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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 244 KB, 284x379, me-no-shita-chiiku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8189079 No.8189079 [Reply] [Original]

So there's been a small explosion of blogs republishing Refinery29's writeup on "newest Japanese trend, looking sick on purpose," which is (apparently?) a well-established "undereye blush" Harajuku trend.

Supposedly, undereye blush makes your face look rounder and cuter, which is a Big Deal for a lot of lolita and cosplay. So, does it actually make your face look rounder/younger/cuter than traditional blush placement? Does anyone have pictures of lolitas or cosplayers using undereye blush? Does it work for white girls?

>Looking sick on purpose: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2892412/Under-eye-blush-pale-skin-worried-brows-latest-look-Japan.html
>More looking sick on purpose: http://www.refinery29.com/japanese-makeup-trend
>Undereye blush: http://www.wakuwakuotaku.com/2015/03/2470

>> No.8189086

I wish this meme would die, they don't look ill in any way

>> No.8189097

I think it looks cute. reminds me of ball jointed dolls

>> No.8189100

Any kind of soft blending and blush will make you look cute.

Stop being a weeb.

>> No.8189118

OP here. Sorry, I don't think it's lel weird myself; I want to know if it would be a good idea for cosplaying round-faced girls.

>> No.8189127

OP, Google 'Momoko blush.' This is just another case of the West learning about Japanese trends half a decade later.

>> No.8189156

Who the fuck looks like that when they're sick though? My nose is red as fuck and my whole face irritated when I'm sick.

>> No.8189162

I've been wearing my blush like this for years, it's not a new thing at all.

>> No.8189165
File: 301 KB, 853x1280, TK-2011-12-13-013-001-Harajuku[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't this really popular in Cult Party Kei? i noticed they always do it, or like >>8189097
said, BJDs.

>> No.8189167
File: 165 KB, 460x690, b6f8b29a3cdf194f113b26e51728cb06[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah I didn't think this was new at all

>> No.8189172
File: 450 KB, 1000x1500, Cult-Party-Kei-New-York-Joe-Harajuku-2013-05-12-DSC7306[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8189174

I love it, I think it's really cute. I'm still figuring out how to do it without looking stupid though.

>> No.8189176
File: 166 KB, 465x700, cult-party-kei-makeup--large-msg-134557663764[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8189179
File: 51 KB, 500x375, tumblr_inline_nldgtkHtUo1qbis8t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's very runway. Here's one from McQueen in '08

>> No.8189180
File: 200 KB, 700x466, cult_party_kei___makeup_by_sweetcandycherry96-d6j08n3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8189182
File: 9 KB, 236x234, dcec85338c38bbe869c8d5936737eb75[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8189184
File: 30 KB, 350x500, e3c75ace0efde90ebdeb766d22102cc5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8189205
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried and it just overemphasized the way my under eye bags (creases? Folds? Whatever. Like image related) stick out when I smile. Made my eyes look bright green, though.

>> No.8189261

How many beta assholes with nothing better to do will sperg out on my posts about not liking makeup on girls if I attempt this because they're too dumb to realize my usual face is just natural looking makeup?

>> No.8189273

Are you that moron who selfposts all the time?

>> No.8189294

Same. If any part other than my nose gets red when I'm sick, it's my lower jaw and the area around my mouth. If anything this looks like very symmetrical bruising or someone who's been crushing but somehow doesn't have a red nose.
I think it can be cute but I've seen too many girls execute it horribly. I tried it once myself and I looked sunburnt.

>> No.8189298

>that should be "crying"
I don't understand autocorrect, man

>> No.8189299

I'm not the particular moron you're thinking of. I've only self-posted twice, both in progress threads and both several months ago.

>> No.8189331
File: 98 KB, 480x640, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's pretty cute with some styles. Hard to make it look natural, though. Kurebayashi uses it sometimes.

>> No.8189338
File: 90 KB, 500x624, confuseddisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you post this?

>> No.8189350

Well how else would you wear blush?

>> No.8189355

On the apples of your cheeks.

>> No.8189358
File: 132 KB, 664x594, madoka-6-language.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like weird stockphoto material, not a selfie of a seagull

>> No.8189359

Um, do you actually wear makeup, usually you wear it right on your cheekbones or the outer apples of your cheeks, neither of which are directly below your eyes.

>> No.8189362

What? Yes, that's a stock photo. I think I searched "undereye bag crinkle" or something. Image related, not image of me.

>> No.8189383

top kek

>> No.8189384

Urgh. Really wish I could wear my blush like this! It looks super cute but I already have really rosy cheeks, so I just look like a pink faced retard when I try.

>> No.8189394

Can we turn this thread into asian makeup trends?

>> No.8189396

Sure. I'm down for lipstick ideas.

>> No.8189399

I've already been doing this for a while. I don't think it makes people look sick?

>> No.8189445

Honestly? I wear it going across my nose and under my eyes.

You do something for so long you'd forget they're other options out there

>> No.8189448

>going across my nose

Pics of how that looks?

>> No.8189465

Conceal your nose and color correct your cheeks and give it another shot.

>> No.8189508

>Like image related

>> No.8189520

This is nothing new. I have been doing it for nearly a year now.

I put blush under my eyes at the sides (like >>8189182) across my nose, and on my chin.

>> No.8189705

None of them look sick though.. So they are clearly doing it wrong.

>> No.8189719

I'm sorry but 10 years on that picture of G still sets my heart aflutter

>> No.8189721

Cute-sick, anon. Not realistically-sick.

>> No.8189733

Korea calls it aegyo sal. I used to bitch about it until someone pointed out it was a trend. Same with Japanese yaeba teeth

>> No.8189737

Undereye bags are a trend?

>> No.8189739
File: 36 KB, 800x450, 75b629fc2a3f36b7f9bc17ba8b74cf3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about making you look more youthful.

>> No.8189742

Me too anon. Me too.

>> No.8189746

They make me look and feel old, maybe because they look so much like wrinkles.

>> No.8189766


There's a difference between undereye bags and under eye fat.

>> No.8189772

Yeah, the only youth I can gather from it is those undereye bags you get from college.

To be fair, aegyo sal is more of fat injections than wrinkles, but eh.

>> No.8189774

Ugh yes. My middle school feels are rushing right back. Pretty sure he's also responsible for my thing for long haired guys.

>> No.8189791

I like putting blush under my eyes and out beside them going out to my hairline. Then again, I wear glasses, so I need to put some there, or else you notice I'll have reverse-raccoon eyes.

>> No.8189794

I never liked undereye bags. They just remind me of when you cry yourself to sleep, they will be there in the morning. makes me wtf

>> No.8189866

The thing is that's where your face blushes pretty much only when you get a high fever. A cold will make your nose red, but a high fever will flush your cheeks, especially around your eyes.

>> No.8190719

Same. My natural blush is across my lower cheeks and jawline so unless I use something very high coverage on like 75% of my face I end up looking like a tomato. Okay for meetups but less than ideal for every day.

>> No.8190798

I've been doing the under eye blush for two-ish years now. I just really like the way it looks on my face, regardless of what other people say. A while ago people were asking about it and I posted how I did it on here.

>> No.8190803

Please deliver again anon

>> No.8190890
File: 593 KB, 564x1148, dzfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find the pictures I used last time that I applied heavier than usual to show it properly and can't be bothered searching the archive, but here is some crops form old selfies.
But pretty much
>Apply foundation as usual.
>make sure any dark circles are gone other wise it will look dodgy.
>use a large fluffy brush to apply the blush, I use a nude by nature kabuki brush.
>close your eye during application to get it right up to the lash line, You may get some on your lid so don't apply primer until after.
>try to get it about 2/3rd towards the inner circle, but different face faces might need more or less.
>add red/darker pink colour to your eye for a more dramatic look

I use an orange pink.

>> No.8190898
File: 24 KB, 320x195, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lyke dis

>> No.8190899

So, sunburn?

>> No.8190956

I have high cheekbones so when I smile the apples of my cheeks are pretty much there anyway. I don't blush on my lower cheeks so contouring with blush and having it lower feels strange to me. Always been doing relatively high blush, it looks cute.

>> No.8191781

You're cute as fuck anon and that blush style is cute as fuck I might try, thanks.

>> No.8192021

you're not alone
i kinda miss my edgy teen years, crushing on gerard and billie joe from green day lol

>> No.8192143

I giggled
Gerard, you make my heart burn

>> No.8192183

I usually only do it when I'm wearing something pretty OTT.

I fucking hate the way Andi whatever-the-fuck does hers though, it looks retarded. Like a big red line across her entire face.

>> No.8192189

holy shit ok you apply it really well, but there's some photos in this thread where nothing is blended and it just looks awful. You're an example of doing it right, goon on ya

>> No.8192193


>> No.8192198
File: 11 KB, 310x236, jackie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw judging you all in middle school

>> No.8193359

Her makeup looks pretty awful in general.

>> No.8193416
File: 40 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n2807pHZDG1qakjc4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks bro, do try it, I would love to see more people around with it.
Thanks, I think the difference may be me using a powder where others may use a mousse.
>goon on ya

>> No.8193840

>put your fucking tongue away

I don't know why that's making me so angry.

>> No.8194052

I have a sharp/pointy face, would it look stupid for me to try makeup like this? I feel like instead of looking cute I'd just look scary with the sharp features and reddish undereye combo

>> No.8194511

just try it with a full face of make up and experiment. don't feel pressured to use a red toned blush, just use whichever colour already suits your skin tones.

>> No.8194535

wtf I never made the connection - those two look almost exactly alike.
They are both total babes though. I find this pinkish stuff around the eyes really attractive on men for some reason.

>> No.8194568
File: 58 KB, 570x564, e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even with Insta filters it still looks like she cakes on the makeup.

>> No.8194595

She always reminds me of one the Duggar daughters, those super religious family with 20 kids, she looks just like some of them.

>> No.8194609

Yeesh. Well, hopefully, she doesn't think like them.

>> No.8194643
File: 448 KB, 450x292, 1420401106140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Bam Magera, the superior lanky goth piece of shit.

Step it up, sempais.

>> No.8194651
File: 70 KB, 400x594, eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>404 not found

>> No.8194665

>Jack White
>Gerard Way
>this Bam Magera dude
Pick one. None of them are fucking goths. >>8194643
>Jack White
>Gerard Way
>this Bam Magera dude
Pick one. None of them are fucking goths.

>> No.8194669

wtf it posted twice sorry.

>> No.8194705
File: 36 KB, 599x373, jeeeckie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I would never classify Jack White as a goth. (Even though he does try to look like a Tim Burton drawing.) I was just pointing out that Bam Margera is definitely not goth.

Thanks for the Last Unicorn gif though, Bam anon. Ya'alright
>(sage for xtreme OT action)

>> No.8194891
File: 33 KB, 475x360, 1414173474728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I was first attracted to my long time honey cuz he resembles my middle school emo husbando

>> No.8194896

the meitu pic is strong with this one. i can always tell because it leaves faint vertical lines on the photo.

>> No.8194900

Jack is pretty hot but apparently he is an asshole?

>> No.8194942
File: 45 KB, 446x706, tumblr_m7sjmaVJKg1rapl4eo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can believe that. He seems like kind of a hard on. I don't have any real loyalty to him as a husbando anymore since his music started sucking. God, Icky Thump was such a turd.
>so very bitter
>pic actually related to thread

>> No.8194967
File: 74 KB, 500x604, extreme blush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt think icky thump was too bad, but de stijl was far better. His asshole-ness (to me) stems from him having hissy fits when his fans don't behave how he wants them by not paying enough attention to him at concerts. Apparently once he walked off the stage because too many people were sitting down instead of dancing, and he hates cellphones because people will text their friends and keep them in their hands so it means they can't clap for him. I still like his music, and I am a self identified asshole so I don't really dislike him any more than I dislike myself.

Pic related is IMO the bad way to do this style, far too pink.

>> No.8194976

God, he aged like shit.

>> No.8194981


>/cgl/ talking about jack white
>huge jack white fan

worlds collide
someone should email him and let him know that the eye makeup he is using is very on trend
maybe we'll get another hysterical open letter
(sage for contributing to off topic nonsense)

>> No.8195002
File: 99 KB, 607x405, photo2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao are you for real m8, that's incredible. What a bitch move. I feel bad saying that because I really love his early music but that is just so...wow. I understand what he's feeling but actually walking off stage? What the hell man.

IMO the best White Stripes album is their first. I don't think there's a song on it that even approaches the popularity of stuff from White Blood Cells and De Stijl, though. I really liked Elephant as well, even though that's the album that turned them ~mainstream~ or whatever.
>stop talking about the white stripes you freak

Kek at that pic. I can kind of appreciate it in a goofy artistic way but on a regular person it would look terrifying.

>> No.8195362
File: 53 KB, 640x629, Seto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The queen.

>> No.8195499

Dayum does anyone have a good guess on what lenses she's using?

>> No.8195574

Adding my off topic two cents, Jack White gets that abrasive reputation and I can understand it, but as a musician myself (and one who lives in Nashville and knows people who are signed to Third Man), none of the stuff he does is really that far from things we all think, he just is the guy with no filter who will actually say it. I've been to shows of his where the cell phone thing was mentioned, but it's not because he needs the ego boost of people clapping (let's be real, Jack White is already number 1 in his own mind), it's more because he hires a staff photographer already to take lots of pictures of his shows, and he feels because of that there's no real reason people should be watching the show through a tiny screen instead to enjoy later instead of enjoying it in the moment. And I can absolutely understand that. There's no denying he's abrasive, egotistical and insane, but it's at least abrasive insanity that I can somewhat understand the reasoning behind.
And when it comes down to it, Jack is damn good at what he does, and very devoted to his craft. And he's a sick genius. Like who the fuck is he to be that good at guitar and songwriting and then also construct his own amplifiers, invent sound pedals and be a ridiculously good sound engineer, that's just not fair. If you sign with him, you album is going to sound damn good, and he will fight for you to the end. So yeah, mother fucker's bat shit, always has been. But he's my kind of bat shit.
Sage because as much as I wish it otherwise, Jack White is not animu.

>> No.8195794

What kind of face do you have to have to pull off tiny bangs like this? I'm guessing a large forehead/far back hairline is a must?

Curse my stupid tiny forehead.

>> No.8195801

I think anyone can pull off bangs, it just depends on how you cut/style them. I have a much wider/rounder face and I cut my bangs to slim my face. What I do is just cut a slim portion of my hair in the center, cut the sides at a downwards angle, and cut some hair on the sides shorter to frame my face. If that makes sense at all.

>> No.8195804

She was sort of asking about tiny bangs, anon.

Short bangs look bad on pretty much everyone unless you have a long heart shaped face.

>> No.8195824

Yeah that's definitely too pink, as well as not blended well. Unblended roundish blush always gives this impression of babby's-first-foray-into-mommy's-makeup-bag.

Tell him he looks like he's taking style cues from Japanese shop girls. It will be great.

Really? I tend to feel they look better on girls with shorter/rounder faces because they elongate the face.

>> No.8195913

I have no cheekbones at all (kinda like pic). Blush under the eyes looks at lot better on me than the traditional blush placement (which makes me look like I just ran a marathon).

>> No.8195920

This picture is totally making me want to cut my bangs short again...

>> No.8195923

you'd probably look fugly.

>> No.8195947

Nah I don't feel like twinning with your mom

>> No.8196015


He looks like his fat dad now.

>> No.8196040

he looks like an autistic finnish man going through a middle age crisis

>> No.8196454

I've found that the best way (on my face anyways) to do under eye blush is to make a gradient. I put really pale pink wherever I'd normally put blush (along cheekbone and apply of cheek) and I mean really pale. Then I get some dark pink (I actually use eyeshadow from an Urban Decay pallet, the color is Woodstock) and dab it under my eyes towards the outer corner, then kinda rub it around to blend and make it the right shape. Then I blend it more with the blush brush and the light pink.

>> No.8199209

I tried it with a cosplay and it was hella cute. Thanks for the thread anons!

>> No.8199212


>> No.8199322


>> No.8199414


>> No.8199427


>> No.8199472


>> No.8200055

Why are girls such fucking losers?

>> No.8200092


>> No.8200198


I can imagine the poorly punctuated letter to the editor now

>> No.8201492

>yaeba teeth
I'm actually thankful of this trend, I have bad teeth crowding so I have crooked teeth and a tooth actually growing over top of my other ones because of it, and it makes me feel so fucking ugly but I can't afford to have all the dental work it would take to fix it, so seeing girls with snaggle teeth and thinking it's cute makes me feel like, just because I have bad teeth doesn't mean I'm automatically ugly, it just means I have bad teeth and that's not my fault. So yeah as stupid as it is that people are fucking their teeth up for fashion, I am kinda glad of it happening.

>> No.8201735

Looks like your under eye is pulled up, giving the impression your eyes are even bigger when fully open, plus you need less effort to give a believable smile with it on. "You smile with your eyes" right?

It helps me working in customer service - I don't feel I need to smile as hard with it because the bottom eye lids look already up.

>> No.8201929

Cute as Fuck.

>> No.8202093

I have the same problem. I can't do it because my eyes have extreme dark circles.

>> No.8202103

I second that.