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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 60 KB, 839x563, venuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8231809 No.8231809[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

not surprised if Margaret let her get a bf just because he is Japanese

>> No.8231837

wow that was quick, maybe because of her lack of people skills ?

>> No.8231856

What was the age gap again? I watched a few second of the video and the guy just looked really uncomfortable/awkward being put on display like a trophy boyfriend if you can call it that.

>> No.8231859

He stalked this girl for years, and they basically used him for housing, video content, and attention mostly. However it was said that Manaki and his family wants nothing to do with them. topkek
Ask him on Twitter if you're not sure.

>> No.8231860

6years ? i think weenus is 17 now , so the guy is 23.
He was stalking her since 2013 though so when she was underage at 15

>> No.8231862
File: 39 KB, 584x328, 1382906299491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really glad I was never internet famous between the ages of 17-20. It's going to be embarrassing and cringey as shit for her to look back on all this and know that at least hundreds of people were in on her dirty laundry and judging the shit out of her for being a melodramatic bitch experiencing ~*~boy troubles~*~
I have so much secondhand embarrassment right now.

>> No.8232282

Oh Weenus. I'll give them some props, their videos together were awkward and somewhat laughable at times. But it's sure obvious that Margo was all for it just for the housing potentials. Also it's been said by plenty, Manaki had been stalking Venus for quite some time, many of which she never responded until recently.

I'm so waiting for a Tell-All video from Venus just like the Bodyline Mr. Yan one. That one (especially the graphics with Yan's car accidents) was super gold.

>> No.8232366

I hated the videos. Pretty sure he just liked her because she was white. Seriously. You think yellow fever is bad, a lot of guys in Japan lust so hard for white girls. Its not even funny. Same for the women over there. White fever is so much worse than fucking yellow fever. I can't even begin to compare them.

>> No.8232384

I love how sjws are fine with that but squeal at the thought of yellow fever

>> No.8232390

Yeah. Its SO much worse when you actually take into considering a white person going to Japan and living there. I have a female friend who is doing one of the college exchange things and she's only been there a month and holy hell. She said the guys, since they know she speaks Japanese, won't leave her alone and kinda fawn over her. Mind you, not really trying to be mean to her, she is below average. Not ugly, but little more than plain, but not ugly. Just... Blah as far as looks go. Yellow fever has nothing, at all, on white fever in Japan. You are basically a fucking idol. Depending on which gender you are.

I know a blogger talks about it too. Going to find video then post it.

>> No.8232395

I CANT FIND IT! D: Rachel has so many vlogs that I can't find it.

>> No.8232412

Dude I have like this same screen cap saved to my computer that I took from the video. I actually think this is my cap being used as a reaction image.

>> No.8232424
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No but anon, Japanese people are poor oppressed PoC. They aren't fetishising a race, they are just white washed because they are a minority in their country, and this has trained them to think that the average - a white person - is the most beautiful. Their "white fever" is because of underrepresentation of Asians in the Japanese media. It is not their fault at all, but the fault of the evil whiteies strutting around their country, shoving white privilege in everyones faces. The Japanese could never colonise anyone, or hurt anyone or do anything bad - it is all the fault of the white people for oppressing them.

>mfw SJWs think that the world is America and that American social issues are all relevant to the rest of the world.

>> No.8232426

>they are a minority in their country
>mfw my country is slowly becoming this but it's okay because we're evul whiteys and therefore open season for everyone
>and how dare you complain that your own culture is becoming taboo in your own country, you racist pig smh

>> No.8232427

I rolled my eyes so hard at her passive aggressive comments under their videos.
"I should find someone better who knows how to treat a girl~", or something, I really wonder what happened between them?

Anyway, she's a kid, and this was her first boyfriend, the only difference is she has an online following to see shit go wrong. The guy seemed creepily obsessed with her anyway, considering he started watching her when she was like 14.

>> No.8232430

this tbh

>> No.8232431

>mfw SJWs think that the world is America and that American social issues are all relevant to the rest of the world.
This, so much. Considering a huge chunk of SJWs are white American teenagers (and young adults) on tumblr, that's not everly surprising though.

>> No.8232436

Arent they back together? I heard about this in PULL weeks ago and then that they together again and apparently Wenus and her mom have moved to japan.

>> No.8232438

those that aren't try to shoehorn american sjw culture into their countries
>mfw people tried to organise a slutwalk in my country and failed miserably because they got fined for public indecency
and stay out

>> No.8232441
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Wait what???
Are you serious? It seems like you are severely misinformed. In Japan they have extreme bias against halfies and whiteys. What are you ? Some self proclaimed Japanese expert?

>> No.8232444

>what is sarcasm

>> No.8232445

They moved LONG ago. Like.. Months ago. However, unless one of them is teaching or are married out there, they will be evicted from the country. Japan has extremely strict visa laws.


A little rundown. I love her blogs. Rachel was a teacher in Korea for years before meeting Jun. About two years later, she and him became closer, and finally married. Another year later, she was allowed to live in Japan permanently.

>> No.8232449

Rachel is so qt

>> No.8232454

She is and her and Jun and just the most adorable. They are my favorite Japan vloggers. I like a lot of her videos in which she talks about how it feels be to a foreigner there and kind of debunks a lot of the rumors and whatnot about how Japan really is vs the weeby idea of how amazing it is.

>> No.8232455

Yeah, I prefer hers and Micaela's videos to Mira and others.

>> No.8232462

100% yes. I know she had a video about how much Japanese people loved foreigners, but I can't find it. She mightve taken it down because people were super offended and thought it was racist. It was really informative. Everyone she asked said they'd prefer to date a foreigner compared to a Japanese girl/boy.

>> No.8232467

OP im sorry about your ban will recieve... VA threads always get banned

>> No.8232471

Mira as in Miranda, the weeaboo who divorced her Japanese husband because he got a job that took him out of the country?

>> No.8232478

Wasn't it called "Dating in Japan: men's voices" or something?


>> No.8232479

The quick rhino guy has a video about it.. his comes from a guys point of view. where a girl was like forcing herself on him. I know rachel had a video and i think the other girl from canada sharla has one too

>> No.8232482

Rachel gets a lot of shit for some reason.
A lot of people call her ugly too, which I really, really don't get.

>> No.8232488

>tfw people still take teen tumblr warriors opinions seriously
in 5 years they'll settle down, i honestly don't get why so many people whine about sjws because you're pretty much whining about someone who's probably 15 and hasn't left the town they grew up in

>> No.8232490

yep thats her

>> No.8232502

I was pointing out SJW idiocy, bruh. SJWs try to shove their retarded social issues that are hardly even acceptable in the US onto the rest of the world. This is the exact logic an sjw would use - I have actual proof of it being used by sjws in lolita, who decided that the lolita media is "white washed", when almost all lolita media uses Japanese models. Misako once said that pale skin is more dollike and I can guarantee that this comment was pinned on white people by the SJWs too, although Japan was never colonised and pale skin is a beauty ideal in Japan even without white influence. So pretty much white people are the only evil ones to SJWs, everyone else is oppressed and any bad things they do are because they lack white privilege and are all oppressed and white washed. Or some shit like that.

Having met some IRL they can be much older than this, and their opinions are toxic because they present them as fact and swarm in herds so they manage to make someone feel like shit for thinking that it is possible to be racist towards a white person. Also the goddamn burping and farting. I don't know why, but they love to pass gas. Something about breaking gender normatives, they think that men fart and burp to assert dominance - and women are being oppressed by being told that those things are gross. So they do it because it allows them to be equal to men. Some people seriously think "fart rape" (when a man farts louder than a woman, "intimidating" her into submissiveness) is a thing.

>> No.8232506
File: 149 KB, 640x480, cucumberpants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, is my hateboner showing?

>> No.8232508

i think it may be her nose? but i personally think shes really cute. I dont watch her as often as sharla and michaela though. I use to watch Mira until the big drama.

>> No.8232512

What's wrong with her nose?

>> No.8232520

if i remember correctly its a bit long but rather skinny... maybe im just thinking about lor

>> No.8232569

>Some people seriously think "fart rape" (when a man farts louder than a woman, "intimidating" her into submissiveness) is a thing.
Please tell me you are kidding. No one can be this stupid, right? Right?

>> No.8232604

I wish:

Seems to me more like this woman is insecure about the potency of her own farts.

>> No.8232617

>one and a half pieces of anecdotal evidence
>yep it's is soooo bad in japan, i know it all!

>> No.8232619

>"I should find someone better who knows how to treat a girl~"
Whenever I known a female say this it's because they were expecting to be given more shit, go out to dinners every couple days, have the cream on top of everything over the guy etc etc lol

>> No.8232623

>Everyone she asked said they'd prefer to date a foreigner compared to a Japanese girl/boy.
Until I see it, it sounds like a cherry pick, intention or not. Are you sure it's not one of those videos where they just want to see what Japanese who want foreign partners have to say about it?

>> No.8232658

To be fair I am just now seeing blog posts complaining about how Black men fetishize women who are half Black, and how that negatively effects Black women. And that there you can directly blame white people for.

Shit I remember when someone got mad at me for saying in my expirence Black and Hisanic guys are way more aggressive about asking me out/hitting on me then White and East Asian Men. And all that was spurred on by someone asking me why my boyfriend wasn't Black.

>> No.8232679
File: 406 KB, 170x127, 1392166621952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a post on tumblr complaining about people forcefully "whitewashing" Romans.
They restitute the original colours of some Roman sculpture and the result was 'too white' for tumblr.

Complaining about that shit when Rome is at the origines of the european civilization...

>> No.8232687
File: 37 KB, 350x512, le arab man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whitewashing Romans
I've heard the same about Greeks. It's usually said by people who have never actually been to Italy or Greece and think that they're Arabs or some shit, and/or Americans who think Italians look like Mexicans/Ariana Grande.

>> No.8232691

The girls a tard. Japan is a sinking ship and apparently so is she. Good for him.

>> No.8232704

>who think Italians look like Mexicans/Ariana Grande.
Haha, I used to think this til I met a bunch of Italian people in an area with a high occurrence of people with Italian heritages - if I remember correctly, the north and south are different? There's more tan, dark haired Italians on one side whereas the other area has more lighter haired, lighter skinned people in it.
Same with Slavs I think.

>inb4 off topic
This thread shouldn't even still be here!

>> No.8232711

>Same with Slavs
Eh, yes and not really. Southern Slavs are as white as any other Slavs but thanks to a lot of gypsies immigrating from those countries and saying they're Croats/Serbs/Bulgarians people have gotten the wrong image.
Southern Slavs do look more Mediterranean the more south you go though, that's true, but it's quite a stretch to say that most look like that.

>> No.8232721

Sorry, I didnt mean to communicate there are more than one type or the other for the Slavic culture.. in fact I don't personally know the status of that.

>> No.8232731
File: 140 KB, 1199x392, ndj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example, both of these people are from the same country, with families from different areas.
It's a really interesting area because it's so diverse, too bad you can't discuss it normally here without /pol/ showing up to shit up the party.
>Japan's a sinking ship
Funny how everyone says that for every single country nowadays, it's got a long way to go though, in truth.

>> No.8232785

Oh but don't you know? White fever is based on centuries of imperialism and oppression and white people brainwashing ~these poor *POC*~ into thinking everything white is the greatest. It's our own fault that white girls get fetishised!

>hurr durr

>> No.8232843

Ok whitey

>> No.8232875
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>> No.8233463

Lol why would people ask why your boyfriend isnt black?

>> No.8233496

Different anon, but I have been asked the same thing.

>> No.8233518

But why?

>> No.8233536

Unsure. Because something is wrong with a black woman dating outside her race? I have been called a sellout for that, I don't understand people. So I just avoid answering the question.

>> No.8233554

Oh but it's okay for a black man to do so because men can't control their urges? smh

>> No.8233564

the whole "people who are the same belong together" thing is so innapropriate. Kinda racist to assume that you have to be a certain way because you are black.

>> No.8233602

all of this stuff about farting is so weird. there are dudes who are like the opposite of SJWs (equally as annoying and stupid but with diametrically opposed views) who really do think that farting is like "asserting dominance", and an "alpha male" thing to do

i wish both groups would just gtfo of modern society already jesus

>> No.8233742

I agree. What the fuck happened to the internet in the last 3-5 years that that shitty fucking groups surfaced to spew their retarded views? I don't get it.

>> No.8233763

didn't venus JUST RECENTLY become legal? she still looks like gross bottom tier jailbait though.

>> No.8233771

So do hundreds of other people, calm down.
I took the same exact cap, and hundreds of other people did too.

>> No.8233928

All of those people who talk about farts having a deeper meaning are just full of hot air.

>> No.8234047

Uhm... I'm italian and living on the south of Italy but here the majority
is white, even with blonde hair, blue or green eyes and pale skin. I'm very pale skinned with dark hair, small bodied, no mediterranean look at all!Idk why people still thinks Italians arent white but look hispanic or arab.

>> No.8234091


It went from a cool image sharing website to a place people can gather circle jerk each other off and block anyone from the real world.

>> No.8234115

Yep this.
There are some really appalling things happening on there. I have been called an "anti semetic goy" because I told someone that Judaism isn't a race. We may be an ethnoreligious group, but certainly not a race. Since culture and tradition is more important to a lot of Jews (myself included) than the actual religion, I certainly wouldn't say that Judaism is just a religion, but our Jewishness is tied more to the tradition than to our bloodlines.
I have met Jews of all ethnicities and I am preeeeety sure that Polish me and my friend from China are not related by race.

Still salty about this. If this chick was such a good jew like she claimed, she shouldn't have been using her computer during Passover.

>> No.8234119

I think you have your information way wrong, anon. Iirc, Rachel was on exchange when she met Jun (going to school through rotc), and when she graduated, she had to go through with the military service associated with rotc.
They got married fairly quickly because they thought it would allow them to be together while Rachel did her job, but in the end she ended up being moved around a bit and whatnot.
Now she's done so she can do whatever. I never remember her saying anything about Korea.
I also think she's probably the best blogger, but some of her videos are a little weird, imo. As in, they don't match up with my or my friends' experiences that well or seem a little too enthusiastic.
Also, when I saw a few videos she did with other foreigners (like Michaela or whatever), it seemed like her Japanese wasn't as good. I always assumed her Japanese must be pretty great, but I guess considering Jun can speak English it's not like she has to communicate in it 24/7 with him.

As for weenus, I really hope she can have some semblance of sanity and a normal life once she's an adult.

>> No.8234286

I think they were hoping she would get assigned to somewhere in Japan, so they could be closer together. She got assigned to Korea instead, but she never ended up going because a vaccine she had to get for travel gave her a heart condition and they made her stay in the US.

Anyway, not that anon, but their videos are my favourite too. Both of them are really cute, and Jun's cooking channel is fun as well.

>> No.8234310


They've only gotten worse since their first iteration on LJ.

I was hoping it would die there, but then it came over and just got worse on tumblr.

I cringe to think how worse it will get from there. It definitely is here to stay, considering that mainstream media is already making some of these ideas, well, mainstream, e.g. white privilege.

>> No.8234339

Because I am mixed and my father's side (the black side) my. Immediate family is upper middle class and I grew up in an affluent suburb so people accuse me of acting "white" all the time. And for some reason black men think that they are the be all and end all and get mad when a wan who is black or perceived as being black isn't with a black man. It's the dumbest shit. And eventually ends up as "oh you're racist and you think your better then blacks." No honey I don't think that at all I just so happen to be with a Japanese/Venezuelan guy right now. Before him I was dating a black guy. Shit then again I know black men who refuse to watch shows with black wen dating white men. It's the dbest shit. And don't even get me started on the person who thought it would be ok to lecture me about not participating in the whole blackout thing.

>> No.8234345

Some of then are well into their 20s and 30s
Most will grow out of it, I hope

>> No.8234359

>whole blackout thing
I am so sorry about your family.

>> No.8234361

And if a white person said they eould only date other white people it wouldn't fly

>> No.8234374
File: 273 KB, 720x404, thingsthatarethesamebelongtogether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people who already do that. The KKK.

>> No.8234382

My family? Naw they're cool, the butts are all tumblr and men I encounter on public transportation.

And the blackout thing was tumblr. Idk I don't feel comfortable with participating in it because I've been told for so much of my life that im not black by black people because of my hobbies and taste in music that I didn't feel comfortable with posting myself. Someone who was following me I guess was made that I wasn't participating and decided to yell at me about it. I was just like "yeah naw I'm good." And didn't get into the details because that would have just led to drama I don't need in my life.

>> No.8234388

I'm not saying people don't do it I'm pointing out how we tie that to racisn but when POC do it it's just "trying to protect our culture".
Your response is exactly my point. Trying to keep a race pure is trying to keep a race pure

>> No.8234399

Diff anon but blackout was this whole thing where black people posted selfies to tumblr to 'celebrate talented and beautiful black women'.

>> No.8234420

Stop fart-triggering me.

>> No.8234421

Ahh sorry about the tumblrinas and public transport dudes then.

It really sucks but it does certainly appear from what I have seen online that black people are equally as racist to their own as white people can be.

If you want to see something really scary, look up videos of the hebrew israelites. And they say that reverse racism isn't a thing. Those dudes will literally say "I am going to kill you and rape your daughter because you are white and inferior" and nothing is done about it. I wouldn't be surprised if tumblr supports them for being strong and standing up against whitewashing.

>> No.8234444

Days where only black people are allowed to post selfies

>> No.8234520

What would happen if a white person did it?

>> No.8234552
File: 25 KB, 527x481, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8234557

A white person can post selfies, just don't tag it as blackoutday or try to start a whiteoutday.

>> No.8234570

I knew that girl was a dumb bitch when she was fucking adamant that shaving makes hair grow thicker and more numerous.

>> No.8234580
File: 36 KB, 1908x1208, 1422996077762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does /cgl/ it isn't just tumblr lite

>> No.8234597

>/co/ is higher

>> No.8234599

Dumbest shit oh yeah we need a day for only black people to post selfies and if you're white and you do it then you're a bad person. What about a day for Hispanic, Indians, First Americans, or East Asians from places other then Japan or Korea? what about for other minori ties because last time I checked in the US most people can name more then one Black person; I am so tired of this selfie activism. The first time they did it it was fine and I enjoyed i but now every month? Are any other groups doing this shit? No? I thought not. Also when did civil rights stuff get so angry and aggressive I swear I'd love to see how my grandfather would react to the way things are now, I really would. Hell my dad hates it too. Sure you have every right to be angry about racist bullshit but don't be such a bag of dicks to everyone all the time. How about you go out and do something more worth while that will make more of a difference then posting a photo on the Internet.

What kills me though is this black girl I know who used to be one of those girls that talked mad shit about dark skin people is now one of those ass holes who tries too hard to be validate her blackness. Probably because she feels guilty about the stuff she used to say and do but it's gotten to the point where she is unbareable. Hell she was asking why I wasn't with a black guy too and all I could think was "Last year you legit said you won't date black men because you want mxed kids with good hair."


>> No.8234609

>yeah I killed 50 people, but that other guy killed 51 so why am I in trouble?

>> No.8234624

does anyone else want to know about margret and her life. I am so curious about what she is like. I know she's crazy but that's not enough. And what is up with the two of them constantly moving? I just imagine her chasing men a cross Europe until it was time to pimp out her daughter for a place to live. What I want to see now is a series about Margaret trying to to d a husband for a visa and running into pervs who area to her daughter constantly. All with a really dark messed up sense of humor most would find off putting.

Man her drama is entertaining to me though. And I want to know more about her divorce if anyone has details.

>> No.8234627

This. If I had a tumblr blog every day would be blackout day. People of all races and ethnicities would be celebrated, none of this hating on white people.
Blackoutday isn't *really* hating on white people but it is still annoying as fuck that I should be expected to reblog someones pictures just because they are more oppressed than I am. What does a reblog on tumblr do for the real world? Half of their "signal boost" things - people will reblog something but do nothing about it, some petitions have been reblogged on tumblr for like double or three times the amount of signatures they have collected.
Plus those days celebrate mediocrity because suddenly anyone who is a black cosplayer or what have you is celebrated and reblogged for being daring and "strong poc", even if they look like absolute shit.

>> No.8234639

Kinda Ot but no shit? Of course there is going to be a lot of tumblr users here, a lot of lolitas migrated over there from blogging on other platforms. We had threads for sharing tumblrs, people routinely post pictures from tags on tumblr too. It isnt a secret that many people here also go onto tumblr and you adopt the speech patterns of what you see a lot.

It would be better if you took out /cgl/ and /co/ as outliers and looked at everyone else, because you get more information than just the two obvious boards.

It isnt about saying only black people can post selfies, it is trying to get it to trend and show off black culture and say they are all beautiful.

>> No.8234640

The only things that /co/ talks about which I can see corresponding with Tumblr buzzwords are
>fetish shit.
>posts making fun OF Tumblr.

Something like half of any given threads will be facetious.

>> No.8234645

>we don't sound like tumbr we ARE tumblr

Was this supposed to be helping your case?

>> No.8234648

I just find it hilarious that /co/ is higher when /cgl/ is Tumblr-lite.
What does that make them, Tumblr-mild?

>> No.8234666

Oh God don't get me started on the black Cosplayer and lolita blogs that literally post whatever they get and people just reblog it because the person is black. I'm sorry but if someone's black I'm not just going to automatically give them a pass. That is so stupid I can't even. Idk I know it's fucked up but I live my life by the whole "Your have to be twice as good to get half as much." Montes so my coords need to be twice as good as a skinny white girls as do my Cosplays. If I was a white woman I would be killing it right now but I'm not and I refuse to slip into mediocrity and cebrate mediocrity.

Another random thing I'm so tired of plain women being called beautiful regardless of race because no I'm sorry but they're not. You can have a great personality or whatever but if your not attractive I'm not going to say that you are. And just because you arent physically attractive it doesn't make you less of a person and we can still be friends. oh also tired of people who ass pay all the time if someone's outfit doesn't look good tell them. I know I apprciate that way more then you telling me not. That's why all my Coords have to approved by one friend I know will be honest and hers need to be approved by me.

>> No.8234682

I'm surprised by the low status of /ck/, /mlp/, and /lgbt/.

>> No.8234683
File: 57 KB, 720x580, 1427801067973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gay people can't choose what they're attracted to. they're just born that way and nobody can judge them for that
>you aren't attracted to black people? how fucking dare you you racist piece of shit!

>> No.8234686

I need more info on her divorce because that sounds amazing.

>> No.8234690

>too bad you can't discuss it normally here without /pol/ showing up to shit up the party.
Yeah, I can't possibly find a non-radical place to discuss it, and if it is, then they don't know enough about it. I'm just curious about where I'm from man..

>> No.8234699

fuck if i could not have a reason to wear glasses i would swap them circumstances

>> No.8234701

That's just it. /pol/ is rated moderately tumblr compared to some other boards, you think they are full of sjws? No it's just mocking them.

>> No.8234703

>Blonde hair.
>Green eyes.
>Big chest.

How would I do in Japan, /cgl/?

>> No.8234711

Not attracted to black people, "your racist"
Not attracted to fat people "your fat phobic"
But watch it because if you prefer Blacks or Fat people then you're fetishsizing and just as bad. Im sorry but some people are only attracted to a narrow set of people. Personally it may be because I'm a fatty but if you have good bone structure and treat me with respect, odds are I'll give you a try.

>> No.8234716

>/diy/ literally 0

tumblr confirmed incapable of doing anything for themselves and being completely dependent on others for everything.

really it fits in perfectly for the general liberal mindset.

>> No.8234719

too tall

>> No.8234727

P-perfect gojira waifu?

>> No.8234744

Thank you!
I know some black cosplayers who hate "pity reblogs" because they aren't sure if their cosplays are actually good or just got picked up on by sjws.

Also for people who think that a woman should be more than her appearance, feminists certainly put a lot of emphasis onto looks. I know one who says "I will NOT be defined by beauty", yet she gets very mad if you point out that she has pimples or is anything less than perfect. This dude sums it up pretty well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrXrXnSxJLw

>> No.8234747

Why do you assume anybody wants you fatty.
And why do you hold these imaginary people who want you to higher standards than yourself, and expect them to reach those standards just for a change that you'll "give them a try".

It's always so baffling to me why fat girls tend to be more stuck up and bitchy than normal or even attractive girls.

>> No.8234751

i have to know, what if you're a white girl but have a more jewish/manface thing going on?
I'm not looking for a man or anything, especially not an asian guy they don't attract
but man do i love me some attention

>> No.8234760

Too tall.
The few men who haven't already abandoned 3D for 2D waifus will be too intimidated by whito piggu amazonian.

>> No.8234786

Dude I am so done with women policing other women for what they wear under the guise of being femenist. Or women thinking that if you care about your appearance then your not a femenist. It's so annoying and really isn't what the movement is about. You can think women and men should be equal and still care if you've got a zit.

>> No.8234794

What is annoying is people who say that they don't care if people think they are beautiful or not because they think a woman should be worth more than her appearance, and then they get all hissy when people say they aren't perfect. Thats all I was saying.

>> No.8234822

How the fuck wanted to be treated respectfully expecting high standards? Oh and expecting someone to have decent bone structure has nothing to do with weight. No amount of dieting and exercise can change that or a lack of it. Oh I forgot fatties aren't real people.

>> No.8234843

jfc cant tell if you are a troll or not. Please lurk moar before shitting up cgl. You already wrecked one thread.

>> No.8234864

>I get to be a fat lazy fuck but any guy who wants me has to be BORN with a good body just for a chance at me

So is the cockiness a self defense mechanism fat chicks develop to feel better about nobody wanting them?

>> No.8234991

Well, there's that cute himekaji girl on instagram who married a Japanese dude, and she's 5'9". You never know.

>> No.8235041

mild kek

>> No.8235231

I know a lot of people who do the gas thing too, but their reasoning is that "it's a natural bodily function we need to break da taboo!"

Bitch, that's just gross regardless of gender.

>> No.8235288

This is what I feel about pedophiles. Can't help they're attracted to kids.