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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8190132 No.8190132 [Reply] [Original]

Nitpicks here, old thread died.

I feel like this would have looked nicer if the black was balanced out through it, black shoes and maybe some small black details in the headress somewhere.

>> No.8190155

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.

>> No.8190188

I think even a dainty black bow shoe clip would add to it, if not all black shoes. And I agree, a bit of black on the headdress would be better. I do like where she's going with this, though.

>> No.8190194


Third-ing, what a fucking trainwreck.

> shoes have no place in that outfit
> fucking veil
> tiara thrown in in attempt to balance shoes
> face looks like she is in pain
> shitty attempt at balancing black with bows on wrist cuffs

4/10 try again

>> No.8190199

I feel like there was one in black done much better a long time ago. I can't find it on CoF anymore though.

>> No.8190233

is this the girl that posted those nudes or was that some other mexican..?

>> No.8190236

I disagree. I think if she wasn't a black it would look nicer.

>> No.8190276

Styling is too etherial/ elegant for the cutesie dress.

>> No.8190296
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>> No.8190307

She's black? She's pale as fuck. Bitch looks lighter than me and I'm a ginger Irish.

>> No.8190533

i thought this looked fucking terrible too, she looked ridiculous in the photos with shannie and the other girl, the veil is so random, it just looks trend whorey

>> No.8190534


don't forget to look cute
holy fuck... embarrassing

>> No.8190538

Cringed super hard. I feel like she only made this video to brag.

>> No.8190556

I hate veils in lolita youre not getting married it doesn't make sense

>> No.8190589

It looks like it's her wedding and she accidentally picked her spooky kind of punky lolita dress instead of the wedding dress.

>> No.8190634

She needs to learn make-up better cuz it looks like she has a 5o'clock shadow.

>> No.8190907

Cannot unsee bad wig placement.

>> No.8190927

she looks like she's been constipated for days and is finally about to shit...

>> No.8190962

OP I dunno if you did this on purpose but starting out with Yani is a great way to get salty vendetta chans shitting up your thread.

>> No.8191051

She's a bitch and cant dress herself why are you suprised?

>> No.8191060

Can we all agree that veils should just be banned in general? I've never seen it look good.

>> No.8191090

You can tell it's a lot of lighting and making her skin look lighter but she's black or at least mixed with black.

>> No.8191357

Cannot unsee that frizzy-ass wig either. Betcha $5 it's Lockshop.

>> No.8191462

I thought she was a GLW muse though?

>> No.8191482

Aside from the 5'o'clock shadow makeup, I wish she would do her eyebrows. That patchy shit looks terribad

>> No.8191601

Definitely not Lockshop

>> No.8191699

I thought she might be mixed race at least but she looks paler everytime a new picture appears.

>> No.8191794

I think she said her family was Dominican or Filipino.

>> No.8191812
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Idk where this is from exactly, but I think she did really well coording this colorway of Holy Lantern.

>> No.8191825

please just say irish american, I beg of you

>> No.8192747 [DELETED] 

holy fuck
is that nia? I thought she turned to camwhoring or died or something.

>> No.8192777

Then I'd be lying because I'm not American.

>> No.8192800


>irish don't exist anywhere else than murrica

Nice assumption there m8

>> No.8192817

That bit of the dress being pulled up by the lantern stresses me out so much, ugh

>> No.8192862

I thought she dropped all association with them after the watermelon gobbling incident.

But how do you know?

>> No.8192926

How as a photographer do you not see that, or worse, see it and ignore it?!

>> No.8193186

I have this girl on my FB (then again everyone does because she'll add anyone in order to get asspats for her 10x a day whiny statuses). I'm pretty sure she saw this and is butthurt now cause she's whining about the Lolita Guidebook and how it's ~so restrictive guiz omg any1 can wear lolita however dey waaaaant~

>> No.8193190

screen shots?

>> No.8193207

I usually hear it from yanks since they blame any semblance of red hair on their *irish juhnetics*

>> No.8193212

Doesn't mean she doesn't wear there products lol

>> No.8193226

So glad this bitch is getting dragged. She's so obnoxious!

>> No.8193259

Because they don't have that color

>> No.8193272

I love the way she doesn't mention the size limitations straight out, I'm still hazy on the shoe thing, I <think> I've seen people wear their own shoes in a fashion show...and depending on 'another model to do your makeup', yeah, good luck with that. This girl has few subscribers for her effort, I can see why.

>> No.8193380

noooo!! she looks adorbs :(

>> No.8195723


go away

>> No.8195859
File: 300 KB, 380x348, 1425226454080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> overloaded potato cupcake poof
> diamond sock pattern with criss cross skirt pattern

is it just me?

>> No.8195861
File: 75 KB, 720x960, 11076268_10205638952233972_1501446402787601334_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops wrong picture!

>> No.8195893

It's looks like it's just sitting too low on her waist. I don't think I'd mind the poof if it was just higher up, maybe?

>> No.8196007

Poofs out too much and falls down too flat. That's a jellyfish shape, isn't it?
That's the thing that gets me with a lot of lolitas. They don't give a fuck about the overall shape and are all about the color and theme but what attracts me to lolita is the nice silhouettes.

>> No.8196537

see the thing that was wrong with the skirt is that it kept falling down on my waist. one petticoat had hardly any shape and when it sat up on my waist it looked better. the diamond socks were purely because we played mini golf. When it was up above my waist the shape was better.

>> No.8196540

please kill yourself out of /cgl/ and never come back.

>> No.8196553

lol whatever you say

>> No.8196568

In all honesty, I think your color scheme and coord is cute besides the skirt being too low on you.

>> No.8196578

thank you, it sucks because the skirt was slightly too big, but i love the skirt so much.

>> No.8196579

Never ever try to defend yourself on cgl. Even if Jesus and Buddah and Mr Rogers came down from heaven and told you your Coord was kawaii, don't defend yourself here for any reason because it will just make seagulls try to engage you and make a situation worse. Just take any criticism, consider objectively if it applies, and move on.

>> No.8196589

Oh, no. Defending yourself here is always the worst idea. You can make as many excuses as you want; they're not going to change anyone's mind. This is what we see, and we're going to critique based on that.

>> No.8197113

If it looked better like that why didn't you bother to fix it before taking the picture?

Not really directed at you anon, more of me venting my frustration.

Like if you're going to post yourself online, don't give us those 'well it was better earlier' type of pictures. Either get a good one picture taken before hand, put the outfit together on a different day, or deal with the criticism that's going to happen, because this is a fashion and we're all here to judge. Am I the only one that feels this way?

>> No.8197557

I don't know if self posts are okay but here I go.(sorry for the petti showing the photographer and I did not notice)

>> No.8197560
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Sorry forgot the pic

>> No.8197595

Cute simple coord, however the pink of your bag doesn't match the pinks in your skirt and is a bit too sweet imo. Try and find a bag that either matched the theme of your skirt, or the colours. Also try to incorporate more accessories matching your skirts motifs throughout your coord, as I find the top half looks a little bare currently. I also think more elegant shoes would look batter in your coordinate.
I love your skirt!

>> No.8197606

Thanks for the reply! I only have basic lolita items so I definitely need to start getting more accessories to polish my coords!

>> No.8197655


Not sure what season you wanted this coord for but consider adding a black cardigan with maybe a lace collar detail. You could also consider a chiffon blouse with a peter pan collar.

If you keep just the blouse, I'd love to see this with a black 3/4 length blouse, black lace tights, heeled shoes (maybe a simple heel with ankle strap), black bag, and then pull in the cream/white accents as pearl jewelry, and pull in the pink accents as small roses to attach to your beret.

>> No.8200490

it looks fine. maybe add a cute necklace or a flower clip to your hair. the bag is a little sweeter than the rest of the coord.

>> No.8200504

Replace bag with something more classic and , more powdery salmon pink, then it's cute. It also looks like you're wearing your skirt lower than your natural hip.