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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8227169 No.8227169 [Reply] [Original]

Funny (or not so funny) stories about your experiences wearing lolita or just anything you need to get off your chest.

>Taking a day trip with my family while in lolita.
>Aunt recently started brushing up on the basics of lolita and is extremely proud of herself.
>poor innocent stranger compliments my Coord and asks me why I'm all dressed up and if I'm going dancing. (Anyone else get lots of square dancing comments?)
>Aunt loudly chimes in, "omg it's called lolita its a Japanese fashion like Harajuku but it's super big in the United States now and the dresses are all hundreds of dollars"
>guy stands there while my aunt keeps yapping at him for 10 minutes.
>rest of my family stands behind her waiting awkwardly and embarassed.
>thank you aunt, I appreciate the enthusiasm....

>> No.8227172

Same Anon here, almost forgot the part where she lectured this stranger on how it "wasn't a fetish" and I dont "pole dance or anything dirty like that" or not to mention, "it's lolita but totally not like the book she's not sexual like that"

Good times. Love my family.

>> No.8227182

Old people make the worst itas

>> No.8227183

Your aunt sounds like my mum.
>stranger compliments my outfit
>she chimes in "It's called lolita but it's not a sex thing!!! Also she made the blouse herself!"
>mother has no indoor voice
>thanks mum ilu

I've recently just stopped wearing lolita-but-not-a-sex-thing when we go out together. She means well, but holy shit.

>> No.8227189

I know it was probably embarrassing, but these stories are cute, OP, anon. Thanks for sharing.

The closest I get is that my mom sometimes finds public posts and shares them on her feed with her work buddies/our family. They don't really get Facebook, so I once had an aunt I hadn't talked to recently comment on my post in my comm's version of CoF telling me how I was a lovely young lady, and they all miss me back home, and they were all so proud of me, and to keep my chin up.

I was shocked that it didn't end up on secrets or anything. A few girls in my comm teased me about it at a meet later, though.

>> No.8227195

That's adorable!

>> No.8227201

This is the reason why I told my mum it's called Japanese Fashion Club because the same thing would happen.

And my aunt likes to go "she's got a cute petticoat and bloomers!" and flips up my skirt to show everyone who comments on my outfits.

>> No.8227203

I actually like hearing about this because it's such a small minority of family that support the hobby and its better than them saying bad things about you or side eying.

>> No.8227211

I know not every family is the same, and not every family is supportive, but I always wonder at some of the more extreme ones that you hear. Just like I wonder at the more extreme public reaction stories, too. Some of them sound too dramatic to be real at times.

>> No.8227237

Any time I go out with my Mum and I'm wearing anything lolita she gets crazy upset and angry when people stare at me. She's genuinely disgusted by how rude people can be about it and she was totally stunned when I told her I'm used to it and it's best to just ignore it. Bless her, she's so cute.

>> No.8227251

why do you capitalise Mum, she's not David Cameron

>> No.8227270

Cute stories! I kind of wish my parents were more open to it. Most of my experiences go something like this.
>oh anon, what a cute (insert item here)!
And inevitably,
I got this response for a $65 skirt. I'm surprised my mother didn't faint at my $250 burando dream dress. I mean, I'm spending my own money on this, money I earned and saved up for a while. I hate feeling guilty over every purchase.

>> No.8227287

I just lie through my teeth about how much everything costs, much easier that way.
Anon, out of all the people's names you could have picked, why David Cameron?

>> No.8227303
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My parents have a similar reaction to everything, but my mam is a seamstress and my dad is really into anything unusual in terms of design so the conversation tends to go
>Did your thing arrive in the post, anon?
>Yeah mam, look, it's here!
>*touches* That's lovely. HOW much was that?
>How dear is "dear"?

>> No.8227313

Reminds me of that one time I went shopping with my grandma while wearing lolita. She noticed two old ladies pointing and laughing at me. I told her to ignore it but she was visibly upset.
When we walked past them, one of them murmured a mean comment about my shoes. Before I knew it, my grandma had walked towards the woman, gave her a hard push (she would've fallen over if it weren't for her friend) and told her not so kindly that nobody gets to talk about her grandchild like that.

I was baffled not only because she did that but also because my grandma hates lolita fashion. When I arrived at the mall dressed in my coord, she was angry at me for wearing it.

I asked her why she stood up for me and she told me that even though she dislikes lolita, she won't ever allow other people to talk shit about me. Even if she herself thinks I look silly.

It's good to know that she cares about me even if she hates the fashion.

>> No.8227320

You're not the only one. If I leave a package alone for five minutes I will find it neatly opened and folded waiting on the kitchen counter with the little thank you note (if there is one) on top.

It used to be no big deal but now my mother interrogates me on each new package....

>So do you like it? Do you like it more than the one you sold to buy this one? I liked the other one more this one is too cheap. You should've kept the old dress.

She makes unboxing miserable....

>> No.8227331

oh, god, how embarrassing.

>> No.8227336

You win, your aunt is worse than mine I need to go call mine and tell her I love her....

Since you sound interested have my family's lovely "first sentence impressions" of lolita.
>Dad: Where do you buy all this stuff?
>Mom: (Very opinionated on which pieces I buy and where I shop, really hates AP's store layout....)
>Aunt: (This is OP, you know my aunt at this point)
>Uncle: It's that Harajuku thing right? Yup.
>Grandpa: It's so frilly.
>Other Grandpa(?): It's very Victorian.
>Older cousin: Why do you look like a doll?
>Younger cousin: DrEsS Me Up tOo!!!

They're all.... supportive, in their own special way.

>> No.8227353

My mum used to dislike the fashion and how I spent quite a bit on it (when I was building up my wardrobe 4-5 years ago now). She calmed down about it when I explained that these dresses have great resale values and that I own a few dresses that're worth significantly more than I paid initially.

My mum is also in her mid 40's and grew up in the 80's. She's no stranger to alt fashion!

>> No.8227411

I'm laughing my butt off at your stories, your families are all adorable.

>mfw my mam retired a far corner of the country and isn't around to hassle me anymore (I miss her)
>mfw only my sister lives close to me
>mfw my sister accepts my invitations to tea but is just using me to enable her macaron addiction and she judges the shit out of me when I wear Lolita
>mfw I have no face

My mam can't say anything about my Lolita though, since I've started my 401k and have an IRA as well. It all comes out of my pocket money, I am funding my Lolita well into retirement mam, no worries.

>> No.8227428
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>>mfw my sister accepts my invitations to tea but is just using me to enable her macaron addiction.

I'm sorry Anon, but it reminded me of this and I was laughing too hard not to share.

>> No.8227457
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>my mother thinks that lolita is ridiculous, impractical, and too expensive, but she does love how pretty it looks and is happy that I'm happy with it
>at my first meetup
>get a text from my mother who knew I would be out of town that day
>"I hope you're having fun at your lolita dress up party, anon!"

>> No.8227482
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>have an IRA
>being a filthy republican

>> No.8227510

>start wearing lolita when out with friends
>one friend is completely spaced out stoner
>very sweet but total space cadet 99% of the time and too enthusiastic for her own good
>every time someone comments about my clothing
>"omg yeah even anon's underwear is cute check it out!"
>petti flung over head from behind
>thanks space cadet

>> No.8227545

What country are we even talking about here? I'm 80% sure the anon you're replying to is talking about a retirement account, but sure what do I know?

>> No.8227553

>Did you get caught with customs, anon?
>How much was customs?
>How do they know how much it was if it was all written in Japanese?
>You should ask them to fill out the form in picture words!

I keep trying to explain that the majority of shops have international customer service staff who speak and write perfect English and it's pretty much required to fill out customs forms in English, or at least in the roman alphabet with arabic numerals. But no, my parents are convinced my parcels keep getting processed by this one imaginary local postal worker who is fluent in Japanese?

>> No.8227554

it's a joke
IRA = Irish Republican Army

>> No.8227556

>grandma taught me to sew, I like to keep her up to date
>but she's very dyslexic
>tells all her friends I'm into 'cos' (she forgets the 'play')
>everything I wear
>'oh that's her cos! She's so good at cos!'
> her old lady friends all nod politely
> my young lady friends all nod politely

She's so enthusiastic about it, too :(

>> No.8227561

Yeah that was what threw me. I didn't know if that's what you meant, or if there were particular retirement funds only available to American republicans.

>> No.8227567

that's fucking hilarious, your gran is awesome.

What were you wearing btw?

>> No.8227569

>picture words

>> No.8227571

Hahaha you two should have your own sitcom

"Bowbis and Stone head"

>> No.8227577

They're never going to learn Japanese themselves, so I explain the writing to them as "formal alphabet", "informal alphabet", and "pictorial words".

>> No.8227657

My mom's particularly supporting of lolita, my dad's indifferent. She saw that I liked BTSSB's Facebook page, so she liked it too and shared a bunch of their dresses to me.

I've yet to wear lolita going out with her though, wonder how that'll go.

>> No.8227719

>Be me
>always think the horror stories are all bullshit or itas
>At meetup
>walking down the sidewalk, chatting a bit
>talking about how uncreative people are with their bo peep comments
>suddenly we hear someone shout little red riding hood or mary poppins or whatever
>look across the street
>some asshole is on the phone outside a building surrounded by some friends
>we burst out laughing because he proved our point perfectly
>used to it, keep walking
>He keeps shouting random character names at the top of his lungs
>starting to get annoying, but ignore him
>finally get far enough away that he stops
>about to cross the road
>limo pulls up
>oh look a limo cool
>the same guy pops out of the window
>keeps shouting characters
>says something about one of us tasting good
>limo pulls away

>> No.8227753

My dad thinks I wear lolita for attention.
I try to explain that it makes me feel pretty and that I like how it looks on me, the way it seems to remove my body's and face's flaws.
He doesn't get it, and he don't want to.
I had purple/blue hair for years, and he used to say the same thing about it. Now I have it natural black again but kept my directions hair dye pots.
He's a japanese old man out of japan, he has this very traditional image of how things should be, how everyone should blend in the crowd.
Even after he went to Japan, he still thinks I do it only for attention.

I feel very sad and hate him a little everytime he does this. I feel like burning my lolita clothes and cutting my hair short.
I feel like every choice I make is wrong, and that he'll never be fully proud of me.

My mom on the other hand supports me a lot.

>Mom saw me sewing
>Liked the things I made
>Started sewing too, just so she could help me and make nice gifts
>It seems like she finally found something that makes her happy
>She became a different woman, she takes more care about herself, sleeps better and is happy more often
>Likes to take pics of me and always tells me how pretty I look before I go out

I love my mom, even when we have to shout in public because she's a little deaf.

>> No.8227787

my grandparents were over when I was cleaning a dress that I was going to sell, and they think that this is a very good way to develop business skills.
>tfw im actually really irresponsible with my money

>be me
>walking alone to meet up with my friend
>stopped by some middle age woman that runs a fashion blog or something
>pose for picture, I get asked all the time so it didn't really bother me
>asks me to lift my skirt so she can take a picture of my petti
>uhhh no
>"please! I'm a fashion photographer this is my thing!" and basically keeps on insisting
>reluctantly shows like half an inch of petti and she takes a picture

I hate pushy people.

my parents learned to stop asking

>> No.8227876

my dad loves lolita, surprisingly. I think he's just glad I've stopped wearing mini skirts.

>getting ready for a meet
>dad sees me, asks what I'm wearing
>explain it's a japanese fashion
>makes me go to the store with him
>takes a picture to send to my grandpa

it was nice.

>> No.8227908

I showed my mother lolita for the first time when I was in middle school, and she used to take me to the SF Baby store when it first opened up, so she's super used to lolita. She also is pretty damn fashionable, so she likes to see my packages when I get new stuff. My dad has never reacted to anything I've worn, ever. It's almost an even weirder reaction because he has never questioned it or even mentioned that it was anything other than 100% normal.

>> No.8228218

Just happened today,
>Homeless dude with dog and pram full of puppies walk past
>hey little bo peep I got you cattle dog here
>gestures to mummy doggy
>her teats are so full and she is jiggling around and is really malnourished.
It makes me so sad that people do this to attract more donations and makes me feel like stealing their animals and treating them with all the love and affection they deserve and food and shelter they need.

anyway since everyone else is talking about their family.
>Mum likes it enough I suppose but always gives shit advice and won't listen to anything I say on the matter.
>Dad likes it I think? He always complements my outfits and calls me pretty and takes photos.
>Sister does not give a fuck
>Grandparents like it but every time I show my oma always asks me if I made the dresses and looks disappointed when I tell her I didn't

>> No.8228233
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Mum fucking loves lolita, used to hate it when I was younger (15+ cause expensive shit and it was weird) but when we went to japan, it was suddenly

>anon, look at that girl's dress it's so cute
>mum it's the lolita fashion I've been telling you about all this time
>why can't you dress like that

She still can't wrap her head around the pricing of the dresses ("600 bucks for that op?"). Hates AP though. I have no idea why. The only dress she's liked from AP was the University series and it sold out in 8 minutes :I

>> No.8228258

Did you tell space cadet to cut the shit? Being a stoner is no excuse for not learning to behave. Yikes

>> No.8228302

I started lolita when I was 12, spent all of my Christmas money on a shitty coord from bodyline, it looked terrible but I felt amazing. When I wore it around my family for the first time they were all approving and thought I looked cute and encouraged it, until I showed my nana. She said it made me look like a 'fat slut' and that I would attract pedophiles, and that lolita was a 'cult' and of course my dad believed her over me and hasn't liked it since. Ironically, my nana approves of toddler beauty pageants because she just thinks it's 'good fun'.

5-6 years later and I've recently gotten back into it again, dad doesn't care as long as I'm happy, mum thinks I'm adorable but I wouldn't dare talk to nana about it.

>> No.8228305

My 1 year old sister loves my dresses, and all pretty things in general. She's my biggest supporter.

I usually dance by swishing my dress and petticoat around in a circle and she tries to copy me with her little dresses. It's the cutest thing ever!

>> No.8228449

Not sure if this is a horror story or fun...I had fun with it. I was at a recent meet-up that had a festival going on at the same time. At this festival, there were a group of people preaching the bible. I'm a non-believer but I respect it...until they start yelling at me, "That's a dude in a dress!" I have a moment where I'm like "WTF" and defaulted to throwing up the devil horns while walking away. Ahh...people.

>> No.8228533

Uh... because it's treated as a proper noun when it's being used in place of a name?
Wtf do they teach you people in schools these days?

>> No.8228540

He doesn't get it, and there isn't anything you can do. You should try hard to not be defined by what he thinks, and ignore him. In the end, what you think about yourself is all that matters.

>> No.8228542

Your nana called you a fat slut when you were 12? Is she senile or just horrible?

>> No.8228550

My parents have never said anytning particularly mean, but they did say I looked like Little Bo Peep and stuff whenever they'd see pictures of me in lolita--except for this weekend. I was in the fashion show for AM and my parents called me and asked to see pictures/shared them on their facebooks and told me I looked beautiful. I'm happy that they're finally supportive of it--but like hell would I ever tell them how much it costs.

>> No.8228565

I just made the weirdest noise. I wish I had a little sister like that; yours sound so adorable!

>> No.8228567

My mom is very supportive of me. We used to nitpick CoF together once in a while (she actually has very good normalfag fashion sense) but not as much anymore since we're both too busy to just be derpin' around together.

My dad was sort of apathetic about it at first and would make fun of me when I wore it, but as I've grown in the fashion and shown him how passionate I am about it, he's come to accept it.

My extended family... I have most of them on my facebook, which has my personal photos of my coords and such, and sometimes they like the photos and most times they say nothing at all. They're pretty boring Southern folk so I doubt they think it's cool, but I've always been a little weird since I was a kid so as long as they don't actively shit on me for it I'm calling it a win.

My fiance likes it a lot, and even wants to wear aristo/ouji with me, but finding him clothes that fit a tall, broad-chested but skinny male has been a challenge.

My normalfag friends either don't mention it at all or think it's really cool and always comment on how pretty I look wearing it and how they want to try it too (I've offered to let them try on some of my dresses but they never take me up on it, so I think it's more of a passing whim than any real interest).

>> No.8228590

>mom is ok/supportive with it. thinks i look pretty cute. always concerned about if a dress fits me or not after i purchase it ("will it fit you?!" "yes mom, they list the measurements...")
>little brother either doesn't know or doesn't care; i moved out and started my wardrobe after that and i don't think he's ever seen the dresses
>friends think it's cute (majority of them are into anime and all that). one in particular (a male) feels me on a lot of lolita issues and sometimes browses cof/ita threads with me to laugh at bad outfits. he really dislikes whiny poorfags who can't afford brand ("why don't they just save up? this isn't hard. they can find brand for like $150 sometimes, right?")
>significant other also will browse /cgl/ with me sometimes. cackles at itas as well.

>> No.8228676

>be in university, costume design major
>taking criminal justice class to fulfill basic requirements
>have to give presentation in class
>wearing casual sweet coord because I forgot I had this presentation
>get up to give my presentation, professor stops class and asks me: "which one do you want, the one to make you smaller or the one to make you grow?"
>she's so clearly pleased with herself and she must have been working on that comment since she saw me walk in
>I'm wearing fucking Marine Kingdom in lavender, there's nothing remotely Alice-like about my outfit
>tell her it was laundry day and this was what was clean so I can move on with my presentation

I can't even give her points for trying to be original because I've had basically that exact comment twice before.

>> No.8228715

lol she supports toddler beauty peagantS? what a hypocrite.

>> No.8228746

>wearing an OP with puff sleeves under a knit bolero without them
>they're only small puff sleeves, no-one will notice right?
>run into old high school acquaintance, bit of a gymbro
>compliments me on my guns and asks if I've been working out

It was pretty funny. I think he realised his mistake a couple of seconds before I corrected him anyway.

>> No.8228773

That shits hilarious

>> No.8228789

That sounds adorable anon!

I dunno, I think that's more original than just saying "You look like Alice in Wonderland!" I'd think it was kinda funny if someone said that to me.

>> No.8228802
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>mum is into historical stuff and likes classic and gothic lolita - I show her documentaries and pics of things I'm buying sometimes. Thinks OTT sweet is babyish but I don't wear it so it doesn't matter. She's not into fashion herself but she encourages me to dress up nice because she fears me reverting to my preteen tomboy state.
>dad doesn't really know much about lolita. He's only seen me in a gothic coord once, which he responded to with bemused tolerance (I think he thought I was trying on a witch costume). I get the impression he thinks it's odd, but it doesn't matter much because I don't live with him.
>younger siblings are into other alt fashions. They both like lolita but they're still in school so it's too expensive for them, although one borrows my stuff sometimes and has saved up for a couple of Bodyline pieces.
>aunt was a punk when she was younger and thinks lolita is cool but doesn't really understand the fashion at all and isn't interested enough to let me explain it to her.
>uncle is okay with it but sometimes conflates it with lolicon/anime and thinks he knows more about it than me because he's been to Japan on business twice.
>grandma has seen me in a velvet JSK on Christmas and loved it, although she said it would have looked nicer without a blouse and complained about me wearing a wig. She always bought me clothes like that when I was a kid. There are some dresses, like pic related, that I know she'd love but I think she'd respond badly to most substyles and she's blunt enough that if she thought a print was fugly she'd nag me about it the whole time I was visiting.
>great-aunt is into sewing and likes it because of the emphasis on garment quality and the fifties silhouette, but is a bit confused by the style overall although she likes to ask me about it. Often tells me about dresses she's seen in thrift shops that "look just like that thing you wear" that are actually really not.

None of my other relatives have seen me in lolita.

>> No.8228825

>really into classic, country, and some gothic
>do lots of research and pick out the things I want to buy
>end up talking to my dad about it eventually
>he seems really cool about it, loves looking at the dresses
>sometimes sends me pictures of what he thinks lolita is
>look, anon! you would look so cute in this!
>love that my dad seems so interested in my hobbies

>eventually find out he has a little bit of a pedophilia fetish
>he asked me if I would wear diapers for him and 'cute baby dresses like the ones you like'

>never want to try lolita again

>> No.8228828


>> No.8228835

My dad is a creep. He took my interest in lolita as an invitation to suggest creepy things.

>> No.8228836

What the fuck.

>> No.8228838

No, no, that's just fucked up. Not "creepy", fucked up.
I really hope you told someone and/or confronted him. That's fucked.

>> No.8228840

Nah. My mom wouldn't believe me. He got arrested, and I don't speak to him any more.

>> No.8228861

Was the arrest related to his pedophilia fetish or something else?

>> No.8228862

Something else. Drugs/theft

>> No.8229061


Uhhh...after considering academic reputation, I shortlisted the universities I wanted to go to based on which were in areas with good comms.

>> No.8229661

anon, what the fuck

>> No.8229681

Well this took a turn I wasn't prepared for.

>> No.8229784
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>> No.8229859

My parents were never very supportive of lolita...I fell in love with it when I was 12 but gave up around 14 or 15 for mainstream fashion for a couple years. My love of clothing never stopped, even though it shifted gears, but they always kept calling it a phase. I got back into lolita when I was seventeen and it's pretty much been my whole life ever since.
My mom always just kind of gave me a weird, mocking smile, like it was some kind of joke. She would show pictures to her friends and ask them if they thought it was weird, in front of me, when they came to visit as if it validated her shittiness. Nothing made me feel more triumphant than when they told her she was wrong.
My parents poured money into my little sister having a horse, though. She got it because my stepsister and I had got junker cars for our sixteenth birthdays and they didn't want her to feel left out (even though she would get a car for her birthday too, later) It always makes me feel very hurt and jealous that my mom is so involved with my little sister and they get along so well. They're always going shopping and posting selfies, my mom redecorated her room really amazingly multiple times even though she never even bothered to finish my room the first time etc. etc. I was always the weird one, I got mixed in with the wrong kids and had clinical childhood depression. My mom blames all this on the fact that I was raised in the middle of the divorce and she wasn't in a good position financially to raise me properly and now it's easier to raise my sister the right way, but fucking really? That's it? You can't just make up for it now? She drives up every fucking week to visit my stepbrother and his wife and baby and I'm lucky if they think to stop by to see me on the way home, and even then it's a last-minute afterthought. My mom says it's too far of a drive to visit me and I don't have space in my one-bedroom apartment to hang out but it's just excuses because I'm too weird for her.

>> No.8229862

I should give my dad credit though.
My dad became a little more supportive later on. He was never quite as into as he was being my soccer coach or anything of that "cool kid stuff" but he at least tried to understand. He took me to my first meetup the next state over because my state didn't have a comm yet. He bought me my sewing machines and gave me his office to make into a sewing room. He would sit on the couch with me and I'd go through HelloLace and find every dress that I liked and then show each one to him. He was always very critical of my appearance and weight so for some reason I valued his opinion. He never liked sweet, but one day I went out in a classic coord and I remember crying really hard. We had a mirror hanging on the wall in the living room just by the door, and as I did my final check before leaving the house, I spotted my dad looking at me from the couch. I tried not to make eye contact because I thought he might have some disapproving commentary but he just stared for a while and said, "I was wrong about those clothes not suiting you. You look really beautiful." and he stood up and hugged me and I just started bawling. I was late for the meetup because I had to redo my makeup, but never has a comment from my family meant more to me.

>> No.8229898

> I've never told anyone this and now I feel like garbage because you guys are making me think I should have

>> No.8229947

Eh, not like anyone could have done a whole pile about it anyway. Depending on how shitty the people around you are, they might even have blamed you for being into lolita in the first place. It's good to vent sometimes, but don't feel bad for not having told anyone up until now.

>> No.8229960

>just anything you need to get off your chest

I wan't to die most of the time. I go about my daily life in a sort of daze. My legs take me where I'm supposed to go, but my mind is off imagining how I can kill myself with the things I see on my way around. Clip boards, vehicles, handrails, backpacks... I've made a co-hesive spread sheet of all of my lolita items and their current worth for my family for a potential death event, so they can sell the items and get some money or something... I don't know. I'm not really sure what I would want to happen to my lolita gear if I die. I'm not sure if I would buy a dead persons clothes... Should I get buried in my favorite dress, or should I have it left behind for my family to remember me by... I don't know.

I think I will get better though.

>> No.8229969

>I think I will get better though
That's a pretty good start anon. I can empathize with you quite a bit, but as long as you remember that it will pass and things will feel better sooner than you realize, you'll get through. My therapist once made a passing comment to me that meant a lot.

She asked why I considered dying to be an option. I told her I didn't see what else I could do. And she just said, anything. She explained that when people feel stuck in life, especially in the "daily grind" kind of world we live in, they feel like the only way out is to die, and we dwell on the idea of suicide because it's a sort of societal norm to do that when you're depressed. I know it sounds like the shitty advice that people who have never had real depression hand out all the time, but it truly helps to just do something different and interrupt your routine. It can be something little like taking a different route to work or school or something really drastic, like moving across the country. It doesn't need to be something that requires a bunch of willpower like "oh, go to the park anon, exercise more, dress nicer!" but if you want to do something like that, you can. Sell all your lolita and try a new hobby, just drop it all and start anew. Just do what you want anon, you just need something to break the daze. I hope you get through this anon, I believe in you.

>> No.8229976
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>Mother likes classic/gothic and is really proud of me for sewing my own clothing.
>Sister is a 34-year-old womanchild. Will ignore me/not say anything to me about lolita at all, then turns around and tries to bitch to my mother about how silly I look. Is jealous of practically every aspect of my life for no particular reason.
>14-year-old niece (Yeah..) loves lolita. Constantly asking me to make her pieces/dress her up/come out with me. I'm really proud that she isn't one of those super-slutty tryhard teenage girls.

Funny thing;
My sewing machine was given to my sister for her 21st because she was 'sooo into sewing' and was going to make herself all of these beautiful dresses! Then, as with everything else, she immediately gave up because it was 'omg too haaaard!' and never touched it again.
She left it behind when she finally moved out 10 years later, and then I took it with me when I moved out. Got into sewing and turns out I'm some sort of fuckin' stitch-savant.

Her jealousy is my life-force. It fuels me.

>> No.8230000

Well shit that escalated quickly.

>> No.8230048
File: 55 KB, 381x509, kawaiitoiletsugoidesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got brand new Angelic Pretty dress
>One of my dream dresses omgsugoi
>Afraid to wear.
>Wear it anyways to big con
>Found perfect matching socks for dress in dealers room
>Snagged it away in front of 3 other lolitas trying to get it
>Instantly ran to the bathrooms to put new socks on and feeling fabulous!

Then the horror began...

>someone used the stall I was in, didn't flush
>didn't close toilet seat
>waist tie got loose while trying to get out of my shoes
>one waisttie dripped entriely in the toilet with stinky stranger's piss and shit
>no chance to just wash it off at the sinks because of other people
>washed waist tie in 'fresh' toilet water while flushing (literally) the shit out of it

When I removed to my group someone told me how sad the bow looks and how good she is in doing bows. So she grabbed my wet waist tie and made me a new one.

>mfw she HAD to feel how wet that one tie was
>she didn't say a word, neither seemed to even notice

Gulls, this is the first time I'm sharing this story with ANYONE. Nobody knew it until now. I'm still so ashamed.

>> No.8230052

She knew, anon. She definitely knew.

>But it sounds like she was nice enough to not care. A+, strange bow loli!

>> No.8230082

Sounds like my dad, without the miniskirts. He really likes that I dress however the hell I want and keeps wanting me to take pictures so he can spam the rest of the family with them.

>> No.8230085

Thanks so much for the kind words, and I get what you mean totally. I think I just needed to share to get it off my chest a bit. I have an appointment with the doc for tomorrow morning, so hopefully that will help a bunch.

I know I can get through it, and I wan't to desperately. But just wanting to break out of depression isn't always enough but I know there is happiness at the end of the fog so I just have to keep chugging along.

>> No.8230093
File: 383 KB, 500x281, comfort47f6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're here for you, anon.

>> No.8230095

>Be me
>Too fat for most brand
>Still collects brand anyway because lolita is my hobby
>Is currently losing weight
>Have about 25 unworn brand pieces sitting in closet waiting for me. inc. 3 dream dresses.
>tfw I reach my goal weight and it will be like 25 new dresses all arrive in the post at once.
>Ultimate weight loss reward.

I can't wait!

>> No.8230097

Not really lolita but a con story nonetheless!

>First time going to a con. Lost in London
>ask police officer for directions to excel
>he says he's going that way and I walk with him.
>nice guy. Making idle chat while we can all. Comments on my prop and mentions he beat ff7 recently (I was dressed as sephiroth)
> get to con. Thank guy, he walks in with me.
> confused AF until he says he's going to a hot fuzz meet up.
>that moment when you ask a police officer for directions and you find a guy cosplaying a cop.....

>> No.8230103

My mum also likes to flip my skirt and show people my bloomers. I don't always wear bloomers though so that's fun!

>> No.8230107

My sister in her own words. "I think people who wear lolita are creeps, and I only support you wearing it because you are my sister."

But got really, really upset on my behalf when we where out Christmas shopping and some guy was snapping pictures of me. Almost to the point of chasing him down in the mall. Later that day we were sharing an elevator with people and a mum sort of shuffled her child away from me in a frightened way. My sister was so shitted off she would not calm down for about half an hour on the drive home.

>> No.8230117

jesus fuck I am sorry for you

>> No.8230167

Why did you not close the toilet lid?

>> No.8230168

Hahaha that is fucking incredible

>> No.8230184

I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be rude, was just surprised and worried... :(

>> No.8230222

As it wasn't my plan to actually use the toilet I just didn't pay attention and didn't think of it. I was too thrilled by those damn socks I guess

>> No.8230226

This advice works for me.

>> No.8230272

Sounds like the perfect motivation for your weight loss journey. Good luck, anon!

>> No.8230283

For me its just:
>Momma thinks its a waste of time, but doesn't neccessarily dissapprove. Has that "well, if it makes you happy" kind of mindset.
>Dad just worries about me getting bullied or picked on.
He worries so much about it. It makes me feel so bad.

>> No.8230295

It's a pity about your mom anon, but since you live away from her it's best to just forget it for now. That's nice about your dad though.

Also, IKTF about younger siblings getting stuff so they're "not left out". It's a pain in the ass. My little sis kicks off saying it's not fair every time I get something she doesn't, even though I never had said thing at the age of 12 either.

>> No.8230297

The first time I showed my mom a dress and she asked how much I paid for it, I just told her she'd be unhappy if I gave her a number but it's my money, so please not to ask again. Surprisingly she agreed to not harass and guilt me about my choices for once.

>> No.8230304

Your parents sound really cute, I wish my dad was more like this. He always wants to take pictures (in general, not of lolita), but uses them as a way to criticize my appearance, say I'm making him look bad in front of his family, etc. Or he'll ask for a photo saying it's just for him, then upload it to Facebook without my permission. Then after he's done that, if I refuse to let him take photos he gets pissy and says I'm being a bad daughter. He tries to use smiley family photos as a way to prove we're a happy family to his relatives when we're really not. I'm really glad I don't live with him any more.

My mom's pretty great though. She never akss for photos but she doesn't criticize my appearance or get passive aggressive and whiny about it. She'll enthuse to my grandma about my "Victorian clothes".

>> No.8230311
File: 945 KB, 500x213, 302-Hot-Fuzz-quotes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, that's brilliant!

>> No.8230325

I'm not sure if this counts but, here's mine.
>Have deadbeat friend
>Supposedly can't work because xyz
>Whines constantly about not being able to afford lolita and how parents won't give her money to buy shit
>Why not get a job
>"I caaan't, anon. Muh back problems. Muh wrist problems. I might have the 'beetus."
>You could try buying secondhand.
>"Why would I wanna wear OTHER peoples' clothes?"
>You could try Bodyline
>"That's not reaaal lolita, anon!"
>Learn to sew.
>"That takes so looong, though."
>My first brand dress arrives
>Nigga I'm hype as hell. I worked damn hard for this dress.
>Meanwhile she's salty as shit
>"Ew, lol. Kind of looks like a nun's outfit, but if you're into that then ok."
>"Lol, wow. You paid THAT much for THAT dress. Lol ok."
>"Lol, I wouldn't wear it, but whatever."
>"Looks like a replica lol. Wouldn't that suck if they sent you a replica lol."

I could slice her. Like, I don't expect her to crawl up my ass or anything just because I got a new dress, but goddamn. Yhis bitch just gets so unneccessarily catty over the pettiest shit. *This was more of a rant than a story, my bad*

>> No.8230328

Get a new friend, she sounds annoying as shit.

I mean damn, you might be being unnecessarily critical of her health problems and she's genuinely unable to work, but that doesn't mean she should whine about lolita all the time (especially with a waah Bodyline isn't real sewing is haaard secondhand is grosss) attitude.

>> No.8230389

Jealous friends need to be dumped imho
They bring you nothing but stress and you end up scared to tell them nice things that have happened or are fearful of them finding out
Someone who genuinely cares about you celebrates your achievements, not shits all over them

>> No.8230402

You need a new friend. Shes toxic as fuckkk not to mention shes made out of jelly with a peanut for a brain.

>> No.8230404

Contemplating selling half of my lolita wardrobe to build a normalfag /fa/ wardrobe.

I just realized most dresses i cant wear out and dont fit my style.

>> No.8230411

You do realize we're just surprised about it right? This is cgl. If we wanted you to feel bad, we would.
Should you have told someone earlier? Yes, like an authority figure, but that's the past and you can't change that. What you do now is up to you; dwell on it or move on?

>> No.8230414

That is so fucking funny. I would have paid $5 to see that shit go down.

>> No.8230416

Pick one.

>> No.8230569

>sister and I both got the same amount of allowance
>I gradually saved it up and bought lolita, she spent it on fast food and going out
>family hit a tight spot
>they ask me to sell some dresses and contribute from savings to help them out financially
>financially irresponsible sister doesn't have to contribute shit because she already spent all her money and can't get it back

Anons, why. I wanna help my family out but it sucks that I have to give up hard-won savings while she gets to do nothing.

>> No.8230636

>Get call from mom after participating in fashion show
>She's fawning over the pictures I snapped and saying how beautiful I look
>She said she read more about the brands who were there and said "There was one I liked...the angel one...Is that what you wore?"

It was just really nice to hear both of my parents be so supportive of my silly little hobby. My mom even shared the pictures of me on her FB haha

>> No.8230675

Fucking don't help if she doesn't.

>> No.8230688

How can she not help out her family, though?

>> No.8230697

like this: 'no'

>> No.8230705

No one is blaming you, everyone is just acknowledging the fucked up situation
because it's fucked

also because your green text started out lighthearted and did a 180

>> No.8230713

It's called disassociation, I get it from time to time after something traumatic(or at least extremely stressful like a serious hours long "fight" with my boyfriend; 'fight' because it's not like we're screaming at each other or anything.) happens/reminds me of a traumatic event.

>> No.8230717

You should have just rinsed in the sink. No one would care.

>> No.8230721

Explain that it can take a few months for the dresses to sell, or put it up for sale for something like $500. They can't blame you if nobody buys it.

>> No.8230727

It really depends on your relationship with your family and how financially responsible they are. If this is not normal for them, and they are in a unique tight spot, you could help out if you have a good relationship with them. Not everything is fair and equal. If they are terrible with money in general and you don't trust them to pay you back, don't bother. It will just lead to resentment.

Ultimately, it sounds like they may not have been responsible with their money. They should have had an emergency fund.

You should suggest your sister get a job and you could offer to match whatever your sister can contribute.

>> No.8230741

Yeah your dad sounds like a total dick, it's good you don't have to deal with that any more. My dad used to share pictures of me without my permission when I was younger but once I explained that I really didn't like it he stopped. If your dad doesn't respect your wish for privacy he's an asshole.

>> No.8230751

My mom is kind of the opposite of my dad, funny enough. She's ok with lolita but she would always give me lots of compliments when I wore my short skirts out.

I'm sorry about your dad, that must suck. I bet you look awesome, though!

>> No.8230756

I live with them, and so does my sister. It's not like there's anything she can physically do to help because (other than her phone maybe? which she does need, but we could get a hundred dollars if we sold her smartphone and replaced it with a cheaper phone) she doesn't have anything that'd raise more than a few dollars if she sold it. I mean, you could suggest stopping her allowance for a while until the money is gained back, but I don't think my parents will be able to afford to give either of us an allowance for a year or so anyway.

Yeah, it's not normal. One parent lost their job, then something went wrong with the car that the other parent needs to get to work, which used up their savings. We should be back on our feet if they get another job, but at the moment it's tricky because we haven't started getting welfare for the parent that was unemployed yet because it takes time to process, so our outgoings for rent/bills/food were greater than ingoings this month but we also can't afford to move.

I fully intend to help out (I need to sell some items rather than just give out of savings because I have a Taobao order that I'll need to pay $80 shipping on in three weeks time when it's all been made), I just find it irritating that my sister gets out of paying anything because she's financially irresponsible...maybe I should suggest to my parents that she sell her phone and replace it with a cheaper model if I have to sell some of my dresses.

>> No.8230760

I second this idea. Maybe you can both get part time jobs? I did in high school because my family is kind of poor so it helps a bit.

I also have a deadbeat sibling. If you're like me, the satisfaction of knowing your being the good kid will be worth one or two dresses. I'm sure your parents will be super grateful if you do.

>> No.8230790

I've been applying to jobs for ages for lolita money and not got anywhere (we live in a rural area, hence why my parents really need a car for work, but that means that most shops don't want to hire you because you live a long way away). They could make my sister start looking for a job too but I doubt she'll find anything, since I've been looking for a weekend job for over a year with a lot of volunteering on my CV and not got anywhere, and her CV's got jack shit on it but what she's had to do in high school.

>> No.8231348

aw, anon. I understand how you feel. It really sucks when there's someone that's important to you who refuses to accept a part of you like that. But at this point, as sad as it sounds, he probably won't ever change, so now I guess the only thing to do is maybe try to adjust to avoid any malice from him. Meaning, if he gets upset or it only leads to awkward moments if you talk about it, don't talk about it around him, change privacy settings on individual posts if you post photos on FB that he can see, etc. I think the most important thing though is try to focus on the support and love you get from your mother instead, and try not to think so much about the negativity from your father. It's really great your mother supports you and even has found a hobby she likes out of it!

>> No.8231383

I wish my dad would say that to me just once

>> No.8231390

Totally bring it up
It's not fair that you have to give up your shit and she doesn't

>> No.8231403

That's so messed up, I thought this was a troll post until I read your responses.

Fuck, that must've been horrible to discover.

>> No.8231408

Oh, sorry guys! My response came out a little more aggressive than intended.

I meant it more as 'man I really should have just said something.. that was really fucking dumb of me'

Sorry for misunderstanding!

>> No.8231503

I had been really into lolita for a while before i bought anything-
My parents reactions were basically
"It looks like a silly costume"
"i GUESS its pretty doll like, what was it called again"
"Isnt lolita a sex book, you shouldnt call it that"
"You can dress up and thats fine, just not this"
I ignored it and persued my first coord, but upon wearing it and explaining no it wasnt for a convention or a joke, its something i like, i was told that its 'nice but not something to wear' 'really unflattering' 'distasteful' 'silly' ect as initial reactions when i wore my first coord.
Later got pulled aside by mum n was explained to that i should return the clothing because i have no use for it.
I did. Later i got into fairy kei and got laughed at for comments about looking like 'flashdance' and a three year old
Granted, that was pretty nice.
Now i just dress in himekaji and own a few secret sailor fukus, and ive kind of given up on the other stuff.

>> No.8231507
File: 95 KB, 381x391, boku no sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boyfriend and I are finally moving in together after four years of dating
>Talk about rent and fiances
>"Oh, Anon, don't think I'm not aware of your bad spending habits."
>O-O-Oh god
>"I'm not dumb. I've seen all the dresses in your closet and I've been noticing new ones every now and then."
>Get thoroughly scolded and told that I'll need to withhold buying any lolita items until we get accustom to our new financial situation

At least he doesn't know the original cost of each item. Thankfully I've been pretty lucky turning around some dresses and getting more than I originally bought them for. Albeit, it isn't my intention, but that seemed to soften his lecture.

>> No.8231526

Why do your parents' critical reactions matter so much to you? Like, I understand that it would be hurtful but it shouldn't make you entirely drop a style, especially once you no longer have to live with them.

>> No.8231554

Mom is supportive of lolita but didn't quite understand that I need to wear blouses under JSKs until I explain it's a modest fashion and show her that my boobs and bra are showing.
Boyfriend is ehh....not a fan at all, it's quite annoying. He says it jokingly to lessen the offence but it's still how he feels.

>Angelic Pretty more like Angelic Ugly
>Ewww that's so ugly
>That's ugly as hell
>Why did you buy that it's ugly
>Why spend so much money on something so ugly

But he says that about most things I buy, our tastes are complete opposites. He's used to me wearing leggings and sneakers, not dresses and wigs.

>> No.8231588

Shiiiit. It sounds like he needs a good smack upside the head, anon. You've been together for four years and it sounds like he considers you a stupid child.

My boyfriend's mind is blown by the fact that I can house/feed myself and still afford over-priced dresses. If anything, it shows that you're good at balancing.

>> No.8231610

Well, I think it's more to do with the fact that I've avoided any talk of expenses with him up until this point hoping that he wouldn't notice. I can also understand his concerns since I'll be graduating in a few weeks and quitting my current job for the move. So he isn't totally in the wrong.

Also, speaking of awkward reactions to lolita, my boyfriend made a small lolita joke during game night with a couple of friends. Everyone just looked confused and sat quite for a moment trying to figure out what he meant. He's also been jokingly calling me a "fujitsu" lately as well. Pretty sure he means fujoshi, but whatever. It's pretty funny regardless. Normalfags amirite?

>> No.8231765

To lolitas, /fa/ is normalfag.

>> No.8231788

I am into fashion outside of lolita, /fa/ is just bad taste all around.

>> No.8231793

>we haven't started getting welfare for the parent that was unemployed yet because it takes time to process, so our outgoings for rent/bills/food were greater than ingoings this month but we also can't afford to move.
Sounds like a good time to sell a dress imo. Life sucks but help your parents and ultimately yourself because that's a stressful situation and there's no point in having the dresses if you don't have a house/apartment to keep in them in. Also you should suggest selling your sisters smartphone for a cheaper one; even though it's probably not worth much because used cellphones aren't you can feel like she's sacrificing too. If you don't have one try and get a job, open your own bank account, and don't lend them money after this.

>> No.8231797

I suggest you don't contribute until you're sister has had to and like >>8230727 said, offer to match what she contributes. Any more than that just isn't fair. Don't put up with that shit.
>inb4 life's not fair wahwah
No shit, that's why you do what you can to even the odds.

>> No.8231979

this made me tear up. i'm sorry about your mother, but i'm so glad you and many others have such wonderful people in their life.
It's good to be the strange one, I am the strange one in my family, and probably in my whole town. people will always look down on you, but the people who see your oddness as beautiful are the most wonderful people on the planet. I hope you find those people often anon.

>> No.8232059
File: 584 KB, 740x740, 1390347871695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck you're right. ew they all look like grotty hobo people.

>> No.8232093
File: 56 KB, 672x672, 407117_4819285876644_1507999549_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my god I know those two.

>> No.8232142

That was back when i was 16, 17, 18. General health issues make it so im constantly around em n subject to constant verbal abuse- even tho i moved out i need to be nearby. Plus i dont really get the chance to do much with school n work- most of my life is determined by my parents n i dont really get a say despite being a legal adult for 2-3 years now.

>> No.8232591

Senior year I had an old friend ask me for help on a coord for a con. Back in middle school we used to look over GLBs and such but she never got into the fashion. Anyways, she messaged me on Fb a bunch of milanoo, and of course I steered her far away from that and showed examples of the "lolita" dresses people received. I showed her various sites and groups on Facebook, but in the end she really wanted a dress from like my-lolita-dress or something. Reviews seemed okay but the dress was pretty lame. I thought fuck it since she seemed pretty attached to the jsk and I offered my crit for her proposed coord and she agreed with everything I said. She was gonna go shopping that weekend for the rest of her coord, and had some brand socks coming in the mail. In the end I saw her not follow a thing I said. No coverage for the shoulders whatsoever, a lone flower in her hair, a bag with like a million of those raccoon tails and what not attached, no leg wear. Her make up was the same as any other day I saw her (raccoon eyeliner). I would describe her coord more in detail/post a pic but I'm pretty sure she browses 4chan too. It's a shame that since we were good friends we could've had one more thing in common but her coord was just.... I don't think she plans on buying another dress, at least not anytime soon. She's a bit on the chubbier side but I think she could be a good lolita if she tried to do research

>> No.8232610

Yeah, /fa/s style varies (part of the reason I don't go on there is becsuse, unlike /cgl/ where at least it's all jfashion, there is really no consensus on there at all about what looks good) but it never seems to look like the three major categories of normalfag - normalfag trendy (buys new from high street shops, swaps out wardrobe items every season), normal normalfag (buys high street or new cheaper stuff but doesn't follow any of the more extreme trends or replace items that often), and hipster (lots of clothes thrifted, some vintage influence, looks different from mainstream but there are some common elements among followers of the look). Nor do they follow the slightly less common normalfag alternative (goth, grunge, whatever) or normalfag designer wear. They just wear made-up bullshit like palewave. Gotta make some allowances for them though, since it's a very male board and men's runway trends are always either boring as shit or totally unwearable.

>> No.8232614

You seriously want to look like them? Fa chicks dress alright, but the dudes... A t shirt and jeans are not fashionable. Especially not when the t shirt is tucked into said jeans or with rolled sleeves. Fa is plebcore. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.8232630

Protip: 4chan is not the only place you can find out about fashion. Nor is it the best place. If you wanna get into the mainstream, read fashion magazines (I suggest reading two different ones as certain points will differ, eg. Company and Vogue) and fashion blogs, check the releases of high-street and designer brands.

>> No.8232689

Don't play the "even stevens" game. You and your sister are different people so you shouldn't expect her to act just like you, or spend her money like you. Just because your sister is irresponsible it is incredibly petty and selfish if that is your reason to not help out.

You should definitely suggest she help out in some way, but her actions in that regard should not impede apon your decision to provide assistance. Giving you an allowance in the first place is generosity on their part so you should re-pay it without thought for your sister. There is nothing fair or unfair about it.

Would sell all lolita in a heartbeat to help out my mum. She's looked after me all my life in some way or another, so she deserves it.

>> No.8232986

thanks but thats a no-duh. 95% of /fa/ have shit taste.

>> No.8232996

No, more like the more fashionable japanese ver. Of /fa/

>> No.8233019

What on earth is that supposed to mean?

>> No.8233052

I could be wrong, but I think they mean they want to dress more like how mainstream Japanese/Korean fashion is right now?

>> No.8233126
File: 8 KB, 224x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry your dad is a pedo, i never thought this would happen.
Oh shit...
> t shirt is tucked into said jeans or with rolled sleeves
Worse than the white undershirt that looks like grandpa level clothing or socks with sandals.

>> No.8233262

I was in a similar sort of situation like you, except with flip-flopped parents.

Part 1/2
>father and stepmother think I'm really weird because I am introverted.
>I spend a lot of time in my room because too much social interaction stresses me out. I also have my video games there and I don't like hogging the living room tv. Also need quiet environment to do homework.
>stepmom's niece (my "cousin") comes to live with us when she turns 18 so she can attend the local uni.
>"cousin" is typical me-gen teenager, selfies and self-absorbed, social butterfly, very open about her life. Expects rewards every time she does something “selfless”, e.g. announces when she cleaned the bathroom when it was her turn anyway (there is literally no reason to announce this except for recognition - sorry, pet peeve).
>I tend to keep to myself, very independent in that I will always try to solve problems on my own, keep private life private and let my actions speak for me rather than my words.
>parents love cousin and constantly compare me to her, "anon, you need to hang out more with the family. [Cousin] is so open and warm, you should be more like her"
>try to do more nice things like make breakfast and snacks, do milk runs, etc.
>try to be more open about my private life to family even though it makes me extremely uncomfortable
>try to hang out in common areas more while doing homework even though I can't concentrate with the TV on
>"anon, you need to stop being so self-absorbed and spend more time with us."

>> No.8233267

Part 2/2
This one incident solidified that my father and his wife are pieces of shit and I never want to have anything to do with them again:
>it’s NYE and I am the sickest I’ve ever been in my entire life
>bed-ridden for an entire week
>anything I eat is immediately up-chucked, bad migraine which exacerbates the nausea, generally feeling terrible
>obviously still trying to eat because I’m not an idiot, just can’t consume a lot in one sitting
>day 6 of sickness and it’s around 9p
>father slams open my room door, mirror hanging on it smashes and broken glass all over the place
>screams at me, “I’m so fucking sick of your attitude! You’re so fucking lazy! Don’t you want to get fucking better?”
>I’m lying in bed, terrified
>as soon as he slams door shut I am shoving pillows under the comforter and hiding behind a chair in my room while clutching a heavy object
>door opens a minute later and he screams again, “I’m leaving tomorrow (he travels for biz) so you better adjust your attitude by then! And clean this shit up!” then slams door again
>wait about an hour crouched behind that chair before I see the lights turn off from under my door
>no one has come to check on me during all of this
>clean up the mirror as best as I can
>next day he leaves without saying a word to me
>stepmother gives me a hug and whispers in my ear, “next time don’t be so lazy.”

>> No.8233292

Bad spending habits is spending money you don't have or using up your emergency/rent/food/bill money for dresses. Simply buying expensive things in itself isn't bad spending habits, especially if you can sell the items again and make most of your money back. Better than my friends who spend as much on alcohol and partying as I do on lolita. Does your boyfriend never spend any money on hobbies?

>> No.8233300

Jfc anon I'm sorry
My family is like this too it's obnoxious af and I'm still having trouble forming normal connections with people. Like they wonder why it's hard to be around them....

>> No.8233306

This. My SO used to just raise his eyebrows at my lolita spending but now that I'm the breadwinner he's just genuinely happy that I can spend money on my hobbies and have enough to save up for our future. If all the other anon's boyfriend does is criticize her for having an expensive hobby, he's just being condescending...

>> No.8233309

fuck. sorry anon. hope you can get out soon.

>> No.8233319

Sounds like your friend is an ex-scene kid in a Taobao dress. I have a friend like that, too. Wanted to be a kawaii rori but didn't want to give up her converse, cleavage-showing tops, raccoon eyeliner or emo/scene hair. I just offloaded all my old ita mistakes on her and she couldn't be happier. She's a sweet girl but I doubt she'll ever actually 'get' lolita, so for now I'm just letting her flounce around in her converse and lacemonsters in the park and trying to keep her away from the online lolita community.

>> No.8233324

meant for >>8233267

also: often if a remarried man acts like shit toward his own kid it's because of stepmom nagging. some guys put their pussy-source above anyone else.

>> No.8233335

The way you describe her sounds cute like a retarded puppy.

>> No.8233338

He sounds terrible, why date him?

>> No.8233353

He sounds like a dick, why does he have to always put down what you like? It's fine to not like it himself, but that sounds mean-spirited.

>> No.8233358

I hate it so much when people have this bullshit double standard.
>You spent money on clothes? How fiscally irresponsible! You don't need any of that stuff!
>brb buying a new $500 lens for my camera I practically never use
>or this super overpriced LotR collectible
>or these computer parts I'll just shove in a drawer and forget about until I forgot what I even bought them for
>these are totally legit things to spend money on though, not like that weird dress thing you do
why yes I am bitter

>> No.8233367

My advice is to get away from that as fast as you can. When I decided to not associate with them again, it felt like a burden was lifted from my shoulders. It's been 3 years and I still don't regret this decision.

I'm out, thank you! He is the scum of the earth. Cheated on my mom to be with his wife. And he is cheating on his wife right now for a young 30-something year old. Occasionally I get the urge to email my stepmother and drop the bomb, but I just don't want to have anything to do with them anymore, so... it's in god's hands now, I guess.

>> No.8233369

People like that remind me of people that are huge but say they don't eat much. You think that because you aren't keeping track properly, all your $20 useless crap easily adds up to be like the occasional $500 dress. And unless your finances are tied in with somebody else's, you have no right to tell them what to do with their money. People like that bug me so much.

>> No.8233374

yeah, stay out. if his wife helped him cheat she should know what she got into. and you can't waste any stress on someone with as little worth as they each seem to have.

>> No.8233379

Seriously! I don't even spend very much on my hobbies. I'll throw down for a main piece once a month, and I've resold quite a few things recently. It's my money, and I'm keeping my savings account full and my credit score high. Idk why anyone gives two shits about how I spend my free money.

>> No.8233385

>helping someone cheat
>expecting them not to cheat once original person is out of the picture
How idiotic.

>> No.8235608

My mom once kicked me out a few years ago because I wore lolita.
>still wear it
>i dont need my mom now, anyway

>> No.8236285

So nothing to do with /fa/ at all then, okay.

>> No.8236295

Sounds horrible, anon.

>> No.8240860


That's so cute.

>> No.8241237

I'd email them anyway because I'm a petty cunt and I'd do shit like that.