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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 64 KB, 640x640, Io7BV5J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8212219 No.8212219[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

secrets are up and didn't see a thread.

who the fuck samefagged the last 12 posts? i agree with the message but christ stick it to one post.

couldn't read the font on the first post for the life of me, could someone translate it to english?

>> No.8212222

It says "Brand whores be like:"Even my cosplays are IW."

>> No.8212230

thanks anon

>> No.8212285
File: 182 KB, 419x302, tumblr_inline_nlwmf4wbxs1r0tofk_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those "politically correct" secrets made me throw up on all my brand

>> No.8212371


>> No.8212382

They were rather irritating. I can almost guarantee there will be a lot of racist/homophobic/xyz-ist secrets next week. There is not much racism in lolita and few people who care if men wear the fashion. I have never seen anyone say lolita=white except TROLLS. Trolls don't count, goddamnit. And we are not "tone policing" if we tell you to stop feeding them, because trolls piss off everyone and wreck the experience for us all. People engaging them are equally as bad as the trolls themselves.

>> No.8212387

its weird to think that 3-4 years ago a lot of people had the lolita= white or Asian mentality. If it was then, then I could understand these secrets, not, not so much.

>> No.8212390

I think it's funny that people abandoned Lolita Valentine's, just to post the appropriate content somewhere so far in intent from LV as BTB.

>> No.8212399

I agree. The racist posts are not cool but even if they weren't trolls, fighting with them online is not going to change their opinion.

>> No.8212401
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This, seriously..

>> No.8212405

They're not fighting against racist posts, they're fighting against the fact that people from /cgl/ told people not to bully and harass someone for any reason at all. The dumb bitches who bullied that Jenna girl and then hid behind their justification are fucking horrid, no matter the reason that's not a good way to create understanding on anything.

>> No.8212406

i dont even understand that post what the fuck is it trying to say.

>tfw i was the one who made the "i want a lolita dress made out of #thedress" submission to btb

>> No.8212408

Wait, I don't follow what happened. Can you explain it more?

>> No.8212410

I also don't understand, but It make me feel like the poster was using 4chan for about the first time.

>> No.8212423

>some girl on rufflechat or CoF posts some comment that is misconstrued for racism by SJWs
>said SJWs decide to 'raid' the girl by harassing and bullying her into formally apologizing
>girl is dead stupid but SJWs are being entirely out of line
>people on /cgl/ point out that they are being fucking cunts who shouldn't bully people into trying to see their views
>dumb cunts whine and cry about how they're just trying to protect PoC and that it obviously did work since they got an apology out of her
>post shit to tumblr for maximum bawwwws and a bunch of tumblrtards decide to 'raid' BtB with ~positive anti-racist~ posts
>'raid' was 2 people writing a total of 7 posts that all said the same thing
>SJWs think they win, obviously and are probably celebrating their glorious win over evil seagulls
>a lot of seagulls think it's stupid, so they plan to write out racist secrets in order to troll
>plan on BtB being shit for a few weeks

aaand that's pretty much it.

>> No.8212450

Thanks! Hopefully the influx of shit on btb will weed out some of the sjws in my comm at least.

>> No.8212462

>tfw I was the gull who wrote the "if anything the socks are cream" comment.

Never contributed to btb before

>> No.8212465
File: 383 KB, 640x640, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In RC:Uncensored there was an argument about people responding to the racist troll comments on BtB secrets. That is what the "feeding troll" secret/tone policing one was about.
Yet they tell us to "stop being so offended" when they are busy shitting on their white capitalists and mayo asscracks.

Please can we not write racist secrets in order to troll, though? It isn't cool. We shouldn't be fighting with the sjws. We should be pointing out the hypocrisy in what they say rather than pitting them against us. So please don't guys, seriously. No more racist secrets, you will be encouraging them more. They want things to get offended over.
Also I know that at least some of them realise that what they are doing is bad, because a few days ago I threatened to dox them for their racist comments in RC Uncensored. Surprise surprise - no more racist comments. If you REALLY thought being racist towards white people wasn't a thing, and that what you were doing is perfectly fine, why did you suddenly stop when I threatened to show your professors and bosses what you have been saying?
Because it is WRONG. You KNOW it is wrong, but you choose to do it because if anyone tells you to stop you can pull the race card and point out that you are more oppressed. You are more oppressed, but that does not mean you get to go around being a racist piece of shit without consequences.

>> No.8212477

I'm the anon you responded to and i'm not going to do it(note where I said they) and I actually want to write something pointing out how the fact that they're justifying bullying is fucking disgusting, but you can't win out with logic with them. If I write anything I'll just get berated with pissy comments about stupid shit like tone policing and whatever. I'll still write some though.

>> No.8212485

Emma and Kaitlyn need some actual hardships in their lives and to have to pay bills and work hard so they stop running around being sjw idiots. Adults with jobs and lives don't have time to do petty bs like this.

>> No.8212497

Do it, but I seriously discourage any of you from writing racist secrets. Backlash is not kawaii.

I am sure some horrible troll is going to do it anyway, but it must stop. Racism really isn't cool. Yes, PoC face it worse, but that doesn't stop it from hurting when it happens to white people, and it doesnt make it any more acceptable.

Misako is a "PoC" and she is the one who said that pale skin is kawaii. I don't know why they keep shitting on white people for all of the problems that come from the Japanese media. The Japanese are horribly racist, but since a lot of the western lolitas live in America all they see is the poor Asian people being told to leave their country.

>> No.8212499

>Omgggg I'm 1/16 Jamaican and i find that SO offensive! Lets bully her until she kills herself or leaves Lolita forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111one

Im 2nd generation Mexican American. And i don't fucking get their logic. You know the first thing that comes to mind when i think of Lolita? Whities and Asians. Why? Because those are the tips of people brands use in their magazine ads and on their websites. Am i racist? Fuck no. Would i love to see more latinas representing the fashion? Fuck yeah i would. Am i going to bully people into hole of white guilt and pitty for me as a non white? Fuck that shit. I don't want it need anybody's pitty.
Aside from that the one thing that gets me is why is non white = blacks for SJWs? There are a ton of different ethnicities other then white and black. It makes me feel really uncomfortable to the point where i wonder how other black lolitas feel. Its almost like they see black lolita or blacks/black culture as a fetish and putting them up on some creepy sjw pedestal. If that makes any sense.

>> No.8212509

I 100% agree with you here. It's probably because most SJWs are from america and americans compartmentalize shit like race and ethnicity into easy paint swatch categories. I've had people tell me that hispanics can't 'look white' and that people who 'look white' aren't PoC because their skin gives them privilege. Fuck, I hate whatever is causing this shit to spread and we need to kill it before we're all either infected or have to pretend to be. This is like matrix level shit.

>> No.8212515

We actually don't know their situations so it is hard to say that.

My thoughts exactly, but I am white. I far prefer the term "marginalised group" to PoC because any group can be marginalised and it allows for all issues, but PoC is exactly the same as "colored person" - it says "you are not white, which means your skin is not normal". There are so many fascinating cultures that have been erased by the words "PoC" and "White". Life isn't black and white.

I also wish I could be your friend. You are cool.

So by that logic albino black people aren't still black? This would really offend them. This is why I hate sjws.

>> No.8212522

Honestly attacking tumblr tards for their hypocrisy, their bullying and completely annoying positive racism seems like a better idea than proving them right with some pretend racism.

>> No.8212534

I think a lot of it has to do with how shit like gender studies, race studies and those kind of things are taught in school. They teach basic ideas and give simple generalized definitions since, well, it's a class. And they're not really supposed to be applied to real life but SJWs DO apply them to real life and they end up being more racist, sexist, phobic and ignorant than they started out as.

>> No.8212545

can we stop pushing people who use tumblr and sjw's to the same circle? and the hypocrisy among sjw's is because theres so many of them even they have differing opinions.

>> No.8212549

Not all tumblr users are sjws, but the term "tumblr" is often used to describe the sjw attitude. We are all aware of the fact that there are some non sjw tumblr users, but the most vocal are sjws and so the terms have become synonymous.
The hypocrisy can actually come from the same people, not necessarily sjws as a group. However if you identify as a political view such as an sjw, you should be expected to carry the same opinions as other sjws.

>> No.8212552

Really, if everyone complaining about them on /cgl/ would address them on facebook, you'd outnumber them and shout them down. But instead everyone prefers to complain here about one or two people are supposedly "cyberbullying" everyone else.

>> No.8212554

I agree, but noone will step up and do it. One person did and then noone else did anything and that person got shut down.

>> No.8212556

I use tumblr myself but at this point we all know what 'tumblr' is referring to. Certainly not any photography and oil painting blog or the dozens of recipe blogs that exist on there.

>> No.8212561

Even if we all do it, we'll end up shut down in the end. They will always yell the loudest. I've argued with them before and they always get too annoying to want to deal with.

>> No.8212562

yeah those dozen or so SJW posts are really going to be the gift that keeps on giving in terms of awful shitposting that gets old way too fast on BTB

it's a damn shame

>> No.8212563

The secret is pointing out the similarity between the dress meme and the thread where nobody could decide what colour one girl's blouse/socks/dress accents were on a nitpick thread. (Some said the blouse was white, others blue. Some thought the socks ivory, some green)

>> No.8212571

Yeah I have tried to argue before but it is too much bother. They will not back down, and justify their opinions because anyone fighting against them is only doing it because of white privilege or some bullshit.

>> No.8212577

I just think you anti-SJWs are really hypocritical
Everyone always cries about SJWs censor them yet at the same time they want the SJWs gone. For what? for yelling too loudly?
Why not yell louder than them? What is so hard about that?
If you can't argue on their own terms why not argue as emotionally as they do? They are not as impossible to deal with as you make them out to be, you're just cowardly. If SO many people are against them it really should not be hard for a majority to shout down 2, 3 people at most.

>> No.8212581

Because I am a coward.
And most people will just lurk on FB, they refuse to post anything.

>> No.8212584

>Why not yell louder than them? What is so hard about that?
You know who else does that? Children. Sorry but i quit doing that when i was 14

>> No.8212589

I am not "anti-SJW" or whatever you called, it. I just hate extremism and have been worn down too much by it. Why are you throwing out so many insults? And why on earth should I sink to their tactics? That's just as bad as what they do and it's not an affective way of shutting them down, shutting them up for a while maybe, but no.

You seem like the hypocritical one here. If you have such a good idea about how simple it is, then you do it yourself, and don't even try to complain that you can't just because others have bowed out.

>> No.8212592

I know I'm just feeding them, but I cannot stop replying to these idiots on Rufflechat.

I'm leaving the group. I just can't deal with stupid social justice issues invading a group that's just about wearing cute dresses.

>inb4 mad
Ya. I just like wearing cute clothes. I'm sick of stupid people pushing issues the social issues of gender/sexuality/racism/HAES and whatever other SJW bullshit into a group about fashion.

Lolita isn't your platform to push your views.

>> No.8212596

Don't leave. Ill join you.

>> No.8212597

damn, you could put down an elephant with all that venom. take a break. it's not about being cowardly it's about not wanting to be annoyed out of your mind. that's how SJW tactics work, they make a point that's easily disputable then they cry and moan and throw a tantrum like a 2 year old in a shop till you give in just to shut them up. and if you are balzy enough to stand up to even that, then more come and berate your tactics like onlookers in that same 2 year old scenario, when you're trying to take him outside and he's crying about how you're hurting his arm. they are embarrassing and lacking logic.

>> No.8212599

Yes, gossiping in a place where you can hide behind your computer screen is SO much more mature. Definitely taking the high road lol.
I have argued with them, but in general they don't bother me as much as they seem to bother you. I'm just sick of seeing all the whining here.

>> No.8212600
File: 38 KB, 468x278, zxnhQee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I am done dealing with sensitive babbys.
>boo hoo I can't deal with life and people saying things I don't like

>> No.8212606

fuck i just want to tell her that if someone with allergies doesn't avoid their allergy they will often times die so yea, they need to.

>> No.8212610

I said this on the previous topic for this weeks secrets, but I do personally think black and hispanic lolita do tend to judged more than their white and asian counterparts. Like I said, there will always be itas in all races, but it's just something I personally noticed.

But, I also don't quite get why anyone can't leave their personal beef at the door just to enjoy a different fashion and concrit on the coordinates themselves. Not their fucking politics.

>> No.8212612

>run to /cgl/ to whine and stomp your feet about the meeeean SJWs
>accuse other people of being babys
Are you all serious? I'm starting to think samefagging is happening because 3-4 people on /cgl/ can't be this stupid in exactly the same way. Would certainly explain why no one defends anyone who actually stands up to them, because there aren't that many of you whiners in the first place.

>> No.8212614

Then stay out of the thread. If you can do it so much better, you are clearly way better than all of us. I am so so very sorry that I don't have as high of a tolerance for their bullshit as you do and cant take your advice when you are oh so obviously just trying to help me. Please tell me again how you are doing anything other whining about us like you claim we're doing. Oh wait, you can't because you're not doing shit.

>> No.8212618

everything you're saying is just as hypocritical and whiny as what you are bitching about, just saying.

>> No.8212620

Are you that same likely autistic girl, who doesn't understand the idea of people's tolerances to things? Because you are sounding like her.

>> No.8212621
File: 35 KB, 284x352, aLVdbx8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah, it's fighting a losing battle.
I just want to talk about fashion. Not about how someone is sooo offended by all the mean people in lolita!11!!

>mfw when they're talking about how they should censor BtB and how it could "trigger" someone

>> No.8212622

SJWs make people who are actually trying to get change to happen look bad. Anyone can post a rant online and harass people about their point of view. If they really cared about these issues, they would take action in their real life instead of just complaining.

>> No.8212626

Lol how is that hypocritical? I'm calling you out for not calling out SJWs, which by the way, I've actually done. In other words, I'm actually calling out the people who I think are being hypocritical, which none of you have done.

>> No.8212631

Ahh who actually gives a fuck if we are hypocrites? Everyone is a fucking hypocrite. SJWs are misinformed hypocrites, which is where the issue lies.

>> No.8212632

You're 'calling us out' by bitching and whining and complaining about how we're bitching and whining and complaining.

>which none of you have done
If you took a second to read before you shat out your mouth, you would see that we've all said we've done so in the past and it's too god damn annoying to deal with for very little results.

>> No.8212637
File: 21 KB, 232x420, scooby-dooby-doo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multiple people are disagreeing with me!

I'm not sorry that I'm annoyed with dealing with people who thing the world revolves around what makes them feel "comfortable".

You sound triggered.

>> No.8212642

This. It's like the same conversation over again.
>I don't think she tried hard enough, I've dealt with way more and I did it!
>I don't think you're trying hard enough, I've dealt with SJWs before and I beat them down
Progressing into
>Holy shit what a whiny little cunt, cunts like her should just kill themselves anyways lol.
>I just think you anti-SJWs are really hypocritical, you just sit there and none of you do shit, not like I have!

Exactly the same thought process.

>> No.8212647

Because you guys continue shitting up /cgl/. Every single comm thread full of WAAAAH SJWs and it's just as bad as the SJWs constantly posting on Rufflechat and RC Uncensored. At this rate every lolita community is going to become either SJWs complaining or complaints about SJWs complaining. You guys are just as bad about shitting up /cgl/ as they are with shitting up Facebook.

>> No.8212650

Boohoo. If you don't like it then you don't have to read it. Or is our whining too ~*triggering*~ for you to ignore?

>> No.8212654
File: 41 KB, 384x288, duuur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains people are whining about a problem and shitting up threads
>shits up thread whining about it

>> No.8212655


>> No.8212658

You guys have done this in like ten threads by now. I've done this in one. You're running out of straws.

>> No.8212659
File: 1.04 MB, 290x189, iBLrG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we should censor cgl so that you're not made to feel so unwelcome, anon.

>> No.8212663

As you can see, butthurt anon uses the SJW approach of throwing out logic, going in denial and throwing feces like a monkey and crying about how she's so very obviously right since NO ONE but 1 crazy person could ever feel the same way about her perfect and just opinions.

>> No.8212664
File: 33 KB, 411x230, OYW2iIV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, bitch. Try harder.

>> No.8212666

I don't feel unwelcome, I just wish we could get back to better drama than "baaaaw SJWs". Is that really so hard? I don't know why that makes you so mad, anybody spamming the same things over and over through multiple threads eventually gets told off. It's literally the same shit thread after thread.

>> No.8212667

we are running out of straws, but that's cause you've been grasping at almost all of them the entire thread.

>> No.8212668

Yeah, and you said your piece, but now you can't take the fact that people don't agree and are calling you out. Just get over yourself. If new drama crops up, it will be discussed, but if it doesn't too bad watch a tv show or something. We're not here to cater to you.

>> No.8212669

>what is photoshop

>> No.8212672

>i-if i point out that they can make themselves right it will make me right~!

>> No.8212675

Free speech bitch
I have literally just as much right to complain about you shitting up threads as you do to complain about me. I'm not going to stop you complaining about me or try to "censor" you, that's inane. I just wish people would knock off this shit every single thread. It just sounds like you're mad because I hit a nerve.

>> No.8212678

This. It's not like if there was other drama going on it would take a backseat, and most of the drama has been SJW shit related anyways because the community is infected with them. It's been like this for a while, anon. It's not as if this is a new thing and we're just not doing anything, many of us already tried to purge it and it keeps getting worse.

>> No.8212679

It's really funny that you think that, when you're the one who's been trying to get everyone to shut up the entire thread and you are very obviously trying to censor the threads. Re-read some of your posts and tell me you didn't mean that at all.

>> No.8212682

>tried to purge it
How? Literally all I have seen is maybe one person try to argue with SJWs on Facebook. And people won't even like their comments, they just run here to bitch, that's how lame you're being.
>baaw if I like an anti-SJW comment the big bad SJWs might come after me and shout!!!1

>> No.8212684
File: 1.40 MB, 280x200, tfiOx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't, anon.

It's like arguing with a retard.
If you lose, fuck.
If you win, you were arguing with a retard.

The only win is the hearty laughs you get out of this.

>> No.8212688

>you are very obviously trying to censor the threads.
Uh, how? Literally, how would I even do that. I haven't even tried reporting your posts or anything. Telling you you're being whiny and I'd rather see you leave so we can discuss other things isn't censorship. I don't think you know what censorship is.

>> No.8212690

i guess you're right. i agree with >>8212620
>>8212642 anons because i was in other threads where the conversations went extremely similar. i'm just going to fall back quietly and pity that poor anon for having such shit comprehension.

>> No.8212692

I honestly have no idea what autistic girl you're talking about. Maybe more than one person is just tired of this shit?

>> No.8212693

>what is hardcore denial of being this much a massive faggot

>> No.8212699
File: 919 KB, 500x213, tumblrsatitagain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet jesus, can we just fucking return to the topic at hand about racism and lolita or one of the many other pressing issues??

>> No.8212700

Have you only seen the one FB lolita group and in the past week?

>captcha; sonew

That is really how you are sounding.

SJW shit has been trying to infect lolita for years, I implore you to look up a post on EGL about "wa lolita cultural appropriation" and you will see a distinct difference between the amount of people then and now saying that no, it's not and that it's stupid to think it is in similar topics. There were fucking 20 people arguing with WF about how she was being a racist twat and the thread exploded into shit.

>> No.8212702

I always like anti sjw comments - if I agree with them. Issue is that people get so obsessed with being anti sjw they end up saying some pretty stupid things.

>> No.8212711

Because I'm not a stupid teenager anymore anon. Loud obnoxious people piss me off no matter what they are screaming and I'm not a hypocrite. Anyone who gets this ragey over so much is risking hypertension and other stress related conditions anyways. I'd rather just watch them crash and burn. This psuesdoactivism shit can't last forever, don't worry.

>> No.8212712

There's a difference between being anti SJW and trying to get people to stop using lolita as a god damn social platform. It's not. The fun and self-expression has been sucked out of lolita because people try to bring so fucking much social, racial and political shit into it and all that's left is the competitive cute contest husk that was a fraction of what was important before.

>> No.8212715

The big issue I have is that they travel in packs. You don't argue with one, you argue with ALL. And I can't deal with that many people at once.

Also, I don't really know any of the sjw involved, only have seen some in passing through other threads. I'm very liberal and an activist, even though I don't brag about it to everyone, and then problem with the sjws is that it's 100% "with us or against us." I've seen some of their saner comments in other threads where they haven't been being hateful (Mainly Linda who seems nice. Emma and Kaitlyn always act mean, but some others can be chill) and it's like damn, you are probably really cool people, just really fucking misguided. We could have some great discussions if you'd act like an adult and stop being locked into a rigid black-and-white/good-and-evil worldview. I want to hold out that some of the more low-key ones will snap out of it one day and realize that responding to the world's problems with more hate isn't a solution at all. Basically: I'm being a wuss because I want to be friends. Not with them now, because I can't handle that meanness and anger in my life, but I can't stop holding out hope, and I feel that calling them out one-on-one will just drive them further away into acting like Emma and Kaitlyn.
That was rambling. Fuck it. I'm just a pussy.

>> No.8212723

Are you me?
Linda annoys me a lot, but she isn't downright mean.

>> No.8212727
File: 107 KB, 630x630, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one to really loves both of these? I love old-school (WELL DONE OLD-SCHOOL), but it seems many people just shove it into the ita bucket.

>> No.8212728

I'm in the same boat anon, I particularly love the OP

>> No.8212734

I love those kinds of dresses too, anon. And I wasn't even around in the heyday of old school.

>> No.8212737

You're not a wuss, there is no way to snap them out if it. It's wait and see. This is how adults handle extreme behavior, only children think fire vs fire is a goid idea.

>> No.8212738

Thank goodness I'm not the only one, I really want that OP. I've got the BTSSB pink OP from Kamikaze girls so naturally I wanna collect all of Momokos dresses now...

>> No.8212744
File: 81 KB, 650x365, Elizabeth OP_KG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah, I love them, too. They take me back to simpler times. I own a similar dress to the baby doll one actually.

>> No.8212752

And they are children based on how they responded to someone telling them that "fire vs fire just creates animosity" (or whatever that chick said).
Children are whingy little shits but they grow out of it, so we just need to wait for those ladies to grow out of it, much like the face of Die Cis Scum did.

>> No.8212766

Exactly. Nice to know I'm not the only one quietly waiting this shit out. Someday, man.

>> No.8212778

They are aware that they are wrong (see how the racist remarks against white people have more or less stopped in the group after >>8212465 posted caps and threatened to send those to their bosses/professors) but they are too stuck up to admit that they are wrong about it. So damn annoying.

>> No.8212780

If people don't want sjw infesting Lolita why don't people stop posting on sites like tumblr and start posting on lookbook sites?

>> No.8212794

Me too. When they're ready to be good liberal activists and educate themselves on global issues and proper forms of debate, I'll be over in the corner waiting.
Until then, they can continue not making a difference in the world, being hateful to other people, and ignoring the fact that they're just spoiled western girls (even if their skin may not be white and their ancestors were oppressed).

>> No.8212800

They just keep recruiting younger people, you know that right?

>> No.8212806

When I first started, lolita=Asian. White girls were always told lolita didn't suit them because they weren't kawaii Asians.

>> No.8212816


You really are immature.

>> No.8212818


Who else had a massice eye roll when they read the "victim blaming" part? Kek.

>> No.8212819


Same here

>> No.8212829

But eventually the younger people will grow out of it too.

>> No.8212832
File: 116 KB, 560x448, 3311547_open-uri20130928-31618-5xn0o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Ivory colorway of that OP is stunning. Ever since seeying this picture I've been in love with that OP but I've never seen it sold, just the red one.

>> No.8212834

I feel like I know you anon. Ive never met emma but some of the silly things she has said have been on cgl. I wonder if the rest of her/our comm knows some of the racist things shes said. She obviously censors herself when she posts in our comm.

>> No.8212838

All I know is that Kim and Tiffany are my new heros. Don't like btb? Don't go there! And lol one of them (I think tiffany?) suggesting they actually go out and do REAL activism in their communities. Yesssss!
I would help you ladies, but I'm whiter than a snowflake and I don't think a white chick telling a black girl how to handle racism will go over all that well.

>> No.8212839

I'm not in any comm, but you might know me. Who knows? Kek

>> No.8212844

This one bugs me because I don't think people usually associate the proverbial brandwhore with IW.

>> No.8212846

This just screams fucking pastel print newbie to me... How can you NOT love the most iconic freaking dresses in the fashion?

>> No.8212847

not if they think its how adults should act

>> No.8212848

Are you from Houston area?

>> No.8212850

I know man, IW is like bottom tier classic. I love IW, but it isn't Mary Mag or Victorian Maiden.

>> No.8212851

Does she actually censor herself or have you just been discussing things not related to drama?
She seems perfectly sane until anything happens that she doesn't like, then its all "baww those fucking white people wreck EVERYTHING".

>> No.8212854

Nope. Sorry love, nowhere near the Lone Star State.

>> No.8212862

Well she posted about some shit at school that happened to her In the comm group but a seagull posted talking about said school evebt and she used the term mayo something or another. It was a couple of days ago and I cant find it in the cataloge.

>> No.8212867

THANK YOU (poster of the photo here), I just think they look stunning
I've never seen it in that colourway before, however I do prefer it in red as you can see the handiwork better whereas I feel this could be mistaken for "yet another ivory dress"

>> No.8212868
File: 638 KB, 245x245, heart-eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, when I was a youngster and first learning about lolita it was the oldschool dresses that made me interested. I do like some new-school pieces too, but I just look at old school and I'm like pic related

>> No.8212870

Why should they? Not everyone got into lolita ten years ago. I imagine most lolitas are most fond of whatever style was dominate when they started liking it and these dresses ARE relatively old.

>> No.8212871

I looked it up in archives but I see nothing.
I do know that the seagulls in her comm hate her and will avoid her at meets though.

>> No.8212886

I think its "yet another ivory dress" factor makes it timeless, or at least more translatable to contemporary styles. It's still styled old-school, but all-white (or varying shades of sort-of white) coords don't really truly go out of style the way white lace on contrasting fabrics do, and it's harder to tell that the lace is in the older style too because it's washed out by all the surrounding ivory.

Though honestly all these things kind of make Elizabeth in ivory lose its appeal as Elizabeth. It's such an iconic piece.

>> No.8212888

>talking about how they should censor BtB and how it could "trigger" someone

that's so fucking stupid, people who are likely to be "triggered" by going on btb wouldn't be on there in the first place and if they are then surely they should know by now what type of things get posted

>> No.8212897

Maybe we should censor RC because I saw a bunch of "triggering" things on there.

Triggers are everywhere. People with actual ptsd learn to cope with them and don't expect others to bend to their every wish. People with ~*~~TrIgGeRs~~*~ expect everyone to bow to them, because they don't have real triggers, some things just upset them (like they would any other person) and they expect other people to baby them for that.

>> No.8212910

Not a PoC, but I do think it's unfair that minorities are just supposed to deal with it when triggering things seem to disproportionately affect them. I know Im not going to be made fun for my skin color on BtB. it doesn't seem right to tell them to just put up with it
>yes I know, life is unfair,

>> No.8212913

It isn't right to tell them to put up with it, but with clear trolls they seriously need to tell the troll that they suck and move on. Engaging the troll will make it worse.
Also there is a BIG difference between triggers and things that make you feel inferior. Both bad, but not comparable.

>> No.8212920

>but I do think it's unfair that minorities are just supposed to deal with it when triggering things

>> No.8212925

PoC here.
Thank you. Why do people not understand this? Does racism suck? Sure. But I'm not going to get "triggered' as some people keep referring to and go "OMG, FLASHBACKS THAT EXPERIENCE WHEN I WAS BLACK MY ENTIRE LIFE!"

>> No.8212929

What are your opinions on this as a PoC?
Would you encourage others to try and troll trolls or engage with them to stop them from being racist?

>> No.8212943

Personally I don't waste my time and energy caring about what some anonymous people post a troll thread. I wish all of these people up in arms would actually put some of that energy towards other things that have more of an impact. Let's be honest, "eliminating racism" in lolita isn't going to do anything for the rest of the issue.

If you want to have a civil conversation about racism I'm all for it. But this is the interwebz and conversations about that subject always turn into a shit storm that accomplishes nothing.

So, personally I say, if you're butthurt by racists, then block people who make those comments and ignore those posts on CGL or BtB (or just fucking stay off of both)

>> No.8212956

Fair enough, I was using the word trigger to describe in general things that make you feel inferior. Let's not argue over semantics.

>> No.8212964
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As much as I rather like it, stuff like the second OP is why so many people tried to pass off square dancing dresses as lolita back in the day - 'hey, this thing totally looks a bit like this thing'!

I'd wear the shit out of the jsk though, no shame.

>> No.8212966

Triggers are serious anon. They are more than just getting a little upset, or feeling inferior.
And while we don't get made fun of as much on BtB, it still happens.

>> No.8212971

>(or just fucking stay off of both)
I know this is easy to say but I hate it.
I used to stay off a lot of parts of the internet because I hated transphobia. I eventually got over it, but why should I have to? Why do I have to develop an extra level of tolerance that a cis person wouldn't have to, just to participate in a discussion? It decreases the participation of what is already a minority.
I know, life isn't fair, but it just seems needless.

>> No.8212979

BtB and CGL are not the internet at a whole. They are notorious for being filled with trolls and racist, homophobic, insensitive comments. That's like me saying "I'm allergic to bees, but let me go for this walk near a beehive and hope I don't get stung."

>> No.8212986

You should have to because it's a fact of life? I hate gore, so I stay the hell away from liveleak and /b/. it's not hard to do.

It's not an extra level, it's just something that most people do in life to get by.

>> No.8212988

Is Square Dancing the same sort of thing as Barn Dancing? I've never heard of it before. But I've gotta love that OP.

>> No.8212993

It's actually all over the internet, not just /cgl/ and btb. /cgl/ is a great resource, not being able to utilize it without feeling like shit constantly is really not a good thing.
Also hi LK Diaz. Your allergy analog is shit. First of all, a bee allergy can KILL you, while online racists and transphobes don't. Second, if we got rid of all the bees in the world, the agriculture system would collapse and we would all day. Somehow I don't think getting rid of online racists would have the same effect.

>> No.8212999

gb2 tumblr, tranny

>> No.8213004


Jfc. You must not know how to pick your battles. If you want asspatting and handholding, take your ass to tumblr. You're going to experience shit all your life for some thing or another. I'm Black, fat, pansexual, and kinky. I get shit from all angles and I learn to figure out what is worth my energy. Campaigning to ban anonymous trolls on the internet is not one of those things.

>> No.8213006

Nigga get over it. People will always be bigots with opinions opposed to your own, it happens.
Grow some thicker skin.

>> No.8213013

Reading comprehension? I said i got over it I still don't think it's right. telling people to just get over it ignores it's not so easy for everyone, we cant' all be ~strong pansexual women~ like you.

>> No.8213015

>Nigga get over it.
> I eventually got over it,
Learn to read

>> No.8213016

>I got over it but I still want everyone to be nice and get along and rid the interwebz of all the racists

Maybe you need to check your own reading comprehension

Also, nice samefagging >>8213015

>> No.8213017

You all are ignoring the fact that the mods at BtB carefully sensor sexual secrets and self-harm so as not to trigger poor babbus but putting racist stuff under a cut is too much to ask for?
I don't think any of it should be censored but that doesn't make sense to me. Sorry.

>> No.8213026

Yeah, I do think that would be nice. Are you trying to argue it wouldn't be?
All I said is that it sucks. I also said life isn't fair. you're making a mountain out of a molehill.
And yes both were me, since multiple people replied to me with the same thing. good work sherlock

>> No.8213028

Self harm and gore I can understand, but other things I cannot.

I agree with you but trolls will troll and we need to ignore them if we want them to stop.

>> No.8213032

>I know life isn't fair, but it sucks sometimes
I'm so done with this thread.

>> No.8213036

I don't understand the gore and self harm either, but whatever. Not gonna argue.
But the nudity?
If it's supposed to be a work safe thing, well, my boss is not exactly going to be thrilled to see kawaii hitler on my screen talking about how blacks need to leave lolita, either.
Not sure why you'd browse BtB at work anyway.

>> No.8213037
File: 11 KB, 320x218, 10897994_408020182700654_5794618899574938433_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even know where you are? This is cgl.

>> No.8213039

Nudity I assumed was because underaged people. But the kind of kid who would be reading btb probably would click the cut anyway to read the rest of the secrets.

There was also one that was under a cut for being gross, and it was a toilet bowl full of shit. Like why the fuck is that under a cut?

>Butthurt I sense

>> No.8213046
File: 499 KB, 500x281, kdTKDPg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing the point this much

Also hi I just got here but thanks for contributing!

>> No.8213049

Good lookin' out anon