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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 113 KB, 677x1100, tumblr_njzflwhpoV1tt30uco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8203150 No.8203150 [Reply] [Original]

It's been such a long time since the last Mori Kei Thread so, here we go! Share your experience on the trend, post some girls on cute layered coords, post advice, you know the drill! I'll begin...

>> No.8203151
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>> No.8203153
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>> No.8203155
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>> No.8203163
File: 1.55 MB, 1280x1707, tumblr_njnzhoLr1U1ravthfo1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8203173
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>> No.8203189
File: 423 KB, 750x1125, monmonmori_IMG02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8203491
File: 55 KB, 438x750, 4376019482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any mori on/for guys?

>> No.8203787

In a similar vein, any outfits with pants? Im considering wearing mori more now it's getting colder but i don't like skirts. Ill see if i can dredge something up later to contribute with too.

>> No.8203833

>Share your experience on the trend
I think this style works best for very petite girls or girls with little to no curves (or maybe just a dgaf attitude). I have an hourglass figure (inb4 fatty-chan--I'm not; I just have relatively large chest and hips) and this style just makes me look fat--so unflattering. It makes these models look fat, too... just not a very flattering style. I like the softness and the comfort of mori kei, but it's not for me on an every day basis.

>> No.8203842
File: 230 KB, 740x1692, IMAG1089_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my first attempt. This photo wasn't the whole outfit. I had a fur and lace collar, and a fake foxtail on my bag.

>> No.8203907
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>> No.8203912
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>> No.8203913
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>> No.8203918

To me mori is super whimsical and I absolutely adore it. Unfortunately I don't think it would flatter me I'm really short and built like a rectangle. I'm worried I'd end up looking less forest princess and more fatty chan in a lace moomoo

>> No.8203921

More outfits with gingham, red, shorter skirts and less layers please? I look best in brighter colors and not baggy clothing or long skirts so....

>> No.8203931

I'm a curvier girl and I've found that you can still wear mori. The trick is to wear things that have a little more definition in the bust like the one on the right in >>8203153 or to wear the trapeze style in shorter lengths, such as with pantaloons or something. Empire waist dresses are a blessing. You can also wear something like >>8203189 and toss a loose belt around your waist. Explorer belts (don't know what else to call them, but they have a pouch or two?) look cute. If you really want to wear the longer layered trapeze style, use long necklaces and be sure that your hemlines don't fall at the middle of your calves. I think pantaloons as pants and a top like >>8203907 would be flattering as well.

>> No.8203976
File: 94 KB, 750x750, L_g0036195488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8203984

rectangle is what you want to be anon

>> No.8204000
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>> No.8204004
File: 149 KB, 700x933, 20091129_987492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8204025

Mori is all about neutrals, layering, and loose clothing, so...

>> No.8204028
File: 179 KB, 730x941, Lumberjack kei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course!

>> No.8204034

I love this lumberjack look over the little boy look. Mmmmhmmm

>captcha was xplay
Why yes, I would like to. Thank you for noticing my raging ladyboner, captcha.

>> No.8204071

I swear we can't go a single thread without having to have this debate. Neutrals are only one take on the style, light layers are a thing and it's possible for clothing to be loose-fitting but not baggy.

>> No.8204082

It's not though, styles without neutrals that are similar are different styles.

>> No.8204083

I would love to see an outfit not based around neutrals. The only one I've seen in this thread so far is the one with the red skirt and honestly that doesn't scream mori kei to me.

>> No.8204144
File: 127 KB, 742x960, 1535507_664969783546313_1450316650_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like what, hama (never a formally recognized style) or yama (exists, but real-life yama girl fashion barely resembles what most people recognize from magazines)? The originator of mori girl herself has been known to work with bright colors; this is a coord from her mori girl style book.

>> No.8204168

You might like cult party kei. Similarish to mori, red and gingham common.
Maybe in the realm of some natural kei too.
I think it could work with mori, if it has a natural vibe but wear what you want, you don't have to define yourself to a style.

>> No.8204273
File: 495 KB, 981x1270, 41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colors and motifs, also from Choco's style book

>> No.8204274
File: 676 KB, 981x1270, 40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8204275

LMAO anon this is a random white bitch from FB.

>> No.8204286

No that photo anon posted is of Choco lol

Book is on Amazon JP under
森ガール fashion & style BOOK

>> No.8204292
File: 739 KB, 900x1101, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8204321
File: 349 KB, 545x345, 28_29_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A different shoot supervised by choco (small pic, sorry, I dunno if it's out there scanned bigger anywhere). I love this shade of blue.

Wow, anon. I've been aware that /cgl/ mori threads are full of people who don't know shit about the fashion for a while now, but you just took the cake.

>> No.8204334

What is wrong with you

>> No.8204335

>taking the bait

>> No.8204346

I figured it was probably bait but there are people like that

>> No.8204359
File: 158 KB, 640x640, 3b21959cb3ba11e3976e126cdc24cf50_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really can't tell what's bait anymore, people legitimately seem confused in here.

Anyway. Let's try to get this back on track.

>> No.8204382
File: 407 KB, 656x933, tumblr_mpo1tmpi5m1rt8x5go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these overalls are too much. where are they from?

>> No.8204442
File: 38 KB, 330x495, 7CD8795C-9C68-4016-A267-CA06C0612B6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew, I can't track down the source. It looks like it's probably from a Taobao store or something but I'm not the best at identifying those.

Speaking of overalls, this... thing from Wonder Rocket is somehow both terrible and amazing.

>> No.8204565

I can't seem to find any nicer looking maxi skirts, if they're thrifted they usually look it and have some gaudy 70s designs on them.

>> No.8204872
File: 180 KB, 485x750, 1391771727973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'9" and I was wondering if anyone knows any western brand to get cotton skirts from to fill out my wardrobe? I do thrift but sometimes you just want to take the easy way haha.

>> No.8204875
File: 351 KB, 1400x2125, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8204878

Mori girls are the hippies of j-fashion.

>> No.8204879
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>> No.8204880
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>> No.8204883
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>> No.8204884
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>> No.8204888
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>> No.8204891
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>> No.8204895
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>> No.8204897
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>> No.8204913
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>> No.8204923
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>> No.8204928
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>> No.8204930
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>> No.8204933
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>> No.8204934

Mori girl is almost exactly the style of clothes I wore as a kid but gave up on wearing because I had no inspiration and no idea where to find the clothes that matched the look I wanted. Then I discovered there was a real fashion with a real name to describe exactly what I was wearing and peed myself in excitement, so now I've started to wear it again. I love it so much.

anybody know if there's a scan of this somewhere, I had no idea this existed and would love to take a look.

Ditto on these scans, what are they from?

>> No.8204951
File: 151 KB, 776x1100, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ere's a scan of this somewhere, I had no idea this existed and would love to take a look.

I found the scans on a blogspot called Moko Moko Love. Check the downloads section.

The other scans are from Mori girl Note, which is also on her blog.

Also, Mori girls might want to look into a magazine called NuComfie (still being published in Japan) as well. It's described as Natural/Casual style and is pretty closely tied with Mori style.

>> No.8204955

Thanks! I just found that website while trying to find scans of the book.

>> No.8204958



>> No.8204992

From what I've read, it sounds like the Mori Girl Papier was a pretty big deal, Moko Moko Love only has two of the issues. Anyone else have them available somewhere. I've been looking for a while but can't find anything!

>> No.8205006


Check vvshu for more volumes of Papier


>> No.8206075
File: 585 KB, 1280x1612, tumblr_nh1ex2E1h81ravthfo3_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8206359

Miss this blog so much. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

I've thought on and off about starting a mori blog (like a Blogspot, not a Tumblr), but I'm not good at maintaining them. I just miss when there were more active ones to get inspiration from, since I liked reading about the bloggers' lives and I can only get so much out of seeing the same images reblogged over and over again on Tumblr without any personal commentary.

>> No.8206386

Any pics for yama kei? I live in the mountains myself but haven't been inspired from the little I've seen

>> No.8206433
File: 413 KB, 520x800, Yama girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Western mori sphere found out about it from this photoshoot in the yama magazine Randonnée.

>> No.8206442
File: 193 KB, 960x1280, c8f074b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it was a pretty idealized take on a style that mostly looks like this. It really doesn't have much overlap with mori, IMO. It's not fashion for the sake of fashion, it's built into a community of outdoorsy types who just like to wear colorful/printed gear in their hobby.

>> No.8207462

I'd actually like to see a few more pictures of yama too, I tried finding some the other day and had a hell of a time.

The funny thing is I love yama kei, both the photooshoot mori version and the real thing. I love that the idealized yama that's more like mori because it still has a similar feeling but it's actually practical for being out in the woods, and I like what yama kei actually is because I like doing outdoor sports and there isn't enough cute outdoor equipment out there.

>> No.8207470
File: 376 KB, 520x800, yama girl (randonee mag) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the couple pics of idealized yama I have.
I hope you can find some inspiration to try it though if it's something you want to do! I'd say look around you at the nature in your area for inspiration and keep practicality in mind.

>> No.8207472
File: 134 KB, 499x750, yama girl (S&G Studio).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8207551
File: 100 KB, 460x693, Takashi Sasai 2010 spring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8207555
File: 124 KB, 460x691, Ryo Inaba 2010 summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8207559
File: 120 KB, 361x324, girl12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all in the legwear for yama.

>> No.8207563
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>> No.8207566
File: 144 KB, 460x691, Kazuya 2010 autumn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8207572
File: 105 KB, 800x531, 2-201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of more casual looks, not so rigidly practical.

>> No.8207585
File: 145 KB, 480x640, DSC07720_20100828165946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll stop here if nobody wants me to post more, I don't want to derail the thread or something. yamagirl.net is a big online community where they post outfit snaps and group hiking trip pics and things like that if you're interested.

>> No.8208974

I'm this >>8204992
anon and super grateful for the intel. I would like more photos but generally don't like to derail threads either.

>> No.8208975

Whoops! this anon >>8206386

>> No.8209114
File: 87 KB, 480x720, 92f54afd0c2ba7821c401a74f0d5e831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome! I'll post the little bit I had left and then try to get some mori back in here, haha.

>> No.8209117
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>> No.8209119
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>> No.8209120
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>> No.8209126
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>> No.8209128
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>> No.8209130
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>> No.8209133
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>> No.8209135
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>> No.8209168
File: 168 KB, 365x485, 25-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snap from WR's webshop.
I wish they'd stop moving away from mori; it seems like every season they release fewer real mori pieces and move a step closer to their other line, Momo, which is just basic ass trendy fashion.

>> No.8209169

Any site (ebay, taobao, etsy) where buy dress like these? I love mori style ;w;

>> No.8209178
File: 50 KB, 480x480, 1424845177295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you would even do a basic google search, you'd get your answer. There are even whole threads dedicated to aliexpress and taobao with helpful store lists. I don't mind helping, but at least make an effort before asking questions.
Stop. Using an emoticon around here is just going to make people irritated and want to help you even less. Save that shit for tumblr and gaia.

>> No.8209191

ohyeahmorigirl on Tumblr has a pretty good shop list linked in their sidebar.

>> No.8209672

What are those...stick things? I thought those were for skiing?

>> No.8209676

nordic walking or hiking in general too
when you carry a heavy backpack on your back it helps take a bit of the weight off

>> No.8209701

They are trekking polls.

I love being an outdoorsman lol.

>> No.8209704


>> No.8209733

Can you help me on a quest, anons? Once upon a time I found a mori lolita coord that I love. My old computer died and I can't find the picture anywhere. It was perfect, had all sorts of layered lace but the right silhouette. She was standing in front of a white background and had her face blocked with like, a little circle or a heart? I will owe you my soul if you guys have it in your stash somewhere.

>> No.8209746

Even cawaii's been moving away from mori for the last year or so. Still, there are some nice pieces happening here and there and it's not as if mori's ever had powerhouse brands like lolita does.

>> No.8209793

Is there some sort of starter kit for mori? Like in lolita, you know you start out buying a petticoat, dress, blouse, headpiece, socks, and shoes. Is these something like that in mori? Where do you begin?

>> No.8209813

>go to a thrift store
>pull down a few racks
>roll around
>the hangers that stick to you are your starting clothes


>> No.8210831
File: 978 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I did as directed and ended up with
-boating shoes (the pink of the soles is more similar to the pink of the hat)
-sun hat
-lace top
-soft cardigan
and I already have a few things in my closet, like basic tank tops, a flowy linen skirt that has a stretchy waistband so I can adjust whether it sits at my waist or hips and whether it ends at my knees or midcalf, an ankle length cotton chemise with eyelet lace trim but some odd sleeves, and a lot of shawls and scarves and furs. Am I on the right track? Should i just throw it all on at once and see how it looks?

>> No.8210843


This is generally how I dress for day to day.

>> No.8210956

I don't think there's a set-in-stone mori "silhouette" like in lolita, since you can have dresses/skirts of various lengths, light or heavy layers and even pants, so it really comes down to feel. Maybe do throw together a coord so you have someplace to start? I don't know how I feel about a couple of these pieces on their own (do love the shoes, though).

>> No.8211837

Yes! This is the mori style i like, with shorter skirts and less layers even if not always red or gingham. Searching for cult party kei failed because the outfits are too much into baggy clothing, peignoirs, layers of stuff and that deconstructed feel i don't like.

>> No.8211846

Can someone tell me why we're allowing controversial namefags to just fucking hang around posting? What happened to us? This would have been unacceptable even just a few months ago.

>> No.8211851

Because it's easier to ignore them?

>> No.8211858

I don't think it is. They've posted bait a few times that's ripped up threads.

>> No.8211860

That's why you don't respond to the bait. you just don't respond at all jfc why is this so hard?

>> No.8211864

I don't, but tons of others do, are you trying to imply that everyone on /cgl/ is level headed?

>> No.8211880

You have a point, unfortunately.

>> No.8211888

Sorry for derailing -this- thread. It just really grinds my gears when volatile namefags/tripfags post so nonchalantly in threads like they are welcome here.

I'll be dumping my list of mori aliexpress stores.

>> No.8211927
File: 1005 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n9bjewQq3I1ravthfo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something so feminine, so whimsical on the girls who wear Mori... I fucking love it.
I love how modest and delicate this trend looks.

>> No.8211935
File: 927 KB, 680x754, tumblr_nls8jvBXMA1t8ew9jo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovin' the details on the lace at the bottom of the skirt (I don't remember the word right now, but is it considered a petticoat or an underskirt? sorry, my main is not english)

>> No.8211937
File: 518 KB, 520x589, tumblr_nls82vQese1t8ew9jo1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8211948
File: 1.52 MB, 1213x607, morigirlHOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has categories for mori specifically
>average item cost $25-30

>> No.8211953
File: 637 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n8tvylP7w51ravthfo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of reminds me to Howl's Moving Castle.

>> No.8211960

uhh, isn't this dollykei?

>> No.8211981
File: 134 KB, 467x700, 5n134i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all unless I misunderstand dolly kei.

>> No.8211989

they're certainly not mori. also the pic you just posted is definitely dolly-kei.

>> No.8211992

anyone have the source for this dress? It's amazing.

>> No.8211994
File: 48 KB, 794x682, moricollage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do these look? The top left is just the clothes with no head stuff or scarf, the top middle is with the hat, top right is a closeup of the layers, bottom left is with the hat traded out for a fawn fur bow, and bottom right is just a closeup of the bow and necklace. Concrit all you like please.

>> No.8212011

>also the pic you just posted is definitely dolly-kei
That's why I posted it anon. To show the difference. I didn't post the other pictures before either.

>> No.8212017

This looks more like natural-kei than mori.

>> No.8212266

More of an underskirt since it's adding a layer rather than adding shape as a petticoat would.

>> No.8212279

The first image is from favorite, mori brand. There are layers in it and it has the correct feeling for the style. The other two images I'd consider more as natural kei but the two styles are so close they're practically interchangeable.

Definitely not dolly kei as you claim though.

>> No.8213149

who is this person? reverse image searching got me nowhere

>> No.8213152

dollfromtheattic on Tumblr. Her coords are adorable.

>> No.8213267

Thank you kind anon

>> No.8213590

It's an IW piece. Name is escaping me, but I think someone had listed one on LM several times.

Anon, I don't mean to burst your bubble or anything, but those look kind of bad to me. The items in your first post look cheap and don't really "feel" mori to me, and the outfits you put together really aren't working for me at all.
I say get rid of the longest skirt layery thing, ditch the scarf and shoes, and maybe swap out the cardigan for something with more colour in a thicker knit (to add variation and interest to the fabrics). I really hate that blouse, but if you don't have anything else, I think it is passable.

Instead of the hat or the bow, maybe go with just a simple hair ribbon like >>8211927 or >>8211935 or go with a beret or something that you've added little details to?

While thrifting is a great way to build up your mori wardrobe, it's still really important to not rush in and buy the first things you find just because they look even minimally moriable.
Because mori sometimes toes the line with crazy hobo cat lady, it's important to buy/make nice, quality things to avoid looking like you rolled around in the discount section of your local charity shop.

>> No.8213703

I can never remember what this brand is called (someone in this thread can probably help), but they sell a lot of short skirts in cute colors that still keep a mori aesthetic even without the use of tons of layers. I think it's available from Rakuten?

>> No.8213704
File: 114 KB, 750x778, sn-sk042-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, dropped my pic. This.

>> No.8214401

Thank you for all the advice, anon. I really do appreciate it! I'll give it another go and work on it for a while and post again some time in the future when I get a better hang of it.

>> No.8214473

I'm curious, does anyone have caps or info from the original community that started mori or whatever? I'm just really curious to learn more about that, I've never seen anything from it or anything.

>> No.8214512

I don't know if the community is still active. Membership is closed, but I never used my mixi and it seems like they got strict about who they let in due to trolls around 2009 so I was too shy to ever apply. Was anyone here ever a member?

I should add that the infamous mori girl checklist is from that community and still exists on a bunch of mori girl pages in English, but I don't know if you've already seen that before.

>> No.8214925

It's forestgirlfans on taobao. Lots of cute things for cheap, and often resold with jacked up prices on storenvy.

>> No.8215180

I had no idea this existed because I only ever came here for CGL and I was absolutely excited until I kept accidently running into hunting stuff. Killing makes me absolutely sick and anxious and panicky so I don't think it would be good for me to hang around on that board. But thank you for bringing it to my attention because I may find the board to my use in the future.

AND to be relevant to the thread, does anyone ever wear mori type clothes actually out in the forest or anything? Whenever I go camping I bring one mori outfit for days we might go into town or be relaxing so I can have the fun of dressing up and looking like I belong there.

>> No.8217135
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>> No.8217140
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>> No.8217142

kill yourself.

>> No.8217146
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>> No.8217157
File: 197 KB, 425x620, DollyKei4_zps0f45f42e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This file is tagged dolly kei but it looks like it could settle into mori or dolly kei.
Wtf Wow Rude anon
I doubt many people activity wear mori outdoors, especially to an actual forest like you described. Mori clothing has a lot of sheer layers which could end up disastrous if caught on stray branches.

>> No.8217182

what the fuck did I do to you?

>> No.8217192

Yes, the clothes are so impractical for really being in the forest, So I figured not many people actually do it. That's why I only bring one outfit and for a day when there's no risk of damaged clothes happening.

On the other hand, I've actually been pondering lately setting aside some less loved mori pieces and not worrying about them being damaged, because part of me loves that sort of tattered look in mori.

>> No.8217224

Mori looks good in a sparse forest setting where there are less wild trees and more shrubs and flowers. Since you actively go out, I'd suggest finding a nice clearing or a small creek, as those would be great places to wear mori with little care.
Setting aside some clothes for the activity is a great idea! Try it with some clothes and see how much you like it before jumping in.

>> No.8217247

Thanks for the info.

>> No.8217284

I wear the more simple mori-style outfits into the forest when I go picking mushrooms. Never layers though, i mean things like long flannel skirt+jumper or some such. And even then you have to be careful not to walk in tall grass, I don't know who in their right mind would wear skirts, layered at that, into the forest. Maybe if you enjoy getting eaten alive by ticks and ants.

Though if you're in my area in the summer you might as well be wearing a beekeeper suit and nothing else for 4 months, so many angry horseflies and mosquitoes. And wasps.
Actual outdoorsy type clothes would be stuff like Fjällräven though

>> No.8217372

I think it's Innocent World's Rose Dot OP

>> No.8217953
File: 489 KB, 500x670, tumblr_na9goiPcU71t8ew9jo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can easily wear mori into a more "groomed" forest or into any area with trails and whatnot. It's certainly not what I'd wear to do serious hiking in, but I've worn it for walks in the woods, to pick berries, etc.
If you're worried about bugs, wear thick tights (or even jeans) with boots and possibly extra socks.
While long, delicate dresses and whatnot are a big part of mori, it's not like they're everything; so long as you adjust your outfit appropriately and don't go haphazardly running through brambles and bushes, you won't fuck up your clothing.
An outfit similar to pic related would be perfectly suitable for the woods. Also, idk, I've never been the type to lumberjack myself out when I explored the woods behind my house, and I've somehow survived?

>> No.8217998

Same here. I by no means go into particularly wooded areas, but I like exploring in mori and I have fun with it as long as I'm careful and watch where I'm going. I tend to dress how you described.

And I love this outfit, so much inspiration.

>> No.8218042

While that's fine for just walking, hiking in the woods in that would get uncomfortable

>> No.8218217
File: 201 KB, 750x1133, T2RVmYXbFbXXXXXXXX_!!688000955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you read the anon's post? They said mori in general probably wouldn't be suitable for real hiking, but that's honestly an jfashion.

>> No.8218651

I used to wear mori-esque clothes around the woods in the back of my house, but it was less out of fashion and more that I hated pants and my mom always had bolts of muslin laying around for her crafts. She would let me make bloomers and skirts and tunics out of it. Since they were crappier than all the nice clothes she bought me, they were perfect for tromping about the woods. There were fairly clear and wonderfully mossy paths, so I usually went barefoot. I'd kick through the creek and the year after my dad had his ugly pond dug up in the front yard, the lake back in the woods started to dry up. The soil was moist enough that reeds still grew but solid enough that I could walk through it comfortably. I'd come back to the house with mud up to my knees, hems soggy, with an apron full of basket making material.

Dammit, now I miss those woods. There was a field of mint and an old overgrown cornfield full of flowers, and a big tree with roots that sat out over the water and a pack of coyotes (that the shithead neighbor later killed because they were eating the deer he wanted to hunt) and a big clearing where my hippie friends and I built a fire ring and had our nature pagan worship time.

Polite sage for my ot nostalgia

>> No.8219034
File: 27 KB, 311x309, free-shipping-mori-girl-forest-fashion-preppy-style-elastic-waist-loose-suspender-trousers-women-overalls-pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What distinguishes Mori from hippie or hobo-esque chic. Not sure how to word my question without pissing someone off, but is it more by 'feel' than any hard rules?

I dig the style and would hate to wear it 'wrong' and start something by accident.

>> No.8219329
File: 104 KB, 500x750, mori-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mostly feel, but the aesthetic is fairly different. I'll do my best to explain it, but I'm really not good at these things.

Mori generally feels cuter than boho/hippie fashions, which can often feel somewhat sexy and/or dirty (like heroin chic sort of dirty). Similarly, mori makeup and hair styling tends to be more cute or "youthful" than that in hippie/boho.
Mori generally covers up more skin than those looks would.
Mori features a lot of asymmetrical skirts and is based on layering different fabrics, textures, lengths, etc. A lot of hippie fashion is maxi dresses, jean vests, retro-inspired nonsense.
Mori's colour palette tends to run more neutral or have smaller overall prints/pops of colour, whereas boho/hippie can be feature really loud, big prints/colours.
While you can certainly thrift a lot of mori stuff, I don't think I've seen an outfit (or at least a good one) that looked "retro," which is basically the whole point of hippie fashion.
Mori tends to have quirky or whimsical elements, like this hat.

Honestly, if you're unsure, do a google search for hippie/boho and compare the images to those itt. I don't know how you could not see what distinguishes them.
If you're new to mori, saturate yourself in images of coords/good outdoors and home goods inspo, and you'll slowly get a feeling for the fashion. Then start collecting pieces/building your wardrobe.

>> No.8219337
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>> No.8219341
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I think it's the typically Japanese sense of 'kawaii' take on the style that makes it distinctive, I know that sounds weeby but it's kinda true.

There are certain styles/outfits that are pretty indistinguishable however, especially if they're not being worn by an Asian girl. In your pic related example for instance, honestly the same outfit in a different setting with a different girl would probably be considered 'indie' or 'hipster' or some shit. I know this statement sounds borderline troll-like but honestly, try to picture it and tell me this isn't kinda true.

Another thing is, you very rarely see lower necklines or bare/off shoulders with mori, anything lower than the jumper in your pic would more likely be worn with a cute peter-pan type blouse or something similar.

Pic related was labled as 'Ladies-Italian-Lagenlook-BOHO-' however change the shoes and possibly leg wear and add a more j-fash like hair arrangement and this could easily be mori imho. I think it's the little details that you need to concentrate on.

>> No.8219348

W2c hat

>> No.8219440

Does anybody have any ebay/storenvy/etc links to some mori dresses, skirts, or capelets things?

>> No.8219457
File: 97 KB, 500x682, tumblr_mp5ecyfGnb1rt8x5go1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, that looks very lagenlook/ frumpy-50-year-old-american-hippie-wear (like the clothing you see at those tiny stores that also sell alpaca wool hats, bobbles, and incense) and not really mori or hipster at all to me, which is another thing noobies need to try to avoid.

I agree with the "kawaii" bit, which was what I was trying to get at with "cute" and "youthful" as opposed to sexy looks.

Little accessories can help "mori-fy" an outfit, and I think it's still easier to gain a feel for what makes something mori by just looking at fuck tons of images/reading blogs than having someone attempt to explain it to you.

You're probably better off buying from Aliexpress than Ebay, as the former is usually cheaper. This >>8211948 store is the aliexpress counterpart to a taobao shop that's pretty popular.
Anything you buy on Storenvy (that's not a thrift find or a handmade accessory) is going to be incredibly marked up.
The ohyeahmorigirl tumblr has a decent shop list, though I don't know when it was last updated.

>> No.8220166
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>> No.8220174
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>> No.8220176
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>> No.8221056

I like it anon!

>> No.8221088

Oh shucks! Thanks!

>> No.8221310
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>> No.8222087


Thanks guys. You pretty much hit all the points of concern I had. And you all explained your views very well.

I'll keep my eye on the style and see where it leads me. For now, I'll stick to my eclectic wardrobe, throwing in the few pieces I've picked up for mori until I've got a decent enough outfit together to try it out. When I do, I'll pop back in and ask how I did.

>> No.8223928
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>> No.8223930
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>> No.8224434


Excuse the somewhat off topic bitching. I bought from this store a couple months ago and ended up receiving someone else's order and that person received mine. The seller gave us each others addresses and phone numbers so we could ship our packages to each other and told us he would comp the shipping payment. Me and the other girl agreed to do 2 day shipping.

After some back and forth with this seller he refuses to comp the shipping charge of $50 because he thinks I'm scamming him for extra. He claims "it couldn't be that much shipping within the same country". The package had to go from Boston to California.

>> No.8229098
File: 143 KB, 561x1000, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for some crit on this, I know its more natural. Cam sucks on the phone so the dress is more a forest green.

>> No.8229306

I think this is super cute. The only things I don't get are the tights (looks like... camo? but I know the image quality is bad) and the shoes.

>> No.8229347

If you purchased a tracking number and have the receipt, show him.

>> No.8229382
File: 935 KB, 698x877, dearlitights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tights are these

Did not realize how shitty the quality was on my phone, the shoes are the color of the brown on the vest. I think the tights might have been a bit much, also I adjusted the underdress to be an inch shorter. Thanks for the feedback, super new to this so I really appreciate it.

>> No.8229708

Could a person with a darker complexion succeed in mori?

>> No.8229831
File: 254 KB, 432x432, 1403659925442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the tights are too much for the overall outfit, especially with the dress. I think it would look better if you swapped them for lighter legwear, either like slightly patterned lace tights or some cute socks. The bottom skirt/lace bit also looks a bit long and saggy/sad for my liking (since the top layer seems to flare out a bit more), so I think it's a good thing that you shortened it.
I think it's a very good start, but it's kind of hard to judge it based on the poor image quality, as I can't really make out blouse details or see your accessories.

>> No.8229959
File: 150 KB, 1000x750, tumblr_n711cm0GwH1txm125o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see why not.

>> No.8229980

Yeah it is. It is fairly unpopular amongst lolitas if I remember correctly.

>> No.8229986

I am more than a little jelly... Suburbia blues.

>> No.8230209

This outfit is so cute. I know it's from tumblr, but from who?
Any mori blogspots or tumblr recommendations (from people who actively wear it)?

>> No.8230815

the-plant-that-never-blooms. But it's been a while since she last posted a coord. I sadly can't think of any active mori bloggers whose style I actually like.

>> No.8232962
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>> No.8232968
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>> No.8232975
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>> No.8232979
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>> No.8232984
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>> No.8233770
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Those are super cute, anon! I have one of the dresses in that print and I always get tons of compliments on it.

>> No.8234159

is this a replica? or is it original?
Now I'm so tempted...

>> No.8235564

I suddenly feel like I could set up something out of all my camo stuff that would at least be a good starting point.

>> No.8239129

Any suggestions to dressing mori with a pear shape? I feel like the skirt layers make my hips look even wider

>> No.8239822
File: 112 KB, 480x640, o0480064012352407380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Focus the layers on top rather than the bottom? Have a loose cardigan and a scarf or a nice necklace, then try to pick a dress or one skirt with pretty embellishments around the hem or something for visual interest. Socks or tights can serve as a lower layer to pull the outfit together too, without making your hip area heavier.

>> No.8240899
File: 75 KB, 400x600, cream-h-m-skirt-lime-green-forever-21-shirt-white-forever-21-scarf_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a pear myself and I don't think it's a good idea to focus on the top as it would make you look a bit shapeless and even fat even if you're not.
It's 2015, embrace your big hips, anon.
In my opinion, most mori girls tend to have a triangle shape because of all the layers

>> No.8242236

Hey my grandma did basically the same thing with me when I was a kid. It was a pain to keep anything clean and in good repair when I was out traipsing around 8 months out of the year so she'd make basic chemises and knee length bloomers out of whatever cotton or muslin was sitting around. Was cheaper than buying tshirts and shorts at Walmart and they could double as pjs. Plus I think she got a kick out of looking out the window and seeing a little girl in Victorian-nightgown lookin dresses running through the woods.

>> No.8242247

Can any other sewfags tell me where to get this kind of eyelet? I don't know what to look for other than wide eyelet.

>> No.8242694

taobao has a lot of laces for cheap. just google translate lace (it should come up as huaban or laxi and either will work) and then scroll from there.

>> No.8244647
File: 201 KB, 560x787, abloobloo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went consignment store shopping today and I picked up a few things. Not too sure what to pair with the top yet.

>> No.8244717

Damn, son.

>> No.8244728


A lot of my favorite mori items were thrifted, but I've had so much bad luck the past handful of times I went. I'm sad.

>> No.8244730

Same height, similar plight.
Check out http://www.freepeople.com/clothes-skirts-maxi-skirts/

>> No.8244743

Anthropologie also has some nice stuff.

>> No.8244906
File: 2.85 MB, 312x234, 1398753608590.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have unleashed hell upon my budget, anon. Thank you!

>> No.8249383

Lifesaving bump

>> No.8249405

bag lady kei?

>> No.8249413

>Because mori sometimes toes the line with crazy hobo cat lady


>> No.8249431

Has anyone here bought off Noshare on Rakuten? I wanted to buy a skirt from them.

>> No.8252454

Can we have some dark mori? And none of that strega shit.

I just want to know if this style exists outside of tumblr.

>> No.8252706
File: 111 KB, 754x1100, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Japan mori did occasionally use darker colors (never all black), but was still called mori girl.
Dark mori and Strega are tumblr created styles.

>> No.8252766


Sorry too say this, but you should use a different top instead of a button down blouse. Try something more "flowy" if that makes sense.

>> No.8254236
File: 98 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nl9dwvuJZc1qboq6ko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first coord, it's really tricky not looking like a frump.. most of this was in my current worddrobe, but now I realize I need more of a bottom lace/ruffle layer and collared blouses

>> No.8254250

it looks really cute anon, I really like the different colors and patterns that you used!

>> No.8257802
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Rescuing this thread from the depths.

Do you guys tend to still wear mori in warmer weather or do you take a break? I always get excited about coording mori looks in the spring and summer for some reason.

>> No.8262135
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>> No.8263303
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>> No.8266130
File: 725 KB, 871x1166, IMG_1637 v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to create a nice summer look with my mori girl pieces. Is this a bit too much? Should I switch the shorts for a skirt? Would really like some critique.

>> No.8266335

I think it's cute and think it's fine with the shorts.

>> No.8266368
File: 54 KB, 433x306, QQ图片20140215140817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this anon, I'd love to see it with your hair in loose plaits though, I think it would suit the outfit perfectly. It you wanted a slightly more mature take on it, you could try a side plait so it falls across one shoulder.

>> No.8270004
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>> No.8271705
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>> No.8273038
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>> No.8274831
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>tfw no big bearded shy lumberjack bf
Only nice thrift store finds can ease the pain.

>> No.8277898
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>> No.8281120
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>> No.8281221
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I see these... birkenstock-style leather clogs used in mori pretty often, and there's always similar ones floating around thrift stores here.

Anybody own/have owned a pair of the backless ones? They look super cute and comfy in mori but with their heavy soles the backless ones seem like they'd be hard to walk in, like you'd have to shuffle your feet to keep them on.

>> No.8283250
File: 103 KB, 224x516, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never owned a pair of shoes like this, but I have owned other slip on shoes in the past. I loved them for slipping on just to go out of the house when I didn't need a regular pair of shoes, but I did find them a little hard to walk in and they just canvas and a thin rubber sole. I know someone with slip on's that do have weight to them and a heavy sole, and they are even harder for me to walk in. I've heard some people claim slip on shoes are really comfortable and they have no trouble walking in them, and other people are like me and have trouble. Try some on if you get a chance and walk a few steps back in fourth in them to see if they feel comfortable or not. I'd like a pair myself, but I know I'll have too much trouble walking in them.

>> No.8283328
File: 1.62 MB, 1046x929, moriskirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if this under skirt was too 'shiny' for mori kei. The embroidery is done with a synthetic fiber and I really started to notice it in the sun compared to my dark cotton overskirt...I considered wearing a different overskirt or finding a different underskirt, but I might be over thinking it...what do you think cgl?

>> No.8287252
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>> No.8287264
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lovely picture

Me personally, I think it can work depending on what you do with it. If it bothers you too much then switch it out, but if not I think it looks okay. I've seen synthetic used in mori quite a bit before even though using all natural fabrics is considered a rule. I think if the majority of items are natural, as long as it fits the aesthetic it's alright to mix it up a little bit.

>> No.8290688
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>> No.8292177

I'm new to mori kei and this is my first attempt at a coord. My underskirt hasn't come in the mail yet. any thoughts / improvements?

>> No.8292184
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of course i forget to attach the file.

>> No.8292195
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>> No.8292219

Looks good to me so far even without the underskirt. The headband is a bit cliche for my tastes (and also... makes your head look kind of big? I don't know if it's just the way it's bunched up or something). I can't see if you have one already, but maybe a necklace or some other simple jewelry could make it more interesting.