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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 90 KB, 960x609, 10250227_623969814362869_3292491119270368300_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8212083 No.8212083 [Reply] [Original]

new larp thread, now with 130% more arguments than the previous one!

also if anyone comes to the hungarian Mondocon in two weeks, some of us will be there with larp weapons

>> No.8212103

the real question is about that if Biccoline makes it mandatory to have a character and you roleplayit and the rule isn't enforced for some reasons, or it's entirely optional from the start.
It can be on a grey area too because that's always a possibility, but most of the time you can make a distinction between battle games and larps

>> No.8212120

>all the high fantasy ones
Oh it's shamefully true... But it's so much fun! You have to be careful about that special snowflakeness and reign it in sometimes for the sake of the game, but where else am I going to get to play a giant horrible tarantula with a martyr complex who just wants to be loved?
The explanation in game is that all adventurers must be a little touched in the head to adventure, that's why they're all orphans. We had a guy who played for years who decided it would be funny to break those rules
>He was just an average Joe from the next town over
>His mother was a whore, but was still super nice
>He took up adventuring in order to support his mother and because it seemed like the right thing to do
And that was literally it. He was pretty fun, he'd get really pissed at nobles and everyone thought it was great roleplay... Until it turned out he was actually pissed at the players of the nobles.

>> No.8212137
File: 35 KB, 720x480, 533158_420485734704087_1097151404_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entirely Optional.

as long as you are not an asshole.
thats what i did not mention in this, is how the high fantasy people are convinced that everything except their own roleplay is shit.

Exemple = A dude from the ork who is always mad because bico wont let him have 3 hitpoints on the head because of his mask and told him to ''Get an helmet'' he's mad because he's doing it for the people! and that a mask is really shitty to wear and bla bla bla...and then we say...have you ever wore a head gambison with chainmail and a 14ga helmet? shut the fuck up.

Or the people who insult think people who wear metal armor are dumb because leather is so much cooler and ligther wtf!?

The people who are mad at the real you when you act like your character because they cant think about how that really intimidating dude who look like he never smiled once in his life and is born to kill everything for god is in reality a very smiley teddy bear.

Because most of them are just like their characters in real life and they cant conceive that playing a ''bad guy'' is not only being EVIIIIIL but also playing a knigth who throw coins at beggars but say stuff like, Get out of my sigth peasant, you disgust me.

>> No.8212149

A bunch of my friends came back from a long running Stargate larp at the weekend. Rather tempted to go, especially since I have a bunch of kit already from airsofting.
I need to get a larp-safe fireaxe though

>> No.8212178
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Totally true. I would feel diversity, even in a specil snoflake high fantasy game is cheap.

Also whining about not getting armor points for racial prosthesis? Come on. If you're going to play a fancy race, you should be doing it because you want to look awesome, not for a system benefit.

>Or the people who insult think people who wear metal armor are dumb because leather is so much cooler and ligther
We had a few years of that attitude, sad to say. That, and fucking aluminum chainmaile. It was right about the same time as the ultra-light fad where everyone wanted to game the system to be the bestest around.
I think we've moved away from that, and with the dedicated efforts of myself and some of the other players we're trying to move towards a more 'hardcore' level in terms of armor, costuming, and general quality.

My one exception to the 'plate should be more armor than leather' is pic related. The guy on the left. He's one of our players, and damn that armor is spectacular, even if it is leather. It also weighs more than any plate I've ever worn. No idea who the person on the right is...

>> No.8212199
File: 347 KB, 460x720, chasse au faucon loyal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat Warcraft look, Yeah you are rigth on this, but when i talk leather armor i'm talking about a cringy stuff like i poster in the other thread.

>No idea who the person on the right is...
Some sexay slaaneshi cultist with an apetite for eyefucking the camera.

>> No.8212224

Oh, yeah, absolutely. We're on the same page as far as *most* leather armor goes. It's better than nothing in a high fantasy game I'd say, but it's not as good as plate and should not be considered as such. Especially when it's ultra thin 'bracers.'

>> No.8212253

>My one exception to the 'plate should be more armor than leather' is pic related. The guy on the left. He's one of our players, and damn that armor is spectacular, even if it is leather. It also weighs more than any plate I've ever worn. No idea who the person on the right is...
Oh gods the picture that started a billion arguments about the fucking armor rating system.

>> No.8212267

Eh, he accepts not getting more armor for it. I'm not saying all the rules should be changed for one exception because that would be ridiculous and would open the floodgates.
I just think he's really awesome. That guy... My fiance and I aren't even sure he's a real person.
>Super handsome
>Always really nice
>Amazing fighter
>/fit/ as fuck
We had a mod where we were entering a mine in a cart, and there was an actual cart and the guy volunteered to drag the cart all around the campsite, filled with nerds, over and over to get all the players into the mine. According to him it was "Cool" because he had "Not been able to go to the gym that day."

He's like a unicorn.

>> No.8212436

>that really intimidating dude who look like he never smiled once in his life and is born to kill everything for god is in reality a very smiley teddy bear.
Sir Bearington strikes again

>Oh gods the picture that started a billion arguments about the fucking armor rating system.

>> No.8212527

that picture actually causes me physical pain

See this is one of those pictures that makes me question whether or not we actually need to cling to realistic expectations of armor in really high fantasy games like Alliance.

People like leather plates over here. People like leather plates a lot. Many of those people will jump on any bandwagon they can to claim that leather can/should be just as protective as metal. Some are more reasonable and what it to be on the same level as chain, while others want it to be comparable to shit like plate harnesses and brigandines.
A picture of a really well-made leather plate harness is enough to make this demographic froth at the mouth.

>> No.8212594

I'm also one for not necessarily needing complete period authenticity for armour for high fantasy games.
I'd rather be on brief for the nation/group i'm part of than worry that one bit of armour is 50 years of a difference to the other.
Low fantasy, or very specific briefs are different however, i'd stick as best as I could within the limits set.

>> No.8212707

>need to cling to realistic expectations of armor in really high fantasy games like Alliance.
The problem with making exceptions, or making the system based on how cool you look, means that you get a loooottt of shit stuff. If my friend's armor got rated at steel plate levels, then we would have a million guys who look like >>8212066 crawling out of the woodwork going 'But what about muh plate???'
I would say that in a high fantasy game, the exact period of the armor doesn't matter as long as you personally match.

>People like leather plates over here. People like leather plates a lot.
I would guess this is primarily because leather armor is a lot more readily available here, and is frequently cheaper to the point where people don't even realize plate is an option.

If I could change one thing about the Alliance armor system, it would be to take the weightless magic armor (arcane armor) and lower it's maximum value. As it is, if you have a good enough caster and enough components, you can get the armor points of full plate while running around in your underwear (30 points or so). I'm being it down to... maybe a 10 or 15 point maximum. That way it's a thing you sleep in so you don't get stabbed in the night, but you don't replace your rig with it.

>> No.8212726

...Though... We did have a newbie girl last game who thought she could get chainmaile armor points for wearing some of those cute chainmaille printed tights.
We have a long way to go.

>> No.8212748
File: 100 KB, 960x960, ganok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had a guy in the Templars who is a powerlifter (not the guy in the pic) and sadly for the last 2 year he had to miss the grand battle because of competitions at the same time. but when he was there he had to keep training during bico and we had some fun trying to lift his weights.

I am a pretty strong guy (not /fit/ mind you, but strong) and i was only able to do one and at the second one i told people to grab it because it was just too much.

His calories intake per day was amazing and the funniest part?

He have a cute babyface.

>> No.8212893

IMO arcane armor is really my least favorite part of the rules. Everything else is pretty damn nice for what the game's intent is, but letting casters just throw around full plate is... silly.
Maybe I'm just still raw from Pathfinder, though.

Also my Chapter's facebook group just posted a picture of their sparring practice. Grown ass men were holding arming swords in reverse grip. Ow.

>> No.8212994

Is there anywhere I can go to read general rules about bow usage in larp?

>> No.8213011
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every larp differ.

But its mostly a 20pound draw limit.

Arrow as to be made safe with foam and all that. i think there is some infographic on the net but i'm to lazy to find and post it

>> No.8213050

Depends on the game. Some LARPs allow drawn bows, some do packet throws, some have specific restrictions on where the bows come from. Don't buy anything until you know where you're going.

>> No.8213051

>holding arming swords in reverse grip.
This is the Oregon Chapter? It hurts me. Come visit us in California, HEMAfag, we'll show you a good time.

>> No.8213071
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Honestly Daggorhir is the exact same as Biccoline then. The only difference is that Biccoline has Really nice alloted land where they can actualy do stuff and build, and still have it there the next year. And the general populus doesnt shun it as much as in america. Garb is also alot further advanced.

Alot of people in Dag dont have characters, but there are also many that do. I personally dont characterize a persona, i simply be myself, as if i were thrown into a mid-evil world.


I fucking hate shitty leather armor.
IF your going to do leather, and there are plenty of reasons too, do it right.
Pic related.

>> No.8213082
File: 96 KB, 350x467, tired_larper_by_sharpener-d4bkr9h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly leather isnt bad in terms of actual armor. it would deffinitly help against an actual hit assuming its 15oz and cuir boille

I'm sure i have a few pictures of nice leather harnesses if youd like to see.

>> No.8213089
File: 166 KB, 473x750, 426d5f116488959c702604d2e152d9f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill just dump good leather armor.

>> No.8213090
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>> No.8213102
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>> No.8213110
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Heres an example of Deftly made leather, except it looks exaggerated and stupid as hell.

>> No.8213113
File: 39 KB, 480x720, ae052a30eb416a760c9ce57de122b5e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The helm in this is way to exaggerated.

>> No.8213115

Man this picture has everything: actual bows with arrows, corsets, and what appears to be a man performing a little dance in his pajamas. Good shit.

I know a lot of the more 'have a character and do things other than fight' games stateside don't allow actual bows. I dunno, maybe they think we're going to start choking each other out with the string or something, so we hold padding-covered bow-shaped rods while we throw packets. I've been told that it's more fun than it sounds.

Anyways I think most Amtgard games allow ~20 lb draw strength bows. I got no idea what them wild, un-american foreigners do, though.

Not gonna lie, your game sounds pretty damn nice, what with the fog machines and minecarts. Are things like that regular occurrences?

>> No.8213123
File: 114 KB, 570x851, il_570xN.528271717_627v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love this one

>> No.8213127

>Cuir boille
Swadia stronk

I really don't have an issue with leather armor, provided it's done in a way that actually makes sense. It gets on my nerves, though, when people try to ape steel plate with leather. It just doesn't work like that; leather is its own material with its own characteristics and should really be treated as such. Your example and >>8213071 represent some damn nice leather in that they don't really present themselves as solid stand-alone pieces so much as accouterments to other armor or as layered lames.

>> No.8213139
File: 114 KB, 807x780, barbarian_armor_by_vofffka-d56zp51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my last bit that i have saved that isnt due to like a tiny tiny bit i use to incorporate into my own pieces.

>> No.8213183

>Stateside bows
There's a boffer game here that I don't play in that allows tensioned bows.
I played an archer at Alliance for a long time, which is a packet system. It's about as fun as playing a castor- there's no archer experience, but it's still fun throwing stuff at people.

>Are things like that regular occurrences?
Yes. I've been very impressed with the amount of work the new campaigns have. We have two campaigns right now- one super dark and confusing, but with amazing special effects. There's no railroading at all, it's an entirely open world where you can do whatever you want, which can make it difficult to do stuff sometimes. And the other, which is classic fantasy but with an amazing story. Most new players are at the classic fantasy campaign, and all the experienced players play both.

Now that I've said that though, fate and previous experience would tell me that the moment you come down it will be the worst game ever. That's the way it is when you talk something up.

>Last event, super dark campaign
>"We're going into the caves!"
>Expect to be walking through forest and imagining caves
>Go to a cabin on site
>Step inside
>They've blocked off all the walls in black tarps and sectioned off the inside into a maze using the tarps, making the halls tiny and terrifyingly claustrophobic
>There are blacklights overheard
>There are stalks of paper mache mushrooms sprouting out of the walls and floor
>They're all painted with blacklight paint
>The halls are almost completely dark, lit by the light of the glowing mushrooms

It was intense.

>> No.8213340

So how does Alliance combat work in tight-in places like caves/cabins? Every fight I've been thrown into has been innawoods, which gives all the players the advantage of being able to surround us poor NPCs. I imagine that it's a little harder to do so in narrow hallways.

>> No.8213399

...PCs get murdered in single file, slaughterhouse style? That particular mod was mostly non-com roleplay. I have gotten caught in serious bottlenecks where NPCs have been murdering us single file and the only solution is to run through them.
Most of our proper fights are out innawoods, when you get the whole town fighting, and the on-site buildings are pretty big.

I don't know what the ratios of NPCs to PCs is up north, but at least here they always seem to surround us. Maybe our mods are scaled better?

>> No.8213458
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Must resist....telling....them...

Its Cuir Bouilli wich translate to Cuir = Leather
Bouilli = Boiled.

Now go impress your friend with that knowledge of french.

Also , i remember when the only one posting in these late hour was the Hungarians and they were the only one saving the threads from disapearing in oblivion on /tg/ now the roster or weirdos is getting bigger and bigger.

Hungarian can you post the thing where we are all and all that?

(Also i'm drunk as fuck and i love my city so much rigth now)

>> No.8213478

I've heard the NPC crew tends to fluctuate in size due to GS awards and whatnot. For larger events, we get outnumbered. Of course we get substantial HP and damage boosts compared to the average PC. Combined with some proper coordination, we can make ourselves seem a lot bigger than we actually are. For example, most of our big encounters focus on one or two 'centerpiece' guys like golems or sorcerers or something else suitably threatening, while all of us little guys fan out. We push, PC's pull back, and in doing so the players get corralled and it makes us seem a lot more threatening until we lose cohesion and die a packet-related death.

>> No.8213523

We have a handful of dedicated NPCs that sincerely enjoy NPCing more than PCing, plus an NPC captain for each campaign (I was NPC captain for one of the old campaigns when I was taking a break). So we have a hard team of people who know each other really well, plus some randoms. The plot team gives the NPC team a scale of 1 to 10 on how well they should be fighting (the current NPC captain could solo the entire PC base as a Kobald with a couple of waylays if he wanted to... And he has, sometimes).
It's also important to remember as an NPC that it's really hard to see how much the players are hurting. I've seen battles that have destroyed all the PC's resources but the NPCs thought they weren't doing anything.

The easiest way to tell the PCs are being BTFO'd is if one of the casters starts doing a magic storm. It's always either someone showing off, or a last ditch 'we're all gonna die' move.

>> No.8213621
File: 204 KB, 800x532, canadadaylumberjackssm[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roster or weirdos is getting bigger and bigger
We're like raccoons, you've fed us, now we're going to chew your house down.

>i love my city so much rigth now
Canadian national pride always seems really weird to me, I'm not sure why.
Pic related.

>> No.8213631
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I'm not Canadian.

And it's more about how its nice to take a drink in Montréal when the weather is nice like this (Zero degree celsius tonigth and 5 celsius during the day) Everyone is so godamn happy and smiling and feeling awesome.

Including me.

I also saw Llama today on the main street for a strange reason.

And the owner of the bar made me some italian pasta with meatballs just cuz he had a good time speaking with me.

Then i was still hungry after the nigth but had only a dollar left so i went to the pizza place near me and asked for a slice and since he was closing he just told me...You know what?, have the rest it's on me!

When i got home i realised that my roomate forgot to lock my door and as i got inside i just went...Meh...i'm no even worried a bit.

Damn it feel good to live in the north where its too cold for nigg(WHOA WHOA YOU GOT TOO FAR THERE FRENADIAN)

>> No.8213639
File: 98 KB, 756x504, howto12907[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Canadian
W-what? My USA sensibilities cannot comprehend this. Our hat cannot be split into parts! That makes it a bad hat!

But seriously, explain. I am confused.

Here's a detailed tutorial on making Plasti-dip weapons to keep things on topic.

>> No.8213668
File: 120 KB, 960x639, 1376314_663580117006467_854201281_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if i told you (Get ready its gonna hurt)
That Canada is a Confederation of different provinces in the hopes of being more independant from Britain (as in fuck the Queen is not ruling over us anymore) but failed miserably and the big evil separatist movement is to get Quebec out of this.

Since bills have to be adopted by the majority of province's leader (our political system is a bit different) that mean that if one leader is not present or is against, the majority wins.

This is not representative of the the population since Quebec is 23% and ontario 38%
the other 11 province with 39% of the population can actually decide the fate of the country.

You can see why it is a shitty deal for us that small provinces can pass laws that benefit them but screw up 61% of the country population.

So that mean that if a minister is absent the rest can pass a law also, so when in the 80' a new constitution was passed by vote from all the other minister while Quebec's prime minister was asleep since nobody told him (on purpose) that this move was to be made. it meant that Quebec never signed the new constitution... Wich basicaly mean that Québec should not even be in Canada.

Fuck...i'm talking politics and history again i'm sorry.

Long story short.
It's nice to live here but the word Canadian wich used to mean the French colonist was taken by the british royalist who fled the 13th colonies to call themselves Canadians because it sounded badass.

So what did we learn today kids? that Canada is in fact really fucking complicated and changed his constitution 5times over the years

>> No.8213680
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*brain implodes*
So the right word would be Québécois?

>> No.8213684

On the other hand if anything ever goes to popular vote the west, maritimes, and territories are all screwed over.

It's not really that different from the US in the house vs senate problem in a way.

>> No.8213699
File: 38 KB, 720x480, 582405_425936450825682_1215758869_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont really care to tell the truth.
The french call is Canadians.
The 'Murikans call us French Canadians
Canada just call us Frogs

And then you tell a french that you are American (wish is correct if you think about it)

You tell the American that you are Quebecois

And you tell the Canadian: ''Sorry i dont speak english'' and watch them get real mad.

Yep, that is why this system is bad for everyone in this.
The only ones who profit from this?
the federal government who can use this to pass all the laws they want. even if the population is in big majority against it.

Like the conservatives who really try to void all gay mariages (they did void mariages that were made here by people from other country)

And trying to criminalize weed while Quebec is like...dude no fuck you.

*Funfact , if you smoke weed on the street in Montreal the cops will do nothing 99.9% of the time unless they want to use that as an excuse*

Now add environemental destruction by selling land to chinese companies to dig and all that... yeah

But enough talk about politics i think we went too far there.

When we talk about Québec in the future lets just talk about how pretty it is and how nice are the larp there.... sorry i went too far with my expliquations

>> No.8213812

>and is frequently cheaper to the point where people don't even realize plate is an option.
looking at the online prices, I'm not entirely sure about that...

> you can get the armor points of full plate while running around in your underwear (30 points or so). I'm being it down to... maybe a 10 or 15 point maximum
alright... how is this armor system works exactly?

>> No.8213819

>Hungarian can you post the thing where we are all and all that?
the what and what?

>> No.8213833

>Honestly Daggorhir is the exact same as Biccoline then. The only difference is that Biccoline has Really nice alloted land where they can actualy do stuff and build, and still have it there the next year. And the general populus doesnt shun it as much as in america. Garb is also alot further advanced.
So are there dagorhir players who most of the time doesn't fight but only roleplay non combat roles?
Or any kind of roleplaying that isn't centered around fighting?

Anyway as Frenedian described Biccoline it's pretty close to a battle game with larp elements, somewhere in the middle between, but calling it same as Daggorhir... I think that's pretty much stupid

>> No.8213842

>Canada is in fact really fucking complicated and changed his constitution 5times over the years
Sounds like France alright.

>> No.8213917

australias first four day event that wants to be bidrachcollfestenine is happening in may. you should come along world.

google for "Swordcraft Quest - May 2015"

>> No.8214029

>Canada just call us Frogs
I know you soeak english frog, you have CNN playing the background. Now get me a goddamn burger

>> No.8214218

We call that Gerrymandering over here. Basically a party can redistrict to control just how the state's districts turn out, regardless of actual population density.

Sparing the details because I'm on my phone, but armor ranges on a scale of 0 to ~35 points based on its material, how much it covers, and its overall quality. More armor points = tank more damage.

>> No.8214329

does it work like extra HP?

>> No.8214510

It works exactly like extra hp, steel and brass/bronze give +3 armor per location covered and leather and aluminum/titanium give +2.

>> No.8214515

You're forgetting shipping and things, plus people usually know a leathercrafter around here and all they ever see is leather. If I wanted to buy steel plate, I don't even know where I would go, if I ever wanted to buy leather, I know exactly.

>does it work like extra HP?
Effectively. The location of the hit doesn't matter- it just had to be a hit (though headshots don't count, and there's a thing called 'machine gunning' where you hit the same spot over and over which also doesn't count). Some types of damage bypass armor, but most of the time you just count down your armor, then count down your body points (HP) until you fall over kaput.

Most monsters swing for at least 6's, though, so armor gets eaten fast if you aren't quick. That's why I don't wear it- being fast is better than being armored for my class (ie: Run behind enemy lines, backstabbing the crap out of them, then running as fast as I can when I get spotted before they can down me).

>> No.8214523

and let me guess, average player has a two digit HP

>> No.8214526

I've been playing for 4 years regularly, my my character is now finally at level 14 with 21 body.
Most beginning players come in with 5-9 body.
The equation for leveling and gaining HP is logarithmic, I believe. You gain quickly in the beginning, but it quickly levels out.

>> No.8214534

Just asked my fiance, he's been playing the same character for 15 years and he has 40 HP.

>> No.8214607
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Hey hey folks!

Sorry I have been awol, lots going on.

*Lost my job at CW because the money to import all those artifact that the Muslim extremest are trying to destroy has to come from somewhere.

*Just got some new kiln hardened, spring-stainless fingers from my sponsor.

*Went into business with the last of my money with my friend, and its doing amazingly, but is still too young to be making returns past living wages

*Lots of SCA events.

*Trying to get LS&DT off the ground again.

Whats up?

>> No.8214617

>*Went into business
Doing what? Foppery?

>> No.8214627

Most NPCs have more, in my experience. It generally helps make us a tangible threat for the players since they get healing, resurrection, and magic buffs more often than we do. So in summation NPCs generally have more HP and weapon damage than the PCs so we don't get steamrolled.
Not that it's a problem. We're supposed to challenge the PCs, not overpower them.

Well Alliance combat is mostly running so lighter is generally better.

>> No.8214642

No. Burgers and vikings.

I am not kidding.

>> No.8214651
File: 16 KB, 236x354, 2212c94211de3539be1f1ac50e530afd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In our biggest event Ragnarok, which as arround 5,000 in attendence, and is 8 days long(which is what im comparing to the biccoline event) There's tons and tons of Non-combat stuff to do. Ill Name a few of the things i did do, even though there were many many more.

I went to a characterization class(bet you didnt see that one) with a group of 3 undead as they feasted upon fake licorice guts and threw In character insults such as "thine Mother was so poor that after i strangled her with mine trim, it was the most valuable object she was burried with" and a bunch others i cant remember.

I participated in the Barbarian trading post multiple days.(the event location doesnt allow you to trade items for money unless you receive a license or some bull) where you set up a small shop and Barter IC for other items, many gambling stations were set up, the worst one being "eat this chip with hotsauce and if you dont cry you get this chainmaille aventail"
... I should have known on that one...

A Swine and wine. A Feast where they smoked an entire Pig and tasted their custom homemade wine(which was great) and only a few select units were invited. You had to show up in your best fancy garb, The pig was amazing BTW.

There was a musicians night, I attened where a few of the veteran musicians got together and held a big Impromptu concert. They had two acoustic guitars, a cello, two fiddles, a harp!(which was super cool) multiple drums, and a few maracas and tambourines. That was tons of fun

They had a knighting ceremony, where people were forced to fight anyone who showed up for as long as people came in a gladiator style pit, after they had fought everyone they did the actual knighting ceremony. I believe two got knighted. was alot of fun.


>> No.8214668
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The same camp had a soriee where everyone dressed in their best garb and was announced at the gate with all their titles and shit by one guy the entire night(he was exhausted by the end) They even had a working Open bar with multiple beers on tap. that was cool. all IC

They have a marty gras night which i didnt attend because i wanted to sleep but its there.

A few classes on fighting certain styles(go figure) But the coolest one they had i got to help teach was the grappling class.

each night had a themed event wide party I couldnt name them all though. it was fun.

The particular company i was with "black company" named off the book. is a band of Mercenaries who take up offers and wont switch no matter how much they are offered after theyve already made a deal(we actualy got paid! it was 45 mason jars of peach moonshine, 1 wizard hat, 1 custom plastadipped sward, and one custom 10ft plastadipped spear.)
The company also had many IC secret hush hush events i wasnt let in on as im an honorary member, not an actual one. but they did alot of stuff.

And of course there were too many belly dancers with jingly things off their belts.

Daggorhir has tons and tons of stuff, and while the actual GAME is focused on fighting, its a larp, and the events are shown as such.

>> No.8214731
File: 486 KB, 2048x1365, FILE1373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've just released a bunch of pictures of the DF Chaos Camp in 2014, can you guess which one am I?

>> No.8214735
File: 452 KB, 1365x2048, FILE1364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have tucked my gambeson in...

>> No.8214868


>> No.8214898

>Burgers and vikings
The one in Newport News?

>> No.8214912

Come and get my greasy meat in your mouths!

>> No.8214924

Update: Survived post-apoc game. Broke my super-speedily-built boffer tomahawk over the head (not...*entirely* metaphorically) of the 2nd biggest jackass in the game and as a result got his soul devoured by a radiation demon. Ended up walking out of the game with 1800% of the money I started with, plus having cyberware installed, which I didn't even know was a thing in this game. And had a half-dozen players ask very specifically if I'm going to start coming back to game regularly, because they want me there and I help make the game look good.

I don't think I'm going to quit larping after all.

>> No.8214954

is this man wearing an Alonne Knight helm? cause holy shit.

>> No.8215059
File: 391 KB, 619x822, Tumtusufucu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry i dont speak english

>> No.8215336

Then talk to my bicep KAPOW

>> No.8215351
File: 339 KB, 637x960, sametsam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bicep kapow dont speak pif paf

>> No.8215357

Don't think so, seen a guy with a similar helm down here.

>> No.8215415

It's a pretty generic fantasy helm.
'dark ice helmet' or something similar.
Guy in >>8214735 just painted his up all fancy.

>> No.8215835
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>Burgers and vikings

>> No.8215861

From personal experience

>poundage never goes over 30lbs/15kg
>Never fire at a head, even if they wear a helmet
>Never fire in an arc (arc usually being defined as in enough of an angle to hit a 7 foot guy in the face), even if this gives you range, you might hit someone in the head
>No shooting at night
>Never shoot from the hip (we've had people hold the bow crosswise at hip level, for god knows what reason), it makes for uncontrolled shots.

Sadly, this limits a bow's tactical use somewhat, like firing over bushes, over hills, over walls, firing volleys to hit the lines behind the shields, etc. But arrows are pretty much the most OOC dangerous weapon in a larp.

>> No.8215889

You were going to say niggards, I'm sure.

>> No.8215894

You need to remember that you have a blacksmith at the ready who can make you breastplate with backplate, gorget, pauldrons and bracers to size (the to size part is really fucking important, too) for somewhere around 200-300 dollah bills.

That shit just doesn't fly here, and you're looking at 200 for a one size fits none breast and back plate.

>> No.8216202

If thats Gropey's, its in very bad taste to post it in 4chan.

>> No.8216240


Given how much shit you've evidently been dealing with in the Midwest, that's good to hear NEA.

>> No.8216517

Have you ever considered taking up armoring as a hobby? If some eastern european poorfags can do it in their basement (true story) and backyard, surely someone in THE LAND OF THE FREE would have no problems.

>> No.8216567


How much does a good anvil cost in Bulgaria? They're between 2 and 4 thousand dollars here. A forge can be really cheap, or really, REALLY expensive, and if you live in a suburb or a city, there's a better-than-even chance you can't run your forge due to zoning laws. Shit, even a good set of hammers (instead of just going and buying a claw hammer at Home Depot and calling it a day) is going to run you $200 by itself.

Yes, it's technically possible to cold-forge the entirety of your own gear by using holes in the ground and things like round-top posts to dish the metal. It's also almost certainly not going to be worth the time and effort involved if you're just trying to make yourself larp armor.

(Used to do a bit of backyard blacksmithing until I got cited for noise pollution from the hammering; my neighbors complained. That cost me a $750 fine.)

>> No.8216597

Lots of people here live in apartments or suburban neighborhoods where smithing just isn't feasible, as I'm sure is true in your godless unamerican foreignland. I got the cops called on me last year when I was trying to shape some sheet aluminum for a friend's DR spaulder.

That being said there are so goddamn many independent forges in Eastern Oregon/the coast. Shame so many of them seem to exclusively produce knives and viking swords.

>> No.8216600

oregon is the knifestate. God i love benchmade.

>> No.8216603

Define "good anvil". If you buy a brand new one, it can definitely cost that much, but for armoring you will mostly need stakes and you can do the rest of the work on a piece of train rail (which over here you can get from the gypsies for the cost of two-three beers).

I bought a cheap fifth-sixth hand anvil for around 75 bucks, build my own forge for like 30 dollars, DIY stakes 20 dollars (not needed for beginning) and made my own DIY hammers by modifying cheap supermarket ones.

The only power tool you need is something to cut the steel with, and even then a cheap one can work fine if you don't use it all the time.

Everything (including the gas forge) is in my basement, which dulls sounds and helps avoid any noise complaints (so far there were none). I suppose people here prefer first to complain directly to you, and only if that doesn't work, call the police.

100-150 bucks should be more than enough to get you started. Armor doesn't have to be polished to the max to look good, just planished armor has a charm all of its own.

>> No.8216613


Yeah, in THE LAND OF THE FREE stuff costs more than that, and actually finding people who are getting out of smithing (so you can buy their used gear) isn't something you can count on doing unless you're in some fairly specific regions of the country (Pacific Northwest or the Eastern Tennesee/Alabama/Mississippi region of the South).

Countries are different.

>> No.8216826
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I think it was Ontario who got a free Anvil after one time at the SCA.

>> No.8216930


>> No.8217082

Blah nothing much going on with sca stuff for me. Been super busy with lolita etsy stuff and I have recently gotten more into swing dancing so that doesn't leave much time for other events.

Really I think I've kind lost my enthusiasm for it. I just really haven't clicked with anyone in my local group. They are all either older married couples or younger married/engaged couples and are really involved in the sca together. Makes me feel a bit out of the loop, and I'm tired of that with all of my married friends already. Boohoo

Plus other then the sewing/research stuff I'm mostly interested in dance which is frequently pushed back till the very end of events if it happens at all. Because of this I missed out on it at the last event.

Urgh and the bodice of my brown gown is too small so I had to put in little side panels under the arms which is lame because after one 10 years of sewing you would think that wouldn't happen.

Anyway the TLDR version is that I don't click so much with my local group and am lame and should just man up and get interested again.

Make me hungry. Why must you make me crave burgers when there are none t be found?

Wouldn't be the first time that someone creeply posted stuff about him on a larp thread.

I mean the zoning laws and stuff are true. You can do it though, a friend of mine built a forge fairly cheaply. Unless there are laws against it in your area it's doable you just need to want to.

>> No.8217185

That's pretty similar to what made me lose interest in SCA. Everyone I went with was significantly older, had office jobs and marriages, and already had their full kit put together for the Melees. I just felt really odd about hanging around them with nothing to do during downtime. It was like being a vestigial appendage.
I've been thinking about it now that more financially secure and have my own equipment for rapier fencing, but I'm just not sure.

CRKT, too. Good shit.
God I love this state.

>> No.8217622

CRKT is in oregon aswell?

Where is spydercos HQ?

Speaking of benchmade i lost a benchmade minigriptillian 55 at an event neigh a year ago. RIP, you served me well..

>> No.8217664

Spyderco's in Colorado, hence their Balisongs not having latches.

>> No.8217704

>looking at the local larps is Sydney
Oh dear god what

>> No.8217742

Medieval Knights Sword Fighting

>> No.8217768


I have, but I've done baker/pastry chef first, am now taking sewing classes, and I still have carpentry and leatherworking to cross off my list. And there's still the idea of also going back to taking classical music schooling.

Busy, busy, busy.

>> No.8218011

There's a 'local' (nearly 2 hours away from me) place where the entire building is dedicated to fire arts, including blacksmithing. No armorworking, but they have knifemaking classes and stuff. It's expensive as hell though- the 3 day Blacksmithing I class is $450.

My fiancé and I are planning on taking it as our first 'couple that takes classes together' thing. Plus, you get to make a knife fork and spoon set which will look really awesome in game.

My ex girlfriend was Australian. I feel your pain.

>> No.8218139
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>> No.8218184

>have biggest annual fair in the country that attracts both hordes of gypsies from all over the Balkans and skilled tradesmen
>have a summer cottage in the mountains
>can buy and make ALL the equipment, actually go hunting and LARP in the Šumadija forests
land of the kebab-free, home of the poor
EU membership would be nice right about now, though

>> No.8218267

>EU membership

No sollicitors.

>> No.8218544

Zeleni bairaci? Beli orli? GOR?

>> No.8218549

There's also Plameni Vitezovi but their thing is more specific and their craftsmanship is better tbh

>> No.8218706

So back in the last thread someone posted on the dystopia rising forums to ask if that faggot spouting off "hema people are banned because muh killer instinct" did that ever get a response?

>> No.8218796

Nothing much except misunderstandings or people telling the OP that it was bollocks.

>> No.8218935

By the way some people were writing to our local namefags, I don't think anyone over there will admit it openly.

>> No.8219074

Yeah the 'ban' thing seems fishy. More likely that some of the chapter's cliques just started harassing anyone who knew what they were doing or was vocal about the state of the game. Social influence goes a long way.

>> No.8219181
File: 158 KB, 960x640, 10364147_1629364363954725_7124477868893520144_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They made a english documentary about bico (finaly)
It's by muh moor , Tom Miller who was there last year

Sadly its on facebook for now and i cant post it here because 4chun think its spam...what do?

>> No.8219479

>that pic
What the fuck is the guy on the left wearing? It looks like you cut up a breastplate and strapped it back together like lorica segmentata.

>> No.8219627
File: 60 KB, 604x389, 1559679_10202794897288091_3642401470995768891_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you look closely it doesnt even close all the way.

Now he lost some weigth but at the moment it was kinda funny because it was the first time he wore it since autumn and he was like...''Oh...i think i gained some weigth''

He's a nice guy but yeah...his costume is not the best

>> No.8219831

>He's a nice guy but yeah...his costume is not the best
honestly it looks kinda neat, thought it would be better if it was big enough to close all the way

>> No.8220019

Looks like a simple brigandine without the covering

>> No.8220049

Hey guys, just for a lark, how would you quote "sun's out, guns out" in Latin?

>> No.8220050

In spirit, of course, not necessarily literally

>> No.8220063
File: 106 KB, 792x524, 20130506220422-a8f56875-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

''Ortu sol,Arma de''
Would be a way...
but then again i'm not fluent in latin i'm only basing this on the similarities with french.

''Soleil levé, Armes dehors''
wich would translate in english to
'' Rising sun, Weapon out''
Because Gun would not be a word existing in latin.

Soooo..you could use that...but then again dont blame me if it doesnt work proprely.

My personal motto i had engraved on one of my spear was

''Domine te sunt irate''
Wich would translate to
''Vous êtes fâché,messire?''
Or in english
''Are you mad ,sire?''

>> No.8220168

Good to know I'd not be the only guy out there taking the piss in Latin, thanks btw

>> No.8220180
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Guess I have to leave this here again - make that three. It is supposed to say "Those who are stupid will not get ice cream", although in authentically broken Latin because hey, it's the Chinese tattoo of old times.

>> No.8220417

How much of bicolline's content/playerbase is exclusively in french?

>> No.8220481
File: 38 KB, 720x480, 1185822_494176417335018_1270500457_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure to totally understand the question.

The content can be english if requested. like if you make a face like...''The what did you just say?'' people will just say it again in english.

Playerbase is mostly french native speaker
to be throwing number pulled out of my ass there lets say that:

85% speak both french and english
10% speak only french
5% Speak only english

The 10% that dont speak english are French tourist or people who just really really suck in english and probably had 60% in their school exam just to pass and never had the occasion to speak english again (people from regions far from big city center for exemple)

People who only speak english are either tourist from all around the world and usually speak another language of their own, or just plain Canadians who would not be caugth speaking the language they despise in a million year.

Also we quickly make a difference between 'murikans and Canadians.
'Murikans are lovely and are looking at you speak like they're watching a movie instead of being annoyed at you for hearing you speak french with other french people.

To quote a friend from Oregon who came at bico: ''It's nice because i always feel like i'm back in time in this strange new place and i feel totally immersed''

But we always translated things for him, and when we are drunk and we have to repeat the terribad joke someone did and we need to translate it...it become a thousand time funnier.

>> No.8220486
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Also i think i'll have to stop larping for a while...

I made a new girlfriend and she's really not into that...

So i guess i need to just stop it since my weekends will be pretty much consacrated for our expressive contempory dance saturdays.

I'll keep you updated on my performance coming up.

We migth go back to bico one day but only to show our performance.

Pic related, it's me rehearshing for my new tribal fusion dance.

>> No.8220536

>I made a new girlfriend and she's really not into that...
Ah... the power of pussy! Why doesn't she like LARP?
Sounds normal for a LARP abroad then... Still trying to figure out the armor/weapon shipping, though. Plenty of time till 2016 tho

>> No.8220551
File: 184 KB, 600x400, IMG_3316-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ah... the power of pussy! Why doesn't she like LARP?
Because she think its for fools. so we are spending April together since ....Okay well i cant just keep that, April fool.

If i ever made a girlfriend who is against larp it would probably not be my girlfriend at all.

Even if i make it a point of honor do date outside of the larping community , They are curious at best, uninterested at worst.

The worse case i got was one who told me just plainly that she found it really stupid once she saw my rooms full of larpy stuff and that if she knew about that before ''praising slaanesh'' together , she would have juste left.

And i was like : ''Okay cool whatever you say''
Then i proceeded to send picture of her butt while she wore a 12th century peasant suit to Hungarian while he was really not okay with this.

I also wrote nasty words with a makeup crayon on her body and sent snapchat to some people before sending her suck one of my friend dick.


>Still trying to figure out the armor/weapon shipping,
Like i said, just put it in you baggages and pay the extra , its gonna cost less than shipping and you will be sure to have it

Or if you find a cheap way to ship it, ship it at my adress (that i will not give on 4chun ...for obvious reason huhu) and i'll bring it to bico ...well i mith even just go get you at the airport anyways....Now just need to pass my driver license...

Just remember ...Yellow ligth are NOT a signal to go faster...

>> No.8220553
File: 143 KB, 600x400, IMG_3345-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF, why is nobody stoping me from doing this?

I think i have Typing Tourette

Pic unrelated, the shittiest barricade of all time in a post apo

>> No.8220719

>April Fools
I was wondering when someone was going to call you on it, but everyone seemed to be taking you seriously.

Though, to be fair, I know people who have stopped LARPing because their significant other didn't want them to.
>Be my fiance playing his gay dwarf character
>He falls in love with this elf guy
>Never tells the elf guy his feelings, but spends all his healing on him, protects him at all costs, does everything for him
>This goes on for like, 4 years, elf guy is oblivious
>Stuff happens and dwarf finally professes his adoration
>Leads to excellent roleplay as elf tries to explain he doesn't swing that way
>Everyone has a nice time
>Elf laughs about it with his out of game girlfriend who doesn't like LARPing
>Girlfriend flips out
>Haven't seen the elf guy since

>> No.8220734

Motherfucker you're not fooling me today.

>> No.8220738
File: 66 KB, 604x401, 298485_2136416844564_879939_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we telling gf/bf larp related stories!?

Okay so...
>friend who i've known since 2004
> be playing orks together in shitty backyard larps
>went to afghanistan for some years
>finaly came back
>new girlfriend is super jealous
>cant come to bico unless i swear to her that i'm gonna watch over him
>she took a year before accepting that he came
>he's still not sure that he will have the rigth to come
Other story
>one of our guy is supposed to come on thursday during the big week
>he appear on wednesday
>yeah about that...i'm here because i need a place to stay because.....my girlfriend dumped me
>We go silent until someone say
>''there is no way any of us is staying sober tonigth then''

t'was the nigth were the purple knigth did some coke with a gaul and that i had to walk down the stairs of Yves-Jaques's Shack backward on my belly because i was too afraid to fall on my face.

Also, the number of people in my circle of friends who had ugly breakup this year is TOO DAMN HIIGH

>> No.8220762

>Bring GF to LARP
>Praise Slaneesh in the sleeping bag
>"O shit the condom broke, better take it off and put a new one"
>Fumbling in the dark, broken condom falls down to god knows where
>Forget about it the next morning
>LARP ends, put sleeping bag in washing machine, condom still in there
>... Skip one year...
>Crafting day w drinking and sleepover
>Give sleeping bag to a friend
>They somehow wake-up with broken condom trapped on their waistband
I should have taken a picture when I had the chance. Much pointing and laughing was had.

>> No.8221172

>praising slaanesh
>wearing a condom
Pick one.

>> No.8221177


Depending on the circumstance, praising Slaanesh can involve wearing a condom, so as not to give accidental or unintentional praise to Nurgle.

>> No.8221193
File: 39 KB, 396x554, 10340004_10154407590295471_7841617885192273059_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monquefort Protects

>> No.8221208


You are a wise man.

>> No.8221224

monkey fort?

>> No.8221791

I remember seeing that on /tg/ a ways back.
Good times.

>> No.8221993


How French is Canadian French anyway?
Can I help myself with a healthy helping of Euro French? I have been told there's pronounciation or even expression and vocabulary I wouldn't get.

>> No.8222004

>glisse bien


>> No.8222513
File: 101 KB, 600x400, IMG_3367-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same french, but with small difference.

Think of british english and american english.

Montréal is the second biggest french speaking city after Paris.

Also there is the way we speak that is sligthly different, and why i HATE watching movie translated in france.

I used to have a girlfriend from france and we could never watch movie in original language because of that, and i got really annoyed when i heard how shitty and faggy the french voice from france were

Have a bit of post apo larp with Quebecois voices (yeah the 6f4 dude sound like a truck)
But is is a post apo larp in quebec...or a garden party in russia?


>> No.8222803
File: 152 KB, 1200x800, madeofkill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm here to increse immerssion!

>> No.8223254

Holy shit. Those are some terrible costumes and weapons. Apart from the lass on page 5 that actually has a latex weapon. I thought that shit was grounds for a lynching in the states?

>> No.8223300

welcome to US larps

>> No.8223310 [DELETED] 


Is this thing a bow?

>> No.8223317
File: 389 KB, 243x592, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this thing a bow or something?

>> No.8223325

I am going to be in a bad mood this weekend. the first event of Empire starts tomorrow. But since I work in retail (albeit in the admin office) and it's the Easter bank holiday weekend, I couldn't book the time off.
Going to miss some decent amount of stuff!

>> No.8223366
File: 67 KB, 595x398, augh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fucking pommel grip

>> No.8223385

boffer bow because larp arrow are dangerous so they throw packets instead and only have a bow physrep

>> No.8223404

Yes. Yes it is. Look upon it and weep.
Shame, because archery is actually something I would want to do in a LARP.

The costuming's mediocre.
The dickswords make it worse.
What makes it even worse are people with dickswords who are super smug about them being either lighter or safer.


>> No.8223512

A bunch of the people at my larp use it too. Like, SCA people who should know better. My main motivation to improve is so I can beat them without relying on the "extra reach."

>> No.8223611

The issue is that a lot of those games rely on a single-hit system in a really chaotic environment. I remember my time at Amtgard was mostly spent watching a handful of guys in the center of the fight do the 'furious swinging over their shields' bit, while everyone else just jockeyed to find someone who wasn't paying attention so you could step in and whack em' before anyone knew better.

Anyways my recommendation would be to find a friend who's willing to swing at you with a couple of weapons at full bore and practice range and parrying. The biggest downside of holding your sword so far down to hilt is that it's a bitch to get it back in line, so if their hit doesn't connect, you have a pretty clear advantage.

>> No.8223696
File: 85 KB, 1128x752, crossbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i?

120pound of pression and i have no idea if i can change the string so its less powerful (for larping purposes) without modifying it too much so i can put the original string for reconstitution and just target shooting.

There is someone who want to exchange it to me for an airsoft.

>> No.8223701
File: 21 KB, 250x250, crossbowyark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i dont want to use that.

I hate when people say...a larp ''something''
and need to make it look toy-ish.

I mean....why the fuck does it need to look like that?

>> No.8223990

Yeah, I have weekly practices with some of the other guys, so that's definitely something I can work on. I tend to be overly aggressive when I fight and tire myself out, so if I can curb that, I should be able to punish them a lot more effectively.

>> No.8224059

>larp arrows are dangerous

I could never wrap my head around this. I mean, I suppose it would hurt taking one in the eye or if you happen to be a mouthbreather and if flies straight into your gob, but come the fuck on.

>> No.8224063


Sadly, the string isn't what gives a real crossbow tension, the metal is.

Larp crossbows have tend to have their curves solid (so the bow cannot add to the pressure) with an elastic band. This makes it a lot easier to gauge the pressure.

>> No.8224074
File: 73 KB, 720x480, 996804_478745402211453_2016402588_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so. you are saying that, even by geting a more elastic and longer string, there is no way at all to lower the poundage to 30pounds?

>> No.8224082

Unless you want to go through the trouble of switching out the metal arms each time you want to switch between target shooting/LARPing. I don't even know if that's something that you can do with any regularity.
I'm sure that you can get a set of arms that can keep the draw strength low, though.

Careful aggression is the name of the game in most cases. Making sure that your footwork is on point can cut down a lot on fatigue. I don't know what you fight with, in most cases the passing step is an aggressive fighter's best friend.

>> No.8224088


Technically it is, but it'll involve much trial and error on your part.

If you're willing to try your hand at it, I'd advise some of those bungee cords cyclists use to tie up their packages.

>> No.8224115

The problem with 30lbs draw on crossbows is that they have a lot less draw length, making them less efficient and accurate than say, 30lbs bows.
Unless crossbows have some sort of advantage in your system (to even out that disadvantage) or you really just want to have a crossbow for RP reasons, you should take a bow instead.

>> No.8224116
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lookie wut i found
dunno how relevant
>Kasumi Arimura starring stage " Joan of Arc "

>> No.8224129

>Unless crossbows have some sort of advantage

Can be always loaded, and they come small enough to hide inside a coat (also loaded)

>> No.8224150
File: 41 KB, 308x314, Seriousfrenadian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a crossbow because crossbows are sexy as fuck.

I think i'll get it for reconsitution purposes and use it as a model for those my army friend and i want to build.

Also, Crossbows at Bicolline are not in a big advantage but at Avalon they are pretty gud.

As in , Avalon its roleplay combat so, lets say you have no armor and receive a crossbow bolt, you are wounded and need to get it out of there and sewed up.

So, a armed crossbow pointed at you is a strong argument.

At Bico...meeh , unless you shoot at unarmored targets without shields, its pretty much just to stress and wound people.

But if you are a good archer/crossbowman (wich i am not)
you can make some noice kills.

>they come small enough to hide inside a coat
I'll never use a pistol crossbow. My crossbow need to be a huge fucking sexy thing.

>> No.8224302

>Not adjusting the size of your coat to the size of your crossbow

Do you even nothing personell,kid?

>> No.8224324

finally, that's closer to a larp than the usual stuff. But than again, this doesn't mean that the rest of the events are larps

I'm saying that looking at the leather armor prices. sometimes there are just a pieces of leather with absolutely no work on it except of cutting out and that one piece shit is around 100 euros.
Leather stuff is horribly overpriced everywhere

taking up blacksmithing isn't that I would recommend for larping purposes as it takes a lots of years and equipment to do it in a not shit way.

>How much does a good anvil cost in Bulgaria?
get a piece of rail from a railroad. it won't get any cheaper than that

the indiana organizers didn't responded yet as far as I know but the other organizers called bullshit on it. I wouldn't be surprised that after this even the Indiana organizer won't admit it. I mean the HEMA thing was obviously just a bad excuse to ban those two guy and even the guy from the last thread claimed no one else was banned on these charges yet.

>> No.8224325
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it slightly reminded me of this. Obviously it's different but still...

>> No.8224328
File: 806 KB, 1944x2592, SSA56994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remind me of a turkish armor

>> No.8224332
File: 272 KB, 1024x768, 1elsütőkar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WTF, why is nobody stoping me from doing this?>>8220551
>Then i proceeded to send picture of her butt while she wore a 12th century peasant suit to Hungarian while he was really not okay with this.
dude, I constantly tell you to stop.
Also on a kind of related note: _THE_ larpgirl announced that she will go to Biccoline this year.
I hope you know what to do...

>I'll never use a pistol crossbow. My crossbow need to be a huge fucking sexy thing.
don't be stupid. You don't need a smaller crossbow, you need a bigger coat

also about larp crossbows... image dump commences

>> No.8224333
File: 229 KB, 1024x768, 2dió.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, it's a middle east style, there were a lot of stuff like that there

>> No.8224335
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>> No.8224337
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>> No.8224338
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>> No.8224340
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>> No.8224341
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>> No.8224342
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>> No.8224343
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Who is _THE_larpgirl?
>I hope you know what to do...
Treat her as a welcomed visitor and try to help her find many occasion to meet good people
(i wont hit on her, i make a lot of jokes but i am actually very respectful of personal space and boundaries...except that one time with the pictures and i'm really sorry at the time i tougth you would have liked that)

MON NÈGRE! this is actually pretty fucking useful rigth now!

>> No.8224344
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>> No.8224348
File: 124 KB, 1024x768, 10toldás.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying to hit on her. Although hiting her might be a good idea. But you will get that need soon enough

>> No.8224352
File: 1.04 MB, 2592x3872, M%25C3%25A1ty%25C3%25A1s%2520%25281%2529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, here is a better pic of that crossbow

>> No.8224355
File: 105 KB, 1024x768, 11toldás.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaand disregard that, it's not the same

>> No.8224357
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>> No.8224358
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>> No.8224361
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>> No.8224362
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>> No.8224363
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It will be tough to find her amidst the sea of Brown generics that she helped create.

>> No.8224364
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>> No.8224365
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I have faith in your skills

>> No.8224368
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>> No.8224370
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>> No.8224372
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>> No.8224375
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>> No.8224376
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>> No.8224378
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>> No.8224380
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>> No.8224382
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>> No.8224383


Always wondered, what's the purpose of the metal ring that's always on the front of crossbows?

>> No.8224385
File: 188 KB, 767x1023, 31egybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you put your foot in there while the whole thing is vertical and you pull the string back for reloading.

>> No.8224388
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>> No.8224389

Okay but...what is with the white thing in the middle?

>> No.8224390
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>> No.8224392
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bone pieces

>> No.8224394
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the end

>> No.8224395

Would anyone like the horror stories of what its actually like to be a smith/cutler in a western, non ex-soviet bloc country, while I'm taking a peek in here? (the short version is, its great if you want to look at mcdonalds' burger-flippers and wish you could make their hourly wage.)

you stick your foot through the metal loop (stirrup) so you can pull the string up using both hands (or a goatsfoot lever.) and the bow stays in place.

>> No.8224397

>Would anyone like the horror stories of what its actually like to be a smith/cutler in a western, non ex-soviet bloc country, while I'm taking a peek in here? (the short version is, its great if you want to look at mcdonalds' burger-flippers and wish you could make their hourly wage.)
we are always ready for story time

>> No.8224436


Truth. In case your next question would be "whatever for?", the heaviest estimate on a british longbow is 185lbs/85kg, whereas a stirrup drawn crossbow should reasonably allow you up to 265lbs/125kg of drawn weight, though with training even that can go heavier.

>> No.8224453

then while the wax cools, let me regale you with the grim reality.

As a benchmark, a Czech, Bulgarian, or a Polish smith can probably do you a sword for about £200, plus postage.

Here I am, in the UK. And a younger, more optimistic cutleranon said to himself "I can make that". And reality bit me on the arse pretty rapidly...

For me, as a smith in the highlands, here's a sort of overview of the expenses I have. First off, a forge that set me back £300, a belt grinder that cost £1,400, and probably about £1300 in random tools (A small, modest, 2nd hand anvil, a pillar drill, makita die grinder for cutting in the basic shape of fullers, and anglegrinder for cutting stock, 3M facemask and respirator, vernier callipers, lamps, 1000's of files, drill bits, gravers, etc

(I probably also have about £500-600 worth of inherited tools from late grandparents - fortunately, my grandfather loved to buy good tools.)

So, to make one sword. Steel. that's the cheap bit. A bar of steel will set me back about £20, - £10 od steel, £10 shipping (everything listed here is including delivery expenses.), and shaping it will cost me about £20 on ceramic belts, maybe a £5 die grinding wheel too sometimes. Since I cant wet afford the £2000 set of digitally controlled kilns to be able to HT the stuff, I outsource that, for about £40. I'll then spend maybe £10-12 on emery papers, for the hand polishing and grinding to final detail shapes.
So a bare blade is about £90, just in materials.

the hilt, if I'm forgeworking, might be £30 of materials. if its for HEMA, its cast in higher-carbon steel. That will cost £650 for a batch of waxes, including the cost of the high-end wax itself. A batch will probably consist of 4-6 hilts. For simplicity, assume 5, that's about £130 per hilt. Plus £5 of emery papers, plus maybe £5 of chemicals if blacked or blued.

>> No.8224457

Then I have the grip. A block of beech wood is £4, and cord will set me back about £20 for a reel, I usually go through one reel for every 4-5 swords. I then have the leather for the grip -£120 for a single hide, which will do me for maybe 15 grips. So lets say £8 each. £5 for some cord that is bound over the leather which is thrown away, and the dye for it too, at the same time.

So, in the UK, working to make one sword, the base material costs, for the simplest sword for hema use sets me back £90 of blade, £130-140 of hilt parts, £25 of grip parts. £245+, just for the material costs to make a sword. that's not even including the time, the research work (which can be thousands, travelling to museums in england, france, germany...), or the time spent actually making the objects - which can be dozens or hundreds of hours. Add in engraving, inlay, complex details, and the likes, and the hours go stratospheric.

A scabbard, the cost is similar - maybe £30 for a leather for scabbard and belts, £10 of dye, glue and linen thread, £30 for the castings for the buckle, chapes, etc. £12 for the limewood for the core, £5 for the linen that binds the core, maybe £5 for the lining in wool that goes inside the scabbard, if its a style that uses that. Nearly £100, in total, just for the materials - and that's for a really simple one.

and that's before I even start to factor in living costs, bills, the council tax, etc. Just the stuff to make a sword and scabbard it would be about £300.
If I were mass-producing 200 at a time, I could cut costs massively, but I'm not in a factory with an industrial grinder, or CNC lathes to make pommels by the dozen. Even so, you're looking at £100 for the materials for a good sword, if work is automated.

The eastern European guys can get materials vastly cheaper, and have a fraction of the living costs. As I rapidly learnt, there's no way to compete on price.

The US is no cheaper. And armouring is the same story.

>> No.8224463

as far as I see eastern european smiths mostly use less tools too and try to cut the costs more. And sometimes make cruder stuff than you. I mean you are by no means in the middle of the bell curve.

>> No.8224464

So the horrible, cold hard reality of the matter is, for those guys working in the UK, Sweden, France, the US, we cannot compete on price. Even asking £300 per sword, I'd effectively be giving them away. If I asked £650, at perhapsa hundred hours, in total, including the research, the design, everything, it would equate to £3 an hour of actual pay. (And I really wish that 100 hours were all it took for the really finely finished stuff...) When we've got politicians talking about a £10/hour minimum wage, self-employed craftsmen in a specialist field like armouring, or arms are left ruefully sobbing. If I were asking just £10/hour, I'd have to be looking at Peter Johnsson-esque prices. And I certainly dont have his reputation, yet.

The grim reality is, as a career, making this stuff in the west, even the best of us are left destitute and surfing on the edge of bankruptcy all the time.

>> No.8224471

well, yes. I had a customer pick up one of mine, and one by Jino, and he described it as the difference between a Fiat and a Ferrari in how they felt in the hand. He sold the jino 3 days after he got it, because he could no longer accept that sort of handling, never mind the difference in finish.

So, yeah, I'm very much on the far end of the curve, I'd like to hope that my name is up there with Fabrice, Peter and Patric barta, or if it were armour I were doing, up there with Per-lillelund, Roman, or Mac.


>> No.8224483
File: 205 KB, 666x458, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also add in that most people who buy swords don't know shit about how it supposed to be feel. A fuckton of buyers are just idiot dumbfucks who want to swing it at each other and call it a buhurt or reenactment.
I think I already told you the guys who use real sabers from the 1800's because you can get them piss cheap compared to buying a new one from a smith.
Or the other side is cutting out a marginally sword shaped thing from a flat spring, put on a crossguard and handle and you have a sword, there you go

>> No.8224502

>Or the other side is cutting out a marginally sword shaped thing from a flat spring, put on a crossguard and handle and you have a sword, there you go

Ah, you've used a Fabri Armorum messer, then?

no distal taper, oversized pommels. Horrible shit.
I once ground 600g of steel off of one of Jiri Krondak's messers, and it was still overweight. Handled at least slightly decently afterwards though.

Honestly, it boggles me that people buy the stuff, and are happy with it.

>> No.8224506

>Ah, you've used a Fabri Armorum messer, then?
no. I'm saying that there are people who literally do just what I wrote: get a piece of metal or flat spring and cut out a sword from it then call it a day. Then they shittalk everyone how their sword is awesome and if you use anything that's not 5 kg at least then you are a pussy, not a real man and don't know shit because MUH MANLINESS!

>> No.8224546

Easy solution, come live in Bulgaria, bro

>> No.8224567
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>> No.8224609

but nobody would buy his stuff in bulgaria either.
cutleranons main problem is that he makes a high end stuff but as of that not THAT high end that his name would be well known all around the world. So the casual swordfags won't buy his shit because he is too expensive for them, and the eich swordfags with fuckhuge expectations already thrown a fuckton of money at the well known faces

>> No.8224622

I don't suppose that you'd be willing to share your forge's name?
To be honest I've been fancying the idea of having a sharp of my own.

Jesus fuck I hate Krondak so much. Someone in my club bought one of his sabers when he decided to move up to steel. The damn thing handled like a club. I tried putting it through some of Angelo's Hungarian Sabre and ended up having to go handle a friend's antique to cleanse my palette.

>> No.8224652
File: 152 KB, 1000x1455, 71zcVU4tsWL._SL1455_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /larp/ think about me putting together a Guts from Berserk costume for conventions and Ren-Faires and LARPS?

I follow several people on Ebay and Etsy and stuff that I can get the clothes and accessories from, but I am not sure where to get the codpiece and the leather bandolier for the little throwing knives.

I plan on using a dark-metal gauntlet for the "metal hand" part.

And I follow a guy and his item on Etsy that is the 1:1 full-size Dragon Slayer sword Guts uses, but it's like 500 bucks +50 shipping.

Might have my LARP group's "foam-smith" make a "boffer" one for cheaper, or if you have a better idea I'm all ears.

And what could be cooler than using the Dragon Slayer in a LARP?

>> No.8224658

Colour me interested.

>> No.8224663

Nothing. Nothing could be cooler.

>> No.8224688

>I hope you know what to do...
The correct answer is sex right?

>> No.8224692

>leather bandolier & codpiece

>> No.8224871
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>> No.8224941

>I hope you know what to do...
Praise Slaanesh?

>> No.8225019
File: 656 KB, 1600x1067, IMG_4636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still nope

>> No.8225084

But what other options could there be?

>> No.8225153
File: 723 KB, 1600x1200, MPRondel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont have a forge, I'm just a cutler. My business is just my name. (Helps that I'm not called John Smith. Or Macdonald/Mackenzie, etc. there's only a handful of people with the family surname.)

Also, while smiths have forges, 90% of my stuff is cold worked, and, more importantly, like historical cutlers, much of my work is outsourced - a specialist heritage castings place do my bronzes, for hema stuff I get castings done the same place that the Williams F1 team has their made. (sort of indicates the quality, I hope.), I have specialists do stonecutting when I need Saxon garnets, or for heat-treating sword-blades too big for my own wee set-up.

Far more of my time is spent with cold metal, than with heat. Today, I've spent the entire day with gravers and hammer, chiselling Lombardic text into a knife blade, to inlay with 24ct gold wire, and making a set of wax master sculpts to be cast for the buckles on a 15th C plate harness, for example. barely any heat at all.

anyhow, if you want to search for me, an image search of this pic should lead you to me in less than 5 clicks. I wont use a name or trip. Not really my thing.

its a small enough country I don't doubt you know someone who knows someone I know. Especially if they do HEMA, reenactment, or the likes.

>> No.8225160
File: 1.13 MB, 1600x1200, french-dagger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and if that doesnt get a result, this will.

>> No.8225181 [DELETED] 

Do you have a website? Would love to see more of your stuff.

>> No.8225188

I sent you an email. The automated reply message has a typo, btw.

>> No.8225196

Shit, I think I know you. Old Cammie?

>> No.8225230

Yeah, I once played the Nosferatu clan head for the UK.

I had a fit of sanity, and quit. Too much OOC politicking, too many cliques.

>> No.8225232

Yup, then I do know you. I played a 12th Gen Ventrue, was on/off Duke of Kirkcaldy for years.
Old Cam OOC bullshit was hilarious.

>> No.8225249

Vampire larp:
Hoary, power-mad bloodsuckers, weaving complex Byzantine schemes to strengthen their cabals, surrounded by sycophantic followers in their safely fortified havens, while eyeing their opponents, real or imagined, with jealousy and paranoia. Their entire existence spent in a constant hell, draining all life from their surroundings.

And then, you got their characters in-game...

I miss the dundee guys though, They were good people. I Think I recall yourself from Dundee and particularly Edinburgh, but I'll admit, I'm shite at remembering names.

>> No.8225256

Hah, you speak the truth. Dundee was always fun, did mostly play Edinburgh/Fife though.
Still see and game with other old cammies, pretty much only at field larps.

>> No.8225311

I ended up spending a long time living in Edinburgh, knew a lot of the ex-members there who'd left as well. But TBH, the poisonous crap from people in the north got so bad that I finally quit and gave up entirely. They sucked all the fun out of it.

So nowadays, I do re-enactment for my fix of weird clothes, work as a cutler and maker of arms creating beautiful objects, and have a reputation as a historian in professional academia. I'm glad to be rid of those toxic fuckers, even if I lost touch with many of the good ones in doing so.
Still remain friends with the likes of Cathy M, Graeme G, Katherine P and Oz, Gav A, Tony E, Sally B and Sarah A though... They are still good people.

>> No.8225440

Dem sexy sexy daggers

>> No.8225691

Does anyone else's game have a maximum size for shields?

From the alliance rulebook
"Safety is the prime consideration when
constructing a shield. All edges of the shield
must be padded with at least 5/8 inch thick pipe
insulation. Bolts or protuberances are not allowed.
The longest dimension of a shield cannot
exceed 36 inches. The maximum area of a
shield is 531 square inches (a 26 inch diameter
circle). This rule is enforced! Any recesses or
voids in the shield silhouette will be ignored
for calculating total surface area."

I fucking hate shield size restrictions, I want my damn scutum.

>> No.8225692

If I am playing a unicorn by wearing a unicorn onesie for a casual larp, do I need to wear unicorn-y makeup and stuff too?

>> No.8225706

S wordcraft does. Seems pretty necessary in a game where you can't make head shots, otherwise people would just turtle and shields would be almost invincible one on one

>> No.8225711

Whats the maximum size in swordcraft?

>> No.8225726

Round, 70 cm rectangular, 60*90 cm max size

>> No.8225747

At least thats better than a surface area limit, I can't make an oval shield that doesn't suck because the surface area would only let it be 36 inches by 4 inches.

>> No.8225759

How bad are you at math, a 36*4 inch shield is a surface area of 144 square inches, assuming square edges.

>> No.8225782

>assuming square edges.
I may be bad at math, but at least I don't think ovals have square edges.

>> No.8225806

Amtgard has similarly stupid rules, Belegarth even has shield size restrictions (although somewhat less stupid).

I don't know about swordcraft but most of these games have ways to deal with shields - two-handed weapons swing to break them, magic destroys them, etc. And to be honest big shields are a lot less effective one-on-one than you might think, due to loss of maneuverability. They're a much bigger deal in a shield wall/line fight.

>> No.8225831

People are somewhat organised in Sword and boardcraft. Most of the powerful factions have a shield majority, and a significant amount of armor. Swordcraft's got no formal magic system, it can be used to fluff throwing weapons, javelins, bandgun 'wands', and healing methods. To my knowledge there's no way to bypass shields. Even guns can't breach them.

>> No.8225835

That is, assuming the surface area of the oval is calculated from the longest dimension of the oval, and the dimension perpendicular to that, which is what the guide lines seem to specify

>> No.8225838

Siege weapons ignore them. I would love to build>>8225835
a hellblaster volley gun for the Averland faction

>> No.8225891

Yeah, but I don't think they're allowed on Fridays. Personally I wouldn't mind somehow making a padded water pressure rocket, then if I'm feeling really mean make a hwacha out of them.

Anyway, new rules opinions? I haven't participated yet but I've been hearing a lot of complaining. What's got me frothing at the mouth though is that corsets are now worth more armor than gambesons.

>> No.8225900

It just occurred to me that the particular choice of words I used to describe my anger could be misinterpreted in slaaneshi ways. Please forgive me Khorne. (However, I'm more of a Nurgle kinda guy).

>> No.8225906

Lord knows I'm in no hurry to defend most aspects of Alliance combat, but the size restrictions make sense. Without the ability to grapple or use axes and such to try and hook around and pull the shield off line, large shields like the scutum can give you functional immortality in a melee.

Weren't corsets originally just things women wore under dresses to keep their waists impossible? When did they become armor?

I'm more of a Tzeentch man, myself.

>> No.8225918

Corsets and gambesons are in different categories, and the offer the same armour. You can wear both so they stack

>> No.8225943

Read the 2015 rules? It mentions corsets count as light armor now, unless I've gotten an early release.

To use the rules' definitions.

>Light Armor
>1 for both torso zones covered (stomach and chest)
>1+ for back torso zone
>+1/4 per limb zone covered (not including elbows or knees)

>Acceptable Torso and Limb Armor
>Light Armor
>... Full corset with at least 24 steel bones (torso armour only) ...

>Bonus Points (Only one of the following can be claimed and cannot take total HP beyond 15)
+1 HP for 5mm+ thick padded gambeson covering torso and arms

>> No.8225952

Hey LARPers, quick question: I'm a new HEMA practitioner, and I was wondering if the skills translate well into LARP systems. The immediate thought is "Of course" but I'm not sure considering the rules and regulations that go along with the games. I started playing in Dagohir coming from an SCA background and I was getting lit up because heavy fighting translates very poorly.
Thanks in advance

>> No.8225955

What you posted agrees with me. Corsets are light armour, while gambesons are bonus armour, and both give one HP

>> No.8225962

One point for the front zone, one point for the back, right?

>> No.8225964

Yeah, I can see wanting to nerd shield walls (by limiting shield size) in a game like that if 2-handed polearms aren't shield-breaking.

>> No.8225968

>Hey LARPers, quick question: I'm a new HEMA practitioner, and I was wondering if the skills translate well into LARP systems.
Your training makes you too dangerous for larp fighting as under pressure you'll snap back to your muscle memory and end up kicking the shit out of some faggot and then breaking his spine over your mighty hema knee and then you'll probably rape him because you're a rapist too because hema practitioners are all evil.

This is what dystopia rising players actually believe.

>> No.8225969

You mean like... history? Where better armed and armored men survived more often than unarmored skirmishers?

>> No.8225971

Some but not all skills will translate. LARP weapons don't behave identically to what you're used to and LARP rules won't let you use everything you've practiced, but a lot of body mechanics, footwork, etc. will carry over pretty well.

>> No.8225979


Shit, you found me out.

>> No.8225980

Uh... Not sure what you're getting at. Historically shields broke in combat all the time, if you let your opponent wail on them freely. Shields being totally invulnerable is giving them power they don't need/have. Limiting their size is taking away power they should have. From a gameplay perspective, that can be a desirable balance. I don't really agree with it personally.

And shield lines are still great, and sword & board is still great, even when you nerf shields for gameplay reasons.

>> No.8225985

Ahhh trudat, I only saw one point for both zones and assumed they both had to be covered. Still a steel boned corset seems like it would offer some perfection against slashing attacks, similar to splint armour

>> No.8225997

Games are supposed to be fair. History isn't. And up until recently Armor HP was insanely bloated. 3hp base, 15hp maximum.

In the old rules, melee hits dealt 1hp, bows 3, guns 2. Lone Heavies would just mop up crowds of unarmored even if they got surrounded, though part of that is possibly due to the plate not allowing them to feel the hits, or at least have plausible deniability.

Currently torso hits do 3hp without adjusting the health or healing system that much, and two handers dealing 3hp damage all over the body. You can take a heavy down reliably if you get the drop on him with a dagger and a fast hand, but lightly armored players are now useless in a straight fight. It could also be argued that the healing system shafts over lightly armored players even more, because it takes the same amount of time to heal a light to full as it does to a heavy, unless you're sympathetic to serfdom it's a no-brainer to heal the heavies. Which seems to result in lightly armored players dying instantly and having no opportunity to get back up.

Personally my favorite system that we trialled was when we went with a slightly modified version of biccoline's system, where damage is locational and you only get armor bonuses if it actually covers the area being hit. Sure, you could die instantly, but if you were good so could heavies. I had fond memories of sneaking around and hamstringing shield walls from the unprotected backsides of their greaves.

>> No.8226002
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>> No.8226061

Corsets are originally undergarments and for most of the historical periods LARPs are based on women who had to do any kind of physical work would not have worn them because they limit movement (assuming it's a real corset and not some costumey goth bullshit)

>> No.8226065

Stay away from the center of the fight and skill starts to be more of a factor.
Everything you learned about angle and basic rules for parrying is true. Most of what you know about timing, on the other hand, is going to be pretty useless because tempo gets shot to shit when people are just snapping their weapons back and forth. Weirdly enough, not being the guy that whips his sword backwards instantly after a parry can be damning, so be careful.

All in all if you've practiced saber or backsword, you're golden.

>> No.8226097

Just to continue my little rant, a lot of people didn't like the new system because, if you say had your forearms covered by a metal bracer and the rest of your arm by a gambeson, and got hit alternatingly in the gambeson or bracer, they couldn't math that very well, though we didn't give it much of an adjustment period. The given excuse whenever I questioned someone why they didn't like bicco and brought up that it had been working for the quebecois for 2 decades was 'It wasn't right for the community.' Which seems like a copout answer and doesn't make much sense to me. Were they saying australian brains are too alcohol soaked to do math properly? (It wouldn't surprise me lately, but I digress)

either way, neither would be more protective than a gambeson I'd imagine.

>> No.8226108

It should not count as armor. I'd actually argue that the wearer should take a stat hit if it's not a proper corset that restricts their mobility naturally.

>> No.8226114

>I'm more of a Tzeentch man, myself.
finally, an upstanding african american gentleman

>> No.8226403

I still see and scene with Sal 3-4 times a year due to No Rest For The Wicked, probably going to see her even more if I start Stargate and she starts Empire.

>> No.8226430

Not a big fan of location based hit pools. Much prefer how Empire does it:
Everyone has base HP.
Armour adds on (Light - 2, Medium -3, Heavy - 4)
Every weapon does one damage, but different types have differing calls that they can do a couple of times per day. Two Handers can shatter shields/weapons they hit. Polearms can knockdown opponents, one handers can cleave someone, making limb useless or dropping someone entirely if hit in the chest.
Bow/Crossbows do Impale, that has the same effect as Cleave but only Heavy armour protects against Impale but medium/heavy protects against Cleave, causing the attacks to do one HP instead.
Means that if the monsters have a shield wall you send in the Two Handers to shatter them, or the Polearms to knock em on their arse.
It's simple. Very few calls to remember. And no maths needed.

>> No.8226570

I still live, surprisingly.

Mostly just been a dead winter in terms of doing anything related to SCA, so yeah.

I did however get into fighting finally, loving it even though my kit looks like horrid ass, but its not meant to be pretty just yet.

>> No.8226605

Just started LARPing (in the US). Any tips for a newbie? I'm coming from a costuming background, so I've got that down, but other than that, I need some do's and don'ts of RPing and metagaming that I don't want to learn the hard way.

>> No.8226691

The ' Felching ' ' is the act of sucking your sperm behind your partner. Is there a better dessert? Cum slurping at the cul- marinated . may increase the risk of transmission of HIV and STIs in both you and your partner . the use of a condom during intercourse , then eat your leftovers from the outside confom can reduce this risque.Et compared has an ass , latex is also a tasty banana split

>> No.8226727


>> No.8226734

What game and where?

>> No.8226758

Have you ever felt like you were about to make one of the bigest and longest poop of all your life so you brougth a snack with you?

>> No.8226759

Have you ever started masturbating watching a video with Annette Shwarz but stoped because she was really scary and it felt weird?

>> No.8226762

I got the anvil from my mom's friend, I got a coal forge from a gentleman at the SCA, who couldn't use it because of where he was living now.

>> No.8226775
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Did you make some stuff with it ?
We are curious to see huhu.

>> No.8226780

Working on a small saex at the moment, I'll post pictures when I'm done.

I also likely didn't quite do it right, but its definitely a knife.

>> No.8226909
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Posting pictures of the work in progress is nice also. Like the crossbow from earlier.

>> No.8227392
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>And then, you got their characters in-game...
pic related.

Ex stoke on trent Cam reporting in

>> No.8228532
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Bump because i like larp.

>> No.8229432


>> No.8230041
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>> No.8230258
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i ...hum...wha... okay...

Finaly exchanged my impulsive bougth airsoft for a Longbow worth 120$ plus a gift certificate from Zardwin worth 130$

So yeah...for a airsoft i bougth 120$ ... i'm pretty satisfied.

Now if only i did not sucked at shooting a bow.

I was looking in his shop for historical stuff but he told me that everything historical he does is on demand because it does not sell as much as leather armor and fantasy clothing.

We silently wept.

>> No.8230786

Hows Gropey's Slaanesh cult going, Frenadian?

>> No.8232379
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>> No.8232703
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>> No.8232806
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>> No.8232817
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He wont be at Bico this year.
But the cult is growing.
Even people i never event met are now part of it.

On another note, i got some good Maple wood and my woodworker friend is gonna make some crossbow frame while my metal worker friend is making the metal parts.

>> No.8232825
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>But the cult is growing.
pig disgusting

>> No.8233501

Frenadian mate you should come to Drachenfest in the Chaos Camp - there will be a Slaneeshi temple this year.

>> No.8233596
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I'm piss poor.

>> No.8233735
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orc disgusting

>> No.8235296

Well to be fair a tzeentch temple would involve a degree of backstabbing that would not be conducive to a hearty worship.

>> No.8235583

but that's the right kind of worship

>> No.8235606

Will the reputation and quality of American LARPs ever improve, or are they fucked forever? How badly do American LARPs affect the reputation of the hobby in other countries? What do non-American LARPers think? Do they think American LARPs are hurting the hobby for those in other countries and should fix themselves or stop, or do they think 'live and let live'?

>> No.8235708

>Will the reputation and quality of American LARPs ever improve, or are they fucked forever?
it will improve. I mean it already started in a few places but if a miracle didn't happen then it will be slow as fuck. I'm talking 5-10 years time interval

>How badly do American LARPs affect the reputation of the hobby in other countries?
little to no impact as far as I see

>What do non-American LARPers think? Do they think American LARPs are hurting the hobby for those in other countries and should fix themselves or stop, or do they think 'live and let live'?
depends on the person but personally while I think they should put more effort into it and make the whole thing better and get their definitions straight, at the end of the day as long as someone enjoys it they will do it and who am I to argue it?

>> No.8235720
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also on an unrelated not I hope I'm kind of close to finish the repainting on my breastplate and backplate plus the painting of my new gorget and gauntlet

>> No.8235843

to my vague knowledge the aus larp scene used to be us-tier. A former friend would reminesce about how duct tape swords used to be the norm, called hits were common, and filled with convoluted magic, that sounded, much like my former friend, kinda shit. For all the shit I give Swordcraft and its management, they did the right thing taking influence from Eurolarp/Biccoline. AFAIK the euro influence could just be a localised Victoria thing. I forget, to my knowledge Swordcraft has branches in Bendigo, Ballarat and I think Adelaide and Sydney. I hear vague complaints in the LARP threads from people in Sydney. If someone more experienced wants to correct me, feel free, I'm not a veteran.

So to answer your question, might want to try looking up Swordcraft for inspiration as to try and lift your game.

>> No.8235846

>A former friend would reminesce about how duct tape swords used to be the norm, called hits were common, and filled with convoluted magic
truth to be told nearly all larp started there. It's just the US never tried to evolve from there

>> No.8235847

It was mentioned in this old thread - https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/35603776/ - that American LARPers who want to participate in a decent larp without having to find one of the low-profice decent ones in America can just visit Europe. How often do people actually travel to Europe to participate in LARPs? Or is it generally too expensive to be worth it?

>> No.8235855

too expensive apart from the big games.
some people travel to Drahenfest or to mythodia or some of the other really big games but apart from that traveling to Europe JUST for the larp doesn't worth it. Then again I've met a US guy in a Croatian larp who worked at the Croatian US embassy so if you have other stuff to move to Europe temporary it's doable.

Then again in that thread the question was how can someone get into european larping from the US so yeah travel is the only option. Except if you meant that you want european _quality_ larp in the US which is a totally different thing

>> No.8235859

I know a couple of poorfags down here who've been to drach/conquest once or twice, and Frenadian apparently made friends with one of Swordcraft's head organisers. Then again, we have decent minimum wage, and considering there's dole bludgers at SC with decent kit, relatively generous welfare.

>> No.8236002

meanwhile. Autosage, new thread, standard procedure

>> No.8236756

....Is that a fucking altar to Slaanesh with crt's? WTf frenchfag?