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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 75 KB, 816x612, di1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8234851 No.8234851 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is in autosage >>8228636

Now get in here faggots

Get in here and let's continue the autistic, elitist talks we always have

>> No.8234863

>>8233483 help pls
my friend has cow tits and she messed up my dress but idk how to fix it.

>> No.8234874

Continuing my question here, since I was a dummy and posted right before the thread saged, but I did get one good response that had some nice stuff on it, so here's to hoping for some more:
I wondered about this a bit ago and now the question has come back into my head: are there Japanese buy/sell/trade groups like there are in the west, or is it mostly just second hand sales via resellers/auction sites, since that's more available? I guess I'd just like to browse some direct b/s/t groups from Japan if they exist and would ship international, or would ask an SS if they wouldn't.

>> No.8235119

Tokyo Pirates just announced they're closing all services on April 20th all the way til August.

>> No.8235131

why though

>> No.8235137

What's the material? Couldn't you theoretically take it to a seamstress and ask her to resew the seams for you?

>> No.8235139

Take the seams in, if you sew them smaller they'll hide the popped stitches and torn fabric. Hope you're thin enough for that, cause I can't think of any other way to fix it.

>> No.8235145

I thought you meant Toyko Rebel for a good minute

>Too many Toykos not enough brain

>> No.8235172

Not sure? They were on hiatus for a while, and their Facebook says one of them is leaving Japan soon. It might just be too much for one person. Or some other personal stuff might be going on, idk.

>> No.8235180

The friend that was helping is leaving Japan, so she's probably using the time to find another job that gives her more spare time? Or maybe there will be a new friend visiting that she's going to rope into helping her.

>> No.8235250

Damn. Are there any other reputable in-store SS in the Tokyo area now? Seems like Tokyo Pirates was the last one standing.

>> No.8235360

Tenshi Shop?

>> No.8235390


Yes, they will, and I have, but I haven't had the second invoice arrive before the first. I think you should email them directly, quote both order numbers and check that they haven't missed your earlier order.

On my orders, the ordinary one (was just a bunch of things) shipped fine, combining was ok too. The other combined order was Strahov and the second and third orders were just the pouches, which I never got. I assumed they were sold out, since they were sold out by the time I got my invoice. Now that I think about it, though, they might have missed my extra orders (but it's already sold out, what can I do)

>> No.8235404

Chibi Tenshi is from (near?) Sendai.

>> No.8235546

From her FAQ:

"Please be aware that I do no live in or near the Tokyo Metropolitan area.
I therefore cannot provide services for Tokyo-only special items, or in-store shopping at Tokyo only shops such as Closet Child.

From time to time I do travel to Tokyo.

During this time I am willing to shop along my planned route.
Watch the News section for posts about when I am shopping in Tokyo."

So you're not completely wrong but she's not a reliable source for Tokyo shopping.

>> No.8235558


I've only just moved to Tokyo last week on a student visa, and I would love to become a SS for people. However my Japanese level is pretty low, so I've yet to learn how to post parcels. Also my classes are in the morning Mon-Fri so I would only be able to go to Closet Child for urgent visits after 1.15pm. I'll be living about 10 mins on the JR line from Shinjuku, with Shibuya & Harajuku only a train change and a couple of stops away. I'm pretty confident at getting to Shibuya 109 and Marui Annex in Shinjuku but I have yet to go to Harajuku.

Any pointers I should know before becoming a SS, or should I not bother?

>> No.8235577

Honestly, as someone who SS'd a bit a couple of years back, it's not worth it unless you really love going to releases, have a lot of free time, and are hard up for cash/unable to get another part-time job. You spend a lot of time and effort to make very little money (unless you do a lot of quantity/rope your friends in to help you, etc.), have to deal with people getting upset and/or whiny all the time, and are expected to check your email and messages 24/7.
For example, assuming you are able to buy two main pieces/sets (~350k-500k/set) from AP with a fairly regular commission (let's say 10%), you will make 7k-10k. That might seem great, but here are a few things to consider:
1. The average AP release can take anywhere from 1.5-2 hours (arrive at 10:35, do shuffle, get a very early ticket) to 4-5 hours (arrive at same time, get a shitty ticket). Granted, you're free to do whatever for most of the waiting period, but it's honestly not that fun to be stuck in Shinjuku/Harajuku just waiting, imo, especially if you're doing it basically every weekend (Harajuku gets old).
2. You will likely spend 1-2 hours communicating with each person over the course of the transaction. You will spend even more time dealing with everyone else who contacts you.
3. Calculating invoices, purchasing packaging supplies, traveling to and from releases, packing shit, and shipping it out all take time.
4. Sometimes, you will go to a release and either not be able to obtain the items you were supposed to get OR have the person you bought them for tell you they "no longer want them."

I found that after doing everything, I was making around 1k/hr, which is basically minimum wage in Tokyo, to do something that stressed me out and made me hate going to releases.

>> No.8235579

I have done the same and agree with you completely. Dont forget about waking up early on saturdays, yuck.

>> No.8235580

You did not rack up good discounts for your own things on your points cards?

>> No.8235615

With a sniper bid on FJ, does it still bid incrementally or just it just unload the full bid right before the auction closes?

>> No.8235617

with the real time bid it still 'unloads the full bid' but just whenever you put it in
with sniper, it 'unloads' 5 mins before the end of the auction

>> No.8235653


(I'm not SS anon)

It's not like you can directly buy takoyaki or whatever with point cards, even if you were enterprising you'd still have to buy something with the point cards, put it up for sale, invoice the buyer, package the thing and ship it. Quite a lot of work, especially if you keep getting buyers for brands you don't really like. I can see how SS's can get fed up of it.

>> No.8235657

The discounts aren't that much, anon. While sure, maybe it's nice to save a few thousand yen here and there at AP or CC or whatever, it still means doing a few trips in order to fill up a card, and you barely receive shit (3k yen discount for spending at least 90k at AP, for example).
The shop girls can also treat you like shit/act really suspicious and rude, which is never fun.

>> No.8235694

If you don't speak Japanese very well, how will you deal with the postal service when something gets lost? I'd only want to buy from someone who was experienced with the shipping methods and could help from their end if a package gets lost.

>> No.8235709

>i made minimum wage waiting around to buy dresses without doing any actual work
>waaah it's too hard and not worth it
you sound whiny as fuck.

>> No.8235810
File: 70 KB, 338x500, tiptopkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the drama last year with Dear Lenore? Well you'll never guess what I stumbled on while checking their page.

>> No.8235816

Anon, I want you to turn off your internet right now. Just sit there looking at the things around your room. Do this for ~4-5 hours. You now have some small insight into the life of someone who 'works' by doing nothing.

It fucking sucks.

>> No.8235905

That fat cow again. I was routing for her at the beginning but after pulling that "give me 2 pairs of free shoes, what about muh feelings" I don't care anymore

>> No.8235908

Just realized I meant 35-50k*

Call me whiny or whatever, I'm just warning anon that it's a hell of a lot more work and stress than most people (yourself included, apparently) think it is.

Also, 1k was a highish average over a decent period of time. There would be months where I'd get shat on and end up with a shit ticket almost every time, have people want to back out at the end, require constant updating, etc. where I'd make like 20k for 2-4 releases/in-store pick-ups and almost 40 hours of work.

>> No.8235958


as someone with no job, I would go for it tbh

>> No.8235960

Not bringing this into the new thread because of replicas, which I don't buy, but I'm just clumsy I guess? I don't tend to get food on myself but I spill drinks quite a lot. I wouldn't say I've "ruined" many tops, because mostly it'll just be a couple of darker spots, or a small stain on the cuff of a white shirt or something that isn't that noticeable so I won't immediately chuck it out, but if I got a stain of the same type on a lolita dress it would destroy the resale value. I also drink tea like six times a day, if that increases the probabilities any.

I had bitter, which matches stuff fine (for shoes, it matches well with one of An*Tai*Na's browns, and and lighter brown stuff from other brands), then bought the lighter brown because I thought it was cute and it doesn't fucking match anything (even the tan shoes I bought to match it ended up matching the bitter version better). I use it mostly with cute non-lolita outfits.

>> No.8236058
File: 85 KB, 600x483, tumblr_mzsfuzrMUW1qha39zo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have sauce of this bolero ?

>> No.8236082

Eh, if you're a foreigner with any sort of English/Japanese ability in Japan, it's fairly easy to get part time jobs that pay more. Minimum wage there was so bad compared to back home (Aus) when studied abroad that working seemed pointless.

>> No.8236091

Emily Temple Cute

>> No.8236227

is it rude to not announce that you're a guy when you're dressed up at a meet up? especially when a girl starts sitting on your lap thinking you're a girl.

>> No.8236236

What kind of meets are those? Damn my comm is boring.

>> No.8236238

Also currency exchange (if you're going from Paypal to US bank account to ATM withdrawal in Japan, or anything through Paypal basically) takes a chunk.
You can get a Japanese Paypal account and receive money (and transfer it into your J-bank account), but as far as I know, you can't pull money from your J-bank account into your Paypal - which can make refunding people a pain.

>> No.8236243

Thanks anon.

>> No.8236288


She probably knew and was trying to flirt with you.

If you feel uncomfortable with it you can always start talking about how difficult it is to find dresses that fit, because your body is shaped differently, or politely ask her to get off your lap.

>> No.8236310
File: 208 KB, 1026x833, dearlenore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um. wow.
>and you're still charging $15 with a description like that?

>> No.8236314
File: 110 KB, 400x648, 1316456124027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.8236318

I can see someone buying them for decoration or for coord shots.

>> No.8236320

How's it it not work though? You have to correspond, package things,send invoices, making sure everyone gets their right item, etc, working a shitty retail job involves less work than that.

>> No.8236321

I think they are doing it to make a point and get publicity out about how shitty dear lenore is on LM (don't they advertise on LM too?) I don't think they expect them to actually sell.

>> No.8236325

I'd buy em for decoration/photos. Free shipping and it's only 15 bux? You're basically paying for the shipping cost

>> No.8236326

Damn, seller is bitter as fuck.

>> No.8236327

Whats the story here? She's always seemed super nice

>> No.8236331

if she started bids at $1 i'd buy them if they were my size, but i'm an 8.5.
there's ways to cover up things like the straps so they don't scrape against you.

yeah, she's definitely bitter as fuck.

>> No.8236333

You must have some sort of miraculous passing ability if she didn't know, even transsexuals with hormones often don't fully pass.

>> No.8236341

Maybe he's a transguy who just happens to dress in lolita in a totally non cis way. ;)

>> No.8236372

I ironed my bodyline blouse but when i tried to iron the ruffles on the collar accidentally the polyester lace melted in a tiny section, is there a way to fix it?

>> No.8236415

Try freezing the blouse overnight, that should undo the heat damage

>> No.8236430

Maybe it's tea party replica karma :^)

>> No.8236441

>implying tea party replicas are the worst or something

>> No.8236486

check the archives, search dear lenore. youll find it.

>> No.8236513

Most of it's for the shipping cost, anon.

>> No.8236524

Anyone has any info on the Tea Partyin Hamburg that is supposed to be happening in June?
Does it still take place? I'm wondering as I didn`t heard any news and june is just 2 months away.

>> No.8236534
File: 96 KB, 448x473, 900x900px-LL-b31690bd_Nofunallowedrobot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm just being silly. I'm not actually mad at all.
I just sigh about everytime I see them sitting wastefully in my closet after waiting to get them for such a long time last year.
>support small businesses!
I don't know what to do with them, pretty much everyone knows DL is ridiculous, and the price is basically just for shipping.

You seriously can't cover the straps on the inside, though. Trust me, if I could salvage the shoes, I would.
They're completely adorable, design-wise, but for actually wearability, they're fucked. I'm still baffled over it.

Dang, gulls.

>> No.8236543

Hmm, I guess I don't really see why you would need to announce it because to me that would be a bit odd? Unless it came up where it'd be important. Or at least like, figure out a way to bring it up that wouldn't be a super stiff like "Hey everyone I'm a man!". I would say you prob should've said something to the girl though, just a "whoa, anon, just so you know, I'm a dude/brolita"?

>> No.8236559

dont worry anon, i think most of us find it hilarious and it's a good call out for newer folks to learn what a shady company they are.

i would buy these shoes for display/indoor coord shots but they're too far off from my real shoe size and would look out of place.

>> No.8236564

>"free shipping"
>including it in the cost

>> No.8236566

Yes, that's what they said. It's free shipping because those $15 will go towards paying the shipping cost. This is always how free shipping works unless you deliver it yourself.

>> No.8236568

"i'm just being silly"
>tfw it makes you look like a shitty seller and a shitty person despite this
"i'm not actually mad at all"

>> No.8236570

dude, shipping is never actually free. youre paying the cost somehow no matter what.

>> No.8236571

and no cheaper shipping options, huh?

>> No.8236575
File: 202 KB, 291x305, edgeworth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitching about someone who's selling shoes for $15 shipped

>> No.8236578
File: 118 KB, 360x351, pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really sorry I made a lot of you so upset.
I mean, you don't have to buy it if you don't want, and you're free to think that I'm bitter.
But, man.

>> No.8236579
File: 57 KB, 720x960, prepareyouranus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the wonderful world of business anon.

>Pricing things at 4.99
>Dumb people round it down to $4 and buy it

>"Free shipping, no fees"
>Including fees and flat rate in the price
> Dumb people just see "free"

>50% off!
>"original price" marked up 200%
>Dumb people just see "50% off"

Target nearly got me like this the other day. Those shiny red clearance tags! Then you lift them up to see the regular price (though it's usually printed small on the clearance tag)
>MFW it's literally a discount of less than a dollar on a $20 item

>> No.8236583

the shoes are probably like 10$ and shippings 5$ or vise versa. why in the world do you care so much? are you actually planning to buy them...? if not then who cares.

>> No.8236587

>taking advantage of dumb people
>what a great seller

>> No.8236591
File: 93 KB, 666x802, fgiiytsj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never change, cgl

>> No.8236597

I don't see anything wrong with this. Someone could buy them for decoration or if they have smaller feet. $15 isn't a god awful price.
Dear Lenore is shit though. Absolute shit. I feel sorry for people having to deal with them. I remember a friend tried to pressure me to buy from them a long time ago. I told her that they looked and sounded shady. Glad I made the right choice.

>> No.8236601

sure is lots of samefagging going on here

>> No.8236645

I found it pretty funny anon. The shoes look so cute in your photos though, it's a pity they're unwearable.

>> No.8236722

No. Just put a clip over it or take off the row of lace around the collar.

>> No.8236760

Targets one if the few that shows you the original price right on the tag so that's hardly an example of the same. That's calked transparency and you weren't almost fooled you just almost missed the price. Also clearance doesn't mean final price. It gets lower the longer it's for sale. Sage for ot

>> No.8236830

I asked her (just curious) and it's not flocked. She wrote that the fabric is just a printed polyester

>> No.8236833

this just got 100% uglier in my eyes, damn, flocky makes the print imho

>> No.8236849

Agreed. I wanted the original just because of the flocky print (and because of that bow,which is absolutely ugly on replica).

>> No.8236907

I know there was anon asking a question like this in a coord thread and someone mentioned there's a cutlery head accessory on CC, but does anyone know of any other places (maybe some handmade shit on etsy or storenvy) that sell cutlery/spoon and fork accessories? for the hair or even brooches.

Might just buy mini forks and spoons and make some accessories myself, problem is most of the mini cutlery charms sold for crafts are a little too small for my liking.

>> No.8236926
File: 125 KB, 562x489, gonegirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Target
>See this normalfag umbrella
>15 bucks
>Sold out in stores
>Sold out online
>Why do I even bother

>> No.8236929

So did Grimoire use to have an Etsy store or did I just dream that? I've been looking for it but can't find it anywhere.

>> No.8236940 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 255x348, QQ20141229-1_400w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brand new, Want to sell.

>> No.8236966

Ot but Target was marking up prices and calling that 'clearance' and it isnt transparency if you make up the percentage of the discount and it is a total lie.

I agree, it is that kind of detail that you really need to keep if you want to make a good replica, but it was unlikely that she would have done so without jacking up the price.

>> No.8236974

Anon I thought it was fucking hilarious, I like you

>> No.8236978

Aww man that's a good deal, I paid the equivalent of $40 for a similar umbrella.

>tfw before you take shipping into account, getting a ruffly umbrella in my country is more expensive than getting a brand one
>there are still ones I want because the colour of the logo on the brand ones I have means they're harder to coordinate

It feels weird to me to use a black umbrella with a gold brand logo on it in a black coord which otherwise has no gold elements, or a cream umbrella with a brown brand logo on it in an exclusively pink, cream and gold coord, so I ended up shelling out the cash for plain black and cream ruffle umbrellas from a store in my country.

>> No.8237029

Forever 21 has one but I like the Target one more

Jesus, where do you live? No-cute-umbrella-land?

>> No.8237071


>> No.8237075

It's also 1kJPY, not USD. so ~8usd/hr

>> No.8237077

Primark has them from time to time. I got a black one and an off white one from them. Basically you'll have to keep an eye out every so often.

>> No.8237086

Seriously? You would think a country that has that much rain would be like, the capital of the cute umbrella world

>> No.8237127
File: 85 KB, 800x574, 38489392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post WTB on facebook
>get a couple people liking it
>well no big deal that's expected
>lots more people like it
>get notifications
>think maybe someone has a lead or is willing to sell to me
>nope-just more people liking my post

Whyyyyyyyyy. Worst of all is knowing that I'm going to have to compete with them all for the item I want.

>> No.8237140

This same thing is happening on my DS post and I hate it.

>> No.8237146

Nope, all I could find that was consistently available was these:


At least they're fairly good quality ones so they lasted well.

>> No.8237191

Dear Lenore is actually banned from LM.

>> No.8237210

They did, but they deleted it soon after. Maybe they had problems with etsy/dumb etsy buyers.

>> No.8237332

just wait until they try and snipe offers out from under your nose on your own WTB that you bump daily.
>tfw it happened to me with my ultimate dream dress
>tfw i replied to the one offering in time despite them trying that shit
>tfw i was still pretty annoyed

>> No.8237353

Fuck I would be so mad anon.
I wish we could contact the mods and get comments like that deleted. I mean there wouldn't be much you could do to stop PMs or whatever, but at least people wouldn't be able to snipe in the comments on your own WTB.

>> No.8237371 [DELETED] 

The reg is still $55-75. Are you guys saying that Fanime shouldn't give us a good reason to pay for a glorified AA and Dealer's Room pass?

>> No.8237452

Any of you having issues with qutieland right now? I'm trying to order a bonnet from them, I placed the order weeks ago and payed last month but the status page still hasn't changed from checking stock and waiting on payment.

>> No.8237522

About to make a Yumetenbo/Dream V order. How are the measurements listed, as in, are the measurements listed for sizing what your body should be or what the actual measurements of the clothing is? Also factoring in give? I'm a 91cm bust and 72cm waist and have no idea if I'll fit a L or an LL depending on the garment. Halp plz? Thanks guys.

>> No.8237680
File: 95 KB, 595x842, AP_cherry_marguerite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts? I love berry prints and gingham but not those shoehorned daisy crosses.

>> No.8237693

I don't like the composition, it reminds me of bad photocollages. Like, I'm sure people like that aspect of it, but I'd rather have a print that looks like it was designed to be together than something that looks like a collage.

>mfw used to complain about pastelvomitsplosion prints back in the day
>actually prefer them to this

Cute socks, though.

>> No.8237694

Is anyone entering the F+F design contest? The motifs are sleepwear and bag but I am confused as to whether we design lolita sleep wear or a bag, or those have to be actual drawings on the print?

>> No.8237697

Honestly it looks much better in person. It's really, really cute IMO.

>> No.8237717

I'm from UK too and have found plenty of cute umbrellas. There are really nice frilly ones for 25 quid on Amazon!

>> No.8237743

the daisy covered crosses and hearts remind me of the floral arrangement that look similar that people buy for funerals :c

>> No.8237745
File: 87 KB, 600x800, CB4JhV_UkAAJayR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree with >>8237693 that the design is cluttered. The crosses seem shoehorned in, and they're not very visually interesting. Plus they distract from the scalloped border around the cherry print.

I think a peach or pale yellow colorway would have been cute, but I guess those are pretty uncommon.

>> No.8237761

Agreed. I really loved this print until I noticed the crosses--they kind of gross me out and make me sad at the same time.

>> No.8237852

what are some Lolita memes and inside jokes?

I am doing a presentation at school on Lolita fashion and would like to introduce some of the Lolita humor into the presentation. I will be using visuals.

>> No.8237857


>inside jokes
if you don't know them you should lurk more

>> No.8237874

This is an 18+ board, please leave and go do your own homework.

>> No.8237883


To avoid problems like this, most guys usually ask the mod or on the event page whether it's okay for guys to come to the meetup. Since our meets are lolita/related fashion-only, it's pretty certain the guy will either show up in aristo or lolita. So right off the get-go girls know you're a guy, if they sit on your lap you're free to flirt back (or tell them off, as applicable).

>> No.8237904

This is Bodyline tier...wow.

>> No.8237939

Aren't you the one who is leaving repeat raving bad reviews for them a year later instead of quietly doing a chargeback through your credit card attached to paypal? Unless you were dumb enough to not use that payment method.
>not even mad though.

>> No.8237960

Anyone else wish AP would have released an actual perfume in a cute matching bottle with Perfume of Wonderland? I wish brands did more novelty and companion goods releases.

>> No.8237964

It's cute, but too many themes

>> No.8237977
File: 1010 KB, 500x282, b3e34.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8237979

I'd rather somebody was vocal about it to warn other people, seriously. Why would you want them not to say anything?

>> No.8237984

The only thing I see that doesn't work is the crosses. There's nothing wrong with gingham, flowers, and fruit.

>> No.8237993

Yes to daisies, betties, and gingham together. No to crosses, it looks really strange. Maybe easter? But I'd prefer just plain daisies.

>> No.8237998

This. Plus the style of the OP is fussy yet the JSK style looks kind of country-ish? It's a big nope for me on all levels.
Someone will make an OTT coord with this though and it will be funny.
Personal nitpick - I like the fruit on fruit prints to be closer to realistic size, not giant berries bigger than the flowers.

>> No.8237999

Not gonna lie, but, the crosses are barely noticeable to me? I don't know, I think it's a really cute print.

>> No.8238008

I wish they would stop fucking putting crosses on everything, it actually stops me from buying the series.

>> No.8238010

Yeah, I had to look closely to see them and I'd still wear the heck out of it, but besides the symbolism, the crosses are...kind of angular and phallic? Whilst everything else is round.

>> No.8238015

Well waiting a year then fussing is a little late. Yes it's good to leave an honest negative review but not 2 that are practically frothing at the mouth. Why did she wait so long?

>> No.8238016

That being said it's only really noticable on the red. I think crosses should be reserved for more plain gothic. I wish ap would stop.

>> No.8238035

Yes, her? Immediately on my 'don't sell to/don't reply to' list.
But I'm actually glad girls are getting more bold on FB, it helps us to sort out the ones like these much more quickly if they show their true attitudes and also things like 'sassiness', SJW tendencies, social awkwardness, racism etc. right away.
I hate FB for most things but I really love it for this.

>> No.8238041
File: 100 KB, 500x528, cross.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The berry print dress looks so much better without the crosses.

>> No.8238062

dude I got a nice umbrella almost exactly like this off of amazon for 10.99, don't know the exact listing but just google "black ruffle parasol umbrella" and itll probably come up

took it to the beach and it was nice and sturdy.

>> No.8238142

I don't blame you. I have a pair of gold Dear Lenors I got from a girl on LM. And I can only wear them for a max of ten minutes before they get painful. Still salty about it.

>> No.8238170

So I'm not very familiar with this, but something has been bothering me.

Please tell me that at least the majority of you are girls, the ones actually wearing lolita.

>> No.8238183

Nope. Under our petticoats we all have throbbing erections.

>> No.8238192

Most here are girls but I have my doubts about 1/2 of them actually wearing lolita beyond maybe 1 cheap ita coord attempt at best. There are a lot of 'closet lolitas' in the hobby who just look at photos, read stuff and blab online about lolita but don't actually dress in the fashion. I think they are more prevalent here since its Anon and they don't actually need to show they are into lolita for real.

>> No.8238194

Well at least you're honest.

>> No.8238197

Thanks for the info, I think I understand a bit better now.

Have a jolly day.

>> No.8238201

What... have you looked at the draw threads?

>> No.8238202

>Someone will make an OTT coord with this though and it will be funny.
can't wait to see it lol

>> No.8238206

i really want to like it in spite of the weird flower crosses, because i really want some red gingham+berries in my closet.

is the fabric chiffon?

>> No.8238216
File: 31 KB, 320x180, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does cgl think of this? I saw it today while browsing around. http://filthiest-woman-alive.tumblr.com/post/115883045512/winnipeg-lolitas-living-in-lolita-made-by-our

>> No.8238219

Yep and there are far fewer posting their photos there than there are people posting in lolita discussion threads . Of course there are lolitas here but not all the girls here talking so much about it actually wear it. I think 1/2 is a fair estimate.

>> No.8238238

Salt spoons are usually around the right size for hair accessories, I usually scour local antique stores for em.

>> No.8238241

Salt spoons.
How fitting! That's funny, Anon!

>> No.8238248

I want that hair accessory simply because it has just gingham.

>> No.8238265

Fuck that's hot, especially with some otks hnng.

>> No.8238288

salt spoons are great idea! I knew oyster forks existed but didn't know if there were specific tiny spoons as well. I'll have to look around for some!

>> No.8238290

fuck this, when does melty berry princess come out? its so much better than this weird...thing

>> No.8238835
File: 259 KB, 500x600, 03031207_54f52554898a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking again because I never got an answer two threads ago. ;_;

What's the most popular Dream Marine colorway?

>> No.8238837

White, navy is a close 2nd.

>> No.8238935

Most people don't self-post because there's a high chance of being torn to shreds if something's not right according to some anon. A lot of lolitas I know at least lurk here.

>> No.8238938

The red colorway is atrocious, it looks so messy. Lavender and mint are better than I expected save the crosses. Socks and bow are super cute tho.

>> No.8238944

Seen that gif on cgl before

>> No.8238997

Yeah, I think so. It's really soft. I got to touch it when someone was wearing it at AM this weekend.
>realizing this sounds creepy

>> No.8239037

Leaving the potential to embarrass yourself by doing such a presentation aside, a lolita humour section is a terrible idea.

It's really kitsch. Som people like that. I don't.

>> No.8239041

Only just occurred to me that crosses are Easter symbolism, now I feel like an idiot.

>> No.8239068

No shit there are fewer people posting photos. A lot of people don't want pics of them on 4chan, a lot of people also lurk here but don't want others in their comm or who follow their tumblr to know. For example, I know that several girls in my comm go here, but I've never seen any of them in a draw thread.

>> No.8239071

I didn't know either existed, so thanks anons! I love tiny cute things.

>> No.8239094

Very true. My coords are very popular on tumblr and if I selfposted here I guess most of you gulls would recognise me.. but I'm not the kind of person that needs attention or being talked about. And thanks to that my overall image on the internet is pretty much drama free and I want it to keep like that.

>> No.8239375

I'm really open about lurking here and I have posted myself once. My comm is chill and multiple girls have mentioned /cgl/ in passing. I think it's silly that so many people consider it a taboo to talk about it. It's not all salt. There are some really nice threads on here and I've made lots of friends on this board.

>> No.8239399
File: 20 KB, 296x443, 11136738_1657302827836463_4557416256427351441_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this very badly...
Not sure how I feel about the fabric though, what do you guys think?

>> No.8239415

Ohhh shit, I remembered this drama but not the name! This girl is always opening her fat piggu mouth and she's almost always wrong. Also she likes to talk about how she's so ~oppressed~ by being a fat middle-aged hog.

>> No.8239448

I think it's completely retarded to use those fancy materials and details on a sailor OP but it's a unique idea at least and it does look pleasing in the worn pics.

>> No.8239451

I'm trying to start a new Comm for my area...Is this a bad idea?

>> No.8239452

I love sailor lolita, but the bottom of this dress isn't doing it for me. I wish it was different.

>> No.8239469


I'd like the design without lace, and I'm saying this as someone who usually goes gaga over lace. Pity, because I really do like the design.

>> No.8239483

>I would describe it was being yourself and having a lot of fun.

ughhhh. This mentality is why we have idiot special snowflake newbs, weebs, and itas who think they can wear whatever they want (circle skirts with shitty leg avenue pettis and random thrifted sweater vests) and call it "lolita" as long as they think it's "kawaii" looking and they're just "having fun".

Don't get me wrong, I would consider just being your own ~creative self a part of the overall attitude and idea, but literally the first thing that makes lolita, lolita is the damn clothes. It isn't purely just "being yourself and having fun".

Is the rest of it good or just as cringe, because when I heard that I got salty and stopped watching.

>> No.8239497

I would have thought Navy was most popular. Well, according to Chibi Tenshi.

>> No.8239541

Oh, it's a thing? I thought it was supposed to just be the gif.

And yeah, people with this attitude really piss me off. There are dozens of fashions with a kawaii aesthetic out there and they're not all lolita. If you wanna wear what you want and be creative and not follow rules but be kawaii, call it aomoji kei.

>> No.8239602

Well, if your area doesn't already have a comm, no. If it does, probably yes.

>> No.8239627

Does anyone know if Btssb's heart apron came in blackxblack? I won an auction earlier this morning and haven't found anything about a completely black version. Really hoping I didn't purchase a replica

>> No.8239647

I don't see why you would want to make a dress with a lace overlay. Shame because the cut and design is super cute. I would have preferred a solid fabric, or chiffon, and some box-pleats peeking through from the hem.

>> No.8239663

Now I've actually watched it, I think it was all right. I wish she'd uploaded it to YouTube not vimeo so I could see others' comments and add it to my favourites so I could find it again later.

>tfw they all have much better and more expensive outfits than my comm (and look to be meeting at nicer restaurants)
>despite all that money, some of them still can't brush and style a wig

>> No.8239664

The rest of it was actually decent.

>> No.8239702

I wish there was an all black or all beige version. I would be interesting to have a sailor dress in the style of Blanche Rode Ferric by JetJ. But it doesn't work in the traditional sailor colors imo.

>> No.8239814

I just got a new dress with a matching bag and parasol, do you think it would be fine to carry both at once? Like, I need the bag for my stuffs, but the parasol is just soooo gorgeous, is it too much to have both?

>> No.8239829

You can carry both but it can get pretty irritating after walking for a bit,in my experience

>> No.8239900
File: 229 KB, 700x1200, l087-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting this op in black for a while now, but they still haven't restocked. Would the sax take black fabric dye well or not? I have no knowledge of dying clothes

>> No.8239972

It would depend on the materials of the dress and lace, and even the thread. Not sure how well mixed materials dye since I don't know too much either (the fabric might be one material and the lace another). someone else knows I'm sure, if no one in here is helpful maybe try to the general help thread? Is it on cosmates? I know they have certain BL stuff but not sure if they have everything.

>> No.8239980

when I saw the preview drawings I was interested, but seeing that there's a lace overlay I'm not sure if I'm really a fan of that. Maybe it'll look better in person.

>> No.8240212

"Cherish My Juicy Cherry" is such an awkward name for a print, Baby.

>> No.8240239

Can I buy Closet Child with a credit card?

>> No.8240247

What size are you looking for? I have one I've been considering selling for a while now.

>> No.8240250

m8 how new are u

>> No.8240253

depends what the limit on your card is. besides, I don't think the entire store is for sale.

>> No.8240256

I think they only take international payments through paypal, but I'm pretty sure on paypal you can enter in your credit card details. I don't think you even need an account? Or maybe you do. Either way you can enter your credit card info through paypal, but I don't think closet child takes them directly.

>> No.8240278

Size M

>> No.8240295

what are the pettis closet child is selling like? i'm interested in the "new super gorgeous pannier" one.

>> No.8240300

Diff anon, I have it in black/M worn once and need to get rid of it as it's too big in the bust/shoulders for me, if other anon doesn't want to I'll shoot you an email.

>> No.8240301

not sure if you mean baby giving their prints weird names, or the fact that I'm mentioning this print right now, either way, I saw someone selling it on LSE which is why I'm bringing it up right now. I don't keep up with baby's print names + got into lolita after this thing came out, so.

>> No.8240303

was the mentioning it now when it's been out for eons, but I must say, seeing the name again did briefly amuse me, so thanks for being new, keep up the good work

>> No.8240351


This isn't about that, though. This is about correcting that anon who said only half of lolitas in this thread are actually wearing the fashion based on the number of self posts in the draw thread compared to how many different people she thinks is in here posting.

Personally I've never self posted, because I'm not really into quickie art doodles of myself.

>> No.8240361

not that other anon, but i've self posted for coord help before

and yeah it's not necessary to self post in most threads in any case

>> No.8240374


Other anon was only counting the lolitas in the draw thread, I guess because the drawthread is the only selfpost thread that's strictly lolita.

>> No.8240380

That observation has absolutely no basis whatsoever, though. Not every lolita on /cgl/ is going to self-post in a specific thread with a niche purpose. This is a lolita general with a very broad spectrum of topics.

>> No.8240498
File: 62 KB, 822x1024, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this be appropriate for lolita if I took off the ruffles on the bodice and maybe the skirt? Those aren't polka dots, they're tiny skulls btw.

>> No.8240521

Taking off the ruffles would make it even less appropriate... it's too short already and the straps are too thin.

>> No.8240525

Oh honey no. This is like, boudoir rockabilly.

>> No.8240527

>tiny skulls

I think that also made it even a little more blech. Keep it as a normalfag dress anon or even try any other gothic or punk j-fashion with it, but I don't think this will be a good lolita dress unless you heavily modified it which at that point, with the time, money and effort, you might as well have just bought a regular dress.

>> No.8240544

Could maybe be used for ero, but you'd have to know what you were doing to not look cheap or ita. Definitely not appropriate for the three major lolita styles.

>> No.8240554
File: 251 KB, 1242x459, 4 bellsleeveblouses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to get a hime/bell sleeve blouse and I have NO IDEA what color to get it in.
I wear a cross between classic and gothic.
should I get white, cream, or grey?
I was thinking of grey, but don't know if it'd go with all of my items. and white and cream is 50/50.

>> No.8240559

I agree. I would have bought this in a different, more subdued color.

I like the lace overlay because solid sailor dresses are pretty common. Lief just released one for example. A fancy lace one is something different. Also I just love lace.

>> No.8240570

What pieces in your wardrobe will you be able to wear the blouse with? Of those pieces, which color would go best with them/is more versatile?
If you're just buying a bell sleeve blouse just to add one to your closet, honestly I would pick whichever color would be the most neutral to your whole wardrobe. If you have a specific piece(s) in mind, buy what you think will match that/those the best.
Personally I'm more partial to white or cream.

>> No.8240601

I have a specific coord in mind for the grey. (elegy's albino accord). and it would go with i'd say 2 out of my 5 jsks. 1 out of my 2 OPs. and almost all my skirts.
BUT white would work just as well, and so would cream.
even though they are classics, I feel like grey is extra special something that no one else owns. you know what I mean?
Gah, I'm so torn.

>> No.8240631

Sure go for it, I have an M as well but it's not a big deal, knock yourself out.

>> No.8240654

if it will be a worthwhile addition then, I'd say go with the grey, I know what you mean with the unique item. it's good to get items for specific coords but I also wasn't sure how big your closet is; sometimes if it's smaller it's better to get something more versatile. it sounds like you really want the grey!

>> No.8240714
File: 408 KB, 1412x531, s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8240756

Well fuck I was hoping to knock this off my wishlist this year..

>> No.8240790

Mm same, wanted to wear it for the summer and I've been dying for to get a cute strawberry print in my hands. welp.

>> No.8240857
File: 45 KB, 600x800, 20150408_4a7ecc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never knew what the wording on AP's Victorian Letter novelty book box until today.

>> No.8240870

Lolita is not the only fashion, why do people want to try to lolify everything? Normalfag clothing very rarely works well as a lolita main piece. Has anyone written a blog post on lolifying and how to do it well?

If you are on a budget, go for some of the less expensive TaoBao indie brands or learn to use Japanese auctions and used sale sites. Your wardrobe will be a million times better.

>> No.8240874

If she doesn't know that it's not suitable for the other three main styles, I wouldnt be even mentioning ero. Ugh. I really think it's the hardest style to do well and not for beginners who want to try and wear something like this in regular lolita. Shhhhh. Don't encourage them!

>> No.8240890

Any news on celestial rerelease? Has anyone got theirs yet?

>> No.8240901


I believe someone on lolita updates who was at the anime matsuri fashion show said it was.

>> No.8240916

ahh my metamorphose reservation came in, a lot faster than I thought. so ready for this lemonade print. anyone else get it?

>> No.8240933

just got the e-mail so far saying it would be shipped by mid-april. really hoping it gets here before the weekend of the 25th.

>> No.8240934

My birthday's on the 21st and I was really hoping to have it in time for that

>> No.8241072

It is. And maybe I just have shit taste but to me the print looked way nicer up closer and in person.

>> No.8241181

I literally scoffed in front of my PC when I saw this, what the hell. But as long as no one bids on it?

>> No.8241234

Did they just rip that straight from something they had lying around in the bathroom?

>> No.8241262

sounds like an auction pitch

>> No.8241265
File: 92 KB, 330x495, CT00173_10__23023.1407884013.490.588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK so I'm getting in to aristocrat fashion sene and a girl on Lolita page recommend this jacket-vest so I bought it. I figured it's a decent starting point. What are you opinions and/or recommendations?

>> No.8241322

>Have local con
>comm usually has some lolita events, but nothing this year
>have local lolita on facebook, she's not in comm (kicked out?)
>she's doing a lolita fashion show
>think it might be good
>see on facebook that she only has 2 volunteers so far
>she's offering to lend someone a coord
>she has only damaged replicas, few to no blouses and accessories
>isn't asking the comm to be in it for some reason
>almost want to lend things but worried about stuff getting ruined or stolen
>also want to just hope somebody gets a video so I can laugh because I'm a cunt
what do gulls

>> No.8241353

There's an EGA thread right now--maybe they'll have more insight.

If you loan them anything then you deserve what you get.

>> No.8241361

there's an EGA thread going on atm. also, that's a design replica of an Atelier Boz jacket. the vest is fake as far as i know on both, and the F+F one is a bit shit.

>> No.8241366

Does anyone have experience with Tenso losing their orders?
It's been a month since it should have arrived and I've only received apologies and "we've put it in our search list" so far.

>> No.8241399

99% certain someone at Tenso had sticky fingers and stole an AP parasol I ordered. It was never recovered.

>> No.8241418

Did you get a refund or something? I lost an AP blouse.

>> No.8241424

No. AP swore they shipped it to Tenso, then Tenso swore they never got it.
Neither place owned up to anything.

>> No.8241434

In my case they have admitted it must be in their warehouse somewhere. Ugh. I hope they refund me or something.

>> No.8241443

Good luck, anon.
I'm still bitter about stickfingers mcgee, whomever it was

>> No.8241488

Either stay well out of it or have your comm volunteer to help with the con. Don't get involved with her personally.

>> No.8241523

Does anyone else find that, although they have a mix of styles in their wardrobe, their styles are very compartmentalized in what they're used for? As in, only wear certain styles to ordinary meets, only wear certain styles to conventions, only wear certain styles if it's a themed meetup or appropriate location.

I looked through my wardrobe and realised that my breakdown was:

For big events and fancy meetups: OTT gothic, hime, print dreamdresses that are too expensive or rare to wear to ordinary meets
For other meetups: brand prints, oldschool, jewel-toned classic dresses with screenprinting and embroidery, themed outfits like sailor, pirate and witch
Everyday non-meetup wear: classic, sweet-classic/borderline otome, toned-down gothic
Casual lolita wear: handmade skirts and offbrand items like turtlenecks

It explains a lot though...like why I never seemed to wear my plain classic stuff before i started wearing lolita outside of meetups.

>> No.8241526


Not at all anon, I love it too (and chiffon is the best). Conflicted though because I was really trying to wait for the strawberry print coming as well...for some it's chocolate, with me it's berries orz

>> No.8241604

I do this too, I love non-print classic and wear it all the time but I never really wear it to meets because it either doesn't feel fancy enough (I don't like OTT classic) or, for more casual meets, my IW and VM stuff is too expensive to wear to a meet where everyone else is in Bodyline for a reason (usually some messy activity). I always wear either print stuff or themed substyles to meetups.

>> No.8241676

I've used Tenso 10-15 times now, and never had any problems. Did you mispell your tenso adress possibly? Hope it turns up.

>> No.8241678

I don't wear OTT gothic and most of my gothic coordinates are quite plain so I don't usually wear them unless it's to a casual meetup. I wear screenprinted and embroidered gothic and classic stuff to meetups even though I'm not big on ordinary prints.

>> No.8241727

I've used them for a year and this is the first time I've had problems with them. I gave them the shipping and tracking info for that order and they acknowledged they must have received it, though.

>> No.8241741

Not sure if this is the right place to ask but- is there a reason why I see so much negativity towards Fanplusfriend? I know a lot of their stuff isn't great (shiny materials, and I remember they used to carry some really ita shit), but it seems like they really improved in quality? Or am I wrong?

>> No.8241800

They actually have some really nice designs, but the quality is Taobao-tier while the price is a lot higher. They're easily the most expensive of the offbrands. The issue isn't really with their designs, it's how hit-and-miss they can be - some of the shit is nice on the mannequin but they make a lot of fuck-ups about sizing and parcels. Just in the past week I've seen an anon say that instead of the 8 blouses she ordered, she recieved a skirt (the person who ordered the skirt recieved her blouses), and another anon said that they'd ordered a coat and got sent the wrong colour and had to send it back. So it's not that they don't have nice stuff, it's that you don't know what you're gonna get because the quality varies from order-to-order depending on the seamstress they used.

>> No.8241807

Just inform yourself about the items. I bought a blouse, vest and jacket and a couple of accessories. I wasn't disappointed in any of them but I knew what I was getting. They also send me the items too late but with dhl express which was hella fast and they actually put a proper bill on which made going through customs faster.

>> No.8241812

It's not always possible to inform yourself because the items are custom made so, unlike, say, Bodyline, what you get varies each time. I saw an anon here a couple of months back saying that she ordered a replacement for an item of theirs she'd had a couple of years (I think it was a coat?) and the replacement was a different design to the original.

Still though, they have some really nice jackets and shit, just be aware of potential for fuck-ups.

>> No.8241822

I'm the anon who got a coat the wrong colourway, and they told me the mishap was because, instead of a burgundy coat with burgundy lace, the person who ordered that design before me had asked for it to be custom-made with black lace, and the seamstress who makes the coat had assumed it was a permanent design change so she made mine that way too. The coat fitted really nicely though, no problems with sizing.

I also ordered a skirt at the same time, which came shorter than it looked to be in the picture (I actually just checked and the website says that bustle skirt is supposed to be 58cm long, and no fucking way was it that long even accounting for the slightly high waist because it barely covered my 43cm-long petticoat. It was okay since I ordered the black and you can just about get away with it in gothic, but I would have been pissed if I'd ordered the wine colourway for classic and it came that length.

Even after my bad experience they have a couple of jackets I really like the design off so I'll probably order off them at some point in the future, but the price point is so high for the quality I won't be doing it for a while.

>> No.8241865

Thank you everyone for the input! I bought a skirt+vest set from them earlier in the year (have yet to wear it. It's pretty shiny, probably ita to some standards but I didn't realize it at the time), but I wanted to know why F+F had such a reputation.

>> No.8241877

Most of the reputation stems from their awful custom sizing. Seriously a friend of mine ordered a few blouses and all of them were different sizes and none of them fit her. I think it's only been for about a year that some of their prints and designs were actually good, but they still have a ton of ita stuff. Not to mention they mix cosplay shit with lolita. Ugh.

>> No.8241880

I think a lot of their reputation comes from the fact that they sell a wide array of stuff including costumes, steampunk and maid outfits and you can easily pick shit. I think they have some lovely jackets and original lolita designs.

>> No.8241887

So how much does an underbust design (very low collar) on cardigan/jacket affect the bust measurement? I'm looking at something with a 84 cm bust and I can't decide at all if it's okay to be like 5cm over that or not.

>> No.8241895

Mm, plus a lot of their nicer designs are design replicas. E.g. two of their dresses are MM design replicas, a lot of their jackets are Atelier Boz replicas, they ripped the bustle skirt design off Retroscope and then undercut their prices, etc etc. I wouldn't say that they've only had nice designs for a year - they've had nice designs for a few years. But they didn't really start bringing out nice original designs until recently.

>> No.8241958
File: 412 KB, 660x990, ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit now I'm hoping what I got wasn't a replica of anything. I always loved the fashion but never new much about it until this year. Dropped pic of what I bought (I love green and fantasy prints, and I bought this at the clearance price). It is a bit darker and less shiny in person, and the hem is even unlike in the sample picture. This isn't a replica of anything is it?

>> No.8241960

Happy almost birthday. unless they ship it out Monday I don't think it will make it unfortunately

>> No.8241984

Nah, they don't have any print replicas, only design replicas.

>> No.8241996

You're paying too much. This is like one of the only things Amazon is good for, I only pay £15-£20 most of the time. The fifi frill bambina, for example, is only about £15...

>> No.8242000

Mine seems to be compartmentalized not by occassion so much as by season and weather. For example I always find myself wearing almost exclusively gothic or gothic-classic in the wintertime and on rainy/snowy days, whereas once spring and summer arrive I switch to much lighter more traditional classic, even a little bit of sweeter classic. I suppose it would make logical sense that my gothic wardrobe, with its many longsleeve black OP's and velveteen dresses would be worn in colder weather, whereas my classic wardrobe is a lot more lighterweight, cotton and chiffon items. But I do tend to go more OTT with my gothic than my classic, so that means I end up going all out in the wintertime more often.

>> No.8242109

Up until this year I never felt interested in varying my clothes by season (except for autumn) - I'd happily wear pastels in winter and black in summer. But this year I've got more into it. Awkward because I sold off a bfew cotton dresses recently, and the huge Taobao order it part-paid for is mostly velveteen and black pieces.

>> No.8242418

Thanks! I've kind of accepted it wont make it so I have another coord in mind but I'm still a little grumpy. Better late than never though!

>> No.8242481

I'm thinking about buying this sand removing the chiffon-looking material at the hem, but i'm not sure what to replace it with. I actually really love this elegant/fancy sailor look, it feels VERY Victorian to me.

>> No.8242490

i'd go with grey if you can find a good shade to fit your wardrobe and then save up and get a cream or white blouse with a different style of sleeves, maybe? having different types of blouses is just as important as having different colored ones.

>> No.8242627

Wow it sold out in minutes. Who woulda thunk? Is AP just going to default sell out on all releases from now on?

>> No.8242668


lol. cgl opinion can be pretty far off. They said Eternal Rose and Wrapping Heart were going to be unpopular, too, and that one sold out. The only time you can say cgl opinion is right is when there is an active thread entirely devoted to one single release. Every other time, keep in mind that you're getting opinions from an imageboard where half the lolitas won't publicly admit they post here, and it doesn't include the Japanese lolitas who are following their own trends in Japan.

AP's berry prints tend to sell out every year, they're popular with lolitas in Japan, who like to keep up with changing seasons with a new berry print every year.

>> No.8242725

I feel like people ask in almost every thread but, what can I use to bid on something on mbok? Just japonica? I was gonna use FJ but it seems like I can only bid on stuff from yja.

>> No.8242736

Not that I disagree with you, it's just that it wasn't particularly popular on lolita updates as well? Not sure how you expect me to get a feel for release expectations aside there. If you have any recommendations I'm listening

>> No.8242747

forgot to add that the thing I want has 8 hours left on it, is that enough time to request to bid on japonica? it's not something I have my heart set on and will be asspained if I miss it but it's def a bargain

>> No.8242799


It's like you didn't read the post. Just because Lolitas outside of Japan don't seem interested in a release, doesn't mean Japan will be the same. People should really just spring for prints they like instead of listening to other people.

I've never really found cgl or lolita updates telling of an item's popularity, I just go for what I like regardless.

>> No.8242819

This. It's like everyone on here assumes that because they don't like a print, it won't be a huge hit. I'm gonna prowl the auctions for it. The new strawberry print looks nice but I'm more partial to this one. IIRC the strawberry print wasn't chiffon like CM is.

>> No.8242863

>People should really just spring for prints they like instead of listening to other people.

>> No.8242876

You can still use FJ to bid on mbok. You have to use their 'shopping service' option and fill out the details (make sure you click the 'other sites' option or it won't accept the link as valid) and they'll take you to a page where you can put your max bid etc.

>> No.8242882


Japanese lolitas don't need a shopping service, what the heck do you think they would be doing on lolitaupdates in the first place?

>> No.8242884


chibi tenshi is pretty fast, though she's not cheap. She might require a deposit from you if you're a first-time customer, though

>> No.8242898


oh man, can you guys tell it's baby's first japanese auction bid?

which one will respond the fastest since the thing I wanna get has like 8 hrs left on it? FJ if I use the ss option? I'm looking at japonica's urgent order page and I'm confused by what they mean when they're asking me to put down "membership number" for when I send them the urgent deposit. ahhhh I'm trying to google japonica guides most of them are just for normal bids.

I would just wait for the seller to relist this item again since I feel like this is the 2nd time I've seen it listed but like I said in another post it's at a really good deal right now so I'm worried about letting it go, if someone else happens to win it instead.

>> No.8242988

I tried for the print and failed miserably with timeouts/etc. I can't know/control the amount of interest Japanese lolitas have but it'd be nice to know if US demand is low enough that I might have a smudge of a chance to snag it. dig what is so wrong with this?

>> No.8243061


I really want Melty Berry Princess too, but I agree. Loved the chiffon on this one, MBP is cotton I believe.

>> No.8243063


chibi tenshi would be the fastest, that's why I mentioned her. She may require a deposit so be at your computer/handphone when she responds.

Japonica and fjp have a good chance since there's 8 hours left but now you're down to 6 hours? And they get off work at 5pm japan time or something, so it's a bit more of a gamble. I tried it one time and lost, but it was an item I didn't care about anyway so I went with the lower priced SS.

If you don't have a japonica member number just don't put any or put "new customer". They can figure it out.

Good luck, anon.

>> No.8243115

I got anxious and ended up doing FJ but I think I regretted it imediately. meh, it's one of those AP bags with a pearl bow on it. there's some other ones listed + a possibility of the seller relisting and I'm not too set on getting it right now, I was just browsing mbok in bed and saw it. I'll keep chibi tenshi in mind for something like this next time, though. Will also remember the japonica thing.

is there any sort of like, write-up someone's done (maybe on egl or their own blog) on all the most recent information for auction site bidding like this? if not, maybe some kind seagull(s) would like to take the time to write up some basic guide? some of the stuff I found was old or specific to things other than what I had questions on, unless I was just shitty at searching.
thanks for the help anons! if i'm not successful this time around hopefully next time.

>> No.8243116


What's wrong is you keep demanding cgl said the print sucked so it should be easy to buy.

Cgl was wrong. Cgl is wrong very often.

Then you said lolitaupdates was also wrong so where are you supposed to check?

Nowhere. Nobody keeps track of level of interest in lolita releases, it's all guesswork.

And guess what? The rest of us deal with it. Mostly by assuming every release from AP will be a fight. I book shopping services even for releases that I think will be unpopular if I really like them.

And now you're bawwing that you missed a print because you read cgl/lolitaupdates and they were wrong? Too bad, deal with it.

Congrats, you just lost out on a dress you wanted from AP. Guess what? Happens every week. Last week's dress was Katrina, go read the last lolita general. I don't know what you expect us to do, hand you a dress just because cgl was bitching about how much they disliked the print?

Take your baww to the feels thread, don't shit up lolita general just because your fee fees can't handle being rejected by AP.

>> No.8243168

Your manner of typing is really ridiculous

Each sentence gets it's own paragraph

That's how important each thing I'm saying is.

Stop saying baww

Each time you use it you sound more like you're just bawwing about nothing.

>Fee fees

Go fuck yourself

>> No.8243172


It would simply be repeat work, a lot of guides already exist out there for fromjapan, chibitenshi simply takes email orders, and Japonica has very clear guides on their pages. Even you were able to figure out the "under 24 hour" auction fairly fast. You could certainly write one up, but I don't see it adding much more info than what's already out there.

If it's specifically last minute orders you're asking about, there's no way around it, most of them are a bit of a gamble, especially on mbok, where there is no such thing as sniping, and girls can cancel bids if they don't like your shopping service. I've had a successful bid on mbok just not shipped, the seller completely did not want to deal with the shopping service. Even chibi tenshi can be late to respond to an order if something happened, eg her phone out of battery for half a day or something. So there's not much point doing a guide specifically for last-minute orders either since the mechanics would basically be the same as doing a regular order, and whether or not your bid got put in depends on how lucky you are and what time/day it is, not on whether you follow the exact guidelines for putting in a last minute order.

The only other thing I can think of is a comparison across different shopping services and what they're good at, I haven't seen much of those. But I suppose it's really rare for someone to have an order with both Japonica and fromjapan at the same time, that's why there aren't many.

Anyway, since it's not something you needed badly, I guess it's all good.

>> No.8243173

I'm not a bit surprised. CGL did not like it but that's no indication of what will actually sell fast/slow. Plus many of us never post about dresses until we've secured them.

I just keep up with release updates and book my SS the minute I see something I like. That has worked perfectly so far and the fees are worth not having to worry over getting it or not. Plus I usually get my stuff before everyone else here and also don't have to waste any time searching the 2nd hand market or pay a premium price for someone's used dress. I'm sure there will be a few times my SS won't be able to get something for me but it will only be a few.

>> No.8243178


I'm not the one that's bawwing, though. And yes, I dumbed it down for the stupid girl who said that because cgl said a print is popular, it should be easy to get. And then doesn't understand when multiple people tell her that's not how it works.

>> No.8243184

I don't want to start an endless thread fight about nothing, but plenty of people already pointed it out in a rather straightforward way. Then you came into the room being all "LOL STUPID BAWWING BITCH WHY DON'T YOU TAKE YOUR FEE FEES SOMEWHERE ELSE"

It was unnecessary and childish.

>> No.8243188


And she responded to them saying she doesn't get what is wrong. So I spelled it out for her. Sentence by sentence.

>> No.8243247

You're overreaction was way more annoying. Stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.8243250

Anon, i lived in tokyo for a few years and id recommend only being a SS for Closet child, non releases if you feel generous with your time/ like buying things but dont always feel the need to wear them.Im ashamed to say, but i made quite a bit reselling from CC. I fell for how cheap putumayo was without realizing how difficult it was to cord and how short they were but i made up to 5k yen each off a few of the pieces mainly skirts. A few times i asked cgl how much it was worth in the buy sell thread because i couldnt find any listings on lacemarket.

>> No.8243255

Also try for teaching gigs, especially though school, a few of my friends made up 3k an hour. Granted some of them only worked 3 hours a week.

Becareful on some websites if you try that way, ive had friends do some sketchy things and end up on paid dates/dinners and expensive gifts. No sex (that she mentioned) but one resulted in a marriage propsal after a few short months.

>> No.8243272

Anon, i work as a pricer and clothes folder at a department store and i can say never pay full price or more than 50% (excuding levi, lees, dickies and brands that are carried in their own stores)of the "original price" at probably most department stores. Alot of times clearance can be more expensive than the sale price unless its 60%+ off. Unless you really *NEED* it even at a 100%+ mark up.

>> No.8243297

Someone from my comm goes on here, she posts in draw threads occasionally,uses them on facebook, instagram, tumblr and often references cgl at meets as if everyone goes on which im sure they do, but she gets alot of side eye for it. Our comm is really drama free, we get secrets (usually commenters are whoing like owls because no one has any real online presence) but only one girl really posts about it on facebook although shes not really associated with out comm for being *~*MEANIE BRANDWHORES*~* and always "posting her in the ita threads".

Personally i dont post in draw threads because i have rather boring cords and i rather not have half the comm know im on cgl, even if its just to look at BST, general, bodyline, and taobao.

>> No.8243305


Stop reacting to my overreaction, then, imo that's more annoying.

>> No.8243309

uhhh, what the hell is going on in the EGL livejournal?

>> No.8243311

Just a couple of spam posts?

>> No.8243315

I posted myself in draw threads because I realized if anyone finds out I'm on /cgl/ they kind of have to be on here too...

>> No.8243318

Might there be a reservation of CM? I mean all cuts and colorways sold out..
Only things left our the bags..

>> No.8243325

I see. I guess I asked that because I was worried about asking a repeat question. Maybe in the future I could just collect sources of information into one post or something.

Anyways, I thought I wasn't gonna make it but maybe I did! I decided to check the auction page before going to sleep and the 1 bid on there is from "FJBIDDER". Hopefully I don't get sniped.

>> No.8243413
File: 105 KB, 300x400, 271-0102_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antoinette up, bitches. Open for reservation until the 17th.

>> No.8243429


Congrats! Hope you get your item. And yeah, compiling the info into one page would be rather more helpful than writing another guide.

>> No.8243477

Yeah but they might still sideeye you for not keeping it secret enough or something. It wouldn't bother me now, but when I first started browsing here I would lose respect for efamous lolitas I found out were seagulls, even though it was hypocritical of me.

>> No.8243480

Aaargh I wish I had the money for this. Been on my dream dress list for a couple of years, it's just that now is a really bad month for money.

>> No.8243484

I'm the opposite, I'd think e-famous Lolitas would at least lurk to see what people are saying. I'm surprised Chokelate posts the things she does here though, while pretending to be a sweetie elsewhere. Idk if it's funny or horrid...or just both.

>> No.8243523

Well I'm never sure if that's actually her posting

>> No.8243528

What the fuck is going on here

"maid" lolita?
Is Daily-Lolita even still a thing?

>> No.8243529

I wish dailyalamode was still a thing.

>> No.8243532

A bit weird, the quality is shit and I'm not actually seeing anything maid about it. At least her colour balance is okay even though the clothes are terrible?

>> No.8243564

Ohhh. Nostalgia feels.

>> No.8243566

Doesn't she use a secure trip though? She's never said 'oh, someone else was impersonating me on chan' either. I think it's her.

>> No.8243599

Pretty sure it's her. I think it's an exaggeration to say she's two-faced though, her posts are immature but not worse than anyone else here.

>> No.8243603

prizes for the grand tea party in Hamburg, Germany are up. regular saturday tickets are 45 euros, who's planning on going?

>> No.8243607

I have a question for you guys. I was wondering what you do when you get a new piece for your wardrobe. Do you wash it first or wear it right away?

>> No.8243627

Wear it right away, unless it's very secondhand and also something I know will hold up in the wash (so like, old Bodyline or something). I won't wash new items before I wear them in case it wrecks them.

Guessing you're very new?

>> No.8243633

I wouldn't specifically say so, but personally I only wear bodyline. I've never washed things before wearing but I guess I was just curious if others did. Stupid question then.

>> No.8243754

No, I just wear if. Unless it smells weird or has a stain if it's second hand, then I'll give it a wash.

>> No.8243787

I want to go, but I'm not interested in the brands they announced so far. Unless they are going to make the program a bit more interesting, I'm only getting tickets for Friday.

>> No.8245815

For a skirt ruffle would 3x the hem be enough?