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File: 352 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nlqq27v95d1tdmfsdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8206840 No.8206840 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>8191648

Please, no more discussions about racism

>> No.8206845

>taking a picture of your computer screen and blocking it out with tape
>not just taking a screen shot and spending 2 seconds in paint.

>> No.8206860

it's obv to proof that it wouldn't be photoshopped, since pastel-cutie was like "lol I'll just say it's photoshopped"

taking a screen shot defeats that purpose.

However, I always knew that chick was a lowkey bitch.

>> No.8206868

she doesn't want anything to do with you, leave the poor girl alone.
whatever you did, whatever she said, it doesn't matter, act like a sane adult and leave her alone.

>> No.8206872

Well shit - coming from someone who blocks people who send her mean and rude messages she really needs to take a long, hard look at her life choices.

>> No.8206878

I'm not OP, I was just making an observation.

Although I don't know what OP did, I think she's hardly a poor girl, considering her " lol I'll just lie and say they're photoshopped and I'll get my followers to run you off of the internet by name and shaming"

Although, it does depend on what exactly the situation is and what op did if her response was at all warranted.

>> No.8206884

OP here, just picked one of the proof pictures of P-C acting like a bitch from her topic in prettyuglylittleliars forum.

>> No.8206888

Except you could just photoshop a screenshot, fullscreen it and then take a picture.
>checkmate atheists

>> No.8206891

Damn you're retarded. A screenshot was going around, but Viviana claimed it was photoshopped. so voila.

>> No.8206895

I'm not saying she's not a bitch, I'm saying she clearly wants nothing to do with op considering her reaction whatever she's threatening IF OP DOESN'T leave her alone, isn't as bad as op continuing to bother her after whatever it was, coming on 4 chan to post about it instead of just dropping it
doesn't matter, just ignore it.

>> No.8206897

could you white knight any harder?

>> No.8206902

I actually didn't think about that.
>tfw checkmated

The whiteknight is super stronk in this one, indeed.

>> No.8206904

I don't even know who this is,
you're just creating unnecessary drama for yourself and whoever this is.
Please enlighten me on the benefit of perusing whatever this is about as opposed to just getting off the computer for a while and walking away?
you should have just gotten out of there like everyone else once it became about self-posts and Dakooter praise

>> No.8206905

I find that ironic considering Choke looks like a plastic tranny herself. Then again, she's had a longgggg tiff with PB that goes back years. I just find it petty coming from someone with such low self-esteem.

>> No.8206932

what board do you think you're on?

>> No.8206938

Do you really think any of whatever this drama is about is actually entertaining?
Go back to pull plz

come back when you have something cringey and delusional like our queen.

>> No.8207022

Honestly tho her blog was so basic and unoriginal anyways, why do we care if this bitch is getting outed now? Only about 500 blogs to replace her that are the exact same

>> No.8207034

..you dont need to put your email in.

>> No.8207046

lmao then i would give a whole lot to look like a plastic tranny

>> No.8207048

woops left that there from the BTS thread lol

>> No.8207060

Where did Chokelate post this? In public place?

>> No.8207068

Semi-related. How many followers does a Tumblr blog need to have to be considered popular or famous? How to become Tumblr-popular (except for the obvs be pretty, coord well, etc.)? And how to make money off a tumblog? I tried an affiliate but it's normalfag fashion and not lolita so not getting any hits for $$$

>> No.8207115

Posted this for friends only on my FB account with about 300 friends. It would be interesting to see who posted to CGL.

But let's be fair, they do look terrible.

>> No.8207124

I don't pay attention to PB so I had no idea this was a thing until I looked at her IG and wow. That looks like the kind of thing you get surgery to fix, not cause.

>> No.8207136

Like I wrote in previous topic, they're not as visible irl as they are in the pictures. Dunno how she manages to do that, kind of embarrassing to look at.
Irl you don't really notice until you think about it or mention it.

>> No.8207140

You'll narrow it down, I'm sure. I did not ask to friend your new account but it seems a few bad apples did get through already. Pity but I t's inevitable.

>> No.8207143
File: 448 KB, 450x292, 1420401106140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like you because you're honest, Choke. Good shit.

>> No.8207146

When did she get thrm done. From what I hear, you look like you were smacked in the mouth until the swelling goes down and some people get them over-filled the first time. Especially if they go in on a price special and can't save the remainder in the syringe, they just decide to take a full syringe. So they look like a duck for a couple of months.

>> No.8207159

In case I forget to say it tomorrow, happy early birthday!

>> No.8207161

Make-up probably makes it look worse. What I don't get is why she got her lower lip done so big and left her top lip in comparison so small, makes her face droopy. Maybe she'll get it fixed.

Anyhow, I'm not against plastic surgery, and lip injections done well can actually look really nice. But girl, don't be cheap on things you do on your face.

>> No.8207164

Ohhh thank you! :D

>> No.8207168

How shocking that something you posted to a group of 300 people got out. Going to make any more intelligent comments about radiation too?
Maybe you should think about having a little more tact, especially since you put yourself in the public eye so much to promote your iffy Chinese wig line.

>> No.8207170

Nah, I'm pretty fine being as untactful as I am. Thanks!

>> No.8207175

Then don't complain when someone calls you out on your shit

>> No.8207183
File: 12 KB, 394x221, 02-rupauls-drag-race-bianca-del-rio-eats-glass-6-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh what? I can't complain?! Damnit, didn't know that.

>> No.8207188

Message drama aside, anyone else see PC's post on wanting to buy Milky Planet in mint?
Wonder if the friend offering to sell it to her is ever gonna tell her she's scamming her for a colorway that doesn't exist or correct her on what colorway it actually is.

>> No.8207189

Well now you do.

>> No.8207191

Not posting a Willam pix saying 'You're not doing that right.'
Oh the opportunities wasted here.
It hurts my crunchy little heart sometimes.

>> No.8207192

I don't have a sense of humour of an overweight black woman, sorry

>> No.8207195

To be fair if it was fairly recent her lips are probably still swollen. A lot of PS will put in a bit extra kind of for the same reason your hair dresser will cut your hair a bit shorter than you wanted.

>> No.8207196

Willam is a skinny bitchy white boy, though. Why are you fussing at someone fussing causing me to fuss at you for fussing at them for fussing? Hm? Cause it's silly, you know.

>> No.8207200
File: 642 KB, 498x219, tumblr_mxz1dfeklc1spey9uo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I not have any Willam reactions?!

>> No.8207207
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Because it's the middle of the night in the US.

>> No.8207213
File: 1023 KB, 495x277, tumblr_m7ov5aYnEK1rrig8oo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then, I'd better not shit up this thread any more. Bye!

>> No.8207217

Yeah, she should have saved up more or gotten a loan if she couldn't wait. She doesn't have much of an income (she earns some money from her store but not enough for surgery) so she probably got impatient. The fact that plastic surgery is crazy expensive and still somewhat taboo in Sweden doesn't help either.

>> No.8207219

How much does it cost? I got my moles removed from my face for around.... 200€ or so, and I live in Finland. Though it was for health reasons, but it was still done in a private clinic

>> No.8207221

I love your sassy ass, Choke.

>> No.8207246

It's not that expensive in Sweden, one of my co-workers got hers done for about 200€

>> No.8207254

Some people consider €200 every few months a lot for plumped lips though? I'm not sure how much it is in the US, most of us who want it done (if we aren't models or otherwise in the public eye) wait till we need nasolabial or cheek fill too then start getting it all done, 30's or 40's. Even then, outside the larger cities and in conservative areas, it's not desirable to look all 'done up' with suddenly big lips from nowhere one day.

>> No.8207259

If you don't have a steady income it is
Though I was talking about plastic surgery in general

>> No.8207261

Considering Pastelbutt used to get around that much a month when she was a student, not really.

>> No.8207418

She's so unapologetic, isn't she? I look down on her arrogant spergness (what people are calling "sassy"). Guess people can't buy class.

>> No.8207451

your wigs are cheap chinese garbage

>> No.8207521

>couldn't afford it
>bitch have you seen her closet over the years

>> No.8207709

I don't give a single fuck about either "side" here but this entire comment, coming from an anon on 4chan, is really hilarious.

>> No.8207773

Does anyone have a summary of pastel-cutie, or a link to one? Wtf even happened.

>> No.8207792


Just read this whole topic. People are thinking about making a summary but I don't know when it'll be done

>> No.8207793

You need at l;east double digits in thousands (10,000+).getting thousands is easy, double digit thouusadns is a bit harder

>> No.8207794

Why don't you spend less time on /cgl/ and more time fixing your shitty business? You have customers who have been waiting MONTHS for wigs and are tired of your excuses.

>> No.8207798

so what exactly happened?

>> No.8207820

Prohint: Don't use your actual identity to be a bitch on 4chan.

>> No.8207829
File: 1002 KB, 245x245, Willam_fucktogive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look the salt squad woke up

>> No.8207850

Fuck off autist >>8207213, thought you left?

>> No.8207854

>wants to call out the bitches who are shitting all over Jenna for something stupid she said a month ago
>doesn't want to incur similar wrath because "OMG U MUST BE A RACIST TOO"

I care a lot about social justice, but not in the "get in people's faces and bully and yell at them about it" way because that doesn't cause any lasting change at all. People will either dig their heels in deeper or, like Jenna, apologize and say whatever they think you want to hear (or whatever you tell them to say in this case) just to make you fuck off and leave them alone.

Real social justice involves meeting ignorance and bigotry with education and patience and that's what these tumblr-ite SJW's don't seem to understand. It's ok to be passionate about a subject AND not be a screeching fucking harpy about it at the same time.

>> No.8207877
File: 661 KB, 488x264, tumblr_m7pbxwO3ff1qaq7qg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came back

>> No.8207885
File: 100 KB, 511x558, shesback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess who's back, ladies.

>> No.8207888
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>> No.8207889

Those same people have said before on RC: Uncensored that they are okay with doxxing people and ruining their lives for the sake of "social justice"

I don't think they are capable of rational thought

Ooo where? Did she open her group back up?

Can you please fuck off before this entire thread becomes about you?

>> No.8207890

Sew hawt~~

>> No.8207905

She's all up in P&L now

>> No.8207916

She did say that she just wanted the people harassing her to stop so she could move on with her life. I feel really bad for her. Two people have pointed out that they shouldn't be doing it, but the SJWs shut them down and said it is ok because they are only returning her behaviour.

However now she is one of them so it doesn't matter. Love how she apologized for "white wash media" when the majority of the models she was referring to in her first ignorant comment are considered to be PoC.

>> No.8207919


>> No.8207922

Less time on 4chan, more time fixing your business. Scamming isn't cute.

>> No.8207938

Please keep these coming.

>> No.8207939


I love Pastelbat's lip fillers, they're really cute and so is she. Get your act together, you're a grown woman and a business owner. Shit talking people on FB isn't just unprofessional but pretty embarrassing coming from somebody your age.

>> No.8207959

is there one in the 18th c dress fabric one?

>> No.8207966
File: 59 KB, 488x241, shesback3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we got the velvet expert up in here now

>> No.8208046

That is true about velvet.
If you aren't careful with it you can crush the fibres really easily. You shouldn't even iron it.

>> No.8208113

>when the majority of the models she was referring to in her first ignorant comment are considered to be PoC.
This. They shouldn't be blaming white people for shit that the Japanese have done.

>> No.8208115

Wait.. Whats wrong with being knowledgeable?

>> No.8208116
File: 147 KB, 951x569, rcuncen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like this

>> No.8208131

>read in book it's hard to use
>don't even bother using it!!!

>> No.8208134

Wait wut?

>> No.8208136

Oh my god.

What a horrible person Linda/Pocahontas is. Jenna came to her for advice and in return Linda decided to make fun of her. "but its okay because I said sorry and we're totally friends now!!" please

Oh, btw, hey Linda (I know you lurk here)

You are an idiot desperate to fit in with radical SJWs. Learn how to use critical thinking and to form your own independent thoughts instead of parroting what you read on tumblr

>> No.8208144

Sorry but I tend to agree with all that has been said here. Her constant use of "I'm white so I have to speak up for my PoC friends so they can be heard" and shit like that is not cool and actually pretty offensive, we don't want you chipping in pointing out how YOU support us "even though Im a privileged white person" when we are talking about our issues.

>> No.8208156

Well I know where I'm not buying wigs anymore. You need some more hobbies. Yikes.

>> No.8208161

>"I'm white so I have to speak up for my PoC friends so they can be heard"

She actually wrote

>" I will do right by my PoC Lolita friends and I must do what I can to help the voices of the PoC community to be heard. "

What is so objectionable about this? she is basically saying "I want to do what I can to help" because she realizes that her comments were ignorant/offensive/whatever

>> No.8208168

Because acting like she is doing anything to help others be heard by talking is counterpoint? It's pretty simple: if you want your PoC friends to be heard, let them speak for themselves

>> No.8208172

a few months now, check back on her instagram

>> No.8208181

You're fine with you saying you wished for Japan to have a nuclear meltdown? You don't think you should strive to improve yourself so that you, y'know, don't wish agonizing death and radiation poisoning to countless men, women and children?


>> No.8208186

I'm going out on a very short limb and guessing that as long she gets attention she's fine with it.

>> No.8208198

So she can't have the same hobby of being on 4chan like you?

>> No.8208209

Errr did you read what they replied to or no? It's not about her going on 4chan, it's about her making tactless comments (like the one about y'know, wishing nuclear meltdown on Japan or shit-talking someone's personal appearance) especially in light of the fact that she's frequently promoting her wig shop.

>> No.8208214

Talk about dragging old cows out of a ditch.
That was 7 years ago, very poorly worded (and yes, untactful) and I have publicly apologized for this on multiple occasions. Did I learn from that? Yes. Is talking about someone's lip injections on the same line? No.

>> No.8208243

You said

>Nah, I'm pretty fine being as untactful as I am. Thanks!

Seems pretty clear that you don't feel badly about what you said then, or what you said now.

>> No.8208253

Let's make a disclaimer especially for you:

I'm pretty fine being as untactful as I am*

*With exception of stupid shit I said when I was 18 which I already apologized for and which was really stupid.

>> No.8208258

Sadly a lot of people are more willing to listen to white people over poc.

>> No.8208259

Jesus i cant believe you're the same age as me and you act the way you do..

>> No.8208260

So are you going to handle the customers who have been waiting months for their orders or shit around on 4chan some more

I wonder how said customers would feel about you having the time to post on here defending your gross comments when you've been ignoring their emails?

>> No.8208271
File: 96 KB, 400x225, feeling-free.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There shouldn't be any open orders like those actually! Anyho, I should go off to bed. It was really fun talking to y'all.

>> No.8208286

Why would anyone say that? There's no context in which that would be ok. I searched for details but couldn't find any. How exactly did that remark come about? It's past and if she apologized and acknowledges it was stupid then that's that but I'm stil curious.

And Choke, people will always be ready to repeat what you say, even in your small pool of 300, but I can't help but laugh when a lolita as well known as yourself upholds the bitchy, gossipy lolita stereotype and I can't say I'm entirely displeased either. Willam gifs seems like a good fit for you and I laughed.

But why are people waiting months for their wigs? That does put me off of ordering. I wish I were coming to Matsuri to grab a couple.

>> No.8208294

Her excuse was that it would ~totally teach Japan a lesson~ for having nuclear plants in the first place.

If you check out the Lockshop Facebook page, you can see quite a few people who have been waiting a while or who have been given the runaround.

>> No.8208322

I have yet to meet a single person who got a wig from you without weird waittimes. Stop BSing and own up to the fact that you have work to do and maybe start doing the work and being less of a bitch and then we'll talk. It's not that difficult

>> No.8208324

Unless that was happening that's irrelevant

>> No.8208327

Shittalking was the hobby to replace but okay

>> No.8208330

It wasn't an OK remark in any way, in the moment I didn't see that because different languages have different ways of expression. And, I'm not sure how to explain it properly, but in my language it happens sometimes that when you say something (often a hyperbole) it's not meant literally. It doesn't justify what I said and I do really regret it, it's not something I'd wish on anyone.

There was one customer posting on FB, I think maybe anon meant that one. There were some troubles with her order and she didn't really speak English very well so there was a lot of confusion.

All post on the page have been handled/solved or are being handled.
Often a couple days after posting the item gets delivered etc. maybe we should
start replying to the posts itself that they are solved when they are. I don't know what the standard is there though.

>> No.8208333

I know a few months back part of their team occurred an injury making them unable to work and that caused a severe delay in orders but by severe I mean two weeks.

Like last year it left the warehouse in four days but then a few months back during their advertised delay it took two weeks to leave the warehouse. But I ordered knowing this so if people are too stupid to head warnings about a service delay then, whatever.

>> No.8208341

*raises hand* I didn't have a problem at all? It took like 2 weeks?

>> No.8208373

Jfc just because it wasn't literal, doesn't mean it's okay to say. That's not about language- cultural maybe but that's called bad manners where I'm from.
That's great but my point was that the issue is very prevalent not that it's 100%.

>> No.8208393

I agree, it wasn't okay to say, but I don't understand what oyu're arguing about anymore. She's apologized a few times already in this thread said she understands what she said was stupid, and that even her excuse doesn't justify what she said. She very clearly in your post says she's regretful and apologetic and understand it was a dumb thing to say. What else do you want her to do?

>> No.8208409

People were recently bitching about Lockshop's customer service going to shit on my facebook, but honestly, I'm more put off by the puffed up artificial-seeming sassiness I've seen here and more particularly in rufflechat.

I still want one of the hime wigs though. I saw one in person recently, and I have to admit it looks good.

>> No.8208418



>> No.8208432

People have had these issues with her for years. If you visit Choke's LM feedback there's a recent review there of an experience very much like one my friend had several years ago. Choke never changes.

>> No.8208434

Sometimes when I'm bored I like to sit around and think about what I could post on Rufflechat that would be the least offensive thing on the surface, but guaranteed to draw drama.

>So I'm trying to lose weight to fit into unshirred Moitie, what are your healthy diet and fitness plans?

>> No.8208480

>Going with the languages have different ways of expression excuse.
Should go over well

>> No.8208484

Yeah that part was to her calling it a language issue. Not to you. And not even about what she said, more her excuse. but by all means keep defending her as if she doesn't have dozens of other reasons to take issue

>> No.8208487

Me too. Rufflechat seems like a crapshoot at times though, people turn really innocuous topics in sjw cesspools. If it's too obvious people won't take the bait.

>> No.8208491

Lol, furry on the cat ears topic on rufflechat: "I'm a furry so I wear my deer ears with my stuff, no matter if its a everday outfit or cosplay/costume."

>> No.8208514

This is like that one girl who screamed that a girl was shaming her incredibly long ape arms by innocuously telling her her sleeves were a couple inches too short. Jesus fuck.

>> No.8208544

As a tallfag with ape arms, I'd be grateful if someone pointe out that my sleeves were too short so I'd know I have to do something about it. It's like everything is oppression nowadays.

>> No.8208588

I know. I just don't have the balls to post anything because I'm way to lazy to deal with the ensuing firefight. I just want to watch it all burn.

>> No.8209010

I am not talking about Jenna, I am talking about Linda. Jenna is paraphrasing whatever sjw bullshit Linda told her, and I am paraphrasing what Linda says.
What Jenna said sounds fine, but when those people go out to "help", all they end up doing is making the situation for many PoC worse by pitting whites against us.

>> No.8209084

Is there deets on this dramu somewhere? I don't know who these people are or what happened.

Also, is anyone else friends with Jillian Vessay on FB? Seems like there's a few people on there who are super salty about her.
>omg you said "whoring" you're shaming women

>> No.8209093

in the last thread online comm thread, yea

>> No.8209105
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>> No.8209113

What if this is a conspiracy to get more content for our ita threads

>> No.8209187

Just look at the archives of online comm threads. There was a deleted one that people were exclusively whinging about this drama in, and almost every thread since we started having them has had people whinging about the asshat SJWs in the group.

Isn't Julian Vessey a relatively popular lolita youtuber? What's the drama around her?

>> No.8209619
File: 30 KB, 494x154, surepenny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8209625

I laughed pretty hard at this. Her clothes are shit. She's shit. And she should just fucking leave. Never mind the fact that she has no right to give advice.

>> No.8209643
File: 139 KB, 640x640, 11078511_798797663532524_51062001_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is off topic as hell but I'm dying to know what contacts and lashes Pastelbat's using here.

>> No.8209646
File: 841 KB, 450x254, surejan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8209695

She has to be willfully ignorant if she thinks people like what she makes... We basically just tolerate her at meetups.

>> No.8209713

Then I approve.

>> No.8209723
File: 220 KB, 449x788, _fucking penny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone likes my clothes

lol, is that why you desperately stalk WTBs and beg people to commission you, penny?

>> No.8209738

Can someone have the balls to speak up in this thread and tell Penny to stop lying?

>> No.8209744

NGL, looking at her page the construction isn't bad at all. She just chooses the ugliest fucking fabrics.

>> No.8209751

her construction is amateur at best. she has no business taking commissions.

>> No.8209776

I don't know her well enough, or I probably would.

Having seen her work in person, I can agree with >>8209751. I'd say her level of skill would be acceptable for, say, children's costumes, but definitely not the level of quality you would expect for Lolita.

>> No.8209808

I cackled when I saw her use the Big Sister tag, how delusional can you be lorrrd

>> No.8209944
File: 70 KB, 474x429, 1418878721196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm blocking and reporting you so don't even bother. have a nice day, dear.
So much sand, pic related.

oh wow
Those painted on eyebrows are fucking nasty. Truly ugly both inside and out.

>> No.8209957

Well, it is BS.

>> No.8209961

Sabrina says it better than I could
I just want to slap people who are scared of cgl. Why? How much of a wet towel are you that you are afraid of strangers on the internet not liking your shoes?

>> No.8209983
File: 9 KB, 233x205, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8209984

I've made several orders through Lockshop and I'm overseas. Each one has arrived rather quickly. I've never even heard of anyone with wait issues, stop trying to make drama where there isn't any unless you have proof.

>> No.8210037
File: 240 KB, 497x388, justno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this on the sales group and I can't even...this blouse is literally 14€ on the watermarked taobao shop...

>> No.8210050

well shipping is included.
How much do you think it would cost to ship out of taobao alone?

>> No.8210053

>never heard of anyone having wait issues

Their Facebook wall has consistently had posts from people with wait issues

>> No.8210059

>shipping is included in the price
can you even read

>> No.8210257

Well, to be fair, by Singapore Airmail you could get it shipped for about £5

>> No.8210277

They are shipping from Europe, a lot of their customers are in America so of course it takes a lot of time. I did online sales for a long time and this was a constant issue I had literally no control over. You are looking for reasons to complain about nothing.

>> No.8210282 [DELETED] 

Hi Choke.

>> No.8210290

There's no way it cost that much with shipping. They're definitely making a profit.

>> No.8210358

I had someone ship me items from god damn Greece and it got here in America in under two weeks because they followed their shipping policies and didn't fuck around.
Unless you're talking customs, you're full of shit about it taking a "long time."

>> No.8210394

>girl reblogs one of my coords
>tagged as #poc


>> No.8210397

Woops, missed that "no racism" thing. Sorry OP

>> No.8210403

Are you a poc?
Or really are you just remotely non-white looking?

>> No.8210409

Please tell me you're white as snow.

>> No.8210438

I'm not white but fuck, I hate this tumblrina SJW shit. I'm not your token "exotic" person for you to put on your blog and feel like you are doing me a favor.

I don't know, I may be overreacting but I feel offended.
And i thought people liked my coord...

>> No.8210450

I'm in Europe and made my first order more then a month ago. Shit still hasn't shipped out. If I had known Choke's attitude would be like this in this thread, I wouldn't have ordered it.

>> No.8210455

I also find the word PoC very offensive, anon. I would not appreciate being lumped in with every other group just because I am not white (although this word does not exist in my country). Please tell them it offends you -perhaps by writing a post on your tumbler, and explain why so one day they will stop with this racial words.

>> No.8210465

I'm confused. I remember PB being real plain and now she looks really pretty. Or she's just good with selfies and makeup.

>> No.8210475

Same. Annoying as fuck that they consider it appropriate to pit white vs non-white without taking into consideration that there are very big cultural differences between POC. It's like a very backhanded compliment.

>> No.8210479

>complain about nothing

this is just from the past 2 months:

>someone who placed an order 2 months ago that still hasn't arrived, was told they would get a coupon for the delay but never did, got a "package shipped" email with a tracking number saying it was shipped on the 5th of March--meaning a month after they ordered.

>Someone who wanted a large order for a special occasion, emailed Lockshop before ordering to confirm that it could be received in time. Ordered 16 pieces, received only 2 items in their package with the invoice for 16 pieces. Was told by Choke that they needed a picture of the package--which they already sent. Didn't get a message until days later, which basically said "it's in the hands of customer service." As of March 16th (a month later) they never got their items, answers to their emails, update to the order, or even an apology.

>Someone who waited 3 months for their package, it was supposedly shipped out with an "extra gift" but Choke "lost the slip at the post office" so they have to wait to get tracking/proof of delivery, which they haven't provided.

>Someone who wrote in January that they've been waiting since mid-October for their item, who Lockshop was charging for reshipment despite the delay being an issue on Lockshop's end.

And several of these people are in Europe.

>> No.8210480
File: 16 KB, 511x176, oh wonderfinch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And unrelated but this gem from wonderfinch on the Lockshop Facebook page had me rolling

>> No.8210487

I ordered a wig a month and a half ago and just received it two days ago, so yeah. Your service sucks, and apparently your attitude is pretty bad too. I'd expect behavior likes yours out of a nineteen year old at most.

>> No.8210489

That would be reasonable except the undertones are more important than skin tone. Just because something looks good on one darker skin does not say the same for all darker skin. Same with light skin.
And wasn't she saying that pastel wigs - and wigs in general - are out of fashion in lolita?

>> No.8210499

She said twintails are out of fashion in regards to the new guide listing twintails in the hair part of the guide.

Although I disagree with it being reasonable, tbh.Would she email brands and ask them to use dark skinned models for their clothes so she can see what the colors look like on her? It's not that hard to google for pictures of darker skinned people with pastel hair.

>> No.8210518

holy fucking crap you do realise as a shop owner you are supposed to have some shred of professionalism, right? Everyone who browses this board is a potential customer for an already exceptionally niche market. Holy crap, how are you this stupid.

Stick to Arda Wigs and Gabalnara, folks. I got to use Arda wigs even every day after I got seriously sick and lost some hair and nobody at work could tell, and Gabalnara is easy on the wallet and great quality.

>> No.8210523

Tell them "I'm actually of X ethnicity, but thank you for thinking all of us "colored" people look the same!"

>> No.8210529

I don't see how you can take it as a compliment?
I am white so this may be a conflict of interest, but I loathe the word PoC. I do not care if people are pitted against me because I am white - but "PoC" are not all one and the same and you should absolutely not reblog non-white people with a #poc. To me this screams "I am accepting of everyone and I NEED to tell people because otherwise they might think I am racist, and I am definitely not. I do not discriminate between races, but I always reblog poc because they are marginalised and need to be put out there more. And I tag them so you other non-racist people can reblog them too." So essentially a person who makes assumptions that you are oppressed because of your skin tone, and gives you a "pity reblog" because they think if you have more reblogs on tumblr it will make up for their white guilt.

I assumed she wanted to know if the colors of those specific wigs would look natural on her skin rather than being obvious wigs. However as I said darkness of skin would be irrelevant in determining this.

>> No.8210559

What's her angle, here? She's specifically said before that she doesn't like Choke and would never give her her business. Is she... pretending to be interested in wigs to inquire about dark skinned models?

>> No.8210566

Sounds like it. I thought Choke herself models most of her wigs though so it seems unnecessary to get more models.

>> No.8210571

2 weeks not shipped. Posted on fb asking whats up. No answer. No tracking ever sent. Arrived another 2 weeks later. Not that you care, Choke.

>> No.8210573

>She's specifically said before that she doesn't like Choke and would never give her her business.

Really? When was this?

>> No.8210598

This all happened in a fb group I am in for black lolitas

Around the time that all that GLW racism stuff was going down, someone mentioned Lockshop as a possible alternative and WF said she didn't like Choke because Choke was mean/rude to one of her friends or something (?) and she wouldn't ever buy from her, I will try to find the post when I get home

>> No.8210612

Although with Cimone's history for over the top SJW antics, I wonder if she was trying to goad Chokelate into saying something about race ("we have no plans to have dark-skinned models" = racism!!111!) so she could go off on her?

>> No.8210633

That's what I thought too! She's trying to get Choke to have to turn her down so she can cry racist.

>> No.8210637

She's usually wrong, and she also makes these comments to posts that are asking about something different or are otherwise off-topic.

>> No.8210656

I don't even like Wonderfuck but what's with the double standards itt?

>has a website dedicated to ethnic wigs
>permission from a poc drag queen to do a parody pic

>international wig seller
>sells to poc
>never any poc models
>"She's fine, that's -her- business, stop stirring the pot WF >:(

>> No.8210669

For the record I think both WF and Choke are immature bitches, but there is a difference? When GLW approaches black models and says "tell us how to market to black women, they're less bitchy and less picky than lolitas. there's more money in that business" (paraphrasing), and when they have a history of lightning the skin on their poc models and making comments like "brightening she skin gives our models a more desirable porcelain effect" or something, that is clearly a distinct issue when you are comparing it to Choke not using poc models

>> No.8210671

Glw specially said that dark p.o.c. models don't fit their image. Even though it was the drags pic I'm pretty sure they had curtain intension by posting that picture. Not having every-color model doesn't equal racist. Lockshop is also euro based while glw is in the U.S.

>> No.8210680

>"tell us how to market to black women, they're less bitchy and less picky than lolitas. there's more money in that business"

Caps? I didn't see anything like this.
>skin lightening
I can honestly say this shit is a non-issue.
Asians lighten their skin. Hispanics lighten their skin. White people whiten their already light skin.
Why can't a black woman do this without someone accusing her of whitewashing herself or being a victim of racism?

>Glw specially said that dark p.o.c. models don't fit their image
Didn't Choke say the same thing in less controversial terms? I mean, she just shot down the idea entirely and didn't even touch on why.

>> No.8210681

Choke, as a fellow sperger I understand the tactlessness and 'too honest' thing, gets me into trouble sometimes too. Don't let the sandys get you down, you're lovely, your business is miles ahead of most in terms of professional practice within the comm, and your sense of humour (and taste in tv!) is too lovable to be dragged into this shit. Rise above hunty; Sashay away

>> No.8210683
File: 57 KB, 500x387, holyshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8210691

>using aspergers as an excuse to be an uncouth cunt
>so sassy!11!
Nice. Get any corn stuck in your teeth after licking that much ass?

>> No.8210696

This post is so pathetic it's embarassing

It's in the rufflechat thread about the whole debacle, one of the former poc models said they approached her and said those things. I don't really feel like going through ~700 comments, so you can take my word for it or look for it yourself.

Skin lightening is absolutely an issue when you don't give your consent to it. Why bother hiring a black model if you don't like the way dark skin looks and just want to lighten it?

>> No.8210697

Her eyebrows are so misshapen, eek.

The thing that always bothered me about ph is her lack of originality. She always made herself out to be a pioneer but the truth is that she's just seeing harajuku street snaps a few weeks before big fads hit tumblr and the I-fash crowd laps it up.
I do enjoy her outfits occasionally but often it seems like she's just playing j-fash tumblr fad bingo

>> No.8210707

>Skin lightening is absolutely an issue when you don't give your consent to it.
My guess is almost every single non-black model should also have an issue then, because those girls have also been lightened and probably without their consent too.

I'd only see it as a problem if the model explicitly said she didn't approve of editing and asked to not be photoshopped, but GLW did it anyway. I think in a situation like that, outrage would be justified.

My point still stands though, Choke has no non-asian minorities. Seems racist.

>> No.8210714

Wait are you saying that black girls who are extremely black, being lightened almost 50% of their original skintone without their consent is okay, but that someone who lives in a place that doesn't really have black girls in the first place is racist? not to defend choke but what if none applied?

>> No.8210720

>Why can't a black woman do this without someone accusing her of whitewashing herself or being a victim of racism?

The politics of people wanting to lighten their own skin aside, this is not about what black women did to themselves. GLW lightened the pictures of the models. (Including one that was already "lightskinned")

>> No.8210739

yeah this.
I don't think people should have to go out of their way to find models of different ethnicities to fit some dumb "PC" world where everyone judges you if you don't showcase a range of skin types. There is a good possibility no darker skinned models applied.
And I dont like Chokes attitude. Why am I defending her?

>> No.8210745

>less controversial terms
Terminology is key. Most people flipped and protested over the picture alone.
I think people are more lenient to a euro brand having white-only models .

>> No.8210749

cause original post implied not liking glw meant liking Lockshop

>> No.8210750

>being lightened almost 50% of their original skintone without their consent is okay, but that someone who lives in a place that doesn't really have black girls in the first place is racist?
How are either of these related?
Just to clarify, I'm not the one who brought up the issue of skin brightening.

>are you saying black girls being lightened is okay?
Yes, so long as they consent. Asians pull the same shit, but nobody says a word because that's "kawaii."
>but that someone who lives in a place that doesn't really have black girls in the first place
...Are you implying there are no black persons in the Netherlands?

>> No.8210762

Also that's not what I'm implying.

I'm saying that people telling WF to fuck off because she might be hinting at Lockshop being racist isn't really right. I think GLW got more shit about being racist despite openly marketing for black people, just for a different reason. I think that's fucked that people are saying they're so different when in reality LS is worse than GLW as far as racism goes.

>> No.8210782

Even though black people lighten skin in pictures and use lighting products in private ,people socially don't agree with it and it implies self-hatred. Instead of Just wanting to be lighter your assumed to hate your race and want to be white. In Asia lightening is a-ok and widely accepted. Not the same anon but I wouldn't expect Europe based stores to have poc models. However in America where businesses go out there way to bait consumers and cater to everyone so it would be super weird to see a site with only one race of people as models

>> No.8210816 [DELETED] 

>people socially don't agree with it and it implies self-hatred
Then the same logic should be applied to asian and white people who do it too, because the logic would follow that they find flaw with their skin tones as well.
>but I wouldn't expect Europe based stores to have poc models
Sorry, I'm probably coming off as picky about this topic but I can't help it. I have Dutch friends who have black and middle eastern people in their circles so it's weird for me to think that people don't think they have a presence in Euro countries.

>> No.8210842

It's a cultural difference, anon. It's really unfair to say that because something applies to X it should automatically apply to Y and Z. That's not really true. Whitening in asia is more widely acceptable, and it's just that, doesn't mean everyone likes it but most people won't get huffy over it. For black people in pretty much every part of the world, it's not really acceptable, but that doesn't mean everyone won't do it either.

I'm just really confused here because you're trying to treat everyone as if they all feel the same while also saying that they're not. It's weird.

>> No.8210849

I think the issue is so complicated that it's easy to misconstrue. Anyway, I don't want this thread to blow up into a racism debate so I'll just end it since I'm not really picking a side. It's just a shitty attempt to have a conversation about race when I'm tired and it's probably not a good idea on my end. My apologies.

>> No.8210851

another thread ruined by ridiculous racism bullshit. the issue is complex, we all know it, can we move the fuck on?

>> No.8210855

That's a bit of an overreaction anon...it'll be okay.

>> No.8210874

That logic isnt the best. If an asain wanted milky white skin they will still identify as asian and be proud of there race. You don't have to hate your race to want bright skin.

>> No.8210876

I feel like everyone is forgetting the dark skin model choke uses. She has modeled the milk tea brown split wig off the top of my head And I know she's done other's

>> No.8210912

How is lockshop worse? They've literally said nothing about poc models.

>> No.8210917

You girls need to stop derailing the thread.

>> No.8210954

Why is lor now spamming her shitty videos on egl. Is tumblr not enough for her attention whoring anymore or something?

>> No.8210971

>Didn't Choke say the same thing in less controversial terms? I mean, she just shot down the idea entirely and didn't even touch on why.

Where did Choke shut down the idea

>> No.8210985

And since you are not a new poster, stop samefagging.

>> No.8210997

That didn't answer my question, though. Someone said that Choke shut down the idea of having POC models entirely, yeeeeet... where did she do this? Not answering crazy as fuck WF =/= shutting down an idea.

>And since you are not a new poster, stop samefagging.
>you aren't allowed to post more than once in a thread, or you're a samefag

What kind of retard logic? You're samefagging too, then.

>> No.8211006

Shes always shared videos on EGL though. Many people share their Lolita parodies on egl. Get that sand out of your vag.

>> No.8211009

The anon you're trying to coax an argument from isn't here anymore. Calm your tits and go back to tumblr. Everyone is tired of arguing about race bs.

>> No.8211014

Wait--is someone forcing you to read the comments that you're not interested in? Do you need help?

>> No.8211032

>the one autist who can't take social cues by the general lack of interest
Choke, that you?

>> No.8211036

Actually based on the number of people participating based on the few complainers I would say that there is a general interest in the topic.

>> No.8211039

>the one autist who's crying about a topic on a 4chan thread and can't stop reading comments about said topic


>> No.8211048

Seriously I want to know too. I don't care if she did or didn't, but if someone claimed she did I wanna seeeeee. I'd love to see wondercunt shut down.

>> No.8211057

>bawwwww someone told me to shut up
Choke detected. Bitch put your trip on so at least your posts will be blocked. I'm sick of your "sass" you autismal Sahara for a vagoo.

>> No.8211064

>>8211036 was me and I am not Choke.

>> No.8211067

This anon seems to have known something: >>8210612
Quote them and ask.

>> No.8211100

You're so upset. Is this wonderfinch?

>> No.8211112

>I'm sick of your "sass" you autismal Sahara for a vagoo.
holy crap thread over

>> No.8211120

I've been watching Chokelate's transformation videos, I wonder how speeded up they are and how long it actually takes her to do her makeup and wig and to get ready?

How long does it take everyone to get ready in lolita, start to finish with hair and makeup?
How much time do you spend on your makeup for lolita?

>> No.8211121

>She always made herself out to be a pioneer
I have honestly never seen her express herself that way, but fans of her have. She's just lucky to pick up these fads quick and having a lot of followers it gets noticed fast

>> No.8211134

I actually really miss her creepy cute days. I don't know much about her personality or anything, but I really liked those outfits. I feel like she was one of the only people who managed to look decent in them. I don't even know what her style is now; she also looks like a totally different person with the way she does her makeup/her lip implants.

>> No.8211324

Looks like captain bullshit was signed in once again.

I wouldn't ever shut down the idea of having a dark skinned model for Lockshop. I have been actively looking for one (or more), but where I live there aren't a lot of dark skinned people and while I could try to approach someone on the street with little or no modelling experience, that's not what I need. Right now I've got a couple girls in mind, but it's difficult to find someone who is right for Lockshop. The girl I previously shot with was super gorgeous, but not very comfortable with such sweet themes as she was an alternative model, and that reflected in the pictures.

It was one of the reasons I started a contest, but the largest part of the entries are all white.

These were all replied to and taken care of. We mostly deal with issues by e-mail and I don't do that personally, but I have a girl doing that for me. I'm not sure if I should reply to the messages that have been solved on FB, or delete them? If anyone has an order open for an unreasonable amount of time they can message me on FB for a quick direct answer if CS isn't fast enough. Sometimes there are issues that are overlooked (ie. payment that is still on processing because the Paypal app sometimes screws up) but that can be solved quickly. I'm also working on a live chat for the website when the new layout is there :)

>> No.8211338

Hey, happy birthday.

>> No.8211341

Daily reminder that very few black people live in Europe and even fewer are models. Stop thinking like an American, not every place needs to have diversity shoehorned in

>> No.8211351

Lockshop HAS used a 'PoC' model before, though.

>> No.8211387

I don't think I'll be buying Chokelatest wigs...just wow. I had no idea so many people had issues.

>> No.8211392

This. I'm in a small village in the SW of England and the only non-white person I have contact with in my village is the man who owns the local convenience store and his son who works there and they are from Bangladesh. I know he has a wife and another young children through talking to with him and his son but I've never actually seen them except from pictures.
This is an extreme example as we are a small village but I've travelled around the country quite a bit and the nearest place with a similar diversity scale as U.S. is London or Glasgow, even then the latter is not that prelavent.

>> No.8211402

You know I gotta say, of all the few wig sellers who self-post on 4chan, you bother me the most.
Why are you acting so unprofessionally? We can tell you have dropped trip and got your whiteknights to derail this thread because someone brought up WF and her bullshit about race. Thanks a lot for that btw.
You're not in everyone's comm, so why are you making this thread about you just because, heaven forbid, an anon said they didn't like you? Make your own thread if you want to address concerns potential customers have about your ethics.
I must say after being really neutral about your business, your passive aggression and swearing is really off putting. Could you just leave? Anon was right >>8207889 you made the thread about yourself.

>> No.8211406

You can tell I dropped my trip? Ask a mod to confirm that for you, because I never once dropped my trip in this thread.

If you don't want this thread to be about me then don't post about me? I mean, even if I don't show up here and you're posting about me, it'd be about me. I'm simply replying on some posts here.

>> No.8211410

>If you don't want this thread to be about me then don't post about me?

Not that anon but why is it always someone else's fault for the way you behave? You could start by just not posting or responding to the drama. You could at least tone down the cattiness when responding to the customers who claim issues itt.

>> No.8211412

Most of the foreign/non-white people around here are Turkish/Moroccan, which is quite common within Europe. There's an afro hairdresser nearby where I live, but I don't think they'd be too happy if a wig shop would leave cards behind to find models.

>> No.8211413

Are there no black lolitas where you live? Why would you advertise to the general public?
Another idea would to be to bring some of your wigs to one of the conventions you attend and do a shoot there with girl volunteers...

>> No.8211417

Right, I could not reply. But if people are spreading untruths like with the WF thing, for example, I will reply to that. I'm sure you can understand that. And I'm really sorry, but I don't really see where I was catty?

>> No.8211418

There really seems to be an overall problem with your service if many customers are having to actively follow up with you when there is something wrong.

With the amount of issues you have, wouldn't it be better to do an audit of all your orders and be proactive about delays instead of asking customers to contact you?

Many people are starting to express lack of confidence in your business and just a 'Well, contact me personally if you've waited a long time' isn't really gonna cut it.

>> No.8211421
File: 1.98 MB, 271x276, look-of-disapproval.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I don't really see where I was catty?

>> No.8211422

None in my area at all, I think there are about 5 local Lolitas and they're all white. If I look at previous con experience, finding a darker skinned girl that's suitable to model there, will be really difficult too. The /only/ con, which I think has better chances, is AM and I won't have time for that unfortunately.

>> No.8211427

>replying to untruths
Why? Isn't it better to avoid potentially making yourself look like a defensive shit and let your company's service speak for itself?
>And I'm really sorry, but I don't really see where I was catty?
How about the parts where you don't even apologize to the customers, assume it must be a communication problem on their end, and tell them that they should contact you about it?
I can understand you leaving the reins of the wig shop to some other girl and you may not be aware of the goings of your shop, but don't assume your customers are wrong or misinformed about the shipping.

Also, if there are older complaints on your facebook wall that have since been resolved you should mark them as such. If not, then contact these people and offer customer service to ameliorate their dissatisfaction.

>> No.8211431

You should make time for these things if it matters this much to you. You attend many conventions, I have a hard time believing that you can't find one to set aside time to be a vendor for. Or get your shop lackey to do it.

>> No.8211433

Some delays aren't obvious to see in the system, I check multiple times a day and sometimes something slips through the cracks, depending on the problem (like the payment processing thing or other system errors). If they're in the thread, it's better that they contact me with their order number directly because that will always be the quickest, so I don't see how that's a bad thing to mention to them. It doesn't imply in any way that I'm not working and paying attention to what's going on, it just makes it more visible and easier to fix.

A lot of the problems were caused because we had no internet due to moving, the customers were informed of this by staff though, and they should have all been taken care of. I'm working hard on ways to make it easier for customers to get quicker help when they need it (like live chat directly with me), because the CS representative lives in the US and the time zone can cause some delays.

I mean it, please do point it out to me.

>> No.8211434

>I mean it, please do point it out to me.
i think the "captain bullshit" comment might have ruffled some pettis.

otherwise you're fine, lolitas just love policing each other.

>> No.8211437

General cattiness.
>ACTUALLY all the problems with the orders have been taken care of kthnxbai
>I have my ass covered because I'm making a live chat for my website so obvs if you have a problem then message me :)

And I'm not even counting the PB comment. So yeah, tone it down.

>> No.8211438

>asking Choke to stop posting

Are you retarded? Choke always needs to have the last word. That's why she claimed she was leaving at least twice itt and never did.

>> No.8211439

Does your system not at least track the number of days someone's had to wait before their order has shipped? It's obviously being recorded in the database.

Shouldn't red flags be going off if you see anyone like waiting beyond a week and they haven't been informed by CS of a delay?

>> No.8211443

>Choke detected
If you're a whiteknight then you're pathetic. Are you really going to look at >>8211437 and deny it?

>> No.8211445
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>> No.8211448

I actually wasn't planning to do that many cons anymore. If you say shop lackey taking pictures, what kind of pictures are you referring to anyway? For some kind of gallery or for the products itself? A customer gallery on the website itself might be a good idea, but I don't think it would really solve the lacking a POC model problem.

Thanks for pointing it out

>> No.8211451

Why don't you let shop lackey run a vendor booth at one of the conventions, have her hand out photoshoot model applications, and then organize a couple hours at the end of the convention to take photos?
>but I don't think it would really solve the lacking a POC model problem
I don't think white or asian people are the only ones who want to model for you, and aren't the only ones willing to do a backflip at a con because you're e-famous. Don't knock it until you've tried it.

>> No.8211455

It's difficult to explain how it works, normally it's very easy to see if an order was shipped out or not, and how long ago it was placed. But when an order with a system error slips through the cracks it can be difficult to find it, depending on what went wrong, even when you're actively on the look out for it. Especially during the time where we didn't have internet, where I couldn't actively keep track of what comes in, it's really difficult to find the problems and I've been going over that for weeks to make sure everything is OK. With smaller order quantities it's not such a problem, however with a larger amount of orders coming it, a larger amount of errors are coming in too, so I'm looking to switch to a more stable system that allows for the same or similar backoffice options.

>> No.8211462

I usually leave myself an hour to get ready for a meet, a little longer if it's a special event. That includes time to grab a small snack, do my make-up and hair (or wig) and update my bf on my plans for the day, but doesn't include selecting my coordinate, which I usually do the night before.

For everyday wear, it takes me about 20 minutes to get ready, with choosing an outfit and doing hair/make-up.

>> No.8211464

>>Choke detected
yeah i wish.

i have a short memory for drama so i was referencing recent posts, remembering choke had already addressed earlier comments. but my comment about lolitas and anons still stands. the combo is fucking bloodthirsty toward certain types of people. engaging with it is pointless because no matter what you do or say, someone else will always be lined up to condemn.

>> No.8211465

>but my comment about lolitas and anons still stands
You include yourself in this figure I presume. You sound thirsty af.

>> No.8211466 [DELETED] 
File: 437 KB, 500x270, tumblr_inline_mqx343bl1L1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can tell I dropped my trip?
Why yes, Choke, we can now!


>> No.8211468

The problem with that is that EU cons don't generally have a lot of POC attending (I only ever saw a couple darker skinner girls at Japan Expo), so that would mean I'd have to do US cons. Which would require to have Lockshop registered in the US I think? I'm bound to a schedule at AM, I don't have free time :(

But if anyone knows any suitable darker skinned girls in the J Fashion community that would be interested in modelling for Lockshop and live in Europe (I'd fly them over) they can give me a head's up. I can always do with more info :)

>> No.8211469

God please can you shut the fuck up. That con photo shoot is an awful idea and won't magically make model-worthy black girls appear. Not that your American guilt complex fucking matters anyway. I'd rather have her shoot with a Turkish girl than go on a quest to find the token black chick to appease the American plebs.

>> No.8211470

Do your own research ffs.

>> No.8211471
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>You include yourself in this figure I presume.

yep for the anon part. not a lolita. posting itt to oppose what looks on the surface like a majority opinion and attitude and to point out part of what is really going on.

there will always be another line of critics no matter how many are placated or get bored.

>> No.8211472

She's asking if you personally know someone who might be interested.

>> No.8211473

>That con photo shoot is an awful idea
Why is it awful?
>it won't magically make black girls appear
Duh, but Choke said she'd have no problem creating a customer showcase anyway. It would be nice seeing her actually doing something to promote her own business that showcases the customers regardless. Using the models who have bought her wigs seems like a good place to start. You sound really upset.

>> No.8211474

And this isn't sounding upset >>8211470?
Oh, imagine that must have been someone else then.

>> No.8211476

It's not hard to find a black Euro lolita. I don't understand why she needs help, this is so lazy.

>> No.8211477

We're already working on it on IG, there are a couple tags that can be checked out too, but it might be nice to have it on the website too when the new layout is done.

>> No.8211478

Yes it was someone else?

>> No.8211480

>It's not hard to find a black Euro lolita
Go ahead then and post some?

>> No.8211481

This. She came back at least attempting to be mature. I may not give a flying fuck either way about her, but she seems to have learned to drop the sassy shit and respond like some semblance of an adult.

>> No.8211483

Chokelate, I'm not going to do the work for you.
If you seriously believe there is no such thing as a pretty, black lolita who lives in Europe then that's your deal. I'm sure you can find somebody, or hell just make a fucking facebook post asking for European models and I'm sure you'll get some non white ones inquiring.

>> No.8211488

Stop assuming everyone who thinks you're retarded is Choke. Some others of us are tired of your political correctness wanking too.

>> No.8211490

Stop assuming everyone who thinks black lolitas exist in Europe is an American SJW, you idiot.

>> No.8211491

I never said that. Political correctness wankers can be European too.

>> No.8211492

What part of "Europe isn't the same as the US and areas in Western Europe such as Holland, France, Poland etc do not HAVE a significant black population let alone a black lolita population.

>> No.8211493

What's politically correct about not spoonfeeding Chokelate the names of black lolitas in europe and making her do her own research? Please, feel free to explain yourself.

>> No.8211495

>What part of "

finish your thought the suspense is killing me

>> No.8211496

I'm not Chokelate I can simply read
>It was one of the reasons I started a contest, but the largest part of the entries are all white.
And the black minority in Europe is fucking small, an even smaller portion of those is into lolita and also interested in shooting. What the fuck do you think she's supposed to do to find these ladies you apparently know if they have no big online presence and don't react to contests?

>> No.8211497

Not me but ok. I already contacted a few girls, but because I'm not active in all J-Fashion communities and don't know everyone (and some aren't comfortable with modelling etc.), I might be missing out. All I'm saying is, that if someone knows someone that's suitable, to shoot the info my way because I might not know them!

Oh and I already did, all applicants except for 1 Asian girl, were white.

>> No.8211498
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>> No.8211501

>What the fuck do you think she's supposed to do to find these ladies you apparently know if they have no big online presence and don't react to contests?

Set up a booth, as I've said, at foreign conventions she attends so she can pool a larger demographic? What are you even arguing with me about, exactly? You've flip flopped between putting down the convention idea and now you're implying that I think Choke should find someone black specifically in her area.

>> No.8211502

But she only attends conventions within Europe and like has been stated on numerous occassions, there are a minority of black people within Europe as it is, let alone who are into Lolita and even smaller, willing to model.

>> No.8211503

>nobody itt stops for a second to think that black lolitas don't model for Lockshop because Chokelate's wigs look like shit on them
They look like shit on a lot of people, but many of those wigs wouldn't compliment a darker skin tone.

>> No.8211507

>But she only attends conventions within Europe
Uh, she totally goes to foreign conventions wtf

>> No.8211508

Oh I stand corrected. She does US conventions as well. But the point still stands that her base is Europe and you specifically stated it's not hard to find black lolita within Europe.

>> No.8211510

stop with your crazy logic, you'll make poor anon have to scramble harder to sidestep

>> No.8211511

See the comment below yours

>> No.8211513

See >>8211507. Wasn't hard. :)
>well it actually is hard to find black people anon
Okay, and my point still stands that she visits foreign countries who do have a larger population of black lolitas. So I think my vendor idea is totally reasonable. If you just don't like the idea well then there's nothing else to say really.

>> No.8211515

Oh now all the black European lolitas disappeared and she has to shoot in America. Got it.

>> No.8211520

No, they're still there. I'm merely accommodating for the complaint that there are not many black lolitas in Europe.
>If you can't do x then y might get you the results you want.
I know there are black lolitas in Europe, I can't guarantee that they want to model for Chokelate.

>> No.8211523

>>I actually wasn't planning to do that many cons anymore

So she's not planning on doing many cons anymore. But she should make an exception to trek over to the US to find a token black lolita. Great logic.

>> No.8211526

As a French lolita, I can say that France has a very large black population. Europe is a former colonial power, PLENTY of people in Africa who were colonized went to Europe to try and save themselves from the mess that was left. Try harder, or, actually visit these countries and leave the tourist traps and you'll see.

>> No.8211528

where are they then? You're so insistant there are abundant so point them out. As quite a few of us who live in Europe are baffled as to who and where they are. My comm has >60 members on facebook (not all attend meets) and looking at their profile pictures there are only white girls.

>> No.8211529

>So she's not planning on doing many cons anymore.
Deep down I think you know that's bullshit. Kind of like how she "left lolita."
>wehh trek to the US
She's already traveling to the US in April anyway. She'll probably go to Rufflecon again. What are you smoking?

>> No.8211531

However, I should add that very few are lolita. But, modeling is an occupation. If they are offered compensation, then it is work and models will take it.

>> No.8211532

Rufflecon would be a perfect opportunity for Chokelate to scout models. And she's got time to organize that.

>> No.8211544

>She'll probably go to Rufflecon again
she was not at rufflecon last year.

>> No.8211561

Are you stupid? You complain about Choke not using any black models, yet refuse to list some potential lolitas that might be interested. Except for places that are highly international like Frankfurt or London, there are not that many black people, much less black lolitas who are also interested in modelling. This cannot be so hard to grasp.

>> No.8211568

>yet refuse to list some potential lolitas that might be interested
How would anon know they're interested even if she dropped names of randoms?
This is just a thought, but not every black person is interested in being someone's POC campaign.

>> No.8211574

France isn't the Netherlands, last time I've checked.

>> No.8211577

I like how many people here think that it's as easy as 123 to go to the U.S. and just pick up a black person off the street. That is not how it works, and I'm quite certain that said girls have a say in it too. She's already opened a contest so if you know any black lolitas in Europe point them to Lockshop instead of bitching about it and see if they want to do it in the first place.
You're acting like children, like black lolitas are your playthings and you keep screaming 'but mummy I want one NOW!' Because to you they're a novelty item or something.
Disgusting, and then you call others racist

>> No.8211579

Lol, are you seriously going to pick apart what French anon said over something that stupid? They were speaking in the context of ALL Europe, not just the Netherlands.
And if you're trying to paint it like these two countries are impossibly far away from each other to matter, it's actually about a six hour drive from Paris to Amsterdam.

>> No.8211580

Good thing I was responding to a statement that specifically said France.

>> No.8211583


>> No.8211584

Why don't you pay for the six hour drive then, if you wanna see em that badly?

>> No.8211585
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Which post said Chokelate should pick black girls off the street? I want to laugh at it if it's true.
I saw Chokelate say she wanted to recruit at a hair salon, and then those anons who said she should recruit at conventions.

Nothing about a street though. Would be funny to ask a Rasputia who doesn't even wear lolita to model. Kek.

>> No.8211587

>Europe is a former colonial power
Some countries only
Most countries in Europe have had nothing to do with colonialism

>> No.8211589

Bitch, I drive 3 hours to go to a major meetup for a single day over tea and photos. Then it takes me another 3 to drive back.
What would be so taxing about attending a convention in France to sell product and recruit models? 6 hours isn't shit. Try driving for 12 and then we'll talk about it being rough.

>> No.8211591

If you wanna be a raging SJW at least know your shit

>> No.8211592


Sure, not Europe in it's entirety, but the original statement refereed to western Europe in which almost every single western European country had colonies. We're not discussing Slovakia, here, or if Choke should go to the Eastern Bloc to find black lolitas to model.

>> No.8211593

What if she doesn't want to? It's her store, she can decide if she wants to bother with it and if finding a black Lolita in Europe takes so much effort I don't really think it's worth it just to please a couple screaming brats on the internet

>> No.8211596

>What if she doesn't want to?
Then I say the criticisms of her not really putting any effort to extend her products to people is valid. I'd say she's a lazy little cunt and expects people to like her for not doing fucking shit besides taking photos of herself with a clicker and a shoop program.
She doesn't even run the shop by herself so she could just ask that person in charge to do it for her as an ambassador. But no, more excuses and more laziness.

>> No.8211602

Even if it's a country with colonies they're not necessarily African colonies or don't have a significant African population. Belgium has mostly Moroccans, as does the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Germany has Turks etc
The only countries with a bigger black population are the UK, France and maybe Sweden. Maybe.

>> No.8211606

If Chokelate's personality were a woman, it would be Rasputia.


>> No.8211607

I think the bottom line of this argument that could be said and let it all die is that yes, there are black people in Europe, and yes, it's highly likely that they would model for her. If she doesn't want to, then she doesn't want to, but she can expect to get criticism over that, because really, she's not trying very hard to do otherwise. People have offered suggestions, given criticism, and she doesn't seem to take much of it seriously, so why make excuses for her?

She does what she does so whatever; the internet isn't going to change her mind nor is she going to have any good publicity for not doing shit that people have been actively asking her to do and offering suggestions on how to do it. But in the end, that will only affect her and her business and this going back and forth over absolutely nothing that's going nowhere really took this thread to the grave fast.

>> No.8211608

Fair enough.

>> No.8211610

Morocco is an African country, anon. And a large section of Turkey falls in European territory. You're missing the point; people of color have come to Europe because Europe went to them. They're not hard to find.

>> No.8211706

You clearly don´t life in Europe. If I wan´t to ship to America, I have to pay €24

>> No.8211709

Why CAN'T Choke ask a random WoC? She doesn't have to be a lolita, just dress that bitch up.

Also no one said the model's skin had to be #000000. Pretty sure Turkish wouldn't hurt.

>> No.8211719

I feel you. I just want to be like for my coords/personality. Not because my skin has a certain amount of pigment.

>> No.8211720

Where is this coming from that I'm not putting in any effort finding dark skinned models? Just because I ask here if people know anyone interested doesn't mean I didn't put in any effort at all.

I look on ModelMayhem frequently, I contact the girls I know, I look on the street. I could pick out a random POC to model for me, but I need someone that fits the image and ideally also that has an interest in J Fashion. I don't think it would be beneficial to have someone with no interest and that feels weird throughout the shoot. It's important to have it all work together properly, it goes much deeper than just "hey put on a wig and let me take a pic". Doesn't work like that.

>> No.8211729

Because I keep hearing you say "But there's no one where I live!!111!"

>> No.8211736

>I need someone that fits the image
What does this mean?
And why do they need to be interested in J fashion if you're compensating them for their time?
We don't typically see what you're wearing in your wig headshots, so I don't see why it matters.

>> No.8211737

I sometimes model for an indie designer. More often than not she uses local professional models that know nothing about J fashion but still look beautiful in it. They don't have to be actual lolitas.

>> No.8211741

But say someone buys it who's in Europe, how can that cost be justified then?

>> No.8211789

>And why do they need to be interested in J fashion if you're compensating them for their time?
Because most people find that fashion kind of weird if they're outsiders, and if I'm not using a professional model, there's a big chance that it will be weird for the girl and just not working out in the pictures. I'm not sure how to explain that, I had that with another model and while she was really pretty, she just looked uncomfortable in the pictures.

I'm gonna ask around on Tumblr.

With professional models it's a bit different, they know how to model and carry themselves in situations. Maybe I should look into getting a professional model, but on the other hand it would be nicer to include someone from the scene, wouldn't it?

>> No.8211819

Lockshop is based in Germany.

However I'm from the Netherlands and our comm only has around 11 non-white lolita's. Which isn't that strange considering only 15% of the dutch population is non-white.

>> No.8211830

Girl, if you've been in lolita this long and don't know what colors work for you by now....
I mean, you buy $300 dresses before trying them on. A $50 wig is a drop in the bucket.

>> No.8211925

>nicer to include someone from the scene

That's a pretty weak excuse; the scene is asking you to do something and you're not doing it. Don't try using that exclusivity tactic because we don't care if you use someone who actually wears lolita, just so long as there is variation and they look nice in it. You don't have to have your PhD in lolita to be able to wear it once and look nice and natural in it.

>> No.8212080

"The scene" being wondercunt and the solo anon crying oppression in the thread?

>> No.8212121

Did you not read what she said? Models who arent interested in alternative fashion feel uncomfortable when forced to wear it.

Also you should not feel you have to have a black model, as POC vary widely.

>> No.8212124

Yeah the professional models my friend uses are reeeeaaal uncomfortable. That's why they keep coming back for her lolita fashion shows even though I doubt she's paying them big bucks.


>> No.8212257

Ronald McDonald-chan is at it again on Rufflechat.

>> No.8212331

You realise if there's no one in the scene willing to model then there's also no one in the scene who needs to be represented, right?

>> No.8212912

Cimone, you are not the scene. Get the fuck over yourself.

>> No.8212981

What kind of model were you using who could not even look comfortable in dressy clothes and a wig? Even amateur alternative models trading prints for time can manage this in all sorts of situations. I don't get that at all.

I guess it would be nice to include someone from the scene but from what I've seen, lots of 'models' who volunteer for fashion shows, etc are very awkward so someone with photo posing experience would be preferred. Your contest entries were mostly light skinned, I'm guessing...but showing their photos would at least show some little variety. You look beautiful in most of the wigs but seeing someone else in them too gives a more realistic idea.

>> No.8213257

Not Cimone.