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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8191648 No.8191648 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>8157993

Keep doing what you do best /cgl/

>> No.8195906

What happened to the other one with all the posts in it?

>> No.8195922
File: 25 KB, 405x289, omgwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to 4chan...

>> No.8195951

Aawwww they deleted it.

>> No.8197135

Whats this going on about some creepy man posting in Lolita Sales worldwide

>> No.8197252

>A bunch of really creepy attention seeking guys have started commenting and posting on here. Is there any rule we can make to prevent people who aren't in the fashion from joining? Specifically with some sort of photo evidence. Seriously there is a post up right now of a woman engaging in coitus with a horse.
> a woman engaging in coitus with a horse.

jesus lol

i missed it, I guess. It was only just recently removed.

>> No.8197408
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>a woman engaging in coitus with a horse
holy shit how did I miss this?

I wouldn't be surprised if it is trolls from other boards/sites trying to shit up our stuff. Already know an unnamed shitposter from /fa/ has a fake account that he used to be able to see pictures on CoF, and I can only guess at how many more creepy neckbeards have been joining these groups.

>> No.8197569

Mc Melody Doll has gotten fat.

>> No.8200240
File: 176 KB, 994x590, Schermafbeelding 2015-03-23 om 19.19.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8200277

Came here to post the same thing. Didn't this happen to her before?

>> No.8200280

nobody is believing her pity story either

>> No.8200284

Someone commented in the FB thread, she posted about it on Yelp back in august or september.

>> No.8200290

Lmao Chanel WTF??? This is hilarious. She's a treasure trove whenever she posts tbh.

>> No.8200408

This thread is amaaaaaazing. I am getting such a justice boner watching everyone pick her story apart <3

>> No.8200495

aaaand it's gone

>> No.8200541

Did anyone grab caps? I missed seeing it entirely, and I'd love to see them pick it apart.

>> No.8200543
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I got a few

>> No.8200557
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>> No.8200562
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>> No.8200569

Did she even try to defend herself, or did she just give up when she realized nobody believed her bs?

>> No.8200572
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>> No.8200579

If only someone had tagged shop staff. Unless there was some issue with regards to card verification, why would staff be on the phone to her mother if she's an adult? As Kyra mentioned, unless they have a WANTED style poster of her face up in the back office, how did they know she's the same person who has supposedly had their mother calling to ensure she doesn't make purchases...which is strange on its own.

>> No.8200584

Why wouldn't it surprise me if that half-wit was trying to buy brand with her mom's card while they struggle to pay bills.

>> No.8200592

Unless someone proves otherwise I will continue to believe this.

>> No.8200604
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Personal favorite.

>> No.8200617

Did I accidentally come into the cringe thread?

>> No.8200707
File: 548 KB, 482x611, freshoffcof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every thread is a cringe thread with her in it.

>> No.8200762

She looks like she's standing in the first pic

>> No.8200775

did she seriously write that on AP's yelp page?!

>> No.8200854

Wtf... why are they doing that? Lolita fetish?

>> No.8200883

>These are the common questions people ask me when they add.
>1. Do you have a boyfriend?
>A) No I don't and I'm NOT looking for one, so please don't ask!
>2. Are you single?
>A) Read my answer above!
>3. How old are you?
>A) 20, thats all you need to know!
>PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT here to do flirting, sex chat, etc. I am here ONLY for friends and casual social networking! Also please do not send me pornographic or nude images to my inbox and/or timeline. If you are here looking for sex, girlfriend or whatever, then I'm NOT the girl for you! Those of you who violates my regulations will first get a warning.
>If it happens again, you WILL BE BLOCKED!! Thank you for understanding!!
>Also please note that I DO NOT use my inbox as a chat room. I ONLY use it for when I need to send private or personal info to people! If you wanna talk, please use via comments(no personal info though)! Thank you!
>1.You were basically being a stranger and hardly ever talk to me (this includes never replying back to my comments I be posting for you) OR
>2. You were posting annoying comments on all my pics OR
>3. You were posting frequent statuses or photos containing bad words and/or explicit pictures(such as photo with middle finger up) that appears in my newsfeed that aren't glorifying to God or just too explicit. When I log into facebook, I do NOT want to be seeing all of that stuff. I am a christian and I hope you all understand!

>> No.8200890

Later on in the thread a girl named Miki who is AP usa shop staff made a post that was basically "There are two sides to every story, but if youve shopped at AP sf before you know their quality customer service" etc.

>> No.8200894


>> No.8200898

Miki works for fairytale boutique, not AP.

Also C has been plaguing the SF comm for a long time. EVERYONE hates her. I am surprised she hasn't been kicked out yet for all the crap she starts.

>> No.8200899

I agree with the girl who suggested her mom has legal rights over her finance, because she is clearly mentally handicapped even if she may be high-functioning. Her only income is likely the social security check she recieves for her mental disability, and she's spending it all on AP rather than the necessities its meant for. That doesnt explain why she thinks AP called her mom or vice versa but it makes sense as to why her mom controls her finances.

>> No.8200907

I have that JSK and I'm way thinner than this hippo. How the fuck does she feel comfortable in that JSK, or am I just overly sensitive to even a slight amount of constriction?

>> No.8200940
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>> No.8200976

>3. You were posting frequent statuses or photos containing bad words and/or explicit pictures(such as photo with middle finger up) that appears in my newsfeed that aren't glorifying to God or just too explicit. When I log into facebook, I do NOT want to be seeing all of that stuff. I am a christian and I hope you all understand!
Oh noez, bad words and the middle finger! You'll make Baby Jesus cry!

I have no idea. She went beyond boobloaf straight up into boob deformity, like the tightness of the jsk is actually causing her boobs to collapse in on themselves.

>> No.8201018

Thanks for this, they deleted it before I could read it. Sometimes I love you bitches.

>> No.8201020

What group was this in? I just can't get over the fact that she's wearing the bow/jabot as a brooch.

>> No.8201029

This girl is a fucking idiot... She keeps posting out of state shit in the atl comm... Ugh..

>> No.8201035

Positive plus size lolita Q & A on facebook

>> No.8201038

i'm just glad someone decided to speak out bc threads like that are what give plus size lolitas a bad name. we're not all entitled, art thieving assholes I swear

>> No.8201051

>we're not all entitled, art thieving assholes I swear
Omg this. I will not lie, at times I have been tempted but to me it always comes down to this is stealing.

>> No.8201064

I love how the same girl says "I'm willing to pay the extra price to support the brand" and right after tha, "I don't want to have to buy 2 dresses and sew them together". They want their dress that is literally twice the size of a normal dress, and they want it cheap, and they want it now. Even if its been proven in the past that brands only lose money from catering to niche sizes.

>> No.8201079

The thing about plus sizes that even larger girls don't get is that it's not about just making the pattern larger. When you get above a certain size, body shape changes drastically as a result.

At a non-plus size, shirring can usually be added to accommodate both an houglass girl and a pear-shaped girl, given that they're roughly the same height and weight. At a plus-size, it no longer works that way, because the proportions are so drastically different between waist, hips, bust on different body types.

And that's not even getting into the fact that certain design elements are just plain unflattering for certain sizes.

>> No.8201089

The bawwing about 'being forced to pay more' in normal fashion pretty much shows that they don't understand how much things cost.

If you use more fabric on a piece of clothing it's going to cost more, even if the regular size already costs a lot. Like, isn't it obvious?

>> No.8201112

I love our fatty-chan seagulls. They bring us all the good drama. They're heros in my mind.

>> No.8201130

What's going on with the MLS?

I heard there's some drama issues in the Comm because someone continues to post secrets.

>> No.8201253

I could imagine a number of scenarios; perhaps one day she went to AP and bought something using her mother's card. When she told her mom the price, mom flips out, etc. Maybe she lets her keep the dress and doesn't file a chargeback, but she calls the shop to let them know that her daughter isn't allowed to use that specific card for any large future purchases like that, and to notify her if she comes back and attempts to purchase something. That, or (and I don't know the procedures of a retail store if this happens so I may be totally wrong) she bought something, Mom got pissed and filed a chargeback, and then the store decided to keep the information on file in case someone tried to use the card again so they could call the cardowner, call the police, etc. (if it was a random stolen card for example) Or a combination of those two potential scenarios.

I would definitely love to know the exact story behind why they apparently have Chanel's mother's phone number on file though, but I imagine AP/HH has some sort of customer blacklist/watchlist to look out for problematic patrons? Aren't there people that are banned from the store?

>> No.8201305


The conversation I had with her afterwards in PMs was ridiculous, jfc

>> No.8201450


>> No.8201579

i've read this before, not on yelp. was it posted here before?

>> No.8201637

You tease. How can you mention this conversation and then not share?

>> No.8201679 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 421x428, girl no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS ISIN'T RIGHT. Please look at her old yelp review for this when she damaged a dress while trying to squeeze into it, then said ap tricked her.

>I'm guessing she had her parents credit card, and ap called to verify the ID or something.

>> No.8201690

Damn, I love Dia. I was about to bring this up but she already called her out on that shitty yelp review.

>> No.8201726

sauce pls. i wanna know where to get more irt on her.

>> No.8201829

its on her fb

>> No.8201853

Haha D calling it like it is.
I don't wanna piss her off XD

>> No.8202071

"Do they have your picture on the wall or something"

and the yelp review >>8200604 were my favorite comments in the entire thread.

>> No.8202577

It was discussed here on /cgl/ before, maybe that's what you're thinking of?

>> No.8202597

>kaylee smerbeck
Can someone just ban this crossdressing man already? THERE IS NO SINGLE PICTURE OF HIM IN LOLITA. Just him in his shitty Asuka cosplay and gundams.

>> No.8202603

I just looked him up, holy shit who is this creep? We have a ton of mutual friends, why do people add him?

>> No.8202638
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Sorry anons, I went to bed. Lemme give you some highlights. Sorry about typos, I was ragin...

>> No.8202721

Probably guilt. Guy looks mentally deficient.

>> No.8202741

>my closet is full of brand
>44-41-48 is "the smaller end of fat"
>tailoring costs too much! I can't buy a 200-400 dollar dress and drop an extra $50 to have a panel added :(

This girl is super dumb. I'm plus size (38-30-45 though so clearly not plus size "enough") and I hate when fatties act like this. Fuck, lose some fucking weight if you don't like the size of your favorite dress.

>> No.8202748
File: 69 KB, 720x960, 11046558_791023744308081_1090518426270980209_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean, anon? He's definitely wearing lolita in this pic. LOL.

>> No.8202756
File: 68 KB, 960x768, seriousskills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I am also looking at his pictures. Dat 50 shades of grey costume tho..

And these nails show some serious talent.

>> No.8202795

I like to add that AH's 2L fits wonderfully at 39+ bust

These people really do give plus size lolitas a bad name

>> No.8202814
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>> No.8202825

I read this and I was like WOW blacked out girl has balls
Didn't realize it was a PM
Still, nice

>> No.8202834

Ugh, that must be recent. Last I checked he didn't have a dress. It looks like a potato sack.

>> No.8202839

>smaller end of fat
>41 inch waist
Hunny, no. That would be if you had a 32-34 inch waist. Anything above 40 is perfectly obese tier.

>> No.8202843

>only plus size people wear replicas
Only thing I find to be bullshit.
I know thin and tall people who have bought replicas simply because they lacked money, couldn't find the original, or had fit issues. This isn't taking into account all the bag, socks, and shoe replicas people buy. I don't think replicas are exclusive to fat people at all...

>> No.8202858

Isn't she anti-replica now? She lost a couple inches and smashes herself into AP now.

>> No.8202901

Don't think so since this all just happened like yesterday lol

She buys some brand now but still buys/supports replicas just as much.

>> No.8202925

Leave it to fatty-chans.

>> No.8202926

It's Japanese sized clothing what do people expect? Japanese people are tiny. They Don't give a Shit, it's not their fault your fat and don't give a Shit about your body.

>> No.8202928

That's Chanel you're thinking of. Different drama here.

>> No.8202932

Blacked out fatty-chan is awesome. You go girl. Keep on being awesome, fat seagull.

>> No.8202990

Plus going through all this trouble, buying shitty replicas and then having to defend it online, instead of just losing some damn weight... such great lengths just to be lazy.

>> No.8203024

I hate this shit. I have a 38" waist, And I've been told I'm not properly plus sized. Has America invaided your mind so much that an actual obese person isn't considered plus sized because I still have slack on my seat belt?

>> No.8203039

Not just Japanese people are tiny, but that being average to slim is a cultural expectation. Like, if you start gaining weight, fucking expect your entire extended family to start mentioning it at every family dinner (not even in a rude way, just a 'I'm being helpful' way).

>> No.8203093

Thanks anon!

And I didn't mean it to say that only plus sized people wear replicas, bit rather plus sized people tend to lean more on the "it's my only option!!!" crutch more than the other groups.

>> No.8203103

I think anon meant that 32' to 34' waist is "small-fat" or standard plus size, and above that is bigger than plus size, so you are agreeing with each other.

>> No.8203120

Is having a 36" 1/4 -31"-36 body considered plus sized?

>> No.8203143

Oh god. I remember the thread when people gave him the gentlest of concrit for this and he was just shooting it all down.

>> No.8203159

In lolita, yes. Not necessarily in normalfag clothes

>> No.8203172

It all depends on your height. Not that anon, but as a 5'4" woman, when I was 36"-31"-40", I definitely *felt* "fluffy" - maybe I wasn't wearing US size 12s and 13s anymore, but vanity sizing and all that. Now that I'm 34"-27"-38" I still don't think the size S or XS from places like Victoria's Secret or F21 is appropriate, I feel like I should still be a size M. It definitely feels like vanity sizing.

>> No.8203199

Oh yeah, I quoted the wrong post. Whoops. Lol

>> No.8203205

It's not really plus size for lolita fashion, it's just toward the upper end of the measurements on dresses with partial shirring.

>> No.8203222
File: 31 KB, 234x524, mspiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5ft, 38"-32-41, and honestly I feel overweight. I fit into most US 'M' sizes and junior size 7 (or a girls 16 1/2 from Justice haha) however, I wouldn't call myself 'fat'. I have issues fitting in lolita though.

>> No.8203246

Ugh, totally quote the wrong person

>> No.8203474

Why is everyone praising this comment?? She keeps tabs on peoples' yelp reviews and nobody thinks thats creep!!?

>> No.8203499

Uh that yelp review got pretty infamous a while back, most people know about it. It's not creepy, just common knowledge

>> No.8203702

What >>8203499 said, I also remembered that review from the cgl comm thread a while back, and the girl who made the comment is a very active seagull.

>> No.8203710

I'm talking about the girl in >>8200940 not Chanel.
The date on the screencap is Feb 2014, so it didn't happen yesterday.

>> No.8203713

Because when you see her in person she's very quiet, and also seems to be really slow when you talk to her. People cringe, but they probably thinks she's autistic so they don't say anything.

>> No.8203714

Look at the recent comments. It just happened.

>> No.8203736

>>3. How old are you?
>>A) 20, thats all you need to know!

Generally yes, when people ask your age, stating your age is all they need to know.

She sounds like she walks around yelling "NO PHOTOGRAPHS! NO AUTOGRAPHS!" at casual meetups.

>teehee don't hit on me silly boys

>> No.8203774


so many rude bitches in one picture lolll

>> No.8203785

Sorry, since it got deleted which I didn't realize, I didn't see it in the recent posts, so given that and the date I assumed both the post and the screencap were really old.

Meanwhile Chanel is in the plus size group posting desperate WTB for a specific color of Triple Fortune bonnet, but wants to pay less than $100 for it.

>> No.8203789

hi chanel

>> No.8203804




>> No.8203808

Wtf is going on here....

>> No.8203809

I think it's Chanel.


>> No.8203817

OoooOOOOo. Chanel discovers cgl. I feel like I'm watching history in the making.

>> No.8203877

Here we gooooo again!

>> No.8204020

A girl in my comm is trying to sell some super ita dresses for over $100. I just want to shake her and tell her how no one here is stupid enough to buy them for $10 much less $150.

>> No.8204048

US Medium is fucking gigantic js
you look chubby, but I wouldn't call you fat

>> No.8204143
File: 328 KB, 2114x825, this is why people hate us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


After the admin of the group said 'don't talk about replicas guyyzzzz'

Like seriously wish all the groups would ban replicas so the ita replica fatty-chans of the world would come to their senses or gtfo of lolita

>inb4 fatty-chan hater
I'm fat is fuck y'all

>> No.8204172

I really like people who directly address what are obviously spam accounts, as though that is going to make them not follow you or something.

>> No.8204212

Chanel is that one girl who got pissed at a girl for giving her a quote for some sum of money she "disagreed" with for altering a brand dress to fit her right?

>> No.8204219
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>> No.8204224

You're a normal size human being. Even if you have a little extra layer, you're by no means fat, or even chubby. Just get stuff with the right amount of shirring or go custom.

>> No.8204226

Maybe it's just me, but this looks too small to read. Could you please post a larger size?

>> No.8204227

Seriously? What thread is this in?

>> No.8204232
File: 983 KB, 250x234, tumblr_mezldlG3Ov1ql3ugao1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over reaction much?

>> No.8204239
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In the big sisters group. The sleeves are defo too short.

>> No.8204248

I can see it, anon. Maybe because you are on mobile or something (?)

>> No.8204251

The word 'shamed' is used far too often lately

>> No.8204253
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How did she not laugh at her? How do these girls deal with this and not rage quit after a day. I would have told her to fuck on off after that.

>> No.8204265

Well shit, she deleted it after I called her out on not knowing what a three quarter sleeve actually was when she claimed to be a professional seamstress.

>> No.8204315
File: 8 KB, 451x72, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's really no sense in being this much of an edgelord on CoF.

>> No.8204318

>assuming hundreds of people don't make the mistake of "your" vs "you're"

She doesn't post on cgl.

>> No.8204322

oh my god what a bunch of whiny babies looking for things to be upset about, the thread was literally drama-free until kai and xiandria showed up and took a fat dump all over it

this is embarrassing

seriously if you are that bothered by a horrific coord just post it in the ita or CoF threads

>> No.8204330

I don't know who was more embarrassing in that thread, OP or Nate, who appears to rate as "barely functioning" on the autism spectrum.

>> No.8204369
File: 24 KB, 425x84, Screen Shot 2015-03-25 at 6.24.33 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit this girl this girl is such a fucking shit, but she tries to justify it by saying she is just "prejudiced" because white people cant face racism. This is the last straw. I am mad pissed off.

Seeing as she supports doxxing of racists so much I wonder how she would feel if I shared some of her opinions with her teachers/future employers.

>> No.8204377


>> No.8204383

Laura called her a 4chan bot, which is funny because Laura's tried greentexting on Facebook before.

>> No.8204385


>> No.8204386

Do it, post results.

>> No.8204391

>white privilege
>fat opression
>I can't even
Do I win Tumblr bingo?

>> No.8204445

No I am not going to, because doxxing people for personal opinions and singlehandedly wrecking their lives is rude as fuck - and if I hang it over her as a warning she will let the feelings simmer and get worse. This is more damaging to a person than the doxxing would be. Either way I am not an sjw, and I refuse to sink to their level.
However, I do believe that her racist comments towards white people and her chosen career in law would be a conflict of interest as she would be racially biased. She is clearly young and misinformed - she doesn't even know the difference between societal oppression and racism. Racism is a wide topic with a huge variant in severity so her dumb "white people cant face racism" comments clearly came straight from equally badly informed sources.

I really want to say something to her off anon but I can't because I don't want to be piled onto by all of the sjws.

>> No.8204449

Oh wait excuse the "hang over as a warning part" because what I am doing could be interpreted as exactly that.

>> No.8204450

Well, she's obviously not going to see it here because 4chan is full of shitlords. Make a BtB secret?

>> No.8204464

>you can't be raycis to whiteys!
This girl would beg to differ

>> No.8204484

This doesn't bother me for some reason. At least the person is straight up and honest. We're all thinking it, they've just got the balls to actually say it.

>> No.8204543


>> No.8204552

I will if I can be bothered with it, but I know she has seen people whinging about her on 4chan before.

This exact situation happened in the RC uncensored group where a white girl at university in Hawaii faced racism and a few girls blew up at her because her ancestors had committed genocide and taken away the culture of the natives - so it wasn't racism. I get confused between Emma and another girl with similar viewpoints, but one of the two also said that (the hawaii girl was adopted) the parents shouldn't have adopted her because she was white.

>> No.8204576

>not keeping tabs on the one and only Chris-chan

You're a better person than I am, anon.

>> No.8204627

I don't understand either. That shirring doesn't stretch as much as other AP dresses. It has to be super tight on her

>> No.8204748

But omg whiteys are the root of all evil. They're also the sole reason the environment is ruined.

Fucking kek

>> No.8204788

If you open it in a browser instead of 4chan you can make it full size

>> No.8204937

Her arms go to her knees? What is she? An orangutan?

>> No.8204960

Thanks for the defense ceeg. I don't know what she expected. Her sleeves were short. If she posts on CoF asking for con crit I fully expect someone else to say the same thing. I wasn't even mad until she's was like "everyone else thinks you're rude too and we talk about it!". If you don't want honest advice go back to your tumblr cesspool of itas and asspats.

>> No.8205002


Oh lol it's this stupid racist bitch again. Wished she'd fuck off to normalfag fashion already. She talks too much shit.

>> No.8205064
File: 177 KB, 540x393, stahp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egggh. Why is it every time someone posts a harmless conversational post, someone's got to stop by to shut it down?

Talking about celebrities in lolita ain't new. I don't recall anyone being a negative Nancy when we talked about it on egl.

>> No.8205136


Just saw that, it was off to funny start too and then "CELEBRITIES ARE PEOPLE TOO, STOP MAKING FUN OF THEM BAAWWWW". No one is making fun of anyone either, I think it would be funny seeing celebs who have completely opposite personalities to lolita things wear lolita.

>> No.8205227

Emma is the one that adopts every race as necessary (most common being American Indian), and the other girls name I forget, initials are KK though, and she I think is Black + whatever else she feels like claiming.

>> No.8205232

First Nations doesn't want to have shit to do with you unless you are 1/4 or more and documented and registered with your tribe, period. That's why she just makes me lol.

>> No.8205275

She probably doesn't even know what First Nations means kek

>> No.8205357

I agree, and this is what pisses me off the most. Emma claimed she was Irish so that she could tell someone else that Irish people don't face racism. She has never identified as Irish since, and she sure as hell would never pass as irish.
There is so much wrong with her saying that that I don't even know where to begin... Like Irish and black people were literally lumped together, the irish were "pale niggers", they were captured and enslaved in the US (not to mention treated much worse by their owners because an Irish slave was almost 1/10 the price of an African one) in the exact same way. What we see in modern day clowns is the equivalent of a minstrel show - shock of bright red curly hair, very pale skin, red nose from being drunk all the time and ridiculous/drunken behaviour. It mocks the Irish. As soon as she tried to pull that "oh I am related to x race and they don't face racism so shut up whitey" card I lost all respect for her - because it isn't true. If you don't identify as a certain race, if you don't look like a certain race, then surely you don't expect people to insult you for it?

The KK girl wasn't even considered to be black by the black students at her school, iirc she said something about that.

>> No.8205361

KK is something like part black and part Asian and part native? She posts on here and I remember her posting a picture of herself and complaining about her race awhile ago.

>> No.8205370
File: 1.54 MB, 315x179, tellmeh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about her race
You don't say...

>> No.8205387

Wtf? Where can I go read this goldmine of crazy? What comm is this?

>> No.8205407

RC: UNcensored

Her racist antics are amusing at first, but be warned that after a while it just gets upsetting and sad

>> No.8205408

RC Uncensored: Lolita Debate

They justify their racist shit by claiming that they are pissed off at white people for invading their land and taking away their culture. So be wary of saying anything if you are white because they will just call you a capitalist or something.

>> No.8205415


She's part of the southern ontario/gta comm. I'm just an observer there and I haven't seen her behaviour in other groups til now, but I always thought she was a bit annoying. Tip of the iceburg apparently...

>> No.8205431
File: 139 KB, 538x768, celtic man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Emma claimed she was Irish
pic related
>shock of bright red curly hair
While I wouldn't call that racism necessarily, I'd call it idiotic. Unfortunately plenty of people in the US genuinely believe it, especially older folk.
I have mousy brown hair and brown eyes and I've been told by old people in the US when I visited Chicago that 'I must be mixed' because apparently 'Irish people with brown eyes are extreeeeemely uncommon'. Someone even called me black so...
>never having heard of colin farrel or literally any recent actor
Then again I see Italians getting the same treatment.

>> No.8205463

Irish isn't a race. Thats not racist. Its just a stupid prejudice some idiots have. I never noticed the clowns -> Irish minstrel show connection though, its food for thought, certainly worth investigating.

>> No.8205465

People define "race" differently in different parts of the world. It is a cultural construction, not scientific fact.

>> No.8205477

Yeah, it all goes by proportions so its tricky to just go by b/w/h measurements without seeing full picture. I'm 40-35-42 which is firmly in plus size, but I've had girls with similar measurements argue with me that it can't be right because we don't have the same body shape and that I'm not "fat enough". The problem being that they are usually under 5'5" and I"m 6' so they're more actually round where I'm just kind of chubby.

>> No.8205480

Nah its just something that seems foreign. Not racism

>> No.8205484

Well being black isn't a race, people are just prejudiced against it.

You do NOT get to decide which groups other people choose to oppress, anon.

>> No.8205495

That would be so easy to make look good too. That kind of sleeve is perfect for adding a wide lace cuff to. I've had to do it before for the same reason. Just get nice wide lace, thread it on elastic, tuck up edge under sleeve cuff, done. You'd think if she's so fucking sensitive about it she'd have learned by now how to deal with them.

>> No.8205496

No, they don't. It's an ethnicity, not a race.
Race = multiple major visible differences in appearance
Ethnicity=subcategory of a race, different ethnicities may have certain differences in appearance but for the most part overlap
You wouldn't call Slavs and Irish a different race, because while there may be some Slavs that look visibly 'Slavic', for the most part either of them could pass as the other given different clothes and hairdos. Like Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki can play brothers in a TV show despite being of different ethnic backgrounds.

>> No.8205505

I think you guys are really misinformed. Racism throughout the world is thought of more culturally rather than based on skin color. It's only in the US that we have such differing terms for racism and prejudice. In much of Europe irish and slavs would definitely be considered a different race by biggots, and probably by most of the country.

>> No.8205510

>It's only in the US that we have such differing terms for racism and prejudice
I'm not from the US, we can still tell the difference.
And no, they wouldn't. Slavs are considered the same race but a different nationality/culture here.
Americans should break the habit of speaking for every group they do not belong to and being offended for them. Nobody here considers anyone else in Europe a different race (unless they're black/Arab/Asian immigrants), afaik that's a uniquely yank thing.

>> No.8205511
File: 615 KB, 1500x626, crazy bitches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently a bunch of SJW lolitas in that feminist lolita group are planning to "raid" that girl Jenna's CoF coord.

Jenna is the one who caught a bunch of shit because she said that the first thing that comes to mind when she thinks of lolita is white/asian and then she became Hitler in everyone's eyes or something. For the record, I think she's stupid, but not maliciously racist.

Anyway, hooray for intimidation techniques! The war on racism is won! Right, guys?

>> No.8205513


>> No.8205514

I'm not from the US originally, just so you know, and that's how I was taught.

>> No.8205525

It doesn't matter where you're from originally, you've been taught wrong and you can't speak for everyone especially since you don't live in Europe and have no idea what we actually say and think. If a person looks the same as me they're the same race as I am, and the Polish and other Eastern Euro immigrants here are difficult to tell apart from locals just based on looks alone and without having to talk to them.

>> No.8205531

Kind of retarded.
I'm honestly sick of the types of people who can't just turn off their computers when someone or something pisses them off.
However, can't say this Jenna girl wouldn't deserve it. I'm not surprised that mean, unlikeable people are targets of social outcasting.

>> No.8205557

I said that because it sounded like a pointless regurgitation of 4chan catchphrases. Yes I greentexted in Rufflechat once for the sake of a dumb joke. I guess I should be sorry? I think you have brought that up in the last three online comm threads.

>> No.8205558

It's about as stupid as /b/ raids

>> No.8205559

I say she doesn't deserve it. She's a bit light between the ears, but she's not a bad person. I'm cool with being a shithead to cunts who act like cunts, like WonderBitch. But these wannabe activist girls have just decided she's enemy #1 and are determined to harass her until she leaves lolita or kills herself.

>> No.8205565

the wannabe activists tend to do that, they doxxed Laci Green and sent shit to her home address, sent her death threats and hate mail just because they didn't like her opinion on something.
they're a bunch of womanchildren who pretend they're better than those conservative EDL neonazi types but act exactly like them and burst into autismal rage whenever someone says something they dislike on the internet.

>> No.8205568

This, sorta. Race doesn't exist as a scientific fact. What is "us vs them" changes between time and location. The American notion of "white vs not white" is spreading globally, but you can't say that is the only way people think. Racism is believing a group of people are different than your group of people, and that it is an inherant quality that makes them inferior. We may not call it a different race outwardly, instead saying they hate that "ethnicity", but that is nitpicking on modern semantics because the meanings and results are exactly the same.

>> No.8205571

Its the same as people who are simply "prejudiced" towards groups. Doesn't change the fact that you think someone is inferior or inherently bad based on skin tone, and that is not cool no matter how you try to put it.

>> No.8205573

I legit feel sorry for this Jenna girl. I don't like her at all, but I feel sorry for what she's going through. I kinda want to give her a compliment, but because I'm white I'm afraid I'm going to become their Hitler #2 just for being nice.

>> No.8205575

Got my shoes in 5 days shipped 20th. Arrived today. Eurofag.

>> No.8205577

Race. A cultural perception that an individual belongs to a group of people who others believe to be physically and genetically unique.
Racism. A term describing a particular type of prejudice and discrimination in which individuals believe that people are divided
into distinct groups based upon heredity.


>> No.8205581

>We may not call it a different race outwardly, instead saying they hate that "ethnicity", but that is nitpicking on modern semantics because the meanings and results are exactly the same.

Seriously this. I don't care if people use or don't use the term, but when people said 'oh it's not racism' or something, they completely miss the point that it's the same exact thing. And when you say that, it discounts a lot of travesties that have occurred in the world due to cultural and ethnic prejudices and puts 'actual racism' on a pedestal as if it is a completely different thing. Which it is not.

I will use the example from earlier, the treatment of the irish was exactly the same as that of blacks for a long long time, and both have more to do with cultural differences than race. I guarantee that if blacks in Africa during colonization had the same culture as Britain or France, they wouldn't have been enslaved, people viewed different cultures as scary and inferior during that time, and that's where racism comes from. Blacks were considered inferior because of their culture, their skin color is incidental but people seem to only focus on that due to ignorance.

>> No.8205586

I understand where you're coming from, really.
But unfortunately, unlike 4chan, when you say things under your real identity you are accountable for your opinions and people will judge you for them.
I can't tell you the times when I've participated in a comment section on a news story and received PM threats from people who didn't happen to agree with my political stances.

But, that's what happens when you put yourself out there for people to judge. If you can't handle the potential negativity, then don't do it.
(Follows the same logic of posting pictures on the public internet if you think about it).

>> No.8205588

Another example: Japanese on Chinese racism. The Japanese still refuse to acknowledge the Rape of Nanking, even though I've heard the racism is getting better as years pass (not a fact, I'm behind on Asian race relations). But think time and place. Bring both to America and they are BOTH the discriminated "other", but within their own context it is different.

>> No.8205589

This. And American indians weren't seen as "weird tan people" they were seen as savages, heathens, uncivilised, etc.

>> No.8205592

Race does exist, having races defined is not an inherently bad thing. People look different, that's fine.
The only reason people choose to believe that it is a 'social construct' is because the word racist has gained weight over words 'prejudiced' and all the others. It's no better than being racist, but people use racism as a catch-all term and it's become something that can get people fired easier than 'prejudiced' or 'discriminating against'.
The 'race doesn't exist' thing is something I've only heard yanks say, to be completely honest.
And if racism is thinking someone is inferior based on their skin tone - how can I be a different race from someone from the opposite side of Europe, who indeed has the same skin colour as me? No, people dislike them because they're often stereotyped as poor and criminals, not their 'race'.

>> No.8205593

What's really weird about the way American social justice warriors talk about racism is that they completely support the notion that race is a totally real solid hard science concept. I'm sure that works in the black and white world of America because the difference is just so damn easy to spot but all over the world the biological differences between groups of people living together are so small yet there is still the idea that other people are genetically inferior.

>> No.8205596

No race doesn't exist. There is more genetic diversity within "racial" groups than between different "racial" groups. There is zero scientific evidence for race. Zero. None.

>> No.8205599

Seriously, Japanese people do not consider themselves to be the same race as the Chinese, and infact consider themselves their own race. The fact that we force the compartmentalization of race by skin color is entirely ignorant on it's own, but honestly, it's modern roots stem from 'blacks' in america having no aspect of culture other than a unified one as slaves.

>> No.8205601

How am I more different from another white person than from a black person? Are you telling me that skin colour is just an illusion, what?

>> No.8205608

Yeah racism is the boogeyman now. A white person could brutally murder a black person not because he dislikes the color of his skin or thinks he's genetically inferior but simply because he loathes the culture of black Americans. But no one would call that cultural differences, just racism because hey they look really different, gotta be racist.

>> No.8205609

Well shit.
Picking on a mentally disabled person who got bullied into appearing racist does not make those girls look good.

>> No.8205614 [DELETED] 

>white Americans invented racism
The saddest thing is you actually believe the crap you are spouting.

Tell me again what the Chinese think of the Javanese.
Tell me again what Africans think of white doctors.
Tell me again what Native Americans think of "the white man."
Tell me again what Israelis think of Palestinians.
Tell me again what Iraqis think of the British.
Tell me again what the French think of Spaniards.
Tell me again what the Japanese think of everyone else.

Tell me again that racism is a white construct.

>> No.8205615

Skintones vary widely within races naturally, and are not a good measure of anything(see people on tumblr thinking mexicans can't look 'white') Race is a term derived from pointing out physical discrepancies with people from another culture, the term originally meant what we modernly call 'ethnicity', but it has since devolved into a catch all term for people who have similar skin tones and live near eachother. It's absolutely meaningless.

>> No.8205616


>> No.8205624

>american scientist

>> No.8205628

The culture of black americans is not the same between them all. This may have been the case hundreds of years ago when there was no real travel and people kept to their own groups developing their own cultures. However there is now a lot of crossover between different cultures. So yeah, assuming that the black dude has this "horrible culture" is the root of racism, and it is racist to kill someone based on their skin tone and assuming that they are a certain way because of it. .

>> No.8205630

I didn't say that AT ALL. I said that the America preference for dividing people into the categories of "white" and "not white" seems to be spreading a bit into other places, like Europe, but no. Racism has existed since prehistory.

>> No.8205632

Melanin levels is just one of many genetic variations across humans. All of these racially perceived differences are incredibly fluid anyway. Go from Northern Europe to Southern Africa to the darkest of Africa and you'll have a hard time defining a hard border.

>> No.8205633

Yep. Racism as it stands is an obsolete term that is used generically, hate crimes associated to race are usually cultural. The only place racism can apply are to supremacist groups, because they believe skin color is a mark of superiority.

Also, Jews are considered a different race even though most look 'white' or 'arab' and have little distinguishing features.

>> No.8205634

Is anyone going to help support this girl?

>> No.8205637

Its a good book review by a professor that lays out the scientific opinion pretty easily to laypersons. I could bring out my papers on human biological variation but I doubt half of the people here would get it.

>> No.8205638

To explain even further if you didn't get it from that: I AGREE WITH YOU 100% AND I'M ON YOUR SIDE.

>> No.8205640

"Us vs. everyone else" is not an "American notion" buddy and you could see that if you put your own prejudices aside and looked around.

>> No.8205644
File: 26 KB, 306x273, tumblr_static_cwvmb789j54o4o4k8s8wog8ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leaves most interesting topic for a little while
>Comes back
>It's filled with ANOTHER discussion about race

I used to not mind but it's getting more annoying than interesting, these are educational but do they really lead to anything?

>> No.8205646

guys can we please not let this degrade into racism general

ill report it to one of the mods, which one is the most active?

>> No.8205650

Oh I guess when you put it that way it makes more sense, thanks.
Sorry, didn't mean to sound #problematic or anything.
Well in a way everyone thinks themselves better than everyone else in some way. The poorer countries/regions just get the worst of it because everyone usually excuses their economic (or other) failure with the way the locals are there.
>Of course Wales is poor, everyone there is inbred, retarded and shags sheep!
>Of course the North is poor, they're all violent neds!
>Of course Spaniards are poor, they sleep all day and are lazy!
>Of course Eastern Europeans are poor, they're funny lookin' violent gay communists from space, and they all speak RUSSIAN too!
and so on
I've witnessed some Northern Europeans look down on their southern brethren because they're 'too friendly'. Apparently hugs and kisses on the cheek between friends are haram amongst some Swedes.

>> No.8205652

I meant "white" vs "everyone else is an oppressed minority" is the American way of dividing race. Like when Americans say the Japanese can't be racist against the Chinese because they're both "poc"

>> No.8205654

Linda and Marissa

>> No.8205660

Someone please post caps, I'm not in the group.

>> No.8205666

oh I was talking about the mods in CoF, Jacie, Laelette and Caterina

>> No.8205687

any caps of this?

>> No.8205722
File: 368 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-03-25-18-05-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've finally beaten her down. She's just going to pretend like she was racist just to make them stop.

>> No.8205726
File: 20 KB, 504x251, FB_IMG_1427321266423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8205731

holy shit i'm absolutely disgusted to think that people actually think this way. please kill me now.

>> No.8205734

Poor girl
But those cunts, I've seen what some of them do. They phone your boss and try to get you fired because you've accidentally said something racist or transphobic on the Internet machine

>> No.8205740

This reads like someone is holding a gun to her head. Or has completely lobotomized her.

>> No.8205742

Oh god they created another sjw. She didn't have any bad opinions. If she was white washed by the media by thinking of whites and asians when she first thought of lolita - a JAPANESE subculture - then this is the fault of the Japanese for whitewashing their media, not her.

I will point out that they are the ones who want their Miss Universe to step down because she doesn't look Japanese enough.

>> No.8205743

I want to make friends with lolitas. I want to join a comm and be social and post coords online and get feedback. I want to make friends. I have one lolita friend who is chill as fuck. But this shit is why I hide out in my little hole and don't bother. Those girls are downright EVIL yet they think that they're being "good people"! I was a goth kid in high school and my bullies were nicer than them!

>> No.8205750

It's bad when cgl is taking the side of a stupid girl who is a skip away from being an ita. I'm tempted to friend request her. They didn't brainwash her, they beat her down until she couldn't take it anymore and is willing to say exactly what they want to hear to make the harassment stop.

>> No.8205754

>makes uneducated, ignorant opinion that's shared by prejudiced morons
>not shocked to see her "apology" sounds like a teleprompter rehash of every tumblrite term mashed into a paragraph

If you're going to admit a fuckup, at least make it sound sincere.

>> No.8205757

She should've capped everything everyone's said to her, said she's gonna write an apology post and sent it to the mods or posted it instead of the apology post or something
Or named and shamed

>> No.8205759

Message Cat she's nice and hates drama

>> No.8205763

Yep. As someone who has spoken to her before, it is very clear to me that someone else typed those words.

What opinion exactly?

Also does anyone have the name of the lolita feminazi raid group?

>> No.8205766

this is disgusting. it's bullying to prove a point. that's not what anyone in their right mind wants. i shudder to think that these people are going to rule the world.

>> No.8205767

>they beat her down
Get off your soapbox and turn off your computer. They didn't do shit to her besides threaten to raid her CoF post (OOOO) and "dox" her, which they never delivered. Are you her or something? This shit is vanilla.

>> No.8205768


>> No.8205770


Someone should post these caps to RC
>Bullying is bad!
>Unless when I do it

>> No.8205772

If that's vanilla to you, you must be a real ray of sunshine

>> No.8205775

What makes you think I do this to people?
Unlike this pussy, I have actually been doxxed before and have been horrendously bullied via the internet. I had to file reports to the police and collect evidence.

A group of girls saying unfavorable shit about your person because you opened your big mouth on a public forum isn't "beating" down anything. Cut the melodramatic bs.

>> No.8205778

>My Person of Colour Lolita friends.
I can't be the only person who thinks this sounds retarded, right?

>> No.8205781


>> No.8205788

Knowing them they did a lot more than that. I know there is the BTB crap, but I don't doubt they sent her messages and shit. For someone who is young and in a small social group, having people all hating on you constantly is pretty rough.

>> No.8205793

Spreading lies about someone being a racist is a big deal for them. You can get fired for that shit.

>> No.8205801

Not everyone has the same tolerance, anon. I've been doxxed, had death threats, had people calling my phone 50 times a day, but I can still understand if people can't take a little bit of harassment. Just because I've seen more shit doesn't mean I expect everyone to handle the same shit I can.

>> No.8205802

>Knowing them they did a lot more than that.
Like what?
You can report those to facebook for harassment or delete them.
If they're threatening enough, you can take them to police.

I won't sit here and believe the pity parade that seems to be circling around this girl when she's giving public attention to this drama and feeling sorry for herself. The lot of you need to grow up.

Don't say compromising things that could be misconstrued as racism.

>> No.8205805

It's not a pissing contest about "who's getting bullied more." It's about being a proactive, mature human being and taking bullying seriously, if it is truly that serious, instead of making the situation into an attention whoring circus for asspats.

>> No.8205816

I didn't see her attention whoring. She kind of seemed to dissappear for a bit. I don't disagree with what she did. Someone wants to be a part of the community and post coords, but she was prevented from doing that because of twats.

>> No.8205819

stop arm shaming her anon, that is such a rude and personal attack :"(

>> No.8205820

Found one of the "feminist" lolita bitches. I thought you guys didn't get on cgl?

>> No.8205821

No one here is doing that and >>8205775 made it an extremely obvious pissing contest
>waaah i've been doxxed and dealt with more shit than this pussy, this is small time melodramatic shit

>> No.8205822

You're the only one trying to make it into a pissing contest

>> No.8205825

You mean making some big "fb apology" that most people couldn't give a shit about isn't attention whoring?
>but she was prevented from doing that because of twats
How is she "prevented" from doing anything just because five people thinks she's a racist? You make no sense.
And don't try to tell me CoF has ever tolerated hate-fueled bashing on anybody, ita or not.

>> No.8205827

You're still making it a pissing contest again.

>> No.8205837

>"HI X!!!"
Woah, someone is maaaaaaad. Does it irritate you that I'm not even from that group but I find this girl and people like you who are victimizing her to be obnoxious twats?

Hopefully my opinion will "beat you down" and "prevent" you from posting on /cgl/ anymore..owait, nothing actually works that way. HURRDURR

>> No.8205844

Are you 15? Please be a teenager. I know under 18 aren't allowed on cgl but dear god I hope no one over 18 is this fucking retarded.

>> No.8205846

I am personally not focusing on supporting her, but rather shitting on the sjws.
I fight against the biggest bitch. SJWs are always the bitchiest.

>> No.8205847
File: 533 KB, 844x469, idgi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it so hard to believe that not everyone has devolved into a rancid cunt with a heart of stone like you?

Obviously we're going to side with her because those other cunts are actually worse.

>> No.8205849

Explain. I fail to see how pointing out that bashing and bullying on CoF is against their policy and therefore fearing to post is unfounded, is somehow making a "pissing contest" out of anything. I'll wait.

>> No.8205853

>picking either side of the cunts
How about neither and realizing that both sides are acting like tards in different respects?

>> No.8205854


What a bunch of cunts. So proud of being a bully. No better than a racist.

>> No.8205855

You don't have to wait long. It's your attitude. Every post has this projection of "wow this bitch should be able to tough it out and handle more, like me!" especially since you posted useless information about how you were doxxed but you're a trooper and you called the other girl a pussy.

>> No.8205856

The original girl didn't really do anything to merit something other than a slap on the wrist, this is a SJW witch hunt.

>> No.8205859

You are also refusing to realize that the same people are going to bash her and send her hate mail every time she posts. Sure CoF has a policy but that doesn't stop shit from happening, are you fucking 12?

>> No.8205867

You can complain about being triggered by my attitude all you want, but you can't refute facts.
The fact is you're whining about a girl "being beaten down" by anybody when 1) That logically can't happen where she's posting her pictures and 2)If it's happening through PM, there are logical ways of dealing with it to protect yourself from emotional harm such as reporting or blocking.

Sorry you're asshurt about those facts because I didn't sugarcoat it and, hell forbid, I inserted some personal experience in dealing with drama and harassment.
But hey, your ways seem to be working out for you /sarcasm

>> No.8205872

>people are going to bash her and send her hate mail every time she posts
People get banned from CoF if they break the rules multiple times, so, no. All she has to do is show a mod the PMs and then block those people respectively.
Are you fucking 12?

>> No.8205874

I feel like comment in pic related sums up my thoughts on it. Although I didn't talk to Jemma after the initial blow up, it was quite clear that at all times that she never looked down on anyone for their race.
Fucking SJWs man I stg.

>> No.8205877

No one said anything about triggering. You're super defensive you know. You sound like one of those people who cries about how depression isn't real and people need to 'get over themselves'. Actually no, you sound exactly like that person who was complaining about the girl crying when her grandfather died.

Either way you obviously have some sort of issue that you should sort out with therapy, you're an angry person anon, get help.

>> No.8205883

dropped pic
and this.

>> No.8205887

>what are sock accounts?
also, read what you said. being able to prevent it from happening more than once by one person isn't the same as being able to prevent it from happening at all.

>> No.8205890

>you sound exactly like that person who was complaining about the girl crying when her grandfather died.
fuck i forgot about that, she totally does.

>> No.8205892

>No one said anything about triggering
Except the part where you said my "attitude" pisses you off despite the fact that I'm not wrong in what I'm saying about dealing with those people.
You're skirting around the logic because you're too caught up with emotions.
Also, nice logical fallacies.
>implying I don't think depression is real
>implying I don't think a relative dying is traumatic as fuck
Neither of those situations are remotely equitable to this one. You sound like that attention whoring bitch.

>> No.8205898

>logical fallacies
that's not an example of a logical fallacy...
she didn't even say your attitude pissed her off she said that it was showing your real feelings.

>> No.8205900

>what are sock accounts?
What about them? They can still be banned, if not quicker on the grounds of them being obvious sock accounts.

Nobody gives this much of a shit, anyway. And this drama will be forgotten by next week once those sjws find something else to bitch about.

>> No.8205904

>girl crying when her grandfather died.
Please elaborate?

OK FUCK YOU THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEING TRIGGERED AND BEING PISSED OFF NOW GO BACK TO TUMBLR YOU PIECE OF SHIT. Seriously though your sjw is showing. Now leave. You are clearly here to try and make more people take your side against her, but it is having the opposite effect.

>> No.8205910

>that's not an example of a logical fallacy...
Do you know what a logical fallacy is? It's a flaw in reasoning. Comparing deaths and clinical depression to what amounts to hurt feefees from a group of people conspiring to bully is flawed as fuck.
>she didn't even say your attitude pissed her off
>It's your attitude
Oh yeah? Sounds like backpedaling to me.

>> No.8205918

Stop responding to shitposter.

>> No.8205919

Joke is on you, I don't even have a tumblr.
>dat capslock
I seriously have no "side" in this argument, I can just tell that the little cunt is posting here to garner sympathy for herself, and I'm the voice of reason telling her she isn't an innocent lamb.
Please waste more of your time arguing with me, really. I'm glad my 1 minute povs fill you with such rage.

>> No.8205929

Someone post them, two faced bitches are far worse than this Jenna chick. She slipped up but they went out on purpose to attack her.
I agree with you anon. The second attack was too far.

>> No.8205936

Where are we posting them?

>> No.8205939

I sent the caps to Jenna and told her she should send them to every mod in every community they've followed her in, and post them publicly too. Bullying and harassment are not ok. I'm a seagull but I'm a human being first.

>> No.8205941
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>> No.8205942

I wouldn't exactly call them two-faced, as they seemed to show their cruelty and hatred in RC: Uncensored pretty openly.

>> No.8205947

Hopefully she won't have to do anything else and this will placate them on attacking her, and we can handle the rest. I don't think she's smooth enough to win against them on her own.

>> No.8205955

Would it be worth messaging Ina about this, since she's the main mod of CoF: Uncensored? Would she care, I'm not sure how SJW-y she is

>> No.8205959

She isn't an sjw but unless someone is doxxing someone else or doing illegal things she isn't going to do anything about it.

>> No.8206018

white people can face individual, race-based prejudice, sure, but not *institutional racism*. are you guys really this retarded? and when you bring up "irish people faced racism too" don't forget that it was white americans who perpetrated discrimination and xenophobia against the irish.

>> No.8206033

Ok bye

>> No.8206038

"Institutional racism" is societal oppression, anon. Racism is separate.
Learn about those issues before you try to educate others on them. Sheesh.

>> No.8206040

Nobody cares. is there literally any purpose to the "it's not racism, it's PREJUDICE" argument? Has it ever not made things ten times more complicated?

>> No.8206050

Holy wow you guys are full of vitriol and ignorance. This is cute.

>> No.8206063

Take a look in the fucking mirror. Telling people that "its only PREJUDICE" to make racism seem acceptable is only a behaviour carried by racist people themselves. Those who think racism is acceptable are racist. Now please go back to tumblr where people actually give a fuck about your stupid made up ideas.

>> No.8206068

You guys are kind of making a mistake defending her. She is really not a very nice person. Some of us have run into her in the doll comms and know it already. She's actually banned from DoA for being a scamming seller. But time will reveal what kind of person she is. Her first comments were no accident or awkward mistake. That's how she really is.

>> No.8206079

The racist chick?

>> No.8206081

Lol, assuming I've been participating. That was my first post, doll. I'm confused about what you're getting at, because my experience with Tumblr is that it's all about calling out / teaching how to avoid racism.

I actually abhor racist behaviour/ideology across the board and actively work to stamp it out, soooooo...

>> No.8206085

Wow you are the most obnoxious person I've ever encountered. Hope that self-righteousness helps you sleep at night when you're done bullying mentally deficient girls.

Oh wait, maybe I should put this in terms your tiny lizard brain can understand:
oMG i LITERALLY canNOT eVEn w/u????? (◕‿◕✿)

>> No.8206087

This. She's a fucking nightmare to be around.

>> No.8206100

Yes, Jenna. I don't harass anyone but I will say she's just bad news and treats people badly. She is nice to people when she wants something though and she's decided she wants to be lolita. But leopards do not change their spots. Her first racist and dismissive posts ARE a really good picture of what kind of person she really is. I'll just leave it at that.

>> No.8206111

She made a fb status about this not that long ago, iirc. It was discussed on /cgl/, maybe in a cringe thread.

>> No.8206116


I'm sensing a lot of projection, here. Nothing I've said denotes that, and it seems like we're actually on the same page with this, so...why are you attacking me, again?

>> No.8206118

I don't think people here are necessarily on her 'side,' it's just that in this case Jenna is the lesser of two evils.

Also we all agree that "raids" are dumb

>> No.8206138

Then why are you supporting it?

>> No.8206147

I'm not even encouraging anyone to take sides, just to be cautious, wait and watch a while. If she was banned for scamming in one comm, I don't exactly trust her when she pops up in another. She's not a nice or caring person at all.

>> No.8206153


Supporting what? I've said nothing about supporting anything, except a lack of support for racist behaviour.

>> No.8206157

Where are you getting that she's mentally deficient? I don't think she is.
Did I miss something?

>> No.8206161

Actually you are very right.
I just assumed you were a goddamn sjw. As long as you don't support racism/"prejudice" (including towards white people) you are cool with me.

>> No.8206164

If she is a known scammer, shouldnt there be some blocks on her joining certain comms/ lolita groups or is it just normal to ban scammers from just sales groups?

>> No.8206178

It was in the doll community, she is perma-banned from at least the marketplace area on Den of Angels (the main international bjd comm) and they do not do that lightly.

>> No.8206182

So, what do you think of Chokelate shit-talking Pastelbat's lip fillers?

>> No.8206184

Did she? Where? Oh my.

>> No.8206193

Indeed, I may have not made myself very clear - she is now a member of many Lolita sales groups on FaceBook, when she is a "known scammer". I know the Doll community and Lolita Comm do interlink in many places - many people are a member of both, surely that should mean she gets banned from sales, saving people possibly getting scammed by her in a later time?

>> No.8206205

Thats it! I can not take this any longer. I have never scammed anyone on the doll community I even have tons of great feedback on my blog and amazon. What happened was a friend of mine at the time was putting dolls on hold for long periods of time and NOT paying anything towards them. The 2nd doll which I sold her even though I only did it because she wanted the doll so much and I was being a good friend to sell her it. She did not pay when she was supposed to. I tried to contact her all that week nothing. I resold the doll she had nothing paid on it. I gave her bad feedback because she deserved it and she lied to den of angels about me and they took her side. Thats why I was banned. Also note I am not mentally disabled thanks.

>> No.8206214

Man, making people feel bad and apologize via insults is not helping their cause at all. Instead of having a frank discussion about why what she said was wrong, she's instead learned: Never question anything about the status quo, or get bullied.
This kind of thinking is not useful at all. In fact it pushes others down the road of apathy, or worse "If these are the people fighting for racial equality, then I don't want to have anything to do with them, and I'll not research the subject further.
As a human, I have said stupid, fucked up things out of ignorance and spite, and thankfully I learned not to pull that shit again because people gave me a second chance instead of ripping into me.

I also can't handle this overwhelming amount of white guilt. And her apology sounds robotic. Like they gave her an ice pick to the face.

>> No.8206224
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>> No.8206230


OMG no one can force you to do anything if you don't want to, especially not on the internet.

Like, the worst that could happen to her already did, a bunch of SJW's already attacked her. Her own dumb ass decided to talk to some of the people commenting on her pic.

>> No.8206239

They don't ban on hearsay, that's a lie. There are enough BJD people into or around the lolita comm to verify this easily enough. It's a small pond.

>> No.8206248

She told them that she never agreed to buy either doll when she did. Our conversations were on skype. I couldn't prove otherwise as our conversations were so long so they took her side. Also note this was a long time ago years and years ago.

>> No.8206268

>"The major international doll comm gave me a perma-ban (not just temp, like for minor things) because my convos off-site were too long for them to read and my friend lied and they just sided with her."

DoA bans for scamming and other major board rule violations. It's written plainly for all to see in the public rules.

>"Besides that was a long time ago!"

Funny how that kind of thing lows you, isn't it?

>> No.8206269


>> No.8206274

I can't believe your apology. I don't even care about the "scamming".
Most of that is bullshit written by someone even more misinformed than you are.
The lolita media is not "white-wash media". It is Japanese. The vast majority of the people you see in it are PoC - not white. This apology is too stupid to be sincere because if you actually realised why you were wrong you would have apologised for your behaviour, not just said "Im sorry, it is the fault of my culture". Sentient beings are responsible for our own behaviour.
You really should not go asking advice from the same people who are busy bashing and insulting you.

>> No.8206283

I think she meant the media in general, not specifically lolita related media but that was just my interpretation I could have got the message wrong.

>> No.8206287

Since buying page likes on FB is a thing and FB recently (March 12th) cracked down and deleted a bunch of bot and fake accounts used to deliver those likes, did anyone notice any likes numbers changing quite a bit on people's pages?

>> No.8206291

No, that was clearly directed at her "its not my fault that the first thing I think of when I see people wearing the fashion is white people and asians!!!!" comment.
It simply isn't true and it was told to her by one of those "white people are wrecking the world" chicks from the RC Uncensored group. The chick is white so she is extremely apologetic for that - if you can't tell based on the apology she helped Jenna to write.

>> No.8206292


>> No.8206295

>nearly all of these bullying bitches are fucking white

>> No.8206297

They aren't white anon, they're PoC allies!

Getting offended for other people is what they do best.

>> No.8206299

Okay, my bad I misread thanks for explaining anon, I didn't take into account all the stuff said in the original thread, I was just reading the apology at taking it at face value leaving out a bit of the original context. Cheers for clearing that up.

>> No.8206301

I told the truth their is nothing more I have to say to lieing scum like you ^^. good day ^^.

>> No.8206304

I don't believe you are mentally disabled but you really need to learn to take social cues. Why the fuck would you even bring up race in the lolita community? I don't think you are a racist but I do think you are tactless. There is literally no reason to make black lolitas feel any worse than they already do, which is what you did with your comments, which were completely unnecessary to the conversation.

>> No.8206308

I admit I messed up in rufflechat but I will not let someone from when I was 17 to lie about my selling status and say I'm a mean person. I hold no ill will to anyone but them.

>> No.8206315

Is there some proof for this doll scamming story

>> No.8206319

Although I have never understood why black people feel bad for being black. I honestly am super envious and it confuses me that people dislike it enough that they bleach their skin and chemically straighten their hair. I know everyone wants what they don't have, but it makes me really sad when this goes across race, because naturally dark skin is gorgeous.

>> No.8206323

She admitted the ban, which is good because it's public. Check around, the policy is no secret and DoA has only perma-banned a handful of members, they don't go waving that hammer around, they give warnings and several temporary bans of varying lengths for most rule breaking besides scamming, bootleg dolls and illegal stuff. And they only ban for stuff that happens on their site, not some hearsay or off-site selling squabble.

>> No.8206335

You're only digging yourself a deeper hole dear. Just leave for a bit and come back when things cool off. The more you say rn the more you'll be apologising for in the long term.

>> No.8206339

> I have never understood why black people feel bad for being black.

I'm no SJW, but seriously? You have no earthly clue as to why we might have some issues feeling comfortable with our race?

Also plenty of us relax our hair because it makes it much easier to manage and style, not because we hate our race...

>> No.8206348

No, I actually have no clue. It is a ridiculous idea.

>> No.8206350

You didn't 'mess up' in Rufflechat, you were just being yourself and people really did not care for it. It's actually for the best that they got a taste of your real personality right off the bat, I think.

I don't necessarily think you are a mean or cruel person intentionally, just not a very nice or thoughtful one in general overall.

It's obvious how badly you want to 'do lolita' you push yourself forward so awkwardly and rudely it's hard to miss. But guess what? You're not doing it gracefully or very well at all. I don't think you are the type of person who is very suited to it, frankly. Especially at the video-making, fan-gathering level.
But you go on and be you.
People will easily be able to make their own decisions on you based on how you treat them and how you act.

>> No.8206361


I am guessing you're white, so you've not experienced any of this.

>> No.8206363

Quit instigating shit and go play with your dolls.

>> No.8206383

Deets? If this affects buying or selling we should hear about it.

>> No.8206407

Lol, I did not instigate anything. I'm not even hating on her (you?) This is common public knowledge. I was also one questioning her supposed mental deficiency since I really think she's just terribly socially backwards.

>> No.8206504

I am so sick of this. Most of the idiots screaming things are CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!!!!!1 are white. I wish there was a way to take away their keyboards.

>> No.8206523

This is kind of related to this chick who got banned on DoA (at least her story) but I have a question.

I sold a dress to a girl on layaway and it has been nearly 7 months since she sent the first payment. She send a second one about 6 months ago and that's it. She only paid about 1/4 of it off so far, so I have very little from her. Originally she was supposed to have it paid off competely in 4 months (I said whatever works with her schedule is fine, and she picked the time she needed), but then "things came up." Every time she was supposed to send a payment it never came, instead I just got a bs excuse (she is still buying/selling on FB and lacemarket).

A few weeks ago I told her I can't wait much longer and I need the dress paid off by at least the end of May, which is creeping up close to a year for this fucking layaway. She agreed and said it will absolutely be paid off by then, but still hasn't sent anything else. If she doesn't send anything else, what do I do? I feel like I should be allowed to keep the payments since I have had to deal with this BS for so long and also it became hard to get in touch with her a lot. (Our transaction is through FB messages.) She keeps saying she still wants it though, and I feel weird canceling the layaway if she still wants it but won't send anything? Please help me.

>> No.8206566

Tell her that if she cannot pay by X date that it will be canceled, no ifs ands or buts about it.

I usually state in my terms that if a buyer backs out of a payment plan then it will be canceled and no refunds given

You have a heart of gold for dealing with this so long, anon

>> No.8206790

Got any screencaps?
I know her irl and the lip fillers aren't as visible irl as they are in the pictures, I guess she is pushing her lips a little bit so they unintentionally look more fake when she takes photos

>> No.8206842

New topic: >>8206840

>> No.8206863

That is HORRIBLE. Racism is so ridiculous. I feel so bad for those women. Completely understand now, thanks anon!

>> No.8206930


>> No.8209331

The more ordinary white people see these sorts of Orwellian intimidation techniques, the more /pol/ we become.

Good job radicalizing ordinary whites and turning them into racial tribalists, lel. Perhaps some time in the future we can draw a line in the sand, segregate, and be done with it. Once and for all.