not surprised. He's legitimately retarded.
He's Peacockfeather tier, ugh.

>> No.8244250

I know you two but it wasn't me who posted you. I was really glad that when people get ripped to shreds here you got defended as a nitpick. You go girls.
I haven't joined your ranks yet, I'm learning from here what not to do.

>> No.8244281

is he in any other groups? I just know about the LGBT+ lolita one. I'm in it but probably going to leave. Between him, Adi, and the things people try to pass off as j-fashion it's kind of a shithole.

>tfw my friend is really involved in that group
>probably encouraging their ita "lolita should just make you feel pretty, who cares about rules" attitude

>> No.8244294

I'm also in that group and can't stand it. It had such promise but ugh I hate this guy. This is his third time posting this shit coord and its like he is some sort of retarded troll that isn't even into fashion.

I really want to report him to kick him from the group but the creator is such an annoying SJW she will most certainly raise hell and defend him and make me out to be the bad guy.

>> No.8244296

I just scrolled down the page after not being looking at it for a while
>not lolita or jfashion
>i'll post anyway!
Like there should be rules enforced. It's a jfashion group and it's really annoying seeing people post unrelated shit.

>> No.8244300

Is that brand?

>> No.8244304

pretty bad, but not ita. again, a lot of people make the mistake thinking when someone calls "nitpick" they don't think it looks like shit.

I'm saying its shit, but doesn't look shitty enough to make me cringe hard. (aka, what the ita thread should be for)

>> No.8244329

I know its like if your going to do it DO IT. Don't half ass it. Maybe it has something to do with individulistic societies that focus on small personal accomplisments as apposed to collectivist communities that focus on improving as a group instead. Western culutre seems to stop short of perfect most of the time because "Nobodys perfect lol" and eastern cultures tend to strive for nothing but.

>> No.8244337

Either brand or replica. Looks like legit brand to me.
Can you post caps from this cringey group?

>> No.8244338

4chan is why you're rational? I don't think you're doing it right

>> No.8244395

This is transmisogyny.

>> No.8244405

This is a he btw.

>> No.8244411

I hope you never have to experience real transmisogyny, if you think calling an ita a fucking ita qualifies.

>> No.8244420

Lmfao go back to tumblr. No one cares about the gender. An ita is an ita.

>> No.8244500

>show off boobs in shitty coord
>get called ita

Go back to Tumblr with this weak shit, no one cares about your gender, they care that you look like absolute trash.

>> No.8244523

wtf is transmisogyny?
she/he passes really well as a woman
4chan taught me that I don't need to agree with everything that is "pc". I don't have to agree that cutting your hair short means you have changed genders. I don't have to agree that you can't be racist towards white people. I have learned to question and learn. No issue is black and white to everyone.

>> No.8244555

I might later, but it's not super interesting, just kind of cringe.

The worse stuff is all this dude and Adi.

>> No.8244561

Misogyny against trans women. Which makes that person wrong, because the person they're talking about claims to be ftm.

>> No.8244563

>wtf is transmisogyny?
Men who think that wearing a wig makes them a woman use this to appropriate the misogyny culture for their own benefit.

>> No.8244949
File: 34 KB, 411x680, lamapenis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wore blue jeans to a lolita wedding.

>> No.8244955
File: 149 KB, 640x480, cucumberpants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that belt

Why would anyone think that this is appropriate to wear to a wedding?

>> No.8244981

Because he's a penis. It says it all.

>> No.8244985

They are an ita. They are being judged on their coord. Their boobs should not be hanging out. Their hair looks bad with this dress. They are not wearing a full coord.
There, all better?
Sage for dumb shit.

>> No.8244991
File: 304 KB, 445x572, 1418866292809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8244994

no it's not a 'nitpick'. a nitpick would be like saying 'i think her shoes should be a shade of pink darker' or 'that pinstripe is too green and doesn't match with her eyes'. this is like compeltely disregarding normal lolita standards (you must have a dress, petticoat, wig, and make-up) and therefore is ITA.

>> No.8245055

they tried to go to IKEA for their meet, actually. Yeah.

>> No.8245061
File: 69 KB, 960x639, 10628458_736797389751252_5110897717788199091_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The belt buckle is not part of the original getup, someone shooped it in.

The jeans are still pretty goofy though. What's the jacket though? It looks salvageable.

>> No.8245090

Way to detract from real transmisogyny.

>> No.8245092
File: 64 KB, 551x960, 11112744_10203797691363085_8683736711772046944_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8245100
File: 85 KB, 698x960, 11130159_10205315398298992_5953428632065375217_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iron your shit, replica-chan.

>> No.8245141

god the lower half just kills it. those boots??? why???

>> No.8245242
File: 78 KB, 551x960, 1428812025858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This isn't all that bad, I think it just needed a change of socks. The shoes could be prettier, too, but the outfit seems to be for running errands, not a princess tea party, so dressing down seems logical.

>> No.8245339

The coord looks fine, it's just wrinkled.

>> No.8245367

>All of my rage

Why the fuck did he even come? Like he couldn't borrow some black slacks from a friend? Are you telling me this Dickle doesn't have formal pants?

People who don't dress appropriately for weddings anger me like nothing else. Someone please crop him out of this picture, please

>> No.8245370

And he's part of the groom party, too. Couldn't even attempt to dress better... Christ, the man has so much money, too. The least he could have done is rented a tux. Ugh.

>> No.8245381
File: 144 KB, 543x960, 1912219_10152595876547779_8471123988330677268_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No makeup. Awful hair. Ugly shoes.
Not worth the brand in her shitty hobo closet.

>> No.8245383

Is that Akira in the red jacket?

>> No.8245385

Isn't that John, the guy who runs AM?

>> No.8245387

She looks fine with no makeup.
This is nitpick anon

>> No.8245400

that girl looks like shit but there's no lolita standard that says you must wear a wig. your hair just needs to not look like garbage

>> No.8245401
File: 660 KB, 497x750, tumblr_nmmuihX4hs1rdnbdfo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's so much meh tier in this ita thread

>> No.8245404
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>> No.8245413
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>> No.8245415
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>> No.8245416

Also I'm pretty sure she's wearing makeup. She just doesn't have a face drawn on.

>> No.8245418
File: 416 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nmjjccPBTX1s00fi1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also the captcha just made me say that a turkey sandwich was a hamburger....

>> No.8245422
File: 145 KB, 495x680, tumblr_nmnh4vZ3h21s54wg9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8245425
File: 703 KB, 1278x1920, tumblr_nmltn3tBrt1tfw0dco4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8245427

Same, it looks very cartoony, which I like

>> No.8245428
File: 2.89 MB, 280x301, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that bonnet/baseball cap tho

>> No.8245429
File: 44 KB, 540x960, COF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COF has been improving greatly recently... But man oh man has there been some itas.

>> No.8245430
File: 85 KB, 637x960, cof2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am confused as to what is happening with her chest?

>> No.8245432
File: 241 KB, 2048x1536, cof3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8245433
File: 489 KB, 956x1280, tumblr_nmn946M3xe1uovinwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p sure she's an ageplayer too so double cringe

>> No.8245438
File: 61 KB, 721x960, cof4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This girl handmade this outfit so I kinda feel bad because the construction is obviously good. But it is just such a bad choice of fabrics and that blouse is just...

>> No.8245441
File: 101 KB, 1150x615, cof5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8245443
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>> No.8245444
File: 121 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nmldavSmWu1skhc09o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know it's not a full coord but....

>> No.8245445

I actually really like those... I would wear them to disneyland.

>> No.8245455
File: 129 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nmnkcwek0d1trpxuso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone even made a legitimate coord with this retarded meme dress?

>> No.8245465
File: 164 KB, 768x1280, tumblr_nmlu22cLwc1twrepuo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8245468
File: 219 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_nmlmfuXZaI1suyx83o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol she stuffed a petticoat in there

>> No.8245472
File: 189 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nmjjpi2VMq1qaytnbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8245485
File: 284 KB, 720x960, tumblr_ni1rlehY7O1u1r1vko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and with that i've officially scrolled past enough weird porn for one night

>> No.8245487
File: 372 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_m5ahnxdq0f1r9gufho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lied, here's one more

>> No.8245522

I quite like it, except for legwear.

>> No.8245528

She has no boobs, that's what it is

>> No.8245529

Anyone want to remind me how the hell she became a mod?

>> No.8245531

Anyone want to remind me how the hell she became a mod?

>> No.8245533

That feel when your thighs are the same size as poofed skirt

>> No.8245537

Are those socks shooped?

>> No.8245539

Dem I'm fucking blind

>> No.8245542

I'm fucking blind

>> No.8245580
File: 58 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought this was a coord based off this for a sec

>> No.8245634
File: 714 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mlrrvqY2iJ1s5tlmxo2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dem brows...

>> No.8245635

The concept is cute and the construction is really good, but the fabric choice is just godawful.

>> No.8245637

Wtf is this. She's wearing a normal fag blouse over what looks like a prom dress? That fabric looks like shit.

>> No.8245641

This is cute nomalfag stuff, I'm made she used the lolita tag.

>> No.8245684

Not a blouse, she is wearing a F+F dress underneath the skirt she made.

>> No.8245728

Yes she does, she's just too big so the bodice doesn't cover them.

>> No.8245742

Nitpick. How is this Ita? Only the legwear is questionable, and even then it's just a matter of personal preferences.

>> No.8245744


>> No.8245746

that bonnet

>> No.8245747

her head looks massive

>> No.8246016

What's the link for the LGBT+ Lolita group?

>> No.8246048

Scenefags everywhere.

>> No.8246055

clean your fucking room jfc

>> No.8246058

She said in her description that she wore it to work (she works in a vintage resale clothes store) so comfy shoes... she could have picked cuter ones though.

>> No.8246115


>> No.8248012

Obs bad camera angle. This girl is really short tho.

>> No.8249653
File: 25 KB, 276x640, 10959498_823267577762591_3671929646674797158_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chick came to a meet up in this.....

>> No.8249878
File: 356 KB, 920x730, kawaii_vomit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8250237

I think so, I'm wondering if this is from the AM wedding I heard of.