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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 254 KB, 720x937, afterdarkblackcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8189237 No.8189237 [Reply] [Original]

Since when did they start taking custody of landwhales. Also do female cosplayers still whore for this kind of attention?

>> No.8189308

They have never been that good and just another way to over sex cosplay.

>> No.8189319
File: 511 KB, 720x1080, 16589689737_76ab875c13_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably to show they're being fair, or they have enough social media presence that they will shoot them to gain likes, and yes to the second question

>> No.8189330

The lighting is a bit better then the other shoots but holy hell they are still failing on their sets and polish. Wrinkled sheet why? Looks cheap. Also marvel costume with DC and final fantasy in the background is confusing.

The snagged fishnets really bug me on the model. Also why didn't she touch up her nail polish? I don't care if women wants to do these shoots as it could be beautiful and sexy but they just never fix the little things that could really elevate the quality of the shoots.

>> No.8189341
File: 73 KB, 641x960, 10312348_767210166688632_1465980312444463282_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hate when they over process them and blow out highlights and oversaturate colors

>> No.8189352

Can we stop posting about these fuckheads already? It's always the same shit.
5 people >fapfapfap
15 people think it's bad camera work and worse cosplay
then they come on and samefag-whiteknight right after announcing themselves.

>> No.8189370

Blowing the highlights is classic boudoir. The saturated colors, the dutch angles, the godawful posing, shit-tier sets, lazy styling and uncorrect aberration from buggered up primes used wide open are not classic boudoir. And for good reason.

>> No.8189380

video please

I like the busty chubbies

>> No.8189385

fuck fat people

>> No.8189402

I love the photoshoots that are blatantly in a hotel room.
It's like the height of trashy to me, no matter how nice the room is.

>> No.8189660

You guys still falling for the photoshop Mas' logo?

>> No.8189663


Where do you suggest these people go to do "boudoir" like photos while at a con?

Big emphasis on being at a con.

>> No.8189697

Don't do it at a con

>> No.8189722

*unzips pants*

>> No.8189726

Yeah, just don't do it at a con.

Find a good photographer with a studio. Set up an actual mood for the layout. Hell it's okay doing it in your house if you clean up the area a bit.

The problem with hotels is that they're just the bare-minimum of hospitality. It makes your pictures the bare-minimum of boudoir.

>> No.8189728

Photogs at Dragoncon has been doing boudoir shots with cosplayers long before these guys were even a thing. We're talking way back in the 90s here. They just don't really talk about it.

>> No.8189768

creepy as fuck..thats all

>> No.8189788

Is that mostflogged

>> No.8189848

The whole point of After Dark isn't just to get girls half naked, but to help sell prints for people to sell to those guys who want to see that specific character, undressed, in bed and waiting for them. Its an actual fantasy thing. This is why it is mostly done in hotel rooms. Its all about the character fantasy and that's what sells the prints. Aside from half naked girl.

Also, if you have the right photographer and they know what they are doing and how to edit images post production, then you will get a very good boudoir image.


>> No.8189849

Just because some hacks at a con have been doing something for a while doesn't mean it's a good way to do things.

>> No.8189855

>a very good boudoir image.
If those are your standards then you don't know what "very good boudoir" is. Go look up some actual career boudoir photographers.

>> No.8189860

Yes... just look at those teeth

>> No.8189863

This is cosplay. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.8189868

The After Dark series never specifically classifies itself as boudoir, so I dont know why people are even arguing about it. Its just taking photos for cosplayers in their character to give them saucy photos to sell.

>> No.8189893

Laurel only shoots cosfamous people and doesn't like cons. I'm surprised Nerd Caliber is letting her host a panel

>> No.8189975

"it's cosplay" = "we can't have nice things"?

>> No.8190000

>to those guys who want to see that specific character, undressed, in bed and waiting for them.
Yeah but it's still trashy and low-standards to want to see them in my con hotel room. I'd fuck an actual cosplayer for that, instead of buying a print.
If I want to fuck a character, I want it to be something that could be my house, or at least a tasteful environment that matches the character.

But yeah I guess low standards of the audience matches the low standards of the company, huh

>> No.8190387
File: 146 KB, 540x810, tumblr_nl5usdV7Ef1rmdxa3o4_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as they're cute I don't care. I've got a cosplay kink.

>> No.8190425

Damn, dem some big titties. She looks like a 28H.

>> No.8190628

This is why you dont buy the prints. Problem solved.

>> No.8190816
File: 700 KB, 900x1094, peacockfeatherad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea they even did an afterdark with peacockfeather after they heard how "easy" she could be but they took down her set fast after learning how infamous she was.

>> No.8190914

The bait is real.

>> No.8190947

ITT: cosplayers who want the attention of doing porn without the courage to actually do it

>> No.8191022

She looks so old. Like 40. Kinda like Courtney stodden

>> No.8191073

about what? Chimping at her cam?

>> No.8191328

So, in other words, cosplayers.

>> No.8191820
File: 92 KB, 250x238, 5454456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8191824

sorry wrong image anon>>8191328

I agree with you

>> No.8194015

>they over process them
>blow out highlights
>oversaturate colors
Sounds like you're a proponent of shitty photography and no correction.
Or you don't know what you're doing or looking at.

>> No.8194218

A kink of coswhores bashing their faces together trying to kiss for the first time for money? I'm physically cringing. Do people actually buy these prints? I only hear others complain about them.

>> No.8198531

she's cute

>> No.8202106

I've always wondered this: What stops other seedy photographers from luring other girls who can't get into the main AD shoots to do shoots with them?

I don't really have an opinion on whether I like them or not, but I assume that this sort of trend is becoming popular and a staple of cons, whether people like it or not. There's now more hotel shoots happening at cons, and if Masamune and these other guys are the ones doing the main shoots, I assume not every girl is going to get in. So are there any other experiences of photographers who are trying to capitalize off of this trend? Do they check if someone's under 18?

>> No.8202194

Yes. Sign waivers. Ask for IDs. Double check IDs. The OP image is a fake image. Every image of Nana Bear with the logo is a fake image. Masa' doesn't shoot those types of cosplayers.

>> No.8202545
File: 109 KB, 900x600, 16883_10152768775296608_1307289730413903425_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaya almost looks young here!

>> No.8202573

well this was also taken 3 years ago

>> No.8202655

and shopped to Hell and back

>> No.8202657

It always brings my little empty heart joy whenever this asshole gets bashed.

>> No.8202673

I'm not even at half mast. The photoshop is excessive and poorly done, holy shit.

>> No.8202696

>potato quality photo
>no ass
>face is more photoshop than photo

>> No.8203974

>This is cosplay
>Excuse for shitty photography
>Bitches about shitty photography

So which is it anon, shitty photography is okay or isn't okay?

>> No.8206676
File: 173 KB, 2048x1367, 11021397_1064602910222184_8920432606556592416_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8206678
File: 162 KB, 2048x1152, 10629253_1028146657201143_7013157609168919045_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8206681
File: 186 KB, 1367x2048, 10869792_1055886364427172_2519562020034695669_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8209692

who is that hag? she looks like pensawtuckey

>> No.8209898

which asshole? I lost track, LOL

>> No.8209942

i know it's heavily shopped, but i can fap to this

>> No.8211823

You don't have a clue. Cosplayers actually ask photographers if they will shoot this style with them. Some of them avoid the "AD" guys because they don't like their shooting style.
Suggesting that somehow AD is what everyone wants to get into is just stupid.
Its funny that some of you think the photographer is trying to lure girls into doing these shoots when in fact the cosplayers are the ones asking.

>> No.8212443

It might surprise you to know that they aren't doing the shoot for you.

>> No.8212481


This is a meme right?

>> No.8212529

There is some of that but there totally are plenty of dodgy guys who only pick up a camera because they think it'll get them a bunch of teenage girls naked.

>> No.8212536

She's known as Menstruating Jenny

>> No.8213700

It's ironic how you have other threads going on where women feel the need to protect themselves from all men because they're lecherous and uncontrollable, and then you have AD, where girls choose to be photographed naked and are comfortable with it? Okay.


>> No.8213724

Well yeah because being afraid of being assaulted means you have no sexuality at all and need to completely close yourself off from looking or feeling sexual.

Also, all women have weekly meetings on what we deem agreeable and okay. We are a hivemind collective and we all have the same opinion on everything.

>> No.8213779

then for who? themselves? are you for real?

>> No.8213963
File: 98 KB, 960x638, 11110887_956022047755929_2831775759150768975_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These afterdark shots are terrible. Especially Alychu's shots. She really lets it all hang out.

>> No.8215847
File: 68 KB, 960x640, afterdark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this, this is just getting vulgar. Not because it's two guys, but because it looks like they're about to start screwing. For all their flaws, the previous After Dark shoots didn't get this suggestive.

>> No.8215856

should have gotten that guy to full mast

>> No.8215920

Now this is just sad. I know AD isn't known for its artistic shots, but hell, there's no ounce of attempt in this picture

>also sad azn dikku

>> No.8215974

T-thats a boy right g-gulls

>> No.8217386

Erg could this bitch be any uglier? She doesn't even have a nice body.... People PAY for that?

>> No.8217394

Blondie should have taken more care in choosing underclothes, though that temporarily distracts you from how ugly he is. And if you're going to curve your back like that when being photographed at that angle, suck it in.

>> No.8217396


>> No.8218628

They didn't even try to be fake-artistic for this one, damn. These dudes also look like they're about 15 years old.

>> No.8218712

Just think the preview shots she posts are probably the best in the set I can't imagine how awful all the other pictures from her after dark shoots look.

>> No.8218721

Some people are just really desperate

>> No.8218751
File: 73 KB, 638x960, 11103171_957879794236821_654724555444902110_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wish the photo or editing quality was just SLIGHTLY better.

>> No.8218785
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 32495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8218824
File: 299 KB, 638x960, 11103171_957879794236821_654724555444902110_o_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least look like you bathe

>> No.8223938

I'm so confused. What is this supposed to be from, is the blonde wig supposed to be a female character?

>> No.8223943
File: 273 KB, 500x246, shakes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You REALLY had to bump this, didn't you?