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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 90 KB, 640x960, 11074511_10155385436245722_4307972272064795933_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8213889 No.8213889 [Reply] [Original]

Post the good, the bad and the nitpick.

I'll start with a nitpick
>Clearly too fat for the dress, is she even wearing a petti?
>Teaparties in a classic coord, should consider something more elegant and possibly heeled, maybe red.
>She needs to learn her angles/how to pose

>> No.8213891

I'm mad her feet make those tea parties look like clown shoes, tho.

This is horrible. Way to ruin a really gorgeous print.

>> No.8213894

this just makes me sad
everything about it is so wrong right down to the chubby hands
that print deserves so much better

>> No.8213905
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>> No.8213908


I quite like this but not sure the flower crown's color works. I'd also switch the tp's for heels and maybe change the tights to semi-sheer black ones instead of opaque.
She also has a bit of boobloaf, the cut of the bodice isn't very flattering on a plus sized person imo.

>> No.8213910

Please let this be bait.

>> No.8213933


There's already a thread. Please look at the catalog next time. >>8198900

>> No.8215193

Not that anon, but why would an honest criticism be bait? They said pretty much what everyone else had but left the goddamn "POOR PRINT OMG" salt out.

>> No.8215375

This print can't be worn well.

>> No.8215884

> OMG~*!!*! A reasonable, constructive criticism on a fatty-chan
>must be bait

>> No.8220505


>> No.8220511

I'm not usually the one to say/think it.. But this coord would look fantastic on someone who was thin.

She's got that 'Mask made out of the waxy, stretched skin of her last victim.' look going on that some fat Asians get.

>> No.8220519

Yeah, if someone like lavenderlillies wore this coord everyone would fawn all over it.

For some reason, flower crowns and veils only look good on thin people. The girl in the OP clearly needs to learn how to dress for her size.

>> No.8220527

The veil, way that she's holding her arms and general shape of her body are making her slow outwards like a cone. I think that's the only real issue that her size is giving it.

Nixing the veil and doing something voluminous would her hair would look good!

>> No.8220537
File: 904 KB, 500x532, what the shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All coord nitpicks a side, I really, deeply pity this girl for being so ugly.
Her face is just so damn unfortunate, like what the fuck.
She posts in COF pretty regularly and I feel so bad for her, mfw everytime.

>> No.8220590

She's regularly dropping money on brand. I really wish she'd take the money and go for indie or custom sized pieces that could flatter her size.

From what I've seen her makeup is gradually improving but she needs to invest in some contouring. It won't turn her into a goddess but it'll definitely help.

>> No.8220595


You stoopid?

>> No.8220610

I really wish she's take the money and get a treadmill so she can burn some calories.

>> No.8220648

Post more outfits

>> No.8220678

Yeah, really; post someone else. This one person hate session is getting so old.

>> No.8220697
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>> No.8220698
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>> No.8220704


>> No.8220709
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The things you find looking at the bitchiest posters.

>> No.8220739
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>> No.8220746
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There isn't anything wrong with the coord itself, but I feel like she's really swamped in it

>> No.8220752
File: 75 KB, 719x960, 10649709_1424658441179384_3656716333753503269_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8220756

I really was not a fan of this one. Anything I'd say would be a nitpick for sure, but she looks overwhelmed with too much stuff on her that is all underwhelming. Lose the underskirt, change the black gloves to ivory, and take that giant thing off of her head and I think she's look really nice.

>> No.8220757
File: 142 KB, 960x960, 22493_10202815764074583_255161615708697244_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those roots
>would benefit from bangs
>how does that headdress go with the op??>et cetera...

>> No.8220760

this a mess, and this is coming from another ott sweet lolita. are they a brolita?

>> No.8220761

Same. If I were her I'd be working my ass off to lose weight in the hope that it would improve my face. I'm fine with her coords though, even though they're not perfect.

>> No.8220768
File: 79 KB, 634x960, 10806296_10204105648781231_6288610700453448937_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is those boots and why

>> No.8220770
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>> No.8220772

>that meaty claw holding the phone

>> No.8220774

oh god that face, she looks like a middle aged hispanic mother.
Tbh I'd like to see this coord on a cute skinny girl with a better wig...

>> No.8220777

Practically nothing in this coord works together.

>> No.8220782

I don't see anything wrong with the shoes. I want to know why she thought those gloves were a good idea

>> No.8220786
File: 77 KB, 547x960, 10155229_799873346733392_8714512472675827591_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gold in this coord is so unbalanced and feels forced

>> No.8220789
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>> No.8220792
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>> No.8220798

looks like mr yan

>> No.8220814

I think this coord was absolute shit. She tried so hard and did such a bad job. It's still salvageable, though, but she'd have to change a Hell of a lot.

>> No.8220816

Looks like Varys from GoT in a wig.

>> No.8220827

i like this alot. however id nitpick the shoes and tights. the wig and beret look really nice though.

>> No.8220831

She looks like playing dress up with grandma's closet and threw as much on as possible.

Did you forget to comment? I really like both of these but the fact that the black girl is dressed like that as a teacher in Korea (?) makes me cringe a bit.

>> No.8220855


>> No.8220861

I rather liked this one...the only think I would have changed are the socks. You people have some really stupid standards if you think this looks like shit.

>> No.8220873

kek perfect comment.
...Really? tbh those boots are disgusting, it looks so unbalanced. The dress is too short on her and the boots make her legs look weirdly long and it just all looks bizarre.

>> No.8220883

I think daintier gold shoes would look a lot better. Currently the attention is drawn towards the bottom f the coordinate with all that gold, but replacing the boots with something small would just even the coord out and draw the attention to the centre, with the bag and collar.

>> No.8220951

She dresses like that in class? I wonder how that is amongst her peers and students.

>> No.8221225

Has this dress ever been coorded nicely?

>> No.8221241

Not digging the clusterfuck tights or shade of the flower crown but that dress is beautiful.

>> No.8221365
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>> No.8221444

She's a teacher? I assumed she was a student. How inappropriate.

>> No.8221561

I would switch the tights and keep the shoes. Lose the headpiece for a different multicolored headpiece instead. I really, REALLY am not liking how she looks in the photo. The tights especially. Gawd I hate them.

>> No.8221563

The teaparties look fine there and red would look fucking awful with that dress.

>> No.8221569

Man, even the brand didn't do a good job with this one. It's alright, but I think the gloves look a little cheap and the OTKs really don't match. Maybe black tights with a gold sheen would look better, and I'd say wrist gloves with nice lace around the wrist would be a better choice as well.

>> No.8221572

Glad to see Im not the only one who thinks the advertised image looks not so great.

>> No.8221744

This dress is incredibly difficult to coord. I have had the struggle with mine. (different colorway)

>> No.8221766

What are you talking about? She's not even ugly, she's just fat. If this woman dropped enough pounds to have a thin face she'd be attractive. She's got clear skin and full lips.

>> No.8221795

perhaps, but the fact is she's not thin now

>> No.8222022
File: 65 KB, 720x960, 10930898_908788029173679_6088166687887282884_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wishing I could ackshully find the more professional pictures taken at the tea I went to.

goes on to say..

>Sorry. I sometimes spell actually wrong on purpose
>It's in a webcomic I read. ^. :) But thanks for sticking up for spelling and grammar.


>> No.8222025

I'm 99% sure that was an april fool's thing

>> No.8222032

it was posted yesterday though?

>> No.8222046

Yesterday was april fools day

>> No.8222049

I agree the boots are weird, and everything else in this coord is really forced/not good looking at all, but they look like snow boots. Are you sure she doesn't live somewhere with snowy weather rn? I know the boots don't go with the coord but some people don't mind sacrificing fashion for practicality and comfort. I don't mean to sound snarky with that last comment, sorry.

>> No.8222072
File: 1.36 MB, 1872x1042, april fools ouch 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else see this hysterical post?

>> No.8222093
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>> No.8222391

That pose is awful. She shouldn't lean back like a pregnant woman. And the arms slightly splayed makes her look like wide.

>> No.8222413
File: 55 KB, 485x574, 7596196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fatty and her ita as fuck rantings and advice. All I see are striped socks on the wicked witch of the west.
> Pic related

Holy too OOT

> Ageplay Sunday*

Mismatched edgster needs an underskirt

The WTF am I doing, I dress in the dark ita

This made me sad. Usually she is pretty well dressed and hides her age well but holy fuck does she look like a granny playing dress up in her grandaughters clothes. This OP only works with simple co ords and that bag why gurl why.

Nasty ass washed out nignog.

Cannot unsee

>Ita detected

Grandmas leave the fashion please

She does actually live in Canada and we were still in cold weather/possible snow/snow melting mode at the time. But like dam they're still too much.

>My friend runs wig shop
>Won't post link in a group where people would be interested probably get her some clients
>Instead PM me noob-chan so friend and I can scam you cause you know no better
Kekky as always CoF

>> No.8222414

I just..Obviously these girls have chosen not to continue with dying their hair whatever colour it was. Why not dye it closer to the natural colour to let it grow out?

This fucking baffles me.

>> No.8222558

I checked again and I think she's learning to be an elementary school teacher in Korea? Probably going to teach English and God lord is our savior.

>> No.8222568
File: 91 KB, 960x719, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She calls it "sweet-gothic" and wore it to her sisters wedding

>> No.8222570

>you have the most precious face

Brittany, don't lie to this girl.

>> No.8222575

Is that voldie?

>> No.8222576

Don't know, just saw this on COF.

>> No.8222580

That was an April Fool's joke. Read the comments.

>> No.8222582

>missing the obvious april fools day post

>> No.8222688

While I do think this was funny at first, I actually kinda feel bad for her now. She walked into the fashion at the wrong time.

> inb4 CGL gulls aren't supposed to have feelings

>> No.8222734

Seagulls can have feelings, we just have to pepper them with profanities and a healthy dose of cynicism.

>> No.8222744

I agree, really inappropriate for a teacher. Not really appropriate for a class setting overall even if she was a university student, too OTT. I do like the coord though.

I forget her name but one of Chicago's mods(?) or general senior members wore this in a really nice coord, I thought. Don't have it saved though.

>> No.8222756
File: 74 KB, 720x960, 1896750_670640319710072_1356528069397889456_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know who you're talking about! She wore her Starlight coord to Rufflecon and it was seriously the best I've seen. She did have the advantage, though, of that particular colorway being less of a technicolor clusterfuck and staying mostly all purple.

>> No.8222911

What's hilarious about this is that OP bought the dress to copy this girl (they are/were both in my comm). OP plans to buy it in every colorway and already has 2 of the 4...

>> No.8222938
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Had this saved.

>> No.8222942

Are you really that gullible.
Like come on dude she tied the waist ties in front.

>> No.8223220

Are these two dating, confirm/deny?

>> No.8223235

They are such a cute couple! Are there any pics of the whole coords?
>tfw no Lolita gf to hold in lap.

>> No.8223251
File: 60 KB, 469x599, 1371544693961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah anon are you okay? Did you fall through a time rift?
This might scare you but the year is 2015, where dip dyes and ombres are the fashion.

>> No.8223271

I was amazed to see how much makeup could change a persons appearance. She looks very different in this.

>> No.8223277

Do you even know what ombre looks like?
Besides, at that length it stops being anything but nasty ass roots

>> No.8223282
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Whoa anon are you okay? This might scare you, but we're on /cgl/ where it's perfectly normal to be sandy about hilariously stupid fads like ~ombre dyeing~.

>> No.8223287

Really love this, even the tights and shoes, it grounds it somehow and prevents the ensemble looking flat, plus gives an old-school vibe which I can definitely get behind.

>> No.8223306

tbh I worked all morning that day and didn't bother putting on any makeup to cover my massive eye bags. At least my brows look nice

>> No.8223328

They're in my comm. I bet everyone wanders about it, but we aren't really sure. If they are dating, they aren't doing a good job hiding it though

>> No.8225425

I pondered about getting the skirt version of Starlight Carnvale for my upcoming trip to Venice (showed up on LM recently), but then I realized that dressing up in Venice would be a total clusterfuck with throngs of tourists, people giving me weird looks, and I don't want to end up copying friends that I know who own the print.

Still it's a gorgeous print which has been growing on me as of late. I'll hold out for one of brands to make a print of Dresden or the White City from the Columbia Exposition.

>> No.8225429

There is a girl that I always see who ties her's like that but she wraps them around her waist too.....

>> No.8225462

I love your board's April Fools posts, good job, Voldie.

>> No.8225570

When is it acceptable to wear a black veil in a coord?

>> No.8225574

When your coord is predominantly black or has black accents and a veil would fit the coord theme or look.

>> No.8225578

Was your question sincere or rhetorical?

Either way, I think veils are totally fine when the theme of the coord has religious or more classic elements, such as Renaissance art, elegant longer lengths, etc. However, there are a lot of coords with elements that are too sweet that throw random veils in because it's the current trend and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense/look that nice to me (ex: with rococo inspired prints, coords with a lot of pink, paired with Tea Parties, plastic jewelry, etc). Veils may bother some people, but when the coord is nice, then the veil is totally acceptable IMO, and anyone is totally free to disagree with any of what I've said.

>> No.8225665
File: 126 KB, 640x684, tumblr_nj84idthgT1u5czlbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I know I'm way late to the party as far as "GLW are racist!" goes, but they already apologized and pulled their ad--what more can they do?
>fb /GothicLolitaWigs/posts/938156282861923

>> No.8225693

I'm just sick and tired of people who think they're cool and educated for hating this company.

I bought from them once in 2010. Heard about their issues, could see that most of their wigs weren't outstanding for the price, and *ta-da* never bought from them again.
No need on my end to make it into a bigger deal than it needs to be. There are plenty of non-lolitas buying their wigs for their own reasons that don't involve j-fashion.

And if people are so shocked by a DRAG QUEEN doing something controversial, then just wait until they find out that drag queens also dress up as faux nazis and other offensive shit to make parody statements.

>> No.8225716

Stop overcharging for mediocre wigs.

>> No.8226057

I don't mind this co-ord so much, I think she did a pretty good job of doing something different without it becoming edge-chan. But here are my nit picks

The head wear isn't working. I'm not sure if there are butterflies on the dress or stockings, but the colour combo's aren't balanced. The hair isn't doing it for me either. It's good that she is wearing a larger hair piece to offset the flatness of natural hair, but something more needs to be done with the hair, or get a wig in a less contrasting colour. Similarly, the glasses don't really match.

>> No.8229035

>Crazy meta leopard vomit
>Mismatched purples (and 2edgy4u comment about it)
>Shitty or no petti??
The deflated skirt is what bothers me the most, honestly.

>> No.8229043
File: 115 KB, 720x720, meta leopard vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an idiot and the file didn't upload.

>> No.8229066

Wow that was fast. This is the baby doll cut, it looks worse with a big petti so I just wore a light underskirt. I'm sorry my edges rustled you.

>expecting this print to not be worn tacky

>> No.8229069

I guess I'll take your word for it but I don't think it looks good that way either.

>> No.8229072

ok but you still look bad tho. what even is your excuse for those awful mismatched purples??

>> No.8229074

Its cool, I agree with you that I'm not 100% happy with the line the underskirt gave it, my pose isn't helping. I asked for concrit so I'm not pained at all. Seeing the photo versus how it looked in the mirror gives me more feedback for the next time I wear it! Thanks regardless!

>> No.8229079

The blouse and bag match the color of the bows in the print and each other. I have no excuse at all for the shoes.

>> No.8229085

Well you seem pretty cool so now I feel a little bad for being so blunt, haha.
I think adding more accessories the color of the darker ruffles might help. Hell, even if you just had like some shoe clips in that color to add to the lavender shoes you're wearing, I think it'd look more cohesive. The brighter purple probably doesn't look so out of place in person but in photos its hard to see the tiny bright purple on the dress.

>> No.8229097

Its totally cool, I knew it would be controversial, and I knew you guys would give me the real feedback and more ideas for next time (we all know how COF feedback requests go). I definitely see now the shoes didn't match as close I hoped they would, and I was thinking the same thing about shoe clips for these shoes (I ripped the lopsided bows off that came with them) but I don't think I'd wear these shoes again with this dress.

>> No.8229107

I've been waiting to see someone wear this. This could use a belt and a bigger petti, otherwise it just looks like crazy meta to me.

>> No.8229110
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>> No.8229118

The cut is super weird but I am going to hunt high and low to find an underbust corset that matches the dark blue of the hem like this anon >>8229085 mentioned because I think it will actually work with the shape of the dress. It is definitely hardmode and I didn't nail it this time but I'm not giving up on it yet.

>> No.8229202

I actually really like this one, what's wrong with it?

>> No.8229208
File: 50 KB, 600x600, 10425151_10206578905214150_4147246043478782152_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this chicks coord but why shoop so hard?

>> No.8229499
File: 89 KB, 725x960, 10923297_10153332866998394_7490922177645183203_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really not a fan of this coord. it looks so unbalanced to me.

>> No.8229506

I hated that blouse color on her it makes her look washed out.

>> No.8229521

I think an ivory blouse would look 10x better on her. That plus some hair accessories and a different hairstyle would really improve this.

>> No.8229535

I like this one, but think that she needs to curl the front strand of hair, and add a floral clip or bow to the weird straw halo thing she has going on with the wig. I like the pink shoes more, and I think that the pink blouse suits her very well.

>> No.8229595

This was hilarious. god bless her.

>> No.8229600

I think that would look awesome. I'm rooting for you, anon. I love that print.

>> No.8229788


>> No.8229793

It looks one of those Jesus pics on the right. Sorry, not sorry. This is frilly Jesus.

>> No.8229804

ditto, what dress is that?

>> No.8229806

>not knowing nameless poem

>> No.8229823

That's me....I agree I over-shooped it so much, but I was an idiot and took my photos late at night so I had to do a lot of light correction. All I did on my face though was smooth my skin and remove the (ridiculously) dark circles under my eyes.

I've learnt my lesson though, I will take all my shots before meets from now on.

>> No.8230160

You look good anon apart from the shoop, no one expects you to look perfect so leaving imperfections is better than shooping to this extremes, it just gets kinds creepy. I am actually looking forward to seeing your outfits in the future though, you're cute.

>> No.8230251


I just want to say you are very pretty and you really don't need any shooping. Even if you have dark circles around your eyes. Your coord is really lovely as well.
Hope I don't sound creepy lol.

>> No.8230313

Yeah I think she said she got sent the wrong color blouse from taobao or something so she had to make do until her white one came in

>> No.8231729
File: 48 KB, 720x958, FB_IMG_1428371929560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Don't look at my chest silly boys

>> No.8231733

> Conceit welcome

>> No.8232393

Thanks guys, that seriously means a lot...I definitely won't over shoop in the future.

>> No.8232401

It's an ombre wig which explains the hair twist on top being a different colour

>> No.8232494

This thread isn't just for posting bad coords

>> No.8232554
File: 240 KB, 870x1206, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still don't understand why she dresses like this as a teacher. It seems way too OTT for a working environment. She's way too much of a distraction

>> No.8232557

she looks good though

>> No.8232594

She looks lovely. It is a little OTT (especially next to something like her nameless poem coord) but seeing this did give me whimsically nostalgic mental images of a victorian governess in a huge... Rococo-ish gown. What's ridiculous is people telling her to wear a massive fucking OTT headress with it when she is keeping the rest of the coord pared down because of how dramatic the dress is on its own.

Her ability to teach isn't going to be diminished by a pretty dress. My old math teacher was solely responsible for the top tier at a private school; she constantly changed her multicolored hair, clothes and tattoos.

>> No.8232605

This barely looks lolita, it looks more like a costume

>> No.8232611

Wearing lolita to teach isn't a problem, but this sort of OTT dress seems distracting. No denying it looks good, but appropriate? No.

>> No.8232613

Is she full time? If so what grade?

>> No.8232666

Judging from her environment I think she is still studying to become a teacher. She just likes to refer to herself as a elementary school teacher.

>> No.8232758

I think the hair looks adorable, but that hairpiece just doesn't work with it and makes it look odd

>> No.8232772

I am a teacher and I rarely ever wear lolita to work.I agree she is pretty, but this is inappropriate.

>> No.8232789
File: 113 KB, 672x672, IMG_0828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she has a great personality.

>> No.8232798

... are you her or are your standards for beauty really just that low? She's one of the most hideous man faced lolitas I've ever seen. Losing weight would help, but I doubt by much.

>> No.8232810

Yeah she's not a teacher yet. I hope she won't dress like this at work when she becomes one.

>> No.8232811

I'm very impressed with her for not really getting bitchy at all. Given how some people freak the fuck out when you tell them even the slightest thing is wrong with their outfit after they ask for concrit, girl gets kudos for being chill even when everyone's questioning if she's serious.

>> No.8232821

Could someone explain how the hell this print sells for less than retail? It's so gorgeous and unique, I don't get how it's not more popular. I need this shit in every color way.

>> No.8232830

>and I don't want to end up copying friends that I know who own the print.
lolwut. Just because they owned it first doesn't mean anyone is copying them. If anyone ever accuses you of copying them for buying the same print, advise them to get the fuck over their inflated sense of self importance.

>> No.8232832

I have never seen this dress sell for that low. Esp the wine colorway. Which is extremely hard to get a hold of in that cut. I have tried and failed many times. Last time I saw that JSK sell it was about $400 USD after fees. If anything you are thinking of the OP cut...which is very tiny and limited in sizing.

>> No.8232840

Yeah, the OP is my first choice cut, so I was making my assumption based mostly on that since that's what I've seen the most of. I'm glad the print is at least sought after in some versions. I'm also glad the more expensive cut isn't the one I want most.

>> No.8232970


I love it. I really do.

>> No.8232993

my thought is that the koreans are too scared to say anything to the crazy black girl English teacher

>> No.8233065

No one says she looks bad, just that it's not appropriate for school. Which it isn't. No one cares about your special snowflake private school teacher lol

>> No.8233852
File: 153 KB, 960x960, 10003406_10153249367405879_2604385577439802973_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get some more coords in here

I love this coord so much. I didn't think I'd ever like that lace-material for the skirt portion, but it works for me here.

>> No.8233878


Yeah, but you'd think they would have courses on how to dress professionally even at the student stage.

I'm doing something similar where I'm interning/shadowing other people and they pretty much hammered into us that we should dress professionally. If I dressed like this even just to shadow, I'd get thrown out. I'm super surprised that she didn't, maybe because what >>8232993 said.

>> No.8233896

Koreans are usually pretty blunt though. She probably has been told it's strange/inappropriate or asked outright why she's doing what she's doing. My bet is that she doesn't care right now as a student or teaches somewhere that they have no standards.

>> No.8233934
File: 170 KB, 642x714, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teachers be fabulous

>> No.8233981

I follow a youtuber who's a black teacher in Korea and she also says they're blunt. When she changed her hair they openly said it was ugly.

>> No.8234106


>> No.8234108

They are not dating

>> No.8234157

It's more of an east asian cultural thing. The bluntness, I mean. It's not necessarily people trying to be rude (which is how it can be seen here in the west) but just people being straight with each other. I've seen exchange students, recently immigrated, etc. east asian people get into awkward social situations because of this. Not everyone is like this obviously but yeah. I find it super weeby for her as well and I'm also really surprised no one has told her to stop? Though I feel like she's said somewhere she supposedly got compliments from people, idk. Not sure if I'm remembering it wrong though and it was just compliments from the kids (which I know she mentions) and not co-workers.

>> No.8234327

That lace isn't the most attractive and kinda reminds me of late 60's day dresses, but the texture it has really works with the socks and I think it all gets pulled together in that way. I think she looks wonderful in this outfit; it's great.

>> No.8234901

I want to post a coord is cof but seeing the reactions make me nervous, My coords are not amazing but they are not ita or anything. What do

>> No.8234917

Just do it. It will be fine, worst comes to worst some seagulls say you look ita, you read their crits, then you improve and move on. Or you get defensive and they start to insult your character.

>> No.8235126

cute but i cant get over her stink face

>> No.8235161
File: 109 KB, 636x960, 13274_1417687431872249_5796460412028436537_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this coord so much! It's beautiful!

>I just can't for the life of me unsee her left calf being so much larger than her right calf.

>> No.8235166

>Anon don't be nitpic--
>what the fuck

>> No.8235183

I may build up the courage to post one later.

>> No.8235185

Post it, say concrit ok, thank people for whatever they say, done? Even if someone says something crappy or mean if you just thank them for taking time to comment they will just look like a sourpuss.

>> No.8235188

That coord is shit. Is she blind?

>> No.8235204

It's just OTT and a bit costume-y. It's not my favorite thing I've seen today but that's a matter of taste. It's a sound coord, it follows the rules. Maybe you do not like OTT?

>> No.8236073


Woah. I think it's because she's got her left knee bent and the heel raised, which is causing her left calf muscle to tighten up and look broader than the relaxed right leg does? I totally didn't notice until you mentioned it, anon!

I like this for an OTT coord, everything balances out nicely and the themes work together really well.

>> No.8236078

Scepters are getting too fucking ridiculous.
She looks like a mermaid queen in a production.
Pretty for a costume, no idea how people could see this as representative for a fashion.

>> No.8236115


Didn't she say in her post that normally she wears casual stuff but she went OTT for a convention?

>> No.8236165

It looks like the fashion magazine / runway version, rather than the real-life styling. Which I think is fine for a special event. It's not like she went grocery shopping with that scepter!

>> No.8236172

I didn't see the post so to be fair she could have said that. Though I consider lolita and OTT to be two different things.

>> No.8236194

I really like it, and that's a tough print. It always looks like evolved bodyline to me.

>> No.8236356

Yeah I'm pretty sure this is from AM. I might be remembering wrong though.

>> No.8236410

I know her, yeah it was for AM.

>> No.8236461

I hate when photos do that to my legs--or anyone else's it's so distracting.

I love the coord though. I saw it earlier in some photos from Anime Matsuri, which explains the super OTT thing going on. Scepter and crown is intense, I want one for some of my prints now.

>> No.8236500

Those are both plainer and more toned-down than what that girl is wearing, though.

>> No.8236619
File: 84 KB, 960x438, 10944836_10155429908040722_5158924543979087981_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It got worse.

>> No.8236629

Just came here to post that. Either everyone's advice ended up being total shit or she didn't have items that matched the advice. First coord is so much better.

>> No.8236653

honestly I feel like neither of these coords would look as frumpy if she just got a better fucking petticoat, because right now it almost looks like she has a preggo stomach that's pushing the dress out.

>> No.8236656


I think that's actually a product of her unfortunate shape.

Asians who get fat tend to be apple shaped, which is possibly the worst shape for lolita.

>> No.8236664

I think they are all equally ugly but you can't make out that much to dislike on the black one because it all blends together.

>> No.8236764
File: 681 KB, 1490x586, lol wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone see this? melissa sounds like a tryhard newbie tbh, I'm sure she meant well but her random concrit came off as weirdly overbearing and kinda...catty? the whole "lol just trying to help one newb to another <3" thing turned me off to anything valid she may have had to say. I don't think girls new to lolita have completely invalid concrit either, but the way she even assumes the girl posting is new just comes off like she's trying to be a know-it-all, idk. I feel like the underskirt also wasn't even something that was something accidentally showing, it looks like she was trying to do the underskirt thing and length the dress down to her knees since she's wearing ankle socks.

>> No.8236779

that entire comment was so condescending lmao. not knowing what an underskirt is for + stupid nitpick = newbie too big for her bloomers

>> No.8236791

condescending, not catty, that's the word i was looking for haha. yes, her whole comment was super condescending. if anything the underskirt bit is nitpicky, she prob could've chosen a fuller one because it almost looks too small under the skirt? but yeah this was all nitpick at best and for her to say "ita to stunning" came off as sooo tryhard.

it reminded me of that 1 girl who was like 15/16 and was being all edgy desu on rufflechat.

>> No.8236795
File: 448 KB, 450x292, aha-aha-ahahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that a crease in your blouse can make you an ita.
>implying an ita coord can be made 'stunning' just by straightening some seams

>> No.8236801

I know OTT is in but ugh this just looks far too obnoxious, especially that scepter and the freaking crown with a veil. It looks like a stupid cosplay not a fashion. However Without those things I would probably love the coord.

>> No.8236810

What dress is this?

>> No.8236813


>> No.8236837

I don't buy "but it's OTT for a fancy meet". I'm not bothered by it being appropriate for the occasion, I just think it's ugly.

>> No.8236854
File: 153 KB, 640x960, mertwins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though these have veils, these are much nicer and not obnoxious OTT coords for this dress.

>> No.8236964

Take the sahara out of your vag and dress yourself better

>> No.8237011



>> No.8237064

God she's so ugly. Good thing she's living in the US and not Korea or something or she would have been shunned...

>> No.8237198

> I don't like this photo all that much because of that~ it probably would have looked better if i wasn't about to faint when we took it hehe ^^ got so many better photos that day
> about to faint when we took it hehe ^^
> hehe ^^
bitch why did you upload it in the first place, if you didn't like it?

That melissa chick is annoying but holy shit stop with the excuses.

>> No.8237267

Is that fucking Nic?

>> No.8237271
File: 45 KB, 418x960, 1385979_10153215280942594_549380555368731063_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8237283

first photo quality was nicer and then the newer ones have shit quality... photo quality can make or break coords too!

>> No.8237315

I love OTT, but there was something about her and her gaggle of like-dresses people that looked too over done. Like they had robbed a craft store and put all of it on. There wasn't a focal point, it was just all too much.

>> No.8237331

Someone needs to make an OTT bingo card:
>variation of a head crown
>printed brand tights
>some bastardization of Indian tikka
>chiffon something
>no less than five pieces of jewelry

Anything I'm missing?

>> No.8237360

rosettes or corsages?

>> No.8237367

Yes! Oh I forgot sashes too!

>> No.8237373

She looks like something you could hire to entertain at a kid's birthday party.
topkek, you nailed it

>> No.8237377

No, it's Spencer

>> No.8237397

I do actually like the new coord better, but it's still rather meh. Her size is honestly the biggest issue with regards to her overall appearance, followed by need for a bigger petti, and the blouse which was a step back imo. Should have stayed with black, or used a darker cream at least. That offwhite/ivory is too light and washes out such a colorful print. Larger girls should really stay away from white/ivory too, makes her look bigger. Still needs heels. But I think the headwear is a big improvement and with proper petti support I could see an underskirt working for that dress.

>> No.8237613
File: 131 KB, 960x960, 10610701_10153252941527375_3322453355749008923_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of god awful ott coords

>> No.8237618
File: 21 KB, 370x250, futurama-brain-slug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8237642

dont you just hate it when someone ruins your dream dress ;/

>> No.8237700

She won best dressed.

>> No.8237711

I don't even own it yet, and I don't even know if I want it anymore after this shit. at least not in ivory.

>> No.8237719
File: 75 KB, 643x960, bestdressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like an insult to everyone else's coord

>> No.8237725

What the fuck took so long to execute about it? Is she mentally retarded? Maybe the designers chose her because they thought that...

>> No.8237741

honestly, I think the designers kinda chose the ones dressed the closest to their table! at least buttcape got best dressed from atelier boz!

>> No.8237763

Not true, AP designer picked a girl near the back!

>> No.8237766

I couldn't believe it honestly. There were so many better options for AP!!

>> No.8237768


>> No.8237788

Well, well...I suppose we can all look forward to her 'helping' people in Uncensored soon. She'll find out quickly enough that replies to shitty concrit from noobs are also uncensored. I wonder if she will understand this concept also?

>> No.8237803

It just makes me laugh because almost anything someone else does will be better than what she did with it so just looking forward to knowing I'll look better in something because I won't mess it up on this level is kind of amusing.
If one brand ita ruins a dress for everyone, we'd have even fewer to choose from. Don't let it get to you Anons, or keep you from your dream dress.

>> No.8237808


>> No.8237815

I liked the coord that got picked by Meta and the other AP designer, but that one seemed rather awful.

I felt bad for the Boz designer having to take so long to even find anybody wearing Boz. The special one of a kind hat prize was really nice though.

>> No.8237816

i fell that alot of the time people muck up coords because they try to be too unique, if people just stuck to simple coords there would be alot less of this crap flying arround, very few people seem to be able to pull of going down the ott unique route ;/

>> No.8237830

If you wore OTT all the time are you still lolita or?

>> No.8237831

Someone just needed to tell her that this much lolified and off-brand/normalfag stuff doesn't add up to lolita. There should be a tactful way to do this because 'fixing' something like this basically just amounts to 'change everything and try using some lolita stuff' and if she did not have the money to get some beginner budget lolita pieces in the first place then it's just not going to really be any better until she does.

You can't do lolita out of your normal closet with any more success than a very mediocre closet cosplay. The look is too specific. We should be able to say these kinds of things openly to noobs in a polite way. You can do lolita on a small budget but not on NO budget.

>> No.8237849

Simpler, good coords most of the time are really so nice. I strive for improving mine but that doesn't mean 'making them more fancy or OTT'. I also really love to see a lolita who consistently does good non-OTT coords over one who has a really costumey OTT con coord but doesn't look polished in her other coords on a regular basis.

I need to give more likes and compliments when I see good non-OTT posted too. I hate hearing how non-OTT girls feel discouraged and 'plain' or overlooked when they absolutely are not. They are what I like most about lolita fashion. Livejournal Daily Lolita format was better because it allows several photos over time to really follow someone's style and see more than one big fancy coord photo.

>> No.8237914

100% agree with this post, my favorite lolitas are the ones that have a strong, consistent daily style that's still interesting to look at without being too casually 'toss on a cardigan and dress and be done with it' as well.

>> No.8238091

It annoys m so greatly when a noobie gives advice.
But if katherines really been a lolita since 2009 she should be dressing better than that. that's a 5/10 outfit.

>> No.8238097

you forgot
>random gold bag/shoes

>> No.8238109


I follow her on tumblr and tbh it seems like shes much more into cult fairy kei. So Im not surprised this look seems inspired from that.

>> No.8238352

Even around here simple coords get a lot of complaints--I've seen plenty of really solid, elegant coordinates labeled "boring" and "uninteresting" when in my opinion, they are quite nice and refreshing to see. I always try to reblog and "like" good simple coords when possible.

>> No.8238356

Can we get some decent, non-tryhard ivory DDC coords in here to balance this disaster out?

>> No.8238422

What you're trying to say is that this girl was "voted" as best dressed?

Wow Texas. Good job.

>> No.8238431

w00t, seattle represent!

>> No.8238439

Mad that this won, as the headpiece and scepter are badly made and not even her own original idea - didn't lunie chan or some other efamous lolita do a carousel headpiece that was way better than this?

>> No.8238448

Isn't Melissa that creepy age player that kicked up a fuss a few months ago?

>> No.8238851

This is a different Melissa, Anon. At least this Melissa knows how to coord, put on makeup, and is anatomically female.

>> No.8239077

The designer (Maki) picked her. She liked that this girl made the scepter that went with her coordinate.

The other AP designer (Asuka) picked a girl who made her bunny purse.

Seems that they appreciate when you go through with the effort to make things to go with your coords.

So there was no voting. It seemed the designers picked someone memorable to them.

>> No.8239141


Well that's even more disappointing. Girl looked like such a mess. Her Head piece seemed like it was about to topple over when you see photos of her from an angle.

>> No.8239159

Maybe that's what made her memorable. lol

>> No.8239196

Aww, I wish I was there now. I bet no woman was wearing Boz/Lapin.

>> No.8239273

I fucking love her hair buns. Maybe clip in bangs would make her forehead look less huge, but those curly bun things are gorgeous.

>> No.8239295

I don't think the shoes suit the outfit (although there's something on her left leg that makes me think maybe there's some reason she has to wear flat shoes, hence the tea parties), and for a girl in a MmM dress those cheap eBay lace tights aren't gonna cut it, but the rest of the outfit is fine.

>> No.8239302

Ah yeah, I'd forgotten that about daily-lolita. Mostly I thought the format was awkward but it was good that you usually got to see a week's worth of coordinates at once.

>> No.8239406

That's really impressive, especially the scepter and it looks beautiful.

But that's not part of the lolita fashion anymore to me. IDK it's starting to get more like renaissance faire, it's accepted but nobody consider it an actual everyday fashion.

This legit makes me sad, it's like we're trying to outdo each other and it's really starting to get ridiculous (led lolita ??). It should be called "Convention Lolita" because at least OTT can be worn outside I guess.

>> No.8239570

I don't get where this idea of "outdoing" each other comes from? Why can't lolitas be creative and create awesome things without it threatening other people's coords? Like this simple vs. ott debate really irks me. You can like both and I see most ott lolitas wearing simple elegant coords on day-to-day basis. Pulling out the stops is only natural at big events. Why you got to hate? (not you in particular but in general cal seems to hate on ott ALL the time)

I'm in awe of scepter girl's skills even if it's not my cup of tea.

>> No.8239660

This is pretty. Love them heels to clash with the nun outfit! Ofc had they been blue, they had been perfect.

>> No.8239684

I really dislike this coord. The merry go round on her head is just plain awful, it pulls down her wig over her face and makes it look squashed, as if she doesn't have a forehead. The pony is obviously just a plastic 80s charity find something glued and decorated and put on top of a giant toilet roll. And the veil? No. Not for this coord. The wig is really badly styled as well. I mean, if you simply remove the bad wig, awful head piece, ugly giant pony and the veil, this could be a beautiful coord.

>> No.8239705

Her Scepter is amazing. I really want to try and make one, it looks so cute.

>> No.8240125
File: 455 KB, 631x287, carousel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There have been a few of them. Rainedragon and Lunie are the ones that stuck out in my mind.

I think Rainedragon was there? But she was wearing something else, unless that was someone else?

>> No.8240157

What kind of leg wear/shoes would you put with that OP?

>> No.8240179

the cross crown bothers me wayyyy more than it should

I think the themes fit perfectly otherwise even if OTT isn't my thing.

>> No.8240336

That scepter is absolutely amazing. I seriously love everything about this.

>> No.8240346

I saw three women wearing Boz at the AM tea party. Buttcape won best dressed for Boz.

>> No.8240354

>cult fairy kei

>> No.8240368

It really bothers me how derpy the girl in the middle photo is walking. I'm assuming she was just posing that way to be ~*extra*~*kawaii*~ but it just looks like she has a clubfoot or something

>> No.8240399

because people on cgl bash simple coords all the time as if anything not OTT is underdressed

>> No.8240547
File: 74 KB, 636x960, 10982919_1566633966918547_8783517519341699424_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking closer at her coordinates because I can't put my finger on what bugs me so much (I think it's how centered everything is)... and girl straight up rewore the same blouse with another coordinate on a different day.

>> No.8240557

>wore the same blouse twice

oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....

>> No.8240561

She said in her COF post that she isn't from texas and had to pack light tho

>> No.8240569

It was hot and humid as balls. You don't re-wear a shirt without washing it in that kind of weather unless you are a con-funk dude.

>> No.8240591

Can't you just Febreeze the shit out of it?

> excuse me being a Northern citizen who usually doesn't have to deal with this shit

>> No.8240597

hotels usually have laundry facilities

>> No.8240604

lol are you seriously bothered by someone wearing the same blouse twice?
that's just smart packing; it looks like she had a lot to bring with her so the more you can use in various coordinates, the better?
i know i try to keep blouses and shoes and stuff similar when i travel, limited suitcase space and all.

>what is washing clothes

Not unless you're gross, anon. You can handwash lolita items in a sink or tub and hang-dry if there are no laundry facilities (but hotels usually have something)

>> No.8240607

True, but that does not indicate in any way that she didn't clean her blouse one way or another, or that it really affected her.

>> No.8240614

I wore the same blouse twice at AM. Just rinsed it out in the sink and air dried it. Chiffon is really easy to do that with.

>> No.8240620

Not even a bad coord, bitch just needs to learn the magic of lighting, makeup, and posing.

>> No.8240625

She was probably wearing an undershirt so her blouse wasn't covered in sweat. I do that even when it's hot. That, and she cleaned it in her hotel.

>> No.8240652

Its a Fan+Friend dress, I think its called 12 o'clock cinderella or something like that

>> No.8241790
File: 63 KB, 528x960, fro-chan desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just me being salty, but I'm getting really annoyed with girls trying to shoehorn their way into popularity via some 'unique' aspect. Like, I actually don't even hate this girl's coords, but I'm so tired of seeing "Fro-chan."

>> No.8241819

I vote for this wig to become the next lolita ambassador. Just the wig.

>> No.8241821


Best part is that it's actually a wig.

I honestly want the SJWs to get on her case. The ensuing drama would be delicious.

>> No.8241959

I dont see the problem with her wanting to wear her own natural hair type. It doesst seem special snowflakey to me. Just like shes wearing a wig that more accurately represents her.

>> No.8241974

I don't either but she shouldn't let people assume it's her real hair either. Most people don't always state 'Wig from: X company' but if complimented on their hair in the comments, they do mention the fact that it's a wig.

>> No.8241982

huh I see.. Yeah I think the wigs cute on her personally, but that is pretty annoying. How do we know its a wig?

>> No.8241986

pretty sure she's half black, if you go to her FB page she has photos of her with her real hair and while it isn't a huge fro its def natural/super kinky. so uh no

>> No.8242007

She admitted it on her tumblr earlier on before she started to get really known for it, and now she's trying to pretend it isn't to soak up the fame.

>> No.8242023

Idk she might have just failed to mention it? I mean didn't people just assume it was her real hair? thats not really her fault. It would be flattering but understandable if someone mistook my wigs for my real hair bc I forgot to say a brand or whatever. I guess I would correct them just to be modest though. (But I'm white so maybe its different bc my wigs are more obvious? Idk)

>> No.8242025

that pisses me off bc other women work so hard and wait so damn long for their fros to get like that

>> No.8242049
File: 76 KB, 460x290, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By calling herself Fro-chan, she's actively drawing attention to it, knowing that people are going to assume it's her real hair and compliment her on it.

The first two are when she's wearing the afro wig, and the bottom is just a coord with a regular lolita wig. If she weren't trying to capitalise on the wig, I doubt she would have six different tags for it alone.

>> No.8242064

She has 8 hair-related tags on one of her posts with that wig on her tumblr. That's a lot of wig tagging to not make it more clear that it IS a wig.

>> No.8242095

I've seen her mention that it's a wig in CoF. Still tired of it though. People fall all over themselves fawning over the wig when half the time it doesn't fit the coord, and the other half the coord isn't that great without the wig to distract people.

>> No.8242651
File: 116 KB, 960x960, 11150743_10155397662000065_3018308573338529544_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The yellow tulle is her "tail"...

>> No.8242678

when I look at each element of this co-ord I really love it, but for some reason it's meh all together. Maybe it's just a bad picture, or actually maybe it's the dress. It doesn't seem that lolita to me for some reason.

>> No.8242683

That wig is cute

>> No.8243815

That's so disappointing. Seeing her coords really encouraged me to use my natural hair in lolita, too. It makes sense though, considering that hair would be absolutely impossible to get this amount of hair under a wig.

>> No.8243821

Anon, are you serious? She probably washed it in the hotel or whatever, it's smart packing.

>> No.8243823

Well, at least she diddn't use an actual tail.

>> No.8243828

I didn't know it wasn't her real hair either...it's stupid if it isn't because it doesn't always fit the coord, even though she usually pulls it off, so it seems more like she's just using it for efame. i've often thought a 'fro in a less gingery colour would look better in some of her coords, but ignored it because hey, she isn't gonna change her hair colour for one coord, but if that isn't her real hair after all that pisses me off.

>> No.8243829

Because washed or not, nothing says OTT luxury like re-wearing clothes and accessories a couple of days in a row, right? I also noticed it and thought it was tacky. Domestic baggage limits are only limits if you can't afford to pay for your extra suitcase.

>> No.8243861

yes, she should pay an extra 50$ just to impress you anon.

>> No.8243870


I thought you had a sceptre up your poophole about the blouses she's wearing, but on the other hand, she chose to pack two different bags and two different sceptre toppers (which on the other other hand is pretty ingenious, I want to know how it was made so badly) plus a billion OTT accessories including a tacky veil and overskirt instead of another blouse.

That sceptre with interchangeable tops is pretty cool, though. idk, I'm so conflicted. Sage for being confused.

>> No.8243873

It's probably it's a curtain rod with ends that she has multiples of, so it just screws on.

>> No.8243878


Curtain rod ends screw on? That's pretty useful info. Thanks, anon.

>> No.8243886

maybe she liked that blouse with both outfits and didn't want to wear another one?

>> No.8243900


True, the blouse does go very well with "throw all the sheer things on" vibe that she has going with both coords. Much better excuse than needing to pack light but then packing a zillion things other than another blouse.

>> No.8244082

I met this girl at AB, she was nice and seemed pretty humble. I'm not sure that she's necessarily trying to carve out some identity as 'the afro lolita'.

>> No.8244122

She literally calls herself fro-chan, anon. She always mentions the afro whenever she posts a coordinate with this wig, it's honestly irritating. I'm sure she's nice and all, but I wish she would drop it.