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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 126 KB, 1985x900, cosplaysuggest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8192621 No.8192621 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread >>8133739

Ask for suggestions here.
If you want suggestions, you must first give suggestions.

>> No.8193014
File: 668 KB, 2189x974, cosplay_suggestions_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will give suggestions once people post.

>> No.8193054
File: 428 KB, 2189x1417, suggestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, you would make a great Palutena. Possibly Nonon too.

I'll also suggest when more people post.

>> No.8193060

Honestly? If you do that Sakizo, I'd suggest modifying a pair of ballet flats or something, and not wear actual pointe shoes around a con. Make a pair and save them for a photoshoot. This is coming form a dancer. They are not made for walking around in. You will tear your feet up, and ruin the integrity of the shoes.

>> No.8193088

I was planning on using one of my dead pairs for walking around in so that they're already broken in and comfortable, and the con is indoors. I've worn pointe shoes around the con for another cosplay (super tiny pic on my suggestions thing) and my feet held up well.

Lupin from Lupin III, Ginko from Mushishi.

>> No.8193090
File: 51 KB, 300x229, 1334449610212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those photos

>> No.8193112
File: 968 KB, 1984x900, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuranosuke from Princess Jellyfish or Perona from One Piece

Jin from Samurai Champloo or Hijikata from Gintama

>> No.8193160
File: 1.52 MB, 1984x892, MyGreatestFearIsThatOneDayI'llBeTakingAShitButTheShitWillTakeMeInstead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rue from Princess Tutu
Tanaka from Dangan Ronpa
Bee from Bee and Puppycat

>> No.8193175
File: 466 KB, 2189x974, give it to me baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you wanna stick to the Magi sphere, you'd probably make a really good Kougyoku Ren.

Ryuji Suguro from Blue Exorcist

YES PLEASE BE RUBY. Or Sapphire. You could do either really.

Sonia Nevermind, SDR2

>> No.8193189

I padded my tummy and hips for Midna to give myself her potbelly for that picture, but otherwise those measurements are accurate. I should probably put better body pics on the next thread. :/

you're so cute oh my god
I've actually cosplayed Kuranosuke before, thank you! You'd work really well as Aladdin from Magi, Mataro from Kill la Kill, or Potemayo from the anime of the same name.

Kuranosuke from Kuragehime, Juri from Revolutionary Girl Utena, Pearl from Steven Universe.

>> No.8193206

maes hughes
honey lemon
natalie dormer characters

>> No.8193230
File: 3.33 MB, 4096x1827, suggestions6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



The Boy

Heather or the 'Bats

>> No.8193414
File: 2.53 MB, 2189x974, suggestio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maizono, danganronpa
I need more IIda cosplayers in my life
If you cosplay umbrella academy can i marry you
also you look like a gravity falls character, one with white hair, i dont watch the show so i dont remember the name sadly!
Star Iori Shiro
Tank girl.
You would make a good joseph from jojo

>> No.8193419
File: 1.70 MB, 2189x974, hole feeler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makoto, free
Bee, from bee and puppycat
Kashima, GSNK
I see you as more of a snake, with the makeup in the 3rd pic.

>> No.8193453

Ah yeah, I've contemplated Jin before. I actually forgot about him until now haha. Anyways, definitely cosplay Rudy, and like another anon said, Bee would also be a good choice.
Aqua Bats all the way man. Also try Fionna from AT or Sonia Nevermind from Super Danga Ronpa.
Seeing Lori at all would be pretty cool. I think you could pull of Natsuki Kimura if you don't mind the idol look. You might also like Sasami Tsukuyomi.
Do Ocelot. Please do Ocelot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y897tozJeg8
I can't wait to see other BnHA cosplayers this year haha. Anyways, I think any of those would work well, but if I had to pick one I'd say Chiyo. Roka Shibasaki would also be a good choice.
Meme Oshino or Youhei Sunohara would be good ideas.

>> No.8193578
File: 430 KB, 1990x901, 1422952307168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically any Disney Princess, but Rapunzel in particular comes to mind.

Klein from SAO

I think you'd make a really cute Pokemon gijinka, maybe an Eevee!

How about crossplay? I can see you as one of the Attack on Titan guys, honestly, even though AoT kinda sucks.

Shiori is great, but I can see you as Ryuuko, too. Or Akame from Akame ga Kill.

Flynn Rider from Tangled

Tsukimi from Kuragehime


>> No.8193697
File: 1.34 MB, 2189x974, cosplay suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you would be a good Link Between Worlds or Link to the Past Zelda, actually.
Ruby would be really cute, especially if you had a Sapphire. You would be a cute Isabelle. Also, maybe Lucas from Mother 3?
I think you would be a cute Heather.
Three star Iori, your face fits him really nicely, and I liked your Iori cosplay.
You're pretty good. Do Ocelot. I love seeing Ocelot cosplayers!
Chiaki Nanami or Viridi from Kid Icarus: Uprising.
It's kinda hard to see your facial features since stuff is in the way, but I think Punished Snake would be cool if you could get the facial hair down.
Homura Akemi or Palutena from Kid Icarus, but Haruka would be really cool too! I've never seen a Haruka cosplayer, only Uranus.

Also, that was the only decent body picture I can find. Sorry!

>> No.8193845
File: 1.90 MB, 2172x988, bluuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zelda would be cool

Shinra Kishitani

really think you'd suit ruby

rikku for final fantasy

you'd make an amazing vi from league of legends

Yui Hirasawa

>> No.8193897
File: 271 KB, 680x663, doyoudareentermymagicalsweatshop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these two

Hehehe-hehehe-he. He. Heeeeeeeeeee. He.

>> No.8193905

oh man i'd love to see you do Haruka's school uniform or Kuranosuke, anon

>> No.8193909

please do mink. youd be a perfect mink, like spot on.

>> No.8193948

Haruka Tenoh or Zero suit samus
Definitely Skull kid and Medli.
I feel like I've said this before, but you're perfect for Yasuhiro Hagakure

>> No.8193950

I don't think I know how to interpret this...

>> No.8193968

W-what do you mean, anon?

>> No.8194032
File: 366 KB, 2189x974, 1424473906816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time post, I've never cosplayed before so I'm new to this whole thing

You could probably pull off a good Maes Hughes
I thought your 4 was Snake Pliskin for a second, Escape from LA
Go with Chiyo, I'd say
Get outta here, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Kashima (Gekkan Shoujo)
I think you resemble Yukiko a bit more than Aigis if you wanted a simple one, but Aigis would be very cool to see
Could do a good sid (soul eater) or that one guy from Tenjou Tenge (iirc)

>> No.8194073
File: 1.71 MB, 2178x974, thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be an amazing static shock!
Peral from steven universe
Karuta from inu x boku ss ~
You would look awesome as Ms.Marvel
Ellie from the last of us, you have a really pretty face!

>> No.8194249


Hilda from Link Between Worlds, Cornelia from Fire Emblem Awakening, Griselda from Odin Sphere, Xianghua from Soul Calibur, Moeka from Steins;Gate

If you're up for some intense armor-making, then you'd make a really good Hilde from Soul Calibur (she has a non-armor version too though), Nana Osaki, Hot Pants from jjba

I can imagine you as a really good Favaro from Shinkeki no Bahamut or Ludger from Tales of Xillia 2.

Ringo from Mawaru Penguindrum, Mako from KLK, Mirai from Kyoukai no Kanata, Nah from Fire Emblem Awakening

Estelle from Tales of Vesperia, Nono from Diebuster or Noriko from Gunbuster, Crab Sonoshee from Redline, Birdy the Mighty

Jolyne from jjba, Asch from Tales of the Abyss, Barnaby from Tiger and Bunny, Sully from Fire Emblem Awakening

>> No.8194267

I don't know if you're serious about the Kana idea, that'd be pretty fucking funny.
Raven would be a cool idea. The possibilities are endless when you're kawaii.

>> No.8194370

Of course I am, can't you see my shirt?

>> No.8194588
File: 236 KB, 1532x722, CGL suggestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to this Cosplay stuff, so please be gentle. I don't have any actual body pics cause i lost a lot of fat.
Take in mind that i'm cutting and putting muscle, so it's okay for DYEL and somewhat lean cosplay.
And if you have a tip on how to make a "bald" wig, that would be great !

Go for kana, mate !
Raven is nice

>> No.8194724
File: 1.51 MB, 2178x980, I do not take pictures very often so these are like years apart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>bald wigs
Anon come on thats not how it works
Google bald caps

Out of those four Raven would be my personal pick but like the other anon said, you can pretty much any kawaii animu girl when you look like that

I think the choice is obvious, Kana

Mink or Demo would be pretty cool.

I'd really like to see the finished Pit but out of the rest Medli would be great for you!

Lucina from fire emblem

>> No.8194731

>bald caps
Thank, that was the thing i was looking for.
Also, if you go to an animecon, do Kaneki, and if it's a comicon, do the soldier, m8

>> No.8196721

Jesus Christ you are adorable. Maybe Mako or Nonon from KLK.

>> No.8198043
File: 360 KB, 1985x1172, 1426818834054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DJ Professor K from the Jet Set Radio series
If you can work a wig you could pull off an Andre of Astora (We look a lot alike)

>> No.8198105
File: 424 KB, 1985x900, 1426818834054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you would make a great medli!
def snake
demoman pls
i love your 10th doctor cosplay!!
3 star lori fits you a lot

>> No.8198129

I think the Daiya cosplay would be a very interesting choice, I say go for it
Tenya Ilda ofc
Isabelle maybe?
Aquabats all the way
Kill La Kill
Eh, hard to say....
Saitama, I think jojo may be too hard to pull off without a formidable body and a height of 195 cm
Hard to say man. Maybe Cleric?
Hilda would be the best choice, but I think Roy would be something worth fucking seeing.

posting pic later

>> No.8199511
File: 1.69 MB, 1985x976, idk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually think isabella would be really amazingly cute on you

i'm really feeling superheroine cosplays for you.

i think bolin from legend of korra would be good for you
i'm sorry i'm really bad at suggestions i wish i had more ideas

>> No.8199842
File: 1.88 MB, 2188x976, cosplay suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get so many suggestion in last thread so I hit again!

You would be a great Mink, but also you should do Sid from Soul Eater.

Aliisa from Moomins.

Joel from Last of us

Ren Kougyoku from Magi

Isashiki Jun from Daiya no ace

Palutena from Kid Icarus

Kisaragi Yuffie from Final Fantasy

Sailor Star Fighter / Maker from Sailor Moon

Deadline from Fantasista Doll

Sailor Uranus from Sailor Moon

>> No.8201392
File: 2.05 MB, 2189x974, 1422844479221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Libra - Fire Emblem: Awakening
Kurisu - Steins;gate
Nono - Diebuster

>> No.8201576
File: 740 KB, 1347x900, cossugg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not familiar with CCS but you'd make a cute Sakura and that one white/gold (I believe artbook) dress would be perfect.
Ishigaki from Yowamushi Pedal
I agree a normal pokemon gijinka would be cute! Something with a brown color scheme.
Decim from Death Parade
Vi from LoL
Leo from Tekken
Hanayo from Love Live
Sully from FE:A

>> No.8201595
File: 2.00 MB, 359x202, Prince Wu Dance-Fu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, posted in one of these threads about a month back - got recommended to do Prince Wu from Korra and I did it. Just wanted to say thank you to the Anon who recommended it as I got an overwhelmingly positive reponse!

>> No.8201608


I wanna cosplay Varrick with you someday. ;~;

>> No.8201646
File: 1.83 MB, 2189x974, out of ideas and gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mio from keion!
im really interested in how youd do ember : 0
satsuki from kill la kill! (your brows are to die for)
kyoko toshino from yuru yuri!!
garterbelt from panty and stocking plsss
akari akaza from yuru yuri!! youre so cute ;~;
sadie from steven universe!!!!!

>> No.8202864

thank youuuu!!!!!! :> i havent watched klk but i've been thinking about it honestly just for a satsuki cosplay w my eyebrows!!!

>> No.8203432

Do you have a nice ass? If yes, do Nightwing.

>> No.8204005

What video was this in?

>> No.8204988

it's by Red Planet Productions. Made at this past weekends MTCC in Toronto -

>> No.8205013

Kasukabe You from Mondaiji might be a good fit.

>> No.8205015

Sinbad - Magi. If you're really up to it could include some Djinn Equips

>> No.8205040

I know you said no boobies, but what about Kida from Atlantis: The Lost Empire? You really have the face and figure for her.

>> No.8205042

Holy shit do Yui please. It's been a long time since I've seen any good Fushigi Yuugi cosplays! Would you do her priestess outfit? or?

>> No.8205091

Yes! My plan's to make her priestess outfit to next summer. I made her school uniform in 2007 as my very first cosplay costume.

>> No.8205276
File: 301 KB, 1985x900, 1426818834054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done a few cosplays before and won a small cosplay contest with a (now that i think of it, a very shitty) cosplay of Kiki from Kiki's delivery service.

>> No.8205880

Thinking about doing a Avatar/MU cosplay from Fire Emblem: Awakening, but I don't want anybody to think I'm a shitty Robin because no specific hair as per new Smash. Should I avoid doing this or what?

>> No.8206199
File: 1.42 MB, 1985x900, suggestions a g a i n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally have newer selfies, lol.
Like most people I would appreciate new suggestions, but my choices are also fine.
Rue, Daiya
My suggestion: Yukari from 2hu
My suggestion: Maes Hughes
My suggestion: Gertrude from Marvel's Runways, with a real dinosaur.
Heather Mason
My suggestion: Kaylee from Firefly (Your smile reminds me of her!)
3 Star Iori
My suggestion: Sailor Uranus, Juri from Utena
My suggestion: Groose from Skyward Sword
My suggestion: Kanako from Idolm@ster
Nozaki, work that 198cm
My suggestion: Tuxedo Mask
I tell you Haruka every thread, haha.
My suggestion: Kashima from GSNK
My suggestion: Human Midna
Mink would be cool
My suggestion: Sid from Soul Eater
My suggestion: ...Kana
I think your natural smiling face looks better than the uguu, so I'll say Kate Bishop. Don't mess up my wife, though.
My suggestion: Yumoto from magical boys
My suggestion: Chrom from FEA
TF2 Soldier
My suggestion: Team Magma grunt
My suggestion: Seconding Satsuki or Leah from Journey into Mystery
Quicksilver if you lose a bit more weight
My suggestion: Flannery
My suggestion: Hisoka
My suggestion: Nanase from Wake Up, Girls!
My suggestion: The new Starfire design!
Sophie for sure.
My suggestion: Miwako from ParaKiss

>> No.8206351

I have leftover red, pink, and white fabric. They are on the heavier side as well. Who could I use it for?

>> No.8206413

I just want to say you're really cute. Those eyebrows make my heart flutter.

>> No.8206585

Wow, a great suggestion for her, seconding!

>> No.8207690

bumping for more suggestions

>> No.8208018
File: 1.26 MB, 1985x900, cosplay_suggestion_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haruhi (I think that's her name) from fruits basket
Katara looks rockin!
Panne from FE:A
I agree with Nightwing! But I also think you'd look good as Sothe from Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
I like Merlin!
Hanji for sure
If you like to do costumes, try doing a pokemon gijinka, like eevee!
Dude you're super cute just btw. Lulu from league of legends

>> No.8208841

Dolce for sure, love RF cosplayers

>> No.8208884

This gif doesn't capture them at all, but I really like your makeup for Wu and the jacket fabric you used! Have you gotten back any photos?

>also only a small peeve, but would recommend skin-tone plugs for non-pierced characters

>> No.8209131
File: 352 KB, 1985x900, pthhhhhhhhhhp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tinkerbell! (I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult to embellish her outfit a bit.)
And like others said, you'd be a great Zelda
You'd make a nice Bolin from Korra
Oh man, you'd make a perfect Ruby/Red from Once Upon a Time
It would be a shame if you didn't cosplay Kuvira
Yes do Jinora!

>> No.8209236
File: 457 KB, 1985x900, bluuuuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time posting in a suggestion thread but don't be gentle! also i apologize for the shit tier webcam pics.

Not anime or anything, but you'd make such a badass Lagertha from Vikings.

I think you'd make a better Yukiko than Aigis? But that's just me. Winona would be hella great. Rize from Tokyo Ghoul.

Miiiiiink. MINK. But also Demoman because there's never enough TF2. But mainly Mink.

You have such a cute face omg. Maizono from Dangan Ronpa. Yachi from Haikyuu.

Hilda, definitely. But I also really love seeing Sheik cosplayers. Judith from Tales of Vesperia comes to mind?

Please do Chrom holy crap?? Kratos from Tales of Symphonia maybe.

You'd be a great Katara! I'd also suggest Mana from YuGiOh.

Aaah, I think you'd be a super cute Wadanohara actually! (based on your sailor coord haha) Also not anime related or anything, but you could probably pull off a good Betty Boop.

Mikan would be a good choice for you. Nanami would be cute too. Maybe Heroine from AMNESIA?

Nerissa from The Wolf Among Us.

Aww, Kim or Korra. would be cool to see. Maybe Edward from Cowboy Bebop? Or Rita from Tales of Vesperia.

>> No.8209245

dee jay mah nigga

>> No.8209375

seconding this. i have purple and white.

>> No.8209465
File: 801 KB, 1985x900, Cosplay Suggestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm unsure whether or not my face suits Eren or Jean more. Any other AoT characters or in anything else, please suggest!

Daiya is the way to go
Tenya would be a great fit with a proper wig.
Wow you're a real match with Ruby!
Heather Mason
Anything played by Natalie Dormer, lucky! Jack from Mass Effect 2 as well.
There are never enough Ocelots.
You'd craft a great Haruka
Keep up doing Pit!
The consensus is Mink mate.
Kana wearing Big Boss' uniform
You could make a cute as fuck Raven
Shiek or Lucina would totally both suit you.
Hange, you're basically her appearance wise!
You did a very good Kamina, you'll make an even better Simon
You could pull of Asuka, plus wouldn't it just be fun if you found a Shinji and danced like you wanted to win?
Please do Triss!
Kim and Korra are two great ideas.
Never seen Olypmus Overdrive but Aphrodite looks like a fun match!

>> No.8210083

lol, is it the red ombre? i've never watched once upon a time but i heard it's really good!

>> No.8210456
File: 244 KB, 1985x1179, 1426818834054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no clue

>> No.8210459

Have no pictures saved on my vlogging laptop.
I can provide a video though? no anime please, just videogames.


>> No.8210471

>If you want suggestions, you must first give suggestions.
It's in the first fucking post.

>> No.8210483

K :)

>> No.8210526
File: 1.13 MB, 1985x900, cossuggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit of a kick on certain series. So sorry if a lot of them come from the same series.

Krul Tepes from Owari No Seraph and if you want to do one with your roommate, they could be Mikaela Hyakuya from the same series!

Varrick from Legend of Korra maybe?

Aaah. You'd be fantastic as Ruby. Also as Steven honestly! But aside from that, I think yo'd be cute as Cinque Izumi from Dog Days too!

I think you'd be great as Ruffnut from How to Train your Dragon! Also. Nice picture with RSJ there~

I have to agree with the Natalie Dormer suggestions. But that was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw you. But that's just me voicing my opinion haha. But aside from that, you'd make a really great Sailor Uranus as well as Aurora from Once Upon a Time

Peter Pan from Once Upon a Time. If you don't mind going for those dickish characters haha.

Kirin from Gourmet Girl Graffiti.

Felix from Once Upon a Time

Ferid Bathory from Owari no Seraph

Terra from Teen Titans

Static Shock maybe? Any variation really.

Definitely Joel from Last of Us!

Rhyme from The World Ends with You

>> No.8210549

Please do Ember. That'd be great! But moving away from your ideas, Yachi from Haikyuu would be really cute.

Rogue from X-Men

Larsa Ferrinas Solidor from Final Fantasy XII

Kiyoko from Haikyuu or Yaya Sasame from Hanayamata

Kate Bishop (Hawkeye) from Young Avengers

Beethoven from Eiyuu Senki.

Naru Sekiya from Hanayamata

Kate Kane maybe?

I think it's because of the hair but you'd be pretty cute as Neptune from Sailor Moon!

Rose Quartz from Steven Universe

Adamas from .hack

>> No.8210585 [DELETED] 
File: 371 KB, 1985x900, 1426818834054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8210695

Apologise for the Last Guardian you asshole. My brother nearly killed himself in depression.

>> No.8210775


>> No.8211079

Kim Pine
Please do Aphrodite, I love Olympus Overdrive and you could totally pull her off!
Jean, but your shonen starter pack choices are amusing
Hella qt, go for the Nico Nico Nii

>> No.8211108
File: 596 KB, 740x1036, Carol_Danvers_(Earth-616)_from_Avengers_Vol_5_37_0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8211152

holy shit, she would be such a good Carol. nice one.

>> No.8211201

She is actually on my current list, but yo thanks for the support. I'll def get pics when she gets done.

>> No.8211299

You will be the best Mink out there.

>> No.8211306

just casually envying those flat abs

>> No.8211664

Thanks! And I haven't unfortunately. Also I know about the plugs, they're so glaring. I threw the cosplay together in a week, but next time I will get the correct plugs! Do you have any recommendations on where to get good ones?

>> No.8211762

Please do! I don't browse /cgl/ much but, I REALLY want to see a good mohawk Captain Marvel

>> No.8212155


>> No.8212191
File: 415 KB, 2032x928, 1426818834054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, hey /cgl/. This is the first time I've posted on here, hoping to diversify the cosplays I do. I mainly cosplay the 11'th doctor in the boston area- I'm sure you guys have seen me around. Doctor who is pretty pleb tier, so I'd like to try something new. Either way, thanks for anything you post!

Gotta second that Satsuki, eyebrow game strong

Def. Korra or Kuvira.

ummmm... Shima?

The girl from blue exorcist... the one who summons plants? Shiemi?

Kino from Kino's journey. not video games, sorry!

Utena. Def Utena. Or captain marvel, she has that hairstyle already.

Mako, KLK

>> No.8212531


>> No.8212743
File: 847 KB, 1985x900, WHATSHOULDIDO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm really thinking adult Reborn from KHR. Think it might suit you since you're used to cosplaying the 11th Doctor.

would love to see your Nagisa. Ever thought about Suzuya Juuzo from Tokyo Ghoul?

I Think your face would suit Kishibe Rohan from Jojo's Diamond is Unbreakable.

Thought of a Swampert I have saved somewhere in my computer. Can't seem to find it rn D:

Maybe Flaky from HTF? Thought it'd look good.

Machi from Hunter x Hunter.

Menchi from HxH or maybe Juvia from Fairy Tail?

>> No.8212785

You're too fat to do those, get a big kigurumi and be tibbers.

>> No.8212827

I think if someone wanted to know if they are fat or not, they would go to fit, not cgl. Give suggestions or shut up.

>> No.8212860

I did give a suggestion, fatty.

>> No.8212864 [DELETED] 
File: 431 KB, 1985x1080, 1426818834054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

open to anything

>> No.8212875

Suggestion about what they can't cosplay and how fat people only get to wear kigurumis? That's really mature and creative. If you worded your suggestion in a nicer way people would maybe think about it. I know this is cgl but this isn't a bad cosplay/cringe thread, is a suggestion one. I don't see anyone else being so bitchy here.

>> No.8212878

Lol, I don't care if you think I'm nice or not.

>> No.8212891
File: 431 KB, 1985x1080, 1426818834054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Suuzuya Juzou- Tokyo Ghoul


LSP from adventure time?


You'd be a good Hinata from Haikyuu if you weren't so tall


Vi from LoL

Sorry for the double post. I realised I needed to give some people suggestions :)

>> No.8212918
File: 351 KB, 1985x900, cosplay suggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I go

>> No.8212924

>If you want suggestions, you must first give suggestions.

And there is no way you can do Ashura in any sort of con setting.

>> No.8212928

Oops, forgot my suggestions.

Almost any woman from Real Drive

Daru (steins;gate)

Generic FPS protag.

>> No.8212937
File: 562 KB, 850x850, ashura swag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no way you can do Ashura in any sort of con setting.
Considered that. To make it worksafe I'm thinking Japanese-style clothes that are still recognizable as demonic or oni (tiger stripe fundoshi, geta sandals)
or any of these swank suits

>> No.8212950

Looks like you ran out of sense or arguments. Ok nice, bye.

>> No.8212968

Argument for what? LOL I gave a suggestion. Damn these fatties are sensitive.

>> No.8212975

>And there is no way you can do Ashura in any sort of con setting.
Explain the hordes of nudist beach cosplayers.

>> No.8212980

they wear more than Ashura. he wears nothing, and is a literal sex demon.

>> No.8212992

I'm not even the person in the picture. Go back to fit, please.

>> No.8213001

Nah, I'm not from fit.

>> No.8213003

>not knowing God
> Go back to fit, please.

Wow, you really need to lurk more.

>> No.8213027
File: 358 KB, 1985x900, 1426818834054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplaying as big boss april 4th it'll be my first time cosplaying. New ideas are appreciated.

>> No.8213033

Should I know someone so stupid that, with all the posts here, need to call someone on their weight? Obviously I will think the person is from fit.

>> No.8213085
File: 172 KB, 1985x900, suggest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya I know, fatty chan. I want to do Squigly, but I think my shoulders are too broad.. Thoughts?

Idk if it's jsut the hair or not, but you'd make an awesome Vi from LoL

Recette from Recettear

Rikka from Chunibyo

Pls do Graves

>> No.8213087

seconding Rose Quartz from Steven Universe for >>8209236 !!!!!
i really want to see a good cosplay of this character ; ^ ;

>> No.8213097

im considering it now thanks!! which outfit of hers though?

>> No.8213109
File: 174 KB, 648x576, Kida02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the other anons, but you could totally rock this one.

>> No.8213112

First off, God has been here for fucking years, and secondly? You're getting into a hobby where people will constantly judge how you look, whether you want them to or not. Flipping out this much over "lol you're fat" shows just how not ready for this you are. You need some thicker skin.

>> No.8213144

Jesus fucking christ I'm not even the guy in the photo. I have thicker skin, I've already been called ugly here, and I don't care, but people should know that new cosplayers don't always have thick skin you know? I know calling out fat and ugly people on other threads is normal, but this is a thread supposed to help people. And I've been here for years too and don't know him, what a sin.

>> No.8213150

But you have basically the right figure for Squigly, so why not?

>> No.8213850
File: 538 KB, 1984x908, 1426818834054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hilda would be adorable.
Humanized notepad!
Yui Hongo, that outfit is gorgeous.
Mikan Tsumiki would look really cute.
Katie Clay.

>> No.8214179

>Please do Ember. That'd be great! But moving away from your ideas, Yachi from Haikyuu would be really cute.
Are you sure you linked the right post ? I mean, crossplay is nice, but still...
And btw, Ember from which serie ?

>> No.8214185

if they don't have thick skin they shouldn't be here. There are a thousand places on the internet where newbies can be coddled. This is not one of them.

>> No.8214289

Hamaji, first dress!

>> No.8214372

Rather than Jean/Eren, I think your face resembles Marco more.

>> No.8214472

Oops yeah wrong one. Meant to quote >>8199511

>> No.8214567
File: 524 KB, 1984x904, 1426818834054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kofuku from Noragami


Any idolmaster character literally ANY
Tsutsugami Gai even though you have Shu there

Ruffnut Thorston from How to Train Your Dragon

>> No.8214611

Nobody is going to give me advice ;_;

>> No.8214624

>If you want suggestions, you must first give suggestions.

>> No.8214637
File: 433 KB, 1985x900, 1426818834054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8214748

>"Ya I know, fatty chan.
>post picture in super tight corset showing a perfect body figure

try harder

>> No.8214759

The corset is what's making it perfect, anon. Look at her arms and weight. She does carry her fat well, though.

>> No.8214885

They're 180 lbs and 5'3. What the fuck about that is perfect?

>> No.8214890

Woah buddy calm down. Posted corset pic to compare to Squigly's body.

these anons know what's up.
I'm actually technically obese. I just like how I can get a pretty dramatic waist/hip ratio with the corset.

>> No.8215004
File: 1.49 MB, 1985x900, bleh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8215007


>> No.8215020


Ymir from Attack on Titan for sure!

I was actually totally going to say Graves. Plus League has a soft spot in my heart forever. Cosplay Dyrus too.


>> No.8215037

typical reminder to give suggestions to those with fewer

>> No.8215061

Sayaka from Madoka. I think thats her name.

>> No.8215101

thanks anon

best suggestion so far

>> No.8215148

Which..Which one?

>> No.8215166

i'm really sorry i laughed so hard I couldn't even think straight


I'm totally cosplaying

>> No.8215189
File: 1.08 MB, 1985x900, cos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Def. Eleanor

Seconding Sayaka, you could also be a real cute Chibi Usa

Also Mermaid Melody pls and thx

Def. Hamaji, second dress

idk anon, with those hips I think you could make Qquigly work. Just make the chest piece a little bigger so it makes your shoulders look thinner.

If you wanted to do another skullgirls chick though, Fillia / Fukua (I know, overused) or Eliza might be good choices. Eliza's still got that rockin' booty.

>tfw I have to pad my flat ass to hell and back to make it work

10/10 kawaii waifu material

I'd suggest Yuki from CCS/Tsubasa, your face reminds me of him. Also Mulan, there just aren't enough good Mulan cosplays.

you could cosplay the bazinga guy

I don't watch that show but your face reminds me of him.

Pleeeeeeeeease Monique.

>> No.8215349
File: 991 KB, 1979x902, Cosplay Suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling some officer Jenny from Pokemon

Ellie from The Last of Us

I think you'd make a real fine Big Boss or even General Armstrong from FMA

Daenerys Targaryen (topical!)

You would make an amazing Tethys from Fire Emblem 7

Kinda generic suggestion but you look vaguely nordic some maybe one of the Skyrim guards? Or are there actual female characters I never beat that game

I could see you as a Street Fighter character, maybe Ryu

>> No.8215413

just please do apollo

>> No.8215418
File: 103 KB, 960x640, 11074446_10204025273537821_7641912835353989720_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8215442

Vanilla Apolo or injured Jacket Apollo?

>> No.8215461

Injured is my favorite but it's your choice.

>> No.8215507
File: 56 KB, 656x354, afgasdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akina from Yozakura Quartet
Tomoe Enjou From Kara no Kyokai: Paradox Spiral
come to mind as relatively inexpensive cosplays that fit your physique

>> No.8215829
File: 778 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-03-30-04-34-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't do the template on mobile but pic attached is me. No body pic because I am a retangle shaped fatty. 5ft9 40-45IN for B-W-H measurements. Am slowly losing weight so less skin showing the better except legs. No crossplay please. Will take any suggestions. My preferences are MTG, horror and sci fi anime, Pokemon, LoL and Fantasy/sci fi movies/shows/books. Currently working on a shiny Kingdra gown and Naruto/Pokemon crossover with the hubs. Thanks in advance if anyone bothers to read this.

Princess Kou


Weevil from Yugioh


Jace Beleren

Balalakia from Black Lagoon

Saki Rukino from Valvrave

Kilik Rung

Fuck Sion do Mafia Graves

Chrom and Simon
Dude your Kamina was pretty dam on point keep it up


Sailor Saturn

>> No.8216833


>> No.8216983
File: 586 KB, 1985x900, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8216987

post suggestions fatty. You give and then you get.

>> No.8216992
File: 27 KB, 708x396, 1427042648861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, forgive me!

>> No.8217043

Pls b korra,u r so fine

>> No.8217249

im definitely gonna cosplay korra dont u worry anon ; D
ah good! I like that one more than her swimsuit thing haha. thank you guys!! one question though: since going to a con without shoes is absolutely haram, what kinda shoes would look good with this cosplay? gladiator shoes maybe?

>> No.8217376

you could make invisible shoes so it still looks accurate without the taboo of going shoeless


>> No.8217468
File: 347 KB, 1985x1200, 1426818834054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

katara for sure

king bradley yesss

not gonna lie, you look like mac from it's always sunny in your beard picture.

I think eleanor would be cute!

apollo is shit but do it

>> No.8217497

I'm new to /cgl/ but I'm here >>8213027
and forgot to make suggestions
Butch Deloria
Go for Clementine!
Consider Flannery from Pokemon?
Naomi Hunter?

>> No.8217498
File: 866 KB, 1450x682, cosplay suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time doing this so I'm open to just about anything

>> No.8217503

>>8217498 is me I just forgot suggestions

Zacharie from Off if you are willing to do the mask. Paper mache is the simplest way to do it.

Celestia Ludenberg from Dangan Ronpa

Yamada from Working

Jon Snow from GoT maybe?

>> No.8217757
File: 1.44 MB, 1985x960, cossugges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pearl would be cute!
I think Belle would be great :)
Professor Birch pls
You're absolutely adorable. I think anything you picked would suit you well, but maybe Lissa?
I can only say Chaika. Do it and make us all proud
Shit fuck
For your own safety you better stay as far away from me as possible. Too fucking cute. damn
Assclass please

>> No.8217774


>> No.8218049
File: 308 KB, 1985x900, 1426818834054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakuracon is less then 4 days away and i would have been Cosplaying ViVi from FF9 but someone stole my costumes mask ( it had blinking light up eyes)

so who or what does Anon think i can cosplay?
worse comes to worse i'll do a mad scientist for the Con.

>> No.8218061

Oh my god. You're really cute too though! You'd be so great as Esmerelda from the Hunchback of Notre Dame!

>> No.8218067

You'd make a cool Cid from Final Fantasy 7. Remember to help others out with suggestions, as well!

>> No.8218100
File: 399 KB, 1985x900, cosplaysuggestionform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Squigly would look great!
Clementine pls

Minami Nitta

Purely based on the hat photo, maybe Jill from Resident Evil?


Seto from Mekakucity Actors?

You remind me of April from Parks and Rec, maybe Reimu from Touhou?

>> No.8218108

Akira from Togainu No Chi

>> No.8218458

I really want to see Haru happen, but bruh, trim yo brows.

>> No.8218782

kitsurubami pls

>> No.8218834

I think you should cosplay as someone who can read and properly participate in the thread.

>> No.8219344
File: 812 KB, 2585x900, sugg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bob from Tekken or Jontron

Eleanor pls

Gary would be great, you got the doucheface going on, also, Sam from MGR:R, again, doucheface

I think I love you, no seriously, I do

saying that, do Flavia from Fire Emblem

Do shinji

Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel, I suggested this earlier) or Vi

>> No.8219377

aaaaaaaand I feel weird now cuz I didn't read the highschoolpart im sorry

>> No.8219389

sorry, forgot to mention in my post that I was going to do that

>> No.8219429
File: 226 KB, 1985x900, atruenigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don`t even know who I look like.

>> No.8219434

You look like someone who doesn't know how the fucking thread works despite it being explained in the OP, several times throughout the thread, and seen by example by most of the people posting here.

>> No.8219439
File: 797 KB, 583x328, 1421519350096.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My love for you is like a truck, please cosplay Casca. Love your Monster Hunter by the way.

>> No.8219513

Bigby Wolf! Sebastian from Evil Within.
You'd make a cute Kim Pine from Scott Pilgrim if you want a crossplay. Maybe Rin from Togainu No Chi?
Gendo Ikari.
Anthy for sure. Maybe Zelda?
Madotsuki from Yume Nikki
I'll literally encourage any FlCl cosplay so I have to say Mamimi. I think you'd make a cute Rei from Eva though.
Amethyst from Steven Universe!
Patrick Batemen from American Psycho.
You'd be a cute Pearl but a cuter Lapis.
You'd be a cute ass Bee from Bee and Puppycat.
Your ideas are really cute, Sayaka from Madoka.
Hazel! You'd also make an adorable Asami from Legend of Korra.
You're adorbs, so Squigly. Also Beth from Bravest Warriors.
Lieutenant Kitsurubami from Flcl!
Shiro or Sakura. Baggy shirts/short skirts look super cute on your body type imo.

>> No.8219518

You...honestly look really familiar. Do you happen to have a cosplay page?

Also, a Mithra Ranger from Final Fantasy would be pretty cool for ya.

>> No.8219528

What's the website to create the 3D body models, I only used it like, twice.

>> No.8219626

Think its something like this cant chevk on mobile sry

>> No.8219633

My friend totally said I look like Mac! Aha. That was before I even saw the show, but since Im into it now [3rd season], I really see the resemblance.

I would LOVE to do Bee!! \\o// Just gotta figure out how to make a dress!

>> No.8219653

I don't think anyone knows this game, but you look a lot like Diana from Rule of Rose.

>> No.8219812

Damn, I assed up this formatting on my phone.

Sorry, I meant to say Tsutsugami Gai to you because buff

and I meant to suggest Ruffnut but misfired

and shit I have no idea who the Aigis was for

>> No.8219814

I've thought about doing Madotsuki more than once. I never played the game though I am familiar with RPGMaker. Maybe someday.

>> No.8220224

fuckin fat manlet
dr stranger
wtf? you don't fit any of those. Donnel or Ricken from FE
youre weird
Chiyuki from death parade

>> No.8220250

God didn't even insult me. Where can I slit my fat wrists and let the mayo flow :(

>> No.8220269

I PLAY THAT GAME! I love Diana and her crazy ass Red Crayon Society! She is actually IN my to cosplay list! I just don't think Id be able to pull off a young kid very well! Aha~ Im 25!

>> No.8220312


>> No.8220372

>cute pearl but better lapis

Uuuuugh I wanna do lapis so bad. I really want the bf to do Jasper with me so we can dance but he doesn't want to.
>he wants to do Peridot
>I'd have to make the wig because he's useless when it comes to cosplay

She'll probably be my next Gem though.

>> No.8220517

Ugh okay that's weird I meant to quote >>8219513

>> No.8220558

hey guys, im new to this so I made this pic

Casca sounds fucking perfect

>> No.8221384
File: 22 KB, 640x400, thats-not-ok-cupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8222246


>> No.8222282
File: 1.24 MB, 1985x900, newsuggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry in advance for my shit suggestions and poor taste in my own ideas whoops

go for Pearl!
Crona from Soul Eater
you'd make an ADORABLE Nozomi Tojo!! so cute
that trap guy Hideyoshi from that one anime, 'Baka to Test' I think it's called? never watched it so idk
I second the person that said Jolyne, wow

>> No.8222365


>> No.8223027
File: 1.03 MB, 1499x1877, my cosplay thingy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have ideas for myself that I'm gonna do anyway, but I want new suggestions that are based more on what suits my face than what I'm personally a fan of. Thank you~

Tsukimi Kurashita from Kuragehime

Suzuya Juuzou from Tokyo Ghoul

Whatever you do just don't be another Tony Stark thanks. I like Dr. Strange if you can get into shape for it!

Anthy would be amazing, and it looks like you have the skill for her clothing as well. Super excited! I'd love to see you do Michiko from Michiko & Hatchin. It'd be casual and easy, but I think it'd be adorable if you were able to find a Hatchin to go with you.

Alita from Battle Angel Alita
I'd love to see you with fierce makeup on; I think you have pretty moldable features.

You could do anyone with a slightly creepy yet cute vibe. A recent example that comes to mind would be like Nora from Noragami. Or like Hell Girl. Characters like that!

>> No.8223092

Ive done Harley because of my smile and big eyes before, so no doubt I could pull off creepy easy. I even got told I look like overly obsessed girlfriend or whatever her name is. Gotta look up Nora though. Not sure who that is.

Im sooooo super behind in series that it is embarrassing.

>> No.8223435
File: 1.90 MB, 2396x912, cosplaything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tidied this up a little

Wayne Rooney


Bob from Tekken

Kaoru Tanamachi from Amagami maybe?

One of the dudes from The Order 1886

Windrunner from Dota

>> No.8223484

all the guys here are manlets.
Fucking groce.

>> No.8223486

Go back to /fit/ with that insecurity. :^)

>> No.8223495

Cosplay my gf

>> No.8223574

Please do Ran. I didn't play it yet (and i really want) but her design is the best.

Are you real? You are so damn beautiful. I think you would suit any Touken Ranbu character, besides the shota ones. I think Jirou would look fucking amazing in you.

>> No.8223620
File: 220 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 3-21-15 at 11.10 PM #4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-anon bby

ooooh, i googled that and i really like the character designs
i liked Jiro and that Nakigitsune one (I love foxy stuff)
I guess I could do the latter's eye makeup sorta like this to stretch my eye out? His outfit also seems relatively simple, which is nice!

Does anyone have any recommendations for not gross yellow contacts? I've looked around before, but a lot of them are ehhh

>> No.8225035


>> No.8225457

holy shit you're gorgeous

>> No.8225581

Not that anon but maybe it's you're KLK cosplay? You two look very good by the way!

>> No.8225583
File: 555 KB, 1982x911, 1426818834054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could kinda pull of Floki from Vikings, or Renly Baratheon from GOTS
I forget her name but the girl from Paprika
no suggestions but you're really cute! and I love your choices
leliana from Dragon age
You could pull off any of junko mizunos characters really good

>> No.8225723

aaaaaaaaaaa thank you guys

And lots of practice for makeup I guess

>> No.8226169

Naki is my favorite and you nailed the make up. I will probably cosplay him someday but you should really do it, will be amazing. About yellow contacts I purchased one some weeks ago but didn't wear it yet to know how it will look, but I can search some for you tomorrow when I wake up!

>> No.8226557

Are you saying that God is wrong? Do you think someone who is 176cm tall and weighs 110kg can pull Jotaro, who is a 195cm and 90kg beast?
None of those cosplay ideas will work for that guy. Go cry about fat acceptance on Tumblr

>> No.8227989
File: 517 KB, 1985x900, whatisthatdarkcreature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sister of Battle pls

>> No.8227993

The ultimate newfag.
And an SJW.

>> No.8228051

I dont see why Graves wouldn't be doable to be honest. Graves is a stalky character.

>> No.8228060


Man, Im fucking tired.

>> No.8228062



>> No.8228417
File: 706 KB, 1985x900, cossug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairly new to cosplay, but here goes.

Mayuri Shiina from Steins;Gate seems like a good fit.

Bang Shishigami from BlazBlue might be a good choice.

Tear Grants from Tales of the Abyss, perhaps?

Oscar from The Rose of Versailles seems like something right up your alley.

>> No.8228428

made me laugh anon

>> No.8229047
File: 452 KB, 1985x1172, 1426818834054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updating. Also on a side note the glasses I wear are pretty strong so they make my eyes look about 1/3rd bigger than normal.

>> No.8229063

ugh fuck forgot my suggestions. Kill me please I'm a dumb fuck
May be able to pull off Wasabi from BH6
You could easily do Desmond Miles

>> No.8229467
File: 331 KB, 1680x1197, Artorias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you could do the armor and shit you'd have the perfect figure for a Artorias the Abysswalker

>> No.8229472

Thanks so much, I would super appreciate that!

Thank you for the suggestion! I'll look into Tear.

I think Ignis would be cool, but be sure to get a lace-front wig for him to help bring your natural hairline down to match his. That extra effort will really help make it look nice. :)

>> No.8229503

Oh man, that is waaaaaaaaaay out of my skill range. I can style hair and do makeup, but sewing (especially) and crafting I am very much a novice.

Very cool design though!

>> No.8229549

Graves is built, not fat.

>> No.8229647

Looking at Pool Party he is pretty built. Not toned but still built like a lean bear. He's going for Mafia an Basic so the clothes may add bulk to where he needs it most.

>> No.8229797

I think people shy away from this because of the name, but I'd like to see more Fat Princess cosplays! It's vidya.

June from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

You've got the facial look down for Ignis (if that's the dude with the black background in the corner); you'd just need to do a bit of eye makeup to get that angry squintiness going.

Mr. Smiley from Steven Universe! Love that guy.

Please do Grand Highblood. You've got the height and build to be properly towering and intimidating, and if you're the person who's posted queries about doing GHB in the MSPA thread before, I'd totally be down to see how it turns out.

>> No.8229965
File: 545 KB, 2189x974, 1424473906816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be a really good Soldier dude. (thumbs up)
I can't really give an accurate suggestion but I'd like to see more Grand Highbloods around. It's so easily fucked up though so do it proud.
You remind me a lot of the girl who played Wednesday Adams in the recentish movies so I'm going to say Penelope ( Girl with the Pig Nose)
+1 vote for Tsumiki!! :)
I'm going to go with Levy cause I hardly ever see any

>> No.8230280

If you're gonna go with normal mode you can do Plaugue Knight. If you're looking for a challenge with huge pay off then Eileen the Crow is someone you should look into.
I'm not gonna laugh at you but I'm gonna laugh at that file name. Black Baron could be really good for you.

>> No.8230319

It was probably me. I'm a fuckwad who never reads the masterpost.
I think you could make a really good Russel or Del from Gorillaz. Only problem is Russel is pretty much a closet cosplay and Del involves a lot of body paint.
Dr. Strange looks pretty good for you man. Just get that "Touch of Grey" shit and you'll do fine
Painwheel from Skullgirls would be pretty easy for you.
Peacock from Skullgirls

>> No.8230950


Holy shit. I went through every single picture ITT and these are the only specimen worth being covered in semen and having it all turned to a crust.

Not even 10 people.

I remember a time where /cgl/ used to be 90% attractive people and 10% unattractive subhumans.

Now the numbers are flipped.


>> No.8230955
File: 1.49 MB, 1984x898, 1426818834054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magoichi Saika from Sengoku Basara.

Ginko please.

Sanada Yukimura from Sengoku Musou.

Mary from Dreaming Mary.

A cute gf <3

Perfect Mamimi.

Fran from Final Fantasy XII

Jiroutachi from Touken Ranbu

>> No.8230960

>getting more /fit/


>> No.8230968

>not Tony

>> No.8230972

Wigs do not look awful on you or anyone. You just are either wearing shitty wigs, or not wearing them right.

>> No.8230990

Kiki, Lydia from Beetlejuice.
I don'tthink I'll ever get over how cute you are. Rei, maybe Rose from Steven Universe?
Kuranosuke Koibuchi from Jellyfish Princess!
Sister of Battle, Nana Komatsu.
Gonna second Wasabi from Big Hero 6!
Do Fukuo from Kiki's Delivery Service!
You'd make a cute Margaery and Katniss.
Tombo from Kiki's Delivery Service.

>> No.8231479

Kill la Kill yourself manlet

>> No.8231565
File: 262 KB, 1985x900, Cosplayideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zack from DoA4 (Chrome Teletubby outfit would be hilarious)
Your face looks most like Ignis so I'd say that's a solid choice. You could also go for Leorio from Hunter x Hunter.
Yajirobe is a nice choice, F/Z Rider could be good since you're pretty burly
Buff Bisky from Hunter x Hunter perhaps?
Hesitant to suggest Gawain from Fate/Extra since it's a pretty big project, but you have a good face and close hair color for him.

You'd make a really cute Kalluto or Shizuku from Hunter x Hunter
Nanami Ao from Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta comes to mind.

>> No.8231633


Thanks a lot for responses, I'll definitely try going for the Ignis cosplay.

How about Yamcha from the original Dragon Ball manga? With the sword and everything, I mean.

>> No.8231696

Dude. Nobody wants to be Yamcha.

>> No.8231702

Yamcha was pretty bitchin' at first, though.
It wasn't until Tien fucked him up that he became useless.

>> No.8231776

"preciate the suggestion, I'll add it to my list of ideas.

Yamcha was fuckin sweet in Dragonball and apparently, in terms of raw powerlevels, he's the strongest human. It's not a necessarily hard cosplay to pull off so I'll definitely consider it.

>> No.8231873

>in terms of raw powerlevels, he's the strongest human
I thought Krillin had that title. Could be remembering wrong tho

>> No.8232182

>Buff Bisky for the fatty-chan lel

>> No.8232237

You'd do a decent Mako I guess
2nd one kek

>> No.8232275


Thanks for the suggestions guys.
Gonna look into Wasabi, Del, and Black Baron and all that sewing stuff. Any reading suggestions?

>> No.8232450
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I think you would make an adorable Satsuki from KLK

Someone else suggested Russel from Gorillaz and I agree! It'd be a pretty good beginner cosplay

Captain K'nuckles from Flapjack might be a fun one!

Bee from Bee and Puppycat would be good, maybe Rose from Steven Universe

Any of the guys from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

>> No.8232497

youre short, be schierke.
first one
lol you watch gay volleyball
dont do noctis, do ignis if anyone.

>> No.8232527
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I'd say LSP from Adventure Time and I agree with Rose from Steven Universe
You have a very aninated face, but for some reason I just think if Alphonse Elric (body form, obviously) from FMA
Aww, I'd like to see you pull off Triken
Well, 1 and 3 look fairly simple, if you're just getting back into it

>> No.8232535
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Whoops, here's a version you can actually read.

>> No.8232560

are you half-Jap you look like a lot of half-Jap girls I know

>> No.8232607

Amethyst or Rose from Steven Universe

>> No.8232859
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Teruteru from Dangan Ronpa

You mentioned prop work, would you be open to making armor parts?

Hiro from Dangan Ronpa

Isabelle gijinka from ACNL

Cherche from Fire Emblem Awakening

Ginko is perfect for you

>tan girls with dark hair
Go Stevonnie!

Miriel from Fire Emblem Awakening

Grow your beard out and be Zangief

Definitely go Apollo

Michiko from Michiko to Hatchin

Movieverse Starlord

Jack Sparrow from Pirates

You could literally cosplay anything and you'd look great

Fiora from League

Go Phinks!

Max Payne

Vayne from LOL

Len from Vocaloid

Sheldon from BBT

Me neither

Urabe from Mysterious Girlfriend X

Booker Dewitt from Bioshock Infinite

I don't know why, but I'm getting a fairy vibe from you. Navi Gijinka from OOT?

Balalaika from Black Lagoon

>> No.8233255
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Mitsurugi from Soul Calibur
Rei Ayanami from Evangelion
Yasuo from LoL if you can get the stubble down.
Ezio Auditore from Assassins Creed
screw Postman, go as Tingle
Any Danny McBride character.

>> No.8233893

Nonon from KLK would be cute.

I'll think about some more booty cosplays cause damn you had the best ass outta all the other tharja's at naka

>> No.8234130

I can't believe all these Steven Universe fans

>> No.8234332

I doubt most of them are fans, it's just the easiest cosplay that isn't ugly as fuck for fat people

>> No.8234373

I think your first idea is a good one!
Satsuki from Kill La Kill.
Lady Eboshi!!
Definitely Wan! Tadashi from Big Hero 6.
Do Connie from Steven Universe!

>> No.8235486

>Balalaika from Black Lagoon
Oh man. She's beautiful. I wish I was tall enough soooo bad. D:

>> No.8237364


>> No.8237376

Your ethnicity in every pictures changes.

>> No.8237383
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Holy shit Lady Eboshi would be cool
Viridi would be so kickass
Avatar Wan would look great
Hendrickson would be cool
Aveline Vallen

>> No.8237541

A world of warcraft style goblin, gnome, or dwarf
remeber they are releseing a movie next year so that will be rather popular.

>> No.8237551

my choices would be Rouge with a real leather short jacket, and i guess the pink bow sailor
these would be the least pain in the ass to do any others would require a wig or hair straightening, and an anna cosplay should wait until the next movie comes out so its a bit fresher and possible have new outfits

>> No.8239229


>> No.8240204
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dunno if it's looked down upon to second post but my other post is waaay up in the thread and i wanted to update muh thingy & get a few new suggestions :<

you're really adorable wowww. please do viridi, you look like you'd fit her personality a lot!

wow you look a lot like tomska on youtube! also ignis fits you a lot.

mizaki mei because your hair is almost on point to hers!

female postman holy shit

i'm feeling yuuko instead of mio honestlyyy

lol you kinda look like james franco. i think gary would fit you definitely


you'd make a great minish cap zelda!



>> No.8240442

welcome to different light sources and being a lighter skinned mexican

>> No.8240500

Ah I've been meaning to get into Berserk, will add to my list.

Yeah those are already started haha
Not looking forward to making scallops for Edna though

lmao thanks Nonon is really cute

Satsuki was not one that I ever considered, but may go with it

what >>8240442 said haha

Yes! I'm super excited to get her started and done for a con next year! Honey Lemon would be really adorable for you!!

Thank you! You are also very adorable and pretty. All your choices are great!

>> No.8240505


>> No.8240509

You have a really good face for lucina

>> No.8240520

AAAAH cosplay stevonnie!!!

>> No.8240724


>> No.8242326

Y-you think I'm c-c-cute?

>> No.8242357

what are you serious lol
I think you need your eyes checked

in all the years of being a seagull I have never seen a thread full of that 90% attractive lol

but I guess if you're into underage girls your list is valid lol

>> No.8242360

omg hooin koyma pls!!!!

>> No.8242367

drill fist simon

>> No.8242375

Maybe anon just has stupidly high standards. Most people I see on /cgl/ are like 6's and upwards and I'm like a solid 3.
Lucina for sure. that face sync is scary
Definitely do GHB. Good luck with that wig mang.
You'd make a hella cute Amethyst
ChiChi from DBZ
Forgot the name of the father from FMA but you could pull that off.

>> No.8242384

dude, get a skinny bro and go as ornstein and smough. you could pull of the big man no prob.

you'd make one hell of an orc.

>> No.8242517

Damn, you sound salty as fuck.

God isn't an underage girl, newfag.

>> No.8242755
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Amethyst from Steven Universe


>> No.8242767
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I dont know why the picture cropped??? Meh.

>> No.8243186


>> No.8244322
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you'd make such a good rose!!
tsukimi from kuragehime
sailor jupiter
you'd make a super cute amethyst!
mugen from samurai champloo
gogo from big hero 6
lisa lisa from jjba
sinbad from magi

>> No.8244387

why are guys in this thread always ugly neckbeards/losers that you can tell their virgins just by looking at them?

>> No.8244431

Post yourself with a timestamp then you have our permission to criticize others in the thread.

>> No.8244444

fuck off

>> No.8244504
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If you did Mink or Static Shock, I would cry tears of joy

>> No.8244510

>dat face

How are you real anon? Raven would be my personal favorite.

>> No.8244655

you fuck off, neckbeard misogynist scum
also it's pathetic how you waited just to have five repeating digits thinking that this is some sort of achievement on a slow board like /cgl/

I already posted my suggestion chart in here, that's enough

>> No.8244676

As a woman, when I hear the slogan asking if I am ready for Hillary, I become nervous and my anus clenches because I interpret those words as a warning that Hillary is about to forcefully mount me from behind for a political rape. Hillary is very much a part of the Patriarchy. That is why I urge the women who hear my message to write in Martha Stewart instead of voting for Hillary. Thank you so much.

>> No.8244680


>> No.8244687
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>> No.8244691

well duh, of course I'd need a few bag of cheetos to "bait" a fat neckbeard like you

>> No.8244918

Damn so salty, take it elsewhere fatties

>> No.8244951

I am not fat? he is

the whole reason we're having this "conversation" is because the fatty neckbeard feels insulted that I called him out on what he really is >>8244387

>> No.8244989

Ugly Betty
Lars from the Goonies
Dylan Klebold
Darlene from Roseanne

>> No.8245007

I stopped feeding into this guy. You should to man.
Can we get back to the suggestions?

>> No.8245112

oh my god, this suggestion is fucking amazing. thank you for introducing me omg

>> No.8245116 [DELETED] 

call me a guy again, I dare you

misogynistic scum

>> No.8245232

... anyway...

>> No.8245338



>> No.8247381

id say try something from the borderlands series!!

>> No.8247440

Tiny Tina would be pretty nice for your height.
Maneater Mildred but you're a lot cuter than her sadly.
going with Tadashi
Aradia would do really well for you.
Oh god please do Jetstream Sam
If you like armor go with Lord's Blade Ciaran.
Ox King from DBZ

>> No.8247584
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>> No.8249100


>> No.8249952

I honestly think you would be a cute Merida

>> No.8249954

Idk if it's just your black short hair but you remind me of Noodle from the Gorillaz

>> No.8250060
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>> No.8250074

Tripfag please read >>8192621

>> No.8252107


any pics of recent cosplays?

>> No.8252584

>katawa shoujo

Just stop now. Just fucking go back to the shithole ksg you crawled out of and never come back.