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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8235619 No.8235619 [Reply] [Original]

What's the lewdest, most revealing, most un-PG outfit/cosplay you've seen someone get away with at a con?

For me, it was Fanime years ago. I saw this woman in a trench coat, then some people came up to take her picture, she takes it off and underneath is this full on leather and fishnet dominatrix outfit. G-string, barely anything covering her tits, the works. Once the pictures were taken, she put it back on and continued about her business.

This was the same year Man-Faye was banned for having a costume that was "too revealing".

>> No.8235620

Look up Tuna Melt-chan.

>> No.8235623

Yes everyone knows about her. I was hoping for something that hasn't been posted a million times.

>> No.8235626

>I saw this woman in a trench coat, then some people came up to take her picture, she takes it off and underneath is this full on leather and fishnet dominatrix outfit. G-string, barely anything covering her tits, the works. Once the pictures were taken, she put it back on and continued about her business.
Useless without pictures.

>> No.8235627

Oh, and just to contribute, plenty of girls in bikinis or with just tape on their tits at Dragon*Con, but that's kind of cheating.

>> No.8235632

She wasn't even cosplaying. Only the seediest creepers were taking pictures. I wasn't about to lump myself in with them.

>> No.8235638

Ugh. You remember the year, at least?

>> No.8235641

Maybe 2005? 2006? I don't know.

>> No.8235643

I'll work on it. Thanks man, time to go spend my night browsing old Photobucket albums.

>> No.8235650


>> No.8235724

Everyone in this thread is a creep. Deal with it.

>> No.8235741

Back in 2011 I attended a small local convention (super family oriented, young kids errywhere, strict dress code, you know the kind) and some local lolcow decided to do a shitty bikini Yoko. She just wanted to show excessive T & A and everyone could tell she didn't give much of a fuck about the anime itself. Her shorts rode up so high it looked like she had a perpetual wedgie.

Anyway, she got told to wear her jacket (a Yoko jacket..) because her cosplay was too lewd. She, of course, had a massive shit fit about it and couldn't just comply with the rules that had been as strict for years. I guess there was another better executed Yoko walking around whose tits were smaller and she wasn't asked to cover up. That really enraged attentionwhore Yoko later, kek.

>> No.8235805

The naked dany who wore nipple covers

>> No.8235961

I remember that! Fun times.

>> No.8235989

Although it sounds like the girl deserved to be told to cover up this is an area where cons can get in trouble. If a cosplayer is asked to cover up due to her costume but a less endowed cosplayer in the same outfit isn't told to, it can be deemed discriminatory.

>> No.8236089

Was this an Aussie con? If so she raged on the cosplayer group about it too and everyone tore her to shreds for saying the community was fucked up and hypocritical fat bitches.

>> No.8236096

She is hot but that is for the bedroom, not the dealer room. Literally only covering her clit. I'm not one for slut shaming but would it have been so bad just to have a regular bunnysuit bottom? Even for the sake of comfort? Front wedgies are painful. And her ears look too much like cardboard

>> No.8236103
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This bitch.

>> No.8236104

If it were then high schools would be in deep shit for telling girls with bigger boobs that they have to wear something over their camisoles, meanwhile the Itty bitty titty committee doesn't have to.
If you show more flesh then you show more flesh, and you have to dress appropriately. IIRC fatties get told to cover up too because they also have more flesh mass exposed.
Lol this was an American con but I'd believe there's arrogant attentionwhores everywhere.

>> No.8236117
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>> No.8236121

As skimpy as it was OP I guess it passed since she was wearing a trench coat over it.

Man Faye did not walk around in a trench coat when he wasn't get photos.

I think if someone wants to cover up when no being photographed that they should be able to dress as whoever they want.

>> No.8236128
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>> No.8236140

Aren't camisoles supposed to be worn under your actual clothes or was that just my Catholic mother again?

>> No.8236142
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this is AFTER she covered up

not sure if can post the original

>> No.8236147
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Nipple shaped pasties. The stripper shoes throw me. Well, everything does but if you're going that far.. Why those shoes? I get you need footwear, but why not just get some clear flip flops.

>> No.8236151

Are there more pictures? This is hilarious.

>> No.8236159

was there more than just the toy dragon covering her cooter?

>> No.8236175

I meant over the cleavage area in particular. In my day it way common for girls to wear cardis or jackets over camisoles with the cleavage still showing. Don't even get me started with tank tops.

>> No.8236393

>.> yeah are there more ? It's really funny, it's not like, I don't wanna laugh at it more or anything.

>> No.8236407

Looks to me like she's wearing the dragon as underwear.

>> No.8236414

A few years back when Avatar had just come out someone cosplayed the main blue character that I don't remember the name of. There wasn't much but blue paint separating her from jesus. There were literally just a crowd of people following her around while she tried to shop in the dealers room. It was weird.

>> No.8236419

Is she supposed to be...Daenerys or something?

>> No.8236428
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>> No.8236444

This is gross and that kid looks so uncomfortable haha.

>> No.8236455

Ironic that his shirt says I love bacon and he's standing next to Ivy Boobkitty.

>> No.8236468

Midwest con, by any chance? Pointless asking, probably, I'm sure there were hundreds of lolcow Yokos throwing a fit at the peak of TTGL cosplay popularity.

>> No.8236470

does she have bruises on her thighs? or is that a birthmark? am I seeing things?

>> No.8236481

Since she's supposed to be Daenerys who just survived the fire, I think it's make-up to make it look like she's covered in ashes

>> No.8236485
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...how does it stay up though?

>> No.8236495


>> No.8236511

American fag here, I had itty bitties in high school and wore low cut things all the time and never got flak for it, where big busted girls were told if their bra straps even showed they had to change or leave.
It happens.

>> No.8236520

Those look like those are silicone/latex alliances. They're held on my spirit glue/latex. Think monster makeup.

>> No.8236529

ah, okay. i was just wondering because it just looks like she has bad skin, with those relatively darker spots on her legs...

>> No.8236531

You sound like a slut, lol.

>> No.8236533


>> No.8236539


dat underboob contour

>> No.8236541

I really just couldn't fill out anything enough for it to not be low cut.

>> No.8236551

at first I was like, that looks like a totally normal bunnysuit, quite cute actually
>enlarge pic
okay thats a vagina floss

>> No.8236562

>be 40
>want to cosplay 14-year-old character
>I'll never get as much attention as the cosplayers who are actually suited to this character
>I know, I'll just get naked!
10/10 great idea mom

I wasn't raised in a religious or even conservative household but I was still taught camisoles are practically underwear.

>> No.8236639


>> No.8236674

Best Men in Tights cosplay.

>> No.8236679

Ive been to FanimeCon for the past 10 years and I have never seen this person or heard about it before. I go full weekends too. How did I miss?

>> No.8236692

Nah. East coast. They're everywhere aren't they? Lol
Yep. I thought it was unfair at the time too but it's just high school.
I had this creepy female "PhD" homeroom teach who always tried to level with me about my boobs before she sent me to the office to change. Bitch was a psycho.

>> No.8236705
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ew, her fucking gross teeth
Yuck, fuck

>> No.8236706

I don't know why but I always get irrationally angry when girls use their hair colour to pander to fetishists and when a girl with the same hair colour as me is using it as her sole defining feature.
Maybe because I'm an ugly ginger, I dunno. Maybe I'm 'just jelly' and if I were prettier I'd be doing the same.

>> No.8236709

It was later at night.
Closet lesbian I'm betting. She was probably starring at your tits more than the guys were.

>> No.8236715
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Thought so as well, but can't be sure these days.
>mfw the american trend of wearing pyjamas to school is showing up here as well
>mfw yoga pants
>mfw half-arsed (literally) shorts

>> No.8236720

If you have your tits out people are going to stare, and not only because they want to fuck you. Cover up or shut up.

>> No.8236732
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>> No.8236733

redneck trend
Only the kids coming of the poorest of communities would think its ok to wear pjs outside the bedroom.

>> No.8236744

>complaining about yoga pants and short shorts
Well, ok, if it is fat chicks it's gross, but if it is hot chicks it's a blessing to mankind.

>> No.8236745

Blending, why does no one blend!!

>> No.8236751

Sometimes I forget I'm not the only guy on /cgl/.

>> No.8236774

What...? Pros-aid, short for prosthetic-aid is used to hold on theatre prosthetics and the like.

>> No.8236785

Are you actually reading my comments or are you trying to start an argument? This isn't about me.

>> No.8236803
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>> No.8236815

Or the teacher was jealous. Female teachers often go crazy bitch when they start to feel inadequate

>> No.8236823

Poor communities are not just rednecks anon. Right next to a major city and it's like that here and yeah we're poor. But it's also popular with lazy and spoiled kids from the nicer suburbs nearby so. I think it's more of lazy thing

>> No.8236834

...what a cunt

>> No.8236845

Sounds like a bitch.

>> No.8236874

Not quite sure why you would expect to not be stared at when you go out in near nudity.
This is why I cant take my parents to fucking cons.

>> No.8236880


dem tiny titties

>> No.8236888
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how do you fuck up your eyeliner this badly

>> No.8236890

her nipples are going 2 completely different directions

>> No.8237013

I remember that! My friend was the small titted Yoko.

>> No.8237022

Anon, I was going to screencap that too, but I was too lazy. Thank you for pointing out what I was going too.

>> No.8237031

I live in an upscale white neighborhood near Stanford [In Palo Alto] in Menlo Park. I wear pajamas everywhere because I dont care to dress up outside of work on my only two days off. Mad, anon? Unless Im going out to eat at a nice restaurant, I am heading to the damn store to do shopping in pajamas and a hoodie and some Uggs.

>> No.8237036

I want to see a picture of it though. Show!

>> No.8237042

money can't buy class

>> No.8237046
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You're a disgrace to us fancy people.

>> No.8237047

Post your finds

>> No.8237048

I have class. I just don't care about dressing up for people I don't know just to go shopping. Private school all my life, fancy parties all the time, work uniform.. Having the chance to chill twice a week? Fuck yeah Ill take it. If it bugs ya, then good. At least I can say Im not stuck up like the rest of the Standford Shopping Center bitches. Maybe thats why Im able to hold down a boyfriend unlike some of the girls from the college?

>> No.8237055
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>> No.8237056

>At least I can say Im not stuck up
Anon... I really hope you gain a sense of self-awareness. I'll pray for you.

>> No.8237058

Ill take this over poor as fuck lolitas trying to make themselves looks better in their shitty neighborhoods. Ratchet much? Especially with their crappy attitudes when they know they are no better than the ghetto they crawled out of.

>> No.8237063

If you lived around here, you would seriously understand what Im talking about as far as 'stuck up' goes. Most of these chicks come out the womb with a sense of entitlement already. Its rare to find people from this place who are actually grounded, but who have grown up to be nice people.

>> No.8237067

Putting on pants isn't dressing up.

>> No.8237073

wearing a skirt is as lazy as wearing pajamas.

>> No.8237076
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Probably not so risque today with all the Kill La Kill cosplayers out there, but I remember back in something like 2007 when I was 14 seeing an Angel cosplayer and thinking it was pretty out there.

>> No.8237087

I always wear a polo, jeans or slacks everytime I leave the house, even for classes. In fact, im confident that ~80%+ of all my clothing polos and nice bottoms. Im not rich. Its absurd to think people wont sterotype or treat you differently no matter what you wear. Not looking like a druggie, college student or redneck is EASY.

>> No.8237090

>tfw college student
>tfw when dressing like lazy college student in a college town

>> No.8237093

Not about being easy, its about comfort. Im in uptight attire most of the week. I want to go out shopping. Wear lazy clothes. Week feels so much better and less stressful because lazy those two days. Ah~ The feel of not caring what people think when Im out not wearing makeup, have my hair in a messy ponytail, pajama bottoms, hoodie, and uggs. Feels good, man. Feels good.

What I love the most is going shopping at high end stores and looking like this and then buying expensive things. Best feels.

>> No.8237103


Difference of opinions. Based on your situation I get your point. Im probably just desensitized to the discomfort of dressing well since I dont own any sweatpants or tshirts.

>> No.8237106

I dont look down on people who wear what they want to wear as long as they have proper underclothing attire. Meaning, for girls, a bra, if they need one. I don't care if they go underwearless. If you are working hard all the time, I dont see why you can't wear what you want when you have a chance. Even if it is out doing stuff like shopping or going to the movies. Kudos for the people who don't care what others think. Its really hard for people to bypass that thinking and the ones who do it, good job. That confidence OP.

>> No.8237109

Exactly, but a skirt is meant for being out in public. Unlike pajama pants.

>> No.8237120

So is that stuff just gluing her labia and asscheeks shut or did she only walk from the knees down for the entire weekend?

>> No.8237137

What a fucking cunt.
hope she gets whats coming to her and all "fake cosplaying" whores.

>> No.8237152

I'd personally say a skirt is a lot more troublesome than pajamas, Especially because of leg shaving or matching it with the rest of your clothes or shoes, I always have to stick on a pair of heels or boots if I wear a skirt but with pajamas it's just wear anything you want and be done.

>> No.8237160

This is why I prefer pajamas over skirts.

>> No.8237161

>going on about fat chicks
>not even skinny herself
ok then

>> No.8237166

Is it really that difficult to put jeans on? Literally the only reason is laziness.

>> No.8237169
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>white trash gets a taste of attention and becomes full of herself
She must have been pretty starved of it all her life judging from her greasy hair, harpy nose, and shit personality.

>> No.8237184

Maybe I dont feel like wearing jeans? I dont see why my fashion sense on days off should bother you? Sorry you so rustled.

>> No.8237190

Sometimes I think /r9k/ have a point. Some of these girls really do deserve to be "shamed".

>> No.8237194
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Dragon*Con 2015

>> No.8237197

It's their personalities that put the icing on the shitcake.
Women have been dressing slutty and acting slutty for centuries. What differentiates them is how unashamed, arrogant, and distasteful some get when they get their five minutes in the spotlight. It really shows how pathetic some humans are.

>> No.8237204

>Women have been dressing slutty and acting slutty for centuries.

Yeah, and like sexual "art" it was kept in certain areas of town, out of what they would have called "mainstream" society.

We now have a world where girls, usually white girls, grow up thinking that "sex work" is a real "profession".

>> No.8237212
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>> No.8237214
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It wasn't this chick was it OP? Cause she's not overly lewd and she is cosplaying from Sorceress Hunters.

>> No.8237217

Literally a fetish outfit, lol. What a fucking whore.

>> No.8237225
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>> No.8237235

....do you mean 2014?

>> No.8237237


Yeah, cosplay has so many unpleasant people in it. So much unwarranted arrogance and general nastyness.

This is what you get from a social scene composed almost entirely of the unpopular, mousy, average chicks from high school I guess.

>> No.8237241

baito desu

>> No.8237240

Does anyone have anymore of this cosplay? It looks really well done.

>> No.8237244
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>> No.8237246

But that's what it is, it literally is fetishwear....

Are you the kind of person who thinks porn is "art"? lol.

>> No.8237254

Its from sorceress hunters. : / Blame the people who created the series.

>> No.8237258

Yeah, she just happened to pick that series and character totally randomly and totally without refernece to the fact it looks like fetish wear, lul.

>> No.8237285
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Ha... I just saw that. Yeah, 2014.


I have a few more of her Satsuki.

>> No.8237299

People do this where in the area I work in all the time, including walking around in their slippers (yes it's a shitty low-income region). Last summer the teens even thought it was cool to walk around drinking from liter bottles of soda.

>> No.8237308


This bums me out though. I have a lot of love for Kill la Kill. Is it acceptable to alter the designs to be less revealing.

Like full brief and breast cover and a dancers stocking? Not 100% accurate, but with the coverage of a swimsuit.

>> No.8237317

Thats what the character wears. Maybe actually watch the series. She IS a fetish character. Idiots up in here.

>> No.8237324

It'd look weird and possibly blocky, but no one will blame you for it.

Sushio designed the kamuis to challenge cosplayers anyway.

>> No.8237328

that hair is fucking disgusting

>> No.8237329

This is exactly my point.

>"Omg you guys! It's not our fault cosplay resembles hooker-wear! That's just how the characters are designed!"
>Proceeds to alternate between Yoko, Nudist Beach Nonon and a literal fetish/BDSM wear character

The point is why she chose that particular character. Don't try to hide behind the character as if the fact she looks like a whore is irrelevant to the reason she was picked.

If she wore an elaborate sloped-shoulder dress with long, open sleeves - I don't think she would have picked her.

>> No.8237330

You mean designed them to see cosplayers almost naked?

>> No.8237336

You're gonna get shitposted here if you do, that's for sure.

>> No.8237337

Probably likes the character. I personally like her too. She's fucking nuts which makes her so likeable. Nowhere near really being revealing though. Not as bad as most Kill la Kill cosplayers even.

>> No.8237342


This. There are PLENTY of characters that don't look like hookers and pornstars. Look at the Atelier series for example. You're just not interested in cosplaying them because you're not going to get stared at and hit on by Chad in that and it won't scratch the desire you have to be an exhibitionist.

>> No.8237344

>Probably likes the character.

No shit she "likes" her. seagulls "like" any character dressed like a whore, regardless of having seen the show or played the game.

>> No.8237347

She actually made the character less revealing. She changed the outfit to cover more skin and even added fishnets.

>> No.8237350 [DELETED] 

Wow. I bet her dad was super proud of her for making a more family-friendly hooker uniform.

She sounds really responsible too. Does she make all the niggers who she fucks wear condoms?

>> No.8237356

I dont understand how you guys are so salty over cosplays that are revealing, but still, under law and some convention rules, okay to wear. She was even modest enough to wear a coat unless someone wanted a photo.

Salty cunts everywhere. If you got the body for it, then sure as hell don't see why you can't cosplay it.

>> No.8237358

>Salty cunts everywhere. If you got the body for it, then sure as hell don't see why you can't cosplay it.

No one is disputing your right, just your obviously bullshit ostensible motivations for doing so.

>> No.8237461

If only there was a truly salty cunt, I WOULD LICK THAT SHIT SO HARD

>> No.8237481

No one's forcing anyone to cosplay the kamui transformations.
Sushio just wanted to see if anyone would actually do it.

>> No.8237487


>> No.8237488


>> No.8237499

so it would be okay if someone straight up admitted that it feels good to be sexy and get attention?

it seems to me like guys like to, and even demand to, see naked women but then hate those said women for choosing to be naked because they're "attention whores"

sorry but.... attention feels great and anyone who pretends otherwise is lying. so the fact that so many women are hated for wanting something thats so natural to want is just bullshit

i mean why does anyone cosplay at all? to be recognized.

>> No.8237537

Slow down there plenty of people don't like attention. There's nothing wrong with either as long as you aren't an ass abput it but people who don't like attention exist.

>> No.8237564

Not all people do it for recognition or attention. I like cosplay for the fact I can dress up, as I enjoy for me, yet stand out Less. Cause everyone else is dressed up as princess hooker X.
stop pretending that your own motivations and feelings represent everyone else.

Funny that I only like characters that don't dress like street walkers. Just maybe, Maybe the characters someone likes says something about the type of person they are? But who knows, I might be wrong.

>> No.8237583

Not sure. Again, it was like around 10 years ago, I don't recall all the details. I don't remember her hair being bright red, either. Regardless of if it's from an anime, it doesn't mean you should wear it. In fact a lot of the time it means you shouldn't.

>> No.8237599

>implying everyone likes attention
>implying the only kinds of attention are looks oriented
Would it surprise you if I said that getting attention for my body embarrasses me, but getting attention for a scholarship I won for academic achievement makes me feel good? Not everyone is interested in being a neckbeard's fap fodder.

>> No.8237605

Sushio's a funny guy who likes to joke around, but he DID say verbatim at the AX panel last year that he designed the costumes the way he did because he wanted to see sexy cosplayers, right before the crossdressing fat bearded Ryuko and man-Nui came up to ask questions.

>> No.8237615

Holy shit I remember that lady. I remember seeing pictures online but forgot who took them, maybe EBK.

>> No.8237619

>can I take a picture of the back of your costume
God bless that man.

>> No.8237625

>maybe EBK
Maybe? What do you mean "maybe"? You saying there are women in revealing clothes that EBK HASN'T taken pictures of?

>> No.8237637

holy shit, what a stuck-up bitch.

>> No.8237639

>tfw lesbian

>> No.8237648

...Wait, AM I the only guy on /cgl/?

>> No.8237654

Of course.

>> No.8237664
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>> No.8237673
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>> No.8237675
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>> No.8237682
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>climb those stares

>> No.8237691

>look at how rich mommy and daddy are :)
>i can wear what i want because being rich is so exhausting :)
>i can look like a slob and still use daddy's credit card to buy expensive things :)
>look at how much money I have guys

>> No.8237706


> money can't buy class: the post

>> No.8237707

>mfw my area code is 650
Honey, I know. My point is that you're still stuck up as fuck and you don't seem to realize it. At all.

>> No.8237722

It's ok Anon. Some of us wear full lolita out shopping so we can see how things look with it. Not all of us are frumpy bitches. She's also likely to be all butthurt when she's treated less than fabulous because she looks like a hungover sorority girl after hard a party night.

>> No.8237801

I know people are giving you shit but I honestly feel the same way, at least about feeling so burnt out from the other shit going on in my life that on days when I don't have to dress well, I fucking won't.
>grad student, clothing retail, dates with the bf, interviews, comm meetups
Yeah, on my day off I'm wearing black sweats and a hoodie or a pullover. Sometimes I even say fuck it for my classes too. Since I'm getting more and more broke for makeup I wear that a lot less often as well unless it's for a special occasion.
I'm just at a complicated stage in my life, and it's sad that people are quick to label me "lazy" "stuck up" or "frumpy" because I want to relax and not have to worry on the days where I'm not forced to.

>> No.8237827

>when I was 14 seeing an Angel cosplayer and thinking it was pretty out there.

The fact that there are people out there cosplaying SMT back in 2007 impresses me more than anything, that means some girl out there was hardcore enough to actually finish Nocturne

>> No.8237866

Just makes you a slag tbh
>inb4 muh double standards!
Guys wearing shorts and going topless is just as disgusting

>> No.8237882

I won't say get away with, but I saw ugly old Dany at SDCC before she had to change.

>> No.8237900

>fuckboy comes to fap thread

>> No.8237906

I saw the small pic and was like ok this might not be so--OH DEAR GOD WHY.

>> No.8237907

Sweats/trackies are actual trousers though. Pyjamas are not. You don't have to look fancy, so long as you're wearing clothes meant to be worn outside, as in trousers and a tee and jacket if it's cold.

>> No.8237913


she's fat though....

>> No.8237937


>jealous midwestern fatty: the post

>> No.8237971

she sure is soaking in the attention. with her body she must not get a lot of it.

>> No.8238209


>Spoiled classless NoCal bitches reminding everyone why why SoCal will always be the superior Cal: The Awakening: The Return

>> No.8238244

I wore camisoles as shirts back in high school all the time and so did everyone else. Then again, I went to school in toasty inland Southern California and it was pretty much an unspoken rule that as long as your naughty bits were covered you could wear whatever you wanted on those hot spring days. There was a dress code but it wasn't enforced at all.

>> No.8238249

>calls anon fat even though there's no where she hinted at her weight or even her looks
Stay retarded bimbo.

>> No.8238264

Thanks, anon. Glad someone sees it my way. I really don't care about appearances. Even being in a rich town. Its the last thing I care about. I will still wear pajamas all day.

>> No.8238266

Good ol' /cgl/. I made a thread about something, it devolves into bitterness and shit-slinging.

>> No.8238272

welcome to /cgl/

>> No.8238327

Angels aren't far into the game, so they might not have finished it. That's assuming she didn't see a picture of it and think that it's a great way to show her body off to some "virgin nerds".

>> No.8238331

but also i hate the pjs outside trend that's been spreading near Stanford.

>> No.8238333

fap threads always turn into shit storms and you know it
you should just fuck off back to anon-ib or wherever you came from

>> No.8238335

Palo Alto isn't really much of a college town cuz it's near Silicon Valley so all the cafes and stuff are packed with venture capitalists doing investments and other business deals, and Facebook, Yahoo, Google, Oracle, etc. employees.

In fact, everyone at Starbucks is guaranteed to be working on their laptop, not just taking a break. During lunch, every restaurant is packed with people in suits (came from work).

>> No.8238342

I wear PJ's to walmart and the gas station here. Many other people do it as well. Now that I moved, I'm a little more conscious about it.

I thought it was a redneck/poor person thing too.

>> No.8238371

It wasn't meant to be a fap thread though. I just like stories.

Also home-grown right here. Why would someone on anon-ib come HERE for porn?

>> No.8238375

Also... I'm sure girls often dress for the attention however...

I can believe that sometimes a girl truly dresses as a character simply because they like them regardless of how skimpy their outfit is.

I love Etna, her outfit is however very skimpy. I also like the goddess forms in Hyper dimension Neptunia. If I had a group and an unusually short male friend, I'd love to dress up as one of the maid persocoms from Chobits. I like all the girls from World Zvezda Plot and their outfits are very revealing for young girls... as a grown women, I could not get away wearing Natasha's outfit.

There is more but those just came to mind. I'd like to cosplay any one of them. I like the character.

>> No.8238390

cgl is always complaining about those demin leg snakes, always saying they're the reason why their wardrobe is almost all skirts, and you ask this?

When it's a weekend, you got some centimeter-long hairs growing on your legs, and it's cold out, fuck it people will dress down.

I support you anon. I am a poorfag and do not live near a fancy rich smart school and therefore am not judged for being outside in PJs by sandy bitches but I'm sorry you are.

>> No.8238391

Yeah sure. You're free to admit that and do it. But it just confirms what I originally said about cosplayers.

>> No.8238403

>dem delicious tiny titties

>> No.8238410

Look how comfortable and fly that smaller one is, and I bet 98% of 4chan couldn't pull that off.

>> No.8238416

if this were real why is nobody paying attention

>> No.8238420

they're scared of coming across as creeps

>> No.8238501

At least you're honest.

>> No.8238517

I agree with you,don't listen to them because they'll just pick apart whatever you say.keep on being comfy.

>> No.8238526

Is that Gina B?

>> No.8238544

jelly as fuck

>> No.8238559

so the men barely noticed all the text?

>> No.8238567

how is sex work not a real profession? it makes money

>> No.8238576

The people yelling at the girl who cosplayed Tira Misu from Sorceror Hunters...
She was my favorite character in the series, too. Would I cosplay her? Maybe. If I had the bod.

Are you really that mad someone who wanted men to look at them got men to look at them? Look inside yourself.

>> No.8238578

You know he's an idiot when he tries to call the oldest profession "not a profession."

>> No.8238583
File: 143 KB, 804x768, 1305046743937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously. Any girl who puts on a skimpy costume knows what she's doing.
/cgl/ has too many jealous fatties who get bum bothered when a girl hotter than they are pulls off a costume they wanted to do better than they ever could.
That said, seen any good Chocolate costumes?

>> No.8238599

There's a lot more to being sexy than being naked.

>> No.8238603
File: 265 KB, 1568x1043, sneer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Un-erotic sexy is best sexy, its true.

>> No.8238605

>usually white girls
I hate to burst your little tumblr bubble there, but I can guarantee you every color of the rainbow is in on the sex trade. If you have a vagina, you can make money by offering it up regardless of your skin color.

>> No.8238612


Unfortunately, no. Most of them were in the 'I don't have to wear a wig' days when the show was more relevant. There's a few OK ones from the Anime on WorldCosplay, tho.

>> No.8238666

>boots and gloves intended to keep the body warm
I'm actually more annoyed at the shitty character design than at the porn model wannabe cosplaying it.

You do realize that being practically naked in public is one of the most common nightmares out there, right? If you want to show off your asscheeks to strangers fine, but please realize you really are in the minority.

Idk man if I haven't shaved my legs and it's cold out that just means it's time to layer tights. Much more toasty than pajama pants and nobody will think I'm hungover or mentally ill.
Seriously though, I might not like my neighbourhood but at least people dress appropriately when they leave the house. The only person wearing pajamas outside is the perpetually drunk homeless man shouting obscenities at passerby's.

>> No.8238980
File: 656 KB, 500x250, tumblr_ma9k3csGXU1rp2c4eo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peeps gotta respect themselves when they leave the house, even if its just to get ice cream or toilet paper.

>> No.8238989

>it makes money
Guess dropping off newspapers is a profession too?

>> No.8239035

wow, exact same situation happened at an aussie con I attend. it's always fucking yokos.

>> No.8239098


Also, sex work is far from respected or accepted today, but it's a real profession regardless of what you think of it.

>> No.8239115

>delicious tiny titties

well yeah, "delicious" was implied. and holy shit do they ever look delicious

>> No.8239116

Not really, nothing really sags and no fat belly. She's just not /fit/.

>> No.8239137

>but it's a real profession
I guess I hadn't realized it takes some specialized training or education to suck cock, shake tits, and spread legs.

I know it's a adage, but there's really nothing professional about being a whore. It just makes me laugh to see it compared to professions that actually do require further education, training, or skill.

>> No.8239142

>Don't hit on me, silly girls!~~

>> No.8239150

>sex takes no skill
You never fucked the human version of a dead fish, huh?

Washing windows is a profession, sweeping the streets is a profession, collecting garbage is a profession, sex worker is a profession. And it is nothing wrong working as a prostitute, as long as it is done from free will.

>> No.8239151

dick or gtfo

>> No.8239163

I bet there are better and worse whores though. Some experience and expertise must come into it. Aside from the sex itself its probably nice to be a good judge of character for spotting clients that wont give you trouble. And in all the police-states where prostitution is illegal, you'd need skills on how to break the law and being a good criminal.

I bet there's a lot a prostitute could teach you, anon. You should visit one sometimes!

>> No.8239168

No, I'm come here once in a blue moon to find something nice to look at.

>> No.8239170

>sex takes no skill
You know it really doesn't, unless you're into that acrobatic bullshit. There's nothing skillful or glamorous about a hooker getting doggy styled in a back alley for a $50 and a benny.
There's also no real skill in being a camwhore, either.

>being a window washer
Are you seriously comparing this to whoring?
People risk their lives to go up in high buildings. it requires educational safety training.
>sweeping the streets
As someone living in a first world country we don't have humans doing this unless it's volunteer or done by inmates. This is typically automated. But again, also not a profession.
Yet still more labor intensive than being a whore with a better communal outcome for everyone.
>collecting garbage
You need training to drive the truck and also be educated in safety, since people have been killed by those trucks.

Sex work requires nothing. No skill, no training, no education.
Ask a third world prostitute who's never heard of birth control, never seen a porno, but still has to sell herself for a dollar because that's the best she can do.

>> No.8239173

Haha, are you femanons still pushing this "sex work" shit?

I wish I could beat the ever loving shit out of a skimpy cosplayer. I would put a child in her womb and make her carry it to term.

>> No.8239181

>all this vitriol
Is the concept of a skillfull prostitute so alien to your thick skull?

>> No.8239185

Go tell your dad being a prostitute is a respectable "profession".

Yeah, yeah, I know...

>implying she has a dad

>> No.8239194

I will never understand the fetish of abuse. Did you get bullied as a child? Are you a sociopath?

You're supposed to love your partner. Be the gentleness for them that the world is missing.

>> No.8239195

What's vitriolic about informing you the difference between professions with skill and sex work that doesn't require skill?
Your argument is that all sex work is skilled work. That has be proven wrong.

What you're actually demonstrating is that some sex workers become experienced about sex over time. But fundamentally, anyone can fuck, suck, and sell their titties with no education, skill, or training.

>> No.8239199

>You're supposed to love your partner. Be the gentleness for them that the world is missing.

I hate girls who cosplay, play video games and watch anime. Sadism towards them gets me off.

>> No.8239208

>implying she
>implying a grown adult can't form their own opinions and values that's not hinged on his or her parents
Unlike you, I'm the fucking zen master when it comes to sex and sexuality. As long as everything is safe, sane, and consensual, I see nothing wrong with sex as a profession. Basically it's just a service transaction between two consenting adults.
>Your argument is that all sex work is skilled work.
No, I said it is a profession. Your definition of a profession is that it requires an education. For me, profession is the same as a job.
>That has be proven wrong.
No, you have stated your opinions. You haven't posted any links to independently peer reviewed papers, so you haven't proven anything.
>But fundamentally, anyone can fuck, suck, and sell their titties with no education, skill, or training.
Safe sex education, safety training (if it is performed in a brothel (guards, panic button), pole dancing, seduction, lap dancing, convincing performance, etc etc.

When I listed the other professions you "proved" me wrong by stating what some of them do (skyscraper window washers for example, like it is the only exampel out there. But there are also window washers who work on ground level). I'm basically using your own argument when I stated my list. Some prostiutes just do a quick fuck around the corner for crack, while another could work at a brothel where the expectations of the sex worker is completely different from that of a smacked up, pimped out street hooker.

>> No.8239212

>said it is a profession
>profession is the same as a job
By definition you are incorrect
>a type of job that requires special education, training, or skill

So, no, it's not "any job."
If that were true then you could argue cashiering is a professional job despite it being composed of mostly unskilled laborers.

>Safe sex education
This isn't required by sex workers.
>safety training
Not required.
>pole dancing
Definitely not required.
Lol WAT. What will you list next? Smiling?
>lap dancing
Not required.
Maybe, but don't some sex workers legitimately enjoy being sex workers? Why is everything performative?

>> No.8239216

>Safe sex education, safety training (if it is performed in a brothel (guards, panic button), pole dancing, seduction, lap dancing, convincing performance, etc etc.

Are you trying to say every sex worker does this? Because they don't.
What you're saying is some sex workers are more skilled than others. Sex work on the basic level isn't professional and therefore is not a profession unless a distinction is made.
Ex. A camwhoring is not skilled work whereas a porn actress requires skill.
A pole dancer is a trained professional whereas most escorts don't require training.

I find the argument about education to be weak.
Most normalfags are educated on the high school level about sex education and nobody says they've gained a sex worker's skill.

>> No.8239221

>By definition you are incorrect
By your definition I am correct, after I listed perfectly legitimate trained skills that you dismiss because it is too inconvenient for your argument. So cool, judging by that reaction there is no point to continue.

>> No.8239222

So why are you here? To fap?

I mean, it's kind of silly. Try finding a nice girl who likes watching regular t.v. shows and shopping at forever 21 and stuff.

>> No.8239230

>perfectly legitimate trained skills
But you're implying all sex workers have these and it is required of them to have these skills to be sex workers.
That's not true. Therefore it is not a profession. There's nothing professional about a basic human function that so happens to be sold out for money.

>> No.8239241

>I mean, it's kind of silly. Try finding a nice girl who likes watching regular t.v. shows and shopping at forever 21 and stuff.

I have, I still want to hurt cosplayers.

>> No.8239251

Why? I mean, what caused this hate? Where did this come from?

>> No.8239255

Could you wake up tomorrow and be a doctor? No.
How about a policewoman? No.
How about a teacher? No.

How about a cashier? Yes.
How about a delivery person? Yes.
How about a camwhore? Yes.
How about a hooker? Yes.
Don't mean to shit on service jobs, because like prostitution they are wanted, but they're not professions. You could pick them up tomorrow without any real skill or much training.

>> No.8239257

You just represent everything I hate. You're promiscuous, you look down on awkward men, you're arrogant, you hold stupid, destructive, liberal views on society and sexuality, a good portion of you are involved in "sex work" and so on.

>> No.8239264

If I were you, I'd just cosplay Ryuuko in her untransformed outfit
It's cuter anyway IMO

>> No.8239269
File: 17 KB, 300x204, Obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol ok there bud, don't cut yourself on all that edge

>> No.8239270

Be responsible for yourself and get therapy. Your problem is you dwell too much on the opinions of what others have of you.

As someone who is equally amused by whores trying to justify sex work as a "profession" there's no reason to really hurt people because they happen to be stupid or too liberal for you.

>> No.8239309
File: 45 KB, 450x714, gateau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sorcerer hunters
>gateau's "look at meeeee"

>> No.8239454

Maybe she has no tits?

>> No.8239471

I respect myself by not caring too much about what other people think.

People who put way too much stock in other's dress kinda creep me out.

>> No.8239492
File: 624 KB, 800x1204, Menace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hoping this would be a thread about crazy risque cosplays seen at cons and not people getting their jimmies rustled because some girl wants people to check out her hot bod.

>> No.8239493

wen u bum dat flat and u decide to show it off neways

>> No.8239512

>pj chan defends her(?)self forever: the thread

>> No.8239837

honestly I think this is Katie Hopkins every time I see it

>> No.8239840

Pj person here. Ive been at work for the past 12hrs. Kthx

>> No.8239844

I honestly can't wrap my head around why people make such a big deal out of these girls dressing in a skimpy cosplay. So they're confident with their bodies? Most of them look really good, honestly. I mean, it's one thing to insist some smelly unshaved hambeast should cover up because that shits disgusting, but what's wrong with attractive people being attractive and enjoying it? It's their body, if they want to objectify and sexualize themselves, more power to them. I don't mean for this to sound argumentative, I guess I was raised to just be okay with the human body and I think the fear of nudity is really stupid.

>> No.8239970

While I share the same idea, ide like to point out that there is a time and place for everything. Like some anons mentioned, although people are free to choose how they dress, it is absolutely unacceptable to dress near nude at family friendly specific cons or events; which some have done.

>> No.8239986

Actually the image shows that men didn't pay as much attention to anything in the image. The women paid more attention to the woman's body, but also spent time reading the text. It looks like the men focused on the woman's face the most.

>> No.8239987


Bitch... she is fat. Look at those thighs. And she's sucking in so hard it's a miracle she can breathe at all.

>> No.8239988
File: 100 KB, 800x600, humpback-breaching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8239989

aaaaargh buck teeth

>> No.8240013
File: 34 KB, 400x400, McKennaDollFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I was gonna say.
She looks like one of those American Girl dolls.

>> No.8240473
File: 319 KB, 960x1280, nightwing catcalled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8240925

whelp. now i know what i'm rereading. thanks.

>> No.8240935

I wonder if it's hard to take off to potty.

>> No.8240942

Given it's probably glued in place, I'd imagine once it's on, it's on. If she has to go, it can probably be removed without much problem, but she'd have to go through cleaning and prep to make sure the reapplication of it sticks.

>> No.8240946

Plenty of people I know have cosplayed from Bakuretsu Hunters because they liked the series. It purposely had fetish wear in their designs.

Honestly, a number of cosplayers who pulled revealing shit years ago didn't have the same shitty ass pandering attitude that a majority of coswhores do now. You're comparing her cosplay choice, which she did an accurate job on, than to some bikini-clad closet cosplay bitch looking for likes and funds.

>> No.8240955


>wearing kamui Ryuko, fresh out the hotel room, looking fly as fuck
>step in the elevator with two dudebros
>one of them says "you know there's kids down there right"
>pull my panties outwards and snap them on my thigh
>"too bad"

>> No.8240957

you know you've gone too far when the dudebros are like think of the children and not dayamn girl lemme hit that

>> No.8240959

Several gallons of ice cream too far.

>> No.8240964

I hate the "think of the children" shit
there's all sorts of sex and violence on TV

I've seen worse shit at the beach too as a kid.
as a child I saw a guy in a thong speedo and was like "hahahaha butts, mom that guy's butt is showing what a loser"

saw a girl with her top off to suntan and shrugged that shit off.

what the fuck are people afraid of, its not like you're walking around naked.

>> No.8240965

Consider that large conventions are usually held in large cities with convention centers and hotels. Very urban, modern environments.
Most of these cities have relaxed public nudity laws in the last few decades.
As in, right outside the convention center you could be completely buck fucking naked and nobody can do shit about it.

>> No.8240968
File: 42 KB, 400x366, 68a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8240974

Oh God, I missed this
>look down on awkward men
>stupid, destructive, liberal views
>"sex work"
god I'm imagining this fucking angry nun hunched over a 1990's compy running Win 95

>> No.8240983

As someone who's worked as a stripper, you see a massive difference between casual girls who are there because it's easy money (same girls who'll complain that they've not made $200 after 8hours while getting so drunk they hardly have the motor function to unhook their bras) and those who are there seriously, working their asses off and making top dollar (a bad night for me was under $500). The girls with the more professional mindset had strong hustle games, knew how to move on stage/ how to do pole tricks and generally were sober at work. These same girls were the core of the club over the 3 years I was there. Flunky girls generally lasted 2-6months before getting fired or disappearing. I worked 3 nights a week and while I was essentially a con artist, it was hard work being someone else entirely for 9-14 hours at a time, Yes I'd say I was professional but then again, no one's going to take you seriously if you tell them that you were a stripper with excellent work ethic because no one takes strippers seriously in the first place.

>> No.8240991

you made as much in 3 nights as I do in 10 days


>> No.8241003

Comparing any occupation to another is always going to be apples and oranges. The entertainment industry is always going to require work to survive in, no matter in what field.

I assume that the previous anon was talking that being a whore, down to its primal roots, requires little to no training. Truthfully, it doesn't, especially when looking back in history. I also assume that being a stripper entails that you're dancing and not simply taking someone out back and fucking them using little to no brain usage.

I wouldn't mix being a stripper with being a whore. You can be a stripper without being one, or you can be a whore who works as a stripper. One doesn't necessarily have to exist without the other.

>> No.8241004

>strong hustle game
>showing up to work sober
>doing pole tricks in segments
>"See? I have great work ethic that should be taken more seriously."
Lol. Just as a tip it's generally required of most jobs to show up sober. I think that's just granted.

>> No.8241011

It is an emotionally draining and physically taxing job. I often had missing toenails, spent about 5 months with horrible bruises from learning pole tricks and my sleep was so messed up that even on off days I was lucky to get more than 5 hours sleep. I wouldn't trade my experiences for the world an am who I am today in part due to how much I grew emotionally while dancing but I did see a lot of girls essentially trading their souls for money.
People lump them together so often (the amount of times a night I'd get propositioned for sex in what was known to be a clean club was astonishing at first). As for the dancing thing, yeah, there were girls who could hardly move who still mad money but if you were a hit on stage, you were going to sell VIP and champagne so much easier. I'm glad that someone here gets the difference, I could never be a hooker and have kicked guys in the balls for trying to lick my tits before. There's a difference between being a tease and giving it all, no disrespect for whores but it's just not my thing.
It's also not required at most jobs to put up with the bullshit that strippers do. Also, stage spots are about 12-15 minutes, dancing constantly for that long to a degree that some of us would (I went all out, on a busy night $80 in stage tips weren't unheard of), requires a decent level of physical fitness. I don't know why I'm trying to explain to someone who is obviously biased against stripping. The constant hustling is what gets you more though, I've seen more than a handful of girls cry because they can't sell VIP despite being on the top of their game.

>> No.8241019

>It's also not required at most jobs to put up with the bullshit that strippers do.
What, getting fondled by gross men and putting up with customer bullshit while dealing with demanding bosses? You'd be surprised to know that happens in a lot of jobs where women work.
>"I have to dance for 12-15 minutes"
And some people have to be on their feet performing tasks for their whole 8 hour shifts excluding breaks and a lunch. This doesn't make you professional.
>not to mention physical fitness
Doesn't mean you won't be hired if you're not. Unless you mean competitive pole dancing, but those people go far beyond just being strippers.
There are joints with fat, old strippers. You're talking about fitness like it will make or break landing you a job when there's houses for pretty much anyone.
>girls cry when they can't sell
So do marketers and other people who rely on sales based incomes.
>I don't know why I'm trying to explain to someone who is obviously biased against stripping.
Because like every narcissistic ho in the world, you can't handle the fact that not everyone respects your job and sees it for the shitshow it is instead of a "profession." Like fuck if anyone has to sit around and hear you address it as a professional career path next to medicine or education.

>> No.8241030

>comparing old women and fatasses at Taco Bell and dumpy strippers at dive bars to strippers that make top dollar
Holy SHIT are you deluded.

>> No.8241037

Because they're all strippers.
Come back when you have to finish a 4 year degree or learn some specific skills for your job. And no, twirling on a pole and shaking your ass aren't real skills like carpentry or welding.

>> No.8241039

If they aren't going to understand they aren't going to understand. It's not worth your effort trying to convince these people to see a wider world view.

>> No.8241060

>still not accepting the fact that to become a stripper doesn't mean it's necessary to meet any physical requirements or skills
Know what else follows your logic?
>comparing retarded Wal Mart cashiers to cashiers who work at mother fuckin' Bloomingdale's!
At the end of the day you're still a fucking cashier, despite how "good" you are at cashiering. You didn't need a skill to begin and getting better at it doesn't mean you're not a product of unskilled labor. Same with stripping, same with whoring.

>to see a wider world view
Actually it is the wider world view that stripping isn't professional, so. It's not another person's problem that you're deluded and insecure about it. It's sad that you're not comfortable with being a stripper unless others acknowledge you as some skillful peer, maybe you picked the wrong job.

>> No.8241109

Stuck up much
Doesn't matter how elegantly you try to shove the specifics around, you're dripping arrogance and truly, ho jobs don't compare to going to university for 4 years, with hard work and real meaning and goals to get a decent job and have a comfortable life. Good luck growing out of the ho phase and settling down, maybe having a family, go to parents reunions all while who knows how many people know what your asshole looks like and how you shake it

>> No.8241121

I cannot even begin to fathom how fucking butthurt you sound right now.

>> No.8241129

Yeah because the whore trying to idealize stripping for the past 50 replies to strangers who aren't going to change their mind isn't asshurt in the least, right?

>> No.8241134

Lel no m8 I'm quite happy only one person knows my asshole

>> No.8241149

lol, /r9k/

>> No.8241732
File: 70 KB, 400x533, 1323364865363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, remember when this thread was about a topic that wasn't strippers trying to justify their "professions" and neckbeards sperging out at them about how they're whores for not sleeping with them? Yeah, good times.

>> No.8241746
File: 9 KB, 227x222, sh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember sorcerer hunters. I don't believe I read that manga back in the day....

>> No.8241757
File: 81 KB, 800x800, 67e6f45fe14d0b808de63800bde7d40d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to cosplay Meiko from kangoku gakuen but holy hell I would not fill out that outfit well

>> No.8241762


I can't understand the hate towards this girl and why so many women look down on strippers. It's a job. I rather have her working than sitting on the couch taking other people's money.

However, stripping is something I could never do. I am too shy about my body. I wanted to cosplay as Nadia once a very long time ago, but considered her outfit too revealing.

There was a point in my life where I worked 3 jobs plus went to school full time. This was all so I could pay for school and not have my parents worry about it. This was with scholarships.

I respect anyone who at least has a job. I really don't care what it is. As long as you are trying to support yourself and are not killing someone for the cash, I don't really care what the profession is.

>> No.8241781

Stuffing/pushup bra/those fake boobs that one guy uses.
Fuck off and make your own thread. You people are ruining this one with your retarded internet fights.

>> No.8241798

thats because you have self esteem and are secure with yourself enough as a person to not require constant external re-enforcement (ie. insecure attentionwhoring). requiring all the external attention is a red flag for someone with insecurity issues.

>> No.8241809


omg the girl on the left is incredible, more of her plz

>> No.8241944

What hot bod?

>> No.8241992
File: 2.75 MB, 3000x4000, tunameltchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tuna Melt Chan will ALWAYS be the champion

>> No.8242001
File: 58 KB, 960x936, 1413750059563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8242020

somebody post the dancing webm

>> No.8242026

Not anon but the point wasn't that white girls are the only prostitutes. The point is that it's usually western, (mostly white) prostitutes who think prostitution is a decent, legit profession that should be respected. That's why the term sex work was created. Don't be offended by the truth. No one else but middle class white women believe that shit.

>> No.8242034

whats wrong with their vagina...

>> No.8242054

nobody knows. its one of the many mysterious of life.

>> No.8242057

It's a tuck?

>> No.8242063


>> No.8242065

I do like how dedicated the designer was to including the stripes throughout the costume to justify the ancient Egyptian shimapan.

>> No.8242071

Do you work for Top Cow since the picture was taken behind the booth at Comic-con?

>> No.8242074

>cardboard skirt

>> No.8242081

If I were to cosplay Meiko, I'd be That Girl that rigged a system for ridiculous amounts of sweat.
Seriously one of the most notable features of that character.

>> No.8242088

I need no spoon.

>> No.8242407

Not gonna lie, I hate it when men don't wear shorts. Looks tacky on everyone, but eh to each their own

>> No.8242508

It bothers me so much how her boot covers don't reach up to the fringe. Would it be that hard to make it another two centimeters longer?

>> No.8242510

>with hard work and real meaning

What the fuck is hard work and real meaning? Most jobs are hard work that take some kind of toll on your body, the ones that take the most from someone are typically those that don't require a degree.

What is a job with REAL MEANING? Meaning for what? Do you just assume because a person is working a few days at a strip club they don't have real goals? I've seen just as many goalless saps in college as in McDonalds.

Why are you accusing her of being "stuck up" when she's just talking about the difficulties of her job? Why do you assume everyone values "settling down" or the opinions of family members?

Why are you concerned about who has seen your asshole? Would you be more comfortable if there was an asshole index? As in, you could look up someone's name online and see their asshole? Surely, with easy asshole access the viewing of asshole becomes less valuable thus less important!

>> No.8242522

>What the fuck is hard work and real meaning?

real meaning is "anything other than getting naked"

because if you get naked most are going to base the work you do around you getting naked. not the actual work you put into it. they'll just say "oh well all you have to do is sit around naked"

Pornstars are treated shittily, get beat, have to work for hours
Strippers can dance till their feet bleed
Camgirls can work until they puke or pass out
all three of these workers are degraded by their own customers, friends and family constantly.

but no one's going to mention that. they'll just say "well, all you have to do is show some tits"

>> No.8242565

Who is this spunk bunker?

>> No.8242618 [DELETED] 

i live in LAH and we laugh at you plebs that think palo alto is upscale

>> No.8242654

1. I've seen plenty of black, hispanic, asian and all kinds of ambiguously ethnic girls say the same shit. Stop acting like you're an expert on the topic.
2. Stay the fuck on the topic and post shit about revealing cosplay.

>> No.8242674

second this. sauce?

>> No.8242768

Says "wikichochos" on Twitter.

>> No.8243524

It's a job, not a profession. Until you see an actual sex work prep class call me.

>> No.8244649
File: 91 KB, 500x358, KLK concept art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always be a rebel and do something actually awesome with this overdone cosplay and use one of the myriad of scrapped concept designs for the Kamui transformation.

Maybe do something like this where only the midriff is exposed, or add some upwards protruding teeth to the waist.
Yeah, seagulls will be salty cunts about it, but if your construction is solid then I don't really see a reason to not get creative.

>> No.8245314

>Why those shoes?
Heels serve two purposes 1) it makes the buttocks appear larger and can show case the legs and 2) it makes people appear taller.

>> No.8245462
File: 548 KB, 980x963, 10084707a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Sorcerer Hunters but she looks nothing like Tira. I thought she was cosplaying from Rocky Horror or something at the first glance.

>> No.8246986

How easy is it to find and proceed to bang consluts?

I'm /fit/, good looking, and have a big wang.

>> No.8247096
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, sodisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This disgusts me every time it's posted. Which is pretty often. :<

I'm a 9/10 on the easy scale, anon.

>> No.8247569

Judging how you guys think so highly of yourselves and lowly of girls at cons, pretty much impossible unless you're into going to prison.