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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8200494 No.8200494 [Reply] [Original]

Do any cons actually have dress codes?

My cousin is pestering me to find her a con where she can go with her 6yo daughter, but she says she doesn't want her daughter to see all the "slutty girls" (think girls dressed as Yoko).

Any ideas?

>> No.8200503

how the fuck would it be any different from like, going to a pool or a beach?
There's going to be slutty cosplayers at any con you go to.
If something's not covered, they're probably going against the hotel's rules anyway.

>> No.8200507

Some have stricter 'dress guidelines' than others, mostly depending on the target audience and the culture of the city it is located in. Look for the ones who advertise themselves as family friendly.

>> No.8200513

Why are so people concerned with sex? I'm always more concerned with violence than I am sex.

>> No.8200518


Because sex in unnatural and violence isn't

>mfw people actually treat things this way.

>> No.8200522


Can you go defend being whores somewhere else or make a camgirl/sugardaddy thread?

This thread is about family friendly cons.

>> No.8200525

There's no such thing as a con without slutty girls.

>> No.8200542

tell your cousin to stop body shaming. what you see at the con is no worse than the beach.

>> No.8200546

>body shaming


Can you just answer my question?

No one cares if you dislike a space being called a spade.

>> No.8200549

why don't you just look up local cons and look at the dress code? don't be so lazy.

>> No.8200555

Tell her to hire a babysitter

>> No.8200566


People will be people.

Learn to not be so uptight.

>> No.8200571

How the hell did your cousin procreate with that attitude?

>> No.8200600 [DELETED] 

I would lol if a /cgl/ whore ever went to Dubai.

You girls would get your ass handed to you by the cops over there.

You can't whore over there :)

>> No.8200613


With a man who isn't a cuck.

>> No.8200620

Technically all cons have a dress code. Most of the time, it covers the basics and is in place just so when an incident comes along, they can enforce it. How strict a con enforces a certain dress code depends on their past experiences. Some cons get complaints about underboob, side boob, ass crack, form fitting, and other revealing bits from parents. Cons may aim to be for everyone, they tend to favor the family friendly side (except for cons like dragon con).

>> No.8200621
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Ah yes typical beach wear.

Never forget Tuna Chan
Best bet OP is a family friendly one/small con.

>> No.8200625

It's wrong to draw an equivalence between the two. Plenty of fetish wear covers more than a bikini, but it's still more explicitly sexual. Same with stuff like a Yoko or Powergirl cosplay. Not that bikinis are necessarily a good thing to wear.

>> No.8200629

Idk man I don't like seeing strangers' cellulite-ridden buttcheeks hanging out in public but my husband and I somehow still manage to have pretty great sex. It's a mystery, I know.

>> No.8200640

They equate "good" sex with hedonistic excess. It's the same as a person who thinks eating cheesecakes and greasy deep pan pizzas is the height of cuisine.

They can't understand moderation can actually heighten enjoyment.

Male btw.

>> No.8200670 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself pig.

>> No.8200672

Tell her not to take her child to a public pool or a beach. I fear the child may be subjected to 'the skins'.

>> No.8200677

Most cons follow public nudity laws, aka bathing suit-type clothing at a minimum. If your cousin has a problem with seeing this at a con, perhaps you should suggest that she invest in a giant hamster bubble for her child.

>> No.8200698

What's it like having herpes?

>> No.8200710


absolutely fucking wrekt.

>> No.8200713

Even family friendly cons have Yokos.
Besides that, cons really aren't the place for kids. You're bound to have some asshole teenager spouting out something gross at the top of their lungs.

>> No.8200715

>Even family friendly cons have Yokos.

Are people STILL cosplaying her?

>> No.8200723

thats like asking if homestucks have disappeared

>> No.8200732

honey no one ever doubted your shit attitude came from anyone other than a guy.

>> No.8200744

A local con I go to has a somewhat strict dress code. Their rule is basically "don't wear something you wouldn't wear in front of your family or children".

>> No.8200754


It has already been explained why this is a false equivalency.


Not everyone enjoys their child being exposed to what is basically fetishwear.


Shit attitude about what?

>> No.8200760

Oh hey. Thats FanimeCon. I know that wall anywhere.

>> No.8200867

We have a local convention that is pretty fun and surprisingly brings a large number of people for being a college convention.

They have a dress code. No glitter allow is the first one, second one is body paint must be sealed, the third one is no outfits that cover less then a one-piece bathing suit.

It isn't too strict of a dress code. You can cosplay Morrigan but not a girl from Kill La Kill in her fighting outfit. Similarly you could dress as Flonne or Plenair but not Etna.

>> No.8200871

A better example would be that JNig could wear her pink bodysuit but not her cheer leading outfit since the cheer leading outfit shows too much skin.

>> No.8200984

What are the go-2 slut cosplays?

All I can think off is Yoko, Sailor Moon, and Kill la Kill

Maybe Shimakaze(?) but she doesn't seem popular enough (yet)

>> No.8201041

>sailor moon

Kek okay

>> No.8201046

Also shit taste confirmed for being a pedophile.

>> No.8201228

>My cousin is pestering me
What she cant use a computer or something?

>doesn't want her daughter to see all the "slutty girls" (think girls dressed as Yoko).

I know ECCC has a kid zones but you still have to walk through the rest of the con to get to it.

Honestly she should just give up because no matter how 'kid' friendly cons claim to be there is always the chance of an attendee showing up half naked even if there were strict rules. And if there isnt cosplayers running around half naked then there is still the dealers hall and artist alley that could potentially have art displays that your cousin might object too if they are already sensitive to half naked cosplayers.

Face it if you are a parent who isnt open to your child being exposed to that sort of thing then dont go to nerd cons with them and hire a babysitter. Sorry but that is just the way it is until someone specifically creates a G rated con.

>> No.8201294

Most cons rarely enforce more than what the law requires them to, the thought being that if it's good enough for the outside world, it's good enough for the con. However if she kicks up a fuss about one specific person being inappropriately dressed the con will usually go "ok, we'll talk to them." But if she does it about lots of people the con is going to go "if they're not breaking the rules it's fine and you don't HAVE to be here if it bugs you." Really it's going to depend on how bothered she is by bikini levels of skimpiness, in which case maybe a convention isn't the best place for her to take her daughter (or the pool or beach for that matter)

>> No.8202919

Sailor Moon, slutty?

>> No.8202949

Why would you want to bring a kid anyway? It's crowded, the "toys" are overpriced, people dress skimpy because the anime industry is sexualized and a bunch of questionable stuff is all around the dealer's halls.
I went to my first con when I was 13, I suddenly encountered a cow-titted hentai-figma amongst others. I'm just glad my mum didn't see all that stuff.

>> No.8202964

I'm not sure what the fuck you're expecting from us, you didn't tell us where you live so we could give you conventions in completely different countries.
You could've just googled local conventions in your area and read through their dress codes. Are you too retarded to use google?
Sorry about you're stuck up cousin and probably ugly niece btw. I guess stupidity runs through the family.

>> No.8203346

Truth to be told however, a convention large enough to see plenty of ass is more then likely not the convention she should take her 6 year old daughter. I wouldn't take a kid to any convention until they were ten at the youngest. I'd feel more comfortable with 13 really.

She should go in the morning if she is really dead set on it before things get to crazy or just go to a small convention.

>> No.8203418

>Sakura-Con reserves the right to deem a costume unacceptable and request the wearer to make modifications as necessary. This convention is a family-friendly event. Please keep this in mind when choosing costumes and allow common sense and good taste to prevail (see section III-N regarding Indecent Exposure). Footwear, per the Bare Feet policy (section III-D), is required in the convention space. Please remember to follow hotel policies for items such as towels that may be permanently stained by makeup removal.

>> No.8203435

what a cunt

>> No.8203534

I can see it now. "mommy, buy me that one!" which happens to be $200. There will be deep introspection about why you brought the kid along.

>> No.8203796

I really have a huge issue with you slut shaming considering you are a woman
Secondly cons are not for children really ,like id never take my children unless they were at least twelve.That's your call but to call people who dress as their favorite character and it making you uncomfortable with seeing maybe you should tell your friend to just take them to chuckie cheese or go back to hiding under a rock

>> No.8203829

Also why.the hell did you think its a smart idea to ask this on cgl..