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8173304 No.8173304 [Reply] [Original]

Iron Wig round two is up on Facebook.

>We asked each contestant to select a color palette (ex: Reds, Oranges, Yellows, etc), and we sent an Eowyn and Curly Clip-on Ponytail in two different colors from their palette of choice.
>Contestants: Your challenge is to create a hairstyle that incorporates a creature/critter/animal accessory made from wig fibers. You cannot use additional fiber besides the Eowyn and clip-on provided, but you are allowed to dye and/or paint the hair and use embellishments.

>> No.8173311
File: 113 KB, 960x724, 10471238_927233267307964_3649761614425026858_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cowbutt Crunchies
Creature: Fish

>> No.8173315
File: 74 KB, 960x670, 10390207_927233210641303_6808912129962461070_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creature: Dragon

>> No.8173319
File: 91 KB, 960x615, 10994338_927233333974624_4711944142863381493_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creature: Crab

>> No.8173323
File: 111 KB, 960x851, 11050298_927233400641284_5259133407996866512_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nomes Cosplay
Creature: Scorpion

>> No.8173327
File: 85 KB, 960x578, 10419580_927233443974613_2457941822158716359_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creature: Sea Slug

>> No.8173328

this one will lose

>> No.8173332
File: 85 KB, 960x612, 11029505_927233490641275_4717443627034252236_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeliza Malafede
Creature: Sea Monster

>> No.8173336
File: 87 KB, 932x960, 11062927_927323760632248_5895117564005470252_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creature: Dragon

>> No.8173340

This is lovely, but the back is a bit of a mess and I don't love the ends.

>> No.8173355

I can't even see the fucking wig in this, how are you meant to judge this?

>> No.8173384
File: 52 KB, 472x960, 1507069_927269447304346_635001937691614547_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sent in wighead photos too for judging but yeah, the photography is awful.

>> No.8173395

Great idea, great execution. Probably my favorite.

It looks a little lopsided, but I can't hate. The details on this are great, like the little fringe creating the dragon's ruff/spine. I agree with the other anon that the ends seem a little unfinished. High complexity, not-quite-perfect execution.

Really simple, though also cleanly executed.

More complicated, but not as neatly executed.

Stupid. The hard shell of the upper wig looks really discordant with the loosely flowing curls.

Too dark. Can't see shit.

I honestly can't tell what's going on here. If he just glued wig fibers on top of a toy dragon, it's shit. If he made it himself, it's kind of cool. The bangs are really badly done, which undermines the whole look. Like, so badly done that I wouldn't commission this guy to trim a wig's bangs for me.

Cowbutt Crunchies is the clear winner, imho.

>> No.8173407

Honestly think this is the most interesting one by far. The others all have quite generic shapes, but the way this one makes your eye go from the scorpion sting to the tail at the bottom of the wig is great.

I think these two >>8173311 >>8173315 have more general appeal (in part because of the good photography/staging) and neater realisation, but the scorpion one really stole my heart.

This guy strikes me as really uninspired. It's a shame because his skills are good but I hope he does something different from "long hair with stuff on top" next round! And I say next round because I think we can all agree >>8173319 should go. Almost seems like they had something come up and they couldn't spare the time to do more on the wig (which ironically Artflower posted on her page about yet still did a gorgeous piece).

>> No.8173408

Why would they shove some braids where the wearer's eyes would be? If an actual human put it on, that would look terrible

>> No.8173414

>Enters wig styling contest.
>Doesn't style wig.

>> No.8173425

The only reason I think she might stay in is that last round she did a simple but clean wig last time, too, and she beat the more-complicated-but-less-well-executed Pokemon gym leader wig. Last time the wig was admittedly more complicated (with the weft blending) than this time, but she might still beat Axel's more-complicated-but-shitty-bangs wig.

>> No.8173446

She is probably still in because >>8173336 was late. If Arda deducts points for that, this guy is out instead.

>> No.8173495

Late AND also shit.

>> No.8173530

The only two wigs that did a good job incorporating their animals into their designs are the fish and scorpion wigs, imo. The rest look like they did some stuff to the Eowyn and plopped an animal on top.

This is gorgeous! I'm impressed they got all that out of two Eowyns, but I'm not much of a wig stylist. All the curls and swirls are really pretty, and I like the crafting on the fish.

The worksmanship on the dragon is incredible, but agreeing with the other anons that the back looks unfinished/rushed.

I love the thought and design in this one - all the little braids look great, and the gold accents compliment the colour and theme well. I also like that the scorpion's stinger is reflected in the low ponytail!

The crafting's impressive, but I thought it was a badger or something.

>> No.8174063

i have no idea why no one picked an octopus as a creature,.

>> No.8174086

Probably because the example given was of an octopus

>> No.8174720

I really want to like it but I just can't get past that hairline. It looks like it's halfway down her forehead.

>> No.8174746
File: 53 KB, 800x600, eugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never 4get
the best wig of all tiem

>> No.8174774
File: 234 KB, 2048x711, 1962478_732181906813102_1887409344_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually this one is the winner in my book.

TBH this year's contestants are worlds better than most of last year's. I wonder if it's because there's more Europeans in the mix.

>> No.8174919

When designing an original wig, why on earth would you choose such a hideous hairline?

>> No.8174939

Mmmm, toothpaste.

>> No.8174966

the hairline on this is fucking atrocious and so unflattering, holy shit. nobody's hairline starts that low. it makes her look like a neanderthal.

>> No.8174972

Cannot unsee Ebola chan

>> No.8175055

As a contest gains legitimacy, it starts to draw better and better talent. I don't know what kind of opportunities past contestants have gotten through the contest, but at this point it's fairly established, which gives more incentive to skilled wigsmiths to enter.

>> No.8175725

This is beautiful...though I'm not sure I like the pearls much. They're just kind of awkwardly draping there.

The dragon looks cool, not sure if I dig the lower half tbh.

3/10 for effort

The scorpion part looks nice and smooth but the hairline looks stiff and sloppy. Not sure what's going on with those braids in the back either.

9/10 this is great.

Nicely made, but ugly.


>> No.8177298

ah, didn't know that!

>> No.8177538
File: 198 KB, 1222x654, octopus_hairpiece_by_deeed-d7kpqjd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the challenge was inspired by those octopus hair clips that were popular for a while. NGL they're pretty cute.

>> No.8179074

This one is the weakest but that crab is CLEAN. I really want to know how they lay the fiber down without flyaways. Whenever I try, their hair either goes everywhere, or I end up with an over-gooped mess. I don't understand how they manage to have the top layer of fiber looking so clean. Is everyone just using got2b?

>> No.8180651

Probably either got2b or tacky glue.

>> No.8180706

I really like that she used the hair as a sort-of backdrop for the fish, whereas most of the other contestants made their animals more like hair accessories. Probably the round winner.

If she didn't know what to do with the back, she should've pulled it up so the dragon was like an overly-complicated bun. The dragon itself is amazing though.

I admire the detail on the crab and that she tried to blend it with the wig, but I have no idea what's the deal with the braids. I mean I get that it's to anchor the crab to the wig, but it doesn't make practical sense at all.
I'm curious if the crab's claws are actual crab-claws covered with hair.

I like the complexity of the braids, it looks like a Yugioh character. Agreeing with everyone else that the hairline makes no sense. I thought they were bangs at first; hell she should've just done that.

Weirdest sea slug I've ever seen but I'm not one for marine biology in the first place. I'm a little miffed that she used pieces that aren't hair to brighten it up, like the crab girl. The designs on the sea slug are interesting and I guess the curls are supposed to be water but it just... idk doesn't make sense.

It's like she was inspired by Cowbutt but fell short on execution. It looks more like a drafted wig than a final piece. I like the idea of it as a whole, though.

The dragon barely looks like hair, and for that I would've wanted to see some detail shots of it. He's the winner of the "hair accessory" aspect, the dragon doesn't fit in with the wig at all. There's so much more he could've done with that color palette and it doesn't deliver.

>> No.8180715

This looks like she has little poops on the back of her head, wrapping around the front...

>> No.8181722
File: 8 KB, 276x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sea slug is probably based off this cutie

>> No.8182468

That's really cute and would have been impressive if she'd managed all the spiny bits, but why go with such a dull color to make such a bright creature?

>> No.8182480

These are the best in my opinion but only because of how bad the others look, some of which really just slapped on an animal onto a plain wig and called it a day.
I actually like the simple hair at the bottom here. It's like an old Chinese hairstyle (excuse my ignorance if this is just a video game thing) but with a dragon.
This one incorporates the animal well but overall looks like a damn helmet.

>> No.8182518

I think they were told the challenge after they chose their color palette.

>> No.8185328

Koicosu is the one who's out. I don't think anyone is surprised. Scores: http://kingdom-arts.org/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=5243

>>8173311 Cowbutt Crunchies: 48
>>8173315 Artflower: 47
>>8173323 Nomes: 45.67
>>8173332 Yeliza Malafede: 45.33
>>8173327 Optimus-Rhyme: 43.67
>>8173336 Misch.Axel: 43.67
>>8173319 Koicosu: 40.67

>> No.8185344

Not that it would have saved her, but Koicosu deserved a perfect score for cleanliness and Misch.Axel needed to drop at least another point in cleanliness for his trainwreck.

>> No.8185360

I'm kinda happy because Axel's previous work doesn't look too bad so I'd like to see him get another chance.

Would've been happy with Koicosu or Yeliza leaving.

>> No.8185364

TBH it wasn't very creative either. It was a dragon plopped down on top of an unstyled wig but he scored the same creativity points as >>8173384

>> No.8185366

So the difference between "dragon plopped down on top of an unstyled wig" and "dragon plopped down on top of a styled wig" is 1.67 points.

>> No.8185369

IMO Artflower's base wig cut reflected her critter a little, whereas Axel's was just a black wig he'd slicked a single bang spike into. Even so, they scored almost the same creativity points:

-Creativity: 9
-Cleanliness: 10
-Complexity: 8.33
-Presentation: 10
-Efficiency of Materials: 9.67

-Creativity: 8.67
-Cleanliness: 7.67
-Complexity: 8.33
-Presentation: 10
-Efficiency of Materials: 9
TOTAL: 43.67

>> No.8185393

I agree that Artflower's creativity should have scored more than .33 point higher than Axel's. But >>8185364 was comparing Yeliza's blue dragon and Axel's black one, not Artflower's pink one and Axel's black one.

>> No.8185451

That makes more sense. Point still stands though, I don't understand why he scored as high as he did. I almost wish Arda still made those review videos from the first year, as painfully annoying as they were.

>> No.8188799

Do the contestants tend to sell these wigs when they're done? NGL I kind of want that dragon.

>> No.8188809

A girl in a previous contest sold her wig on eBay immediately after the round was up, so I don't think there's any rules against it.
I'm sure the contestants get plenty of messages offering to buy the wigs, as well.

>> No.8188854

That's a little crass. Who was it?

>> No.8189255
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The Yeliza one already on etsy.

>> No.8189832

This is the best one for this season.

>> No.8189844

Thats not a competition piece dumbass

>> No.8189910

I like it better with the bigger pictures. It's got a "GIANT WIGS WITH BOATS IN MY FUCKING POMPADOUR" thing going for it, but at the same time the Greek-mythological-creature fits with the vaguely Grecian dress (though the corset throws that aspect of presentational cohesion off). Not perfect, but I can see what she was going for a lot better.

>> No.8189920
File: 67 KB, 960x418, 11875_533324843365477_76665229_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, by Caineyamiyasha
The ebay link doesn't work so I don't know if she removed it or it was sold.

>> No.8189955

Wow even the worst wig so far this season is better than this.

>> No.8190030

Compared to a lot of people who dont know what the fuck they are doing with wigs which means about 96% of cosplayers, this is good.

>> No.8190032

So best for the season, right?

>> No.8190046

>When nobody laughs at your joke, just keep repeating it

>> No.8190059

Definitely best of season

>> No.8190075

Why do people pick the dumb handles they picked in high school and roll with them well into their cosplay career? Cowbutt Crunchies? Really?

>> No.8190124

Being a professional cosplayer is serious business, y'all.

>> No.8190136

Because it's hurrdurr so random XD anon.

>> No.8190176

Almost every cosplayer's handle is stupid in some way, except for the ones who follow the "MY NAME cosplay" convention. It's like band names imo.

>> No.8190229


They've said it's a reference to their pets.