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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8206229 No.8206229 [Reply] [Original]

New Thread; old one autosaging


Meetups will be Friday and Saturday at 6 at http://www.thelakehousehouston.com/menu.html , located in the park.

Those going to the Pajanime party will meet up in the Hilton Lobby at 11:30.

>> No.8206236
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A "LINE" group has been created so you can discuss and plan shit with your fellow seagulls.

Download the app and use pic related to join the group.

>> No.8206552

Anyone got their suppress in the mail yet?

>> No.8206613

I'm excited for the 8 new wigs lockshop is gonna bring~

>> No.8206631

I don't know why, they'll still frizz beyond help after three wears.

>> No.8206634

Anon said Lockshop, Not GLW.

>> No.8206659

Did I fucking stutter, anon?

>> No.8207038

Do you throw your wigs on the floor after every wear anon?

>> No.8207052

The Choke whiteknights are a little late to the party tonight but we can always count on them to show up no matter what.

>> No.8207066

Not choke whitenight or anything anon lol but if you can make a wig frizzy after three wears then you're pretty bad at taking care of your wigs.

>> No.8207071

...or it's just a shit wig.

>> No.8207083

...or you're shitty at taking care of wigs.
We can go on and on if you'd like because I am bored.

>> No.8207526

i know everyone's gonna cry "wah wah wah whiteknight because you have a different opinion!!" but you probably just keep really bad care of yours. i can appreciate the subtle lack of thickness since it's hot as hell over here too.

>> No.8207838

Less bitching about wigs, more bitching about con. How do they still not have KLK autographs on the schedule?

>> No.8208105
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Hey pink lemonade anon! and anyone else who was also kinda wary of preordering before AM.

I got a response back and it seems like as long as they don't reach their maximum during preorders, the items will go up on the website. they didn't give me exact days, but I had forgotten that you don't pay until you ship, so that was helpful.

I'll still probably be putting in a preorder for it during AM.

>> No.8208293

Thank you bless anon!

>> No.8208379

"photo op and autograph info tomorrow" aka "photo op and autograph info next week"

>> No.8208561

What's the chances they're going to announce any last minute guests???

>> No.8208606

Any seagulls wanna show what coords you're gonna wear? I'll post mine when I get home/tomorrow if I'm too tired, I'm on mobile rn.

>> No.8208876
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welp, no pre-purchase for Teddy

>> No.8209584

How are the lines to get passes at this con?

Need to know how early to show up

>> No.8210281

They're doing early badge pick up here and these are the times listed. You can buy the passes there.

Edwards Houston Marq’E Stadium 23 & IMAX Theater

7600 Katy Fwy, Houston, 77024:

MARCH 22: 12PM-6PM
MARCH 29: 12PM-6PM

>> No.8210295
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>> No.8210408

Whoever designed that needs to shot. My eyes are bleeding

>> No.8210690 [DELETED] 
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thanks doc

>> No.8210706

Is there badge pickup on the Thursday before the con?

>> No.8210711

Yes, I believe so.

>> No.8210729

So no photo op info on the day that said we would be told it... again.
Damn, they really just need to stop giving us dates. We already know we're not gonna find out till Thursday probably.

>> No.8211374

Everyone, remember to wear your Pika kigus if you're a cool kid

>> No.8211772
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Every time I read through the FB group I'm reminded why I stay on this shithole of a site.

>> No.8211778

$20 says the LGBT meetup gets raided.

>> No.8211892

I wish.

They were talking about raiding the Easter celebration in the park before the thread was deleted.

>> No.8211941

that kasey guy freaks me the hell out.

>> No.8211949

is he the dude that keeps posting pics of his fake snake?

>> No.8211996
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Yep. I believe he is cosplaying as a zookeeper.

He has to have legit, severe autism

>> No.8211998

that and his "zoologist" cosplay of him of what he wants to be in the future.

>> No.8212005

he looks inbred as hell.

>> No.8212108

Seriously? That's fucked up. They wonder why maybe people aren't into pride or other LGBT gatherings? Maybe its because you're dickwads and has nothing to do with the fact you sleep with same sex partners.

>> No.8212133

..who the fuck is that dude on the end of the 1d pic? he's not even in the band wtf

>> No.8212134

I mean, he's from Texas. He probably is.

>> No.8212148
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>> No.8212182

Wow nice stereotype and original comment fag

>> No.8212349

never seen that comment on 4chan ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i moved here from europe with my parents so i get to make fun of the rednecks all i want

>> No.8212359

go to /b/ for a day lol

>> No.8212887

Is there a schedule somewhere for autograph sessions? I want Misako and Midori's autographs on their books, but I didn't do the pre-order thing because I already owned them. Or will I be able to just ask them to sign anytime?

>> No.8213021

You HAVE to buy a book. Whatever you buy is the only thing you can get signed, unless there's enough time for you to get a second item (whatever you want) signed. Think of the book as your ticket into the autograph session. And times haven't been released yet. I bought mine and am praying that it doesn't clash with the cosplay contest.

>> No.8213142

No one will win this prize.

>> No.8213396

actually, it depends if they are checking to see if the book was bought at the convention. Last year, just having the siesta book was enough and they let people in, but that was a con exclusive? I guess if they don't make a list of purchasers or have a designated item you may be able to get away with a free autograph

>> No.8214162

What kind of booze do yall like?

>> No.8214575

Damn. We really are the weird fucked up cousin that hangs with the violent crazy uncle in the 4chan family.

>> No.8214577

I noticed the passes have RFID on them. What will this be used for?

>> No.8214686

When you go to any part of the convention that isn't the registration area, you'll have to have security scan your badge first.

Clogs up traffic, but keeps freeloaders out.

>> No.8214691
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>> No.8214770

Prevent counterfeit badges, analytics about the con.

>> No.8215197


why is this thread so dead? did everyone move to the line app chat?

>> No.8215301

pretty much

thread will probably stay like this until we start image dumping or wanna talk shit

>> No.8215828

Yui a shit

>> No.8216311


>> No.8216349

Alrighty m8s, degenerate from Austin here.

I plan on being ultra smashed this entire con. Ill have a Hunter S Thompson Esq drug and alcohol collection on me, so if you wanna get turnt and or on it, find me. Ill either be in a yakuza group or in a big boss cosplay.

>> No.8217121

How are the concerts/raves here? Are you sitting in seats or standing? Room big or small? Can you make your way to the front if you're not there on time?

>> No.8217208

Hot, sweaty, lots of people but great time. There are seats surrounding the dance floor the last time I went for the concert. Huge room. Yes you can but may have to be a bit aggressive.

>> No.8217209

i would like to know about the concerts too. would i be able to go in lolita? like is it just people standing/sitting in seats? if it's GA i'm not stupid enough to wear lolita obviously (as a concert veteran, i laughed when i read about how last year at AM people were 'being pushed' near the stage...and all the normalfags were complaining about it haha)

>> No.8217220

What time should I start waiting in line if I want to be barrier/at the front for Disacode? Or will Superpass holders end up taking all the spots up front?

>> No.8217260

erm... define great time? never been to a rave before... ._.

>> No.8217515

3 hours early. Yes superpass peeps get dibs on best view. They pay the extra money for it.

Well I went with my friends and we were all wild and dancing. Mostly why I had a great time is because I was looking for fun.

>> No.8218073

Concert area is big enough to have a decent mosh pit

>> No.8218887

Line chat with 23 people

RIP thread

>> No.8219151

Someone had mentioned something about there being a list of what people would take to the swap meet at day zero? Does that actually exist?

>> No.8219166

what time should i get there to be at the front of the line (for angelic pretty lol)? i don' t have superpass.

>> No.8219365

First time I've ever heard of this. I don't think that exists anon way too difficult to go keep track of what everyone may or may not bring.

>> No.8219422

WILL there be a swap meet?

>> No.8219553

Sorry if stupid question, but is it a lolita or cosplay swapmeet? Because I've heard of both.

>> No.8219564

I asked one of the day 0 mods; and was told there would be a lolita swap meet.

I'm not sure if its a cosplay swap meet or not; but I know lolita is for sure. Though she also said you had to be in lolita clothing... not sure how they plan to keep people out if its just in discovery green.

>> No.8219834

San Antonio degenerate here, we should drink together m8

>> No.8219851

Houston fag here.

I'll be Naked Snake.

>> No.8219972

Anime Matsuri /cgl/ meetups:

1st meetup: Friday at 6pm at the Burger Joint (to find us, caw and expect a caw back)

2nd meetup (kigu meetup): In the Pajanime Panel line (caw and expect a caw back)

3rd meetup: Saturday at 6pm at the Burger Joint (caw and expect a caw back)

Any other meetups (including the Anna Tsuchiya concert or the Teddyloid rave) are up to other anons.

>> No.8219985


I'm new to this board, but please explain.

>> No.8219988

cgl is pronounced as seagull by many board regulars, hence, caw

>> No.8219991

Let me love u

>> No.8220028

Get out.

>> No.8220057

anyone 420 friendly peeps attending matsuri, i'll be cosplaying wendy o. koopa for matsuri

>> No.8220069

gonna be wendy o koopa! we should hang

>> No.8220117

Is the burger joint called The Grove?

>> No.8220132
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>> No.8220374

Thats what I figured.

>> No.8220490

Its The Lakehouse

Its in the OP, chucklefuck

>> No.8220580

The lolita swap meet is at night, during the pre-con party. You must be in jfashion to attend, but you don't need a badge.

>> No.8221400
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Fuck ya, just find me. im gonna be pretty buzzed off of different substances the entire weekend. just caw when you see me, ill caw back and we will proceed to be degenerates

>> No.8221699
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I see Misako has already arrived. Someone take her to Chipotle and a strip club.

>> No.8221813

is there gonna be any touhou squad/meetup happening?

>> No.8221858

Interested in this too, since I'll be wearing a remilia with large wings and a spear

>> No.8221894

Apparently Becky didn't even put in an application to be kawaii ambassador... so who would you think would win if she's not in the running?

>> No.8221917

Ann, the girl getting married? Jess, though she's chubby? Maybe it's not hlc after all.

>> No.8221963

You think she get picked anyways because it's rigged?
Do you know anyone else who applied or didn't?

>> No.8222071

What if no one in HLC applied except for Keavia. Will she be our ambassador?

>> No.8222579

God I hope not, she's a whole bag of crazy and rudeness.

I think Angelic applied? She talked about it. She's so self-entitled though; I dislike how two-faced she is and how she makes fun of people openly so rather not have her win either.

>> No.8222640
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Someone take Misako to Waffle House or Chick-fil-A for breakfast.

>> No.8222846
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Im going as a /k/ommando say wut up or pic for a awesome sweaty fatguy hug

>> No.8222897
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Our lord and savior Piko...

>> No.8222924

Probably girlyhoot, that's my bet. Or it's rigged and it's fucking Becky anyway. She's really fake tho so I wouldn't be surprised if she actually did put in an application.

>> No.8222985

that's weird I saw them today lol

>> No.8223279

Anyone coming in today? Got in way earlier than expected and looking for something to do

>> No.8223321
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just look at all these manlets compared to Chokelate in this photo...

>> No.8223393


>> No.8223446

Either the girl who's making all the Japanese guests be bridesmaids at her con wedding, or Girlyhoot

>> No.8223635

420 eh? I'm down

>> No.8223662
File: 93 KB, 960x540, 10361975_1567603316831400_6587763583224351136_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, fuck me. I'm so hyped to go broke.

>> No.8223664

You shut your whore mouth. Don't criticize our goddesses Midori and Misako.

>> No.8223786

We are at the Lolita pre party right now! Short gull in all white come say hi!

>> No.8223868
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who wants to help me clear these?

>> No.8223870

Wait for me to show up tomorrow, I'll help.

>> No.8224029

Hey bro want some niggas to drink yo boozr

>> No.8224104

Brookelle? Didn't she apply?

>> No.8224130

beckydrama/link to beckydrama pls?

>> No.8224135

and not just buy the things online for cheap? I never understand the dealer's room hype for anything that isn't on sale.

>> No.8224141

How was night fall or pre con party? I missed both because could only get fri-sun off.

>> No.8224153

It doesn't exist. She's genuinely sweet, but people love a good story.

>> No.8224157

if anything her actual niceness seems so extreme that people think its fake.

>> No.8224235

How much were the tea party tickets?

>> No.8224318

Seriously. The worst people can say is she's too nice she seems fake, and that she's too close to Anime Matsuri.

She's a sweetheart, and at one swap meet she was giving away JSKs to newbies. Offbrand, but still.

>> No.8224354

While I think some people are only with AM to suck dick, there are some people who help because they actually want to do something positive for the lolita community. Unfortunately any positive effect they could have is overshadowed.

>> No.8224421

Hahaha alright you guys, keep believing!

>> No.8224511

I didn't think everything would start so late.
I came in to buy my badge, expecting a dumb line for at least an hour, but nothing. I'm bored as shit mang.

>> No.8224524

I just realized I don't have any sort of fucking photo ID and no way to get one. Will they still let me in seagulls?

>> No.8224641

Pre con party was actually fun. Saw Hasegawa and all the models. Midori and Akira were doing a lot of fan service.
They had a mini photoshoot going on and bought some stuff from the swap.

>> No.8224647


>> No.8224773

Has anyone stood in line for on site reg? How long was the wait today?

>> No.8224824

Are the rent a cops as bitchy as they were last year?

>> No.8224836

AM Idol is a mess
At least the IM@S girl was entertaining

>> No.8225156

They seem pretty cool. Haven't had a problem yet.

>> No.8225200


>> No.8225223
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Ladies and gentleman, Misako is getting on 'The People of Wal-Mart'.

Your queen went to a dump.

>> No.8225237

Less than a minute to get muh badge

>> No.8225240

Look for yakumo in the AM chat and send me a msg for booze. I got lots of free booze leftover from my going away party.

>> No.8225366

How bad was it? Could I have killed everyone?

>> No.8225431

Probably. One or two were passable but the one who went first was fucking aggravating (and she was also the one who held up the Trigger panel with her bullshit questions)

>> No.8225478

Who in jfash line

>> No.8225497

You guys see any good/interesting Cosplays? Mostly just Kill La Kill was what I saw.

>> No.8225587

Did anyone else see the ita in pink fal at jfash show

>> No.8225729

How was the fashion show? I heard that it was 2 hours late.

>> No.8225735

I heard there was a prayer circle and everyone was shouting JESUS.

BTW, we nailed the guy today. :)

>> No.8225738

> /k/ going to anime matsuri
Were you there last year when it was next door to the high caliber gunshow?

Also, anyone see the dog who shit on the first floor between the dealer and amusement rooms?

>> No.8225800

I hope you managed to summon something with that circle too. Might've helped everyone get rid of that egotistical excuse of a con head.

>> No.8225801

Raves about to start. Who's got the goods?

>> No.8225818

Are you still giving out booze?

>> No.8225839

I also heard it was bad, can I get photos/a summary, please?

>> No.8225856

I see they are keeping the trend alive. I decided not to go because its been 2+ hours late for the past 3 years and I didn't want to waste my time waiting around.

>> No.8225910

The rave hasn't even started yet. Fucking hour past when it's supposed to start. And it has yet to start.

>> No.8225966

Sooooo... rave sucks or what?

>> No.8225978

Is teddyloid tonight?

>> No.8225981


>> No.8226045

Yes i am

>> No.8226079

So you guys know how the 3rd floor up escalator stopped working?

>Standing near top of escalator taking someone's picture
>Group of loud assholes come hooting up it
>Last in the chain is a chunky Wario cosplayer
>He leaps into the air
>he has slammed his girth into the thing and screeched it to a halt

Total asshole for doing it but fuck me if it wasn't a hilarious series of noises

>> No.8226102

You're shitting me, right?

>> No.8226119


Dude I fucking hate that wario and his shit friends with that annoying box with the sound effects. I would have died of laughter if I saw that .

>> No.8226230

Well, in true Wario fashion he was a shit dick.
So, at least he got into character.

>> No.8226245
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>> No.8226345

anon would I ever shit you

that is exactly the group it is, they had the sound effects box.

But yeah while that moment was funny, that group needs to shut the fuck up. Every con has that "we're going to run around and be super loud and annoying because our version of fun is basically being a dick to everyone" squad, and it's always a bunch of fat immature white boys.

>> No.8226435

Hey for the lake house meet at 6 is a kigurumi too informal??

>> No.8226439

Wear whatever you want

>> No.8226444

If anyone gets photos of a Treize Khushrenada cosplayer, please post.

>> No.8226524

Do you know how many sad dudebros in Tokyo Ghoul masks I've seen these past two days? Tons.

>> No.8226805

This con sucks. Time to get drunk.

Any recommended restaurants around that aren't super pricey?

>> No.8226844

Go and shop at The Galleria in Uptown and browse at expensive clothes. You won't get the chance tomorrow since it's Easter Sunday.

>> No.8226959

John picked Ann as the Kawaii Ambassador. Big surprise.

>> No.8226988


>> No.8227005

That's funny, no one even knows who she is really. Kind of sad it wasn't girlyhoot. Was it really just an arbitrary selection left up to John? Because that's somewhat appalling.

>> No.8227044

The fucking line for the cosplay contest goes around the ENTIRE third floor.

>> No.8227073

The one having her wedding at AM

>> No.8227119

They got kicked out right? Please tell me they got kicked out

>> No.8227168
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Naked snake and jacket reporting in

>> No.8227200

Topkek how can he be naked if he's wearing a jacket
Lean how2logic idiot

>> No.8227217
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samefag detected

>> No.8227218
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>> No.8227232

How is the cosplay contest and how long did it take for the line to trail?

>> No.8227389

>tfw only seen one Nui cosplay

>> No.8227425

I've been hearing horrible things from my friends attending the con. Just how bad is it seagulls?

>> No.8227479

I'm having a fucking blast. Some shit's started late which is annoying, but the con vibe overall is fun.

Although whoever is smoking weed at the embassy suites THE WHOLE BUILDING SMELLS IT, go buy a smoke buddy jesus

>> No.8227492

>Was it really just an arbitrary selection left up to John?
I think it's pretty obvious that's what it would be all along

>> No.8227523

I mean, didn't Misako pick the others? She's there. why the fuck did it need to be John.

>> No.8227535

The ambassadors all decided together.

It wasn't just John and Misako.

>> No.8227612

I was pretty pissed off about the location for Volpin's panel last night.

This dude is an amazing prop maker, but him and bill had to fucking hide behind the backdrops in a loud-ass amusement room.

Sorry volpin-bro, appreciate the gift you gave us.

>> No.8227690

Holy hell, the Mario "cosplayers" are the worst. Someone posted an angry rant about them on the AM group page (fb). I had a good chuckle reading that.

>> No.8227726

Really? Her?

>> No.8227804

Did the rave start today yet?

>> No.8227838

Did anyone go to the Anna Tsuchiya concert?
I didn't get a chance to go and I wanted to know if she performed Switch On

>> No.8227922

ended up leaving
it was suppose to start at 5, but we were in till till about 540.

>> No.8228018
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holy fuck did anyone else go to that 1AM Gorillaz panel what a fucking trainwreck

>> No.8228039

Saw this dark magician girl who didn't have anything on under her flap. Her vag and hair and shit was hanging out.

>> No.8228065

She lookin good tho?

>> No.8228335

I've seen at least 3. You can't miss that wig.

>> No.8228347

not to mention the misty and naruto cosplayers with no wigs

>> No.8228358

Well, I had fun. Thanks for putting up with that long ass line/late start for the fashion show. It was great meeting some of y'all.
And if anyone knows that asshole who kept crowd surfing at Teddyloid, punch him in the mouth for me.

>> No.8228367

Was it nice?

>> No.8228388

No. It was gross.

>> No.8228402

Does throwing him down when he tried to crowd surf again work for you? Because I did that.

>> No.8228408

>tfw got cockblocked after the rave


>> No.8228425

When will cosplay contest results be posted?

>> No.8228459

>buy LWA Blu-ray

Gee, thanks

>> No.8228473

Hehe I know who you are and yes, yes it did.

>> No.8228525

Brand panels got cancelled because John took the designers to NASA???

>> No.8228539

Were the panels supposed to happen on Thursday? Isn't that when they went exploring the city?

>> No.8228622

This was yesterday

>> No.8228642

Ah. I'm thinking of the day Misako, Choke and co. went out on day 0 I think? I was wondering why Saturday felt so sparse... The wedding was very nice but the summit was very underwhelming. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for Ann, but the entire thing felt like a boring school assembly and I had been really excited for it all week. Oh well.

>> No.8228846 [DELETED] 


shitty pictures of the sonico car if some people didn't get to see it at the car show yesterday.

If anybody saw a pink seifuku that was me, but I doubt it~

My friends ID got stolen by a nigger yesterday and we went to ask a staff member, the one with curly short hair. He actually said something about an african american dude who had an id 5 minutes ago but then he was like lolnope line too busy gotta move the line. Then we went to registration and then they were like nope you're shit outta luck we don't reprint passes.

Anybody else buy one of the kantai bags? The artbook is pretty neat.

ayy lmao

>> No.8228855

I wanted to go really bad. Please tell me, in great detail, what happened and how it sucked b/c I knew it was going to crash and burn

>> No.8228863

What did he look like/was wearing, deets please I have a feeling I know him irl from uni but couldn't get a good look

>> No.8228918

Who is this Ann girl? Is she a good lolita, nice? Does she do anything in the community? I literally have no idea who she is.

>> No.8228957

How about Ocarina girl who stood in the hall playing for literally the entire day?

Also teddyloid slaying

>> No.8228958

I've only met her twice and don't know of any drama, but she was very sweet when I interacted with her and welcoming to the new girls who had just joined. I think she coords very well, personally.

I know she wanted to wear something comfortable probably or didn't have time for much else, but she did look a bit sloppy at the summit. Her natural hair isn't great, and her petticoat was hanging out so badly, but oh well. I think she's a good choice, though.

>> No.8228981

My waifu

>> No.8229017

Sad Nico was sad. I felt bad since she was all alone.

>> No.8229023

I felt bad about that too they should have put him in the panel room they gave me for mine and put mine somewhere smaller I am really sorry to all the people at the volpin panel

>> No.8229026


Did anybody else see this lovely gentleman

>> No.8229082

I played violin with her last year at Delta H Con. We had fun even though I knew next to no Touhou music which seems to be her specialty. I felt so sad that I couldn't play with her today.

Here's her tumblr:

>> No.8229090
File: 1.66 MB, 2322x4128, 20150404_195621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best girl

>> No.8229120

Did that nigga just fondle with his tallywhacker

I didn't realize that hallway girl and Aya were the same lol, I ran into her twice but thought I was tlaking to different people.

>> No.8229122

Ha, I only recognized her by "ocarina Touhou music". Had to ask to make sure.

>> No.8229191

My friend pointed that out onbthe schedule. Paused for a second and then asked "...Gorillaz with a Z...?" I just knew that would be bad.

>> No.8229211

yup, for ten minutes straight.

>> No.8229313

Had a great time at Matsuri. I can't wait for the faggots who didn't get their way to complain and shitpost on the Facebook group. Hopefully I'll see you guys at San Japan unless I get really desperate and just go to A-Kon.

>> No.8229333
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so I had a great time this weekend. Honestly one of the best con experiences I've ever had.

I met a ton of famous fashion peeps, got to meet my hero, meta's designer, got to meet a ton of lolitas I'd never met before, and got to see teddyloid kill it.

Oh and also I won a coordinate contest for the first time in my life and putumayo's Hasegawa-san asked me to take prom photos with him. I'm still kind of in shock that I won anything because I didn't have tickets until this morning.

I had so much fun and I hope the guests are just as awesome next year, because I definitely want to come back.

>> No.8229336

Butts. I'm on mobile And it turned my photo. That's dumb.

>> No.8229343
File: 63 KB, 500x667, 1428047608392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at schedule
>see that it's just some Gorillaz cosplayer
>decide to drop in on it because nothing funny or spergy is going on at the brony panel.
>ask rent a cop at the door if we're at the right place
>"Yeah, this is it. Just don't go in and walk out five minutes later."
>Go in, take a seat.
>It's literally an autistic girl in green facepaint roleplaying as Murdoc, screaming into the mic in a forced British accent.
>They don't have anything prepared, they're just taking silly questions from the audience.
>Roleplaying is giving them too much credit. The girl is really just screaming random nonsense peppered with bloody every two words. Mic isn't equalized so it's screeching harshly in our ears every time she screams her retarded nonsense into the mic.
>one of her friends is running around doing spergy stuff in the audience, throws a pink dolphin plush at me and my friend at one point.
>People are just coming and going in droves. Saddest thing I've seen all con, and I had a conversation with the Amiibo vendor.
>Manage to hang in there till it's over, later we make the rent a cop laugh by thanking her for warning us.

Jesus fuck who's idea was this

>> No.8229349

I thought that was a guy for sure.

>> No.8229358
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I didn't get a super good look I didn't have my glasses. It sounded like a girl though.
I was the guy who came in and asked if we could listen to the Gorillaz. I wanted to try to heckle but I didn't want to actually be mean, I felt bad for them.

>> No.8229389

NGL the gorillaz panel sounds like it was at least more entertaining than learning Japanese with hentai

>> No.8229411

Pretty fucking mad that I couldn't make it to the TeddyLoid rave.

Does anyone know if there's a decent quality recording of his set?

>> No.8229444

It would be great if someone did have good quality recording, but I was rolling balls and can only remember bits and pieces of his set that included a capsule song, some of his own work, legend of Zelda stuff and the iconic komm susser tod from evangelion

>> No.8229463

survived my first ever lolita meetup so I can be happy about that

>> No.8229470

Anyone got funny stories?

>> No.8229478

I don't blame whoever had a room at the time, I just blame AM scheduling. I mean really, there had to be an open room they could have put him and bill in.

Plus, they tried to pull that shit today, but move the room at the last minute, and told no one, nor changed the schedule. The panel started ~15min late because he wanted to wait for all the people, but then he gets shoved out by the panel behind him.

Oh yeah, and large event scheduling was a fucking train wreck, if John checks these threads, I'll donate a clock or a watch so we can keep events on time...

>> No.8229489

my phone exploded and started a small fire in the hotel

>> No.8229492

Look my panel didnt need a room that size but to be honest I was scared enough when 3 mins before my panel I find out from a random program I found that I was a featured pannelist and was never notified of this fact. I have only ran 2 panels on my own before and helped out with like maybe 5 but to make me featured scared the fuck out of me to have about 200 people in my room at that time

>> No.8229495

I was given booze by one of my friends before he went to bed, then I went a few doors down and partied with con goers that I didn't even know and drank with them.

>> No.8229517
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we dressed up as S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s and took photoshoots with the sets in the games room

>> No.8229519
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>> No.8229523

I wish I couldve cheeki breeki with ya'll. My friends were sperglords and lazy and decided to retire early into the hotel room. One of them didnt even want to leave the room. My first convention and I didnt do much. I was jotaro.

>> No.8229531

That's funny shit anon, I'm black coat S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and I was Jotaro before that. I was fat Kujo at the pose panel.

>> No.8229537

I missed the pose panel ;_; long ass food truck lines

>> No.8229563

Does it ever annoy anyone when people point their cosplay weapons right at you? Someone cosplaying as solid snake pointed his prop MK23 inches away from my head. I don't think it should bother me so much. But as a range officer I wanted to take his gun away from him and backhand him.

>> No.8229591

I wish I had had some while I was there.

>> No.8229597

How else would you spell Gorillaz if not with a z?

>> No.8229615
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Im heading to Akon maybe, hope to see you there in Boyz country.

>> No.8229666
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So how would yall rate the con this year?

+ Most panels started on time
+ Staff was more knowledgeable this year
+ Despite the renovations, maps and signs helped direct people where they needed to go
+ Better overall cosplay than last year
+ Badge-checking was handled by staff, not security, this year

- Bigger events were embarrassingly late, as usual
- Registration was on the other side of the world
- Managed to get a ton of convention space, but barely used any of it


Better than last year for sure, hope they keep improving.

>> No.8229676


+Not as many delays as there was last year, and unlike last year, panels weren't outright canceled and announced that they were
+Badge checking was done better this year
+Security had a better overall sense of what their job was
+Tapes and maps definitely helped

~City in construction mode right now, huge mess outside

-Smaller dealer's room (That wasn't just me, right? Felt smaller than last year.)
-Card shop had this big ass space but nothing else to it aside from the arcades and games
-Some panels were extremely bad.
-That first night of Club AM

Step in the right direction. They definitely listened to the feedback.

>> No.8229704

Had a ton of pictures taken of me friday, but haven't seen anything since. It always seems as though all these nice photographers fall off the face of the earth once the con ends. I hope some of them pop up in the next few days.

>> No.8229709

>Smaller dealers room

It was literally 200% larger this year...

>> No.8229715

We masturbate to your pictures in secret.

>> No.8229717

Fucking rad, post tributes please.

>> No.8229730
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>Have OkCupid app
>Uses current location to determine availability
>Usually get 1-2 "They like you!" notifications a week, at best
>Travel to Houston for 2 1/2 days for this con
>28 fucking likes out of nowhere, all of them from Houston or the surrounding area
>A lot of them are pretty qt with similar nerdy interests

I need to move to Texas, holy fuck. There is no weeb community over here.

>> No.8229746

Post yourself, qtbutt.

>> No.8229762

I had that happen too! I normally live in San Diego, but visited San Bernardino (inland from LA) for a rave one weekend. OKC blew the fuck up. It's great for your ego

>> No.8229773
File: 29 KB, 386x386, tumblr_nd8j3qiRLF1te7hhpo1_1412955063_cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>That sign
> pls no bully

- Came for gundam panels, staff told me they were on a completely different day which was incorrect.
- angry black staff lady wouldn't let me use the bathroom directly behind her when I cut my leg open from something pointy in my purse and when I approached another staff member they kept sending me back to the angry black lady, they even radioed her to let me through which she still promptly told me to walk to the other end of the con bleeding
- music missing in mvdc panel, mics and equipment not working also at nerdlesque
-judges for marvel vs DC panel had no idea what some of the characters were or what the designs were from ,also there were no questions prepared for the contest so there was some awkward silences as they tried to think of things to ask.
- some cringy as fuck panels
-Volpin being dicked

+ Trigger LWA was awesome
+ Fashion show was beautiful
+ Only encountered one creeper security dude, the rest were actually able to answer questions about locations
+ Badge checking was good
+Giant maps everywhere
+ Teddyloid was great
+ Heavygrinder had a good set list at carshow
+Mad fucking discounts last day

My only true gripes were from my own autism, the terrible/cranky staff I ran into which reminded me all too much of last year and the shitdick wario group pretty much

but yeah I was really feeling it

>> No.8229774

echoing the city comment, not only is the construction annoying but THERE IS NO FOOD IN THIS CITY. Getting anything past midnight is annoying, and past two? You're gonna starve.

Maybe I'm used to California but jesus

>> No.8229873

My friends and i were squaking like retards all con as a kinda joke and nothing
yall some pansies

>> No.8229899

Meta's designer was there?

>> No.8230166


>> No.8230282

some of you at the meetup were pretty attractive. i wanted to chat you qts up but got shy. oh well maybe next time.

>> No.8230306
File: 499 KB, 1920x1080, 20150405_151022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah! Its a bad pic, but I did meet Taira-san. The president of meta was there too. They were both very nice.

>> No.8230351

my only gripe is the distinct lack of porn in the dealers room and how fuckhuge the entire thing was with all the wasted space. Last year they had 1 guy in the far side near a wall with a huge repository of dvds and games, with another two people in the edge of the dealers with a huge collection of doujins. This year they had one little stand from the guys that usually come with literally nothing.

Also I wish they would reprint badges. My friend and I wanted to change out of our girls clothes to go eat at pappas bbq, but he forgot his pass in the restroom. A nigger stole his passroom literally 2 seconds after we left but he didn't realize it. We asked the curly short hair staff member and he was talking about it and then he went lolnop sucks to suck go to R E G I S T R A T I O N at the other fucking side of the building. We went there, and then they were like lolnope sucks to suck we'll call you(yeah right) if we find it.

It was an improvement over last year though overall 7/10.

I hope they put the east/west metro before the end of this year.

>> No.8230357

There was more lolita and less porn.

Come on, I'm a lolita that's interested in futanari doujins that I can fap off to. It's not all about being kawaii and sweets all the time.

>> No.8230388

how big was saturday meetup? I only went to friday.

>> No.8230395
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you are my kinda lady

>> No.8230446

>implying female

>> No.8230452

We drank and played smash

Was pretty rad

>> No.8230481

I was at the panel. I don't understand Japanese so I don't know how accurate the translation was, but the translator literally said, "We should choose someone from the Houston region and *John chose* the Ambassador." I might not have the first part down 100% correctly, but I distinctly remember hearing the words, "John chose" because everyone in my section was whispering about it, saying, "What? Misako didn't choose? I thought the Kawaii Ambassadors were supposed to vote? Even Misako is admitting that this thing was set up by John?"

>> No.8230502

I thought she said he helped her choose... Maybe I heard incorrectly. I mean, Misako knows who Ann is. It's not like she was a complete stranger to her. I do think it's weird that John would even have a hand in choosing but I guess that just comes with the territory of AM.

>> No.8230530

What would have been the point of buying his way in, if not to choose the ambassador?

>> No.8230556

I'm at the con and I saw very very few crossderessers or brolitas. Also I made my bed with that comment so ima sleep in it if I have to.

>> No.8230560

She said John helped her choose. I was at the panel and remember that standing out.

>> No.8230633

That's what I thought I heard but I wasn't sure. I remember some people were pissed. The girls behind me left as soon as it was announced and the girls in front of my friend apparently groaned when she started crying. I mean, it was her wedding day and then she was announced for first Kawaii Ambassador. I think tears are warranted. There are going to be multiple ambassadors anyway so I'm not sure why people were so upset. Was it because John had a say in it? I agree that he shouldn't have. He's not a lolita. I think it's silly that they insisted that it should be someone from Texas because it was a Texas con, but other than that, I don't know why people got so buttmad.

>> No.8230637

Your friend should just not be a huge moron next time and leave it in a public bathroom. Why should they reprint something you were dumb enough to just forget?

>> No.8230648

from a lolita visiting out of town perspective

+ awesome fashion show
+ really fast badge pickup
+ schedule app was super useful
+ tons of lolitas from all over, got starry eyed when I saw my lolita idols
+ tea party had real food and time to take photos with guests afterwards
+ concerts started relatively on time
+ kawaii ambassador booth didn't really have a sign or promotion besides the summit?

- linecon 2015, lines for everything and insufficient volunteer staff for smooth badge checks
- fashion show started super late
- some Japanese guests wandering around without handlers near so they were late to panels & signings
- autographs: you needed a ticket no matter what before getting an autograph, many people didn't know this before running to get in line
- gaming room was a joke, I expected tons more console games and the whole room felt empty
- didn't know where you could get food besides hotel restaurant, Papacitos, and foodtrucks... found out on the last day that there was a mall with restaurants like 2 blocks away, also a good Vietnamese place nearby
- no panels with most of the brand designers or models brought over from Japan? (no AP, Meta, Yui, or Yura ones)
- AP booth sold out immediately; and then like 1+ hour wait on Friday to get inside the booth... then it was completely empty on Saturday
- area around Hilton & con center actually kinda unsafe with tons of homeless people around

6/10 - dunno if I would do again ever

>> No.8230650

nightfall was amazing. great food and at least 75% of the people won door prizes

>> No.8230739

fashion show started late but it was mainly delayed because an important news team didn't arrive on time to report on the show. They delayed it as long as possible so that news team could be there on time to see it.

However, their late arrival was partly because parking in houston was hard to find and because the con was severely disorganized and they wasted time going to registration to pick up their badges.

>> No.8230777

>- some Japanese guests wandering around without handlers near so they were late to panels & signings

This happened last year too that my friends and I had to help Akira find her way.

>> No.8230783

wanted 'mom' maid
she went on her break :(
never saw her again

anyone get a pic of her?

>> No.8230810

They should have mentioned that the kawaii ambassador was going to be local instead of having so many people from all over applying and going for the title.
But hey, more money for AM.

>> No.8230836

I heard AP lost the key to the van they were storing their merch in on Friday evening and that's why the booth was completely empty from Saturday AM on.

>> No.8230948

If they had people apply it wouldn't be as obvious. All the models are chosen before they 'ask for submissions' too. Everybody is picked before submissions go up.

>> No.8230959
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We'll see, Cowbro.

+ Teddyloid rave
+ Anna Tsuchiya. Please bring her back. She's incredible.
+ Trigger in general
+ Stephanie Sheh and Luci Christian were really nice. 2/3 of my Nerima Daikon set is now signed.
+ LOTS of Love Live cosplay. Loved it.
+ Hunter x Hunter actually having a presence this year in cosplay

- Not much to buy in Dealer's Room unless you're a first timer and haven't bought everything already being sold.
- Teddyloid's autograph line. I loved that it was short, but for it to be Teddyloid and only 20 people at the most lined up for it, I was kind of sad.
- The LWA2 preview was 3 seconds of new material
- You had to have Trigger put a name on the autographs. Are they that worried about somebody re-selling their shit?
- The English VA's autograph tickets were barely mentioned two days before the con.
- Panels were late, but I didn't notice so not too bad.
- I have no clue why the Pajanime party was 18+ if the most lewd thing we did was squats during Simon Says.
- /pol/ needs to fuck off and stay off.

Overall, very well done for my first AM and I hope to return next year.

>> No.8230983

I was crossplaying and in Lolita so ya. I existed but I agree with that statement not a lot of my kind

>> No.8230997

Not true. I didn't apply until mid-December and I'm a nobody. Still got in the show... Just saying.

>> No.8231076

You can think that all you want. They may have chosen a couple other people but they pick most of them and notify them way before.

>> No.8231078

There was one brolita who was there. He looked cute wearing AP. Instant ladyboner.

>> No.8231128
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>Go to AM
>See weeb friends from highschool
>Talk to poster vendor for a while about old movies/sci-fi just like last year
>See Batou figure-- realize as I purchase and receive the box that it's Arise version... O-oh...
>No LotGH merch
>MusicGunGun 2 is bretty fun
>Go to Japanese food panel, it's just about ramen
>Holy shit is it boring and pretentious.
>No Gunshow next door where I can finger fuck guns.
At least it's not as bad as last year's con.

>> No.8231141
File: 144 KB, 538x810, tumblr_n2jt2gshBl1sujdf8o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Gunshow next door where I can finger fuck guns.
Last year was amusing.

>> No.8231148

And we all got this year were a bunch of bible thumpers...

>> No.8231178

Texas people, is the wait staff walking over and talking to you three or four times to ask if you're okay normal? Both sit down restaurants we've been in were constantly asked if we're good. Cali doesn't have this.

>> No.8231194

That's funny, I went to Cali and thought wait staff were aloof! Yeah, it's normal in Texas. It's not universal, but it's more normal to be checked on.

>> No.8231200

The most Texan thing I've heard wait staff say in Texas was "Do you need a meat refill?"

>> No.8231210


Did that pizza ever show up though? I wanted to hang with you guys some more, but I came to the con with some friends.

>> No.8231221

...I've lived here all my life and I haven't heard anybody ever say this to me. But that's still hilarious.

It's all part of our supposed *~*southern hospitality*~*

>> No.8231232

To be fair, teddyloid's signing line was going really fast and the super pass line zipped through all of those lines. I couldn't go back to attempt to get an additional autograph on an item I'd brought because my roomies had taken it to the car when they checked out and I had to get back to work...

>> No.8231242

Family style BBQ at Salt Lick in Austin. $25 per person and they keep bringing out plates of beef brisket, sausage, pork ribs until you can no longer finish. Then you get to take home what's left of that last plate.
Comes with endless bread, beans, and onions too, but fuck that.
Meat. Refills.
We brought a friend there once and just ordered all family style without explaining what was going to happen. He looked disappointed at the plate we had to share until he heard the words "meat refill."

>> No.8231255

100% certain that if you know the people involved, even in passing, they picked you before you applied. Especially if they encouraged you to "apply" as a nobody, they were doing it for show and knew they'd choose you regardless of who else applied.

>> No.8231258

Been to AM for the past 4 years, pretty much liked this year than the others. Wished there was more games and stuff though in my opinion. Other than that, met some cool people there.

>> No.8231279

There was that robotics competition. This year experienced two kinds of nerds.
I've never seen so many snooty white kids in my life, though.

>> No.8231341

I hope the dbz cosplayers went over to the gun show.

>> No.8231351

Please don't say cali. it's just wrong.

But it's good to know it wasn't us. I thought they thought we were planning on doing a dine and dash or something.

>> No.8231353

See we didnt think texas was the south. But we also didnt know where the fuck houston was. Or at least i didnt.

>> No.8231361

Texas is somewhat of its own thing, like Florida, but yeah it's more southern than anything.
>didnt know where the fuck houston was
It's alright. Hope you had fun though!

>> No.8231429


Though AM like to make it sound like Ann lives in Houston (she does go there frequently as part of the AM staff) she actually lives in Austin, as do I. She is genuinely a sweet person,very kind and accommodating. She opened up her home to us for the holiday meet this year and was a phenomenal hostess. She posts coordinates frequently on CoF, and they're always on point, but I have never once felt as though she looked down on lolitas who are starting out. She's dedicated to the fashion, and as muddled and weird as this ambassador naming was due to AM's influence, if they were going to name someone with ties to AM, this was definitely a best case scenario.

I ran in to her after the event (I was tied to the dealer's room the entire convention) and she seemed a bit exhausted and overwhelmed, but if she looked a little rough at the summit, it's probably because she had to change immediately after her wedding into more appropriate attire for the summit, and that was a pretty quick turnaround.

>> No.8231458

This. She's been nothing but kind to me for the short time that I have known her, and very gracious to new people in the community. I like that she really wants to bring lolitas together since we are so scattered throughout the globe. Personally I think she's a good first pick, not just for my bias but because she seems to embody what being a Kawaii Ambassador is about. The e-famous girls who wanted it will probably get chosen later.

>But no matter who's chosen, someone will find a reason to bitch and moan.

>> No.8231472

Texas is culturally excluded from the south. And Houston is culturally excluded from Texas.

Don't ask me why. Houston's just a weird place.

>> No.8231652

Texas is definitely southern, and Houston is definitely Texan. Even Austin is Texan as much as people like to claim it's not. I will agree Texas has its own culture, but it's still absolutely southern.

>> No.8231662

Yeeeah, hate to break it to you Texans, but you're not that special. You are but one of several flavors of Southern.

>> No.8231676

Shut your whore mouth. You're just jealous you were never your own country.

>> No.8231693

I believe he's a mod in a comm up north? Saw him and his girlfriend together one day of the con, they're both super cute together

>tfw you'll never have a brolita boyfriend

>> No.8231697

I can be your brolita boyfriend.

>> No.8231705

who were you? the pizza took hours to show up and the person who ordered it left the room so... it showed up but wasn't worth the wait tbh.

>> No.8231756
File: 775 KB, 1280x1707, isabella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are y'all talking about Isabella? He's definitely one of the cutest male lolitas I've seen!

>> No.8231801

BAAAAAAAAAWWWWWW Solid Snake pointed his toy gun at me ABLOOBLOOBOO

>> No.8231820

eh I was in offbrand but it was my first time in lolita and I was glad I just survived

>> No.8231929

Brookelle falling down the stairs? Her heels were huge.

>> No.8231931

Anna performed it and it was the fucking best, anon. Switch On is what I was there for.

>> No.8231943

They lost it, but then found it by... probably 9:45? They didn't restock much though, just the non-dress fashion show things. Shoes, a few bags and blouses, and some accessories.

>> No.8231965

Is it true that Glasses Girl Kate left the hospital early Saturday because she thought she was going to win kawaii ambassador..? I heard she was throwing up and stuff at the convention. That really sucks.

>> No.8232002

>-Smaller dealer's room (That wasn't just me, right? Felt smaller than last year.)
I worked in the dealer's room
it was waaaay bigger.
I believe they added something like 10-20 vendors this year.
It felt smaller because being in a bigger space overall, there was more "empty" space than last year.

If you want to compare, the gaming/photo area this year was the dealers last year.

>> No.8232096


I was the guy with the Colorado hat.

>> No.8232108

I had fun drinking at the meet up and then play smash.

>> No.8232247

you're confusing the south with the deep south
the south is generally anything in the confederacy
Texas is literally where the south meets the west though.
Houston, however, cannot be considered culturally excluded from Texas, as it's responsible for oil, which is basically THE backbone of nearly all of our culture.
Besides, Dallas and Houston are extremely similar cities. The odd boys are El Paso and Austin.

>> No.8232250

speaking of
did anyone notice the nearby law office, Topek & Topek?
I had to do a double take.

>> No.8232964

Did anyone make it to nerdlesque? I heard it wasn't good, but I kinda wanted to go in the hopes that stellachu would do the thing where she has a third titty.

>> No.8233112

She's still in Houston too.

>> No.8233113

I went, there was some microphone and music issues but overall it was a great show, and yes third boob made an appearance

>> No.8233192

This random photographer was posting pictures with bland descriptions. He called Neptune "purple hair" and Sailor Jupiter "Redhead, green skirt" before someone identified them. Somewhat amusing.

>> No.8233630

>VI and Jinx
>Two mercenaries
>So much kek

>> No.8234893


>Volpin getting boned

Explain? Seemed like he had a good time from what I saw of him.

>> No.8234908
File: 2 KB, 90x20, 1405530930209.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG, he's so pretty!

If he went to Japan and modeled for Angelic Pretty, no one would know.

>> No.8234938

how early do you apply? id like to apply for the upcoming year and see if maybe i can actually get in

>> No.8234951

woah what? why was she at the hospital?

>> No.8236020

Pretty sure this thread is maxed out. Are we going for round 4?

>> No.8236105

We should. Especially since I heard rumors that someone is going to air some dirty laundry about the con chair acting like a total creep

>> No.8236176
File: 95 KB, 950x441, cupid and friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh boy these are gold.
>Cupid and Friend
>Half Scissors

>> No.8236300


>> No.8236307

Earliness isn't that important. Girls drop out constantly and sometime more models are added. Just have the look

>> No.8236460

>shark blaster
I cannot contain my kek. send help

>> No.8236913

don't let the thread die, someone start a new one with dramu