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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 260 KB, 500x751, Link-Cosplay-Zelda-Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8197184 No.8197184 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of those who use sexy cosplays to make a buck or just gain a fund or make a cosplay sexy that should not be?
Like the girls who take their cosplays onto cam or offer to do sexual things for more cosplays?

>> No.8197186

Yeah this is kind of a blight on anything and not just the cosplay community. It is common in all sense really. Take away the cosplays and add normal clothes and you have a stripper or a cam girl. Shit some even do both.
Example is Foxy Cosplay or as she is camming right now FriskyFennec on mf c for her bday begging.

>> No.8197193
File: 122 KB, 900x596, christmas_yoko_and_nia_by_foxy_cosplay-d5oj9ak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8197202

Didn't realize Foxy was a camwhore now. Is she dragging Akemi down with her, or is she still good?

>> No.8197213

This. It's pretty much the same as stripping/camming/posing for Playboy except they're wearing silly cartoon costumes. I wish they and the thirsty dudes enabling them would gtfo.

>> No.8197215

If they've figured out a way to make good money, well good for them. It isn't something I admire at all but if you're hot, enjoy cosplay and don't mind the work it seems like a good opportunity.

It isn't like we lived in a world where sex wasn't monetized anyway. If dressing up in character creates an opportunity for some girls to get ahead in money or in their hobby and consumers want it then why shouldn't it exist?

I think most people who dislike it are sour grapes and the rest of those outspoken against it are wasting their time being mad about something that doesn't have to ever require their attention. If you're taking your costuming very seriously there are plenty of people who are too and it isn't as if the serious cosplay community sees those sexualizing it as heroes or anything. Everyone knows exactly what they are, just people monetizing sexuality. I don't see a reason to be buttruffled about it in a world of people sexualizing stuff for money. In fact considering so much of anime and gaming is pre-existingly monetizing sex creating non ending fodder for this I think it is downright nuts to be up in arms about it. Now if this was historical costuming, yeah that would be annoying.

>> No.8197220

Akemi goes where ever she can get more fame no matter who she has to attack or suck off.

>> No.8197224

It is fine and I support it! Money is money, but the social justice squad has to attack it if the women they like hates it or is jealous.
Woo gonna go watch some foxy tits

>> No.8197228

Yeah keep your social justice out of here and leave people alone

>> No.8197234

Someone raised a stink about her wishlist in christmas! Who is jealous now? Just show some tits and you will get shit too.

>> No.8197237

Whores exist everywhere. If you can make a buck off the foreveralone fuks then why not? You'll get flack for it obviously but who cares cuz you'll be Kaiba it up, so who care. Money is all that matters in this world.

>> No.8197242

I thought she was actually a halfway decent person. Any deets on dramu involving her?

>> No.8197244

Cosplay Deviant stripping.... NEXT

>> No.8197248

I'm obviously not going to respect that girl but I won't get butthurt about it either

>> No.8197249

Ok Jacob or Tuffy, you need to go calm the fuck down.

>> No.8197253

Not that I can tell. I know Jacob Stone had a thing for her at some point....like bad.

>> No.8197261

She sticks with this guy Tuffy on here who thinks we are his person army to attack people. She has a history as a drama starter. Just search her on the archives. She baited a guy to her town to hang out, stood him up on hanging out then claimed she filed a police report on the guy for stalking her to her town. He released all the chat logs proving her a liar and the police have no evidence of a report.

Just search the archives once again cause this is all common knowledge

>> No.8197266

>Not that I can tell

Why anon?

She dated my friend Michael and then dumped him sometime after DragonCon for some BS reason. That is literally all the dirt I have on her.

>> No.8197268

How do search archives? I'm kinda new..

>> No.8197270

Example A
Tuffy comes on here and hangouts ranting about a guy named Jacob Stone all the time and has outrageous claims then says he ended that guys terror over cosplay

>> No.8197274

You mean after he spent all that money on her for some concert?

>> No.8197276 [DELETED] 

This girl shoots with Iconiq Cosplay Photography and support his pedo actions!

>> No.8197279

I don't remember hearing about that part. I just know that she used him for his hotel room and friends (because Yoko is in with Yaya or something) to get photoshoots at DragonCon. And then broke up with him a couple weeks after.

>> No.8197280 [DELETED] 

Speak of the devil
$5 says he deletes his post or claims he does not visit 4chan.

Archives are searched here https://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/
You can even see post that people (Tuffy) deleted after posting

>> No.8197287

Didnt we just cover this in three different threads? Without debate, yes. Yes it does. Hands down. 'Sex' sells everything.

>> No.8197288

Tuffy Cancer does not understand that he is wrong and goes away.

>> No.8197290

>Foxy Cosplay
I dont see anything wrong with them using sex appeal while wearing cosplay to get money. Its no different like you said from normal cam girls. Many of the girls who do this have normal jobs on the side while not living with parents and making quick money from stuff on the side helps pay for things. Even if it is having the people watching or liking her page pay for things.

People are going to give and take. Thats life. In and out of cosplay. Just deal with it. Thats the kind of oversexualization society has become.

>> No.8197291

I can confirm for truth.

>> No.8197297

>Get boyfriend
>Leave boyfriend
>Life is hard

Nothing new about relationships have been learned.

>> No.8197299

I really don't know how Tuffy is, but seriously. This has been the same thread for the past several days. Just a new name.

>> No.8197309

The guy is trying to white knight and social justice. One of the people associated with his harassment of Jacob Stone turned out to be a pedophile and now is trying to cover his ass of being involved with him and is trying to take down people involved. He just split his group in half and is attacking them.

>> No.8197313

I've searched the archive and have found no evidence that Akemi has ever started any drama. Whenever I've talked to her online or have met her in person, she's always been really nice.

>> No.8197314

>taking nudes in a wig =/= cosplay

>> No.8197315

Search her real name, I can't post it on here. I know she has been called out on it and also posted about it on her page.

>> No.8197318

I..I dont know who Jacob Stone is either. Can someone just make a straight up 4Chan 4 Dummies?

>> No.8197321

Please don't fucking do that. Its one thing to talk shit about people, but its a whole other thing to bring their real name instead of cosplay name into conversations into the internet to try and get people to harass them. Thats fucked up as hell.

If you have full photos of you in the cosplay, then it is cosplay before you even take your clothes off. If you are doing that to sell your body and make a quick buck, good on you. Feel free to hate, but a lot of them make bucks off of horny boys and that money feels good in this day considering pay at most normal jobs aren't enough to live off of.

>> No.8197323

how about you gtfo you taliban piece of shit. scumbag christian fundie prudes like yourself have no business being alive.

>> No.8197331

What are you talking about you idiot? She's telling the other anon to search her real name in the archives because they're from before she had a stupid fucking handle.

>> No.8197332

Is it just me, or does Tufy look scary as fuck?

>> No.8197335

lmao simmer down there norma jean

>> No.8197342

It's not just you.

>> No.8197345

as a dude (don't hit on me silly girls ;) let me say the thirsty sperges who are into this kind of thing make me cringe, please don't assume most guys like it, I'm sorry for the losers who feed into it. that said, I don't hate on girls who do it, I'm just not into myself and feel pandered to when I see it.

>> No.8197348

I agree, but I do think the girls who do it deserve some of the blame. The attitude of 'oh they're just doing it because someone will feed into it, it's not their faults~' is total bullshit, seriously. It doesn't make it right, or justified and they have responsibility, I mean if I applied it to another situation then I'd sound like an idiot.

>> No.8197349

This is probably one of the most sane thing anyone has said on this board in a long time. Please save yourself while there's still time and get out before cgl/4chan corrupts you.

>> No.8197353
File: 112 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Micro kitty is pretty good at the whole "sex sells" concept. Borrowed someone else's well made Megaman cosplay, just to do underwear photos. And what a surprise, she didn't close her shop like she tried to say a couple months ago to make people feel the need to buy photos. She's always pushing her wish list or print shop. She knows these underwear photos sell. And she will continue to pump out shit like this so long as she's making money from it.

>> No.8197358

This, both are to blame.
It's like when a friend's bf cheats on her with you, yeah he's a dick but you knew that it was wrong and hurtful and still did it. There's never a shortage of blame, no need to fight about it.

>> No.8197362

I've never heard of her but I like how she's doing it. Decent accessories rather than putting on a cheap halloween Mario hat and red/blue lingerie. Not sure what's up with the wig unless she's supposed to be Roll? Also already like her a million times better than JNig for not using high school slut makeup.

don't hate the player, hate the game

>> No.8197593

Yeah except micro kitty is a well known brat who begs for money from her followers and doesn't make half her costumes (like the one posted above). There's nothing classier about the way she goes about it except her cosplays look a little nicer (since they aren't hers).

>> No.8197648
File: 74 KB, 400x400, 60508386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8197657
File: 246 KB, 2048x1365, microkittycosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rethink your opinion.

>> No.8197659

Compared to me this is gold

>> No.8197811

Not to mention the gofundme she made to raise 450$ to "give to a family for taking her in" when she got stuck in Texas with no money. And then never gave proof that the money actually went to the family. And then had 2 new costumes the next week.

>> No.8197980

They make me feel uncomfortable. I don't mind strippers, but in the cosplay comm they just come across as frauds. The only reason they're around is for money. So long as that's their motivation to be famous in our hobby then fuck them and their prints.

>> No.8197993

its been going on since the 90s

its nothing new

>> No.8198000

I'm more concerned about that background. I'm hoping this was a hall shot and not a print shot?

>> No.8198002
File: 265 KB, 1024x1536, peach6_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy one from the same set, but there's no prints of that one any more.

>> No.8198025
File: 69 KB, 899x1348, 11075160_10155329507300268_4327149461814376350_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


her butt looks monstrous in that pic, photoshop? or angle?

>> No.8198183

she has a bit of a jaw huh?

>> No.8198242

I think the angle is partially responsible. Her leg is aligned in a way that makes the butt crease... like when your walking.

It would appear otherwise she does have a rather large derriere. I'd say that while her butt may not be monstrous, it is pretty big.

Ugh, it's hard to get your butt bigger. Every time I start doing squats I fall over. It's hilarious.

>> No.8198272

This picture is so ridiculously unflattering in every way.

>> No.8198735

I don't have a problem with it, as long as they admit what they're doing.
It's the girls who like to pretend they aren't selling their bodies to thirsty nerds when they're posing in shit like that that really get to me.
It's like, don't even try to tell me you aren't aware there's like 50 dudes beating off to you right now when you upload pictures like that.

>> No.8198881

Photoshop is definitely responsible for that ass. She's not that well rounded. She also claims to be a DD, and wears DD bras, but she's lucky to be considered a B at best.

>> No.8199065

Why? Because after the whole Jacob Stone/Chase Lawrence/BentPic war that she was in, I kinda kept my nose out of it...untiul Tuffy showed up.

>> No.8199070

Wow, never knew that about her. I kinda used to be friends with her, but we lost touch.

>> No.8199123

It's definitely angle. One of her Amy Pond pics has her looking like she has a massive ass. It's the angle there as well. Dat ass is now on my wall. haha.

>> No.8199199

>bra and panties don't even match

>> No.8199225

>B at best
confirmed for man or a girl who knows shit about proper bra sizing

>> No.8199250

I liked her about 6 months ago. I followed her page. Then, another cosplayer I followed (I totally forget who) was posting sexy red riding hood photos the same day Micro Kitty was. I saw someone commented about it and she replied "yeah, she's copying me." Ten minutes later the comment and MK's reply was gone. I unfollowed them both that day, because that's just pathetic. Are there any 'good' cosplayers that aren't lolcows, self-absorbed narcissists, and stay true to the things they cosplay?

>> No.8199257

Seriously fuck bra companies. They've gone so far with vanity sizing they've made it literally impossible to describe a bra size in terms other than "really really big/kinda small" without getting descended on by people going on about how it's the old bra sizing, etc.
You used to could say "she's DD" and that actually meant something. Fuck language I guess.

>> No.8199748

It's not vanity sizing, it's laziness. Companies always used the +4 method of sizing which is wrong no matter what decade.

>> No.8199752

Anon, if you wear a DD bra, you're not going to be a B in any way shape or form.

>> No.8199889

Sluts and dudebros are doing to geeky shit what they did to Halloween, and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.8199954
File: 194 KB, 488x592, received_1011967958831869-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like her support of Wendell has come back to bite her on the ass and now she is trying to hide it. There is a proper bit if irony here.

>> No.8200013 [DELETED] 

That's just how Wendell or "Iconiq Cosplay Photography" is. He thinks he is friends with everyone just because he takes a hallway shot of someone and then starts stalking the fuck out of them. I feel bad for Rachel , my prince, Saraha sox , and glitters for having do deal with his pedo ways . If you wanna read what happen look it up on google it's all over tumblr people have noted their blogs over 100 times.

>> No.8200015 [DELETED] 

Having to deal with him ~*

>> No.8200197

Well shit.

>> No.8200360

Looks like karma at its finest. I remember them tag teaming talking shit on Euphoria last year at mtac.

>> No.8200367

If I can masturbate to it it's fine.

>> No.8200400
File: 134 KB, 600x900, 11075034_971976476180538_5610532688496758004_o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Posted this morning. So many Juliets.

>> No.8200420

What is wrong with her boobs? They look... off

>> No.8200597

I think she used the smudge tool to create the appearance of cleavage.

>> No.8200608


She put on Facebook that her bra was showing and she shopped it out. *shrug*

>> No.8200622

Out of focus + amateur boob enhancing edit.

>> No.8200641

She's really cute and has a lot of potential, but dat awful cleavage shooping.

>> No.8200702
File: 64 KB, 1024x576, CAzqxk_WsAAH6jz.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have donated thousands of dollars to KJ and she's stopped even pretending to cosplay, this is all she has to do now to get money. Hey if you can make a full living just because you own tits and a webcam, more power to you.

>> No.8200840

Is this Kelly jean or jane?

>> No.8200848

it's natural, women exist for sex so it's just a logical conclusion

>> No.8200850

I am legitimately jelly of her. Too bad I don't have big tits.

>> No.8200856

It's all boob magic. You can boob magic your way into having beta orbiters too, anon, you're never too small.

>> No.8200927
File: 437 KB, 456x1024, 11165265243532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Neither does she.

>> No.8201121


Indeed. Who is she? For... reasons

>> No.8201127


She does have decently sized ones to begin with though. Like those are at least C's.

>> No.8201135

I think my view on boobs is flawed(from anime) I have a C cup but my friends and everyone tell my I'm small...I'm starting to wonder now.

>> No.8201250

I have an A cup and would do literally anything to be able to afford a boob job. Id kill for C's.

>> No.8201256

Everyone seems to think I have an A-cup. I also used to think that because of getting VS sizing in high school, but 34C fits me perfect, but they still seem/look really small I guess.

>> No.8201260

I'm in the same boat. I'm a B-C cup
Bra sizes are weird.

>> No.8201283


Yep. I wear a 28DD but to the average person I look like a B or so. No one understands how bra sizes actually work.

>> No.8201293

During this pic she was barely a b and padded for yoko, if you call folding a sheet of paper towel in half padding, How do you people not remember the countless threads about that single fucking picture.

Ever since the boob job anybody else notice how quickly she was getting more attention for her boobs and not the cosplays and then she kinda stopped cosplaying a s much?

Oh well I cant complain, The less AI Honey in the world the better.

>> No.8201297

I'm 30FF but everyone thinks I'm a D. Even my own mother, after I explicitly show her the tag and the fit of my bra, still denies that I'm anything bigger than DD.

>> No.8201324
File: 17 KB, 979x289, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is probably a 30D.

Even with all the boob magic she wouldn't be that big and as full. You don't go from an apple size to a watermelon. You're boobs stay the same size, all the boob tissues is just pushed up to look bigger.

You can clearly tell she got a boob job because she was WAY more boob fat in the first picture over the second one. Pushed up or not.

>> No.8201343

I think Jessica Nigri should just do a fucking porn video already

Fucking tease

>> No.8201797

isnt this the chick who did this slave thing with ryuu lavitz? heard they are both pretty bitchy as is

>> No.8202166

Oh god. Jeramaiah Seymore photography. So much cringe, so little time. Guy thinks he's some big shot photog but has horrible editing skills. He also tends to belittle girls while they model for him in order to get them to pose as he wants. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.8202527

Is that why the edit is so shit? Did she suck dick for this? LOL.

>> No.8202672

I wouldn't be surprised, honestly. The whole time I shot with him, he talked about his sex life and how he could basically woo girls out of their clothes for lingerie shoots. Not me, man. So sketchy and uncomfortable to work with.

He was working with a Kitty Katarina and was basically telling her to spread her legs wider in her poses, lean forward more, stick the tongue out, arch her back more. Just overall commands that would turn a pose from cute into sexual. For all her poses.

>> No.8202821
File: 94 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely not DD boobs, anon.

>> No.8202873

Jesus Christ everything about this photo is horrid but the awful wig really takes the cake.

>> No.8202875

You can't really see them there, but they could definitely be DD. Like a 30DD.

>> No.8202877

The awful wig, the hairy arms, the stiff ribbon. Ugh.

>> No.8202903
File: 139 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not seeing DDs. Maybe I really just don't get it. But my boobs are way bigger than hers and my comfortable fit is a B cup.

>> No.8202907

People only know who he is because he shoots with Danielle/Bonnie/Pizoobie. When I shot with him I was cosplaying a "sexy" character so I wasn't thrown off by being asked to pose sexy. I was expecting it. I've only worked with him the one time though.

>> No.8202923

I worked with him once. Easy enough to say I won't be saying yes again. I was very uncomfortable by his conversation choices and how he kept trying to get me to be more revealing with a character that isn't supposed to be sexual.

>> No.8203043
File: 202 KB, 736x1288, e239244285402117f7f301926c9efced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to have no idea how bra sizes work then

>> No.8203126

Neither do you, that image is so inaccurate!
The number in bra size
ex:) 32 D
The 32 means you have a 32 inch under bust measurement!
A , B , C , D are the cup sizes, and the size fits to the shape of person's boob.
People with a 32 inch waste will look like they have smaller ta ta's even if it is a 32 d. won't look that way cause a sister bra is 34 b.
MicroKitty is a 36B or 34C at best.

>> No.8203200

Her boobs wouldn't look so saggy if she wore a bra that actually fit her.

>> No.8203765

Yep. Sister sizes are something that actually rarely works. Bra stores just sell that nonsense so that more women will buy bras. Most of your support should come from the band though, so if you are a 28D, no, no a 34A will not fit properly. The store will try to tell you it does though.

>> No.8204268


wait this isn't a man?

>> No.8204271

>*Not to scale
Did you even read?

>> No.8204478

This is the MOST innacurate fucking thing about boobs I have seen.

The numbers are band sizes and the letters are cup sizes. She is NOT a 30DD. 30, MAYBE, but definitely NOT DD. A/Small B for sure.

>> No.8204480

You can't use a not to scale, bra scale, and say it is accurate and get mad when someone calls you out on it. This is 100% inaccurate as shit.

>> No.8204488

Who let these retarded guys ITT.

I'm a 30DD and I'm practically DFC, bras don't work the way you think.

>> No.8204493

I am a 32 D. There is no way you are a freaking 30DD and have no tits. You are either going to shit store or you seriously were lied to about what your cup size is. The letter is the boob size, band is number.

Warning to everyone: Victoria's Secret is not only a ripoff, but they do NOT know how to properly size a bra.

>> No.8204501

Another thing about this is that if you are a 38D one place, you could easily be a 30C another place. Depending on where you buy the bra, who the maker is, padding, ect.

The thing is though, the cup size really is relevant to boobs. The larger the cup, 90% of the time, the larger the chest. It does sound extremely skeptical that someone with a band of 30 and DDs has a flat chest. The variance if never that drastic. One cup sizes off is usually the limit in which this happens.

>> No.8204508

No. Just no. The letter in bra size quite literally means the difference between your boob measurement and your ribcage.

I have a 30in ribcage and 35in breast measurement, that's 5 inches. That's just how it works. Sorry you guys have been lied to all your lives.

>> No.8204510

www.brabandproject.com is a good place to look, for all these people who are confused about how bra sizing actually works...

>> No.8204511

Seriously, this. FFS, do I need to post a picture in my bra and flash the size tag?

>> No.8204513

>>8204508 here, just so you know, VS said I was a 34A so...

>> No.8204539

Lol she needs to pull her pants up

>> No.8204550

You know there's variation in spacing, root, and boob shape that affects how big your boobs look even if the actual volume is the same? Wide spacing + broad/shallow boobs make a D look like an A-B, or even smaller...

Also, bra sizing doesn't vary that much. If you wear 38D in one place and 30C another, one of those bras really really doesn't fit you.

>> No.8204696
File: 1.88 MB, 5120x3200, naprawde-duze-biusty2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you shut up. Bras suck in general and all boobs are boobs. You are ALL right. To be frank, bras dont make sense. In general. They either fit or they don't.

>> No.8205235

Wasn't this Justine doing a nerd burlesque show?

>> No.8205253


yes you do

>> No.8205265

but anon, most of the fuckwits ITT are wrong.

>> No.8206327

Uhhhh... if you've ever talked to Akemi you would know she's never supported Wendell for anything. Wendell has harassed myself, her, and other girls I know too much for any of us to ever even play with the thought of supporting her. :/

>> No.8206729
File: 717 KB, 3533x2208, True D cups.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy fuck, does no one understand how bras work? For fuck sake people, read this

>> No.8206732
File: 208 KB, 1091x980, True G cups.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Geez you guys are fucking stupid.

>> No.8206735
File: 481 KB, 1532x902, kate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8206739
File: 20 KB, 653x302, rosie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8206740
File: 42 KB, 1003x396, Example of a bad to good fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8206747
File: 171 KB, 790x366, Fitting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8206756
File: 53 KB, 670x503, 670px-Buy-a-Well-Fitting-Bra-Step-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8208938

This went from a "sex sells cosplay" thread to a "How bras work" thread....

>> No.8208945

Since learning about properly fitted bras I can't see any semi nudes without thinking "bitch the gore is supposed to lay flat".

>> No.8209791

Someone fucking kill the "photographer"
god damn.

>> No.8209952

I leave this thread for two day and you guys are STILL talk about fucking bra sizes. Holy shit.

>> No.8210015


IKR? Start a thread with nude models wearing illfitting bras or something

>> No.8210020

I wish I had tits like these. ;_;

>> No.8210138

>I wish I had tits

>> No.8210157

>I wish I didn't have tits

we're on our way to a long journey anons

>> No.8210164

y-you can have mine anon