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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 463 KB, 1280x1013, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8180560 No.8180560 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, CGL, can you give me ideas for Lolita/J-fashion coords with gangsta/edgy elements? Pic related

>> No.8180570

>Lolita/J-fashion coords with gangsta/edgy elements

Yeah don't do that. Not with lolita at least.

>> No.8180572

But what about punk and stuff on op-pic? And I can imagine sailor OP being styled like sukeban outfit.

>> No.8180620

Please don't.

>> No.8180623

Too tryhard.
Why pretend like the aesthetic of lolita is gangster? It's like seeing a wigger. Ultimate cringe.

>> No.8180686

Do you have eyes? That doesn't even look good.

>> No.8180687

Go for a Yakuza thing. Combine elements from Kamikaze Girls.

>> No.8180981

wait could you just imagine like girl gangs of lolita driving down the street on motorcycles and just fucking shit up like idk that sounds fun

>> No.8180990

would only work in japan
rest of world would just fuck them up

>> No.8181022

ew this is fucking gross and way too try hard. Why would you try to mesh sweet elements and floral crowns with all of that?!

>> No.8181025

>huge hoop earrings
>Denim Meta skirt
>cropped Baby Phat coat
>Knee length Timberland boots
>extra long gyaru nails

>> No.8181326

Why not? I don't get all the hate. Lolita is clothes, clothes with certain rules/aesthetic. I don't see where wearing pretty frilly dresses and feeling kinda "gangster" would clash too much if it stays withing the basic rules. I dig it and if you do it with style, I'm all behind that! =D

>> No.8181352

tbh I feel like this is the true definition of 'bittersweet' lolita haha.

>> No.8181645

Just shut up you're embarrassing

>> No.8181747

Sauce on the jacket though?

>> No.8181836


>> No.8181935

She made it

>> No.8181957

Why would you do this to yourself?
Love yourself more OP

>> No.8182008

Lolita is a fashion and not clothes. This sort of thing is just absolute trash because all the elements are working against each other instead of being cohesive. It can't stay within the basic rules because one of the basic rules is that an outfit has to have the right balance and this shit... just no...

Please go back to tumblr and look at the pastel goth shit to satisfy yourself. and stop trying to bait by posting this shit again.

>> No.8182035

not same anon who asked but is that an applique? If i could get that on a bomber jacket I would wear it everyday.

>> No.8182038

I believe she painted it. She designs fabric prints for a living.

>> No.8182065

>knee length Timberland boots

top kek

>> No.8182086

laughing at everyone being a salty cunt in this post because OP's coord won 2nd place in the coord contest at AP's SF tea party

everyone's so afraid of something different.

>> No.8182093

Because more often than not something different is synonymous with something ugly and stupid as shit. OP's pic is meh at best and probably only won because she took the time to print a unicorn onto a jacket.

>> No.8182107

> sailor OP being styled like sukeban outfit

this could be really cool

>> No.8184132
File: 88 KB, 862x486, 1393459817925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw u will never be cool-as-fakku sukeban-chan-san who breaks the law
h-h-hold me, cgl

>> No.8184164


I love the IDEA of this outfit, but I dont think its super great. I think I would have liked it much more if all the black was replaced with pink or other pastel colors.

>> No.8184175

Ew OP, just get out.
This outfit just won, because the other ones were pretty meh as well and she took the time to make the jacket and moth-thingy.
Actually, japanese street fashion would dig this shit, but western lolitas like to keep this shit out.

>> No.8184471

I still dont know why this done well is shit.

>> No.8184530
File: 103 KB, 500x281, durrr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I'm terrified to wear anything even remotely different or experiment with clothes. I'm scared somebody will take my picture and put it online and I'll get lynched for it. I love to experiment and try different stuff but I'm scared of people picking on me for it because I'm an overly sensitive wiener.

>> No.8184552

>Because more often than not something different is synonymous with something ugly and stupid as shit.
You also mean nearly every normalfag's opinion of lolita?
You retards in this thread need to take a good look at yourselves.

>> No.8184564

this so much. I was at the event and honestly this coord placed well because of the effort she put into that damn jacket, plus DDC was hot as hell at that time.

Overall, I really don't think "gangsta" or "edgy" elements work for the majority outside of a very specific context (like MC Melody Doll). If you want to try it anyways, then do it for fun and expect the backlash. Don't call it lolita and just enjoy it for whatever it is.

>> No.8184575

>moth thingy
I keep looking at the image and I can't for the life of me figure out what the fuck "Moth thingy" is supposed to be.

>> No.8184576

Wigga? You mean gangsta, not gangster. OP is not dressed as a ghetto bitch. She's literally a lolita personification of a bike gang member. Leather jacket, biker half mask, fingerless gloves. Race not exclusive.

But it is cohesive. Colour palette works, she's not mashing together "Zombie alien candy striper steampunk", it's just sweet lolita and black.
Just because you dont like pastelxblack doesnt mean it doesnt work - I would never wear the colour combo either, but it doesn't mean it's impossible. It's balanced, black and the "white space" have been distributed fine.
/cgl/ would be a better place without matchy-matchy autism OCD.

>> No.8184580
File: 68 KB, 550x427, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe they mean the biker's mouth mask.

>> No.8184584

Sorry, I meant mouth-thingy. I don't know if the thing that covers her mouth has a specific term.

>> No.8184587

You do not have to post yourself online. You can just wear the clothes and be happy.
I've already worn sweaters over my jsk, but I didn't post it anywhere.
There was a time when fashion was about wearing clothes in your day-to-day life instead of creating a photobook of your closet.

>> No.8184592

>There was a time when fashion was about wearing clothes in your day-to-day life instead of creating a photobook of your closet.
True. But they DID say they're scared someone would take a photo of them and post it somewhere where /cgl/ would find it.

>> No.8184597

though if that happens, you could just brush it off as an unfair candid?

>> No.8184603

I don't post my pics online but there's nothing stopping other people from doing it. Including my own family who may not know I'm trying to hide my ita ass from an entire community of people.
Even if I don't go around flaunting how shitty I look there's nothing stopping other people from doing it for me.

>> No.8184605

I've been meaning to coord a biker look and it's going very well so far. I feel that if OP had DDC in black this would have looked so much nicer. The problem isn't the styling, it's the choice of colors.

>> No.8184606

Yeah, but you can just not go to cgl or btb. And if somebody took a photo of you without your consent, well knowing you just wanted to experiment without even calling it proper lolita he's a cunt.
Also note, anon could have a coord that's on point and would still be ripped apart for a big nose or weird make-up.

>> No.8184612

Anon, if you are so scared someone might be hateful towards you, lolita is not the right fashion for you. Strangers, cosplayers and other alt fashion people will mock you, friends and family might mock you and there will always be someone who thinks you look like shit just because you wear something they don't like (ageplay sweet vs. granny classic debate f.e.). You just need a certain "I don't give a shit attitude" to some point.
Also tumblr will always defend your most ugly coord.

>> No.8184613

>Also tumblr will always defend your most ugly coord.
hahahah ily

>> No.8184614

The idea of the possibility of my face on the internet at all really freaks me out, and it's 10 times worse knowing there's a chance someone might be going on about how shitty I look directly underneath the photo when all I'm doing is trying to mind my own business and have a good time.

>> No.8184615

then don't wear loud fashion, lolita is not the fashion for you. move on.

>> No.8184619

Random people being hateful on the streets who I'll never meet again is one thing, my face being immortalized on the internet is a completely different situation.

But yeah I guess your right I shouldn't be involved in any kind of fashion. I'm literally just asking for it. Fuck the Facebook age where everyone has a camera on them and puts everything online.

>> No.8184620
File: 26 KB, 640x426, IZyRvmp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita always has and always will be gangsta as fuck. You have to be a bit of a badass to dress like a frilly doll and not take shit for it, girl in OP's pic knows what's up, western lolitas are just rich prissy bitches who don't understand how it can be an awesome empowering statement to be aggressively feminine or by looking how you want just for you. It's a statement whether you like it or not, and including edgier themes is something new and creative and variety should be encouraged.

>> No.8184621

This shit right here.
It might shock you when you first see criticism, but there's a lot of people who I'm sure don't think to exclude themselves from posting here when on their period. Brush it off, and enjoy yourself.

>> No.8184622


>> No.8184627

My feelings exactly.

>> No.8184629

sing me the song of my people.

>> No.8184646

i think people are pretty encouraging of experimentation.. just not asking it to be labeled lolita to avoid butthurt and hysteria.

idk i consume rap and "gangsta" culture like no one's business and i don't fucking care when i wear my chains with my frills. but i'm not going to be a moron and scream at anyone who questions if this is lolita or not at that point. been doing this for 8 years+ and no major problems yet.

>> No.8184656

Dude, they're fucking cute though. I just wish that they weren't so cumbersome to wear.

>> No.8184661

i have no patience for ~newschool~ ignorant princesses who get their bloomers ruffled over a rectangle headdress. I think what you are doing is rad as fuck, but the people who would condemn you are that kind of girls who think oldschool is dead and ita by default because the fashion has ~evolved~ but only wears complete matching AP sets cos anything remotely original is so0o0o not rori. Like, wheres the fashion going to go from there? It takes the fun out of lolita and the element of self expression which originally attracted me to it. I am feeling hip hop influenced coords so hard honestly

>> No.8184695
File: 414 KB, 1200x857, 1425314013001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If my hair gets a bit longer, i could probaly put it in kind of a pompadour. Sh-should I, /cgl/?

>> No.8184714

God most of Meta, and Putumayo stuff was made for this.

>> No.8184715
File: 205 KB, 437x400, greaserlolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a more vintage (50s, 60s) inspired coord it could look great, see pic related for a greaser look I thought up immediately~ I usually hate this dress too but i think it would be perfect here

>> No.8184716

Most the people knocking probably think you have to wear the whole matching coord to be a "real" lolita.

Maybe if they got their head out of their ass they could see better. Oh well stay bitter cunts.

>> No.8184718


>> No.8184721

Man I can't fucking stand those girls.
If it weren't for the old school you would have nothing.

Fuck bitches get stitches.

>> No.8184725
File: 1.94 MB, 310x325, 1411589285406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time to start saving for cinema doll
But anon, can Bosozoku-lolita become a thing?
please say yes

>> No.8184729

c-c-can i shank people in lolita

>> No.8184731

I think you overestimate how much people care and how long people remember. I've seen many itas and posted oh so many bad cosplays and I remember maybe one cosplayer. 5 seconds of fame, people will mock you and move on to the next lolcow. You'd have to be pixyteri-tier to be remembered.

>> No.8185971

Haha this is cute.

>> No.8185984
File: 207 KB, 736x1081, oldskoo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old-school ain't going no where. I've seen recent GLB street snaps with girls still doing this.

Raschel lace monsters and funky 90s trends are great (and lulzy), but I actually like how cleaned up the traditional lolita look is. It's here to stay.

I call it the

>> No.8185985

>I can imagine sailor OP being styled like sukeban outfit.
ok fine this is kinda cool honestly. do it.

>> No.8185988

thats fantastic dolly you piece of shit

>> No.8185995

>fantasic dolly


>> No.8186240
File: 196 KB, 634x530, 1394002360354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a retard

>> No.8186254


>> No.8186451


>> No.8186454

Lol I thought anon wanted to same for Cinema Doll so anon can have more retro dresses aside from Fantastic Dolly.

>> No.8186455

I'm actually working on a sukeban outfit, it's hard though so it won't look too costumy.

>> No.8186456

Yeah well, I didn't remember the word mask for some reason. Also I thought it had a more specific term.

>> No.8186458

Marry me anon, please.

>> No.8186459

Hallelujah! Praise it!

>> No.8186573

Yes, a white person trying too hard to be gansta. A wannabe nigger.
Just like how OP looks like a piss trying to be a wannabe gangsta when we all know she'd get her ass targeted and beat if she were serious about that.
It's cringe as fuck, worse than wa lolita.

>> No.8186575


>> No.8186578

dude i think it flew over your head
shes dressed as a biker gang member, not a black person stereotype

>> No.8186638
File: 1.58 MB, 1082x1200, 0wigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you.

>> No.8186653

>biker gang member
I'm not saying she dressed like a black person stereotype. I said it's the equivalent to that because most bikers would fucking laugh or punch someone in the face for dressing like that. How do you ride bikes with petticoats and bare legs and wigs? Could you take the heat you'd likely get for walking into some dive bar dressed that way? Most lolitas freak out when they overhear negative comments on a bus or get an evil eye.
Damn that's hiddy.

>> No.8186664

Except for the fact she's dressed like that for a brand TEA PARTY held at a hotel. I doubt anyone would think she was seriously trying to be a biker or making fun of them. It's an aesthetic take, not a mocking stereotype. Have some fun anon, go outside.

>> No.8186669

I know it was at a tea party.
It still looks retarded. Being creative doesn't necessarily make something look good.

>> No.8186714
File: 675 KB, 690x704, fuckyeahsweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girl in OP's pic is always flawless, just saying.

maybe take a look at Babs Tarr's work? She did the bosozoku sailor scouts art.

>> No.8186740

I really wanna do this now. Any progress pics?

>> No.8186746
File: 103 KB, 560x445, 3176762_lookbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ its an themed outfit, not a daily coordinate. For a competition. You're seriously applying realistic situations for it? Do you think it's any more realistic than wearing a full princess style coord with giant scepter? Obviously not. You hate that someone effectively broke the basic kawaii mold and you know it.

And bikers will not punch you in the face for it. Most of them are incredibly ordinary people and that includes the gang members - there's a whole load of shit laws going on in Australia because of a select few, if you see their rallies they're largely decent people, a lot of them even run charities and shit. You act like it's a life of perpetual pain if someone in a printed leather jacket leaves the house.

Yes it's a thumbnail - on my phone so couldn't save a bigger version.

>> No.8186749
File: 52 KB, 500x299, tumblr_mgat982BtJ1r2g7mto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do u ride bikes n that
Dat autism

>> No.8186752

*it's a themed outfit

Anyway get out the house anon, not every biker is a Hells Angel.

>> No.8187242

I'll prolly show my skirt tomorrow, that's the only piece I have so far that looks good.

>> No.8187246

Oh jeez,
>I don't like this outfit

>> No.8187450

You clearly don't know any bikers. All the guys I know are big scary-looking teddy bears, and I can almost guarantee that the majority of them would find that girl adorable.

Where I live, bikers call their groups "clubs" because of the negative connotation of "gang". Yeah, they look a bit scary and talk tough, but they're also some of the nicest guys, and they do an amazing job of taking care of their own. The anon saying otherwise doesn't know shit about bikers.

>> No.8187475
File: 25 KB, 236x354, scepter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love ridiculous scepters with lolita.

>> No.8187585

This is more like New Jersey lolita.

>> No.8187591

Learn to read, cunt.
>this outfit is wigga themed
>No it's not.

>> No.8187599

They did say wigga

>> No.8187600

Well its actually
>This outfit will offend bikies and myself's livliehoods!
>No it doesn't, bikies are ok people!

>> No.8187602

>And bikers will not punch you in the face for it.
>incredibly ordinary people
the hells angels motorcycle club: just your average ordinary guys who happen to like bikes, i bet they just loooove lolita dresses too

>> No.8187609

>i bet they just loooove lolita dresses too
Congrats on missing the point of this thread

>> No.8187611

You need to get to know the real world and stop watching Fox News. Hell's Angels are a tiny community and are an embarrassment to the thousands of other bikes. You'll rarely chance upon one in your life time since they are outlawed, especially on your way to a closed door tea party kek

>> No.8187617

surgical mask.

>> No.8187618

oh sorry, the satans slaves motorcycle club, they love unconventional frilly clothing too! lets wear some lolita dresses and put on a leather jacket and pretend to be a biker while having a mental breakdown because someone posted your coord on people of wal-mart, i bet they'll really like that

>> No.8187637

>tfw youre new at work in a cafe
> massive bearded biker comes in
>full gear, grim look, edgy tatts all over
>he's actually the sweetest regular ever
>orders a gelato or a toastie
>super polite but really shy

And I can second the comment on the charity thing, and how many just wish to be called 'clubs". I was a dumb teen once and left my phone on the counter at a McDonald's and a couple returned it to me. They're so ordinary under the get up. They just have a hobby and lifestyle.

>> No.8187650

>They're so ordinary under the get up. They just have a hobby and lifestyle.

are you one of those people who thinks the italian mob was really charitable and nice, too?


>> No.8187664

*hype intensifies*

>> No.8187668

>they love unconventional frilly clothing too! lets wear some lolita dresses and put on a leather jacket and pretend to be a bike
Holy shit you're daft.

>> No.8187671

Go back to /k/ honey, your projections are scaring the kids.

>> No.8187686

your weird ideas about how "mc"ers are really great people are going to get you beat up one of these days (btw i'm not projecting if there's actual, cited evidence like i linked instead of your anecdotes about LOL SHY TOUGH GUY XD)

>> No.8187687

do you dumb bitches need to be told every time? whether they believe what they're saying , theyre obviously trolling now, just stop replying.

>> No.8187690

>someone doesn't agree with me??
top kek

>> No.8187697

I'm reading that post and they didn't say it's wigger. They said it reminds them of that because it's try hard and makes them cringe.
I feel the same way, but obviously, people are getting too asspained about this topic to just disagree with each other's tastes and leave it at that.

>> No.8187708

Wasn't me but thanks for projecting again.

I'm not going to go up to a biker and ask him to try on my brand, no, but there's no need to hold them on ridiculous pedestals as if they'll beat my shit in for looking at them.

>> No.8187713

>as if they'll beat my shit in for looking at them
that's literally what they do, though
they think you're sizing them up for a fight

>> No.8187748
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Exists in Japan anyways.

>> No.8187749
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>> No.8187754
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>> No.8187760
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>> No.8187761


>> No.8187763

>Exists in Japan anyways.

Japanese Lolitas don't usually wear Bodyline so I'm assuming this isn't someone who regularly wears lolita

Crossdressing man in Aliexpress skirt

Lolita just sitting on a random Kawasaki at a show probably for reasons other than "LOL EDGY GIRL GANG". (people in "motorcycle clubs" usually ride American bikes)

>> No.8187765

This isn't Lolita?

>> No.8187769
File: 47 KB, 480x480, tumblr_nk4exyGEAq1tmykuco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Yankee Gyaru.

>> No.8187770

>people in "motorcycle clubs" usually ride American bikes
please stop talking out your ass

>> No.8187771

This thread isn't only about lolita.

>> No.8187773

I live in Oakland which is pretty much biker central and I usually see them ride harleys :/

>> No.8187775

You replied to:

>wait could you just imagine like girl gangs of lolita driving down the street on motorcycles and just fucking shit up like idk that sounds fun

>> No.8187776
File: 88 KB, 500x405, 3532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8187780

No, I didn't.

>> No.8187791

>Yankee Gyaru
We'll start it up again, anon. We can do it.

>> No.8187801

Harley's are shit, over priced, slow bikes. The only notable gang to roll Harley's are the Hell's Angels. Suzuki and Yamaha make far better cruisers and arguably better looking. They're fast, easy to maintain and decently priced. You think the bosozoku are gonna roll Harley's?

>> No.8187808
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>> No.8187810
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>> No.8187815
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>> No.8187819
File: 139 KB, 765x583, SOULSISTER_VOL4_ (25)-horz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8187839

post moar pls

>> No.8187952

ummm no. They're not animals. Maybe if you stare at a bear in the eyes they may feel threatened but these are people. If this is how you think, how the hell do you function irl??

>> No.8188508
File: 1.84 MB, 2048x2048, 1426672766914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't expect too much, I still haven't found a shirt that wouldn't look too costumy and I'm not so sure if looking into e.g Bodyline would be a good idea gor that.
Ignore the ebay sailor moon shirt, but a badass sukeban needs neat shoes and a fab school bag too.
All of the three are thrift store/fleamarket finds, getting this outfit together takes foreverrrrr.

>> No.8188510

Also I lost my white otks so I wore shitty white tights, obviously this outfit needs good socks.

>> No.8188953

Looks great! What are you doing for the top, are you going to wear a sailor fuku top, or something else?

>> No.8189307

Thanks! I was thinking of a seifuku top with long sleeves, but I'll have to think about it if I can find something else jfashion-y to replace it. I still feel like I could go to a music festival or a gig with that tacky sailor moon shirt as the top though. But for a more refined look and clearly sukeban themed outfit I think I need to search for the perfect piece.

>> No.8189390

How about a white collared blouse with a red necktie? I wish I had god thrift stores in my area, all of the ones near me are crap ;A;

>> No.8189403

Margaret "Peggy" Bundy - lolita

>> No.8189422
File: 122 KB, 560x315, me irl 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, kinda relevant.

>> No.8189427
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Wrong file

>> No.8191919
File: 54 KB, 440x456, TB2LFqebXXXXXXVXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!2278346853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this on taobao... i...

>> No.8192503


>> No.8192673

Would it be "poser-y" to wear this to a con?

>> No.8193393

No one gives a shit what you wear to a con.