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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 102 KB, 593x441, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8210108 No.8210108 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is archived. Post any questions here.

>> No.8210110

From the old thread: >>8182265

Kanji cosplayer did you try places that sell men's shoes? Thrift stores, Banana republic has sale sections on shoes, Payless, Walmart, etc. If you want also try Ebay/Taobao too. If you need specific links let me know.


Victoria secret, Cook's brothers, etc. Where do you live in the USA?

IF there's any other questions unanswered repost them here please.

>> No.8210115

Just wanted to start off this thread with some helpful tutorial resources.




>> No.8210130

Op here. I found a few more too.







>> No.8210636

whats the site that you can trade and buy used wigs from people?

>> No.8210735
File: 42 KB, 700x525, IMG_1629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this issue with wrinkles. After washing and drying my fabric I've had these really stubborn creases that will not come out. I've ironed the fabric as a whole, as well as each individual pattern pieces no less than 4 times, and with steam, and I can't get them to press out. looked up ways to get rid of them, but only pull up some vinegar solution? I really don't want my costume to smell like vinegar if I can help it. Any other suggestions?

>> No.8210741
File: 22 KB, 483x516, bleach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, here is the deal, i need to make a Kimono and hakama, for a bleach themed party and can't find the "blueprints" anywhere.
Can you guys help a anon out?

>> No.8210760
File: 142 KB, 880x600, Kobayashi.(Sidonia.no.Kishi).full.1689140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to cosplay Kobayashi from Sidonia. What do you think would look best to create the thin lines on her coat -- 1) seams, 2) quilting (something like putting a thin layer of batting between the fabric and the lining, and then top stitching), or 3) piping?

Simplicity 4080 is a kimono. There are a lot of hakama patterns online, so I'm not sure if the ones you're finding just aren't ones you like?

>> No.8210763

Cosplay.com's marketplace?

>> No.8210771

Seams will probably be the easiest and look the most accurate, and will give you the least trouble with the boots/boot covers. You can do them with black thread if you really want them to pop.

>> No.8210810

"Yukata pattern" and "hakama pattern" are in literally the top 5 results in Google

>> No.8210830

costrader.com ?

Did you try putting water on them then using the iron to press them out?

>> No.8210881

I have, but to no real avail. It got some trouble spots out but not all.

>> No.8210886
File: 222 KB, 902x944, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never thought that this would have been the hardest part of this outfit, but where can I get a good pink hoodie / hooded sweatshirt for this? Every one that I've seen online hasn't been the correct color of pink I'm looking for. Local stores haven't helped either.

>> No.8210908

Chelsea is a style of boot (like hightops or oxfords). There are cheaper ones than what I linked - check out ebay, and payless/target/walmart would probably have this style boot as well... they are a rather common style men's shoe.. They're a nice staple to have in your wardrobe if you care even a little about how you look, so paying a few extra shekels may be worth it if you find a nice looking pair.

>> No.8210910

I found a kind of pink that looks alright, it really ends on if you want hot pink or darker

Good luck finding a pair of hoodie/pants that matches the shades of pink

>> No.8210919

I'm making a dress right now and I was just wondering, how would I tailor the shoulder area to fit me better? To be more specific:
I want a bit of a tighter, more tailored fit to the dress. Right now it's a bit saggy in some areas, which I can fix easily with darts I think, but the seam where the shoulder meets the start of the sleeves goes out a bit further than I would like, which is making it kind of saggy?

The waist area is a bit saggy too so I plan on putting some darts in the back but yeah I would fix that area of the shoulders?

I'm fat so I'm using the largest size the pattern goes up to, and I think right now (I'm only on the mock-up) I might be able to just go with the next size down, which fits my measurements, but idk I guess I'm still just worried it's not going to fit and I figure it would be easier to tailor it smaller to fit in the right places. Do you think going down a size would fix my shoulder problem? Is it any one easier than the other? This is my first time sewing something like this.

>> No.8210973

You might have to dye a white one anon.

Hell then I have no idea. I'll look it up and even try ask my mum. She's like 60 so she might know some old school method from my gram to get out the wrinkles.

>> No.8210980

Oh yeah I know that I was just giving anon other suggestions too on places. I guess I forgot to mention to find Chelsea style.

>> No.8210991


>> No.8211027

I agree with the other two anons that even if you find a perfect pink hoodie, you'll have a hard time finding matching pink sweats. Get a sweat suit and dye it.

You might be fucked if the shoulder is just too wide? I think the shoulder area is the hardest to adjust (hence, why men always get told to buy suits that fit in the shoulders and adjust all the rest). This might help you -- http://www.extrapetite.com/2012/03/diy-alterations-how-to-slim-sleeves.html -- as might other petite alterations blogs.

>> No.8211037
File: 413 KB, 960x540, Cosplay___Revy__tattoo__by_fireoz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do people use to make large black tattoos? Like pic related- dark and a consistent colour, with clean edges and wears out as little as possible against clothing and around joints.

>> No.8211058

Hmm, I think where she does alteration #3 might help, I'll have to play around with the mock later. Thanks for the link!

>> No.8211074

Oh, I actually tagged that post so kanji would be able to see he got another reply at a glance. It made more sense in my head--sorry for the confusion!

Try adding "tracksuit" to your searches to guarantee you also get matching pink bottoms. I did a search with "pink velour tracksuit" and found some decent color matches, but the catch is that the material is velour...

What material is the fabric, and can it be laundered? Did you try:
>dampen fabric then dry iron
>dampen cloth and place over fabric, then dry iron and hold in place
>wetting fabric then throwing in dryer at low heat, hang inmediately after
>wetting fabric then drying to damp, then dry iron
If all else fails, take it to a laundromat. A shirt costs about $2 to dryclean so yeah.

>> No.8211111
File: 129 KB, 570x845, options.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to keep wearing lolita through summer, but I have ugly scars about a third of the way up my arm from being burned with cigarettes.
Wrist cuffs are always too short to cover them, and I can't cover them with makeup because they're really deep.
Would something like this (in an appropriate color) be acceptable to wear to cover them?
I'm definitely open to ideas of anyone has any.

>> No.8211113

Do what I do for summer (Ausfag here - I'm all up in the sun protection biz) - wear long sleeve chiffon blouse.

>> No.8211116

That makes sense
Do you happen to have any links to red ones?
My dresses are all strawberry prints.

>> No.8211122

Not that anon, but I know Lady Sloth has some cute ones and she makes certain blouses in a variety of colors, might be worth checking out.

>> No.8211125

Thank you!

>> No.8211127

BunBerry might be able to do a custom red blouse, just ask them to sans the lace since its gross. Sorry, it's facebook I just got filtered for spam.
fa i l book. com/BunberryBB

>> No.8211145

Just wear short sleeves if you want, you shouldn't have to be uncomfortable because other people can't mind their own business.
If anyone stares just tell them to fuck off.

>> No.8211150

So I'm frankensteining 2 shirts together, the sleeves from one with the body of another. I plan on hand sewing it even though I'm trash at it. Any tips?

>> No.8211275

The material is a cotton spandex blend. It's like minimally spandex for some stretch. It can be laundered. I washed it, and dried it, which is where my problem came from. A friend of mine suggested throwing it in the dryer with a damp rag, so I'll try that and this list, too. See if that will help. Thank you!

>> No.8212228
File: 343 KB, 714x1000, Asuka_Langley_Soryu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet this has been asked a lot, but I want to make Asuka's sundress since I love it and sundresses in general.

After some Googling I determined I'll just have to find a pattern with the basic shape I want but I can't decide on fabric. Should I use jersey? Cotton? I'm thinking something lightweight and flowy.

Also, how should I do the straps? I saw some cosplays with ribbons and unless it's a perfect match to the dress fabric it looked off IMO. I was thinking of just sewing inch-wide tubes and turning them inside out then attaching like regular straps.

>> No.8212583
File: 705 KB, 800x3556, tutorial__how_to_make_light_weight_wings__kamael__by_elenaleetah-d5rka9y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to make very lightweight wings for an upcoming project and wanted to use pic related as a starting point, but I can't figure out where to get sheets of foam that are both large and thin. I'm in the US; if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great.

>> No.8212611
File: 126 KB, 500x500, Fuck what is this called.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these school uniform ties have a specific name? I can't find another other than calling them a bow tie but that brings up something completely different, obviously.

>> No.8212629

Chiffon would be nice, if you're willing to learn how to sew it.

Yeah I'd recommend just making tubes out of the same fabric, it's what the straps on machine-made dresses are like. Just make sure you iron it flat.

The best I could find is "women's bowtie" which brings up various results, but those kind of bows are among them.

>> No.8212676

Thanks! Chiffon sounds best and I bet I would get a more accurate color too. Looks like I should have tissue paper underneath when cutting the pattern and actually sewing? And because chiffon is sheer what should I line it with?

>> No.8212713

The chiffon dresses I have are pretty much lined with more chiffon. Like using 2 layers.
Make sure you sew really close to the hems, it looks weird if you leave too big of a gap.

>> No.8212731
File: 1.16 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've styled my wig for Kise Yayoi and I'm reserved as to how accurate it his. I would really enjoy any suggestions or help since her hair is one big mass.

>> No.8212733
File: 39 KB, 300x716, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for a double post, I'm on mobile and couldn't collage the picture with the reference.

>> No.8212736

I'd try adding more fluff and volume to the curls at the bottom

>> No.8212742
File: 124 KB, 800x1420, ff10-yuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm planning on cosplaying Yuna for a convention next year. What would be the best way to get the designs on her skirt and obi: embroidery, painting, or a combination of the two?

>> No.8212781
File: 58 KB, 720x960, 11092733_875871435804556_1601886797_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I bought this plastic type fabric because it was closest to the type of fabric I needed. BUT the orange is way too vibrant and I want to dim it down, would it work if I dye it using fabric dye? I want to add a bit of black and red to make it darker and less of an eyesore

>> No.8212790
File: 60 KB, 720x960, 19692_643199145810087_1625950859094475092_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm quite chubby. Any cosplay ideas? I generally have bigger thighs and butt, I don't think I'm ugly. Just pretty fat. I need a first cosplay that won't be too difficult and something that will suit my body shape and skin tone (i have quite tan olive skin).

>> No.8212802

Use the fucking suggestion thread >>8192621

>> No.8212807

silk screening or painting

>> No.8212813

That looks like a stretch vinyl and you cannot dye that.

>> No.8212840

thanks anon, its a shame though because I have no time to buy something else now

>> No.8212849
File: 1.51 MB, 800x1297, Celty-angles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second what the other anon said. Good luck.

I just need opinions. I'm remaking Celty's bodysuit and I'm debating on the fabric to us. It doesn't look like a super shiny latex, but it doesn't look like a spandex either.
Anyone give me a hand? Maybe a pleather?

>> No.8212859
File: 131 KB, 541x640, Nisa_model.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also making the suit here at the same time

>> No.8212996
File: 114 KB, 480x590, mako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a hell of a time deciding whether or not these are box pleats or knife pleats..Help!

>> No.8213000

Wet look spandex will give you some nice sheen and be breathable, but if you don't mind some sweating and possible chaffing, 4-way stretch vinyl should do nicely.

>> No.8213023

The way they're drawn is weird but they look more like knife pleats.

>> No.8213045

Thank you~

>> No.8213096

Hopefully two layers will be enough! I'll just have to see when I pick out fabric. And close to the edge as in small seam allowances or small hems?

>> No.8213252
File: 150 KB, 578x800, Vocaloid-Gakupo-Kamui-Style-Wig-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you make a ponytail wig stop from falling off your head all the time? do you just add a million pins to it or what other tricks do you guys have? I hate seeing cosplayers with their full forehead and bits of their wig cap showing because of it.

>> No.8213266

Clipping it high (like in pic related) keeps it anchored better.
I just thin my ponytails out. Some layering to give it a nice taper, and it takes so much weight off.

>> No.8213341
File: 16 KB, 210x414, blazblue_chronophantasma_yuki_terumi_sprite_by_caliburwarrior-d7e1vcy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a weird question but I'm trying to cosplay Terumi and I want to get that 'shade' look he has in picture related but he has a LOT of hair so how big should I make the hood to get this?

>> No.8213343
File: 253 KB, 800x724, Syndra_Render.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the craft foam worbla method (maybe even hot glue) enough to keep the head piece up? I feel super paranoid that it could drop from not being sturdy enough or something.

>> No.8213350
File: 914 KB, 1024x1024, Yuuki_Terumi_Continuum_Shift_Pre_Battle_Position.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how much hair he has.

>> No.8213352

You could use some supports to reinforce it.

>> No.8213370

Craftfoam-worbla is surprisingly sturdy. That said, with the size of Syndra's headpiece, you'd want to find a way to stabilize it on your head so it wouldn't slip/fall off.

But finished worbla pieces can be kicked around a room and take little to no damage, if durability's what you're concerned about.

>> No.8213402

I'm planning on wearing super hero spandex sometime eventually.
Is there a difference between wearing a cup and a dance belt? Is there one that would be mor comfortable or "better"?

>> No.8213438

You could search "nanchatte seifuku bowtie"

Does anyone have a good tutorial for making a gakuran?

>> No.8213823
File: 121 KB, 650x384, varus_splash_4_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to commission a cosplay, but I'm still working out so my body is growing and now I'm afraid it won't fit if I give my current sizes. I need it in four months, when should I commission it if I want to be sure it fits? Pic related, goal body.

>> No.8213893
File: 76 KB, 477x720, PTAO_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this wig, which I'm using for Lynne from Ghost Trick.

It doesn't fit properly - when the hair is pulled up into the ponytail, at the back behind the ears it gapes a lot and you can see the wig cap I'm wearing underneath. Does anyone have any ideas on a solution?

>> No.8213899


Also, I can't really pin it to my head at those points because there's not enough hair to pin to.

>> No.8214040

>is there a difference?
>more comfortable?
Dance belt

A cup is pretty much just to protect you from impacts, it won't do much of anything to make you less "obvious" in spandex. You need a real dance belt, sorry.

>> No.8214043
File: 72 KB, 494x610, cat ear hood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of fabric should you use for capes? Pic related.

>> No.8214047

>But I don't have any time left!!
This is why we *~**think ahead**~*

>> No.8214073

If it's something really small, I've heard of some people using types of waterproof liquid eyeliner known for crazy staying power, but otherwise this shit's probably your best bet:

I'd check out The Floral Notebook too, they've got some nice ones

A lot of places sell big rolls of it,anon! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002JPX68W/

>> No.8214178

Do you mean you have big hair/head?
If so, try braiding your hair like cornrows.
I have big hair (because of afro) but I braid it and everything goes down, but I also see other people doing french braids and what not before putting on a wig cap.

>> No.8214418

zenandcoffee at dA has some beautiful designs for stuff like this. check her out!

>> No.8214423

just realized this pic is from Zen, whoops. well if you didnt know the source now you do.

>> No.8214457

Have you guys tried getting wig clips? The sell them at beaufy supply stores and Arda has a video on how to install them.

>> No.8214648
File: 400 KB, 250x300, wow!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon!

>> No.8214660
File: 43 KB, 421x510, maki and asuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asuka always wears arm covers, and if Asuka thinks it's okay, then I don't see why you can't wear them.
Just make sure they match your coord.

>> No.8214899
File: 27 KB, 305x600, spanx-natural-trust-your-thinstincts-thong-body-shaper-product-3-3305203-723476741_large_flex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking to buy one of these spanx pieces and then paint my belly button and a tattoo on it.
Problem is I have never done such a thing before.
Any tutorials and recommendations on what to use?

>> No.8214980

Thanks but that's not my issue. I don't have much hair, and I can make the wig fit by adjusting the elastic straps, but the actual hair cap part of the wig gapes out independant of the elastic under it. This wouldn't be a problem if they style I needed wasn't a high ponytail, I'll try to take a photo soon to explain the problem better

>> No.8215029

you could maybe use spirit gum to glue that part directly to your nape?

>> No.8215039

Wigs don't act like your real hair. If you want to pull one into a ponytail, you should look into getting mesh/lace wigs and spirit gum that shit to your hair line.

>> No.8215104
File: 427 KB, 1280x939, Persona-4-Dancing-All-Night_2013_12-02-13_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently working on Rise from DAN but I'm really stuck on how to proceed with the thigh highs. Does anyone have experience sewing directly on to store bought thigh highs or would I have to attempt making them from scratch ?

>> No.8215113

I would make some fake thigh high leggings out of spandex or something. Sewing fabric onto tights material is going to look bunchy and bad. It probably will end up ripping the tights apart.

>> No.8215115
File: 673 KB, 900x5458, making_thigh_high_boots___the_cheats_way_by_lolainprogress-d5mf9lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this?

>> No.8215378

How well would a craft foam bracelet work? I can't find any actual snug fitting bracelets and I need something that goes all the way around. I was thinking of maybe using wire to get it to fit, but I don't know how well it would work.

>> No.8215446
File: 570 KB, 750x3810, clip on ponytail tutorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just do something like this next time or use wig clips?

>> No.8215449
File: 89 KB, 1136x640, tumblr_n3lfe5I6kl1ss9srro4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Definitely can't buy a new wig with the amount of time I have left, haha.

I know normal wigs don't ponytail well due to the direction of the wefts, so that's why I bought this pre styled wig. But I guess I didn't do enough research because even a ponytail specific wig isn't even quite right.

I might end up just sewing some spare wefts to the bottom of the wig to cover the nape of my neck, if I end up with any left after I finish the ponytail. But I have a lot of ponytail to cover and only so many wefts. Fingers crossed I guess

>> No.8215450

Wire would work ok or you can mold the foam around your arm to fit.

>> No.8215458

Whoops you posted as I was typing!

Yeah, next time I might do something like that. I picked the wig I did because I wanted the effect of the hair actually being pulled up into a ponytail, as opposed to that look which is hair hanging then a magic ponytail on the back.

My hair has to go directly up anyway, so I'm not going to use a clip, I'm making a wire armature to go underneath and keep the ponytail standing.

>> No.8215499
File: 159 KB, 636x437, Olivia_confession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon, but similar question. How would you make an armband like this with the raised detail all around, and just generally how do people make seamless looking skintight bracelets/cuffs(Ex Morgiana from magi)?

>> No.8215525

Does anybody know any websites that have those PDF files were it's a bunch of A4 squares and you print them out and cut and tape them together and you get a pattern to pin to a fabric and cut, cheers. preferably male stuff but both work

>> No.8215530

Not sure if you've seen this, anon, but I've actually seen a tutorial specifically for Lynne. It's a bit difficult to read due to resizing, but here:


>> No.8215539
File: 1.54 MB, 1024x5703, armor shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PDF of what specifically? Just fabric patterns or something else?

You would have to make a pattern and use more than one piece of form (like big then smaller pieces to get the ridges.)

Sort of like this.

>> No.8215540
File: 1.80 MB, 800x4536, how to make armor and shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you can use this. I'm warning you though I just got started in cosplaying and using foam so if another kind anon can help you better than me so be it.

>> No.8215586

Yeah just fabric patterns for clothes and such not cosplay, sorry i know this is a cosplay board but i don't know where else to ask

>> No.8215600



>> No.8215617

Cupid Varus is best Varus skin.

>> No.8215628
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, acacia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to figure out how to best construct the panels of this skirt. So far I'm thinking my best option might be interfacing and acrylic boning, thoughts?

>> No.8215676

I would look into a material called fosshape? I have not used it myself but it's basically like a sewable worbla kinda stuff? You can heat it up and it will be malleable and then hold it's shape when cool.

>> No.8215677
File: 974 KB, 900x3326, pleated skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tie my hair under the wig about there the clip will go so I have a little extra to grab on to. You really gotta grab some of your hair under the wig with the clip
pic related

>> No.8215693

What kinds of materials am I able to pleat though.

>> No.8215979

Another way is to use iron on interfacing on the petals (medium to heavy weight interfacing) to stiffen and create a channel down the centre of the petal for wire or boning.

>> No.8215982

Medium to heavy weight fabrics. Try ordering or getting samples and see how they press under an iron. Some fabrics will not hold a pleat well.

The following fabrics will all hold a pleat, twill, cotton drill, klona cotton, gabardine, suiting and bi-stretch aren't bad places to start for basic uniforms and skirts.

You can also pleat satins if the costume calls for it.

Poplin will pleat but tends to be quite a thin fabric. As is polycotton. Good if you want pleated trims on your costume though.

Chiffon and organza can be convinced to pleat but they've very fiddly.

All other fabrics can be pleated in the sense that you can create the folds and stitch them down at the top but they might not necessarily press into a pleat.

>> No.8216561
File: 28 KB, 273x400, Caska_Pre_Eclipse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i casca?, please help me guys.

>> No.8216615

Tbh wigs like Lynne that are "made for ponytails" usually don't work either. The weight of the fibers will always drag the ponytail out of position.

I'd try the tutorial that the other anon linked you.

>> No.8216751

Not even that anon but thank you, this is really helpful. Screenshotting for future reference

>> No.8217206

So ever since I used some iron on print paper on a top, my iron just doesn't work the same. the base is all sticky and stuff.
what can I do to fix that?

>> No.8217275

Oh my god that's a great idea. I just googled it I'll try and make Acacia's fairy costume with it first so I don't end up ordering like 7 yards of material I can't use.

>> No.8217279
File: 52 KB, 1308x414, lance of longinus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't get an answer last thread so asking again.

I wanna make a Lance of Longinus prop. I'm thinking sintra for the helix and spear part, and probably wooden dowels for the bottom.
1) How should I go about making the 'twirl' on the stick part? I don't really have any wood working tools at ready so improvised ideas would be super handy dandy.
2) Any ideas on how to make the spear collapsible for transportation? As in, how to make the top and bottom parts detach and re-attachable without having it fall apart at any given moment.
3) This is probably a no brainier but I haven't actually seen anything on the topic- how do you mold thermoplastics without burning your hands? Or do they not get that hot?
Any advice is appreciated, thanks!

>> No.8217332
File: 975 KB, 780x2211, lance_of_longinus___evangelion_wip_by_breathelifeindeeply-d4qtoy8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you need help with? Armor? Sword? Material? What anon? Please be specific.

I can't answer 3 but I can answer the other two.
>How to make it collapsible?
Use PVC pipe to connect it in the center and detach the pipes into two when you travel.
>How should I go about making the 'twirl?'
Picture related

Anon if you ever finish it could you make a tutorial and post it? I'll save it for anyone else who might have the same problem in the future.

>> No.8217339

I've never carved wood before, pray for me anon.

Where should I get the pipe/what kind? I've heard of people using them but never done so myself.
And will try to do! I'll probs post it in here if I make one so you can look out for it!

>> No.8217351

Where are you located? If you live in the USA you can get PVC in any department store or Menards (you can also go to Home depot but I think they are expensive.)

If you live in the UK maybe Tesco?

You could probably use something like this too:

Another method is to wrap (and glue) string around whatever material you are working with then paint over it to get that 'wrapped' look but I personally never tried it before. I was going to do the same with Kumagawa's screws to get a spiral.

>> No.8217407
File: 176 KB, 528x397, 2015-03-30 21.02.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to fix this stupid little loop? I don't even know how that happened; all the other stitches are perfectly fine.

>> No.8217416

Next time, go back and read those instructions again because there's no reason iron-on transfer stickiness should ever be directly touching your iron unless you've got it on backwards or something. At the very least, there should be a layer of parchment paper or something similar in between at all times.

As for getting it off your iron, whenever i mess up and get something I shouldn't on the plate of my iron, either vinegar and/or a baking soda paste and a toothbrush always works best for me.

>> No.8217423

Probably not the place to ask but since there's no Aliexpress thread rn, has anyone else been having issues lately with AE not displaying pictures for more than the first 3-4 rows of search results per page? Shit's getting really annoying

>> No.8217432

With the armor, how can i make it?

>> No.8217511

what do people do about their eyebrows if they are really dark and don't match their wigs?

>> No.8217554

Anyone have experience with good 3D Printer commissioners? Any I should check out for certain?

>> No.8217555


Thanks. I'm thinking what I might do is pull up the top parts of the wig into the poytail but just let the rest fall down to cover the back of my head, then cut it short. Then I have some leftover hair to fix up the ponytail (which I'm working on right now and it's haaard wow. PVA glue takes an incredibly long time to dry, too. )

>> No.8217611
File: 198 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20150331_003720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any help me with the texture?
I have no idea how to make this look zombie like.
I did a bad job with the fake blood.

>S.T.A.L.K.E.R Snork

>> No.8218435
File: 249 KB, 1604x2048, 11070749_840302042691261_2850545086566826574_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lightning uploaded this yesterday and I have always wondered what material she uses to make them.
She doesn't tell you anything unless you pay her so reading the comments won't help. All I know its that they are light and well, very resistant

>> No.8218464
File: 248 KB, 1193x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently making Zinnia's costume but I'm having trouble on the cape. I was thinking of either sewing out of some fleece material or shaping it with craft foam and covering it up with fabric. Any advice?

>> No.8218483

I would use something that looks very rough and earthy, something like canvas fabric

>> No.8218488

No. Check your internet connect, if you have adblock on, try another browser, and use CC cleaner. I had the same issue with Taobao and I found out that my internet derped for a second and doing one of the above worked.

>> No.8218490

Did you try the glue+color method? How dark are your eyebrows? I have black ones and managed to still get Miku's blue just by using a pencil even though it was a darkish blue instead of a seafoam green.

>> No.8218497
File: 2 KB, 146x256, robe3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm planning on making this really simple robe. I'm hand sewing it, but I'm not really sure what type of stitch to use. I was assuming that I'd just use a running stitch, but I'm not particularly experienced.

>> No.8218611
File: 170 KB, 600x783, Dota2_DeathProphet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a Death Prophet cosplay and I'd like to use a transparent material for her fingers so I can put some LEDs on the inside.
Would you guys recommend the new transparent Worbla or is there a cheaper/better alternative?

Also, all my my searches have come up with no decent results for her hair. I would like to purchase a lacefront (not necessarily with the widows peak; I can add that in myself if need be) but I can't seem to find a color that I feel works for the character. Any recommendations for wig shops? Arda and eBay definitely did not help.

>> No.8218640

Google 'PetG', that's basically the transparent worbla. Look also in the archives, there was a thread about it with helpful information.

Its harder to find the right wig style than the color, so if you find the hairstyle, try to dye it after.

Also, why do you want to put LEDs on her fingers? They don't even shine ingame

>> No.8218654

>those shoes
I hope this wasn't final costume.

>> No.8218661

back stitch.

>> No.8218669

Look up the Entropy House craft foam armour tutorial.

Does the mask stretch when you put it on? If not, you can build up layers of clumpy shit with toilet paper, flour, and water (look up tutorials for "toilet paper flour water makeup" and just paint it to look like gross stuff and gore). If it stretches, there might be a similar way of building up junk with spirit gum or other material that's stretch-resistant?

Running stitch is alright. I personally prefer the backstitch, since you'll have less chance of accidentally creating puckers than with a running stitch.

Not that I know of. You can go to the backside (where the bobbin feed was) and try to pull it out there so that the stitching is flat on the front but the loop is transferred to the back. Or you can clip the loop and sew over the area again - you'll have a small area of double stitches, but this doesn't look like a collar hem area, so people shouldn't notice.

>> No.8218683

Answer stolen from >>8215982 above:
>twill, cotton drill, kona cotton, gabardine, suiting and bi-stretch
For a cape, look for something that flows nicely when you drape it, has a good weight so it doesn't get wrinkly or scrunched up behind you, but isn't so heavy that it keeps unbalancing itself

>> No.8218689
File: 696 KB, 810x575, 12491-dota2_items_dpghosts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah thank you very much. I'll look into it further for sure.

I don't necessarily need a specific style since it'll be put up anyway (and I can layer as necessary for the process), I just need something with the right length and a lacefront.

They don't have any special particle effect or anything but they look shiny enough to me. The main purpose is just to add more mood to photos taken in darker hallways, at night, etc. I'm not planning on making them bright, just adding a slight glow.

>> No.8218833

I'm looking to buy a benchtop belt/disk sander, but I'm worried about cost and quality.
Harbor Freight Tools has them for cheap, but the online reviews don't look good.
Is it worth it to go to Home Depot or Lowes?

>> No.8218839
File: 52 KB, 540x351, aim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be my first cosplay, but I'm at a complete loss of how to make the head. They're supposed to be material, not solid, but I'd settle for it being solid.

Not dying of heatstroke under it would be a bonus.

>> No.8218842

Yeah, you are right tho, they will look cool.
Please post wip when you can, I want to see it :)

>> No.8218858

What material were you planning on using for the outfit as a whole?
You could make the head out of cardboard/foam. Cut out some holes, and then cover it in fabric.

>> No.8218865

Can an airbrush machine used for painting stuff like props also be used to do makeup/bodypaint?

>> No.8218881


I was just gonna use a yellow boiler suit for the actual outfit. Since that's essentially all it is.

>> No.8219082

Thanks for believing in me, Anon. c:
I'll definitely try to post a WIP once i'm able to start working on it!

>> No.8219092

You can still use fabric for this, you just need a strong interfacing for it, like buckram. That, and some millinery wire to help hold the shape, and you're good to go.

>> No.8219103


If you're doing an AIM Beekeeper, you have to promise me you're going to get a customized Nerf gun. Like, customize the hell out of it. EL Wire and all that shit. It's only right.

>> No.8219183
File: 274 KB, 770x1037, breastplate_tutorial__sylvanas_windrunner_by_narga_lifestream-d8fdx8t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you put something like this on?

>> No.8219206

Attach a strap on the sides and have a clasp of some kind in the back.

>> No.8219208

I assume they did it like you would any other bra. it has to have some kind of fabric strap going from the back and a clasp

>> No.8219333

I don't think that's a good idea anon.

>> No.8219347

I am located in USA but I'm a bit dense and don't seem to understand how they work.
How do i attach them? Do they add bulk/if so how should I hide said bulk?
>sorry for being a dumbass

>> No.8220275

So I went ahead and made my robe, but foolishly cut the neck hole too large. What should I do to fix this? At the moment its just large enough to fall over my shoulders.

>> No.8220643
File: 317 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-04-01-09-43-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay yuria the witch from demon souls. Problem is i have no idea where to start since her clothes look ripped and i cant find a good photo of it. Any help would be awesome. Yuria is on the left.

>> No.8220651

Not sure what robe you're making, but is it possible to put elastic in it to "clench" it?

>> No.8220676
File: 164 KB, 848x480, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where would people recommend looking for long nails, like the one in the picture, with good quality? I'm looking something in the 5cm/2inches area

>> No.8220918
File: 724 KB, 1488x1110, vulpix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing a Vulpix Gijinka with a friend as Ninetales, and since I can't find a rusty orange in fake fur, I thought of getting Minky instead.

What wig and what color of Minky do you think would be the best for Vulpix hair and tail?

>> No.8221030
File: 37 KB, 594x459, sheeta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crafting really isn't my strong point so I apologize for asking questions over a really simple outfit.
I bought a well fitting high necked shirt for pic related- except it's got long, slim fit sleeves. I had an idea to try to cut the sleeves short, and then use excess fabric to add 'slots' and put elastic in the end to cinch, but this still wouldn't give enough volume. Should I scrap the shirt and try to make my own?

Also bought some clay to make the belt buckle- how do you guys make shapes without flaws like dents or fingerprints?

>> No.8221041

middlde fur and I'd like the wig on the right better if it was lighter in real life.

>> No.8221091

When you finish edges with a zigzag stitch, are you supposed to sew right up to the edge of the fabric or past the edge (or other)?

Also, I read that you use a zigzag stitch to sew collars on pullover shirts. I'm going to be making a turtleneck and I wasn't sure if zigzag stitching would spread out enough to go over a head? Do I need to use a special thread (elastic thread?) as well?

>> No.8221106

You can get a similar fabric that matches in colour (from what your shirt sounds like, something cotton jersey or something that feels like cotton t-shirt material, basically) and pattern sleeves and sew them onto the armholes. Look up "puff sleeve tutorial" for an idea of what the sleeve shape should look like, example below.

If you're making the belt buckle 3D, make an aluminium foil base first that is just slightly smaller than how large you want the final buckle to be. Layer clay over that (the foil base will keep the buckle from getting too heavy, since clay is pretty dense), let it dry, and get sandpaper (200-400-600 grits, though YMMV) and sand it smooth.

>> No.8221144

It's 95% cotton and 5% spandex, if that matters. I happen to have a light flannel laying around in a similar color, if that's not a good material choice what should I look for?

>> No.8221151

The flannel sounds good, if it matches well! Do you think the flannel matches the texture of the shirt, or at least does it complement it?

A sleeve like that won't stay puffed without a lining that has tulle or other stuff sewn in (it might even work if you had the elastic cuffs tight around your arm and stuffed polyfill into the sleeves while you were wearing them), but you'll still have the general impression of volume.

>> No.8221157

If I fold the two together, you can't really tell which is part of which fabric.
What about interfacing?

>> No.8221173

Where can I find a chie jacket from persona 4

>> No.8221298

Alright thanks, I'll try and figure out what's doing it. It's been doing this (and only in search results on AE, nothing else) for the past week or so now, thought something was up with the site, but it must just be me

>> No.8221305

Does anyone else ever get the problem of finding a character you'd love to cosplay, but lack the skills to actually put the costume together?


>> No.8221321

That is why you start with easier things, get some basic skills, practice those skills, and slowly try new things, practice those, and eventually get better and better. You can't just start out good, it takes work. If you don't want to do the work, then just buy your shit or get a different hobby.

>> No.8221324


>> No.8221333


The major problem is I'm really into capeshit. So it's either I just buy my shit and have it look awful, or I custommake and do a shitty job because it's my first.

>> No.8221371

Thanks anon.

>> No.8221379

Different anon. You can also start with the cosplay you want to do and learn while you are making it.
Yes, it will look like crap, but you can re-do it as many times as needed until you are satisfied.
Google all you can and you'll be able to do it :)

>> No.8221390

I need to make some bracers silimar to Chun-li's but longer. But I need them to look sturdy rather than fabric covered, like most cosplayers are.

And I need to make them look like they have a stone finish, any advice.

>> No.8221491
File: 26 KB, 275x249, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I tea dye 35% cotton 65% polyester? I want to cosplay pic related but the only red and white checked fabric I can find is a) bright ass red and white and b) poly cotton.

>> No.8221637

Any thrift store, ebay, taobao, etc. It's just a basic green jersey anon.

>> No.8221652

What's the best way to paint for suede while keeping the texture? I've tested a few paints and they just flatten it out.

>> No.8221670

I haven't tried it myself, but I have heard that the Angelus line of leather dyes has something that should work for suede.

>> No.8221741
File: 21 KB, 268x319, Gooseberry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What material would be best to make the cape out of?

>> No.8222165
File: 959 KB, 1132x1138, Screen Shot 2015-04-02 at 12.55.01 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are perfect for Tharja save for the fact that they're GLITTER. Is there a way to scrape this stuff off without ruining the shoe? I understand I'd have to repaint it.

>> No.8222244
File: 80 KB, 513x326, 598Orihime_notes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any clue about how you'd go about making Orihimes' sleeves?

>> No.8222263

Bumping this question

>> No.8222277
File: 16 KB, 168x284, 9215_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to go crazy here trying to work this out, so I figure it's time to ask for someone else's opinion about pic-related.
That almost invisible grey bit poking out behind the piping (highlighted with big red box); hook from a hook-and-bar or tag from a zipper?

>> No.8222387


Hard to tell but it could be a zip. Even if its not supposed to be a zip in-universe, they had to do up the outfits somehow for the show.
Now I want to rewatch B5, too...

>> No.8222398

Does anyone have any go to sites or sources for applique, lace, and trim aside from JoAnn? Looking for suggestions with a wider selection.

>> No.8222399

You could just woodglue over it then paint that. Maybe nail varnish remover would strip it though.

>> No.8222468

You already got an answer here >>8221041

>> No.8222684

Hey! I remember seeing a few months ago, a tutorial on how to make boots/shoes with high heels, but hiding the heels. If that makes any sense.

>> No.8222781

Interfacing would certainly help! You'd need a mid-weight interfacing for flannel, either sew-in or fusible. I don't have experience with sew-in interfacing, but for fusible
>pros: keeps its shape very well
>cons: would give you crisper corners on the softer edges of the sleeve

Sew right up to the edge. It's okay if your needle passes the outside edge a little. If you look at how the interior seams of your clothing are finished with a serger, the idea is the replicate that with a zigzag stitch. If you sew too far past the edge, you lose "grabbing space" for the stitches, which makes the seam less sturdy.
If the collar and turtleneck bit can already fit over your head before they've been attached, I think you should be fine with a zigzag stitch.

For cape materials themselves, (taken from a post above)
>pleat, twill, cotton drill, klona cotton, gabardine, suiting
If you're also looking to keep that forever flippy-out shape, a seagull wrote a neat tutorial about using wonderflex (iirc) in coattails:

>lace, trim
Etsy and eBay.

As in turning them into wedge shoes?

>> No.8222838

>wedge shoes
I can't find that tutorial anywhere, and I was wondering if anyone here had it

>> No.8222848

Hey me too! Honestly, don't worry about your first few cosplays looking like shit. As long as you make mock-ups, give yourself plenty of time to make mistakes and try again, comic cosplays aren't any more difficult that anything else. Plus, making the costumes might be as hard as you think. I lived in fear of sewing spandex, but this year I did tons of research and conquered my fear!

>> No.8223020

Sorry for posting such a basic question but I'm using EVA foam for the first time and I would like to know how to fill in the seams between foam sheets.

>> No.8223023

Is there any recommended brand of shapewear or spanx-like undergarments that would work well for MtF crossplays? I am pretty slim, I just lack hips and an ass.

>> No.8223028

Wood glue, and then sand it down until it is flush.

>> No.8223112

Non-cgl person here bumbling in like a bull in a china shop, just wanted to thank this board for the help I got in another thread. You've made a huge and important difference to me.

>> No.8223323


Thankfully, the character I have in mind doesn't wear spandex.

It's so much worse than spandex.

It's Dr Doom. Making the mask and armour will kill me.

>> No.8223338
File: 30 KB, 225x350, 253411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey! i need some help with her hair beads
any suggestions on how i should make them?

>> No.8223347

There are a lot of options open to you, but the easiest and cheapest would be making them out of air dry clay and coating them in gesso, painting them, and using a high gloss sealant/finish on it.

The downside there, is doing each by hand means they won't all look identical. You could do a clay sculpt, make a negative mold and resin cast them, though that can be costly and is not forgiving for new people. It is however a nice starter project if you wanted to get into mold making.

Another option would be 3D printing them. You would have to model them out first though, and even after the printing is done, they would still need some finishing and painting like the air dry clay would, but they would all look identical.

>> No.8223355


Lots of info on EVA foam armor making there. It is much easier than you might think, it just takes some patience and forethought.

>> No.8223361

I would just paint wooden beads, shouldn't be too hard to find ones of the right size.

>> No.8223362

In addition to what other anon recommended, you could look into apoxie sculpt.

>> No.8223420

This will be my first time going to a con in cosplay, and I have a bit of an issue.

I live about 20 miles from the con, so I've not got a hotel room or anything. But I also don't have a car, I'll be using public transport.

So where should I change into my costume?

>> No.8223423

Ride public transport in cosplay.

Nothing better than seeing a bus slowly fill with more and more obvious weebs as you approach the venue.

>> No.8223450
File: 889 KB, 500x241, it[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if it's possible to sew through fabric paint? I can't sew my hem first and then paint over; it needs to be paint first and then sewing over it.

Pic for you.

If you don't want to show your power level on public transport, you can bring a giant bag with you and fill it with your costume pieces, and change in a bathroom at the convention centre. The inconvenient part will be lugging the bag (with your street clothes and styling tools since it's likely your wig got a little messed up) around for the day. Some conventions have bag check areas, so you can look into that.

>> No.8223514

you should be able to sew through the fabric paint, but I wouldn't recommend it. Depending on the fabric and the paint, it may crack and.or scratch and it will gum up your needle.

>> No.8223532
File: 16 KB, 320x371, 21548729847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a couple months I wanna go to my local convention as a tumblr feminist. I have the accessories does, but I can't decide what to wear. I was thinking a shirt that says "this is what a feminist looks like" or "ROW ROW FIGHT THE PATRIARCHY" or something with jeans, but wasn't sure if that is enough. Suggestions? (For accessories I'm thinking a shitty short wig that's red or blue or something, fake piercings, gaudy make up and a mug that says "Male Tears")

>> No.8223558

You will need massive hoop earrings and something low cut, because tumblr feminists hate the "male gaze" but thrive on any attention.

>> No.8223564

If you're white, please have dreads.

>> No.8223619


B-but that's cultural appropriation anon!

>> No.8223627

No, only white cis men can do that. When real feminists do it, it is embracing and learning from different cultures.

>> No.8223678

bruh just pad

>> No.8223682
File: 17 KB, 900x900, 1426435327755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're acting like this is your first cosplay
please don't cosplay this if its your first cosplay
do anything else thats easier
and not muh berserk

>> No.8223691

Padded undergarments would be easier though, and they won't shift around like the last time I tried to pad. My padded hips moved after I got up from sitting, and it looked atrocious.

>> No.8223699

Sleeves or shoulders? Because you can just use padding for the shoulders.

Anyone know someone who can make a helmet for $300 in a month not including shipping?

>> No.8223711

helps to know what helmet

>> No.8223899
File: 36 KB, 800x800, 803931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of grabbing on of these cheesy muscle shirts to alter.
It's going to be the base of a Sabrewulf variant so the entire back is being replaced with fur and the front will be covered with latex and painted.

I'm just wondering if I'm being overly hopeful or if this will serve pretty well with some tweaks to the fit. I'm not certain if I should add a few additional pads on sides or leave it as is.

>> No.8223965

Dude chill, I'm not going to fuck it up.

>> No.8224091
File: 1.08 MB, 1621x952, wand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on cosplaying Tetra, and I'm wondering how to do the lighting on the wand.
Would using clear PVC tubing + El wire work?
General tutorials on lighting up props and wiring would be great too.

>> No.8224417

Dye your hair that weird shade of lonely-girl red, have 2" of roots showing, and wear a flower crown.

>> No.8224423

Add sharpie roots to the wig

>> No.8224461
File: 114 KB, 640x480, Madoka_Chara_Sheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone willing to share a few good, detailed tutorials on cutting bangs? It's hard to find decent tutorials with all the shitty ones out there.
When I'm cutting bangs they either end up horribly uneven or too straight. I want them to look like pic related.

>> No.8224480

I'm in a similar situation - I take the train from the suburbs into the city and I'm always the only person in cosplay in my carriage whenever I leave/return. I wear as much as the costume as I can that can be hidden by my coat, then pack the rest in my bag to change in a washroom. You will still look a little weird, but not as glaringly obvious as just going out in full garb. Once you actually reach the station by the con it won't be as bad since there will be other cosplayers making their way to the con as well.

>> No.8224510

I wear my full costume on public transport because I don't want to go through the hassle of getting dressed at the con. I wear a coat over my costume if it's a bit skimpy, but other than that I don't go out of my way to hide it. I could care less about the stares, chuckles and sneaky pics. If you feel uncomfortable with that, I wouldn't recommend doing it.

Most cons have dressing rooms for cosplayers, or you can use the bathroom if they don't have those.

Just pick what is the most comfortable to you.

>> No.8224516

hopefully someone else with more experience can chime in, but this is how I cut my own bangs:
1. Pull back hair that won't be getting cut, then comb bang hair forward
2. Separate bangs into 2 layers: top and bottom. Pin top layer back and out of the way. Below link illustrates what I'm talking about.
3. Bottom layer: use twist and cut method, vertical cutting the bangs so they are a little longer in length than you want them at. Below link shows twist & cut method.
4. Un-pin top layer of bangs and keep ahold of them while combing them straight. Vertical snip these until they are a smidge (lie 0.5cm) shorter than the bottom layer. Comb bangs.
5. Assess bangs. Where do they need to part? Separate and pin these sections.
6. Take 2 sections and comb them. Vertical snip in the middle to thin them out a little. Repeat until you have thinned out all sections.
7. Comb and assess. Are the bangs suggestive of the shape you want? Are there any stray pieces? clean up as needed, then add product and style.

>> No.8224535
File: 30 KB, 424x1022, 00_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to conceal armpit chub in a sundress? That little bit that spills out of bras is killing me and I'm planning on cosplaying pic related in a few months.

>> No.8224545

By having the dress fit you? Rather than be 'tight' which emphasizes the chub.

Bra's have elastic which will always pronounce chub. If you make the dress from a non stretch fabric so it fits, and do some exercises between now and then, that's really all you can do.

>> No.8224660

Hey how much chub is there? If your bra's cups are too small, that can force breast tissue into your armpit. Have you tried your sister sizes (down X band size(s) and up X cup size(s)) to see if any reduce your underarm chub?

>> No.8224738

I do somewhat of a mix of riding in costume and putting stuff on the con. Basically I put on makeup and all the 'normal' parts of my costumes at home. Then I put on the more costumey parts at the con. I bring my stuff in a really big duffle bag and just leave the bag at the bag check for the day.

>> No.8225157
File: 318 KB, 1500x1500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble deciding on fabric for this. I don't have a buget. I as thinking maybe cotton sateen, but I want it to be really nice. I also considered different silks, but they seem to have a texture I don't really like.

Any suggestion?

>> No.8225306

I'm working on a school project and one of the parts of it is a teacup hat that is on the larger side. I would really like to fill the cup with something to make it look like tea but resin is way too heavy for putting on a model's head. Are there any kinds of gels that are fairly lightweight I could use to achieve this?

>> No.8225322

Don't actually fill it with anything that can spill. Yes, filling the entire thing with resin would be way too heavy, but you can have most of the cup filled with foam, and then have a disc of resin on top of that. or you could just paint something and use a super high gloss finish to make it look wet.

>> No.8225336

I do think that cotton sateen would work well actually

>> No.8225369
File: 279 KB, 502x811, D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am working on a Doctor Light cosplay, but I am stumped on how I am supposed to "style" a wig. This is my first cosplay attempt and I don't want to look like a total pleb. I know the basics like makeup and stuff( thank god for drama club) but everything else has me stumped. Any tips?

>> No.8225495
File: 47 KB, 333x500, cosplay-chunli01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you guys buy dance tights? I've only ever worn regular pantyhose, so I wouldn't know. Specific brands? (compression-type tights would be preferred but not necessary!)

>> No.8225526

Capezio's website, or go to a dance supply store.

>> No.8225599
File: 261 KB, 636x334, nodachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to build Kamina's nodachi while still having it outrageously huge in comparison to my 72" self. I've read that nodachi are typically ~70" long, but I'm thinking of possibly going like 18" handle, 56" blade so it's about 7 feet tall.

Any solid wooden sword/sheathe makings guides or advice? As a newbie it seems possible to just make the handle with a hole in the center big enough for the blade to slide down into, and just screw/bolt it into place. Would that plan possibly work, or would the sheer size be an issue at that point?

>> No.8225743

Hmm like do it partially with something like great stuff then just do a thin layer of resin? That sounds like a great idea, thanks Anon!

>> No.8225809



>> No.8225837

Can anyone give me some suggestions on what to coat a foam prop with? Specifically Great Stuff expanding foam. I want to get a smooth paintable surface. I've used plaster before but I was looking for something that could be bumped around a little more.

>> No.8225843

I want to have stars on a cotton t-shirt. What would be the best way to put them on there?

>> No.8225861
File: 30 KB, 526x437, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the stupidest question that will be posted here, but is it possible to buy like 3 inches of fabric instead of a yard at joaanns or hobby lobby? I needed to make a bandana but I don't want/need a whole yard of an ugly green color.

>> No.8225893
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2014-10-09-23h12m42s194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

total noob question but what would be the best way to add the seeds onto the dress? I've thought about cutting out the shapes and sewing them on but won't the hems show and eventually fray? Thanks for answering

>> No.8225895

Okay I'm thinking about getting a stencil and spray painting it. Good idea?

>> No.8225930

So I fucking hate the general group i'm attending an upcoming con with save for my husband and another married couple how do i survive a 3-day weekend with these people?

>> No.8225934
File: 11 KB, 253x199, simplyspray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or use this idea but with fabric spray paint rather than actual spray paint. I feel like regular spray paint will make it stiff

>> No.8225939

Do not use spray paint. use fabric paint. Or, you and >>8225893 could applique them

Other options would be screen printing, but that is usually covered along with painting and dyeing so

>> No.8225941

Don't spend time with them?
You're not shackled to these people so just do things without them. And maybe get some friends you do like. What the fuck else do you expect us to say here?

>> No.8226120

Noob here, I'm looking for an easy tutorial/ pattern for a Tinkerbell dress. Googling only gives me inacurate designs or kids stuff. Can you guys help me out?

>> No.8226209

I have pretty wide feet and there's this pair of shoes that fits right on the sides but there's about 1cm of room in the back. What's the best way to fix it? I know insoles but the regular ones didn't do enough since I only need to add some tissue in the back/front.

>> No.8226344

So my shoes didn't arrive in time, and now I have to make bootcovers as a fallback.

I've never made boot covers before, I bought stretch fabric in the correct colour and I'm good to go. But the catch is I can't glue the cover directly to the shoe because I need to keep the shoes un-ruined. Also, I need the heel shape, so the cover can't just be like a sock turning the shoe into a wedge heel.

Any advice? Also, how do you add grip to your boot covers, so you're not slipping around all day? I've heard felt, but that doesn't seem very grippy to me? Is there a way to leave the bottom of the shoe exposed so its actual grip is still in action? I am prone to falling over at the best of times, so pretty concerned about wearing socks.

>> No.8226393

Vinyl printing/ heat transfer.

This one is tricky. Maybe some sort of thin rubber? Cut up a car mat or something.

>> No.8226441

The format might be difficult to read if you're not a Homestuck fan, since this was done for a semi-RP blog. Interestingly, I never learned how to make bootcovers with contact cement, so this is the only way I know so far.

If you make your bootcovers out of a rubbery or vinyl fabric, you'll get plenty of grip. You can also cut up and glue on a car mat like >>8226393 wrote.

>> No.8226448


For my bootcovers, I use the anti-slip mats you put under rugs to stop them shifting. I just took the boot, drew around them, and cut out, glued it onto the bottom. Just means you're not iceskating on smooth flooring.

>> No.8226546

You could get a custom t-shirt place to screen print it. They are about ~$20-30 depending on the design and the shop.

>> No.8226834

Does anybody have any advice for somebody buying their first wig? I literally know nothing about wigs but I colour my hair and feel like I need something that matches better for lolita. I was going to go with bodyline.. but I'm not exactly sure.
Would this be a good wig?

>> No.8226849

I am not familiar with the quality of things from bodyline, but I am a little weary of that. It may be fine, but nowhere does it says what the wig is made of, and if it is made with some really cheap ass fibers, then those curls may turn into a tangled mess when you get it. I'd look for one that actually says what it is, instead of just showing a picture and some color options.
Now that is a very old post, and a lot of the where to buy info is quite outdated, but there is still good info there on wig quality, storing and transportation, and general caring for wigs.

>> No.8227139

I'm searching for a dark green blouse to go with a JetJ dress for a coord. However, it's damn near impossible to find a dark green/jewel tone blouse that is appropriate. Does anyone know where I can get one or have one for sale? Preferably a more elegant fabric like chiffon or velveteen, and with an open neckline or possibly high collar; no peter pan.

>> No.8227184

Ideally, an airbrush. But since it sounds like you may not have something like that around, I would recommend fabric paint, at least for the tattoo. It's going to be quite hard to get something like a belly button to look realistic and not like a black dot without an airbrush, though.

>> No.8227230
File: 218 KB, 760x1580, 315757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make this dog. Like, as a prop for the cosplay. As big as that one and all.
Any ideas how?

>> No.8227243

Not that anon, but I have an airbrush and looking to use it for similar purposes. Do you have any tips on getting it to look realistic?

>> No.8227271
File: 70 KB, 670x377, Hotline_miami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on making a Hotline Miami outfit. All I really need is a proper jacket. Anyone know where I can find one that's accurate?

>> No.8227399

I'll look into what kind of rubber I can find the cheapest.

Thanks! That's a pretty clear tutorial.

>> No.8227540

That is a very bad idea. Not only will it probably look terrible, it will also be very awkward and incredibly inconvenient. You will have to carry this thing around with you all day, it will get knocked around, it will really disturb some people, and if you wanted to go to a panel or anything, you will either be blocking off a chair someone else could use, blocking off an aisle, or hold this thing in your lap, blocking your view, and the view of anyone behind you.
It is a terrible idea.

>> No.8227558


find any regular lettermans jacket, they are really popular then go and find the B patch to sew on.

>> No.8227575

I just googled red letterman jacket and found sooo many examples that look just like the jacket he is wearing.

there is also this site http://buildyourjacket.com/jacketBuilder..

but hell ebay, amazon, anywhere is you use your google can give you the same standard jacket. The patch is easy to find as well.

>> No.8227675
File: 278 KB, 1500x1000, for cgl purposes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be doing shironuri for the first time at an upcoming convention. However, I'm very new to costume makeup. Often times whenever I would attempt it, I would try to use shitty, Party City quality face paint that streaks like hell and won't even build up to the intensity that I want before I ragequit.

What brands would you recommend for white face paint? Budget doesn't matter at this point.

>> No.8227689
File: 2 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've used ben nye and it's great. Set it with powder and final seal spray.

>> No.8227706


I second Ben Nye, so long as you set it well so it doesn't get greasy!

>> No.8227747

Thanks gulls!

>> No.8227905

Not either of these anons, but related question: How do you get skin-tight bracelets on and off if they go all the way around your wrist? I had to make some for a cosplay and couldn't think of anything except to cut out a smaller section to slip my wrist out and secure it with magnets. The spaces between the two pieces were pretty obvious.

>> No.8228081

Im looking for a tailcoat jacket (Steampunk like)...but all the ones im finding are 200-300 dollars. They seem great quality and all...but im not wanting to spend that much.

Is there somewere else i could find a tailcoat for cheaper...?

>> No.8228093

If it spills out of your bra, your bra is most likely too small and you need to get sized at a store like Dillards, fredrics, of victoria secret. You boob is some part of yout armpit.

But if thid isnt the case....if advise spanks in peach. They have some for the upperbody i know.

>> No.8228122

How terrible an idea is basing a superhero cosplay around a zentai?

I've never stitched spandex, so if I could have a decent base already made, it'd save a LOT of stress.

>> No.8228125

it depends on the costume you're making. If it's mostly a single color with few alterations needed, then it's a great jumpstart. If it is something like Songbird, Spider-Man, or anything with a lot of details throughout the costume, it would be easier to start from scratch.

>> No.8228127
File: 252 KB, 1280x1161, Marvel_-_Young_Avengers_-_Billy_Kaplan_Wiccan_(Cris-Art).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's Wiccan. His costume is all black really, except two silver panels on the side, and 3 stud things where a belt would be.

>> No.8228138

Ah okay you're the one asking about this in the capes thread. Yeah, if you can get a short sleeved zentai that could work. You're not going to be able to sew in the decorative lines though. At least, not easily. Those are the sort of things you want to work on when it it still flat pieces.
That is really going to be the main challenge when modifying something like a zentai. unless you take it apart at the seams and then reassemble it, it will be difficult getting those side panels in place. it can be done, but it likely won't be very clean looking.

And a quick tip for working with spandex and stretchy fabrics: Use a zigzag stitch and a stretch needle. It will allow the thread to expand and contract without popping the seams.

>> No.8228215
File: 79 KB, 644x516, Dick_Gumshoe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make a new coat look old and battered?

I got an olive green trenchcoat for a Dick Gumshoe outfit, but it's too new and pristine to give off the Gumshoe vibe. Now, since it's a trenchcoat and I'm no fedora, I'd like to it to get a natural wear-and-tear look without having to prance around in it for years.

Any advice? First cosplay, and I'm a guy.

pls no bully

>> No.8228231


Fine grit sandpaper. Apply it to areas that would get worn out (elbows, edges, seams).

Not enough to tear the material or anything, but enough to scuff it up.

>> No.8228239

Put it through a few wash & dryer cycles. Then rub coffee grounds around the cuffs and inside the collar so it looks grimey.

>> No.8228252

Thanks, I'll try that.

>> No.8228308

oh well... what about I buy a plush that looks like it, bag sized, then I install a pocket inside so that it serves both as a bag and a prop?

>> No.8228531
File: 432 KB, 830x941, harley-quinn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a Harley Quinn cosplay and I want to make a latex mask, I have seen a tutorial on youtube but I have the feeling that putting the latex on my eyebrows is not a good idea.

>> No.8228541

I realized the day after I posted this I've definitely gone up a cup size and need to get new bras. Thanks seagulls!
>my wallet is weeping

>> No.8228559

Any good cosplays of guys with strong eyebrows?

>> No.8228580
File: 1.21 MB, 1320x1596, Souryuu.Asuka.Langley.full.1043544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to find a blue/lilac choker for a Sundress Asuka cosplay I'm doing like >>8212228, but I can't seem to find any simple one like in pic related. Most of them seem to be lace/fancy types of chokers.

>> No.8228594

Just get a ribbon and make it yourself?

>> No.8228601

A choker is probably the easiest possible thing to make cosplay-wise, anon.

>> No.8228605

Alright, thanks, I guess I'll just make one with velcro and hot glue
I'm just new to this and wanted to ask first

>> No.8228608

I want to cosplay as either Ignis or Prompto from Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae.
Anyone know where I can find decent wigs/costumes for either of those?

>> No.8228610

Man so many of us are doing Asuka's sundress. Is anyone else's motivation for Eva cosplays this year being because 2015 is when it's set?
Personally I went with a blue velvet one, it's darker but if I flip it inside out its the right color an it's not super thick like others I found.

>> No.8228613

I just wanna start doing cosplays of outfits that are casual, and Asuka is probably my favourite Eva girl

>> No.8228620
File: 483 KB, 900x854, tumblr_ni5h9ncqfD1qmlmyuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make the vest for Ginko but am at a loss at where to start.
My friend wants to sew the vest onto a bra so it fits better and the bottom of the vedt won't wrinkle because it's so short, but I really don't know how to pattern the vest if I'll have to draft it onto a bra... I'm really lost here. How can I pattern this thing?

>> No.8228807

If you need a base pattern to work with, try looking for a pattern for women's blazers or suit jackets. Then, nix the sleeves, turn the back into a strap, and chop the bottom to where you want it.

>> No.8228880

vaseline nigga

>> No.8229005

How long would a length of silk have to be to fit around a 34" waist, be tied, and have the ends hang around my knees?

I need a silk sash/belt.

Also, any tips for working with silk would be hugely appreciated.

>> No.8229116

Hey guys I am making a ironman suit. I know it wont be perfect and I am ok with that. I am working with foam and have the helm done. My question is should I do a mash up cosplay? The red and gold is SO over done and I want to stand out a bit.

>> No.8229121


Don't do any of these:

>Assassin's Creed
>Dr Who

>> No.8229128
File: 318 KB, 800x2109, lates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curious question: What would the pattern for an over the shoulder cape like this look like? I've got just about 2 weeks to cut one and my mind can't seem to wrap around how to make it.

Go all Silver Centurion or make it inspired by some other series. But not a super generic series that everyone's done.

>> No.8229138
File: 1.05 MB, 2560x1536, 20150405_185833[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unpainted wip pics

>> No.8229148
File: 60 KB, 700x608, Cross-Over.full.637485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the reverse version of this

>> No.8229151

Ok who is this though?

>> No.8229154

A half circle cape would cover the shoulders nicely, or if you go 3/4, you can have it almost close entirely in the front.

>> No.8229163
File: 342 KB, 1192x1192, armory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do mashup cosplays. They never make sense and often end up in the cringe bin. Iron Man has literally dozens of suit variants to pick from.

>> No.8229165

Hmm ok then cause that's def what i was avoiding.

>> No.8229196

Anyone know if the gold pleather at the Online Fabric Store is any good? I'm trying to add the gold parts to a FE:A Henry cosplay. $16.95 is a lot to pay for shipping on top of the actual fabric.

>> No.8229310
File: 1.67 MB, 897x3878, Monado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna cosplay Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles, and I'm making his sword, the Monado (see image). I have a base cut out of insulation foam, and I'm gonna try and cover it with fiberglass/resin. I have two questions regarding it:

1) How much weight the fiberglass and resin will add to it? The sword is about 4' 6" long and a little over 1' wide at it's widest part (the large circle right above the handle). I'm probably gonna stick a piece of rebar inside the handle running up the back of the circle for support, so I'm hoping that will be enough so that the sword won't just snap right at the handle.

2) How much thickness does fiberglass and resin add? My foam is 2" thick, and I don't want to cut it down or add too much resin and then have the sword either be too thin or too thick.


>> No.8229608

I'm making a sword out of insulation foam and I read that plastidip will not eat away at the foam so I'm kind of leaning towards that to seal it. Is plastidip sandable? And after it's applied, can I go ahead and paint or am I missing a step in there?

>> No.8229712

I haven't cosplayed in years and now I want to make a new costume. There are like 4 or 5 I'd like to do, but I'd choose just one so...
How do you decide on what costume you'll do next?

>> No.8229744

For whoever's wearing the vest,
>have Person A wear the planned bra and either a spare t-shirt or a bunch of plastic wrap on their torso
>Person B wraps duct tape around the torso until all the vest area is covered
>Person B traces vest shape+pattern onto the duct tape while Person A is still wearing the duct tape form
>cut the duct tape form off Person A
>cut along seamlines/pattern lines
There's probably tuts or guides online if you look for "how to make duct tape pattern," but it's my favourite way for making a custom close-fitting pattern.

Make a post in the suggestions thread (remember to make suggestions for other people), or if you're planning on attending an upcoming con, see what meetups/guests will be happening. I personally like meeting and hanging out with other people cosplaying from the same source, so I'll schedule my outfits around convention announcements.

>> No.8229747

>you already know your waist measurement
>take a measuring tape, hold the middle of it at your waist, and lower the end until it hits your knees
>read the number
>double the number because a sash has two ends
>add a few inches for knotting and hemming

>> No.8229753

Pretty much what >>8228613 said. I think it's a cute dress and it's something I can wear while being secretly weeby. And I didn't know it was set in 2015. It's always interesting to see how the "future" was supposed (or imagined) to be.

>> No.8229809

Thanks! I think I'll just do that.

>> No.8230044

That's Wild Tiger's suit from Tiger & Bunny photoshopped in Iron Man colors sponsored by Marvel. It makes more sense if you're a fan of T&B, but this is the least cringe mashup idea I've seen so far.

>> No.8230133
File: 200 KB, 434x442, tumblr_inline_njovkd6R2y1qmvo16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have anything like a pattern for this mask?

Like, full around the head covering the eyes, with two long tails at the back for tying?

Also which material would be best for the eyes, to cover them, but still being able to see through them?

>> No.8230138
File: 853 KB, 1873x4000, ghost_trick_Lynne_revised_version_psd_jpgcopy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lynne anon here.

I have stretch fabric for the boot covers. I have bias tape for the stripes on the boot. Bias tape isn't stretchy. How can I reconcile these two things...

>> No.8230538

I need to attach leg armor without noticeable union (in other words, "seamless") and I don't know how.
I need to put them like 'socks'. This part need to be really tight in my legs but there is no way that I can do that because I can't pass through my feet.
I already looked for ideas but there are no 'seamless' tutorials. Or at least I didn't find one.

>> No.8230766
File: 40 KB, 800x600, 2833290-ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of using one of those exercise foam rollers as a base for Gilgamesh's Ea http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KAEJ3W2/ref=s9_top_hd_bw_g200_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-2&pf_rd_r=0AG363PA7HGENM37R1D1&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=2071197882&pf_rd_i=3407871

I was wondering what kind of foam this is made out of and more importantly, can I sand it, seal it, and paint it?