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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 17 KB, 400x188, Anime_Boston_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8236040 No.8236040 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread autosaging >>8221437
Post pictures, gripe about con security, etc

>> No.8236344

Anyone have any photos of the 11th Doctor with the purple coat and gray waistcoat?

Those guys were /k/ommandos. Really neat dudes.

>> No.8236467

taiga pics when

>> No.8236514

Apparently never.

>> No.8236517

from the last thread, was it AB staff people were getting yelled at by, or hynes staff/security?

asking because it seemed a bit unclear in a few posts in the last thread and I dunno, for me personally I only ever got "yelled at" by AB staff if I was doing something actually wrong (like standing in the way when I wasn't supposed to) and when I was bitched at for no reason at all, it usually was from overzealous, anxiety-ridden hynes staff and security. I know my experience isn't everyone elses, though. I've definitely seen overzealous volunteers as well.

my only complaint is I thought it was super stupid to re-route people outside of the hynes to get back in...I know that was something the fire marshall did, but I found it odd because people often stay at the sheraton so they DONT have to walk around outside. I didn't personally stay at the sheraton this year but I was re-routed at one point and the wind was super aggravating to deal with, I know that's not something AB staff can control at all but I just wish that maybe the fire marshall could have figured out a better way to do that. I know you also could've gotten into the sheraton via the AA but I don't think a whole lot of people know about that.

>> No.8236545

just walk around the building and enter the hynes through the street entrance. there were never any lines back there for some reason.

>> No.8236581

On Saturday, my friends and I discovered the secret third floor entrance to the artist alley. It was even legitimate with a bag check and everything. Never had to stand in lines.

>> No.8236586
File: 768 KB, 1317x2095, taiga 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.8236588

pro tip its not a secert entrance it was for con attendes this whole time

>> No.8236600

That's why I mentioned that it was legitimate. I only called it "secret" because almost no one knew about it (the whole no line thing).

>> No.8236606

not sure if you're talking about the front entrance off huntington or the side street entrance that was just before the sheraton, where you went up those steps?

either way, I wasn't talking about the lines, I was talking about how it was a little annoying (and I guess super rage inducing for other people) that the FM rerouted people trying to get to the con through that one pru entrance, around the building to get back into the sheraton, or around to get back into the con. again, not AB's fault really but I just wish that maybe the FM could've thought something out that was better. but also I don't really get the purpose of the rerouting anyways? was it just hallway overcrowding issues or something?

I discovered that entrance too, it's pretty sweet though it's annoying if you're trying to get somewhere early (before 10 am) because then you have to wait for it to open or go around and use the regular entrances.

>> No.8236644

Did anybody go to Mike O'Toole's "Anime's Secret Masters" panel? I've never been to AB but Mike writes my favorite anime column. Perhaps I should go next year.

>> No.8236678

She's so cute! She looks like she's 13.

>> No.8236690

Ab staff is always very nice and lovely, It was hynes and the staff for the pru that were assholes.

>> No.8236842

Hey, that's Amy! She's a friend of my sister's and I met her the Friday she was wearing Taiga. She's actually 17 and a huge sweetheart!

>> No.8236891
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Hero, you health is low! Do you have any potions, or food?

Actually one of my favourite cosplays that I saw this year.

>> No.8236921

Found that last year, avoided the line every time.

>> No.8236925

How tall is she?

>> No.8236990

She's 4'10" I believe, she says she likes being so short because her favorite characters to cosplay are moe/little sister types and she was actually going to cosplay Nanako Dojima but her commissioner took to long to ship so instead she wore a sukumizu with her randoseru, which someone mentioned seeing her in the last thread.

>> No.8237015

That's fuckin adorable. Does she have a facebook or tumblr I can follow her on?

>> No.8237096

Sorry anon- would've answered sooner but had to make sure she was comfortable with me posting her page up on 4chan, her facebook page is Imouto-Fever Cosplay!

>> No.8237104

>Imouto-Fever Cospla
You're a good friend. thanks!

>> No.8237153

No problem! She's a little on the shy side so I didn't want to do anything potentially overwhelming for her without getting her permission or at least letting her know. :)

>> No.8237321
File: 49 KB, 584x778, bulma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anyone get any shots of my thrown together bulma cosplay? wannabe sexy pic related

>> No.8237429

You diseased fucks I am so sick, fuck con flu fuck everything I was extra careful this year and hear I am with blood on my phlegm and my ears/head/general sinuses feel like they are going to explode.

>> No.8237446
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ill just dump my con pics

youll be ok

>> No.8237448
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>> No.8237464
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>> No.8237466
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>> No.8237474

Any pictures from the lolita 101 panel? or lolitas in general?

>> No.8237477
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>> No.8237479
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>> No.8237480
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last pic is my con bro kenji

>> No.8237518
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i whispered very creepy things at this man.

>> No.8237556

Did anyone get pics of the Doll who was walking around on Friday? I've seen a ton of the one on Saturday but the one on Friday was my friend and she's been disappointed she hasn't found any pictures of herself.

>> No.8237701
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>> No.8237704
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>> No.8237923

Any more pics of that Sinon?

I saw a grand total of two over the weekend.

>> No.8238068

So I'm pretty sure that when there, I saw a super buff shirtless Batman but I wasn't able to get a picture (or ever find them again). Were my eyes deceiving me or was there a stupid sexy Batman?

>> No.8238106

PLEASE! If you want him please go after him, I'll help you! I'm close friends with him.

>> No.8238224

three highlights to my weekend.
First, My friends and I go to The Funimation Peepshow panel, and they're doing some weird Twitter not quite contest thing during it. I never use mine so I figured why the hell not crack some shit jokes? I get called up and they hand me a ticket for the Funi booth.
I redeem it the next day and it's a bag full of nudie promos for the stuff they showed the previous night. I hand the bag to one of my friends who had a larger bag because our hotel was like a 20 minute walk and I didn't want to be the creepy guy in the con constantly clutching fine anime titties. Said friend went to meet up with someone he knew from work, leaving me and my other buddy. So a bit of time passes and it takes me a while to realize "oh shit ANON still has my nudie shit! That might make things a bit awkward." "Don't be stupid OTHER ANON, it's not going to fall out or anything"

We meet my friend and his work buddy a short time later "so... My bag fell over and your hentai flew out over the hall."

Second was Totoro dancing in the dealers room at the ocarina booth, third was getting chased by a group of men in Bee costumes. That one being particularly odd because it happened away from the convention center.

>> No.8238762

If there ever was a reason to have pause, this post would be it

>> No.8238883

Nah man, his friend group is trying to get him away from his annoying, immature 19 year old girlfriend.

>> No.8239114

is that her in the picture?

>> No.8239223

So on one hand, I'm a little disappointed in myself for not going out more and getting more photos taken - but on the other hand, I realized two days ago that I had forgotten to do some part of my makeup for one of my costumes, so it's probably good there won't be much evidence.

>> No.8239297

nah, she went off on her own because she hates him getting all the attention.

>> No.8239624

what a pissbaby, was she cosplaying too?

>> No.8239804

who were you cosplaying?

>> No.8240090

8/10 would ask out to coffee

>> No.8240135

He was a cutie for sure but I'm taken, dear anon

>> No.8240178

tfw no qtcosplaygf

>> No.8240445

Congrats on winning the peepshow prize thing!

I wanted to see the Bible Black LP on Saturday but apparently I need to get a state ID, even if my old high school ID has my birthdate on it. wtf i was able to buy porn in the dealer's room this year and last year. wtf.

Also apparently you can't also open up porn doujins in the DR because of "OH GOD MINORS SEE A TITTY"? huh i swear i was able to look at doujins last year.

>> No.8240449

I meant to say buy porn WITH my old school ID that has my birthdate on it.

>> No.8240765
File: 609 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_nmc71elZKq1r2vlyzo8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this isn't a great picture, but did anyone see/get a picture of me as this Tifa?

(sorry about the wig, it was my first time wearing one)

>> No.8240794

anyone seen the cosplay pane video l by casey and destiny? I can not find it

>> No.8241313

Did anyone else play the Kaneki game? I went and tried to get as many pictures of different cosplayers dressed as Kaneki just to tally up the ending results. Was surprised there were a few decent ones.

>> No.8241595

A volunteer told me about that entrance, the Bolyston St. entrance was closer to my hotel and never had lines either so I used that most of the time.

>> No.8241603

Did you go with your grandma? She's cute.

>> No.8241620

I brought my luggage with my on Sunday and the guys at the bag check were especially thorough for whatever reason and opened the black bag in my suitcase, which obviously contained h stuff. The one guy looked at it, looked at me, looked back at it and then said to the other guard "bro do you see this?" The other guard peered over, said "they've got worse stuff inside" and went back to the bag he was searching. Then the guard on my bag shook his head a little, shrugged and said I was good to go.

>> No.8241631

Because your school ID is not legal identification. And they always said don't open them in there you just got caught this time and not the others

>> No.8241763

This should be the con moto
"We have worse stuff inside"

>> No.8241784

does anyone have her sukimizu pics?

>> No.8241859
File: 861 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_20150404_175914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of my pictures were from the fire emblem meetup, but i took a few others. saw someone looking for his faust last thread, dunno if this is you.

my phone is pretty terrible indoors so sorry for quality

>> No.8241862
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>> No.8241863
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>> No.8241869
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didnt see their eyes peeking out til now lol

>> No.8241872
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>> No.8241876
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>> No.8241881
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>> No.8241883
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>> No.8241886
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>> No.8241889
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That's it for the ones that came out clearly.

Is anyone looking for the FE meetup pics? ill sort them and put into an imgur.

>> No.8242003

I tried at first but honestly lost count.

>> No.8242413

did anyone else go to the bible black LP?

>> No.8242904

Almost, but I figured it would have been full long before it started.

They really need to add another day to Ab...or atleast more late night panels

>> No.8243020

Nope not me, the scalpel I have is crappy compared to this guy.

>> No.8243296
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>> No.8243626
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Browsing through the shit on the forums and Facebook saddens me because I missed seeing some pretty good ones

>> No.8243685

is anyone going to the japanese festival in the Boston commons on the 26th?

>> No.8243756

it was,but a bunch of people left after the first actual pornography showed on the screen. I agree with that, it was pretty fun and i would go to another

>> No.8243808

Super late response! I rewore my Summer Wars costume for a photoshoot (I'm still kicking myself for forgetting to draw my nose on) that morning, and basically only had time to wander around for a few minutes before I had to change into my next costume.

Maybe it was because I didn't wander around enough, but I only saw one pair of Aldnoah.zero cosplayers the entire weekend. I knew it wouldn't be that popular, but I figured I'd see a small handful at least. Guess my predictive skills need improvement.

>> No.8244188

ohh goodness this is gorgeous

>> No.8244192

Anyone else get the con plague like a motherfucker? I'm still running a fever despite spending as much time as possible resting and eating "superfood" type things and food high in protein

>> No.8244221

Git gud, m8

>> No.8244351

I'm surprised that I haven't.

I lost my voice at a one-day con a week before, but nothing throughout all of AB.

>> No.8244779

Managed to avoid it last year, but this year it put me in the hospital. I even spent most of my time stuck behind a tech desk alone.

>> No.8244803

damn, this year's con plague sounds so horrible???? somehow I avoided it, don't really know how.

>> No.8244804

I'm finally getting over mine. It sucked this year.

>> No.8244856

yeah, she was. some super hero I think. bought outfit, he made his. it's great.

>> No.8245233

I guess if enough people are?

>> No.8245271

I've got a cough, but it could be from any number of reasons:

>Roommate A has been sick for 3 weeks
>Roommate B's boyfriend, who sleeps over every night, is also sick
>Roommates B and C start to get sick the week leading up to AB
>My hotel roommate is sick; I share a room (and bed) for three nights
>AB itself
>After con: two of my managers are sick and at work
>I work in a tourist trap area, so LOTS of contact with random people

Who knows when my immune system finally gave up.

>> No.8246099

yea, i'm planning to.

>> No.8246698

I really want to go.

Unfortunately Sunday's are the only time I can actually make money at my job.

>> No.8246711

Ohh. Welp shit.
Hopefully I'm gonna apply for a State ID sometime soon, though.

>> No.8246720

I actually saw A-chan in the Artist's Alley on Friday, but she looked busy and I was kinda shy... Oh well.

I LOVED her design this year!

>> No.8246734

the lolita comm is holding a meetup that day
I'll definitely be going

>> No.8246768

Luckily I managed not to get con plague this year?

I still had my gross-ass allergies though. UGH.

>> No.8246771

Me and my sis are going. I'm probably just gonna wear the new wig I got with a beanie, tho. Nothing too flashy.

>> No.8246868

technically I think we're just taking a group photo and then dispersing? I'll be going too though

lol is anyone entering the like lolita/cosplay fashion show thing they're doing? they're screening people before they pick them, right? if not i'm so ready for the milanoo disasters

>> No.8247332

I'm gonna go.

>> No.8247411

I guess I'll go but you nerds better say hi to me.

>> No.8247684

The fflash animation of those two was actually amusing too.

>> No.8248648

I'm going and wearing gyaru with a yukata. I am 175cm so I don't wear an ohashori but whatever, don't expect me to be all boku or anything. Tall or even fat gyaru yukata don't exist.

>> No.8248651

>so I don't wear an ohashori
so I don't wear it with an ohashori
I am sick and tired.

>> No.8249660

Nobody went?

Also I realized I put O'Toole instead of Toole.

>> No.8250409

Not many pictures and that makes me sad.

>> No.8251191

hmm glad its back in the commons as its own thing. last year was terrible and i couldnt even find it amongst the rest of the river festival (also known as hippies selling stuff festival)

dunno if ill get work off though

>> No.8251198

Part of me wants to, but the other part is too scared to see the weeby Boston cosplay community think it's AB 2.0 and run around in their shingeki cosplays

>> No.8251249

Have you gone before? i havent seen that many people in costumes in the past. mostly parents and college age people

>> No.8251276

I haven't gone to this specifically, but other Japanese festivals and I've seen cosplayers running amuck like it's AB and it's really very cringe-worthy. I'm worried because I know my professors would be there and it makes me wanna vomit thinking about them looking at me suspiciously, asking to make sure I'm not also problematic as all hell.

>> No.8251296

You should go, but just know they're holding cosplay/jfash contests etc. so cosplay is encouraged.

>> No.8251306

>cosplay is encouraged
God save our souls

>> No.8251378

I somehow managed to get a double ear infection and a sinus infection at the same time because my body hates me and my head should explode

>> No.8251653

What a bitch

>> No.8252621

Claudie come ur a qt.

>> No.8254715
File: 122 KB, 640x852, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She posted this on her cosplay page, does anyone have more pictures of her?

>> No.8254719

she's too chubby...

>> No.8254756

I think the cosplay itself is just too big for her? She has a picture of her as Shimakaze on her page and she's pretty petite.

>> No.8254776

lol did you not get enough attention at AB for your taiga?

>> No.8255097
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>> No.8255316

why so nasty anon? she's a cute taiga and got only positive attention during the crunchyroll stream. I wish I had taken a picture with her during the stream.
She is TINY in person.

>> No.8255369

Wait shit >>8255316 here, I thought >>8254776 was ragging on tiny Taiga.

>> No.8255467

Was that during the Masquerade?
I wasn't there for too long unfortunately. I was mostly at the JoJo's panel.

>> No.8255567

This is the only picture I've found of myself online so far. Thanks for posting it!

>> No.8255672

hm.. whats her page?

>> No.8255681

yeah no I was ragging on >>8254719 who was ragging on taiga, they sound like a butthurt taiga cosplayer that got ignored bc of this cute girl

>> No.8255684

no i'm an /a/ fag, that shit is still 3DPD and she's fat. she's not even cute. my poor princess.

>> No.8255842

I only lost my voice from belting out "Shipping Up To Boston" on Saturday night.

>> No.8255856

Christ, you are one salty cunt.

>> No.8256140

Refer to post >>8237096

>> No.8256147

wow you are one sad individual for shitting on a kid like that, chill out your waifs is not even real

>> No.8256163

Did anyone see Lauren Pihl there? She did manage to get a shoot in

>> No.8258462

This thread is a mess, post more pictures

>> No.8258731


>> No.8258893

Shouldn't you be combing the Dorito crumbs out of your neckbeard?

>> No.8258917


>> No.8260752


>> No.8260758


He reminds me of the babe.

>> No.8261027

>"my micropenis can't get off this shit because she's not a 9 year old"

>> No.8262584

>he said something I don't like
>must have a tiny penis

>> No.8262652

>he said something blatantly false
>all because she's not bone thin like his waifu
>tiny penis

>> No.8262663

>didn't even say waifu
>attributing words to him he didn't use
>still using the same slut shaming tactics as before: "i don't like him therefore small penis"

>> No.8262712

okay keep defending your little dick, at least your onahole appreciates it

>> No.8262738

>no argument
>still lashing out with a worthless insult

>> No.8262743


So no more food court?

>> No.8262749

Ugh no, I hate Italian food. My precious Cheese Boy...

>> No.8263199

tiny penis

>> No.8263390



Goddamn it. The best thing about AB WAS ways the food options. So many in a reasonable distance...

>> No.8264393

Wait... so THAT'S what's gonna happen to the central garden?!

What the fuck. That place was such a pretty place to eat at... ; - ;

>> No.8264710

anyone has video of the cringe worthy cosplay panel by dave yang and destiny?

>> No.8264770
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>> No.8267016

japan festival this weekend! who's going in cosplay?

>> No.8267048


You mean the patio off the food court? No, a big 20 story office/retail tower is going in there. They will be adding two floors to the existing food court footprint for this eatyl thing

>> No.8270660

nah it'll be fine. AB still has a few more years booked anyways. The food court itself wont go anywhere it gets too much business. However I am interested in what they will be putting in that area they were tearing up outside. That spot where people used to go just outside the foodcourt was completely walled up.

>> No.8270666

>>8270660 here

oh...well i suppose this is gonna be interesting

>> No.8270671

Hey did anyone happen to catch the Sentai Mecha Industrial revolution panel? Just curious what people thought about it.

>> No.8271843


>> No.8273154

I'm probably going to be wearing my new wig with a beanie, since I don't have the materials for my cosplay yet.

>> No.8273171

Eww, really?
What the heck.

Well, I guess it... kinda makes sense in a way. The big gap I saw did look like the base for a foundation.

Will they hopefully at least bring the windows back again after the tower is complete? Kinda like that corridor that connects the Marriott to the Pru mall.

And ohh! So the food court will be staying. Phew, that's a relief. That "Eataly" thing actually does sound kinda neat. I hope they have some pastry shops and stuff. I looove Italian sweets.

>> No.8273180

Ohh yeah, if anyone's curious!

The Japan Festival goes from 10am to 5pm on Sunday at the Common at Beacon St. and Charles St.

I'm looking forward to it! Hopefully it's also gonna be sunny and stuff.