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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 193 KB, 711x667, gsfdsgdsds_zps02b95191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8228636 No.8228636 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is in Auto sage >>8216289

Talk about your new purchases, what you hate about lolita, about how much you want a dress but you're too much of a poorfag to buy it. Talk about how elitist you are because of all the brand you own and show off to other grills your father's money.

Let's get this going

>> No.8228641

How much does BTSSB charge for shipping a couple small items? I'm assuming it's only EMS, so is it going to be about 20 USD?

>> No.8228647

I really want to trade my Marine Kingdom OP for the JSK in a different colorway but I've never traded before and I'm nervous... I mean, it's a beautiful print, but I really wanted it in lavender or pink.

>> No.8228652

When do you decide a dream dress is just that, a dream? When do stop hoping it will appear in your price range, if it'll even appear at all, and spend your money on something else? I've been holding onto money for some specific purchases that appear once in a blue moon ranging from understandably high to hugely inflated and this 'holding out' has made me pass on other items I like but haven't been looking for as long.

>> No.8228665

Not sure if this is the right thread, but I'll ask anyhow.

What to do when you're looking to go to a meet, but you see people asking "Can I come even if I don't dress up??"
The fuck in the point?
I actually declined a meet event I really wanted to go to because about 3 to 4 people made it a point to be like "I'm coming but I don't want to dress up lol"

Why would you ask to come to a fashion-specific event without even making it a point to participate in said fashion?

I'm not 100% against it, but something about it gets my bloomers in a bunch.
Does it personal bother you? Am I just being a salty cunt?

>> No.8228666

Could anyone tell me which option from the drop-down box on Yahoo Japan auctions is for listing search results by the most recently listed/added? I tried to use process of elimination, but I keep seeing some of the same older listings appear near the top.

To keep this relevant, of course I'm looking for lolita items from glorious nippon.

Thanks in advance anons.

>> No.8228668

No, those people are annoying. Normally when that's happened the meet was at someone's house and the person who wasn't dressed up was the big butch girlfriend who didn't Lolita or J-fashion. She wasn't retarded or a weeb so all was good.

Most other cases it really bothers me. At least wear Otome or something.

>> No.8228669
File: 339 KB, 1024x1371, redsweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought this and I was hoping to upcycle it to make it more lolible. Does anybody have any suggestions? Or should I just scrap it? I was thinking some white lace with some red bows and maybe switching out the buttons for strawberries. I bought L329 in white and I kinda wanted to match it with that and some red teaparties and maybe a strawberry shaped purse.

>> No.8228672

Base EMS rate is usually like 1500 yen.

>> No.8228674

I think it is cute as is.

>> No.8228678

To me, it depends on how new they are.

But if you've been part of the comm for like 3 months and are actively attending meets... and you *still* don't have even a fucking Bodyline dress after that long, it might be time to think over how suitable this hobby is for your finances.

>> No.8228683

Strawberry buttons would be cute, so would something in a contrasting color. I think lace is a good idea, but it may not need it depending on how it looks worn

>> No.8228687


>> No.8228691

I think when the amount of people doing this gets beyond one or two it can get a bit ridiculous but in theory it doesn’t trouble me.

Way back when I went to my first meet in about 2003, a lot of people were unsure and still trying to get a feel for the fashion, I think there was an element of finding like-minded (at least in terms of fashion preferences) people and finding courage to dress in the style by being around other enthusiasts. It can be quite challenging to take the plunge and having that support really helps. Granted you probably have less reason to do it these days since with the amount of info out there, it makes networking etc easy, not to mention the clothing is so much more attainable. Having said this, I imagine the principle is the same, some people just want to find their feet a bit and mingle before taking the plunge and that's cool by me.

What would eventually get irksome though I think, is if the same people kept turning up without wearing the fashion, I really can't see any reason to do it more than once, twice tops. In this instance I think moderate levels of sand would be perfectly justified.

Also, if you're not going to go all out with the fashion or dress up, I think going for something somewhat in keeping is a really good idea, feminine j-fash, stylish goth, something a bit classic and elegant looking at least. Jeans and t-shirt etc just strikes me as not bothering to make any effort at all.

>> No.8228705


>> No.8228714

I think this is dumb. Like the whole point of doing meets is to get a chance to wear Lolita.
It's one of the rules we have for meets here. Unless it's a casual meet at a con, since some of the girls do cosplay as well.

>> No.8228721

I have so much trouble coordinating non-print dresses. Dresses that are just one color or a color + white are a pain. My coords always come out boring or top/bottom heavy. Dresses with prints have a ton of colors so it's easier to balance the colors. Any general tips for coordinating plain dresses without making a boring coord?

>> No.8228725

Use interesting acessories

>> No.8228726

its the second from the bottom of the drop down bar, but i really recommend using chrome when browsing auctions so that this sort of stuff will auto translate for you

>> No.8228728

Agreed. A first timer going to a meet in normal clothes is fine, but after that, they should take the time to put together a coord for their next meet. It's supposed to be a community for enthusiasts and wearers of the fashion, not for people to just sit around and admire it.

>> No.8228754
File: 69 KB, 640x403, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of shit that makes you say "...then what's the fucking point?". I really want to say something on the post but I don't want to deal with the backlash from newfags who think that anything less than kissing ass is an attack.

>> No.8228756
File: 255 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coord.

>> No.8228759

Is that a giant hole in her tights?

>> No.8228764
File: 155 KB, 960x960, 11081171_10203947748549683_7500984211269700604_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw man, you should have posted the outfit too.

If she knows it's not lolita, then why the hell is she posting it? This outfit isn't even like Fanny Rosie where it's at least borderline but acceptable because it's well put together.

I have a lot of classic burando I wear as normal clothes and I wouldn't post those outfits. Just because your outfit has brand doesn't make it lolita.

>> No.8228768

I really wouldn't call it ~risque~ by normalfag standards. That's barely even lolita let along ~ero~. It could probably just be a nice normalfag outfit.

>> No.8228776

Why take a photo and publish it online with that cats ass

>> No.8228779

I was thinking this as well. Why post it to a group for lolita coords if it's not a lolita coord and you know it?

>> No.8228822

My comm's really tolerant of this, I think because the inner circle of regulars and mods are all friends outside of lolita. I've learnt that if a meet is listed as casual, there are probably only going to be one or two attendees actually bothering to dress up. I understand that if it's on a weekday evening or something a lot of people are coming from work or college but still want to hang out with their friends, but it's still a bit annoying.

There are also often a couple of high-school-aged newbies turning up not in lolita (usually different people each time). The people that do it don't seem to get a coord and then start turning up to meets in lolita though - they just drop off the face of the earth for a while because they're too embarrassed to turn up to lolita meets when they don't have any lolita outfits, but can't afford to buy one. I sold a dress to one of these girls and she told me she was super grateful because she'd been too embarrassed to go to meets without a dress (kinda weird in a comm like ours where the mods regularly turn up in normalfag clothing).

Basically agree with >>8228691

>> No.8228833

Really? I find the opposite. Non-print dresses are easy as fuck to coord. JSK matches headbow and shoes, blouse matches tights, bag can match either. If it's a long-sleeved blouse, the colour balance will be better with tights; if it's short-sleeved it'll be better with socks. (The oldschool method of "match everything to the lace colour" doesn't work these days, but some dresses work with a neutral just for your bag and shoes e.g. a red velvet dress with a red velvet headbow, cream blouse, cream tights, black boots and black bag with cream accent). Boleros often help to improve colour balance, both with skirts and JSKs.

>> No.8228867

Today I had one last try at making a coord with a headbow that has always looked weird on me, and realised I'd been wearing it wrong the whole time. Has anyone else ever thought there was something wrong with an item only to realise they weren't putting it on properly?

>> No.8228883 [DELETED] 

headbows piss me off. They usually give me a big headache. wear headdresses or hats. works best with classic/gothic

>> No.8228920

If I had power over a comm, I would make wearing lolita mandatory. I know a lot of people say it's totally fine not to wear lolita if the person is extremely new to the fashion, but even then I still don't really get it. I get wanting to get a "feel" for the fashion before becoming dedicated, but there's other better ways to do that. The point of meets is to get people together who are already into it and know they love it, not to serve as a guided tour for potential newbies on the fence. It's kind of like if someone who doesn't know whether or not they like anime went to a convention to get a "feel" for it.

>> No.8228929

But it's totally fine to go to conventions in normalfag wear...even though obviously it's not a comparable experience to actually watching anime.

>> No.8228956

I'm specifically talking about if someone didn't know if they liked anime, but went to a con to get a feel for it. That seems to be the most common reason for newbies not wearing lolita to meets.

>> No.8228975
File: 4 KB, 74x80, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you have bags/purses that aren't shaped like bags?

Pic related. These kinds of bags are my weakness

>> No.8228978

Yeah, but anime's free to watch (even if you're not justifying torrenting because the series you're watching doesn't have legal subs, there's Crunchyroll and shit), so if you try it and don't like it it doesn't cost you anything. Lolita costs money, and people don't wanna spend $200 on even a cheap first coord, only to find they don't like wearing it. A meetup isn't necessarily the best place to discover if you like the style, but it lets you dip your toe in the water for less money than an offbrand coord would cost.

>> No.8228987

How do you find out if you like wearing something... by not wearing it?
What is that logic lol.
My first meet I wore a really casual coordinate that cost me <$100
If you don't have 100 bucks to spend on the fashion, you shouldn't be getting into it anyway?

>> No.8229002

Well if it's really casual it doesn't even feel like lolita IMHO. Wearing a full coord made me feel completely different to when I half-assed one. Besides which, people might have the money to buy their first coord piecemeal over a few months (especially younger people, who are the ones most likely to be new and turning up to meets in normalfag clothing...they might have $10/week allowance or something, which means they can buy a coord bit by bit or save up for a while) even if they don't have $100 to hand.

>> No.8229014

I think anon might have meant cosplay

>> No.8229027

I have that bag. Though I'm not into lolita. It's an Olympia Le-Tan knock off, I assume you don't mean the original brand. They have nuclear-cute purses.

>> No.8229029

No, you're just dumb. How do you even fuck up wearing a headbow

>> No.8229051
File: 47 KB, 800x600, 51895-1758-2014-04-27544299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it isn't on a head it sort of curls round to the front (sort of like pic related?) and I hadn't realised you're could make it sit more like you expect a head-eating bow to sit by pushing the tails of the bow to the side (like http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/9202/31299861.jpg).). I'd just been letting it curl up like that and wearing it sorta flat on my head and thinking it looked shitty even though it was a brand bow and wondering if it'd been bent out of shape. Yeah, I'm probably an idiot but it was styled like that on the mannequin head in the pics of the Japanese seller I bought it off, so I'd assumed it was meant to be that way and I just couldn't pull it off.

>> No.8229058

I feel especially idiotic because I'm not even new (nearly three years in the fashion now, but only wearing side bows and berets and clips and rectangle headdresses), I've just never owned a head-eating bow before and couldn't figure out why it didn't look like it was supposed to.

>> No.8229087

Trying to compare meetups to an anime convention is not going to work. Meetups are tiny, concentrated events to get together with people who are into a specific thing and the unspoken agreement is you dress up. At conventions there's no rule that you have to wear a costume and 75% of the people don't cosplay but there's also a huge variety of activities. At meetups the main activity is dress up and have an excuse to wear your pretty clothes. The actual event of the meetup whether it's window shopping, having tea or watching a play is usually secondary.

>> No.8229127

She just threw a top on with an AP skirt. I have no idea why she bothered posting this.

>> No.8229132

>but where does the cord/plug go?
>looks at cat's ass
>oooh, I seeee

>> No.8229156

Maybe I have shit taste but I actually prefer wearing them slightly flatter, I've seen a lot of brand ads and promo pics with them worn this way too, I think it's ok just to go with what you think suits the most.

>> No.8229164

Unless it's something super casual, then no you have to dress up. What's the point of being a part of a community for a specific fashion and attend meets if you're not going to dress up or make an effort.

>> No.8229170

Sounds like she's looking for ass pats and she knows it.

>> No.8229188

I think it looks nice, as simple as it is, I don't think she just chucked on 'any top', I think it goes with it rather well and is a good example of lolita items done 'normalfag'. Since they don't appear all that often and it offers possible inspiration for how to wear lolita gear in simple ways, I find it hard to get my jimmies ruffled over this. Bless you /cgl/, you bunch of peeve ridden blighters.

>> No.8229193


>> No.8229197

>jimmies ruffled

>> No.8229237

Newbie question: is it consider rude to not be wearing lolita when visiting a lolita store?

>> No.8229255

but ruffles are more lolita, m-right?

>> No.8229261

Thank you!

>> No.8229275

If it's a solid color coordinate it with a second color and a neutral. Add the second color in with the blouse/bolero and tights, or tie it in through a corsage or the necklace. Two color outfits look boring but throwing in a third makes it more fun to
look at.

>> No.8229277

No but if you 'don't look the type' you may experience rude staff. Best bet if they do that is to pull a Vivian Ward from Pretty Woman, leave the store, then come back in sheer perfection full lolita regalia, pull bitch face and then swan out again without spending any money.

Or perhaps that's just my fantasy.

Seriously though, generic cute and well put-together will get you far, looking like a jeans-wearing scruff may lead staff to think you just dropped in as you were passing, purely for entertainment purposes.

It can work the other way round too, I once got death glares for wearing a classic lolita outfit in a Conomi (school style fashion) store in Harajuku, I only wanted a neck ribbon.

>> No.8229357

Just looking for oddly shaped bags.

>> No.8229367

Are there other photos of two people wearing Iron Gate together?

>> No.8229368

some girl is selling hideous "high quality" charms on LM right now, I reported the first 5 then said fuck it.

>> No.8229379 [DELETED] 


Diff anon, but I'm trying to order from them. Every time I go through the checkout after the shipping part I get an error message saying "Sorry, you cannot continue shopping due to orders from multiple browser windows, deletion of item(s), or use of back button.
When ordering, please do not use multiple windows or back button."
I've closed all my tabs..restarted my browser, cleared my cart and readded it. Has anyone else ever had this problem?

>> No.8229407

Wear something cute but easy to change out of. You don't want to have to get out of full garb if you plan to try clothes on. Also minimal makeup so you don't smear clothes form taking stuff on and off even though I think most places give you a face cloth.

>> No.8229442

Recently received a very large and very full petticoat in the mail. It looks somewhat too large under my dresses. What dresses have the largest amount of flow for a voluminous petti?

>> No.8229447

Hahah I saw those and cringed so hard. The fucking "fairy elsa"

>> No.8229452
File: 102 KB, 717x960, kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so kawaii

>> No.8229466

Sounds like it'd be good for something heavy, like velvet.

>> No.8229510
File: 198 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovely Lor has a special talent, she always finds new ways to make herself uglier.

>> No.8229513

this might be a weird question, but are any of y'all in the (US) military? I'm enlisting soon and I'm wondering if I should just give up lolita when I do.

>> No.8229516

I thought I'd seen the worse of her when she modeled for GLW.

>> No.8229520

Damn, she looks so old and haggard.

>> No.8229548

you'll never be able to wear it and have any take you seriously.

honestly anon the military is shit especially for women, you should consider it very carefully.

you're nothing more than meat once you enter.

>> No.8229572

Unless it is your last resort, AFTER prostitution, don't enlist. It is bullshit.

If you are a woman you are going to be raped and then expected to "just deal with it". Even if you avoid the rape, it is shit. You are less than worthless once you enter, you are not serving your country, you are not earning money, there are infinitely better ways to go to school. Respect yourself and don't do it.

>> No.8229576

I think ones like this are meant to be worn a little flatter. It doesn't look like it's built to sit straight up like the pic linked.

>> No.8229601

I've been in for ten years.

This is a MAJOR exaggeration bordering on propaganda. 99% sure Marine bullshit here.

Also exaggeration. Military is full of nerds and other shit. People love that I cosplay and I've occasionally dealt with people who say shit but they're outside the the norm.

I actually run into more people at cons than anything else I do outside of work.

Depending on where you go and how much free time you have you'll be able to wear it. On deployments? No. At cons that you're able to go to? Yeah.

I'm getting out for other reasons, things that top brass doesn't want to fix and is beyond my control, but overall it's been great times that has made for a lot of stories.

>> No.8229606

When it's cats tea party

>> No.8229650

Any reviews of brightlele? Or general preferred wigs.

>> No.8229657

You're not even expected to be good because of all the useless females who have come before. You might be competent and a great worker but a lot of people expect you to be a welfare dropout who won't pull their weight and who is just going to get knocked up ASAP so they can do light duty. There have been a lot of fuck up females.

>> No.8229695
File: 88 KB, 480x640, B39OJ217-emerald-480x640[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A small part me died when I saw this.

>> No.8229703

No one cares if people wear lolita clothes as normal clothes. It's just stupid to post it on a page specifically for lolita fashion.

>> No.8229713


It's not that they don't appear all that often, it's that lolitas want to look at lolita, not normalfag outfits.

I've posted a few of my lolita "done normalfag" outfits under the brand tags (without the lolita tag) on tumblr, and they usually get nearly no notes at all. Lolita outfits that go the whole nine yards will get hundreds of notes. I could see a very narrow group of people who could be interested, but outside of that small group, posting a normalfag coord to a lolita outfit is certainly going to ruffle some feathers.

>> No.8229725


I'm a poorfag, so when a dress is over $700 (ss fees and shipping included, I'd put the pricetag at $650 or 60k yen) then it's too much. These are just clothes, they only depreciate in value, and I'm not really rich enough to be throwing that much money on fancy party dresses.

I usually tell myself that if I still love the dress, it will probably be cheaper ten years later after it has passed out of trend, and I will be able to get it then (puppet circus and iron gates being anomalies)

>> No.8229750

how old is she ?

>> No.8229776

I don't like it either. Don't have lolita clothes? Don't go to a meet. Larger comms should hold a couple of meets per year for noobs to come check it out, that would be the exception. SO/+1s should dress up to fit in too. Lolita meets are for lolita.

>> No.8229801

In her 20's, I don't remember her exact age. She just looks really bad for her age, she looks like she is in her 40's.

>> No.8229814

I think she can genderbend and do any ol (no pun) bad guy creeper imho...

>> No.8229826

I don't really do cons, I was just thinking for a day out or something. My wardrobe is really casual as is.

And honestly, if this wasn't my best option I wouldn't be doing it. I'm not too smart, but I'm a good worker and I come from an army family.

Thanks for the suggestion man, but I'm not pretty enough for prostitution.

>> No.8229830

She doesn't look 40, just ugly.

>> No.8229841

When I saw pics of the new aatp mermaid print I was so prepared to throw all my money at it. But all the dress cuts look really... questionable.
>"maybe I can just buy the skirt, fuck it!"
Nope, had to be an ugly full elastic waist. I can't even get a pretty high-waist skirt?

>> No.8229849

>implying you have to be pretty for prostitution
Nah son

>> No.8229851
File: 84 KB, 480x640, tumblr_nmcvkombXx1qgjjjyo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The JSK I is okay but yeah the rest are just unwearable

>> No.8229854

I was just about to post this.

It's the ugliest print I've ever seen. It beats Whipped Magic by a mile.

>> No.8229858

I really do feel bad for her. She got really unlucky with genetics, very manly and old looking face.

>> No.8229861

It looks like it could be ok or could look awkward, I think it's also longer than usual.

>> No.8229864

It also doesn't have shirring.

>> No.8229865

They are also all just cuts they did before, I think? Like, I know there are some standard cuts they use, but most of the time there is at least one that is unique for the release.

>> No.8229866


I thought this was genius. I've seen people complain about her looks, but it's not like she can do much about the shape of her face. Doing a zombie look takes advantage of her, uh, not kawaii azn face to create a cute-but-guro sort of look. Very interesting.

>> No.8229869


I thought this cut (and cw) had potential, if you put an underskirt under it will look like their regular "artloli" style releases (eg- Ave Maria Madonna Lily). And then when you're done, you can take away the underskirt and go with a short skirt look.

>> No.8229870
File: 87 KB, 480x640, B39OJ215-n-480x640[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8229907

no, both styles are correct.

>> No.8229914
File: 100 KB, 566x787, kirakira bubbles love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a few inches under the measurements, so I don't even know if that would work at all. I wonder if the baby store in SF will get any in navy that I can try on.

Can I also gripe about how the lace is kind of ugly and doesn't match anything?

Maybe I'll just buy this instead to get my mermaid fix.

>> No.8229916

it looks so ugly jesus

>> No.8229918

>tfw an auction slips through your fingers.
>tfw you buy something just as good if not better in retaliation (but you still pine for that auction dress)
It burns, it burns so much.

>> No.8229922

I only quit on a dress if its too expensive. I absolutely adore rare dresses, and love searching for rare dresses.

I'd say buy a few wardrobe fillers so you have stuff to wear while searching for your dream piece. My wardrobe fillers are all plain and less than $100. If youre into sweet, get a bunch of plain pink JSKs since they are so abundant in so many cuts and fabric types, and you can wear them with almost any color. If into gothic, black. Classic gets away with almost any color if you stock ivory and brown accessories.

>> No.8229928

buying something after never fully takes the pain away

>> No.8230076

Can you tell me which shoe styles are fitting for a more classical sweet style?

>I only have tea parties and now I feel the need of buying more elegant shows with a small heel

>> No.8230078


Damn. What the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.8230080


Fucking hell. I thought the other one looked bad but it just keeps getting worse. Why Baby, why?

>> No.8230118

You just said it yourself. More elegant looking shoes with a small heel.

It looks like some tacky-ass 80s illustration and I don't know why. The cut is gross too.

>> No.8230163
File: 794 KB, 1048x619, Kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is webpunk happening on the background of BTSBB site.

>> No.8230176

Vaporwave as fuck.

>> No.8230192

she looks like peacockfeather in that pic

>> No.8230200

Ah, well the one I had looks weird on me like that (I feel like it would have looked OK with twin tails or something but I don't own any wigs like that), but it looks totally normal adjusted to be like an ordinary head-eating bow, not like it's being forced into that shape (it's cotton not velvet). If I had a wig head stand I'd post pics.

>> No.8230210

I have two colourways of the Swimmer biscuit bag, a bag shaped like a playing card (Aliexpress, IDK if it's a knockoff), three different book bags (AatP, Taobao, ReStyle) and a heart-shaped bag (Taobao). I'd post pics but I'm away for spring break so I don't have access to any of my lolita stuff. I have a deep lust for a lot of AP's novelty bags, like the chocolate bar one they released a couple of years ago, and some IW bags on my wishlist too. When I look at my bag collection and wishlist it makes me think I should get into otome...

>> No.8230215

Usually I even would just wear my tea parties but I've read so many times in ita und nitpick-threads that 'the shoes are too sweet/omg tea parties with a non sweet dress'. So I lost orientation somehow.

>> No.8230218
File: 81 KB, 250x333, MeltyChocolateBag-mint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8230221
File: 140 KB, 500x600, ap_violinchocolatbag_2014 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8230225
File: 192 KB, 500x600, 09051941_540993513d98d_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It depends on the tea parties. Bodyliness are slightly better suited to sweet-classic than AP/Secret Shop ones.

>> No.8230228
File: 140 KB, 500x600, ap_accordionchocolatbag-2014 (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8230230
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>> No.8230238
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>> No.8230246
File: 107 KB, 280x373, lv_50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish they'd released Melty Moon in white or silver.

>> No.8230256
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>> No.8230267
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>> No.8230271
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>> No.8230273
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>> No.8230275
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>> No.8230276
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>> No.8230284


>> No.8230286


>> No.8230296

Sorry, anon.

Although it has got me wondering why you don't see these so often on the western secondhand markets, even though I see them all the time on Japanese auctions.

>> No.8230302

my guess is because westerners like to hoard more, and are especially fond of these more novel bags

i myself am obsessed with book bags and collect the aatp ones, though i rarely use them because they're impractical

>> No.8230307

Why not make a shitty collage?
>inb4 'i don't have a program'
You have access to the internet, there are tons of paint clones out there. Please do it next time.

Some of them are pretty cute, tho. Especially >>8230218

>> No.8230312


>obsession with book bags

I have three axes femme book bags, and I have two taobao book bags on top of that. And more coming in the mail.

I might have a problem.

>> No.8230314

I was on mobile.

>> No.8230316

Then download an app.

No, seriously, you can share it but this is really annoying.

>> No.8230317

That's not really an excuse anymore

>> No.8230322

Depends on your mobile, but okay, I already apologised.

>> No.8230465

you could "sell" it to each other by sending each other the same amount (like 300$ idk how much it's worth) so if the person is a scammer you at least get the money back

>> No.8230682

What's a good website for cardigans? I want plain cardigans in a variety of colors so that I can embellish them for different outfits.

I'm looking for something that ends at the natural waist and has a high round neck. I don't want to buy anything from brands because they're so expensive and I'd rather have something plain that I can tailor for my exact needs.
Thanks for any insight.

>> No.8230685

dreamv has some decent ones

>> No.8230687

Seconding this and asking for boleros as well.

>> No.8230843

Maybe I have shit taste but I don't find this ugly at all, I mean, I don't want it, but seems cute enough. Reminds me a bit of Emily Temple Cute stuff and I like the colours.

>> No.8230860

Ok, now this is pretty bad, and that's coming from the 'reminds me of ETC' anon. I get bad 80s illustration from this too. I reckon someone with styling skills out there can make it look ok-ish though.

>> No.8230936

>tfw i had this exact headbow in a different colour
>tfw i did the same thing

I sold it and didn't even realise, holy shit i am an idiot

>> No.8230949

Ok gulls sorry for asking again but I got no reply on the other thread. Anybody knows if IW will be releasing their Odment packs this year? Last year it was mid april. I really really don't want to miss them this time.

>> No.8230956

...what's up with the people who get away with listing print replicas on LM? I've been seeing a ton.


If you search up "replica" you see several that have been sold, too. These sellers need to actually read the rules.

>> No.8230989
File: 88 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fishing again, didn't see a response (thanks last OP for linking my question in the new thread!)

Looking for
>an SS
>that can do Laforet shops

The ones I've found on Google/EGL search are retired now, no longer in Japan, can only do other locations, etc.

>> No.8231002

Haha, I only pulled that pic off Google images too, the one I have is similar in style but it's AP not Baby and it's black cotton.

>> No.8231028

I have multiple books, multiple violin, a spade and a giant wallet as bags

>> No.8231035

But none from IW or AatP? Tssk tssk *shakes head*

>> No.8231110

B-but I like it ...

>> No.8231207

I learnt a new updo style and it's had me really confused. It's a cute style and seems to flatter my face, so at first I was really pleased. After I'd had it on for a while, I realised it made me look like a guy. But at the same time it's a very feminine style and doesn't actually look bad on me? Like a guy, but a cute one with a girly hairstyle I guess? It's really weird and messing with my head and I don't know whether I'm just imagining it.

>can't post pics which show the effect on my face without exposing my face to 4chan
>I know girls in my comm browse here so I can't

>> No.8231208

Anyone here go to Nightfall in TX? How was it?

>> No.8231264

What updo is it? Does it push all of your hair out of your face? It may be that you need something left to frame your face. Or it could be how you styled your overall self, like you need to be more feminine in make up to pull it off.

>> No.8231265

IDK, maybe you're just not used to seeing your hair off your face? Everyone's face shape looks different with the hair held off it.

>> No.8231285

Yeah, it does push all the hair out of my face; maybe that's the problem. It's a vintage-y combination of those 50s-style high-ponytail-and-bangs styles with a more 40s sort of small roll at the front since I don't have bangs (not a typical lolita hairstyle but I was experimenting with stuff for a more casual, otome-ish sailor coord for weather when it's too hot for wigs). There's a little hair on my forehead because it has a side part, so it's not completely scraped off my face, but it's definitely less hair in my face than I'm used to since I usually wear my hair down. Maybe shaping my eyebrows more and adding earrings would help? But I feel like those push it even more into vintage territory rather than lolita territory, which I'm trying to avoid.

>> No.8231300

If it's feminine, how does it make you look like a guy?
Either way, if it looks good and flattering, who cares.

>> No.8231305

That's the bit that's confusing the fuck out of me anon.

Basically I think if you look at the hair/style of the updo, the hair itself is in a feminine style. But because it holds my hair off my face, it makes my face shape look more boyish.

>> No.8231313

The mods not paying attention, I guess.

Speaking of LM, just noticed this girl got her 4th negative already, guess she's banned now? Or do the mods still have to manually be told when someone has 4 negs?
I don't get why she seems to just randomly relist and leave neg for no reason, how soon is she cancelling these invoices...?

>> No.8231318

Why's that a hard concept to grasp? OP's hair is girly but it doesn't suit her (only she said it did suit her...so maybe it suits her but doesn't make her look girly? whatever). Just like wearing a bright pink dress ain't necessarily gonna make you look more feminine; it might only draw attention to your mannish aspects.

>> No.8231329

There might be a system that alerts them when it happens but the actual banning has to be done manually and none of them are online to instigate a ban.

>> No.8231336

Ahh, that would make sense.

>> No.8231356

>I don't get why she seems to just randomly relist and leave neg for no reason, how soon is she cancelling these invoices...?

Well, atleast one of the invoices was cancelled within 24 hours, and I would hazard a guess that the others were in a similar time frame. It seems to me like she is vetting buyers, perhaps pettily.

>> No.8231358

I fucking HATE f+f! They just sent me "my order" and royalty F'ed it up...again. They messed up an 8 item order, and instead sent me *a* skirt...not even a skirt I ordered. Ugh, how do you mess that up so badly? I only bought from them for custom size blouses after an SS messed up my order too. Now I'm gonna have to wait soooo long to get my order, and I'm traveling and away from my computer for 10 days after tomorrow. What's the chance of them responding to my email tonight?

>> No.8231372

that is so fucking weird. i've purchased from her before without issue and even asked questions too. I'm so confused by her system, does she just decide she doesn't like someone and cancels?

>> No.8231387

They will respond to your email and offer an exchange, but it'll take a while.

I ordered something and they sent me the wrong colour (right size though). First they tried to make me accept a small discount, which I refused because the colourway they sent was fugly and didn't match my wardrobe at all. Then they agreed to do an exchange but said I had to use a shipping method that cost me less than $30 to return it. Turns out you can't ship a heavy coat from my country to China for less than $33 unless you want to use a shipping method that takes three months, so I had to use a $33 method, but thankfully they refunded me that amount from my order. Then they didn't start making the replacement until the item I sent them arrived, and it took two weeks to make and another week to ship, so it was a ridiculously long time until I got the correct item (two weeks making time from my first payment to make the wrong colour one, a week to ship it, a few days while we exchanged emails when I recieved it, a week to ship it back, two weeks to make a replacement, a week to ship the replacement - seven weeks overall). They also didn't mark down the item enough both times (they did mark it down, but only to $50, which is above DHL's tax threshold) so I had to pay stupid EU taxes on both the original and the replacement, adding $45 to the cost of the coat (a pain in the ass, because the main reason I got an F+F one was because it was about $40 cheaper inc. fees and shipping than getting any of the wool Taobao ones I liked). They offered me a free VIP membership giving me a discount off future purchases for a year, but I dunno if I'll use it - they have some items I want, but I don't know whether its worth the hassle, especially when their prices are so high.

>> No.8231393

I know, I don't get it either. I don't have any personal experience with the seller, so this is only speculation. Something definitely seems off though, as all of the negative feedback brings up similar issues.

>> No.8231405

It almost seems that way. I seem to recall she left some sort of rude comment in feedback to one of the buyers that gave me that impression.

>> No.8231424

it really isn't, this is an image forum.

>> No.8231428

yeah i was following that sale, and the buyer seems to be quite reliable in this case
i don't know if mods should ban the seller, but it's quite weird how she can't wait 24hours for payment yet is willing to wait 3 days for her new listing to finish

on the topic of LM, i paid a seller last sunday for an expensive item, somehow paypal rejected my payment on tuesday and i paid again immediately, this time it went through fine
the seller originally said they would ship on wednesday (apparently she's selling her friend's dress for her, but the friend will handle shipping)
after the payment bounced and i paid again, seller said her friend would ship on thursday
come saturday, still no updates on shipping or anything, so i mailed the seller and she definitely read the message on LM but didn't reply
i sent her another mail just now, but one of her buyer's feedback mentioned that it took longer to ship out than they initially agreed on

should i be worried?

>> No.8231459

Thanks for the advice!

>> No.8231465

Well the rules of the site are 4 negs = autoban. Why should she get off more than any repeat deadbeat buyer should? Especially as her actions seem to have more malicious intent to them than most buyer bans which are usually just irresponsible, wishywashy and/or underage.

>> No.8231495

I think it's okay if someone is interested, but hasn't put together a coord yet and wants to meet other lolitas, because looking at outfits irl can be inspiring and helpful for newbies.
However, this shouldn't happen for over 3 meets. My comm has a girl who comes to meets all the time, but never wears any lolita because she is too fat and poor. She's nice enough, but I wish she would make up her mind.
Also, people who half-ass it piss me off even more.
I hosted a meet, and a girl showed up 2 hours late with no petticoat, for some stupid reason. She was completely aware, and even owns a petti, but was like lol I was too lazy to wear one~

>> No.8231540

Yeah, personally I'd already started to wear lolita by the time I went to a meet, but I still found seeing what other lolitas looked like in person really helpful. When you're doing research but not involved in the community, you see a lot of brand model pics and photos of really elaborate outfits. Going to a meet helps you to see what a good "normal" outfit looks like (providing you have a good comm). At my first meet, I realised that my grasp of colour balance and matching styles (as in, not wearing super sweet shoes with a gothic dress and no other sweet elements) was pretty good, but I really needed to step up my accessory game. I guess accessories are harder to notice in online photos because they're small, but seeing other lolitas in person made me realise how essential they are.

>> No.8231560

Question here! I bought a JSK recently in white - but realized that the set the seller was selling it with, had the same printed headbow - but in pink. When I tried it on, it looked fine in my opinion. But how much of a fashion "no" is it to wear basically the same print series, but different color?

Note: I would be deco-ing and adding stuff to my outfit to hopefully offset it if it does look too weird.

>> No.8231568

Are certain faces suited more towards different types of fashion? If I were to post my face would I get feedback on what type of Lolita to start dressing towards?

>> No.8231569

I did something similar for a skirt - skirt was in pink, head accessory was in white. I think if you have something else that is also pink to tie the accessory in it shouldn't be a big problem.

>> No.8231570

Go for it, but it's ultimately your decision. You can still wear gothic with the roundest, most cherubic face if you want.

>> No.8231574

It's confusing because she said it suited her and looked good, yet it looked mannish. I guess this case is more anon not being used to the hair being pulled back.

>> No.8231577

Does the white's print use a colour that's similar in shade to the pink's base colour? If so, it shouldn't be much of a problem. Otherwise, you could add accents onto the coord to artificially insert the pink in.

Also pics?

>> No.8231581
File: 322 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my problem! I have a very round face despite not being fat and I think gothic would be strange with it.

Pic is me at school

>> No.8231597

Lilting Gray is abstracted as fuck (I literally thought she was 14 and she's actually in her 20s) and looks great in gothic, so don't let it bother you.

>> No.8231598

*babyfaced not abstracted damnit autocorrect

>> No.8231602
File: 73 KB, 480x640, 1320322140087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolitas I have a brilliant idea. Can someone make a futa dojinshi of Misako Aoki?

I really hope someone makes it and then sells it at Comiket.

>> No.8231616

It's best to go with a style you actually like. Most lolitas don't wear what fits them anyway, plenty of old man faced lolitas wearing sweet and girls with super cute round baby faces wearing gothic/classic.

>> No.8231743

Hey gulls, I could use some advice.

Someone on lj pm-ed me about buying something on hold, the thing is, I can't reply to her because her privacy settings are too high. Her entire lj is blank, so I can't leave a comment either.

And to boot, the item she wanted is already invoiced to another buyer shortly before she asked, I just wanted to pm her out of courtesy so she doesn't think I'm ignoring her or anything.

What's the right thing to do here? I think I found her facebook based on info she gave me, but I feel like a creep if I messaged her on there. I could write a reply into my sales post, but that feels equally weird. Any advice?

>> No.8231800

was it listed as on hold in your sales post? then i think it would be ok to ignore, since it's kinda her own fault her privacy settings are so high

if your sale falls through though, i guess it would be ok to shoot a short message to her on facebook, etc

>> No.8231953

I had no idea she was that old! I thought for sure she was a high schooler. Hot damn.

>> No.8231961

i think she recently said she's 20, which still surprised me because i thought she was ~18

she does cuter gothic though, which is what other babyfaced anon could go for too

>> No.8232058


No, the one asking for the hold is the girl I can't pm. I basically came back to the computer to find two girls wanting the same item, one left her paypal (and was ealier) and the other wanted a hold. So I invoiced the earlier girl, and now I can't pm the one who wanted a hold to tell her why I can't.

I've now marked the item as transaction in progress and added a note to my sales page to say that if folks have not heard back from me, to check their privacy settings and pm me again. I guess if the girl who wanted a hold came back to the page she will see the edits and can figure things out herself, I think?

At this point, I don't see many ways to gracefully tell her the item was invoiced to someone else and not because I'm refusing to put it on hold for her, while also explaining I had to stalk her all the way to her facebook because her lj privacy settings was too high...

>> No.8232067
File: 217 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20150406_234341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the pleasure of hanging out with Dollfille at Anime Matsuri and now I want to start doing the guy version of Lolita. Also I'm trying to get my girlfriend in to it.

>> No.8232141

Anyone heard anything about a lacemarket seller named GLITTERXBEAST?
They have a JSK up that I'm debating about buying but their feedback doesn't indicate any recent activity

>> No.8232163

do they not have a link to any outside feedback on their profile?
maybe try looking under the egl feedback tags for that username idk

>> No.8232164

There are thoughts on what is most suitable according to someone's looks but most people wear what they like best over what suits them. It's a happy thing when the 2 match though. My main style matches what looks best on me. I venture a little into other styles if I really like a dress but I try hard try not to wear anything terribly unflattering or unsuitable.

>> No.8232171

I'd call it 'not a lolita coord, why are you posting it here' kind of thing. I wish there was a 'full lolita coord or don't post' rule.

>> No.8232179


I normally ask them if they have feedback elsewhere, and then message them on that platform to confirm they are who they say they are.

Someone with that livejournal username used to scan GLBs for egl, but you won't know if it's the same person or someone different using the same name on lacemarket.

>> No.8232221

me too anon

>> No.8232260

Where is Chinese Gossip? It's spring and we need some news. Make a thread if you're here!

>> No.8232440

>Lilting Gray
But I agree, She makes Gothic work for her with the shorter, more cutesy hair, and generally going for a more sweet take. Just know what kind of hair and cuts work for you, and you should be fine.

>> No.8232480

I miss her

>> No.8232528
File: 114 KB, 216x370, Screen Shot 2015-04-07 at 10.07.42 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her trip code is banned. She posts on /egl/ sometimes.

Also do you gulls reckon this style of boots could work alright with lolita in a classic coord?

>> No.8232549

Do IW make tea-length skirts or am I imagining that?

>> No.8232586

I know right! I literally used to get salty seeing her videos in my sidebar or pics on tumblr, because she has a ton of expensive/coveted prints and new releases but looks about fourteen. I actually thought she was a super-spoilt kid whose parents must heavily finance her hobby. When I found out she was an adult that salt decreased considerably.

To be honest, all lolita has some element of cuteness, unless you're going borderline aristocrat. I don't think she even has to stick to courtside styles.

>> No.8232590

Doesn't she post under NationalistNEETcunt now?

>> No.8232592

*cutesy styles damnit, this autocorrect will be the death of me

>> No.8232636

Nightfall? I've seen a few photos of the event but no blog posts or discussion? Was it a good event?

>> No.8232641

Has anyone else had issues ordering from Alice Fururun lately? They sent my package to LA by mistake (I live in NY) and they haven't responded to any of my emails about it in the past two weeks. I really don't want to open up a Paypal claim but I feel like I have no other options. Advice?

>> No.8232659
File: 253 KB, 800x931, IMG_20150407_130750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's with the hatred for flower crowns? I'm fairly new here, but I've noticed these are a big nope, but a few are fine? (Pictures are the first ones I found on someone's lolita blog)

>> No.8232671

Lolitas are also all about a certain degree of cuteness, depending on the substyle. Now, flower crowns are cute. They however really only match with florals, flower or nature-themed coords and sweeter substyles.
Every lazy ''muh self-expression''-lolita is trying to shoehorn them into all of their outfits, regardless of the theme and substyle, usually because it's one of the few accesories they have. The salty seagulls are more disapproving than most of this trend.

>> No.8232696

Just drop in
"To the other seller requesting a hold, I'm sorry but someone had already asked to be invoiced (I was unable to message you through your privacy settings)." in there where you made your status edit for the item. Someone with a blank account onLJ would get passed up by my "refuse sale to anyone" rule for being sketch, you've already put in a lot more effort than most people.

>> No.8232698

*person, not seller

>> No.8232766

Flower crowns are great as long as your outfit has flower/nature in it.

>> No.8232767

Laced boots are used in lolita so it should be fine, except for the fact that the structure of that particular one is more flimsy. You can see where it buckles a bit and it is a bit displeasing to look at. So something with a harder material would work.

>> No.8232852
File: 335 KB, 2048x1365, 10983294_872233026147684_393258626586536090_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It came, 'gulls. Will be waiting for 7L Holy Lantern coords, kek

>> No.8232857
File: 238 KB, 2048x1365, 11077384_872233039481016_5084460953786558962_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That derpy bow

>> No.8232864

She's still a super-spoilt kid whose parents finance her hobby. Just a bit older

>> No.8232877

Is it flocked?

>> No.8232891

Oo Jia?

>> No.8232904


>> No.8232910

Of course. It's huge with a bad bow and it's on the floor, who else?

>> No.8232952

I don't like the construction of the dress but I really like the material, even for a replica.
>I shouldn't allow myself to be tempted

>> No.8232956

I thought she had a job?

>> No.8233009

Seconding request for details. Saw some really nice coord pics and the venue looked really pretty.

>> No.8233016

Our comm has people dressing in non-Lolita fashions all the time who show up to meetups.

The most annoying being a Mori girl.

If you're not wearing Lolita gtfo. Make your own group for your own fashions.

>> No.8233034


I'm not in a comm but I've never understood these people that join one and not wear Lolita to the meet ups.

>> No.8233037

Tempted to order bedding from her. How's the fabric?

>> No.8233040

There are a lot of differences in even the print, Anon. Don't do it.

>> No.8233046

Wtf you Weeb don't drag Misako into your gay bullshit lesbian Shit.

>> No.8233051

Lol, this is fucking stupid. Horrid picture, horrid post. Ita!

>> No.8233103

I have a negative because a seller didn't invoice me, after two weeks I bought something else and was away, I come back and she leaves a negative for not paying the invoice

>> No.8233200

what are some super rare ap/btssb prints ive probably never seen before? i have a bit of a thing for rare brand items no ones seen before.

>> No.8233214

> http://misslillith.tumblr.com/post/113301246745/hi-im-new-to-your-blog-but-i-love-it-and-you

>> No.8233235

My comm is open to all J-fashion because the other fashion styles don't have communities in the area (except for mori--they're pretty active.)
I respect the decision of other comms to be lolita only, but I do like that my comm is a little more inclusive of all Japanese street fashion.

>> No.8233251

How do you know you have a thing for them if you've never seen them? Most people who like rare things at least know how to search them out. Also, if they are old enough to be obscure or rare, I hope you are small and thin.

>> No.8233268
File: 361 KB, 547x972, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love a rough translation if anyone here could. My SS order finally came with an item from Minne. I'm expecting its some sort of thank you note, just curious what it says.

>> No.8233273


im not sure if its super rare but its a goal of mine to own an angelic pretty piece with their old label "pretty" on it.

>> No.8233281

Thanks. they sent an email, but better even yet I found the person that mine should have gone to and she has my package too lol, so we are sending them to each other today!

My theory is that f+f has a fuck up of the month instead of employee of the month so that they actively try to out-do themselves daily trying to win some cash prize...

>> No.8233317

I just noticed how short it is. It will barely cover 3/4 of thighs

>> No.8233323

Or even less, holy shit

>> No.8233382
File: 18 KB, 483x149, lsie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soooo.. What do you think about lolitas who can't actually afford it?

>> No.8233401


I think its dumb. Why would you start a hobby you cant afford?

Can I afford sky diving or some shit? No. Do I go out and beg people to give me free trips? No.

It just seems tasteless imo, especially since you'd have to be pretty damn poor. Even some girls make it work by saving up little by little over time.

>> No.8233405
File: 242 KB, 1392x2134, FHIQWPs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your best bet is to look on mbok or y!jp auctions, I've gotten most of my old Angelic Pretty from there. I also got really lucky when I checked Closet Child on a whim before the end of my trip to Japan and got a number of dresses circa 2003 pic related.

tldr; Hunt old Japanese Lolitas and raid their closets.

>> No.8233411

I understand where they're coming from, I'm avoiding lolita because of finances as well, but they should know that you can't really make a decent (non-casual) coord for >$50 unless you're an experienced seamstress.
Like.. go ahead and do it? But you're not hot shit against brand, do not ever get that mindset.

Lolita is absolutely not the hobby to get into if you want to look top-tier while lacking funds or sewing expertise.

>> No.8233418

A poor person has a few options
>save up
>do their research so they can effectively search for bargains via auctions, taobao, and sales
>make their own stuff
>admire from afar
This is not a fashion for cheap people. I understand people from many backgrounds want to participate. It's just so annoying to see people complain about how they can't afford stuff. I don't care how poor you are, if you can't be assed to do your own research and find your own shit just admire it from a distance. I don't care if a lolita is poor it just rustles my jimmies when they whine about it on a comm page/tumblr instead of getting off of their ass to make it work. People need to stop trying to force themselves into hobbies they can't afford. The same goes for cosplay.

>> No.8233435

That is true for the original too, the special set was short on everyone.

>> No.8233437

It's not even that she wants a coordinate for <$50. She's been wanting to get into for years. If we are going to give her the benefit of the doubt and say years = 2 years, the minimum number of years required for it to be plural, if she put $5 a week in a jar for clothes, she could have $520 ready to spend right now. That's more than enough for a literally Brand New Coordinate from AP, including socks and headbow, maybe even a blouse. If she doesn't want to blow her wad on one outfit, basic AP lucky packs are usually less then $250 to get a full outfit. If she doesn't care about the brand, she could have gotten one of those marked down Meta LPs for like $100. This post has nothing to do with Lolita being expensive and OP being an idiot and/or impatient and wanting her loli now dammit

>> No.8233483

How to fix busted seams?
Don't wanna talk about it.

>> No.8233486

You could try to scan it with the google translate mobile app

>> No.8233489


>> No.8233492

How busted?

>> No.8233495

Which dress did you ruin?

>> No.8233497

This makes me cringe. Saving money takes discipline, but as the other anon said, if she's been trying for years she could have saved at least $200-300 by now. It's not that hard, even on a pretty tight budget. That being said, it's a luxury hobby. It's not meant to be cheap. It sucks, but that's life. You can be thrifty about it and save money on secondhand, taobao, thrift store blouses, etc--but an entire coord for $50? Girl pls.
(I once scored a BTSSB skirt for $30 though. It's cute as shit, too.)

>> No.8233506

I compare it to collecting cars. You need to spend a lot of money on it, but you can be smart about it. But if you can't even afford your first car, don't even think about it. You can collect shitty cars too, but don't go posting pictures online thinking you're just as good as the rest.

>English is not my first language so this might sound a bit more mean than intended

>> No.8233509

Eh. Still going to get a jsk replica from her because I want to wear it out and about and not worry about getting a 700+ dress dirty.

>> No.8233523

"I don't want to risk getting the real one dirty" is one of the top most pitiful replica justifications of all.

>> No.8233526

Can see front bodice seams pulled to outside. Nothing has torn but I want the seams back to the inside so i can wear it (let a friend with big tits borrow it).

Just a bodyline jsk.

>> No.8233530

I never got this mentality. I've been wearing lolita multiple times a week since 2009 and it only ever got a dress dirty once while I was eating jello. It came right out. If you're not entirely careless, it's not hard to avoid your clothes getting dirty outside.

>> No.8233537

You sound like someone who is afraid to wash your dresses

>> No.8233542

THIS. It's an even weaker argument than "but I can't afford brand!" It's like they're trying to make themselves seem less trashy by implying they could buy the dress if they wanted to, but are going with the cheap knock off for ~practicality reasons~.

>> No.8233546

compliments of my bf: "thanks for ordering. we apologize but it will take some time to deliver the cat cookie charm (vanilla). please come shop again"

>> No.8233619


Sage for irrelevant.

>> No.8233621


What the fuck kind of generous allowance does she have that lets her get Gloria, Holy Lantern, Merry Making in the Ghost Town and all the others? Hnng anon I didn't need to know that, this much salt isn't good for me.

>> No.8233628

holy shit is she babyfaced I thought you anons were exaggerating

My little sister is 13 and, judging by the fact that her friends from class always seem to look older than her, I think she looks fairly young for her age. Lillith in some of these pics looks younger than my sister.

I like her coords but holy fuck does she look young.

>> No.8233634

I understand why comms would host meets open to other J-fashions, especially if the style is similar to lolita (so like, aristocrat and otome). It only begins to grind my gears when there's a lot of inclusion of jfashions that would pass as normal outfits (shit like himekaji). I'm on the fence about things like decora and fairy kei - if your comm is full of OTT sweet lolitas it'd fit right in, but with other styles it'd look out of place because, other than the colour palette and some accessories, the aesthetic is totally different. TBH I think depending on the coord, mori can look a little like artloli with a lot of underskirts, or more classic/country coords, so I can see it fitting in a certain meetups.

>> No.8233636

Are you the anon who bought Hospitality Doll for peanuts? I still hate you.

>> No.8233645

I know, right? Not going to lie, I am so jealous of her. Having a face like that would make it much easier for me to wear sweet.

>> No.8233668

Learn how to clean your damn dresses and be careful when you wear it out, it's not rocket science.

>> No.8233680

I know how to clean my fucking clothes, thank you very much. I also can never grab/find the jsk in the colour i want. Honestly, why the fuck does this matter so much to y'all?

>> No.8233693
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>> No.8233698
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>> No.8233703

It's still fucking easy to ruin stuff though. Not that anon, but I find wearing lolita that isn't black and/or cheap really restricts my choice of activities, food and drink. I have ruined several light-coloured non-lolita tops by spilling tea on them. That shit stains like a motherfucker if you don't run it under water straight away.

>> No.8233712


I so agree with you on that one.

>> No.8233715
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>> No.8233767

what about stuff where they modify it so it's no longer a lolita dress anymore (e.g. would you be pissed off to hell and back if someone got two of your hard to find dream dresses just to butcher them into normalfag skater skirts or some shit)? or if people want to wear it to concerts/sketchy places/in pornos?

obviously the easy answer is 1. its your shit do what you want and 2. just dont wear it to those kind of things if you worry about damaging it. Personal stance aside, i'm curious what else people have to say about it?

Personally i hate replicas and what they represent, but i'm conflicted if i really feel comfortable with the idea of real brand being used in fetishistic situations like a pornos/erotic roleplay.

>> No.8233772


I think you just need to know how to drink tea without spilling it all over yourself. Unless you have some sort of tremor in your hands, it shouldn't be that hard.

>> No.8233774

Occassionally, yes. They don't seem to have made too many long versions of skirts recently that I can recall though. Or maybe it's just because it feels like they haven't had a ton of skirt cuts in general lately.

>> No.8233786

I wonder if the print is actually just printed on fabric or it is velvety-like, like the original? She never answered me

>> No.8233811



Flocked. It's called flocked.

>> No.8233821

Assuming I don't take it with me to the grave, there's always a hope it could end up in your hands one day anon. Never give up on your dreamz~

>> No.8233822


>> No.8233827

Don't you mean THANK YOU?

>> No.8233840

>tfw when you are bitter and can't help but message AP about Katrina

They have their cherries and crosses coming out this weekend and I am seriously confused about how they can think daisy crosses are a good idea. At least they're subtle

>> No.8233841
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Since they were asking oojia about it, I'm assuming they want a replica of the dress depending if the print is 'velvety' or not. Kind of understandable they wouldn't have manners either.

I'm not quite sure why I even bothered.

>> No.8233867

Not that anon, but
"asking about replica features ~ she probably have no manners"
How's it related?

>> No.8233892


Yeah, I wasn't being particularly articulate, apologies about that. I was trying to imply she had no class, since she was going to buy a replica and was pretty rude in her reply.

>> No.8234089

How do you eat? How do you regularly spill tea on yourself? I'm sorry but it really isn't that hard not to get dirty. I'm really clumsy, and even I have ruined maybe one or two light items since I middle school.

>> No.8234097

*even I haven't ruined more than one or two light items since middle school, shouldn't type when I'm this tired.

>> No.8234110

Btssb Stained glass fitted jsk in white.

Been looking for years and haven't seen it

>> No.8234111

Anon have you ever got anything to match the swimmwe bags? I had the pink and lighter brown and I gave them away because nothing matched them (and I was moving)

>> No.8234122

The print gets cut off

>> No.8234172

That looks pretty short

>> No.8234209

size chart says 96cm long, that's pretty normal I think? I measured one of my other dresses real quick and it's about the same.

No clue about their quality though, I'm having a hard time finding any reviews.

>> No.8234216


Thank you! It did take awhile for the item to arrive so that would make sense.

>> No.8234305

isn't she a les anyway?
Kinda creepy to make fan-porn of someone real though

>> No.8234313

Has anyone ever made 2 orders in fairly quick succession from IW, with the second order before the first order was invoiced? If you ask them to combine the two orders in the remarks section of the second order, will they do so?

>> No.8234453

in regards to the shipping thing i posted about yesterday, the seller's friend actually mailed the dress out on time, the seller just didn't have time to reply to my message until today, when it was already sitting in my PO box!

suuuuuper happy with the dress too ahhhhhh!!

>> No.8234472

I wondered about this a bit ago and now the question has come back into my head: are there Japanese buy/sell/trade groups like there are in the west, or is it mostly just second hand sales via resellers/auction sites, since that's more available? I guess I'd just like to browse some direct b/s/t groups from Japan if they exist and would ship international, or would ask an SS if they wouldn't.

>> No.8234512

This is the only site I can think of. It's like cosplay.com but they also sell lolita

>> No.8234820


>> No.8234824


>> No.8234830

baby, what are you doing?

>> No.8234841

I just bought one of these actually

>> No.8234846

welcome to /cgl/

>> No.8234884

new general

>> No.8235160

It's past easter, but it looks like a good print for that. Doesn't look weird in that context.

>> No.8236919

So I am pretty busty but I love empire waisted dresses just the cut is so cute. Would investing in A chest compresser be a good idea so I can get away with things that go boob loaf?